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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#93639 Posted on 2017-02-17 14:27:34

Ahkan LV

He looked down at his frightened son, trying his best to control his anger. "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault that you slipped. But please, for your sake, don't go the river again without another wolf." He said, trying to sound sympathetic, which he couldn't quite do, but he controlled and kept his anger out of his voice. "Come one, we must be getting back to camp to see if Shazda has found Ahruth yet." He said, turning and walking away, paying Pyro's words no attention as he passed the male, before passing Cana, making his way through the underbrush.

Ahruth LV

He looked up Shazda, shaking his head. "No, it's from anxiety. I get stressed when I know I've made a mistake." He said, not really wanting to talk to her anymore. Not that he disliked her, he just didn't like being around other wolves in general. He found being asked question after question, or constantly being validated when he didn't want it, very annoying, and it was something he didn't look forward to hearing every day if Shazda was his mentor. But he held his tongue, standing up and brushing past her, at first walking towards camp, but turning abruptly and quickening his pace up a different path.

Ryaki FR

The pale colored queen lifted her head, ears swiveling towards the den entrance, as Bazu's quiet voice drifted in. She stood up weakly, her legs wobbling beneath her weight. She wasn't built for carrying pups. She stumbled out of the den, closing her eyes as she was briefly blinded by the bright sun. The stench of the skunk hit her in the face, and she immediately knew it was Bazu, for she could scent everyone else in camp over the stench, other than his scent which she knew so well and could never miss. But she said nothing, not wanting to damage his pride anymore than Kirai probably already had. She offered a weak smile to him, sitting beside the den, waiting for Codex and Kirai to eat so she could get her own meal to share with her mate.

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#93797 Posted on 2017-02-18 09:50:10

Shazda LV Delta
She growled under her breath and narrowed her eyes at the pup. He was not going to do this. "Ahruth," she said, quickly stepping in front of him and blocking his way. "You are going back to the pack. Now." She wagged her tail a little. "Everyone's worried about you guys and its time we go back." This last part was a bit softer. She looked him straight on, trying her best to be compassionate and patient. She felt bad for Cana and knew she must be worried about her pups, so she would get this guy back no matter what. For Cana, for the pack, and for Ahruth.

Kiyiya LV Pup
She shuffled her paws and a little shiver passed through her. "Well, I just walked away from their fight and didn't do enough to try to stop it." She looked to the woods where Daddy had disappeared. She wondered if he had found Zulik. She wanted her brothers so bad. She couldn't wait to cuddle up with them.

Aqui RW Beta
He grinned. "Okay, I guess I'm ready." He paddled in place beside her. This time he wanted to win. He loved the water. "Get ready," he said playfully. "Get set!" He looked to her and winked. "GO!" He lunged forward and began paddling strongly, using his tail as a bit of an oar, or rod, or steer. Somehow, he knew, his tail could be made useful by swishing it side to side. It was a trick he had learned long ago. He took a breath of air every once in a while, continuing his strong swim.

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#93859 Posted on 2017-02-18 13:46:19

Nyx RW Queen

Still asleep beside the pups and the others around her she fell still from her shifting and finally fell into the sleep she needed. Dreaming of Summit and the pups with them all perfect and together. Snoring and drool dripping onto Magnus's head as she was asleep.

Pyro LV Delta

The gray male shook his pelt and continued on back to camp once there he laid down on the ground under a little shaded tree. Shifting his paws on the ground he gave a short thump of his tail. Laying his head down on the back of his paws he fell silent looking ahead and enjoying the silence in front of him.


The silver-white wolf got back up and shook her head back out of the little daze she was in. Shaking her head and nudging Mako in playfulness she gave him a look like a mother would to a pup. "Just don't do that again...okay" she warned slowly and gave him a little nuzzle. Stepping back and flicking her tail to the side she looked back to the way towards camp. "Bet I can beat you home!" Vapor then bolted off quickly in the direction of camp.

Codex FR Alpha

The light red male dipped his head and sighed in relief that they made it home safe. Smelling the retched smell that clung to Bazu's pelt he gave a whine and lifted his paw swiping at his nose. Looking as Kirai made her way over he dipped his head to her and stepped back at her words. "I'll eat first" he lept of the rock and walked to the prey pile tearing of the leg of a rabbit and carrying it away to go eat in peace and not smell the horrible smell as well. Laying down on the rock he began to gnaw at the meat and bone of the prey he was eating.

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#94022 Posted on 2017-02-19 07:47:24


She watched Aqui launch off swimming strongly and admired how smooth he was in the water 'maybe I should see if he can fish...' her thoughts had let him have a head start but she soon launched forward too. She swam along just a meter behind him for a while trying to catch up but his tail kept splashing her, a thought struck her 'he'll never think of this!' she thought. She sucked in a breath and held it so her nose was shut and dived under the water, here she could swim more efficiently with less water resistance and began to catch up to Aqui.


He looked sheepishly up at his father, he didn't sound that angry but his neck stung from where he was picked up so he continued to whimper. He trudged along behind his father back to camp very embarrassed and frightened and upset. He wondered where his brother and sister were.

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#94141 Posted on 2017-02-19 16:20:52

Kirai - FR Beta

Kirai was perplexed by Codex rushing to get his food without many words being said. She shook her head and proceeded to get her own share of the fawn. That was weird, she thought to herself. When all the meat was gone, she began to knaw on the bone, contemplating if she would go get more for herself. She quickly thought against the idea, thinking it would be better to save it. Maybe I could go for a quick swim, she thought. It seemed like a pretty good idea on a day like this. She stood up and looked at the other pack members before slinking away towards the creek alone.

Bazu - FR Delta

Bazu gave a sheepish smile, knowing there was no way she couldn't smell the stench clinging to his fur. She nuzzled the side of her face, waiting for Codex and Kirai to get their food. "How are you feeling," he asked her. He watched Codex run to his den with part of the rabbit, then Kirai takes her meal. He got some of the fawn for himself but left it up to Ryaki to decide on which prey she preferred.

Chronos - LV Delta

Chronos sighed in understanding at Kiyaya's words. Still, he thought it was not her fault. There was a long pause as he thought of something to encourage her that it was not her fault. He was at a total loss for words. Good job, you don't even know what to say to the little pup, he said, mentally slapping himself. He regretted even asking Kiyaya the question now. "Look, um, it isn't your fault. I mean you had no way of knowing that they were going to do what they did. I mean you really couldn't have known that." He hoped that what he said was good enough, otherwise he was no use.

Java - RW Alpha

Java gave a loud huff of breath as she stared at the little pups before her. She thought about what it would be like if she had pups of her own. A mate even. The thoughts were foreign to her, but she knew that finding a mate would help the pack greatly. But that wasn't the only reason, though she would always put the pack first, she wanted the pups for herself. She reached her head forward and nuzzled the little male wolf, Magnus, before returning to the same position she was in.

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#94358 Posted on 2017-02-20 18:13:40

Aqui RW Beta
He chanced a glance back to see Shapria swimming under the water. He grinned. He wondered if she had known how to do that. He paddled with his head above water for a little while longer, watching her cocky, confident swimming. Then he too dove under with a deep breath, his tail still whisking through the water. He came up for a breath and noted the bit of distance he had put between them. Unlike in the running race, he was determined to win this time. He loved the water, and races like this would be quite enjoyable in the future. He slowed as he wondered where the thought came from. Realizing his slow speed, he dove back under and zipped along quickly for a while.

Kiyiya LV Pup
She looked to the big wolf and gave a tiny, sad smile. "Thanks, Chronos." Her little voice was a bit shaky, but she was genuinely glad the wolf was taking the time to talk to her. A little she-pup, scared and alone and worried. A she-pup beating herself up for her mistakes. Daddy wouldn't do this. She growled a little at herself for the thought, and bent down to give her tail a tiny nibble on an itch. Daddy could do this, but he's too busy. He's alpha, after all. It's not his fault. Despite these thoughts, she still had a little bit of doubt that her daddy would take the time to listen to her and reassure her. He was traditional, and strict. She was a mess-up of a she-pup. Big gap. She thought of Zulik and Ahruth and wondered if he would do what Chronos was doing with them. She let a little sigh out. "Chronos," she murmured, "is there any fresh prey still around?" Her nervous tummy wanted food. Stress eating. She smiled a little. She hadn't known she was a stress eater. She hadn't really had much stress. Oh, well. She liked food.

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#94761 Posted on 2017-02-23 04:13:11


Coming up for breath she noticed Aqui had disappeared under the water too, raelising she'd paused she dived again and paddled hard but had to come up for breath again, they were nearing the shoreline and Aqui was definitely in front. Frowning she pushed on, suddenly her feet hit the shore and she trotted out of the water and looked to Aqui breathing hard "haha... ok... you win!" she puffed.


He trudged after his father and met his mother on the path, he ran to her and looked up with sad eyes "i'm sorry!" he whined needing comfort, a nuzzle helped relieve his sore neck, bruised pride and worry for his siblings, "where are Kiyi and Ahruth mummy?" But he was ignored as they entered camp. He spotted Kiyi at the den and bolted over to her tears in his eyes.


Finally she spotted Zulik behind Akhan, "Zulik!, Come here" she bent down to nuzzle her poor scared pup "it's ok... i hope you learnt your lesson" She entered camp following Akhan and Zulik in, "thank you Akhan I'll take him now" she said courtly, she was still cross with him for the meeting and the pups getting lost and everything.

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#94838 Posted on 2017-02-23 17:24:21

Kiyiya LV
She sent out a yip of delight and, her tail wagging in a blur, she raced to her older brother. As she neared him, she leapt into the air and tackled him. Kiyi began to lick him profusely. "Zulik! You're okay!" She had tears coming from her eyes, but her blur of a tail and the sparkle in her eyes told the story - she was happy. Sad, but happy. She gave him one more lick and then jumped off him. "Sorry," she mumbled, noticing his poor state. "Probably shouldn't have tackled you." She looked at her paws awkwardly a moment. She looked back up and smiled at her brother. "Ahruth is still missing," she whispered.

Aqui RW Beta
Aqui's eyes sparkled as he panted. He gave his wet tail a slow wag. It was heavy with water. "I guess I'm the water-wolf." He flashed a grin before shaking off. Water sprayed everywhere, the droplets glinting in the sun. "Now what?" He didn't want this time to end. It was like a dream, and she was like an angel... He clenched his teeth momentarily. Where had that thought come from? But he knew that his senses were drinking in her sight, her smell, the sound of her bark. The water was still heavy in his fur. Oh, well. He was enjoying the cold feel of the breeze rustling his wet fur.

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#94859 Posted on 2017-02-23 21:00:09


He ignored Cana as he walked past the pack and into the den. He knew he made a mistake. Cana knew. The pack knew. But it didn't matter. The dark male threw himself down on the den floor, facing the wall as her covered his face with his paws, the same way he always slept, drifting into sleep, Ahruth still being out with Shazda never crossing his mind.


Running past Shazda, he kept going, ignoring her. She was hardly a road block for him, being the small, and fast pup he was when he wanted to be. He ran towards the trees that sat at the end of the path, a plan of how to get away from the she-wolf already in motion. He ran towards the trees, getting closer and closer. It looked as if he was going to run into them, when he circled around one, back tracking and running down right between Shazda's legs, down the path and back towards where they had originally been. But he didn't stop there, he kept going, determined to loose Shazda. Determined to get out, away, to be lost forever.


Grabbing a pretty small piece of the fawn, knowing one leg of rabbit would hardly fill Codex, and the others would likely eat more still, she wobbled slowly back over to Bazu, laying beside him with her small sliver of meat. "The pups are moving an awful lot. I hope they are ready soon, the pain is becoming worse every time I sleep." She said, before slowly starting to eat what she knew would not fill her, let alone satisfy her unborn pups. But she would not take anything until everyone else was to stuffed to continue eating. Even if that meant she only got her small piece until they went to hunt again.

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#95124 Posted on 2017-02-25 05:47:55

Chronos - LV Delta

Chronos smiled and was about to answer Kiyiya when one of her siblings came into sight. His smile grew at the sight of the happy pup. He lowered his head at the sight of Ahkan and Cana before turning and leaving. He saw no reason to stay as it seemed he was no longer needed. Padding of, he decided to go for a casual run around the forest. He chose no particular direction, to begin with, though he began to head for the river.

Bazu - FR Delta

Bazu smiled at his mate, listening to her words. He was happy to know that the pups might be here soon. He frowned upon Ryaki's small portion of the meal and knew that would never satisfy her and the pups. He said nothing, knowing she was doing it for the sake of the rest of the pack. "You have no idea how excited I am to meet our pups."

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#95153 Posted on 2017-02-25 10:33:04

Shazda LV Delta
She let out a sharp, angry bark. "Ahruth!" She pursued him when he dashed beneath her legs. As she chased the small pup, she let out a loud howl, hoping someone would come and help her. He was going fast for such a little pup, but her longer legs was useful. She felt herself gaining ground. "Ahruth, stop!" she called out, frustration on the edge of her voice. She needed to catch him, or Cana would hate her forever. If this one pup was lost because of her failure... She clenched her teeth. She would get him. If it was the last thing she did.

A howl split the air. Ahruth! She leaped away from Zulik and bit at him, "Stay here!" She didn't want to lose him again. But she needed her little brother. She dashed into the woods towards the howl. "AHRUTH!" The name was a desperate scream, a high-pitched howl from her tiny mouth. "I need you," she said this just for herself as she raced along after the sound of pawsteps. She stopped in her tracks. Would Mommy and Daddy want her leaving? She was torn between obedience and her little brother. The big wolves would be faster and better at getting him. She turned and padded slowly back to camp. Her heart was beating hard, and tears came down her face-fur and dripped into the leaves. She re-entered the pack camp and walked to Zulik. "Go sleep. You look tired." She smiled at him sadly. "Maybe when you wake up Ahruth will be back." She looked toward where she had dashed into the woods. Come back, Ahruth. Don't run away. I need you. She walked tentatively to her Daddy's den and peered in. Daddy was inside, laying down and asleep. She cautiously cast a glance around to make sure no one was looking. Then she slipped into the den and softly tip-toed to her daddy's sleeping form. She wanted a strong daddy right now. A daddy to hold her up when she felt weakest. She curled up next to him. She had never done this, not even as a tiny pup. She was scared that he would wake up and be mad. But for now... a tiny smile curved her muzzle. She liked laying beside her daddy. She got herself all cuddled up next to him and felt herself begin to go to sleep.

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#95319 Posted on 2017-02-26 02:36:21


The she-wolf watched her two pups unite and smiled at Chronos who had been keeping Kiyiya company at the den, she called out to him "thank you" as he left camp. She looked around trying to decide whether to say with her already found pups or go after Ahruth as well. She knew he'd probably be more open if only one wolf was trying to bring him back but then she heard Shadzas howl and bolted for the forest. Nose to the floor she tracked them and noticed an area where scents intermingled, she paused then realised Ahruth must have tried to loose his follower. She sprinted on and gave a bark to let Shadza know where she was. She hadn't realised Kiyiya had followed her for some way.


The black wolf pup sat in his den feeling very sorry for himself he was embarrassed by his scolding and upset his brother was missing still, he didn't want to be anywhere near the pack right now but knew he couldn't leave after the earlier debarcle. So he sat in his den as Cana left then Kiyiya left and returned. Eventually he fell asleep at the enterance of the den.


Sticking her toungue out at Aqui she grinned "hmm fine you win that one but we will have to have a rematch one day, I was distracted at the start" she tried to blame her distraction but in all honesty she admitted to herself maybe he is actually faster then me. Few other wolves could match her in the water but she seemed to have found a partner who could and that was good for her. At his question she felt her tummy rumble, looking down momentarily embrassased she giggled, "well I'm a bit peckish, maybe we can find something to eat on the way back".

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#97709 Posted on 2017-03-16 06:29:50


His eyes slowly opened when he felt a small bundle of warmth press against his side. peering past him to see who it was, he realized it was his daughter. "Kiyiya," he grunted, sitting up, staring down with an intense gaze on the young femme. He wasn't angry, nor was he really concerned. He was more so...perplexed by why she thought to come lay with him, what had gone through her mind that made it ok, and why wasn't she with Cana and the other pups. "What are you doing?" He said gruffly, sleep edging his voice.


The silver pup kept running ignoring the howls and calls of his kin and Shazda. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Shazda and his mother behind. His gaze was firmly on them as he kept running, not paying attention to where his paws took him. That is, until he fell several feet down into a hole, of which dirt fell in after him, into his eyes as he was looking up, his vision going blurry from the dirt and the impact. his body in a small, now muddy and dirty ball in the hole, as he dropped his head down, whimpering in pain quietly.


She smiled at her mate at his excitement. She too couldn't wait to welcome their pups to the world, and finally be rid of the extra weight that kept her from running in the forest freely with Bazu. "Me too, I expect it'll be soon though, so I won't be getting much sleep for a couple of days. So if you want to get some sleep and stay with the others for now, that's ok." She said softly, though she would enjoy his company on her sleepless nights, she wouldn't make him. "Of course it is up to you if you want to stay in the den or not." She added, nodding.

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#97732 Posted on 2017-03-16 13:12:15

She stirred from sleep, hearing her daddy's voice. She blinked back sleepy eyes and looked around, momentarily forgetting what she was doing there. Then she remembered, and when her daddy asked what she was doing, she looked up at him. Her brown orbs were wide with fear and wondering. He didn't sound too angry.... yet. She sat up and tucked her tail tightly against her. "I wanted to..." she paused and looked at her paws nervously. "I wanted to cuddle with my daddy," she finally answered, eyes still lowered.

She was staring back at the pup as he ran, wondering why he was running and why he was watching them chase him. Then he disappeared. She jolted forward, and soon found herself at the edge of a hole. "Ahruth, are you okay," she called softly. A quiet whimper made its way up to her.

"Fine with me," he piped, shaking off his fur. He was still a tad damp, but it would dry on the way back. His fur was a little heavy. "What do uou not like, so I don't catch something you wont eat?" he asked, joking a little at the end. He blinked at her, hit again at her beauty.

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#97735 Posted on 2017-03-16 13:34:44


His gaze softened slightly when the words left her small muzzle. "Well, I'm not a fan of cuddling. But what we can do is go on a walk, and I can teach you some proper grammar." He forced a stiff chuckle, trying his best to not be angry or upset with Kiyiya for sneaking in when she should be with Zulik and Ahruth.


He opened his pale eyes again when he heard Shazda's voice, though he couldn't see anything but black. He whined again out of pain, his eyes stinging in effort to see, and his body shaking in effort to stand once more. He dropped his head back down onto the ground.

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