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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#85865 Posted on 2017-01-06 18:13:14

Two packs have reined their territories for years. The only battles were border battles, when one pack wanted to expand. But times are different now, and a new pack is rising...

Free River Pack
The pack lives in a field surrounded by woods, a fresh water river cutting through the field. To the east, their territory goes a mile before being ended by a filthy Black Path. To the south, they have free rein of two miles before their territory ends. Here the Shared Grounds begin. To the west, their territory goes a mile before human settlements end it. To the north, the woods continue for one 1/2 miles before petering out, ending their territory.
Wolves & Pack Life
These wolves are like any others, with varying personalities. Pack life has been peaceful, almost blissful, for a long while. Far longer than normal. The pessimistic wolves of old had often said that bliss wouldn't last long, and their naysaying apparently held some truth. For a new leader has risen, and he is determined to expand territory. He used to be decent, but his ambition has taken over him and turned him upside down. He wants to expand.... Into the Shared Grounds.

Little Valley Pack
Little Valley wolves live in - you guessed it - a valley. In the valley, a crystal clear pond waters the pack, and the pond is fed by a stream birthed by the river. To the immediate south are hills. Their territory goes three quarters of a mile into the hills. To the west are woods. These woods go along a mile until ended by human settlements. To the north, they have four miles before their territory meets with the Shared Grounds. To the east, a mile before the Black Path ends it.
Wolves & Pack Life
Like Free River, all wolves in this pack have different personalities. Their life wasn't so peaceful until redently, though, because humans have been invading territory to sight see on their hills, often taking a hike through their woods, too, scaring prey. This has died down, though, because humans discovered their pack and ended the tourism. These wolves still have the same leader they have had for some time now, a leader very much following old traditions.

Rustling Wind Pack
Some wolves of Free River are outraged at their leader and want to do something about it. A young wolf, desperate for peace again, rises up and begins to form a new pack - Rustling Wind. The pack plans on having its territory in the Shared Grounds. The leader has a few wolves with him in the Shared Grounds, and they build a camp in the plains there. Loners, wolves of any pack, are welcomed here.

Shared Grounds
The Shared Grounds are 4 square miles of plains, shared by the two packs.

Where do YOU belong?

◇ Be descriptive!
◆At least three sentences per character per post. Though I like descriptiveness, I don't need to read about a bunch of gore. Also, there may be mates but no details! ;)
◇ Be realistic!
◆ No purple, green, or pink wolves. No magic.
◇ Be considerate.
◆ No controlling other people's characters. Though conflict between characters is okay, I will not stand arguing between players.
◇ No plot twists!
◆ I don't want anyone coming up with a plot twist without asking me first.
◇ Wolf background guidelines
◆ Not every wolf has a horrible background. Most will not. All but a few wolves should come from either Free River or Little Valley.
◇ No added drama!
◆ No humans will be in the wolf territories. No bear attacks all the time.
◇ Have fun!
◆ Have fun, but follow the rules.
◇ No swearing.
◇ I have the right to delcline your form or kick you from the RP.
◇ No common names, please.

Alpha (top dog)
Beta (second in command dog)
Delta (the common dog; makes up the majority of the pack)
Queen (mother nursing pups)
Pups (the baby dogs)

Wolf Pack 101 (for the RP)
- Wolves hunt alone or in small groups when hunting for smaller prey (squirrel, rabbit, etc.)
- When small prey is caught, the wolves return to camp and first offer it to queens and pups, then the alpha. If none of them want it, they put it on the Prey Stock. Anyone can eat from this at any time.
- Wolves hunt in larger groups when hunting larger prey (for example, deer)
- When large prey is caught, the wolves return to camp with the prey. Alpha eats first before allowing the rest to eat. Some alphas don't follow this, but most do.
- Pups and queens have their own sleeping shelter. Deltas sleep together, and the beta sleeps eith them. Alpha gets its own sleeping shelter.
- Wolves are submissive to alpha and beta. Submissiveness is usally shown by 1) lowering body close to ground; 2) putting ears back while avoiding eye contact; 3) avoiding eye contatc; 4) tucking in tail; 5) rolling onto back: 6) combinations of 1-5
- Alphas stay alpha until either death or another wolf challenges the alpha and wins.
- Fights will sometimes break out between wolves grappling for a better place in the pecking order.
- Yes, there is a pecking order among deltas.

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#85873 Posted on 2017-01-06 18:33:32


Mako was laying near the pond, his two front paws dipped into it. He sighed he had nothing to do right then, but then again there wasn't much to do. He could always interact with someone from the pack, but he liked to be alone. He looked down at the water, watching as a fish came near his paws.


Vixen stretched out in the grass, she was hungry but didn't want to get up. She rolled on her back, looking up at the clouds. She smiled they looked so fluffy, she reached her paw up as if she was goin to touch one. She looked around still upside down, she didn't see anyone around.

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#85934 Posted on 2017-01-07 01:41:40

Saphria (rustling wind)

Saphria awoke from a dreamless sleep and padded outside the den, she stretched out her back and gave a shake to rid her brain of sleep. There was no scent of rain on the breeze today, 'it is going to be a nice day' she thought as she scented. Across the clearing she saw Vixen lying upside down with her feet in the air! "Good morning Vix, what are you doing?" she giggled at her friend.

Cana (little valley)

Cana stepped outside her Queen den and raised her head to the morning sun. Giving a brisk shake, she stretched and sat to begin laying her fluffy pelt fur down so she didn't look like a black bear instead of a wolf. After a few moments she looked back to the den expecting her pups to come charging out any moment.

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#85952 Posted on 2017-01-07 07:16:01

Codex ( Alpha/Free River Pack)

In the alpha den a light red brown male twitched in his sleep inhaling a deep breath then exhaling the breath that was in him for a while. Shifting over in his nest he drew in a breath and then twitched a nose. Opening one yellow orb then the other slowly adjusting to the bright light that filtered through his den. Yawning he lifted his body up and placed his fore paw onto the ground then the other bending down and giving a stretch. Shaking his short coated red pelt he walked slowly to the entrance of the cave and sat down outside the den. Scanning his yellow orbs around the clearing too look for any packmates to talk to.

Nyx (Rustling Wind)

Nyx laid in the Queen den her bulging stomach indicated that her pups would soon come into the world. Rolling to her side she shook her black pelt and stood up shaking it once more to clear the leaves that stuck to her pelt. Scanning her pale yellow orbs around the den and giving a soft sigh she walked to the entrance of the den slowly. Once there she laid down outside the den and rested her head on her paws and thumping her tail on the ground. Raising her head she looked around for any fellow packmates to talk to hoping Aqui was out and would come talk to her.

Pyro (Little valley)
Pyro stepped out of the den that he and the rest of the other wolves shared and gave his ragged grey fur a shake in an attempt to smooth it out. Giving a smile he looked around the pack with his amber eyes and sat down wagging his tail hoping a wolf would come and talk with him. Laying down on the ground he rolled onto his back looking up at the sky and then closing his eyes.

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#85964 Posted on 2017-01-07 08:22:19

Vixen (Ruslting Wind)

Vixen sighed and rolled back to her stomach, she was bored. She looked around seeing no one at first, she spotted Nyx near a den. She stood up and decided to go over, as she got closer she wagged her tail by looks she would give birth soon. She sat down beside her," hey it's a quiet morning huh".
Mako (Little valley)

Mako stood up and headed back to the den, hoping he didn't have to run into any while he did. He saw a few, none which seemed to care he passed them. He stopped a few feet form the den, there Pyro was laying in front of it. He just stood there, trying to see if he really wanted to go to the den now.

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#85970 Posted on 2017-01-07 08:36:42

Saphia (Rustling Wind)

Slightly confused at Vixen ignoring her she looks towards where Vixen was heading, her blue eyes reflected the brightness of the day with a happy shine. She padded after Vix to Nyx "hiya" she said as she approached "what's the plan for today?"

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#85972 Posted on 2017-01-07 08:44:21


Squinting her golden eyes into the sun she saw Pyro rolling about by the den and Mako preferred to be alone approaching. Getting up, she stretched again and yawned then walked over to them. "Morning!"

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#85982 Posted on 2017-01-07 09:32:25

Vixen (Ruslting Wind)

Vixen looked away from Nyx and turned to Saphia, she hadn't realized she just passed by her. "I don't have any plans of right now what about you", if she had plans on getting something to eat she would join her. She was hungry but didn't really feel like going alone or really hunting at all right then.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako flicked his ear as Cana came over, "uh morning" he wasn't going to be rude and not say anything back. He looked at Pyro, wondering what he was doing upside down like that. "what are you about to do" he turned looking at her as he spoke, seeing as Cana was here he might as talk to her.

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#86010 Posted on 2017-01-07 11:44:26

Aqui - Rustling Wind Beta
He stood and shook himself off, looking toward the sun. It was just peeking over the horizon. He stretched his legs out, feeling his muscles tighten and stretch. He nimbly hopped onto the small rock that was just large enough for a wolf to stand on in the center of the pack clearing. He looked around and announced with a low, soft voice, "The pack needs food. If you would like to join the hunting party, please gather here." He motioned with his tail the left side of the rock. He swept the clearing with his light brown eyes, assessing the pack and looking for abnormalities.

Shazda - Little Valley Delta
Shazda blinked her chocolate eyes open. It was morning already. She stood and let her long tan fur settle, giving it a few quick licks to settle down the sleeping mess. Az yawned as she left the den, making her way out to see who all had awoken already, hoping she wasn't the last to wake. She saw Mako, Cana, and Pyro. She wondered what Pyro was doing, but walked past them. She wasn't one to initiate conversations. Her ears flicked as Mako and Cana exchanged morning greetings. It was the polite thing to do. She let out a little huff of a sigh. Turning, her eyes catching the glint of the sun, she spoke out softly, "Hello. Good morning."

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#86017 Posted on 2017-01-07 11:58:06

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen perked her ears up as the Beta spoke about a hunting party, she wouldn't mind joining. "I think I might join the hunt what about you" she looked to Cana, knowing Nyx would be unable to hunt as of right now she didn't ask her. She stood up thinking of the prey they could catch, "rabbit maybe even a deer" she hadn't realized she said it out loud.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako looked at Shazda everyone was starting to wake now, and here he was thinking of going back to sleep. "morning" he wasn't all that sure what else to say, he looked back to Pyro still trying to figure out what he was doing. He was just laying there with his eyes closed, it made him think he was asleep.

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#86023 Posted on 2017-01-07 12:20:03

Nyx (Rustling Wind)

Nyx looked to both wolves around her "Hello" she said politely thumping her black tail on the ground beside her. Hearing the words of Aqui the beta she sighed sadly knowing she couldn't go on the hunt. Shifting to a comfortable position on the ground with no avail she stood up slowly. Trying to ease her pups that her kicking and moving inside of her she began to walk slowly back and fourth in front of the den taking little steps.

Pyro (Little Valley)

Pyro blinked his amber eyes and rolled over noticing the wolves watching him and gave a short grunt. Standing up he looked at Mako and dipped his head to the other wolves that stood around watching him. "So how did everyone sleep?" the grey male asked looking around to the others in hopes of a response to his just now asked question. Sitting down he thumped his big tail on the ground.

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#86029 Posted on 2017-01-07 12:54:42

Shazda - Little Valley
She sighed to herself. She didn't mind chatting, just sometimes felt awkward. "Good," she said simply, sitting down. She wrapped her tan tail around her legs. She gazed into the woods a moment, wondering when a hunting party would be arranged.

Aqui - Rustling Wind
He watched Nyx pace. As some wolves stepped forward for the party, he nimbly jumped down and walked calmly over to her. "You might find it more comfortable when you have eaten. For now, I'm sorry to say there isn't much I can do to ease the discomfort. They are most likely hungry." He gave her a little smile, then turned and hopped back onto the rock. New pups would be good for the pack. New life was always good.

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#86037 Posted on 2017-01-07 13:32:17

Vixen (Rustling Wind)

Vixen wagged the tip of her tail as Aqui came over, "I'll join in the hunt" she watched as he went back to the rock. She wondered who else would join as well, she looked to Nyx "it shouldn't be hard to find something I'll bring whatever we catch over when we come back". She then looked to Cana, wanting to know if she was going to join as well.

Mako ( Little Valley)

"I slept okay I guess" he wasn't really sure how to answer that, it was sleep he saw no way to put how he slept in words. He decided to sit down, he probably wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep now that everyone was waking up. He looked to the pond thinking if he should just back over there, or stay here and talk.

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#86048 Posted on 2017-01-07 14:05:34

Saphria (rustling Wind)

Finally a hunting party! "I'll come too" She turned to Vix "I bet we can find a deer for Nyx, a bit of venison will make the pups strong". She trotted to the foot of the rock watching Aqui.

Cana (little valley)
She almost giggled to herself at Mako's unsociablness (in a friendly way). She smiled at Az, "have you seen my pups about yet? They're so lazy these days!"

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#86059 Posted on 2017-01-07 14:24:25

Vixen ( Rustling Wind)

Vixen licked her lips at the thought of catching a deer, she watched as Saphria went over to the rock that Aqui was standing on. "I'll make sure we get something good for you and the pups" she then went after Saphria stopping in front of the rock. "I wonder who else is going to join", though she could three could be enough for a hunting party but it wasn't up to her.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako flicked his ear back to them, before turning and looking back at them. He shook his head, "I haven't seen them they're probably just out having fun". Pups always seemed to have most fun in the pack, they don't really have to worry about anything other then playing, sleeping and when the grown wolves brought food back.

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