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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#92434 Posted on 2017-02-10 23:44:46


His smile was infectious so she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat, she took a deep breath to slow her heart rate, at his comment she gave him determined look "hey! Haha I could race all day!" she replied. His tail landing on her sent a delicious but surprising shiver down her spine, she watched him take a drink unsure of this feeling bubbling up inside. After a moment she joined him and took a refreshing drink, looking up at the water fall she wondered what was behind it.

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#92458 Posted on 2017-02-11 07:04:00

Java RW

Java smiled at both Nyx and Vixen. "We can watch them together," she said warmly towards Vixen. She laughed at the two pups on her paws and gently nudged them so that she could lay down. She was happy to stay with the pups while Nyx slept. After all, they were new members of the pack and just too cute not to be around.

Kirai FR

Kirai slowed her pace when she had the scent just under her nose. The bush lies right in front of her and she stared at it intently. She could hear Bazu coming from behind her as well. 'Good,'she thought to herself. She lowered her upper body to the ground with her hind end in the air. She wiggled her tail and in one fast motion, she pounced. The rabbit squirmed under her paws for a split second, but it stopped after Kirai grabbed hold of its neck. She turned to Bazu and signaled for him to find more prey. She was happy with her kill, but they needed more.

Bazu FR

Bazu watched as Kirai made the first kill. When he motioned him to search for more food, he gave a nod of understanding before heading off in a different direction. This time he smelled larger game, a deer. He trotted to a patch of thick brush and sure enough, he saw a doe and her little fawn. 'The fawn would be easier to take by myself, but if Kirai gets here in time, we could go for the doe," he thought. Suddenly, he heard a sharp, high pitched hiss come from the left side and without any other warning, he was hit with a toxic smelling spray. "Skunk," he yelled as he lost balance and began to cover his nose in an attempt to rid himself of the horrid smell. Without another thought, he raced blindly towards where the two deer were, not wanting to be scolded for losing a perfectly good meal.

Chronos LV

Chronos was glad to now know who the beta of the pack was. He was happy that he wasn't chosen for the position, not that he wouldn't accept it graciously. He just preferred being just a normal member of the pack. He stood and wagged his tail, though his happiness was short lived when he saw wolves scrambling in search of something. Then it clicked, the pups, the alpha's pups were missing. Chronos basically slapped himself at his own ignorance. He watched as they went in search and wondered if there was anything he could do to help. He saw as one of the Kiyia was left at the den and trotted over. He was going to keep her company. "Hello, there," he said warmly to the little pup. He felt awkward about being there and stopped at the opening of the den.

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#92483 Posted on 2017-02-11 10:03:07

Ahkan LV

He watched in a blurr as Kiyiya came in, then everyone scrambled to find the pups. He growled lowly. They shouldn't have been left alone. But he knew and would own up to the fact that it was partly his fault, asking Cana to come to the den. But still.
He stood up, racing past Pyro and Cana, his head low and following the scent. He passed Mako and Vapor, paying them no attention. Finally he saw Zulik.
"Zulik!" He howled, his voice loudly rang through the forest. He quickly reached the pupo, but it seemed to take forever. He looked down at the slipping pup briefly, before grabbing him by the scruff as loosely as he could, but felt his fangs break the skin and he felt a pang of sorrow. He felt like a horrible father. A feeling he had never felt before. Carrying him away from the river, he set him down on the grassy ground.
Anger swept over him, as he towered over his son, though he tried to hide his anger and annoyance, he couldn't.


The small silvery pup was curled in a ball beside a tree. Small, quiet whimpers could be heard from his quivering body. Why didn't anyone think he was good enough to be anything othgothger than his brother's sidekick? It wasn't his fault he had been born the runt.
But that wasn't the sole reason he whimpered. When he had story ed from the den, he had stepped on a thorn, it had caught his paw and when he had tried to get it out he had only pushed it deeper into his small pink paw pad.
He looked up when Shazda spoke, pinning his ears. "I'm not going back. Everyone rather have Kiyi and Zulik anyway. I'm not good enough. Judst another mouth to feed taking up space." He growled, his small voice cracking as he covcered his face with his tail and front paws.
"They won't even give me a chance...only Kiyi cares, but I'm always the reason she gets in trouble with Ahkan...It will be better for everyone when I'm gone." He mumbled, turning away from Shazda.

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#92575 Posted on 2017-02-11 18:58:06

Shazda LV Delta
Her heart broke for the pup curled in a ball ahead of her. The whimpers reached her heart like daggers. "No, no, don't say that." She smiled sadly at him. "Honestly," she said, as if conspiratorially, "I'd rather mentor you than Zulik." She hoped to lift the sad pup's spirits. She walked up to him and sat down in front of him. That's when she noticed the thorn. "Ahruth!" she cried, and she bent her head to pull it out. "This might hurt a little bit," she said softly, and began to gently pull the nasty thing out of his little paw. She spit it out. "Don't run on me, Ahruth," she warned.

Kiyiya LV Pup
Kiyi quickly wiped her eyes of the remaining wetness with her tail, and gave her tail a few bites for realisticness. "Hi," she choked out. She was embarrassed, knowing the tears still stained her face fur. She smiled weakly at Chronos, happy for his company. "You can come in," she mumbled. She looked into the den, then back at the male wolf in front of her. He was tall. If she wasn't so upset she would have grinned. She loved tall wolves, but that was about everyone for her. She scanned the clearing and noticed the silence. She wondered if they had found her brothers. She heard her father howl. Zulik... Ahruth... She groaned and bit her tongue, holding back tears. It was all her fault. She wanted to just cuddle up with her little brother and chase her older brother around camp with chaos.

Aqui RW Beta
He grinned, his plan in place. She had joined him. When she joined him, he took a few more laps and then took a step back. "Well," he began quickly. "The water sure looks fine today." With that, he gave her a little push and sent her tumbling into the crystal clear water. He laughed and jumped in. "A bit cold," he commented, paddling in a circle. "But refreshing." He tilted his head. "I hope you can swim as well as you can run, because I just might have to race you."

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#92602 Posted on 2017-02-11 20:27:47

Chronos - LV Delta

Chronos stepped into the den and sat down. He noticed the tear stains on Kiyaya's fur, making his chest construct a little. He lowered his head and nuzzled the little pups cheek. "They are bringing your brothers back," with his best attempt at reassuring her.

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#92617 Posted on 2017-02-11 21:42:25


He whined, wincing, when Shazda pulled the thorn from his paw. "Thank...Thank you. Shazda." He said, looking up at her with cloudy eyes, his sadness and sorrow reflected in their silvery depths. "Ahkan will be the one to mentor Zulik anyhow, since he'll be mentor. And I'm sure you'll be mine, and Kiyi will probably get Pyro. He'd be a good match for her." He nodded, though still curled up and shivering. "I just want the pack to be happy. I make that nearly impossible." He grumbled. This was the most he had every spoken to anyone other than Kiyi. He hadn't even spoken to Cana this much before. It felt odd to him, talking. He much preferred to remain silent, not cause choas with his words. A little late for that now, though.

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#92708 Posted on 2017-02-12 11:08:24

Shazda LV Delta
His musings about mentors was interesting, and very mature. "No one thinks of you as a problem," she reassured the small pup. "The pack is happy with you around, Ahruth." She was very bad at encouraging others. She was the one in the pack who didn't often speak her mind. She preferred quiet moments, sitting and musing quietly. Like earlier, when Pyro was napping. She let out a sigh, letting a moment of silence go by. She used it to collect her thoughts and let the pup think himself. She knew that this pup was like her, and didn't talk much. She noticed his shivering. "Are you cold?" She tilted her head and looked to the sky. I need to get him back to the den as soon as possible. But he needs time. She was glad he wasn't a talkative pup, because she really needed her silence to think. I'll wait until he's ready. That's what he needs. No need to rush the already struggling pup.

Kiyiya LV Pup
She blinked when the male nuzzled her cheek. "I know," she sighed and looked at her paws. "I feel like it's my fault." She watched for returning searchers, hoping at least one brother would be brought back soon. Her heart clenched. She wanted her brothers, her mommy, and Daddy.

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#92726 Posted on 2017-02-12 11:41:34

Nyx RW Queen
The black she-wolf twitched in her sleep as she curled her tail tighter around her pups and shifting. Still with her eyes closed she moved to the side of the nest and breathed in and out gently. Giving a snort she rolled onto her back paws in the air tucked underneath her. Giving a little whine she rolled back onto her side falling still in her sleep.

Pyro LV Delta
The gray male wolf blinked his amber eyes at the two pups and then looked at Zulik and nodded his head glad both pups were safe. "Hello Zulik..." he wagged his tail at the pup and then stepped back giving a sigh. "We better get back to camp." he stated shaking his mess gray pelt that stood on end. Giving his head a shake he turned around and began the walk back to camp.

Vapor LV Delta
Vapor blinked her ice blue eyes in worry as Mako finally bobbed up. Seeing his smile she snorted and narrowed her eyes at the beta wolf her friend. Giving a shake of her head and swimming to shore as she walked out of the water and sat down. "That wasn't funny Mako..." she said giving a half whine and looking at the ground in silence. Pricking her ears as she heard the noise and smelled Ahkan's scent she figured he would take control of whatever it was. Looking back at Mako with sadness in her eyes for the thought of losing him. Giving a simple flick of her bushy tail that curled around her paws the thought struck her. "What if im falling in love with Mako...." she mumbled looking back to him.

Codex FR Alpha
The light red male wolf paced on his rock "They should be back now...." he said giving a half growl aloud in worry for the two wolves that went out. Sitting down he looked at the ground wandering when they would get back. Getting up he looked at the queen den and lept of the rock walking to it. Peering into the entrance he wagged his tail at the queen inside. "Hello" he simply stated to the she-wolf inside and looked at her blinking his golden orbs.

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#92732 Posted on 2017-02-12 12:15:20

(Daphne, Pyro can only see Zulik, Ahruth and Zulik went in two completely different directions)

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#92736 Posted on 2017-02-12 12:40:07

Cana LV queen

Akhan flew past her and she slammed on her brakes, "hey! Akhan!" she said angrily, she was worried and had no idea where he was off to, "probably trying to save the day when it was his fault no one was left watching the pups" she mumbled to herself. She trotted on after Akhan following Zulik's scent.

Zulik LV pup

Suddenly he was lifted from his precarious position clinging on to a root above the river by sharp teeth, he cried out at first trying to scramble for the root but he was lifted clear. Having been put down in the grass he looked up at his saviour, his father. A rush of horror, shame and fear rushed through him, he cowered to the ground "I...I..I'm sorrrry" he cried.

Elanae RW pup

Feeling her mothers tail curl around her she settled back to sleep.

Shapria RW delta

She continued drinking as Aqui stepped back, she heard his comments only briefly before being face planted into the water, for a moment she struggled in the darkness before realising she'd been pushed in. She opened her eyes under water and swam strongly out into the pool, she had a rare talent for fishing and was very comfortable in the water. Popping up in the deepest end of the pool she looked for Aqui. "HEY now that wasn't very friendly!" she exclaimed but was laughing through the words, "and we all know i'm the water-wolf of the pack". Having just made up that term she thought about it for a moment, hmm yes that suits she grinned to herself. Swimming over to him she gave him a firm nudge sending ripples across the pool, "so you want a race... how about a race to touch the bottom of this pool first??"

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#92744 Posted on 2017-02-12 13:38:45

Aqui RW Beta
He grinned and splashed her a little bit with his paw by slapping it on the surface. Sadly, he got splashed as well. "I think that would be a fine race to start. But let me tell you, I'm even better in water then on land. We'll see who deserves the term water-wolf." He wagged his tail and looked down into the depths of the pool. "First we need to center ourselves, because it seems you have decided to hover above a shallow location." He chuckled, knowing it probably wasn't intentional, but pretending it was.

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#92758 Posted on 2017-02-12 14:41:36

Kirai - FR Beta

Kirai heard Bazu yell and quickly dropped the rabbit before turning and running in his direction. The smell in the area was horrid from the skunk's smell. She saw the two deer ahead with Bazu blindly running in its direction. She chased in their direction, targeting the fawn. "Over here," she directed for Bazu to follow. She jumped on the fawn, bringing it down with all her weight. The hunt ended and she turned to Bazu ready to chew his head off. "What the heck was that," she yelled in anger. "Not only did you ruin a perfectly good hunting opportunity, but you also could have gotten hurt." Kirai was now inches from Bazu, her temper rising higher as she snarled in anger.
Maybe next time, you'll watch what you are doing." She grabbed hold of the fawn and began dragging it back to camp without another word to Bazu.

Bazu - FR Delta

Bazu was now able to see, but didn't dare look at Kirai in the eye. He knew she was furious with him and who could blame her. He had ruined the hunt. They would have a large deer to take back instead of the scrawny fawn and rabbit that Kirai had techinacally gotten. He kept his head low and when Kirai was done yelling he mumbled, "I'm sorry." He turned on his heels and stayed behind the angry she wolf. He grabbed the rabbit and continued to follow.

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#93419 Posted on 2017-02-16 11:10:06

Shapria RW delta

She looked down at the water coincidentally she was in a shallow area so she rolled her eyes at Aqui "alright big guy" she couldn't quite hide her grin though. She swam into a deeper area and prepared to hold her breath by taking larger, deeper breaths so she could get more oxygen "so you ready?"

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#93442 Posted on 2017-02-16 12:35:17

Mako (Little Valley, Beta)

Mako still continued to smile as Vapor headed back to shore, she may have not found it funny but he did. He swam back shacking his fur once he was on dry land, "sure it was" he cocked his head as she seemed to fall silent in thought. "I think we should head back now", he didn't want to be gone for very long. He got the scent of Ahkan at the thought of heading back to camp, he looked to where the scent came from. He didn't just want to leave Vapor but he had a feeling he should head to the alpha, he looked back to her smiling.

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen let out a yawn as she continued to walk through the forest, she wasn't really tired she was bored if anything. She thought of just head back to camp, only there wasn't much for her to do there. She stopped and turned back, [i]might as well[/i

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus moved to hi mothers side nuzzling it until he found what he was looking for, he drank the warm milk letting go when he had his fill. Milk was dripping from his small muzzle as he let out a yawn, curling in a ball near his sisters and fell asleep.

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#93567 Posted on 2017-02-17 06:51:46

Chronos - LV Delta

Chronos pulled away and sat in front of the pup. "How could it possibly be your fault," he asked her with a hint of curiosity. He fully believed that it was no fault of anyone, only a misunderstanding. Still, he wanted to know why Kiyaya was thinking that it was her fault.

Kirai - FR Beta

Once Kirai had made her way back to camp, she dropped the fawn and spotted Codex. No doubt, she was still mad about losing a good meal, but she was at least calmer than she was before. "Bazu and I are back, but you may want to stay a good distance from Bazu, he was sprayed by a skunk," she said as she approached the alpha.

Bazu - FR Delta

Bazu dropped the rabbit by the fawn and slinked away towards the Queen's den. He didn't dare go inside with the stench of the skunk still clinging to his fur. He just wanted to inform Ryaki that they had returned with food. "Ryaki, darling, we have returned with food if you are hungry," he said slightly above a whisper. He didn't quite know why he was keeping his voice low, though.

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