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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#90727 Posted on 2017-02-02 16:17:04

Kiyiya LV Pup
Kiyi plopped down in a clump of grass at the edge of camp. Then she heard it. Her brothers, continuing the argument. She didn't stir. She listened for a while, then tuned it out. She was near her daddy's den, but just far enough away that the words from inside were muffled. She strained to hear, a pang hitting her as she realized she was eavesdropping. It was wrong. She heard Daddy talking about whether Ahruth or Zulik should be alpha. Hot tears welled in her eyes and made their way down her face. She stood and shook herself off. A she-pup, that's all she was. No potential, no hope for a future as a leader. She sniffled, then used her tail to brush away the wetness on her fur. She waited a moment for her tears to dry. Then she stood, took a deep breath. And strode right towards Daddy's den, right into it with just a moment's hesitation. He was her daddy, she should be afraid of punishment. But this was more important. She turned to her mommy, and with a voice steady and strong, she spoke. "Ahruth and Zulik just had a big fight, Mommy. I tried to make them stop, but they didn't listen. I don't know where they went after they fought. I think they might get lost or leave camp." She paused. "I think if they're not in the den, we should make a search out from the den around the camp. Mommy, they were both really mad so I don't know where they might go. I just don't want them to leave the territory or go too far." She stopped for another breath. Then she remembered the other wolves in the den and she looked to her paws nervously. "The fight started because Zulik was talking about what he would do if he was alpha. He said I'd be beta and Ahruth his advisor. Ahruth got mad and said that maybe he wanted to be alpha. I told them to stop, then left. I heard them keep fighting for a little while more." She mumbled this tidbit. She had never like tattling, but worry for her brothers had driven her to it. And anger, and sadness. And a buried emotion of wanting to show her daddy she was more than just a dumb she-pup.

Shazda LV Delta
Her heart raced. He was throwing such a weight on them! She looked to Pyro and cocked her head. Ahruth? She wasn't sure who she would have said, only knowing that the runt was who she wanted to mentor. Her heart stirred with a bit of anger when Pyro said he would want to assess the pup. What about her? Would she have to settle with Zulik? He would soon tower over her, and that might mean disrespect. Before she could open her mouth to stumble over a decision, Cana jumped in. Shazda realized Cana hadn't been informed, and she blinked at her compassionately. She wouldn't make a decision unless Ahkan prodded.

Aqui RW Beta
He grinned back. "That would be fun," he said. He breathed in again. "Race as in run or race as in race. Because I'll probably win." He grinned wider, pacing in place. He would enjoy this time with her.

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#91147 Posted on 2017-02-04 20:04:06

Pyro LV Delta

The gray male shook his pelt and looked at Shazda immediately regretting opening his mouth. Slinking to the floor he nodded "If you want I can take Zulik..." he gulped and thumped his tail on the floor avoiding eye contact and blinking his amber eyes at the ground. Looking back up he sat up tall "I would be honored for any pup you gave me to mentor." he said proudly holding his head up high.

Vapor LV Delta

The silver-white she wolf gave a swift nod and chased after him going to the pond. Tongue out as she raced to the pond after Mako feeling the wind in her fur. Stopping at the pond bank she looked to Mako and wagged her tail. Giving a smile she lept off the bank her legs extending as she jumped into the cold water. Once in the water she swam to the shallow end and stood there looking at Mako blinking her ice blue eyes at him. "Are you coming?" asking it softly with a tilt of her head at him.

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#91187 Posted on 2017-02-05 05:52:43

Cana LV queen

She saw Shazda's hesitation and flicker of irritation because she knew she would like to mentor Ahruth and the more Cana thought about it the more she believed that would be a good match. She was also grateful for the she-wolfs lack of response to Akhan's question, if both deltas had said Ahruth, Akhan would pick the runt pup for alpha without considering her own opinion. As Pyro realigned his opinion to be honoured with any pup to mentor she gave him a smile. "OK Akhan please can we have a moment to think this through? There is no need to rush and we need to think of a suitable mentor for Kiyiya as well, not just the boys". Having just mentioned her, Kiyiya walked in! This was very unusual pups were definitely not permitted in the leaders den! But her news was worrying and Cana jumped up "ok Kiyiya well done for trying to cool them down and noticing where they went." The black she-wolf turned to Akhan with a strong, undeniable look "this meeting is adjourned correct?", her tone was strong, matriarchal and not to be ignored. With that she looked at Pyro and Shadza, "if you would both like to be mentors you better come with me and find the pups before they get into trouble". Turning out of the den she gave Kiyiya a nudge "go little one", and trotted out across camp.

Zulik LV pup

Still muttering away to himself about how it was so unfair and no one could understand him he trudged on and reached the river bank. Looking up he realised how far he'd come and started sniffing around, exploring. He decided to go suss out the water and tip-toed to the river edge, he dipped a toe in the cold water and jumped back shaking his paw. He hadn't expected the coldness of the water to be bite him back, he snarled at it and turned away with a hrrrumff and continued exploring.

Shapria RW delta

The silver she-wolf grinned devilishly at Aqui "ohh yeh, race race!" she paced back and forwards in front of him flicking her tail sexily "don't be so confident beta!". She was pushing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour but she was having so much fun with him that the banter just came naturally. There was few wolves that she was this relaxed around.

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#91239 Posted on 2017-02-05 12:47:03

Mako (Little Valley, Beta)

Mako smiled as the pond came into view stopping just before the water, he jumped in after vapor making a big splash as he landed. He shook his head getting the water out of his ears as he headed to the shallow end where Vapor was, "the water feels nice" it wasn't all that cold it was perfect. He headed back to the deeper part of the pond, "come on or are your scared" he was teasing her. He turned around looking at her as he kicked his paws to keep above the water, he paddled around in circles waiting for her to come over.

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#91448 Posted on 2017-02-06 18:38:59

Pyro LV Delta
The gray colored male blinked his eyes in worry at the news they had went away. Standing up worry in his amber colored eyes he nodded his head to Cana "Yes I would like to help you..." he said blinking his eyes again with worry for the pups. Giving a small shake of his pelt he followed after Cana and her pup out of the den and in search of the males that had went off on there own.

Vapor LV Delta

Blinking her ice blue eyes at Mako she giggled and shook her head. Paddling after Mako and reaching him in no time, she kicked her paws to stay afloat in the water. Giving a friendly smile she splashed water at him with her muzzle and paddled around him in circles with tongue out. Swimming back to him and biting and tugging at his ear playfully she gave a another giggle from her throat and stopped just kicking her paws in the water to stay above the water.

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#91586 Posted on 2017-02-07 15:49:29

Kiyiya LV Pup
She looked back at her daddy, hoping she hadn't made him mad by interrupting. Mommy seemed okay with it, but Mommy was nicer then Daddy. She exited Daddy's den and looked around, sniffing the air. She sat and wrapped her fluffy black tail around her paws. "I'll stay here, Mommy. If I help look I might get lost and you would have to look for me too." She blinked worriedly at her mother, wanting to help but not wanting to be in the way.

Aqui RW Beta
He smiled back at her, then tossed his head with a dramatic huff. "Well, let's be fair. We have to set a start and a finish." He wagged his tail. "Oh, I think you should take a look at your own confidence," he teased in return. Yet, even with the banter, his voice remained soft. It seemed his vocals couldn't raised in volume in almost any setting.

She turned to the pup, concerned. She dashed out after Pyro and Cana, and ran for the nursery den. She sniffed along, scenting the scuffle. "I think Zulik went that way, out of camp maybe." She pointed her nose.

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#91600 Posted on 2017-02-07 16:38:21

Mako (Little Valley Beta)

Mako laughed and splashed back at Vapor, he let out a small playful growl at the tug on his ear. He watched as she swam around him then stopping in front of him again, a small smile played across his face. He swam away a few feet looking back at her, swimming in one spot, the smiled disappeared and he suddenly went under as if something dragged him down. Once under water he kicked his legs keeping him self under the water he watched for her to come over.

Vixen (Rustling Wind)

Vixen stood up she decided to just leave the alpha with the pups, she padded put of the den looking around for someone to talk to. She didn't spot anyone, she left camp and decided to just go for a walk. She didn't know where she was going, and didn't much matter to her. She let out a bored yawn as she walked through the forest, her pace was slow as she walked.

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#91617 Posted on 2017-02-07 18:00:12

Vapor LV Delta
The silver-white wolf stopped swimming and gasped as Mako vanished underwater. Paddling over to were he went under she looked around were he was. "Mako!" she called loudly fear ebbing into her voice as she began to panic. "Mako, please come out its not funny!" she gave an audible whine and shut her ice blue eyes tightly just kicking her legs in place to stay above the water. Giving another whine she swam in a little circle looking around for him.

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#91790 Posted on 2017-02-08 15:17:22

Cana LV queen

She followed Zulik's scent to the edge of camp, small tear spots lined the scent path, he'd clearly been very upset, she was really quite worried now. "Ok Shazda keep scenting for Ahruth, Pyro can you follow Zulik's scent here? I think he may have headed for the river". She turned to Kiyiya, nuzzling her and wrapping her tail around her, in soft tones she said "Your very sensible Kiyi, please wait in the den, don't leave no matter what happens. I'm not having you lost too"

Zulik LV pup

Wandering along the river, still sad about his argument, he stopped on a small ledge above the river and looked into the water, a wave of shame washed over him "poor Ahruth, I didn't mean to insult him... I just want to playyyy" he whined. Stepping away from the edge of the ledge he walked on a few paces. The sandy soil beneath his feet started to crumble and he jumped back, only this made more soil crumble...

Shapria RW delta

Grinning at Aqui she stepped close to him but dipped her head "ohh sorry beta, am I too much for you..." she looked up through her eyelashes. Her flirty tone rolled naturally off her tongue but she realised she might have pushed it a bit far and her confidence disappeared like water down a drain. She dipped low to the ground as she stepped away to make herself smaller than him, she didn't know how he'd react to her changing the tone of their friendship but wanted to know so badly, however she changed the topic to avoid a potentially awkward response if he didn't feel that way, "so lets start at this border tree and we could finish at the water fall?" she asked.

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#91795 Posted on 2017-02-08 15:40:29

Mako (Little Valley, Beta)

Once Mako saw Vapor's paws he saw toward her, he swam so that he was right behind her. He knew she was probably worried but couldn't help but scare her, he pushed up splashing her from behind as he got to the top. He laughed "aww where you worried", he smiled at her. He paddled his legs so that he would keep afloat, a sniffed the air as a familiar scent hit him it was on of the pups. He looked around not seeing one, why would on of the pups be out here. He had his ears perked seeing if he could hear the pup close by, "hey do you smell a pup" he may have been playing around earlier but all playfulness was gone now.

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen picked up the scent of Shapria and Aqui, they had passed through here recently. She stopped lookin to where their scent went, she thought of going and finding them. She started walking again if she ran into them then the she did, she deiced against just going after them. She kept her slow pace as she continued to walk, she was bored and wanted something to do.

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#91993 Posted on 2017-02-09 07:30:29

Aqui RW Beta
He blinked as she stepped back and lowered herself to the ground. He had been enjoying their banter. "That would work," he said, grinning. He padded to the tree and smiled back at Shapria. "I don't see how you'll win if I can beat you just by walking." He wagged his tail. "You ready? You do the 'get ready, set, go.'"

Kiyiya LV Pup
She nodded and nuzzled her mommy back. "Okay." She hurried to their den and sat in the entrance, watching the goings-on to search for her brothers. Tears welled up in her eyes. She shouldn't have walked off. She could have kept them from disappearing. She blinked, and a hot tear went down her cheek and plopped into the ground. She quickly dipped her head and used her tail to wipe off her tears. She didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

She nodded to Cana, and trotted to where she had scented where the scuffle had been. Ahruth's scent hit her nose, and she carefully followed it, making sure it was relatively recent. Worry boiled up in her. What if he fell into water or into a hole? What if some owls saw him and swooped down at him? She had wanted so badly to mentor this pup with hidden potential. She hurried along the scent trail, wanting to find him before it was too late. The scents became more and more recent as she traveled, and a little silhouette was seen ahead. She smiled softly. She didn't want to scare the pup. "Ahruth," she called out gently. "Ahruth, your mother's worried. Why don't you come back to the camp?" She took a small step forward.

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#92031 Posted on 2017-02-09 11:15:58

Shapria RW delta

She watched Aqui carefully to judge if she'd crossed the line but he didn't obviously respond to her flirtatiousness negatively or positively which confused her slightly. She still couldn't tell if he was just being friendly or actually liked her, she decided to leave it be for now and just have fun, she'd think about it later. She paused very still, ready to launch into a race "Ready... Set..." she bunched her hind legs "GO!" she leapt forward and ran flat out along the border towards the water fall.

Cana LV queen

Now she was unsure what to do, which path to follow... she took a moment to rationalise her thoughts Ahruth won't have gone far, he's not the type to get himself lost... Zulik could've gone much further because he's physically stronger as well as being more headstrong..., with that she set off after Pyro following Zulik's scent.

Zulik LV pup

"whhhoooww" he yelled as he scrambled trying to find stable ground, panic set in. "HELLLP!" he called out as he slipped closer to the water, his left paw caught a tree root and anchored him for a moment, while his other legs flew around trying to find purchase.

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#92038 Posted on 2017-02-09 11:31:49

Aqui RW Beta
He leapt forward when Shapria called "GO!" He paced himself, letting her get ahead and watching her run. He grinned, then picked up some speed until he was matching her, running right by her side. "Well, this is enjoyable," he lightly panted, shooting her a grin. He began panting heavily and fell back. As soon as he fell back, he stopped the heavy pant and let his light one return. He liked to watch her run, so by falling back he could see her better. He was proud of how he had done it, thinking it looked like he had slowed from exhaustion. He furrowed his brow when she neared the waterfall. With a burst of speed, he caught up with her but was still a little behind. He panted hard, for real this time, and watched her go. He smiled, anticipating her triumph when she won. It would be worth the loss.

She watched Mommy hurry after Pyro and put her head on her paws. What did Daddy think? Was he mad at her? She cringed, expecting him to come out and yell at her. Why did she let them leave; why didn't she stop them from fighting; why did she just walk into his den; why couldn't she be the perfect little she-wolf in her place? She sighed and blinked back more wetness. She just wanted to show her Daddy sometimes that she was more than a she-wolf. She wanted him to love her and cuddle with her like Mommy. But she knew her wants were in vain, and that was what caused the wetness. She pretended to groom her tail, but in reality was drying the wetness. She was never good enough. Not just for her Daddy's standards, but for her own.

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#92069 Posted on 2017-02-09 13:41:02

Shapria RW delta

Pleased that she was ahead, she ran on strongly, wind rushing through her silver pelt, Aqui came level with her so she pushed her stride to be longer so that she ate up the distance efficiently, his smooth remark brought grin and a raised eyebrow to her face. Then he seemed tired and dropped back, she slowed ever so slightly with a frown he can't really be tired already! she thought as she raced to the waterfall. By the time she was 50m from the falling water Aqui was by her side again, she gave him a big grin and pushed the last few strides to end up ahead of him. Skidding to a halt she swung around to face him panting hard, "haha I win!" her face was alight with triumph and glee as she paced to slow her breathing.

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#92377 Posted on 2017-02-10 18:29:23

Aqui RW Beta
He grinned and pulled to a stop. "You sure did!" His panting slowed down easily, because he had restrained himself a little and wasn't too winded. He winked at her. "I'd call a rematch, but you look out of breath." He walked by her, flicked her with his tail, and dipped his head for a drink. He lapped up the water happily, waiting for her to join him. He flicked his ears back to listen to her pawsteps. It was in this moment he realized he had a problem. A problem called love.

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