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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#89568 Posted on 2017-01-28 10:58:22

Cana LV queen

she'd seen the kindness of her only female pup helping her little brother fee, so as Kiyiya approached she gave her a loving smile, at here suggestion of training her heart started to beat faster, they really are grown up now she thought with a pang of sadness, no longer in need of all my attention, time and love. However, she hid this feeling from her voice "hey littun', so you want to training do you?... We just might have to find you a mentor then" she grinned at her excited pup. She added, "and Kiya... you always have and will make me and your father proud, you look after Ahruth so kindly."

Shapria RW delta

Hovering outside Nyx's den waiting to see the pups, she overheard all of Nyx's and Aqui's conversation. With an involuntary gasp, she thought Nyx likes Aqui! I did not see that coming! AND on the same day her pups are born, AND they were fathered by Summit not Aqui! That must be SO awkward! she quickly stepped away as Aqui neared the entrance of the den so he wouldn't know she'd overheard. As he appeared she said, "Ohh hi Aqui, how are they?" she tried to seem neutral as if she hadn't heard.

Zulik LV pup

Frowning at Kiya "Hey! Don't just give it to him! He needs to learn to fight for his food like a big, proper wolf". He demonstrated his 'big, proper wolf' impression which was rather comical when done by a fluffy black pup with paws too big for his body. Kiya ignored him and went to sit with his mother but he wasn't going to go suck up to his mum, instead he lay on his front and sucked on some more fawn meat, no longer hungry but just bored.

Elanae RW pup

Crawling about in her nest, she realised her mother had stood up. Then she felt a odd feeling of weightlessness as she was carried to a new part of the den. Snuggling back into her siblings she got comfortable and fell straight asleep.

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#89574 Posted on 2017-01-28 11:23:22

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus let out a whine as he was woken up, he pulled his back feet up as he was carried to anther spot. When he was put down he moved around, letting out a whine when he couldn't find anyone. He stopped when he felt his mothers nose on his side, he moved his head so that it was on her snout and fell back asleep.

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen woke up her paws still in the river, she stood up stretching. Looking back to camp I'm sure Nyx has had enough time to rest, she headed back going into a trot. She was happy it didn't take her long to get back, she headed straight for the cave. Entering she didn't see her where she did last, she spotted her and the pups in the spot her and summit had always laid. "Hey Nyx" she went over sitting across from her, smiling as she looked at the pups.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako's eyes looked to Pyro seeing that he was asleep, he looked to Shazda she was just sitting there. He stood up and walked over, he wasn't sure what they would talk about. He sat down next to her, looking at the pups and not her. "Who do you think the alpha will pick for beta" he was curios as to who and when one would be picked.

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#89580 Posted on 2017-01-28 11:48:03

Shazda LV Delta
She flicked her ears a little. So much for quiet, she chuckled to herself. "I'm not sure," she replied. "I doubt it will be a she-wolf, as he's very traditional." She kept her comments short but to the point. Shazda wasn't known to talk and talk. She looked to Pyro, concern darkening her dark eyes. Was he okay? He was thrashing in the clearing. "Excuse me," she murmured, standing and padding to Pyro. "Pyro!" she whispered, poking him lightly with a paw.

Aqui RW Beta
As he exited, he saw Nyx heading back to where she and Summit used to lay. With that action, he knew she probably wasn't ready to move on. Summit had been a wolf to look up to. He padded out and was addressed by Saphria. He looked at her and blinked a moment, confusion scattered across his features.He shook his head. "They are wonderful," he said. His heart raced. "You can see if she's ready for another visitor." He smiled softly, and walked away. He headed directly into the forest and to the stream where he and Saphria has talked earlier. He thought for a while, and finally his mind cleared. He stood and shook himself off. No, he couldn't return Nyx's feelings. She was wonderful, and a great she-wolf, but not only did he not have the same feelings she had for him, she wasn't ready. Summit was still in her heart, and rightly so. But a thought had hit him that he had had to hide away, because he couldn't imagine it ever working out. Because the thought that had hit him was the way his heart raced when he saw Saphria. And the fact that she had no feelings for him.

Kiyiya LV Pup
Kiyi smiled at her mom, warmth spreading through her. Mommy was proud of her. She turned to Zulik, and noticed his boredom. She giggled. He got bored so easily. She stood and pounced on him. "Scared ya," she teased. "You can't get me!" She let out a squeal and dashed away from him.

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#89583 Posted on 2017-01-28 11:58:22

Cana LV queen

Smiling down at her pup she thought yes, she is ready watching her begin a game with Zulik she thought how lucky she was to have the life she did have. Surely it couldn't stay this sweet for too much longer...

Shapria RW delta

She wasn't surprised by Aqui's confusion having heard their conversation and glad he hadn't noticed she overheard. As he walked away a feeling of warmth washed over her, i'm glad he doesn't like Nyx she thought. This thought surprised her. She shook off the feeling and walked in to Nyx's den following Vixen, "Hey, how ya doing?" she asked.

Zulik LV pup

Paws landed on his back, he shot forward out of fright, his natural instincts told him that could've been a hawk. But he turned to face his sister "ohh no you didnt!", with this he launched at her and chased her all over the camp.

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#89584 Posted on 2017-01-28 11:59:42

Nyx RW Queen

The black she wolf whined loudly as she moved her head into Vixen's soft fur closing her pale yellow eyes. "I miss him a lot" she whined thinking about Summit and looking at Vixen with pain in her eyes. Blinking her pale yellow eyes and licking Magnus gently and putting a tail over her pups to keep them warm. "Vixen, can I tell you something?" she asked gently as if a newborn pup asking for permission to play. Turning to Shapria she thumped her tail softly "A bit tired these pups will be a pawful this one's already a trouble maker" she said nosing Saffron and thumping her tail hard in the den floor.

Saffron RW Pup
Giving off a whine and crawling into the middle of her fur grabbing onto a teat and suckling the milk. Once finished with the milk she had milk dripping from her muzzle as she fell over onto her side making whines and moving her little paws to move back upright from the position. Giving another half whine loudly to indicate her pleasure she swiped t the air in front of her.

Pyro LV Delta

Giving one more half whine he opened his amber eyes to see Shazda in front of him nudging his side. His eyes glowed with fear as he started panting and shaking from the nightmare he had just saw in his mind. Giving another whine he looked around pinning his ears and covering his eyes with his paws in front of him.

Last edited on 2017-01-28 at 12:07:04 by Daphne101

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#89586 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:04:10

Kiyiya LV Pup
She squealed and ran back into the den, breathing hard. She loved playing with Zulik. She hid right to the side of the entry, and when he entered, chasing after her, she began to chase him. She giggled, giving away what she was doing. She had had a hard time running because she had been laughing so hard at how he jumped when she landed on him earlier.

Aqui RW Delta
He padded back into camp, his thoughts cleared and his confusion gone. He looked around, assessing the camp and what all was going on. He noticed how he did this every time he entered camp. He chuckled a little to himself. He wondered what he should do. Frankly, he was bored. A little run would be nice, but he had just come back. He walked to his den and lay in the entrance. He rolled onto his back and gazed at the sky, watching clouds fly by.

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#89594 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:20:15

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen moved her head on to Nyx's comforting her friend, she knew she missed summit and it would hard for her raising the pups with out him. She oved her head away as Nyx licked one of the pups, "you can tell me anything you know that". She gave her a gentle smile, if Nyx needed to talk she'd ne here for her no matter what.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus moved to his mothers side, he was getting hungry again. He latched on to he side and began gulping down the warm milk, he pushed on her stomach to make it come out faster. He let out when he had his fill, he didn't move from her side as he nuzzled closer to sleep again.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako watched as Shazda went over to Pyro, she was right it would probably be a male but who. He got up and followed he wanted someone to talk to still, he wasn't sure what to say to Pyro. He looked scared but over what, even if he had been dreaming over something he didn't see how he would be scared.

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#89597 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:28:12

Nyx RW Queen

The black she-wolf blinked her watery eyes "Summit didn't even know I was expecting them" she said as a tear dripped out of her eye and she moved her head onto Vixen's whimpering once again like a lost pup. "Do you think he would like them even if he's not here?" she asked questioningly at her and sighed moving her muzzle down beside her pups breathing in there warm scent.

Pyro LV Delta

Looking at both wolves he quickly stood up shaking his coat a couple times as he looked at the ground. Giving a whine he walked to the edge of camp and laid down alone thinking about his dream about his littermate that died due to drowning. Giving a shake he licked his paw in front of him and put his head on his paws looking sadly at a fixed point that was a tree in camp.

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#89600 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:33:03

Shazda LV Delta
"Well," she said to herself. Pyro hadn't said anything after waking up. She sat and wrapped her tan tail around her again. Mako would probably talk again. That's okay. She was slightly bored, anyways.

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#89745 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:33:17

Vixen (Rustling wind)

"Why wouldn't he they're perfect", she nuzzled Nyx affectionately. She looked at the pups and smiled, "I'm sure he would be proud of them". The pups looked healthy which was good, she wagged her tail slowly "I don't think you have anything to worry about". She didn't like seeing her friend like this, she wished she could do more then what she was doing.

Mako (Little valley)

Mako watched as Pyro left, he didn't say anything to him as he did. "I wonder what's with him", whatever he may have been dreaming had upset Pyro. "Any ways what are your plans for the day" he looked to her as he spoke, he didn't have any plans for the day.

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#89759 Posted on 2017-01-29 09:09:07

Shazda LV Delta
She looked at her paws, thinking. Was she doing anything? She looked up. "I don't think I'm doing anything. You?" She actually was hoping to maybe get a good run in at some point, just feel the wind stir her tan fur. Her chocolate eyes twinkled at the thought of it. Maybe Cana would join her, a chance to escape the camp and start getting back the energy and strength she used to have. Shazda envied Cana a little, having wonderful pups and a mate. Shazda stopped the thoughts and tuned back in to listen to Mako.

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#89780 Posted on 2017-01-29 10:01:22

Nyx RW Queen

Nyx nodded her head up and down as she snuggled closer to her newborn pups as she thumped her tail against the hard floor. Pulling Magnus closer with a paw she began to lick him on his small little body to give him a bath. Once finished with his bath she looked at Vixen "Maybe you can watch the pups sometimes for me to stretch my legs?" she asjed tilting her head and blinking her pale yellow orbs looking at Vixen with a thump of her tail again.

Pyro LV Delta

Pyro looked at the ground and tried to stop his shaking. "In one..two...three" he repeated to himself aloud to control it. Shaking his head a bit he curled up tighter into a ball curling his fluffy tail on his nose. Blinking his amber orbs he looked at Shazda from afar feeling bad about being distracted and letting the fawn kick her. Gulping her looked at the ground once more that stopped the shaking.

Codex FR Alpha

The light-red alpha shook his ragged coat as he caught the scent trail of a rabbit. Wagging his tail in pleasure he began to sniff the air looking at a bush that smelled of it strongly. Giving a half growl aloud to himself "I will have a talk with the deltas."

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 15:37:11 by Daphne101

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#89855 Posted on 2017-01-29 13:40:11

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen smiled as she watched Nyx with her pups, she now saw that there was only one male in Nyx's litter, she hadn't noticed it before. Vixen wagged her tail faster, "sure anytime you need to stretch your legs just let me know". She would be happy to help her anytime she needed it.

Mako (Little valley)

Mako shook his head, "nope haven't really thought of anything". He needed to find something to do, he didn't really like to sit around and do nothing all day. He let out a bored yawn, "there's got to be something to do around here though". If there was he hoped he could find it soon, or he might just go for a walk.

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#89858 Posted on 2017-01-29 13:51:45

Shazda LV Delta
She sighed and stood up, shaking out her fur. "Yeah." She padded to Cana's den and slipped in. Zulik and Kiyiya were playing around. She turned to Cana. "Want to go for a run with me? I can imagine you wanting to get out of camp for a little while."

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#89962 Posted on 2017-01-30 02:35:06

Cana LV queen

Getting up from the long grass at the edge of camp she stretched out her back, planting her front paws and dipping her back in a wonderful release of tension. Giving her pelt a shake to rid it of grass seeds she began trotting over to her den to make sure Kiyi and Zulik weren't actually getting into trouble. Just as she entered she heard another wolf behind her, looking over her shoulder she saw the tan she-wolf "ohh hi Shazda, a run sounds like a fantastic idea, just let me find someone to keep an eye on these three. They're getting evermore troublesome these days". With that she turned around in the small den and followed Shazda outside again.

Zulik LV pup

He raced into the den after Kiyi but she'd disappeared, he skidded to a halt nearly knocking Ahruth over, he hadn't moved since they'd eaten. In a breathless voice he said "ohh sorry Ahruth... why dont you come and play??". There was a giggle behind him so he shot around to face Kiyi "I've got you now!!" he yelled. He leapt on to Kiyi and tumbled back outside the den.

Elanae RW pup

Awaking, she was hungry again and crawled up closer to her mother, blindly searching for milk, her small head weaving back and forth. She climbed on to of Magnus and latched on to her mother. Warm milk flooded her mouth.


Seeing that Nyx clearly needed a moment with Vixen she looked down at the pups once more marvelling at how tiny they were, then left to give them some room. Having not eaten much this morning due to her embarrassment, she looked to the prey pile, there was plenty of the deer left to chew on. So she went over and managed to detach a leg bone which she took to the side of camp and cracked open to reach the bone marrow. Her thoughts began swirling again, thoughts of Aqui, her old family and the new pups all floated through her headspace. She realised it would be lovely to have a family of her own one day.

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