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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#89963 Posted on 2017-01-30 04:39:33

Nyx RW Queen

Nodding her black head in agreement with Vixen of how Summit would be proud of her and the pups. Looking at Vixen she smiled and thumped her tail "Thanks for being such a good friend to me" she replied nuzzling her and thumping her tail at Vixen. "I know this pups going to be a pawful" She pointed to Elanae that was squirming to get milk with her muzzle. "One day they will grow into strong and mighty wolves" she said licking Saffron gently and moving her pups closer laying her fluffy tail ontop.

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#89970 Posted on 2017-01-30 05:08:46

Ahkan, LV Alpha

He shook out his raven colored coat, stand up and pushing the few bones from his fill of the fawn back to chew later. He let out a long, loud piercing howl to call the pack together. He, though not positive it was the best decision, had decided on who the new Beta should be. He just hoped the pack would accept it and be okay with it. Not that they really had a choice. But he knew and trusted his pack that the new Beta would be the best.

Ahruth, LV Pup

The silvery, soft furred pup sat back down when he was bowled over. Having finished his sliver of meat, and almost full, he felt no need to have moved from his spot. When Zulik suggested he play, Ahruth shook his head, not wanting to run the risk of getting hurt, or making his father upset again. He returned his stone gaze to his father, sitting frozen when the howl rang out. Pups were not to attend pack meetings, but were permitted to watch from their den.

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#89972 Posted on 2017-01-30 05:22:21

Zulik LV pup

His fathers distinctive howl sounded out across the camp, he froze mid tumble with Kiyi ending up flat on his back. He quickly scrambled up away from Kiyiya and looked up at the dark shadow that was his father, "quick Kiyiya, lets get to the den so we can watch!". He hadn't seen many pack meetings so was quite excited about this, and REALLY didnt want another scolding from Akhan.

Cana LV queen

As she began looking around camp to see if anyone could look after the pups while she went for a run Akhan's howl rang out. It still sent a shiver down her spine although she had heard it hundreds of times. She looked up into the sun to see him standing proudly above his pack and felt her heart swell, he was her mate. Turning to Shazda she said "looks like our run will have to wait but we must go after the meeting, I would love to stretch my legs properly." She said this with a smile and heading across the clearing to Akhan's rock.

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#89973 Posted on 2017-01-30 05:35:11

Pyro LV Delta

Standing up from his spot he gathered his legs underneth him and stood up shaking his large grey body. Blinking his amber orbs he walked over to the pack meeting that Akhan had howled everybody to come. Stepping into the middle and sitting down neatly, grey and fluffy tail folding neatly over his paws sitting straight ahead ears pricked up watching intently at the alpha.

Codex FR Alpha

The light red male blinked his golden orbs as he made his way to the bush scenting the rabbit heavily there. Stopping there he crouched down and blinked as he lept into the bush closing his strong jaws around the body of the rabbit crunching it. As it fell still he could taste the blood coming from it, exiting the bush he walked back to camp dropping it in the pile and bounding up to the rock and standing up there. Dipping back his head as he howled for every packmate to come join for a pack meeting.

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#90002 Posted on 2017-01-30 08:50:14

Mako (Little valley)

Mako turned at the sound of Ahkan's howl, he headed over to him. This is probably about the beta, he didn't sit down as he stopped facing the alpha. He looked around at the others, he for one was curious who the beta would be. He wondered which of them would be picked.

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen shoved Nyx in a playful way, "what are friends for" she wagged her tail and looked to the pups. "I wonder what kind of trouble they'll get into when they get older", she chuckled thinking of the many things that they would get into. "they'll be a handful once they start leaving the cave that's for sure", but she knew her friend could handle it though she would help when needed.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus stretched out his small body, he began to suck on the tail that was laying over him. He let out a half whine half yawn, he started crawling and found his mothers side, he wasn't hungry he just wanted to be closer to her.

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#90084 Posted on 2017-01-30 14:18:50

Shazda LV Delta
She perked her ears at the howl, interested in the meeting but slightly disappointed that the run would have to wait. She padded over curiously, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws. She looked up to Ahkan respectfully, hoping this was about the alpha. She wondered which male would be chosen.

She sat up as soon as the howl cracked through the air. With a glance at her brother, she scurried back to the den and looked out expectantly. "I bet he's gonna choose a beta," she whispered reverently. "Who do you think it'll be?" She also wondered if just maybe their mentors would be chosen. No, they won't be... she thought. Mommy didn't say anything.

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#90095 Posted on 2017-01-30 15:18:14

Cana LV queen

She say next to Shazda and Pyro, thinking to herself Finally we are to have a beta! she had her fluffy black tail laid across her paws and golden eyes fixed on Akhan, quite the picture perfect wolf. She quickly looked back to her den to check the pups were there and listening, seeing they were all paying attention she gave them a proud smile, then turned back to Akhan.

Zulik LV pup

He grinned at Kiyi, "i'm gonna be alpha one day, then I'll choose my own beta! Might even choose you!" he wiggled in excitement, flicking his tail back and forth. He continued with "I'll have the best hunting team sent out everyday and big, strong wolves as Protectors of camp", Queens and pups didn't enter his mind as part of the pack, he was too young for those thoughts yet.

Shapria RW delta

She finished off her deer leg leaving only shards of clean bone. Now she thought It'd be nice to go for an explore around the territory... who would come with me? with that thought she got up and stretched. Her lean body hummed under her sleek sliver pelt as the muscles tensed and relaxed, a final shake and she was ready to go. She looked around for someone to go with.


She let out a squeal having lost her mothers milk and began crawling around exploring her new world.

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#90124 Posted on 2017-01-30 17:10:29

Aqui RW Beta
He finished surveying the camp, had eaten a little more meat, and now was looking for something to do. He stretched out his forelegs, then shook his fur out. He suppressed a yawn. Maybe he would go for a run... or check the borders... maybe hunt a little. He didn't know. He was bored, and he let out a chuckle as he realized it. He stood and began to make his way towards the outward edge of camp.

She giggled. "You'd be a good alpha, Zulik." Kiyi puffed out her chest. "But maybe one day I will be alpha! Or even Ahruth!" She glanced at her little brother, eyes twinkling. "Who knows who Daddy will pick to be the next alpha?" She let her chest fall back. "It'll probably be you, though, Zulik." She gave him a little shove. Taking a deep breath, she related to her brothers her dream. "All I know is I'm gonna be the bestest wolf in the pack when I'm done training! I wanna make Mommy and Daddy proud. And if I'm the bestest wolf ever, and you're alpha, Zulik, then you'll have the bestest beta ever." She turned to Ahruth. "And you'll always be the bestest little brother in the world, no matter what."

She watched Ahkan expectantly. She couldn't wait to hear who the beta was going to be! No doubt Ahkan had made the best choice. His traditional ways had kept this pack from falling into corruption, like Free River, and she looked up to him for it. She looked to Cana, then back at her alpha. Cana was lucky to have a mate and be raising pups. But for now, Shazda was content to try her best for the pack.

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#90153 Posted on 2017-01-30 19:00:01

Java RW Alpha

Java rolled around in the grass, bored with her mind. Maybe I should check up on Nyx. She knew the pups had been born but didn't feel the need to go right away. She rolled over to stand on her paws and shook her fur of the grass that covered it. Padding slowly to the queens den, she entered slowly and saw three adorable little pups curled up next to Nyx. She was speechless.

Kirai FR Beta

Kirai let out a low growl and stomped off when neither of the deltas was able to hunt. She would just have to do the hunting for herself. Only, she had no plans to share with the deltas. She followed the scent of a rabbit.

Bazu FR Delta

Bazu stood to his feet, leaving Ryaki to rest. Hopefully Kirai wont be too mad. He bounded off toward her scent in an attempt to aid her in what was probably the end of the hunt.

Chronos LV Delta

Chronos awakened himself to the smell of food, though he wasn't particularly hungry at the moment. He stood up and stretched his tense muscles. He watched the others before sliding in for a small chunk of meat.

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#90157 Posted on 2017-01-30 19:31:24

Nyx RW Queen

The black she-wolf yawned turning to Java as she thumped her tail on the ground proudly that the alpha entered to see her pups. Blinking her eyes in pride for her pups she looked at Java and smiled. "This is Saffron the first born" she said nosing her daughter with a muzzle closer to her muzzle. "This is Elanae my second daughter" she said nudging her closer to her stomach area. Blinking her pale yellow eyes as they watered for a moment, "This is there only brother Magnus" she said nudging him closer to the alpha. Blinking proudly and thumping her tail on the den floor in pride at her newborn pups.

Saffron RW Pup

The dark black pup let go of a teat and gave a squeal as she searched around for milk. Finding none close to her she turned to Java nose in the air as she let out another squeal that echoed from her little body. Going closer to the alpha she latched onto a massive paw sucking on the fur and finding nothing.

Pyro LV Delta

The light gray male blinked his amber colored orbs as he looked at the alpha "I know he will choose whoever the next beta to be, wise and smart and kind." he blinked at Cana and thumped his tail, dipping his head in the process as he fidgeted in his spot eagerness showing on his face to see you was next for beta.

Codex FR Alpha

The light red male howled one last time signaling to finish whatever they were doing and to come back for a pack meeting. Taking a seat on the rock he blinked at the ground in front of him with his golden colored orbs. Finally laying down he looked at his massive paws and waited for his beta and delta to come back from the hunt that they went on like told to do.

Last edited on 2017-01-30 at 20:05:40 by Daphne101

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#90241 Posted on 2017-01-31 12:53:11

Shapria RW delta

She stood by the entrance of camp looking for a partner to go exploring with. Aqui approached, his smooth muscles moved fluently under his coat and she struggled to look away. Previously she would not have thought twice about asking Aqui if he fancied going for a run but she was caught by a feeling of uncertainty as her heart flickered in her chest, maybe he has other plans she thought. So she looked away and watched Java enter Nyx's den, maybe I should go ask Java if she wants anything done she thought but didn't move from the entrance of camp.

Zulik LV pup

He beamed at Kiyi "You can't be alpha! Your a girl!" he said. Having grown up under his fathers traditions and female alpha seemed impossible to the young wolf who had much to learn of the world. "Me and you would be a great team Kiyi" he began to imagine his future pack... "you can be in charge of the hunters and organise the prey... I'll patrol the borders every day and protect our territory! Ahruth you can..." he tried to think of a job for his little brother "you can help me make decisions, my adviser!" Caught up in this fantasy he didnt realise how loud he was being and was very embarrassed when majority of the pack turned to look at him.

Cana LV queen

She could hear Zulik chattering away and turned to give him a stern frown then refocused on Akhan, thought of who she would pick as beta flicking through her head.

Elanae RW pup

Crawling about she fell into her sister and a massive paw of her alpha, she began to climb up on the giant fluffy paw.

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#90261 Posted on 2017-01-31 14:17:53

Aqui RW Beta
He saw Shapria near the entrance, and wondered what she was going to do. Heart fluttering, he stopped in front of her and smiled. "I was heading out... I'm a bit bored." His soft voice hid his racing heart. "Would you like to join me?" He looked back out into the woods, trying to decide what he should do out there, with or without Shapria. He hoped she would join him.

Kiyiya LV Pup
She turned wide eyes to Zulik. "Ssssh," she said under her breath. "Now everyone's looking!" She sat up a bit straighter, trying not to look as shy as she was under the pack's scrutiny. She winced, imagining Daddy's lecture later. "Oh, yeah! Ahruth would be a good advisor. He's smart." She continued the discussion in a little whisper.

Shazda LV Delta
She turned as she heard the pup talking loudly, a small grin on her face. "They're adorable," she muttered out of the side of her mouth to Cana. She thought the male pup's imaginings were quite cute, and she liked how he had big dreams that included his family.

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#90264 Posted on 2017-01-31 14:36:27

Shapria RW delta

Aqui was in front of her now, a sweet smile on his face which flip-flopped her heart double time but her smooth voice hid that fact, "Yeh I was just thinking the same actually" she followed his gaze out to the forest. Taking a step towards the forest she asked "where'd you want to go?" as she looked over her shoulder slightly. Her blue eyes were bright and inviting, her smile genuine and verging on a little bit flirty "I was thinking about going for a run around the further reaches of the territory to see whats new... what'd you think?"

Zulik LV pup

He sat up straight like his sister but was several inches taller so looked down slightly to agree with Kiyi, "yeh that's a good plan" he whispered back. Now his attention was captured by his father, the pup began thinking of the qualities a good alpha possesses. He might look very similar to his father but he had a huge amount to learn about the forest before thoughts of leadership. However, one day he would stand in his fathers paw-steps with a more open mind and become an alpha to be reckoned with.

Cana LV queen

Her yellow orbs looked down at the ground hiding a smile at Shazda's comment, "they need to learn some manners!" she whispered back, "they are so ready to start training... I've startedthinking about who would suit them as mentors". With that she looked up at Shazda to see her reaction and gauge whether she would want to be a mentor.

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#90271 Posted on 2017-01-31 15:30:37

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen nodded respectively to Java as she came in the cave, she stepped back away from Nyx and the pups letting the alpha see the pups better. She could tell that Nyx was proud to show off the newly born to Java, she smiled as she saw on the females suck on Java's paw.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus let out a small whine as he was moved again, he began to craw around a new smell filling his nose. He made his way toward it, sniffing at the alphas paw. He crawled on to of it, his back end hanging off of it.

Mako (Little valley)

Mako flicked his ears toward the pups, he looked over toward them. He hadn't much paid any attention to them since the alpha called them over. but now they had his full attention. He knew they where the alphas pups, so he couldn't really get on to them for interrupting the meeting. He glared at them, before looking back at Ahkan and waiting for him to speak.

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#90277 Posted on 2017-01-31 15:50:38

Ahkan, LV Alpha

Seeing that he had the whole pack's attention, he sat down, ears and tail erect and alert as he watched everyone settle down. He was about to begib speaking when he heard his pups' voices. He shot them an angry glare briefly, before turning back to the pack.
"The time has come where we can no longer go on without a beta. It has been a hard decision. But i have finally come to a decision." He stopped, not for the dramatic effect, but to be sure they were ready for the news.
"The new beta, is Mako!" He called out, pride in his voice as his gaze rested on the male wolf he had just named.

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