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Valentine's Event!
You may have noticed some hearts and shards around the site, cause it's time to spread some love on Equiverse with the Valentines event! For this special event we have a currency known as Ruby Hearts, which can be crafted from the Ruby Shards you will find both in random events around the site, as well as in Leisure Riding. Saddle up those pixel ponies!

Each Ruby Heart is composed from five Ruby Shards - you can convert your shards into hearts on the Event page. Once you have enough Ruby Hearts accumulated you will be able to make purchases from the event shop, which is already available to you. :)

If you were here for the event previously, any Ruby Shards left on your account will be credited to you, so you can start using them to create Ruby Hearts right away!

Now go out there and collect those shards! :)

Along with shard collecting and the event shop, LoveHearts are back! LoveHearts are a cute little heart candy image that have a message, and you can give them freely to any member by visiting their home page. The only limit is that you can only give one to any given member, so be sure to choose the message you want! Collecting and sending them has no benefit, but they're a fun way to express your love and appreciation for fellow players.

Which message are you going to send most? :)

This event will end on the 15th February at 11:59pm game time, event shop included, so be sure to spend your Ruby Hearts before then! If you forget, any remaining event currency will stay credited to your account as in previous years, so you'll be able to spend it later too.

Posted by

Abbey 🌸 (#1)

Posted on
2025-02-01 00:01:01

Snowball Fight!!
Snowball Fight!!
Our December Snowball Fight event is back! Starting the 15th and running through the 31st, join your team and lob snowballs at opposing members for a place on top of the leaderboard! Collect snow you will find randomly around the site and add to your pile of available snowballs! Teams - red, green, or blue - are assigned randomly, so don't forget to check who your new allies are!

You can only have maximum ten snowballs on hand at any time, so you won't be able to collect further snowballs until you throw some. Keep your count below 10 to keep finding more!

Throughout the event you will see a message randomly popping up at the top of the page, indicating that you have found a pile of snow. By clicking the button that is displayed, you can create your very own snowball to add to your arsenal. You can see your current status as relates to snowballs collected, thrown, and more in the sidebar, beneath your team banner, whose color indicates your team.

You will also run across Crystallized Snowflakes in this event! This currency can be found at random and can be used at the event shop, which will unlock once we've reached the goal for snowballs thrown. You can find on the Event page either by clicking the Snowball Fight link in the sidebar, under your current stats, or in the dropdown under News. The shop requires snowball throws to open, so get out there and start collecting snow! Some fun winter-themed items await you in the shop, and maybe even something new too!

Please note, if you're a deluxe member with a full layout page, you can add [snowballbox] to your page to display the box beneath your layout (it may be covered up otherwise) so that members will be able to throw snowballs at you! :)

Happy battling!

The event starts on the 15th and will run until midnight EV server time on the 31st. Any leftover Crystallized Snowflakes you haven't spent by the end of the event will remain credited to your account, so they will be around for you next year.

Posted by

Abbey 🌸 (#1)

Posted on
2024-12-15 00:01:01

Fall Leaves
Fall Leaves
The Fall Leaves event is back! As you move around the site you will discover Pristine Leaves, which are the special currency for this event! When you see the notice pop up at the top of the site, be sure to click the button to collect your leaf!

It won't automatically be collected for you, so be sure to pick it up. :)

Also, every so often when you visit a player's page you will see a prompt to help clean up their yard by sweeping up all of the fallen leaves. In doing so, you may discover 2-4 additional Pristine Leaves as a reward for your good work!

The event shop is available throughout the event, so feel free to purchase items whenever you like!

The event page where Fall Leaves is listed can be found by hovering over News, just under Polls in the dropdown menu. Go forth and collect some leaves!

The event will end at 11:59pm site time on November 30th, so be sure to spend all the leaves you wish to by then! Any Pristine Leaves left in your account will remain available for next year.

Posted by

Abbey 🌸 (#1)

Posted on
2024-11-17 00:01:02


Halloween Event!
Get spooky, the new Halloween Event has returned! You can get to the Event from the dropdown menu under the news!

We have Halloween NPC for this event: the Headless Horseman, who may require your assistance and give you tasks or request items in exchange for rewards! He will even give you a very special quest to venture on (if you dare).

Pumpkin Seeds - these magical seeds are a currency, and are exclusive to the event. You can find them throughout both the site itself and in leisure riding, so be sure to explore both!

For added atmosphere leisure riding features ghastly versions of the existing riding location backgrounds, along with new spooky explore encounters, and a chance to happen upon carve-able pumpkins!

Carving a pumpkin will result in a random design, with four possible looks - these carved pumpkins are collectible so you can add them to your display cabinet if you wish! With luck, you may find some other unexpected collectibles on your ventures too, if you keep an eye out! Keep riding to see what you'll find. :)

The Halloween event shop features spooky decors and items that are exclusive to this event! The event shop is the place to purchase items using the Pumpkin Seeds you will collect from around the site and through Leisure Riding.

This event will run the 15th through the 31st and end at midnight Equiverse server time on the 31st. Any event currency you have left over after the event has ended will remain in your account and will be usable next year.

Posted by

Abbey 🌸 (#1)

Posted on
2024-10-15 00:01:01

Summer Stargazing
Summer Stargazing
The Summer Stargazing event is back! If you are new to the event, it features a character named after the constellation Pegasus, a findable item (Stardust), and a unique event currency called Stars.

Pegasus will request your help in collecting Stardust, and will trade you 2-4 Stars in exchange for a given number of Stardusts you have collected. You can find Stardust exclusively in Leisure Riding encounters, and not anywhere else on the site, so saddle up your horses!

Head on over to the Event page, under the News dropdown or linked in the sidebar, to visit Pegasus.

Leisure Riding locations will display the backgrounds for this event, in place of their routine art, but will still display their usual encounter text. This means you will still see beach encounter events when you choose the beach locale, but you’ll see a different event-only background in place of the beach.

The event shop is scheduled to open on August 7th, and will have a variety of items that you can purchase using the Stars you get from exchanging Stardusts with Pegasus.

The event will run until midnight (EV Time) on the 15th, so be sure to make your event shop purchases before then. Any event currency you have left over after the event has ended will remain in your account and will be usable next year. :)

Posted by

Abbey 🌸 (#1)

Posted on
2024-08-01 00:01:01