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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268966 Posted on 2023-05-08 18:00:45

     Solstice looked at Grey Cloud, "If Eclipsetess found Azulia and Cronsi, she wouldn't leave them. She wouldn't leave anyone. Especially not me. Heck she risked her hide to look for me in that fire..which that was another mistake I made.." Solstice mumbled, "Eclipsetess should be the first to foal, but we all know how she is. She won't let anything stop her..Minette either." she said trying to be hopeful.

     Namir had finally walked over. He was just worried about Eclipsetess and always, but it clearly showed on his face. Solstice looked at him, and just nuzzled him. "They'll find their way back. We both know it." she said. Namir didn't say anything. There was no reason for it. His expressions showed it all. Solstice knew her brother probably better than anyone else, and she just rested her head on his back trying to comfort him.

     Nysa watched her mother and her uncle before she looked in the direction Minette had run in. Eventually she looked at Grey Cloud, "I'll do my best.." she said as she looked off in the direction Minette went. She seemed to be distracted, but she was just worried. Maybe even thinking if this was part of what Asher was talking about. Nothing he said had made sense that's for sure. Orion just nibbled her mane to keep her focused knowing she was distracted.

     Though Nysa then heard a firework. Seemed to be a little far, but she picked it up. Nysa looked at Grey Cloud before she focused. She paid attention to the sound she heard, and did her best to replicate it. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do. Solstice flew up above the herd trying to see if she could see anything from above, but she could hardly see a thing. Either way she hovered there while Nysa replicated what she heard whenever she did hear something.

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#268967 Posted on 2023-05-08 18:19:39

Grey Cloud looked back into the forest as she quickly backed up as a lone firework found its way through the forest, but exploded near the herd, waking Scorn as he began checking on everyone immediately, Grey Cloud just looked back at the forest as nothing seemed to approach Grey Cloud's eyesight, which was worrying actually..

"Hm... I hate this utter silence.." Grey Cloud admitted to everyone, she didn't like perfect silence and it bugged her alot now, Scorn sighed as he examined the mark where the firework exploded, which was a good idea if anything was gonna come out of it. That way if something did come out of the mark of where the firework exploded, the everyone could be shuffled off into the brush, but nothing happened.

Grey Cloud then went back to examining the forest trail that she watched everyone go and come from, but then she suddenly backed up as large and loud footsteps echoed out into the meadow that was Scorn's, Mesa's, and Buckwheat's herds.

Then a large blacked out wolf emitted from the shadows of the forest, and Grey Cloud looked up as she watched Eclipsetess, Azulia, Cronsi, and even Minette dangle from the creature's mouth, Grey Cloud noticed that Eclipsetess was dazed out as Cronsi was trying to ajust himself.

"Typical Cronsi.." Grey Cloud sighed, then the big blacked out wolf slowly and gently put Eclipsetess, Cronsi, Azulia and Minette onto the ground, Grey Cloud just went up to the creature since he didn't attack Grey Cloud. And it seemed friendly enough to be gentle with horses all around.

"What are you..? A mold of a wolf? Or something else that's hidden..?" Grey Cloud asked the creature, the "wolf" brought up it's head next to Grey Cloud's smaller head, then it opened up its three eyes at her, three yellow eyes followe with slits to accompany and contrast the yellow eyes.

"Oh.." Grey Cloud backed up as she couldn't have finished her sentence or whatever she was gonna speak, then the "wolf" sat up and seemed to be looking down at everyone before focusing back on Grey Cloud, for whatever reason that Scorn nor Grey Cloud to answer.

"I am a titan. I disguise myself amongst the creatures that live here. Very few of us left, even some smaller titans are more found commonly without the Isles. We are either born one creature or was reborn into many creatures, we can born a wolf but humongus without knowing that we are a titan." the titan wolf-like creature spoke, it had a male voice, deep and persisent that seemed to be soft and let the softness shine with each carefulness to the words.

"So.. What's your full name? Your name can't just be titan.. Right..?" Grey Cloud asked, she was distraught of what had just happened, one minute she asked a question the next she's distraught that a titan could talk and be so nice to a horse at that.

"Our full name is Titanick OR Titaniusnick. Either way works best." the titan told Grey Cloud, he was very nice besides having six eyes and feeling like a deep ocean creature rather then being a land mammal at that, but either way, the titan layed down on the ground and seemed to be not interested in how a horse works, that's sweet.

But Grey Cloud walked away as Scorn met her and checked up on her after he checked on the others, Minette was fine as Eclipsetess seemed to have brought out her old dolls she'd used to make for everyone, or well close to it since it was just a hobby that didn't needed to be added but had been for depth.

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#268991 Posted on 2023-05-09 06:12:01

     Nysa carefully listened to the fireworks Eclipsetess shot off. Whenever she heard one, Nysa replicated the sound. At first she didn't do too well, but each time she did it the better she got. At least until she heard one not too far off from the herd. Just in case, Nysa replicated it before she stopped. She didn't hear anymore and she just looked at Grey Cloud worriedly. Solstice wasn't seeing anything, but she thought she saw something moving in the shadows made from the trees.

     Solstice did land next to Nysa when she got the feeling something was coming. She was just getting protective of her daughter. Nysa just stood there as she looked at her mother nervously. That was when a large wolf-like creature emerged from the trees. They all saw the four in its mouth as it seemed Eclipsetess was dazed. Solstice pinned her ears getting a bit defensive, but then the creature gently put them all on the ground which she thought was odd, but she calmed herself.

     Nysa wanted to run over to them wanting to make sure they were all okay, but Solstice held her back for the time being as Grey Cloud spoke with the odd wolf. He was larger than the alpha that was for sure. Though Nysa was too focused on Eclipsetess and the others to even listen to the conversation. Once she could, Nysa just ran over and made sure the four of them were alright.

     Though she looked at Minette, "I thought I was going to lose you a second time. I can't lose you. Not again. I don't want to lose anyone else." she said before nuzzling her. Nysa was still pretty close with Minette. Really close. Nysa just didn't want anything else to happen to Minette. She didn't want her putting herself in harms way even if it was for her, but also because of the foal she was now expecting..

     Namir then ran over once Scorn and Nysa did making sure they were alright before he relaxed and nuzzled Eclipsetess. Solstice just walked over to thank the titan. "Now we can all relax." she said with a small smile as she looked at the herds. Nysa seemed to like that. Though Solstice just laid down as she looked at Nysa and Minette, "You two remind me of myself and Eclipsetess. Like mother like daughter I suppose."

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#268994 Posted on 2023-05-09 07:28:42

Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir back, she may have been getting out of being dazed, but she was still dazed enough to just let her body relax before anything else, guess Eclipsetess can't handle being upside down like that. Anyways Minette giggled and stopped herself short before she nuzzled Nysa..

Though Minette looked around as she took a deep breath or two, Eclipsetess then neighed since she got out of being dazed for awhile, she always recovers fast even though she's doing something else to protect everyone from harm's way, but now they have a bigger ally. A much bigger and protective ally to the herds and the Isle itself. Like a big present from the Isle itself.

Even though its Nature most of the time, or all the time I should say, anyways.. The titan was just chilling and relaxing, listening to the horses that he has now begin to protect, even though the horses could protect themselves, they had a big ally to help them in deep grave danger..

But for the rest of day was just relaxing and taking it slow even more, well not a lot slower or else no one would progress through the day like normal, but enough to be less aware of surroundings since the forest seemed much calmer now. Or rather Nature making sure that every critter was okay.

But a few critters darted here and there, some that were attacked by a strange thing were also hustling and bustling about the Isle, they were happy and alive and had very much on their little paws or claws, or something else entirely. But enough to be respecting the titan that was there..

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#269002 Posted on 2023-05-09 11:40:54

     Namir just stayed with Eclipsetess for the time being while Nysa was with Minette. Solstice had just laid down to rest next to everyone. It didn't seem like she had as much energy as she normally did. Though it was probably just being turned to stone that still had a small effect on her, but maybe also because she wasn't turned to stone in an instant like everyone else. Sometimes Solstice still felt the feeling, but it would hopefully go away in a day or two.

     Couldn't have been the foal since it hadn't been long. Either way Solstice just rested even curling up a little. She was relaxed. Especially now that they all seemed to have quite the protector. Everything was quiet and peaceful, and Solstice seemed to enjoy it. Well who wouldn't? Well Namir was sometimes suspicious when it was quiet and peaceful, but only when it was like that for a odd amount of time.

     Though Nysa ended up rolling around in the lush green grass as she was enjoying herself now that there really was nothing to worry about. Everything was almost back to normal. To how they were before, but not entirely. Though once she got back up, Nysa looked around as she spotted Apollo as a grin formed on her face. Nysa just flew up a little bit off the ground as she snuck up on him and nipped his hindquarters before she quickly turned away before he could get her.

     Apollo was just minding his own business when Nysa nipped him. He snorted as he quickly looked at her knowing who the culprit was. "Nysa!" he hollered a bit as he flew after her. Nysa only looked back at him and giggled as he tried catching up to her. Though Nysa just landed and started galloping towards Esmeray as she nipped his hind as well. Just in a playful way. She still had a young spirit. 

     "Try to catch me!" she teased looking at the two before she went back to running. Apollo just came to a stop by Esmeray giving him a small look before he went back to chasing Nysa. Solstice looked up and just smiled as she watched them. It was a good thing to see Nysa running around playing like she liked to. She still managed to be herself. Though Solstice started to think about the foal she was expecting. Wondering what they would be like or even look like, but she knew she wasn't going to make the same mistake and lie about her past. Well she would have to until her foal was old enough.

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#269006 Posted on 2023-05-09 15:35:13

Esmeray was minding his business when he was about to graze a little, until he felt a little nip on his hind quarter, which made him look to who did it. And it was Nysa, shortly after Apollo looked at Esmeray before going back to chasing Nysa, Esmeray just minded his own business before chasing after Nysa.. Like what Apollo was doing!!

Though Esmeray was running for more then what everyone was doing, so he was extremely faster with running from his nightmares- fears and even running for awhile to stop dead and be stoned at the Island, so Esmeray was really- incredibly fast from running much more then what Nysa went through or the herd-

Exaggeration might be the key, but he did keep getting ahead of everyone so exaggeration is not the key for his speed, but anyways, Esmeray went passed Nysa before slowing down and stumbling into a bush, but he did have a little trouble getting out but Minette was curious as to why Esmeray was in a bush..

"Does chasing a young mare and getting yourself in a bush count for anything..?" Esmeray asked, though he got up as Minette went eye-wide and backed up of fear from Esmeray. Which Azulia felt Minette's fear or well nervousness and looked at her, and Azulia was grazing next to Eclipsetess so Eclipsetess looked up at what was happening.

"What..?" Esmeray asked, he only had his head turn to look at selected horses to see at what was happening, but Esmeray didn't know what he did to remind everyone.. That he never knew until Eclipsetess smiled and giggled at Esmeray, then Eclipsetess brought up Nature.

"Wow! Didn't know you could look like her son- if she had one that is..!!" Eclipsetess chuckled lightly, Azulia then fell because she was laughing hard at what she was looking at, Esmeray was just dumbfounded, though Minette giggled at him since he was so foolish sometimes.

But Esmeray's back was facing everyone, but he had his head turned enough to see Minette, Azulia, Eclipsetess, and a selected few horses out of his right side of his eye. But Esmeray had a flower on his head, some vines wrapped around his body and even close to his neck. Esmeray was still in the bush but the forest in front of Esmeray's chest served contrast as the forest was in the front end of Esmeray while the herd had his head and the other end..

Scorn was around and approved Esmeray to have Nature adopt him as her son, since the vines seemed to like him better then Darling and that he was sweet but Esmeray got flustered and blushed before trying to deny that he could look like a colt that Nature never had.

"No no no! Not happening! Never!" Esmeray denied it, but it was too late as Nature asked him why he couldn't be an adopted colt that she never had, she already had a filly, and Trickster wouldn't since they have Moonlight. But she wouldn't mind either as she would love Esmeray to be closer to something he could work on getting better at.

"No.. Nature.. I wouldn't be at my skills if it weren't for anyone here, I'm certainly not cut out to be like my bigger sister. Nor have the time unlike Nysa does, Nysa deserves this moment. Not me. Nysa is the more interesting mare of our group, while serving a beautiful purpose next to me." Esmeray told Nature, he was nice and sweet while also being gentle and adoring with his words, and that he wants Nysa to have this moment instead of Esmeray. He always never wanted something that he could have, instead; he lets everyone else take what he doesn't want.

"Well then.. Would Nysa mind if she becomes my adopted daughter? She'll be extremely swell at three diferent types of magic; Eclipsetess's fireworks, Orion's and Solstice's magic, and figuring out her own. She definately deserves this offer, your always right when it comes to offers, even proving the point as well." Nature told Esmeray, then she went up to Nysa and offered her to be her adopted daughter, which was very sweet of Esmeray to give away his offer to someone else who would be better at it.

"And it was Esmeray's idea as well!! He wanted you to have the offer instead of him, which is very sweet of him to do that, even making a point that you have a beautiful position next to him in the group." Nature added on, she made sure that Nysa knew that it was Esmeray's idea, but the stallion then got out of the bush and went back to grazing as he probably wasn't wanted since that Nysa would be busy with everything after that.

But Esmeray did smile happily for Nysa, even though it was his idea but he wanted to make sure that she always had the spotlight for an offer or something, making sure that it was her and not Esmeray, though the stallion was thinking and may have shed a tear or two which got Azulia to graze with him, he wasn't alone and will stay accompanied to keep him happy.

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#269007 Posted on 2023-05-09 18:08:14

     Nysa just looked back at the two as she giggled like she was still a filly with how she acted sometimes, but she was maturing..slowly. Either way she was enjoying herself. Even if she got on Apollo's and Esmeray's nerves. Solstice just chuckled as she watched the three, "Oh what it's like to be young." she said chuckling to herself. Though it was a good sign to see Nysa running around and playing like she normally did.

    Apollo just looked at Esmeray as they were now both chasing after her. "Get back here!" he said yelling a bit as he just ran after her using his wings to help. Nysa just looked back at the two giggling even more. Though Apollo realized Esmeray was running a lot quicker than him and Nysa. She eventually noticed as Esmeray had passed her, but still kept going. Nysa just slid to a stop using her wings to help so that she didn't run into Esmeray when he ran into the bush.

     Apollo then slowed down and stood next to Nysa as they looked at what Esmeray had gotten himself into. Nysa couldn't help but laugh and giggle as Apollo joined in a little too. Though it wasn't in a rude way. "You do kind of look like her with those vines and that flower." she giggled, "You ran right into that one though..literally." she said as she looked at Minette, Azulia, and the others.

     Nysa then looked over at Scorn before she looked at Nature as she appeared. She always did when her name was said it seemed like. Though she found it a bit odd when Nature tried asking to adopt him. Maybe she just didn't understand because she was still young. "He has parents...why would he need adopting?" she asked confused about what was going on now.

     She was even more confused when she heard what Nysa was starting to say about her. Though she looked down seeming to blush a bit, but she tried hiding it. Either way she was still confused about what was now going on as she looked at Esmeray and Nature again. She was completely confused. Mainly because she was a bit young to be understanding what was going on or even what they were offering. "But I already help you with the animals and critters while learning to heal and care for them." she said unsure of what to really say.

     "I've been learning magic from my mom.." she said as it was clear that she wasn't understanding things. Though Nysa looked over at Esmeray as he left. She could tell he was a bit upset as her ears lowered. Solstice ended up getting up and walking over as she got curious about what they were up to when she spotted Nature. As she walked over though, Esmeray was leaving seeming a bit saddened. Solstice then looked at the small group asking what was going on.

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#269008 Posted on 2023-05-09 18:57:18

"Ah just a goofy question really.. Nothing too important, though I guess that offer had gotten to Esmeray.. Nysa why not ask him what's wrong? He might listen to you more then anyone really." Nature told Solstice first before telling- or well gently telling Nysa to ask what was wrong with Esmeray, the stallion was upset and that everyone could tell- they all could tell from time to time.

Though Nature did take a look at the flower that was on Esmeray's head for a little while, or well the flower got off when Esmeray got out, mostly common, but the flower on Nature's head seemed to be like the exact same copy of the flower that was on Esmeray's head.

"Strange.." Nature whispered to herself, then she picked it up gently and had set it on her back for the time being while everything else was going on, or well nothing was going on except for Esmeray and everyone being confused on why he was upset.

But even if Esmeray wanted to talk, he looked at everyone before walking away and sighing to himself, he then stopped as he found a good grazing spot that was away from everyone but had little mutters and murmurs echo from time to time. But Esmeray didn't care for right now.

Or at least the time being really, can't blame a stallion that wants a little bit of peace here and there in a herd, but everyone did go back to what they were doing since it seemed like a lost cause trying to ask Esmeray something that he'll want to avoid anyways.

Esmeray just watched everyone before he trotted somewhere else for peace, but the titan did perk up once he felt- or well heard that Esmeray was trotting near the forest, so the titan got up and walked around in the forest, then he got to Esmeray and nudged him near the herd more instead of the forest.

Esmeray just snorted before walking back to the herd, his tail flicking mostly everywhere as Esmeray wanted to find some peace, but not to where he'd might likely get lost in, then the titan walked back to his spot or post and began napping some more.

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#269013 Posted on 2023-05-10 05:10:22

     Nysa looked at her mother as she came over before she looked at Nature then at Esmeray. "I'll try.." she said as she slowly turned around and started walking over to him, but she stopped a bit of a distance from him. "He doesn't look like he wants to talk..." she said looking back at the others before she looked back at Esmeray. He made it very clear that he wanted to be left alone.

      Even tried going to the forest, but the titan just directed him back to the herd. Nysa was hesitant to go over to him, but she slowly walked over to him. "I know you don't want to talk, but I'm not just going to let you be like this. You didn't let me stay away and be quiet. You made me talk even if I didn't want to, but I'm glad you did." she said trying to think of something as she spoke.

      Though Nysa just nuzzled his shoulder softly showing she cared..a lot perhaps. "Tell me what's wrong. Is it something I did?" she asked somewhat regretting getting him involved in the little chase. Nysa just didn't want to see him like that. Especially since they were home again with their family and friends. She just wanted to know what had put him down. Was it because of her? Nysa was a bit nervous if it was her.

     Apollo just watched Nysa go over to Esmeray before he went to graze a bit with some of the other herd members. Moon was just walking around a bit as Isis was with her which she normally was. That or with her brother Khepri. He had seemed to make up for the pain he caused, but he never really did much with the herds. Just kept to himself mainly. Like he thought they still blamed him for what he did following Skadi.

     Sometimes Khepri wondered what had come of that nasty mare, but he didn't care overall. Wherever she was, it didn't matter. She didn't care about anything or anyone. At least that he and everyone else knew of. Though Isis was still the same since she joined the herd. She was caring and kind, but her shyness was still there. Solstice used to be as shy as Isis was well still is, but she wasn't that shy anymore.

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#269014 Posted on 2023-05-10 05:31:06

"No its not you Nysa, it'd never be you. Why would I pin you for being upset? That makes no sense at all.." Esmeray told Nysa, he nuzzled her back before grooming her mane, Esmeray liked to groom herdmates, it kept him calmer in most situations. But it also allowed him to be close to those he cared for, like Nysa.

"I'm not overally upset, but I'm just happy for you, and I'm just being a stubborn colt like I used to be sometimes. Like you when your just having fun while growing up, we all have different things that we're still stuck with, my stubborn atitude that gets me to be upset, your silly and fun nature- I'm happy when your just having fun. It gets me to be happy knowing your just having fun." Esmeray told Nysa again, he made sure that Nysa knew that he'd never ever be upset at Nysa, he was never upset at her or anyone. It was just his little stubborn atitude that always got him going with being upset, but he'd never be mad at anyone, whether it was direct or not.

"Now, why don't we start playing that little chase we were having?" Esmeray said, he nipped Nysa gently before trotting off and soon running, he wanted to see how Nysa would handle him since he's mainly faster but he'd trot for her if she couldn't keep up with running next or behind him.

Eclipsetess was rolling around in the grass carefully, Minette was just grazing with Raven before spotting her mother rolling around, that's when it seemed like to Minette that Eclipsetess had a large stomach, probably from eating too much grass again. But Minette trotted up to her mother and carefully watched her as Eclipsetess got up when she got done rolling in the grass.

"Careful mom, I know you had the foal the longest, but you still gotta be careful.." Minette told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess just nuzzled Minette before nipping her and trotting off, Minette just got a little mad before trotting off to try and nip her mother- very very gently since Minette didn't want to over do it.

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#269020 Posted on 2023-05-10 07:04:31

     Nysa just looked down slightly, "I don't know.." she said before she looked up at him, "Guess I just thought it was something I said or did since you tried leaving the herd.." she said mumbling a small bit. Though she liked when he groomed her side and her mane a bit as she had done the same in return. She seemed to enjoy being with Esmeray a bit more then she did before everything.

     Though she smiled a bit hearing what he said. "You're not stubborn..well okay maybe you are a little stubborn, but not as stubborn your saying you are." she said disagreeing with him a bit, "but you don't always make the smartest choices." she said still unhappy that he went after Asher by himself when he knew he couldn't defeat him, but even she couldn't be mad at him long.

     She messed with his mane a little before he nipped her playfully and started trotting away. Nysa just grinned as she went after him. Nysa was a good runner, maybe not as fast as Esmeray, but she was always running around. Though she was still getting used to her new wings as she forgot about them every once in awhile. Nysa did chase after him though determined to catch up with him.

     Solstice walked over to Orion as he had his nose in a usual. Though she just nuzzled him and groomed him a bit before she laid down next to him. Solstice then got comfortable next to him before she looked at the herd seeing Esmeray and Nysa having fun together. "Seems like those two have gotten closer these past several days." she said as she watched the two, but she had a smile on her face happy to see her daughter be her normal self despite everything.

     Orion looked up when Solstice had walked over and nuzzled her in return before she had laid down next to him. He then put the book down and closed it being sure there was a bookmark so he knew where he left off. Orion then looked over at Esmeray and Nysa, "She normally hangs out with Minette or is helping Nature while working on her magic. She's done none of those things since everything." he said even though it wasn't a bad thing and he knew that.

     Solstice just looked at him nipping him gently, "Give her a break. She went through a lot all of them did.." she said before she went back to watching the two. "I'm just glad she's still her normal self..well mainly. I don't know what I'd do if I'd have to see her struggle the way I do..she doesn't deserve that." she said before she rested her head on Orion's back like she always did. 

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#269033 Posted on 2023-05-10 15:58:34

"Hehehahah! Slow poke!" Esmeray joked, he did suddenly burst into speed before turning around and nuzzling Nysa, he didn't want to leave her in the dust, and certainly not by herself, though he did trot around Nysa before officially stopping and nuzzling her.

"I don't know why, but I like your company more then anyone.. I just enjoy your company.." Esmeray told Nysa, he was uncertain at first but he then decided to say the rest and kept nuzzling Nysa, he just adored her more then anyone really and that he knew how to show it.

Though Esmeray looked at the sky before looking down back at Nysa, he then thought of something tried hiding it, but he knew that Nysa would get suspicious and ask what Esmeray was gonna do, so he was gonna expect her asking him what he was planning..

"I'm gonna get Smoke and come back, unless you wanna come withe me? I don't see why not to follow me!" Esmeray told and asked Nysa, he was sweet to ask her before she thought of anything before hand, until Esmeray's mind came to the idea that he wanted Nysa to have fun in the sky and play with Smoke in the sky.

"Perfect training requires fun, wouldn't you agree my little star?" Esmeray teased Nysa, he usually saw Eclipsetess do that to Namir, and sometimes other horses as well.. But he just mainly teased and laughed at his little nickname for Nysa, but it did make sense to call Nysa a little star.

"It quite makes perfect sense to call you little star, mostly because your mother has stars and so do you, so its adorable with your little stars everywhere! And that its just still adorable to me." Esmeray told Nysa, it did make sense to call her little star after her little stars that dotted her blue markings, which is just a nice nickname to have over all, whether or not Nysa wanted a nickname like that.

"Anyways come on, my adoring amigo, we best be off to see what's up with Smoke! And see if you wanna have fun with her too.." Esmeray said, he mainly looked at Nysa when he told her that part, he actually didn't keep his plan in secret- which is unusual but it was for Nysa to know if she wanted to try flying some more and getting used to them quite a lot more from the previous time.

"Though I guess I do envy having some horses having wings, but its mainly my opinion, so it wouldn't matter overall. But its not my fault if I wasn't born with wings- I can have a lot of more fun in differents ways!! Life is unexpecting at times, but its more surprising with friends!! Ain't that right my sweet Nysa?" Esmeray teased Nysa again, this time he asked her- sorta a normal question, but he didn't have to add "my sweet" into his sentence, but that's how he wanted to ask her since he was mainly asking her questions.

"Oh and don't worry if you don't want to answer my questions, you don't have too, I was mainly calling you nicknames in between asking you, so it makes sense to stay quiet.. I am pretty weird with saying "my sweet" for something. Sorry if I sounded like a creep at the end of my last question, I didn't mean it." Esmeray told Nysa again, this time he told her if she didn't want to answer his questions, he was right to say that he was pretty weird with telling Nysa that he sounded weird when he teased her with 'my sweet'. But he knew Nysa would disagree or agree with one or the other, so it didn't matter much to tell her that.

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#269034 Posted on 2023-05-10 17:45:00

     Nysa just rolled her eyes a bit, "I could go faster if I wanted to." she said, "I'm not slow. Just ran a lot more then I normally do." she said as she slowed down as Esmeray seemed to do the same. Though she knew he was just messing around with her. Once he did eventually come to a stop, he had nuzzled her a couple of times, and Nysa nuzzled him back. She had been spending most of her time with Esmeray then anyone else really. Not even her parents. Well she did sleep with them that night at least.

     Though she looked down a bit as she smiled maybe even blushing when she heard what Esmeray had said, but who knew? "Same.." she said unsure of what to really think or say when she heard what he said. Even if she was still a bit mad about him going after Asher alone. Somehow it didn't seem to matter much. She was confused herself on why she seemed to enjoy hanging out with him so much. The two of them used to really never spend time together.

     Nysa did get curious when it seemed like he got one of his little ideas. She still got curious about a lot of things. Just the fact that she was still young. Well she was probably about Solstice's age when she joined the herd, but Solstice had indeed given Nysa the foalhood she never had when she was a filly. That was probably why Nysa still seemed to act like a filly when she wasn't one anymore. Which wasn't a bad thing. It was actually a really good thing.

     Before Nysa could ask what his idea was, Esmeray seemed to say something. "Sure I'll go. Not like any of us are doing much. Most of the herd is just resting." she said seeming to be a bit bored, but sometimes she was just bored for no reason. She had forgotten about her wings for a bit though as she looked at them even spreading them out slightly before bringing them back to her sides, "Forgot about these.." she admitted to herself even though she said it out loud.

     Though Nysa focused back on Esmeray when she heard what he called her. No one ever called her something like that before. It took her off guard for a moment, but in a good way. She smiled seeming to blush as she looked down not wanting him to see it, "Yeah...I guess you are right, but my coat is a bit..odd." she said, "I've never seen another horse with a coat like mine..I only have my mother's moons just in white and I guess my father's white markings.." she said. Other then that..the rest was a mystery.

     Nysa did nod ready to go find Smoke as Esmeray had given her yet another nickname. She was confused with the sudden nicknames, but she was also young. She didn't really understand love. Well she understood love from family like her parents, Minette, and her aunt and uncle, but not love from someone else. Almost like she didn't understand that Esmeray probably thought about her more then just a friend.

     Nysa did nip him a bit though, "I wasn't born with wings either. I still don't know how I even have wings now. I know I couldn't have gotten that spell wrong.." she said starting to talk to herself out loud. Though maybe she had them the entire time? Maybe they just needed to be activated in some way? Who knows. Well no one did at that time, but maybe they would in the future.

     Though Nysa did nod as an answer to Esmeray's question. "You're no creep Esmeray." she said nibbling his mane as she pulled on it a bit playfully, "Are we going to find Smoke or what?" she said nudging him, "We can't find her if we keep on standing here and talking." she said proving a point. Either way she was enjoying herself. Mainly she was just happy that she was back home with her friends and family.

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#269041 Posted on 2023-05-11 05:26:42

"Gah! Alright alright.. Let's go.. No more nips please.." Esmeray gasped at the end, he seemed to have sucked in some air when talking to Nysa at the end, but he just sighed and let it out and then began walking. He did enjoy the silence of the herd for a little while.

Though he did get surprised from every now and then when some horses were waking up, but he did manage to control himself before he would accidentally rear at someone, but he also controlled his jumpiness around the herd as well, so no one would have to worry about him.

"I think I see her!" Esmeray said, he spotted Smoke reading while also walking with her wings to her side, he was still amazed that wings can be very different and differ from each other, but all in all, he was just very happy to see her awake as well.

"Come on Nysa! Or well however you want to walk or get to her faster.. I'll do what you want." Esmeray said, he was about to run but he stopped himself and wanted to let Nysa take the reins, they both do have a group to lead after all, so it'll be good for Nysa to take the lead when Esmeray wanted to go her speed and how she liked it, which is very good from a well-mannered and caring stallion for Nysa.

But Smoke did look up from her book and stopped walking once she heard Esmeray squeal in the distance out of pure happiness, she just waited and layed down for him and Nysa to get to her, she wasn't far actually and she seemed to have been mastering spells a lot if she had her book with her now.

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#269060 Posted on 2023-05-11 14:31:53

     Nysa just nudged him again, "I haven't even nipped you, but now that you say it I will," she said as she playfully nipped his hind. "You asked for that one." she said messing with him a bit. She flapped her wings a bit since she did seem to have some energy as she followed Esmeray. Everyone still seemed to be sleeping or at least resting, so Nysa remained quiet so she didn't wake or disturb anyone.

     Nysa did perk up a bit when Esmeray said he found Smoke. She just giggled a bit to herself as she looked at him and trotted forward, "Goofball." she teased as she looked at him before she looked at Smoke as they approached her, "I think someone wants us to work on our flying." she said as she looked at Esmeray messing with him. "Getting a bit excited about it."

     Solstice had ended up falling asleep with her head on Orion's back as he went back to reading his book. Occasionally Solstice moved around in her sleep, but that was normal for her. Very normal. Though Orion was used to it and didn't mind. Sometimes he looked up from his book to look at the herd, but most of everyone was sleeping or resting. He did notice Nysa and Esmeray seem to go over to Smoke as it looked like they were excited about something, but he just dismissed it.

     They were young still even Esmeray, so he figured they were just goofing off while having a good time. Orion didn't watch them for long since they were pretty much grown up well Smoke was pretty much a mare by the time Nysa was born, but Orion just went back to his book. Though he did end up looking at Solstice as she slept. Been awhile since she slept during the day, but seemed like she needed it.

     Orion seemed to think about the foal Solstice was expecting. He seemed to be a bit worried because of what had happened last time and because she seemed to have a hard time, but Orion didn't want to make the same mistakes he had made. He didn't want to upset her like he had before. Though Orion closed his book once more as he nuzzled Solstice softly being sure not to wake her as he groomed her gently. Solstice seemed to smile a bit in her sleep as he did so.

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