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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268896 Posted on 2023-05-05 10:54:53

"You know us mares are ever so excited, and that your looking out for appearently six; three of us, and the foals, I'm just wondering if I have a colt or a filly, and Minette will be ever so surprised as well. I just hope that you don't surprise us with twins- we already have a set and we don't need some more twins for the meanwhile, but we all will look out. Always life bringing us surprises." Eclipsetess spoke, she was tlaking with Namir before shortly looking over at Minette, Minette was sleeping until she looked up at Eclipsetess and Namir, her parents.

Though Minette walked away as Eclipsetess sighed and shook her head, but Eclipsetess was wondering who the father was, there was no one except Asher in the castle if two members of Esmeray's group split up each and found nothing, then it made no sense for Minette to be pregnant.

Unless.. And that was when Eclipsetess was nervous and looked over at Minette who was talking with some of ehr friends in the group, and that was when Minette was pregnant with a foal, a very different foal and one that is like their father. But Eclipsetess was able to piece together who the father was, but still made no sense for Minette at least. What was seen of her in Asher's eyes other then just to torment Nysa and everyone before shortly knocking Minette unconscious in the battle?

"Mmmm.. Minette why didn't you tell me..?" Eclipsetess whispered, she was now worried for Minette and that Eclipsetess thought that she was gonna have a relaxing time with everyone, guess she thought wrong on that one for sure, but Eclipsetess did think of other things but Minette was number one on the list.

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#268897 Posted on 2023-05-05 13:11:56

     Namir just gave a small chuckle, "I know I know." he said as he nibbled on her mane a bit, "You three just never make it easy for me do you?" he said messing with her some more before he nuzzled her. The sight of her being turned to stone still crossed his mind, but it crossed everyone's. That day was painful for everyone. Solstice didn't say a word about it. She still had the lingering feeling that her body was becoming stone. Though Solstice just carefully groomed Nysa as she slept.

     Namir did look over at his sister, Orion, and Nysa as the three were together. "I only hope Nysa won't struggle with things like my sister still does and probably always will. I'm sure they'll all struggle a bit for a few days.." he said as he looked at the group. Well at least the ones Minette was with. He could tell Eclipsetess seemed worried with the way she looked at Minette.

     He was worried too considering Minette was still a bit young to become a mother. Probably younger than his sister when she had Nysa, but maybe not by too much. Though Namir seemed to realize just what Eclipsetess had realized, "Let's..just try not to worry..? At least give it some time for them to recover and readjust before we say anything..okay..?" he said to Eclipsetess.

     Though Asher said that he wasn't done. Like he had a bigger plan. That it wouldn't be over even if he was dead. Nysa just ignored those warnings he gave her. Maybe that was why he didn't fight? That he wanted to lose. Even if Nysa hadn't ignored them, she wouldn't know what he meant, but she would soon. They all would. This was far from over. Almost like it was only the beginning.

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#268901 Posted on 2023-05-05 17:24:32

"Alright.. At least not to worry Minette herself, or else it'll be a rough one for everyone.." Eclipsetess agreed, though if she started to worry next to Minette and then her delivery for the foal would end up with a premature foal that won't live long, either Namir was right to not worry or that Eclipsetess should always take a break from worrying.

Though Minette came back as Raven was trying to make sure that Minette wasn't running, as Minette only giggled as Raven made sure that Minette was trotting instead of running like her normal self, I mean Eclipsetess stepped but agreed with Raven if Minette wanted to move.

"In some cases Minette, trotting or walking fast is fine, but running when your near your due date is a bad idea. It's good for you to get exercise for right now as your not expecting expecting, but when your close is when you gotta walk and walk fast. Alright? For both of you." Eclipsetess asked her question after lecturing Minette and Raven, the two mares as Raven and Minette nodded with knowing how to handle things with how Minette is acting, but she's still strong with Eclipsetess's protectiveness and seeming to have someone sheer will to never give up in some cases.

But Minette ended up walking away to go find somewhere to sleep, Raven just went back to the group so that Minette could rest well and not be disturbed, Eclipsetess just smiled at the two girls, making sure Raven gave some space to Minette unless she wanted to talk..

"Sometimes I wish I had Raven as well as Minette, they would get along so well like me and Azulia, speaking of her, where is she? Haven't seen her after the stoning, and I'm getting worried for her.. Do you think something to where my sister is hurt? or worse?!" Eclipsetess worriedly asked, she was plainly worried since no one seemed to mind Azulia's disappearance, as well as Cronsi too, and they are Raven's parents. Well Eclipsetess's adopted sister, and Cronsi's mate but still; she was a treasure to both of them.

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#268902 Posted on 2023-05-05 17:43:28

     Namir just nuzzled her, "We don't want to panic anyone. Not after what our younger members went through." he said knowing she was going to worry anyway. Namir was always worrying. He worried for far too many years, and it was now practically impossible for him not to worry. Apollo was born about a week or two early causing his small size, but also because he was born sick. Kind of like how Solstice was.

     Though Namir let Eclipsetess talk to Minette since this was more of a mare thing than a stallion thing. "Know one thing. It was a challenge for my sister to move around when she was only a few days away from having Nysa." he said before he went quiet. Solstice overheard him a bit as she sighed and got up being careful not to wake Nysa before she went over to her brother.

     She walked up on him from behind and nipped his rump, "And that wasn't my fault. Every mare is different and every foal is different." she said with a small snort, "Don't make me chase after you brother. I'd hate to wake some of our sleeping my daughter." she said a bit unamused. "It is starting to get a bit late as well." she said before looking at Eclipsetess.

     Solstice then looked around. She was right. There was no sign of Azulia or Cronsi. "Hm..that's odd...I remember her being turned to stone..since I was the last.." she said mumbling that last bit. Namir looked at her when she said that, but he didn't say anything. "Why don't you go looking for them? I can help if you'd like. Nysa's asleep, and Orion's probably just reading one of his books again." she said offering to help.

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#268903 Posted on 2023-05-05 19:07:31

"That'd be a great idea, and we can fan out a search party- if there are some horses still awake after reuniting.." Eclipsetess aceepted Solstice's offer, but she did also want a search party- in case there were any details that anyone could assemble together, more or less likely to lead to Azulia's and Cronsi's disappearance.

Though as usual Eclipsetess got right into grouping up horses that weren't sleeping, more or less relaxing from everything that had happened, though after the groups were split up as Solstice took one group and Eclipsetess the other, Scorn was happy as he was resting with one eye open as he watched the two before snuggling up to Grey Cloud, of whom was napping.

But as Eclipsetess waited until she went, she took the other side of the Isle- the right side to be exact, and her group that Eclipsetess split up started following her, I mean a group would follow their captain after all, so it was no big ordeal to anything. Except finding Azulia and Cronsi really.

But Eclipsetess was worried mainly about Azulia, she could take on anything and anyone with a worry if she was forced too, Cronsi on the other hand, seemed capable of taking care of himself, to no ordeal that he would hide within the tall trees and the shrubs until it was the perfect moment to get out, but it was unusually quiet without Cronsi walking around if he was near the border of the herd, and that he likes to step on sticks sometimes.. Spooking everyone but not quite like making them jump, Azulia included.

But Eclipsetess was determined to find her sister and her sister's mate, though the two could've dilly dallied somewhere and got lost, but with the sheer amount of horses moving would've made the two come back to the main Isle, unless somehing really happened to them, but it was just a wild guess for Eclipsetess.

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#268904 Posted on 2023-05-05 19:49:18

     Solstice nodded, "Let's just try to stay quiet so we don't wake those who are sleeping. Nysa practically fell asleep once she closed her eyes...probably hadn't gotten proper sleep in awhile.." she sighed as she looked over at Nysa and Orion. Nysa just snuggled against her father as Orion seemed to have fallen asleep as well. Solstice just smiled as she looked at the two, "Not everything changes I suppose...those two are so quick to fall asleep sometimes."

     Though Solstice refocused on the situation at hoof. Namir stayed with the herd like normal. The herd had been growing in size, and Namir just helped Scorn with making sure everyone was alright and all that. He needed something to keep himself busy, and Namir was used to caring for others since he did raise his sister after all. He never really cared for himself or even thought about himself much. Mainly just his growing family. 

     Well a family primarily of mares. Maybe that will change soon? Who knows. Time would tell. Namir still seemed to view Orion a lot like he did when he met him, but that was just his overprotective side of him showing. Though Namir viewed Orion differently, but not entirely. Orion just mainly stayed clear of Namir. He was never one to cause trouble. He was always laid back.

     Either way Solstice set off with her group in the opposite direction of where Eclipsetess and her group went. Solstice did walk most of the time as she looked around keeping her ears alert as she listened to the sounds around her. Even using her horn as a small torch in a way. Though Solstice looked out for anything as they searched not seeming to find anything or anyone so far. It was odd for Azulia to be away from the herd. Cronsi on the other hoof..she wasn't too sure about. Though she kept looking out for the two of them.

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#268905 Posted on 2023-05-05 21:19:02

As Eclipsetess kept searching and searching, barely finding anything that would lead her to Azulia or Cronsi, though once one of Eclipsetess's group members found something that could be useful- Eclipsetess shot off a firework, well one that wouldn't disturb anyone but still let Solstice know about what was happening..

Eclipsetess then trotted over to her group member, whoever found what was needed for a search, that was happening as it would also turn into an investigation as well, one that Eclipsetess and Solstice could and would solve together, the two keeping trail after what happened!

It did sound nice to be the investigator, if Eclipsetess ever wanted to make this story sound more unique, but she stay focused on what was happening, the group member that found a piece of evidence pointed down to a tuft of hair, both Cronsi's and Azulia's hair somehow together.

Though Eclipsetess would've imagined that Azulia and Cronsi were off trying to find their way back after probably bonding a lot, solitude in a stone body would make you start thinking about different things again, but Azulia knew that her tuft of hair was a bit thicker compared to Cronsi's hair.

"Cronsi has less thicker hair then compared to my sis, so something happened to where Azulia had her hair combine a little bit with Cronsi's, and that we know that Azulia could put up a good fight if she ever needed to battle or duel." Eclipsetess spoke, she sounded sure that Cronsi and Azulia were abducted by someone or something, but that was later dismissed with a blue crystal found short a ways away from where Eclipsetess's group found the two different hair groups.

But the hair tuft of Azulia and Cronsi, next a blue gemstone that was found close by to Azulia and Cronsi's last disappearance, and then nothing else after that for the time being. It made Eclipsetess curious, determined, and a bit worried- or well worried about Azulia.

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#268915 Posted on 2023-05-06 16:07:30

     Solstice looked up as Eclipsetess shot off a firework. It wasn't very loud, but the light from it caught Solstice's attention. Even before it went off. She then looked at her group, "Come on. They found something." she said making sure everyone was still with her before she started heading in the direction the firework had come from. Didn't take too long for her and the others to reach Eclipsetess and her group.

     Solstice looked at what they had found seeing the hair then the strange crystal, "Well they shouldn't be too far. At least they should still be on the Isle." she said looking at Eclipsetess, "We'll find her..well them, but we can't look all night either. We all need the rest, but I'll stay out here for another hour or so." she said a bit worried about Azulia, but she wasn't too worried. At least not yet. Solstice would be no where to where she was now if it weren't for Azulia the day she joined the herd. 

     Though Nysa slept for awhile before she woke herself up. Her head was resting on her father's back until it gently slid off his back and onto the ground which caused her to wake herself up. Nysa just yawned before she looked to her side noticing her mother was gone. Orion sound asleep on the other side of her. Nysa just figured her mom was out doing one of her normal midnight activities, so she didn't worry.

     Well at least until she actually realized Solstice wasn't the only one to not be seen. "What the...? Everyone was here when I fell asleep..." she tiredly mumbled to herself. At least she thought everyone was. Or had she been dreaming this whole time? No. She wasn't. She was just too tired to even get up and see what was going on even if her curiosity got the best of her.

     "Go back to sleep Nysa." Orion quietly and tiredly mumbled in his sleep. Nysa looked at him quietly giggling to herself before she rested her head on his back again and closed her eyes once more. Though she did mutter a good night as she got comfortable again falling back asleep. Orion just opened an eye and looked at her smiling before he went back to sleep as well. My how fast time goes by. Orion could still remember her being a small filly, and now she was practically a mare. Well a mare with a filly like personality since she was still young.

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#268917 Posted on 2023-05-06 19:02:52

"Alright, I'll take the others out since they won't be able to stay up for a little longer either. But don't keep yourself up too long." Eclipsetess nodded at Solstice, she then told Solstice to watch the moon rising as it rose to its peak whenever it got extremely dark out, signaling midnight was approaching the corner.

Eclipsetess then trotted off as her group and some members of Solstice's group followed behind, some other members of Solstice's group stayed behind, they were determined to help Solstice find Azulia and Cronsi, either together or not. They were determined to do so.

And so, the other members began searching and helping, finding any other clue that would lead to Azulia and Cronsi, or just Azulia or just Cronsi. But any clue was useful at this point in time as the moon began rising faster and faster the longer the group searched.

"I'm calling a night, I'm too tired to keep going further.." a group member stopped looking, then a bit more of the members followed that one horse back to home, only three horses remained; Solstice and her last two group members that were willing to fight sleepiness to help Solstice.

"We're here to help any further, but we can go back home if you'd like, we are pretty far from home. I don't think I'd ever walk this far from home, not especially after there was two events.. But I did hear some quiet noises coming on my side of the herd when I was grazing." the group member spoke up, she seemed tied but her determined blue and gold eyes said other wise, though the stallion of the two girls group looked at the blue and gold-eye mare.

"We don't need something to chase us at night right now, more or less a monster, but I'd keep going for you two. Like what Esmeray does whenever he's determined to do something." the stallion spoke up, he was a little rough with how he treated the second mare of the group, respecting Solstice still but not the blue and gold-eye mare, she was timid so it made sense to go after her. But still plainly rude.

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#268919 Posted on 2023-05-07 06:15:14

     "Be careful." Solstice said as she nuzzled Eclipsetess before she took most of the others back to the herd. "I'll be fine. I always am." she said even if it wasn't really true. Well sort of true. Though she then looked up like Eclipsetess wanted her to before she looked down for a moment. Then she looked at whoever was left, "I won't keep you all out here. You may leave when you want. Just be careful when you do so." she said before she tried looking for another clue or two.

     Though Solstice or the others that stayed behind a little while longer hadn't found anything else. She looked up at one that stayed for a bit before deciding to head back while some others joined them, "Be careful out there." she said knowing that it was easy to get lost in the darkness among other things. Though Solstice then looked at the other mare that stayed the other being a stallion.

     "We won't find anything in the dark. I'm not even seeing anything. We at least we know where to pick up." she said as she looked at the mare then the stallion. Solstice just snorted, "If there is anything out there then I can protect you can I not? There isn't a reason to be rude. I highly doubt that there's something like that out there. Dra and Asher are gone." she said as her tone was a bit rude to the stallion, but she didn't appreciate the way he spoke to the mare.

     "Now let's go home, and get some sleep. We'll have to start looking again tomorrow, but it can wait. I even need the sleep." she said as she started walking back to the herd. Even if it was far, Solstice knew her way. She was born on this Isle after all. Even if the Isle was different now that it was regrown, she still knew her way around the place. That and she could see better in the dark than most. 

     It wasn't too long until the three of them reached the herd. Solstice glanced at the stallion before she walked over to her mate and her daughter. She smiled as she looked at the two before she laid down with them being careful so that she wouldn't wake the two up. She managed and looked around the herd before she closed her eyes for the rest of the night falling asleep with ease. 

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#268941 Posted on 2023-05-08 06:16:05

As the morning sun arose as usual, Eclipsetess was just taking a day off from searching since she seems to be out of it, though Minette was looking around as she had done before and after, but she seemed to be awake at all hours of the night now. But her cute pink eyes wouldn't bother to show tiredness or how tired she is from the previous days before.

Though Eclipsetess woke up as usual and was dumbfounded on why Minette seemed to be up, eventually Eclipsetess got up and started grazing as most of the herd seemed to be busy with catching up on some z's and needed the time to rest, probably until sun-high that they'll be up which is nothing.

But Minette got up as she looked at Eclipsetess after zooming over every horse that was asleep, Minette was definately hearing something if she was looking over every horse, which made Eclipsetess a little cautious before Minette turned into a monster.

By then Eclipsetess woke up from that nightmare, which she was sweaty from but she got up and started walking around the herd as she watched Minette as she was asleep, Eclipsetess then thought of that nightmare with Minette turning into a monster, that and she had no idea what it meant.

But Eclipsetess didn't even realize that she was far into the forest, to the point that she couldn't seem to walk back to her herd even if she knew the way, to the point where she called herself 'lost' after she had gone several ways to go back home but that ended up making Eclipsetess lost in a forest.

Then Eclipsetess tried to fly, knowing that Azulia or Cronsi were out here, Eclipsetess now felt what Azulia and Cronsi felt like when they were together, feeling what Cronsi felt when he couldn't fly and tried over and over again, Azulia just had hope that she and Cronsi were fine.

But Eclipsetess then began running amuck all over the forest, until she ended up at a pond in Isle of Dreams, that's where she found Cronsi and Azulia, the mare and the stallion were asleep but Azulia woke up and hugged her very dear friend, her sister, her herdmate.

Eclipsetess then did the samething with Cronsi of what Azulia hugged Eclipsetess, the three embracing the moment as Eclipsetess looked at the pond and shortly after, the waterfall that sprayed out the water from somewhere. Azulia then began informing Eclipsetess about what happened, even crying as Eclipsetess and Cronsi hugged her. And Azulia did calm down from the hug.

Then Eclipsetess began thinking.. Of a way out of this weird and acursed forest, and back to the herd, their home, their life that they lived, Azulia did the samething as Cronsi still tried to fly again, but no luck or avail as the forest had their hearts and made them uncomfortable and scared of flying, hence the reason that they couldn't fly, because they were alone and scared before finding each other again..

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#268949 Posted on 2023-05-08 09:44:56

     Solstice slept for the rest of the night. She was up the first half of the night on most nights, so she was used to going to sleep that late. Though Nysa and Orion had slept most of the night. Sometimes Nysa could stay up like her mother did most nights, but not near as much as Solstice did. Well either way Nysa needed the sleep after everything she had just went through.

     Though Nysa woke up once the sun had hit her eyes. Well she slowly woke up. Nysa eventually opened her eyes and looked around after she yawned. She looked at both of her sides seeing both her father and her mother still asleep beside her. Almost like she needed to confirm Asher was gone. That her family was back. Once she confirmed it, Nysa slowly got up being sure not to wake them before she walked a short distance away.

     Nysa stretched a bit since her body was quite sore from the previous day, including her wings. Though once she stretched feeling a little bit of relief, Nysa just looked around at the herd. Things seemed to be back to normal, but Nysa knew that things were different now. Especially for her. She couldn't get Asher out of her head. Seemed like his harsh words still got to her even if she defeated him. Didn't explain why he never fought back. Nysa had a feeling this wasn't over, but maybe it was just her nerves.

     She got used to running for the past week or so. Didn't matter what she tried. Asher just never left her head. Maybe eventually he would leave her train of thought, but not anytime soon. Nysa did decide to graze a bit since she hadn't eaten a thing since she woke up that previous day. Nysa was quiet. Well mainly because the herd was slowly waking up, but also because she was still processing everything. Even processing the fact that her family was turned to stone in front of her. None of what happened left her mind.

     Though Solstice eventually woke up while Orion remained asleep..which was normal for him. Solstice just shook her head a bit before she got up and walked over to her daughter nuzzling and grooming her a bit. Like a mother should. She could tell that Asher was bugging her. How could she not? Dra had done the same to her. Even to this day. Probably for the rest of her life.

      "You want to talk..?" Solstice asked Nysa quietly but also in a quiet and soft tone indicating that she cared greatly for her daughter. Nysa just looked at her before she looked down. Solstice sighed nuzzling her side, "I know how it feels Nysa...I shouldn't have lied to you as long as I had. I thought I was protecting you from my pain, but I wasn't.." she said pausing, "Well..maybe I just didn't want you to think any less of me.." she admitted.

     Nysa looked at her mother as she came over, but she just looked down when Solstice asked if she wanted to talk. Instead she listened. Eventually Nysa looked at her mother, "I would never think any less of you mother. Why would you think such a thing?" she said almost shocked Solstice had said that, but Nysa just nuzzled her. All these years of seeing her mother hurt now made sense to her.

     Solstice just looked down a bit, "Because they pity me. I know it's out of love, but..." Solstice just stopped. "I'd rather have less that know the truth than have them always asking if I'm alright. I'll never be alright. I will never be free of Dra and what he had done to me and everyone else. He may be dead, but he still manages to haunt me. I don't want to see you suffer the way I do with Asher.."

     Nysa looked at her mother never really seeing this side of her before. She had never heard her say such things. "Mom..." she said unsure of what to really say to her, "Asher never fought back...he didn't hurt me..I mainly just hurt myself." she said, "From what I know..Dra was a much bigger threat to the Isles then Asher was, but what's bugging me is what he said to me..."

     Solstice just listened to her daughter as Nysa kept going, "Something about after he was gone..I can't help but think things aren't over yet..that he had a larger plan. That he wanted me to defeat him.." she said nervously, "Or maybe it's just my nerves.." she said unsure of pretty much everything and anything at that point. Nysa was still trying to process everything. She was probably just slow with it because she was young.

     Though Solstice kept listening, "Just...try to relax these next few things. Maybe help Nature to help distract your mind. At least get back to what you normally do during the day. It could just be your nerves, but even if it's not you need to take it easy..I think everyone does." she said before she looked around noticing Eclipsetess was gone, "Have you seen your aunt at all?" she asked as Nysa shook her head.

     "Probably went back to searching for Azulia and Cronsi...they didn't return yesterday, so we spent a few hours looking for them..didn't find them unfortunately.." Solstice sighed, "Keep an eye out for them alright? I might go looking again later." Nysa nodded as she got a bit worried about them now that she knew what was going on last night, but she hadn't seen Eclipsetess at all that morning. Solstice had the feeling something wasn't right though.

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#268960 Posted on 2023-05-08 15:06:09

Eclipsetess was still wandering around as she kept getting lost, at least Azulia and Cronsi with her for the best, but then a black figure appeared in front of the two, and then it howled. A long deep howl that was like a wolf's howl, but there are no wolves on Isle of Dreams, and you certainly can't hear the howl from the wolves the Isle next door.

So it was weird as Minette woke up and looked around as she heard the long and deep howl, confused but curious at the same time, but she then stayed where she was since she didn't want to be lost in the forest, and that she knew that she'd get lost since she didn't hear Eclipsetess's silent hoofsteps next to her.

"Mom.. Please be okay.." Minette whispered, then she noticed that most of the herd and Scorn was making their ears go swirl and twist in every direction to locate the howl better, but that failed since Scorn went to the forest's and grazing grounds border.

"Scorn what do you think it is..? We have no wolves, but we can't any howls-? From the Isle next door, so what you do think it is..?" Minette got up as she asked that question, Scorn looked at her worriedly which made Minette freeze in place without any hesitation to keep going.

"I don't know, but its not an enemy, and I don't any previous enemies would come back from the dead- especially not the creatures that were once defeated.. So.. I have no idea, but I'd like everyone to huddle together to make sure that we have head count of anyone. And if there's anyone missing; their a goner if that was a howl from something." Scorn told Minette, then he told everyone to huddle together, as they did, but then their hearts dropped to the ground when they heard what Scorn said next, he said that Azulia, Cronsi, and Eclipsetess would be goners if they met that creature.

"No! My mother can't die! She has a foal! And my aunt and uncle can't die either! What are we gonna do without her?! Raven is being taught on how to use her emotion-type-thingy from aunt Azulia! And that Cronsi and her were planning on going to see a sunset! They just- they just can't die!" Minette shouted, after that she dropped to the ground and began crying as she didn't want to hear that, she couldn't let her sibling die, she couldn't let her aunt and her uncle lose their plans, and the three certainly can't die since they still have so much knowledge.

Though Scorn got sad and pinned his ears, as he began walking up to Minette but she got up and began running in the same direction that Eclipsetess went in, Scorn got worried as he called out Minette's name to stop her. But when she got to the border, she stopped and looked at everyone before continuing on to find her mother, her uncle, and her aunt. They were all important to her.

"Minette!" Scorn yelled out to Minette, but she disappeared and Grey Cloud held Scorn back from doing what Minette did, Grey Cloud couldn't rule a herd alone, and certainly not one that she her son in, sure she can be the grand-lead mare but Esmeray has no one to lead with to make sure that the herd would be safe in since he has his group with Minette but they wouldn't know how to run an actual herd.

"I shouldn't have said that.. I'm so stupid for saying that.. Especially since Minette is pregnant.. Now I destroyed everything that meant to Minette.. And we won't get her back.." Scorn spoke, he put his head on Grey Cloud's shoulder and began crying quietly, but he did take sobs and huffs to catch a break before crying some more.

"It's not your fault, you were just informing the herd like you usually do, you wouldn't know that Minette would do that. Especially since she has a grounded head, she'll understand when she gets back, but she'll just need to think in quiet peace since she heard that her mother, aunt, and uncle are lost in the forest. Don't worry, they'll come back, whether or not they find their way home. Eclipsetess has her fireworks, she'll remember and use them. She can also make silhouette's of us, so she'll definately get our attention if she uses one of us as a symbol for finding her and everyone too." Grey Cloud told Scorn, she was very gentle with how Scorn was taking her word, but he nodded and wiped his tears away and walked back to the border, she was right; whether or not the howl was good or bad, only time will tell for the herd.

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#268962 Posted on 2023-05-08 15:58:37

     Solstice just comforted her daughter a bit by grooming her. It didn't matter if Nysa was all grown up..well almost all grown up. Solstice was still going to care for her like she did the day she was born. She was always going to be a mother to her...and the foal she was expecting. Even if she was nowhere close to having them. Though Nysa seemed to feel better at least for the time. She even started to groom her mother in return.

     Though Nysa then heard what sounded like a howl. Her ears perked as she tried to figure out where the howl had come from, "Almost sounded like a wolf, but there's no way we could hear the wolves on the next Isle howl. Don't think they would come here either. They seem to like the cold." Nysa said as she looked at Solstice before looking over at Minette and Scorn worriedly.

     Solstice looked at Nysa as she heard it too. Though the two of them walked over to Scorn and Minette. Orion woke up almost startled by the howl as he looked around before quickly getting up on his hooves. Did he really just hear what sounded to be a wolf howl? Though Orion just quickly trotted over to the others to see what's going on, but none of them knew that.

     Though Nysa stood by her cousin just as worried as she was, as they all listened to Scorn. Nysa looked down hearing the last thing Scorn said as Minette fell apart, " won't..if I've learned anything it's that she won't give up. None of them will." Nysa said trying to comfort Minette, but it was no use as Minette got up and ran off. "Minette!" she yelled trying to stop her, but Solstice wouldn't let her run after her, "I can't lose her again mom!" she said wanting to follow after Minette.

     Solstice sighed, "Nysa I know, but we can't lose anyone else. I can't lose you Nysa. I know Eclipsetess. She'll come back, and she'll make sure everyone else does too. Your aunt sacrificed herself, so that I could live. I made the mistake to take my necklace off. I wouldn't be here because of Eclipsetess...and that's happened more than once. Scorn was there. For all of it. Minette will be fine. They all will." she said before she looked at Scorn and Grey Cloud.

      Nysa just stopped trying to go after Minette as she just stood there looking down listening to her mother, but she didn't say anything. She did look at Scorn and Grey Cloud, "Eclipsetess gave me a paper with the firework spell on it when I was a filly...I can do the spell..just not like she can. Maybe it could help direct them back here..." she said starting to mumble. Nysa just didn't want to lose anyone else again. She just wanted things to go back to normal. Asher was gone, so what was going on now?

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#268963 Posted on 2023-05-08 16:25:47

"That'll be perfect, and I we know that Eclipsetess will come to us, whether she's grouped up or not. But we just want her to come back all in one shape, Azulia and Cronsi too, but she's important for now since she's carrying a life in her stomach. Making her vulnerable. Including Minette too, the two mares won't run for long with a foal, but they'll make sure that everyone's safe. That's for sure." Grey Cloud spoke, she smiled at Nysa before looking at a napping Scorn, he was very tired out that Grey Cloud giggled before having his dreaming self go sleep by a tree for now.

"He listen's better when he's asleep, I guess that's how irony works, what a very curious thing." Grey Cloud mumbled, when Scorn's asleep, he's better at listening and seems to be excellent at orders from Grey Cloud, anyways, Scorn was asleep and Grey Cloud was in charge for the meanwhile, but she let everyone know that they won't do a thing until it came to a time to do something drastic.

"Nysa, if Eclipsetess shoots off a firework, try and replicate the same type of sound. Eclipsetess can't see if she won't be able to fly, forcing her to hear and listen to the echo. She was always better at figuring out sounds, she used to listen to bats point them quickly and fastly- before they became.. Extinct.. Maybe one of the Isles has a deep cave for us to go and study bats! When this is over and we go back to relaxing." Grey Cloud told Nysa, she did go off topic with the bats and there extinction, but I guess Eclipsetess was very fascinated with how bats worked if she could point out a species of bat rather quick.

Though as soon as Grey Cloud turned her head, she smiled, Grey Cloud always seemed to hear better in the distance, but then an echo of a firework sounded, which meant Grey Cloud got up and she nodded at Nysa to do the samething with how the firework managed to get through and echo towards the herd.

"And it begins.. To be leading her to us.." Grey Cloud muttered to herself, she smiled happy but stood still once she got near the trees and poked her head in, but she brought her head and waited and waited, for Eclipsetess and her group to come forward to the herd.

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