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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#269162 Posted on 2023-05-15 18:54:52

     Orion just looked at Nysa as she laid beside her mother's lifeless body and under her wing just like she did when she was a filly. Orion didn't say anything as he stood up and went to Solstice lightly pressing his face into her cheek as his horn poked the ground. The stallion just silently sobbed grieving the loss of his love. His mate. The mother of their daughter. Their unborn foal...

     Nysa just sobbed, "Why....why did she have to do that...?" she mumbled quietly as her eyes began to get sore. Though Orion just turned to Nysa nuzzling her, but he didn't say a word. He couldn't bring himself to. Though it was clear that both of them were struggling. So much so they didn't pay any attention to anything else. Not even Asher preparing a second ball of magic to shoot straight at them. 

     Though what was left of the necklace had gone dull. Despite Solstice's eyes being closed, her once light blue eyes were now as dull as they could ever be. Her body was cold to the touch partly because of the cold and icey Isle, but also because she was gone..just like that. Smoke, Solstice, and her unborn foal gone within a matter of seconds. Nysa just kept sobbing, "It should have been me! I ignored the signs...I ignored the facts..I ignored everything.." she said louder as she just got as close to her mother's cold body as she could.

     Namir had gone oddly quiet as he was there for Eclipsetess despite him wanting to go to his sister, but he knew he needed to stay with Eclipsetess. Though he looked up at her when she started moving soon crying and screaming. Namir just pressed into her gently. They were all grieving, but Namir didn't even bother to stop Eclipsetess from what she was planning to do. He knew he couldn't, but then he looked up noticing what was wrong.

     "No.." he whispered as he saw what Asher was planning to do as he looked in his sister's direction before he looked at Minette as she huddled next to him. Namir just put one wing over her and one wing over Eclipsetess. Orion had looked over feeling a strong and powerful surge of magic as he quickly recognized it. He kept Nysa close even his mate's body knowing exactly what was to come. He was there the first time Eclipsetess had done this..just not to this level. Only he hoped she wouldn't put herself at risk..or her foal..

     Nysa and Orion looked up after the impact as Nysa was in a bit of awe of how everything seemed to be crystalized, but grief was showing on every part of her. Orion just looked around his orange and white coat glistening. His turquoise horn doing the same. Nysa looked at her herself as she too was crystalized as she then looked at her father then her mother. Her face saddened even more as she looked at her mother. Her body seemed to do the same, but not by much..unlike last time...

     Namir looked around before looking at Minette and Eclipsetess making sure they were both alright before he heard what sounded to be that of two whinnies. Two? Namir looked over and saw two newborn foals. He didn't know what to think. He'd raised two fillies, but he never thought about the possibility of twins. When one was lost, life was born. Oh how Solstice would have loved to be there. It was only fair since Eclipsetess was there every step of the way when she had Nysa.

     Namir just gave a small smile as he nuzzled Eclipsetess while the mares praised. Nysa looked up when she heard the mares, but she just looked down laying her head back down. She never moved from her mom's side. Orion didn't either. Instead Nysa only cried more her eyes surely sore by now. It wasn't long before Orion and Nysa looked up again to see the mares coming over, but immediately Nysa laid her head back down.

     Namir watched the mares before he watched Minette go over with them. His expression saddened as he looked down lowering his ears before he looked at Eclipsetess. "Are you sure you're alright...?" he hesitantly asked before he got up nuzzling her. Then he hesitantly walked over making his way through the mares as he laid eyes on his sister's body, "No.." he faintly muttered underneath his breath as he quickly went to her side.

     "Solstice.." Namir immediately laid by her as he looked at Orion before Orion had looked down. "Come back to me sis...this can't be it.." he quietly mumbled as he laid his head on top of her cold shoulder. Tears came to his eyes, "I can't lose you now..I can't ever lose you sis.." he cried mumbling to himself, "There's two foals that want to meet you...and your own.." he kept going on as he continued to lose himself.

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#269165 Posted on 2023-05-15 19:41:43

Eclipsetess was slowly regaining her strength until she felt ready to get up, though she looked at her twins that she had successfully had, though she looked up at the group before shortly talking to her twins before the two foals looked up at her and then began getting up.

Eclipsetess flapped her wings a little bit as she did rest on one, and yeah, but she didn't mind to pay attention to the little detail of her foals- not yet at least, but Eclipsetess did start walking as the foals followed her, shortly wobbling before starting to understand their little legs, how precious this moment was..

But Eclipsetess trotted over as she made way through the group and saddened, she thought that at least Solstice could survive, but she looked at the shattered necklace, it pained her as it was probably an only-powerful necklace, but now she didn't know what to do without Solstice..

Though Eclipsetess's and Namir's little twins walked through and between their mother's legs, it was adorable, but when the two foals saw their dead auntie, they started to cry as if they could already tell, Eclipsetess only tried hushing and calming them down..

"You two will be alright, I'll be here to protect everyone else, I just wished to have done something sooner.. Instead of laying there, but I know.." Eclipsetess told the little twins, she was still surprised to have delivered twins and not a single foal, she did think of things from time to time, but sometimes she barely thought of twins- unlike the wild duo of Nysa and Minette's group.

"Hmm.." Eclipsetess looked up as she summoned her book, she then began flipping through page after page, trying to find something to bring back Solstice; as she knows that no one can live without, even further diving into the resurrection part of the book; as she never liked that part of her book, but Eclipsetess had no chance really.

The little young twins began sniffing Solstice's body out of curiousity, and that they were quite young as well, but even if the group of mares tried to gently push the two foals back to Eclipsetess; they always managed to get to sniffing, how stubborn they are- like Eclipsetess..

But the two foals carefully went around Solstice as they respected her, and everyone's wishes to not disturb Solstice's body, though Eclipsetess stumbled upon a chapter as she got curious of it, then she looked at the only of piece of Solstice's necklace.

Eclipsetess used her horn to pick up the last and only piece of Solstice left, then Eclipsetess stopped digging her nose into her book and summoned a new necklace, this time using the last piece of the necklace Solstice wore, and as Eclipsetess fit the shard into the necklace.. It did nothing, as it wasn't finished yet..

But Eclipsetess followed every step perfectly until the necklace seemed to be ready, but Eclipsetess put it on as she transferred her magic into the necklace, and that Eclipsetess imbued her magic into the necklace; making it even more powerful then the previous one; and that Eclipsetess had a strong will of surviving as well, so the newest necklace was made of brim fire made into metal- the strongest metal that even Hades wears as armor..

"Isn't brim fire related to where Hades is? Wouldn't that make that necklace there too strong? Mostly because of how powerful brim fire metal is alone? Making it twice as powerful as a normal strong and poweful necklace? Including your magic embedded into it- making it where the god's fear the magic just alone in the necklace?" Minette looked up at her mother, she was curious and that Eclipsetess smiled softly at Minette, she knew that Solstice was able to grow even stronger with how the god's would fear the new necklace now.

"Ugh- you are really stubborn to let anyone die, not even letting us have a funeral.. As usual I suppose.." Minette was a little loud, but it was true; Eclipsetess wouldn't let anyone die, except for enemies, but Eclipsetess was especially stubborn to Solstice.. Because they are best friends, and that Eclipsetess was gonna do anything for Solstice, she cared and cared so hard to keep Solstice safe, now it was time for Eclipsetess to shine once more.

Though as Eclipsetess gently walked around Solstice until she was at Solstice's neck, Eclipsetess nuzzled softly before shedding some tears into the soft coat of Solstice, the seal bay mares sharing similarities, and that Eclipsetess cared deeply like everyone else in the herds..

Eclipsetess then set the necklace gently onto Solstice's neck, as it wrapped around its new host without Eclipsetess's help, she was right when Minette said that "brim fire metal was powerful" alone, making Solstice live to how long she wants, and that brim fire would resurrect anyone- including pregnant mares.

"Brim fire metal is powerful to the point where they can resurrect deceased horses, including any horse either ally or enemy, it wouldn't matter anyways, but with my magic mixed within- we can only tell if it worked or not.. Mostly because the necklace might be too strong to where we can throw it on the Mainland if it doesn't work, but I pray that it does.." Eclipsetess told Minette, soon she spoke out and soon nuzzled her two foals, they were quiet and patient as they listened to their mother- not knowing anything of what she was talking about.

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#269170 Posted on 2023-05-16 05:44:36

     Nysa slightly looked up at her uncle. She'd never seen him cry before. She could have sworn that the stallion couldn't cry, but she knew her mother was very close to her brother. Though Nysa just looked down lowering her ears entirely as she looked at the necklace her mother had given her. Then the smallest flicker of hope had come to her as she looked at her uncle thinking.

     "W-what about my necklace...?" she eventually asked as her voice was as quiet and as dull as it could ever be. She blamed herself. Nysa blamed herself for her mother's and Smoke's deaths...even the sibling she was already so excited to meet.. Orion just looked at Nysa as she spoke, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. Even if he did open his mouth to say something, nothing would come out. Orion just sighed and looked back down.

     Namir looked at Nysa as she spoke then the necklace as she had started to take it off, but he stopped her immediately. "Don't take it far as we know you don't depend on that necklace, but it's best to keep it on just in case.." he said quietly as his voice lacked emotion, "It wouldn't help her anyways...the necklace isn't strong enough..." he admitted knowing Orion couldn't bring himself to, "She's gone Nysa..." he said before he laid his head back down on top of his sister's dead body..

     Nysa just broke down even more when she heard what Namir said. The little bit of hope she had just vanished. She didn't feel anything. Instead she just started sobbing even more as she pressed herself against her mother. She wasn't going to leave her. She couldn't bring herself to. Apollo and everyone else just stood there in disbelief. Moon ended up stepping over to Namir softly nuzzling his side. Namir just looked up at her before he looked back down.

     That was when Eclipsetess had come over with the two newborn foals shortly behind her. Namir looked up at her and the foals trying to work up at least a small smile, but he just couldn't. Instead he looked at the foals as they wobbled their way over to his sister's body as he softly nuzzled them. Nysa looked up when she realized Eclipsetess had came over only to realize she had two foals with her.

     Orion looked up as well surprised to see she had twin foals, but he mainly just looked up at Eclipsetess hoping she could do something. He watched everything she did as soon as she pulled out her book. Nysa watched her aunt as well trying not to get her hopes up. Though she ended up looking at Minette before looking down, "Anything to get my mother's not like she'll turn against us." she said hoping the necklace Eclipsetess was making would bring her mother back, but she didn't get her hopes up too much.

      Nysa did snort a bit angrily when she heard what Minette had said next, "I need my mom! I can't do anything without's my fault.." she said yelling at first before her voice slowly started to die off. She didn't mean to yell at Minette, but she was grieving. A lot...they all were.. Though Nysa watched Eclipsetess place the necklace on Solstice's neck as it somehow made its way to actually wrap around her neck like a necklace would. "Come on mom...I need you.." she whispered as she prayed that it would work.

     Though it seemed to be ages, and there was still nothing. Nysa had just started to lose what little hope she had. "Please work.." she murmured to herself. Though it wasn't too much longer until Nysa had felt a change in her mother's body. It wasn't as cold as it once was, and Nysa could have sworn she saw her mother take a breath. "Mom...?" she hesitantly said, but she was still rather quiet. A few minutes later and Solstice had opened her eyes slightly.

     "Mom!" Nysa said yelling slightly as Solstice tried sitting up, but she was weak. Namir perked up when he realized the necklace had revived her. He was more the grateful they all were. Namir knew she wanted to sit up, so he helped her letting her put her weight against him as he nuzzled her. Solstice had a faint smile as she nuzzled him back before she nuzzled Nysa and Orion.
     Then Solstice had looked around a bit still a bit groggy, "What happened..?" she asked slowly a little unsure about why the herd seemed to have surrounded her. Though Solstice then looked at Eclipsetess before she saw the two newborn foals. Solstice had a small tired smile, but looking at the two foals reminded her of her own. "M-my foal.." she said, "Are they okay..?" she asked hoping they were alright. Though Solstice didn't realize at all what had happened like she had no memory of it, but she also didn't realize the new necklace that was now around her neck..

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#269171 Posted on 2023-05-16 06:13:53

"Well since I did my part, your foal should just be fine Solstice.." Eclipsetess nuzzled Solstice, it hadn't occured to her that she didn't nuzzle Solstice in a great awhile, so she made it all the more special for the occasion, even though two wobbly foals were curious of Solstice being awake now.

"Hold on, hold on you two, let your aunt rest until she feels better.." Eclipsetess gently guided the foals away from Solstice since she still needed to rest before anything else happens, that and because no one payed attention to Asher being wounded in the sky.

"You know mom.. Asher is still alive right?" Minette asked, Eclipsetess immediately looked at the sky as Asher just watched, he didn't do anything besides watching what was playing out, thought Eclipsetess did flinch when Asher started moving, but he didn't seem to attack anyone.

Though Minette went to hide behind Eclipsetess until Asher used his magic to grab Minette from behind Eclipsetess, though Eclipsetess had gotten protective and used her magic to hold onto Minette, Eclipsetess wasn't gonna lose her daughter, heck her only daughter to be exact. Well, one of the foals Eclipsetess had could've been twins but she didn't pay attention enough to know that.

Asher hissed but said nothing, though it hit Eclipsetess when she realized that Scorn wasn't around to help, it was only Eclipsetess with the strong will to keep her daughter by her side, though Eclipsetess shortly hissed at Asher, before it was a threatening one to Asher..

"Why do you even need my daughter? Didn't you already hurt her enough?" Eclipsetess scowled, she was heck-bent on keeping Minette by her side, Minette was trying to escape from Asher but Eclipsetess was doing the better man's job and made sure that her magic touched and tried consuming Asher's magic.

"I just want to check something.. Can't I already do it anyways?" Asher asked, Eclipsetess was still trying to keep Minette to the herd, though Esmeray came and rammed Asher onto the ground, long enough for Eclipsetess to Minette back into the group and enough time to spare for bubbling Asher up.

"Hiss!! Let me out!!" Asher demanded but Eclipsetess stepped back as her two foals came running up, sometimes tripping when getting up as Eclipsetess walked over and helped them up, the twins just nuzzled their mother and got curious of Asher but Eclipsetess guided the twins back over to the group.

"You can't pop the bubble unless I do it for you, so your stuck in that bubble until.. i don't know.. Maybe Nature can do something with you, but try and stone us- and you'll become a stoned horse inside your own stoned bubble." Eclipsetess told Asher, she basically told him that he would freeze himself if he tried to attack, which was a smart move to make him aware of what was happening until he got impatient and stoned himself.

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#269172 Posted on 2023-05-16 07:10:32

     Solstice felt some relief glad that her foal was okay, but mainly she was just happy that Nysa and Eclipsetess were okay as she nuzzled Eclipsetess in return. The last thing she remembered was shoving into her daughter a bit hard. After that everything else was just blank. Solstice looked at Nysa looking her over, "I didn't hurt you did I...?" she hesitantly asked. If she did she never meant to hurt her daughter. Solstice never wanted to hurt Nysa.

     Nysa seemed to be more relieved as well when Eclipsetess said the foal was going to be fine. Though Nysa nuzzled her mother, "I'm fine mom...especially now that you're back.." she said more than relieved. Nysa did look down slightly as it was clear Solstice didn't have any memory of what happened after she got Nysa out of the way which was to be suspected. " a while...." she said slowly as she looked down, "The impact was strong enough to shatter your necklace.."

     Solstice didn't believe what she had just heard. She looked at Orion then Namir then everyone else. That would explain why everyone was around her. Though Solstice just looked down and saw a new odd looking necklace around her neck. Solstice sighed in disbelief unsure of what to say really, "Nysa...I'm sorry..I just couldn't let him hurt you.." she muttered, but Nysa just placed her head over her mother's neck. She was just happy that she was back.. That's all that mattered to Nysa. Though she was still crying only this time it was because she was happier...and very very thankful.

     Solstice just smiled a bit before she looked at the two foals, "It's fine Eclipsetess.." she said as she nuzzled the two foals, "You did great.." she said tiredly as she looked up at her friend, "I just wish I could have been there like you were for me.." she sighed. Orion just nuzzled Solstice telling her it was alright. Namir had done the same. Solstice just smiled thankful that she had them as her family.

     Though Solstice then laid her head down and closed her eyes to get some rest. Nysa looked up at Minette when she mentioned Asher. How could she have completely forgotten about him? Nysa then just looked up seeing Asher watching them, but he seemed wounded. Nysa pinned her ears snorting as she stood up. Orion tried to keep Nysa calm and under control, but Nysa wasn't just going to let him get away with killing her mother as she looked at him dead in the eye.

     That was at least when Asher used his magic to grab Minette. Nysa didn't even realize it at first until Eclipsetess started using her magic to hold onto Minette. Nysa just started doing the same thing to help Eclipsetess and Minette. "You won't lay another hoof on her! Or anyone else for that matter!" she yelled at Asher outraged. She would have already gone up and ended things, but Minette was in danger.

     At least until Esmeray had come out of nowhere and rammed into Asher. It took Nysa by surprise, but she was thankful. Nysa then took a moment to catch her breath as she looked around making sure everyone was alright. Her mother rested with Orion and Namir at both of her sides, but there was no sign of Smoke or even her father Scorn. Though Nysa turned to face Asher once again pinning her ears anger in her eyes.

     She started walking towards Asher, and while doing so, she spread out her wings a bit, but that wasn't the only thing she did. Nysa had summoned the stones from Lichanura as it seemed they broke out of the form of the sword. Though Nysa's horn glowed as well as her necklace and the stones glowed while they circled around her. Though somehow Nysa managed to form the sword on her own. She seemed to be more then mad by the time she reached Asher and the bubble he was put in.

      "Give me one good reason I shouldn't use this sword right here right now." she snorted her ears pinned back entirely. "We had a deal!" she yelled. "Nobody had to die!" Nysa was to the point that she was just letting out all of her anger. Tears were still running down her cheeks as her eyes were quite sore. Though she wasn't showing him mercy not at all. "My friend is gone! Even if my mother is alive you still killed her!" 

      Despite the yelling, Solstice had just fallen asleep. She didn't have the strength or energy to do anything but sleep. Not even to pay attention to what was going what her daughter was doing. Though even if anyone tried to stop Nysa, she wouldn't let them. She was at fault for the lives lost. All because she never got out of the way quick enough. Apollo just stayed back and watched unsure of what was going on when he looked over seeing something poking out of the ground..

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#269175 Posted on 2023-05-16 08:53:45

"I had no fault to end your mother, I was just simply trying to get both of you, but if it weren't for your friend and using her life to save yours, then she wouldn't be dead. But.. Another life had ended as well, the lead stallion to your pitiful herd, he didn't die by me.. But his crown can show the truth- if you even would believe me.." Asher told Nysa, he didn't show fear nor anger right then and there, he was simply calm since he still thought that he could overpower Nysa, even if he would be wounded greatly- Eclipsetess's blast of magic only took half out of him.

"But I see my time has come once more, but once I die for this time; I cannot come back again, two lives for evil horses and that's it, rare to even be immortal." Asher spoke out of random spite, though he did look over at Minette as she hid behind the group since she didn't want him to see her.

"Goodbye~" Asher looked at Minette, the mare ducked back into the group as Eclipsetess went to go see Apollo since she noticed him looking at something in the ground, but no one knew it was Scorn's crown- his crown to separate him from everyone around.

Though Grey Cloud realized that she was gonna have to lead the herd now, Scorn wasn't around anymore, nor was Smoke too. So it was just Grey Cloud and her twins now, the twins would have to lead the herd once Grey Cloud got too old to do it, but she had time- lots of it to undertake Scorn's herd as her own..

Eclipsetess was sad that Scorn was gone.. At least he's with his daughter in the heavens now, the two would forever be happy there and have fun until they meet Grey Cloud once more, but that wasn't until the future and that Grey Cloud got to researching about her mate's rules of how he led the herd.. A respectable and loving stallion and father..

Though once everything will cool down with Nysa poking the sword through Asher, then the sky will turn back into a normal color of interest, though it did stay a little red in the sky, but it was barely noticeable but worth to figuring out. But Minette knew something that caused the sky to still be a little red, but more of the invisible type- until sunsets and sunrises..

Eclipsetess's twins were laying down near Solstice, maybe next to Namir, but they were tired little foals that would be celebrated by their birth after everything cools off and a more relaxing month would take place after, though Eclipsetess would have to celebrate her foals birth next month.. Which was a shame actually, but she knew that everyone needed to relax..

"He did his best with this herd, even making sure everyone was happy.. Even to the point where he's still respectable as a new constellation- probably, at least he and his daughter will be seen in the sky as constellations now. I just hope that we last more then ever.. Grey Cloud will be dependent on her two sons protecting the herds from other stallions.. Even if the other two leaders are still here.." Eclipsetess muttered to herself, she was focused on seeing good and seeing change happen, but she made sure to smile at the sky, once the sky would darken up and show Scorn and Smoke having fun as Scorn is chasing Smoke and the two are flying as well, Eclipsetess made sure to smile for the future.

And that the future holds no more enemies, but that would be highly unlikely as everyone is in danger at some point in time, but at least the herds have three great rulers and two allies to help them, or well a titan for protecting and an alpha wolf helping out..

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#269181 Posted on 2023-05-16 10:36:24

     Nysa just tried keeping herself together as long as she could. She didn't want to use the sword. No. She wanted to torture him, but she knew she couldn't. At least if she did she would just become as much of a tyrant as he was. Nysa may have been young still, but she was no fool. She was smart just like her mother and father. Though Nysa untensed slightly when Asher spoke of Scorn. 

     How could Scorn have been gone if it wasn't his fault? Though Nysa just snorted pinning her ears once more, "Coming back a second time shouldn't even be an option for horses like you. Ruining lives. Ruining families. Ruining relationships. Horses like you shouldn't even be allowed to live." she snorted completely angry, but she was still grieving. They all were. Despite Eclipsetess bringing back her mother, she still grieved at the fact that she died.

     Nysa just looked at him with a cold stare preparing the sword, but she hesitated. Was she really supposed to do this? Was this what she was to do the first time? Nysa had to think about this for a moment, but she didn't look away from Asher not wanting to make yet another mistake. It was her mistake in the first place that she made. Scorn and Smoke were gone because of her. Nysa had to live with that. She had to live with everything.

     Nysa stood there looking down just slightly as she took a breath or two. The blue gems on the sword's handle glowing. She ignored everything Asher had told her, and because of it lives were lost. At first Nysa couldn't bring herself to, but over a few moments her anger had gotten the best of her as the sword pierced through Asher's chest.. After that Nysa had just laid down, well she practically collapsed, but she just covered her face with her wings as she sobbed.

     Apollo looked at the object mostly buried in the snow before he looked at the others. Hesitantly he stepped over to the object, and grabbed it. Scorn's crown. Apollo almost dropped it shocked at what he found, but he thankfully didn't. Instead he carefully took it and slowly walked over to Grey Cloud keeping his gaze lowered, "I'm..sorry..." he said before he turned away looking up slightly seeing Nysa on the ground sobbing even more..

     Namir stayed with his sister as he watched the two foals keeping them close. Solstice didn't notice the foals had laid down near her and her brother, but she had just been asleep since she closed her eyes. Even if she did, she didn't mind the foals laying down with her. She loved them anyways. Though everything and everyone was quiet. Too quiet. They were all mourning and grieving.

     Eventually Apollo just looked at Eclipsetess, "If you were able to bring Solstice back...couldn't you do the same for Smoke and Scorn..?" he hesitantly asked. He just had to ask. "I'm sorry..I should have just stayed quiet.." he mumbled. "We don't even know how Scorn...Asher said it wasn't then how did..." Apollo just stopped talking after that figuring it was best before he just turned away and went to his mother. What were they going to do now..?

     Though Nysa just wanted to be left alone. She didn't want to be bothered by anyone. She almost just wanted to get up and run away, but this wasn't her home. She'd surely get lost and freeze. Nysa did want to go home just as much as she wanted to be alone. She didn't even want to be around anyone. Nysa was convinced that this was all purely her fault because she didn't react quick enough and because she ignored all the signs.

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#269182 Posted on 2023-05-16 14:39:17

Grey Cloud focused on the crown as she started tearing up to where she didn't realize that her twins were trying to talk to her, but she didn't care as she knew that her lovely mate was gone and that she knew he couldn't come back due to stronger magic then immortality..

But after Eclipsetess let Apollo walk away, she quickly stopped and nuzzled him, telling him it was going to be alright even if Scorn and Smoke were lost, Eclipsetess didn't say Scorn or Smoke's name. Instead she didn't say anything about them, but she still mentioned them in different words.

"The sky may darken, the light will still shine through it, we will always be together as a family. Just have hope." Eclipsetess poetic told Apollo, soon she repeated herself but on purpose to let everyone know it was going to be alright, though after her small poem was retold, Eclipsetess opened her wings and shot straight up towards the clouds.

Though before Eclipsetess flew any higher from the ground, she told everyone not to wait up and then continued flying, she was going to get Scorn and Smoke from the heavens, like what she did years before, though she did make sure to do something first.

But after Eclipsetess went into the heavens as the clouds teleported her into the place, allowing Eclipsetess to go straight up a little bit, though her and Solstice's friend was excited to see Eclipsetess back in the heavens, it was a really long time since Eclipsetess ever saw Mystic, mostly because Mystic would be there for Solstice, but Eclipsetess instantly remembered Mystic's name.

"Where are you going today? The angel realm?" Mystic asked, Eclipsetess giggled as Mystic led Eclipsetess over to the gate for the angel realm, the left side of everything as the school was large allowing the right side to be more open and airy for training, the library was always in the middle and that it stood on a grand hill to overlook the entrance to the heavens, it was always surprising to see.

But as Mystic opened the gate and stood by it, Eclipsetess trotted in as she searched for Scorn and Smoke, though Eclipsetess found the two relatively fast and that they were the only loud ones that were enjoying the fun, besides anyone else doing the same but being quiet..

"Found you two!!" Eclipsetess called out to Scorn and Smoke, the two stopped as they got excited to see Eclipsetess, to the point they fell and huddled Eclipsetess with joy, though Scorn and Smoke looked at each other as they knew that Eclipsetess was bringing them back home.

"Home?" Smoke asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess nodded and Smoke lit up with more joy and that Scorn knew his crown didn't unmaterialize from the blast that Eclipsetess did, though only Scorn and Smoke knew that Eclipsetess didn't mean it and that she was bringing them for an apology to get everyone to be happy again.

"Of course, back to our home, where we can rule together with the other two herds as well. Might as well stay allies right?" Eclipsetess giggled, she always found a way to stay happy even if it was something dear and important, well she sometimes never found a way to stay happy and always tried helping others out of grief.

Back on the Isle of Ice, Asher's body didn't seem to disappear, instead just stayed there like a normal horse passing, though green vines soon took over Asher's body and sunk him down under the ground, it was Nature's vines as she did have green vines..

But Nature didn't appear until she did and stood in Asher's place of where the vines took his body down under, though Nature was holding a flower, it seemed blue and she must've dyed it as it didn't look like a normal flower of the original color, and that Nature gently put the blue flower into Nysa's hair. Between her forelock and her mane, though next to her left ear this time; opposite to Nature's flower being pink and next to her right ear, but still between her forelock and mane as well..

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#269185 Posted on 2023-05-16 16:35:15

     Apollo didn't go too far, but he hung his head down low. He glanced over in Nysa's direction, but it was very clear she wanted to be left alone. She had probably cried herself to sleep, but it was hard to tell. Apollo didn't want to bother one seemed to want to. Though Apollo looked up a bit as Eclipsetess had nuzzled him. He looked up at her listening to what she had said, but Apollo didn't understand it. He never did well when it came to poems and riddles.

     Though he did try to have a little bit of hope. They all needed it. Every single one of them..including Nysa. Apollo just looked at everyone as Eclipsetess repeated what she said only this time louder so that most of everyone could hear. Namir only looked over at Eclipsetess letting out a sigh, but he stayed put with the foals and his sister. Seemed like she was still asleep which was to be expected.

     Either he watched Eclipsetess fly up, "Good luck.." he whispered before he looked at the herd then his sister and the foals. Orion just looked at him. Neither of them said anything because there was nothing to be said. Solstice just laid her head on her brother's back, and one of her wings on top of Orion. Orion just looked over at Nysa, but he had just softly nuzzled Solstice's side before he softly started to groom her.

     Though Solstice ended up starting to wake up again. At least she had gotten some sleep, but nowhere as much of it as she wanted. Solstice nuzzled her brother and Orion a small smile on her face, "Well at least I know the two of you can get along with each other." she said looking at them both while giving them a small look. Well she mainly looked at Namir, but both stallions just gave her a look, "You both know I'm right. Don't try anything Namir." she said lightly nipping his ear.

     Seemed like she was slowly going back to her normal self, but then Solstice looked over at Nysa seeing her lying there. Her ears lowered, but then she saw Asher's body laying there. Solstice sighed laying her head on Orion's back. She didn't say much, but even she had to process what had happened to her. Though it wasn't too much longer until Solstice had closed her eyes again, but she didn't fall asleep as quickly as she did last time.

     Though Nysa had somewhat fallen asleep, but not entirely. She didn't pay attention to things around her as she was just trapped in her thoughts blaming herself. After a while, Nysa peeked through her wings seeing Asher's body still laying there, but she couldn't look at his body for more than a second. At least until she noticed the vines as his body started to sink into the ground.

     Nysa then looked up hesitantly pulling her wings away from her face when she saw Nature, but she only looked down at the ground before Nature had placed the blue flower next to her left ear while being in between her mane and her forelock, "It's my fault....everything was my fault..." she muttered her voice completely dull. "I ignored the signs he gave me...I didn't pay attention, and now they're gone..." she muttered before she hid her face again..

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#269186 Posted on 2023-05-16 17:34:07

"Oh sweet, dear, Nysa.." Nature said, she had started nuzzling Nysa, even though Nysa probably didn't want to be nuzzled, but she gave Nysa no chance but to be nuzzled by Nature, but- Nature was gentle with her nuzzling, she also tried to bbe calming and reassuring with her nuzzles.

"It is not your fault, even if you want to yell at me; I will only deny what you are saying, until you see that I do not want to see you hurt. But I've scavanged for this type of flower to give to you, my little apprentice.." Nature told Nysa, she only continued to Nysa, even gentle groom her hair, even some parts on Nysa's back, and including her cheeks on her face; which a horse does not like. Well depends really..

Anyways as Nature was trying to make Nysa smile, by being a little playful but still have an instinct like a mother trying to make her bab happy, though that was shortly interrupted by Eclipsetess landing down and fainting, Scorn and Smoke came down and landed as well; both graceful but Smoke got to having Eclipsetess regain energy while also taking the fatigue away too.

Though Nature looked at Nysa before havng Smoke bubble Nysa and teleporting her next to her side, though the only difference to Smoke and Scorn was their halos- well Scorn had a weird halo as it glitched around, mainly because Scorn wasn't supposed to die- he was immortal but still yet died anyways..

But Minette came running over in tears as she Smoke come down and land from the heavens, even making Nysa join in a group hug that Minette wanted to do, and that she got to do it- like with Eclipsetess getting everyone that she could into the group hug..

"Missed you both.. Mostly because I was worried about Nysa battling Asher, and that I was scared and felt alone without Smoke being in our herd- always the beautiful two colored eye mare as a best friend, and a beautiful blue eyed mare as a cousin and best friend.." Minette admitted to Smoke and Nysa, Scorn smiled as Eclipsetess tackled him, though she got up and made Scorn follow- mostly because of the twins that she had.

Minette smiled and giggled before wiping her tears away, after letting go of the two mares, but Minette then went soft all over Nysa and hugged her then let go, Nysa was very important to Minette. Like how Eclipsetess was to Solstice and vice versa for everyone..

Though Minette did get a good nip on Nysa, "Never fight without my consent! You almost could've died!!" Minette grabbed Nysa again, Smoke was dumbfounded on what Minette was doing, that and because Minette was stressed with Nysa. Normal habit for young pregnant mares actually.

"But weren't you just crying and over joyed with us?" Smoke asked Minette, Minette didn't know what to think as she didn't think at all- somehow, but Minette then finally came up with an answer as she then ran back over to the herd, though Scorn was ready to go back onto Isle of Dreams as he asked everyone if they should move back to their home Isle. For the herd but not two foals from Eclipsetess.

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#269187 Posted on 2023-05-16 19:02:32

     Nysa just didn't do anything when Nature started nuzzling her. She was always gentle, and Nysa seemed to relax the more she did it, but she didn't look at Nature. She didn't want to yell at her though. Nysa was never really one to yell especially to those closest to her. Well that and she didn't have the energy inside of her to yell. Nysa did flick her left ear as she eventually looked up at Nature.

     Eventually a faint smile had appeared on her face before she looked over in the herd's direction when she saw Eclipsetess faint as she quickly got up before she realized who was with her as she glanced at Nature. Though Namir looked over when he saw Eclipsetess faint out of the corner of his eye. Carefully, he got up being sure not to wake the foals before he trotted over to Eclipsetess softly directing her over to the foals, his sister, and Orion, "You need to rest." he said sounding concerned as he wasn't giving her a choice.

     Though Nysa was taken by surprise a bit when Smoke had bubbled her since she wasn't expecting it, and because she was never really bubbled before. Before she even knew it, Minette had run over and hugged her and Smoke. Nysa's ears perked as she wasn't really expecting it, but after a moment she relaxed enjoying it. Her faint smile growing slightly larger as she just held on to the moment a bit.

     Nysa did lower her ears slightly as she glanced over in Nature's direction where Asher once was. She was happy though. Maybe still blaming herself a bit, but not as much as she was. The flower that Nature had put by her ear seemed to match perfectly with her coat. Her blue hues and her white markings. It matched perfectly. Though Nysa then looked at Minette lowering her ears slightly.

     One moment Minette was all gentle with her while giving her another hug, but then Minette had suddenly nipped her a bit harder than she ever had before which took her by surprise. Nysa deserved it though. "I didn't even fight him this time!" she snorted a bit before she looked down, "But I didn' mom..Scorn..and Smoke did...." she mumbled as she glanced at Smoke before she looked down again. "I didn't do anything..I panicked..all I did was just..." Nysa stopped. Even is Asher didn't deserve to live, she still didn't want to think about killing someone the way she had.

     Nysa then shortly went over to her parents nuzzling them especially her mother before she looked at Eclipsetess. She didn't hesitate to give her a hug almost refusing to let go of her aunt, "Thank you.." she said in a bit of a whisper, but she was more than grateful. Solstice smiled a bit as she looked at the two. Though after a long moment or two, Nysa eventually let go before she looked at Scorn then her family. "I'd love to go home..but I don't think all of us can.." she said looking at the two sleeping foals then her mother.

     "Nysa I'm fine." Solstice said reassuring her, "Just need some rest is all." she said before she looked at the foals then the others, "Let those two sleep. If need be we can stay behind. Home isn't that far, but I don't even think I could get on my hooves yet even if I tried.." she said trying to remain positive about things. "Home is just next door." Nysa was a little unsure about it, but she could use a night away from the herd and just spend the time with her family..

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#269188 Posted on 2023-05-16 19:26:49

"She is right, and besides, I've tuckered myself out with everything; foaling labor, expelling magic again, flying around, walking alot, and.." Eclipsetess spoke, she agreed with Solstice for the first part before laying down somewhere near Solstice, Orion, Namir, and Nysa and her and Namir's twins.

Though as soon as Eclipsetess layed down, almost on cue, as if the twins got up and went over to their mother- to lay down again, young foals always slept within when they needed it. Especially the two since they wanted to be next to Eclipsetess when she finally started to rest.

But Eclipsetess smiled and gently groomed the twins before putting her selected wing over the twin foals, Eclipsetess's right wing since she was mostly able to have Solstice, Namir, Orion, and Nysa together when Eclipsetess looked around. A benefit actually, and one that was useful in many ways.

Eclipsetess then placed her head down on the ground as she began sleeping, her seal brown coat and her adorable stars glistening and gleaming in the sun, almost like Solstice, except Eclipsetess didn't wear a necklace unlike Solstice's necklace- and a hoofmade one as well..

Eclipsetess did open her eyes from time to time whenever she heard her foals, either by dreaming or that they got hungry for milk in their sleep, Eclipsetess would gently wake them up for one of the two reasons, but Eclipsetess did wake up the twins if one was nibbling on the other's ear- cute but Eclipsetess didn't want that to turn into nipping, unlike Grey Cloud with Roulette and Silhouette..

That went in many directions, and that Grey Cloud had to re-teach herself with having two boys instead of a girl, and that she recieved help from the herd or group if she needed it really bad or that she needed tips or reminders from the mares helping out with Grey Cloud..

But Eclipsetess smiled happily as the twins curled around each other as the two scooted close to their mother, to make sure when she gets up- that she is protecting her foals from anything harmful, but it also allows the twins to move quickly and get out of something.

"Many benefits to one thing; oh how shall we ever decide?" Eclipsetess asked in a dramatic-sarcastic voice, then she went to close her eyes if a horse or two thought that she was sleeping, but she did want to have fun with her twins resting and being so good with Eclipsetess.

Almost like Eclipsetess in a sense, though the twins would have Namir's stubborness; when they age a little more and become curious of the world more, but for now.. Was a time of resting, relaxing, thinking, and doing whatever else to regain the lost moment of silence..

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#269190 Posted on 2023-05-17 05:11:41

     Solstice only gave Eclipsetess a bit of a look, "You need to take better care of yourself. It's not good for you." she said unhappy that Eclipsetess always did things for others instead of doing things for herself, but she was grateful either way. She always was. How could she not be? Especially since what had happened that day, but it was all over now. At least she hoped. Solstice had only looked up at the sky briefly before she adjusted her body a bit to get more comfortable, "Get some rest everyone...I'm mainly talking to you Eclipsetess." she said looking at her friend knowing how she was, but she couldn't help but to smile.

     Nysa had just went and laid down beside her mother more than grateful the new necklace worked. Though Nysa just got comfortable before she laid her head down closing her sore eyes. Solstice smiled softly as she nibbled her daughter's mane slightly, "Well it seems you're no longer the youngest.." Solstice said in a soft and quiet tone. Nysa looked up at her then at Eclipsetess and her foals. Nysa was just excited to play with them, but she didn't worry about that now. Instead she just closed her eyes to get some sleep.

     Namir smiled as the two foals went over to their mother once she had laid down. It was common for foals to be closer to their mothers especially at such a young age, but Namir just stepped over and laid down next to Eclipsetess nuzzling her. Even grooming her for a bit before he decided to close his eyes. A little bit later, and Namir could still tell that Eclipsetess was awake, "Go to sleep Eclipsetess." he muttered in his sleep.

     Though Orion couldn't quite sleep. He just looked at Solstice and Nysa letting out a sigh. He thought he was going to lose them both. No. He DID lose Solstice. Even if she was alive again, it still broke Orion. It broke all of those closest to Solstice. Though Orion didn't say anything. He was just silent. Instead he let out a sigh as he placed his head on her back keeping her close. He never wanted to lose her or the foal again.. It would only be natural for him and more than likely Namir to keep a closer eye on her. Though for right now, Orion ended up falling asleep for the night just as everyone else had.

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#269193 Posted on 2023-05-17 06:27:53

Eclipsetess looked at Namir before she put her head on his back, she then sighed before closing her eys for good, she did fall asleep better when everything was really quiet. Though Eclipsetess's dreams for tonight and the rest of the days would be playing with her foals, the twins cantering as Namir flew over head in her dream..

It only made Eclipsetess smile with gratefulness that she was even happier, even though some depressing stuff happened, she only smiled in her dreams as it somewhat made her move in reality- just a bit like Eclipsetess running- VERY carefullly not to hit her two foals. Or even hurt Namir on accident..

But it was good and better that Eclipsetess had dreams that she really liked now, allowing herself to be immersed and have a fun time, only making her have a better time with sleeping and even having a full nights rest, even the twins. Even though the twin foals were still young, their main dream was connected with Eclipsetess, since it was just a dream that anyone could love.

Though the more the dreams were getting into the dark corners, was when everyone didn't have a connected dream, but this time in age and when everyone JUST had gotten out of a new event, was when a new connected dream approached the herd.

But by the time Eclipsetess was galloping in her dream, was when everyone in the herd was in the dream, including passed horses as well as Snow was in the dream; her white coat with her broken horn, and her right side of her face with that small scar, but her eyes were primarily gray and that she was happy.. Happy to be here now, with everyone..

Though as Eclipsetess woke up from her dream, that it was night, it was night since she couldn't sleep anymore. But she still smiled and had shed a tear since she was happy to have seen Snow again, and that she was the happiest mare to ever live with such a horrible fate at the end..

Eclipsetess knew that she had seen Snow since she was happy to have ever seen a mare more happy to be in a herd like Eclipsetess's herd, both mares being a herd that was loving, caring, and even protective, though when Eclipsetess was young; she had seen Snow care for her, that and because Snow would teach Eclipsetess her rights and her wrongs. Allowing Scorn to train Eclipsetess as well..

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#269194 Posted on 2023-05-17 08:03:42

     Nysa then woke up that next morning seeming to be the first one to wake up. Though she was glad to see everyone else still asleep. Even if it was now morning. Just spending the night with her family seemed to calm her and help her. Though Nysa just sighed as she got up on her hooves and walked a short distance away. Nysa just needed a moment with some fresh air, and she did start looking for some food.

     Though Nysa just used her hoof to dig through the little bit of snow. Seemed like she was slightly adjusting to the cold weather because of how much she had been on the Isle recently, but she paid no mind to it. Instead she found some grass underneath the snow as she grazed a little bit. Nysa couldn't even remember the last time she ate, but she just grazed for a little bit keeping to herself.

      Seemed to be about an hour or so, or maybe Nysa just lost track, but Solstice had woken up. Solstice yawned almost unwilling to get up, but once she took a small look around, she realized they were still on the Isle of Ice. She then looked over seeing Nysa in the distance. Solstice looked at Orion before she slowly and carefully adjusted her weight and her body so that she could at least attempt to get up. 

      Slowly, Solstice had gotten on her hooves, but her balance and that wasn't the greatest. Though she managed as she made sure she didn't wake anyone before she slowly walked over to her daughter. Nysa looked up when she noticed her mother was approaching as she trotted over, "Mother you shouldn't be on your hooves. You must take it easy." she said worriedly as Solstice only chuckled softly.

      "Nysa I am fine. I slept all night. You just need to relax." she said calmly and softly before she sighed, "I know...I hurt you Nysa, but I was doing my job as your mother. I was protecting you. I had to put away the thoughts of what would happen to me..and the foal because I wanted you to make it out of there. That's my job as your mother, and part of my job of being a protect." she said nuzzling her daughter softly as Nysa looked at her before looking down. 

     Solstice was still taller than her daughter because Nysa was still maturing and growing, but neither of them cared. "I'm fine..ok?" she said to Nysa again while also telling herself. Solstice still had to process and think about what had happened. It affected her just as much as it did everyone else. Nysa just started to tear up again as she pressed her head against her mom's neck a bit.

     "I lost you mom...we lost were gone. It's not that easy.." she said burying her face into her mother's neck. Solstice just held her close. "I didn't know what to do without you...I-i watched" Nysa couldn't finish that sentence as it pained her too much. "I couldn't save you mom...I-i tried, but I couldn't..I don't want to lose you again..I don't ever want to lose you.." she said crying, but not as much as she had that previous day.

     Solstice frowned as she listened to Nysa, "Oh Nysa..." she said softly and quietly as she lowered her ears, but she didn't know what to say to her as they both stood there in silence for a moment or two before she eventually spoke, but she didn't speak. Instead she sang her mother's song. The same one Namir had sang to her awhile ago, and the same one she heard her mother sing for the first time on one of her visits. 

     Eventually Nysa stepped back pulling away from her mother as she looked down before she looked up at her. Nysa never heard her mother sing until now, but it seemed to soothe her. Solstice just looked at her daughter nuzzling her, "The song my mother sings." she said with a soft smile before it faded, "Nysa I did what I did because I didn't want you to live your life the way I do. You deserve better than that my beautiful daughter." she said.

     Nysa just smiled a bit, "It's beautiful..." she said quietly before she heard what her mother said next. Though she didn't say anything as Solstice just carefully hugged her again. Nysa did feel better, but not entirely. Seemed Solstice was meant to be a mother even if she doubted herself at times. Somehow she knew just what to say, and it seemed to help Nysa. Even Solstice herself.

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