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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#269067 Posted on 2023-05-11 16:52:18

"Hm well it does seem like it since Esmeray's excited as a newborn colt!" Smoke giggled, she looked around before getting up and smiling like she always does, though once you think about it, Smoke's voice seemed gentle and calming. Much like Moon's voice.

Esmeray was in awe of how well Smoke could put in gentleness with her voice, her voice was normal and sweet but was rough when mad or tried too, annoying was the samething, but this time.. Smoke put in a lot of work just to be calming and gentle, she really saw Moon as a mother to all herds.

"I suggest that we put Moon as the mother of all herds, next to Snow of course! That mare deserves the title with Moon, and plus- Snow would be happy to see another mare be like her, another mother of the herd but Snow would always be recognized as the "All Mother of Herds" and Moon can just be the "Mother of the Herds".. It was just a suggestion, I know Moon- or some point that she wouldn't take it, but since she's in Scorn's herd- then he WOULD give her the title." Smoke spoke up, her voice was coming back to being normal but still had that gentleness that was trying to replicate Moon's voice still, but Smoke knew that she couldn't be like Moon at all, and that was alright with Smoke.

"That's a great idea Smoke, you should talk with Scorn about that, I'm sure Nysa wouldn't mind waiting to fly until you got back or flew into the sky already." Esmeray told Smoke, he was right that Smoke should talk with Scorn about the new title being given to Moon.

"But that would make our herd be lined up with new roles again, and I don't want to do that.." Smoke pointed out, Esmeray raised his light chestnut eyebrow at Smoke, Scorn didn't give Orion a new title when the herd wasn't lined up, so Scorn broke his own rule and that it was still important as ever.

"What about Orion then? He didn't get to line up in the herd like with Moon, in fact Scorn just had given Orion his title but it was still important as everyone's title, but we'll have to see about Moon if Scorn decides to do the very samething with Moon. The way he did with Orion." Esmeray took Smoke's point and twisted it, Smoke was taken back as she forget about that, but she nodded at Esmeray and trotted off to tell Scorn.

"Hah.. Now we wait I guess Nysa.. Unless you wanna go with Smoke? I'll be fine with being here, but its your decision really Nysa and I'll just follow your decision. I am your lead stallion to our group, and that I should respect every decision our group makes, whether or not its good, but I'll protect you and everyone anyways." Esmeray told Nysa, he did want to respect Nysa's decisions so this was good practice to getting used to them, and maybe when the two become a couple, maybe not for awhile but Esmeray was just being as a listener as he ever was.

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#269106 Posted on 2023-05-13 15:24:23

     "Tell me about it." Nysa giggled, "He wouldn't stop talking that I had to bring him over here just to get him to be quiet." she said teasing the stallion as she softly nudged him. Though she noticed the change in Smoke's voice. It seemed familiar. Oddly familiar. Nysa thought whose voice Smoke sounded like before she realized whose voice it was. Moon's. Nysa looked over where Moon normally was seeing the mare laying down in the grass resting more then likely sleeping as Apollo grazed near her a bit.

     Nysa did look back at Smoke as she started talking again seeming to go back to her normal voice. "That isn't a terrible idea." she said seeming to like the idea. Though she wasn't entirely sure who Snow was, but she didn't bother asking...for once. "From what I know about Moon...she was forced into being Phoenix's mate.." she said looking back over at the deep blue tobiano colored mare. Apollo surely didn't look anything like his mother.

     "I don't think she even would accept it..normally she just keeps to herself. Well she is older I suppose..which would make sense.." she said starting to mumble. Though she knew that Moon wasn't much for accepting things or even really having the attention on her. Seemed like her years with Phoenix still got to her in a way. That she couldn't help the herd. She was as much a victim as the rest of Phoenix's herd.

     Though Nysa lost focus a tad bit, "I can wait. I don't mind really." she said shrugging her shoulders. She didn't really care what they did. Nysa was slightly confused when Smoke said that the herd would be lined up again for new roles. "Why would that matter? Most of everyone has a role..?" she asked confused as this time she asked one of her many questions. Maybe as she got a bit older she wouldn't ask so many questions.

     Either way Nysa perked up when her father was mentioned, "Grey Cloud wanted him to be the new Historian because he had the qualities her brother did.." she said before she mumbled, "My father told me when I was a filly.." Nysa did look over at her parents for a second, "My uncle doesn't have a role. Not even my mother. Well I guess my mom has her duties..just not a role within the herd.." she mumbled.

     Nysa watched as Smoke started trotting over to her father before she looked at Esmeray. "We can both go silly." she said nudging him again before she playfully cantered then trotted after Smoke. "Let's at least hope Scorn won't wake the herd...most of everyone is resting or asleep." she said to herself though the others could have heard her. She wouldn't want to wake them. Especially her mother since it wasn't every day she was sleeping through the day.

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#269109 Posted on 2023-05-13 16:44:06

"Hah! Yeah.. Let's hope so- but if Scorn does something stupid like that- his herd of mares wouldn't hesitate to nip him. And he's the lead stallion.." Esmeray said, he seemed uneasy that Scorn would just let a band of his mares do whatever they pleased, but wouldn't stand for being awake- well it depended on what Scorn had the urgency to tell his mares in the large herd.

Though Smoke looked back at Nysa and Esmeray before focusing on her father again, but it seemed like forever since Smoke was right next to Scorn, and that Esmeray could tell the difference between the two again. Unless it was one of Smoke's or Scorn's illusion magic making the different sizes.

"Alright who's making the magic happen? Take down the illusion of your sizes, Smoke, Scorn." Esmeray told Smoke and Scorn, the two looked and smiled at each other before the two took down their magic together, Scorn was tied to Smoke's same height as him, but being an inch taller though.

"Ah.. Never thought that you two would be the same height.. Then again I do respect my leader's and never once stare at them for too long.. In this case; Scorn, and shortly Smoke- if Scorn seemed like Smoke could handle such a task." Esmeray said, he was surprised before talking like his usual respectable self.

"But anyways, Smoke you know what you gotta say to Scorn don't-" Esmeray was hushed by Smoke who put her hoof on Esmeray's mouth, the stallion instantly hushed as he looked at Nysa and gently buried his face into her side, he didn't like being hushed, so he'd be embarrassed by that.

"I know what I have to say, as I aready said it to dad. Scorn was gonna trot over to Moon and ask her- if she's fully awake, don't want to ask a half-tired mare now. Or a sleeping one at that. So dad is just gonna graze for the meanwhile, since Moon doesn't seem to be up.. Relatable.." Smoke whispered at the end, she was just tired from reading the book, allowing her to sound more tired then she did just minutes ago.

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#269113 Posted on 2023-05-13 19:47:18

     Nysa just looked back at Esmeray as she trotted along, "Well that would be his mistake. Even my mom's asleep, and she normally isn't during the day..well unless she had a pretty long day like we all did yesterday coming back home." she said looking over at her parents. "We're lucky to have him as our leader though. Not all stallions are good..some of us know that more than others." she said as she looked back at Esmeray as the two had approached Smoke and her father.

     Though Nysa noticed the size difference between the two as she looked at them a bit confused, but also curious as always. Esmeray seemed to realize what the two were doing way faster than she did. Once she realized what Esmeray meant, she couldn't help but giggle at the two. "Well definitely father and daughter." she said mainly to herself. Despite everything, Nysa still seemed to be her bright and happy self. At least for now. The main thing was that she was happy to be back home with her friends and family.

     Nysa couldn't help, but to giggle to herself again. She looked at Smoke and Esmeray when Smoke put her hoof to Esmeray's mouth. This time she let out a small quiet giggle. At least until Esmeray had surprised her by gently burying his face into her side. She didn't expect him to do that at all as it caught her off guard in a way, but not in a bad way. She seemed to enjoy his soft touch..his soft nature. 

     Nysa did look over in Moon's direction, "I saw her sleeping a little while ago. Most of everyone is anyway." she said looking back at Smoke and Scorn, "Everyone's tired really..traveling back home seemed to take it out of everyone, but Moon is older then most of the other mares in the herd, so coming back home might have taken it out of her more then some of the others.."

     Though Nysa was right. Moon was asleep as she laid in the grass her legs underneath her as her head laid in the grass. She probably didn't even wake up that morning. Probably been asleep since that previous night. Apollo was still fairly close to her though. He seemed to do that sometimes..especially since they returned home. He was pretty close with his mother. Partly because she always kept him close when he was younger, and because she was the only family he least by blood... 

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#269124 Posted on 2023-05-14 08:57:48

"Well.." Scorn was about to say something, but he couldn't think what to say to the group, "I can't think of anything.." Scorn blurted out, well he spoke since he didn't yell, but still. But Esmeray and Smoke tried to think of something, but they couldn't come up with anything either to say.

"Weird.. We always come up with something to do.." Esmeray said, he had gotten a bad feeling as Scorn felt it too, Smoke looked at Nysa with the most uneasy body ever, she was uncomfortable by the way the two stallions talked, and that Azulia would feel it alone just by Smoke.

"We should calm down before Azulia sense's any uneasy feelings from us, you know how she is when she gets uncontrollable with her feelings.." Esmeray told Smoke, Scorn, and maybe Nysa, he even started to calm down since they all knew what Azulia would feel. Including Raven since she was Azulia's daughter after all.

"And don't forget about Raven.. She's just like Azulia, you know.." Smoke added to what Esmeray said, he forgot about Raven but Smoke added on for his sake before Nysa would do the samething, maybe.. Or maybe not, who knows really? Anyways, Esmeray just took a breath and sighed as anyone else would in that moment.

"If its someone we know that's coming back a second time, then we're all- I guess.. Screwed? Are we in that time already?" Esmeray asked, Smoke nipped him since he forgot that the industrial revolution wasn't coming within ten or twenty years, and that Smoke had to re-tell him again.

"Sorry.." Esmeray apologized, I mean who couldn't disagree with Esmeray? Some horses already saw the oracle of industrial horses in the far future really, and that he was just asking since the god's were actually preparing for that, and Esmeray knew that he knew god's were prepping for the time to come.

"Anyways, with that out of our heads now, can we focus on the present and not the future for now? I know some horses are excited about that, but we gotta stay ahead of ourselves.. And live in the present.." Smoke tried cutting into the conversation, Esmeray listened as he knows that Smoke would nip him and Scorn.

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#269125 Posted on 2023-05-14 09:34:25

     Things were quiet between the four. Nysa just took a minute to look around at the herd. She'd never really seen the herd like this before. Seemed like it was mainly just them who were up and moving around. Well Nysa seemed to have a bit of energy, but it died off over time. She figured it was probably best to rest like everyone else, but she didn't say anything about it for now.

     Though Nysa then got confused as the feelings within the group changed. That and she didn't know what they were talking about at that point, but she didn't like it. Either way Nysa went oddly quiet for herself as she just didn't bother asking a ton of questions. Probably better to just stay out of it. At least she thought it was. Nysa had no clue about what they were even talking about.

     Nysa eventually spoke up though as she looked at the others then Esmeray, "I think I'm going to go lay down..I could probably use some more rest...yesterday was a very long day.." she said seeming to be a bit tired. Though she softly nuzzled Esmeray before she turned away and started walking over to her parents, but she didn't lay down with them this time. Instead she just laid down near them getting comfortable.

     Orion was still reading his book while Solstice was still asleep when he looked up seeing Nysa walking over before laying down a short way from them. Though he just figured she was tired since it seemed she was. Nysa just curled up a bit and closed her eyes as she thought about a few things. The book. The book Asher had given her when it was just her and Lichanura. She couldn't stop thinking about it, but she didn't know what to do.

     She never once looked at the book or even opened it. It was all a mystery. Though Nysa didn't say anything to anyone about anything really. Well she talked with her mother a bit, but she was just happy that she was back home with everyone. Where she could be herself again. She got back what she wanted which is what mattered. Though it wasn't too much longer until she ended up falling asleep as her mind went to rest as well. Maybe some more sleep would do her some good.

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#269127 Posted on 2023-05-14 11:35:58

Esmeray blushed as he watched what Nysa do before she decided to go near and lay down by her parents, Esmeray thought of laying next to Nysa, but he didn't want to be a bother for the three, so he stopped looking at Nysa and paid more attention to Scorn and Smoke.

"Well I'm gonna go graze since we're still in a sleepy herd, I'll you two and Nysa probably later." Smoke told the two stallions, Esmeray just walked around the herd for the while as Scorn went back to grazing in his spot since he caught Grey Cloud napping, as usual. Mostly because their twins and what happened.

Though a couple hours later and the titan creature woke up as something slapped his face twice, as a wake up gesture, but it also caught Scorn's attention since it was just a normal day after yesterday, but the stallion only used his normal black magic to see what was wrong.

The titan creature looked at Scorn as he came over, clearly worried and that Grey Cloud woke up since she was done napping, though Grey Cloud got up and walked around since her footing was off for the time being. But she did watch as Esmeray and the twins went over to see what was up and try to help Scorn as well as the titan.

Then Grey Cloud began walking around the herd as the titan got up and walked into the forest, to scout as Scorn told him too, to at least spot where the attack for him was coming from. But Scorn had thought that it was Asher doing this, and the stallion could now free roam around the world after he died and could do whatever he wanted.

"Is that what your thinking Scorn?" the titan asked Scorn, the stallion nodded to the titan, then the titan told the four look up as it was happening again, what everyone thought would happen as they knew. But it was a much shorter time to prepare and relax longer.

"It's happening again, at least there are no more giant creatures to have the god's fight against and help us win." Scorn sighed, he was happy that there was no more creatures to try and attack, maybe they went through a lot of things to just have their souls freed from the darkness claiming them.

"So.. Wanna help with the battle Esmeray? If you and your sister are like your parents, then they didn't need to be unicorns to achieve their dreams. After all; they managed to claim magic without even being a unicorn- much like Dra, but we have your parents as allies at least." Scorn asked Esmeray, Esmeray was just shocked to hear of what Scorn said to him after he was asked a question, and that he and Moonlight could be like their parents. It as just a matter time of training really.

"Yeah, let's go Scorn, twins, we need Smoke and the rest of our young group to fight back. We now know how to fight against enemies, whether watching or sleeping." Esmeray confidently spoke to Scorn and the twins, though the titan laughed before he went inside the three herd's land, inside the meadow and not back outside the forest.

"Well your gonna need a protector after all, and I'm lucky to be here with you all." the titan told Scorn, Esmeray, and the twins sweetly, he was a very nice titan actually. And one that seemed to be a great ally since he'll be useful for the three herds greatly.

Scorn smiled before taking off into the sky, he and everyone else knew that the very peaceful day wasn't gonna be so peaceful, at least they had time before Asher popped up from the side of Isle of Dreams, but Scorn also had managed to get everyone evacuated the Isle- after he woke everyone up and got them on the neighboring Isle of Ice, and that the alpha for the Isle of Ice made sure that everyone was under his coat. To be protected from the cold, and to keep everyone warm and happy.

"Ready titan?" Scorn yelled as he flew high into the sky, Smoke went into the sky since she wanted to help as Eclipsetess joined in as well, Minette was veyr worried for her mother to even be fighting again, but she knew that Eclipsetess would only tell Minette to be under the alpha's coat so that she wouldn't freeze from the cold.

The red sky darkened a bit more before unleashing black-red lightning, Scorn knew that Asher was gonna pop up as he watched every other creature do the same at the Isle of Mountains, the terrifying creatures that froze everyone up so much that he had watch them dodge for their lives..

"Snow.. I wish you were here sometimes.. This herd isn't the same without you, nor even your friends and adopted family members as well.. I want you here again and healthy.." Scorn whispered, he was scared and that he knew it, but he wasn't aware that Snow was watching him, everyone that wanted to help fight as well, even everyone else.

"Oh dear Scorn.. I wished I could tell you how happy you made me after the time I joined your herd, helping the mares that went their separate ways, even adopting some members of the herd, including watching your beautiful and creative daughter too.." Snow whispered, she was watching from an orb that the god's used to keep track of things, in the heavens, but she just watched and smiled too, seeing her tears drip down onto her cheeks happily as the orb's reflection reflected Snow, her eyes going from happy to joful crying from what Scorn has done now, watching him and everyone do what's right for the sake of the Isle. Their home. And Snow's home.

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#269132 Posted on 2023-05-14 18:12:21

     Nysa just ended up falling asleep quite easily. Maybe she was more tired than she thought she was. Nysa often didn't realize she was tired let alone exhausted. Kind of like her mother sometimes. Solstice sometimes would stay up when she was too focused on something that she would never realize she was tired. Like when she couldn't stop searching for Nysa when she ran away that one night.

     Though Orion had ended up falling asleep as his book remained open. Everyone that was sleeping seemed to sleep for another few hours. At least until Solstice started to wake up slowly when she got a bad feeling about something. When she did wake up, Solstice let out a small yawn before she looked at Orion smiling as he fell asleep while reading. Though Solstice then looked around seeing Nysa asleep, but she knew immediately that something was wrong.

     Solstice then softly, but also urgently nudged Orion awake, "Get up. Something's wrong." she said before she stood up as Orion shook his head looking at her before looking around. "I'll wake up Nysa." she said as Orion had also gotten up and nodded before Solstice walked over to Nysa. Seemed as though she had her face buried under her wing while her horn poked out. "Nysa get up. Get up." she said nudging Nysa the same way she had done to Orion, "We have to go."

     Nysa just grumbled a bit not really wanting to wake up, but Solstice wasn't giving her a choice. "Why mom..?" she mumbled tiredly as she slowly opened her eyes while shaking her head slightly as she yawned. Though once she was awake, even if she wanted to go back to bed, Nysa saw Scorn rounding up the herd, "Where are we going? What's going on?" she asked looking at her mother.

     "No time to talk. We have to go." Solstice said nudging her to get on her hooves as Nysa did just that. "Stay with the herd. Stay close to me." she said even though Nysa wasn't a filly anymore. Solstice just didn't want anything to happen to her daughter. Nysa just gave a small nod as she followed only to realize they were all going back to the Isle of Ice. Nysa didn't want to go back there, but she was given no choice.

     When they all got on the new Isle, Solstice made sure everyone was alright including her family before she flew up like some of the others did. Though she told Nysa to stay behind. Nysa of course didn't listen, and Orion couldn't stop her. Nysa just flew up over to her mother, "I'm not going to let you fight whatever is even happening mom. You really shouldn't. Auntie shouldn't either." she said looking over at Eclipsetess.

     Solstice looked at Nysa knowing she wasn't going to stay put because she was her daughter after all. "It's my job Nysa. To protect and fight. I will be fine." she said reassuring her daughter, "Your aunt as well." Though Solstice let out a small sigh, "I know you won't stay with the herd, and I can't stop you, but be careful Nysa. I don't want to lose you." she said nuzzling Nysa before looking at Scorn and the others.

     Even Namir and Apollo had flown up with the others. Well Namir did it willingly because of Eclipsetess. He knew he wasn't going to stop her, but he just wanted to make sure she would be fine. Though Solstice looked at the dark red sky as there was red and black lightning which scared Nysa, "What's the plan?" Solstice asked as she looked at Scorn. Solstice still didn't really know what was going on, but it seemed familiar to her. Nysa seemed to feel a familiar presence, and she didn't like it at all.

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#269134 Posted on 2023-05-14 18:53:06

"Well taken by what's happening, I suggest we prepare mentally and physically for a fight. I know it's only been a day, but you know and everyone else does that evil does not rest- well unless severly damaged or wounded.. But Solstice, I suggest that you and Eclipsetess should stick together, you both are pregnant. Meaning you two will be highly slower, so I want you two to stay close, to protect each other's back. Like when Eclipsetess keeps protecting you, your future foals lives depend you two." Scorn told Solstice, he also looked at Eclipsetess as she nodded, though Scorn got a tingle and looked behind him as it was nothing there, but the titan's growling said otherwise.

"He's here.. Just being a coward as usual.." Scorn spoke about, he meant Asher as he could tell that Asher wouldn't reveal himself until it was like when the herd got frozen solid in stone, though Scorn knew too well that the group was forced to dodge his stone magic.

"I hope that he won't circle two pregnant mares then, it'll highly be unlikely, but if we work together like a herd.. Then we'll be sure to have an advantage at defeating him, two bait. And a big group +a titan on our side equals to a huge advantage, unless he wants to go first?" Eclipsetess looked at above the trees as she knew Asher would poke out from them, and that she could shield unless Nature appears out of nowhere, like she usually does to help win something.

"Unlikely? Now we gotta make sure to protect you two girls, and it seems like Minette isn't participating for help? This'll put much more stress on you then Eclipsetess, but I'll be here to try and lower the stress if you can't seem to work how you want." Scorn told Eclipsetess, she nodded as being preggo for awhile and not realizing it would put extreme pressure on her foal, probably to the point where she wouldn't be able to handle the chaos, but Eclipsetess just prays to not fall and be in labor if it gets too much for her.

Though normal giggling sounded before Asher laughed insanely, as he quickly and hovered above the forest, his grand entrance wasn't so graceful, instead he acted much more like Dra when flying above, his bat wings having some holes to them here and there. But the most different change was the lack of some hair here and there..

"Miss ME?" Asher asked the group, his voice was completely different and insane, having the normal Dra-like temper whilst having a creepy smile strike onto Asher's face, his voice deep and a bit distorted, like he was waiting for this moment to appear for him to take.

"Oh we did Asher." Scorn answered Asher's question, it got Asher dumbfounded as Scorn told him "Sike! Who would miss you? Certainly not Minette, you scum.". Asher then got mad but Smoke took the obvious option and hit the stallion before he could do say or do anything, which made Asher mad but it was a risky move well taken.

"Hah! Confused? Even your dead body can't process what I said. Now who's weaker?" Scorn asked Asher, now the group had the upperhand for fighting against Asher, and that Scorn didn't risk forming his chains around Asher- he didn't want to be stoned and take the risky option, which was smart.

"You.. ARE!!" Asher yelled, Asher flexed his body a bit as to get every drop of magic into a ball before blasting, Eclipsetess immediately put up a shield before anyone could die, which was smart as the magic quickly broke away and rejoined Asher's horn.

"Being mad and shooting magic at us won't solve your anger issues, you only died so that you could be immortal for a bit before we take you down." Scorn told Asher, the stallion didn't need to tell Asher common sense in a dangerous situation, but he did as Eclipsetess made sure to keep the shield up as Asher threw tons of big giant magical balls, which made even Scorn's heart race a bit.

Though Eclipsetess took the shot and blasted some strong magic at Asher, getting to the stallion as he screamed before starting to regenerate back up, like what he did smartly when fighting Nysa and Lichanura, though the stallion was nowhere before Lichanura smacked against Asher's body and joined the group behind him as he flew quickly.. Making sure that Eclipsetess had her shield up before Asher's trailing magic behind Lichanura could get to him.

"Whew, close one. Thank you Mrs. Goddess!!" Lichanura thanked Eclipsetess, she took a breath or two as she smiled awkwardly, her fatique was quick to get to her since she did blast off strong magic at Asher. So Lichanura did some healing for Eclipsetess's stamina, also allowing the whole allied group to heal up as well. Including the titan too.

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#269141 Posted on 2023-05-15 06:11:19

     "Scorn I'll be fine. I'm not that far along." Solstice said even though Scorn wasn't going to give her much of a choice. Nysa seemed to agree with Scorn since she was a bit worried, but also because she wasn't exactly sure what was going on. At least Scorn was letting them fight. Solstice was a bit worried about Eclipsetess since she was the closest to delivering out of the three of them.

     Nysa just looked at Scorn then her mother, "He's right mom.." she said. Solstice just looked at her and nuzzled her again to tell her it was going to be alright. Though that was when Scorn spoke again. Nysa then realized what was going on when Scorn said coward. "H-how can he be here..h-he's gone.." she said nervously as she started to panic a bit. Though Solstice softly nuzzled her daughter's side knowing what she was feeling.

     "I'm afraid he's still here Nysa.." she said before looking at Scorn, "This time you have all of us. You have me." she said reassuring her that everything was going to be alright. Nysa looked at her mother and nodded as she was right. This time it wasn't just her and Asher in a battle arena. Now it was her and everyone she loved against him. Either way she got the feeling that this time he was going to fight back.

     Though Nysa looked at Scorn again then her mother and her aunt, "You are goddesses too...he might target you he targeted you mom.." she said looking down as Solstice sighed. The others might not have known what she meant. "I don't want to watch you struggle again like that mom.." Nysa said. Nysa didn't want to fight, but she also didn't want to just stand and do nothing. She just wanted this to be over. She thought she was a fool to think it was over.

     Solstice sighed, "Nysa I will be fine. We will be fine. We all will be. You have to have hope alright? This isn't my first fight, and it unfortunately won't be the last." she said before they all heard giggling then Asher's insane laugh. Nysa lowered her head slightly knowing this time it was really going to be a real fight. That this time he was going to fight back. Nysa only hoped her mother was right.

     Though Solstice got in front of her daughter when Asher had shown himself. She didn't want her daughter to suffer like she did. Even Solstice got the feeling of Dra being there, but it was just how Asher was now acting. This was his plan overall. This was what he warned everyone about. This was what he warned Nysa about, and Nysa regretted everything. She regretted ignoring everything he gave her. The clues and the facts. This was her fault.

     Either way everyone let Scorn talk with him. Nysa just somewhat hid behind her mother trying to get herself together. Though it wasn't very long until Asher made the first attack. Luckily, Eclipsetess made a shield quick enough no one was hurt. The fight had begun. Solstice just snorted blasting a few fireballs at him. Though she looked over at Eclipsetess noticing she was already tired before Lichanura helped regain her energy. "Eclipsetess are you sure you should be doing this...your in no shape to fight.." she said worried about her friend, "Don't push yourself." she said.

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#269142 Posted on 2023-05-15 07:20:39

"I-I'll be fine and I'll make sure that I won't push pass my limits this time, I just- want to make sure everyone's alright if Asher tries to attack.. At least I have my adrenaline and my foal keeping me to my limit.." Eclipsetess sighed, though Asher tried attacking again when the titan seemed to have emitted a ray of blue light to help keep Asher split and away from the group.

"Rgh! Your all weak!" Asher shouted, he seemed to have less patience and much more longer anger, and that the titan was keeping track of what was happening. Asher knew he couldn't fight against so many enemies, but he still kept up what he was doing.

Though Scorn made a chain link appear as a separate entity and threw to Asher, but just as Scorn thought, Asher made it frozen solid somehow and that Scorn only used and switched to his dark magic for the while, and that worked as Asher seemed to have a black patch of black on his thigh.

"As long as we're all separated from you; you cannot attack us or try too, we're too strong for you anyways." Scorn spoke to Asher, the black and white stallion didn't listen and went to gliding and switching between different tactics to confuse Scorn and everyone- but none got to him or the group.

Asher tried diving but the titan put up/kept up a barrier for the Isle to not be touched by Asher, so Asher bounced off of a barrier and shot right back up, but Eclipsetess moved out of the way as Asher went straight up before free falling and missing Scorn and Eclipsetess..

"Heh, well.." Eclipsetess was shocked, but she regained focus as Scorn flew around Asher and shot magic at him that way, Lichanura stayed beside Eclipsetess to keep her calm and normal, mostly he could tell stress was arising in Eclipsetess little bit by bit.

But Scorn did a quick barrel roll as he dodged really quick beams of light, somewhat trying not to be a fool of himself, but Lichanura examined/analyzed anything about Asher now that seemed to be different compared to Asher from the previous and most haunting thing; the fight. Or well haunting to seem degree.

Eclipsetess looked away for a minute before looking back as she flew backwards when Lichanura put his whole leg arund her, since she didn't realize that Asher threw a ball of light towards Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess just dodged the magical ball as Lichanura made sure that she survived and she did.

"Ho.. Ho ho!" Eclipsetess was merely worried about everyone else that she's not paying attention to herself and for herself, making Lichanura and anyone else around push or shove Eclipsetess gently but greatly away from the threats that Eclipsetess was dodging from.

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#269143 Posted on 2023-05-15 10:50:07

     Solstice looked at Eclipsetess and Asher making sure he didn't try anything while she was helping her best friend. "We will be fine Eclipsetess. Right now I'm just worried about you and your foal." she said as she stayed beside Eclipsetess. It was the least she could do after everything Eclipsetess had done for her. Saving her life countless times. The least she could do was look out for her when she wasn't at her best. "I'm not going to stop you, but you need to stop when you can't fight any more." Solstice said worriedly.

     Though Solstice brought her attention right back to Asher. Nysa just stayed with her mother unsure of what to do. Solstice did study Asher though. She knew Dra enough by the time she had fought him for the first time, but Solstice knew nothing about Asher. Honestly this was her first time seeing Asher. He never showed himself when he originally turned everyone to stone except the young group.

     Solstice also spent a lot of time watching Asher because she knew even herself that she couldn't fight too much. Even if she wasn't as far along as Eclipsetess, it still wasn't good for her. At least she got a good amount of sleep prior to the return of Asher. That was good. Same for Nysa since she was still young and had a long week. Though over time, Nysa didn't so much hide..

     Even Solstice was taken by surprise a bit when Asher shot a ball of light at Eclipsetess, but she was grateful Lichanura got her out of the way in time. Nysa watched the whole thing before she looked at Asher as Solstice made sure Eclipsetess was alright. Nysa snorted unhappy that Asher had tried to attack her aunt and her unborn cousin. "Don't you hurt my family Asher! That was part of the deal!" she yelled finally working up the courage to face him again.

     Though as Solstice was making sure her friend was alright, she didn't realize Nysa had gone to face Asher until she heard her daughter's voice. Solstice got worried as she turned to look at Nysa, "What deal!? You made a deal with him!?" she said clearly more worried then she was before. "Nysa don't do whatever you're thinking. We'll think of something." Solstice said wanting her daughter to get away from the tyrant.

     Nysa didn't bother to look at her mother at least not at first, "It was the only choice I had mom. I had to get you and everyone else back. It doesn't matter anymore." she said keeping her eyes on Asher. Though Nysa then broke her gaze to look at her mother now ignoring Asher entirely, "I beat him once...I-i can do it again.." she said seeming to be determined, but she really wasn't. Nysa just didn't want to see her family hurt. Though by ignoring Asher entirely and not paying attention to him might have been a big big mistake.....

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#269153 Posted on 2023-05-15 15:30:14

Asher giggled quietly before sucking some air in and releasing a big ball of magic, straight towards both Nysa and Solstice, maybe the ball was bigger so it would also take Eclipsetess out as well, but Lichanura noticed the big and tried getting the mares to move, but Eclipsetess only followed him..

"Nysa! Solstice! MOVE!!" Eclipsetess screamed, though she was probably too loud as it made the foal kick inside her, which made her frozen before Lichanura noticed, as he looked at Nysa and Solstice, though he tried calmign Eclipsetess down but it only made her stressed out because of Nysa and Solstice.

"Namir!!" Eclipsetess yelled for Namir this time, she couldn't handle the kicking and decided to land down on the ground, Lichanura followed Eclipsetess since she would need the help before he went back up as he knew that Namir would handle the rest, with the exception of Scorn's mares running straight to Eclipsetess.

"Mom!" Minette yelled, sure she got worried but like any other mare; she ran straight to Eclipsetess, she knew that Eclipsetess get stressed out but she decided to yell to only have the consequence of foaling, Scorn looked around before putting up a barrier but the big magic ball quickly made its way to Nysa and Solstice.

"GIRLS!!" Scorn yelled, Smoke quickly and instantly dove down as she had quick and fast speed, probably enough to block the magic ball a little bit, but it wasn't enough to stop it from proceeding to Nysa and Solstice. Though that was only beginning for drama to from once more.

Eclipsetess screamed and neighed loudly, only because she was foaling because of the consequnce she took, and that she wanted to protect Solstice and her niece, but the mares around Eclipsetess let Namir in since he would be needed to keep Eclipsetess calm in the midst of the storm of chaos.

"Only.. Chaos.. Ow.." Smoke was burning from the heat of the magic ball, it spinning as it started to consume Smoke more and more, Scorn's only daughter and inheriter for the lead mare of the group whilst having her mother as the great lead mare to help Smoke when Scorn decided to give his title to her.

But that didn't happen as Scorn began crying and tried using his dark magic to stop the ball from consuming Smoke, but it was too late as it was inching itself closer and closer to Nysa and Solstice- well to a degree, but Scorn trying to save his only daughter from death; it didn't happen as he tried his best, but he failed as he didn't realize that Smoke was already in the ball now.. Dead.. But Scorn didn't know. Yet.

But as Scorn realized that his only daughter was no dead, he stopped, he stopped fighting the magic ball and was sad. He was shocked, he had a long shock as his tears started forming more and more as he didn't know Smoke was already dead, until now that Scorn was only looking at a ball of magic, his eyes wide and fearful, they only represented shock now.

Scorn didn't say anything; instead only watched the ball as Nysa and Solstice moved away from it, Scorn was still in his position as Lichanura didn't say anything, no one said anything as Eclipsetess watched Smoke die in front of her, Smoke was now with her care taker in the heavens..

When Eclipsetess was able to blink, she only put her head down as Asher began laughing manically and hard, the mares around Eclipsetess began getting increasinly mad as they loved Smoke; her black on black coat, and her two different eyes. She was special to Scorn, and that she was able to hone his magic until she reached adulthood- marehood and controlled it better to where she could fly and do his magic like he did himself.

Now it was silence and Asher's laughing, he enjoyed the silence and that Smoke was now dead, everyone was quiet except for the mares that were mad, to the point where they began going through phases quickly, and that they reached their anger level to the max where they called out Asher so much the stallion was about to form and a shoot a ball of magic directly towards the mares, of course he was stopped..

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#269156 Posted on 2023-05-15 16:45:18

     Solstice just looked at Nysa. What had her daughter done to make a deal with this tyrant before them? From what it seemed Nysa had won, at least until Asher returned. Though both Solstice and Nysa had looked at Eclipsetess as she yelled at the two of them, but neither of them looked in Asher's direction. Instead they looked at Eclipsetess realizing something was wrong.

     Namir was with them flying, but he had to go back to the ground shortly after. Sure he could fly, but not for long since he never flew much. He was mainly trying to keep himself distracted by trying to keep the herd calm. Until he heard Eclipsetess shout his name. He immediately looked up to see something was wrong. Immediately, Namir flew up to her before helping her land on the ground softly worried before he looked up at Solstice and Nysa...both were clueless, but the others had to do something. Namir had to be there for Eclipsetess..

      Though all the mares and Minette then ran over. Namir nuzzled Minette trying to keep her calm as well as Eclipsetess and even himself. Once the mares did allow him to be with his mate, Namir didn't hesitate to lay down beside her placing his head over her neck and shoulder. "There's nothing you can do Eclipsetess..." he mumbled closing his eyes, "The foal is coming...our foal.." he said trying to reassure her that everything will be fine, "I'm not leaving." he said pressing his cheek to her's.

     Solstice and Nysa were still clueless due to the fact that everything was happening so suddenly. Neither Solstice or Nysa were in their right minds. Too much was happening in only a matter of seconds. Solstice didn't know what to do or even what was happening at that point. Nysa was worried sick about her aunt, but she knew no one else could defeat this tyrant but her.. Either way Namir had set up another small barrier around him, Eclipsetess, and the other mares just in case.

     It wasn't until Scorn yelled that Solstice and Nysa both snapped out of their heads only to look to see the rather large ball of magic heading straight for both of them. That was when Smoke had dove down trying to stop the ball of magic. Nysa froze, "Smoke!" she yelled watching as her friend seemed to be sucked into the ball of magic. "No!" she yelled watching her friend die.

     Nysa tried to save her friend, but it was useless. Before she knew it, Smoke was gone as Nysa just looked down. Solstice snapped out of it as she looked at the ball of magic then Nysa then back at the ball of magic. Without another second of hesitation, Solstice quickly flew towards her daughter ramming into her quite hard, but it had to be done. "I'm sorry Nysa..I love you.." she said softly as Nysa was confused as to why her mother had rammed into her like she had, but by the time she came to realize why, it was already too late.

     "MOM! NO!" she yelled as the ball of magic had hit Solstice with enough force to do quite a bit of damage. Enough to cause Solstice to fall back unconscious..but it was so much worse than that. The moment the ball of magic came in contact with her, the force was powerful enough that her necklace completely shattered causing a glow. Nysa tried to catch her mother, but she wasn't fast enough as Solstice fell to the ground a bit hard. 

     Nysa didn't even think about the cold, icey, and snowy weather. She carefully landed on the ground looking at her mother, "Mom..." she said starting to sob as her eyes laid on the purple necklace she wore. Only the top part of the purple gem was still there..the rest shattered...gone. "No no no no no no no..." she said starting to ramble on as she sobbed sitting down hunched over as she cried, "Mom..."

     Orion rushed over as quickly as he could, "Solstice!" he hollered only to stop suddenly when he saw her laying there motionless. Nysa sitting there sobbing as Asher laughed nonstop in the background. "She's gone.." Nysa mumbled in between her sobs. "Her necklace..." she said almost unable to speak, "Her and the foal are gone.." Orion stood there in disbelief as he shook his head denying it before he stepped over to Nysa nuzzling her side before he looked at Solstice before looking down.

     Namir had only managed to look up and watch what happened. "No...sis.." he muttered wanting to go to her side, but he also couldn't leave Eclipsetess. Instead he just looked down laying his head down back on Eclipsetess gently closing his eyes grieving..all that could be heard was Asher's laughter. Though Nysa just got up and laid next to her mother putting her mother's wing over her as she silently sobbed, "You can't be gone mom...we need you...I need you...the" she silently sobbed. Nysa wasn't going to leave Solstice's side..Asher was at the back of her mind..

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#269157 Posted on 2023-05-15 17:37:26

Asher looked down at what he caused, but it had only made him laugh more, Eclipsetess only whimpered since she couldn't do anything, but she did focus on the foal more. So much so that once she heard something, she moved her eyes as looked up at Asher.. Who was making another ball of magic again.

This time Asher made sure to point it directly at Nysa, Orion, and Solstice's lifeless body. Eclipsetess only watched before she started moving her head so much that she also made her prepping body move a little as well, to the point she cried and screamed at the same time that..

Eclipsetess had sent out another discharge of magic, like the day she did it and made everything crystalized, though the magic was much more powerful that Minette quickly huddled next to Namir since she didn't want to be blasted away, even the titan quickly moved into the forest..

The mares around Eclipsetess huddled together, even the alpha wolf bent down a bit to try and stay where he was, though Scorn didn't realize it until the discharge blew up and into his face, while in the process of unleashing another discharge; Eclipsetess also made barriers for everyone, even though Namir already did that; she made stronger ones so that everyone could lean against it when the discharge happened..

That and when Eclipsetess calmed down and took a breath or two for the meanwhile, she relaxed as her stomach shrunk and then she looked at her rear, Minette looked up as the discharge created another crystalization again, but this time looked sharper and much more thicker too.

Minette then perked up and looked around as she heard two whinnies, Minette didn't even realize that Eclipsetess had two foals, she thought that her mother only had one and not twins, no matter as Minette just relaxed in the situation and that the herd of mares praised Eclipsetess for multitasking quite quickly.

"Let my mother rest, but thank you for helping her out to your best.." Minette politely told the mares around, they smiled and nuzzled Minette, Namir, and Eclipsetess for being with each other, and that Eclipsetess was gonna be surprised to have twins and not a single foal.

As a metal klink was on the ground, the herd of mares and Minette looked at where the sound came from, and when they looked at the metal klink; it was Scorn's hidden crown, the same one he barely shows himself, unless it was for show.. But the crown was sharp and pointed with only three spikey-things poking out of the soil. The fourth spikey-thing must've been the one to impact and claw into the earth.

Though the sky's dark red turned into a watermelon color, but the herd of mares looked around as they saw Solstice there with her family, the mares ran as Minette stayed with her tired mother, but Eclipsetess told Minette to go to her cousin. And Minette did that very thing and ran over, Eclipsetess also told that same wording to Namir; he needed to go to her more then stay with Eclipsetess..

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