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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268853 Posted on 2023-05-03 16:18:29

     Nysa only gave him a look, "I may be young, but that doesn't I'm dumb." she said knowing he was trying to act dumb. Though she said it knowing it would make him mad. Almost like she outsmarted him without him even realizing it. Well because she did outsmart him, but she wasn't done yet, "Well...your face looks like one, so yes it is." she said with a hidden smirk a bit proud of herself, but she didn't let it get to her.

     Though at that point, Asher was moving again. Nysa kept an eye on him. She watched him dive down before shooting straight up. Nysa flew back a bit. It seemed he liked his light form, but the longer he was in that form, the more it affected her. Over time her head started to hurt, but she ignored it and tried to keep herself focused. She couldn't afford to loose focus. If she did...she didn't even want to think about what would happen.

     Nysa did notice that he looked like a phoenix in a way. She thought it was odd, but she knew nothing about this magic, or anything really that she'd seen Asher do. She'd never heard of it. If she just knew something about his magic or even about him then it would help her, but she knew nothing. This clearly wasn't the time to just read and study. She had to figure things out as she went.

     Though Nysa watched him unsure of what he was planning to do. Nysa saw his new form. A phoenix. What was better? Apollo's father or this? Nysa just tried something though. She tried flapping her wings harder and harder until she flapped them a single time hard enough that it caused some strong wind. Nysa was surprised she was able to do that, but in the process it tired her out even more...a lot more..

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#268854 Posted on 2023-05-03 16:45:59

"Heheh.. Weak.. Pathetic.. Mare.." Asher giggled, he saw how tired Nysa was after she flapped her wings really hard to the point she created a single strong gust of wind, though he did turn in circles like a snake until he created a dragon head that was just a fantasy thought and didn't eat Nysa literally. Instead Asher just wanted to scare the mare.

"You know this fight isn't worth it, yet your acting like it is worth a single life, though I'll leave if you want me too. I won't even be able to come back anyways, and you know the truth that horses won't ever be able to come back to their home." Asher offered, he went back into his normal self as if he could control this bright glowing light.

When Asher started hovering, he went back to normal, like it wasn't worth the fight he was looking for an enemy to do what they would do, but Asher's face did seem to not keep the evilness that once turned him into the white glowing light around his body.

"That and I'll give you your mother back, it just seems to be more less worth it for two to fight at once, but it did seem like that you were supposed to grab something from your friend that was helping or trying to help you. But I guess you can't do anything about it now.. Huh?" Asher asked, he then flew down onto the sand of the battle arena, seeming to be nicer even though he was an evil creature, and that his voice seemed to be a natural softness, was he playing around with this or was he being serious?

Either way, he looked and turned away from Nysa, seeming to be accepting his fate, but he needed the sword that Lichanura fused the rocks together with in order to truly die. So he was technically immortal, and that he couldn't be killed not once, but Asher then layed down and seemed to be counting the grain of each piece of sand.. What a mad man to be doing that.

Though Asher never got up once to attack Nysa when he was counting each piece of sand, like he didn't want to attack her now, seeming that the adrenaline faded from him and his boredness got to him so much that he didn't even want to listen nor want to hear what Nysa had to say.. Unless she was talking then he was listening to her anyways.. He would always listen to someone whether or not he was looking at them.

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#268855 Posted on 2023-05-03 17:28:05

     Nysa pinned her ears snorting. She was trying. She was doing her best. Though she was on the verge of giving up, but she didn't want Asher to know that. She did have to take a few breaths, as she did, Asher had started spinning in circles. Only for him to create a head of some sort of creature. Nysa had never heard of dragons or anything before, so she didn't know what it was....Asher got what he wanted from it though..

     What he said next had confused her, but she said nothing. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was right about everything. She had forgotten about the sword, but even if she hadn't, he sent everyone else away without letting her rethink her decisions. Apollo wasn't happy still, but he stayed with Minette. He just hoped Nysa was alright. Nysa watched Asher as he went down to the sand and just stayed there.

     At that point Nysa had enough. All of her emotions just seemed to take over, but not entirely. A glow the same color of her eyes seemed to surround her...much like when she got her wings. Over the course of seconds it got brighter and brighter just like it had when she got her wings only that previous day. Though she hovered there as the glow slowly faded while it appeared almost out of nowhere.

     Though the tips of her wings, her eyes, her necklace, and her horn were still glowing just not at the level it was before. Her mane and tail were back to normal, but they were also a bit longer then they were before. Even her wings seemed to change a bit. The stars on her body and wings twinkled more then they had before. She was giving Asher what he wanted and she didn't even realize it, but she also couldn't control whatever was happening.

     Either way Nysa could feel more magic coursing through her veins then she ever had before. A lot more magic. Her strength and energy seemed to be restored and her body seemed to have healed. No more cuts. No more blood. Not even the broken rib she had was there. She was healed. Though a robe appeared on her body like the same that appeared with her mother.

     Only this one was a light cream color while the edges were all the different hues of blue found on her odd yet elegant coat. The robe was also a bit see through near the edges as there were also the same little stars twinkling just like they were on her body and her wings. Even her mane, tail, and robe was blowing in the wind, but there really wasn't any wind or anything of the sort.

     "This ends now Asher. You are no king. You never were." she said as her voice seemed to be a bit distorted. After that, Nysa just pointed her horn straight up as she could feel the magic surging through her body, but she could feel most of it in her horn. At the right moment, Nysa pointed her horn at Asher letting what magic she contained within her horn to be let out. It wasn't like before. Now she had a lot more magic then she ever had before. Now she could cause some damage, "I won't let you hurt anyone else!" she said as the magic she let out even impacted her a bit from the strong force. 

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#268858 Posted on 2023-05-03 18:38:45

"?" Asher turned around to only see white light, at that moment he laughed, he could feel the heat and that his reign of- randomized terror was over, or well for the most part anyways, he'll come back eventually- every villain does as its not the end for some.

Though as Asher was blasted away by the heat, sent down to see Hades, but everything else of the castle and the Island containing the stoned horses were breaking away, letting go of the sealed stones that contained their bodies, and that Esmeray's body was teleported into the battle arena, everyone else too..

But Minette was unconscious for some time as Esmeray's soul found his way back to his body, even Death appeared by his soul to guide his unconscious consciousness back into his body, that was a sweet thing. Though as quick as Death had come, he vanished to also seek and help the souls lost in their fake stone bodies.

As Esmeray's soul was back into his body, he was now officially sleeping and that he woke up after coughing for a bit before getting up, he was little sore from his body being inside a cage for awhile, but he eventually woke up as Lichanura was knocked out on the ground as Smoke just looked at the sleeping stallion..

Smoke then noticed Esmeray walking over with silence in his hoofsteps, though he almost scared her half to death, but Smoke went up and hugged that goofy but really foolish stallion, even Moonlight got to slap him and shame +discipline Esmeray for being so stupid to get stoned and his body being torn away from his soul.

"Alright alright I'm sorry guys, truly, but I just wanted to save Nysa, keep her away more from the pain she had to take on. To face the horrors of battling an enemy, and even hear what they saw during the fights with you.. Eclipsetess told me the battle of her with Nysa's mother, a more brutual battle.." Esmeray giggled, though Moonlight got to slap him a second time as it was righteous of her, but she then hugged Esmeray as the stallion smiled happily.

"So, how did you talk to Eclipsetess? She was stoned alongside everyone else, she had no way of communicating with you, unless she had the power to do so.. Of course that mare would do anything to help.." Moonlight asked, Esmeray giggled as Moonlight got flustered since she answered her own question this time, instead of everyone else giving her the answer- or well, she usually did answer herself sometimes.

"Where's Minette..? I want to see how she's doing.. I'm very worried about her.." Esmeray asked, his voice was dull as he was very worried and showed it, Moonlight and Smoke pointed over to Apollo, who was watching over Minette while she was unconscious from the beginning and end.

"Thanks girls.." Esmeray nuzzled the two mares, but Moonlight and Smoke did follow him since they too wanted to make sure Minette was really fine for herself, though Minette did move a couple times before opening her eyes slowly and looking around at everyone.

"Where's.. Asher..? Did Nysa end his reign already..?" Minette groggily asked, though Esmeray helped the mare up as everyone did as well, but everyone backed up too so that Nysa could see her cousin awake and alive again, or well conscious again.

As Esmeray flicked his ear like everyone else, they actually heard the giant rumbles of hooves smacking the ground and the concrete like castle, then as the doors opened up to the battle arena, Esmeray and Smoke teleported everyone into the center in the room as hundreds of horses flooded into the room and everyone from the previous Isles, including all the shadows as they now had ice blue eyes to go along with their shadowy selves..

Though even everyone's birth home Isles of Dreams and families teleported into the room, even the alicorns from the Isle of the Mountains including the king and their family teleported into the room, Eclipsetess was just the first to hug everyone and even see how Minette was doing.

But even.. A friendly snake mare seemed to have slithered in within the group hug, revealing herself as her scales were different, before she was just as normal, now she was barely recognizable with her green and goldish scales peering at her tail. Her main coat stayed the same as usual.

"Seems like there's two things going on at the sametime.." the snake mare said, her voice sounded more controlling, was the mare truly correcting her speech of snakes? I guess as she sounded like a regular horse without all the hissing at the "S" word.

But Lichanura woke up as Esmeray and Smoke bonked his head at different times, then Lichanura walked up to Eclipsetess, but he respected her space as he backed up. But the two exchanged uncomfortable and different emotions, Lichanura was still in love with Eclipsetess but he didn't want to chase her again like he did all those years ago.

As for Eclipsetess, she was a proud adopted mother to Minette, proud auntie to Nysa and everyone, even the most beautiful contrast to Namir, Lichanura could see it in her eyes that Minette and Namir were pieces that got her soft heart going throughout the years. And it seemed like Lichanura gave her hug because of how softly she smiled at him for a hug..

"Wait- I thought you were here to talk to Minette..? And weren't you obssessed with Eclipsetess still..?" Esmeray asked Lichanura, the stallion laughed as Eclipsetess sighed, the two had a good relationship as friends? Though Eclipsetess summoned the pictures as she also summoned a UV light to show everyone that Lichanura wrote a poem for being friends with Eclipsetess now after their break up.

"Me and Eclipsetess weren't a good fit anymore, I was young and naive, never paying attention to what my ex wanted the best. So we made a deal that if we couldn't figure out our relationship, then we'd break up and write invisible inked poems to keep each other going." Lichanura spoke, Eclipsetess scowled at him as she wanted to tell the story, she always told the story about what happened and what's going on now, but Lichanura beat her to it.

"And the only reason I acted so different to you from previously to now, was mostly because I wanted Asher dead, I just always had the feeling that Eclipsetess would die or freeze somehow and that her baby would be the same way. So I started making my trek to get here, and to end the part of the legend before it even started. To keep protecting my friend and her daughter. And we also started writing letters to each other to stay updated on what was happening, and I always wanted to meet Minette and Namir, they sounded so friendly when Eclipsetess described them to me. It was a best match for Eclipsetess to be with Namir anyways~" Lichanura teased at the end, Eclipsetess used her head to lightly butthead Lichanura as he giggled, but he then nuzzled Eclipsetess's stomach gently, then Eclipsetess the did samething with Minette as she blushed, only the adults knew what was truly going on.

"So.. Mom's preggo- that's a thing with how my step-father just nuzzled my mother, and that.. I'm also the same way as well-" before Minette even realized it, everyone was shocked to hear Minette was preggo with her own foal, Eclipsetess asked who as her voice was beginning to get mad as she smiled, that's how you know a mother is very protective of her foal.

"Um.. Secret.. You'll see my foal when it gets here.." Minette said, she was too young yet to have her own foal, and Eclipsetess knew as she went to go see Death as the castle's ceiling in the battle arena was closed before opening for everyone to see the beautiful stars.

"Well my foal's father is dead and will be permanently with how mom is handling that, and I'm also shocked to hear that she's gonna have an actual foal- with Namir? How long was she even preggo for??" Minette asked at the end, Eclipsetess was gone to see Death in the heavens as Minette knew that Eclipsetess wouldn't return for awhile as she knew, and everyone else knew that about Eclipsetess.

"No clue on that, but at least we get two new additions to our herd- Nysa's no longer the youngest now, as the two new foals will be- whenever they get here.." Esmeray spoke, though the rest of the herds of the many Isles teleported back, except for the Island of Death's horses, they were servants to Asher, and that even some preggo mares were shocked to see that Asher had claimed another mare that way, but the other mares seemed to be more fancier and extravagant to the eye. No wonder Asher was greedy with mares- he was too much of a collector, and that he also had a large castle, so he probably just wanted it to be full to the brim with lots of horses anyways.

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#268860 Posted on 2023-05-03 19:54:39

     Nysa's own magic impacted her enough that after it was all over, she laid on the ground. She never experienced that much magic before. Let alone magic that powerful. She didn't expect it to actually get rid of Asher, but she had just gotten lucky. Though after a moment or two, Nysa opened her eyes and carefully shook her head. She wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, but she looked around seeing no sign of Asher.

    Apollo was getting more worried as more time had passed, but then they were all back in the battle arena. He had looked around expecting Asher to be there, but there was no sign of him. Only Nysa who laid there seeming to be coming back to her senses. He went over to her making sure she was alright, "Nysa!" he said as he reached her, "Are you hurt?" he asked concerned.

     Nysa looked over to see everyone else there as Apollo rushed over to her. She slowly shook her head, "N-no...I'm fine.." she said as she waited a moment before she got back on her hooves. "It's's finally over.." she said more then relieved. Though she looked over seeing Esmeray's body and a stallion she didn't recognize, but it appeared he was strictly made of bone..

     Though Nysa stepped over to everyone else as Apollo followed her before going back to Minette. Nysa got rid of the barrier since there was no use for it anymore. Nysa did look at Esmeray a bit hesitant to confront him, but she was more then happy to see him. She was still coming back to her senses and all, but she didn't know how to confront him really..Nysa did look over at Apollo as Esmeray asked about Minette.

     Apollo stayed with Minette after making sure Nysa wasn't hurt. Though it wasn't long until Minette woke up. Apollo smiled happily as he was even more relieved, but he stepped back giving her room while the others eventually did the same. Nysa smiled as she walked over to Minette and gave her quite the hug as she started to tear up, "I thought I wasn't going to see you again....I didn't know what to do after he took you..I was lost.." she said tearing up more. Nysa was finally happy...

     Though she looked up as she started to hear what sounded like the rumble of hooves, but it sounded like there was Isles worth of horses. The loud noise affected her a bit, but she would be fine in a few hours. Before she could even ask what was going on, the battle arena opened up as the arena was quickly flooded with hundreds of horses. Eclipsetess was the first Nysa recognized as she gave the group a group hug. 

     Nysa noticed the strange snake mare unsure of who she was, but then she looked over seeing her parents. Her mother. "Mom! Dad!" she said as she broke away from the group hug and quickly ran over to them while trying not to run anyone over. Once she reached them, she didn't slow down. No she just ran into them a bit giving them both quite the hug, "I missed you so much..." she said underneath her breath as she teared up even more.

     Back on the Isle of Dreams, Solstice's stone statue had begun to fall apart until she was free of it as well as everyone else. She flapped her wings and looked around for her daughter, but there was no sign of her. Though suddenly her and everyone else was teleported to some island as well as what seemed to be every horse on the Isles. Solstice reunited with Orion before they started looking for their daughter.

     At least until Solstice heard Nysa's voice, "Nysa?" she said as she looked in the direction she heard her daughter's voice only to see her running their way. Nysa had almost knocked her and her father over, but got lucky as she didn't. "Nysa..!" Solstice said relieved knowing her daughter was alright. Well she looked over every inch of her being the protective mother she was to make sure when she noticed the wings, "Y-you have do you have wings? What happened?" Solstice said starting to ask questions before she pulled Nysa in for another hug.

     "I-it's a long story mom..." she said not wanting to talk about it which Solstice understood completely. "I'm just happy your back..." she said as the three of them nuzzled before Nysa gave her father a hug. Though the three of them ended up going to the others. It was like one big reunion, but in reality it really was a big old reunion. Everyone was safe once more. Everyone was happy once more.

     Apollo watched everyone go to their families one by one as he searched and searched for his mother. Though after a long moment or two, Apollo spotted Moon as he flew over to her. "My son!" she said as he raced his way over, "My beautiful son." she repeated hugging him. Apollo just smiled maybe even teared up slightly as he hugged his mother. Though he wasn't going to admit he did.

     Namir made his way to Eclipsetess and Minette as well as the others as he noticed a stallion he didn't recognize. Though he nuzzled Minette making sure she was alright before he looked at Esmeray then the so called stallion named Lichanura. Then he looked at Eclipsetess, "And you never told me this?" he asked wishing she had at least mentioned Lichanura to him once before. Though he didn't get upset or anything. It was a time to celebrate and reunite.

     At least until Lichanura mentioned a baby. "Wait wait're pregnant?" he asked more then surprised as he looked at Eclipsetess and Lichanura. Well no he was completely shocked. Namir would surely have to process it only for Minette to say the same thing which seemed to cause Namir to go into even more shock as he had no words. He couldn't even think. Classic Namir.

     Everyone was surprised really. Everyone suspected Eclipsetess was, but Minette? Nysa had no idea what to think, "I'm going to be a aunt...?" she asked as it seemed to be the only thing she could spit out. Orion had no words, and Solstice just didn't know what to say. Too much was happening too quickly, but everyone was reunited once more. They were a family once again.

     Solstice did look at Esmeray as he spoke before she looked down a bit, "Yeah...about that...let's make that three foals.." she admitted as she knew she couldn't hide it. Not now. Not after Eclipsetess and Minette had spoken up. She wanted to hide it since she wasn't sure, but she was expecting. She knew that, she just wasn't sure if she was ready for it again. Either way she told them right then and there.

     Nysa's eyes widened as she stood there, "I'm...I'm..going to be a aunt and a sister!?" she said a bit loud, but she just looked at her aunt and her mother. When Solstice said what she said, she seemed to break Namir and after a moment Nysa just realized with the way he was standing there almost motionless, "I..think you three broke him.." she said as she tried poking him, but he was in quite a bit of shock.

     Though after a few minutes, Nysa looked at Esmeray before she looked down. "I never wanted you to think you were were trying to help me.." she said as she confronted him, "I wish you never did what you did. I know you did it to help me, but you knew you were running into a death trap. Literally. We spent the entire day running, hoping of finding you in time..but when we got was too late.." she said almost unable to actually look at him.

     "I was only in more pain when Smoke read the letter...when we saw what he did to you...and it was my fault.." she said to him. Solstice looked at the others before looking at Nysa lowering her ears as she looked down. She finally understood that she couldn't hide her past anymore. That she had to tell her daughter everything, but what she didn't know was that Nysa knew about Dra already..

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#268863 Posted on 2023-05-03 20:39:35

Eclipsetess and Minette giggled at Namir, three foals that were gonna run around was surely gonna be a panic if its three mares that are really overportective, the foals in the future might be a good idea to boost up morale and happiness even more, seems like a genuine idea that Eclipsetess and Minette are happy to hear.

"Nysa, I know I wasn't annoying, but when I look into your angered eyes. I can only see me, being the annoying stallion that I am, you can't blame yourself for thinking I was annoying, you don't get to say that. Only I can, and I sure can annoy you really badly!!" Esmeray told Nysa, this time he looked kindly into her eyes, making sure that he can see her personality and his own, though he did nuzzle Nysa- probably three times to reassure her, just to make sure that she understood. Though Esmeray did wheeze at the end, which would be a how he usually and always laughs sometimes.

"But in all seriousness, I'm just doing what a lead stallion would do; protect his friends, family, and even his herd- if I ever get the chance to make one exactly, I probably won't as I'll be lost without you, you make our group whole and the main reason why I let Apollo tease you. But I'll start treating you more like a mare if you want me too, I do baby you sometimes and the group can tell, but they also pick on me when your not with us as well. Can't blame them really." Esmeray told Nysa, he looked better on the brighter side this time, making sure every word he said had counted into what he told Nysa again.

"Now, do you want to be the lead mare to our friend group? We'll treat you with more respect then you ever could imagine!! Well metaphorically as we all respect each other, and I'll start getting you into our games, but I'll make sure that you'll go through training first before getting into the real games, gotta make sure that you have experience after alll!" Esmeray asked Nysa, as he was always cheerful whenever he could be around Nysa, what a lovely stallion anyways really.

Though Esmeray did nudge Nysa as he could tell that Solstice wanted Nysa to know things, well Esmeray was around for Nysa as in case she needed support from a friend, but Esmeray would also tune out the bad things if he shouldn't be able to hear it, allowing him to take naps during the talking.

But Nature then appeared as she did as always, though.. Something was different about her and that she seemed to look a little younger as well, but Nature went straight to everyone to check up on them, first was Nysa as Nature cared for her as she helped Nature out a lot then she could ever ask for! Then the rest of the group and everyone was next, and then last, pretty usual for a mare to control nature.

Though a little neigh sounded out of the big battle arena, then as everyone looked at where the neigh came from, a little foal popped up out of the ground, just like Nature, but the little foal didn't seem to look like her at all. Nope, the little foal's parents appeared out of the ground next as Nature smiled.

"Glad you could make it, Molten and her husband, and my little great granddaughter too." Nature told Molten, whom of which was busy with her foal I guess and that her husband was an albino magma pony instead, he must've been a crossbred magma pony as Molten only gave him loving eyes, and of course her daughter as well but protectively as well.

"Could never miss an old reunion, after all, our family has a new cutie and heir to keep the throne living after all. We can't afford to keep our Isle without a royale blood line that's also very sweet as well." Molten told Nature, the two got along well even more so that Nature nuzzled Molten's daughter, now Nature was a great grandmother, but she was ever so proud to become one.

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#268869 Posted on 2023-05-04 06:06:29

     Namir just didn't know what to think. The three mares that were most important to him..well Nysa was too, but she wasn't quite a mare yet. Close. Very close. Though he didn't really approve it when Solstice was carrying Nysa...well at least when they all figured it out. He may have glanced at Orion. Solstice just nipped him, "Leave him alone Namir. You need to stop picking on him." she snorted, "Your gonna have to except it y'know. Especially now that your going to be a grandfather." she said as Namir's eyes widened. He didn't even realize that.

     Though Orion looked away once he realized Namir was giving him one of his looks. Once Solstice dealt with him, Orion nuzzled her as she returned the gesture. "I know your nervous..." he said loud enough for her to hear. Solstice knew what he meant. She didn't want things to go like they had the last time. Though she just gave him a small nod and nuzzled him again before she looked at her daughter and Esmeray..

     Nysa just looked at him before looking down a bit, "But you aren't annoying..not once.." she said, "You knew that you couldn't defeat him, but you still walked into a death trap. I ran and I ran almost to the point I couldn't feel my legs because I didn't want to be too late, but I went there because of me, how is it not my fault?" she said mumbling a bit towards the end, but she ended up looking up at him again. 

     She did nuzzle him back since she was happy to see him again..maybe a bit upset with him though, but she didn't hit him like his sister did. Nysa did listen to him, "Me and Apollo have teased each other for years." she said figuring he was with his mother. Though she looked down seeming to blush slightly from what he said, but she tried hiding it. Solstice smiled seeing how the two interacted with each other, but she didn't say anything.

     "I don't want to be treated differently because I got lucky and defeated Asher..I don't even really remember what happened...he didn't even try to fight.." she said as it was still odd to her that he didn't fight back. Though she didn't want to be treated like a hero of sorts, but she knew that was going to happen anyways. Nysa did look at him seeming to blush slightly as she nodded and smiled, "I will..I'll be your lead mare," she said nuzzling him again before she looked at her mother as he nudged her. She knew why it seemed Solstice wanted to speak to her.

     Though Nysa then looked over as Nature rose from the ground. Nysa smiled as Nature went to her first, but she just gave her a hug. Nysa missed her just as much as she missed her family. Solstice smiled seeing the two before they all heard what sounded to be a foal. Solstice looked over seeing the foal and soon the parents as she recognized the mother immediately. 

     "Molten. It's been awhile since I last saw you." she said happy to see an old friend. Nysa looked at them confused since she didn't know who they were, but she looked at the foal excitedly. Seemed like she was excited to become a sister. Nysa even spread her wings and flew around a bit as Solstice smiled, "Well...looks like she got flying from her mother.." she said with a small chuckle as Nysa landed back down in front of her mother. "Even thought this reunion is nice...I say we go home...I'm sure a few of us would like being home again." Solstice said as she was talking about Nysa and the others. 

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#268878 Posted on 2023-05-04 10:40:47

Esmeray already started trotting home, he couldn't take anymore news but he did let the group catch up to him as he knew that Nysa would like to stay next to her parents, well Esmeray didn't know about what Nysa wanted, so he thought that some more bonding time was needed to be done.

But Minette started walking as soon as Eclipsetess had her do so, three mares pregnant, Eclipsetess was excited to see her granddaughter whilst being fair game with Minette and Solstice, but she also wondered how her foal would handle Minette's foal and Solstice's foal.

"Mom, don't think too much on foals right now, we need to die down our excitment for a bit, and that you could be expecting much more sooner then you would know it." Minette looked up at Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess only held up her head high before bringing it down and nuzzling Minette's neck lovingly.

"I know, I'm just thinking about what would happen if our foals interacted, I'm gonna be a grandmother whilst your gonna have a sibling, and that we're gonna have a new cousin as well. But I just don't know what to call your foal when they arrive, I know your foal is apart of our family, but our foal would be near the same age. So I'm just wondering what that means for being in the family." Eclipsetess told Minette, the young mare looked down as she began thinking like her mother, though Lichanura looked at Namir before running off to go see what his ex and his ex's daughter is doing, curious but sweet since there were no more threats.

Well Lichanura is still a danger to himself and Esmeray, but Esmeray could handle himself were as Eclipsetess baby sat Lichanura since he wanted to know what she had been up to, besides beign frozen in stone and not being to see what had happened.

"If I could sock you for our past, I would. But I'm a changed mare with cousins, friends, a daughter and a stallion that I love more then anything in the world. I if I could fight anything, I'd do it for love and that I know they'd do the samething for me. Well Namir would be a little madder.. Minette would just sock anything like me." Eclipsetess told Lichanura the stallion went quiet but stood by Minette since she wouldn't sock him unlike Eclipsetess would.

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#268881 Posted on 2023-05-04 14:25:20

     Nysa seemed to like the idea her mother said. She was itching to be home again. Back to how things were, but things would never be the same. Though Nysa looked over seeing everyone had started to leave as she ran after Esmeray and Minette a bit. Solstice giggled as she spread her wings flapping them as it felt good to use them again. "Go on. I'll follow behind." Orion said as he nudged Solstice.

     Solstice smiled as she nuzzled him before she took to the sky. Doing a barrel roll to get the feel of her wings again as she was enjoying herself. Nysa stopped and looked up at her mother with a smile as she didn't hesitate to join her. "After all this time, and I finally get to fly with my beautiful daughter." she said wishing they could do this since the moment Nysa was born, and her wish finally came true.

     Nysa smiled, "And I finally get to fly with you like I've always wanted to." she said still getting the feel of her wings. "I still don't even know how I got them...just tried to train, and the next moment they were just there.." Nysa said as she looked at her wings before she giggled, "Come on mom!" she said excitedly as she looked over at the others and went to catch up with them while having some fun.

     Solstice just chuckled to herself, "I'm coming I'm coming." she said as she quickly caught up to Nysa, "You're quite the flyer for just getting your wings yesterday. Just like your mom." Solstice said as the two were enjoying themselves. Orion was in the back of the group as he watched Solstice and Nysa enjoying themselves. Though Orion just stuck in the back keeping to himself like normal.

     Namir was walking in the back too, but Orion was behind him. Though he looked up seeing his sister and his niece seeming to be having fun before he looked down seeing Lichanura went over to Eclipsetess and Minette. Namir just kept a close eye on him for a few minutes before he just trotted up over to Eclipsetess and Minette as he looked at Lichanura, "I hope there won't be a problem. Not that I'm afraid of you harming them." he said to Lichanura. He knew they'd get to him before anything.

     Namir was just making Lichanura aware that he would do anything for his family. Even keeping a close eye on him like he did with Orion sometimes. Not like when Orion originally joined the herd, but Namir was just always going to be overprotective of his sister and his family. It was just who he was, and it wasn't going to change. Even more so that his family was going to grow. Not just one foal..but three. 

     Maybe he was a bit worried about his sister regarding what happened last time, but he did his best not to worry yet. It wasn't a time to worry. At least not anymore. It was a time to celebrate and reconnect with one another. To reunite. It was a time of joy. Nysa and Solstice just kept flying together as Nysa eventually flew down over to Minette and Eclipsetess. Even Namir. "Come on! Join us! You too uncle Namir!" she said not giving him much of a choice even though she knew he still didn't like flying much. 

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#268883 Posted on 2023-05-04 17:12:51

Eclipsetess smiled before taking off as well as Minette, the each two separate mares became a little group, though Minette looked at Namir before looking at everyone else, though Moonlight was off with Smoke as she nudged her to fly. Which Smoke happily took off into the air, just above Moonlight.

"Heh.. You never want to leave my side huh? Your just like when Eclipsetess was young, and her stories are always the best to hear. No doubt about that." Moonlight looked up at Smoke, the two mares laughed as Smoke agreed that she stuck by Moonlight's side, much like Eclipsetess is doing with Solstice- well sometimes actually.

But the two mares began running as Esmeray was just trotting with himself, until Lichanura came up next to him, the two stallions seemed to be getting along better now that they weren't stressed anymore, well Esmeray will be since he usually helps around the herd instead of what Nysa did.

Though Esmeray nipped Lichanura's ear gently as the stallions began chasing each other within the mass of horses, going past each Isle that the mass seemed to be barely getting small, but it was shrinking until it would be the end of the Isles, which was Isle of Dreams..

But for now, it was just a time to really relax and get along, Minette was still flying until she landed down and began walking within the mass of horses, most horses that had wings used them, flying above each Isle and each horse until they got to their appropriate ones.

"I guess I never counted how many horses could fit together on a single Isle, nor even noticed how large an Isle could fit dozens of horses, pretty fascinating." Eclipsetess spoke, though she was right, every Isle could fit dozens upon dozens of horses, a single Isle with thousands of different horses that can fit and hide away perfectly.

"Well I guess I should write this down, but I'll do it once I get home, today was an exciting one. And a reunion, or well for a couple days before we go back to normal- somewhat, but at least we're not gonna be haunted by different horses now.. A great thing about it, but.. I'll have to have the snake mare see how long I am on months my foal. Oh! She could also see how your baby is Solstice! And including Minette!! What an experience that will be for Minette.." Eclipsetess giggled at the end, though Minette flew back up as she just heard the end of what her mother said, and she was confused until she realized that the snake mare was there to help mares with their pregnancy's. And Minette would be excited to know, but she already knows that she's in her premie time right now and its been only a day with her foal. Eclipsetess nor anyone knew about it, but Minette was happy for her mother to know and everyone else too.

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#268884 Posted on 2023-05-04 17:49:37

     Namir looked up at his niece as Eclipsetess and Minette joined them. "Alright alright." he said knowing Nysa wouldn't stop bugging him until he joined them. Nysa smiled happily as Namir spread his wings and flew up with the rest of them. She was with her family once more. She probably hadn't even been as happy as she was now, but she was truly happy. "Now don't you all expect me to do this all day every day." he said giving his sister a bit of a look.

     Solstice only rolled her eyes, "Now don't be a whiny butt Namir." she said nipping his hind a bit as she rather enjoyed messing with him whenever he flew. Namir snorted and got away from her. Solstice giggled, "Afraid of your own little sister?" she teased as Namir just snorted a bit. Nysa couldn't help but giggle either. Everything was back to how it was before. Just like Nysa wanted. Asher didn't even cross her mind once as she just spent every moment with her family that she could that day.

     Apollo was still with his mother when he looked up seeing Nysa, her parents, and everyone else up there. Well at least everyone that could fly. Moon looked up too, "Go on Apollo. I'll be fine. Have some fun with them." she said with her usual motherly tone. Apollo looked at her and smiled a bit as he nuzzled her before he joined them up in the sky. He may have been a stallion, but sometimes he was reluctant on leaving his mother because of her older age..

     Solstice did look around taking a deep breath as the wind blew in her mane, tail, and her feathers. Fresh air. Though she did look at Eclipsetess, "It is an amazing sight seeing horses of all kinds coming together like this. Putting away our differences as we all come together." she said looking down at all the horses before she looked up at the ones that were also in the air. 

     Nysa looked at all the horses as she didn't even realize there were that many until now. Guess she was too focused on being with her family again. Though she was pretty ecstatic on becoming a sister and all that. She never got to be around any, well at least when she wasn't a foal, because she was the youngest. She was used to being the youngest, but she wasn't going to be the youngest much longer. Either way she did hope to become a sister one day.

     Solstice looked over at Nysa chuckling a bit, "Excited aren't you?" she asked as Nysa nodded a bit quickly, "Well don't get too excited just yet. It'll be a long while before the little one enters the world." she said before looking at Eclipsetess, "Perhaps, but it's probably too early for that. Way too early.." she said as she looked out in the distance, "Won't hurt though."

     Nysa was curious about this snake mare they were talking about as she asked who this mare was. Solstice smiled, "She's the one that joined in on your group hug earlier." she said, "She helped me a bit when I was in my final months of having you. Even there for your birth...which was a long, painful, and tiresome night." she said mumbling the last part a bit. "She's a sweet mare always willing to help."

     Namir just sighed as he looked at his sister, "I just don't want what happened last time to happen again. I really thought I had lost you that day..I don't want to lose you sis. I know it's not just us two anymore, but I couldn't live with myself if I lost you like I almost had." he said clearly worried about it. Nysa knew what he was talking about since she knew about that day at least, but she stayed out of it.

     Solstice sighed, "It won't Namir. Even if it does, which it won't, we know to get Oceanus. I'll be fine Namir. You have to stop worrying all the time. This new necklace will prevent it from happening again. Alright?" she said as she flew over to him and nuzzled him reassuring him that she would be alright, "Besides Eclipsetess won't let anything happen to me. We all know that." she said as her smiled returned. 

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#268886 Posted on 2023-05-04 19:55:04

After awhile of flight for the horses that could fly, and walking for the ones that were stuck like it, but it was a long while until only one herd or well herds remained, and that's the Isle of Dreams herds, and that everyone returned home happily. Though Minette had to fly down and touch the grass as she was ever-so excited to see it again.

"Hehe.. Oh Minette.." Eclipsetess chuckled, she was happy to see that Minette was rolling around carefully on the ground, galloping to her limit, and even interacting with everyone more then she would be, mostly because she was very excited to be back and that her home stayed to where it was.

"It must've been boring not to see the greenery again.." Eclipsetess looked around as the greenery were shrubs, bushes, trees, and animals dotting here and there once more again as they should be, though a little blue bird landed on Eclipsetess's head as she looked up, smiled, and even giggled.

"Hm, yeah.. Very boring actually, nothing to do but sit around on your rump, but I decided to take things into my own hands, well almost dying but being saved by Nysa. Or well myself just resting in general after an attempt at defeating Asher, not a strong fighter like.. Dra but he did seem more like a coward then anything, and that the magic he used to launch me up into the sky didn't kill me, more or less felt like a lesson being taught on me for what I did." Minette spoke, though she seemed positive even though she talked about how weak Asher was to not kill Minette right then and there, but Minette even compared Asher to Dragon Devil, which sounded a little more complex then what she was talking about originally.

"Well I can tell you one thing: that we're not gonna get anymore threats, not until our foals due dates, and that is for another time. Unlike Nysa's.. Oop-" Eclipsetess giggled at the end, she didn't mean it as she wasn't paying attention but she did embarrass herself.

".. Whether or not Nysa can remember that, its up to how she reacts now, and that she was just a day old and was already confused at everything." Minette spoke to Eclipsetess, though both mares were right, but you can't blame them for talking about it and bringing it up. Eclipsetess and Minette always loved to pin points that were higher then the other's point, like a ranking system but for the only one that pays attention more, and the two always did this, so it was just common and normal for the two mares to talk like that.

But they did bring up pain on accident, which they would apologize later when they stopped pointing each other out, but that wouldn't happen until the two were interrupted by somehorse, though it was rare for Minette and Eclipsetess to leave each other alone after pinning points and whatnox.

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#268891 Posted on 2023-05-05 05:20:16

     Nysa got excited as she saw her home up ahead. She was finally home once again. As everyone settled back down as they returned home, Nysa just hovered above the meadow watching everyone for a moment before she flew down. Solstice had done the same. Namir didn't hesitate to land once they were home. Solstice only rolled her eyes at her brother before she looked around deciding to go over to Eclispetess and Minette as Nysa followed overhearing what Minette was saying.

     "You had me worried Minette. Ever since he took you. I didn't know what to do when I saw you on the ground like that." Nysa said nuzzling her a bit just glad she was alright, "As soon as he stoned you all we left to the next Isle...some wolves took us in on the cold Isle..spent a day or so there.." she said, "Smoke was half stone when we left...I tried doing the spell you did to save Raven, and I managed..only for it to take most of my strength for the rest of that day.." she said mainly to Minette.

     Solstice's ears lowered as she heard what her daughter said. It didn't matter what she did to protect her daughter. She wished she could have done more at least, but Solstice just looked down at the mention of Dra. Nysa noticed the way her mother looked down, but she agreed with Minette, "He didn't fight back..hardly even tried...which is odd.." Solstice was glad at least her daughter wasn't hurt as she nuzzled Nysa's side softly.

     Though Nysa actually did remember what happened, and Solstice seemed like she wanted to forget that day. Like she failed as a mother on day one. Nysa looked down a bit and sighed, "I do remember actually...a couple nights ago I thought I was having nightmares, but they seemed they were memories.." she admitted. "I had another with a purple mare and a mean looking mare.."

     Solstice looked at Nysa when she said she remembered, "It's a bit unusual to remember things when you were that young..probably just magic." she said mumbling a bit. Though Solstice sighed as Nysa mentioned the two mares, "Skadi. She's from my birth herd...practically like Phoenix. Don't worry about her. She doesn't care about anyone, but no one's seen her since that day. She would have shown herself by now." Solstice said since she didn't know Scorn had sent her to the mainland like he did with Phoenix. 

     Nysa looked at her mother as she listened before she nuzzled her, "Mom...I know what happened...I know about Dra.." she finally blurted out. "Well maybe not all of what happened, but I know enough to understand why you've kept the truth from me all of these years..what you went through. What he did to you.." she said not trying to make Solstice remember and relive it.

     Solstice sighed, "I knew I couldn't keep it from you forever Nysa. I should have told you sooner, but..I just couldn't. I didn't want you to know the pain I went through. I wanted you to have a future and a life without that kind of pain..I wanted to protect you, but I know I can't protect you seem to do just fine on your own..but Dra...he's gone..for good..this time.." she said as the two nuzzled. 

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#268893 Posted on 2023-05-05 06:09:04

Eclipsetess and Minette were silent, but they just listened and were next to each other as they stood a little away from Solstice and Nysa since they were talking, and that it wouldn't feel right for Eclipsetess to be listening in right next to her niece and friend.

Minette was sleeping now since she enjoyed how the sun felt and how the wind was cooling her while having the warmth against her coat, Eclipsetess just nuzzled Minette from time to time, at least to make sure that Minette was there and that she had company while sleeping. Mother-daughter as well..

Though Lichanura walked up to Eclipsetess to see how she was doing, alongside Minette, but he did leave the two mares alone to hang out and bond like they would naturally, Lichanura just wanted Eclipsetess's attention again. Much like he wanted very long ago, but it did seem like the two patched up their relationship with each other and their friendship too. Which was good to have another friend, but Lichanura was not the brightest bulb in the herd with how he gets himself killed.. But Eclipsetess seemed to have him learn his lessons again.

"So.. How's flying working with you since you couldn't move for days?" Minette asked her mother, sure Eclipsetess was right back to flying, but she needed to redo her tricks that she seemed to have taught herself, even the ones that barely any horse without Eclipsetess teaching could do.

"Just.. Re-teaching myself again, and I've also came up with a good few patterns for flight and as a good routine as well, I just need to see how this new pattern of flying would handle. Might not do it since I also need to re-read my book that contains every spell I could master, train, and use with my tricks that I could do." Eclipsetess told Minette, the two were happy to know how each other was doing, family, and that Minette and Eclipsetess loved to know each other is doing, alongside updates from each other as well.

"Hm, you might not fly long or at all with a foal. Same goes for me as well, and that includes aunt Solstice too, but who knows?" Minette spoke, Eclipsetess agreed at who knows what would happen during the time that the three mares are just relaxing and patiently waiting.

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#268894 Posted on 2023-05-05 06:43:02

     Nysa did say anything as she just nodded and nuzzled her mother. She understood now. Why Solstice had lied about a lot of things. Though Solstice softly nudged her, "Come on..let's go lay down. Sounds like you had quite the long day from what I've heard. Sounds like you youngin's could use some sleep." she said as Nysa agreed. It had been a really long day. Nysa was still surprised the sun was up, but either way she was ready to lay down. 

     Solstice went over to Orion in their normal spot as the two nuzzled before the three of them laid down. Usually Solstice laid in the middle, but this time Nysa was. She wanted to be with both of her parents. Even if she wasn't a filly anymore, she wanted to spend time with both her mother and father. Either way she got comfortable and closed her eyes. Solstice and Orion hadn't quite closed their eyes yet as they just watched everyone maybe even talking to one another a bit.

     Moon was already resting in her usual spot as Apollo joined her. He missed her..a lot. Even though he was mainly on his own doing his own thing, he was attached to his mother's side. He didn't want anything else to happen to her, and she knew that, but Moon enjoyed spending time with her son. Her only son. Namir was just walking around a bit making sure everyone returned safely as he looked over at his sister and the others. Nysa probably asleep already.

     Though once it seemed like everyone was back home, Namir walked over to Eclipsetess and Minette nuzzling them both. "Always with the foal talk with you mares." he said teasing them a bit, but even if he was still a bit shocked about the three foals, he was accepting of them. He'd just be a bit more protective than he normally was. Well he was already overprotective, but he couldn't help himself. Now he had six to protect.

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