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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268813 Posted on 2023-05-01 19:22:58

"Hm... Worthless.. Why even pick a fight with a lowly demigod that couldn't make magic like that of everyone else, guess being self conscious got to you..?" Asher asked, he turned around and walked away for a minute before turning his head, he had no interest in Nysa but he only knew she wanted too- or at least bring everyone back to how they were before.

"Mmm.. You can't defeat an enemy without giving a try with me, but I can still do more then you'd ever wished you couldn't do.. Little mare.." Asher turned around and looked at Nysa, he was lecturing her at this time, like he didn't even have any time on his hooves anyways.

But then Asher went right up against Nysa as his face was very scary, intimidating to the eye, and that he could pull off something like that was even worse then seeing it from a previous enemy, but Asher flew into the sky as he wanted to end this himself.. Like it didn't matter to Nysa in Asher's eyes..

"R-rock.. Nysa.." Minette spoke up, she curled up against her side to stop the pain she was suffering in, but Lichanura then realized that he and Nysa forgot about the objects that were with Nysa previously and that she could do something with them right now!!

"It's alright, hush down, we got this okay..?" Lichanur went to Minette, he made sure that he controlled himself as he nuzzled Minette gently, it helped her smile and stop the pain a bit, and that Minette nodded to what Lichanura said as welll too.

Then Lichanura rushed over to Nysa and went beside her, this time he only focused on Asher, with Nysa net to him. But Lichanura knew that Nysa could take Asher, she just needed a boost of something to help her, so Lichanura tried his best at summoning but Minette did it for him as she summoned what Lichanura needed..

Lichanura watched as the objects floated around Nysa, but Lichanura also took hold of the objects as he made a sword from out of the objects that he gave Nysa, that she needed to research, that she needed to use in battle and defeat Asher once before it happens again..

"Take the sword, weaken that pathetic stallion, and strike at his heart. Trust me it'll work as he'll only go down to where Hades' can greet him, but you need to be brave as I can't do it, nor can.. Your friend- cousin..? So you need to be brave and do your best, let go and unleash how you feel into the sword, it'll help you defeat Asher. I promise Nysa that much, and I know what I'm doing as well." Lichanura told Nysa, he wanted her to take the sword, and defeat Asher since Lichanura couldn't do it as he didn't seem to have strong emotions like Nysa, neither did Minette as she was only experiencing only one emotion, but what Lichanura told Nysa about the sword seemed to work only when the sword has every strong emotion that Nysa had.

The two strongest emotions for Nysa would be grief and anger, which are really perfect emotions as she can get rid of her anger and be more relaxed and control herself, grief can be used to help her mourn through a regretful process. Which would be an advantage if Asher was to ever be still alive as Nysa could give him one final blow.

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#268816 Posted on 2023-05-02 06:03:31

     Nysa didn't know what to do, but she also didn't know a lot of strong magic. All she knew was that she had just made a mistake as she feared what was to happen next. What was to happen to her? To her surprise...nothing..yet. Though Asher was right. She was worthless, and she didn't know her magic like some of the others. She couldn't even fly yet. Maybe she was just a small worthless mare...a small worthless demigod..

     What was she thinking? She couldn't defeat him. She couldn't even protect her loved ones. Minette, Esmeray, her mother..and everyone else. She was just the same little filly she was before. Asher made her realize that. Or was he just making her feel that way as part of a plan? Nysa didn't know. She didn't know anything. Asher could have done anything to her in that moment, but he didn't. No. He just looked at her.

     Until he went straight up to her. Way too close for comfort as he looked her dead in the eye. His face blotched with odd white patches. His two golden ibex horns. His gold eyes. His black and white demon wings. His fangs. He even had gold piercings on his ears and nostrils including a nose ring. Nysa didn't move. She couldn't. All she could do was look in his eyes as he looked in hers before he flew up once more.

     Nysa shook her head once he did as it showed he was getting to her. Then she heard Minette as she looked over, but she couldn't bring herself to go over to her even if she wanted nothing more then to do just that. She was afraid. Nysa was hesitant when Lichanura went over to Minette, but he had only comforted her before going over back over to Nysa as Minette summoned the four stones..

     Nysa forgot about them completely. How could she? Well it had been quite the long day..for everyone. Though she watched as they circled around her which she knew they would. Only for Lichanura to take them and somehow make a sword out of the four rocks. Nysa was confused. How come Lichanura seemed to know so much about these weird rocks, and never told her about any of it?

     Though Nysa looked at the sword. It had a silver handle with two light blue gems. The actual blade was silver with the same blue lining. The same color of her mother's eyes. The same color of the necklace Nysa wore. Though Nysa just looked at Lichanura listening to him as she looked at the sword again. "I can't..." she admitted looking down, "I can't do it..." she mumbled.

    Apollo and the other managed to get into the castle, but Apollo didn't know where to look or even where Nysa and them were. The longer he searched, the more he grew worried as he started to panic, "Where are they? Where is she!?" he called out a bit as he was still with the others. Though Apollo was determined to find her before it was too late. "There's no sign of her.."

    Nysa looked over at Minette after she spent a few minutes thinking over what Lichanura told her. Seeing her cousin like that seemed to trigger something inside of Nysa. Well at least she came back to her senses a bit again. Nysa then looked up at Asher as he was still flying. Though Nysa didn't take the sword. Not yet. Instead she fixed her stance as her horn began to glow again.

     Only this time it was different. Nysa pinned her ears as she looked Asher dead in the eyes as she pulled her magic from inside of her before she pointed her horn straight at Asher as she released it. The spell. It was the firework spell Eclipsetess gave her to learn when she was a filly. Nysa had learned the spell, but she never used..until now. She pointed her horn right at Asher as she used the spell as a weapon in a way. Though the fireworks went off right at Asher instead of up high. 

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#268817 Posted on 2023-05-02 06:30:05

The group was worried for sure, inside the castle was just a giant maze of where to look or search, but the group members decided to split into twos for the mean time, spreading out their search was a good plan, and that everyone could do something to bring them back to where they previously were.

Though Smoke was fortunate to be searching with Apollo, and that the group could teleport each other, only some members including Smoke, who was getting better at her spells and that she could instantly remember a specific spell and use it right off the bat.

"We'll find her, and we'll defeat Asher together. We're family after all." Smoke looked up at Apollo, she was trying to be calm in the heat of the search and the moment, though once the group regrouped together again, no one found a sign of Nysa nor even Minette, well Esmeray was snuck under something or somewhere where they couldn't find him.

Smoke just looked at the group as she asked a question to them, "we found a broken cage in a basement, it looked to be broken out of rage from the inside.." one of the group members told Smoke, well at leats they found Minette's cage and that they didn't know she could get so overprotective and mad at the same time.

"What about Esmeray's body? Did you find him?" Smoke asked the group again, she always wanted to stay up-to-date with everything going on, it must've not been the right time sometimes, but she always stayed ready for bad or good news. Or saw on purpose.

Inside the white space as Asher hissed at the fireworks Nysa launched at him, he only hissed at them and tried moving away, but the heat from them made him hiss uncomfortably, and Lichanura saw that and took it to note. But it didn't seem to damage Asher at all.

"The heat! He can barely stand against heat, keep launching the spell you just did at Asher, I now know how to defeat him with you as the main horse to end him, but that's when you gotta jab him with the sword. But that isn't until he's fully weak enough." Lichanura spoke up, Lichanura was surprised at first, then he began planning quite quickly, even telling Nysa what to do as part of his plan, Asher was just the pawn and enemy of the plan.

As Lichanura was about to run at the end of the spacious white room, which was inevitable actually, but then the room flickered turned bright once more, Lichaura just ran extremely quick to Nysa as he didn't want her eyes to hurt but he didn't make it as he was forced to close his eyes anyways. Including Minette. Asher just sunk to the ground.

Outside the spacious room, the group was walking until they stopped as a bright white began to overtake the Island once more, which the group could barely even see as they closed their eyes altogether and huddled together closely, because it was scary for them.

But as the group was teleported into a large white room, they saw Nysa, Lichanura, and Minette lying on the ground, the group tried running to them. But Asher had a chamber set up for the group, and that they couldn't do anything as Lichanura and Minette didn't hear them, well Minette went back to being unconscious since she would feel less pain being asleep.

But Lichanura didn't hear them until he looked back and saw Asher disperse into the ground before rejoining Nysa and Lichanura as the room went to a dim light for everyone to see better, and that it helped with controlling their sight a little more, well the room was dim since it was grey and that there was no color because the white room reflected off of the color.

But Asher was half white giving him a half advantage to being camoflauged until the room went grey on him, revealing his white coat even though it was a little dark, his black coat stayed the same relentlessly, but still showed Asher's body no matter what.

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#268819 Posted on 2023-05-02 09:31:43

     Apollo didn't stop looking. How could he? He let Nysa get away and now they were all searching through what seemed to be a maze. Like this place was hardly even a castle. Apollo was hesitate on splitting up, but they didn't have much of a choice. They could cover more ground that way. Apollo stayed with Smoke being sure not to stray too far from her, but they didn't find any sign of anyone really.

     Though he stopped momentarily as he looked at Smoke, "I hope your's like we're the only ones here." he said before he kept looking. It wasn't too much longer until they all grouped together again, but the only thing anyone found was a broken cage. No sign of anyone, "They have to be here somewhere..." he said hoping they wouldn't be late for the second time.

     Nysa had been working on the spell when she was away from the herd. She knew how to perform it and all, but she didn't master it like Eclipsetess had. That was a whole 'nother level. Though Nysa knew it enough to where she used it as a weapon. She didn't look at Lichanura or acknowledge him as he spoke, but she listened. Nysa just needed to keep her concentration on the spell.

     She did perform the spell another time or two. The room did get a bit hot, bright, and loud because of the fireworks, but that didn't matter. Though it wasn't long until the room went bright again. It took Nysa by surprised, that she didn't close her eyes immediately. The light caused a headache even seeming to make her blind for a few seconds before she finally closed her eyes, but once they were closed, they were closed.

     Apollo was back to searching with everyone else until a sudden bright light took over. No one could see a single thing. Apollo brought his wings to his eyes as everyone huddled together, "I have a bad feeling about this..." he mumbled underneath his breath as he had no idea what was going on. It made him think if Nysa experienced the same thing or not, but time would tell.

     Apollo then opened his eyes as the light seemed to go down. He made sure everyone was alright before he looked seeing Nysa, Lichanura, and Minette laying on the ground..but she wasn't moving..Apollo wanted to run over to her since Lichanura was with Nysa, but he hit some type of barrier. "Ouch.." he said as he shook his head. Apollo then tried calling out to Nysa and Lichanura, but it was like they couldn't hear..or see them. "He wants us to watch.." he mumbled underneath his breath.

     Though Nysa slowly opened her eyes as the bright light disappeared. Nysa didn't see Asher meaning he left, but she didn't like it. Instead she took her chance to go to Minette. She looked her over before she turned around as Asher returned. Nysa stood in front of Minette spreading out her wings to block Minette from Asher's view, "I won't let you hurt her anymore." she said in a demanding tone, "I'm not done either." she added on unsure if she was making a mistake or not.

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#268824 Posted on 2023-05-02 15:36:52

"Hm, I have nothing to do with her, nor anything else that I want to do. But previously of what I did is secret, and that you'll have to see what happens~.." Asher spoke, he walked close to Nysa but stopped near Minette, he knew that Nysa would get protective of Minette, but Asher also seemed to have liked at what he did to Minette. But he was right; Minette was unconscious and couldn't tell Nysa what happened, and Nysa wouldn't get anything out of Asher anyways.

"But if you were older you would know what would happen after I die, and Lichanura already knows since I spoke of it, that and your still weak. Pewny, scrawny little mare that shouldn't have existed, that shouldn't have been 'nounced as a demigod." Asher spoke again, this time he would hit a nerve and really went deep with hurting Nysa on this one, which is- oh man.. That would hurt more then anything else.

"How dare you degrade Nysa like that! You dirtbag!!" Lichanura yelled, he wouldn't stand for hearing Nysa being degraded- for Asher to disrespect a demigod, a higher rank then him! Though Lichanura shoved Asher as Lichanura stood back next to Nysa, or well in front of her since he didn't allow for a mare or stallion to be disrespected by another horse like that, Lichanura must not have degraded Eclipsetess the. That was sweet at least..

"I'm an evil stallion, of course I'd degrade a mare like that!" Asher lashed out, he got a good nip on Lichanura's face, who stood up and reared at him. And Nysa would be forced or intervene with the two stallions fighting, but of course the two stallions would do an old fashion fight, they were born to do that.

But as the two stallions began fighting old fashionably, they also used their powers to attack each other, both not going down but Asher was the one without a spell to heal himself when needed, which was his downfall but he seemed to launch electrical discharge's to regain his speed and mentality, so he has his own healing spell that's different..

Lichanura just wanted to make sure that Nysa was happy and safe, or well safe with Minette, nothing is happy here, but the castle at some point vanish underneath the water for when it'll return is a different thing. Anyways besides the lore that happened, Smoke was wanting to help Lichanura and Nysa, but Asher didn't let that happen as he was smiling to the fun that he was having with Lichanura.

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#268829 Posted on 2023-05-02 16:55:47

     Nysa snorted pinning her ears as she took a small step back to get closer to Minette as Asher walked up to her. "One of us won't be here to find out." she said eyeing him as she got as close to Minette as she could without waking or hurting her on accident. "Stay away from her." she warned as her horn started to glow again. Even a few sparks forming from her horn indicating she had the firework spell ready.

     Though Nysa had no plan. She was doing things without even thinking about it. She didn't know what to do most of the time. It was only a matter of time before he did something to her already...right? He hurt Minette..and Lichanura in a way, but not her? Nysa didn't do anything least not yet anyway. She had no idea that the others were there..watching. Apollo wanted nothing more then to go after Asher himself once he saw Minette..

     Nysa did look at Lichanura after hearing what Asher said before she looked at Asher again. "I get my family back. That's what happens when your dead." she said firmly. She didn't even want to try thinking about anything bad that will happy when he's dead. She didn't want to believe anything he said. She wouldn't. She wasn't that foolish. She wasn't foolish at all. Well maybe she was some times..she was young still after all..

     Though what he said next seemed to hit her hard. Her ears relaxed no longer pinned, but they were still lowered. "If I am the mare you think I am then why not stone me along with my mother? My father? My aunt? My uncle? Everyone I loved?" she asked him as she looked up at him again since she was smaller then him. Asher wasn't wrong on that part. She was a bit small partly because she was still young..just like he said...

     Everything he said had hit her hard, but what hit her harder was the last thing he said. Was there something she didn't know about? Though Nysa went quiet as she looked down. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was nothing. Maybe she was nothing like her mother. That she wasn't as great as her mother. What shocked her more was that Lichanura stood up for her in a way she never thought he would.

     Apollo just tried breaking out of whatever they were all contained in. He didn't like the way Asher spoke to Nysa anymore then Lichanura did, but it was no use. Though it wasn't long until the two stallions started fighting. Nysa just stood there with her head lowered like she accepted defeat. Like she was giving up. Or had she already given up? Either way a few tears came to her eyes.

     Though Nysa noticed her necklace started to glow, or it seemed to be flashing just every now and then. That was the moment realization hit for Nysa as she looked up at the two stallions fighting. Her wings were still spread out, but it was just to protect Minette in a way. Something inside of Nysa changed in that moment, and somehow when she tried to fly after many many failed attempts..she now could.

     Nysa had done the firework spell once again as she directed her horn straight at Asher. Only this time it was just to get his attention. "You've spoken what you think of me, but you're wrong. I am the daughter of the moon goddess. Solstice. Defeater of Dra. I am proud to be her daughter. I am lucky to have her as a mother. I am lucky to have the family I have." she said firmly as she was angry, but she hovered there flapping her wings, but she spoke the truth.

      "I am nothing like the mare you claim I am. I am my mother's daughter." she said looking Asher dead in the eyes. Her white markings glowing a bit. Her two white moons doing the same. Even the tips of her wings doing the same as well as her horn and necklace. Only her eyes had the smallest glow out of everything. Though she hovered there for a moment before she flew straight at Asher.

     Ramming into him enough he got away from Lichanura before she circled around him. She continued doing so while she launched fireworks straight at him again. Enough to where she could harm him without him realizing what she was going to be doing next. Mainly just ramming into him when he wasn't expecting it, and things were going well for her until she messed much so Asher was probably angered enough to actually harm her..

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#268831 Posted on 2023-05-02 17:40:13

Asher hissed and tried moving, but being rammed repeatedly and being thrown fireworks at him were only making him hiss and get angered just like the little prediction, then he curled by his hooves, Lichanura was watching with fear as he was also nervous and confused at what Asher was doing..

Then as Asher quickly stood back up, he emitted a very bright light that even the white room couldn't handle, but when the light faded back to normalcy, it was actually a battle arena, somehow fitted to teleport horses and the room turn into the normal thing it was; a battle arena..

But when the arena was revealed, the barrier to stop the group went into the ground, and that Asher was nowhere seen anywhere, but when Lichanura looked up- he was actually scared to what he was looking at up in the sky, when Smoke ran over to Lichanura she did the samething as well..

"Holy-" Smoke was about to say something, but a fireball with lots of magic shot at her and burned her chest, which made her scream in a way as it hurt, it also paralyzed Smoke as she was hit with a fireball- well technically heat stroke since she is somehow a black coat colored mare (I remember that Scorn is all muddy colors now- whoops).

Where the fireball came was another thing, but up in the sky was a giant light source, a very bright light that was dimming sometimes, but Asher was nowhere seen still. But the light then moved towards Nysa, Lichanura grabbed the sword that he fused the objects with, and swung it at the white light source.

The light hissed and spoke in Asher's voice, being echoey and distorted was one thing as white reflected all colors, making Asher able to blend into anything with a reason or limit to do so, now the title 'king' seemed to fit with Asher, as his god-like light source (2nd phase) then teleported stones and rocks, but Asher didn't think of the horses that he stoned. Which was good or else Nysa and everyone would've been extremely disgusted and paralyzed at what Asher was throwing at them.

As Lichanura stood there, not knowing what to do and only swinging the sword at Asher to keep him away from Nysa and Minette as well, he was at a loss of words and thoughts, he didn't know that Asher could pull of an extreme move like this, he also didn't seem to be in pain at all.

But as Smoke looked at Asher, she tried thinking of a way to use her magic, but it would only give a reason on why Asher would be stronger, the magic is a white source with different colors from the horses that they are using their magic from, so Asher could just suck that magic up since he can reflect it.. Which is why a new strategy needed to be made, and quick to save everyone.

"W-we can't use magic.." whispered spoke, Smoke looked at him confused as Lichanura was thinking of a way to not use magic unlike Smoke who was thinking of doing something with magic, but even the group that was silent had no idea on what to do either.

"We need to do something else! Asher can reflect and use our magic against us!! We need to use other things!" Lichanura finally shouted, then Smoke looked at Asher with a grin that wasn't happy at all, nor even seemed to be happy as Asher formed a smile on his god-like light source phase.

"You.. EVIL ENTITY!!" Smoke screamed, she reared as she summoned 100 no a THOUSAND DARK SWORDS at Asher, the stallion didn't grin as he didn't expect a mare to do this much magic, which frightened the stallion as he tried dodging the swords, but getting cut and scratched anyways, even one piercing a small, tiny, blow on his chest but not clearly effective like the one Lichanura is using.

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#268832 Posted on 2023-05-02 18:30:00

     Nysa kept doing what she was doing until she knew she was only making him mad. Once she realized she was up to something, Nysa stopped as she hovered there. Only for Asher to send out a even brighter light. No body could handle it. Not even the strange room. Nysa used her wings to cover her eyes even if they were already closed. That's how bright it was. So bright that it still affected her even if her eyes were closed.

    Though because Nysa used her wings to cover her eyes more...she fell since she forgot she was even flying. She didn't even know how she was even flying. There was a small thud when she hit the floor, but she was fine. Nysa just laid there as the light was still too much for her. Until it faded a third time. Nysa slowly removed her wings from her eyes as she opened them. Only to realize they were now in a battle arena..

     Nysa shook her head as each time the light occurred, the more it affected her. Like her mother, she was more comfortable in the darkness then the light. It seemed to affect her more then the others. Though after a moment, Nysa got up. Maybe she hurt herself from the fall, but it showed she really wasn't used to having wings let alone flying. She probably broke a rib or two, but she ignored the pain.

     Instead she realized Smoke was there. She realized her and Lichanura were looking up at something, but before she even could, a fireball had hit Smoke in the chest. Nysa didn't even realize where it came from, but that was when she realized there was no sign of Asher. "Smoke!" she said as she was about to run over to her, but then she looked at Lichanura as he swung the sword at a bright light that seemed to point towards her..

     Nysa then realized what was going on in a way, "It's Asher! He blends in with the light!" she said as she couldn't look up for long. Though Nysa had spent most of the day running, or even using her magic. She hadn't used it much within the past days as she was exhausted, and it was starting to show. Making her an easier target for Asher, but she knew this wasn't the end. The fight hadn't even begun. No not yet.

     Though Nysa stood there lightly wrapping one of her wings across her side. She looked over at Lichanura as he said they couldn't use magic, "What else is there for us to do? You said it yourself...I need to unlock my true magic.." she said as her tone made it clear she was tired..well more then tired. She just stood there her stance showing that she was tired. She tried fighting back, but it made things worse. Now Smoke was hurt.

     Smoke did manage to summon many many swords, but Nysa carefully and slowly made her way to Minette. She was still unconscious which was a good and bad thing. Nysa just used some of her energy and magic to create a small barrier around Minette while she had the chance. She didn't care if Asher could reflect her magic even if she wasn't using it at him. She was protecting her cousin the best she could.

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#268835 Posted on 2023-05-02 18:57:48

Asher hissed once or twice before using some light and blowing the swords directly in a randomized pattern, making everyone around where the swords were pointed either moving or getting blunted by one since too slow to move because of the pressure, Lichanura just hissed back at Asher, seeming to be the same level of mad as Asher was.

"You are truly a demon, you know that? Well of course you do, but look at all the pain we're in, we can't redeem you as you need to be redeemed by your soul- heck, even it's black as coldstone.. Evil creature you are." Lichanura spoke up at Asher, everyone knew that Asher was no longer a horse of a breed, instead he was just a creature bidding his time until this happened.

"Crushing our dreams, our hopes, tormenting and treating us like foals, killing everyone for the sake of feeling happy. Whether or not your trying to go on a rampage, we are not stopping you! You hear us Asher?! We're not giving up to let you force us into stone statues!! Or even sell us- I don't think that's possible anyways, but we will continue to take you down!!" Raven shouted, she was backing Lichanura while trying on a motivational speech, even though it speechs don't work anymore, a motivational one did.

"Hehehe... Hahahah... AHAHA!!" Asher began laughing, his voice sounding out to be how it was, though everyone was clearly mad as they didn't want him laughing at their 'petty, little dreams", instead everyone was prepared to take him on. Altogether. As a family.

"You think you can stop me?! I'm a god at this point in time, and that you won't and can't stop me! I'll just continue my reign on terror on these Isles, take control on you home Isles, and destroy your loved ones for good.. Killing them while their still conscious, trapped inside their bodies with the outer layer of stone perserving their bodies.. I made it easy to take a soul and plant it in a fake stone statue to make you all unable to fight me while we were outside, well.. If you smacked a fake stone statue of a horse; their goes their soul forever, to be reborn again and relive their lives once more! You'd be known as a vengeful horse that kills off any horse!!" Asher giggled and uncontrollably laughed, he was having his fun with stating the news of what was true and what wasn't by his countless laughing in certain sentences.

"Nysa or any of us isn't a vengeful! You are Asher!! You monsterous stallion, your just like Dragon Devil, the one who's legacy you can't even live up too actually, you are the worthless stallion. You are the one saying your own lines and that you can't even have a good time either. Worthless, petty, insultless nobody." Lichanura stated, he was correct about everything; while Asher was laughing at what Lichanura said at the end, but Lichanura was right; Asher couldn't live up to Dra's expectations of a monsterous stallion that still looms over the hearts of those who experienced him first hand, and that Asher didn't seem to have the heart of forcing many Isles to go down back into the water.

"Well, what's there to loose?! Nothing! I can threaten every horse here and you can't do a single thing about it!! Hahaha!! Your all worthless with less magic then your counterparts or parents, can't live up to expectations is what you were born to do!!" Asher spoke again, he didn't have to use the word 'threaten' as it went far deep into real things, but it still wasn't the best word to use as it seemed like Raven wanted to correct him- but she was scared and a little confused but mainly scared.

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#268836 Posted on 2023-05-02 19:19:14

     Nysa had just finished making the barrier around Minette before she realized all of the swords Smoke used were coming down. Nysa quickly jumped to the side as she quickly realized one was about to hit her, but then she had to tried dodging more. Good thing she got that barrier around Minette up in time. Though Nysa wasn't the most successful with dodging all of the swords. There were many that made their mark on her body, some even her face, since she wasn't fast enough. That and because there were too many swords.

     Apollo flew around doing his best at dodging them, but even he got a few cuts. Though he made his way over to Nysa and Minette. Once all of the swords stopping falling, Apollo looked Minette over before looking at Nysa, "You look terrible..." he said worried about her. He saw everything that was wrong with her, but he just comforted her a bit, "Your stronger then you've lasted this long...don't give up now.." he said trying to help her.

     Nysa looked at Apollo, but she didn't say anything. Instead she just nuzzled him a small bit happy to see him again..and the others. "I'm doing my best Apollo." she said before she looked at the others and Asher, "The real battle has yet to begin." she said knowing that much. Though she looked at Minette, "Don't leave her side." she said knowing Apollo wouldn't. 

     Though Nysa heard what Lichanura had said to Asher. Then Raven had joined in. Nysa made her way over to them, but she didn't say anything. She already said what she needed to for the time being. Well and the others were saying all that needed to be said. At least until Dragon Devil was brought up, "My mother defeated him. More then once. You are nothing compared to him. What good is taking over the Isles if everyone is stone? At least Dra fought back!" she said as she stepped in front of everyone.

     Even spreading out her wings once more as she flew up and hovered a bit, "We both know only one of us is going to make it out of here. Like you said yourself. I'm weak, small, pathetic. If I am those things, then a fight wouldn't be too hard for you to win. Just don't hurt them anymore." she said almost as if she was issuing a challenge of some sort. Her and Asher. 

     She knew the others were going to try stopping her, so she said something before they could do or say anything about what she was doing, "Let me do this..." she said as she faced them, "Esmeray left trying to protect protect me because I treated him poorly...Minette is suffering right now even if she is unconscious because she was trying to protect me since the start of this. This is my fight...I don't want any more of you to suffer because of me."

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#268839 Posted on 2023-05-02 19:37:56

Asher looked at Nysa happily, like he wanted this to happen for some reason, and that Lichanura and everyone agreed to what Nysa said, maybe not Apollo but he was useful watching over Minette, though Asher flew right in front of everyone. Seeming to get them out of the picture of the fight.

"I'm ready whenever you are, pathetic mare." Asher spoke to Nysa, his voice deep and dark, though when his body of light shifted over to seemingly block everyone at once, he looked like a phoenix for a bit before flying overhead of Nysa and back to his spot of where he was.

"But if I win, I take over the Isles, stone you all, and burn and shortly submerge all the Isles, including this Island here. And then selling you to go to the Mainland!!" Asher yelled at the end, he seemed to be excited about this ordeal of a challenge, and that Asher already made his prize if he won.

"And you already made your prize if I lost; you get to keep your friends and family, while I lose my power and how I look to go and rot on the Mainland, far away from everyone you love. But I'll shortly be killed as this form I'm in; its reserved for Faith only, since only the ruler's of the heavens can access what I'm doing right now!!" Asher shouted at the end again, he was very excited to think of winning, but his voice was also hoarse and fiery-echoey type because he was doing circles over and under Nysa, making his voice sound like a roaring lion for a second or two.

But the two prizes, Nysa or Asher will win and claim their prize, if Nysa won then Asher's stoning magic and his other magic plus the light form would disappear after getting killed off by a God or goddess, and then teleported to the Mainland, at least..

Until Asher comes back for a 2nd time, you know how it goes down in the Isles of Nowhere.. Horses that are evil and die a first time; go to the underrealm or underworld, then escape and come back to redo what they were doing, but be in a weaker state as they did reincarnate in the underworld.

But I don't think Hades would allow horses to just escape easily anymore, oh no, he had built/ranked up high security in his world of death, making it nearly or actually impossible to escape from, making sure that the event that took place years ago never happened again.

But that's the past and future in one, and we're not there yet, so we don't need to think of that for quite awhile actually, besides a surprise from Minette whenever she has it- that's what's also coming too, can't forget about that whole ordeal actually!!

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#268841 Posted on 2023-05-03 05:18:23

     Apollo stayed with Minette like Nysa had asked him to. Though he heard what Nysa was saying as he looked at her then the others. "Nysa no. You can't do this. You can't do this alone." he said disagreeing with her. "Are we really just going to stand here and let her do this?" he said. There had to be another way. Right? He understood why she was doing this, but he didn't accept it.

     Nysa looked at Apollo, "I don't have a choice! I can't continue to see each of you get hurt because of me." she said with a bit of a rude tone. "I'll be fine...I hope.." she mumbled looking at the others before Asher seemed to have taken the others somewhere that it was just the two of them. Nysa seemed to second guess what she had done now that it was just the two of them, but it was too late.

     She did look at Asher some blood running down her body even a small amount on her face because of the swords, but she just kept an eye on Asher as she looked at him. Though she listened to him as he spoke of what would happen if he won, "Selling me would be of no use. The Isles would already be gone and there will only be you. Not much of a win in my books." she said, but she accepted it.

     Though she made sure he knew her terms, "If I win then you won't even be able to make it to the mainland." she said pinning her ears, "That you won't hurt anyone else." she said. It had seemed they both agreed on something. What Asher meant by what he said, she wasn't sure, but she also didn't know why Faith was involved. Maybe he was scared of her because of something else.

     Nysa just prepared herself mentally for what was about to happen. She didn't have a plan. Instead she just did one thing at a time. When she was as ready as she would be, she circled around Asher. It seemed he was already celebrating his victory, but the fight hadn't even begun yet. Though Nysa took as much things as she could to note in hopes of actually winning. She feared if she wasn't going to make it out...if any of them will.

     Though Nysa eventually flew right at Asher sending a single firework this one larger then the others directly at his head before she had circled around him again and did the same thing. Even if he could use her own magic against her, she didn't have much of a choice but to use it. Eventually she switched things up as she blasted a fireball or two at him since the heat affected him like the bright light affected her..

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#268847 Posted on 2023-05-03 13:04:20

Asher was calm with the fireworks, but the fireball made him move, since he was used to being in his castle all the time- he never really experienced how heat felt on his body, but what Nysa did make him move, even if he was made of light or well shaped himself into it- he still couldn't undermine the heat that it had affected him.

But when Asher had the chance, he took it to action with firing back at what Nysa shot at him for the time being, not using a lot of his magic that he seemed to conserve instead of blasting wildly, well he did blast a discharge to turn into the light or self of himself.

Though when Asher was conserving kcuh of his energy, he was flying around and then whipped the end of his light and tried to whip his end of magic into a tail and get Nysa with the tail, but he was pretty short for being made up of light and magic.. But Asher didn't seem to care, well he didn't actually, not for anyone at all.

As for being in the air, Asher was pretty slow with cruising but still fast enough to dodge some attacks but not all of them, though if he was maddened even more he could probably be faster then most pegasi or at least slow to be the same speed for an alicorn, like Nysa was now.

Though Asher's breed of horse was unknown to everyone, a horse having ram-like horns didn't seem to be the way alicorns were born, but there are possibilities that no one pays attention too anyways, at least for being how they are looked upon and how they are like in mythology.

"Your an avid flyer, and a good magic user, been taught from her dadda?" Asher teased, though that was rude as Nysa's mother was the one to teach about how to use her magic, Nysa just got to reading books from her father, but Asher didn't need to call Solstice a stallion as that was stupid to say.

"Nevermind, your mother must've did it. Horses from my generation were much wilder and fiercer then you'd expect to see some stallions with barely any herds, how lowly they are!!" Asher laughed, he made fun of Phoenix, so he does know most things from horses, though spreading rumors were always tagged along with the truth.

"Now fight me with everything you've got!! I want to see the real you, the real demigod underneath that emotionless casket you have built for yourself." Asher told Nysa, he wanted Nysa to unlock her full potential right in the fight, he was very intent on getting Nysa to be her real self, her protective nature, something that was like Solstice in a way that was being shown more then what already is shown.

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#268851 Posted on 2023-05-03 14:35:16

     Nysa may not have done any damage, but it was a start at got him to move. She couldn't tell whether or not it was a good or bad thing, but she could tell he didn't like the heat. Not at all. Nysa wasn't affected by it. Sure she did get a bit hot at times, but she didn't mind it. Better then being in the cold. At least her opinion. Though Nysa was making things up as she went. She had no idea what she was doing. She would have trained, but she never got to it.

     Well that and none of them really had expect for Smoke and Apollo. Nysa was the one with the least with several of them. Though Nysa kept an eye on Asher, and before she knew it he shot back. Nysa was taken by surprise for a moment since she wasn't really expecting it, but she flew up dodging it. Well mainly a part of her tail got charred. At least it wasn't just her mane that was a wreck now. It was her tail too.

     Nysa did look back at him as she circled back around, but he then too started flying..chasing her. She then realized what he was trying to do, and she sped up. "Too slow?" she said as she turned around and hovered looking right at him. "My father is a Historian. He's no fighter, but that doesn't make him a coward. He's wise." she said with a snort, "I love him like I do my mother and the rest of my family."

     Though Nysa snorted when he spoke about her mother, "I may not have been born with wings like my mother wasn't, but flying comes naturally I suppose." she said mainly to herself. "I will get them back. I'll get everyone back. Even those that are here." she said determined. She knew all of this was up to her now, and she couldn't afford to loose. It was all up to her now. None of the could help her.

     Nysa did pin her ears and lift her head up a bit as Asher spoke again. "You think I've been hiding my emotions? I had to watch you turn my mother into stone. I saw the defeat in her eyes. I watched her give up. I watched everyone I love turn to stone. Everyone's in hiding. All because of you! How am I supposed to keep my emotions hidden?" she said seeming to start getting it was his intentions.

     Though Nysa just looked him dead in the eye, "You want me to show my true potential, but you've been a coward. You haven't fought back. Are you afraid? I mean if what you say about me is true then winning should be a breeze wouldn't it?" Nysa seemed to have gotten some of her smarts from Orion. Both of her parent's actually, but winning was different then surviving. 

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#268852 Posted on 2023-05-03 15:11:13

Asher was silent for a moment, but he then decided to speak once more, "Coward..? What is that word..? Coward..? Is it a spotting that you get..? Is my coat a cow?" Asher asked confused, he was playing dumb but in all reality he was mad and wanted to show nysa how strong he was because of that word "coward".

Though that was when Asher started moving again, this time around the entire arena, covering it up as his tail trails behind and reveals the empty bleachers and the sand that's untouched by time, and that was when Asher went near the ground but shot right up as he looked like an actual phoenix when he brought up his white-light wings.

And that was also when Asher then made his horns visible but still the matching glowing white, though that's when Asher released another discharge of magic, this time the room didn't go into a crazy 'all white can't see even when you close your eyes' type of released discharge..

But Asher took on a new appearance as he looked like a real phoenix, or well a light version of it- boy Asher loves to be a phoenix huh? Might be something that Nysa could use against him, because "phoenix's are made of fire", so there's a hint to that!

Anyways the discharges might also be weakening Asher, but when he recieves smaller amounts of magic, then that's when he grows more magic into something more, so if Nysa could make Asher pull away from this white-light body of Asher's, then he would weakened as he wouldn't be able to fly for very long when weak.. Like most horses but he still fly a little longer before getting fatigue and going to relax to get his energy to fly again.

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