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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266289 Posted on 2023-02-08 09:52:45

     Solstice's ears lowered some more as she looked down. There had to be something that could be done to save the Isles? Right..? Solstice didn't want to stand there while more Isles were lost and there was nothing to be done about it. Though she did listen to Mint as she looked back up when she mentioned a burning lake. A what? Solstice and Orion had a confused look, but they both listened to every word.

     "Didn't we see a snake-like mare in the marketplace a few days ago..?" she asked as she looked at Azulia. Orion only looked at her confused, "I woke up and snuck off to the marketplace for a bit...before everything.." she said giving him a quick and small explanation. Solstice's memory was still a bit foggy when she tried to recalled events from that day, but she just ignored it. It wasn't all that important.

     "I never thought that horses could be so different from each other..." she said not that she minded, but she seemed interested and curious about all of these different kinds of horses. Though Solstice just listened to the rest of what Mint had to say, "Well goodbye then. Hope to see you around again." Solstice said with a small smile as she watched Mint leave before she turned to Winter Rose.

     Solstice had just stepped back over to her and placed her hoof on the whale. "Azulia is should get going too." she said softly, "I hope to see you again soon Winter Rose..stay safe girl." she said smiling as she sang her song again. Solstice only hummed a bit, "Maybe next time I'll have a foal with me.." she smiled saying goodbye to her while Winter Rose pushed herself back into the water.

     "Well you know me...I tend to stay up during the night, but it really doesn't feel like it's as late as it is..oh well." Solstice shrugged as she looked at Raven smiling, "Well have fun then you two." she smiled, "Behave for your mother Raven." she said before saying goodbye to her. Solstice just watched them leave as she just laid her head on Orion's back enjoying the peace and quiet. Namir must have snuck off back to the herd.

     Though the next eight to nine months seemed to go by least for Solstice. Not much seemed to happen, and after spending some time away from the herd, she decided to go back. The vacation seemed to help her least until the pregnancy started to take more of a toll on her. Solstice was miserable, and just ready for it all to be over. By now it had to been a waiting game, or any day now. Time would tell.

     Solstice was just in her usual spot as she just stood there with her head lowered. She must have dozed off due to the lack of sleep she'd been getting. Though she was getting sleep until she felt quite the kick that jolted her awake. She only groaned a bit as she bags underneath her eyes. Hopefully this would all be worth it. Solstice just looked around before she just decided to try walking around a small bit.

      Though even that was challenging for her. She looked like a watermelon with how big and round she was. Probably just a big colt. Apollo had grown quite a bit, and was even learning to fly at that point. He was close to nailing it, but his feathers still weren't all there. The colt was quite the talker too, and loved to play with all the foals his age. Often times Apollo wasn't even near his mother's side.

      Apollo had just been practicing flying again, but a small gust of wind seemed to ruin his formation. The colt just tumbled to the ground, but at least he wasn't that high up. Though he did fall near Solstice. "Oh Apollo you gotta be careful. Your going to get yourself hurt one day if you aren't careful." she said walking over to him making sure he was alright. "Are you hurt?"

      Apollo just got up and shook himself off, "I know...I almost got it! I'm so close!" he said as Solstice only smiled a bit, "I'm fine. Maybe just a small scratch, but that's all!" he said. Apollo was quite the energetic colt, and could cause some trouble here and there. Though he just looked around before looking at Solstice again, "Why don't you fly? I don't think I've seen you fly before." he asked curiously.

     Solstice just smiled as she just messed with his mane a bit teasing him, "I don't have the energy or strength to do it anymore. I miss it, but it's best for me to stay on the ground right now." she said pausing, "You were little the last time I flew..young enough you don't remember." she said before nudging him to go play with his friends before she continued her small walk around the herd..

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#266315 Posted on 2023-02-08 19:11:57

Eclipsetess was off dozing with Azulia standing next to her as she was whispering to Raven, the little foal still rather small, but Azulia didn't care. As long as she spent time with Raven, that's all that mattered to her.

While Eclipsetess woke up and stretched out, this time as she stretched her body, legs, and finally her wings out, Raven then trotted around as Eclipsetess giggled at her. Azulia joined in as Eclipsetess began laughing a little more, then Eclipsetess joined in the circle trotting and began nipping Azulia.

"Hey! I was only trying to make you laugh more!" Azulia shouted, a couple of horses were talking as usual until Azulia ran around the herd as Eclipsetess stopped and watched Azulia run around in confusion, Azulia's running was like that of an anime high school girl (idk why.. decsribing?).

"Um.. Raven want to head to the market? I can bring Minette along with me, I did visit her at the foal playground last week since a mare was babysitting her for me, she's so big now! Still the same height like that of Apollo still.. But she's really taking on my personality." Eclipsetess asked Raven, Raven lit up with joy as she ran around like a little one would.

"Yay yay yay!" Raven calmed down as Azulia bumped into a stallion, alicorn, it was bet to be Cronsi or some type of alicorn like him.

"Haha! Miss me darling?" the stallion asked, Azulia groaned as Raven came over with joy, it was Cronsi but he probably built up his relationship with Raven since he wasn't there for awhile.

"If missing you means nothing, then no, unless you want to apologize to me about making me hurt my little love dove?" Azulia roasted Cronsi about their relationship out of the blue, which made Eclipsetess laugh and make fun of Cronsi for that.

"Man she roasted you on that! But still, what do you want?" Eclipsetess laughed again,  but she instantly went to a serious questioning mode, Cronsi looked at her but turned his attention back to Azulia whe was awaiting a perfect answer to him.

"Alright alright, I did think about our- purposedly ruined relationship, but since you apologized to me last month and let me decide, I'll see about it. If you raise your relationship with your daughter, then I'll say yes- again.." Azulia said, Cronsi smiled as he nuzzled Raven who was still excited, but he knew that it wouldn't be easy for him since Azulia was a little difficult to trust her ex's.

"Well.. I'll grab Minette, and then me, Cronsi, Raven, and Minette will head to the market. Unless you want to come with us Azulia? I'm just showing Raven around since she was a little hard to take her somewhere where it wasn't hard for her to get along with other foals." Eclipsetess asked Azulia, she lit up with joy as the group walked over, mainly Eclipsetess who ran over to Minette with her wings, though Minette did have big feathers now, at least big enough for her to fly with.

"Right.. I forgot you were born on the same day Apollo was, but it seems you grew more differently then him, how's your speech with your babysitter then?" Eclipsetess asked Minette, she smiled as Eclipsetess ran over to her with the best joy in her heart.

"It was... Fantastic! Wit also showed me how to fly a little as well! She's the best babysitter, but your the bestest mom to have helped me find someone that I can learn better speech from!" Minette told Eclipsetess, the words that Minette spoke only made Eclipsetess love her more, Wit was just laying down while reading a book, she was a black pegasus but she did wear brown glasses as her crystal-cyan eyes sparked a little bit.

"Hi Wit!" Eclipsetess greeted the black mare with white tips in her hair and feathers, she also seemed to have a white hoof to the right, making her a wonderful mare.

"Hello." Wit greeted as she got up, she then nuzzled Minette as she giggled about, Wit then went to talking with Eclipsetess about how she was doing, and how much she progressed with her speech over the months.

"That's good! Now we can head to the market for a treat!" Eclipsetess said, Wit smiled as Minette opened her wings a little, the wings also got bigger as they almost seemed fully formed to fit Minette perfectly..!

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#266319 Posted on 2023-02-08 19:47:09

     Apollo was quite the colt, and was often doing his own thing. Moon worried for him as always, but that wasn't going to change for awhile. Seemed like yesterday when he was fighting to stay alive, and now he was thriving better then ever. Though Apollo didn't know about his rough start. Moon never told him those things. Especially about his father. She was going to keep it from him until she could do it no longer. Moon only wanted her son to be the opposite of his father after all.

     Though Solstice seemed to doze off again as she walked accidentally bumping into Isis. Isis had just been standing off by herself a tad bit listening to the sounds around her when Solstice had bumped into her. "Oh I thought it was Apollo bumping into my again.." she said shaking her head a bit as she looked at the colt before bringing her full attention to Solstice, "Shouldn't it be any day now? You look completely exhausted.." she said worriedly.

     Solstice just apologized for bumping into her friend, "Haven't slept in probably a couple weeks..I can't keep track of anything anymore.." she said with quite the yawn. "I hope the little one decides to come out soon...I'm just ready for it to be over already...get my energy back. That and to fly again.." she said missing it. "I look like a watermelon." Isis only giggled a bit before she went quiet seeing the small look Solstice had given her.

     "Sorry.." Isis said looking down for a moment, "Just think. You'll be a mother here the end it'll be worth it. I know you'll be a good mother, but until's just going to be miserable. Moon was the same when she was carrying Apollo. The herd hardly saw her when she was starting to get close to having him." she said looking at the colt again for a moment, "Besides..I'm sure the foal would be like their mother." she smiled.

     Solstice just smiled a bit, "I know it will...I'll feel about things if I could just get some sleep, but the little one doesn't seem to agree with me." she said as she just flapped her wings a bit to stretch them in a way, "Well we won't know unless they decide to ever come out." They both only laughed a bit before Solstice saw Eclipsetess, Azulia, Cronsi, and the foals head to the marketplace.

     "Want to head to the marketplace? I need to get away from the herd for a small bit and move around. We don't have to get anything...I just need to move around. Been laying down pretty much the entire time the last few days.." Solstice said yawning again. She was going to go whether or not Isis agreed to or not. Orion was off somewhere else. Probably trying to find something to help her in anyway.

     Isis just looked at her, "Are you sure? We could just walk along the beach? It's quieter and less crowded.." she said happy to join her in a walk, but she wasn't sure the marketplace was going to be the best choice. Solstice only nodded and started to walk to the marketplace. Isis just looked at her before catching up, "Alright then..if you want to. Let's just hope Namir or Orion won't yell at me."

     Solstice only looked at her with her tired eyes, "I may be miserable and exhausted, but I'll show them who's in charge if it comes to it. They've been better with things this time though. Letting me take care of myself more then anything. They were really getting on my nerves when they wouldn't stop bothering me months ago.." she said looking around for a moment.

     "We both know that they were just making sure you were safe and know how those stallions are. Heck they both bicker with each other every now and then, but I'm guessing that'll never change. Stallions being stallions." Isis said with a bit of a laugh as Solstice only let out a smaller laugh as they both just slowly walked around the marketplace. Solstice didn't care at all if some horses were staring at her because of big she was, and how exhausted she was. She just needed to stretch her legs a bit.

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#266323 Posted on 2023-02-08 20:32:23

"Hey welcome back!" a snake mare said, she was wearing a hood but her other half was plain simple as a snake half, the mare seemed to have noticed and knew who Solstice was as she slowly walked slither-walked up to Solstic since she noticed the big stomach.

"Pregnancy I suppose?" the mare asked, she seemed to have known what a pregnancy even was, but then a small little foal came up next to her as she looked down at him curiously, at least it wasn't Apollo since the colt seemed extremely different and paid no mind to Apollo as well.

"Oh? Hi little one, how's your mother doing?" the snake mare asked, the colt seemed to go silent while looking at the mare's basket with food in it.

"Oh yes.. I forgot your mother forgets to feed you and your siblings when she goes to get groceries, well here since you seem vamished about it. A-and take the whole basket, I don't neccesarily feed on regular fruit, rather small mice or something.." the snake mare told the colt, she was right about him being skinny, his bones were showing! How did the alicorn king not see that?!

"Well.. If the king doesn't notice this, I'll slither my way up to his throne and force him to see that poor colt's family being ruined to shreds, I know he doesn't pry into that type of stuff, but he needs to take action from that! It's sickening to even see a starving horse, let alone a colt!" the snake mare protested about the colt, the mother then ran out and hushed her as the king walked by since loads of horses were blocking him from talking to the snake mare and the mare mother.

"We don't need to talk about that, now zip it!" the mare-mother told the snake mare, she then looked at Solstice and apologized for the intrusion and making her feel bad.

"I'll go now, I need to cut up veggies for my babies, bye!" the mare said, the snake mare hissed at her as she ran off, she seemed rather ticked off that the king couldn't get to talk to her.

"I hate this market when they do that.. I know the king wanted to talk me with the mare-mother, but.. You could see how it happened, they even tied him down from flying, which is stupid because the king can ban them if they tick him off really badly.. Which is good because we have you guys!" the snake mare said, she was rather right about the market and the king.

But then Eclipsetess came over as she saw Solstice, she didn't giggle but only smiled at the progression that Solstice was in, which was good and why she smiled at Solstice happily, but also because she seemed to have done something yourself.

"If you need me I'm here to hear your call, alright? I'm not like Namir or Orion, but rather more protective but I still rather let you be. Which is rather good of me, because I'm not like a clingy guardian or a fierce overprotective monster guardian at all!" Eclipsetess sighed with relief, "I also talked with Faith once in the Heavens, and the discussion was about replacing the male guardian that would replace me one day, and Faith said that she would turn him back into a normal stallion and pick another mare to take my spot! One similar to me, but most different because she would be more joyful then me, which is- fine but I expected a mare similar to me- or like me, but was a different breed or species, so that you could learn about the mare's origins and where she once inhabited a different Isle." Eclipsetess then smiled with joy and looked at Solstice with a funny face before nuzzling her side out of respect.

"The rules say to always respect a pregnant lady, especially a mare as fine as yourself~" Eclipsetess teased Solstice, but she was serious about the first part, the last bit was just a funny joke- maybe.

"But still, every horse knows to respect someone like you, even a guardian like me. Which is great because I can nuzzle your side whenever I find you, while also accompanying you as well!" Eclipsetess said again, she was rather happy with her save from the joke, as she thought that it was hurtful to Solstice after thinking about it.

Minette then trotted up behind Eclipsetess as she looked at Apollo with the most nervous eyes ever but also filled with curiosity too, though Eclipsetess only nudged her in front of her as she probably wouldn't have remembered or thought about Apollo when she began getting her speech to be better.

"Apollo meet Minette, Minette meet Apollo, you two should remember each other since you both would play at the foal playground a little or a lot, though Minette would have a fuzzy memory since she began getting her speech up. I still wonder if that was even a good choice.." Eclipsetess said, but Minette protested in the most loving way as Eclipsetess only smiled happily at Minette pointing out that she still loved her adopted mother any way she can or could.

"Your so sweet Minette, this is why I adopted you in the first place, you would grow up to seemingly look like your father but you have my personality, but my loving one better.. I could never trade you or do that anyhow.. Because I love you in the most motherly way, even if I don't have a motherly voice unlike Moon.." Eclipsetess lovingly told Minette that, the two shared a sweet bond for sure.

"Who's Moon?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, she just stared at Minette before smiling nervously and looking around, whilst the snake mare was off to the side.

"Yesss, who'sss Moon?" the snake mare asked Eclipsetess as well, she sighed before looking at Apollo.

"Apollo's mother, the little colt behind Solstice, I don't ever remember if Minette met her as well. But at least we can make new memories then!" Eclipsetess answered both questions, Minette only grew curious of Apollo as well but she was more curious of his wings.

"You know your a pretty mare! Mom always told me stories that would include a friendly snake mare!" Minette told the snake mare, she only smiled at Minette before looking at Eclipsetess as she dragged into a hug.

"Sssso we are friendssss now? Correct? Or am I wrong? I did jusssst remeet your pregnant female here." the snake mare said, Eclipsetess nodded before telling the snake mare about Solstice and everything to her.

"Ah, Sssolssstice isss a good name, a perfect one at that! Funny though.." the snake mare stopped, Eclipsetess only got curious as to why the snake mare stopped talking.

"And why's that?" Eclipsetess asked the snake mare, she smiled at her before giggling at a memory she seemed to have enjoyed remembering.

"Becaussse my twin sssissster'ssss name wasss Sssolsssstice, though she sssshortly died assss ssssshe wassss too fragile and her body.. Wassss deformed in many gruessssome waysss, that'sss why I tend to ssstay out of family busssinesssss, and that'ssss why I never asssked perssssonal quessstionssss about family." the snake mare shared, that must've been horrible for the snake mare to have experienced that then!

Eclipsetess only got quet and looked down with a shocked face, maybe she should have stayed out of that then since the snake mare seemed to have looked upset when she said that since there were two foals there as she apologized quickly to them.. At least she didn't tell them the gruesome ways then.. It would've been horrible to hear that.. Even without foals near them..

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#266332 Posted on 2023-02-09 07:37:04

     Apollo was just running around as always being the chaotic colt he was when he noticed Solstice and Isis heading to the marketplace. He just ran over and stopped in front of them which took them both by surprise. "Sorry..." he said apologizing as he flapped his wings a bit, "Can I come with you two? I promise I won't cause trouble!" he said wanting to go. "Mom won't care as long as I'm with you guys.."

     Isis just abruptly stopped when Apollo skidded to a stop in front of the both of them, "Apollo you can't just run up to horses like could spook someone." she said glancing at Solstice making sure she was alright. Solstice was, but it took her by surprise a bit when Apollo ran up. Though she didn't mind if Apollo joined them. Isis just sighed, "I guess you can if you won't cause any problems."

     Apollo just smiled and wagged his tail a bit happily. Solstice smiled and nuzzled him before they continued. Before she looked up seeing a snake-like mare approach as they stopped. Solstice recognized her, but Apollo and Isis didn't. "Thanks..just thought a walk would do me some good." she said with a small smile on her face as she nodded. Apollo just looked at the strange mare then the foal that had come up to her.

     Solstice noticed the foal seemed a bit skinny, and her ears lowered slightly. She just glanced at Apollo remembering when he was skinny and small, but she didn't say a single word about it. That was for Moon to tell when the time was right. Probably a few years away though. "Not even the king can prevent every bad thing from happening...but it is sad to see." Solstice said feeling bad for the colt, but what made it worse was that he had siblings..

      Though that was when the mother came by. Solstice just said nothing. She really wasn't in the mood to argue. Same with Isis. Both mares just watched as horses kept the king away, "Doesn't anyone show respect to the king? He shouldn't be held back like he is now...he only wants to help others..a-at least from what I've heard." Isis said feeling bad, but she couldn't do anything about it sadly. Though Solstice and Isis were confused by what the snake mare meant by what she said about them.

     Solstice looked up again when she saw Eclipsetess coming over, and she smiled a bit. "I know Eclipsetess...hopefully it'll only be a few more days now.." she said happy to see her, "You know those two...they've been better, but stallions are just clueless on things like's going to happen." Solstice said. She really should have been resting, and probably sleeping, but she just couldn't. 

      "Well that's good to hear at least..I'd hate for someone to have him as a guardian..especially if they were like me when I met you." Solstice said happy to hear that the stallion was going to be replaced, but she just frowned a bit hearing what else Eclipsetess was saying. "Let's not talk about something happening to where this new guardian would have to take your place. I hope that I would never loose you.." she said speaking the truth.

     Though Solstice smiled again as Eclipsetess nuzzled her side, "I just hope this little one decides to come out soon...but I don't like to think of me being anyone special...well and that I'm better then anyone. I may be a goddess now, but I just like to have a normal-ish life." she said before letting out a small laugh, "Well you are my best I would hope so." she said having a good mood despite how tired she was.

     Apollo was just standing somewhat behind Solstice. He himself wasn't even sure why, but he just stepped out when she noticed Minette. Solstice just smiled and watched both foals. Moon though was probably resting somewhere. Apollo just flapped his wings a bit excitedly, "She's my mom!" he said yelling a tad bit. Moon just always had that motherly tone. Even when she was younger. 

     He just flapped his wings more and got a bit excited which was normal for him. His hooves got off the ground, but he lost focus and fell a bit. "I'm so close to getting it!" he said getting up back almost as quick as he fell. "My mom is a unicorn, but I don't know why I'm a pegasus..I'm red while she's blue..." he said as Solstice got a bit nervous hearing his words. She hoped he wasn't starting to think about his father.

     Solstice didn't seem to doze off unlike earlier. Maybe talking to others seemed to help her stay awake, but she did feel quite the kick, "Ouch...that one hurt.." she said miserably, "Been awhile since I had one that hard..." she said more to herself before she brought her attention back to everyone. She seemed to loose focus easier now, but it wasn't that important.

     It just took her a moment to realize Eclipsetess was telling the snake mare a lot of stuff about her..well it more of sounded like everything, but Solstice knew she couldn't stop Eclipsetess. Though Solstice felt bad to hear about her twin sister. She just glanced at Apollo who wasn't really paying to what was being said before she looked at the mare again, "That's awful to hear...I'm sorry.." Solstice said looking down again..

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#266344 Posted on 2023-02-09 16:56:17

"It's alright, we honor siblings with baskets of fruit anyways! So that we can tell them that we are happy and safe, it's a tradition, but if we don't do that then our fallen siblings will turn into white ghost versions of themselves and protect future friends, we are agressive with protecting, so.. It's why I'm the only mare here really.. I'd still like to see some of my siblings, I did hear that I have a cousin who's a friendly serpent that lives right next to Queen Oceanus's home." the snake mare said, Minette only looked at her like she was telling a story.

"Sorry little one, I won't go into detail since I need another fruit basket, so I'll be off.. But.." the snake mare said, she cautiously walked up to Solstice's side and nuzzled that spot as well, she then giggled as she hissed quietly and placed her roughish ear against Solstice's belly.

"Lot's of sounds, maybe that's why some of my species were doctors, anyways, it does sound like your baby is healthy to the core." the snake mare said, she only talked because of the foal in Solstice's stomach.

"Now I'll go, but if you need ssssomething, pleassse don't hesitate go to my sssstall. I have a friend running it right now ssssince I'm out and about, but I'll be there to help you out if you need too or need it." the snake mare told Solstice primarily, she then said goodbye to the group and nuzzled Solstice happily as a sign.

"A sssnake mare nuzzlesss a pregnant mare, the pregnant mare recievessss good luck throughout her 9 whole monthsss, but I can tell that your one more month away before the due date, um, uhhh.. Namesss? Not Sssolssstice though, becausssse sssshe'ssss the mosssst beautiful prosssspect a young mare can be! And that'ssss jussst a compliment!" the snake mare completed Solstice, she was really nice for being extrememly friendly, though she nuzzled Solstice again to give her more luck and then she did the samething with everyone else, but she was patient and cautious with Apollo, Minette just straight up nuzzled her and Eclipsetess as welll.

"Well, besssr be off, but don't forget what I ssssaid!" the snake mare said, she then began walk-slither away as her hind part slithered while she picked up her front hooves after a bit, she seemed keen on being the most friendliest mare of all! And Eclipsetess was happy about that.

"Well.. Wanna walk around with my group? Minette is already here, so might as well right?" Eclipsetess asked, she did seem a little sneaky but Minette just bounced a little before opening her wings a little bit before Eclipsetess used her bubble magic to help Minette fly around and get used to it.

"Weeee!" Minette said happily, she had control over her bubble, but Eclipsetess kept her in view, "This is so much fun and helping me train as well!" Minette just squealed in the air, Eclipsetess laughed but could tell that Apollo would be jealous as well..

"You wanna be bubbled to help with your flight as well Apollo? I can see that Minette likes it more then actually flapping her wings, but it does help with your wing bones,"  Eclipsetess paused before speaking "or how else did you think Sosltice tried it as well? She's the best flyer of all time! As Azulia brags about her, but she didn't know I was an alicorn at first glance. But being honest is how you gain true friends, and how you'll protect them as well. Because she means lots to me, I helped her become more confident and courageous. And she taught me how to be a little more open too. Lessons are worth it, even if you don't want to learn it, it helps out tons!" Eclipsetess told Apollo, she was inspirational at first and then loving to Solstice at the end, she meant it as her eyes showed love and compassion towards her friend.. So sweet that Eclipsetess is now..

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#266348 Posted on 2023-02-09 17:40:49

     It didn't seem to take too long until Solstice smiled a bit again. "Well that sounds like a nice tradition...every family should have at least one. It wasn't the same wearing this necklace instead of my mother's, but I'm happy to be able to continue passing it down now. Who knows just how long that necklace had been passed down to the mares in my family." Solstice said thinking of her mother, and past family members.

     "Maybe you could visit this cousin of yours..I'm sure it won't hurt." Isis suggested. She mainly kept quiet, but she was mainly keeping an eye on Apollo knowing how he was. Someone had to watch that colt even if he seemed to behave himself. Though Apollo just stood beside Solstice listening to what the mares were saying curiously. Though he wasn't sure what most of the stuff was about.

     Solstice smiled as she nodded and she seemed to have a bigger smile as the snake mare nuzzled her side. She was happy to know that her foal was healthy. It eased some of her many worries. "Well I'm happy to hear that.." she said softly, "But they are quite the strong kicker..that's for sure." she said with a bit of a small laugh. "I'll be sure to stop by then when I need something...I would say sleep, but that won't happen." Isis only giggled a bit as Solstice just rolled her tired eyes.

     Though she listened to what the mare had to say next. It seemed to ease some more of her worries as well. "Well...that makes me feel better knowing I'll have good luck...I'd hate for something to go wrong when I could practically foal at any time now.." she said before she looked down a bit. She hadn't even started to think of names! "Guess I've been too tired to even think about names...oh well..might just be easier to wait until they are welcomed to the world.."

     Solstice did just blush a bit hearing the compliment, "Thanks..really..for everything.." she said grateful that she went on the walk with Isis..and Apollo of course. Solstice just smiled as she nuzzled the mare in return. Apollo just looked at her still curious, but he was just starting to get bored with just standing there. He just snorted a bit and walked around in a couple circles. Solstice and Isis only laughed.

     Solstice looked at Apollo then Isis, "Sure...I could still use some time away from the herd..might be exhausted, but been awhile since I've enjoyed myself." she said smiling as she watched Eclipsetess and Minette. Though Solstice just had a bit of a shocked look when Eclipsetess mentioned how she had learned to fly, "Oh geez...not that. I sure hope you don't do that to these even gave my brother a warning..with me you just let me fall. I had only just gotten my wings!" she said giving her friend a bit of a look.

     Apollo just looked at the two curious as to what Solstice meant by what she said, but he just looked at Eclipsetess and Minette. "I almost got the hang of flying...the wind just keeps making things hard." he complained as he flapped his wings a bit. Apollo was probably learning to fly since his feathers were all there. Isis would have to spend days watching him sometimes. 

     "I wouldn't say I'm the best flyer..." Solstice said blushing slightly again, "Good thing I just learned how to fly as quickly as I came in handy, but I like the freedom of flying. The's peaceful. Especially at night. I miss it, but I'm sure I'll be doing it again soon." she said with a small smile. "You were hiding your wings, and I was just a unicorn who didn't have anybody. You, Faith, and Azulia were very dependent on me joining the herd, and many other things. That was a eventful day though...wouldn't change it..well maybe one part of it..which you know what I'm talking about.."

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#266353 Posted on 2023-02-09 18:36:11

"Ah yes.. Maybe one day in history that our kids will be adventours- I doubt that with you, but if you said that you got a strong kicker, your foal would be perfect for guarding the herds! Well- if the foal is like you.." Eclipsetess said, Minette then came down as the bubble popped but her feathers were quite still large.

"Mom, do you think I could become a goddess too?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, she looked at Minette with a surprised look, but she only smiled more happily at her.

"Baby, your an adopted demi-god, someone who is half God and half normal, but still has the power of a true God, like Solstice. She is a goddess, but Orion is a normal horse, making her foal a demi-god, but still rather powerful at that. But it doesn't matter if you were or weren't a God or goddess yet, because you are still are capable of becoming something powerful, like Solstice's foal." Eclipsetess went too honest with Minette, but she understood perfectly! Though Eclipsetess was rather nice with her word choices, making Minette believe in herself for that.

"So.. I know I'm adopted, because I met you months ago! But I still love hanging out with you, your my mother after all, making me want to protect you more! And also Apollo, auntie Solstice, dad, um- uncle Orion? And everyone else too! Though I hope I get a great niece or newphew to help take care of for auntie Solstice! She would really need the help!" Minette said, Eclipsetess smiled and hm-ed to herself, as Minette was being a very cheerful one, even one with perfect speech.

"I hope you do help auntie Solstice, she would really love it if you also helped teach her foal too as well, teaching her about the stars, the sky, even some exaggerated stories as well. It bet whatever gender the foal comes out as, it'll be a wonderful one with vast knowledge and a great helper at everything as well. But we can't really count on it for Solstice.. but we can hope so! And that's better then not hoping!" Eclipsetess said, she was a little rude as Minette started protesting that Solstice was the best auntie, and one that wouldn't have a very difficult foal.

"Alright alright, you won, but still.. Solstice's foal could be like her, in many ways, but we don't know the personality yet, so that is why I said that we can't count on the foal being perfect in every way, because the foal would already be perfect. Right auntie Solstice?" Eclipsetess teased in a questioned mood, Minette did look up at her with the most baby-eyes that she could make.

"But if I do have a niece, I'll tell her one of my favorite stories! Esmeray and Moonlight love hearing it! And if I get a nephew, I'll tell him the most adventerous stories ever!" Minette said, she was already excited as she nuzzled Solstice and her stomach, she did try to hear the little one inside Solstice's stomach. Though Minette was gently nuzzling Solstice's stomach as she would know that she would be a little rough if she did one of her more normal nuzzles.

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#266355 Posted on 2023-02-09 19:27:15

     "Let's just hope they won't go on adventures like we have..I'd hate for them to go through what we have.." Solstice said looking at both Apollo and Minette. She looked at Apollo more then Minette though, but not long enough to make him suspicious of anything. There was so much he didn't know, and Solstice knew it wouldn't be long until he started asking she did about her parents. Hopefully Moon knew what she was doing.

     Apollo knew they went on some adventures, but he didn't know exactly what kind. Though he didn't care much. Solstice did turn her attention back to Eclipsetess, "We'd have to find out, but boy are some of those kicks strong..." she said letting out a small yawn. Though she just looked at Minette surprised by her question. Foals. Always curious ones, but that was quite the question.

     Solstice let Eclipsetess answer that one until she finished talking, "I used to just be a unicorn in my old herd until I met your mom...I was a nobody until I became who I am today, but I'm not better then anyone." she told Minette as she loosened her wings a bit. Solstice just relaxed them, but they still remained at her sides only a bit lower. "Powerful or not your surrounded by a herd and family that will protect you..including your mom. She's saved my butt countless times."

     Solstice did giggle a bit. Isis had excused herself and went back to the herd to make sure everything was alright, and that no one was worrying. Mainly just Moon, Namir, and Orion. She just decided to let them know that Apollo and Solstice were fine. Though Solstice just smiled, "Well they'll have to decide to come out first Minette. Though I do hope it's soon...I don't think I could last another week.." she said miserable.

     Though Solstice smiled watching the two. Eclipsetess was a good mom like she thought she would be. Namir was a good father, but he was probably doing some things inside in the herd. It was often that he helped Scorn with things, but Orion helped out too when it was needed. Though Orion had been gathering things when he noticed Solstice wasn't with the herd, but Isis came over and told him where she was as he didn't worry.

     She was quiet for a moment before she regained focus and nodded, "Right." she said smiling as Minette nuzzled her stomach, "Soon enough..." Solstice mumbled to herself. Though she seemed to feel like she needed to lay down again. She was up and around for some good time now. "I should get back to the herd and lay down..I had fun..been awhile since I had, but it was nice talking, and getting away from the herd for a bit." she said nuzzling Eclipsetess and Minette.

     Though she made sure Apollo came with her, "You best get back to your still have to spend time with her." Solstice said as she turned around and started to slowly walk back to the herd. Even walking was now more of a challenge for her, but Solstice just ignored it. She made sure Apollo went to Moon as she went and laid down in her normal spot. Solstice only let out a sigh as she tried getting comfortable.

      Orion walked over to her, and laid down beside her. Solstice tried snuggling up with him, but it was hard. She couldn't as close to him as she used to be able to. Orion just nuzzled her and her stomach. They didn't say anything since Solstice closed her eyes trying to get some sleep, but even if she couldn't fall asleep then she still was getting at least some rest. Solstice only hoped she'd foal soon. She wasn't sure she could handle carrying this foal for another month or so.

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#266357 Posted on 2023-02-09 19:51:04

"Alright, come on Minette, let's go back to our group." Eclipsetess told Minette, but she looked at her when she grabbed her tail, Minette was never like this at all, though Eclipsetess nuzzled her to calm her down. She did smile at her as Minette grabbed her forelock.

"Go to her, I won't stop you, I love you after all.. My sweet little bun." Eclipsetess told Minette, she got into the last nuzzle before running off to lay down next to Solstice, but the little filly had a way to go though, and Eclipsetess wasn't sure if she's be able to run that far.

"Don't worry Eclipsetess sister, your daughter is gonna be alright, you do know you two used to run far distances together when you two felt like it right? So she'll be fine, no need to worry, unless you want to run to her as well.." Azulia said as she walked up to Eclipsetess, she was still worried until Azulia told her what she could do.

"I'm gonna go, I love my baby and my best friend!" Eclipsetess said, she then ran off while also gliding somewhat, though she did see Minette sniffing Solstice a little bit before picking a spot and laying down next to her. What a sweet filly she was..

Eclipsetess did stop once she was near enough, but she decided that Solstice, Orion, and Minette were fine, she did trot over to a place to stand for awhile, while also being able to watch the three as they were being themselves..

Minette reading a storybook to Solstice to help her sleep, while also reading a literature book as well, Eclipsetess could tell that those two books Minette had were made for her and gifted to her, Eclipsetess was the one that was a bookworm once. So she'd be able to make a book in seconds..

"I'll let you sleep now auntie Solstice, even though I was worried about you.." Minette quietly said, she did put her head down to sleep since she liked the sun being where it was, it was nice and relaxing, she then fell asleep as Eclipsetess then walked off to go do something else.

"What to do.. What to do.. I don't know if Namir is busy or not, Orion is already having fun being with Solstice, Azulia is busy with Raven and Cronsi.. Man what a day of blase-ing.. Totally boring." Eclipsetess told herself, she then spotted a few mares talking about something until Eclipsetess trotted up to them, that was when she realized that July was one more month away, well the start of it..

"Oh hello Eclipsetess! Want to talk about how we'll celebrate July?" a mare asked, she seemed to have so much party stuff and equipment on her, she must've been the party planner then.

"Oh I already have something in mind, I'm planning on celebrating Solstice's first live birth with her first foal, already got it mapped out and stuff, now I'm just waiting until then!" Eclipsetess told the group of mares, they seemed to have gotten giddy as the party planning mare was even more giddier then the rest.

"How about some fun carnival games, food, and friendly faces? I already planned it out with the alicorn king, and he accepted it! Now we just wait until July.. Which only be one month away, and one month away before your friend's birthing cycle!" the party planner mare said, she was hoping that Solstice would give birth on the 4th of July since it was going to be so fun!

"You can't count on Solstice having her foal on that date, sure other horses did, but they can also premature and even have late births as well, even pushed ones too! Mares never get on their due date really, but if your praying to Faith then she already accepted it since she's coming as well!" another mare talked at the end with Eclipsetess since both giggled at the end.

"Alright I'll go now, you guys just have fun with the planning!" Eclipsetess said as she walked away, she was really curious if Solstice would really birth on July's 4th of the day, but like both said; mares cannot get it right on their due dates, even some pushing to have it the next day.

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#266364 Posted on 2023-02-10 05:39:51

     Orion just smiled a bit as he started grooming Solstice a bit, and he knew she liked it when he did it. It was relaxing for her. Solstice did move around a bit until she got in a somewhat comfortable position. It'll have to do. Though the foal didn't seem to happy that she was trying to rest since they kicked again. Even Orion felt it, "You weren't kidding...that's a strong kick.." he said surprised, but he was quiet. Solstice only groaned a bit in response.

     Though Orion looked up to see Minette running over. Quite the quick one she was, but he was a bit confused on why she went straight to Solstice. Orion was about to tell her that Solstice was trying to rest, but he decided against it. Solstice just smiled a bit as she opened one of her eyes a bit as she looked at Minette. Once she laid down and got comfortable, Solstice put her wing over her before she closed her eye again.

     Moon just looked at Apollo as he came over, "And here I thought I wasn't going to see you again today. You can't just go running around all over the place when I don't know where you are. I was starting to get worried about you. I had no idea on where you were or what you were doing. I need to know these things Apollo!" she said a bit worried and angry at him as she looked him over when she saw a small scratch.

     Apollo just lowered his ears a bit as he looked down, "I was only trying to have fun and play with some of my friends while working on my flying!" he said looking up at her for a moment, "I'm fine mom! It's just a small scratch. It'll be gone in a day or two." Apollo never understood why she was so protective of him and always worrying, "Why don't you let me have fun? None of the other foals have their moms constantly watching them."

     Moon was just taken back a bit. She wasn't ready to tell him the truth, and he wasn't ready for it either, but she had to choose her words wisely. "Because I am your mother. I will do my job as I see fit. Maybe I wouldn't worry so much if you listened to me more." she said before she paused and took a breath, "Stay in the herd unless you have someone to take you somewhere else, but you have to tell me first." Apollo just nodded a bit and rolled his eyes as he turned around. Colts.

      Namir had been helping Scorn with a thing or two until he saw Eclipsetess leaving a group of mares. The stallion only smiled as he slowly crept up on her. Well he tried to at least. He did notice his sister resting with Orion, and he was a bit surprised to see Minette with them, but he just crept up behind Eclipsetess. When he got close enough, he just pulled on her tail a bit. "Well? What was all of that about? Mare gossip?" he laughed.

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#266366 Posted on 2023-02-10 06:57:09

"Bah!" Eclipsetess said as she jumped into the air a little bit, she did turn around and knew that it was Namir, she did laugh about what he said..

"Maybe, or maybe not, at least a month away until we all can celebrate soon.." Eclipsetess said, she knew it was going to be July next month, which would be next year- or something..

"At least we don't have to worry about Minette, right?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she was right about not having to worry about Minette, she was safe and resting with Solstice and Orion, which was the perfect advantage to do something.. And Eclipsetess had something in mind for her.

Eclipsetess did sneak in a nuzzle, she did also sneak in a good groom or two, whether or not she was good with sneaking from Namir, she did notice that Namir was a little dirty.

"Helping Scorn still? You know are a bit filthy mister!" Eclipsetess asked, then she started grooming him, whether or not he wanted to be groomed, Eclipsetess was gonna keep at it until she saw Namir more cleaner then a small dirty patch barely there anyways.

"But I still love you anyways, more then I should really.." Eclipsetess giggled to herself, she did mean it with Namir since she loved him more then anything, besides Minette, she was happy to be where she was. Getting in some good naps, a good idea really.

"When do you think Minette will be full grown? When Apollo will be? I know- I remember now that they are the same age, having a dream and walking around makes me a clouded, fuzzy, head.. Which isn't good since it's bad memory to do that, but I know you'd love me anyways.." Eclipsetess asked and kissed Namir on the cheek, she also snuck in one on a his forehead.

"Your horn is still beautiful then ever, darling~" Eclipsetess teased Namir, but she did point her horn to touch his, she never got clingy unless it was something else happening, or just a mare wanting to talk to Namir for a random reason..

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#266371 Posted on 2023-02-10 08:07:35

     Namir just chuckled a bit as he successfully snuck up to Eclipsetess. He was a bit surprised that he was able to scare her, but he was happy that he did. Though he looked at the group of mares before he looked over at Solstice, "Of course..seems like everyone is just talking about her and foal all the time now..but I can tell she's miserable." he said excited to meet the foal, but he at least hoped Solstice would get the sleep she needs soon.

     Though he smiled seeing Minette sleeping under Solstice's wing as Orion looked after the both of them. "She's like you. More ways then one. She's looking out for her herd mates just like you do..looking out for my sister." he said with a soft smile as he nuzzled her. Namir did look around for a moment since things were mainly quiet, but it was nice. Namir was getting better about always worrying, and he just accepted the silence. It used to bother him, but it didn't do that so much now.

      Namir did chuckle a bit, "I have prove my worth some how don't I? Orion has his role. I don't, but helping around is the least I can do." he said before he nibbled her ear a bit, "A little bit of dirt won't hurt. Besides it mainly just blends in with my coat." Though he just let Eclipsetess groom him knowing he wasn't going to stop, but he did it in return a bit. Things were nice and peaceful, and Namir seemed to enjoy it.

     "Well I sure hope you still love me." he said nibbling her mane slightly. Though he looked over at Minette with a grin, "When I allow or accept her to be grown up...which will never happen." he said with a bit of a proud look, "Same goes for my sister. I will always see her as my little sister...doesn't matter if she is about to have a foal. I'll always see her as the filly she was..well is.." he said, but he was just being Namir.

     Namir turned his attention back to Eclipsetess though. "My horn? It's just a black horn..well not as black as my sister's is, but it's still black." he said, but he didn't mind. Namir never really cared about he looked, but he just smiled as Eclipsetess touched horns with his. "Now what has you all over me..?" he asked curious as to if something was up. Wasn't everyday she acted like this with him.

     Though Solstice did end up falling asleep. Took some time, but she did. It had been so long since she truly slept, and Orion noticed that she did fall asleep. He just smiled a bit before he groomed her some more. He knew she wouldn't wake, but he also knew she liked it since it helped keep her relaxed these past few months. Solstice only seemed to lean into him a least as much as she could, but she remained asleep.

     At least for some good time though. Solstice woke up suddenly to some sudden kicks. She moaned slightly as it seemed to hurt a little more since there was multiple, and the feeling lasted a little longer then normal. Orion looked at her when she suddenly woke, and he just nuzzled her in a way to keep her calm and relaxed. "You okay?" he asked her in a soft tone before he looked and saw Minette was still asleep.

     Solstice just sighed and silently nodded, "Just some more hard kicks...that's all.." she said quietly and tiredly as she yawned and started to close her eyes again. She was still incredibly tired, and she just didn't feel like keeping her eyes open. Solstice wasn't even sure if she could keep them open as she slowly closed them. Orion only sighed a bit knowing how miserable she was, but the only thing he could do was be there for her. It was almost least he hoped.

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#266380 Posted on 2023-02-10 10:05:28

"Oh missing you? I don't know, but I do miss being by your side." Eclipsetess said, she sounded a little playful, but she managed to keep herself calm.

"And besides, I will never lose my love for you, because I already commited my life for you- well I think I did, I did promise to keep your sister alive, and that promise will go to you, but still remain as is. But even I can't hold feelings back, so I'm just letting it happen, even if you are next to me or not." Eclipsetess said, she meant it and she also put her head on Namir's back.

"You know your relaxing as a head pillow right?" Eclipsetess giggled to what she said, she was right about being relaxed on Namir's back, and she liked it since she made sure that Namir knew.

"You know you would be safe with me if anything ever happened right? I'll make sure to keep you fed and loved the way you want it too, though that's just a silly little thought, most things never come true, except until I met you.. My love dove~" Eclipsetess said, she picked up her head and brought it under Namir's chin.

"Peace.. And.. Silence.." Eclipsetess yawned, she fell asleep under Namir's chin but also rather standing up, she didn't mind standing up while sleeping. She used to do it as a foal anyways, Azulia would do the same sometimes..

"Love.. you.." Eclipsetess yawned once more before falling asleep-asleep..

Last edited on 2023-02-10 at 14:45:21 by Lizzy

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#266402 Posted on 2023-02-10 19:13:12

     Namir just smiled as he nuzzled her, "Well here I am." he said nibbling on her mane a bit. Namir seemed to change slightly since he was more at peace with the quiet and peacefulness unlike he used to be. He used to be so paranoid with it that he always thought it was too quiet, and that something would happen. Classic Namir. Though he's realized that the quiet can be a good thing. Especially for the past several months since very little had happened.

     He did look at Eclipsetess and chuckled a bit, "You think?" he said messing with her a bit, "Well how can I not love the mare that has kept us both alive? Well that and one my Solstice put her full trust in when she barely knew you. It was almost impossible to gain her trust back then." he said with a bit of a laugh as he looked at her and smiled as she placed her head on his back.

     "Oh so I'm a head pillow now? Is that it?" he grinned messing with her mane. He was enjoying the moment. Worry free..well for the most part. His sister still lingered in his head, but not nearly as much as she used to. Though Namir listened to every word she said, "I thought that was my job?" he chuckled, "Well lets see...I'm only alive because of sister too...well I guess also because of Oceanus. Had to use her healing pool once..." Namir just lost focus since his voice got quieter towards the end.

     Though he just smiled and nuzzled her, "Wouldn't have met each other if it weren't for my sister." he said as she brought her head underneath his. Namir smiled as he hung his head over hers in a lovely and also protective way. He was her's and she was his. Minette was their's. Namir smiled again when he heard her words, "Love you too." he said quietly so only she could hear it. Namir just stood there for a moment not even bothering to look around as he just decided to close his eyes..

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