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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266431 Posted on 2023-02-11 23:11:31

     One of Solstice's ears turned to the mare as she heard what she had said. That was when Solstice got scared again. Orion looked at the mare for a moment before he started calming Solstice, "Don't worry..." he said unsure of what to really say to her, "Just stay calm and relaxed," he said before he looked at Eclipsetess and Namir nervously. Solstice surely would have thought the foal would have been out by now.

     Though Orion then got a bit nervous as Eclipsetess asked him to do help out. He wanted to help Solstice in anyway he could, but he though magic couldn't do anything for something like this. He just looked down at Solstice seeing how much she was hurting just by looking at her. He had to do it. For her and the foal. "I'll do it...just tell me what to do.." he said a bit nervously.

      The mood was then quickly lowered when one of the mares spoke of the worst that could happen. Orion just looked at the mare, "Please let's not worry her...she's already exhausted and hurting. We don't need to add anything else to that." he said in a respectful manner, but Solstice just lowered her ears hearing the mare. Orion nuzzled her again reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.

     Orion then nodded and took a bit of a deep breath before his turquoise horn started to glow a bit. It did this whenever he did magic. His was like Namir's though. Not that powerful, but enough for him to do things that would help in many different situations. Though he just carefully did as he was told trying to help both Solstice and the foal. Solstice did tense slightly, but it was hardly anything.

     Even before all of this, she was exhausted. She hadn't gotten proper sleep in days, and all of her energy was just drained out of her at that point. Every last drop of it. Namir continued to stand back, but he was fighting himself to stay where he was. He was starting to get more worried, and he could see that his sister had little to no energy left in her. Though he looked over and saw Minette.

     Namir just sighed as he turned, but he stopped and took another glance at his sister before he went over to Minette. "Why didn't you stay at the foal playground?" he said not mad at her, but it was clear he was worried. He just sighed and nuzzled her before he looked at his sister, "She'll be fine...we have to hope that her and the foal will be. Each and every mare will make sure nothing bad happens." he said trying to convince himself and Minette.

     Solstice was getting to the point she could hardly keep her eyes open, but she knew she had to, so she fought to stay awake. She looked at Orion without lifting her head up. "Is it over...? Is the foal alright...? Do I have to push again...?" she asked quietly as things got quiet for a moment. Orion was just doing what he was being told to do, and he was doing it slowly. If he even was doing it at all.

     He heard Solstice's questions, but he let someone else answer them if anyone else even heard her. Solstice got nervous again unsure of what was going on even herself since the mares got quiet for a moment or two. Orion didn't even answer her. Orion wanted to answer her questions, but he was too focused on what he was doing. Letting the mares talk him through what to do as he did it.. 

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#266433 Posted on 2023-02-12 09:54:53

"Hm? Oh the foal is a cutie! You did a great job Orion!" a mare said, she got up to look at the foal, it was over now and the mare took something to give it to Solstice to eat.

"Here, it'll recover your strength- somewhat, but it's over now. Eat this and you'll be fine." the mare said, the rest of the mares backed up so that the foal could see it's father, but Eclipsetess was curious of the foal herself, so she took a look at the new bundle of joy.

"Solstice, its a girl!" Eclipsetess said, she was happy for Solstice, even the snake mare giggled to herself as she looked at the foal and saw how it was close to Orion's markings- somewhat or not at all.

"Well she definately took some part of her father, maybe she has Solstice's personality?" the snake mare suggested, Eclipsetess only got nervous at that..

"Ah- a mini Solstice? Now that's a big thing right there, and something that Solstice has a mini version of herself if the foals like her, but I'm happy for her and Orion, they have their own foal to take care of. Minus Namir being an uncle now, but I'll definately be around to help out. I'm sure Minette would love to help out as well.." Eclipsetess said, the snake mare got up to see how Solstice was doing.

"Feeling better now that you can relax? Don't worry though, taking care of a foal is a pain, only if you let them become a pain.. But you should get some rest after you see your daughter." the snake mare said, she trotted over to the mares as they went back to the herds, everyone was happy Minette just ran over and looked at Eclipsetess as she got up.

"Oh Minette! I thought you were at the foal playground? Too worried?" Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette happily, Minette nodded before walking over to see the foal as she walked over to see Solstice as well.

Eclipsetess smiled before walking over as Minette decided to cuddle up with the foal, Eclipsetess just giggled and smiled before walking over to Namir, she was sure that he was still worried- well that was her imagination, but she did want to check on him..

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#266434 Posted on 2023-02-12 10:28:06

     Solstice just let out a heavy sigh hearing the one mare's words. She could finally relax even if everything still hurt, but Solstice just continued to lay there until she felt like she was ready to sit up. Though she didn't hesitate to eat whatever the mare gave her. Orion just smiled as the worry just poured off of him, but he just nuzzled Solstice as she returned the gesture.

     Solstice was more then relieved that it was over as she had a small tired smile. Orion just told her to rest for a few minutes before doing anything. Though she just smiled a bit more hearing everyone's words. She wanted to see her, but Solstice knew she had to just rest for a few minutes before she did anything. Until then she just happily listened to everyone.

     Orion just made sure Solstice was alright before he brought his attention to the filly. He took a step or two towards her, but Orion didn't know what to think. The filly just laid there with her long little legs spread out as she was shaking a bit. Normal for a newborn. She had a horn like both her parents, but she just looked up at the big horse that came to her. Orion just smiled a bit as the filly let out a small whinny.

     Solstice's ear turned when she heard it, and she slowly sat up. Well she was still laying down, but her legs were now underneath her. Though she just looked over at the snake mare as she came over. Solstice was still exhausted and in some pain, but she felt more herself then she had in a long time. "You have no idea how good it feels..." she said before she looked over at Orion and her...their daughter.

     It was almost like the pain and tiredness either vanished or just didn't matter once she saw the filly. Orion looked at Solstice and nuzzled her as she happily did the same. "She's perfect..." The filly just snorted a bit as something tickled her nose, but she just looked at the two horses before letting out the same small whinny she did earlier. Though she just tried getting up, but her legs just got tangled as she toppled over.

     Namir just stayed with Minette until the mares dispersed, and Minette had run over to Eclipsetess. "Minette be careful now...give the filly some space." Namir said as he gave them all some space. Though he just nuzzled Eclipsetess as she came over and stood by him. His sister and the foal were alright..that was all that he wanted, but it was weird to him that he was now a uncle.

     "Easy there little one. Those long legs take time to get used to," Solstice said as the filly ending up toppling over, but she at least got closer to her mother's side. Orion still standing with the two. Though she just looked the filly over, "She has your eyes Orion.." she said with a smile. Though the filly also didn't have pupils just like Solstice didn't. "Welcome home little one." she said softly..

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#266435 Posted on 2023-02-12 10:56:54

"So technically Solstice's foal was born here, making migration a bit difficult if we take her to our home- once its back to normal I mean, but it'll be good to see a refresher for once, it'll be even more beautiful when we return, I can just tell.." Eclipsetess said, she then realized that the mares looked up at the sky, the constellation stayed the same, and that was alright.

"Hm, I wonder how long the sky will show another constellation, probably when something happens, oh- I didn't realize it was almost dark, wait- almost dark?! I gotta get to the highest point! I need to do the show!" Eclipsetess said, she began running around for the highest point, she knew she had wanted to do this for so long.

"I gotta fly!" Eclipsetess shouted, Minette just looked and watched as Eclipsetess took off into the sky once she found a perfect mountain with a flat side as it was important, Minette was still confused by that..

Then the three headed friendly monster appeared once more, it was near sunset, and they wanted to watch the show that Eclipsetess was gonna do, it was important to her for the years that she's been trying to control the firework magic, and she was able to show it to everyone.

Than a small bang was echoed in the sky, the mares looked up as it was the fireworks that Eclipsetess was shooting off into the sky, it was beautiful- no gorgeous, as the fireworks were so different and that Eclipsetess had the strength to shoot off so many, the sunset then disappeared as the ferris wheel shot up it's lights and it began to spin in a circle.

"Oh wow.. Mommy's magic is gorgeous!" Minette said, she was in awe as she watched Eclipsetess to continue shooting off the fireworks as it was dazzling, and a very gorgeous scene as Dooly was in awe, while Zuki was munching on some clams and Christiane was sleeping but listening to the fireworks.

"I wanna do that one day as well!" Minette said, the alicorn king was trotting over to see the new foal was here as the word had spread around quick and he also wanted to see how well it was getting along with the fireworks, but also happy to know that another healthy foal was born.

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#266437 Posted on 2023-02-12 11:28:30

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess, "I'm sure it'll be fine when we can return home, but I'll be happy once we can go home..n-not that I don't like it here, but well you know what I mean..." she said as her mind was still everywhere. Though Solstice just looked up seeing the constellation as she smiled a bit more. Then she looked at Orion noticing his ear, "Why is there some dried blood on your ear?" she asked concerned.

     Orion was just looking up at the constellation until he looked at Solstice before quickly glancing at Namir before looking down. Solstice just snorted a bit, "Namir...." she said looking at him, "Why can't you just leave him alone? I could hear the two of you bickering earlier..." she said looking at both stallions, "Can't the two of you ever act mature towards each other? I'll teach you both a lesson if I need to."

     It was clear that the tiredness got to Solstice in a way that both stallions looked at each other knowing not to upset her at the time. "It was either me or the mares doing it to him.." Namir said. Orion only rolled his eyes. Such stallions. Solstice only rolled her eyes before she watched Eclipsetess run off in a hurry before she looked at her newborn daughter as she nuzzled her.

     The filly just whinnied a third time before she tried getting up on her hooves a second time, but that was when the fireworks started causing her fall and shake. "'s okay little one...." Solstice said in a quiet and calm manner as she carefully placed her wing under the filly to keep her calm, "See? Nothing to be afraid of." Solstice smiled as she looked up at the fireworks.

     Orion just stepped around the two as he laid down on Solstice's free side. Solstice just smiled and leaned into him a bit before she noticed everyone coming over. Solstice did look over at Minette, "Indeed it is. If you try hard enough you just might be able to do the same when your older, but for now let's just enjoy it." she said as the filly seemed to like the wing being on her as her horn poked out.

     Isis was still with her brother when she started to notice that there wasn't a lot of mares around like there used to be, and that there seemed to be some more foals in the playground then there normally was. "I wonder what's going on. I'm not seeing a lot of mares like I was.." she said before she trotted over to Moon and Apollo when she spotted them as Khepri followed her.

     Moon looked over at the two as Isis pointed out what she pointed out to Khepri, but Moon wasn't sure on why there weren't much mares around. Until the fireworks started. "Wait...I think I heard a group of mares saying that Eclipsetess would do a firework show of some sort when Solstice had her don't think...?" The four just looked around seeing most of everyone leaving the games, "Come on! Let's go check it out!" Isis said as she started running where everyone else went as Apollo quickly followed her.

     Solstice looked over seeing the alicorn king and some others coming over as she still had her tired smile on her face. Orion was just grooming her a bit which seemed to help her for the time. Solstice looked at her filly as she took her wing off of her bringing her wing back to her side as the filly looked at her mother letting out another whinny as she tried standing up.

     "Easy there little one." Solstice said as she helped her keep balance, but she had to get up. Solstice just slowly got on her hooves even if Orion didn't want her to, but she couldn't help if she was laying down. "There you go." Solstice said as the filly managed to stand. Maybe not walk yet, but standing was a start. Though Solstice noticed that she had a white crescent moon on her forehead around her horn and one on her rump much like she did, but they seemed to glow as it got dark..

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#266438 Posted on 2023-02-12 12:24:58

As Eclipsetess took a break, she then stood back up and made her horn glow, as bright as it could be for purple color with twinkles here and there, that was when a rather large firework was shot off as it was rather loud..

Minette jumped a little as she looked back up at the sky, it was a moving firework that seemed to enchant the herds, Scorn was surprised to see a firework do that, then it turned into a familiar mare, it was Solstice but a head shot of her instead, the fine details that was put into it was in awe-spiring..

"I never knew that Eclipsetess could that!" Scorn said as he got up, Grey Cloud was surprised as well as she saw the transition of a normal running horse turn into a headshot of a really detailed horse that that showed Solstice's face, it was really awesome!

"Woah.. Auntie Solstice! Look its you!" Minette said, she was just happy as Eclipsetess shot off another one as it was Namir that was next to Solstice, then the firework went from Namir to transition to Orion as a firework was shot off to explode into a heart that was really beautiful in pink.

"Hm, well looks like someone has a nack for not being just a healer." Grey Cloud said, she was smiling as Eclipsetess kept going until it was just silent now, it was dark and silent, well the games and the ferris wheel were going as Dooly, Christiane, and Zuki were looking around and checking on every horse.

Then a loud bright flash went off as a very big firework went off to reveal the three headed friend, Dooly, Christiane, and Zuki began to giggle and were happy to have been in the firework show, but it just went quiet again until the alicorn kig announced that it was too dark to continue further with the firework show.

"Well it's time to sleep then!" Grey Cloud said, she was tired and happy to have watched the show, but it was now dark and quiet as it should have been, the three headed friendly creature then went back down into the sea and went back home, Dooly just giggled and smiled..

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#266441 Posted on 2023-02-12 13:32:14

     Solstice just looked up and watched the fireworks some more once she made sure her filly was alright for the moment. She was just looking down trying to get the hang of her long skinny legs. She only tried taking a couple steps, but she had seemed to tumble as her two front knees hit the ground with her hindquarters pointing up. Solstice looked down at her as her and Orion giggled a bit as Solstice helped her back up, " were close.."

     Though Solstice noticed the fireworks seemed to stop for a moment when she looked up at Eclipsetess seeing how bright her horn was glowing when she shot off quite the large firework. Even Solstice jumped a bit because it was sudden, but the filly just tumbled again only to get back on her hooves as she was getting the hang of it. Solstice smiled as she looked over at Minette.

     "I can see that," she said giggling a bit at her excitement as she looked at Scorn, "You know Eclipsetess...she has many abilities..she's more then a healer." Though Solstice just smiled and nuzzled Orion. She would have healed his ear, but she didn't have it inside of her to do much of anything, but she was happy...just tired. By the time Eclipsetess shot off one last firework, Solstice had just rested her head on Orion's back.

     Moon and Khepri just ran after Isis and Apollo as Moon called after her son, "Apollo get back over here! Give them some room!" she hollered a bit as she slowed to a stop as Apollo got a bit too close. Though he listened for once and came back over. The four of them just looked at the new foal excitedly like everyone else did. "Well look at that..." Moon said happily to herself.

     Even Pa'li noticed the fireworks and wanted to see what was going on. Luckily it was dark out, so it would have been harder for him to be spotted. Everyone seemed fixated on the fireworks and as he carefully crept over, he saw why everyone seemed to be celebrating. A new foal was born..Solstice's. Though as the fireworks stopped, Pa'li just did as the friendly three headed creature had and dove back into the sea.

     Solstice agreed with Grey Cloud about sleeping. Orion laid back down, but Solstice hadn't laid down just yet. She just let the filly nurse since she seemed to want to. After that, Solstice laid down beside Orion and rested her head on his back soon closing her eyes. Orion just kept an eye on the filly as she took a few steps around them before she awkwardly laid down beside her mother. Solstice smiled and put her wing back over her for the night as everyone seemed to fall asleep for the night.

     That next morning Solstice seemed to sleep at least through most of the morning hours. Orion had woken up, but he stayed put and let them both sleep. At least until the filly seemed to wake up and started moving around underneath her mother's wing. Solstice just slowly woke as she brought her wing back to her side once more. Orion nuzzled her as Solstice returned it.

     "We should probably think of a name for least now that I've slept.." Solstice said as she hadn't even thought about names, but the filly just sneezed a bit. Since it was day out, they could see her markings more. She had her mother's seal brown coat, but she also had strange blue markings around most of her body with star like dots in the different shades of blue.

     On top of that, she had strange looking tobiano markings like her father. Her hooves matched her eyes, and like her mother she had to moons on her body in the same places. Only the one on her head seemed to be wrapped around part of her tri-colored horn. From dark blue to light blue to a greenish blue. Her mane and tail consisted of many different colors as well. She was quite unique, but her markings were a little strange. Almost like Raven's in a way..just not as unique.

     Though Solstice decided to groom her some since she wasn't really cleaned off all the way from the previous night. Once that was done, Solstice just got up. The filly seemed to do what her mother did curiously. Solstice wanted to help her with walking around since she desperately wanted to move around now that she could, but first she just helped her daughter move around as Orion smiled watching the two.

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#266444 Posted on 2023-02-12 14:28:30

"Oh?" Eclipsetess noticed that Solstice was awake, as well as her and Orion's foal, and Orion too. Though Minette did come running over from the playground since she was excited when waking up, so she had to get her energy out some way, even Raven and Esmeray cam running over too, as Moonlight was still sleeping next to Trickster still.

"Well you certainly have a foal group with you, your going to be best friends when you three actually grow up! Though you remind me of the mare group with that party planning mare, which I'm happy that she's taking break for the month as everything is going smoothly!" Eclipsetess told Minette and her group before standing up, Minette then looked down between Eclipsetess's legs to see that Solstice was helping her foal how to walk.

"Uh mom? Can we go see auntie's new foal?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, she did look over to eventually smile at Solstice and her foal as Eclipsetess looked back at Minette, who was awaiting Eclipsetess's answer after she asked her question.

"How about when auntie's foal starts getting to explore everything? She's only a day old now, let's give her some time before rushing her with everything ahead of her. Okay?" Eclipsetess asked Minette in a sweet way, Minette nodded before nipping Raven as she dodged Minette's nips.

"How about no nipping?" Eclipsetess told Minette, Eclipsetess layed down to see that Minette was confused about what she said to her.

"But dad bit uncle Orion, so why can't I?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, she sighed as she nuzzled Minette, then she got up and looked at Orion before scanning around for Namir.

"Because it was neccesary, nipping your friends isn't neccesary, unless they get under your nerves. Then they deserve it, but Raven is only a couple months younger then you, so you shouldn't be nipping her anyways, same for Esmeray as well as Moonlight." Eclipsetess told Minette, Eclipsetess then looked at a relatively young mare with a foal that was behind her.

"Hello! I thought I should talk with you! Well me and my son here!" the young mare said, she seemed to be younger then Solstice, which raised suspicion to herself, the foal itself tilted a bit before making a weird face, his face was blacked out while still showing white scelera's with black eyes, it was.. unsettling..

"Are you sure this is your son? You seem younger then my friend with her foal, and that is not okay for you to have a foal at your age." Eclipsetess asked the young mare, the foal slide back behind his "mother" as the mare backed up.

"What are you talking about? Of course this is my son!" the young mare shouted, Eclipsetess only mad a slight annoyed face mixed in with anger, then out of the blue, Minette saw her mother slapped the young mare as she backed up behind Esmeray and Raven.

"Don't yell at your older peers, especially me since you can tell who I am, I don't like being yelled at- as I'm a monster to yell back, but much more advanced in vocabulary. So, give me the real reason why you have this colt with you, or else you'll be forced to go back to the foal playground." Eclipsetess told the mare in a more commanding way, the mare obeyed and told her that the colt was her younger brother, who was weird in every way.

"And why is he weird? Something wrong?" Eclipsetess asked, the mare quickly looked up at her, "His face, his expression.. Everything about him- is unsettling, even our mother died when she had him, father left after he found out.." the young mare then began cowering, something was definately wrong..

"Found out what?" Eclipsetess asked again, the mare then walked up to her in a scared way, then creepy black tentacles wrapped around her before the young mare was dragged into a black, inky, pool as the colt looked up at Eclipsetess in an unfazed way as his smile grew more.

Eclipsetess was frozen in fear as she tried processing what happened, the colt then began to walk up to her as Eclipsetess began walking backwards, the foal didn't show fear, nor any emotion besides his smile and his eyes matching the smile, it was more then creepy..

"Y..ou.. Kn..ow.. w..h..o.. I a...m... Don..t y..ou.. Eclips..etess..?" the colt asked Eclipsetess, she didn't want this as she thought that it was another dream, but it was reality as a fake monster was real?!

Minette then got protective as she knocked the colt down in a scary way, she even hissed at him like what Eclipsetess did, it was brave of her as Eclipsetess hugged Minette and even cried as she held her, she didn't want that to be real.. She didn't want an adventure so early again..

"Thank you Minette.." Eclipsetess whispered to Minette, she just had Eclipsetess hug her some more as she knew that Eclipsetess was caring on her foal neck, she didn't care, she just wanted to protect her mother.. And she did that.. And the two were happy..

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#266445 Posted on 2023-02-12 15:02:13

     Orion eventually got up, but he was in no rush to do anything. He just smiled watching Solstice and their filly. He knew she was worried about being a mom towards the end, but he only saw what he saw whenever she was with the other foals. He knew she would be a good mother, and he hoped that he would be a good father. Though he just enjoyed watching the two of them.

     Solstice just smiled as she took things nice and slow, bu the filly seemed to be getting the hang of it quite nicely. She even seemed to get a bit energetic as she tried running around, but she sort of did in a way. Solstice just smiled and trotted after her. Oh how good it felt to move around again. Her body was sore, but she didn't care. She was having fun, and Orion soon joined in.

     Though Solstice looked over seeing a strange mare and a colt come over as she helped her filly come to a stop. Something didn't seem right, and Solstice got just a bit protective even if she was still tired and everything from the previous day. Orion seemed to notice the strange mare and foal as he slowed down and stood in front of Solstice and their newborn filly.

     They both seemed to notice how young the mare was as it was rather strange to see a mare that young with a foal. Solstice was still young, but she wasn't that young. Though what was more concerning was the colt that was with her. Solstice spread out her wings slightly protectively as she made sure her filly stayed behind her. Orion just got a bit defensive as he watched Eclipsetess interact with the mare.

     Both of them were surprised to see Eclipsetess hit the young mare and yell at her. Solstice was about to take a step forward, but she didn't knowing Orion wasn't going to let her. What they saw next just horrified them as they saw what happened to the poor mare. Solstice just made sure their filly saw none of that..thankfully she hadn't, but Solstice immediately brought her attention back to this colt.

     She could hardly hear what the colt said, but there was obviously something going on. Namir wasn't far, but when he heard yelling he came running over when he saw a strange black colt stepping towards Eclipsetess as she backed up frightened. Namir was about to run over and do something, but Minette beat him to it, but he quickly hurried over and tried comforting Eclipsetess.

     Namir also made sure they were both alright. "Minette..that was brave...but please don't do anything like that again.." he said worriedly yet relieved they were both unharmed. Though he had a feeling Eclipsetess knew something about what had just happened. "Is there something you know about that weird colt..?" he asked once he helped calm her down enough. It seemed to get to her quite a lot.

     Solstice was about to head over, but Orion went instead. "Stay with her. I don't want you getting involved in anything you shouldn't be," he said nuzzling her before he trotted over to the three, "You guys alright?" he asked as he approached them. Solstice just snorted a bit, but she knew he was right. Instead she just kept a close eye on their filly while trying to listen in on the current conversation.

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#266446 Posted on 2023-02-12 16:17:56

"Okay dad.. I won't do it again, but mom was being scared, so I wanted to protect her like what you do!" Minette said, she promised to not do that again, and that was when Eclipsetess spoke up..

"N-no.. But what that colt did... Was just horrifying.. The young mare.. I think the colt forced her to make her say that she was his mother... They were siblings... A-and.. He-" Eclipsetess said, she just threw herself at Namir as she cried harder, she didn't want to see that again.

"I don't want to ever see that again!" Eclipsetess cried, she had never said anything like that before, but she needed to have the weight lift off of her, Minette just pinned her ears down in a sad way, she also wanted to hug her mom as well..

Though Schematic's came trotting over in a worried gaze, she was worried about Eclipsetess and why she was crying, Schematic's didn't see Eclipsetess crying before and she was now worried about her, but she did help Namir and Eclipsetess by taking Minette with her so that Eclipsetess and Namir could work out everything together.

"Oh.. Orion.. I didn't see you there, nothings wrong except seeing that foal not be fearless of me, he should've been scared and when I told his sister, and seeing what he did.. That wasn't something to be seen, she even was more scared to go into the black goo instead of being scared of her little brother.. The young mare did say that her and her brother's mother died when her younger brother was born.." Eclipsetess said, she then began to start thinking and connecting to what the colt did and what he said.

"Wait.. Could the foal be possessed? It's a reasonable explanation to why he dragged his sister into the black goo, and that.. It was the same color to the creature that me, Dra, and Slip fought.." Eclipsetess paused, "Could the creature be targeting me some how? Am I a threat to it?" Eclipsetess asked in a scared way, she even began to cry again, though Minette was at the playground and Eclipsetess only had Namir, so she just kept hugging him.

"But if I am.. Why did no one say anything? Why am I only being targeted? Is there something important I missed..?" Eclipsetess had the same scared and crying voice, it was a sad moment and Eclipsetess didn't seem to yawn as crying would make someone sleep, but Eclipsetess stopped hugging Namir and held herself in a way..

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#266448 Posted on 2023-02-12 17:28:59

     Namir just nuzzled Minette, "I know, and it's good that you helped her, but your still young. I don't want you to get hurt." Namir wasn't mad at her. He just didn't want anything to happen to her. Just like he didn't want anything to happen to anyone he cared for and loved. Which included his new niece.....and a way. Namir just spent most of his life protecting those close to him..he was used to it.

     Though Namir just brought his attention to Eclipsetess as he tried comforting her after she brought herself to him. Namir didn't see what the colt had done, but it wasn't often for something to get to Eclipsetess this much. Though he just tried comforting her as much as he could, "It'll be won't see it again..." he said trying to convince her, but they both knew they couldn't be sure. 

     Namir looked over seeing Schematic's taking Minette to the playground which he was thankful for before he looked over at Orion for a moment. They both just listened to Eclipsetess. Even Orion shivered a bit as she reexplained what happened. Namir just thought things over, "It's possible that the foal was possessed...there could be a number of things that it could be though.." Orion said as he gave them some space.

     Though Orion just looked over at Solstice and the filly when Eclipsetess mentioned the creature. Namir just lowered his ears worriedly, "Don't think like that, but we can't be might be something that you'd need to talk with Faith about. Didn't you say that she was making a visit in a day or two?" Namir said before he looked at Orion, "How bout you help the both of them come up with a name for the little one? I'm sure their going to need the help."

     Orion nodded, "We haven't really thought of anything, and it slipped our minds until last night..." he admitted. He seemed to like Namir's idea even if those two went at it sometimes. Well more like Namir going after Orion, but he was doing it for his sister. At first Solstice tried listening in to the conversation, but she just forgot about it and started to graze a bit while keeping an eye on her daughter.

     "Stay close little one. Don't need you running off at a day old now.." Solstice said as she stepped over and nuzzled her. "What am I going to name you...?" she said to herself. She was just so different. Her coat holding many different colors, but Solstice loved matter what. She was sure her mother was watching over her proudly. Though thinking about her own mother, Solstice realized that her filly wouldn't get to meet any of her grandparents..

     Though Solstice soon had another smile on her face as she spread out her wings and flapped them a few times to stretch them. It felt good as she did. The filly just looked up at her mom curiously as she watched her flap her wings as she walked over and checked them out. Solstice only giggled a bit to yourself, "Too bad you don't have wings...I guess you wouldn't since I wasn't born with mine..." she said talking to herself more then anything.

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#266451 Posted on 2023-02-12 17:56:39

"Alright alright I'm sorry, and your right about the different possibilites.." Eclipsetess said, then she realized what Namir said, she had completely forgot about that, but Faith came down anyways as Eclipsetess trotted over to her, she was wondering what was up with the armor on her.

"Alright talk, what's with the armor Faith?" Eclipsetess asked Faith, the goddess giggled before looking around for someone, Eclipsetess was curious as to who she was looking for, if it was this serious for Faith come down with armor and not a relaxed face. Then something was up.

"You know the creature you defeated- well Hades did the rest and number on it, but yeah.. You know that it escaped right?" Faith asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess was frozen in fear and didn't know about that, and that was when Faith realized that she spilt the beans on this one..

"Oh wait.. You didn't know did you? Oh my stars, I am so sorry!" Faith apologized as Eclipsetess whispered that it could be the weird colt that confronted her after he dragged his sister into the black goo.

"Eesh! That is what the creature would do, but it hasn't eaten a horse in millienial, so that rules out the possibility of it doing that, well might as well see the new demi-god now.." Faith said, Eclipsetess realized that she had longer eyelashes and a sassy-ish tone, as well as having blue make up on her eyelids- Faith went out for a shopping spree alright!

"Now where's the little demi-god at?" Faith giggled as she walked up to Solstice, she could tell that Solstice's filly was the demi-god, and she smiled as her armor dissapate into the air and probably back onto Faith's armor stand..

But Faith looked at the filly before looking at Orion as he did something good, but she knew that the filly would have Orion's and Solstice's marking, but she liked the filly's moon markings as it was adorable and fitting on her! Faith did check on Solstice for the most part.

"Why don't you name her Nysa? It's perfect for your newborn filly, whether or not she's a day old, it makes sense~" Faith teased Solstice, but she was right as it was a great name! Even Faith seemed to like the name as it's meaning for the filly made lots of sense.

"Plus, she can chase her dreams, if you didn't figure out the name's meaning, it's perfect and we god's use to have a goddess- a nymph mare that lived on Mount Nysa, before it was destroyed by the earthquakes and Dra taking over the darkest Isle ever.." Faith said, she didn't want to bring that up but she had too and that the name had a meaning that was now connected, well she suggested it.

"You don't have to take the suggestion, but it was something I had for awhile, but it would be adorable for your little demi-god to honor a past mountain, Nymphs used to inhabit the mountain before disappearing and appearing as the ancestors to a whole lot of horses." Faith said, she did her best to drive the old memory away, but she did tell Solstice about it since it seemed right.

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#266452 Posted on 2023-02-12 18:59:46

     "You don't need to apologize for anything Eclipsetess. None of this is your fault. Just try not to worry right now." Namir said as he nuzzled Eclipsetess watching her trot off when he noticed Faith. Well then. Though he noticed the armor she was wearing, and thought it was a bit odd, but he just looked at Orion, "How's the ear?" he asked with a small prideful smile as Orion just rolled his eyes.

     "Fine." Orion said giving Namir a bit of a look as he rolled his eyes a bit, "I know you enjoyed pulling on it though.." Orion just flicked his ear as Namir turned away and walked off. He was just heading over to the foal playground to go see Minette. Maybe even spend some time with her. She reminded him of his sister when she was a filly, but at least he knew what it was like to raise a foal.

     Though Solstice looked over seeing Faith had come to visit, but she saw the worried look on Eclipsetess's face, and she had a feeling it had to do with the strange colt, but Solstice tried not to focus or worry too much on it. She had other things to focus her daughter. It was still a bit odd to her that she was now a mother, but it felt good to feel herself again. She was happy..but still tired, but she'd be fine after another night or two of rest.

     Solstice just smiled as she looked up when she saw Faith coming over. Though the filly just looked at the approaching mare before hiding behind her mother. Solstice just looked at her, "Oh come on now. You did well with the fireworks last can meet someone new." Solstice said softly as she softly nudged the filly out from behind her to see Faith as Orion slowly walked over. 

     "It's good to see you again Faith," Solstice said as she smiled and nuzzled Orion once he came over. Though they seemed to like the name Faith had suggested. Though Solstice's ears lowered a bit as Faith mentioned Dra. Orion just nuzzled her side to help her if she needed it. The filly just looked up at Faith then her parents curiously as they spoke. She saw her mother's mood change a bit which made her curious, but she was just curious about most things. She was only a day old after all.

     Solstice just looked at her daughter smiling, "Nysa..." she said a bit to herself, "I think the name is perfect for her..." she said before she looked at Orion, "What do you think?" she asked him as he nodded in agreement, "Well then..Nysa it is then." she said happily as she watched Nysa canter around a bit since she was starting to get used to her legs as she bucked once or twice.

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#266455 Posted on 2023-02-12 19:15:56

"Hm, good then, but I hope that Nysa doesn't turn out like you- probably in some way, but it's rather happy to see a young foal as happy as she is, I do hope you rest by tomorrow. It will be perfect for just the day alone.." Faith said, she looked up at the ferris wheel before getting curious at the tents with games and prizes.

"Well.. I'll be off playing some fun games, if you need anything, don't hesitate!" Faith told Solstice and Orion, she then trotted off while Eclipsetess seemed to have curled up and had taken her nap, it was probably fine of her to do so as Azulia walked over and cuddled up beside her to keep her happy.

Minette then looked over as Namir was walking over as Schematic's seemed to be interested in what she was doing in the sand, she then saw a tiny little white claw-like nail sticking out as it was just a necklace someone had buried in the playground, Schematic's was curious but she picked it up and placed it somewhere where a mare would find it soon..

"Hi dad!" Minette said as she got up and ran over to Namir as she halted on her heels, Schematic's just watch Minette leave to go see her father, it was adorable as Minette knew how to stop as it was similar to that of Eclipsetess's and Azulia's halt to stop.

Though some mares were bickering at each other, and Schematic's walked over to them to stop them from causing a scene as both mares took their foals and left to go home, probably to nap as they both were identical, probably identical sisters fighting over a son or daughter..

"Hm, twins.." Schematic's said, she then began walking around the playground as it was fun, many different foals and mothers with similar coats, though some shared the same moon marking, which was starting to get suspicious, but most of it was just painted on the whiteness would be too bright anyways..

"Come! Come!" Minette told Namir, as she ran back onto a playground, she even picked up a stuffed bunny that was laying on the ground as no other foal seemed to even be interested in the stuffed animal, since none of them even knew that there was a bunny on the ground.

Well whatever the case, Minette took it and began running around as she squealed happily as she was excited, other mares laughed at Minette as she was like a regular foal amongst the others, but showing the same representation to an alicorn, others didn't care if two different horses adopted a foal, it was more common anyways..

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#266458 Posted on 2023-02-12 20:23:21

     Solstice wasn't quite sure what Faith meant, but she had an idea. "I was born to do something no one else could, and because of it I have to live with it, but I cannot stop anything that will be in her future. I know that all to well, but she will never know just how lucky she is to have loving parents and a loving herd." she said as she looked over and watched Nysa canter and trot around a bit.

     Though Solstice still didn't know much about Orion's past. He knew everything about her's, but what about his? She got a bit curious, but she just focused back on Faith, "I'll try to take it easy, but no promises," Solstice smiled even though Orion just playfully nudged her a bit. "Have fun then..I'll probably be here for the next day or so," she said bidding Faith goodbye before she trotted off.

     Namir just chuckled as Minette came running over, "Well hello there," he said as she stopped right in front of him. He just nuzzled her before he just followed her, and he just chased after her a bit. It wasn't too often that he spent time with her just the two of them, but he enjoyed it when he did. In a way it reminded him of the times he spent doing the same thing with his sister, but now he wasn't alone in did, and now he knew what to do.

     Solstice just smiled as she watched Nysa before she looked at Orion nuzzling him, "Now let me look at that ear of yours." she said in a small demanding tone as Orion knew he didn't have a choice, "You know he's just testing you right? That's what he does. Don't let him get to you, but bite back if you need to." she said as she examined the ear, "Got you pretty good." she said letting out a small giggle.

     Orion just let out a small soft snort, "Yeah I know..." he said letting her look at his ear. It did irritate him a bit. He knew what Namir was doing, but Orion wasn't one to fight back..maybe that was why Namir was testing him? Though Orion just rolled his eyes, "Yeah I'll be fine after a few days. You still need to take it easy. No magic." he said looking at her knowing what she was about to do.

      Solstice just gave him a look, "It's just a small and easy spell. It won't do anything." she said before she looked over at Nysa as she trotted over. Solstice just nuzzled her and nibbled on her small fuzzy mane a bit. "Looks like someone got used to those legs quick." she smiled before Nysa just seemed to lay down which would still take practice as Solstice just laid her head on Orion's back.

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