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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266403 Posted on 2023-02-10 19:40:26

At the foal playground foals were running by as their mothers behind them in a playful way, though one of the foals was a pale palomino- or something? Anyways, the foal stood where it was at until it looked up and smiled..

(time skip) After a whole month, it was finally July and Eclipsetess was excited as she ran around when she got up from resting on Namir for the night as they snuggled on the ground when they made a campfire together, just for them, but she did let Namir go if he needed too so that Eclipsetess wasn't clingy to him in such a way.

Though July was when things began getting festive for the whole month, Eclipsetess did check on Solstice as Minette was walking through the expanded fair next to Buckwheat's herd, she was curious of everything being made, and the metal was in it's most physique self, well for now..

Azulia was off playing at the foal playground with Raven, Esmeray, and Moonlight, the three being different ages as Moonlight was the eldest, surprisingly she looked like a yearling as Esmeray was still stuck in his baby phase as Raven tried cheering him up.

Trickster was also there as she was calming down a foal for her mother, Trickster was a good mother as Esmeray and Moonlight ran over to her to help with the foal as Raven snorted and payfully stomped her hooves before Azulia started chasing her happily, Cronsi was off smiling happily at Azulia.

Scorn was helping with the fair as some of the three herd's alicorn, and pegasi were also helping with the higher stuff for the Isle's big moment! Schematic's was looking at the ferris wheel as Slip was in awe at the thing he was looking at, while Cerise was off doing her own thing for the most part.

Schematic's giggled at Slip, "It's a ferris wheel Slip, something we could ride on together, it also boots up a fancy sunset~" Schematic's teased Slip, as he blushed while Schematic's was laughing at him for it!

"Come on! Let's go eat something at the market, I know something special is at least up!" Schematic's said, she ran off as Slip was next to her for the most part before slowing down to let Schematic's to have a little fun before he caught up to her at a desired stand where it hosted some food.

Some of the same mares were being giddy as they were excited for the month of July to officially begin, their excitment and planning were all set in motion as everything else was setted up, now it was just for the romantic ferris wheel ride to be done being built.

"It won't be done until the 4th of July, where everyone is gonna be excited to ride it with their sweetheart!" the party-planning mare said, the group of mares were also walking and talking as couples were walking around, Eclipsetess just won a plush for Minette as she came up behind her.

"Agreed Irish, all your party-planning equipment on you makes you a treasured scene after the month is gone, where it'll be different in a way for you." a mare said in the group, the mares agreed and kept on walking.

Everyone was having a fun time whilst also getting good prizes in for their sweethearts and love doves, Eclipsetess also won a big pony plush for Namir as the plushed hooves were holding a heart that said "Love you" with a heart at the end, so that made it two as she also planned on getting Solstice something as well!

That was when a starred out snake toy/plush caught her eye, and then she began playing as shortly followed by the win and she picked out the starred snake for Solstice, so one for Minette which was a cute plush, a Valentine's horse plush for Namir, and a starred out snake for Solstice!

Though Eclipsetess didn't get herself anything as she thought of Namir, Minette, and Solstice first before thinking of herself, but she wanted the gifts gone and given to their respected peers from selection first, and then she would get herself, Azulia, Scorn, and everyone else a cute plush of their desirement.

"Alright I got the three a plush that I think they would like, I mean the snake is cute and adorable so it'll be good for Solstice, and Minette has a billgillion other things, but I'm happy she would like this and Namir has a valentine's from me since I do love him after all!" Eclipsetess said, she was excited to give them presents as Minette walked up next to Eclipsetess and took her plush.

Then Eclipsetess was walking to Solstice first before giving Namir something that he would like from Eclipsetess, I mean he already does love her enough and more, but Eclipsetess was just that sweet spoilment to Namir as well since she wanted him to be a little spoiled with a gift!

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#266405 Posted on 2023-02-10 20:35:26

     By the time Solstice was nearing the end of her last month, she just stopped doing pretty much everything. Instead she just laid down most of the time and slept. She didn't even really pay much attention to the festivities going on. Solstice was just too miserable to do much of anything. She hardly even stood up, so she just laid down a bit away from everyone where it was quieter making things slightly easier for her.

     Though Namir just spent some time with Eclipsetess as he enjoyed spending the night with her. Even with the small campfire. He enjoyed, but he was a bit surprised that his sister hadn't foaled yet. He didn't like to see her just laying around all day like she was, but there was nothing any of them could do. By now it was just bound to happen at any time. Hopefully..

      Orion gave Solstice her space more then he was with her. He mainly only checked on her before leaving her alone, but there were times he was nearby her when he rested. He cared about her, and knew how miserable she was, but he knew the best thing he could do was leave her alone. Didn't make things easy for him, but he just roamed around the little festival seeing everyone enjoying themselves.

     Apollo was just running around the place unsure of where to start as Moon tried to keep up with him. "Apollo wait up!" she called out as she looked around for him, "That darn colt..I told him to stay in my sight." she said as Orion pointed her in the direction he went. "Thank you.." she said before she hurried over to Apollo, "You can't just run off like that Apollo!" she said.

     Apollo didn't even hear his mom call after him as he got interested in a game he ended up winning as he got a small plush as Moon came trotting over. He just partly ignored her, "Look what I got!" he said excitedly as he flapped his wings. Moon couldn't be mad at him long as she just laughed and smiled before they both checked out other games and such. What a good time.

     Though Namir was just standing watching his sister a bit. He'd join Eclipsetess and Minette in a few, but he just needed to watch her for a few minutes. It felt necessary. Namir did look over to see Eclipsetess coming over. He just smiled and nuzzled her as she came over, "How's things going? Having fun?" he asked her knowing the answer seeing what goods she had..

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#266406 Posted on 2023-02-10 20:55:59

"Ahaha yep! Oh and here's something I won for you!" Eclipsetess said, she grabbed the pink horse plush holding the heart with it's hooves with the lettering on the heart saying "Love you", it was a perfect for him as Eclipsetess looked at him lovingly as she wanted him to have it.

"I also snatched a cute starry snake plush for Solstice, but I think she's nearing her due date- whenever that time is.. I also got something to be going right on the 4th, and I really hope that Solstice foals soon before the 4th of July happens.. I want her to be happy before I shoot off my magic for everyone to see.. And her new baby foal to hear and see as well- to not be scared of.. I hope that Minette isn't like that either, I know though, but I hope she didn't take in my scared personality as well.. That would be horrible.." Eclipsetess told Namir, she was happy at the beginning before getting sad at the end, which was a bit sad since Eclipsetess wanted to share a happy moment with Solstice and have her foal a good happy memory to remember as well.

Meanwhile Azulia was walking down the fair as sights and games caught her eye, some games were easy for her as she had Raven with her as well, accompanied by Cronsi as some horses looked at him with the utmost disrepect and respect as well, he wanted to make up things even more right for Azulia. But he knew how hard she could be to him.

"Cronsi, why don't you go win some plushies for me and Raven? I'll be here dealing with the toughest game I have trouble getting, and Raven can scout out for other games as well! So it'll be fun, fun, fun!" Azulia said, Cronsi smiled before kissing her cheek and nuzzling Raven as he left to go find some games for Azulia and Raven.

"Your father is difficult sometimes Raven, I'm just glade that your alright from me- a couple years ago by now.. A-anyways, let's look on the bright side! Your auntie Eclipsetess will shoot off something spectacular as a show, she's been planning to do it for years actually!" Azulia told Raven, the filly was curious and encouraged with curiousness as to what her mother Azulia told her.

"Really mom?" Raven asked in an admired, surprised, curious, and happy eyes as a child, Azulia only nodded as to what Raven said, which was even better since it was only three days from what Eclipsetess was gonna do!

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#266407 Posted on 2023-02-10 21:24:02

     Namir just smiled as he looked at the gift and nuzzled her, "It's perfect," he said as he smiled before he nibbled on her forelock a bit. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, but his sister it seemed. She probably wasn't the only one not interested, but Namir just hated seeing her like this. Though he just enjoyed the moment he was spending with Eclipsetess..well he always did.

     He did smile some more before he looked over at his sister, "I would have thought she would of had the foal by now...she hardly moves around or even talks with any of us these days." he said with a small sigh, "You know that isn't like her. She's usually very active and least most of the time. Though everyone has something their scared of. I'm sure Minette and the other foals would be fine."

     Solstice had just been partly asleep for awhile. It was very rare when she actually did sleep, but she just laid there curled up the best she could. She wanted to partake in the fun activities, but she just couldn't. She didn't have any energy or motivation to do anything. Instead she just listened to what she heard as she kept her eyes closed. Not even paying much attention to Eclipsetess or Namir, but she probably didn't even notice them.

     Isis had just been with her brother Khepri. He seemed to change quite a bit, and the two seemed to make up for lost time spent together. Like it should have been since day one. Though Isis only pulled on his ear, "Come on! Don't be a slow poke!" she said excitedly as she wasn't going to give him a choice but to keep up with her. "Ohh! Let's try out this game Khepri!"

     Khepri only whined a bit as she pulled his ear, "Ouch why must you always pull on my ears...?" he complained giving her a bit of a look, "Alright alright fine." he said nipping her a bit as he followed her letting her take the lead. Though he just shook his head and played the game with her, but being the older brother he was he just messed with her causing him to win. 

      Isis only looked at him rolling her eyes, "Cheater!" she said before running off to the next game. Khepri only laughed and followed after her. They both knew he was playing around with her as he seemed to do often since he changed. Maybe the herd wasn't was just broken all along. Without Phoenix everyone could just live their lives in peace. Well maybe not one had seen Skadi in months, but she would probably never change.

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#266411 Posted on 2023-02-11 07:56:00

"I know.. But your right about that, I'm just starting to wonder if she's gonna act like a yearling soon, I mean she's happy at best- but.. Don't you think she's acting much more mature then she should be? I know she took my side for protecting, but she also has your soft side~" Eclipsetess teased Namir about him being soft, but she was right and she began giggling for it.

Though Minette was off having fun, not in the fair- well I mean yes but she did take her plush Eclipsetess won for her, she was also scouting out for games, and what to play them with Eclipsetess and maybe Namir, she also did see Apollo but she just kept walking around.

"Oh? Hi there little one! How are you in this fine, and lovely weather?" the alicorn king asked Minette, she brightened but also giggled too!

"I am fine! I was just scouting out games for mom and dad, I want to play with them when I tell them what I want to do!" Minette told the king, he smiled graciously and he started walking with Minette to help her scout out for any games she wants to play.

"Well I hope you have fun here, because it'll come back every July! Of every day! Well.. Month I mean, every month of July." the alicorn king said, Minette just got more excited and started doing her usual happiness alright!

"Really?! Oh mom would love to do that for every generation!" Minette said, she then ran off to find the selected games as the king just stopped and let her run off to her best and happy self, he also did look next to him as a game master was ready for him.

"Win a toy, win a prize!" the game master said, the game master was a fine mare, her eyes being a perfect shade of violet, but the king wasn't into her, no- I mean why would he? He was into the game, she had for him already to be played!

When Minette began circling the fair, she just ran to back Eclipsetess and Namir, she was happy but she also had her plush Eclipsetess had for her on the back of her neck as it also came with a buckle to strap around, and Minette just wanted the toy be on her neck instead of her back.

Eclipsetess was napping-ish until she heard Minette coming back to her, she opened her eyes and Minette was jumping into a hug as Eclipsetess pulled her into one, Minette wa just squealing around until Eclipsetess started hushing her since some mares were resting from playing so many games.

"Did you have fun baby?" Eclipsetess asked Minette, Minette nodded her head in an excited way, she also tried getting Eclipsetess to follow her.

"Alright alright, let's play some more games then! Coming Namir-darling?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she wasn't teasing him as she asked him a general question with a nickname in place, Minette just tried getting Eclipsetess to go with her more and more.

"Dad can catch up! We won't be far! He'll be able to find us, you'll also find him somehow if we get lost." Minette told Eclipsetess, Minette was right about what she said as it was true.. Eclipsetess would be able to find Namir without a problem if the three get lost.

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#266413 Posted on 2023-02-11 08:45:48

     Namir only nuzzled her in a calming manner, "Foals don't stay foals forever...I still think my sister grew up way too still feels like she was a foal yesterday." he said with a small smile, "She just wants everyone to be happy and healthy just like you do. She takes after you, but it's not a bad thing. It's good to see her wanting to protect as young as she is, but we also don't want her getting into any kind of danger."

     Orion was just walking around looking at everyone having fun as he passed by, but he didn't play anything. He didn't want to be out having fun while Solstice was just alone doing nothing. It wasn't right, but he also wasn't there for long. He eventually just turned around and started walking back to where Solstice was. It'd been awhile since he last checked on her, and he didn't want to be away for too long.

     As Orion walked over to Solstice, he just carefully and gently nuzzled her. Solstice just slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him before looking back down. Orion just sighed, "How are you feeling?" he asked in a quiet manner before he just gently started to groom her. She always liked it when he did, but she still didn't really do much of anything. Orion just looked over at Namir for a moment before putting his attention back on Solstice.

     Namir looked over when he noticed Minette running over as he smiled. It seemed like she was having a blast along with most of everyone else. "I'm coming I'm coming," he said before he stopped and looked over at his sister seeing Orion was with her again. He felt bad, but there wasn't anything he could have done. He just looked down for a moment before he caught up with Eclipsetess and Minette putting on another small smile.

     Solstice was somewhat asleep when Orion nuzzled her. She just looked at him for just a moment as she let out a small sigh. "Miserable..tired.." she mumbled as she just spread out her wings as they laid on the ground. "Go have fun...I'll be fine here.." she said before she tried getting comfortable, but that was now impossible. Everything hurt. Her body was sore, and it was even a bit challenging for her to keep her eyes open.

     Orion just sighed, "But your not fine, and I'm not going to have fun when your out here like this. I have all month to do that. I'd rather be here." he said. Solstice just looked up at him again before she tried getting on her hooves, "Woah now that it easy...don't force yourself to get up." he said, but Solstice didn't care. Orion just helped her and made sure she didn't hurt herself.

     Though as she was getting up, Solstice cried out a bit. Everything started to hurt, but in a different way. She just slowly and carefully laid back down. Now she was awake. Solstice laid on top of her legs, but even laying back down didn't seem to help any. Everything hurt too much as she cried out a second time. "It hurts...everything hurts..." she said painfully as she started to get a bit scared.

     Orion got scared when she cried out the first time. He didn't know to do, or even what was happening, but he knew he had to get someone else. "S-stay there...I'll go get someone," he said knowing she wasn't going to go anywhere, but he also didn't want to leave her like this, but he knew he had to go get someone. Orion just nuzzled her before he turned around and galloped in the direction he saw Eclipsetess, Namir, and Minette go in.

      He tried not to run into anyone, but he couldn't slow down either. Not until he spotted Eclipsetess and Namir as he slowed to a stop right in front of them fear in his bright teal colored eyes. He didn't even know what to say when he got to them since he stood there for a moment speechless. "I-i was with Solstice when she tried getting up, but she just started crying out in pain...I-i don't what's wrong.." he said unsure if it was time or not. How was a stallion supposed to know? "I told her to stay put...and that I'd find someone..."

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#266418 Posted on 2023-02-11 16:24:27

"Oh no.. She's probably foaling then.. Scorn's mares know what to do, and so do I, instincts, but let's go Orion. Grey Cloud will be there to help with everything." Eclipsetess said, Minette was just confused as she saw Eclipsetess run off without a glance, even using her wings to go faster.

"Is everything going to be alright dad?" Minette asked Namir, she was now scared as she had no idea what to do..

But like Eclipsetess said, Grey Cloud was already there with Solstice as the rest of Scorn's mares trotted over as well, even Mesa's mares too as she came along, now Buckwheat, he told the Blind Mare to go as she led the rest of the mares over to Solstice..

The attention from all the mares would scare Solstice, but they were only there to help her, and help with whatever was going on with Solstice, but they knew what was happening. Then Eclipsetess arrived for Solstice and the grouping of mares as they had it handled.

"Eclipsetess, be next to Solstice, it is only a tradition that is not used so much. But we also think it's good if your next to her, so that you can heal for energy and stamina once she begins." Grey Cloud said, Eclipsetess nodded and joined Solstice's free side that the mares didn't huddle over.

"It's alright Solstice, the mares here think that you are foaling right now, so everything is fine! It's like what Azulia, Trickster, and Grey Cloud felt. You are in good care with the mares.." Eclipsetess told Solstice, Minette was taken to a foal playground while everything went on since things went on.

Esmeray and Moonlight were being watched by a mare and her foal, as Minette was being watched by a couple stallion and mare that were alicorns as their two foals tried playing with her, Minette stood out on the playground's wood as she watched everything unfold as she was trying to figure out everything..

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#266419 Posted on 2023-02-11 17:19:59

     Orion just looked at her. Was it really time? Though he just nervously nodded and started to quickly run back over to Solstice. He did slowly come to a stop a distance since it seemed all the mares were already there. How they knew he wasn't sure, but he was thankful they were there. Orion did keep a distance knowing the mares would only push him away forcefully. 

     Namir just looked over as he saw Orion coming towards them in quite the hurry, but his ears only lowered slowly as he got worried. It was clear that he was worried by the look on his face, but he just let Eclipsetess and Orion run back to his sister. Namir just slightly froze for a moment or two until he looked down at Minette. At first he wasn't sure what to say to her, but he just nuzzled her before he said anything.

     "I-I don't know, but I hope things will be..." he said worriedly before he softly nudged her, "Come on..." he paused looking up in the direction the two ran off to for a moment, "We'll get back to the games later." Namir just brought her over to the foal playground. Once he made sure she was alright there, Namir quickly went over to his sister, but he just stood beside Orion as they looked at each other with the same worried look.

     Solstice didn't want Orion to leave, but she knew he had to. She was scared though. Though she watched him run off until she couldn't see him anymore. That was when she saw everyone coming over. Everything just started to get a bit overwhelming in a matter of seconds. This wasn't happening..was it? Solstice looked over when she saw Orion, but she knew the mares wouldn't let him near, but she then noticed Eclipsetess.

     Her voice seemed to keep her calmer as she nodded slightly, but she was scared and nervous. What if something bad happened? What if there was something wrong with the foal? What if she wasn't going to be a good mother? Those and many other questions flooded her mind. Maybe she wasn't cut out to be a mom. She didn't know what she was doing, but she noticed Namir.

     Though Solstice just tensed up as everything hurt more. She cried out again. Though things seemed to ease momentarily. As she looked down, "I'm...I'm scared..Eclipsetess..." she said shakily. Partly because of everything going on around her, but also because of having the foal. Scared in a different way. Not like how she was scared of Dra. Though she just tensed up again when everything hurt worse again, "Everything hurts..." she said quietly.

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#266420 Posted on 2023-02-11 17:56:40

"Shhh shhh, it's alright, I know you are in great pain. But what your feeling is called contractions, you are having many of those as the foal is ready to be born, you just didn't realize it until you felt your contractions. But everything is fine, we're all here to help out and help you stay safe." Eclipsetess nuzzled Solstice on the neck, she wanted her to know what she was feeling and it was the right time to do so.

"Mostly why we don't allow stallions over here with us, is that we are instinctively to be grouped around a circle to protect the contracting mare some space, since stallions don't know what to do and it would lead down to bad paths, and we try to dodge those paths." Eclipsetess told Solstice the truth on why mares only group around a mare that's in labor, and it was sad but true.

"But we also do it since stallions wouldn't know what to do and would get in the way and everything would be bad, we only want the best for you and other mares with foals, how else do you think that Azulia was alone until we visited? She needed peace and quiet to help her, it was painful as I stuck by her side for a bit, but she was also thankful for Oceanus to help out as well.." Eclipsetess told Solstice again, she just put her head on Solstice's neck again, this time- um, licking her to calm down (I think that's what mares do anyways)?

"And like what the snake mare said; your foal is going to be healthy forever, and everything is going to go right! That's what she meant anyways, and you'll be a great mother! And Namir gets to be an uncle as well! Since your siblings, it would make sense, just like me and Azulia: I have a niece as I am the aunt." Eclipsetess tried cheering Solstice up as well, some of the mares began sniffing to determine when the contractions would be over as it would begin.

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#266424 Posted on 2023-02-11 19:16:54

     Just hearing Eclipsetess's voice helped Solstice stay calm..well as calm as she could be. Namir and Orion just stood back worriedly. Orion tried stepping forward as he was concerned and worried, but Namir only stepped forward and bit his ear pulling on it. "Ouch! I just want to know if she is okay or not!" Orion said pulling back so that Namir would let go, but Namir just held on until it wasn't necessary.

     Namir only let go..eventually as he snorted, "Those mares aren't going to let you get anywhere near her. Even I know that. I'm just as worried as you are, but there is nothing we can do but stand here and wait. Even if it takes all day and night. That is how we are both going to be there for her. Until then we're left in the dark." Namir said in a demanding, worried, and slightly angered tone. 

     Orion just flicked his ear once Namir let go. He also took a step away from him snorting, "Okay fine..." he said looking over at the huddle of mares before looking at Namir again, "You didn't have to pull on my ear like that though!" he said giving Namir a look. Orion just flicked his ear more often then he did since it hurt. Namir may have drawn some blood, but he had good reason.

     "If I hadn't you would have kept trying to get to her. You don't think I don't want to see her? I'm the one who raised her. Do you think I like standing out here? How weird it is to me that my little sister is about to become a mother?" Namir said in a less demanding and angered tone. Though after that both stallions just kept quiet. Orion just kept a distance from Namir from then on. He learned his lesson, but they were both worried.

     Solstice's ears perked up a bit when she heard Orion and Namir bickering. Common for those two, but she just looked at Eclipsetess for a moment. So she was in labor even before she started feeling these contractions? Solstice was still primarily quiet, but she listened to every word. "I know...I just hope they leave each other alone..." she sighed knowing how the both of them could be towards each other. 

     Though each time she seemed to get one of these contractions they got worse, but she just tried to focus on her friend's words. How Eclipsetess could always be cheerful, Solstice never knew, but it helped in times like these. What would she do without her? Though Solstice seemed to get a bit more nervous as some of the mares started sniffing her. She knew them and that they were there to help, but she just started to feel more and more pain the longer things went on..

     Solstice eventually just laid on her side as her one wing just gently laid on top of her stomach the other spread out underneath her. How much longer would this go on..? Solstice laid there closing her eyes for a moment or two as her breathing got heavy. It seemed like forever that she was like that as the two stallions were starting to get impatient, but eventually things seemed to change. Solstice was exhausted, but eventually the contractions seemed to slow and fade. Solstice only seemed to get more nervous...

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#266425 Posted on 2023-02-11 19:48:34

"It's alright, it's normal for this to happen, it seems like that your foal is ready though. And that means you gotta push, as hard as you can, some foals can be easy as a pie, others as a rock. But you can do it! I'll give you some strength to handle the pushing." Eclipsetess said, she did listen to what Solstice said, and then she spoke and that's when she transferred some strength magic to Solstice.

"Ready?" Eclipsetess asked, the mares quite sniffing Solstice and were ready to help, Grey Cloud took the lead with the help as the mares assumed their roles and made a tiny clearing for Orion and Namir to see what was happening, but another mare soon joined and took that spot away to help with the calming as well.

"Once you push, you gotta keep going, no matter how hard it feels, it will only help you push harder. And then.. Relaxation and a break, though I'll stay by your side until your good, even some of the mares will help clean your foal for you." Eclipsetess told Solstice, the mares were ready and so was Solstice.

"1.. 2.. 3.. And push Solstice!" Grey Cloud counted down it was a little nerve-racking, but that was when Grey Cloud told Solstice to push, Eclipsetess then started to encourage Solstice to do it and to keep going!

"Your in the green" a mare said, she was examining the stomach and seemed like that the foal was moving perfectly, that was when a familiar friend stepped next to Namir as her hod was flicked off as to reveal the snake mare's head, she seemed to have joined in the distance to help the two calm down.

"Your alright you two, I made ssssure to tell your ssssisssster that her foal wassss being to be healthy, and that ssshe wasss going to have a healthy foal. I jusssst didn't ssssay the foal'ssss gender yet, I wanted it to be a ssssecret until Eclipsetess and Sssolssstice realized the gender. Sssssnake-horsssssessss have alsssso a sssenssse to tell what the gender will be, even malessss too! But I have not ssseen another one of my kind in forever after I wassss born." the snake mare said, she seemed to have excellent knowledge.

"I alssso love your ssssisssster'sss name, I usssed to have a sssisss that had the ssssame name asss her'ssss, sssshe wassss my twin actually! I missssss her badly, she was my rock and I wassss there to give her everything sssshe needed, except sssshe ran away with ssssome ssstallion after ssshe fought with our parentssss, she told me to go with her and I wasss only there to help her with her foal-ssnakess." the snake mare told the two, how long has she remembered her sister and her name? It would be surely forever! Right?

"Anywayssss, I'll go help your ssssissster and your mate you two, gotta make ssssure sssshe sssstaysss gifted! That'ssss tradition for ssssure!" the snake mare said, she looked at Orion and Namir, then she began to walk towards the group as her hissing was sweet and gentle to let the mares know that another friend was there.

"I am here friendsss, let me help with my tradition further." the snake mare said sweetly, the mares allowed it as the snake mare hissed towards Solstice to make her giggle as it was funny, but she did get serious and started doing her tradition more, but she had her clothing instantly appeared as it was serious since Eclipsetess felt the energy, aura, etc etc from the snake mare as she worked her magic.

"I never told you ssssssomething about your foal, but I want you to figure it out yourssssself, but ssssshe'll be a good one with lotsssss of adventerousssss blood in her, that'sssss the only hint I will give out." the snake mare said, she seemed to have revealed a good hint as Eclipsetess knew what it was, but the snake mare helped out with the rest as she tried calming Solstice down while also telling the foal to make it easier for her mother.

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#266426 Posted on 2023-02-11 20:40:50

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess before she closed her eyes for only a moment. She wanted to sleep. She was exhausted, but Solstice knew she couldn't. She put most of her focus on Eclipsetess. The entire time. Listening to each and every word she was saying. Solstice only hoped that this would be over soon. "What if I'm not ready...?" she said in a tired and painful yet quiet tone, but it didn't matter she had to do this. Now or never.

     Namir and Orion were getting more worried and impatient as Namir started pacing back and forth. Orion just kept on looking at the hoard of mares before he looked at Namir. He suggested using his wings to get a better look, but Namir only gave him one of his looks. Orion just took a step back and apologized. "There's no point. They clearly don't want us to get a look."

     Though both stallions looked over when there was more activity. They saw a glimpse of Solstice as they both took a step forward, only for a mare to close the gap. "It must be time..." Namir said underneath his breath as he turned around and got a bit startled by the mare. He didn't even realize she was there until he turned around. Orion just looked at all the mares before he noticed the one Namir almost walked into.

     Solstice moaned a bit and gave a small nod even if she wasn't ready, but it didn't matter. She knew that. She wanted it to be over, and in order for that to happen she had to do this. Whether or not she wanted to. How Eclipsetess was still as calm as ever Solstice just didn't know, but she was more then grateful. Solstice had to be as strong as she could be despite how tired she was.

     She just prepared herself. Preparing to push. That was when Grey Cloud started counting down. Solstice wasn't ready, and she didn't realize Grey Cloud had been counting down until she said push. Her mind and thoughts were everywhere. Though once she realized it, Solstice started to push. Solstice kept listening to Eclipsetess as she did. Just the sound of her voice help in many ways.

     Neither of them knew who she was as they looked at each other a bit confused for a moment, but it at least gave them something to do while they waited. Though Namir was more confused as to how she knew Namir was Solstice's brother. Maybe his sister just told this mare? "That's good to know at least..." Namir said as he glanced at Orion who still kept a small distance from Namir for safe measures. Stallions.

     Though they both listened to the snake mare. It seemed to help them worry less by focusing on something different. "Well that's good to know..." Namir said a bit unsure of what to say as Orion looked back at the hoard of mares for what seemed like every few seconds. Both stallions nodded and watched the mare walk over to the hoard of mares. Namir just also hoped Minette was fine, and that she stayed where she was supposed to be.

     Solstice's breathing was heavier then it was before she was still in great pain and everything, but she just looked up slightly as the snake mare came over. She just smiled a bit before she laid her head back on the ground. Every now and then she flicked her tail. Though she was just taking a moment to regain her breath and energy. Solstice just felt the need to push again as the snake mare spoke again. She just wanted it to be over. Hopefully she was close.

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#266427 Posted on 2023-02-11 21:46:34

"I can definately see something.." a mare said, one of the mares looked again, "It's definately legs! Your so close! Keep going! You got this!" a mare encouraged Solstice, Eclipsetess was happy as she also began encouraging her, even the snake mare did the samething.

"That's good, if you can see two little legs, then Solstice is almost done! You got this!" Grey Cloud said when her head perked up at what the two mares said, Eclipsetess was just ready to see the little foal! Even more so as she thought over the possibilities of names and the two genders that would go with them.

"Right! How many pushes exactly? We need to know so that Solstice can rest after that." Eclipsetess asked, one of the mares giggled, that indicated that Solstice was only one more push away before her foal was born into the world! Eclipsetess was only ever so happier.

"Then that issss one one more pussssh away then! Come on Ssssolsssstice! You can do thissss!" the snake mare said, was she right? If so, then the mares only ever encouraged Solstice to give out one more big burst before the foal was born, Eclipsetess then remained calmer as she nuzzled Solstice happily at the sounds.

One of the mares again left to see as another filled the spot, but they then realized that they could get to other spots on Solstice to make her feel relaxed, so.. Some spots were empty as little gaping holes for Orion and Namir to see, the snake mare only looked at the two before nodding as it was almost over..

"You two ssssshould come over and sssssee the foal being born, I bet it will be a sssspecial moment for the two of you, the foal will recognizzzzze who'sssss the father immediately!" the snake mare told Orion and Namir, she wanted them to see the foal being born as the mares nodded in agreement at that.

"You hear that friend? We are starting a new tradition, besides having a whole ton of mares around a single mare! Orion will be here for you, as a father, and Namir will be here for you as well.. He'll be here to help with anything that you need!" the snake mare said, she giggled and smiled, Eclipsetess perked up and smiled with joy as Namir was going to see his niece or newphew very soon!

"Hehe! It will be fun coming up with names huh?" Eclipsetess giggled, she did rest her head against Solstice's neck before going back to encourage her with joy!

"It will be for the two of you, you are very close friends after all, so you both will have fun! I can tell Eclipsetess has probably thousands of names already.." the snake mare said, she returned to see the foal was almost out, one of the mares smiled as the legs were coming out more!

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#266429 Posted on 2023-02-11 22:22:12

     Solstice just felt some relief as multiple mares said she was almost done as they encouraged her more. Though it was harder each time she had to push. In the meantime, she just took a few moments to rest until she had to do it again. Solstice did have a faint smile. So close, but also so far away at the same time. Even if she felt like giving up, everyone's encouragement seemed to be the only thing keeping her going.

     Orion and Namir just noticed all the mares started to get excited as they tried to listen to what was going on. They looked over seeing gaps being made before being closed by other mares. Orion was just getting more and more impatient. The worst thing for him was not knowing what was going on. He knew nothing, and that seemed to get to him the most out of everything else.

     Though both stallions looked at each other as the snake mare said to come over. Namir just nudged Orion to walk forward since he was the father. Orion was a bit unsure knowing how the mares could be, but he slowly walked once Namir nudged him. At least he was cautious around the mares. Namir was as well as he walked behind Orion as both had their heads lowered.

     Namir continued to stay back though. He let Orion go to his sister. Maybe Namir wasn't always tough on him, but he probably was most of the time. It didn't matter. At least not at the time. Orion just gently and softly nuzzled Solstice when he got to her. She just smiled tiredly knowing he was there. "I'm here..." he said quietly before he looked at Eclipsetess, "I'm here.." he said again.

     "Orion..." she said underneath her breath when she looked at him, but he could tell just how tired she was. Solstice looked over a bit seeing Namir there too, but he still kept a distance. That was Namir for ya though. Orion just gently nuzzled her a second time as Eclipsetess rested her head on Solstice's neck. After some time, she pushed again. Maybe even again if she had to..

     Solstice just continued to lay there opening and closing her eyes as Orion stood beside her with his head lowered. They both just waited for the mares to say something. Orion just did his part and help keep Solstice as calm and relaxed as she could be while also being there for her. He was the father, and he was too busy worrying to even realize he was about to be a father until now..

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#266430 Posted on 2023-02-11 22:38:08

"Ah so close! We need a bit of magic to help Solstice, Eclipsetess? Orion? Namir?" one of the mares said, it was worrying to Eclipsetess as the mare said that the foal was there, just a little tough though, but she only looked up at Orion as he was the father, so he should do it.

"Orion? Do you wanna do the fatherly thing and help Solstice? It would be a big help for sure!" Eclipsetess asked Orion a question whether he should or not, but most of the mares layed their eyes on him for the most part, the snake mare agreed to that question- whether she was or wasn't in the conversation.

"Solstice would also love the help, and the foal would recognize you as the father anyways! If your there for the foal once they open their eyes.." Eclipsetess spoke again, she was right about the two different things for sure, even the snake mare and some mares agreed to it.

"But if your not there for the foal opening their eyes, then the foal would recognize a different stallion as their father, that's the main and actual reason we don't allow stallions into the grouping until after the birth, that's when we allow them to do whatever they want!" a mare said, it brought down the mood but she saved it by the last part, she said it and it was correct as the grouped mares agreed, even Eclipsetess who was silent on it.

"Anyways, the bit of the torso is here, but the head is most important! If you don't get the foal's head out now, the foal would die, as mares experienced the loss before, they can tell you how it hurts and how it makes you depressed, but Orion do it quick before Eclipsetess does!" the mare urgently said, but she was also calm as well to not break the mood any further then it was..

Eclipsetess did shoot a quick glance at Orion before looking at Solstice, it was only time until the foal would die, as the mare said before; foals will have the chance to die inside the womb, whether or not your done with the pregnancy, which was actually hurtful but it needed to be said!

"Yes.. And if you need help Orion, me and Namir are here to help you and Solstice care for your foal as well, I will have to talk to Minette after this, since we have a new foal in the herd, and a young one that will be like Solstice without a given chance!" Eclipsetess said, she did look at Minette who was held back to not go to Solstice or where Eclipsetess was, Eclipsetess only gave out a sad sigh before refocusing on what was happening

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