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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266202 Posted on 2023-02-05 15:10:36

"Shhhh shhh shh, alright alright, we'll go back. But we can't let the little stragglers die here one by one, who knows what can happen? And besides, I'm sure Oceanus would take these supposed-to-be extinct straggler breed to her kingdom, you know how much she raised the two that helped us.." Eclipsetess started calming Solstice down rather quick, she was hearbroken and Eclipsetess could tell by that, but she didn't want her to sob and cry right there.

"And let's go back to having our relaxing day, let's forget about this place until we feel we are ready to come back, I'm sure nothing is gonna change anyways." Eclipsetess said reassuringly to Solstice, she was right about coming back some time later in the future, so it wouldn't matter anyways.

Though as Eclipsetess flicked her ears, the palomino mare with her green markings was walking down the staircase as it was barely dim by the light, which made Eclipsetess to be protective of Solstice again, but she went relaxed when it was just a mare with another straggler baby.

"Um, am I interrupting something? I'm sorry if I did.." the mare apologized, Eclipsetess then began ushering Solstice back up the stairs, but the palomino mare also helped out as well, making sure Solstice was safe as the three and the babies went back up.

As the palomino mare walked into the sunlight, the waves being relaxed and then a little wild, the palomino mare had green markings on her and also a thin line of rope covered around some parts of her, but she had a weird green marking covering her forehead all the way down to her muzle, she had no eye color except white.

"Ahh relaxing, you coming up miss?" the mare asked Solstice, she felt how scared she was when the mare interrupted the two in a way, but she did help Solstice out with on top of the stairs, and she was willing to keep doing that until the two were next to Orion.

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#266206 Posted on 2023-02-05 17:17:30

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess. She really didn't want to just leave her there like that, and she also didn't want Namir yelling at her. She tried not to remember that one time when she was just a filly. Never again. Solstice did look at the few dragons she still had on her back forgetting there were there for a moment. She couldn't just leave them in there like wonder they were so quick to get out.

     Though Solstice just looked down and nodded, "I never actually saw them...only heard about them.." she said sniffling a bit. She never thought she was so emotional before..but she didn't care much about that. Solstice couldn't live with herself if she left Eclipsetess. She meant it when she said she wanted her right there when her foal would come into the world. That was no lie.

      She just slowly calmed and stopped crying as she nodded. Solstice didn't feel comfortable in this strange place, and she didn't want to find out what else was down there. She didn't want to see anything else in there, but what was this place? Dragons..growling? Maybe there was more to this place then they thought, but Solstice didn't care. She just turned around to see a mare she hadn't seen before.

     "N-no...we were just leaving.." Solstice said looking up at the mare a bit before she started walking back up the stairs. At least she got some exercise. Solstice felt better once they were back in the sunlight. The warmth. Never had she thought she'd be so happy to see the sun. She'd never been scared in the dark before, but Solstice eventually unclenched her wings and brought them back up to her sides. Solstice was a bit distracted for a moment though, "Oh..uh yeah I'm coming.." she said.

     Orion was starting to get worried. "It surely shouldn't be taking them that long now should it?" he asked himself worriedly before he looked over and saw the three mares. Orion just quickly galloped over, "I was starting to get worried!" he said as he approached the three. He only nuzzled Solstice and looked her over making sure she was fine when he noticed the baby dragons, "I thought you were bringing them back..? What happened?"

     Solstice was relieved to see Orion as she just wrapped herself around him and closed her eyes for a moment or two. "Please..let's not talk about it.." she said quietly before she started walking off before she laid down in the sand. That was enough for her for one day. Solstice just got comfortable and started to take a nap. She just ignored the others and laid her wings out in the sand a bit.

      Orion was confused as he watched her before looking at Eclipsetess, "What happened in there? She was just fine before she left.." he said still worried. Maybe he shouldn't have let her go. He knew it was a bad idea from the start. If Namir ever found out... Orion tried not to think about that. He wouldn't find least Orion hoped he wouldn't. Been awhile since Orion saw him anyways.

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#266207 Posted on 2023-02-05 18:32:06

"It was rather horrifying.. And I do not want to talk about it either, I can you were right to keep her next to you, at least I kept her safe.. Like I always promised to her, now you can do the same for her. Heh.. And besides the palomino green marked mare wasn't with us when she was coming down the stairs, so she has no idea what happened but personal things are rather kept personal.. I'm going to lay down now.. I'm tired.." Eclipsetess said, her eyes were drooping a little and she started to walk when she passed out, the little stragglers jumping away when she fell asleep, but they then cuddled around her since she was asleep.

"Well.. Does passing right out in front of someone, usual?" the palomino mare asked Orion if he was still around, she was really confused about Eclipsetess falling down in the sand as she fell asleep to the waves and such, though the palomino mare at least had a little dragon friend..

"If it counts then do we leave them alone?" the palomino mare asked Orion again, then her little cross markings began to glow as some words were fading onto the coat.

"Ah- I need to.. Speak to the king! Yes! I'll be off! Bye! I'll come back, promises!" the palomino mare ran off there and then, but she was turning into a blacked out mare as the cross's began to turn red until it glowed again, but she was off in the distance as she didn't want no one to know what she was or who.

But the mare didn't make it as Azulia watched as she collasped while being forced to turn back, she eneded up going to Azulia and that's where she screamed again but louder, Eclipsetess heard her but she was too deep in her sleep, and Scorn was off somewhere as he was sleeping with GreyCloud and the foals.

No one was around to help Azulia as she eneded up running, but the collasped palomino mare turned completely black, and her cross markings flipped upside down, and the front hooves turned into claws, the words on the mare before turned visible but it was in Japanese..

One of the mares, the crazy one, went after the turned mare who was after Azulia, but the two were already down to the beach as the turned mare stood at the way for horses to go and come from the beach, Azulia already hid behind Orion for fear since Eclipsetess was napping.

Then the turned mare started growling, two mouth's were making the sound, one on her chest- right where the heart layed, and one on the side as it smiled, a thing with two yellow thing stuck out as it looked like a wilted flower, two clawed hooves and a portal and some tinier ones hung on the inside of the tail, her hooves and clawed hooves were red as were her eyes.

Azulia just started whimpering away as the turned mare dropped *dark strawberry syrup on the ground* and it smelled horrible, like iron rusting or something, it made Azulia sick as she kept herself hidden.. She was in fear and had no idea what to do..

"H-y-ah!" the crazy mare said, she had something in her mouth and it stuck inside the turned mare as she screamed but it was then muffled as the crazy mare got her to be quiet for the sleeping horses around, she then kept up her game and eventually a dragon picked up it's head and snatched the turned mare and ate it.

That was when Eclipsetess woke up, she was sweating and she was where she had slept previously, everything was a lucid dream then? Then Solstice would be sleeping where she had slept all along, but Eclipsetess was in shock at that point for her as she had no idea what to believe but she chose to believe it.

"Morning sis!" Azulia said, she was walking up to Eclipsetess as it was dark out, but the sun barely rose? She must've been sleeping for at least more than a day then!

"Huh? What happened?" Eclipsetess asked Azulia, she was her regular self and Eclipsetess was confused by that.

"Nothing, you've been sleeping for a day or two! Everyone else was very productive while you were sleeping away, I even took a couple naps next to your deep sleeping body." Azulia told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess just looked up at the sky as she missed a normal day?

"I've been dreaming of an adventure then?" Eclipsetess asked, Azulia nodded as Eclipsetess didn't know that could happen to anyone.

"Anyone that had gone on adventures and has a break will want to back to adventuring, even though they need breaks or else their killing themselves with adventures, how else did you think that our old foal books taught us a real thing?" Azulia said, she did have a point there, but Eclipsetess sighed and took some deep breaths before looking back out into the sea before walking with her.

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#266216 Posted on 2023-02-06 07:37:17

     Solstice was still on the beach, but she was awake. She only stood by herself thinking as the waves ran onto shore before going back to sea. Though she did stand in the waves a bit. Orion just left her be, and gave her space. Namir was there too, but he seemed to keep a distance like he had been doing for a bit. Solstice wanted to comfort him, but she didn't know how. This was something she couldn't help him with.

     Though Solstice was thinking about a dream she had. It was rather odd, but she knew she woke before something else happened. The dream was unfinished, and she couldn't get it out of her head. Though she looked over hearing Azulia when she noticed Eclipsetess had woken. Solstice just smiled as she walked over, but she noticed Eclipsetess was sweating a bit. Which was a bit odd. Bad dream possibly?

     "It's good to see you awake.." she said softly before she laid down in front of Eclipsetess. Solstice seemed to be doing pretty well. "Starting to worry if you were going to wake up...I've never seen you sleep this long. I think you get less sleep then I normally do.." At that point Solstice was just talking to herself a bit, but she went silent for a moment or two. She just couldn't get that weird dream out of her head, but she looked at Azulia flicking her ears a bit.

     Though Solstice looked back at Eclipsetess, "Adventure...I had a dream kind of like one..but I know for a fact I woke up before it was finished..." she said mumbling the last bit a small bit. Though Orion just walked over and nibbled on her mane while telling her something. "Alright..fine...I'll go eat.." she said rolling her eyes as she got up and started walking to the trees to find something. She didn't eat much, but she knew she had to sooner rather then later..even if she didn't want to. 

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#266229 Posted on 2023-02-06 19:42:00

"Y-yeah.." Eclipetess said, she was a little shaky, but she mad sure to calm herself down, before anything else happens. She knew what to do if anything else interrupted the day.

"Huh.. At least yours was nothing like mine.." Eclipsetess murmured, she was rather near Eclipsetess so she could have heard that anyways.

"Hm, well goodbye then!" Eclipsetess waved by to Solstice, she was happy that she was up since she could go and do anything she wanted to now, but she just sat down to recover any lost energy that she had lost during her long napping since it was a little while.

"Well at least you greeted Solstice and waved goodbye to her as well, oh! You should go and eat as well, I'm probably sure that Solstice would need help finding anything that she can eat. I'm sure she would enjoy the help!" Azulia suggested to Eclipsetess, she only sighed at her since Orion may do something, but she can go if she wanted to go! If she wanted too that is..

"Maybe when I'm hungry? I had a long sleep for sure, but not right now, alright Azulia? Why don't you go and do something productive? I just want to rest a little more before deciding anything, we are on vacation after all! So I want to be careful of my actions this time." Eclipsetess told Azulia, this wasn't like her at all to disagree on something, that dream of hers must've scared her straight silly!

"Oh? Alright.. I'm gonna go and watch Raven then, I might meet some new foals that she's friends with!" Azulia said, Eclipsetess smiled at her when she turned around and started trotting to the foal playground, but Eclipsetess only spreaded herself out as she stretched her wings to cover them up a little bit, it has been a while since she did some stretching.

"Only if Zukicno was here.. He might've or would've loved to meet Solstice and Orion, maybe even be friends with them? Eh.. He's been dead since I never knew about him.." Eclipsetess said to herself as she layed her head down and looked up at the blank starry sky, the same constellations, she only wanted to see who this Zukicno was.. In the sky at least..

"I should probably get up and do something before I become a lazy pony, like Trickster or Azulia- who's gonna bit my ear that is for sure, not counting if she would.. She did say that a couple times when we were foals, never saw her once do it, until that foal fight happened.. Eesh- what a horrible memory.." Eclipsetess spoke to herself once more, Azulia actually fought another foal when she and Eclipsetess were foals? When did that happen exactly?

Though above Eclipsetess was Scorn as he wanted to talk with her, but his black feathery wings only made him silent since it was a little dark somehow, but the constellations disappeared? It might've had been an event only sea ponies knew as the sky went back to normal in a sense..

Anyways! Scorn grew a little sad as he heard everything Eclipsetess said at the end, which made him fly back to Grey Cloud, who was in the herd as she was trotting alongside her two foals, which were curious of the herd when she knew she had to bring them into, though Grey Cloud only saw Scorn land as she bumped into him. The two stared at each other with loving eyes before hustling over to a quiet spot to relax and talk privately.

"So, anything interesting happen with Eclipsetess yet?" Grey Cloud asked Scorn, he looked away before looking back up at Grey Cloud, who was awaiting his answer.

"Eclipsetess wishes to see Zukicno, who was long dead after her birth, I can tell she knows little to nothing about him except his legend.. It is rather sad to see that once you know a horse remembering a horse who is gone into the Underworld Realm is thought to never escape it, he did get switched over to the Heavens though.." Scorn told Grey Cloud, she gasped at what Scorn said, it made her cry a little before looking back at him and nodding to the rest.

"So we bring Zukicno's journal to her then? She'll be mad, but she'll understand in the end.. I hope that we don't regret this Scorn." Grey Cloud said, Scorn nodded as the two got up, Grey Cloud accessed the old library and had walked into it as she quickly came out with Zukicno's journal.

"A birthday gift for her? It is rather coming up!" Scorn asked in his usual teasing manner, but Grey Cloud used the book smack him with it, she did agree to give it the journal to Eclipsetess as a present, probably not as a birthday gift though..

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#266249 Posted on 2023-02-07 06:31:58

     Solstice only walked off to the trees that weren't too far off to find something. She hadn't eaten in awhile hence why Orion urged her to go find something to eat. She needed to, but Solstice just never really wanted to eat much lately. Probably part of her being pregnant, but she just looked around anyways. Orion didn't give her much of a choice, but something else was on her mind.

     Eclipsetess normally never slept as long as she had..let alone wake up the way she did. It didn't sit right with Solstice, but there wasn't anything for her to do to help. It was just odd for was normal for Solstice, but she just couldn't stop thinking about it. Solstice just sighed as she looked around for anything when she spotted some apples high up in a tree.

     Solstice just looked up at them. She didn't feel like flying up even if she could, but she hadn't actually flown since they had to evacuate their home. She missed it, but maybe she was a little scared to fly again. The last time she did nearly got her killed, and now she just never felt like she had the strength or energy to. She only flapped her wings a bit every now and then enough to stretch them. That was all.

     Though Solstice tried something else. Her magic. She just summoned a basket or bag of some sorts before she looked up at the apples. Her horn started glowing a bit as blue colored strings went towards the apples. Each magical string had wrapped around an apple before the apples were plucked off the trees before being lowered and carefully put in the basket. Solstice was happy with herself, but she just put the basket on her back before she went back to the others.

      "Found some apples...there's plenty for all of us.." she said as she carefully put the basket down. Solstice did look around a bit. Namir still kept a distance from everyone, but he eventually just walked up over to his sister nuzzling her. It took Solstice by surprise a bit since he'd been so distant, but she just smiled a bit and nuzzled him back. "You should really be with Eclipsetess right now..I know it's hard on you about our parents, but you can't stay away forever.."

     Namir just sighed, "I know.." he said quietly still hurt, but he was at least better then before. Solstice never seen him like this, but she only pushed him over to Eclipsetess. Solstice was fine. Eclipsetess wasn't. Namir just laid down beside her as Solstice took some apples for her and Orion before she trotted over to him. Solstice just brushed against him a bit before she nuzzled him..

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#266250 Posted on 2023-02-07 07:24:42

Eclipsetess looked out into the deep blue just below the horizon, she was really focus, that and she didn't realize that Namir was next to her, but she did look up at him a little bit before staring back into the deep blue sea- well just the top parts of the blue ocean.

"So.." Eclipsetess was trying to think of something to say, but it'd been awhile for her since Namir wasn't around her, I don't think in awhile either since Eclipsetess slept and didn't wake up until now.

"How's it going? Exactly?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she really had no idea what to ask or say, it was unusual but it was a vacation now so it is undoubtly going to be unusual to talk, only if you've never moved from a spot, like Eclipsetess- in a way..

Eclipsetess then eventually rolled onto her back to get the sand on her body, mostly because she was starting to itch and she couldn't reach the itchy spot, even if she had a horn as well, but she then just looked up at Namir and started to get playful since she didn't want to rest and lay around.

Though she did hear something splash a little far out into the ocean, then a giant big whale with a moon marking on the blowholes was glowing as it jumped out into the air and in the middle of the sun, Eclipsetess was in awe as not many moon markings are usually shown on whales or other mammals of the sea.

"Ah- ah!" Eclipsetess said, she had gotten up as surprised as she was, Azulia just heard the jumping and the whale making it's usual sound, but she run up next to Eclipsetess as she had a book in her mouth.

"Gimme that- please?" Eclipsetess said, she accidentally commanded Azulia as she handed it to Eclipsetess when she said please, it was the first time they ever saw a whale.

"In biology of the ocean, sea ponies used to document every creature that was new to them until they had researched ever creature of the ocean, but only one species of gigus whalus was ever documented, and that was the Moon Whale." Eclipsetess said, the whale's jumping looked like that of a blue whale but it had the depth dive of a Cuvier's beaked whale.

"It is only stated that they eat the biggest sharks, shrimps, and the colossal squid too right?" Azulia asked, Eclipsetess nodded happily.

"It's rare to see a Moon Whale actually, they only surface once every 300 to 3000 years, they are as older as a God, heck! One Moon Whale was named Artemissle, mostly because the Moon Whale was born at the same time and date of that of Artemise." Eclipsetess stated as well, Azulia only got determind to befriend one!

"How old do they get exactly?" Azulia asked, Raven then walked up next to her mother, Azulia who was nuzzling her before looking back up at Eclipsetess.

"No one actually knows, horses and sea ponies used to say that they could die at the same age of a night unicorn, but the oldest living Moon Whale was when Pandora was still around, and that was just heartbreaking because Pandora knew Nature at a relatively young age and even before she was born, but- yeah.. At least we aren't going into fights about Pandora anymore.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia agreed as Raven started nibbling on Azulia's mane a little bit.

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#266253 Posted on 2023-02-07 09:10:11

     Orion just looked at her just shaking his head a bit. Solstice only put a apple in his mouth. "He needs to interact again more. My brother can't distance himself from all of us forever. It's been a few days, and we gave him space. Now it's time to push him to do what he doesn't." she said with a bit of a snort before she smiled, "'s that apple?" she giggled as she looked at him.

     Orion didn't know what to think as she just put a apple in his mouth. He only gave her a bit of a look pinning his ears slightly before he just ate the apple. "It was good, but I swear you just act like a foal...or is it just the little one in there..?" he smiled as he just nuzzled her. Though he did nip her ear as payback. "Didn't see that coming now did you?" he grinned as he looked at her with a proud look.

     Solstice just gave him a look, "I don' could be...or it could just be me being happy," she said giving him a bit of a look, "Besides there's still several months until we can meet you're just going to have to be patient." she said nuzzling him back before he nipped her ear. "Hey!" Orion just laughed as he trotted off a small ways. "Get back here!" she called out before she started running after him. It had been awhile since she actually ran, but it did feel nice.

     Namir was silent until Eclipsetess spoke. He just looked at her for a second before he looked down. His ears had just lowered. He hadn't really said anything, but he did watch his sister for a moment before looking back down. "I'm not sure.." he eventually said, "I guess I thought I accepted what happened to my mother...seeing Solstice the other was just like with my mother..I saw her instead of my sister...and there was nothing I can do to help.." he said looking at Eclipsetess before looking back down again.

      Though he did smile a bit seeing her playful side. At least she was doing better, but he just looked back over at his sister and Orion. Orion had picked up to a gallop once he noticed she was chasing after him, and soon enough the two of them were running back to their original spot, "Hey! Now don't you make the pregnant lady chase after you!" Solstice huffed as she slowed down nipping Orion once she got over to him as she regained her breath.

     Though everyone's attention went to the water. Solstice just looked out to see the large whale. What took her interest was the moon marking on it. She wanted to fly out there and get a closer look, but she was clearly a bit out of breath. She did nip Orion again this time harder. "Don't make me chase after you when I'm pregnant!" she said giving him a small look. Orion only laughed and agreed to not do it again.

      Solstice then walked over to the others interested in the whale. She just smiled at Raven before listening to the others talk. "Moon whale? What's a moon whale?" she asked confused. She never heard of anything like it. Though she just looked back out at sea curiously, "Well then aren't we lucky to witness it." she smiled looking back at the others, but it still didn't explain things.

      Soon enough Solstice knew more about this whale. Solstice still didn't know why everyone seemed to get mad or fight each other whenever they talk about Pandora. She wanted to know what happened, but Solstice knew they would probably never tell her. She had an eternity to find out anyway. "So are you saying that these Moon Whales are related or connected to Moon unicorns? Ones like me..?" she asked a bit confused, but also curious.

     Pa'li was still making his decision as he slowly swam around the area enjoying himself near the surface of the deep waters when he noticed something very large coming to the surface. Pa'li just looked at the whale as he to swam up to the surface and watched it breach out of the water. That was when he noticed the marking. "It can't be.." he said before he looked at the beach.

      He only took a breath and looked at the whale again before he dove down and started to swim to the shore..where the horses on the beach were. Pa'li didn't know as much as most sea ponies, but he definitely heard of these whales. "I thought they were only stories these whales...never thought I'd actually see one.." he said hesitantly as he walked out of the water as his tail disappeared and was replaced with legs. What was he doing?

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#266259 Posted on 2023-02-07 10:45:59

Earlier.. Eclipsetess listened to Namir as he talked, she didn't know how much pain he could have went through, but she could relate to it in some way, that was when she thought of Zukicno, the only memory she has of him was a blank clear state that only appeared whenever she grew into a sadder stage sometimes..

"Hm, yeah, I only read them once or twice sometimes, but they marvelous!" Eclipsetess said, Azulia giggled at the thought of a whale having a very special marking.

"You know I heard of a legend that a whale that grew older during time would only be able to see who they were connected to in some way, another legend- more of a rumor states that when there is no night unicorn, the moon whale connected to that night unicorn will jump out for one last breath before diving to the deepest parts of where it can go and just.. Lay there.. Not moving nor eating.. Hurting itself because the whale knows.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia tried thinking of something quick to say when Eclipsetess went morbid at the end.

"Uh- what about Solstice? She's connected because of the whale, like Eclipsetess said, but what's her tie to the creature?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, she only sat down as Azulia looked back out to the ocean.

"Some night unicorns that see the whale with the moon marking were born tied to it, sharing memories and some other things that I forgot about, but the magical thing is that the whale has no gender but it is able to have kids, same gestation like that of a mare night unicorn. So the whale is identified as female because of Solstice being tied to the creature, allowing them to have a straight-forward bond that they do not recognize yet." Eclipsetess perked up when Azulia asked her that question, which made Azulia dodge a bullet- or a magic-shot.

"Hm?" Azulia looked around when she sensed something, but she could sense and feel vibrations, like that of the waves crashing, making her more relaxed then ever.

"Something wrong Azulia?" Eclipsetess asked Azulia, she looked up at Eclipsetess before looking back at the ocean, like something more was there then just a special-like whale.

"Can I be honest?" Azulia asked, Eclipsetess nodded and told her that honesty is the best way to get things out in the open and know someone better, that goes for everyone.

"Alright.. I just feel like there's something more out in the ocean then just a kingdom, a whale.. Like something more then a whirlpool or something, like there is something calling, something bigger then just an evil creature of hate.." Azulia honestly said, Eclipsetess was surprised but looked back out into the ocean, she could feel it as well since Azulia felt the same emotion.

"Your right about that.. Sis.." Eclipsetess said, she was honest with Azulia and the others, something more was out there in the ocean, something hidden but if a whale could do just an act like Eclipsetess stated, then there was something taking the whales or something bigger out in the deeper parts of the ocean.

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#266260 Posted on 2023-02-07 11:23:18

     Solstice looked over when she heard a voice coming from the waves, but she recognized the softness and uncertainty of the voice. That was when she looked and saw Pa'li emerging from the waves. "Oh..Pa'li.." she said happy to see him even if it had been awhile. Pa'li nodded happy that she remembered his name, but he stayed back for the most part. Though he wasn't as nervous since the attention was on the whale and not him.

     Solstice just smiled a bit before looking back over at Eclipsetess. She wanted to know more about this whale, and why it was so special. She didn't think of animals having markings like horses did, but she surely wanted to learn as much as she could have then and there. Orion only tried to nip her, but Solstice got to him first. Always acting like foals those two. Namir seemed interested in the whale too, but he kept quiet.

     "You don't think the whale we just saw is going to die you..?" she said a bit sadly not wanting such a beautiful creature to die alone in the depths of the sea. No one deserved to die least those with good hearts. Though things just went silent for a moment. All that was heard was the crashing of the waves. Solstice perked back up hearing Azulia's question, "Yeah...I wanna know more!" she said almost like her filly self would. Namir just laughed a bit as Solstice gave him a look.

     This bond. Solstice wanted to learn about the bond, but one thing just didn't make sense to her..well more then one thing actually. She did look out at the ocean, "But how can we even be connected? The whale belongs in the sea...I belong here on land. Two entirely different worlds. I can't survive in water, and the whale can't survive on land.." she said to herself more then anything as she just sat down thinking.

     Though she looked back at Azulia.  Her ears just lowered a bit as she thought over her words. Now that Azulia said it, Solstice felt it, but only a little bit. She just sighed as Orion laid down next to her. The last thing she wanted and the last thing she needed was something else to go bad. That or have to fight someone or something else. Solstice just wanted the rest of this pregnancy to be quiet without fear..

       Pa'li though looked at Azulia and her only, "No land horses are supposed to go near that whirlpool..let alone know about it." he said in a bit of a strict tone. He didn't need to deal with things like that any more, but he just looked behind him at the sea. "Not even us sea ponies know all there is under the water. Yes some have explored the waters, but there are several who never came back. Most sea ponies won't even consider swimming down to the depths these whales call home."

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#266262 Posted on 2023-02-07 12:30:41

"Yeah I guess your right, the more dangerous it is for a whale, the more likely chance a sea pony or a group won't come back. The chances of that happening? I think Oceanus would be strict about that! If it was a rule.." Eclipsetess agreed, Azulia huffed at the sky before looking at another star.

"Alright.. I probably shouldn't worry none of you all, but um.. A star- a planet is right next to us and it's supposed to be day still.. Eclipsetess, got an answer? I mean you do seem to have the knowledge about anything." Azulia said, Eclipsetess realized what Azulia said as she looked at the sky and then the giant star in front of them.

"I heard that Moon Whales do this to show affection for another one, the bigger they bring a star close enough is enough for a horse to share a moment with another, it's considered the most romantic thing that a Moon Whale could help with their tied horse, whether or not you live on land or water, they do this to show their night unicorn the most romantic thing that could happen." Eclipsetess said, Azulia sighed before acknowledge Raven as she was trying to make something in the sand.

"And what are you up to little princess?" Azulia teased Raven, she seemed focused before looking up at Azulia and smiling happily.

"... A... A..." Raven was trying to think of something to say, the sand around Raven's hooves were covering them, but what Raven was making was really out of this world for her, she was making a miniture version of the Moon Whale.

"Oh sweetie, that's a really nice sand animal!" Azulia complimented Raven's work, Raven only smiled at her mother and was joyful about it too.

"I guess when your aspired by beauty, you can make it as well.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia agreed to that, but Raven then was able to pick up the sand moon whale and took off with it, which caused Eclipsetess and Azulia to become confused by what Raven just did.

Though when Eclipsetess looked back at the sea, a small bump of the water was coming straight for the group, Azulia said that it could have been the moon whale since it was rather Solstice's first time seeing it, and she also added that moon whale's are more intelligent then a normal horse or sea pony, allowing them to know what to do and what to say.

Azulia was rather right, actually she was spot-on with the creature heading towards them! It was the moon whale as the only bump of water could make that was either a clam being pushed up by a sea pony or a big enough whale to make a small bump of water.

Then the whale brought up it's head, and like Azulia said, the whale was female as she stopped right just when her mouth went a little far from the waves crashing against the waves, but also because the whale had eyelashes that seemed long like Solstice's or Eclipsetess!

"Woah! She has a diversity of blues, greens, and even some pinks and purples! She looks like a mini planet! She even has a mini mushroom growing right here!" Eclipsetess said, she put her two hooves against the bottom lip of the whale, how where they not able to see that?

"Wait.. How were we not able to see these markings then? Wouldn't she have glowed by the moon- planet- whatever?" Azulia asked, it was rather a beautiful creature by sight.

"Ah ha.. Actually when a Moon Whale surfaces, they turn their heads, where the moon marking is located right on the blowholes, which they turn on their axis and their markings suck up the light, making the moon marking on them glow from where a horse is seeing this, which is why she wasn't glowing when we saw her." Eclipsetess answered Azulia's question, Raven came back as she ran up to the whale as she was big and beautiful, making her a sight of a sore eye.

"Well we can admit that foals would be astounded by this.. Raven becareful! You don't know what the female moon whale can do!" Azulia called out to Raven, the little foal came back but Eclipsetess stepped back as the moon whale then called out her song but it sounded like she was in the water, but she was on land instead.. Then she opened her mouth after gently slapping her side fins after Eclipsetess and Raven backed up.

"Oh yeah.. Moon Whales can also make their voices sound like their in the water, but they would be on land and still do that, that's why they are rare, they can make a beautiful song from land and would be a hit! But they need the ocean, so not many whales can survive long without water, but this big girl seems to know what she's doing, while making her noises too.." Eclipsetess added, the whale only then again made another sound of nosies that sounded like a song but from the water.

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#266266 Posted on 2023-02-07 13:21:37

     Pa'li only looked at Eclipsetess, "The deeper a sea pony swims the less they can see. Whales are meant to live in the I've heard, but even us sea ponies can't. Most sea ponies just live inside the kingdom. We don't actually inhabit the entire sea. I just uh...prefer it out here...the kingdom isn't for everyone.." he said as his voice went quiet the longer he spoke. 

     Solstice just looked up a bit noticing the strangest star. It looked pretty close, and she found it odd. "How did I not notice that..." she mumbled to herself as Orion just laughed a bit hearing her before he nibbled on her mane a bit. She only brought her attention back to Azulia and Eclipsetess. "They have magic too.." she mumbled quieter to herself before she smiled, "That's a sweet gesture. They sound like such sweet creatures..large but sweet." she smiled happily before she looked at Raven.

     She just smiled more as she watched the filly. "It's beautiful Raven! You did such a good job!" she said happily when she saw what Raven had made. Though she was just as confused to see her grab the Moon Whale she had made of sand. How did it not fall apart? Solstice thought about it for a moment before she realized what Eclipsetess said as she giggled a bit agreeing with her.

     Pa'li's attention went elsewhere when his ears perked up and moved around a bit. Like a radar. Sometimes they had a mind of their own, but Pa'li was standing closer to the waves then everyone else. Until he looked over to see a strange bump in the water. Pa'li only jumped back once he realized it was the whale from before. Even for being a sea pony, Pa'li was surprised to see the whale a second time. He felt so small..well he did have a slightly smaller body then most sea ponies, but he just looked at the whale speechless.

     Solstice only looked behind her seeing the strange change in the water, but she just stood back up when she noticed it was the Moon Whale. Solstice smiled as Orion just got up and stood there surprised. Namir as well. She only giggled at the two, "Stallions." She just ignored the looks she got from the both of them. "She's gorgeous," Solstice said happily as she looked at the mushroom Eclipsetess had pointed out, "That's odd..mushrooms are found on land."

     Though Solstice just paid no attention to that. Solstice just lightly put her hoof on the whale and smiled as she listened to Eclipsetess once more. "Her markings are unique and beautiful. Glowing or not." she said as she made her horn glow the same color of her eyes a bit even if her horn was black. Namir and Orion just stood there silent and still surprised to see the size of the whale, and Solstice only giggled when she looked at them. "She won't hurt you get over here."

     The two stallions just looked at each other as Orion was the first to step closer. Namir didn't want to be the baby, so he followed Orion with quite the odd look. Stallions being stallions. Solstice then looked at Azulia smiling as she looked down at Raven before she jerked her head back slightly, "Speaking of foals..." she said, "I think mine seems to like her too.." she smiled as she looked back up at the whale. Orion only nuzzled her stomach.

     "She'll be fine Azulia..she won't hurt us." Solstice said as she could sense the whale's calm nature. Solstice then stepped back as everyone does as she listened to the song she sang. "Land or's beautiful.." she said happily, "Though how do you know so much about Moon Whales Eclipsetess? And how come you never said anything about them until now?" she asked curiously.

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#266269 Posted on 2023-02-07 16:18:09

"Hehe.. Research, Azulia would always bug me to play when we were foals, but I would always stick to reading rather then playing, then Scorn grounded me for not playing like a regular foal, mostly because he wanted me to play and be happy, I always kept older books from Grey Clouds- well now Orion's, library, no matter what Grey Cloud would allow me access to those books. Now I can remember anything from those books because I kept reading them, no matter how old I truly am.." Eclipsetess answered, she was rather happy to hear a question like that, like she never heard of a question like it's kind before.

"Eclipsetess never had a question unlike yours Solstice, so she's really giddy about it, no matter how different the question she always finds a way to answer it, even if it takes her years to figure out that question- she'll always find a way, which appointed her the healer role in Scorn's herd, mostly because she would also research about magic and learn the different types, that got her to also be an Explorer a role only given to horses or foals that are like Eclipsetess, it's a really honorable role actually." Azulia added onto last, Eclipsetess then trotted back up to the whale which she was really excited about.

"I always find some type of inspiration and boom! I find a way to document it, now I can document this big girl! I'll go get Scorn so that he can write down everything in that cursive style he always does to confuse me and get me to solve his puzzles!" Eclipsetess said, without a second glance she ran off but she didn't to think to use her wings, man she really took this little vacation seriously.

"Well hello there!" Mint greeted Azulia, she came out without a reason, but she did have a checklist with a type of thread wrapped around her neck, like she was checking marking something? Was it because of the whale..?

"What's with the checklist?" Azulia asked Mint, she rather giggled at that question, but she did seem to be rather happy about it as well.

"To mark off the whale's direction and where she goes, I have been doing it to SB-45 and EF-24 for years! Mother gave me the role of that since I was always an organized filly back then.." Mint responded to the question, Azulia then smiled at Mint for her determination at something.

"So what's this girl's name then? Well tracking name?" Azulia asked again, Mint giggled again before telling the whale's name was WR-1035, which had an actual reason and a real name but it was cut down to make it shorter and easier to remember.

"W-what does.. WR- 10. 35 Mean?" Raven asked, she was getting better at her memory and her speech which she was praised for by Azulia since she couldn't handle the cuteness!

"Winter Rose, the 1035 is how old I've been tracking in the family, I'll probably give it off to a friend or a sibling rather soon since most of the Moon Whales are now migrating, which grants WR's full name, since it is getting different here and I saw some of the Isle's land under it and it's worrying more then ever.." Mint said, she also checked on the Isle's for everyone's safety? Including Oceanus's kingdom as well..? Man she deserves respect.

"I'm only doing it to redeem myself, but I also reported it to Oceanus's sake as well, she's starting to give out warnings that the Isles are eroding quicker then she thought, so.. That's why there's rarely any Moon Whale's anymore, mostly because there used to be sub-species of them as well, and it's also the reason why the kingdom's been acting up Pa'li- you just never noticed how nervous the kingdom was.." Mint said, she turned to Pa'li at the end of her sentence, she sounded more worried for both the whale's and the Isle's, which Azulia could sense that it was tearing the poor sea pony apart.

"So your saying that an Isle could drown soon?" Azulia asked, she didn't want to ask that question, mostly because of Solstice but she needed the information.

"Quite so frankly, but Oceanus is using older rocks that have better sustaining for strength, she doesn't want other Isles to end up like how her's went, which changed her kingdom by force, making us how we are now.. But I'm honestly alright with how I am and I am helping with the creatures, seeing how many are here, and how many are migrating. Allowing us to document and write once more, even newer species are popping up- slowly but it's a start now!" Mint said, but she did tell more greater news now, which is great because Oceanus is taking action to prevent more Isles from drowning.

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#266275 Posted on 2023-02-07 19:01:42

     Solstice only giggled at Eclipsetess's answer, "Never thought of you being a book worm," she said happier then she ever been before. Nothing seemed to trouble her. For the most part anyway. This small vacation from the herd seemed to be exactly what she needed. Time with those closest to her, and just peace and quiet. Namir kept quiet as he just watched his sister. Remembering when she was purely happy..the times he would play with chase after her. That's what he saw right now. It made him happy.

     Though Orion had forgotten about his new role until Eclipsetess mentioned it. Guess he was too focused on Solstice the last month or so. Her and the foal...their foal. "I guess I just forgot about it...been busy.." he said before he looked at Solstice a small smile on his face, "..caring for the both of you.." he said as he nuzzled her. Solstice only blushed a bit as she nuzzled least until she nibbled on his forelock and pulled it a bit.

     Solstice seemed more playful and she seemed to mess around with Orion these past few days. There was definitely a good change in her. Though she eventually just looked at Azulia and Eclipsetess again as they spoke. "Well you know me and my questions." she said pausing for a second, "There's still a lot I need to learn about my magic and what I can actually do with it, but it'll take time. It's just on hold with this little one," she smiled as she nuzzled her stomach a bit.

     She couldn't help but to giggle as Eclipsetess ran off looking for Scorn. Though she just turned around bringing her attention back to the whale. At least until she heard a voice as she looked to see Mint. Solstice wasn't entirely sure if she knew her or not, but she didn't mind. She was just interested in her just as much as Azulia was. She seemed to be more curious now then she normally was.

     Though Solstice just looked back at the whale smiling when she heard Raven speak, "She's a quick learner. Be careful Azulia. She'll be talking none stop before you know it." she laughed before she looked at the whale once more. "Winter Rose...that's a beautiful name, and it fits you perfectly girl." Solstice said as she looked back up at her while she listened to the others. Until she heard what Mint say next as she got worried.

     Pa'li just looked at Mint. He wasn't the happiest to see her, but he didn't show it that much. "I never noticed because I'm never there. My home isn't the kingdom. It's here in these waters. I hadn't been to the kingdom in years until the other night." Pa'li then just took one last glance at everyone there including Winter Rose before he just dove back into the sea. He had enough socializing for one day.

     Solstice just looked at Orion confused as to what all of that was about, but she ignored it as she looked at Azulia. "Azulia..I know...I struggle with the past..but I can still handle things..." she said now worried about the Isles. She only glanced at their home Isle. She could see some life, but the Isle was still greatly affected by the fire. "Is there anything we can do to help save the Isles? They've been here for generations..they're our homes.." she said looking down a bit. Solstice wanted to help..she couldn't do nothing now that she knew the Isles were at risk.

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#266287 Posted on 2023-02-08 06:32:23

"I'm afraid not, they are getting older over the generations which is correct, but they've been like that since the very existence, well- after the burning lake appeared-" Azulia paused Mint on the burning lake, which she was confused on that, "The burning lake? Man the Great War really did a number on your generations then? Geez.." Mint looked up and away before Azulia started to interragate her.

"I mean it hasn't existed in awhile, it's only found where Hades' lives, there were other- MUCH MUCH different horses, some were Quirlicorns, others were Snake Hid Horses- horses that have no hair on their long tails, some Snake-Horses, which they are still around because of the Alicorn King." Mint said, the others horses were far greater and different in the market then anyone could say.

"So.. Your saying that the market holds all the horses?" Azulia asked, had shorten that one alright! Mint only smiled at her as she knew that someone would shorten her talking.

"Yes! There's also Egyptian Horses too! So many breeds, so.. Many Isles drowned.. But they are happy anyways!" Mint said, she quickly tried to dodge the sadder part of the Isles being so many.

"There were other Isles that had little to no horses because of the forestation it had, but there were hybrids too, besides the more rarer Snake-Horses, since there's only one of her species left. But hey, depopulation has to happen for an Isle to recover- even if I'm gonna get a lecture or two on it.." Mint said, Azulia smiled warmly at her before looking around, mostly the sky since she liked it.

"Well.. You should get going before the queen and your mother ground you into the kingdom.." Azulia told Mint, she knew the others had questions but she needed to go home was a little more important, but Mint already said farwell since she needed to go home.

"Bye, hope you come to visit again! Because I really want to get to know you a little more with your research!" Azulia said goodbye, she was sad since Eclipsetess would also like to know her a little better as well and study alongside her too! Oh the three girls would be so happy about that!

"Well, Winter Rose, you need to go back to the water now." Azulia said, the whale sang to the ground one more time before pushing herself into the water with her fins at the sides.

"Oh and it's night already? Well.. It feels more like day since the planet ahead of us is going back to it's original rotation then, but don't you all also feel awake rather then sleepy? Or is that me?" Azulia said, Azulia then looked at Raven and smiled at her before nuzzling at her.

"Well I think that I'm gonna go explore the market a little more, I bet that Eclipsetess is strolling around with Scorn since she usually- used to drag him anywhere, even foals at one point!" Azulia laughed at the end, it was a funny memory and even funnier to Azulia, when Raven just looked at her in confusion.

"Alright come on Raven, let's go see- um, auntie Eclipsetess? But say goodbye to auntie Solstice as well!" Azulia whispered the part at the end, Raven did go and say goodbye to Solstice and then trotted and then cantered up the little slope as Azulia trotted behind her happily and laughing as well.

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