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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266174 Posted on 2023-02-03 20:54:23

     "Well after..yesterday's events..I didn't want to be the only one that slept..there's just always a lot going on, and we all just need to relax every now and then..not just me." she said giving Eclipsetess a bit of a look, "Be nice Eclipsetess. No need to go nipping her just because of me." she said feeling more herself..but also different in a way. Solstice was happier though. Happy to be alive. For a moment she truly thought it was the end..

     Though Solstice only smiled, "You were just running around the market yesterday!" she said messing with Eclipsetess a bit. Solstice did look over at Orion then where the herd was, "Not really...probably just sleep all day..after yesterday..I just can't bring myself to do anything else. Just take it easy the next day or so before I go back to doing things I normally do...especially before I can't any longer." she smiled.

     At that moment, Solstice felt a small kick. It took her by surprise, but she only smiled warmly as she nuzzled her stomach. Though she was already pretty round for how much longer she had til she had to foal, but she was excited. At least at that point in time. She only hoped for things to go her way for a bit. She needed a break from things, but it helped spending a night away from the herd at least.

     Solstice just smiled as she looked at Orion, "He's fine..tired, but he's fine." she said looking back at Eclipsetess and Azulia, but she already knew what Eclipsetess was going to ask next. "Feeling alive if that's the answer your looking for," she said with a small smile as she nuzzled her. "I'm fine really...I just hope it stays that way." she said before giving Azulia a confused look, but she only giggled. 

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#266175 Posted on 2023-02-03 21:34:41

"Hm alright then, me and Azulia will continue to relax anyways, and your right about that. Me visiting the market, I'll stop for another day before going back there. Probably for the best before I get wrapped up in things and start selling what I have." Eclipsetess said, Azulia did shake her body again which got Eclipsetess to sneeze a bit.

"Oh yes, I forgot one more thing.. How's your foal doing?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she yawned when she was talking, which made Azulia stretch again before walking off somewhere to relax with the sun gleaming down her coat, Eclipsetess smiled before watching her walk off.

"Sometimes I forget we're even adopted step-siblings.." Eclipsetess murmured to herself, she was happy that Azulia was by her side again, and this time things were open in the air, and both seemed more relax which made Eclipsetess have a more relaxed demanor when in horrid situations.

"Anyways, good to know that your still up, you should probably find something to do while your relaxing on this day. But it finally came, the day we all get to relax after many situations. Which I'm happy for but we are gonna start to miss those adventures.. One way or another.." Eclipsetess whispered the last bit to herself as they all knew by now, she did look around for a little bit before sitting down and relaxing on the beach front.

"I'm still happy for you, you know that right? Wait- what am I talking about? I know you, and you would say yes to that immediately, I just know you would!" Eclipsetess said, she reminded herself that Solstice would agree with her, which reminded her of that.

"Well I'm gonna make something out of the sand while your gonna do something, but why not read? It is the more relaxing thing to do! Then making sand-things which can be boring after some time, but you are welcomed to join in! Like everyone else it." Eclipsetess nuzzled Solstice before she walked off, she even nuzzled her stomach as well before touching horns too, she just wanted to cherish this memory more and she gave off that happy energy for sure.

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#266176 Posted on 2023-02-04 07:42:31

     Everything was just so peaceful that it almost seemed odd to Solstice, but she ignored that. Everyone needed this. Not just her. "I'm everyone is just going to rest today. It's just so peaceful I guess. I don't know." she said shrugging a bit as she looked around. Solstice noticed that the waves seemed to be different in a way, but she didn't pay much attention to it. 

     Solstice just looked back at Eclipsetess smiling, "Well.." she paused as she looked at her stomach smiling before she looked back at Eclipsetess, "Starting to kick." she said with a warm smile. "Though I have a feeling this one is going to be quite the kicker here soon.." she said with a small laugh, "Let's hope this one won't be a troublemaker...but at this point I'm sure it's in my family's blood.." Solstice only let out another small laugh.

     Though she smiled as she watched Azulia for a moment. "I'll find something to do. Just need to stretch my legs a bit first." she said before taking a moment to look around. Eclipsetess was right though. "Took long enough. I can't remember the last time we had a peaceful day like this, but let's just hope nothing ruins it. I swear I'll loose it if anything ruins this day. All I need for right now is one day of peace and relaxation."

     "Well that and I hope that there aren't any more adventures until I foal...already stressed plenty." she said as she stopped talking for a moment or two before she looked at Eclipsetess again. Solstice just smiled, "I know you are...and I am too.." she smiled before she softly nudged her, "Well you are my best friend. Not just my guardian." she said telling the truth enjoying these moments.

     Solstice just remembered something when Eclipsetess mentioned reading. "Oh shoot...I should probably get back to reading Pandora's books and journals..I haven't touched them in awhile.." she said a little nervously. Though she just nuzzled Eclipsetess in return and smiled before she watched her leave. Solstice just laid down right there as Orion walked over and laid down beside her..

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#266180 Posted on 2023-02-04 18:32:04

Eclipsetess was off looking around the beach for a little bit before examining most of the rocks she was near, except where Solstice and Orion where since she didn't want to disturb them, breaking the peace was something hard on Eclipsetess actually and she'd hate it if she ruined something for the two..

So she just kept examining and analyzing the rocks a little bit until she put a hoof on a specific rock where it looked like to be the entrance of something, then a clicked ranged out as Eclipsetess backed up as the wall showed an entrance to something.. To what though?

Azulia was just napping- as usual- but she with her getting herself to sense more, she felt a tiny vibration to where she felt it, then she quickly went to the beach as she skidded to a halt as she turned to go up to Eclipsetess. That was when she saw the wall- barely seen from in front of Eclipsetess but it was deeply pure black as it contrasted with Eclipsetess..

"Oh my flowers.. Another adventure?! Seriously Eclipsetess?!" Azulia yelled at Eclipsetess, she had no idea why Azulia was yelling at her for as she was just casually examining the rocks for anything, and she accidentally stumbled upon this!

"What are you yelling for?! I didn't know this existed! I thought I was just taking notes about how strange the Isle was! How was I supposed to know this would start something new?!" Eclipsetess protested in a yelling phase, Azulia stood a little back as she realized that Eclipsetess didn't know on how to feel about the deep dark entrance to something.

"Maybe if you both go into it, maybe you'll find out about Solstice's true legend and birth, and about her parents as well?" the crazy mare said, her small black eyes making her crazy as she did make a suggestion, it did seem to hush both mares up as they were grateful to her.

"Hah great idea! I'm gonna bring someone knew to get to know!" Eclipsetess said, she spread out her wings and flew back to the herd in search of a mare to bring with her on her adventure!

But there weren't many choices as some mares Eclipsetess already knew about, but she wanted someone new to know about, someone that will get picked for no reason! Eclipsetess the shouted to everyone in the three herds that she wanted to bring someone new to get to know, she was excited as Azulia caught up with her.. Man Azulia needed a break from Eclipsetess as well..

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#266185 Posted on 2023-02-05 08:02:27

     Solstice just smiled warmly and placed her head on his back taking a breath or two. She really should have been reading those books, but they could wait a little bit. Solstice did start to nibble on his mane a bit enjoying herself. The waves, the sun on her back. She loved it..well Orion too, but she couldn't help but to worry about her brother a bit. Solstice did give him space and time like Orion said though.

     Orion just smiled as he looked at her. He was enjoying things too. That and to see her back to her normal self...well mostly. It was good to see her taking it easy that day, but he said nothing. He'd do better this time. Orion didn't want to make the same mistake causing her to run off again. She was lucky that Slip and Schematic's were there at the right time though..they all were lucky.

     Though Orion went to nuzzle her stomach when he felt a kick. He just jerked his head back with a surprised and slightly clueless look on his face. Solstice still had the same smile she had before, but now it was only a bit larger. She just looked at Orion as he went to nuzzle..well their foal. Though she only quietly giggled to herself as she felt the kick too, "Little ones starting to kick.." she smiled looking at her stomach.

     Orion then just smiled as he nuzzled Solstice while she had done the same. "I have a feeling this little one will be a their mom.." he said softly as Solstice just looked down a bit and blushed. Orion only smiled and nibbled on her forelock a bit. It was normally off to the right side of her horn since her mane and forelock were a bit short, but Orion didn't mind. Not one bit.

     Though the both of them felt a bit of a shake, and some yelling in the distance. They both just looked at each other confused as to what was going on. Solstice then looked over to see Eclipsetess fly over to the herd. "Maybe I should go and check it out..." she said confused yet curious as she started to get up, but Orion only pulled on her tail a small bit, "Will you stop pulling on my tail?" she said with a small huff.

     He only gave her a look which made her lay back down, "Your not going anywhere. I'm sure whatever it is Eclipsetess has it handled." he said as Solstice only gave him a bit of a look. "You said it yourself. Your spending today by resting, and I'm keeping you to that. I don't want you to get hurt or involved in something that you shouldn't be in." he said nuzzling her. Solstice only nodded a bit before she placed her head back on his back. Probably pouting a small bit. Just her being her normal self.

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#266186 Posted on 2023-02-05 08:33:07

"Haha!" Eclipsetess returned to the rock wall that was now an opened entrance to something, Azulia just managed to keep up with her since she wanted to bond with Eclipsetess more, probably was a good idea after all!

Though that was when a mare jumped down from the little cliffside that was towering over the rock wall/opened entrance now, Eclipsetess then started acting like a little filly more, but a little more devious~ Azulia just was her normal happy-is self since her and Eclipsetess got a mare to join them.

"Arlight come on!" Eclipsetess said, "It's alright not arlight!" Azulia corrected, Eclipsetess was about to begin walking when she was stopped by Azulia correcting her on her language, she then turned around with a creepy/mad smile as her eyes were wide open!

"Bah! Alright I'm- *Azulia breaths in and exhales* sorry sis.. Goodness your such a butt sometimes when you used to do that for protecting everyone in our herd- well used too.." Azulia said, Eclipsetess then creepily turned around and continued walking into the rocky entrance.

Azulia then smiled as Eclipsetess lit up her horn to make it glow her usual purple-sparkly glow, Azulia sighed in a happy way as she began walking into the more or less cave entrance, the new mare the two snagged was a dark mahogany red-ish blood color, she did have a black mane and tail, set aside from the amount of jewelry she wore on her back, tightened to fit on her neck, one piece of black leather jewelry right next to the hoof- a little more inside the coronet.

The mare's coat was more-off called a blood red, but she did also have a piece of jewelry on her canon or leg, she also had another piece of jewelry on her thigh this time, and all the little bits that were on the pieces of jewelry were different shades of emerald color!

The blood red/mahogany coated mare also had a large big old green-shining gem of an emerald, the golden crest that held the emerald was shaped weirdly, but she didn't step inside the cave yet as she called Eclipsetess who teleported right in front of her, then she asked Eclipsetess if she could make the green emerald and it's sharply fined crest off of her..

Eclipsetess was confused at that, she then asked the mare if it would kill her off, which to her surprise that the mare was unsually a little anxious but calm at that, she then told Eclipsetess that the jewelry she was wearing already kept her alive and well.

"It can also help me regenerate limbs, and heal up any scratches too.. It wouldn't matter as the emerald bits are strong enough to keep me alive, even strong enough to keep a whole Isle alive! If it ever came to that, but-" the mare paused, and Eclipsetess knew why.

"That your not an alicorn, nor even a pegasus or an unicorn, you were just gifted many things in your time of living. You are on special horse you know that?" Eclipsetess said, she then looked over to Solstice as the blood red mare's necklace was shorter but she also had a dangling back piece that had almost the same shape of that to Solstice's necklace.

"Yeah.. But we should really get a move on if we want to explore that cave, I'm probably sure Azulia is already frightened to death!" the mare teased, but Azulia did run past them as she was screaming and whimpering, she then ran over to Solstice and Orion for protection.

Eclipsetess and the blood red coated mare looked at each other before hearing many tiny hisses, Eclipsetess flew up into the air as the blood red mare ran up the way to get to the main part of the Isle, well stopping halfway to see many tiny creatures of the same kind to come out as a whole group of nest of them!

But one of the tiny creatures was actually a tiny baby dragon, that looked like Stormfly but smaller and more cuter, the tiny baby dragon's nestling were a lot, but the tiny baby accidentally bumped into Solstice as it looked up at her eyes like a baby finding their mother- but in the most adorablest way possible.

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#266187 Posted on 2023-02-05 08:56:12

     Solstice was still a bit curious as to what was going on, but she knew Orion wasn't going to let her go anywhere. Well bummer. Now all she wanted to do was to see what was going on, but Orion was always. "Why do you always have to be right?" she said pouting a bit. The stallion was always right. Never once was he wrong. Sometimes it made Solstice think of a way to get him to be wrong, but that probably wasn't going to happen.

     Orion only chuckled a bit, "Because I know how you are. Just as curious as a foal. That's for sure." Solstice only nipped him. "Ow..okay okay." he said now pouting a bit. Gotta watch what you say around her that's for sure. "Maybe we'll go see what it is later, but for now your not going anywhere...I'm not letting you sneak off either." he said as Solstice only rolled her eyes.

      Solstice just mocked him in a way, but she was in a bit of a playful mood. "Do you always have to ruin the fun? Aren't you curious about it too? I know how you are just as much as you know how I am." she said raising her head looking proud until Orion nipped her, "Hey! Don't nip me!" she said nipping him back a bit harder. Yep definitely a playful mood. Though they were enjoying themselves.

       "You nipped me first!" Orion said as he gave her a look. Solstice only gave a innocent look. "Right...innocent..don't think you get out of everything just because of the foal. That's not how it works." Solstice rolled her eyes again as they both just laughed. "Your still going to relax today. Your words not mine." he said giving her a look as she just nipped him again, "Ow alright alright enough with the nipping.." he said complaining a bit.

      Though they were both interrupted when Azulia came running over screaming. The two just looked at each other confused. "Azulia...what's wrong?" Solstice asked looking at her, "What's going on? Orion won't let me go and check it out.." she said as Orion only rolled his eyes. Though Solstice just looked back over at where Azulia came from when she saw something running towards her.

      "What the...?" she said as something bumped into her. Solstice only sat up and looked at the odd creature, " that thing..?" she asked unsure of what to do or say at that point. Things just got weird and confusing. She never once saw a dragon...not even Oceanus's dragons, so she was clueless as what this small creature was. Orion was clueless too. What on earth was going on?

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#266189 Posted on 2023-02-05 10:07:55

Azulia looked around Solstice and saw how adorable the little dragon was, then she realized what type of breed of species the little tiny baby was, then she just got excited about it but she screamed less because of Solstice right there and that she needs to relax, so she did a squeal for Solstice.

"Sorry about screaming all the way over here, I was walking with Eclipsetess down a swirly set of stone steps, and Eclipsetess had her glowing horn to indicate light and when she teleported back to the blood red coated mare, the light from Eclipsetess went out and I was stuck in the dark, afraid of the sounds and what was happening.." Azulia paused as a tiny baby dragon curled up next her leg and she nuzzled the cutie.

"And then there were these cuties coming up to me, making so many hissing sounds that I thought they were spiders! I didn't realize that they were mini baby dragon minatures, something so small can be deadly and cute, but I saw nothing else besides a table and some notes, but I just ran up the steps as the baby dragons were coming up. Scared me half to death! Thank goodness I took shelter behind the two of you.. But still making you both worried, these babies do not know how to conjure up fire yet, which is good because we start training them!" Azulia continued, the little baby that curled up to Azulia started nuzzling her out of affection.

"And besides, this type of dragon species are said to be extinct, like the parents and babies were long gone after the Great Flooding, which was caused by Zeus's and Poseidon's anger for each other.. Unless somehow some pony/horse was able to capture all of the babies and keep them here, dragons just don't grow so fast, and that these mini babies can make someone immortal, but since you and Eclipsetess are goddesses. You don't really need them!" Azulia said, she smiled happily at the baby dragon before realizing her own was alone.

"Ah haha! I forgot I even had a foal, excuse me! But I need to go and make up my time with her!" Azulia excused herself, she forgot bout Raven? But she was having her fun with two mares from the herd, as they were at the foal playground, no matter she wanted to make up for lost time.

Eclipsetess then walked over to Solstice and Orion as she wanted to check up on them, but she had loads of mini babies crawling around her on her coat as she looked a little annoyed before Azulia's mini baby jumped up and got on Eclipsetess's head where her horn was.

"Well I see you two are having a blast!" Eclipsetess said in an annoyed toned voice, she was tired of the mini babies going around and crawling on her, though the mini baby dragon that Solstice looked at when it bumped her and sat down in front of her, well near her chest that is.

"Oh looks like a mini baby likes you! How great.." Eclipsetess said, she was still annoyed but she did have to shake off the mini dragon babies, but they only went back onto her as she shook them off.

"And I snagged a whole horde of mini dragon babies, how charming.." Eclipsetess said again, she was still annoyed at the fact that the mini dragons were still crawling on her, they did have tiny little claws they were using after all, she just hoped that the mother dragon wasn't around..

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#266190 Posted on 2023-02-05 10:58:26

     Solstice just looked at the little thing curiously as she flicked her ears around. Though she just laid back down beside Orion before anyone said anything. Orion did seem curious now though, and Solstice only giggled a bit before she nudged Orion playfully. He just gave her a look. Though Solstice brought her attention back to Azulia, "No need to apologize Azulia." she said as it was alright.

     She just looked at the baby dragon that was at Azulia's leg and smiled a bit. Made her think about her foal...she was excited to meet them, but maybe she was just a little nervous? She was going to be a mother..for the first time. Solstice never had a mother which made her nervous. She didn't know what it would be like, but she wanted to give a foal something she never had growing up. A family. That's what she wanted.

     Though Solstice only giggled a bit as she listened to Azulia. "You didn't worry us..more curious then anything. I felt the ground shake, and wanted to see what was going on, but someone wouldn't let me." she said still pouting a bit. Orion only nipped her as she gave him a look. "Well at least they are harmless right now..don't really know why'd we need to train them though..that might be something for Oceanus..I heard of her having dragons, but I never saw them."

     Solstice did nod agreeing with Azulia. Though she often forgot that she was immortal. She was still getting used to all of that, but she didn't think about it too much. She was still learning about her responsibilities about her new role...her new title, but soon she'd have someone else to protect. Though Solstice only giggled, "Go on..go to Raven. It's been a long day or two." she said as she watched her run off to the herd.

      Orion only shook his head a bit as Solstice looked at Eclipsetess. She couldn't help but to laugh even if Eclipsetess gave her one of her death stares. Though Solstice got up on her hooves giving Orion a look as he kept quiet, "Alright you. Let's get these guys back to where they came from. They are meant to stay there...the wrong hooves could get to any of them, and we can't have that happen."

      Solstice just used her wings to pick up some of the baby dragons as she put them on her back gently. "Come on then. We got them all?" she asked looking around for a moment before she started walking in the direction they came from. When Solstice got to the strange place, she used her horn to make light so she could see. "Coming?" she asked looking back at Eclipsetess, but she only giggled a bit again.

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#266191 Posted on 2023-02-05 11:40:28

"Ah yeah- I mean yes! I'm coming!" Eclipsetess said, she ran over to Solstice before another baby dragon got onto her head as the other one was climbing her horn.

"At least they have tiny claws that they can scale with, at least not dangerous to us- for the most part, but I'll have to get Scorn to contact Oceanus about the little dragon babies, she'll probably come instantly as usual of her- maybe though." Eclipsetess said, she lit up her horn as well but only because a baby dragon was on it.

"At least they aren't afraid of the dark, until they spooked Azulia, though if I say anything of that to her she's gonna give me a nipping for awhile.." Eclipsetess giggled a bit, she does know that Azulia can sense her laughing right? Maybe she will get a nipping for awhile.

"Ah we should get moving, I'll go ahead and stand guard while I don't want you scared~" Eclipsetess teased Solstice? She had never done that, something is strangely weird about her, I mean she was excited but that was her filly self, so why is she teasing her friend..?

Eclipsetess did look down as Azulia was right about the stone steps, they have to had been made by someone, someone smart and knows their numbers, but Eclipsetess doesn't know who though, and that made her curious..

Though while Solstice and Eclipsetess were inside the cave, a bright palomino mare with green on her and some rope was walking down to the beach as she was looking around, then she looked at Orion as he had to have the answer for her. And a new friend crawling around her..

"Ah excuse me sir?" the green palomino mare said, she then ran up to Orion as she said that, then the little tiny baby dragon jumped from her onto Orion's back, what a curious little one.

"Well I was gonna ask you about that, but do know you where this tiny baby goes to?" the green palomino mare said, she then layed down to seem friendly as she did look extremely weird and different, even small purple crystals were on her, then a blue cross faded onto her face, and then another one on her thigh this time.

Crap.. Why now? the mare thought, she didn't look comfortable as the two cross's stayed on her face as she was right in front of Orion, he must've thought that this mare was deadly.

"Ah sorry, I'll go now.. You might think I'm dangerous because of these two things on my face and thigh.." the mare told Orion, she sounded extremely hurt by what she told Orion even a tear formed as she mentioned the cross's again, the little baby dragon then jumped up onto the mare's brown rope-thing as it made a tiny cute sound as the mare smiled at the baby dragons protest by what she said.

"At least you are right little one.. But no one loves me enough to give me fake attention.. Only silence and disgust.." the mare said again, she layed back down still extremely hurt and she looked away while closing her right (left) eye as another tear formed.

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#266195 Posted on 2023-02-05 12:29:10

     Solstice couldn't help but to giggle at Eclipsetess and all the baby dragons that were on her. She then just looked at the few she had placed on her back. "Alright then. Let's get them back to their home..whatever this place is.." she said looking around in front of her. This place was odd..she knew that for sure. "I wonder what those notes were about Azulia mentioned..maybe we could check them out." she said still a bit she was very curious about things.

     "And here we thought wolves and dragons were extinct..I'm starting to think there's a lot more secrets about the Isles then we know..." she sighed, "Secrets that weren't to ever be found out..." she thought out loud to herself, "That's Oceanus. I'm guessing she left in the middle of the night...I heard splashing at one point, so maybe it was just her leaving.." she shrugged.

     Solstice just giggled a bit, "You better run when you see her later then, but who knows how long these dragons have been down here. I think they might of been a little scared by Azulia..I mean they must not have seen anyone in ages. Though Azulia was quite scared." Solstice knew she would probably have to be careful around Azulia just as much as Eclipsetess had to be now, but would Azulia really go after her? Time would tell.

     She only smiled a bit as she let Eclipsetess take the lead. Eclipsetess had a better idea of where to go or what this place was more then she did. Though something seemed off about Eclipsetess, but Solstice just ignored it. Probably just because of the previous day. Solstice tried to keep from thinking about it, but she mainly focused on what they were doing. Solstice did look at the dragons on her back making sure they were still there. "I can handle a little bit of darkness I'm already up during the night most nights." she smiled.

      Orion was just laying where he had been waiting for the two to get back. He didn't really want Solstice to go, but he didn't have a choice not to let her. He didn't want to make the same mistake both him and Namir made last time. He knew Eclipsetess would look out for her though, so he tried not to worry. Instead he just watched the waves. They seemed to be different then they were the previous day, but his attention went elsewhere when he heard a voice..

      Orion looked over to see a mare he hadn't seen before until he looked over at the baby dragon that jumped onto his back, "Ah looks like a straggler." he said before turning his attention back to the mare. Though before he was given a chance to answer the mare's question she just said something that surprised him. At first Orion wasn't sure what to say, but he didn't know why this mare thought he thought she was dangerous.

       "I'm sorry...but I don't think your dangerous...I've seen quite some dangerous aren't one of them I can tell you that." he said pausing, "Markings don't suggest whether or not your dangerous. Now I have an idea on where this little guy cam from. Well sort mate.." Orion paused right after he stood up, "I...mean it isn't official yet..a-anyways they went this way.."

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#266197 Posted on 2023-02-05 13:03:28

"Hm, if it's not official then you should look back at what you've done with your unofficial mate, it's rather surprising if you think about it really." the mare said, she looked to where Orion said, she then smiled and bowed to him before she left but before she did she did something it wasn't something at all but rather a nice gift instead.

And that gift was a hug, a hug the mare was awkward about, but she apologized before smiling at Orion and then she left with a happy mood, she did make sure that the small little dragon, Orion deemed a straggler, was on her back. She did smile at the little thing before it chirped at her.

Eclipsetess stopped when her hoof touched a step, it made her stop as she was getting ready for something, but she was just preparing herself for the surprise, she did look around the corner as she noticed something moving from the table Azulia talked about.

"Solstice, someone's here.." Eclipsetess whispered to Solstice, she was high on her guarding, thank goodness both blended into the darkness perfectly!

"Dim your glow and then we'll make ourselves present when we confront the horse.. I don't just think these babies were left alone for awhile.. They seemed happy to be outside, but some of the babies on me are getting quiet.." Eclipsetess whispered again, she was right as the little stragglers were getting more quieter the second as Eclipsetess was taking a step at a time as her hoof steps dimmed in noise as well.

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#266199 Posted on 2023-02-05 13:27:10

     Orion just looked at the mare a little unsure by what she meant, but he was starting to think that they should have been back by now. It surely shouldn't have taken them that long...should it? Maybe he shouldn't have let Solstice go, but that was just her. Doing the right thing whenever she could. The Isles were lucky to have her. Very lucky. Though he thought about what this mare said trying to figure out what exactly she meant.

     Though he was taken by surprise when the mare gave him a hug. He only smiled, "Alright. Best you go catch up with them and get this guy back to the others. Hopefully there aren't any more out here.." he said looking around the area a bit hoping that was the last baby dragon. It seemed like it was the last one. Orion kept on looking around though and keeping an eye out for anymore. 

     Things were quiet and dark as Solstice almost walked into Eclipsetess when she stopped. Something was different...Solstice realized how quiet it was...too quiet. Though Solstice got nervous when Eclipsetess had said someone else was there. She immediately dimmed her horn, but that wasn't the only thing she had done. Solstice just lowered her wings in a way they sort of covered her stomach. She was protecting her unborn foal...

     Though she only got more nervous as the seconds past. Solstice's mind was racing with different thoughts. Like who was down here, and why these baby dragons went silent. She was starting to get nervous, but she didn't say anything. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess staying where she was. Maybe she should have listened to Orion and stayed put. At least they both had an advantage with hiding in the dark..

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#266200 Posted on 2023-02-05 14:20:35

Then a figure rushed by as Eclipsetess ducked down, good thing the horse was in a hurry, then a little straggle chirped from way behind as it echoed, then the figure stopped as Eclipsetess rushed the horse and knocked them out easily, maybe she should have waited but she said nothing as her wings were silent throughout the knock out.

"Alright we're safe Solstice, no more harm done then protecting you and of course these little babies." Eclipsetess said, she noticed how dim the room as some candles lit it up a bit more, she then looked a little horrified at everything as she got nervous.

"Oh God.." Eclipsetess swore in a way? Did she? Anyways! She was horrified at the room, so many things were up, chains.. Chains were everywhere, Eclipsetess then looked at Solstice with those horrified eyes of her, she had no idea this room existed or even knew about it in the first place.

"Let's get out, now, we can deal with tiny babies right?" Eclipsetess said in a hurry, she wanted out and she was in the middle of the room anyways, but she was walking back to Solstice in an extended walking-way, then a low growl rang out as a window with blackness was there, the windows were chained ones, and something flew by or something flew by as the room got dark.

Eclipsetess paused as she was just horrified and shocked, then the room went black as it turned into a normal room, Eclipsetess spotted the table and the note that Azulia said and she ran over to it, she was curious but still scared of what was going to happen.. At least the baby dragons were there as they started chirping at Eclipsetess.

"Hm? This memo states that these tiny babies are called Stragglers, a mini pigmi dragon, but some Stragglers are known to grow to the size of a normal adult dragon, and these creatures are incredibly smart as they can tell the emotions apart of a horse, they start chirping to calm the horse down. Whatever selected horse they choose to go to, they can also bond with said horse." Eclipsetess stated in the memo, she wasn't far from Solstice but the room unsettled her further as it was held for something.

"You can go back to Orion as I'll just explore further of this place, it seems to take days on end, maybe a whole year or so? Your still in your first month, so eight more months to pass. Sad that I'm going to miss you and your foal for the year, but I'll be happy to hear once I come back." Eclipsetess told Solstice, she was planning on going further and exploring the cave more? But wouldn't also make everyone worried for her? Man she really wanted Solstice to be safe.

"I just want you to be safe that's all, so I don't want you here any longer, you can tell Orion that I'll be here for a year whilst he experiences fatherhood, might as well get Azulia to help and Scorn as well." Eclipsetess said again, the little stragglers got off of Eclipsetess and were walking around as Eclipsetess shifted her focus to the knocked out horse in the black hood, creepy.

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#266201 Posted on 2023-02-05 14:58:25

     Solstice just looked around even if she couldn't see anything. She was starting to get nervous. Her wings only clenched to her sides nervously. So much for a relaxing day. Solstice knew better then to think they would get one good day to just relax. Though she figured at that point that it would never happen, but she tried her best to stay calm and to not stress herself out.

      Though before she even realized it, Eclipsetess had knocked out a horse. Solstice didn't even realize what happened until it did happen. She did let out a sigh of relief though when Eclipsetess said it was alright. Her wings didn't clench to herself as much, but she kept them there. Solstice only nodded as she took a few steps over to Eclipsetess as things only got creepier from there as Solstice tensed again.

     That was when she saw all the chains. Solstice's ears lowered as her eyes widened in horror. Her wings only clenched her stomach more this time. She wasn't the only one with horror in her eyes. Solstice only looked up at Eclipsetess more then nervous..she was scared. Just the thing she didn't need. The one thing. The one thing that seemed to get to her the most...chains.

     "Eclipsetess...these are dragons..not horses..I don't think we can just take care of's not that easy..they're supposed to be exti-" Solstice was cut off when she heard a growl then the feeling of something flying by, and she was now afraid of the dark for the first time in her life. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess and followed her not wanting to be anywhere but by her side as she listened to her read the note.

     Solstice didn't know what to think about these dragons, but she wanted out. What Eclipsetess told her next...broke her. Solstice took a step back away from Eclipsetess at first thinking over her words as she hardly even looked at her. Her wings clenching to her stomach more then ever. What she heard couldn't have been what she heard could it? This had to be a dream, but Eclipsetess knew it wasn't..

    "No! I'm not leaving you down here Eclipsetess!" she shouted filled with emotions, "I can't just leave you here! My brother needs you just as much as he needs me! I need you!" Solstice just started to sob tears running down her face as she stood there, "I want you right beside me...I want you there with me when this foal comes into the world..I want my foal to know the mare that's saved my life countless times..the one who's always been best friend.."

    "I am not going to leave you down here...who knows what else or who else is here. could never come back! I will never forgive myself if anything like that happened to you..." Solstice only looked down sobbing, "I'm nothing without you..and my brother already lost enough..he needs you...he needs both of us. He's just alone right now..I don't want to be the one to hurt him even more by telling him you may never return...I am not going to leave this place unless it's with you.."

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