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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266091 Posted on 2023-02-01 18:58:14

"Alright let the case begin, we'll start with the plaintiff's then move onto the defendents, we'll get enough information from Mint and Pa'li and then begin with the two guards, who are there just to fill in the seats since there's no other horses to fill the slots in. Unless any interruptions want to step through the door?" Oceanus looked up from reviewing the file, then Schematic's bursted through the door as Oceanus smiled at her, Schematic's quickly trotted up and whispered something in Mint's ear that she tried lowering her volume with Pa'li there as well.

"Alright alright, sit down please so that we can finally begin as these two surely want to leave as soon as possible, but I'd like to talk to both of them before they really leave. Pa'li, Mint." Oceanus said aloud, she then plopped the file down onto the counter and waited as the lawyer for Pa'li and Mint got up to show her loads of information she gathered from Mint before anything else happened.

"I'd just like to say that Pa'li wasn't in or near the whirlpool except for Mint Tea, or normally nicknamed Mint or Tea for her minty coat, but Mint was the one to guide an unknown mare that was turned into a sea pony by a shell we do not show anymore. Mostly because it's forbidden and against the acts and law to bring a mare a shell we use to turn non-sea ponies into sea ponies." Aida said, Mint paid attention to every word Aida said since it was true, Pa'li wasn't at the whirlpool quite yet.

"Yes but he was there after Schematic's entered the pool, making him at the scene." Oceanus protested, Mint could tell that the statements were heating up fast, but Schematic's seemed rather quite calm and relaxed, making her like Eclipsetess when she's under pressure, just being calm about it.

"Has Pa'li even touch our kingdom once? He's not living here, or even considered a sea pony! Mint also- slightly acts like him!" Aida said, she made Pa'li and Mint seem like bad sea ponies.

"Silence! All sea ponies are welcomed to leave the kingdom whenever they feel like it, including living somewhere else and staying somewhere. It does not matter to me, as long as they both follow rules in the kingdom and outside, it does not matter to me of whatever they are doing! Do you hear me?" Oceanus said, she got up to defend both the sea ponies as she lashed back in a stated argument.

"Your majesty? Are you favoring the plaintiff's?" Aida said, she backed in fright when Oceanus got up, she had never got up once from her seat unless it was a break, which made everyone whisper in confusion and fright, some ponies muttering or murmuring.

"Yes I am, I believe that these two horses were just being normal sea ponies, Schematic's was curious of Mint. Allowing Mint to show a non-sea pony around the kingdom's home and even where the playground is for the little foals. I have friends who are not sea ponies, do you want me to teleport them here? They are famous after all." Oceanus asked Aida, the mare went quiet as she went back to sit down.

"Now with the court in session, I believe that the jury is gonna decide further if Pa'li and Mint are guilty or not guilty, we do not have enough evidence to make them confess. So, let's roll on with the jury's answer, in the mean time: Why not stretch around while I freshen up a bit and the jury can sit down after deciding?" Oceanus said, the jury members got up to go into the room on their right which was Oceanus's left-left side.

Mint just got up to stretch while Schematic's got to introduce herself here a bit more, and to make herself known as other sea ponies were aware of her presence but refused to say anything further, except murmurs and such.

"Hey um, Pa'li right? The queen said your name, but um- anyways! I have a friend named Amarillo who's a very fantasical friend! A mare mule even!" Schematic's told Pa'li, Mint was just confused on who Amarillo was.

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#266096 Posted on 2023-02-02 06:27:36

     Pa'li just remained silent as he stayed where he was nervous. He could feel eyes watching him as it creeped him out a bit. He hated being the center of attention. Another reason why he liked his lonely life. Though he heard the doors burst open when he looked and saw who entered the room. Pa'li's eyes widened. How could she be here? How did she even get here? He wanted nothing to do with her..with either of them.

     He just looked down trying to ignore both mares as he just waited as patient as he could for this to be over. Though he listened to the queen's every word. He was a very good listener, but not just because of his ears. Pa'li looked up at Oceanus as she said his name, but he just flinched slightly as she plopped the file down. He honestly had no idea what was going on, and it made him nervous.

     Pa'li never liked new things..especially things like this. Not that he wasn't open to new things, but he just didn't like things when it came to being around he was now. Oh how he wanted to get back to his home. His lonely life. This was like a nightmare for him. Being back in the kingdom...surrounded by court, whatever that meant. Pa'li just didn't know.

     Though he listened to this mare who was his "lawyer" whatever that meant. Everything she explained was true, but the queen's words only made him look down. He just wanted to help. That's all. Pa'li though was surprised to hear what Aria had said next. That was what everyone thought of him? A liar? Outcast? He was a sea pony through and through. Pa'li was more then hurt by this.

     He wanted to say something, but he didn't. He didn't want to put himself in more trouble then what he was already in. Even the queen's words didn't make him feel any better. He thought this mare was supposed to help him. Not make him feel like a outcast. It only made him want out of there even more, but he only stayed put. There was nowhere for him to go to anyways.

     Why would the queen even be where she was though? Friends? It made some sense. He remembered seeing all the horses on the beach which he still thought was odd on why they slept there, but he knew the queen was with them. Maybe those were her friends? Pa'li never got too close to shore, so he didn't get a good look. It still didn't explain why the queen and her daughter were there. Maybe there was an emergency?

     Though when there was a break, Pa'li was more nervous hoping he wouldn't be guilty. He wasn't. Pa'li didn't know how to feel at that point. What to do what to say. It wasn't until Schematic's spoke to him that he finally opened his mouth. "I don't care. You were supposed to stay on land where you belong. If it weren't for you..both of you I wouldn't be back to the place I swam away from." he said in a hurt and upset tone.

     "You don't know how much it hurt to hear that mare say what she said. I'm only here because of both of your mistakes," he said to them both before he looked at Mint, "You know you aren't supposed to give any land horses those shells! Did you even think to look around when you were splashing? The queen was there the entire time!" he said before turning away not wanting to speak anymore. He was done with this place.

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#266122 Posted on 2023-02-02 17:29:04

"Sorry for even trying to talk to you.." Mint apologized to Pa'li, she knew he'd leave so she just remained silent for the rest of the time, while Schematic's just seemed to be in her own thought for the while when she returned to her seat.

Oceanus then came back from freshening herself up as the other sea ponies returned to their seats in the back to remain silent again, though as Oceanus returned from being in her chambers, she walked over to Mint as she handed something in a classified file form as Mint immediately took it.

Which raised suspicion for Mint as she hid it once she grabbed onto it, Oceanus then whispered something in her ear as she returned to her seat, Mint just sighed and eyed the file before looking up as the jury members returned to their seats in the booth.

The guard that attended to giving and getting files, paperwork and such was handed a finished vote as Oceanus got a little curious to what Pa'li and Mint were getting, but she smiled as she looked at the votes and smiled at the three sitting down in the plaintiff seats and table.

"Mrs. Aida, you suck at your job. Nothing else except your fired." Oceanus informed the sea pony mare, Aida looked up as her name was called but she turned suprised and confused as to why, until Oceanus told her what she did wrong at.

"B-but why?! You know I have twins to take care of while my mate is off hunting! He hasn't been back since a month, and I can't rely on resources around the market anymore! I need this dream job of mine!" Aida protested in sadness, Oceanus took a breather as she looked back at Aida, this time she locked eyes on her.

"Maybe start with.. Getting into the research? And testing your points and issues before actually going into the attorney and law things, and having to investigate as your really bad at your job. I will inform my guards of getting some gold and scales to help with your issues, they should help you from there on with also watching, caring, and tending to your twins." Oceanus told Aida, the mare just lit up with joy and was happy to have heard of this from Oceanus, but the first half of what she said seemed to linger on as she nodded to what Oceanus said.

"I won't let you down any further your majesty! Shall we continue on then?" Aida asked the queen, Oceanus nodded as she then went back to analyzing the votes before making a final decision.

"Now.. The votes are going to be finalized in how I break them, with what I've seen and heard from Aida, Pa'li and Mint are.." Oceanus paused as Mint started to get nervous at the answer, Schematic's looked worriedly to her and then Pa'li.

"Not guilty! Pa'li I need to see you in my chambers, come after the courtroom as settled down and we'll talk things out from there." Oceanus said, everyone got up as they cheered, they cheered for Mint and even Pa'li? Sea ponies do change their habits of one or another but some had rather great smiles and were laughing at the joy.

But Oceanus also told Pa'li to come see her after the courtroom and the kingdom went back to normal, which was either bad or good, but Oceanus seemed to have gotten a good vibe and mood for the room, which inhanced the mood even more, but the room started emptying out.

Outside was Mint and Schematic's, but Mint grabbed Schematic's and started swimming with her back to the surface as everyone else went back to their normal lives, while Aida had gotten funds from Oceanus as she got to researching about being attorney and lawyer pretty quick.

Oceanus, however, was walking to her room as she reminded Pa'li before walking back to her room inside the kingdom, she really had shortcuts to go from one place to another rather quick, but she did start to get back into her normal self as she then walked towards the briefing room to check on the new guards in the room, then she walked to the empty conference room..

She did mention to Pa'li that she was gonna be alone so that he could talk to her better instead of being crowded in a loud place, she understood him clearly and she wanted to get some things done as she made side projects to everything before getting it finalized..

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#266124 Posted on 2023-02-02 18:23:18

     Pa'li normally wasn't that rude, but it was a lot for him. Because of someone making a mistake, he was punished for only trying to help. Then what was said about him only made him feel worse. It was taking a lot for him to stay in this place. He may have lived alone, but he was normally a nice fellow. It was very rare when he would just snap at someone like he just had. He didn't mean to, but it was just a lot for him.

     Though Pa'li just sat back down keeping his head down low. He didn't even bother to look at the queen or Mint. He just kept his gaze lowered. He just went back to going silent. Not a sound came from him. The suspense and urge to get out of there only made things worse for him as he waited and waited hoping to be found not guilty. He wasn't. Not at all. Hopefully they knew that.

     Pa'li just decided to look up for a moment seeing Oceanus being handed a paper. He noticed she had a small smile, but he just looked back down. Though he looked up at the queen again then Aida. It took him by surprise that she was fired, but it seemed to help him in a way I guess. She was the one to make him feel like a outsider. What she had said seemed to make things worse for him though.

     At least Oceanus was willing to help the mare. After that he just couldn't sit there and wait any longer. He'd been there for too long for his liking. Like the air was stiff. When the queen spoke again Pa'li was way more nervous then before.Though he just looked up as his ears went forward. He just let out quite the sigh of relief. He was so nervous, but now he didn't seem to be as nervous.

     Though he was nervous again by what the queen said. His ears only lowered again as he looked down and nodded. He just wanted to swim out of that place as quick as he could, but he just waited until he was released and went where the queen wanted him with some guidance since he didn't know where to even go. Though he just looked around a bit as he was nervous on why she wanted to talk to him, but it made him feel better knowing it'd just be the two of them..

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#266126 Posted on 2023-02-02 18:48:39

"Alright monsieur Pa'li, I'll guide you to the conference room, the most important room as Oceanus cleaned the schedule off for you and the queen's talk." a mare said, she came up to Pa'li as it was rather now the two of them, the mare being half dressed in armor to represent herself as a guard.

The mare was rather quick as she immediately got to the door that the queen used to exit the courtroom, the mare seemed really friendly for being a guard as some others weren't so nice, she was patient for the stallion to move, but she also had a map out for Pa'li to use if he got lost. Which is why the mare was there in the first place.

Meanwhile Oceanus was getting prepared for Pa'li's entrance into the room, she had everything cleaned and ready to go to work as she just swept the floors with some leftover water to use and some extra soapy water to wash the windows with since she felt so happy and in the mood to do so.

But after she finished cleaning, she noticed the mare that she assigned to help Pa'li with navigating the outer-skirts of Oceanus's home, which was even confusing for her as well, but she made do with it and saw how the mare waited for Pa'li as they made some progress.

The queen just went back to her seat to wait for the sea pony stallion, the mare guard did spot some blueprints laying around the long elegated desk, random stuff but the perfect it was for Oceanus's view of things, though Oceanus was comfortable when the mare guard went on break as Pa'li entered the room.

"Welcome Pa'li, to the conference room, it's where I stash my things and begin doing things here as well as notifing newer plans for something and making the kingdom great, better then ever really. Even some plans to help you." Oceanus said, she smiled as she held a classified document of someone? She then began reading but to herself, she did mention some things about Pa'li but only the good ones so far.

"Take a seat sir, and we'll begin with the conference." Oceanus told Pa'li, she seemed happier to have him here, wait- did Oceanus say that correctly? Did she really call Pa'li sir?! The manners and respect for him!

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#266136 Posted on 2023-02-03 05:35:54

     Pa'li slightly jumped when he heard a voice as he looked up to see a mare in armor. A mare as a guard? It seemed odd to him, but then again he didn't know much about this place. Even if he was born in the kingdom. This was actually his first time in the castle, and he didn't know how to feel about it really. Though he didn't know what to think when the mare said the queen had cleared her schedule...just for him..

     Pa'li simply just nodded though still a bit nervous, but he was just glad that he didn't have to go back in a cell. When could he go to his home though? It'd been a very eventful night, and Pa'li would be surprised if it wasn't even morning yet. Like the night seemed to never end. Or was this still a nightmare? He didn't know. Not one bit, but he did follow this mare. Just from a very small distance..

     He just looked around a bit every now and then. How big was this place? Pa'li clearly didn't know, but at least he didn't have to try finding this room all on his own. That seemed to help. He didn't want to be entering rooms he wasn't supposed to, so he was thankful that this mare was helping him get to where the queen wanted him. He was just a few feet behind her as they walked.

     Though Pa'li looked up at the queen once he entered the room while the guard had left. He just lowered his head a bit to show respect to her. Even if he didn't have to. Pa'li then listened to what Oceanus had said. Plans to help him..? What did that even mean? As far as he knew he didn't need help. At least he thought he didn't, but he took a seat as she asked him to. Pa'li was no where near used to the formalness that everyone seemed to have with him though.

     Pa'li took a moment to look around before he looked at the queen. He was still a bit curious on why she was far from her home, but he stayed silent. At least for another minute or two. "What exactly is this...all about..?" he asked looking down slightly, "I didn't do anything...I-i swear..I was only trying to help earlier..a-at the whirlpool.." he said kind of just spitting words out. He had no idea why she wanted to talk to him..which may have scared him a bit..

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#266138 Posted on 2023-02-03 06:07:10

"Oh no need to get frightened, I know all the things you did to help Mint get Schematic's back, but there are times that the whirlpool calls to a specific horse or rather sea pony, like it has a mind of it's own. But we are not here to talk about that, rather something I've been constructing with some guards, there used to be so much activity in this castle before the major project, now I'm getting more recruits from sea ponies that want to be guards rather something else." Oceanus said, she got up to flick something as a paper with metal came down to have shown something.. Grand.. Something big.

"The major project is what I've been trying to get to for a month now, I just needed someone that was living alone, I know some hermit sea ponies, but your the more active one with going around, and I wanted to grant you access to the project, it's a home for sure. It's near the kingdom but a little far, perfect for a stallion like you, because it can shield away all the noises from the market." Oceanus told Pa'li, the room went a little dark to show the projection of the image Oceanus was talking about.

"I wanted you to have a home to call, but your free to disagree with me, I know some horses like the lonely life but you have to admit that some day you may need it to live in if we ever get a storm or a sub-version of a storm, so why not try it out now and see if you like it? Multiple rooms with complete privacy, well- some windows here and there to brighten up the place and show you the daytime or nighttime, and also to show you the beauty of where it is. With some fish inhabiting the place as well." Oceanus said, the more she spoke the more the more it sounded good to better to great, was it really- truly a lonely horse's life?

"But like I said, you can reject the project, you don't really need to say yes. I just want your honest answer for this, but I recommend checking it out, it's still getting built so I would see it now before it's finished to get a good thought and grip of the building. It may look like an apartment made from a hermit's shell, but it's actually used with resources here and there, well to make but it's also just a big ol' home, it does have some rooms in case anyone wanted to get along with you. Some sea ponies visited the shelled apartment but none took my offer up on it, so your my last inhabitant before I turn it into an actual apartment, completed with neccesary things for anyone, including you, Pa'li." Oceanus told the stallion, she looked back at the projection as the finished home looked like it was glittering with all the scales on there, it was certainly in view of the kingdom, it was like Pa'li's scales- if it were amped a little on the brightness with the light reflecting on it, it did have a pink- but not bright bottom to showcase the top view of it as the queen slid into a view with the finished project in view of her room.

"Now since I told you and showed you everything the home had to offer, will you take up the offer of mine? Yes or no? And be very honest, I also recommend a little explaination to it as well so I can understand better." Oceanus told Pa'li, the projection of the finished home was very enticing to stay there really.

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#266142 Posted on 2023-02-03 07:51:18

     Pa'li just looked back down a bit and gave a small nod. Though he was now a bit curious of the whirlpool. He'd only seen it once before, but he didn't think much of it. At least until now. How could a whirlpool call to a horse or sea pony? It sparked his interest slightly, but he just nodded again understanding that it wasn't why she wanted to speak to him. Instead he just kept quiet and let her speak.

     Did she want him to be a guard or something else? He wasn't quite sure, but he just continued listening. This project seemed pretty big whatever it was, but he wasn't sure why it had anything to do with him. It seemed to make him a bit curious though. When she mentioned living alone he looked down slightly for a moment, but he knew she said it out of kindness.

     Though he just looked around the room as it got dark when he noticed the projection looking at every little detail of it as she explained things more. A home? She was offering him a home? Pa'li didn't know what to think. It took him by surprise really. "Your offering me...a home..?" he asked quietly. Was this just another dream? Pa'li wasn't sure, but he just figured it wasn't. He never had dreams like this, so it had to be real.

     Pa'li let her talk more as he looked down and thought about things. He thought hard. He never thought about actually living in a actual home. He liked sleeping on the rocky shore with the crashing waves hitting his body, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to be close to the kingdom. Pa'li never felt like there. He always got looks whenever he was there, and he was never happy. Being alone made him happy.

     Though Pa'li eventually looked back up at Oceanus thinking of the right words to say, "This is...really king of you..really.." he said unsure of what to say as he looked down for a moment, "But...I don't think I can make this decision now...It's been a long night, and I've had quite the swim...I'll have to think about it.." he said still thinking about what words to say as he paused for a moment.

     "I haven't been in the kingdom for years let alone near it..never thought about actually having a real home..I'm always swimming around, and often come across horses that need when the Isle of Dreams caught on fire..there were two mares that barely made it out..I was one of the few that helped them to shore. That's what I do..." he said looking down thinking a bit.

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#266146 Posted on 2023-02-03 09:48:03

"Alright then, it is your decision to make, just come to me when you think your ready to have the home. And of course you can do whatever you want while still making the decision. But make sure you make a final decision before deciding to or not. Don't want you getting nervous about things now!" Oceanus said, she was quite understanding to Pa'li, even thinking to herself about understanding better.

"And those two horses? They are my friends, Eclipsetess and Solstice, the two new announced goddesses. Really happy for them." Oceanus told Pa'li, she knew Pa'i had things to think and things to do, so she just told him that one little sentence about her friends.

"Oh and here." Oceanus threw Pa'li a pouch of gold, "Just in case you ever need something to buy, gold coins are the currency for the kingdom." Oceanus smiled at Pa'li with a kind gesture as she left the room with an open door, but she came back to tell him where the exits were.

"And the exit to the entrance is just going straight, there are another several few but the most taken routes to an exit is the entrance I go into, and so does everyone else if they need something from me or someone else. So just go straight, and the guards will ring you out because they usually lift and lower the gate for anyone leaving." Oceanus told Pa'li, she went to the left to put away the project that it seems.

"One more thing: If you ever need something, don't hesitate to come into the kingdom. The guards are just warming up to you since your rather new to the inside of the castle, they just act mean to scare anyone off that isn't well intimidated, so just tell them off and they'll listen to you since you have no idea what to do. Some guards are rather nice, like that sea pony mare that guided you here, she'll be around if you need protecting or something, she also thinks your ears are cute as well. She admires them with great beauty and that is no lie, she really does treasure things like you. She also makes paintings, so go find her in the market if you ever need too, she's also roaming around the outer-skirts and out-skirts of the kingdom, where I was was considered and outer-skirt since it takes usually longer to get into the kingdom if your far from it. But it's rather fast if you take a current to somewhere, they are always lying around!" Oceanus told Pa'li, then she officially left the room and went to the room she needed to put the file for the project away.

Oceanus was the good queen who would listen and help in desparate times, even go far as to saying such things to Solstice, she was the destined queen of the kingdom and her sibling's know that to heart! But the kingdom was rather silent except for the market, and the big shelled home of the apartment-like building that stood over the kingdom, but somewhat far from it but near enough to stay in view..

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#266149 Posted on 2023-02-03 11:09:14

     Pa'li gave a small but noticeable smile as he nodded. At that point he was just tired, but he didn't seem as nervous or uncomfortable. He was grateful for the offer really, but it was something he needed to think about. Maybe for even a few days. It surely wasn't a easy decision. "Thank you.." he said looking down for a moment. Maybe it wasn't so bad in this place as he thought it was.

     Though Pa'li perked up when he heard her mention two of her friends. "Solstice...I know her..well sort of..I made sure she was alright after awhile.." he said a lot more comfortable then he was a short while ago. Though he had no idea Solstice was a goddess. Things made a little more sense to him now after hearing that, but he never heard the stories..of Dra. He had always been alone, and he only knew of the stories he was told as a colt..before he swam away.

     Pa'li did catch the small pouch of gold and looked at it contents before he looked back at the queen, "Thank you..really.." he said truly thankful for everything. He made sure to remember the directions she told him in order to leave and nodded. "I'll find my way..with help if I need it." he said getting up. Though he looked down and listened to what she was now saying to him.

     "I will..I'll get back to you when I have made my decision." he said. Though he was a bit nervous about it, but his ears just perked up when she started talking about the female guard that brought him here. Pa'li seemed to blush a bit as he looked down. Before Oceanus had left, Pa'li thanked her once more and started finding his way out. He did ask a guard or two on where to go as he shortly found the exit.

      Pa'li smiled as he started swimming away from the castle and the kingdom. Back to his home. Even if it wasn't much. Just the rocky part of the beach. Though it was quite the swim. Pa'li just took things slow as he left not wanting to cause suspicion, but after that he just found a current as it brought him to his home. It saved him some energy. Though every now and then he just leapt from the surface before diving back underwater. 

      Pa'li just swam to where he normally slept not even bothering to see if the horses on the beach were still there or not. He needed sleep, and that was what he went to go do. Even if the sun was starting to rise. Pa'li only leapt from the water's surface as he went to his normal spot within the rocks. He just laid down on a rock with his tail laid out while the waves splashed onto his body.

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#266161 Posted on 2023-02-03 15:59:37

With Schematic's as she was swimming around happily, but she got to the beach after Pa'li swam to his rocky shore of a home, she was just having fun in the sun and even Mint made sure to join on with her the two were having fun, but Schematic's gave back the shell that was able to turn her into a sea pony.

"Thanks! Though I bet that your friends are awake since it's sun-high now, but I was talking with some friends years ago that I called sun-high; noon-high, hah! Though it is better since sun-high refers to the morning but also refers to the middle of tha day, noon-high just sounds better to me. Even Oceanus used my term once! So very exciting!" Mint told Schematic's, then a female mule came over to the water, she was curious of the two as she came from the market or the herds up on the base of the mountain.

"Amarillo! You're here! Thought you'd never make it from the fire!" Mint said as she called the mule over, the mare mule was like Pa'li except being a land-horse instead of a sea pony, but another secret was revealed now.

"Come come! I want to show you the new home being built! I heard some rumors that a specific horse was thinking about moving there, though it's revealed until Oceanus says, so she doesn't want to embarrass anyone that's planning on being in their home, or upset anyone. She is just that mare to admire, and the one to get along with while also understanding your emotions and pain! She's the one other newly kings want, except she's taken- but her king hasn't returned to the kingdom in forever, half of the kingdom wasn't even done being built when Oceanus became queen, so her husband has been absent for decades! It's rather funny that Sea Ponies age the same as Unicorns, Alicorns, and sometimes Pegasi herds. But that's rare nowadays- unfortantely.." Mint told Amarillo, the mare seemed to be happy, curious and excited to see the kingdom once more.

"I still hate it that your a Land-Dweller, a sea pony that can live on land for a longer time then expected, but I'm excited to show you the kingdom that's blossoming, I also got into court with a mule stallion alongside Schematic's who came to do.. Something.. I don't know really.." Mint said, Schematic's just laughed as Amarillo smiled away, the stripes on her yellow coat and brown eyes to assist her coloring more.

"Hm, your always quite the chatter box huh? But yeah.. I'm lucky that I left before the fire even started, never heard the Isle of Dreams going up in flames until now, sucks that the beauty is slowly coming back, half the ash Nature has is growing faster but is still taking time because of plant cells being dead." Amarillo said, she was happy that she could talk to Mint and get to know Schematic's as well.

"I should go back to the beach now, I gotta make sure Slip isn't doing something dumb. It's been awhile for sure, but goodbye now!" Schematic's told the two mares as they waved and smiled Schematic's away as she went to her spot and even checking on Solstice and seeing how she's doing.

Amarillo then began talking with Mint as she was walking towards her in the water, a hoof or two away from the beach and she turned into a natural born sea pony, she looked like a natural as the water seemed to have made a hello to the sea pony Amarillo instead of the normal one.

"Ahh I can't with your sea pony pelt! I love it so much!" Mint said, Amarillo smiled as both of them jumped into the water together to see what the kingdom looked like, but Amarillo got a chance to splash Mint, as both then dove under the water and began swimming to the kingdom.

However Amarillo did look to the rocky shore as she heard the waves crashing, but she didn't notice Pa'li as she just mainly looked at the water as it was a little aggressive, and she knew that the waves were only gonna continue since she knew that a storm was coming. But no one knew except Amarillo as she studied the water and oceans and had a exceptional degree in it.

Anyways, Amarillo had a chance to jump high into the sky as she spun around as the water droplets made her look shiny and even more beautiful then before, her coat shiny and the water stopping only made her more unique before laughing and going underwater again to catch up with Mint who was waiting out in the out-skirts before swimming fast into the kingdom.

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#266164 Posted on 2023-02-03 16:59:48

     Pa'li was practically passed out by the time he closed his eyes. He was so tired that he didn't even bother paying attention to sounds around him except for the water splashing against him. He liked it. Though he noticed that something was different about it, but he just slept. As long as he needed to. Besides he was worn out from all that swimming that night. Been awhile since he had swam that much.

     Solstice had slept the rest of that night. The best she'd slept in probably..well at least a year. She even slept through a part of the morning. Though she just moved her head in the sand as she woke up. She just woke up slowly, and sat up when she felt like she was ready to. Her body was a bit sore, but she figured she just needed to move around. Solstice did look around a bit as it looked like most of everyone was still asleep.

     She only sighed before she looked at the sea. Solstice heard something coming from there, but she just noticed what seemed to be a sea pony or two. They always seemed very lively, but she didn't know much about them. Though Solstice just slowly got up. It felt like she hadn't stood on her hooves in ages..well she hadn't since she fell that previous day. Some things were just a blur to her.

     Though she noticed Oceanus was gone, and it seemed like she had been for awhile. Probably to go back to her kingdom and her duties. She was very grateful though...but she couldn't stop thinking about her parents. She knew a little more about her mother, but what about her father? Solstice just wanted to meet them. Now more then ever. Would she be able to like Oceanus could visit her mother?

     Solstice just took things easy. She knew how the others would be towards her though, but she tried not to think about it. Instead she just tried taking a couple steps towards the water. Her right side was covered in sand, and she just needed to wash it off. So she did. Solstice just walked as far into the water as she needed to before she laid back down for a few minutes. 

     She let the water do it's job, and soon enough most if not all of the sand on her body, wing, mane, and tail was gone. Solstice felt better once that was done, so she just got up and went back to shore. Orion had soon woke up, and noticed Solstice walking out of the water. He only yawned and slowly walked over to her nuzzling her, "How are you feeling..?" he asked in quiet tone.

     Solstice looked up seeing Orion walking over as she smiled and nuzzled him happy to see him. "I'm doing fine...just a bit sore, but I'll manage." she said as she just nibbled on his mane a tad bit. She was still tired, but she was a least herself more then anything..well alive more then anything. "Couldn't stay up all night could you?" she said with a small laugh before she nibbled his orange forelock.

     Orion just smiled more then happy to see her mainly as her normal self. "Let's just say I've never really had the reason too unlike everyone else.." he said nuzzling her again, "Just happy your okay.." he said as she nuzzled him. The herd was probably worried with all of them staying the night at the beach unsure of what was going on, but they didn't think about that. "Let's just wait for everyone else to get up alright..?"

     She nodded and just rested her head on his back for the time. Solstice missed his touch. His soft coat. His calmness. Everything. She missed Orion being right by her side. Even if it was only a day without him beside her. She loved him, and their foal. Solstice only hoped that she would be the mother she wanted to be. One that was always like her mother...from what she sounded to be like...

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#266170 Posted on 2023-02-03 18:07:24

Eclipsetess opened her eyes as she stretched before laying around for a minute or two, probably more since she didn't want to get up, Azulia did the samething except she was trying to encourage Eclipsetess to get up and stretch her wings out, at least some what so that she could feel even better.

"I'd rather laze around. Thank you!" Eclipsetess told Azulia, Azulia sighed as she tried figuring a way out for Eclipsetess to get up, but she had no idea what to do, so she hoped that Namir would get up and get Eclipsetess up. Unless she was back to being her stubborn filly self and would nip anyone trying to get her to get up.

"Ugh! You were like this back being a filly, just because you ate so much and had a bloated stomach, doesn't mean you can just laze around anymore! Your fricking older then me by two years!" Azulia protested, Eclipsetess just flicked her forelock to get out of her left eye's view.

"I do not care, unless someone forces me up, I am not getting up!" Eclipsetess told Azulia, she was definately like Solstice but even more stubborn then ever!

Azulai then tried Walking next to Eclipsetess's side to move her, but Eclipsetess nipped her quickly as Azulia snorted and shook her head away as she also backed up as well, she was definately herself but being a filly again, why must she always be this stubborn?

"Gah!" Azulia said, Eclipsetess giggled as Azulia then tackled Eclipsetess, the two sure acted like twin siblings when they were foals, Azulia then stuck out her tongue a little as Eclipsetess sighed and smiled at this memory that was special to them both.

Azulia then moved her tongue around to lick Eclipsetess as she made the noises too, Eclipsetess then shoved Azulia away and got up as Azulia got up and laughed at her, Eclipsetess then started chasing Azulia for fun as the two started laughing wildly at the memory.

"I love this!" Azulia said, Eclipsetess agreed to that idea, but she then stopped after the two reached the other side where the rocks were a wall, the two then took a break as both began drinking the water.

"Race ya back?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess then looked up at Azulia as she took off to the other side, she was wild and free but she also quickly resembled an arabian out in the wild, like with the Black Stallion and the boy as the horse turned in one scene.

Azulia just laughed as she quickly caught up to her as the both then began being themselves, Eclipsetess then stood in one direction to face the horizon to the sea, she took in some air as she exhaled as her nostrils enflared to show the air coming out.

Azulia stood and looked at Eclipsetess before looking off into the same direction as Eclipsetess had her eyes closed and relaxed to let the wind running through her mane and relaxing it back as it swished and swooshed, much like her tail as Azulia did the samething; relaxing..

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#266172 Posted on 2023-02-03 19:21:22

     Solstice just rested some more with Orion. She loved the softness of his orange and white coat. Orion just quietly chuckled as he just groomed her side a bit which she seemed to enjoy, "That...feels amazing.." she said underneath her breath more relaxed then ever. Maybe she should have gone to the beach sooner? She never thought it could be so relaxing for her..even when she almost died there.

     Orion just smiled, "I know it does.." he said before he kept on grooming her where he was previously. Solstice only seemed to lean into him a bit. She wasn't going to do anything that day. Not a thing. She'd probably just sleep all day. Not that anyone would care if she did it. She knew that they would probably just tell her to take it easy anyway, but she knew they were looking out for her..and the foal.

     Though the peace seemed to be broken when Azulia went to try and get Eclipsetess up. Solstice just looked at the two and giggled a bit. "Good luck getting my brother up." she said shaking her head a bit. Well everyone seemed to be a bit lively so far. Not that it was anything bad. Solstice was happy to know everyone ended up falling asleep instead of watching her all night. She didn't want them to do that to themselves because of her. She was fine. 

     Namir was still asleep. Classic Namir. He had slept slightly farther then everyone else, but at least he got some sleep after everything. He was still taking things hard, but he woke up even if he didn't want to. Much like Eclipsetess, but he got up and yawned when he turned to look at the two mares. Was he dreaming, or did he just wake up to the two of them acting like foals.

     He didn't know what to think or even do, but he just decided to stay out of it. Namir knew not to get in the way of those two even if they were messing around with each other, but he noticed his sister in the distance with Orion. He just gave them all space since he still wasn't taking things easily. Namir just decided to go to the herd. Namir just took things hard whenever there was something about his parents...that and the fact he'd come closer to loosing his sister then he ever had before.

     Solstice just watched the two mares giggling until she looked over at her brother. Her ears only lowered as she watched him head back to the herd, "Namir..." she said quietly taking a step towards him, but she just stopped herself and looked down. "He probably doesn't want to be bothered.." she sighed. "The last time I saw him like this was the day he found the woods..." she said looking up at Orion.

     Orion didn't know what to say, but he just nuzzled her. "Give him's not easy stumbling across your parents.." he said pausing, "He was still young then. Just let him have his space for a bit.." he said hoping to cheer her up a bit. Though he just looked up at Eclipsetess and Azulia. Those two were surely something else, but he just nudged Solstice over to the two.

     Solstice just sighed and nodded nuzzling him. "Your always.." she said before he nudged her to her friends. She only gave him a look before she walked over to the two, "Well...looks like the two of you are lively today.." she said with a small smile as she nuzzled them both. "I'm glad everyone wasn't up all last guys needed the sleep just as much as I did.."

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#266173 Posted on 2023-02-03 20:10:07

"Heh your not wrong Solstice!" Azulia snickered, Eclipsetess just tried nipping her to be a little mor friendlier with Solstice, but Eclipsetess just agreed with Solstice and Azulia, the four of them were up, and Namir off to the herd. Making five horses up.

"I was hoping to go to the market, but the running around got me enough stretching for the day, so I might as well enjoy the time here before I decide to do anything. Right Azulia?" Eclipsetess asked Azulia, she just looked at Eclipsetess as she nodded to her.

"Well.. Got any plans today Solstice?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she wasn't always asking her something, which was normal since she sometimes guarded her, just for reasons. But she was feeling alive, so she just went with it, Azulia did sneak onto Eclipsetess's back more as she layed her head down and stretched her back legs.

"Hm, always sneaking into taking a nap or two. You really are starting to act like Trickster.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia opened her right eye to look at Eclipsetess before backing up to stretch her limbs and yawn, she probably was still tired anyways, it wasn't bad at all. Sometimes you just needed to stretch to get ready for the day.

"Oh and how's Orion doing? Is he feeling alright?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice again, she just wanted to be friendly and know how he was feeling for the day.

"And speaking of feeling alright, are you feeling alright as well Solstice? I always gotta make sure!" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, and told her at the end as well, Azulia just stared at the two of them before looking up and having a pebble hit her head, "ah!" Azulia said, she shook her mane before looking back up at the sky.

"Hm? You okay Azulia?" Eclipsetess asked Azulia, she seemed to have been curious of her as she did let out a tiny signal and Eclipsetess recieved the signal, well after Azulia looked at Eclipsetess like she had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh yeah, just a dumb little pebble hit my hair, that's all!" Azulia said, Eclipsetess smiled before looking back at Solstice with the smiling grin of hers, at least it wasn't her normal calm one..

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