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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265966 Posted on 2023-01-30 18:05:15

"Yeah Namir, don't beat yourself up.." Eclipsetess agreed in a understandable tone, but she still was confused though she did walk up to Namir and nuzzle him lovingly.

"And besides; I know you just wanted to keep everyone safe, whether through death or sacrifice, you just want a happy herd full of love and cheer! And I think this time we are officially gonna have a long big break and not just a month of a break. A full break, for Solstice." Eclipsetess said once more, Oceanus just smiled while Ceto seemed to have jumped back into the water and go home.

"Well there's my royale heir, I think I might stay for everything, to at least help when I need to- Or rather just do it." Oceanus said, she seemed to have wanted to stay for Solstice instead of going to leave her and see what happens, Eclipsetess just got giddy about Oceanus staying as she got her moving to the market.

"Uh Eclipsetess-? I think it's too dark to go to the market at this time, we have been standing around for awhile, we might as well wait and see what happens with Solstice. But quite the ways away!" Schematic's suggested, she seemed to have been comfortable around everyone, the creature from Schematic's shadow just floated around as the shadows connected together.

"I guess your right about that, I'll stick around Solstice to watch for the first hour, I am the night unicorn's gaurdian after all! It's my duty to stay next to her, no matter what- unless it's a threat of some sort.." Eclipsetess agreed, she then layed down somewhere near as she watched Solstice but made sure to not creep her out.

"Alright great! Nature can take over when you need the draining rest, so that we can sleep better knowing someone is done with all the drama, though I guess the two stallions can stake out together to see any threats that may come our way. And Slip can watch over the beach using the cliffside. Cerise- I'm not sure about her though.. But I can see a bright future for her!" Schematic's said, she was talking about Namir and Orion staking out so that Nature can help in any way as well, so it's triple the better.

"Cerise can use her calming ability-? On everyone if something happens, that way we can work together better and know what to do. But I'm always so calm, even in threatful situations- If I can be.." Eclipsetess said, Nature made some vines appear as it automatically made itself a forest as a house appeared in the tree, and that's where she would sleep.

"Anyone coming? It can be used for a stake out tower, Namir and Orion? Schematic's was talking about you two, so it's wise to do as she says, even if she's estrange for all of us." Nature said, she even never knew about Schematic's either by the sound of her voice but she did sound protective of everyone as well.

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#265978 Posted on 2023-01-31 06:00:30

     Namir just hung his head down low before he looked up at his sister then Eclipsetess as she walked over to him. His ears lowered, and his eyes sore from all the tears. He just nuzzled Eclipsetess back. "It doesn't make it right though.." he said looking at the two of them before looking at his sister, "Mother would be proud to have a daughter like you...she is proud of you..."

     Solstice only stayed where she was finding it best. She already knew everyone was going to lecture her to lay back down. Though she was still as comfortable as she was before everything...only a bit unsettled. She only looked down a bit, "Namir I'm won't happen again it can't with this new necklace..." she said looking at it. It didn't feel right to her wearing it, but she didn't have a choice. The other would only kill her.

     Though Solstice just noticed that Namir seemed to distance himself from her. Probably because of the way she yelled at him and ran off. "Namir...I..." she only looked down, "I'm sorry I yelled at you like I were only looking out for you always do.." she said. She didn't want to see him distance himself from her. She regretted yelling at him like she did...she was just Slip and Schematic's were there when they were.

     Namir only looked at her as he slowly just walked over to her and nuzzled her. Solstice never seen him cry so much, and it made her tear up. Solstice only nuzzled him, "You were right to yell at me..I was too controlling.." he said before he looked over at Eclipsetess, "You were right to yell at me too..I deserved it...all of it..." he said. He deserved it. He was just lost...about everything..

     Though Solstice just looked at everyone around her. Oceanus, Slip, Cerise. Everyone that was there. "Thank you...everyone...really...I can literally never repay you guys for everything..especially you Eclipsetess," she said with a small but very grateful smile. Orion just walked over to her and nuzzled her as Namir stepped back, "I love you.." she said quietly to him as she nuzzled him.

     Orion just smiled and nuzzled her before they looked at everyone, "Guys..I'll be fine now...I'll feel better in the morning...after I sleep that is.." she said with a very small laugh. Though she knew they weren't going to leave her alone, or move her. She didn't want to move anyway. Solstice just smiled as she looked at Eclipsetess, "Your always going to be saving my butt won't you? Maybe one time I'll return the favor.." she said nuzzling her closest friend.

     Namir just nodded. He didn't want to sleep, but he was quieter then he normally was. Orion just nuzzled Solstice before he left to the tower. Namir just went over to his sister and nuzzled her before he did the same. Those two stallions were something else. Orion knew he had to be careful around Namir or else he'd have his hide. Namir still wasn't the best towards Orion, but he had his reasons.

     Though Solstice just nuzzled both of the stallions before she watched them for a moment. Solstice then just looked up at the stars and constellations. Flicking her ear every now and then. Eventually Solstice just laid on her side again and closed her eyes. The spot was still peaceful which was odd since she almost died right where she laid. Solstice just tried not to think about it though. 

     She seemed to fall asleep easily since she was tired, and she knew that everyone would be keeping an eye on her that night..or at least for a few days. She knew Namir would. Solstice felt bad for him. He was almost the most emotional when it came to their parent's, but she never saw him like she just did. Maybe there was a way to help him? Solstice wasn't sure, but she only flicked her ear every now and then as she slept.

     Moon was still there as she smiled watching everyone. Though she just turned around and started heading back to the herd to her son. She had left him with Isis and Khepri, but she had to go back to him. She knew Solstice would be fine with everyone else, so she just made her way back to the herd. When Apollo saw her, he just ran over as Moon smiled and nuzzled him.

     "Shouldn't you be asleep?" she asked him before bringing him back to Isis and Khepri, "Thank you for watching him..but sorry I ran off so quick," she said before she laid down as Apollo laid down beside her. "Now you should have been asleep already.." she smiled nuzzling the colt. His wings were starting to get feathers, but it would still be awhile until he could start learning how to fly.

     Isis just nodded, "I tried getting him to sleep, but he just wouldn't." she said laying down before she looked in the direction Moon had come from, "So did you three run off so quick like that? I haven't seen Solstice in she alright..?" she asked a bit worried since she had no idea on why Moon, Namir, and Orion ran off as quickly and as suddenly as they did hours before.

     Moon just sighed and explained things in little detail. Isis lowered her ears, "Is she okay now?" she asked as Moon just gave a small nod. She figured everyone else was still with her, and that she still needed time away from the herd. At least Solstice was okay. Moon then just ushered to sleep since it was pretty late. She was tired herself as they all fell asleep for the rest of the night.

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#266029 Posted on 2023-01-31 15:22:36

As Schematic's was looking out into the sea, the light blue against the now quickly rising moon, she wasn't tired since she wasn't crying that much but still did, and that she was sitting down and looking out into the blue sea.. That was when something green flicked it's tail quickly..

Azulia was off in the herd since she was grounded by Nature, and that she listened to Nature itself, Scorn did the samething as vines wrapped over and around him to cage him up since he would start fighting with Azulia again if it came to it, that is.. But he and she just sat down and relaxed until they were ready to forgive each other.

Eclipsetess was sleeping nearby but far from Solstice since she cried so much that she couldn't hold her sleep at bay anymore or less since she just fell into slumber in her spot next to the jumbled group everyone was, she did hear some water splashing like something was throwing water on her.

But Oceanus was sleeping nearby the group but more in the water since her legs were turning into the fin side of the body, revealing her sea pony tail and her hair slowly going back into the body, not quite but enough as it was, she did hear sand move but she could've guessed that it was Schematic's enjoying the night.

Schematic's, however, was off looking at the water as she wanted to know what was flicking it's tail from earlier before Eclipsetess heard any water movements, she did think about swimming into the water to go after the creature, but she did see that Oceanus had a tailed fin as her legs were touching the water and her hair going back into her body, slowly though.

Then the sea pony that was flicking her tail was trying to get Schematic's to go into the water with her and play with her, but she knew that Schematic's could see her minty coat with white pinto markings, but she didn't know that the sea pony lifted her head above the water but dove back down instantly if any other horse was getting up.

Schematic's was watching the water until she saw the sea pony flicking her tail again, rather more quickly as she saw her head and eyes, but a tiny glimpse of a necklace and she was wearing something on her face, Schematic's had no idea who this sea pony was but the sea pony dove her head under the water immediately as Schematic's looked over at the person or people who were walking to her or the water if they saw something or were curious of Schematic's.

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#266032 Posted on 2023-01-31 16:39:47

     Solstice seemed to fall asleep almost instantly. It had been ages since she fell asleep like that, but it felt nice..especially since she knew those closest to her were right there with her. She was still laying on her right side which was probably covered in sand. Probably her mane, tails, and wings too, but she only slept. She didn't care about how she looked..never really did anyways. She was just happy to be alive.

     Though she moved a bit every now and then. The pool Oceanus made still being there which caused a small amount of splashing, but it was mainly just the water rippling since she didn't move much. Everything around her just kept her calm and was odd to her really. Like something changed in her, but she just slept. Hardly even heard the waves as she slept.

     Namir on the other hand had fallen asleep. He tried staying awake, but he just couldn't. He ended up falling asleep while standing until he jolted awake. He looked around remembering where they were and everything else. Namir only sighed as he just laid down where he was and closed his eyes again. Too tired to even hear or acknowledge the splashing sound coming from the water.

     Orion had been asleep for a little bit. He wasn't like the others, and he struggled staying up during the night. Though it seemed that most of everyone else was asleep. Orion just tried to listen to what was around him in case anything were to happen. It was quiet. At least for most of the night. He started to hear splashing, but by that point in time, Orion just didn't want to open his eyes.

     Pa'li was normally in the waters near the two Isles. He was normally alone, but there were times where he was with others..mainly when it came to helping someone. Solstice and Eclipsetess for example. Though he just never really liked being around others much. At least a group of horses. Land or water. It made him uncomfortable if he was around for longer then a few minutes.

     Though Pa'li was just out enjoying himself when someone quickly swam past him. He just looked over at whoever it was that swam past him realizing who it was, "Why would the heir to the throne be all the way out here..?" he asked himself before he swam up to the surface to take a look around. Pa'li didn't see anything from where he was, so he just decided to go where Ceto came from.

     Pa'li was farther then he normally was, so it took him some time to get to where he thought Ceto had come from. He wasn't in any rush, so by the time he got there, it was already late. Pa'li realized where he was, so he just popped his head out of the water. He noticed things on the beach, but realized they were just horses. He thought that was odd, but he started to hear splashing as he looked over seeing a sea pony splashing around not too far ahead of him.

     He just looked at the sea pony realizing it was just a mare, but he didn't know if he should go over and say anything. Pa'li just noticed that she ducked underwater, so he did the same. He didn't want to be seen, but there was definitely something going on there at the beach. Though the moon was moon-high, so he just swam somewhere close by to rest for the rest of the night.

     That being a part of the beach that was rocky. It was away from everyone else..quite the ways away. Pa'li did, however, lay in a spot where the water splashed on his body with large black rocks around him. He did like the place. Most land horses didn't like the spot, but he did. Something that gave him the privacy he seemed to like more then anything. It was rare when he saw someone in this spot.

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#266039 Posted on 2023-01-31 18:06:08

The mint-scaled-like mare popped her head up from the water as Schematic's looked back quite curious of her, she wanted to swim but couldn't or else something would've happened, which would have been bad, but Schematic's looked back at everyone. Including Solstice, then she looked back the mint mare and started to walk towards the water.

The mint mare waved around happily as she accidentally jumped up into the air, but Schematic's quickly and loudly ran and even jumped into the water, she was curious of this mare and the mare was curious of how this mare worked, but seeing her take a dive into the water like that was the same sound of loud.

Schematic's was surprised to take a dive into the water, but she did it and when she got to deeper water, she started swimming and that the sea pony mare seemed to have started swimming around Schematic's as she began swimming more and more..

Oceanus looked up at the water, where Schematic's was and where she heard the loud splashing coming from, she then looked back at the water to have seen Schematic's far from the land as she then saw another sea pony jump out of the water to have done a swirly sumersalt.

Oceanus just sighed and had her head back down, she knew what the mint sea pony was doing as she couldn't control the pony's curiousness, she wanted to be the queen that everyone wanted her to be but a little different as well, so that she wouldn't get replaced..

Now with Schematic's and the sea pony mare as they were now swimming farther out, but close to each other in case something happened, but the sea pony mare was taking Schematic's somewhere where no other sea pony knew where to look for a mare and a mare that's a sea pony.

Though the sea pony mare did swim ahead of Schematic's as she had a grasp of how to move her body with the current in the water, but she kept above the water since she was still a horse and not a sea pony at all, but the minty mare returned and was carrying some sort of shell with a string attached to both of ends of the shell for easier carrying.

"What is that?" Schematic's asked the sea pony mare, the minty mare laughed a little bit before letting go as Schematic's took it out of curiosity.

And before long Schematic's turned into a sea pony version of herself, the minty mare dove under the water before emerging above the water as she fell back down into the water, Schematic's laughed before testing out her new body before her and attached to her.

"Let me take you somewhere where no one has ever found me! Not even Oceanus the queen herself!" the mint-colored mare said, Schematic's followed her as they were swimming to a thunderstorm over a whirlpool, Schematic's didn't know that as she thought that they were just swimming somewhere to have fun..

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#266041 Posted on 2023-01-31 18:37:40

     Pa'li was asleep until he heard more splashing out in the distance. His ears were larger then normal sea ponies which was partly the reason why he liked to stay alone. Though because of his larger mule-like ears, he could hear better. His interest sparked a bit as he just jumped back into the water as he started to swim back to where the splashing was coming from. It brought him back to the beach where everyone was strangely sleeping.

     Though he paid no mind to the horses on the beach as he watched the strange sea pony mare interacting with one of the mare's from the beach. Pa'li only watched keeping hidden by only showing a part of his face. "What on earth is this mare doing?" he mumbled to himself when he looked over at the beach seeing the queen. Pa'li just ducked under the water for a moment before he hesitantly poked his head back out.

     He never really saw the queen before, but he knew it was her. Pa'li just didn't know what to do when he saw the queen, but he just looked back over at what was happening. His coat being different shades of sea colored blues and sea colored greens with stripes along his neck, withers, back, legs, and his face. His tail was three different colors. The moon shined on his coat, but not enough to make his presence known.

     Pa'li just watched as the sea pony mare gave the other a shell. He knew what it was, and he just slowly followed behind the both of them until he noticed where she was taking them. It didn't look good, but Pa'li wasn't sure what to do. He did decide to stay out of sight until he couldn't any longer. Pa'li only kept his ears lowered to help him from being spotted, but he got the feeling that something was fishy about all of this.

     Solstice had heard some of the splashing when there was more of it, but she didn't even bother to do a thing about it. She just figured it was someone in water..probably Oceanus. She didn't open her eyes or anything. Instead she just fell back asleep. It was so easy to for to do, it just felt weird to her. Was it this new necklace? Solstice wasn't sure, but now she wanted to meet her parents..her more then ever..

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#266042 Posted on 2023-01-31 19:08:13

Slip had went up on the cliff to take watch like the others said, he didn't care much to be away from schematic's, but he needed to prove himself as loyal and trustworthy so he went. He watched Cerise though as she stayed with the others and passed out. All the calming had tired them both out, but he knew it wore Cerise out more. She was still so new to it and didn't know how to not use her own energy yet. 

Slip was sitting down, watching out at the water though and must have dozed off. The gentle lapping of the waves soothed him enough to make him want to sleep. So he did. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep half sitting and half leaning until he heard a soft splash. He looked down and saw a glimpse of another sea pony out in the water, he didn't think anything of it. He looked over at Schematic's who was still sitting near the others just watching the waves. He slowly dozed off again. 

The next time Slip was awoken though was from a louder splash. He jarred him awake and he looked frantically around before realizing that there was now two horses in the water. The sea pony and then, he had to do a double take, Schematic's. She was swimming out towards the sea pony. "Schematic's! Come back!" He yelled. He didn't care if he woke anyone up or not, she didn't need to go with this unknown horse. 

Slip ran down the cliff calling out to Schematic's again, "Schematic's, don't go! Please come back!" He galloped towards the edge of the water, his large hooves making faint thundering noises as they hit the sand, and ran in up to his stomach. He just watched, terrified, as Schematic's form changed. He couldn't do anything, he hadn't been in this deep of water since he almost drowned all those years ago. 

Slip couldn't do anything but neigh at her sadly. She didn't seem like she could hear him, but he tried again. "Schematic's! Please come back!!" He just whinnied sadly as a sole tear ran down his face. He didn't want to lose her and didn't know where this unknown entity was taking his beloved. 

Cerise heard the splash, but didn't think anything of it. She just laid her head back down again since it wasn't too loud. Then it seemed like no time at all until there was a louder splash and then heard her brother yell for Schematic's. She looked up and noticed that Schematic's was gone into the water and then heard her brother's thundering hoof steps as he ran towards the beach.

She just sat there shocked. She watched her brother enter the water up to stomach height. He never went into any type of water. She finally shook her head to clear it and got up. Cerise then started to make her way over to him watching as Schematic's shape changed and just waded into the water beside him. He was nickering and neighing so sadly, she couldn't help but to touch his side.

"I'm here Slip." Cerise said, "I'll be right here with you. We'll try to get her back. I promise" She just nudged him gently as she noticed the lone tear that had escaped his eye. "She'll be okay." She replied to him. Cerise felt so helpless seeing her brother like this. She thought to herself, I'm so exhausted, but I'll try to calm him down.. She was so exhausted, but she just pressed closer to him and sent what little bit of energy she had left to help soothe him. She felt herself starting to fall though. She just hoped that someone would be able to catch her..

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#266051 Posted on 2023-01-31 20:12:07

Eclipsetess woke up when she heard even more noise, first she got up to check on Solstice before walking near the water's edge as she silently stroked her legs until she was next to Slip's other side of where Cerise was, she sent tapped Slip's side as she sent out energy herself, but with magic as she wasn't like the typical horse to do it.

"I agree with Cerise, Schematic's will come back, even to your side Slip. You shouldn't worry much, but I can tell how much you love this mare, your acting the similar way I act around Namir- maybe all the time when he's around.." Ecipsetess said, she might've scared the two of them on accident, but she's usually silent on purpose because she exits and enters that way and because of Scorn as well.

Anyways Eclipsetess tried reaching up to Slip's face as she nuzzled him to go back to sleep, she was sure that Schematic's was coming back, and she showed that determination out more then any other emotion she showed, but she then started swimming back to the normal beachy-self to go back to her spot to sleep.

Now with Schematic's and the mint mare as they kept on swimming, Schematic's did stop to look back at the beach as she started to miss Slip the way Eclipsetess would do the samething for Namir, but the mint mare nuzzled Schematic's and they continued to swim to the unknow whirlpool to Schematic's.

As they reached the whirlpool, the mint mare stopped Schematic's as she had her look at the gorgeous water swirling for fish to survive so long here, the beautiful hardy arches dotting around and one made out of a fine resource to have lasted long, some sharks both friendly and aggressive as they swam around the whirlpool..

Schematic's couldn't believe her eyes as the whirlpool created a beautiful envoirment as the sunlight was swirling inside the swirling water, the sun shining around some parts as the whirlpool continued to spin in the same direction but not going anywhere as it was beautiful..

The fish swimming in schools, dolphins in their respective pods, some dolphins breaching outside the whirlpool to catch air as it was nearby and easy access to them, eels and spider crabs running around, the mint mare smiled as she looked at the thunderstorm above the whirlpool.

"The middle of the whirlpool is said to have contained Zeus's and Poseidon's merged staves, containing the most powerful magic as the combined staves made this beautiful envoirment, sea pony tot's and youngling's come here to test their strength for the staff, the parents made it a tradition to their family. But mine worried about me, keeping me from this beautiful envoirment and a playground for the Salmoon's- Foals but some way to have said foal in a unique way, we sea ponies still have the normal vocabulary of that of a horse." the mint mare said, she looked back at Schematic's, she then looked around to start heading back when she thought that she saw another sea pony hide from her and her looking around.

"What would happen if a horse-turned sea pony tested their strength on the combined staves?" Schematic's said, the mint mare looked worriedly at her as she told Schematic's to not do that, then without a second glance, Schematic's moved her tail quickly towards the middle of the whirlpool, the mint mare began swimming after her but Schematic's seemed to have better stamina and energy as she tried grabbing Schematic's tail.

"Stop!" the mint mare, Schematic's slapped her caudal fin as she quickly went straight as the mint mare paused she stopped at the marking shells, after the shells is where the whirlpool started sucking in the fish that are strong to avoid getting sucked in, including other sea creatures.

"Oh no no no... She was still new to everything.. Why did I show her this..? I made a regrettable mistake.." the mint mare said, she could see Schematic's but she had no idea what she was doing inside the whirlpool.

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#266055 Posted on 2023-02-01 05:47:00

     Things were quiet again for a moment or two until there was yelling. Just enough to wake Solstice up. She felt like she had been sleeping for ages as she yawned and sat up looking around. Though she just didn't really recognize or pay attention to things as she just laid back down on her side closing her eyes again. Back to sleep. Sleep was the only thing on her mind, and that was what she was going to do.

     Though Pa'li looked behind him when he heard yelling. He just flicked one of his long ears. "Great they know.." he mumbled to himself as he went back to watching the two. That was when things went downhill. Pa'li had no choice but to show himself even if they noticed him sooner or not. He just quickly swam over to the mint mare looking at her, "What were you thinking!? Land horses are meant to stay on land!" he snorted before he looked at the whirlpool.

     Pa'li may have looked a bit weird with his mule-like ears, but he didn't care about them. At least not at the moment.. He just looked at the whirlpool trying to think of something. He was even a bit nervous about it, but they had to get the mare out somehow. It was clear she wanted to go in, and wasn't going to accept the help. Pa'li didn't care she needed out of there quick.

     "Come on we got to get her out of there quickly. I'm not looking forward to being punished by the queen," he said giving the mint mare a bit of a look before he dove down under the water and swam after Schematic's. Pa'li wasn't sure how to get this mare out, but they had to figure something out sooner rather then later. Pa'li only hoped that the queen wouldn't find out, but he figured she would since she was at the beach.

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#266060 Posted on 2023-02-01 09:22:29

Schematic's looked at the whirlpool as she began swimming quickly after what the mint mare protested since it was forbidden to go inside the whirlpool, but Schematic's entered and that was when Pa'li came out to help Schematic's, the mint mare just nodded and began swimming around to find an entrance that was safe for her and Pa'li to enter without getting sucked into it.

Schematic's was inside the whirlpool, it was considerably dry as she changed back to her normal self without pain, she then fell but got up as she trotted up the long gaited stairs and looked at the staff, it was beautifully forged together and the envoirment depended on the whirlpool for some time..

But Schematic's wanted the staff to herself then, but that was when the mint mare poked her head inside and shouted to Pa'li that she found a safe entrance, and that was when Schematic's rushed over to the other side of the whirlpool as she jumped into the water once.

Schematic's turned back into her sea pony form not long after, and the mint mare threw herself into the same way Schematic's left as she told Pa'li to do the samething as it was just as dangerous as the whirlpool's anonymous exits and entrance's.

Schematic's then began swimming back to the beach quite fastly, the mint mare behind her as she was just like the queen as she was speedy, but Schematic's was just barely faster then the mint mare but she made it to land as the mare chased her until she stopped as the waves were less crashy on the sand.

"And stay out of the water!" the mint mare shouted, she then backflipped into the deeper parts of the water, as she returned back into the sea. Oceanus saw what Schematic's looked like and saw the mint mare as well.

That was when Oceanus got up to go into the water, since she saw a sea pony scare a mare that had a sea pony form away from the water, that was Oceanus turned into her normal self and began swimming back to the kingdom as the mint mare saw her swim past her.

"Uh oh.. I got us both into trouble.." the mint mare said aloud, she then began following Oceanus as she knew that Pa'li was forced to come since Oceanus rarely was this mad if she swam passed another sea pony. If Oceanus swam any closer then ever- like with the mint mare- then the horse or horses responsible were forced to follow her back to the kingdom.

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#266066 Posted on 2023-02-01 09:51:08

     Why was Pa'li even doing this? Oh yeah. The queen. Who even was this mint colored sea pony mare? Pa'li hadn't seen her before, especially in these parts. He should have stayed away. He knew that they were both in trouble already, but he just followed this mare as he helped look for a safe way in. "She shouldn't even have fins!" he said annoyed by this. He wanted to sleep instead he was fixing a mistake someone else had made. 

     Pa'li was busy looking for an entrance when he heard the mare and swam where he heard her voice. Hearing was one of his strong suits. He only swam through the entrance only to see the land mare jump back into the water. He just snorted and gave the mint mare quite the look before they chased after the mare. Pa'li wasn't even going to both trying to find a safe exit. He just quickly swam where Schematic's went before the mint mare could say anything.

     He only followed the mare back to the beach. He eventually slowed when the beach grew nearer and nearer not wanting to get too close. Pa'li just poked his head out of the water a bit making sure the mare made it to land, and that the queen didn't notice. Unfortunately for them they were in big trouble. Pa'li just slowly and quickly brought his head back underwater as he started to swim away slowly back to his spot on the beach..

     Though that was when the queen quickly swam past them. Pa'li only gave the mare quite the look, "You think? You knew you weren't supposed to bring any land horses to the whirlpool, and yet you did!" he said clearly not happy, "She'll skin our scales because of you!" Pa'li just snorted as he started swimming following the queen and the mare. Why didn't he just stay away?

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#266080 Posted on 2023-02-01 14:59:12

When Oceanus swam back to the kingdom, she made sure to go inside her home to prepare for the court, though the mint mare just slowed down when she and Pa'li neared the kingom then she turned to go into the side of the kingdom which was the village that usually is in the back sometimes.

Then the mint mare realized that two guards were heading towards her and probably Pa'li since they were notified by the other guards whenever the queen comes home to the kingdom, the mint mare just accepted her fate and swam towards the two guards heading towards her since two others were heading towards Pa'li.

"Mint Tea, you have violated an act set by Oceanus's mother and Oceanus restablishing the act once more to protect the kingdom, you are sentenced to jail until you and Pa'li are both called for court." the head guard said, he had a trident on his back as the other guard had a sword, indicating two different classes as Mint Tea was led to a cell.

"What about Pa'li then? The stallion that was with me?" Mint Tea asked the guards, they laughed as they opened the first cell for Mint Tea as she swam into it and the head guard closed it as the lower ranked guard stood watch.

"For your question; Pa'li will be across cells from you, he'll wait in the cell in front of you until you are called, probably both or one first then the last. If Oceanus ever called you both, we'd mark it down in our history books." the lower ranked guard said, he got up and opened the cell across from Mint Tea as two other guards swam into view as Mint could have guessed that Pa'li was in the cell across from her.

Mint just relaxed for a bit as she could have guessed that Pa'li would've started yelling at her for getting them both into trouble, Mint didn't know that the past act for bringing land horses to the whirlpool was against the law, she and Pa'li would have to wait and see when the queen is ready for the case and when the court and jurers were ready.

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#266081 Posted on 2023-02-01 15:47:25

     Pa'li just swam without a word. He hated being at the kingdom. He should have just stayed asleep on the rocks. If it weren't for his ears he wouldn't have heard what was going on. Instead he was back to the kingdom set for trail. Pa'li just slowed as he looked around. It'd been years since he was last there. Though he just slowly and hesitantly followed the mint mare.

     It made him nervous and unsettled being there. Too many other sea ponies for his liking. Socially awkward with anxiety. Much like Solstice when she met her friends...her family. Though Pa'li kept his head down low. At least until he looked up and noticed the guards. He said nothing, but he just gave the mare a third look. Pa'li didn't say anything. Only kept his mouth shut. He thought it was better for him to do so.

     Though Pa'li just stayed back doing as the guards told. This night just seemed to never end. He wished it was morning at that point. Pa'li just swam into the cell, and just stayed in the corner. He hated this place. He hated everything about it. Well he respected the queen. Oceanus. He got himself into this place, and he just got himself into this mess. He should have just stayed away when Ceto had swam past him. 

     Pa'li had only hoped that the other mare just stayed on land. Where she belonged. He noticed how she seemed to want that staff for herself. Who knows what could have happened then and there. It was just a good thing that she didn't take least not yet.. That was his biggest fear. That or what was going to happen to him. Pa'li only stayed put in the corner flicking his ears around waiting for the trial..

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#266082 Posted on 2023-02-01 16:51:14

As Oceanus prepped up, she was dressing herself in a normal judge-ish attire as the guards checked on her as she walked out, it seemed only the places that Oceanus lived near wasn't soaked in water, much like the entrance to the inside of her castle.

But as the jury had gathered in respective order, the other sea ponies sitting down in the seats that were empty until now, Oceanus was ready as Ceto sat down in where the person that writes everything down was sitting, Oceanus smiled at Ceto as she then awaited for the guards to get both the mint mare and Pa'li.

Mint was off taking a nap in the left corner until she heard the entrance to the jail open as four guards walked in, two for Mint Tea and Pa'li, Mint quickly then rushed to the cell and where the door was as two sea ponies opened the doors to let Mint and Pa'li out for the case.

"To the Courtroom, and no sass-talking, Mint." the head guard told Pa'li and Mint Tea, well mostly to her as she was a little sassy when she didn't want to go somewhere, but she seemed a little uneasy for getting caught, but she remained quiet and nodded to the head guard as the other one took her as the other two took Pa'li.

As Mint entered the room filled with horses but the water disappeared as Oceanus sat in her judge seat, and watched as the two horses entered the room, Mint remembered this as a foal, so she trotted over to the plaintiff seating as two chairs awaited her and Pa'li.

"Come on stallion, we can tell you hate us but you need to move NOW!" the head guard boomed, Mint tried ushering the head stallion to not be moody and mean towards Pa'li as it was probably his first time coming here to get into his first trial as Mint hushed up when another guard told her to sit forward.

"No yelling, even to the plaintiff's, it is not how I trained you on defending our culture and species of horse." Oceanus told the guards, even she was willing to keep everyone from fighting.

"Pa'li take your seat so we can begin please, your defendee is your lawyer, so someone will come in as the two guards that ushered you to the jail then here will take their defending seats. That's why a third seat is next to you Pa'li and the second guards chair." Oceanus informed the two groups, but how were two guards being the defendents while Pa'li and Mint were the plaintiff's?

"Uh my queen? Would it be alright if we also included on bringing a sea horse up to confess?" Mint asked Oceanus, surprisingly Oceanus over-ruled it and Mint looked relaxed at the rule now in place, but the guards did take their seats as Oceanus was given a file from the guard that stood next to her table around her seat.

And now.. The trial begins as Mint looked worried when Oceanus brought up an eyebrow and looked straight at Mint Tea as she got worried, the guards just snickered as Oceanus notified them on being distracting as they apologized quietly.

"The lawyer for Pa'li and Mint Tea is the exceptional, phenomenal, perfect.. Aida, the one who took up Pa'li and Mint's case for today. So the plaintiff's will be favored or the defendents will be favored by confession, Oceanus has the upper hand and has the right to decide much like the jury." the guard spoke aloud, Aida came from the entrance instead of coming from the side door to the left, and Aida was a mare much like Mint but extremely different as she had kraken-like markings rising from her eyes to her eyebrows.

"Take your seat Aida, and we'll officially begin this trial for today." Oceanus sounded desparate and sad, but she had her hopes up that Mint wouldn't do something stupid to end up getting herself and Pa'li in jail.

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#266084 Posted on 2023-02-01 17:32:16

     Pa'li just sat in the corner of his cell not even bothering to face the bars. He ears were practically like a radar. Always twisting and turning like a radar would. At that point his ears did it without him even noticing every now and then. Pa'li could hear the guards coming even before they came in, but he didn't say anything. He hadn't said a word since he got there. He just felt so uncomfortable with everything. He only wanted out. Back to his lonely life. He liked his lonely life. Very much. He was most comfortable alone.

     Though Pa'li just turned around and waited to be let out. He only did what he was told hoping things would go quicker and better for him. He just hoped he wouldn't be least not any further. He only tried to help when the mare went into the whirlpool. He only thought he was doing the right thing, but it only led him to where he was now. The kingdom, and the Queen's courtroom. Just perfect.

     Pa'li only walked a little unsettled by the guards, but he just kept on doing what they wanted. His long ears lowered slightly. Maybe part of the reason why he liked being alone. His ears. He had yet to see another sea pony with ears like his. He never liked his ears, but he was happy being alone. Though Pa'li somewhat froze when he entered the room. It only made him more uncomfortable. His large ears only lowered completely. They would have blended in with his coat if it weren't for his stripes.

     He just looked at the guard that yelled at him when he was about to say something, but Pa'li only remembered where he was and who was there, so he just kept his mouth shut. He was surprised that the queen herself defended him at least in that moment. Pa'li looked up at her before he looked back down and nodded respectfully as he slowly went and sat where he was told.

     Pa'li stayed silent. He was nervous and uncomfortable. He never liked being around others...especially in a situation like this. His ears just stayed lowered until he heard someone closer before the doors opened. Pa'li just looked at the mare that entered as his ears were showing without him realizing. Pa'li only looked back down a bit waiting for this to be over. He should have just stayed away from everything. He really should have..

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