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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265925 Posted on 2023-01-28 23:47:04

Slip just watched helplessly as Schematic's pulled out of his hug and looked up at him. Her eyes were dull and the pupils grey. He knew that when she was like this she couldn't see very well. He could do nothing but follow her to make sure that nothing hurt her. 

He noticed a stallion standing a few feet in front of Schematic's. She looked up at him, but he quickly turned and moved away from her. She kept walking. Slip called out to her again, "Schematic's please wait. Come back to me. Please!" But she didn't seem to hear him. All he could do was walk up to her and keep touch with her. He kept sending his calm energy through himself to her. Hoping that it would calm her enough for her to come back to him. 

She suddenly stopped walking and had looked around. That's when Slip noticed that her eyes were back to normal. She muttered something about a goddess. She thought no one could hear her, Slip knew that, but his hearing was better than normal horses. Especially since his newfound powers. 

Schematic's had started to walk back the other way, when Slip became a bit frustrated and called out to her again. "Schematic's please. Hey, can't we go somewhere and talk? I'm not going to hurt you. I want to get to know you." Slip was basically begging at this point. Was he doing something wrong? Did she not like him? His mind was racing when thoughts when he realized that she was a little ways away from him now. 

Slip easily caught up with her and walked beside her with his coat touching hers. Once they were outside of the Black Market, he stepped in front of her again, forcing her to stop. He lowered his head and pinned his ears in a pleading manner. "Please Schematic's, can we talk? Just the two of us. I want to be here for you. I like you. A lot." He sighed and just hung his head and went on, "Schematic's I like like you. I want to get to know you and maybe be with you. Please give me a chance." He wasn't one to beg or even realize his feelings so soon, but he knew that he needed to do something or he may lose her.

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#265928 Posted on 2023-01-29 08:38:21

Schematic's quickly wrapped her head at the side of Slip's, her body lifted and her front hooves wrapping around Slip's, her back feet supporting the rest of her weight, she knew she liked Slip the way he talked to her. So she just giggled to herself s she kissed him again, this time more longer and more meaningful.

"I'm sorry about not stopping when you called out to me, I- just have things going on in my mind, still.. Your the one chasing me when I do not listen to you, I can hear you- I'm just.." Schematic's paused at the end of her sentence, she really didn't want to talk about what she was feeling as it hung around her.

"It's just when we had our doughnuts together, I felt uncomfortable by a presence.. Not yours, obviously I'm not teasing you without a reason, but those kisses- I now know how you feel about me~ And you never realized I felt the same way.. What a pity, but I'd still take you over any stallion. And that's truth right there." Schematic's told Slip, gradually she felt better as well since she got what she wanted to talk about off of her chest.

"Hey.. Wanna go to the beach? Near the herds obviously.. But still, it'd be more relaxing there to just talk normally and not feel crowded around, I know how I get now.. But with you? I'm honestly gonna get more attention- In a good way! Of course!" Schematic's dodged a bullet there, she still wanted to talk about the stallion she was previously with, but not sound braggy about it.. She was alone for the rest of her years without anyone, so loneliness becomes your friend in the end, unless you meet or come across herds.

"You know, I'm the only mare with these eyecolors, no other shades of green like mine, no try-copies or anything of the sorts.. I'm starting realize I was only born with these eyes for a reason, or something like that.." Schematic's said, she looked down, before looking back up to Slip.

"Why don't we start walking to the beach now?" Schematic's said, she tried nudging Slip but he was heavier for her, but she just kept trying in a determined way, until he started moving again.

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#265929 Posted on 2023-01-29 09:19:47

     Namir just watched as Moon walked away. He could see her demeanor had changed. She was more then a friend to his mother. The closest of friends. Like Moon was part of the family...because she truly was. She was always there for them. Like a mother even if Apollo was her first foal. Though when their mother started to get sick..there was nothing anyone could do. Nothing anyone would do under Phoenix's command. 

     Phoenix wouldn't let anyone help her. He didn't care about a sick mare. Pregnant one at that. The necklace had been in their family for generations. Mother never took it off, but Namir knew she didn't have a lot of strong magic like Solstice did. To mother, the necklace was only an aid. She didn't depend on it to keep her alive just as much as Solstice does. It was clear Namir still kept several things from his sister..and everyone else.

     From what Namir knew, the necklace was indeed tied to his sister's life and magic. Without it, she would die. With her carrying a foal..the necklace couldn't handle all the magic and another soul. Namir was starting to realize that things were starting to show in his sister because of her magic. He was beyond worried as he wanted to go looking for her, but he needed to stay away. Instead Namir only waited for Eclipsetess or his sister to come back.

     Solstice though had just been on the beach where the bridge to her home Isle was. She could still smell smoke from the fire, but it wasn't that strong of a smell. Solstice only laid down in sand and leaves finding it more comfortable then the other places she's laid down in the past couple of days. The sound of crashing waves seemed to calm her and her anger. It was peaceful..relaxing even.

     Though Solstice had laid far enough from the water where the waves wouldn't reach her. Instead she laid near a somewhat shaded spot with a tiny cliff of sand behind her giving her the small bit of shade. Solstice eventually just curled up and closed her eyes finding this spot was exactly what she needed. A comfortable spot that was away from everyone..a calm and relaxing spot. It was just perfect for her.

     There was even a small breeze that hit her, and it only seemed to help her relax more. As she slept, Solstice just listened to the sounds around her finding it peaceful. She had hoped that no one would be looking for her at all. She'd stay there as long as she wanted. It had been awhile since she felt at peace like this. Her mind was quiet, and she slept soundly. Probably one of the first times she's slept like this in a long time.

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#265930 Posted on 2023-01-29 11:47:47

"Hey, hey. It's okay" Slip said, a bit relieved that she had finally stopped. He embraced her when she hugged him and he even kissed her back. He was happy she finally was opening up to him. Even if it was only slightly. She then started to talk about how she felt another presence and something about another stallion. He would have to remember to see if she wanted to talk about the other stallion.

She asked him if he would like to go to the beach, "Yes, let's go. It would be nice to walk along the beach and talk with you." He replied. She started to determinedly nudge him. He just chuckled as she tried to move him. He finally started to move and as he did so, he just chuckled. "You're cute when you try to move me. I am a lot bigger than you, but all you have to do is ask. I do believe I would do anything for you." He wasn't sure where this emotion came from. He had never felt this way before. He was a bit nervous, but it all felt so right.

Slip walked next to Schematic's as they headed towards the beach. He linked Cerise, I've been able to get her out of the black market and got her to come back to me. We're going to the beach for some privacy. Maybe I can get her to open up to me there. Cerise just replied, Okay brother, just please be careful. I can come with you but hang back to where she doesn't notice me. Just so I'm close in case you need me. Slip just thought on it for a moment before replying. I think we'll be okay. I don't want to risk her seeing you or finding you there and shutting down again. I hope you understand. He really did hope Cerise understood. 

As Schematic's and Slip was walking to the beach, they were almost there, Slip looked down at Schematic's and said, "It seems like you have a lot on your mind and a lot to talk about. Would you like to go to that bridge over there and just sit beside it and talk about what's on your mind while we stare at the waves? Anything you tell me is in confidence Schematic's. I would never betray you." He knew that it was true as soon as he said it. He wouldn't risk harming this gorgeous mare that seemed to like him back, but he needed to know more about her.

Cerise watched across the marketplace as she saw Schematic's and Slip head down towards the beach. She knew her brother was right and she did understand why he didn't want her to come down with him, but it still hurt slightly. She always did everything with her brother, but now it seemed they may be growing apart. She just shook her head to clear it a bit before turning to look at Eclipsetess and said, "Slip was able to get Schematic's to come back to him. They just walked down towards the beach. He says that he doesn't need any help or anything at the moment, but I think we should be ready just in case he needs us. What do you think?"

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#265934 Posted on 2023-01-29 12:46:23

"I just think that your right, we'll be more then prepared to help in case something happened." Eclipsetess said, she was talking with Cerise while looking at a cute ear piece that also seemed to be able to stick to the eye, the horse that was running the stall didn't acknowledge what the mares in front of him were saying as he knew Eclipsetess say something to him.

As Schematic's trotted towards the bridge, she was a little cautious since she wasn't use to them, and it made her scared but she carefully walked along the boards as some of the wood creaked, causing her to stop but she looked at Slip and continued walking until she felt comfortable.

And when Schematic's finally stopped walking, and that was when she looked off to the side as the waves calmly lapped over each other underneath the bridge, it was soothing to her as she smiled happily at the sky's horizon in front of her, it was one of her best memories she could remember.

"I remember.. A memory like this, where I was looking off into the distance as the waves were lapping each other underneath as the breeze was calm and the sounds soothing, though of course it didn't last long as I needed to keep walking.." Schematic's said as she looked right at Slip when she finished talking.

"Though it's better if you didn't know the rest, it would make you hate me, because I'm more different then just by memories then anything.." Schematic's said, she looked at the horizon this time since she didn't want to be hated at all by Slip or his sister, or anyone she was starting to know..

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#265938 Posted on 2023-01-29 13:25:06

     Everything was so peaceful and quiet for Solstice. She wasn't quite sure how long she had been in this spot. Honestly she didn't even care how long she was there. She would stay there forever if she could, but she knew she'd have to go back to the herd at some point. Just not any time soon at least. She didn't even want to think about leaving this place. It was just what she needed, and she didn't want to even look at Namir.

     Though the peace was soon broken, and taken from her. Solstice's ears just flicked her ears around when she started to hear something other then the sounds of nature around her. Voices. That woke her up. At least she was well rested for the time being. It was probably a good hour or maybe even two since she ran off after yelling at Namir. She didn't care. She didn't feel bad about it. She had no other choice but to yell at him. She had enough of it.

     Solstice just slowly opened her eyes and yawned before she looked up to take a look around. The voices she was hearing were familiar to her. Well one more then the other. Then she spotted the two horses. Slip and Schematic's. Solstice wasn't sure what she should have done in that moment. Though that's when things got worse.

     The color in her eyes started to fade in and out. Her horn and her necklace started to flicker. She could feel some of her magic leaving her then coming back continuously. It wasn't long before she started to gasp for air a bit. Solstice tried to get on her hooves, but she fell in the process. Some sand flying. The sand was everywhere in her mane, tail, and wings. Though she tried again to get up. 

     This time she barely managed. Solstice tried to take a step or two forward, but she only stumbled a bit. She just needed to get out of there before Slip and Schematic's noticed her, but she figured it was too late for that. She was still gasping for air a bit as the veins in her chest seemed to glow the same blue color as her eyes and necklace. Something was definitely wrong. 

     Solstice couldn't stay on her hooves for long, but she still tried to get out of there. She tried taking some steps again, but she only fell a second time. This time she was sure they must have noticed her, but Solstice knew she didn't have control over her magic...powerful magic. She needed control over it more then anything, but she just didn't have it. "S-stay away...I don't want to h-hurt you.." she said spitting out the words when she figured Slip and Schematic's had come rushing over. She didn't really notice, as she just laid there. She didn't know what was happening to her, but she knew she couldn't let them get close to her, "Just..stay away..!" she yelled accidentally. 

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#265943 Posted on 2023-01-29 18:02:16

Slip and Schematic's walked out on the bridge. He didn't really like being over this much water as he was terrified of it. He was focusing on Schematic's anyways. That was helping to keep his mind off the fact he wasn't on land anymore. 

They had reached a little ways out onto the bridge where Schematic's stopped and stared at the scene before them. She started to talk about memories and he was listening to her talk. He loved to hear the sound of her voice. It helped to soothe him. She just finished saying something about hating her and that she was different. 

Slip looked down at her and said, "Schematic's I don't care about your past. You can tell me when you're ready, but just know that I won't judge you for who you were or what you may have done. It's the horse you are now that means something to me." He just stared into her gorgeous green apples for a few minutes. He wanted her to know that he really didn't care about what may have happened in the past.

All of a sudden Slip's ears twitched back towards the beach. It sounded like faint gasps for air. Slip looked down at Schematic's and said, "There's someone in trouble back on the beach. Stay behind me just in case it's a trap." He didn't want to risk getting Schematic's hurt. 

Slip eyes started glowing his bright green to indicate his powers were flaring up. He didn't look back at Schematic's because he didn't want to scare her. So he just started towards the direction the sound came from without looking back at Schematic's. That's when he saw who was on the beach. It was Solstice and she didn't look too good. 

He put on a burst of speed. The boards along the bridge creaking with every hoofbeat as he ran. He watched as Solstice tripped and fell and then as she got up but fell again. Slip was on the beach now, but still several feet away from Solstice. Then she yelled at him loud enough to freeze him to the spot. He was about 15 feet from her now, but didn't dare move. She was angry and seemed to be scared. He called out to her, "Solstice, I'm going to come over to you and help you get up then I'm going to call for my sister. That way she can help." He just hoped that she would let him come over. 

Slip knew that he needed Cerise's help. He linked her, Cerise, I need you! We're down by the old bridge on the beach. Solstice is here and she doesn't look too good. Her eyes have faded in and out and her horn and necklace keep flickering. It's also like she can't breathe. Please come to us! Slip hoped that Cerise would make it here in no time at all. He turned around once to make sure that Schematic's was still with him, satisfied to see that she was still with him. He then slowly walked close to Solstice all while saying, "It's okay. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help." 

Cerise was watching Eclipsetess when Slip's message came through. She nudged Eclipsetess a tad harder than she meant to and said, "We need to go. Now!" She didn't mean to yell, but she was scared for Solstice. She noticed her eyes and necklace flickering before she left earlier and she was sure that didn't bode well for her. She looked back at Eclipsetess and said, "We need to get to the beach. Slip and Schematic's found Solstice there. She's seeming to be not feeling well. Come on!" She then turned to run towards the beach. She didn't even check to see if Eclipsetess was following her. She just hoped she was.

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#265945 Posted on 2023-01-29 18:46:56

Schematic's smiled at him, then she watched him turn and run as he ran down the beach in a hurry, the hurry was what scared Schematic's that she froze a little on the bridge but she looked down to see Solstice getting up and falling again, then she felt whatever she was feeling coming out.. She wasn't her normal self really..

Schematic's then looked down from the bridge as she saw someone kicking sand into the air, making her worried then ever for the poor creature, then she saw that it was Solstice, Schematic's then instantly ran-jumped from the bridge onto a rocky surface as she turned into a weird creature hybrid, a wolf and a horse merged into one..

Schematic's then began climbing down as she jumped from the ledge of the small cliffside that was near the bottom, she then turned back to normal as she ran over to Solstice worriedly, she didn't even stop when Solstice told her too like what Slip did..

Schematic's then stopped when she was near Solstice, she didn't have magic but she did try and see what she could do to help Solstice in anyways, but she knew that Cerise was coming and Eclipsetess had already teleported to the beach, making sure she teleported Cerise as well since she wasn't that knowing about magic.

Eclipsetess then trotted up to Schematic's as she saw Solstice on the ground, she was worried and scared, she even began crying to see Solstice like this..

Eclipsetess then conjured up her magic to make multiple things appear for her and everyone else could see what Eclipsetess was seeing.. Yet Eclipsetess had no idea what was happening, she needed Namir to tell her and with Schematic's rushing over to Eclipsetess like that probably made him scared, more so worried then ever..

"Don't worry Solstice, I'm here, I'm here.." Eclipsetess said, she then started nuzzling Solstice as she cried some more, the watery tears dripping down as she tried figuring out what was happening, Schematic's was worried and confused as everyone else but it was just heartbreaking to see Eclipsetess in a mess for Solstice.

"Friends stay together, I'll figure out what's happening so I don't cry anymore.. My friend.. I love you so much.." Eclipsetess said, her voice sweet and soft but hurtful as she kept up with trying to figure out what was happening, she was determined like Schematic's but more so for a long time friend.

"I won't leave you.. Never ever leave your side.. I'm your friend and I'm your friend.. We stay together.. Now I betrayed you by not staying near your side even though you didn't want company or anyone.. Yet you could've invited me along, what am I saying? You'd knew you needed space, at least calm down while Cerise and Slip handle things for calming you, and don't fear as I'm here.. With you now.." Eclipsetess cried, then she moved over for Cerise and Slip, but Eclipsetess took Solstice's head as she began nuzzling her from the head and even touching horns with her to calm her that way to help out as well.

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#265946 Posted on 2023-01-29 19:52:35

     Solstice only tried to get up again as Slip and Schematic's got close, "S-stay back!" she yelled again only this time quieter. She could feel her magic slipping away from time to time, and it took what little she had to keep her magic contained. She didn't want to hurt anyone. Never did she want to hurt anyone. Not a soul. If she lost complete control of it, who knew what could happen.

     She knew they only wanted to help her, but she didn't want to hurt them. Hurting Namir on accident when Dra had control of her was already enough pain to deal with. Though there was nothing she could do to stop them from coming close. It was taking everything she had to make sure she wouldn't hurt them. That was her main concern. She didn't even know what was happening to her.

     Though before she knew it, Eclipsetess was there. It seemed to comfort her knowing she was there. Solstice only laid her head in the sand. There were moments she was gasping for air, and others where she wasn't. She was scared. She had no idea what was happening to her, but what scared her more is that none of them knew either. Though Solstice tried keeping calm...she at least felt better that Eclipsetess was there beside her.

     Namir was still standing where he had been since Solstice ran off. He was starting to worry about her. He didn't know where she had gone or even when she would come back, but his head shot up when he thought he heard someone yell. It was faint, but he heard it. At that moment he knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Without hesitation, Namir just galloped where he thought he had heard the yell.

     Orion looked up seeing Namir race towards the beach confused, but he looked over seeing Moon quickly followed after him leaving Apollo with Isis and her brother. He knew it was something having to do with Solstice, so he quickly followed the both of them. Namir slid to a stop when he saw his sister. His heart sank as Moon came to a stop on his right, and Orion on his left.

     Namir and Moon immediately knew it was happening again as both their heart's sank. "It can't be happening again..." Namir said in quite the sorrowful voice. Solstice tried to sit up and looked at him, but she couldn't. It was easier for her to breathe if she didn't move a lot. "I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure! I didn't want to panic anyone, and it turned out to be nothing!"

     Namir just sighed. He had to explain things. "I was going to tell you Eclipsetess, but I wanted you to have some fun at the marketplace.." he said looking down slightly as Moon went over to Solstice. Orion only gave Namir quite the look. "Our mother relied on the necklace like Solstice does, but not entirely. For her the magic helped her contain her magic. It wasn't near as strong as my sister's, but it could do damage if not contained..she could never control it.."

     "When she was carrying Solstice..things started to go a bit downhill...the necklace not only had to keep her magic contained, but help support the foal..I don't even know if the same happened with me or not, but I'm afraid my sister is experiencing it earlier then our mother did.." he sighed pausing for a moment. He wanted to be next to his sister, but he figured she didn't want him to be beside her.

     "Solstice relies on the necklace to keep her alive, and it's a lot even with her magic...strong magic. The necklace can't handle both her and the foal. In's killing her..." he said almost unable to say that last part. "I don't know what there is we can do, but we can't take the necklace off of her. It'll kill both her and the foal. I can't let it do the same to her that it did to our mother!"

     Namir just started having a breakdown. It was rare when he did, but he started crying..a lot for a stallion like him. He didn't know how to stop this, or even if there was a way to stop this. It pained him enough seeing it happen to his mother, but it was worse seeing the same happen to his sister. "I can't loose anyone else! I should have said something earlier, but I wasn't sure it was really happening again! This is why I so worried! So pushy!"

     Solstice only listened to her brother as she teared up a bit, but she said nothing. She couldn't. Her horn flickering. Her necklace flickering. The color in her eyes fading in and out. The veins in her chest where her necklace laid glowing. She didn't want to die. Not after everything. She only wanted to be a mother...she didn't know that she could die from it! Though she just teared up as she closed her eyes a bit gasping for air every other moment or two. 

     Orion listened to every word Namir had said understanding why he said nothing. Even though the two still weren't the closest, Orion just put his head on Namir's back, "We'll find a way to stop this...but she won't die..she can't...we won't let it happen," he said trying to convince everyone there including himself as he looked at them, "Is there anything we can do to stop this? Doesn't her being a goddess help in some way..?" he asked worriedly.

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#265948 Posted on 2023-01-29 20:25:58

"Not all goddesses were the same!" Eclipsetess yelled at both Orion and Namir, she was even worse from the crying before, but her yelling straight at Namir would hurt her love for him, but even with Orion? That was worse since she minded him like a colt.

"What did you think about Pandora?!" Eclipsetess yelled again, this time she let her magic burst out form the yelling, she was charging up something but she immediately put her head on Solstice's neck, she began crying louder, she didn't want the worse pain to appear on her.

Scorn flew over as he heard commotion going on, same for Azulia as she looked over the cliffside to see everyone gathered around Solstice worriedly, Scorn then teleported Azulia next to Eclipsetess as her yelling was sadder and more mournful, Azulia only pinned her ears and began nuzzling Eclipsetess as she kept crying..

"And I thought that Pandora's death didn't affect you.. You lied to your own father you know.." Scorn said, Eclipsetess kept crying at Pandora's name, it was hurtful to even hear her name anymore, and Azulia changed her eye color to the moron red color to warn Scorn.

"Don't Scorn.. You know what happened last time like this.. I don't want memories appear again.." Azulia pleaded Scorn with a soft voice amongst the chaos, Eclipsetess brought Azulia closer to her as she kept crying and Azulia felt the same way but she controlled her emotions unlike Eclipsetess, who was releasing tons of magic around.

"No.. I didn't know Pandora's death would affect anyone! She was dying! She was ill! What were we supposed to do?! Faith was just a young filly back then!" Scorn yelled, Azulia didn't want to yell but she had too and she couldn't keep her feelings back anymore.

So.. Azulia neighed in a horse tone, angry and mad, sad and mournful, her eyebrows showing her mad colors as she revealed mixed emotions, both deep blue and moron red. Eclipsetess hushed up as Azulia neighed madly at Scorn as he didn't know she could do that.

"You said you knew father! You had the immortality of a god! Yet you didn't know Pandora was dying?! Alone.. Fearing the day, fearing when she was about to breath no longer!? You are just as heartless as Dragon Devil!! You monster! You killed your first son too..! Why did you even do it?!" Azulia yelled in so many ways, yet Eclipsetess just screamed into the air as she cried, chaos was unleashing more and Schematic's was changing into her wolf-horse hybrid fast.

"I had no choice! The first God made me do it! I didn't want that to go that way! I didn't want my first heir to die!! What was I supposed to do?! I was pressured, scared, angry, and protective! I was forced by Dragon Devil anyways!!" Scorn yelled and cried as he sat down, he began yelling sorry to everyone and that he wanted to make up for everything that happened so many years ago.

Schematic's front hooves to claws, her face turning into a long elengated wolf skull with fangs replacing some of the canines and maulers as well, her ears long and fluffy as her coat was covered in wolf fur.. But with the yelling and everything, she turned into a mini creature of whatever Eclipsetess fought alongside Slip and Dra, but that she had control over it but a shadow being clinged to her shadow but was sa-dice-ive..

"Man what all losers you are! Sad to believe I've been dead for 13000 whole decades and yet.. No one cared! How's my son doing? Grown up I presume? Did he get killed?!" a mare said, it came from within Schematic-Creature's shadow, the mare then turned into a humanoid creature, she was still blacked out but her face was white with white pupils and a white shirt, but that was all..

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#265952 Posted on 2023-01-30 06:06:40

     Orion knew at that moment he shouldn't have said anything. He just jerked his head back as Eclipsetess yelled at him and Namir. He only looked down. Namir deserved being yelled at. He should have said something sooner! He should have read the signs better! Why must it be the purest of souls to have to deal with this!? It was bad enough seeing this happen to his mother, but seeing the same thing with his beloved sister just broke him. He thought he'd never have to see the same thing ever again.

     Though he was wrong. Completely wrong. Orion just barely looked up at Eclipsetess, "I'm sorry..I didn't know...I just..don't want to loose her...or the foal.." he said quietly before he looked back down. His mind was racing with several thoughts. Orion had just summoned one of his books and started reading it hoping for a cure. He'd never read so quick before. Before he knew it he was on the second book. The first just laying in the sand. He didn't care about the books. He only cared about finding something that would stop whatever was happening to the mare he loved...and his future child.

     Solstice had her eyes closed for a few minutes, but she opened them again when she heard everyone yelling around her. It scared her more. She didn't want any of them to be yelling at each other. She wanted to get up. She wanted to comfort them, but she could barely sit up. It was pointless. She didn't want this to be the end. She didn't want things to end like this. She wanted to live.

     Moon just looked over at Namir and Orion then at Eclipsetess, "Yelling at those two won't do any good. It won't help her. Namir already blames himself for this...he's hurting..I know exactly how he feels because I had to watch it happen to his best friend. Phoenix was evil enough to not let us help her, but we can help Solstice. We will help her." she said glancing at the two stallions then Solstice..she was like a daughter to her even if Solstice didn't really know it.

     Though the yelling only continued as things got worse. Everyone was just yelling at each other out of anger and grief, and Moon was standing in the middle of it. She may not have known who this Pandora was, but she did know that this yelling needed to stop. Moon was a older mare..quite the kind and motherly one, but times like these were when she wasn't. Yelling at each other wasn't going to save Solstice.

     Solstice knew Eclipsetess was letting her magic out which made it harder for her to keep her magic in. She knew that if she were to let it'd hurt everyone around her, and she did not want to do that to them. So she kept fighting to keep it in even if it was making things worse for her. Though the yelling didn't help at all. Even though she was gasping for air, she tried to say at least a few words.

     "Please...don't yell and...fight each other.." she said quietly and in a weird way. She wasn't even sure if they even heard her because they were all still yelling at each other. She was scared. She was scared that she was going to die. Never had she been this scared that she was going to die. Not even with Dra, but it pained her more knowing everyone she cared for and loved were yelling at each other. She didn't want that. 

     Moon only sighed and looked down at Solstice nuzzling her side, " your breath.." she said quietly almost unable to say those few words. Though Moon then looked at the others, "Save the yelling for later. It's not helping Solstice any, and Orion is the only one trying to find something that could help her. I may not know who this Pandora is, but I do know you all care for her." she said in a bit of a angered tone..that was a side of Moon the others rarely saw.

     "I understand how you all feel, but we need to work together if we're going to find a cure of some sort. Like Namir said. The necklace can't support both Solstice and the foal. Without the necklace.." Moon couldn't continue that thought and she knew they all knew what she was going to say, "It takes everything the necklace has to keep her alive, but with the foal it's killing her trying to keep the foal alive..not on purpose really, but that's what's happening." she said explaining things a bit.

     Moon just sighed as she looked over at Orion. A pile of books were just in the sand as he was quickly reading through them, but she could tell he hadn't found anything yet, and she knew he was close to reading all of his books. "Now..let's just put the argument aside and help Solstice." she said in a demanding tone, but also a saddened one. "Is there someone we could take her to or something? We need to at least fine a way to stabilize her...she's holding onto her magic more then anything.."

     Though Moon looked over at Schematic's when she heard a voice. This wasn't the time to deal with a potential threat, and Moon didn't know what to do at that point. Namir had just eventually looked up to see the strange form Schematic's took and the strange voice. He just walked over and stood between her and his sister along with everyone else. He wasn't thinking straight, but he wasn't going to just let a potential threat stand there like that when his sister was dying.

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#265953 Posted on 2023-01-30 06:26:04

Slip and Cerise just looked at each other. There was so much going on. Eclipsetess was crying and with Solstice. Schematic's was behind Slip, so he couldn't see her. Cerise was beside Slip, but she looked at him and said, "Come on! We need to calm her down. Her panicking is going to make things worse." So they went to her. 

Solstice was laying in the sand with Eclipsetess at her head. Slip laid behind her touching her back with his side and Cerise laid in front of her touching her right side with Cerise's left. They both said at the same time through their link Let's go on 1, 2, 3. They started to send their calming energies to Solstice, but she would still gasp and her magic would make her eyes fade and her horn and necklace flicker, but it seemed that with two calming energies working together, she calmed down a bit quicker. She seemed to not be fully calm, but more than she was. 

Cerise watched as Namir, Orion, and Moon had come running out of the forest. There was so much going on, but her blood ran cold when she heard about the necklace. It was killing Solstice and there didn't seem any of them was able to do anything about it. Then Scorn and Azulia was there. They started to yell and it seemed that everything was going down hill fast. Not only did it risk making Solstice panic more, it was also making Schematic's seemingly get stuck in her memories. Cerise could do nothing but watch as a shadow of the creature now stood before them where Schematic's just was.

Slip was afraid for Solstice. He didn't know her necklace was killing her. He could do nothing but watch the whole scene unfold. He then noticed that something odd was going on with Schematic's she was transforming. "Schematic's!" He yelled, "What's happening?" His voice got lost in all the commotion going on between Eclipsetess, Azulia, and Scorn. He linked Cerise, Can you keep Solstice calm? I need to go to Schematic's I think she's panicking from all the yelling. Cerise just shook her head, No brother, I need you here. I don't think we can help her just now. You just need to be there for her once this is over.

Slip couldn't do anything but watch in terror. Her head elongated into a wolf's, her front hooves into claws, her coat now a shaggy wolf's coat. Then an unknown mare spoke from inside her. Her shape seemingly transform yet again. He was so scared for Schematic's, not of her. He just started sobbing. He didn't know what was happening to the love of his life. She was his love. He now knew that. He would do anything to protect her.

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#265954 Posted on 2023-01-30 07:41:41

Eclipsetess started to stop crying as her feathery tips started glowing, they grew bright but the same dull color, then Nature was there amongst the chaos, but she seemed upset at Azulia and Scorn. She didn't want to be involved in a fight, but she was forced to use her nature magic and make vines to take Azulia and Scorn into the air for yelling as it got quiet.

"Now let's get focused, I already contacted Oceanus and Ceto, they'll be here immediately as they are rather faster for being helpful royales." Nature said, she came back down to the ground with feathery wings, her hard body now softely covered in fur the yelling disappeared for Schematic's as she began calming herself.

As Oceanus was swimming fast Ceto, her daughter, was slow behind her mother, she knew it was an emergency for Oceanus but she could have at least slowed a little bit more, maybe that's why Oceanus started training Ceto in swimming harder and faster to keep up in times like these.

Then when Oceanus was there, amongst the chaos, she jumped out of the water and landed perfectly okay, but she used her water magic to make the landing sweeter for a grand entrance. Ceto lagged behind but she was there now as she jumped and ran onto the beach as she turned into a normal horse like her mother's form.

"We're here! Come on Ceto!" Oceanus said, she didn't get a chance to change out of her royale attire as Ceto wasn't dressed as she ran behind her mother when Oceanus galloped, cantered, trotted, and then walked up to Solstice as she saw her doing what she was to keep herself alive.

"Ceto go help the struggling mare calm down, I'll take it from here, Eclipsetess.. Since your a goddess, your body is gonna automatically summon something as your very emotional right now, there's a high chance that you'll summon something for Solstice to wear or not could be something else." Oceanus told Eclipsetess, she looked up at Oceanus and smiled, she wanted to pull her into a hug, but she couldn't.

"I'll take it from here you two, just go help my daughter Ceto help the mare, Eclipsetess and I can handle this one." Oceanus told Slip and Cerise, she knew that they were calming Solstice but Oceanus knew something better to do.

As Oceanus sat down, across from Eclipsetess, she brought out her two front legs to touch Solstice, then she began singing in a beautiful sea motherly way. She had siblings to take care of, so she knew how to raise a foal even with her older siblings as well.

That's when Oceanus pulled out her water magic and began creating a pool ONLY around Solstice, she knew what type of pool to use as it was a calming one and a healing pool, Oceanus knew she mastered any type of water magic that she had, making her powerful and stronger and yet loving to someone.

As Oceanus kept singing, the pool getting bigger until Sosltice was in it, but she wasn't swimming in a way, she was just laying on top of the most very shallowest pools ever, Oceanus then began putting happy memories into the pool as she kept calming Solstice until she put her ear on Solstice's chest to hear the drumming and the beating of heart turn to normal.

"Now your gonna have to have this pool follow you wherever you go, UNTIL you foal, when your done having your first kid the pool will disappear until you have another foal. My magic interferes other magic, making you able to survive even if you don't feel your necklace on you, because my magic is far more stronger since I mastered all the types of water magic. In simple terms: I helped you survive with your first foal, your necklace is too weak for my magic, abling me to interefere with it and make a pool that I know what to do. The pool's magic name is "The Survivor", as you can already see what I just said now." Oceanus said, she stopped singing to tell Solstice this, she was powerful as Eclipsetess kept watching her wings glow bright until a second necklace formed, this time it felt like more maic was coursing through the chain/thread this time.

"Wait that's a Lavalier necklace! They are the most wanted and most powerful necklaces that are more rarer to find! It's said that this necklace is strong that a previous necklace's magic could be put into it without causing pain or death!" Schematic's said, she ran to where a Eclipsetess was as she said that, she was surprised to find one?

"Well, if they are the most powerful, then Solstice's necklace's magic could be put into here without killing Solstice!" Eclipsetess said, she put the Lavalier necklace on Solstice as her previous necklace's magic got sucked into the Lavalier, which made the Lavalier the carrier for Solstice's life, magic, and the magic for the foal.

"Oh well someone's gonna live forever then~!" Oceanus said, Eclipsetess nuzzled Sosltice happily as she took the previous necklace off as it didn't flicker anymore as it was just dull, like a normal necklace, the Lavalier necklace was now the holder for everything in Solstice.

"How much magic can a Lavalier necklace even hold?" Eclipsetess asked Schematic's, she was back to normal- to her normal self now.

"Infinte, that's why the Lavalier necklace is so rarer and harder to find, because they are made with the strongest- the most strongest of magical ore out there in the Isles today, it's said to keep a unicorn, alicorn, pegasus, or even a normal horse from dying and it makes them EXTREMELY immortal to where they can't feel pain, unless they want too, then the Lavalier grants the wish. Oh and the Lavalier also grants wishes by the wearer of the necklace ONLY. It has infinite wishes as well, which is very OP in today's terms." Schematic's said, she looked normal except for the unknown FEMALE creature attached to Schematic's shadow, Schematic's seemed to not care as she was back to normal.

"Geez.. And I thought Solstice's necklace was more powerful then that.. I didn't know Lavalier necklaces were THAT strong.. Or at all.." Eclipsetess said, she then layed her head down to sleep since she bawled her crying eyes out for Solstice, Oceanus then nuzzled Solstice to have her lay down to regain strength, Schematic's did the samething as she rubbed Solstice's stomach to help the foal calm down if it was upset from trying to survive.

"Well Solstice can now give her necklace to her foal, making a tradition out if again, which is good to keep traditions as it means importance to the horses.. I also visited mother who were talking to two strange unicorns..? I can't remember, but mother came up to me so that she could introduce me your parents Solstice.. I could tell worry was amongst her eyes, which indicated that she was worrying over for you with your new-found foal.. I only helped her calm down as I told her that you would be alright, I told her that you were strong and hardy. And you pulled through like what I said you were gonna do." Oceanus said, she seemed to help Solstice worry less even more as she wanted to know that her parents worried less for her. Even Eclipsetess was surprised to see that from Oceanus.

"What? I visit mother regularly you know, it was just a concidence that I helped keep your mother calm while telling her the things that you did, while being strong to overcome them, the.. Statue of you was meant to represent you overcoming your fears you knew that right?" Oceanus asked Solstice, Eclipsetess laughed at her since Solstice wouldn't have known that from the statue.

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#265960 Posted on 2023-01-30 11:13:55

     Orion only read quicker and quicker as he got to his last book. His last chance at finding something that would help, but he didn't find anything. Once he was finished with the last book, Orion didn't know what to do as he just tossed it into the pile. Solstice and the foal were more important then some books. "I couldn't find anything!" he said with several different emotions, "There was nothing in any of these..." he said getting more worried and upset until he saw Nature.

      He just watched what she did with Azulia and Scorn before he looked back down at her. Hopefully Oceanus and Ceto would be able to help. He didn't really know them like the others did, but he knew who they were, and he knew they were close friends. One moment there was yelling, and the next it was quiet. It pained all of them when they could hear Solstice gasp every now and then.

     Both stallions wanted to be at her side, but they stayed away letting the others help her instead of interfering. Namir wasn't even mad about Eclipsetess yelling at him and Orion. He deserved it. He should have said something a lot sooner to somebody, and if he had then they probably wouldn't be in this situation. It was his fault. Entirely his fault. He tried to convince himself that Solstice wasn't going to go through this...but that was his mistake.

     Though everyone seemed to look over at the water seeing Oceanus and soon Ceto. Moon just stepped away from Solstice and the others as she trusted them even if she didn't know the two of them. Instead she just went to stand with Orion and Namir trying to keep the both of them calm and collected. Though she mainly focused on Namir knowing he was beating himself up for this, and she just nuzzled his shoulder, "You know her...she's strong, and she's fighting...she'll be alright.." she said quietly.

     By the time Oceanus and her daughter were there, Solstice just had her eyes closed. She was worse then she was, but she was still fighting to keep her magic contained. Her horn didn't flicker as much as her necklace did, but it did glow a bit only because she was holding onto her magic. Though it was starting to slip away from her. She started to struggle keeping it contained, which made things worse for her.

     Though she did hear a voice she hadn't heard in awhile. Two actually. Though she knew she knew the voices, but it just took her a minute to realize who it was. Oceanus and Nature. She heard Oceanus mention her daughter, but she didn't hear her speak. Solstice only hoped that Oceanus could do something..even if it was just a temporary fix. The longer she was like this, the more her magic started slipping away from her. 

     Solstice had forgotten that Slip and Cerise were on both sides of her until she felt them get up. She hardly moved to save her breath as much as she could. Solstice only opened her eyes for a moment before closing them again. She couldn't do anything but keep her magic within her...but that was starting to become more of a challenge the longer she did it. If she lost it all at once..she could do some damage.

     It wasn't long before she started to hear the faint sound of singing. The was calming and kept her relaxed. She probably couldn't even sit up if she wanted to. She only hoped this wasn't the end. She didn't want to die..she was scared of dying. More so then she was of least at that moment. How could she survive Dra, but possibly die from this? Though Solstice just did the only thing she could do, and she did it until she couldn't do it anymore. She was trying to fight...but she struggled doing it.

     Though she felt something else touch her. It was different then everyone else. Her mind just didn't really let her realize it was just water. She was far enough from the water, so why could she feel it? It wasn't long before she realized it was water, but not just normal water. She seemed to gasp less and less as she could feel herself coming back to her more. Solstice slowly let loose of her magic..she didn't need to contain it any longer.

     Solstice just eventually opened her eyes looking around a bit not even bothering to try and move for the time being. Though she did have a small smile on her face as she looked at Eclipsetess and Oceanus. When she felt like she could, Solstice at least sat up a little. Her one side covered in sand while also being a bit wet from the pool. She didn't care. She was alive..that's all she cared about.

     She did listen to Oceanus as she looked down at the pool for a moment. Anything to still be alive. Her thoughts were all over the place, but she was more then thankful. Solstice just looked at Oceanus again, "Thank you..." she said quietly, but loud enough for those around her to hear, "I just tried to hold onto my magic as much as I could...if it got out it could have hurt you all.." she said looking back down.

     It was almost like one moment she was sleeping, and the next she was dying. She was still a bit out of it, but she just didn't know what to think. She only hoped that the foal would be alright..she still had awhile to go until she would even foal. Solstice just hoped things would go smoothly until then from now on. She was just exhausted by everything, but she was still scared by the fact that she truly thought she was going to die along with her unborn foal.

     Solstice did look over at Schematic's confused why she practically ran over until she looked at the necklace that strangely appeared. She was still confused though. Her mind was still bombarded with all kinds of thoughts. Though she looked at Eclipsetess as she put the necklace on her. She was unsure of it though...wearing a necklace that wasn't her mother' didn't feel right to her at first.

     She could feel everything move into this new necklace as she just looked at it. She didn't say much really. What was there for her to say anyway? Though she did nuzzle Eclipsetess still having a small but very grateful smile as she took off her mother's necklace. It felt odd to her not wearing was the only thing she had of her mother..she didn't even know what she looked like. Namir never told her things like this.

     Solstice did listen to Schematic's as she explained the necklace while Solstice only looked at it. At least she knew something about this necklace, and not her mother's. Though she only looked at them, "Guess I'd have to be careful for what I wish for.." she said understanding the necklace more then she did. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess as she laid down and closed her eyes. She never really got up, only sat up, but Solstice just laid back down with her legs underneath her as Oceanus told her to.

     She did look at Schematic's not knowing much about her, but she didn't really mind. At that point Solstice was just ready to meet her foal. She did jerk her back a bit when she felt something as Schematic's nuzzled her stomach. Solstice only smiled a little more, "I..I think I felt a kick.." she said looking at the others smiling as she listened to what Oceanus started to say.

     Solstice seemed to like the idea of passing the necklace down to her foal when she felt it was the right time. It had been a tradition in her family for quite the long time. Now that she was able to continue it, she would. Though it'd take time for her to get used to wearing a necklace other then her mother's. Solstice didn't really say anything until she heard what Oceanus said next.

     "Y-you met my parents..?" she asked before she looked up a bit listening to Oceanus. It made her want to meet them more then she had before. Would she even be able to? She used to always ask Namir about them, but he would just always walk away without a word when she was little. Solstice didn't know what they were like..what they looked like..or anything really. 

     Solstice then looked at her home Isle..she forgot where she was until she came to realize. "No..but have I really faced them..?" she paused looking down a bit, "Dra still haunts me...I lost it with that creature...I..." she just went quiet unsure of what to say really. She was still trying to process things. Her mind foggy with all kinds of thoughts. Though her mind slowly cleared away the thoughts.

     Namir and Orion had just stayed back giving them all room while Oceanus helped Solstice. Even once they knew she'd be alright, they stayed back. Eventually Namir just stepped forward tears still running down his cheeks while Orion stepped over just as Namir did. Orion only ignored the pile of books covered in sand. He'd deal with them later. He was just happy she was alright.

     "They're are strong.." Namir said as Orion nodded in agreement. Namir only looked down at the mention of his parents. "I....I should have said something sooner...I should have done something sooner.." he said blaming himself as he looked down. Solstice only lowered her ears as she looked at her brother. She'd never seen him like this before, and it took a lot for him to be this upset..

     "Namir..." she said wanting to go over to him, but she just stayed where she was. "It's not your fault didn't want to panic anyone because you weren't's not your fault..." she said, "I'm still here because of Slip and Schematic's...I'm lucky they were here when...well you know..." she said looking down a bit. "But it's not your fault...don't beat yourself up.."

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#265961 Posted on 2023-01-30 12:12:59

* So sorry about a short reply. 

Slip and Cerise just looked at each other as these new horses came to help. They weren't really sure who they were, but they knew they would help. Cerise hesitated on getting up, but Slip just reached over and nipped Cerise. She knew that meant to come on. 

They both got up and walked over to Schematic's, she still had the shadow of the creature with her, but was back to her normal self so to speak. Slip leaned down and nudged her with his nose. "It'll be okay." He whispered with a bit of a smile in his voice. As the scene before them all played out, Slip just watched as this water horse (he wasn't sure what to call her, as he knew her and the other came from the water.) helped calm Solstice with a healing pool of water. Then as there was a new necklace formed for her. Schematic's rushed forward and started to explain the necklace. 

Slip took a step after her, but Cerise just stood in his way. "She's okay Slip. You don't need to be by her side all the time. She can obviously take care of herself if she needs too." Slip looked at Cerise with a stricken look on his face, "But Cerise.. I need to make sure she's okay..." He trailed off, then he watched as she seemed to be okay. She seemed in awe of this new necklace. He had never heard of it, but understood the meaning when it was explained. 

Cerise could do nothing but watch everything play out before her. She knew Slip wanted to go to Schematic's, but she also knew that Schematic's was okay. Cerise heard talk about Solstice and Namir's parents and she too wished that she had met hers, but she knew there was no way her and Slip could ever see them again. 

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