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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265880 Posted on 2023-01-27 13:58:41

"Thank you Slip, you look dazzling in a plaid scarf yourself!" Schematic's told Slip, she giggled at him before looking over at Solstice who, Azulia noticed first by her sensing and her presence being felt that she could also feel, Schematic's then dipped her head to pick up a tiny little crown x hat mix and then she looked at Slip since he was taller then her, by obvious choice and default.

Schematic's looked up at Slip as she realized he was taller then her but that's the height difference, she didn't mind staring at him as she was trying to figure out where the crown x hat mix would sit, then a snake hissed as Azulia tapped it with her hoof since she didn't want to scare Schematic's easily.

"Rat you are.." Azulia told the snake, then a mare with a snake end came up to the counter as the snake wrapped itself around the mare's neck, Azulia was taken back as Schematic's looked at her since she bumped her on accident. That was when Schematic shivered at the mare with the snake body.

"Holy Faith.. Your a hybrid aren't you?" Azulia asked the mare, she seemed quite happy at the customers at her stand, the alicorn king then noticed the small group as Azulia looked back at Solstice before looking scared at the snake mare.

"Oh yes I am, but a cursed horse instead, I have no idea what I did. But I was this when I woke up by myself in an Isle desert that suddenly began to sink, thank goodness I'm a snake or I would've been a goner!" the snake mare said, Azulia then calmed down as she knew that the mare meant no harm.

"Right, snakes can swim underwater (<--- real life too) but they can't breath underwater (<-- fact, unless I'm wrong-)." Azulia said, the snake mare then ducked as she revealed to be a cursed unicorn, or so as feathers were above the shoulder blades where wings would be.

"Where you an alicorn instead?" Schematic's asked the snake mare, she just nodded quietly in shock but seemed to be enjoying the company for the while, Azulia was shocked but turned her head away to look down as Schematic looked down as well.

"It's rather my first time seeing a cursed horse like you before, but it's bet to be an amazing life!" Schematic said, Azulia agreed with that statement as the snake mare smiled happily.

"Well with that said, why don't you four pick out a reptilic pet? I have so many here that they basically feed themselves when I try to feed them in the early morning." the snake mare told the four, Schematic had her eyes on a rather cute rat while Azulia picked a gecko with blue spirals, then the two looked at Cerise and Slip.

Azulia realized that Solstice was next to Cerise as she told her whati they were doing and she picked an adorable gecko out, which the most fearless but soft scaled creature, Schematic's rat was black with amber eyes and had an adorable demon tail with a floating heart as the tail part and with a halo floating when Schematic was examining the rat.

"Which animal are you two gonna pick? Remember: Reptiles and birds, Schematic's was lucky to find a rat." Azulia said, she then noticed that the alicorn king was walking over to the five as Solstice was already there with them.

"Find any good pets to be companions?" the king asked, he greeted the five and the snake mare with much empathy and sympathy as well.

"Good'ay your majesty." the snake mare greeted the king, they seemed to have grown a friendship of sorts.

"Lovely noon-ish evening right?" the king asked the group and the snake mare, he was happy which boosted Schematic's and Azulia's mood which also boosted the snake mare's mood.

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#265882 Posted on 2023-01-27 14:50:05

Slip was watching Schematic's try to figure out where to put the crown hat, when Azulia tapped a snake with her hoof. He heard her say something so he looked away from Schematic's and noticed that Solstice had joined the group. "Hey Solstice!" Cerise had said, "How are you feeling?" Slip just watched, but then turned back around as Schematic's had bumped into another horse. "Easy there" He told Schematic's and help to steady her. That's when he realized what this new mare looked like.

She was a horse, but she also looked like she was part snake. Slip just listened as she was telling them about how she was a cursed Alicorn who didn't know what she did, but still was cursed. She then surprised Slip by telling them they could pick out a pet. He looked through as he noticed Cerise doing the same. Azulia and Schematic's had already picked out their pets, but Slip wanted something to pick him out. He looked at several reptiles, a corn snake, boa, ball python, a few gekcos and turtles, but he heard a small hooting come from the side of the stall. 

He walked over and saw a tiny Scops Owl sitting on a perch hooting happily. The little owl flew up to him and perched herself right on his head behind his horn. She was a cute little thing. Was mostly brown and black with some white, but her eyes looked like swirling galaxies. He walked back around and stood next to Schematic's with his little owl perched on his head now. He looked down at Schematic's and said softly, "I think I found my pet, well more like she found me." 

Cerise watched as Slip went to the corner of the stall and then she chuckled as a teeny owl was perched on his head. She watched as he walked back to Schematic's side and say something to her. She decided to link him, Looks like you found your pet, brother. She's adorable. I think you should call her Spiral. Slip just looked back at her and smiled. I think you're right. She watched as Slip told Schematic's and the others, "Cerise had a good idea in naming my owl. I'm going to name her Spiral." He knew they would be confused as to how Cerise had the idea, but she didn't mind. They would find out sooner or later that her and Slip had a link.

She kept browsing the pets when a cute little bird of prey caught her eye. He was a Kestrel and was very handsome and she could tell he was very intelligent. He looked up at her as she came over to him. He screeched his small call and flew up to her. He landed on her head too similar to Slip's owl, but this time right between her ears. He was similar is colors to Slip's owl, but he was tan, grey, and black. He had golden-red wing tips that looked like fire though. 

Just as Cerise walked back to the group to show them her new little friend, the Alicorn King had noticed them and walked up to them. He seemed to be in a good mood, and had asked them if they found any companions. Cerise spoke up, "Yes your highness. We found some cute little critters to be our friends." At that moment, Slip winked at Cerise and said with their link, What did you name your little guy? Cerise thought for a moment before responding to Slip, I think I'm going to name him Fossil. She finished and turned her attention back to the king. 

"Yes, it's a very lovely night. We've been on a run and some of us has swam. Then we came to the marketplace." Cerise piped up. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Cerise was happy she found Fossil and she knew that Slip was happy that he found Spiral and now that he's been pining over Schematic's. "He really likes her," Cerise thought. "I know that he's just trying to be friendly and doesn't want to love her because of our past, but he deserves someone. Just as long as she doesn't break his heart. He couldn't handle heartbreak." Cerise pulled out of her reverie and looked at Solstice. 

"You're okay aren't you? You seem to be a bit tired. Would you like me to try to heal some energy back? Or would you want Slip to? I saw how he replenished Eclipsetess's energy in the battle earlier." Cerise asked. Slip turned to look at the two of them when he heard his name being said. He walked up to them and said, "I don't know if I can do it for sure, but I can try to give you an energy boost if you'd like." Slip just smiled at them both and waited for Solstice to reply. 

Last edited on 2023-01-27 at 14:50:45 by Deer Creek

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#265883 Posted on 2023-01-27 15:04:58

     Solstice knew Azulia was the first one to notice her because of her abilities, but she said nothing about it. She wasn't really there to shop..mainly just to walk around and think. Though she knew it was better for her to just go over to the group instead of having them following her. Solstice at least tried to look somewhat presentable at least as she raised her head up more. "Fine..I guess.." she answered yawning a bit. Though she lied.

     Solstice did look back over at the herd hoping Orion or Namir hadn't followed her. She knew they were only trying to help, and be there for her, but she was just getting a bit annoyed by them. Maybe it was because they were stallions? She didn't seem to get annoyed with anyone else but Namir and Orion. That or they were rubbing off of each other...the last thing she needed were two Namir's. Sometimes Namir just paranoid her..but she knew it was out of love.

     As Solstice walked up, she went and stood beside Cerise. Slip standing on the other side of his sister. Though Solstice did notice Slip seemed to keep away from her, but she wasn't sure why. Solstice just said nothing about it anyway. Well she didn't say much anyway. Though she was a bit relieved that no one was saying anything about going back to the herd, or that she should have been asleep even if she was tired.

     Though she noticed the snake, and seemed to back up a bit from it. At least until she watched it slither away. As it did, Solstice went and stood beside Cerise once more as she looked at the strange mare. Was she dreaming? Probably. Sometimes she had weird dreams when she was as tired as she was, but she quickly realized she wasn't dreaming. The mention of curses only caused her to look down a bit.

     "I remember when everyone thought I was cursed...that I had given in to it before I even met Azulia.." she said looking at her as a small smile came across her face, "That is until I met you and everyone else that day..I remember seeing you walk up behind Skadi and the others as I just took the opportunity and ran away.." Solstice was only trying to think of something good to distract her mind.

     Solstice though looked over when she noticed the alicorn king came over before she looked in the opposite direction towards the herd, "I-I'll be fine..just couldn't really sleep that well after earlier..that and I always struggle to sleep...sometimes I just sleep during the day and stay up the whole night.." she said. Though the night felt like day to her unlike the others. "But I should really get back to the herd...before my brother and Orion notice I'm gone.." she sighed, "I guess I'll see you guys later then.."

     Solstice just gave a small nod as she said goodbye to everyone before she turned and walked away. Though before she turned away, the color in her eyes seemed to fade a bit. Solstice though just walked away keeping her head down as she seemed to stumble a bit, but she stayed on her hooves and just tried picking up to a trot as she headed back to the herd. She normally wasn't so quick to leave. Maybe it was just because of Namir and Orion. Maybe she was starting to get close to biting their ears off.

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#265884 Posted on 2023-01-27 15:57:24

"Ah alright! Get enough sleep then!" Schematic's said as she waved goodbye with her hoof, but she didn't realize that she smacked Slip in the face, that was when she got sad and apologized to him very dearly, she even kissed where she smacked Slip, even nuzzling him very dearly as well.

"I'm so sorry darling! I didn't mean it! I really didn't!" Schematic's apologized in a very sad way, was she this treated with someone else? Why did she call Slip darling? Was there a horse before Slip? There probably was as she mentioned a horse before.

Darling? Hm, Azulia thought she then thanked the snake mare as the alicorn king began talking with her as she gave Azulia a nod before entering a conversation with the king, Azulia then smelled fried donuts as the king told her and the others to check out the "delicous donuts", and before the group knew it, Azulia rushed off quickly to the food.

"Foodie then? Hm, more fun love to give to a friend then! Right Slip? But your not a friend to me!" Schematic's said, she told Slip that she liked liked (<--- to show how much you love someone by saying "like like") him, but she did kiss him and put the rat with amber eyes on her back as the rat made a nesting in her hair as she trotted off to Azulia who was at the stand already and began eating several donuts.

"Careful not to choke!" Schematic's worriedly told Azulia, Azulia just gulped down the donuts and smiled at Schematic's as she was a real friend to her who was worried and frightened for her life, but Azulia just nodded and got up as she was full from the donuts.

"I'll see you, Slip, and Cerise back to the herd. I had enough donuts as it is, so I'm just gonna go back and sleep tonight." Azulia told Schematic's, she then trotted away as Schematic ordered three donuts, one for her and Slip to share as it was connected together.

Schematic then began waiting for Cerise and Slip as she found somewhere to sit, she was also given a notepad as she wrote down the donuts for who was getting who, Cerise's donut was big and heartshaped for friendship, Slip's donut was merged with Schematic's giving him enough force to pull his donut from Schematic's as she found a three seated table with cushions to sit on if wanted too.

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#265903 Posted on 2023-01-28 09:59:07

Cerise just watched with a saddened expression as Solstice turned to walk away. She wished that Solstice hadn't decline her offer. Maybe once they get back to the herd, she can catch up with her and talk to her. I know you want to help her, Slip linked her, But you can only help horses if they want help. Cerise just looked over at Slip and said out loud, "I know." 

Cerise kept an eye on Solstice as she left though. She noticed that Solstice eyes had sorted faded before she left and then watched as she stumbled once heading back to the herd. Slip, did you notice Solstice's eyes sorta fade before she turned around? It looked like her gem also flickered just a bit too. I'm really worried for her. Cerise linked. Slip was still with Schematic's and didn't turn around, but just nodded his head slightly in agreement with Cerise. 

As Schematic's waved bye, she had hit Slip in the face. It sorta stunned him for just a moment as he didn't realized what happened, until he heard Cerise laughing at him then she said, "Easy there Schematic's. Don't beat him up just yet. That's still my job." Slip just shook his head to clear himself when he started to join in on the laughing too. Schematic's apologized while he was chuckling, but wait. Did he hear her correctly? Did she call him Darling? That made his insides do a somersault in his stomach. Then Schematic's did something that Slip never thought she would do. She kissed him and even told him that he wasn't just her friend. What did all this mean? Was she telling him she liked him? Maybe she was? But what if he was reading into this all wrong? She probably just was being nice. But what if...?

Slip was stuck in his thoughts when Cerise walked over and nudged him, "Come on," She said, "The king told us to go try out some of those doughnuts over there." Slip then looked over to see Azulia scarfing down some doughnuts while Schematic's was over there watching. He turned to the snake mare and said, "Thank you for mine and my sister's new pets. We're very grateful." Then he turned back and nudged Cerise to follow him over to the doughnut stall.

Just as Slip and Cerise made it over to the stall, Azulia was telling them all bye. She was leaving as well, but Cerise didn't want to leave Slip with Schematic's because the fact was they still didn't know much about her and she didn't trust her fully just yet. 

She watched as Schematic's ordered three doughnuts, but two were connected, Huh, Cerise thought, why did she order two that were connected? She just watched curiously as Schematic's just sat down at a three-seater table and waited for them. Slip looked back at Cerise, "Are you coming sister?" 

"Yes, I'm coming." She responded. She sat down next to Slip who had sat down next to Schematic's. Cerise looked down at her doughnut, which was heart shaped and big. She thought that was very nice of Schematic's, but she still didn't trust her completely just yet. She was just being a bit protective over her brother is all.

Slip looked at the doughnut that Schematic's had ordered for him. That's weird, why are they connected? He thought. He picked up his doughnut and just sat there with the other half hanging out of his mouth. How was he supposed to eat his doughnut when it was connected to Schematic's? 

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#265905 Posted on 2023-01-28 12:03:58

"I'm also curious why our doughnuts were connected as well.." Schematic's told Slip, she got a little uncomfortable but she did grip her side of the doughnut and gently broke it, she was eating a little slow as she was still uncomfortable by the fact that the horse running the doughnut stall had given Schematic's a doughnut that was together.

What do I do now? Schematic's thought, she was at a loss since she was thinking deeply, so she wasn't able to know what Cerise or Slip were talking about, it was also good as she could think to herself while two other horses were busy talking. But her little thinking got her to notice a golden horse with a white face (-minus the cheeks/cheek bones) was walking somewhere, but Schematic's kept her head down.

"I think I'm gonna go explore the market by myself now, it was a pleasure being both your sides!" Schematic's told Slip and Cerise, then she got up and walked to the left after the golden horse that peeked her curiosity, though she did nuzzle Cerise with joy as she kissed Slip on the cheek again before actually leaving.

When Schematic's was on her own she was lookng at the amazing things that were dotting the market, different satchel's, things, objects, and even horse-made things as well! Schematic's stopped when a stall caught her interest as two stallion's were talking about getting gifts as two mares popped up next to the stallion in the stall, and the other mare kissed the stallion that was talking to the stallion in the stall with his mare.

Married then.. Schematic's thought, she just continuing to walk around the marketplace as the stands became more and more exotic, then she saw the golden horse that she saw walking by when she was eating her doughnut, she walked up to the golden horses stall as she saw horn accessories, and everything else that the market had.

"Well hello there!" the golden horse greeted Schematic's, "What can I get you?" the golden horse asked Schematic's, she then began looking at everything the horse had..

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#265906 Posted on 2023-01-28 13:04:23

     Solstice just tried to get out of there as quick as she could without making a scene. She managed since she knew how to hide and blend in with things to prevent others from spotting her. A skill she learned when she was just a filly. Her darkened coat was easy to spot in pure daylight, but she learned of different ways to blend hiding in the shadows or keeping her head down low.

     No one really seemed to notice that something was off with her, but it wasn't long until Solstice had to go from a trot to a walk. Her horn started to flicker a bit this time, but Solstice only mumbled some words and focused to get it to stop. Somehow she managed as she just stood there wondering what was going wrong. None of this happened until the creature was gone. Solstice was starting to get a bit scared about it.

     She started to think about her magic..was she loosing control of it? The thought only made her fear the safety of her friends...her family...even her unborn foal. Solstice only stood there for a moment before she kept walking back to the herd with her head lowered a bit. Though just as she got to the herd, Namir had stepped in front of her. Solstice just stopped and looked up at him.

     Namir had just been with Eclipsetess when he looked over seeing his sister was resting where she was only minutes before. How did he not notice her leaving? Maybe he just didn't realize how good she could be at sneaking off. Though he stayed put for the time being. At least until he saw her walking back to the herd. That was when he got up and walked over to her stopping her. "I thought you were resting. You shouldn't just sneak off like that!" he said almost in a angered tone.

     Solstice only rolled her eyes, "Your not the boss of me anymore Namir! I'm not a filly anymore, and I can take care of myself! Rest rest rest rest rest. That's all it is with you and Orion. I'm fed up with it. I know you both are only trying to look out for me, but I'm not a baby, so stop acting as if I am." she snorted angrily as she had her ears pinned and nostrils flared. "I don't always need you bossing me around."

     Namir was almost taken back as he took a small step away from her. It was very rare for her to get mad, and it was very clear she was indeed mad at him. It was odd to him. Though he saw how to her eyes and necklace started to glow a bit. Only before her eyes started to fade again, and her necklace flicker. Solstice just looked down and ran off as best she could to be alone. Namir only watched her, "Solstice...I.." 

     Orion had been up, and watched Namir approach Solstice as he was about to walk over. That was until she yelled at Namir. Orion didn't quite know what to think or say just as much as Namir did. Though he walked over to him only for Namir to just turn away. It was happening again. The necklace. He saw the same things happen with his mother when she was carrying Solstice, but it was still too soon to tell if it was really Namir didn't say anything, and just let her run off..

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#265910 Posted on 2023-01-28 15:21:12

Cerise just stared at Slip and Schematic's. Their doughnuts were connected. That was funny, Cerise thought. She then decided to link Slip, That was really cute watching you two eat the same doughnut. Slip was caught off guard by the statement though and replied, It was just a mistake from the doughnut maker. That's all. I didn't mind. 

Cerise just chuckled. She noticed that Schematic's wasn't paying attention to them so she just watched her from the side. Schematic's seemed to be focused on a golden horse that walked by, and then she had gotten up and started to head off after the horse. She nuzzled Cerise and then had kissed Slip. They were both a bit shocked to see the affection coming from Schematic's who was terrified of them not too long before. 

"Schematic's, wait!" Cerise called out after her. "Slip are you not going to go after her? We're supposed to be with her." Slip just shook his head slightly as if to clear it. "Oh, yeah, Schematic's wait!" He called too. They both got up and started to walk off after her. 

Slip was stunned again as he could still feel the place where Schematic's had kissed him. He enjoyed her kisses. That was when Cerise had called his name and he realized that they were still supposed to be following Schematic's and not let her out of their sight. He called out after her and then got up to follow. Cerise did the same.

As they were searching through the stalls they noticed Schematic's ahead, she had been near a couple stallions, but then moved on. They both watched as she came up on a stall and Cerise noticed that it had the same mare that passed by at the doughnut stall. "Slip, there she is. Let's catch up to her." They started to trot to catch up. When they arrived Slip said, "Hey why'd you leave? We need to stick together and he nuzzled behind her behind her cheek. 

Cerise noticed that the stall was full of Horn Jewelry and accessories. She never really was one for accessories, but there was a super cute jeweled piece that would look fabulous on her horn. She really couldn't take her eyes off it. It was silver chain with a gorgeous pink sapphire surrounded by a crest. She wondered how much it was, or if she could even afford it. It just seemed to call her. She was focused on it and no one else.

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#265911 Posted on 2023-01-28 16:27:30

"Hm? Oh nothing really.. Just wanted to think is all.." Schematic's said, she didn't really sound all to happy, in fact the opposite as her voice sounded a bit uncomfortable but also sad in a way.

"And besides, seeing a golden horse is practically rare! RARE!" Schematic's said, she had sounded determined to have found a golden mare, but it was also rather her first time as well, but the mare just stood in the stall and watched everything take place. And not saying anything that could have gone wrong.

But that's when the mare looked at Cerise, as she noticed that she liked a piece of her jewelry while Schematic's was lecturing Slip about golden horses and how many shades there were to be a horse of golden color, while also still looking when she had a break when talking.

"Am I making sense?" Schematic's asked Slip, she wanted his full attention, and see how much he knew about golden horses.

"You can have that piece, if you have just a single coin, that's all really." the golden mare said, "Some of the jewelry here is what I made but the one your looking at was from a goddess herself that made the jewelry." the mare giggled at Cerise as she pulled out a golden coin to show Cerise what the coins look like.

"You can ask the alicorn king for a pot of gold, as long as they aren't bent since the bent coins are worthless and are usually paid for bread, the king stated that himself- well when his first son ruled the Isle for a couple years, the king took the throne back since it went hay-wire from there.." the golden mare said, she seemed to have collected them for kind of reason.

"I did see an alicorn mare that had a purse with her about the golden coins. Maybe ask her that? I did see her walk back to the entrance and hasn't been back since." the golden mare said, she seemed way more friendlier as she then let Cerise have the piece of jewelry for free since she wouldn't realize who the golden mare was talking about.

"I do have to say one more thing: Some horses, like us let you take things for free, so you need gold coins to pay for some things." the golden mare told the three, Schematic's then forgot about her rat as she put a tiny crumb in her hair when she forgot about the rat..


Eclipsetess stayed where she was as she watched everything unfold on her, and Orion too that it seems as well, Eclipsetess kept to herself and privately since she didn't want to get anything worse then it originally was, but she got up and walked over to the market since she didn't feel like talking which was alright..

Though she did feel a presence she never felt, which was a golden horse passing by as no one seemed to care, Eclipsetess just got curious as she trotted to where the presence took her to where Schematic, Cerise and Slip were with the golden horse, she then walked up next to Schematic's as she joined in with Schematic, Cerise, and Slip and the golden horse.

Eclipsetess could tell that Schematic's was trying to take off her uncomfortableness that seemed to have hung around her for some reason, so she nuzzled Schematic's to let her know that she was there to help with anything that she needed as Schematic's nodded at the nudge as she knew what that meant..

While ignoring Cerise and Slip in the process, as she let the two do whatever they needed, but she came late so she had no idea what was going to happen..

Last edited on 2023-01-28 at 16:30:05 by Lizzy

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#265913 Posted on 2023-01-28 17:45:00

     Orion just looked in the direction Solstice had run off too before he looked at where Namir had walked off to. He noticed that Eclipsetess had just gone to the marketplace. He wasn't completely sure on what just happened between the two, but he knew it'd just make things worse if he were to run after her..who knows what would have happened then. Solstice was very rarely mad, and due to this, no one knew what could happen if they were to make things worse.

     Solstice had just ran off as quick as she could. There was only one place she would have went place she went to often since they were forced to leave their home. The bridge leading to her home..or at least what used to be. It was still hard on her being here. She missed her home..greatly. Solstice only slowed to a stop as she looked around making sure she wasn't followed...she didn't want to be followed..not one bit.

     Though she just found a somewhat comfortable spot in some sand and leaves. It was a bit more comfortable then where she was previously. Solstice just sighed as she lowered her ears and looked over at her home Isle. She missed the beauty of it..the peacefulness. Everything. Though she just looked over where the herd was even if they weren't in sight before she just curled up and closed her eyes. Maybe if she just stayed there for awhile she'd be left alone like she wanted.

     Moon had heard some of what happened as she walked over a bit only to see Solstice run off, but it wasn't the only thing she saw. She saw the look on Namir's face, and just walked over to him even if he didn't want to be spoken to. "'s too soon to tell.." she said in a quieter and saddened voice. "It won't happen again, but there isn't anything we can do until we know it's happening again...but we'll keep an eye on her.." she said trying to comfort him.

     Namir just looked over at Moon as she came over before looking down, "It may be too soon, but it's showing earlier then it did with my mother..." he sighed, "Mother didn't depend on the necklace as much as my sister does. I fear the necklace can't handle keeping her alive and a foal...she has more magic then mother did.." he said hoping things wouldn't turn out the same for his sister...he didn't even know where she went or even if she was going to come back which worried him more.

     "Everyone will make sure nothing happens to her Namir," Moon said nuzzling him a bit to help him relax some, "Just give her time..she'll come back. She always know what the herd means to her..she just needs to be left alone. You know how she is...just take it easy on her. She is right. She's a full grown mare..not a filly..she just wants to be treated like anyone else.."

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#265914 Posted on 2023-01-28 18:14:14

Cerise was a bit crestfallen when the Golden mare told her she needed a gold piece. "I'm sorry," She said, "But I don't have a gold piece." She went to put the piece back when the mare was telling her about gold coins and how the king may have them. She also mentioned another mare that had some, but Cerise just said, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember seeing another mare like the one you're describing." Then the golden mare surprised Cerise and gave her the piece. "Are you sure?" She said, as the mare nodded. "Thank you so much!" She replied with a happy smile as she put the horn jewelry on her horn. She walked over to Slip, but noticed that Schematic's seemed a bit upset at him. She was talking about golden horses and such. So Cerise just listened and watched the two.

Slip was quite surprised that Schematic's didn't seem too happy with him that they followed her. She was lecturing him about Golden Horses and how rare they were. She asked if she was making sense when Slip said, "You're making perfect sense. I've just never seen or heard about golden horses before." He gently nudged her and sent some calm energy to her since she seemed to have worked herself up a bit. "Here Schematic's." He said softly, "Let's go find us somewhere to sit and talk. Would you like that?" He really hoped that she would take him up on his offer. He wanted to know more about her, but he also wanted to get to know her. 

Cerise was amused at the scene that was playing out between Slip and Schematic's as she noticed Eclipsetess walk up and nudge Schematic's. There was some kind of exchange that went on between the two of them that was unspoken, but Cerise would worry about that later. She walked up to Eclipsetess and said, "Hey, couldn't sleep? Wanna look through the marketplace with us?" Cerise then linked Slip Please don't go too far alone. I know you asked her to go with you. Slip just twitched one of his ears in response. Cerise knew Slip wanted to go find out more about her, but she was worried for him to go alone.

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#265915 Posted on 2023-01-28 18:54:17

"But wouldn't that scare your sister? I don't want to leave her alone, who knows what could happen!" Schematic said, Eclipsetess giggled as she told Schematic's that she could go around the market with her and see what she would want from some other shops.

"Alright then.. If you say so Eclipsetess.." Schematic's said, she then nudged Slip to walk with her since she wouldn't know where to walk too or even know where to walk, but she was determined on going somewhere a little quieter since it would make perfect sense.

As Eclipsetess watched Schematic's walk away she looked at Cerise and nickered her to come with her since she has the best spot to buy something out of fashion and not something else, she did also nudge Slip to follow Schematic's since she was thinking again as she told that to Slip.

"And probably think of what Schematic's could be thinking, I can tell you two don't trust her, well Slip being cautious of her. But nothing could ever slip from my view." Eclipsetess giggled at her little joke about Slip, but she quickly apologize before cantering off the other way.

Meanwhile Schematic's was thinking and she didn't where she was since most horses didn't want to talk her, because they think that she might try and nip them or bite them, experience from horses like Schematic's but she did show some anger every now and than when she got lost more during her confusing walk around the part of the market that she was walking in and around..

She just hoped that Slip stayed with her and she didn't know, but she could tell that she'd been walking around for some time as she didn't think properly as well when some horses warned her to not go to a part of the market that she entered when there was clearly a sign or two up next to the stalls that showed the end of the good market..

"Oh boy.. I hope I didn't do something stupid again.. I don't want to go back to that time.." Schematic's told herself, she didn't realize that Slip had been with her the whole time.

It was clear that she was having a fake reality hallucination as some horses told Slip when he followed her into the end of the good market when they warned him to not go with Schematic's as she wasn't paying attention and would get herself killed, or taken by a ruder stallion that owned the bad side of the market as the stands were black colored and had rude horses, some stallions whistling at Schematic's since she was a weird horse amongst some weird horses..

A horse from earlier that was talking with a stallion at the end of the good market side tried warning Schematic's to not go towards the black colored stalls, but Schematic's didn't listen at all to the horses or the signs happening, it was clear the good side horses were trying to keep a weird coated mare from entering the other side.

But the same mare warned Slip when she saw him walking after Schematic's, so the mare told Slip when she trotted in front of him and told him to not do what Schematic's was doing, but he obviously wouldn't listen as the mare was called over by the same stallion in the conversation who told her to come back since he interrupted the mare before she could speak further..

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#265916 Posted on 2023-01-28 19:16:27

     Namir just looked at Moon before looking over for Orion. Poor thing still had no idea what exactly happened, and what had Namir so worried. Orion only knew that something was up. Though he didn't say anything for some time as he thought quietly to himself. He really was treating her like a filly..not the mare she was. Worse then he had before. He was only pushing his sister away..Orion too. Namir now knew his mistake..

     He only sighed as he looked down, "Your right Moon..." he said feeling bad, "She's only ever wanted to be be treated normal..have a normal life...I was just getting in the way of that.." Namir only ever wanted to give her what she deserved, but he just got in the way. "But..we have to tell the others...they need to know what seems to be happening..we may not be sure yet, but..-"

     Moon only stopped him nipping him a bit, but no where close to being hard enough to hurt him, "We mustn't tell anyone. The more that know means she'll know we're keeping something from her. You know what will happen if it were to happen. We can't say anything until we're sure it's happening again..." she said a bit demanding.. Moon did look around a bit as she sighed, "It's the best we can do for her for now, okay?"

     Namir was a bit surprised when Moon nipped him. She usually wasn't the one to do something like that, but he knew she was serious about whatever she was about to say. Though he had to tell someone! Everyone was bound to notice what could have been happening to Solstice with how early it seemed to start showing. Namir just looked around before looking back at Moon, "Eclipsetess has to know..Solstice trusts her more then she does even me."

     Moon only sighed, "Fine..just don't tell anyone else, and make sure she doesn't say anything to anyone. We can't scare Solstice if we aren't 100% sure. She already is going through enough we don't need to add to it." she said glancing at the marketplace knowing that was were Eclipsetess had went, "At least let her have some fun and shop around. Wait until she gets back to tell her.." she said before she turned and walked away.

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#265921 Posted on 2023-01-28 22:04:57

"Cerise will be fine. She can look after herself for a while, besides, Eclipsetess is with her." Slip said. He then linked Cerise, You will be okay won't you? He looked back at her and she just winked at him. He took that as a sign and noticed that Schematic's had already taken off. "Hey! Wait!" Slip yelled after her, but she seemed to not be hearing him. 

He followed her through the market, but she was heading towards a darker place. It seemed to be the black market of the marketplace. There was a couple different horses that tried to stop him, but he just kept going. He only stopped long enough to say, "I've got to go after her, she doesn't know where she's going. Thank you, but I can take care of myself and her." He tried to be as polite as possible and stepped around the horses that were trying to stop him. 

"Hey! Schematic's, please wait up!" He called after her, yet she kept going deeper into the black market. He finally caught up with her and stood in front of her. She bumped into him while she was clearly here, but elsewhere in her mind. That was when Slip did something he never though he would do. He leaned his head down and nestled his neck up to hers (similar to hugging). He started whispering soothing words into her ears. "Schematic's, it's okay now. I'm here with you." He just hoped that she would come out of this vision or hallucination, whatever she was having soon. That way they could get out of here before something bad happened. If anyone tried to hurt them though, he would protect her with his life. 

Cerise went with Eclipsetess over to the stall she was wanting to go to when she heard her brother in her mind. Cerise, I may need you. Schematic's is in some kind of hallucination and was walking without seeing. She lead us into the black market and there's some shady horses her. I can take care of anyone who may try to harm her, but I may need back up. Will you please be on the stand by. Cerise just sighed. She knew that Slip really cared for this mare, but it seemed to be getting him into trouble. She replied, You know I'll be wherever you need me brother. I can come now if you'd like. 

She looked around the stall with Eclipsetess as she waited for his answer. She was pretty concerned, but she knew Slip could take care of them both so she didn't rush. Slip finally replied, No, I don't need you right now, but I just wanted you to know where we had gotten off too. Just follow straight in the direction we headed. You'll see all the signs telling you to turn around. Cerise looked over at Eclipsetess and nudged her, "We may need to go help Slip if he can't get Schematic's to come back to him. She's in some kind of hallucination and wandered into the Black Market. He said he's got her stopped, but he may need help if some of those horses causes trouble." Cerise finished and just sighed. She hoped that Eclipsetess wouldn't ask how she knew where Slip had went. She quite liked having no one know about their link.

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#265922 Posted on 2023-01-28 23:00:25

"Alright, and if urgent, I can teleport us straight to your brother and Schematic's! I am a mare of healing, like you, but I can do the most unbelieveable things that a normal alicorn would be surprised at, even making firework magic as my own type." Eclipsetess said, she did have her horn ready since it was glowing, but then different shades popped up as Eclipsetess lifted some stuff up for her to look at.

"And if I know a mare or two, I know what to do in more urgent times, just not like that fight.. Whew boy that was a more tiring thing, thank goodness I can restore energy faster now. Don't know bout' Solstice, but I'm sure she can do something well enough." Eclipsetess said to herself, the end part was to herself but she included Cerise in it anyways.

Meanwhile Schematic's was thinking and thinking until she was stopped by a force, the force was outlined in Schematic's mind and she knew who it was, Slip.. You really messed up.. I don't know how to say this right, but I need to think alone, you really should've have followed a stranger like me.. Schematic's thought in her head, she knew Slip wouldn't hear her thoughts but she hoped that Slip understood body language.

But outside of Schematic's mind, her pupils were grey and her green eyes went from the acid-like/green apple color to a more faded but bright color version of her eyes, this meant she was in her mind and she could tell where everything is as long as she could sense and see the outlines.

Schematic's looked up at Slip with those same colored eyes and the grey pupils as they looked dead, like her soul was sucked out her body while she couldn't do anything about it, but she hadn't changed her eyecolors as she then looked down and continued walking like a blind animal walking towards something.

Though Schematic's did stop as she looked at another horse, one in a cloak but different, he had his hood down but his shadow and the shadow over him blinded him of the light, Schematic's only got defensive but she knew Slip as he would step in front of her to protect her.

But the dark blacked out horse then walked away from where he walked and just ignored Schematic's and Slip, to not get into trouble as it would suck for this new horse and the ones around him, and to also not into trouble with the alicorn king as he already saw that one stallion hurt and had to heal for the day, but he learned his one and own lesson.

Schematic's was still in her mind as she ran through her emotions again and again, she was able to see what was happening around her through her own eyes, in her mind but it looked like a giant television instead of two separate eyes, but then a voice rang out in her head..

The one Schematic's feared as no one really spoke of her, because she was feared amongst all the other god's and goddesses, even the Underworld Realm was feared by her, but this one goddess was stuck inside a puny horses mind and forced to watch this mare suffer heartbreaking things revolve around her..

"Come on.. Are you really this pathetic Schematic's?" the mare asked, her black shadow blacked out even by the small flame on her hoof and her head illuminating black, making her appearence more mysterious in a way..

But Schematic's instantly went back to normal, her grey pupils returning back to black, and her normal eyecolor back to the acid-like green/green apple color.. Schematic's then looked around as she was lost to where she was and she cannot remember being in the black market..

"Hm..? Wasn't I just walking in the other market..? The mysterious goddess.." Schematic's whispered angrily at the end, she made sure no one heard her as she began walking back to wherever Cerise was as Azulia was looking through another stall/stand.

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