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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265820 Posted on 2023-01-25 14:15:33

     Solstice just looked at Cerise another small smile forming as she listened to what she was saying. "Because I know what it's like to feel weak.." she sighed, "I was never taught how to use magic until we were running from Dra. I still have a lot to learn, but I had no choice but to train with my magic if I was to defeat Dra...before all of that..I couldn't do anything." she said knowing her brother had looked down. He never taught her magic, and he felt like he at least should have done it sooner.

     Though Solstice looked over seeing Apollo still asleep underneath her wing. She just smiled and kept her wing where it was. She only sighed, "I guess your right..I just hope things go well until it's time...I can't be getting myself into trouble or danger...even if I want to help.." she said looking around a bit. Things were quiet...a lot quieter then they were before, but it was more peaceful. Solstice was tired, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep after what all just happened. She didn't sleep well most nights anyways.

     Namir then just gave his sister a look like he always did. Solstice only giggled. Though he just looked back over at Eclipsetess, "Well..yes I do, but we just never thought about making it official.." he said knowing his sister must have been enjoying this conversation. "Well we were talking about a foal weren't we?" he said nuzzling Eclipsetess and Minette. Solstice just nuzzled Eclipsetess back when she nuzzled her.

     Solstice did giggle, "Wow Namir. She has you wrapped around her hoof. All lovesick and-" she paused giving him a look, "You guys were talking about a foal? How did I not know this!" she said a bit loudly but then she hushed herself for a moment when she remembered about Apollo. "Who knew my brother could be this soft. I almost don't recognize you!" she said with a small quiet laugh.

     Namir just looked at her, "Don't push it. You know what happens when you push it. Pregnant or not I'll still chase you it'll only be easier," he said as Solstice just rolled her eyes and stopped talking. Then they noticed a white mare they hadn't seen before. It reminded them of Snow, but none of them said anything except for Eclipsetess. They didn't want to scare the mare.

     Though Solstice noticed how the mare seemed scared of them. Her ears just lowered a bit unsure if she should of said anything, but she decided against it. She seemed scared almost like Solstice did when she was panicking. Solstice just let Eclipsetess handle it, and she was soon surprised to see the white mare trot over to them with Eclipsetess like she wasn't scared anymore.

     Solstice did smile as they came over. "It's nice to meet you." she said calmly almost like she never had the panic attack. "I'm Solstice." Apollo had seemed to wake up as Solstice looked at the colt as she brought her wing back to her side. Moon then called Apollo over to her as she brought him somewhere else after she said goodbye and thanked Solstice. Orion then went and laid down beside Solstice as she leaned into him a bit..

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#265821 Posted on 2023-01-25 15:34:46

Cerise and Slip nodded in thanks to Eclipsetess and then they replied at the same time, "We'll be here for you too." As they both just looked at each other and started to laugh. "Anytime you need us, we'll be there. Also, I think that we're now part of the herd, so we hope to become like family to each other." Continued Cerise. Minette had came over and hugged the two siblings and that made Cerise's heart warm.

They just watched the exchange between the group amusedly when they noticed a white mare on the edge of the herd. She was very scared but Eclipsetess had went and got the mare and brought her over. This new mare seemed more relaxed, but still a little nervous. Cerise got up and walked over to them. "Hi! My name is Cerise and this is my brother, Slip!" She said pointing her nose towards Slip. "I notice you're a bit shaky, would you like me to help you calm a bit?" She said happily. 

*I'll respond at length later tonight*

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#265825 Posted on 2023-01-25 20:27:26

Schematic's backed up when Cerise walked up to her and Eclipsetess, the brown haired mare never really had been walked up before, unless it was a confrontation, but she did pin her ears scaredly when Cerise greeted her. Schematic's never ever had something like this happen before, and it made her heart skip a beat for a second, then she looked at Cerise with the most nervous smile ever in plain sight.

"U-uh.. No?" Schematic's answered, Eclipsetess looked at her with this estrnage look like she was curious but a little concerned that she refused, Eclipsetess never heard or seen a mare do this, but Schematic's then looked down as she hung her head a bit.

"I-I.." Schematic's looked around before looking back at something, she then widened her eyes as she got this unusual feeling about something, it wasn't dangerous or anything but something that her made shudder again, and it was fear for something.

Eclipsetess then tried to nuzzle Schematic's but she instantly looked at her and backed up, Eclipsetess then looked at Cerise with this worried look, Schematic's was the most shocked horse and something that she was always known for, Schematic's then looked down at the ground..

Memories started flooding, but Schematic's seemed to have control over her breathing as she continued to look at the ground, Eclipsetess then hesitantly walked up to Schematic's as she was still staring at the ground, until she looked at Eclipsetess with the most average look ever like she was being commanded.

Eclipsetess tried saying something as Schematic's looked down again, the mare put her hoof in Schematic's eyesight as she backed up and began yelling about war, fighting, sounds, creatures.. She definately wasn't a horse from any of the Isles before.. It was more worrisome then anything..

But Eclipsetess backed up and she accidentally pulled her wings up with her in a trot pose as she was now frightened but not as much as she thought, Schematic's feelings deepened as Azulia felt it and she came over when she saw Schematic backed up as she curled up being more frightened than ever!

Schematic's just kept getting scared and more frightened, she even pushed anyone away as Eclipsetess kept getting more worried for her, Schematic's then sat down as she began breathing to a rthym as Eclipsetess realized that she could tell between two different realities, and that's when she tried motioning of what was happening to Cerise to make her realize that she could calm Schematic's down.

Then Schematic's was rambling on about something, she just kept getting louder as she then began screaming which wasn't healthy for the group at all, then Schematic's began crying while screaming as she was attracting attention for herself as she was just a mess.. I'm sorry but she is a mess..

"Cerise, this looks bad.. Worse then Solstice.. Probably more worse then anything.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia then stepped in front of her as she looked at Schematic's with the most saddest blue hues of colored eyes she could pull, Azulia's sense made Eclipsetess feel the sudden emotion that Schematic's was giving off and Azulia recieving and giving off as well.

As Azulia began walking up to Schematic's, Azulia looked at Cerise as she then started to talk to Schematic's as she looked at Azulia with the worst trembles and shakes ever seen, Azulia then began getting patient as she was talking with Schematic's, which was a good distraction so that Cerise could sneak in and handle everything after Schematic's was calm..

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#265828 Posted on 2023-01-25 21:48:18

Cerise just tilted her head to the side when Schematic's backed up. She wasn't used to horses being so afraid of her. She knew she could come off as a bit much sometimes, but never terrifying. She just listened as the white mare told her no. She wasn't sure that that was the best idea because she could tell that this new horse was terrified and on the brink of a break down. 

She just watched as Schematic's hung her head. "I don't know what's up with this mare," Cerise thought. "But something's wrong and she needs to calm down." Cerise couldn't help but to watch as emotions played across Schematic's face. She wanted to help this mare, but she was afraid she would just scare her off. As Eclipsetess walked up to the white mare and leaned in to nuzzle her, but she just backed up again. That's when Cerise noticed something was seriously off.

Cerise couldn't help but to just stare in horror at the mare as she started to wail about horrible and terrible things. Eclipsetess seemed to be startled which in turned made Cerise jump. She wasn't used to being startled before. Cerise just remembered to take a few deep breaths and to focus back on the mare. Schematic's kept getting louder and louder and it started to draw attention. Eclipsetess had told Cerise then, that this was worse than Solstice. "I know." Said Cerise, "I need to get over to her, but she won't let me near her!" Then Azulia came over.

Azulia had gotten Schematic's attention enough to where she seemed to not be yelling. That's when Cerise noticed Azulia's look and took her chance at calming the mare. She noticed that Azulia had Schematic's attention to the right so Cerise walked to the left a little ways before circling back to where the two mares were. She knew that she would startle Schematic's as soon as she touched her, but there was no other way. 

Cerise finally got close enough, surprisingly without making a sound due to her larger body, and gently leaned down to touch Schematic's side. She instantly felt the mare tense, but Cerise made sure to keep contact with her. She just started to whisper to Schematic's, "It's okay. I won't hurt you. We won't hurt you. We just need you to keep calm. Please trust us and let us help you." She could feel her calm energy flow through her body and into the white mare. She seemed to Cerise to be calming down quite a bit, but Cerise had been wrong before. Hopefully this was not one of those times. 

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#265830 Posted on 2023-01-26 06:03:26

     Solstice could see the terror in the mare's eyes. Why was she so afraid of them? It only concerned Solstice as she just stood up and looked at her. She wanted to help in some way, but she knew she couldn't get any where near this mare. Something told her that this mare wasn't going to let them help her unless they figured out a way to heal her without realizing it.

     Orion just stood up as he softly nudged Solstice, "You should go rest. I know you don't want to, but I can see that you need to." he said nuzzling her a bit before he looked at the mare and the others. "They'll take care of her, and calm her down. There isn't anything you can need to rest though." he said knowing she wouldn't like a part of what he was saying.

     Which he was right. Solstice just nipped him a bit, "You may be right, but there's no need to make me feel even more useless," she said with a bit of a snort. Solstice then looked at her brother as he gave her a look. "Fine.." she said as she just walked over to her normal spot after she glanced at Schematic. Solstice just laid back down and curled up a bit as she loosened her wings making them lay on her two sides.

     Though Solstice just looked at her wings for a few minutes as she missed flying. She hadn't really done it since..well the fire. Partly because she didn't want to make the same mistake twice, but also because she just didn't have the energy to do it now. She missed the feeling of it. The wind in her mane, tail, and feathers. The peacefulness. The beauty. She missed it all greatly. 

     Solstice eventually looked over to see Azulia distracted Schematic as Cerise crept her way over to the mare to calm her. Though Orion was right. She was tired, and it was starting to hit her. She only yawned a bit before she just closed her eyes attempting to fall asleep even if she was sure she wouldn't be able to, but it worth a shot anyway. The moon was still high up in the night sky, so it at least help her stay calm and relaxed.


     I didn't really know what else to put..

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#265831 Posted on 2023-01-26 07:49:04

Azulia got done distracting Schematic as Cerise was next to her as she flinched and looked at Cerise, she then tried to nip Cerise but Azulia stopped her as she put her whole face on Schematic as Cerise was doing her bit; calming her down, but the white mare did flinch again at Azulia touching her face but she calmed down when Cerise started talking to Schematic.

Schematic just looked back Cerise as she looked at her, her more-acidic-green eyes calming down, but it did look like her eyes went a little bright like a nuclear bomb was going to explode, but the mare looked back at Cerise with her eyes bubbling down until she yawned but still a little aware of everyone and a still more afraid.

"There, at least your calm enough to look at us normally, and look around." Azulia said, Schematic then looked back at Cerise once more, she couldn't get her eyes off of her, for some reason or another for Schematic to look at Cerise multiple times.

"What's your name again?" Schematic's asked Cerise, she was long to forget others names when she was more scared then anything in the world or time being, but when she acted earlier is what got Eclipsetess thinking about horses escaping from somewhere to get to here.

"What happened to you?" Eclipsetess asked Schematic's, she walked up to her enough for Schematic's to look at her with curiousness in her mind.

"Life.. At least I can be happier here.. Not saying anything!" Schematic's said, Eclipsetess just backed up and left her alone for respect of privacy, but she did go to Solstice but Eclipsetess still watched Schematic's.

"Something is definately not right here, I know we can tell, but the way she answered me has me speculating that she's not from any of the Isles here.. Horses just don't act up, they can handle a bit of horses if they were truly from here, anyone has a bad past, but Schematic? I don't think so.." Eclipsetess said, it was more of a whisper to the group since Schematic put her head up against Cerise's neck and then began to sleep.

"And saying just that alone, I agree with you Eclipsetess, some horse doesn't just act this scared towards another group. Well we haven't seen her before the fight, so she must've came after the creature of whatever it was when it was sucked into the portal." Azulia said, Eclipsetess nodded as it gave a more clear explaination on how Schematic's got here.

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#265835 Posted on 2023-01-26 12:11:46

     Namir had just been watching the mare's strange behavior as he looked over watching his sister walk off to go rest. The behavior of this mare was just..weird. He'd never seen anyone act like this...not even his sister, and she had it pretty bad. Though him and Namir just gave them plenty of space not wanting to stress the mare out even more, but they were both confused.

     Wasn't long before Eclipsetess had come over. "I've never seen a horse act like this's strange. I don't know where she came from, but she walked into the herd..then she's completely frightened of us? It makes no sense what so ever." Namir said as he looked over at Schematic. Namir then looked over at Azulia as she came over and spoke, "Maybe she's scared because of the creature in some way..or maybe you and Slip since you guys fought it?"

     Orion was just making sure Solstice went to go rest as he watched her lay back down and attempt to fall asleep. He got a bit distracted until he heard talking realizing Namir, Eclipsetess, and Azulia were talking. He just looked over at Schematic for a moment before thinking things over. "Maybe she's not from here...and I don't meant this Isle. I mean...what if she came from the Mainland? It could be a possibility if it can be done..." he suggested unsure if they thought he was crazy.

     Namir only looked at him, "The Mainland? No one knows what the Mainland is like. If a horse goes there and leaves the Isles they can't come back. I've never even heard of horses from the mainland crossing the invisible bridge..but it doesn't mean it couldn't be done I guess...maybe she's just scared because she's never seen anything like this...horses with horns and could be possible.." he shrugged.

     "We can't know anything unless she'll tell us, but I don't think she least for awhile..maybe never. It's just a thought though.." Orion said before he walked off a bit. He went towards the water and just stood there a bit. It was quiet and peaceful until something jumped out of the water. Orion just jumped a bit to see it was Pa'li, " scared me!" he said with a small snort.

     Pa'li just let out a small laugh, "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to..guess I should work on popping out of the water..." he said apologizing. Though he looked around a bit. More like he was more comfortable being with a few horses at a time..not a group. "I uh heard about the creature...well I also peeked at it a bit...which I now regret.." he said loosing some focus, "Anyways..I hope everyone's alright. How's Solstice..?" he asked.

     Orion just looked around for a moment noticing how he must not like to be around several horses at a time. Which was alright. "We're fine. We all are..just tired.." he said glancing over at Solstice, "Well she should be sleeping right now.." he said unsure if she fell asleep or not. Pa'li just nodded and smiled a bit before he just dove back underwater. Orion just watched saying nothing as he just walked on over to Solstice laying down beside her.

     Solstice had somewhat fallen asleep, but she woke when she felt Orion lay down beside her. Though she didn't keep her eyes open for long as she just closed them and leaned into him. He was right. She was tired, and she didn't feel like doing anything. Not even keep her eyes open. She just wanted to rest, and hopefully sleep if she could fall asleep even. Though she at least remained calm and relaxed which was better then nothing at least.

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#265837 Posted on 2023-01-26 14:45:41

Cerise jumped a small bit backwards when Schematic's went to nip at her. She was thankful for Azulia interfering though. She snorted and then leaned back in while muttering, "I'm just trying to help you.." She was able to touch Schematic's side again with her nose and send her calm back to Schematic's. Schematic's unexpectedly asked what Cerise's name was so she said not moving her nose, "I'm Cerise." 

All Cerise could do was watch as Schematic's said she wasn't going to say anything and as Eclipsetess and Azulia went over to Namir. Something was very wrong and off with this situation. She didn't want to be left alone with this unusual horse. She then mind linked Slip, Slip, brother. Please come to me. I don't want to be alone with her. Something was telling her to not leave this horse's side, but to not stop calming her either. She looked over at Slip who had just stood up from where he was laying near Solstice. 

"I'm not going to leave you." Cerise whispered to Schematic's as she laid down next to her so she could keep touch with her. Cerise did make sure she didn't move her nose from the mares side though. They didn't need another outburst. "And I won't hurt you. I'm getting my brother to come lay with us. I'm going to get him to lay on the other side of you and touch you too. He can help calm you down as well as I can. I promise neither of us will hurt you. Please trust us." She just hoped that it wasn't Slip that had scared this mare, but she really needed her brother here. 

Slip watched the scene unfold with this new strange mare. He wanted to follow Cerise, but he didn't. He stayed were he was near Solstice. Solstice had gotten up though, but Orion and Namir coaxed her to go lay down and rest. Slip decided he would just stay here and watch Cerise from afar to make sure nothing happened to her. Eclipsetess and Azulia had left Cerise alone with the mare though and Slip didn't like that idea. 

Just as he was getting ready to stand up, Cerise had mind linked him and asked to come over there with her. He stood up and started to walk over to where Cerise was. He arrived and she said, "This is Schematic's. Schematic's, this is my brother Slip. Please lay down on the other side of her, brother. We need to keep contact with her to help keep her calm." She just looked at him with pleading eyes then he heard through their link. I don't like this situation Slip. There's something off about her, but I can't put my finger on it. We need to keep her calm so she doesn't frighten the herd again. Slip just softly nodded his agreement. 

He closed his eyes and then took a deep breath. He gently laid down next to Schematic's and slid as close as he could to her to keep touch with her. Hopefully someone could help this mare. He wasn't sure how long he and Cerise would be able to stay awake. Something was off about this situation though and Slip didn't like it one bit. 

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#265839 Posted on 2023-01-26 16:12:00

"I'm sorry for trying to nip you Cerise.." Schematic whispered under her breath, her voice sounded sad and hurt, like it did before if she could make her voice sound hurt, but she did look up at Slip with the most curious eyes she could show, and that's when she got to sniffing him since he was different then Cerise and different from the other horses.

When Schematic was done sniffing Slip, she got to looking and examining at his face, but she did quit examining and looking at Slip's face if he didn't like it, Schematic dragged her head to look at Cerise and sniff her, she did calm down when she acknowledged both horses in her presence.

"It's quite nice if you two stayed like this with me, I actually miss this really.." Schematic said, again with the hurt voice but it was soft and a almost quite voice as well, like she acknowledge both horses which seemed to ease her more into the comfort.

"It's also a bit hard to.. Nevermind.. I still miss him, but not who you guys know, he actually left and disappeared before I could do anything.. Now I miss him everyday, I wish to see him but I can't and you could tell how lonely it is to just wander around.." Schematic said, she looked up at the sky but it was just normal nothing special, which upset Schematic as she frowned at the sky but said nothing else of it, nor even said anything she just shared the feeling with Slip and Cerise.

"Oh.. And Slip? You look lovely, it's a compliment, because you do look lovely." Schematic told Slip, she just smiled as she layed back down on Cerise and gave her the same compliment, it's as if she can smell but somehow talking about seeing the horse next to her was as if the horse wasn't there. Except the voice.

And that's what Schematic made her voice sound to about seeing, it's like she couldn't see the horse but instead she could sniff, hear, and sense another horse's presence like no other. Eclipsetess had the feeling since she first began speculating about the mare, she even thought once that she was a fully blind mare but somehow had strange black pupils instead of having full grey pupils to show the blindness..

Eclipsetess then had the same question ring about her as she couldn't take it of it ignoring the question, so she got up and walked back over to Schematic, while Cerise and Slip covered both sides of her, Eclipsetess just settled down in front of Schematic as she looked around before flinching a bit in surprised as she didn't notice Eclipsetess next to her.

"Yes?" Schematic asked Eclipsetess, she could tell that determination was bubbling inside of her as she felt the mood about Eclipsetess's body change quite quickly.

"I have a question, it's been bothering me since I've been speculating about you, and my rude question is: Are you blind in some way?" Eclipsetess asked Schematic, she noticed how the mare got so surprised that she began shaking again, this time trembling as she looked at Eclipsetess surprisingly and scaredly.

"W-what..?" Schematic was confused but held onto private information, she was now trembling more then ever, and it got Eclipsetess to regret that question that she asked the mare.

"E-excuse me?" Eclipsetess asked in a shaky tone, Schematic then began shedding tears without delay.

"W-what? Ask me that again.. Please?" Schematic's asked, she then began more, Eclipsetess wanted to hug her but Cerise and Slip would handle that, but it was also like Schematic didn't acknowledge the calmness both Cerise and Slip were giving off.

"Are you blind?" Eclipsetess asked again, Schematic just wiped her tears away and looked at Eclipsetess sadly..

"I-I'm sorry but that's classified or private information, I cannot tell you" Schematic revealed at the end, she revealed somewhat of herself as she proved that she wasn't from around here, which Eclipsetess's assumption was right.

Schematic's then got up and began trotting immediately as Eclipsetess got up when she did, then she watched as Schematic's trotted away, it got Eclipsetess to get scared and worried for her as she didn't know about this mare nor where she came from.

"Slip, Cerise, keep touch with her and don't let her out of your sight, your following her and keeping at her sides as she seems to have gotten worse by feelings, and Azulia will come with you as she can show you emotions through her eyes only. It's a great way to see what the specific horse is feeling, it's why she's called the Seer of Sense really!" Eclipsetess told Slip and Cerise, Azulia got up and trotted over to Eclipsetess's side as she looked up at Eclipsetess and then Slip and Cerise lastly.

"Yup! But if it's a too great of an emotion to feel, I'll be affected by it and start to actually feel and do what the horse is giving off, I've cried uncontrollably once.. And that by another horse giving off the emotion deeply, it had affected me.. And I couldn't control it.. But I'm fine now! I'll even go and trot up to Schematic's now!" Azulia said, she then ran off to Schematic's as Eclipsetess nodded at Cerise and Slip for agreeing that they should keep in mind with what Azulia said.

"And make sure to not lose her, Azulia may have the ability to feel the emotions of others, but she can also sense what the horse is giving off, and others, even feel the presence of other horses, creatures and things. It's a really interesting ability and course of magic! Which I gave her once.." Eclipsetess said, she was sad that Azulia gave up the ability to have a horn and wings back to Eclipsetess since she didn't want them any longer, it was secret and quite the sad story..

"Anyways, go ahead and go! I'm sure Azulia is already next to and with Schematic's now!" Eclipsetess said, she walked over to Namir and settled down besides him, getting a bit comfy to settle in..

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#265842 Posted on 2023-01-26 16:57:11

Cerise's eyes widened with shock when Schematic's had apologized to her. She didn't really need an apology and it was unexpected. However Cerise just dipped her head slightly and replied, "It's okay. I know I scared you and you just reacted." Cerise was curious about this mare. She watched as Schematic's had sniffed Slip when he had arrived and then was a bit taken aback when Schematic's sniffed her too. She couldn't remember anyone really sniffing her before.

Cerise just listened as Schematic's was talking about missing this, but she didn't really know what *this* was. She just looked over at Slip as he just shrugged his shoulders. Schematic's went on talking about missing someone and being lonely. This mare was hiding something, but Cerise couldn't figure out what it was. 

Just when Cerise couldn't be surprised more, Schematic's had given Slip a compliment. She knew her brother didn't really like compliments since they embarrassed him, but she just snickered under her breath and before Cerise knew it, Schematic's had given her the same compliment. Slip just started chuckling at how embarrassed Cerise had been. She at least knew now why Slip didn't care much for the blasted things. 

Cerise heard a noise coming from where Eclipsetess had been so she looked up and saw her trotting over to them. Eclipsetess then asked a question that had both Slip and Cerise shocked even more. She asked if Schematic's was blind. That would make sense. Slip linked Cerise, I mean she did sniff us, but why would she say that we looked nice if she can't see? Cerise just shrugged her shoulders and watched as Schematic's started to panic again. 

Slip we need to calm her down again! Cerise linked in a panicked tone. Cerise started to pour more calm energy into the mare, but it seemed to not take effect. Surely with two large horses sending as much calming energy into one mare would be enough to put her to sleep, but it wasn't working. 

To Cerise and Slip's surprise, Schematic's had gotten up and started to trot off. Both Slip and Cerise stood up and looked at the area that Schematic's vanished into. Then Slip turned around and said, "Wonder what got into her? We couldn't calm her down." Cerise then turned back to Eclipsetess and shook her head in agreement. 

They both listened though as Eclipsetess was telling them about Azulia's powers and that she would be going with them. They watched as Azulia galloped off to where Schematic's had disappeared. Eclipsetess was saying they were to follow Schematic's and to try to calm her down again.

Slip just looked over at Cerise and said, "Come on. We need to catch up. We're fast, but I'm not sure how fast the two of them are." Cerise agreed and they both set out. As they were trying to catch up, Cerise spoke up. "Slip, does any of this feel really off to you? This horse can get around pretty darn good for being blind. If she even is, that is." Slip thought on it for a moment and then replied. "I think you're right. There's something fishy and I don't know if I like it that much." 

"Slip," Cerise began, "I think that's them up ahead!" She said as she pointed to where a black tail had swished through the brush. Slip put on a burst of speed and was able to see Azulia running ahead of them with Schematic's not too far in front of her. "Cerise, come on!" Slip yelled back at her. "We need to catch up. I know you are fast so stop dawdling and catch up." 

Slip could feel his power coming back to him but this time he knew he wouldn't grow in size. It was just the power of the extra legs giving him a burst of speed. He had sped past Azulia and said, "Sorry! I need to catch up to her!" Then he focused on Schematic's. "Schematic's wait!" He yelled. "We won't hurt you! We want to make sure you're safe!" He didn't want to scare the poor girl, but he needed to run with her. He finally caught up to her and slowed to her pace, making sure to brush up against her side so she could get his calm. He felt her tense again as he put on a surge of calm energy and said, "Schematic's please. Slow down."

Cerise was dumbfounded at how fast Slip had become. She knew it must be his new powers surging, but still. He was fast. She caught up to Azulia and just looked over at her. "I didn't know my brother can get that fast. He's quite large, but still pretty agile." She chuckled as she finished. Hopefully they could get Schematic's to calm and slow down. They needed to protect her and not let Eclipsetess down.

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#265845 Posted on 2023-01-26 18:17:46

Schematic's looked at Slip with a smiling face as she then stopped and twirled and then ran back to Azulia with the most hysterical laugh ever, she was having fun whether or not she could see, but she did stop once Azulia slowed down and sniffed at Schematic as she was smiling but also showed some happiness and a state of being in high spirits.

"Ah.. I see~" Azulia teased at Schematic's as she nibbled Azulia's hair, well tried to too at least as Azulia let her since she could now see how different her eyes were, they were radiating like a waste of nuclear, it was plain to see in those eyes of the mares.

"I thought I should stop for you, at least catch up, I might've left Slip in the dust since I did twirl and made him confused at what I did, but at least should stick with someone I can hear!" Schematic's told Azulia, she then greeted at Cerise- but at an angle as her eyes were fogged now so she couldn't see. Maybe that's why she asked again for Cerise's name.

"Hm? Your eyes are fogged, mind telling us that part of your "classifieds"?" Azulia asked Schematic's, Schematic's then went into a little bit of shock as she heard Azulia's voice and stared right at her.

"I suppose I shouldn't hide a most vital part of information.." Schematic's said, she looked down at the side of the ground for a bit as she looked back up at Azulia, and supposedly Cerise as she couldn't see her right now but she could hear her hooves and breathing perfectly.

"I have eyes that don't let me see if I get scared, or in some parts of being in high spirits, it also encourages itself to block my sight sometimes, everyone calls it- well used to call it "Nuclear Bomb" a very and most difficult pair of eyes nobody ever wanted in my herd, but I supposed I'm not from here at all since I'm different.." Schematic's looked back off at the side of the ground again, but she did look at Cerise for a little bit as well.

"I can still hear and sense like a normal horse, it's just my defect that fogs my eyesight sometimes, making my pupils stay black in any point in time, the pupils did go grey when I was little, but it stayed black for the rest of my life. Somehow in someway that I can't see in my eye color or pupils but it makes me appear like I'm staring at someone.. Which I'm not since I don't know where to look sometimes.. Maybe that's why nobody wanted me anyways.." Schematic's whispered at the end, it was hurtful as Azulia picked up on it and gave the same look at Cerise.

Schematic's did hear Slip's hoofsteps as she turned around but accidentally walked into him as she backed up once she knew where Slip was, but she did apologize to him about running into him but she did try to play with him, but with her eyes being fogged she just kept falling around Slip and getting up, but also running into him.

"At least she's determined right Cerise?" Azulia asked Cerise in the most confused voice ever, she couldn't even process anything yet, but at least Schematic's was trying to do something for her to calm down by herself.

"You know, I bet ya that Schematic's has the most weirdest combinations of whatever is going on on her coat, her legs are gray but her muzzle and around her lips doesn't show it, her mane and tail are brown whilst her eyes are a more acidic-green that has flares sometimes, and that green glow that makes a raditional effect ever. But it also makes her blind too." Azulia betted Cerise on what was happening with Schematic's, her name did mean something, but Azulia had no idea what it was about her name that was different then anyone.

Eclipsetess looked at the direction that Cerise, Azulia, Slip, and even Schematic's went as she grew worried for them, but she stayed where she was and waited for them to come back..

Schematic's got up for the last time at falling down and looked at the sky, she then looked at the three horses next to her as her fogged eyes became clear, she then grew excited as the fog then went away and that Schematic's looked at Cerise with the most happiest faces ever!

"At least someone is happy, am I right or wrong?" Azulia rthorically asked, Schematic's giggled at the question but she did look up at Slip with the most beautiful shade of green ever, she then turned around to face Azulia and Cerise as they stood there.

"My shade of green eyes are supposed to resemble the same shade of that as green apples! Amazing right?" Schematic's said, she giggled at the words but it did make sense since green apples shared the same link with Schematic's eyes, but it made no sense as to where the defect "Nuclear Bomb" came from.

"We should head back, race ya Slip!" Schematic's said, she then ran back as fast as she could, Azulia laughed as she ran up to Schematic's quickly without a second to glance at, Azulia was quick but she was even faster then Slip if he had 4 more legs but without pausing to wait and then zoom off unlike Azulia did as she turned around and then instantly ran to Schematic's, even Schematic's was faster then Slip with the same glance and time but differently.

Schematic's then slowed down as she felt her heart zoom without a skip or two, Azulia slowed as well, then the two trotted over to the waterhole as they began to drink in unison, though Azulia knew what Schematic's was doing as something to prove herself of a goal Azulia understood but kept it in secret.

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#265867 Posted on 2023-01-27 06:09:15

Slip was racing along with Schematic's when she had stopped and turned back so quick Slip couldn't believe his eyes. It took him a moment to slow down as he was running as fast as he could without his powers. He slowed down, but started to skid a bit. He didn't notice the branch/root, he couldn't tell which it was, on the ground and it caught his hoof causing him to trip and fall over himself. He really hoped no one saw that..

Once he got up and dusted himself off he started to head back to where Schematic's was telling Cerise and Azulia something. He didn't have his super hearing right now so he couldn't make out what they were saying. He picked up the pace and started to trot back to the mares. Once he got there Schematic's backed up, but right into him. "It's like she couldn't see me." He thought to himself. Schematic's had apologized to him so he just said, "It's okay. No harm done." with a smile in voice. Hopefully she could hear the happiness there. 

Schematic's did something that then surprised Slip. She tried to play with him. He was a timid, sometimes shy, softie, but he never really played with anyone. He grew up way too quick to be so playful, so he didn't know how to react, but just to watch her. She had tripped and stumbled, but would get back up and try to play with him again. He was a bit dumbfounded so he just looked over at Cerise. She was just chuckling lightly.

This strange mare had fell down again, but got back up just as quickly as she fell down. She seemed happy about something and looked over at Cerise with a huge happy face. Slip just watched a bit confused as Schematic's then turned to look at him. She had gorgeous green eyes and it made Slip's heart do a little flip inside his chest. He didn't know what that meant, but this horse looked very lovely to him. He dipped his head in embarrassment as he finally looked away from Schematic's and towards Cerise, she was staring at him with a wry smile on her face. "It's like she knows something I don't" Slip thought, but maybe he could get to know Schematic's better. He wanted to know more about her.

Cerise listened as Azulia was talking to her about Schematic's coat and how the mare was trying to calm herself, but she wasn't quite paying attention. She was focused on Slip. There was a gleam of happiness in his eyes. Cerise stared at her brother as she was trying to figure out what was going on with him. He kept looking at Schematic's with an odd look she had never seen him wear before. That's when it dawned on her what was showing on his face. It was love. Slip was falling for this new mare. 

Cerise watched as Schematic's was happy about being able to see again and that's when she looked at Cerise with a set of striking green eyes. She watched as Schematic's then turned and looked at Slip and she watched his reaction. He showed a softness and kindness of love that Cerise had never seen Slip show before. She just started to chuckle under her breath. Her brother was becoming even more of softie than she realized. She then linked Slip, I see that someone likes this new mare.

Slip's eyes widened as he understood what his sister had said, maybe he did like Schematic's, but he would definitely need to get to know her more. He wasn't paying attention as she was describing her eye color to Azulia, and quite frankly neither was Cerise, they were talking to each other, Cerise, I don't like this mare. He said in denial. I know nothing about her and she could be trouble for all we know. Cerise just responded with, I saw how you looked at her, Slip. You like her and you know it. It's okay to like someone. You need to focus on yourself every now and then. Not just me all the time. But do please be careful and don't show your feelings until we know more about her. I couldn't bare to see you hurt.

Just as Cerise finished linking Slip, which he didn't have time to think about what she said, Schematic's started off back towards the herd. She wanted to race Slip. She was quick too. Slip started to gallop after her. Azulia right in front of him as well. He didn't want to put on all his speed. He knew he could easily overtake Azulia and Schematic's both, but he would let Schematic's win this time. 

He caught up to them as they were drinking from the waterhole and just stepped in beside Schematic's gently brushing his heaving sides up to hers. He realized that he quite liked the touch of her coat on his. He looked at her with gentle love in his eyes and leaned down to drink with her. He knew at that moment he did like Schematic's. He just hoped he wouldn't get his heart broken in the end. 

Cerise just watched as Schematic's blew past her running back towards the herd and then as Azulia and then Slip followed after her. She knew that she needed to go with them too, but she didn't know how she really felt at the moment. She turned and started to slowly walk back as she was lost in her thoughts. "I know Slip likes her, but does she feel the same? I don't want him to get his heart broken, it'll destroy him. He's never let himself love another since losing our parents. Schematic's must be a very special horse to have Slip already wrapped around her hoof." She couldn't help but to think all these thoughts at once. "I don't like this though. I have a feeling he might get hurt, but maybe that's the protective younger sister in me? Agh, I don't know."

She was finally out of her thought reverie when she walked up to where the others had gone. They were still over by the waterhole drinking. She looked at Schematic's and Slip. They were really close. Close enough to be touching. She knew it was Slip's doing, but Cerise just couldn't shake this feeling that she had. Schematic's wasn't telling them everything and she really didn't want to see Slip get hurt. She just hoped that if it did come to that, he would be strong enough to handle it. 

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#265871 Posted on 2023-01-27 07:37:06

Schematic's looked up at Slip and nuzzled his side, she was a little shorter then the rest of the group but still rather tall so a mare her size, she did look up at the sky once more as she shook her body to clear off any dust that she collected when she ran.

Azulia soon stopped drinking as she backed up and ran into the pool of water, swimming happily to the cool refreshing water, Schematic's looked at Azulia as she giggled and laughed, she then looked at Slip and with the most playful smile she could whip up.

"Wanna hop in and swim?" Schematic's asked Slip, she wasn't used to attention anymore, but she did get a good grip of what to do and what to ask, so she just asked Slip a simple question.

"I mean you don't have to go swimming with me, it's rather fine if you don't want to do it anyways, I'll be with Azulia in the water so that you can watch me and that Azulia could watch me while also sensing for any other creatures and keep the two of us safe, that way if anything happened we could get out rather quick. Simple explaination really." Schematic's said, she then looked around for the easiest path down to the water without having to jump in, but she found nothing as she then backed up, ran and jumped into the water as she held her breath.

Azulia went after Schematic's to make sure she knew how to swim properly, but the white mare instantly started swimming as Azulia surfaced next to her, which to her surprise she looked silver instead of white in the water, but Schematic's told her and made sure that Cerise and Slip knew what she was saying.

And what Schematic's told the three was that she was born with silver specks, giving her the silver color instead of her normal white coat when she was in the water, giving everyone the illusion that she's a sea pony, which was funny to Azulia as Schematic's laughed at the memory.

"It's quite easy to miss-breed a horse when they're in the water, some horses are born with rather unique things and others are just plain and simple, but for everyone's with the more rarer and different patterns, some horses- in the water have an illusion that makes them look as a different breed." Schematic's told Azulia, she also told that to Slip and Cerise as well.

"Well you certainly have a lot of information to share then huh?" Azulia said, she began swimming to the side of the water where she ran in from, Schematic's then joined in Azulia as she helped her up the dirt to get up onto the land.

"Now just wait, I'll be right back, I'll just dive down and jump up from the water, I can see rather better underwater anyways. But not like a sea pony when they can actually see better underwater since they're like that, built strong and fast for fish tails." Schematic's said, as Azulia agreed and got caught off guard and went to say "Wait what?!" Schematic's already dove underwater.

But she popped up from the water as she jumped rather good, but she did also land perfectly without hurting herself, she gave the impression that she knew more then just what she led on with, Schematic's then had a chance at shaking off the water from her coat as she did just that.

"You want to go explore the market? I heard from Eclipsetess- when she told me once she stopped visiting market- that she saw lot's of beautiful things there, jewels, necklaces, bracelets, so many things you could come up with and they'd have it!" Azulia said, Schematic's seemed quite interested as she looked at Slip and Cerise, she then turned back around to face Azulia as she agreed to visit the market.

"Coming you two? I don't want to you both here alone, who knows what could happen!" Schematic's said, she seemed to have waited for them as Azulia came back from realizing that Schematic's awaited for Slip and Cerise, but Azulia wanted to impress Schematic's as she gently gripped Schematic's ear as she led her to the market.

"But I want Slip and Cerise to come as well.." Schematic's told Azulia, Azulia stopped gripping Schematic's ear as she followed close behind.

"They can catch up! They run pretty fast, so they can catch up to us mares-!" Azulia snickered, Schematic's smiled at her and seemed to have giggled to what Azulia said as a joke at the end, Azulia laughed at her own joke as well.

Than the Azulia and Schematic's entered the market as some horses were dotting here and there, a more peaceful way to let any mare sleep, Schematic's just got curious as she looked around some stands, tents, and small fabric-like parlors and barbers as well.

"What a wonderful to see." Schematic said as she walked up to a specific stand with long scarves, she was rather happy with a scarf that was just a bland pink, perfect to contrast with the rest of her body, Azulia just smiled as she walked up next to Schematic's as she looked at a bracelet as well.

Then a friendly stallion and mare walked up to them from the inside of the stand, they were smiling as Azulia pointed to a bracelet she liked and Schematic's was sitting down and messing with the pink scarf with her hooves as Azulia looked at Schematic's with the pink scarf.

"You can have them for free, since you seem like you don't have much magic in you other then sensing, we'll leave you be now." the mare said, Azulia took the bracelet she liked and put it on as Schematic's wrapped the pink, fluffy, scarf on her neck and smiled gratefully at the two horses that disappeared from within the tent.

"Shall we continue then?" Schematic's said, Azulia laughed as she and Schematic's walked away from the stand and were walking around now, looking at some birds, reptiles and lizards in another part of the market, the alicorn king was also there as well as he was talking with a rather weird-lookin unicorn mare as the king.

"Someone's lively then." Azulia said, Schematic's smiled as it was her first time seeing another alicorn, that was besides Eclipsetess, Namir, and Solstice.

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#265873 Posted on 2023-01-27 09:10:58

Slip was a little shocked to see that Schematic's seemed to reciprocate his feelings. He quite enjoyed being beside her. He was getting ready to reach down to her cheek to nuzzle it when Azulia went splashing into the water hole. Schematic's had asked Slip if he wanted to swim too, but he just froze. He couldn't swim as he almost drowned when he was younger. He had a terrible fear of the water since.

"No," Slip started, "It's okay you go on and swim. I'll be right here" He finished with a smile. I know you don't like the water, Slip. Cerise said through their link. Slip, just turned his head back to where Cerise had came and stopped. I'm sorry I left you back there, He said a bit embarrassed, I didn't mean to leave you. I just.. I don't know what came over me.. Schematic's.. It's like she has some kind of spell on me. Cerise just snickered and walked up next to him. Dear Brother, That's called love. I think you love her. 

Slip couldn't believe his ears. Surely he didn't LOVE Schematic's did he? But he remembered how she made him feel back in the forest and how she made him feel when their coats touched and ESPECIALLY how she made him feel when she nuzzled him just moments ago. Cerise, I can't love her. What if she get's taken from me or what if I hurt her? I don't know what these newfound powers will do to me. I can't risk loving her. He said frantically. 

Slip looked back at Schematic's and Azulia playing in the water, Schematic's was beautiful. She had developed silver specks that made her coat seem to shimmer while in the water. He listened as she explained what was going on with her coat and that made him fall more in love with her. She was unique and gorgeous. He couldn't believe he loved her though. He was terrified and happy at the same time. 

He loved watching her swim. She was so gorgeous. He noticed that Azulia had come out of the water with Schematic's helping her, but before he could say anything Schematic's went back in and dived down. He took a step forward and nickered nervously for her to come back. He was scared she would drown. "Schematic's no! Come back up!" He shouted, but just as he finished she came leaping out of the water and had landed perfectly. He was relieved, awed, and loving but also froze to the spot.

Cerise watched as the emotional turmoil kept playing across Slip's face. He was happy and then sad, then enamored with Schematic's again. She was happy her brother found someone, but she knew what he was feeling was all too real for him to fully understand. They just watched as Azulia came out of the water with Schematic's help and then Cerise could do nothing but watch as Schematic's dived down and Slip lose all control. He nickered and lurched forward a bit and had yelled for her. But then Cerise saw the awe, relieved, and adoring look that Slip had when Schematic's had jumped gracefully from the water.

Slip watched, still frozen to the spot, as Azulia dragged Schematic's to the market. He knew she wanted him to go with her, but he was still so frozen. He couldn't move. Brother, are you okay? Cerise asked him. Slip just nodded his head, Cerise, I was so scared she would drown. I want to go after her and make sure she's okay. Cerise had walked up to him and just rubbed her head against his neck. "Come on," She said, "Let's try to catch up to them. We've not been to the market either." 

Cerise nudged Slip then and tried to get him to move. It's no use, she thought. So she did what any loving sister who could calm would do. She leaned up against him and started to send her calm energy through her body to his. She could feel him and visibly see him relax. "Slip, I know you almost drowned when you were a colt, but that's so long ago. We're not there anymore. It'll be okay." He sighed as he turned to look at her, "You're right Cerise, but I just couldn't help but to freeze. I need to do better if I want to be there for her and be strong for her." He started to trot forward, towards the market then. 

Cerise had to gallop a bit to catch up. "Thanks for leaving me," she teased. She didn't really understand what was going on with her brother, but whatever it was, this wasn't really anything to do with her. He would have to figure it out himself. 

As the two arrived at the market, Cerise just gasped in awe. She couldn't believe her eyes. All the gorgeous colors and shiny trinkets. She would love to get a horn piece. She always wanted one. Slip was very quiet though, just silently trotting beside her. He was looking around and taking in all the surroundings, but she knew he was also looking for Azulia and Schematic's. More so Schematic's than Azulia, Cerise thought to herself. 

Just as they rounded the corner where some reptiles and birds were, they noticed Azulia and Schematic's. Then someone else they didn't really think they would see here. The Alicorn King. He was talking to an unusual unicorn though. "Slip, does that unicorn look familiar to you?" Cerise said point her horn at the King and mare. "I can't be sure," he replied. They were both always wary of new unicorns due to their past. 

"Hey, Schematic's, Azulia! We caught up finally." Cerise said as they reached their two friends. "Ohh, I like your new bracelet Azulia. Oohh, and your new scarf too, Schematic's. Isn't the scarf lovely, Slip?" Cerise replied, poking Slip in the side with her hoof. "Oh, uh, sorry Schematic's. It's a very lovely scarf. It's really pretty on you." He said blushing. Goodness he'll have to work on his tact, Cerise thought. "Hey, do you to want to go see what the King is up to?" Cerise asked. She just waited and looked up at Slip. He was completely enamored with Schematic's as he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

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#265877 Posted on 2023-01-27 10:45:52

     Solstice had ended falling asleep a bit, but she could still hear everything around her loud and clear. She just didn't have the energy to open her eyes for awhile. Orion just made sure she stayed comfortable letting her lean into him as much as she needed to. Though Orion didn't sleep. Instead he just looked around watching everything that was going on around him. That including everything involving this new mare.

     There was several things that were odd about her, but Orion just stayed out of it. Azulia, Cerise, and Slip seemed to be dealing with her nicely. Though Orion didn't even notice it when he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He never even realized he was even tired. Maybe he was just too distracted by everything that had just happened. It was almost like he could hear the creature's shrieks ringing in his ears..

     Though Solstice slowly opened her eyes when something seemed to not be right. With what she had no idea. She noticed Azulia and the others heading to marketplace, but she just looked at Orion for a moment before she carefully and slowly stood back up. Her brother was with Eclipsetess, so she figured he wouldn't catch her. Most of everyone seemed to be resting though.

     Solstice just slowly walked somewhere where hardly anyone was ever at. Whatever she was feeling was different then what she'd been feeling the past week or so because of the pregnancy. Something that felt familiar to her, but also felt strange to her, but she just hid whatever it was from everyone. She didn't want anyone else to treat her any less. She could still do a few things except rest.

     Though as she was walking to the spot she knew of, she stopped briefly. Solstice was outside the herd, but she could still be seen...hopefully she wouldn't be though. Solstice only lowered her head while also arching her neck a bit. Something wasn't right. Not at all. Her necklace started to flicker..the color in her eyes seemed to fade in and out, and it was almost like she was gasping for breath.

     She just stood there like that before it all stopped. Solstice had no idea on what just happened seeing as how it never happened before, but she did feel her magic leaving her before she felt it return. Solstice only glanced back at the herd before she kept moving. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal, but Solstice wasn't sure on just how long that would last...or even if it would happen again.

     Solstice just decided to head to the marketplace hoping to clear her head as she looked around at some of the shops. It was very clear she was tired, but she didn't care. She didn't care if she was getting looks from anyone else in the marketplace. Solstice only walked around with her head lowered when she noticed Azulia and the others in the distance, so she decided to walk over to them. She was sure they would have noticed her anyways.

     Solstice tried to put a small smile on, but it was clear she didn't have the energy to hold it for long. She knew they would ask if she was alright, or that she shouldn't have even been there, but she just looked around. She noticed the alicorn king, but didn't pay much attention to him. She hardly even went to the marketplace, "Find anything yet..?" she asked trying to keep the subject off of her.

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