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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265704 Posted on 2023-01-23 18:43:06

"I know Namir, go sit by your sister and watch, we're all stressed that is, and I need to figure out what I saw too. So go relax in this untimely situation, to your best I mean, I'll figure out everything once it calms down." Scorn told Namir, he then turned around to Slip, he wasn't even surprised since this situation happened.

"Alright, but we'll need to expect the unexpected, even the expected should unexpect what is to come, so be more prepared then just prepared, we need everyone's health. And Solstice, I know how you feel, your just acting like what I was when I was 15 with my family.. I was old enough to leave, but I was forced into a camp and had to battle, I saw everything that would horrify a mare like you." Scorn paused to look at Mesa and see she was flourishing like normal, but she even hid the fact from her herd as well, and that the mares were watching her moves..

Socrn then turned his attention back to Slip once that he realized he ppaused on his sentence, so he continued it. "That's why Mesa even has a herd, she doesn't want to lose anyone anymore," Scorn paused as he realzied what had dawned on him, "and I just realized I'm reverting back to how I was originally.." Scorn told himself, but he told Solstice and Slip, Cerise, Namir, and Orion, he was young but he proved on how much scars he had, wait- all those scars he had was from his battle?! No wonder why he's intimadating to the eye!

"No matter, if you see me in a general's gown, don't be afraid of me, I'm more tougher on the outside then in when I that hat and.. Cape, but I direct better and I command better too, so I'm more an admiral then general.. But I am more crueler as well, to the best of my advantage I can control my anger, but when enemies come out, I turn very useful in times.. Dangerous situations are my treat. Better update you on that now then later." Scorn said, he smiled creepily, but he did look at the sky, it was dark and red streaks were forming too.

Then a horrifying shriek rang out, and a blacked out horse was thrown into the air and landed on their back, but it was Eclipsetess and she was battered and wounded badly, but she was alive.. More then ever really, and that she held a sword in her hoof, but she seemed mad and angry like a soldier in a war, Eclipsetess then weakly got up..

She was out of breath and was weak, she could barely heal herself, then another shriek ran out, Eclipsetess hissed and tried running but she only fell to her hooves and began crying, she even yelled-cried at the shrieking creature to "stop!" and "go away!"..

But it was too late, the shrieking entity revealed itself, it was Dragon Devil to be best but it was more different then anything, the creature had Dra's face but the blackness made only the scelera's with it's pupils showing as the mouth was pure drawn-white!

The creature was larger then even Dragon Devil could be, it then started crawling against the mountains, it's arm outstretched with pure blackness, the hooves being clawed-hands and that it had more demonic looking wings, it was torn and ripped, shredded and holed everywhere..

It was creepy, horrifying, terrifying and many more.. Eclipsetess then fell to the ground flat as she gave out to exhaustion, the creature had it's eyes slit when it saw that Eclipsetess gave out, Bastilla then blasted magic as it began crawling, the creature yelled and shrieked all the other horses and even the king were terrified into hiding.

The alicorn king on the other hand galloped with protection to stand in front of Solstice, it was more dangerous as he told her that, he then used his wings to cover Solstice, whether she wanted to be calm or not, Scorn wanted to get Solstice but Dawn held him back.

"Wait..! She's faking!" Dawn yelled-whispered to Scorn, then she did it to the rest when Scorn calmed down, but he was still scared and wanted to be next to her, that's why Dawn teleported everyone away from Eclipsetess and back to the group as she wasn't exhausted, she was a goddess after all! She was using her title to fake an exhausted exposed horse! She was planning on killing the creature!

"Are you sure?! The cretaure is right on top of her and she isn't moving! Not one bit! She's not even moving when she's supposed to get up and fight!" Bastilla said, Dawn just sprawled her wings out to let everyone know what she was doing.

"Exhausted or not she has a title, and that title is keeping her alive! She's immortal now, just like what Solstice is, even though she was already immortal, but she can't die type of immortal but still feel normal things like a horse, like what Eclipsetess is doing, she's exhausted and so is Solstice. No doubt about it!" Dawn said, the creature of darkness was about to eat Eclipsetess when Dawn put her hoof down was when she screwed the bolt wrong!

"Oh no.. Barrier!" Bastilla yelled, the creature began horrifyingly and terrifyingly run in a funny run, it creeped and horrified Dawn, Bastilla, and Scorn as it was also goofy in a way.

Dawn then instantly put up a barrier of her color, then it turned to the color that Eclipsetess had; a light twilight color to symbolize the night, Dawn's was closer to match the dawning sky of the world as well. Anyways, Eclipsetess then weakly got up as she then ran on her hooves as she jumped and cut the creature's neck.

A portal then appeared as a large God came out, the horses mane was fire and it was blue fire, even the tail and the feathers on hades' hooves were on fire/smoking, the creature turned around as Hades' pulled out Dragon Devil as he laughed his usual laugh at the creature, then he used his chain magic to grab the beast, but it pulled the chain and threw Dra to the ground, the creature placed it's clawed hand on Dra's head and began to- ...

Then Hades' used his force magic to pull the beast as it began crawling to get out, Hades' saw the creature crawling as he increased the force, the creature kept it up with it trying to free itself, Hades' again began to increase the force as the creature yowled, growled, and even howled and shrieked in pain..

The creature then jumped, as Hades' stopped as the magic took him out of it, making him close the portal behind him as the creature jumped over the three herds, even the unattended mares in the herd scared as the creature stretched it's limbs out to not crush the herds, Hades chose to lie down as Dra got up with furious pain.

Eclipsetess then jumped into the air as her wings turned from broken feathers falling to a real goddess taking on the creature again as it licked it dried and scratchy lips, then opened it's jaws as Dragon Devil instantly got there and closed his maw with his hooves!

The creature yowled in pain and then backe up as Dra lifted the herds to be next to/around Solstice and her group as Dra apologized to them for being scared of him and the creature he and Eclipsetess were fighting together, even to Solstice as well!

Dra then kept his hooves on the creatures jaws, as it opened them again and Dra shut them tight again, this made the creature fearful of Dra's strength as he was the same size as the creature, but he was on his back hooves as he was fighting his back legs, alongside Eclipsetess as she kept slicing and dicing when she needed to dodge..

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#265716 Posted on 2023-01-23 20:17:00

     Namir only sighed as he looked back at his sister. It was hard for him to see her like this, but he knew that the pregnancy was part of the reason for her strange attitude. He'd have her bubbled if it came to it just for her and the foal's safety. Namir could tell she was feeling every emotion there was out there, but he couldn't help her...none of them could..He was starting to see similarities between her and their mother which concerned him...

     Though Namir just looked back over at Namir, "I'll do what I can, but she's starting to get out of hoof..I don't want to make her feel useless, but how else am I supposed to make sure her and the foal are safe?" he sighed before he looked over at Slip trying to keep himself together, "I'm afraid this just might be worse then fighting Dragin Devil himself...well despite he killed me and everyone else except for my sister.." he paused feeling the cold feeling of a spike piercing through his heart.

     Solstice only unwillingly walked back to Orion and the few others. She wasn't a helpless filly anymore. Sure she was carrying a foal, but she wasn't even halfway far along. She was only far enough where it was clear she already had a bump...maybe a bit bigger then normal for how long she was pregnant, but that wasn't important. She just listened to Scorn before she just looked down and partly turned away.

     Namir just looked at her before he looked back at Scorn. Listening to every word being said before he looked up at the sky. It was getting darker and darker by the minute, but it wasn't a night sky...more like pure darkness with strange red streaks. That was when he noticed a horse falling to the ground from a high altitude. The horse was falling way too quickly for anyone to act to try and catch the horse.

     Though Namir quickly noticed who it was, and so did Solstice. "Eclipsetess!" she yelled worriedly as she tried to run over to her, but both Namir and Orion blocked her path. She could see the pain and fright in her brother's eyes..even Orion's as she looked at them both. "I-i want to be with her! She's too weak!" she said only wishing to be with her guardian...her friend..

      Namir just looked down a bit before he felt the presence of something that caused the coldest of chills to run through their bodies. For Solstice though...she couldn't barely move. Like she was a statue. The feeling was worse then Dra by a greater level. How in the world could anything be worse then Dragon Devil himself!? Namir seemed to stand like a statue as well before he slowly and hesitantly looked up at the frightening creature...something he would always regret doing...

      Solstice had just laid down on the spot..well more like fell down as she had no control over herself. Never had she been so afraid. She always believed that Dra was the worst thing one could experience, but this...this was a whole 'nother level. The shrieking rang in her ears as she laid there completely traumatized as she hesitantly looked up at the horrifying creature only to immediately look back down..

     Namir's eyes widened as he remembered about Minette. Orion only told him to go as he ran off looking around for the filly. "Minette!" he hollered worriedly as he looked around frantically for her. He eventually found her, and ushered her to the group. He felt a bit better knowing the filly was safe and that he know knew her whereabouts. Isis and Khepri had ran back to the safety of the herds completely terrified.

     Solstice couldn't do anything. She barely even noticed the alicorn king was shielding..protecting her. After everything. Orion had stood right beside her as he made sure she wasn't harmed. Even if the alicorn king was there, he wasn't going to leave her side. Though Oroin looked over seeing Namir running back over with Minette in front of him. He could see some relief on Namir's face once the filly was safer.

     Solstice could only hear distorted voices around her yelling words she couldn't make out. She could feel her heart racing as she started to shake and tremble. She began to sweat a bit as she tried to control her breathing. Orion looked at Namir worriedly. Solstice didn't even bother to look up at anyone. She only looked at the ground with her wings clenched to her sides. She was having a panic attack..

     Though she heard Dragon Devil himself which seemed to make her worse even if she couldn't make out what exactly was going on around her. Everything started to get blurry for her. Namir tried to calm Solstice by placing his muzzle on her, but she just flinched at the touch. Namir had never been so worried before as he looked at Orion, "She's having a panic attack...this is too much for her....way too much for her." They were both beyond worried at that point.

     Shrieking could be heard as it rung in everyone's ears. Moon was running back to the herd when one of the creature's legs almost hit her. Thankfully she was able to get out of the way as she made sure Apollo stayed in front of her so she knew where he was at all times. Until everyone was put together at least. After that Moon just made sure Apollo didn't even take a step away from her side, but the colt was too scared to even do anything..

     Namir was just trying to think of something to do that could help, but he couldn't think of anything. Solstice was still having a panic attack, and a pretty bad one at that. Though he just looked up at Eclipsetess trying not to look at the creature entirely. He only hoped they defeated the creature soon. They couldn't do anything, and it seemed Solstice got worse the longer things went on. "Come on Eclipsetess...I know you can do it..." he said to himself trying to stay hopeful. Though it was hard. Solstice's necklace did start to glow because of the creature, but she couldn't do a darn thing..

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#265728 Posted on 2023-01-24 06:43:54

Slip with his horn

Slip just nodded his head after Scorn agreed to let him help if it came to it. His focus was going in and out though. It was becoming more and more difficult by the second to control the power surging through his body. He listened to Scorn saying something about being an admiral or general, but Slip couldn't necessarily focus. He just was focusing on everything going on around him and what was happening in the sky. 

The night was dark. It was an unnatural dark, but had red streaks throughout the darkness. Something wasn't right. Slip then heard a shriek and something falling through the air. He looked up and noticed it must be Eclipsetess. She had landed with a faint thud on her back. That's when Slip realized how battered and injured she was, "Cerise, go to her and heal her!" He mind linked, but before Cerise could even move towards Eclipsetess, the injured mare had gotten up and stumbled forward. That is when Slip and Cerise saw what made their blood run cold.

A creature that was horrible. It was made of pure nightmares and one of the largest things Slip had ever seen. He couldn't believe his eyes. It looked similar to a dragon, but with cloven hooved claws and large black eyes. It was terrifying. Everything happened what seemed to be all at once. Slip watched as Bastilla blasted some form of magic, the Alicorn King went to protect Solstice and then Eclipsetess had gotten up and replaced the magic that Slip had seen the other mare, Dawn, perform. He could do nothing but watch as Eclipsetess then charged forward and sliced the creatures neck. 

A portal had appeared at that moment and what looked to be the devil himself appeared, with blue flamed mane and tail and hooves. Slip couldn't watch the rest as another being appeared. It was Dra. He knew it by the way everyone reacted around him. He did nothing but see the scene play out in front of him. Dra and Eclipstess was fighting the best together. He then herd a faint rapid heart beat. He turned to see where the sound came from and that's when he noticed Solstice had collapsed from fear. "Cerise!" He yelled, "Go to Sostice. She needs you to calm her!" He knew that he would lose control as soon as she stepped away, but maybe that's what he needed to do for now. To protect his new home. 

Cerise just looked up at her brother. She had been terrified of everything that had been playing out in front of her. Seeing Eclipsetess fall, then the most terrible beast she's ever seen, to seeing Dra himself show up. Now the two were fighting together against the beast. Slip had just asked Cerise to go to Solstice, but she couldn't bear to leave her brother. She knew that he would change if she stopped calming him. 

"Cerise!" Slip pleaded this time. "Solstice needs you. I can't do it or I would, but she needs you more than I do. I've got enough control to not do anything stupid." She couldn't help but look at Slip with terror in her eyes. He nudged her to go. So she did. Just as soon as she took a step away from Slip, he started to shudder. She hated seeing her brother like this. It was a new fear that came about. "It must be painful to grow so large and then sprout 4 extra legs," She thought, but Slip must have heard her because he just nodded. 

"I can't bear to watch this Slip, let me calm you. Please?" She begged, but he only shook his now massive growing head. She took a couple steps back as the 4 shadow legs started to form and he grew to what seemed larger than before. He was almost as big as Bastilla and Dawn. His eyes were glowing even brighter than before and he seemed to be more determined now than he was when this all started. "Go Cerise!" He spoke softly but his voice still radiated power. 

Cerise turned and frightfully ran over to where Solstice and the others were. She could hear the shrieking of the beast ring through the mountains and valleys and that just made her more determined. She saw how bad Solstice was as the mare was stiff with panic. Cerise made it over to the group and just looked at Orion and Namir, "Let me help her. I can calm her down, but I have to touch her." 

It seemed that the two stallions didn't stop her so she went to lay down next to Solstice, but leaned in before she did so she could say, "I'm so sorry that you're going through this" she said, "But I need you to hear me and understand that I need to touch you to help you." She saw no signs of Solstice listening, but she went on. "I know that this is very traumatic for you and it has had to take you back to place you don't want to be, but I'm going to help you. You need to be strong for that foal of yours and I won't let you get hurt. Namir, Orion, and Slip won't let you get hurt either." 

She then slowly folded her legs under her and inched closer to Solstice so her whole side was touching Solstice's. It seemed that Solstice flinched at her touch, but Cerise couldn't be sure. She gently pressed her side to Solstice and reached out to Solstice's neck to touch it with her muzzle. The more points that Cerise was touching Solstice, the better. It would help spread the calming energy through to her. 

Cerise just focused on Solstice and sending her energy to calm her down. She wasn't sure if it was working or not, but she hoped. This needed to work. Everyone needed Solstice to be brave and come back to them. Cerise stopped watching what was going on around her. She knew that Namir, Orion, and the Alicorn King would make sure no harm happened to the two of them. She just hoped that Slip wouldn't come into any harm either. She don't know what she would do if she lost Slip. She just hoped he was taking care of himself and was safe.

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#265734 Posted on 2023-01-24 10:42:33

"We need more power!" Eclipsetess shouted to Dra, she then jumped as she backflipped onto Dra's shoulder, she rested as she couldn't keep up with her exhaustion long, Dragon Devil knew that but he then darted his eyes at Slip, his evil magma flowing eyes straight to Slip's green glowing ones as he was in his new form.

"Slip? That's it! We need help from him!" Eclipsetess said, she was about to get up but instantly went back down to laying on Dra's shoulder as the creature tried swipping at Eclipsetess with it's clawed hoof/hand whatever, Dra just made sure to let go and clamp the creature's mouth as he lost energy.

"Slip! Come help us! This ungodly creature is too powerful for the both us!" Eclipsetess pleaded to Slip, she then jumped down from Dra's shoulders as he managed to get the creature to get down, and as Eclipsetess glided down onto the ground the creature underswipped Eclipsetess as she fell, but she managed to get back up when she knew she had too.

Dragon Devil just made sure to keep the beast from escaping as he kept his eyes on the blacked pupils and the blacked face it had while also having a devious, mysterious, terrifying smile, Eclipsetess then flew back up to Dra's shoulder as she kept the beast from being able to fight back.

"Where will Slip attack?" Dra asked in the middle of the fight, two titans fighting, one a normal- immortal horse, and one evil tyrant that was even more powerful then the other horses, minus Eclipsetess since she isn't bad but just wants to protect her home, her friends, and who she's protecting.

"Wherever he feels utmost is important to attack at, we'll get the beast down when Slip gets here and chooses a spot to attack from. The beast has many weaknesses as I can tell by that, but we need to figure out this beast by any means neccesary to win. If it escapes the Isles is seriously endangered, even the Mainland as well." Eclipsetess said, she just made sure to attack the head, the muzzle, the nape and wherever it was neccesary as well.

Though the creature lifted it's massive head, then it sprouted several more necks attached with heads, Eclipsetess was just flung to the left side as she landed down with exhaustion taking over, Dragon Devil then pushed the creature down and started to bite the creature, as hard as he could and how long the creature would last with fangs from a horse..

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#265745 Posted on 2023-01-24 13:34:31

     Namir and Orion just stood next to Solstice as they both tried to calm her, but nothing worked. They were both showing fear, and even though they still didn't like each other the greatest, they only cared about Solstice. Namir was the one to raise her after their parent's were killed. Solstice was only a few days old. The sight of seeing them was enough to cause Namir to rarely speak of their parents causing Solstice to know nothing about them.

     Though they just stood there making sure nothing would happen to her just like the alicorn king had been doing. Until they looked over noticing Cerise running over as her brother was growing in size. It was rare when Namir felt small, but this was definitely one of those times. The two stallions just took a small step back allowing Cerise to go next to Solstice, "Do what you have to do...she's had them before, but none quite like this.." Namir said his voice filled with worry and fear.

     Orion said nothing as he just watched while looking around every now and then. Namir's wings were partly out as he only had them out ready in case he was needed again. Until then he just wanted to make sure his sister was alright. He could never understand her pain...nor could Orion. They seemed to have tried everything they could think of to help calm her, but nothing came close to working.

     Solstice just laid there looking at the ground. Her body shaking as her heart was racing. Like it was about to burst out of her chest. Her breathing was quick, and her whole body was tense. Though it was like she wasn't there. Well she was, but it was almost as if her conscious was somewhere else. She could here the faint sound of voices, but she just couldn't make out what words were being said, who was talking, or even who they were talking to.

     That's how bad it was. It wasn't long before she felt someone touch her causing her to flinch. Then she felt something or someone pressing against her side. Almost as if someone had laid next to her, but she just flinched greatly when she was originally touched. Though she very slowly seemed to come back to what was really what caused her panic attack.

     Slowly Solstice's breathing started to slow to what it normally was as her heart rate slowly started to calm after that. Her body slowly stopped shaking as she moved her ears around a bit. Though she stilled seemed like she was in a different place. That's when Namir took a breath before he stepped forward. He was going to do something that he'd never done before. 

     Namir was silent for a few seconds before he started to sing. Sing? Never before had Namir ever sang, so why would he be doing it now? Namir wasn't a softie..well at least most of the time. He was a stallion willing to do what it took to keep the ones he cared about alive. Even if that meant sacrificing himself. He wasn't like Eclipsetess or Solstice. He wasn't a god like they were a goddess. Namir was already lucky enough to still be alive after Dra killed him. Speaking of which it took a lot out of Namir not to go after Dra...even if he was dead and trying to help...

     "Don't be afraid my child~" he sang quietly and softly, "You will see....that everything is fine~" It was mother's song. The one she always sang in her soft and calming voice whenever Namir was upset or scared. She only sang it to Solstice once, but it was the only thing he could think of that might have helped his sister. As much as it pained him to sing it...he did..for his sister..

     Moon was standing a short ways from the herd trying to keep her and her son calm when she heard something familiar, "That song..." she murmured to herself as she looked around until she spotted the one who had been singing it when she noticed what was going on. Namir? Moon was taken by surprise to see that he was the one singing the meant a lot to her since she was close friends with their mother..

     Moon just smiled as she walked over Apollo sticking to her side as she started to sing it, "Just listen to the sounds around you...and what's in your heart..~" she sang as she walked up beside Namir which took him by surprise. He just stopped and looked over seeing it was Moon before they both sang together, "You are show me you are..~" they sang as it surprisingly worked..

     Solstice was slowly coming back to her senses when she started to hear singing. Why was there singing? This wasn't the time to be singing! There was literally a battle against a horrifying creature! Though the song just continued to calm her. Her heart rate was still a bit fast as well as her breathing, but she eventually just jerked her head up looking around completely confused and unsure of what was happening until she heard the creature shriek when she looked up at Moon and Namir... "What..was that singing...?" she asked unsure if it was just her or not that heard it.

     Moon smiled thankful to see it worked. Namir just smiled a bit as he looked at the two of them, "Mother's song...she would always sing it to me whenever I was upset or always calmed me..." he sighed looking down. Moon knew how much it took for him to even be able to sing it. "Mother only sang it once to you...right after the herd rejected you.." he said before he looked up at Eclipsetess getting worried about her.

     Solstice didn't know what to say or what to even think. She only looked at Cerise and just let out a sigh as she placed her head on her back closely her eyes for only a couple seconds. Solstice was still afraid, but she was a lot calmer and more tired then she was before. Moon just looked at her before looking at Namir, "You can't go to her. You are to stay here with your sister..she needs you. Eclipsetess can handle herself." she said knowing Namir didn't want to hear it, but she didn't care. She always treated the two siblings like they were her own after their parent's death...

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#265770 Posted on 2023-01-24 16:13:34

Slip watched as Cerise went to Solstice. It was almost torture seeing her go because he knew what would happen, but he didn't care. He would protect this herd with his life. He was sure that he wouldn't lose control. That's when the pain of his transformation kicked in. The little pricks of pain where the 4 legs were starting to grow and then the aches and twisting of muscles and bone as he grew larger. He knew that this would soon become a normal pain, but he still hated feeling it. He finally had reached his full size. This time he seemed to almost be level with Bastilla and Dawn, but he didn't care. He would use every last bit of strength to fight for his home. He then turned one last time to look at Cerise.

Slip watched as Cerise slowed and gently laid next to Solstice. With his heightened eye sight he could see that Solstice had flinched when his sister touched her and he could see that Solstice was trembling with fear. Right before his very eyes it eased and slowed. His sister was great at this even though she hadn't even had the ability for a whole day yet. 

Just as Slip was watching with admiration at his sister he heard his name being called. He turned his gigantic head around back to the fighting. That's when he noticed what was happening. It seemed that the two of the fighting horses were loosing against this dragon monster. Eclipsetess had shouted for him, asking him to come help. Slip didn't realized that he was running towards the monster, but he would fight. His hooves thundering throughout the mountains as he ran. He seemed to get there quicker than he thought, "having 8 legs must increase my speed." He thought to himself.

While running towards the fighting Dra and Eclipsetess were talking about where he should attack. Slip knew the perfect place though. The dragon's underbelly. He knew from experience that that was a weak point on most creatures and that it was worth a shot. With lightning fast speed, Slip darted under the dragons front feet and thrust his head upwards. He knew when his horn caught the belly and he proceeded to run dragging his horn with the strength of a god towards the dragon's tail. He heard the dragon let out a massive ear splitting shriek, but he kept running and slicing. This monster would go down. 

The next time that he darted out from under the monster, strawberry syrup running down his horn, he noticed the monster had grown multiple heads and that Eclipsetess was laying down on the ground. She seemed exhausted. The next thing Slip knew he was rushing over to her. He lowered his massive head and had touched her on the top of the head with his muzzle and willed her exhaustion to leave. "I've restored your strength. Now lets finish this fight!" He boomed, his voice echoing around the area. "Sorry, he said more quietly, I don't know my own volume yet." He finished as she lowered his head slightly in embarrassment. He didn't know why he knew to touch her to help her exhaustion, but that would be a handy thing in any future battles. 

Cerise watched in horror as she heard her brothers name being called. She didn't want him to go battle, but she knew that he was needed. She was fearful of his life and she couldn't lose him. However, she never once lifted her self from Solstice, she knew that she needed her here and that she was no fighter unless the fighters were desperate. 

She knew she hadn't fully calmed Solstice though because she heard the most beautiful singing start. She lifted her eyes towards the singing, careful not to move her head, and noticed it was Namir. Namir was singing the Mother's Song. She could feel Solstice's body relax more thoroughly as he went on. Then another voice had joined in. It was the mare, Moon. She had walked over to them and was singing along with Namir. Cerise had never heard something so beautiful. Solstice had calmed though, so Cerise lifted her head away, but made sure to keep touching her side and sending calming energy her way. Panic attacks were not the best for a foal. 

Cerise just watched and listened as Namir explained the Mother's Song to Solstice, then she done something Cerise never expected. Solstice laid her head across Cerise's back and just sighed. It seemed to Cerise to be an almost peaceful sigh. She would lay here for hours if it meant keeping Solstice calm. She needed Cerise and Cerise would be there. She made a vow to herself that she would always be there when Solstice needed her most. She didn't know why she made the vow, only that it seemed like the right thing to do. There seemed to be something special about Solstice's foal and she needed all the help and assistance that anyone was willing to give, so Cerise would give it.  

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#265784 Posted on 2023-01-24 18:58:03

"Thanks, let's go back to war now." Eclipsetess said, she quickly flapped her wings in the air as she was fast, she the hovered as she began examining the creature, Dra still had a hold on one of the heads, the creature- however surprised the three of them as it healed immenseley.

"Ragh!" Dra let go quickl, as one of the heads launched itself at Dra but missed, the head then began examining the stomach while the rest of the ehads continued to fight.

"Well it weakened it, I saw how one of the heads reacted to the healing!" Eclipsetess shouted, she then quickly dodged one of the heads as it hurled itself at Eclipsetess but she was faster than the head alone, it proved a great effect as Eclipsetess then sliced the head off clean, strawberry syrup spilling out as Eclipsetess was disgusted by it.

Though she paused once she heard waves going on, it crackled and bubbled as she picked it up rather quick, Eclipsetess then realized who it was and what was happening, Eclipsetess then hoallered at the creature from below, it gave out a low crackling growl below from the water.

The creature of pure blackness got curious as it turned around, Dra grabbed hold of the middle head and stomped his hoof on the creature's back, he could hear.. Several bones crack at once, like getting a massage or something, Eclipsetess then flew over to the water's edge behind the mountain..

And that Namir, and the group that went to get Eclipsetess back would quickly recognize the creature as it brought up it's very defensive but big bulbous eyes that look kind and cuddley, Eclipsetess said hello as the creature responded back with a greetful and cheery growl mixed with a little bit of a high pitch to symbolize that the creature was friendly!

But it then locked eyes on the creature Dra and Eclipsetess were fighting alongside Slip, who was probably confused at to what was happening, the water creature then poked it's three other heads above and out as it immediately attacked the creature of some sort.

The blacked creature however, was confused but then it whined and winced like a dog and wolf, it shrieked as well but one of the heads got bit off by the three heads that Eclipsetess knew, Eclipsetess long forgotten the creature since she didn't know of but it was nice, Azulia then remembered the creature as one of the heads or two she could remember but not the exact names of..

(No joke, I can't remember the three serpent names of, two girls/females, and a boy/male, I can't remember the names and I want to use them again.. I'll get to the book so that I can remember, but you guys can help out as well! Oh I just remembered Zak was for the third second head since he was the smartest! But I need the other two names from the previous replies to even state the creature back.. So yeah..)

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#265792 Posted on 2023-01-24 19:33:08

     Namir only noticed the look on Cerise's face when Eclipsetess called for her brother. He just looked at Moon for a second before he spoke, "I know how you feel..about your brother being called to fight.." he said as he adjusted his wings, "I felt the same with my sister. Once I realized she was gone, and was being manipulated by Dra, we all went..the final battle. What we saw...was painful to look at, but in the end it was my sister who had the power to defeat him...she was the one the legend spoke of.."

     Solstice just opened her eyes again not even bothering to look at her brother, "Namir...please don't..." she sighed, "You really think it's wise to speak of what burdens me the most right after I just had a panic attack like I did?" Her voice indicated that she was still a bit shaken up, but she just slightly flinched when she heard the creature shriek as it rung in her ears. Her mind was everywhere, but she forgot about the creature until she heard it once more.

     Namir just looked down knowing she was right. Now he felt worse then he did before. Moon only looked at him and nuzzled him, "It's alright Namir...she'll be alright..we all will...Eclipsetess as well," she said in her motherly tone..almost like it never went away. Namir just nuzzled her in return. The mare was older then everyone else in the group, but not nearly as old as the alicorn king.

     Though she promised their mother that she would watch over the two siblings if anything were to happen to her or her mate. Moon never broke that promise. In a way she was like a mother least to Namir. Apollo just stood next to her too scared to move away from her side as he tried to hide from the creature. The poor little colt. It was easy to see what the song did to Namir as he was quieter then normal.

     Solstice was just quiet for the most part. She took small slow breaths as her heart was still beating a bit rapidly, but it eventually got to a normal heart rate. Solstice did look over at Moon and Apollo as she spread out one of her wings. Moon just nudged the colt over to her as Apollo walked over hesitantly. He didn't want to leave his mother's side, but Moon made him. She knew he'd be safe with Solstice.

     Solstice had a very small smile as Apollo laid down next to her with Cerise on the other side of her. When he got comfortable, Solstice just placed her somewhat large feathery wing on top on him. She just made sure Apollo was comfortable before she placed her head on Cerise's back again. It was one of the ways she showed trust towards someone...or something she did when she was tired..which she was tired as well.

     Though Namir just watched the fight. As horrifying as the creature was, Namir just watched in case he was needed at all. He knew Eclipsetess wouldn't die, but he still worried about her greatly. She had been fighting this thing for quite some time. Even after the attack Slip gave, the creature still didn't accept its defeat. Namir just watched as things got a bit worse. Why no one else was attacking the thing he wasn't sure, but Namir knew Moon wasn't going to let him fight..not this battle.

     That was when Solstice's ears picked up something coming from the water. She lifted her head to see what it was that was coming from the deep. She remembered Oceanus saying she had a dragon, but Solstice got the feeling this was something or someone different..though she could tell that whatever it was, was rather large.. Very large. Solstice just felt like a ant compared to everyone as Namir and Orion had felt the same.

     Though Solstice then saw the three heads of the creature rise from the water's surface. Solstice just carefully stood up when she saw who it was. It had been so long! So so long! Namir had a smile when he saw who it was as well, but Solstice seemed more excited to who it was. "Dooly, Christiane, Zuki!" she called out happily. "I told you guys it would have been a good idea to make friends across the Isles!"

     Namir only chuckled a bit, "Alright alright you were right!" he admitted shaking his head. She was right after all. He remembered when they first met the Creature of the Mountain's Lake. Right after Eclipsetess was taken. Sure Solstice was still frightened, she had hope that the battle would soon end with the help of an old friend. Orion just smiled seeing Solstice's change as she watched their old friend.


     I went back in the roleplay and found their names on page 5 in the first reply of that page

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#265801 Posted on 2023-01-24 21:39:41

"Haha miss us dear Solstice?" Zuki said, she sounded normal, then she blinked as her slit eyes still focused on the creature, Zuki was protective as seen as was a considerable threat to anyone, but a creature with two other heads could be proven wrong.

"Let us protect you!" Christiane shouted, Dolly was the passive one as she kept quiet, but she did help when Zuki managed another hit on the evil creature, Christiane followed behind Zuki and swooped in for another hit as Dolly just managed to freeze the creature in place at the sight she was forcing the creature to look at.

Meanwhile Eclipsetess was managing to getting enough hits on the creature before it even made a move after Christiane struck the creature twice, Dolly just bit the several other heads on the creature as the middle head just kept on fighting, and not even backing down.

Eclipsetess then didn't pay attention as she was wacked on the side as she thrusted the sword she had into the back of the scales on the creature, it was definately was something, part dragon, part horse, part wolf, something that was more different then anything.

When Eclipsetess was wacked was when Dra was sitting bck as he was going to save Eclipsetess from being wacked again, but it was too late as she was flung again, Slip was just getting anyway possible to attack the creature as he ran back and started attacking.

Dragon Devil participated in the biting, but the creature then bursted out some powerful magic, but Hades' was waiting as he then gripped the creature with his hoof and then he launched the creature into the air, and he smacked the creature against the ground a couples times in the same spot..

Then he summoned a large portal as Dra then ran towards te portal, and that the creature was lifted and thrown into the portal after Dra ran in to go back to the realm, Eclipsetess then flew down once she got off the creature at the right time, Dolly, Christiane and Zuki then got excited as they said their wonderful goodbyes..

But they then jumped over the Isle of the Mountains, as a whole body connected to one, the heads were different colors separated from the body, but the body was a greyish-blue with some green here and there, not too much ut also some bright green for the algae.

Eclipsetess just watched a magnificent friendly creature jump over the Isle as a friend, she then galloped back to where she needed to be, she then teleported Slip to the group as well, Eclipsetess then giggled as she sat on her hind legs, quarters, and hooves, she then began spunning her hooves in a circle as a green glowing orb then turned purple and she directed the magic at Slip.

"There! All better now!" Eclipsetess said, Slip was just confused, but before long.. He turned back to his normal self, without anything to be threatening, Eclipsetess also stood by the alicorn king as he sat down near the group as Eclipsetess nudged him away as she wanted to see Solstice. What a wonderful friend she is..

"How are you holding up? Need anything more as well?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she managed to sneak a nuzzle as she looked Solstice over for anything, but she then nibbled her forelock as well.

"Better, like how you are when your this calm.." Eclipsetess smiled at Solstice, she could tell that Apollo was under her wings as Cerise was next to her on the opposite side, but she then layed down in front of Solstice as she wanted to know that she was okay and fine now.

"I know you were worried for me, I know I'm suppose to protect you, but I want to make sure your safe all around. That includes risks, and dying is making sure that I prove to you that your safe and that Faith knows too.." Eclipsetess told Solstice again, she then went silent as she remembered Scorn getting Eclipsetess from the Heavens and coming back with her, alive, but now a goddess.

Thanks for that HG!
I also wanted to reply-
Since Deer gave us the okay

But I also didn't want too because I couldn't think of anything until now..

Last edited on 2023-01-24 at 21:41:15 by Lizzy

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#265807 Posted on 2023-01-25 08:24:15

     Solstice just smiled a bit, "You could say's always nice to see an old friend...well friends." she said. She was happy to see them again. It had been ages since they last saw them. Years maybe? Solstice always struggled with how much time has passed after Dra had been defeated, but it's not all that important. What mattered now was the creature, and it's defeat.

     She just watched the battle take place as Namir and Moon had done the same. Even if she shouldn't have been watching it, she did. Solstice did look down as Apollo moved around a bit underneath her wing as she carefully lifted her wing off of him and nuzzled him. "It'll be alright'll be over soon..." she said quietly as the colt just looked at her. He had grown tremendously over the past month or two, but he was starting to learn to talk..he just didn't say anything because of the battle..

     Once the colt got comfortable again, Solstice put her wing back over him. Moon had watched the whole thing and smiled a bit. Though they all jumped a bit when they heard the creature shriek again. Moon was a bit unsettled by everything, but she tried to ignore it and set it aside as she looked at Solstice, "You'll be a great mother your mother was.." That seemed to get Namir's attention as he just looked down a bit.

     Solstice looked over at her brother seeing him look down as her ears lowered a bit. She couldn't talk to him about their parents. She had no memories of them. All she had was her mother's necklace...the necklace that kept her alive even if she was now a goddess, but she just looked down. "Will I though? You just saw how much I panicked...I still can't do anything right.." she sighed.

     Moon only shook her head disagreeing, "Your good with son even. I let him go to you because I knew he was safe with you. We all have our weaknesses, but you know the herd will protect they are now. You have nothing to worry about..I know you'll be the mom that foal of yours will need...and the father they'll need.." she said with a small smile as she looked at Orion..oddly quiet he was.

     Solstice looked down listening until she felt the ground shake a bit which caused her to panic a bit again as she looked around only to see Hades knocking the creature on the ground. At that point she knew it was over as she let out a sigh of relief. She only watched the creature and Dra go into the portal for a second as she just felt relieved that it was over. Everyone was relieved. 

     They all just looked over at Eclipsetess came over as she teleported Slip over to them as well. Though Solstice just smiled as she watched Zuki, Christiane, and Dolly thanking them and saying goodbye as they leapt over the Isle. Quite the leap that was. It wasn't long before the sky started to go back to a normal night sky. Solstice could feel the moon again as she just took a deep breath taking it in...the night was almost calming for her.

     Though she looked back over at Eclipsetess, "Better then what I saw earlier...thanks to Cerise.." she said relieved that her friend was okay. Solstice just nuzzled her and smiled as Eclipsetess nibbled on her forelock. She could feel the fear, worry, and tension just run off of everyone as the fight was over, and everyone was okay. Even Apollo had fallen asleep, but Moon just let him sleep where he was.

     Solstice did looked down a bit hearing what Eclipsetess said next, "But I don't want you to die..ever," she said almost hurt, "My parent's are already dead..I never got to know them, but I can't loose you...any of you.." Solstice just paused as she looked around at everyone for a moment, "I know you all mean well, but I can't always be protected..." It just got silent in the group for a minute.

     Solstice just sighed, "I'm a goddess for a reason..I can't prove that I'm worthy if I'm the one that is always needing to be protected or saved. I'm still a long ways from having this foal...just let me help in some sort of way when I want to...and well feel up to it..I still want to be useful until I can't be when I'll be close to foaling.." Solstice smiled a bit as she glanced at her stomach..she really did want to be a mother.

     Though she noticed that Cerise and Slip may have had confused or surprised faces when she said she was a goddess. She just let out a small laugh, "That was no lie. I am the goddess of the moon." she said, "Though I won't fully accept it until I feel worthy of it. I should really start reading those books, and Pandora's journal again.." she said more to herself, "I completely forgot about them.." she admitted.

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#265811 Posted on 2023-01-25 09:18:49

Eclipsetess had thanked Slip for helping restore her strength. He was a little embarrassed still for almost yelling at her, but he knew he would get over it. They had a battle to finish. He went back to slicing anywhere he could. The underbelly, the leg tendons, the toes even. He couldn't fly so there was no use trying to reach the creature's heads. "That's still unsettling," he whispered, "Multiple heads. Yeesh" 

Slip darted out of the way as one of the massive heads came falling down and then he dodged as another came hurtling towards him to check out the stomach wounds. He reared and kicked the head as hard as he could to get it away. As the head was retreating, he heard a cracking of bones coming from overhead, so he ran out from under the creatures strawberry syrup spilling stomach, to see where the noise had come from. He looked up and saw that Dra had leaped onto the creatures back and realized that that must have been where the cracking came from. 

Just as Slip was going to head back to the belly, he noticed that another multiheaded creature arrived, "Oh, no!" Slip thought, "Not another one!" But just as he finished that thought he saw that Solstice had yelled out the new creatures name and then he looked over at Eclipsetess. They all seemed to know this creature, so that relieved Slip tremendously. Just as he was paying attention to the black creature again, another head came rolling towards him. The new beast had bit off another head. 

Slip just took a few steps back to watch as Eclipsetess and Dra were relentlessly attacking the creature. He didn't want to risk getting trampled, however just as he was going to head back into the fray, Hades (Slip doesn't know his name) picked up the creature and slammed it against the ground a few times and right before Slip's eyes he saw the creature being whirled into an otherworldly portal with Dra shooting right after it. 

He just watched as Eclipsetess said goodbye to the friendly creature and watched in shock as the creature took one large leap and leaped over the mountain. Slip felt tingles around him as he was teleported back down the mountain to were Eclipsetess and the group was. He hesitated as he realized he was closer to Solstice than he felt he should be. He was stunned though as he saw Eclipsetess spinning some sort of magic and then hurled it at him. He then felt his body shift and change under his skin. He felt his muscles and bones shrinking back to their normal size and he felt the 4 extra legs disappearing. 

Slip started over towards his sister then. He didn't care that anyone else was there. He needed to lay next to her and touch her and know that she was okay. He reached her as she looked up and over at him, and he laid down next to her with a huff. He hated laying down sometimes. He just smiled though as she reached around and playfully nipped at his ear. Slip was glad she was safe. 

Oddly, Cerise was comforted by Namir's words to her about her brother, but then Solstice didn't want him to mention it anymore with her just having a panic attack like she did, so Cerise just watched and kept sending calm energy to Solstice. Solstice then did something that surprised Cerise a bit as she opened her wing and let the little colt, Apollo, lay next to her and shield him with her wing. "She's going to be a great mother," Cerise said to herself and she then felt Solstice's head lay back on her back. She knew Solstice was comforted and that made her feel better. 

Cerise couldn't help but watch the battle in horror though as Slip was darting in and out of the creatures huge feet. She didn't want him to get trampled, but she couldn't move. She knew that Solstice needed her. She just winced as the battle went on. It seemed like a losing battle, but then she couldn't believe her eyes as another multiheaded creature arrived, but little did she know that this new beast would help. 

Solstice had yelled out to the new beast saying their names, at that moment, Cerise knew that they would win. She watched as the battle finished up and the horrible beast was thrust into another realm with Dra following after it. She watched as everyone said goodbye to the friendly beast and then watched in amazement as the best leapt over the isles. That was an impressive leap. 

The sky had returned to a normal night sky with the moon shining brightly. Cerise could feel Solstice breathe easier and more effortlessly with the moon out. That was weird though. She knew the night air was good for some ailments, but this was different. She wondered what that must mean. At that moment Cerise saw Slip being teleported back to them, but he was still in his massive form. However Cerise just watched in amusement as Eclipsetess spun her magic and shot it at Slip, he was back to his normal self in no time. He just walked over to Cerise and laid down next to her. 

She knew how much he hated getting to the ground so she reached around and nipped at his ear, "You really scared me brother, but I'm glad you're safe now." That was when Cerise had turned her attention back to the conversation between Solstice and Eclipsetess. They mentioned something about being a godess. Cerise looked over at Slip and noticed he had the same shocked expression on his face that she had on hers. 

"I didn't know you were a moon goddess!" Cerise neighed, "A real live goddess. Wow!" She leaned into Solstice a little more and said, "No wonder everyone wants to protect you. You're already so brave and a real goddess." She gently nudged Solstice's neck and said to her, "That foal of yours will be so special. I just know it." Cerise finished wryly, "But I do think that we need some catching up to speed on a few things." Slip just nodded in agreement. They would No wonder Solstice was relieved to see the moon. She was a goddess of it. 

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#265812 Posted on 2023-01-25 09:42:41

"Hah!" Eclipsetess laughed at Slip and Cerise, she then looked up at the sky, she then starting counting the stars as like little dots scattered everywhere on a piece of paper, but some of the constellations were shifting and moving as normal, but Solstice's constellation changed to her as an older self with a foal next to her, Eclipsetess just smiled happily and looked at Solstice with that same gesture.

"One fourth constealliont full of stars, one like my friend, one like my man, and a foal to compliment.~" Eclipsetess plainly singed, she really liked the song as Minette then came over with curiosity and then layed down next to Eclipsetess, Minette then looked back up at Eclipsetess to sing more.

"Oh? Alright then, more singing for you. Minette." Eclipsetess said, she then nibbled lightly on Minette's nose ridge, as she then looked back up at the sky.

"One fifth full of friends, one of which is a dear one~! One sixth is covered in scales, a seventh has three heads, this makes up the full stars of the world~!" Eclipsetess sung, she laughed at the end as Minette looked up at her, Minette's feathers were a little longer and seemed fluffier.

"An eighth covered in feathers, a dragon made of gold, and a sea pony who's a queen~! This makes up of the friends Solstice made." Eclipsetess looked at Minette who looked at Solstice with the most confused look ever, she then looked up at Slip and Cerise.

"A goddess, Pandora, her siblings, Solstice and Me are in this group of horses who love their world as it is, we made lot's of adventures as we began walking~ Azulia, my step-sister, my friend, and one who I treasure alongside Solstice and Namir, she's the horse to go to for information, she's a bomb paint with an expression of happiness.~" Eclipsetess told Cerise and Slip about Azulia in the form of the song.

"A hydra who's nice, Dolly the pacifist, Zuki the most angered- but protective one, and Christiane who's the one that knows what's going on, this makes up of the friend we made..!~" Eclipsetess told Cerise and Slip about the hydra-like beast that Dolly, Christiane and Zuki were, Eclipsetess then sung about how friendly the three heads were, "they were the most friendliest creatures of the Isles~!".

Eclipsetess then kept singing about the Isles, the life and adventure she built upon alongside, "Solstice and Namir, these two were the most favorable ones! They are my friends, and my life was built around and with them! I could never treat them badly, because I am loyale to the ones I keep safe~!" Eclipsetess then ended the song with the most cherished compliment of all time.

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#265813 Posted on 2023-01-25 11:07:15

     Solstice just giggled a bit, "Well I can't spill all of my secrets at once now can I? Where's the fun in that?" she giggled, "But yes..I am the new moon goddess. What that means..I'm still not too sure myself." she said, "Some of us live in the Heavens while others live in the Isles like I do, but I have spent some time in the heavens." she said looking at the moon for a moment.

     "I may be a goddess now, but I'm not entirely immortal. My mother's necklace isn't just my mother's necklace," she sighed, "It keeps me alive. Without it I may die. Once it's removed from me, my magic and life is almost like it's sucked out of me. Goddess or not it keeps me alive.." she said. Though her voice wasn't sad. "I just have to protect it with my life..literally," she said with a bit of a laugh despite the look Namir gave her.

     "I almost lost you twice from that Solstice. It's not something to joke about. Life and death is never something to laugh about." he said in a serious tone. Solstice only rolled her eyes a bit. Namir only gave her a bit of a look. He was right though. It wasn't something she should of being laughing about. He almost lost her once to Dra and once to her taking it off blindly. Not that either was her fault.

     Solstice just went silent for a moment or two as she looked at Cerise, "Brave..? I'm not really brave...I mean not after how much I just panicked.." she sighed but she knew the look Namir gave her, "Alright...I may have my moments..I suppose..mainly when I was younger and was foolish." Namir just let out a small laugh agreeing with that part. Solstice only gave him one of her looks.

     Though she looked at Cerise when she nudged her. She had a small smile, but she looked down. She did want to be a mom, but now she was a bit nervous about it after everything that just happened. That and how easily she got tired. She knew it was going to get worse..maybe even to the point she couldn't get up, but that's not til awhile. Solstice just wanted to give a foal a she never had.

     Solstice did seem to feel what Cerise felt about her foal. She knew there was something special, she just didn't know what it was. "You may be right.." she said with a small smile before she looked at Eclipsetess then the stars. She watched them shift and change until her constellation showed her older self..with a foal beside her. Solstice didn't know what it meant, but it eased her worries for the time being.

     Then she looked back down at Eclipsetess as she started to sing. It was beautiful calming even. Though she just smiled and blushed a bit. Namir seemed to do the same. Everyone was quiet as they just listened to Eclipsetess sing. Solstice eventually just looked down for a moment before she looked at her brother and Eclipsetess as she finished singing, "Who'd think he'd be that soft?" she giggled before looking at Eclispetess, "Who knows. Maybe one day we'll be sister-in-laws." she giggled.

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#265814 Posted on 2023-01-25 11:32:31

*This will be a short reply. I apologize!*

Cerise just listened as Solstice, Namir, and Eclipsetess were talking about what happened and about Solstice being the Moon goddess. She couldn't believe her ears when she heard that she helped a goddess calm. Solstice said that she wasn't that brave, but when she finished, Cerise spoke up, "I think you are brave. You faced a fear head on tonight. Something that would make weaker horses flee." She went on, "You're brave in that of becoming a mother and you're so strong. I believe in you and I know Slip does as well." Slip just nodded in agreement as he didn't really have anything to add.

Solstice had agreed with Cerise about her foal then. Cerise just knew that this foal was special. Slip mind linked Cerise at that moment. I agree that this foal is special. We need to protect it and this herd at all costs. Cerise just nodded her head in agreement. As Cerise and Slip looked away from each other and turned back to look at the others, Eclipsetess started to sing. It was something so beautiful. It reminded Slip of his mother singing to him when he was a colt, scared of the horses who tore his home apart. He shed a couple tears wishing he had his mother still.

Cerise and Slip was very similar to Solstice and Namir in losing their mothers so young, but that only made them stronger. "Your voice is beautiful," Cerise had said once Eclipsetess was finished. "Wait, what do you mean sister-in-laws? You're not already?" She blurted to Eclipsetess and Solstice. "I thought Namir was your mate. He cares deeply for you." Cerise was back to her old casual and blunt self. She really needed to watch what she said sometimes. 

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#265815 Posted on 2023-01-25 12:26:38

"Ah.. I've never thought about it that way.. I guess I never pay attention anymore or less, but your right about that Cerise, Namir loves me and I share a greater love for him. That's why I adopted a foal- without his consent.. Ah hah.." Eclipsetess said, Cerise was right about her saying Namir loved Eclipsetess, but she was also right with the step-sister-in-law.

Eclipsetess then got up to shake off some dust from her coat, mane, and tail that collected the dust altogether, Minette stood up as well, she then nibbled Minette's forelock as bit as Eclipsetess then nuzzled Solstice, and Namir, but she gave some hugs to Cerise and Slip as well.

"Whenever you need a helping hand, I'm here for you two." Eclipsetess told Slip and Cerise, as she backed up to tell them that, "Just call my name, and I'll be there for whatever situation your in!" Eclipsetess spoke once more before she looked off to the side to see a mare in white walk up a little bit in a curious state.

Eclipsetess just smiled warmily as she settled Minette down, she then neighed over to the white mare to come over, but that didn't work as she could see that the white mare was a little frightened- of everyone, Eclipsetess just looked at the group behind her in confusion, the mare then stepped a little closer as her hooves were black as the night or pupils could be.

"It's alright, but why are you even scared?" Eclipsetess called the mare over once more, but she ended up asking the white mare a question, the white mare's eyes darted around before landing back on Eclipsetess as she moved quite quick as it made the white mare back up with even more fright.

"Oh sorry, did I scare you more?" Eclipsetess asked the mare, the mare had brown hair, but gray where bay should be, but she also had acid-like colored eyes, being quite different than an average Normal-Born horse.

The mare didn't speak as she backed up some more, Eclipsetess then stopped walking towards the mare as she looked like she got flinchy all over, more worse then Solstice since the white mare had shudders throughtout her coat that was flexing like crazy.

"Hey um, what's your name?" Eclipsetess asked the mare, the white mare then walked up to Eclipsetess like a normal mare would do, then the two mares trotted back over to the group, since she was with Eclipsetess.

"Everyone, and Minette, the white mare behind me is.." Eclipsetess loked at the mare, her green acid-like eyes that looked cool.

"The name's Schematics (HG I know you can't access TH, so I'm making a second link for you), or with an apostrophy that's behind the letter "S": Schematic's!" Schematic's said, her eyes like the greenest shade of grass ever, Eclipsetess just smiled as she complimented Schematic's name, Schematic's even blushed a little but she gave off the impression that Eclipsetess was taken.

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