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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265629 Posted on 2023-01-22 17:05:08

As Cerise was talking to Eclipsetess about resting and the upcoming battle, Slip was just watching a few steps away. He was keeping all his senses alert just in case anything was happening around. Slips ears twitched and he thought he heard a faint sound of flapping wings. 

Slip then heard the flapping wings grow louder and then everything seemed to go into overdrive. The actions around him started to move super fast, yet Slip was stuck seeing flashbacks of flapping wings and swooshing horns. At that moment, he snapped out of his stupor, and acted. He could feel himself becoming stronger, faster, and more alert. He knew that he only needed to protect his sister. "I've got to get in front of her!" He thought. He dashed in front of Cerise and stood his ground. He could feel power coursing through his body and felt the sharpness of a new vision through his eyes. He was powerful and he knew it, but what was this strange new ability he developed? 

Cerise was talking to Eclipsetess about resting when everything seemed to happen all at once, she heard the flapping of wings, a swoosh of something flying through the air, a scream, and then a dull thud. The shock of everything happening at once wore off just a quick as it came on and Cerise saw that there was a harpoon sticking out of Eclipsetess's right wing. She saw Namir on the ground and knew that Eclipsetess must have pushed him out of the way, but before she could take a step towards Eclipsetess to help heal her, something, no someone, pushed her back and stood in her way. 

Cerise just looked up at this massive horse that stood in her way. She realized that it looked a lot like Slip, but he was different. He had grown strong and muscular and twice his size. She had to shake her head, this couldn't be her timid, soft spoken, never hurt a fly brother. He was huge and he had a shadow of powerful four extra legs (two front and two back, just like Sleipnir from Norse Mythology). He turned his massive head slightly to the left and she could see bright glowing green eyes. He was Slip, but different. What happened to her brother?

Slip slowly took a step forward, "Slip, no!" Shouted Cerise, "You can't, remember?! This has to be Eclipsetess's fight!" Slip took another step forward, he was just focused on the pegasus mare, "Slip!" Yelled Cerise, "You have to stop! I know you're remembering what happened in the past, but you can't fight this battle. Please Slip, stop! For me, stop!" Cerise begged him and she never begs. 

"Ceri," Slip's eyes focused and then he turned his massive head towards his sister, "What happened to me? I feel so powerful and I almost lost control of myself." Cerise just stared at her brother, this was her brother alright, "But he's different." She thought. "It's okay Slip, we'll get through this. Just turn back to normal. We can't fight this fight." Cerise just wanted her brother back. "I'm staying like this until the threat has passed, but I have control now." said Slip. Cerise just hoped that he did in fact have control. This was worrying her, he had never done this before now...

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#265631 Posted on 2023-01-22 17:19:28

"I won't, promises love." Eclipsetess said, she quickly nuzzled him then she started galloping, she sprawled her wings out as she normally would, but she's getting the mare to follow her and it worked as the pegasus mare followed her farther away from her friends and family now.

Eclipsetess then jumped into the air as she quickly used her wings to flap as she was in the air, the pegasus had free reins now since Eclipsetess was in her domain, but as the mare quickly caught up Eclipsetess instantly did a barrel roll to dodge her attack which confused the mare- lots.

"Huh? Your supposed to be slower!" the mare said, Eclipsetess laughed knowing what the mare could in the time of this, but she did think and as the pegasus mare- or rather Atrium started another attack, Eclipsetess stopped her wings as the mare followed her.

"Get back here!" Atrium shouted after Eclipsetess, the mare didn't even account what Eclipsetess was doing until it was too late, Eclipsetess flapped her wings and brought herself vertically up in a swoop pattern, like what birds do, which had Atrium confused as she landed.

Then Eclipsetess swooped again, this time; using her body to hit the mare, making her confused, it was a smart move since Eclipsetess knew best, and a smart move to have moved Atrium away from everyone. Eclipsetess knew what she was doing as she then swooped up into the sky, much higher, this time Atrium flew after her which was what she wanted.

"Get back here you runt!" Atrium shouted, Eclipsetess stopped flying she hovered in the middle of the sky, the clouds would be in the middle but why stopped there?

But without a doubt, Eclipsetess curled up as she continued to hover, then she stretched her body back, she had a small orb turn big, but this made Eclipsetess's eyes glow green and the orb was green too. Atrium stopped flying as she hovered in the sky, she stopped flying because she knew what type of form of magic Eclipsetess was unleashing..

Atrium then started flying towards the ground, but Eclipsetess used her hooves to shoot the big orb right at Atrium, it was bigger as it got the whole Isle but only where the marketplace was as it barely touched Buckwheat's hoof, he then watched in the sky as Eclipsetess was using all her magic again to get rid of a serious threat..?

"GRAGH!!" Eclipsetess shouted, Atrium made it to the ground but her hoof touched it as she disappeared, everything else was still the same, including the horses that were in and out of the market place, heck even around the marketplace as well. But as Eclipsetess used up all her magic, she floated for a couple seconds. Then she began falling to the ground.

"ECLIPSETESS!" a mare shouted, the alicorn king was flying to Eclipsetess but he was too slow to get her, and Buckwheat was too far away to even make it. But he saw Namir near her enough to catch her.

"Namir! Catch Eclipsetess! We're not even gonna make it if she crashes to the ground!" Buckwheat said, Scorn watched everything unfolding before him, he was behind Namir as he popped up like normal, but he began shoving and nudging Namir to fly after Eclipsetess. To at least keep her safe from death itself and that was a real thing in the Isles of Nowhere, just like the Mainland but so.. Much.. Different..

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#265640 Posted on 2023-01-22 18:27:10

     Solstice just looked over at Cerise and Slip when she saw how Slip changed. It only reminded her of one thing, and one thing only. There had only been one other time she saw a horse change to a abnormal size like that. Dra. She remembered watching him get as big as he could where the battle took place as she remembered every little thing about it. It didn't take long for her to think it was actually Dra for a moment..

     Orion stayed close to Solstice making sure she wasn't harmed in any way, but he noticed how strange it was that Slip completely changed, but he just looked at Solstice seeing the torment in her eyes as he glanced at Slip. "'s not isn't him.." he said lightly putting his muzzle on her neck to help relax her and to help her realize it wasn't Dra. Orion just kept his muzzle on her to help relax her, "It's not him Solstice..." he said quietly and calmly to her.

     Solstice just flinched slightly at his touch, but it snapped her back to what was really happening. She just pressed her head into his neck. She could never get over him, she would never get over him. Dra. He was right. She was his even after his death. Dra got to her in very little ways, but there was nothing she could do about it. He scarred her for life even if the scars weren't visible.

     Though after a few minutes she watched the fight. She just lowered her eyes hoping Eclipsetess knew what she was doing. She didn't want to loose her. She didn't want to always be the reason that Eclipsetess got hurt. Sure Eclipsetess was her guardian, but Solstice didn't like to see Eclipsetess hurting herself just to protect her. Though Solstice only watched knowing there was nothing she could do even if she wanted to do something, but things quickly got worse from there..

     Namir just stood on the other side of Solstice watching everything. Every little movement. "Come on Eclipsetess.." he mumbled to himself worriedly. Though that was when he saw what she was doing... "NO!" he yelled as it was too late. Eclipsetess was done the spell, and he knew what it did to her. Solstice spread her wings and tried to get to her, but she didn't have the energy to even get her hooves off the ground.

     "Solstice stop.." Namir said making sure she quite despite her protests when Buckwheat suddenly yelled behind him. Everything was happening too fast. He spread his wings unsure about things since he still wasn't the greatest of flyers...let alone the quickest.. Though Solstice only gave him a look as he just looked up at Eclipsetess as he started galloping as quick as he could keeping a close eye on Eclipsetess.

     He wasn't close to being the best flyers, so he hoped getting a galloping start would help him get the speed he needed. When he felt it was right, and when he had no other time to get up in the air, he jumped into the air heading straight to Eclipsetess. When he got to her, she just fell on his back, but he made sure she wouldn't fall off of him before he carefully flew back to the ground back to the others.

     Solstice hurried over and helped Namir getting Eclipsetess on the ground carefully. She didn't care if she should have been resting or taking it easy. Eclipsetess was more important at the moment. "Eclipsetess!" she said worriedly unsure of what to do. Namir just looked at them both as he was a bit out of breath from catching her. Solstice didn't know what to do or think...she was just a complete mess not knowing if she was going to loose Eclipsetess or not..

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#265642 Posted on 2023-01-22 19:46:19

Azulia came rushing over after everything, she knew better then anyone else about Eclipsetess but her loyalty always showed to those who she cared about, that when was Azulia imaged a golden thumping heart, it was in Eclipsetess's chest, it was no normal heart.

But as Azulia layed down next to her only friend and one who adopted her as a sibling, she didn't have time to rush over to her book laying on the ground as always, so she tried to summon her book, she wasn't a unicorn, a pegasus or even an alicorn.
But she kept trying as hard as she could, but that was when she managed to summon the book, she then instantly flipped to the page where she saw the image flash inside her.

"Come on, I need details.." Azulia murmured, that was when she froze at the image of an alicorn laying down, it was an older image, one Scorn wasn't even born on as the book detailed it older then the other pictures shown, Azulia just kept looking through and looking at Eclipsetess when she could.

That was when one sentence caught her eye, one sentence that turned into a paragraph of knowledge before Azulia's eyes, one where it showed the golden heart being shown thumping inside the unknown alicorn's chest as she was being held in the air with another alicorn being shown to have been dressed up as something..

And that was when Azulia didn't know that Eclipsetess was the descendent of someone they knew, one where they didn't know who, and no it's not Scorn, it's not Mesa, but someone who rules the skies. The one who rules the Heavens alongside her friends that are there..

"One golden heart, will thump throughout the night, one golden heart will protect those they love, one golden heart that is excitable and happy about anything, one golden heart that is calm throughout the night, a golden heart is born whenever they have their loyalty showing, this one golden heart is the one who is the descendent of the one who rules the skies. It is rare finding a golden heart that will protect their friends and family, even more rarer to find the one who is a guardian, Hailer was his name and he was a good brother. One who is like the guardian of the night unicorn. One who could grant her protectee a goddess, one who lives for immortal years, much like a unicorn but does not need believing." Azulia recited, she noticed the rest of the paragraph was talking about Hailer, so she stopped there for now.

"At least I tried-" Azulia spotted the book moving, then it showed a horse animating a run inside the book, it was worriful but then the book went back to normal as it was something to take note of.

Azulia then spotted how Eclipsetess was doing, and she smiled at the book for giving her information to her to help calm her down and everyone else.

"It's fine, the book says Eclipsetess has a golden heart, meaning her strength is fine, making her just sleep even though it looks like she's dead, she's just resting after that new powerful skill. It looked much like Solstice's beam of light that killed off Dra, but green.. Weirdly green.." Azulia said, she then nuzzled Eclipsetess gently but she then began glowing green it shows something happening, but Azulia looked around as it meant nothing.

"It's fine, it must be her energy replenishing since she's a goddess, where she falls asleep until her energy is back. She'll be sleeping for awhile then.." Azulia said, she got to nuzzling right away!

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#265650 Posted on 2023-01-22 20:29:10

     Both Namir and Solstice looked at Azulia as she came rushing over. They were both worried..everyone was. Orion just stayed back giving them room. Though the two siblings said little to nothing. Namir was just lucky enough to have caught her in time, but it slightly did a number on him since it had been awhile since he's done something like that, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

     Solstice just looked at Solstice worriedly before she looked up at her brother seeing the small wound on his side. Must have been from when Eclipsetess pushed him. "Namir your bleeding..." she said worriedly as she stepped over to him to get a closer look. It wasn't much, but it still needed healing. Namir only shook his head saying that it wasn't important, and because she needed to save her energy. "I don't care Namir...I'm not just going to let you bleed..besides the spell isn't that hard." she said before she looked at the wound again.

     Namir knew she wasn't going to listen. She never did anyways. Solstice only gave her brother a look for a moment before she turned her attention to his wound. She just carefully put her horn on the wound causing it to sting slightly before she closed her eyes and focused clearing her head and thoughts as she performed the simple spell. It took some of her little energy, but barely anything, "See? I'm fine." she said giving him another small look as she stepped back. "Can't always be all tough Namir."

     They just exchanged looks before they looked at Azulia as she started to read out loud from the book. Golden heart? Both of them were confused, but they both looked at Azulia then Eclipsetess. Though they were relieved to know she was alright..just in a coma you could say. Solstice didn't like that Azulia mentioned defeating Dra as she just sighed and looked down a bit.

     Though she suddenly felt like her stomach was twisting and turning again before she winced a bit and laid down again. Namir quickly noticed and looked at her worriedly. Orion then came trotting over noticing the same thing. Solstice only looked down and took a few breaths. Though it just got a bit worse as it felt like she was being kicked. "I'm..fine.." she said once she controlled her breathing more. She was wrong about how hard it would be to be pregnant...Namir and Orion didn't believe her of course.

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#265656 Posted on 2023-01-22 21:09:34

Cerise watched through wide eyes as Solstice stared at Slip, "You're scaring her, brother.." she whispered under her breath. She was sure that no one but Slip could hear her. It was weird how she knew that, but something just told her that when Slip was in this state, his eyesight, hearing, and smelling were intensified. Something about the green glow from his eyes were oddly comforting. 

"Please brother, come back. You don't need to be like this. I'm safe and you're safe." Again she whispered under her breath to Slip. There was the faintest of flicks from Slip's ear showing that he acknowledged her. This was when the two watched the scene in the sky unfold before their very eyes. 

The pegasus mare disappeared after the large flash of glowing green light dissipated, but Eclipsetess was falling. Cerise watched in horror as she fell, but then was slightly relieved when she saw that Namir was going to catch her. He finally caught her and brought her to the ground and had laid her down. That's when Cerise saw that Solstice ran up to the two. She went to take a step around Slip and go to the group surrounded Eclipsetess when Slip turned his massive body slightly to the right and stopped her. "Brother, stop!" Yelled Cerise. "I have to go make sure she's not hurt and you need to get a grip on yourself!" 

"I'm trying!" Boomed Slip, his voiced had deepened slightly during this transformation. Cerise could see the fear in his eyes as he was trying to get a grip on himself. Cerise looked around Slip and noticed that Solstice was healing Namir, "I hope he's okay" she thought. She knew that she needed to go check on Eclipsetess, but she also knew that Slip needed her too. "Brother, breathe" She was coaxing him. Rubbing his side with her nose. "This is no use, he's the one with the calming ability.." She thought to herself, but what was that strange power she could feel coursing through her? Finally she could feel Slip's body shudder as he started to shrink back to his normal size. The shadow of the extra legs disappearing and his eyes returning to his normal green. 

"I'm so glad you're back to normal." She whispered as she nipped his ear. Then she started towards Eclipsetess and the others. Eclipsetess looked like she was dead, but Cerise could see the slow rise and fall of her sides indicating that she was alive, just unconscious. Slip started after her, but that's when Cerise turned and just shook her head, "You scared Solstice. I don't know what happened to make her so scared, but let's give her some space." Slip just looked at her confused, but took a step back. 

Cerise reached the others and that's when she heard Azulia talking about a golden heart and goddesses and such, she would have to ask about that later, that's when she saw that Solstice looked in pain and had laid down. She walked over to Solstice and said, "Do you want me to see if I can ease the pain for a little while? I can try to "heal" the exhaustion if you'd like." Hopefully she could do something to help...

Slip watched the whole scene unfold before his eyes. Eclipsetess falling, the pegasus disappearing, Namir catching Eclipsetess. Then he felt a nudge on his neck. He knew his sister had told him that he needed to get a grip and to change back because he was scaring Solstice. It just didn't matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change back. It was only when Cerise started to rub his side did the calming affect take over his body and he was able to shrink back to his normal size. He knew that Cerise had developed her own calming ability just then. They both had discovered something today. 

He wanted to follow after Cerise, but she stopped him. He knew that he didn't need to go once he realized that he really did scare Solstice. He decided at that point that he would really need to think on his new ability, but he also knew that this was now his home. There was something about this Isle that changed the two of them and he wanted to discover what it was. He took a last look at Cerise, she was now with Solstice and Orion, and then trotted off to go find Scorn. He thought, "Sister, I'm going to find Scorn. I'll be back." He knew that as soon as he thought it, she would understand him and not have to worry about him. What was happening to this sibling pair? Hopefully they would find some answers soon...

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#265662 Posted on 2023-01-22 22:05:15

Scorn was off talking with a couple of mares as Grey Cloud stood off to the side, she was growing jealous of Scorn's new behaviour and it was making her mad, I mean Scorn turned to face her when she nipped him and gripped his ear when she got to the point she doesn't want him near any other mare.

"Clingy one you are~ But why? Your exhibiting the types of what your displaying.." Scorn said, Grey Cloud hushed him up and both layed down together as Scorn just smiled his usual but different smile, but he did get up to look at the foal playground since he had kids.

"Well- hey!" Grey Cloud said, she got mad but stayed where she was since she really liked her spot, near the herd but quiet peace is enough for her since a month passed but still getting comfortable at her and Scorn's new home to them, Scorn smiled as his two foals noticed him when he saw them.

"Awh miss me little ones?" Scorn asked the two foals, they were happy to see that he was back, and back to being how he was, sometimes displaying different emotions but he didn't mind since he was usually happy every now and then. While also being protective and caring.

One of the foal showed signs of inhabiting Scorn's magic while the other had none, the second foal just wasn't happy since she/he- they weren't like their sibling, Scorn nuzzled his saddened second foal, he showed equal love for them as Grey Cloud came over to show the same thing.

"Ha! You two know he loves you both very well and that I show the same thing, no favorites here since you both are our favorites!" Grey Cloud said, Scorn agreed very much as he nuzzled their two foals again, Grey Cloud then nuzzled the two foals and Scorn to keep them happy and content.

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#265667 Posted on 2023-01-23 05:02:53

* Gonna be a short reply for now *

Slip looked around for Scorn for a few minutes before he finally found him. He was standing with a few mares that Slip didn't recognize, and Grey Cloud. Slip started walking slowly over towards Scorn and thinking in the process. "What just happened to me? I felt so powerful and felt like nothing could stop me." Slip thought, a bit mesmerized at what had happened. "I could hear and see EVERYTHING around me. I've never felt like that before. I almost couldn't control turning back though, that power felt so amazing. I can only imagine how strong I could be for a herd like this if I can control when I become powerful like that." 

Stuck in his thoughts as he walked, Slip didn't realize that he was already almost to Scorn. That's when he looked up and saw that Grey Cloud was pulling Scorn away from the mares and that two little foals had trotted up to them. "Those must be Scorn's and Grey Cloud's," Thought Slip, "I need to talk to Scorn now though. I hope he doesn't mind."

Slip finally reached Scorn and Grey Cloud and said, "Hello Scorn, I would like to talk to you if it's okay with you." Slip let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding and went on. "I.. we.. that is my sister and I, have made our decision. We would like to become part of the herd. I'm not sure if you saw what just happened to me, but when that did happen, I just knew that this is the place that we were meant to be. This Isle, it does something to both my sister and I, and we would like to join and maybe with the help of others in the herd, get an understanding of what happened to us and become part of a family. We are both ready and willing to become assets to you and your herd." Slip finished almost in a rush. Hopefully Scorn would accept them in the herd, but something was telling Slip that they still had something to do before they would be fully accepted. Maybe Slip was wrong though and they would be welcomed instantly, but he felt they still had to prove themselves.. 

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#265669 Posted on 2023-01-23 06:15:49

Namir and Orion just brought their attention back to Solstice when they realized she laid down and seemed to be in a bit of pain and claimed to be fine. "Your not fine Solstice, so stop saying you are," they both said at the same time which seemed to surprise the three of them. Namir only gave Orion a bit of a angry look as Orion only looked down a bit. They both just focused on Solstice again. 

     She only looked up at the two before she turned her attention to Namir, "How many times do I have to tell you to leave him alone?" she said in a odd tone as she just nipped his hoof. Though her attention quickly went elsewhere when the feeling in her stomach came back. Solstice tried to adjust her body a bit hoping to find some comfort, but she only found a little..which wasn't enough for her..

     Though Solstice looked up a bit when she heard someone else coming over as she looked up to see it was Cerise. Solstice just glanced back down as she thought about things, but she knew the looks Namir and Orion were giving her..they weren't going to give her a choice. Solstice only sighed, "You could try...but I doubt there's not that much that you can do...I suppose it's just going to get worse the further along I am..."

     Solstice did take a moment to looked at Eclipsetess worriedly before she looked around noticing Slip had gone back to his normal size and form. It seemed to help her relax some more, but she noticed how Slip stayed away. She just looked over at Cerise, "It's not his's mine.." she sighed looking down a bit. At this point she had to explain things. She knew the questions that were bubbling up inside Cerise because she knew what it was like.

     She only took a deep breath before she started speaking, "Eclipsetess is my friend," she began, "She has sacrificed herself many times for my well safety..and survival. Everyone here has done that. Even in the darkest of times.." Namir and Orion only gave her a look that she didn't have to say anything, but even if it pained her, she felt as if she had to.

     "Shortly after I had joined the herd, Eclipsetess was Dra...or Dragon Devil himself. We set out to travel to his kingdom to get her wasn't long before we started to realize that he was after me all along. Hunting me. He knew where I was in the Isles. There was only one place he couldn't get to. The Heavens. Faith had took me up there to study and learn my magic while I was safe up there.."

     Solstice paused for a moment to adjust herself hoping to get a bit more comfortable. She just used her wings as a blanket in a way, "When I returned to the Isles...things were just as bad as when I left. Didn't take long before Dra had manipulated my mind..causing me to head to his kingdom without any control of myself.." she said looking at her brother with a saddened expression.

     "Then the fight took place...I had to watch Dra kill everyone I cared for right in front of me...if it weren't for Eclipsetess we'd all still be dead...In the end, I was the one to defeat him. It took everything I had, but it was done. The Isles are once more safe from him, but I am forced to live with this. I cannot heal from it. He will forever haunt me, and there's nothing that can be done for it." she said taking a small breath or two.

     "The reason I got scared when your brother....changed was because Dra had the power to enlarge himself until he couldn't do it anymore." she sighed as Orion nuzzled her and she returned the action. "I am known as the Hero of Darkness, but the name only brings back everything..." Solstice just collected herself as she slowly got back on her hooves. Orion just helped her if she needed it, "I'm fine.." she said as she ruffled her wings a bit. "It's not your brothers fault's just that Dra was right when he said that I was his...even after his death.."

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#265670 Posted on 2023-01-23 07:55:03

Scorn looked at Slip with a friendly gesture, he didn't mind talking to him, even Grey Cloud got up and moved the two foals so that Scorn didn't have too, and that she stuck with the foals until she Scorn was done talking with Slip, but not now as it was just the beginning for talking.

"Well then.. Welcome to my herd! Here you'll recieve a role, including your sister as well, which is quite normal as everyone has a role here! But I'll be thinking of your role, and that its hard getting a family role as well. But you do meet the requirements for some of them, still I'll think about the different roles. Now, have fun around the herd! And that don't get on the group of mares nerves, their very dangerous altogether if one is getting mad." Scorn said, he then ushered Slip back to his sister as he trotted alongside him since he didn't know what was going on with Solstice, it perked his interest alright.

As Solstice got done talking, Eclipsetess immediately opened her eyes and got up quick, something set her off as she was galloping hard towards something, and this was no dream since Scorn chased after her to not get herself hurt by anything she might hit on accident.

"Eclipsetess!" Scorn shouted, his voice sounded serious and hard, that was when she hissed and flew up into the air. Scorn stopped as he saw a beam of light nearly hit Eclipsetess but her new behavior she dodged it quickly, Scorn then ran back to the others to check up on Solstice since he ran out breath and regained some when running back.

"Uhhh.. Eclipsetess was set off by something, I know how she is and when she's mad she starts hissing like a dang snake! Her.. Inheritance makes her more different then anybody.. But no time to explain as she's protecting us, and I just wanted to make sure that you all were safe, I am the lead stallion and I must make sure everyone is safe. With or without help." Scorn said, he looked back at Eclipsetess as she flew behind the mountain, towards the beam light, and that's where worry set inside Scorn.

"I'll contact Oceanus, and I'll grab Bastilla, Dawn and I'll see if I can contact Hades' as well. I worry for Eclipsetess when she does this and doesn't come back, I'll go now!" Scorn said, he was eagerly-worried for his adopted daughter, but getting Dawn and Bastilla were proven points of protection.

And as Scorn grabbed Dawn and Bastilla as the two mares followed Scorn as he was running back, he then lifted into the air and flew off quickly, Bastilla sighed as he forgot to just make a projection instead for the two horses he needed to contact, Dawn then set in to make a small enough barrier that the group were in, and Bastilla went into an armor mode. Just like what Slip did except she had red eyes peeking through the helmet, Dawn then did the samething, this time she had wings poking through as the wings came out.

"Better day then most, I hope Scorn doesn't become tired, because if he does then we'll be forced to summon them with a unicorn mare from the herd, also I did the same thing as you- stallion, sorry I don't know your names. Azulia didn't update the rest of us yet, except Solstice, Namir, Orion and ya da ya da." Bastilla said, she was referring to Slip and Cerise, Dawn just nodded in agreement as well.

"Anyways, if this is serious, we have nowhere to hide since we didn't take the caverns as home.. Wrong idea as a majority of the herd.. I regret it now.." Bastilla said again, she was barely heard but her echoes carried throughout her armor, making her understandable to hear.

"Anyways, me and Dawn will protect you lot." Bastilla promised the group, she made sure to be quiet with Solstice since it would've hurt her if she went closer to her.

Bastilla and Dawn's heights were unmatched as they were much different then Slip's new ability or form, which made the two bigger and taller then him by default, the more you have control the more powerful you become, which is good because Bastilla could control herself when she turned into her armor mode, and that Dawn was able to stop being her shadow and become herself once more.

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#265672 Posted on 2023-01-23 08:55:11

Slip listened to Scorn with bated breath. He let out that breath when Scorn welcomed them into the herd. "I understand." Said Slip with nod of his head, "We will gladly perform any role you may give us." After Slip was done speaking, Scorn took Slip and started going back towards Cerise and Solstice. Slip was a little hesitant as h wasn't sure if Solstice wanted to speak to him just yet, but he went with Scorn anyways. 

As they reached Solstice and Cerise, Eclipsetess had opened her eyes and shot off into the sky. Again things seemed to go into overdrive for Slip and he could feel the powerful surge of his newfound ability start to course through him. "No, no, no.." Slip started muttering. "Not again. Control yourself Slip, you've got this." This time, he didn't feel his body grow or the shadow feeling of the 4 extra legs, but instead he just felt his heightened senses kick in. He knew his eyes were glowing, but he was sure that he hadn't changed in any other way. 

Two mares came running up to them, Slip didn't know their names, but he watched as they both grew larger than even he had and had even became armored. The one with red eyes had spoken to them and called the mare that grew wings, Dawn, but all Slip could do was just nod. He was using all his concentration to stay as normal as possible. 

Cerise just nodded as Solstice was saying that healing may not help her. "At least let me try to ease the tension." She said as she lowered her horn and started to chant the healing words she's used before. "Mend the body, heal the body, put you right as new" Cerise continued, pinkish red mist started to swirl from her horn and surround Solstice's stomach, but as soon as it started, it vanished. "I'm so sorry" Cerise said, "I really tried to help, but I guess you're right. I can't really help with this." She then saw Solstice look back over at Slip, now in his normal form, and Solstice seemed to relax slightly. Cerise had so many questions, but knew better than to ask, yet that was when Solstice went into what happened to her to make her so scared of Slip's new form.

Cerise just listened in horror as Solstice was telling her story about Dra. She had no idea that this small group of friends had been through so much due to this Dragon Devil. As Solstice mentioned the part about Dra's form changing and growing, she just stared in shock with her mouth slightly open as it dawned on her what Solstice must have felt seeing Slip change. Solstice said that it wasn't Slip's fault, Cerise knew that, but she still felt for this mare. She had been through so much in what seemed like such a short time, that Cerise couldn't blame Solstice for how she felt when seeing Slip. 

"I'm so sorry that you went through all that. I know what it's like to be tormented by a memory of someone." Cerise said solemnly. "I know that my situation isn't the same as yours, but I can sympathize with you." As Cerise finished speaking to Solstice that was when Eclipsetess woke up, hissed and shot into the sky towards a beam of light. Scorn shouted some commands and two mares came running up. That was when she saw them grow larger than even Slip had been and then they became armored. The one with red eyes called the one with wings, Dawn, but Cerise didn't know the red eyed mare's name. One of them had mentioned that a unicorn mare would possibly have to summon someone. Cerise yelled back, "I think I can do that if needed!" She just felt like she knew she could summon them. 

That was when Cerise noticed Slip had came close to her. He was shuddering slightly as she could tell that power was rippling through his body, but he wasn't growing. The only thing that was different was that his eyes had started growing a bright green again. "Slip, you have control?" She said, he only nodded his head in reply. They both stood their ground and just watched and waited. Cerise then remembered that Slip had sent words to her mind, some kind of telepathy? Cerise then tried the same, "I know that Scorn accepted us into the herd, so let's protect our new home with our life." She didn't have to hope that it reached Slip, she knew he understood her when he just nodded his head. They would do just that, they would protect each other and their new home with their life.

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#265676 Posted on 2023-01-23 11:09:12

     Solstice only looked at her with her head slightly lowered, "You tried...that's all that matters.." she said before she nuzzled Orion. Namir just stood a step or two back as he kept a close eye on Eclipsetess and Solstice. He was worried about them both, but he hoped Eclipsetess would wake soon more then anything. Though he was silent for the most part. Eventually he just stepped over to Eclipsetess softly placing his muzzle on her worriedly. He hated seeing her in a state like this..

     Though Solstice just looked at Cerise for a moment before she looked down, "What matters is that he's gone, and the Isles are safe...there's just punishments for actions taken...whether or not they were good or bad.." she said speaking the truth. "Most of us here came from bad places...your not alone.." she said looking around before she looked at her brother worriedly, "She'll be fine Namir...she just needs to rest for some time.." Solstice was still worried about Eclipsetess, but she knew everyone kept the fact that Eclipsetess challenged a fight...she should have known!

     Namir only sighed and looked at his sister, "I know but..." he just couldn't complete the thought as he looked back down. Though he jumped when Eclipsetess suddenly woke. "Eclipsetess..?" he said worriedly as he instantly knew something was terribly wrong. She didn't hesitate to get up, and she immediately started to run away, "Eclipsetess wait!" he yelled almost scared, but Scorn was the one to run after her..

     Solstice just watched the whole thing as she jumped almost as much as Namir did. She wanted to chase after her as she started to, but Orion only pulled on her black tail, "Ow! Let go of me!" she huffed looking back at Orion as he carefully pulled on her tail to stop her. "Let go of me now Orion." she said in a bit of a angered tone, and he eventually let go of her long black tail.

     "You can't go after her Solstice. You have to start thinking about that foal...our foal..and yourself.." he said unsure of what to think about what was happening as he just stepped over to Solstice. "We'll figure something out..." he said trying to sound hopeful, but he knew Solstice wasn't buying it this time. "You have to stay with the's for your and the foal's safety."

     She only gave him a bit of a angry look before she looked at Namir. Though he only gave her the same look Orion did. "Fine." she huffed letting out a snort. Solstice did look over seeing Scorn running back over, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me...just get Eclipsetess back or I'll do it myself.." she said having all kinds of emotions coursing through her veins. It was hard to make Solstice mad, but maybe it was easier now that she was carrying a foal?

     Though they all just listened to Scorn. His words only worried Solstice more as she just needed to lay down again. It seemed to make things easier for her...most of the time. "Good luck..." she said quietly as Scorn flew off after Eclipsetess.. She soon just looked at Bastilla and Dusk, "Hide? What is it your not telling us..?" she said wanting answers as to what was happening. "And don't lie to me. I've dealt with plenty of that."

     The two mare's enlarged forms seemed to mess with Solstice a bit, but she tried her best to ignore it as much as she could. Namir and Orion beside her for protection if anything else went wrong. She was nervous, scared, and unsure of what was happening while Scorn was going after Eclipsetess... Never had she seen her like that..nor even hiss before...which scared her more then anything..

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#265695 Posted on 2023-01-23 15:30:29

Another beam of light flashed as hissing rang out in the echoes, Scorn was high in the air to see enough of what was happening but something was able to fog his view, even when he tried to hide and see, he was just fogged everywhere. His hearing was also blocked since he could hear better, like a mouse getting trapped from Australia all the way to the Artic tundra.

But he was forced to go back since he couldn't hear much or say anything, but when he quickly turned around to see, his eyes widened at horror, he then flew back faster this time as it shook him to his core, making him sick and hurt. But he did inform Bastilla and Dawn about this since it would worry Solstice even greater, and he knew that much.

"Right chief! I won't say a peeping word about this!" Bastilla stood up with everything straightened out, Dawn did the same thing as she raised a hoof to her forehead and had her wings straight out but bent at the tips to inform of the loyale pose of an army horse.

"Indeed! It is sick to even experience that, I depise every rotten core. Even when others come back from the Underworld. Realm of despair, it's rather best for that." Dawn said, she agreed with Bastilla to the point that she made sure everyone was fully healed, even stamina and energy as well, but not for Solstice. She doesn't need it since she can't go running off, especially at this time.

"Yeah, but I can't do much now since someone was fogging me until I turned around quick and I saw what was happening, and it is sick. Disgusting even.. But it's got nothing to do with anyone, not even Namir or the herd or Cerise and Slip. I'll be waiting to fight when Eclipsetess returns, but no one can't access behind the mountains, I tried hiding and I was still blinded by fog, even my hearing too. We can only wait when she returns.. And hope she's not hurt or anything.." Scorn said, he agreed with the two mares, whilst spilling vital information out in the open when he's next to the others, he was spilling out information on purpose, he was telling everyone what was happening, he even was talking to Cerise and Slip when he was really talking to Bastilla and Dawn.

"And Bastilla; make sure you keep everyone safe, even Solstice, the pregnant mare. Got it? Or else I'm having that hide of yours." Scorn told the mare, she was getting nervous as she feared him, he was this protective when he threatening a little about taking their hides when he was impatient and cold-hearted when worried and scared.

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#265697 Posted on 2023-01-23 16:28:39

     Namir just laid down beside his sister saying nothing as Orion stood near the two. He knew Namir was better fit to talk to her for something like this. Orion didn't want to say the wrong thing, and Namir knew more about her and what to say. It was very rare when Solstice got mad, but even Namir wasn't exactly sure what to say to help her in some way at least. Though it took him a few minutes to think about what words to say.

     "Solstice...just try to calm down.." Namir said trying to keep himself calm and under control. Eclipsetess even had him scared. The strange beams of light in the sky only made things worse.. Though he was still thinking on what words to say. He really had to sit and think more then he did talk, "Getting mad won't do anyone good...we don't know any more then you do.."

     "You don't want to stress yourself too much. We can't tell you things we don't know, but we also can't have you getting mad at us...we're only trying to keep you and the foal safe..Eclipsetess will come back. Whatever this is will hopefully be over soon..." he said hoping to convince the both of them that Eclipsetess would come back safely, and that whatever was going on would soon be over.

     Solstice only looked at him her ears pinned slightly. "How am I supposed to relax!?" she said with a small snort, "I don't like everyone treating me like I can't do a darn thing...let alone keeping lies upon lies from me. I've had enough of that should know more then anyone.." she said before she looked up hoping to see Eclipsetess and Scorn returning safe and sound...well she was half right.

     Solstice quickly noticed Scorn was coming back, but it was only him. Something seemed different about him he was down right frightened..every piece of him was frightened which only made Solstice more nervous.. Though she knew Scorn was keeping things from her and everyone else..which she didn't like at all, but she listened to every single word she could hear.

     She ignored her brother and Orion as she got up and walked over to Scorn and the two mares, "I'm pregnant not dying," she said looking at the three. "I can still defend myself..maybe not as much as I could before, but I still can. I'm not entirely useless or incapable of doing anything. I've had enough of being treated like that..." That's all she knew from her birth herd, and she didn't want to be treated like that anymore then she had to be.

     Namir just sighed as he got up and walked over nudging his sister away. He was about fed up with her attitude, but he also didn't know how to handle it. He just gave her quite the look which forced her to go back to where she originally was, "I'm sorry about her..." he sighed looking down, "I just don't know what's got her acting like's just not her...she almost never acts this way.."

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#265698 Posted on 2023-01-23 16:53:44

Slip and Cerise was watching the two enlarged mares with bated breath. They knew that whatever was going on was serious business. Nothing seemed to happen for a few minutes other than Cerise noticing that Solstice wasn't as calm as she needed to be. She started to go to her to help calm her down, but that's when Slip said, "Cerise, don't go. I need you here." She couldn't leave now, so she just gently touched her side to Slip's hoping that would keep him calm enough.

Cerise watched the flashing lights and waited for what seemed like eternity, but was really only minutes, when she saw someone come flying back. It was Scorn and he looked terrified. "What is going on?" Cerise said to Slip. "I don't know," Slip replied, "We need to see what's wrong." He then took a step forward as Cerise did the same. Making sure to keep her touch on Slip at all times. 

When they reached the two mares, Scorn was talking to them. He was talking about the Realm of Despair and then waiting for Eclipsetess to get back. Then they heard him talking about fighting too. That's when Solstice had reached the small group with Scorn. She seemed upset and was talking about how she could still defend herself. Cerise just sadly watched as she knew that this was taking a large mental toll on Solstice. Then Namir came up and pushed Solstice back to where she was laying before. 

Slip watched the exchange between the mares and Solstice and then watched as Namir took her away. He knew that there was more than likely a fight coming and he needed to be prepared. That's when he pushed forward just a bit more and spoke, "Scorn, it feels like there is fight coming and I want you to know that I will help fight. I hope you'll let me. My sister can help heal and calm any wounded as well. We are yours to command." He finished as he bent his head and knee and bowed. Hopefully it wouldn't come to a fight, but he knew that if it did. He would be ready and so would Cerise.

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