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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265507 Posted on 2023-01-20 12:28:24

Cerise and Slip were standing with the group when Scorn and Grey Cloud walked up to them. He had just asked who needed him so Slip stepped forward giving his sister a warning glace to keep her mouth shut. Slip, being the respectful stallion he was, dipped his head to Scorn in a show of respect, "My sister and I were looking for you."

"I know you don't know us and I know that we shouldn't expect and answer right away, but we need a herd. We would like to join up with yours." Slip sighed as he finished. "I think I should explain a bit about our history. So please hear me out." Slip didn't want to drag up the scars of the past, but he knew he needed to be 100% honest with this herd if he ever expected to join and become a family. 

"You already know that mine and my sisters names are Cerise and Sleipnir. We came from the Isle of Mountains from a very little unknown herd." Slip took a deep breath as he went on, "When I was but a colt, our herd was attacked by a band of unicorns and pegasi. The pegasi swept in from the sky while the unicorns attacked from the nearby forest. They went for the young first. Cerise, she wasn't born yet, but she knows the stories. A unicorn used magic against me and snapped my horn down to the skull with it, in short it was cursed off. That same unicorn kicked me down and raked me with their horn from my neck all the way down my stomach. If it wasn't for our mother's healing, I would have died. We held off the unicorns and pegasi enough for our small herd to escape and live on the run, but they vowed to hunt us down until we were no more." 

Slip shuddered as he went on. This was a painful memory, but he knew he needed to tell it all. "A few years went by and Cerise was born. We hadn't heard from this band of pegasi or unicorns in years, so we thought we were safe. But we were very wrong. We were attacked in the dead of night. This time our lead stallion was killed. They drove out all the young in the herd and made sure any unicorns that defied them were dead. We lost our parents that night. That was 6 years ago. We've been traveling and hiding from this band that attacked us, always afraid of them hunting us down because our parents defied them. We hope that you can help us, protect us and in return we can help protect you and be of any help you may need." When Slip finished he bowed his head and let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. 

As Cerise was listening to Slip talk to Scorn, she noticed Orion leaving with a strange horse that got out of the water. She turned back around and nodded along with Slip when she felt it was needed. Then it seemed like no time in all Orion was back. Now with two strangers. One of them was hurt.

"I better go see if I can help." She said under her breath. She turned away from Slip and started walking over towards the newcomers. As she got closer she noticed there was a mare and stallion and the mare was seriously hurt. Cerise picked up the pace a bit and trotted over to the small group. She noticed the mare standing with Solstice had came over and hugged the stallion, but then left.

"What's going on here?" Cerise said as she trotted up. Then she caught a glimpse of the actual injury. It looked bad. It seemed to be an infected burn that had been there for quite some time. "Here" Cerise started towards the mare, "Let me help. I've only been able to heal my brother and myself, but let me try." The mares ears were pinned in what seemed to be pain. Cerise kneeled over the injured mare's side and said, "My name is Cerise, my brother and I just came here today. I'm going to try to heal you now. It may sting a bit, but I promise I'm going to do my best to help."

Cerise started chanting the words that her mother had chanted when she healed, "Mend the body, heal the body, put you right as new." While she was chanting over and over, pinkish-red mist started to swirl from her horn. It spread over the mare's wound and started to heal the infection and then turn the skin from the angry red to a soft pink. Then the mare's coat started to grow back. "Mend the body, heal the body, put you right as new." Cerise finished chanting and stood up. She was very proud of herself. She had never healed anyone else but Slip before! Lost in her happiness she started to dance in place. "I'm so happy that I helped you!" Cerise slowed down and then looked at the mare, "Hi there, since you're all healed now, My name is Cerise! I'm happy to meet you!" Cerise was very happy to meet all the new horses in this herd, but were they happy to meet her?

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#265516 Posted on 2023-01-20 14:09:17

"Hm, yes, I think that you do not know something.." Scorn paused himself, making Slip get a little anxious to say more "Where I welcome, anyone with a horrible past to come into my herd, and make themself comfortable, you were always welcomed to my herd when I first saw you. I just don't say anything. But you and your sibling have a decision to make first, and then I'll ask you for a final decision. That's how I welcomed Orion, and Namir into my herd, and where it is wild sometimes." Scorn said, he waited and listened until Slip was done talking, he then spoke up seriously but opened up more happily, but it sounded sad at the middle-end and so on.

"Now you have to think carefully, and think about the things that will come after, even consequences can hide in the utmost ways you do not see it, now go tell your sibling this and think it over with her, you both need to think about this. And then I'll ask if you have made up your mind, then that's where the final decision is." Scorn smiled at Slip, he was happy and he showed a calm happiness showing "Some mares thought it over just like the two stallions, but their final decision was not to be in my herd, I helped them find a new herd to join. And that is where I also have mares join from rougher, more tougher herds when I pass by. It is always a joy for new mares, I'll even start protecting them right away." Scorn spoke again, he then summoned his long black horn and wings to touch Slip's horn and then Scorn backed up and walked away so that he could think, even Grey Cloud followed after him to talk about things.

After Scorn and Grey Cloud left, some newer horses were coming from the marketplace, one was a Chimeric mare rather just interested in the herd in general as the other two that followed her were both youngsters that this mare was watching since they didn't seem like her foals anyways.

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#265526 Posted on 2023-01-20 16:19:39

     Namir only listened partly paying attention. His mind was clearly elsewhere. The upcoming battle...his was still a lot. Never once did he ever imagine his sister..becoming well a mother. Mainly because it pained him to even think about things such as that. Solstice did know her parents the first few days of her life, but she was so young that she couldn't remember.

     He remembered the day she was born. It was a day full of worrying, but he tried not to think about any of it. Namir only hoped the same wouldn't happen to Solstice. He couldn't loose anyone else. He couldn't loose Eclipsetess. Halfway through Slip's story, Namir lost all of his focus and was just stuck in his head as he rested his head on Eclipsetess's back. Taking in every moment together if it was their last...

     Orion looked over at Cerise as she came over. He only had his ears pinned slightly as he rolled his eyes, not at her. It was just Skadi. "Let's just say things caught up to her.." he said with a small snort as he looked at Skadi. She just gave him a look in return. Yep. Same old Skadi. Nothing seemed to change except it was clear she was clearly hurting. That burn was practically covering her side...the infection and everything only seemed to make it worse..

     Skadi only looked at Orion, "You think I like being here? As soon as I can I am out of here." she snorted, "Don't think whatever your sweetheart did to me changed me. It didn't, and nothing will." She only sat up a small bit, but she primarily laid on her side. She hated showing weakness or pain. Khepri only rolled his eyes almost fed up with her. "And don't think I'm going to thank you in anyway." she told Orion before she laid her head down to look away from them.

     Orion just rolled his eyes again as he looked at Cerise, "If you want to try then fine by me, but you'll only be healing that wound. Nothing else. Nothing will change her." he said turning away as he walked a few steps away. Orion sighed as he looked over at Solstice. At that point she was laying on her side. He just stood there not too far from Skadi and the others making sure Skadi didn't try anything.

     "Yeah yeah can you just hurry up? Makes me sick being around these horses," she huffed keeping her ears pinned...that or they were stuck like that. She only just gave the mare a bit of a look before she laid her head back down. The pain only seemed to make her grumpier. Khepri only gave her looks as she only ignored him while Cerise just did whatever she was doing.

     When she was finished, Skadi just got up and looked at her side before she looked at the mare. "Good for you. Now I'm out of here." she said walking past the mare away from everyone. Though she stopped to look at Khepri when she noticed he wasn't following her like he always did, "Are you coming or what? I'm not going to be here any longer then I have to be." she said glancing at Solstice...almost like she was mad at her.

     Khepri only stood there as Isis slowly walked over to him, "No. I'm not." he said with a small stomp of his hoof as he looked over at his sister as she came over to him, "I'm done following you Skadi. They saved the Isles...they saved everyone, and not one part of you is grateful. I thought I lost my sister..I'm just just going to least not like this." he said standing his ground knowing she was already angry.

     Sure enough she was since she tried going after Khepri, but he only knocked her down with ease. "Skadi!" he yelled looking at her, "All they've done is help you, and this is what they get in return. At this point I wish to never see you again." he snorted as she just got up looking him dead in the eye. "Just leave Skadi. Don't come back unless you change...which is very unlikely."

     Skadi only snorted, "Fine." she said giving everyone close by a angry look before she turned around and galloped off as quick at she could. Khepri and Isis only looked at each other as she just leaned into him slightly. Orion just stood there his ears pinned as he watched her leave. Well he didn't like Skadi no more then anyone else did, but she was extremely lucky to survive with that burn as long as she did, and yet not a part of her was thankful..

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#265530 Posted on 2023-01-20 17:17:22

Cerise watched the exchange between this mare and stallion with wide eyes. "I just healed you! You could at least show some gratitude!" She yelled as the mare called Skadi galloped off. Cerise turned back around and said to the others, "I just healed someone! I gotta go tell my brother! See you guys!" 

Cerise turned away from the others and trotted up to where Slip was with Scorn, "Brother! Brother! Guess what! I just healed someone!" She was doing a happy little trot up next to Slip. That's when he looked at her and she could see the seriousness in his eyes slowly fade away to happiness. "That's great news Cerise!" Slip exclaimed.

"I'm so happy that you're able to heal others. That's a useful thing to have." Slip then stopped and a serious expression came back across his face now. "Cerise, we need to decide though. If this is the best place for us. Scorn is asking for our decision, but he wants us to know that we need to think about this choice we make."

"Oh Slip," Cerise sighed, "I'm ready to call this place my home. We will take whatever is thrown at us here. I'm just ready to call somewhere home." She then looked over at Scorn and nudged Slip, "Come on, let's go talk to Scorn and give him our answer." 

Slip and Cerise then started walking over to Scorn and Grey Cloud. As they arrived, Slip spoke up. "Scorn, my sister and I have made a choice. We would like to stay here. We will take whatever comes our way and we will help you fight for this home." Slip bowed his head and continued, "We would give our lives to protect any and everyone in this herd as long as you'll welcome both my sister and I." Cerise bowed her head too, hopefully Scorn would allow them to stay.

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#265531 Posted on 2023-01-20 17:51:57

"That is good news, but it is now time to decide for something." Scorn said happily but he sounded serious about it, he then looked up at the sky before looking at Cerise and Slip one more time.

"Now it is time for your final decision, lot's of horses took some more time deciding this, it's rather a heavy question, I advised that you at least take a day or two thinking about it." Scorn told the two, Grey Cloud looked at him worriedly as she remembered a few friends deciding to find better homes.

Scorn looked at Grey Cloud with a serious face before turning it into a comforting one, he nuzzled her more then ever to keep her calm, she was the only mare to stick by Scorn's side when he decided to make a herd of mares, but one where he accepts any of them.

"It's okay Grey Cloud, we're here together, no need to worry about them their final decision is final, and that's how it stuck with everyone here. It's not like when we were younglings back in those times.. Rather the opposite." Scorn told Grey Cloud, she seemed to have calmed down quickly as she looked at Cerise and Slip with a happy and forgiving face.

"I'm ready to hear it when you decide for your final time, and beware; once you decide your final decision, it's final, meaning you cannot be accepted into any other herds nowadays as Scorn has been using his magic to contact other lead stallions to be aware of mares, we're always ready to accept our previous horses back anytime. But the final decision is one that is heavy on all of us, making us think when we should've picked the other option." Grey Cloud said, she giggled happily but it too sounded a little sad as well, decisions do effect/affect everyone when they start remembering.

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#265541 Posted on 2023-01-20 20:39:09

     Orion only stepped beside Cerise, "That mare will never show gratitude for anything." he said watching as Skadi ran off, "She doesn't care about anyone...and it's a very low chance that she ever would. The herd she grew up in was corrupt," he said pointing to the reunited siblings and soon Solstice, "They all came from the same herd...Phoenix's herd.." he sighed, "Your lucky she even let you help her." he said before he soon walked off.

     Though with Khepri yelling a bit, Solstice was startled awake. She looked around nervously as Isis looked at her before looking at her brother nipping him, "See what you did? You woke her up! We were trying to make sure she stayed asleep!" she said with a small snort, but she couldn't stay mad at him long. She missed him. A lot. She never realized how much she missed him before they were reunited.

     Khepri's ears lowered, "I'm sorry..." he said looking over at his sister then Solstice. "I didn't know.." he said frowning a bit, but he just nuzzled his sister thankful she made it off the Isle. He just looked around, "So...want to show me around at least...?" he asked wanting to know this place better and because he wanted to spend some time with his sister. He was fed up with Skadi, but he was glad he didn't have to deal with her anymore.

     Solstice looked around a bit nervous as Orion noticed she seemed distressed. He just quickly trotted over to her placing his muzzle on her neck to help calm her, "I heard yelling...why did I hear yelling? What happened?" she asked looking around before she calmed down. She seemed to be more nervous about her surroundings then she normally was. Everything about her was just different, but she saw a glimpse of Skadi as she ran off..

     Orion just made sure she relaxed before he said anything, "It's nothing now." he said letting out a sigh. He was debating whether or not he should tell her what previously happened. Though he noticed she must have saw a glimpse of Skadi, "I was by myself, and Pa'li brought me to two horses he injured..but it was Khepri and Skadi.." he said finishing up saying what happened as quick as he could with not much detail.

     Solstice just looked at him pinning her ears as she got up, "Don't you even think about going after her need to take it easy..for awhile.." he said as she walked away some, but she didn't seem to be listening.. "Solstice stop..we know why your not feeling the best.." he paused, "Your pregnant Solstice..." he said as she just stopped in her tracks. Well at least that caught her attention..

     She just froze and looked down for a moment as she turned around and looked at him, "What..?" she said shocked as she didn't know what to think. Sure she wanted to be a mother, but she never thought she actually would be.. Solstice only looked down as she thought about what Orion just told her. She eventually just walked back up to him and pressed against him a small smile on her face as she said nothing and just pressed into him happily..

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#265585 Posted on 2023-01-21 13:36:48

*Gonna be a short reply, but here goes*

Cerise and Slip just looked at each other after they were finished talking with Scorn. Slip then spoke up, "Come on Cerise, let's go mull things over for a while." Cerise started to protest, but Slip just looked at her with a No look. He then nipped her ear, "We need to think about this and make sure that this is where we want to stay for the rest of our lives. It seems this decision is pretty final and we need to know what we're getting into." 

Cerise just nodded, "You're right," she said a bit defeatedly. "We need to think about this. Come on, it looks like Solstice is awake. Let's go formally meet her." She started to trot off towards where Orion and Solstice were standing. Slip shouted, "Cerise wait!" as he started to trot after her. "We need to hold on, it looks like they're trying to have some time alone!" Cerise was faster than he was though and reached the two before he could catch up.

"Hi there! I hope it's okay for us to come intrude for a moment! My name is Cerise and this is my brother Slip." Cerise nodded towards Slip. "I thought now you were awake, it would be a good time to introduce us." Slip finally had caught up and dipped his head in greeting to Orion and Solstice, "I'm sorry my sister bothered you. I tried to get her to stop." Slip just snorted in frustration. What on earth was his Sister playing at?

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#265600 Posted on 2023-01-21 21:47:35

     Orion just looked at her as she came back over and softly wrapped around him without a word. At first he was a bit worried, but he could tell she was happy...well happier. He just smiled and nuzzled her. Solstice just pressed her head into his neck slightly. His orange and white coat was always soft..and she enjoyed his soft touch. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry I started to push you and Namir away..." she said quietly as she closed her eyes for a few seconds.

     Orion only placed his muzzle on her, "You didn''s not your fault just need to rest..we were the ones getting in the way of that.." he said looking at her as she just looked up at him before looking down slightly. "Don't worry about Skadi. You know how she is...there's no need to go after her, and you aren't going to anyways. Not with you carrying our foal.." he said with a smile as he just nuzzled her and she nuzzled him.

     Solstice just smiled as she went to stand beside him, but she just pressed into him a bit again, "What would I do without you..?" she said as they both just smiled. She was feeling better now that she got the proper sleep she needed, but she was still a bit uncomfortable..something that would just get worse over time. Though she just listened to the silence enjoying it for the time being, but she was unaware of what was to come that night...

     Though Orion looked over seeing Cerise coming over her brother following her almost as if he tried to stop her from coming. Solstice only smiled a bit as she looked at Orion for a moment. She was still a bit tired as it was easy to see, but she felt a lot better then before.. "I-it's fine," Solstice said looking at the two, "Really...I do apologize..I just haven't been feeling myself lately...I'm usually always doing something.." she said glancing at her wings for a moment. She hardly flew since the fire. She just didn't want to make the same mistake twice..

     Orion looked at Solstice then the two giving a small nod, "I understand. Solstice can be the same way a bit.." he said before she just gave him a stern look and nipped his cheek in retaliation. "Okay sorry...remind me next time to be more careful with my words.." he said looking at her before he just nuzzled her as an apology before looking at the two, "Let me guess...Scorn asked you to think about joining the herd didn't he?" he said looking around, "Yep...did the same to me.." he said with a faint laugh.

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#265608 Posted on 2023-01-22 10:24:08

(sorry for not replying for the two replies or more, I couldn't grasp anything with how the replies were, I couldn't think of a reply I mean..)

Meanwhile Scorn was flying in the air as a cruise flight, stretching his magical wings was a good idea, he could see top down from the view, he even had some good points and spots where to hide and watch everything from the spots and points from the mountains serving a protection.

Though Grey Cloud could spot Scorn, and he took that to note since he was good at hiding sometimes, Eclipsetess inherited that ability to go and hide and do everything without a sound, which Scorn was happy for that because she learned something that could help the herds from Golden Valley..

"When do you think Eclipsetess be back in time for the Saunting Firework Show (<--- 25th day of July)? It's next month, or two months or more.. We still need to prepare for that." a mare was talking to another mare, both were in the back of the herd since they were planning something with Eclipsetess.

"Not sure, and next month is Saunting (<--- 4th of July), where it's too hot in the days and we barely have anything to cool us down besides the night, she'll do her famous firework show when it's the 25th day of the Yeartch (<-- year). She always hosts it whenever she feels up to it." the mare said to the other one, another mare walked up to them but said nothing yet.

"It's next Yeartch, in the middle of the month, when it's truly Saunting month. We can't just do this right away and say it's next month, you two just wanna prepare for it when you know you can't." the hidden mare spoke up, the two other horses were confused at her.

"Uh no, next Saunting is next month, which we're preparing-" another mare walked into the conversation "No when Solstice gives life or birth to her foal, is when it's the Saunting month." the mare that walked into the conversation was none other then Eclipsetess herself.

"Ah! Sorry about that then.." the three mares said separately for their apologies, they knew better anyways but some like to cause drama.

"You should, because the Saunting month is very serious, not all foals are born on this month. Making hard and valuable, the last horse to be born on the Saunting month was Hailer, the horse that looked like the snow, and he was before me and Azulia's time. Where Snow was young at that time, and that Hailer was her sibling and father figure." Eclipsetess said, most of the herd was already watching something go down, and it was hard.

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#265610 Posted on 2023-01-22 11:05:09

     Isis just smiled, "Alright! Come on!" she said happily as she didn't hesitate to bring Khepri to the marketplace and other places to show him around. She practically just took off excitedly before she stopped and waited for her brother, "Slow poke," she giggled as she waited for him to catch up. While she waited she looked over at Solstice seeing Orion with her. She could tell she felt better after getting proper sleep. 

     Though she wasn't sure about the new horses that came up to them, but it seemed they weren't bothering Solstice or Orion too much, so she just looked at her brother. "Come on! It's this way!" she said excitedly as Khepri only laughed and followed her. It had been a long time since she had been as happy as she was now. She always worried about her brother, and after the fire she thought he was gone...

     Moon was laying down with Apollo as he still seemed to have some energy left, but he just stayed near his mother running around her and being the goofball he was. She only smiled and nibbled on his little fuzzy mane. "What will I do with you?" she smiled as she just watched him while he tried climbing over her, but stumbled. "Oh you goofball." she chuckled helping him back up on his legs.

     Namir on the other hand was standing by himself for a few minutes thinking as he watched those around him. Solstice and Orion, and soon the potential new horses. He looked over at Isis seeing Khepri. Huh...he must not have noticed the whole scene at all causing him to be confused on why Khepri was now there, but he didn't care much. Namir then looked over at Moon and Apollo smiling before he noticed some mares starting to talk about something.

     It was then that he heard his sister's name being said that he came over recognizing the voice, " should be resting for tonight. You'll need as much as you can's already starting to get late out.." His voice was worryful, but also saddened. He didn't want to loose her...or his sister. Loosing Eclipsetess would break Solstice to the point she couldn't be herself.. " sister still has a ways to go..."

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#265613 Posted on 2023-01-22 11:29:36

"I know I know, but I'm expecting what not to expect to happen this time, you don't know when that mare will show up again. This time ready for the fight, so I'm just trying to be aware of my surroundings, I do act fast when it's a suspensful situation. No need to worry, and plus: Aren't I already getting enough energy just standing and talking?" Eclipsetess asked Namir a question, this time a real question that needs thinking, Eclipsetess then nuzzled Namir as she smiled at him.

"And besides, I always say that I'm a healer right? Then no need to worry about me dying, that mare won't expect a thing, and plus- again; I have a few new tricks up my sleeve- or rather hoof.. Hah.. Anyways, I won't die so easily, I'm just like Solstice with the goddess part, but not siblings! Making that clear!" Eclipsetess said, she saved herself for the last part, but some of the mares she was talking too laughed at the end, which made Eclipsetess embarrassed since she said that.

"Sorry for.. Saying that, I was just trying to prove a point, I'm like her with being a goddess, I meant that part well. But I didn't mean the last part since you know that well. And I know you did, and I know that, but you know I won't die. I still know that your worried about me? It's okay, even in tough situations it's alright." Eclipsetess told Namir, she tried her best to make him worry less, and it was a good start with it.

Scorn then shifted from his hiding spot to hovering in the air for a random purpose, Grey Cloud just sighed as she watched him do that, she was like the wife of an excited employee of something alright! But at least Scorn flew back and down next to her to help with things that she needs.

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#265619 Posted on 2023-01-22 12:13:43

Slip looked at Orion and Solstice, "I'm assuming that you two joined the herd, right? I know that Cerise and I have a big decision to make and I know that Cerise would have already said yes without a second thought, Isn't that right sister?" Slip asked blowing a small snort from his nose towards Cerise. 

Cerise just huffed and said exasperated, "You know that I make rash decisions brother, but I would at least weigh out my options. Surely you know me better than that." Cerise just shook out her mane and then started again to Solstice and Orion, "I want to join, but I'm not sure if this is the right choice just yet. We will give it a couple days before we agree or disagree on Scorn's terms." 

Slip just nodded his head in agreement, "I'm glad to see you not take this decision lightly Ceri, we need to think about it. I am leaning towards staying though, we need a place to call home." 

Cerise then noticed a group of mares standing with Eclipsetess and Namir, then spoke to Orion, "Should we go see what they're talking about? It is getting later in the afternoon." Cerise was going to keep talking, but seeing a look coming from Orion and Slip she actually stopped. Thinking to herself, "Solstice deserves to know, but I guess Orion has her best interest at heart" Cerise just looked over a Slip, he just nipped her ear and said, "Come on. Lets go see what they're up too while we think on our decision." 

They both said goodbye to Solstice and Orion and trotted up to Namir and Eclipsetess. "Hey you two!" Cerise exclaimed, "Shouldn't you be resting?" She said as she looked at Eclipsetess. Hopefully she was well rested for tonight. Who knew how it would play out?

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#265621 Posted on 2023-01-22 13:08:55

     Namir just sighed, "You know I'm going to worry. That's what I do...and I'll never stop doing it. You know that," he said still concerned as he just nuzzled her. He didn't understand how calm she was despite what was at stake. "I suppose your right, but don't do anything crazy..I know how you are sometimes Eclipsetess." Namir just didn't want to loose her...or his sister. They were the most important things to him..well Minette too of course.

     "How many times have you died since I met you?" he said giving her a bit of a look, "Each time is just harder and harder..not just for me..for all of us.." he sighed looking over at his sister for a moment. Though Namir gave a small smile, "Alright fine...I guess your right.." he admitted even if he didn't want to, "You are something else you know that? I don't know how you are so calm sometimes..." he said almost as if he was a bit jealous.

     "I know.." he said nuzzling her while he let out a small quiet sigh, "I still don't like it...who's knows what that mare can or will do...I just wish it didn't have to be you..I just don't think I can stay knowing you'll be out there fighting...when I don't know what's happening.." he said looking down. Namir knew she was trying to comfort him, and she did a bit, but not by much..

     Solstice only sighed and looked down, "Yes..but I wasn't really given a choice...sure Scorn asked me, but they would have taken me in anyways. I was mistreated the entire time I was a parents were killed shortly after I was born. All I had for years was my brother...and my mother's necklace." she said as she looked at it, "It was more special then I thought it was since it's what keeps me alive.."

     Orion just comforted Solstice as she spoke while he said nothing. Though he eventually did, "This herd is a family whether or not we are blood. We all have each other's backs. Sure we may get into..dangerous situations..but we are all here for each other..good and bad.." he said looking at Solstice for a moment knowing she knew exactly what he was saying to the two.

     "He's right...there would have multiple times were I would have died if it weren't for any of in return I protect them when I am able to..which clearly won't be anytime soon.." she said with a small smiled as she glanced at her stomach before she nuzzled Orion happily. "Take your time...we won't be going anywhere..hopefully.." she sighed wanting to go back home, but she knew that it wasn't going to happen any time soon.

     Orion only shook his head, "Probably just some mare gossip..I prefer to stay away from it most times," he said noticing the group as well. Though he watched the two go over to the group as he noticed Cerise was thinking about something. Something he thought was about Solstice..but he said nothing. Especially about Eclipsetess challenging the strange pegasus mare..she didn't need anything to worry about let alone try to prevent. She was no where close to being able to try and do anything of the sort.

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#265625 Posted on 2023-01-22 16:12:07

"Oh I should Cerise, but standing is another way of resting you know! And it's a true fact for sleeping standing up to as well!" Eclipsetess said, she was well good in the ways of resting then if she knews what she's doing, but it's another form of being aware when that mare will strike.

"But I bet that strange pegasus mare is planning something, the marketplace nearby isn't this quiet, there's at least a little bit of sounds and scurrying, I can tell since it's been a month about it. And a month in the marketplace gets boring because of the same way, but every horse in that market has newer things in it. I wonder what Isis and that stallion are going to buy." Eclipsetess said, she had her ears moving since she thought she picked up a sound.

Eclipsetess then quickly looked up at the sky towards the sound of flapping wings, a harpoon was shot from who threw it, Eclipsetess then got worried about Namir..

"NAMIR!" Eclipsetess shouted, she brought out her wings and moved him out of the harpoon's way, but it shot at her right wing and stung right through as it stayed where it was: In Eclipsetess's right wing, she was frightened now, but she then instantly got to healing as she folded her wing towards her muzzle as she gripped the end and pushed it through her wing as it hurt.

After the harpoon was laying on the ground, bits of *strawberry sauce/syrup* dotted around it as well, even the tip of the harpoon was covered a little bit in *strawberry sauce/syrup*, Eclipsetess just looked at Namir with calm eyes as he was pushed to the ground, she smiled for him as he was safe.

Eclipsetess then made her horn glow as she got to healing, her magic certainly got to her feathers as it healed completely back, but it was sharper then it was before, Eclipsetess thought that this was strange even puzzling it, but she jumped out of the way of another harpoon, it got her skin a little bit but not enough to damage her.

"Well well well~" the pegasus mare said,  her watermelon eyes looking scary as the mare showed herself, her wings flapping as she hovered in the air, Eclipsetess was beyond mad since that mare tried hurting her love.

"Looks like your mate survived for sure.." the mare said "Hm? Oh looks like it stabbed you, oh so precious to protect your lover~ But not enough to stop a pegasus like me!" the mare said again, her gray all over as her tobiano is scrunched in some areas to seem small but it really in fact big.

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#265628 Posted on 2023-01-22 16:55:16

     Namir just looked over at the marketplace, "The stallion? It's know the stallion that was always with Skadi..Isis's big brother.." he said looking at Eclipsetess. "I could tell Isis wasn't the same since we came here, and I knew why. She thought she lost her brother to the fire...thought he didn't make it out.." he said understanding that pain. He experienced with both her and his sister.

     He wasn't the only one that knew that pegasus mare was up to something. He agreed with Eclipsetess completely. Something just wasn't right. Though before he even realized it he looked up seeing something coming towards him from above as Eclipsetess pushed him to the side causing him to fall to the ground unsure of what just happened. Maybe he even knocked his head on the ground a bit hard too..

     Solstice just stood beside Orion enjoying the feel of his soft coat. It had been awhile since she was that relaxed, but it was quickly disrupted when she got the sudden feeling things were about to go wrong which caused her to barely pull out her wings as her eyes started to glow a small bit which got Orion worried as he looked at her before looking around. Though Solstice looked over at Namir and Eclipsetess as she saw what happened, "Eclipsetess! Namir!" she yelled running to them without even thinking.

     Orion couldn't stop her in time, "Solstice no!" he yelled, "You'll get yourself killed!" he yelled quickly following after her when he stopped and looked up at the pegasus mare snorting as he pinned his ears. "Your fight isn't with them!" he snapped before he went after Solstice, "Come on. You can't get involved in don't have the strength or energy to do so," he said urging her to leave Namir's and Eclipsetess's sides.

     Namir just sat up shaking his head seeing Eclipsetess hurt. He was still unsure of what happened, but he heard Orion yell as he looked over seeing his sister running over. "Solstice! Get out of here now!" he demanded after she helped him up. Namir only looked at Orion as they both tried to get her to leave. "I'll be fine just go already! If you get hurt, so can the foal." he said in a demanding tone.

     Solstice just snorted, "No. I'm not leaving. I don't care what you say. You and Eclipsetess wouldn't leave me if things were reversed." she said as the two stallions just looked at each other knowing she was right. As much as they didn't want to, they knew she wasn't going to leave to go somewhere safer. Why did she have to be so stubborn in times like these? She wasn't just putting herself at risk..

     Namir only snorted, "Fine. Just don't do anything." he demanded as he looked at Eclipsetess then the pegasus mare, "I'm not a part of this fight, but I can quickly become a part of it." he snorted not in the mood to be messed with. He ignored a small wound he got on his side from Eclipsetess pushing him aside. Instead he just looked at Eclipsetess, "Don't get yourself killed.." he sighed..

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