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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265448 Posted on 2023-01-19 13:52:01

"I don't mind at all, stand wherever you please." Eclipsetess told Cerise, she was much more nicer to her words towards Ceris, even giving her some respect in her words.

"Though I don't trust horses coming down like they're from the Heavens, what business do you attend here? We already watched and fought once, and once more, do you think we're afraid of you or something?" Eclipsetess stepped up to Atrium, she was challenging her.

"A challenge? Most dutiful for a fight..!" Atrium said excitedly, she was actually smaller then Eclipsetess somehow, Guardians (most are known to be loyale, example of Eclipsetess being loyale to Solstice) are known to be shorter then pegasi (<-- more then one pegasus), unless they weren't trained on becoming guardians until later.

"With a Guardian, at least? Your some kind of mare then. Challenge accepted, mare.." Atrium mocked, Eclipsetess showed no fear through her eyes.

"Sundown, near Twilight but after the night has submerged the sunset. Be there at Moon-High (<-- midnight when the moon is high)." Eclipsetess told the mare, she did not show fear through her words, Atrium just laughed but she did fly into the air which she then flew into the market.

Eclipsetess huffed and sat down as she sighed, her wings went tense a little, and Eclipsetess had her eyes determined to beat a mare herself, and not with another horse as she's proven to beat two horses that suck at fighting.

"Place your bets, I bet I'll lose." Eclipsetess said, she then gave off the feeling she was gonna go again, Azulia felt the emotion a ways away, making her eye color go to the blackest or black.

Eclipsetess then got up to go next to Azulia..

"Just fine." Azulia smiled, but she did give him a look when he said his second sentence, "I know you both are, everyone is, but it's rather private information. And I don't share private information, since it's rude snooping on someone, especially like Solstice." Azulia said, she did get up and have the book on her back.

"But I know you both well enough for you two to not give up on curiosity, especially towards Solstice." Azulia said, she did get a mare that was a unicorn to help her with the book, since she was regular-born, meaning no magic whatsoever! But the unicorn that she picked out revealed an entire different anatomy.

The anatomy of a mare, but it was a different creature, it was marked as a female lizard, Azulia was reading a book about a lizard? Really? But she did point out the big stomach, which had several notes tapped on around the big stomach, Azulia then flipped to a page where a mare also had the same notes but it was much different.

"The anatomy of creatures is amazing, but, did you know that other female creatures and reproduce without needing a male? A mate rather, which happens in males but rather more rarer, female lizards need no males to mate, example of the Komodo Dragon, a female can lay eggs without a male near her. But it gets.. Rather dark after that.." Azulia said, she was explaining that Solstice was like a Komodo Dragon, a female that could reproduce without anyone to make her, unless Orion did something in his sleep next to her.

"Azulia!" Eclipsetess said as she trotted over to her, she then whispered something into her ear as Eclipsetess dressed her up as a one of those people that take your bets, a betterman? Hahah! But seriously.

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#265450 Posted on 2023-01-19 14:19:27

     Solstice just tried curling up using her wings in a way it was almost like a blanket. After some moving around she got fairly comfortable as she faced slightly away from everyone. It was peaceful where she was. Far enough she didn't hear conversations all to well. Only mumbles. Instead she just focused on other noises. Noises that kept her calm and relaxing as it seemed to make her feel slightly better.

     Moon had stood a small distance from Solstice watching her when she looked down at Apollo, "Now don't you go causing mayham..if your going to be hyper then go play with some of the foals in the playground.." she said quietly as she nuzzled the colt before he happily and quickly ran off. Moon just quietly chuckled as she stayed where she was making sure Solstice got what she needed...which also meant keeping Namir and Orion away from her for the time being. Sometimes stallions just didn't understand.

     Though Namir looked at Solstice seeing Moon somewhat near her as he knew why she was there. He just shook his head slightly. Moon was always protective of mares if they needed some space. Namir then took a moment to look at Eclipsetess and the strange mare that came from a strange tornado. He kept a close eye on this mare before he looked back at Azulia. Almost like he was onto her a bit..

     Orion just looked at Namir before looking at Azulia. "But Namir is her brother...who would you tell this private information to?" he asked more to himself, "Solstice doesn't have enough energy to do pretty much anything...which is odd since she is always flying around or something.." he said more to himself again as he glanced at Solstice then back at Azulia a bit confused.

     Namir just listened to every word like he normally did. Orion too. Namir seemed to catch onto what Azulia was trying to say before Orion did, and yet Orion was the book worm of the herd. Though Namir just looked at Azulia then Orion then Solstice. "Please tell me your not saying what I think you are...?" he said unsure of what to think. Orion just gave him a bit of a confused look. Namir just looked at him then Azulia, "She can't be pregnant can she!?" he said a bit louder, but Namir didn't know what to think. Orion's eyes only got wide as he seemed to freeze a bit.

     Though that was when Eclipsetess came trotting over. The two stallions just had surprised looks until Namir took a breath and looked at Eclipsetess. He just nuzzled her, "What did you do?" he asked her knowing she did something...or rather she will be doing something. Though Namir just looked at Azulia again unsure of what to do at that point. Orion said nothing as he just took a small step back from Namir...he was still taken by surprise.. 

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#265451 Posted on 2023-01-19 14:43:43

"Place your bets, that's what." Eclipsetess said, she then took Azulia's book from her like a big sister to a younger sibling, Azulia just got grumpy at her.

"And yes, Solstice is preggo, nothing to worry. We have everything here that we need, we don't need to worry unless something happened, like what with.. Trickster.." Azulia said, she seemed to daze off at the end, Eclipsetess then went cringe but she just gave Azulia her book back.

"You really should work on with private information more, where you can't tell anyone. Not even trusted or family ones. Unless one experienced it in your hooves, that was a rule with you, and you broke it several times.. Over.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia was about to nip Eclipsetess, but she surprisingly got Azulia onto the ground without a care.

"Work on your combat please, I might need you when we need each other, I did challenge a pegasus after all.." Eclipsetess said, Azulia was surprised and nipped her chin a little.

"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T CHALLENGE A NATURAL-BORN PEGASUS! YOUR GONNA LOSE A FIGHT! Their more better at acrobatics then alicorns can since they have the stamina to keep up with their tiring bodies!" Azulia said worriedly, she was about to lecture Eclipsetess until she stopped her from doing so.

"So? I have new acrobatic skills now, better then a pegasus I bet!" Eclipsetess said, Azulia just kept her really face on until Eclipsetess sighed and admitted that she could lose to a pegasus.

"I mean Atrium doesn't look like the type to fight fair, she might cheat, so that's why I'm gonna fight her." Eclipsetess said, Azulia then convinced her to sit down and think it over.

"You do know the rules right?" Azulia asked her, Eclipsetess went quiet as she forgot.

"Oh my.. Okay. The rules stated in a female one v one is: Whoever tires out their oppenant gets to kill them, if their enemies, if not then the oppenent leaves the Isle and the newcomer that won replaces the oppenents spot for where she is, and if you lose. Then Atrium takes your spot, even being Namir's.. Your risking your life again, why do you even do this?" Azulia asked worriedly, Eclipsetess went silent and went to her side where she doesn't experience emotions until she did something.

"Is it because of Solstice? Are you worried for her this much that you blasted a big barrier for her sake? To battle a pegasus for her? To get horsenapped from a tyrant to not let Solstice experience pain? Are you taking the risks so that she could live on and not feel the more emotional side of pain..?" Azulia asked, it hard to Eclipsetess as her ears went down, she then started whinning and then she breakdown into a pool of tears, where she knows more than just single pain.

"I just want her to live! I'm her guardian! I'm supposed to be loyale and keep my protectee from death, pain, strife.. I'm trying to protect her from feeling the things I've felt.. Fear, hate, death, pain, mental, physical pain.." Eclipsetess admitted, Azulia pinned her ears as she stepped back, she never knew the more pain Eclipsetess dealt with.. That's why she always goes cold when there's a fight or something like in Solstice's situation.

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#265452 Posted on 2023-01-19 14:48:56

Cerise watched as Eclipsetess challenged Atrium. She thought to herself, "I don't think this is a good idea.." but it seemed like Eclipsetess had already made up her mind. This new mare mentioned a Guardian, she had never heard of a Guardian before. She made a mental note that she would have to ask Eclipsetess what this newcomer meant. 

As Eclipsetess got up and moved towards a mare that Cerise didn't know the name of, she started to follow. As she got closer to the group she heard them talking about reproduction and female lizards and odd things. She noticed the mare of the group lean in and whisper to the Eclipsetess something that she couldn't catch. 

When she finally reached the group, she heard one of the stallions exclaim, "She can't be pregnant can she?!" As Cerise watched the chestnut and white unicorn take a couple steps away, she couldn't help but blurt out, "Of course she's pregnant! Weight gain, tiredness, dullness. Those are all signs of pregnancy." It was then, that Cerise realized that maybe this was the one time she should have kept her mouth shut. 

Slip had returned back to the Alicorn King as the pegasus mare had flown back into the sky and said, " I do hope you'll excuse me your majesty, but I'm going to go to my sister. I think we're going to stay here a while as long as Scorn will have us." He dipped his front leg and head in a formal bow to the king and turned to walk off. 

While he was walking over to the group that his sister had went to he quietly thought, "Those two stallions over there look surprised about something." Then he realized that Cerise had the familiar look of when she should have stuck her hoof in her mouth. 

As he reached the group, he walked up to his sister nudged her with a stern look on his face. "What did you do?" He asked. "I hope you didn't say something you shouldn't have."

*My response fit with my characters being with the stallions. ♥*

Last edited on 2023-01-19 at 14:54:00 by Deer Creek

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#265454 Posted on 2023-01-19 15:28:12

"Oh your always excused!" the king told Slip, he then watched Slip walk off, he too walked off but to his home since he got a little tired from all the activity around him.

"You have good intuition like Azulia, well I mean she is the Seer of Sense, so your like my little adopted sister. In a way at least that we can recognise her." Eclipsetess said, Azulia smiled as she got up, she agreed with Cerise just like Eclipsetess agreed with her.

"Me and Azulia have always could tell what's the difference between actual weight gain and pregnancy weight gain, preggo mares are more into the painful side, whilst the fattened horses have no pain and just need to work off the extra fat." Eclipsetess said, Azulia looked at her like she learned a thing or two from her.

"I'm quoting Azulia here, she's the black paint bombed coated horse, so much white whilst she doesn't have enough to die from.. How mysterious my little adopted sister is, we do act like each other when we were foals, Minette takes the cake from my side then for being protective." Eclipsetess said, she looked down at Azulia with the happiest smile to her, and Azulia gave back the smile happily.

"That's why my dear little sister likes to read as a bookworm, just like Orion, the chestnut tobiano stallion you see here next to my boyfriend Namir, darling Namir is he~" Eclipsetess teased in a little S.I.M.P way, Azulia was just grossed out by her for love for him grew more then usual.

"At least your not like Cronsi, the king would punish him if he knew that he neglected to look after our daughter, staying in the bushes like a.. Coward.. Hurtful he was.." Azulia said, her little foal trotted up to her from the playground since she and two others followed behind her, as well as a mare from the herd to collect to different foals that were hers, but she just stayed quiet for the mean time. It was betted to be Trickster collecting Moonlight and Esmeray..

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#265456 Posted on 2023-01-19 16:24:21

     Namir just looked at Orion unsure about what to think. Orion's ears lowered as he avoided Namir's gaze. Fight or flight was the only thing he was thinking when Namir looked at him, but he stayed there completely silent as he looked over at Solstice. Namir only gave him a bit of a look, but he had no idea what to think. Never once did he even think, not even for a second, that his sister would ever be..well pregnant.

     He was just completely shocked. Solstice was too far from the others to even know what was going on, but she had fallen asleep. Moon smiled as she quietly walked up to her and made sure she was comfortable enough before she went back to the spot she was previously at as she still kept a eye on Solstice watching her every now and then. She just knew Solstice needed to rest and sleep then. She couldn't get that if everyone kept bugging her.

     Namir didn't know what to think or even say, and it showed. Orion as well, but Namir's focus quickly went to Eclipsetess. "It doesn't matter...we'd found out soon anyways..." he said with a sigh, "Besides it's better now that we know..." he said looking over at his sister seeming to be a lot less worried then he was was more good then bad. Though Orion was still quite surprised and all.

     Namir just looked at Eclipsetess and she pinned Azulia, "You did WHAT!?" he said snorting a small bit. "You can't just challenge someone..especially a pegasus like that!" he said before he took a moment to calm himself slightly, but his attention quickly went to Azulia. " can't do this can't..I can't loose you a third time!" he said tearing up slightly..

     He just looked at Azulia for a moment before he looked at Eclipsetess stepping over to her as he placed his head on her back letting out a sigh. "Unfortunately...there isn't much we...well you can do to protect her from those things...she's been dealing with them since day one..." he sighed trying to comfort her, "BUT you mean a lot to her...a lot to me...when I first met you I already knew she put a lot of trust in you...something she's never done won her trust before anyone else could.."

     Orion just got startled a bit as a mare spoke from behind him. He was too caught up in his thoughts to even realize what was going on around him. He just looked at Azulia, Namir, and Eclipsetess before he turned and looked at the mare. Cerise. He just gave her a bit of a look before looking at Solstice. She really didn't know. "Well stallions usually aren't the best at knowing those types of things.." he said unsure of what to say or think.

     Namir just sighed as he looked at Eclipsetess, "You already saved her life...multiple times, and I thank you for that, but whether or not you were her guardian..Dra would have still hunted her...with you as her guardian...she's still alive we all are because of you, but I can't loose you, and she can't either. You need to win this fight...just rest until it's time..." he said unsure what more there was to say. He was still trying to process everything.

     He looked over at the mare and stallion that seemed to come out of nowhere, but he just looked at Orion with the same look as before unsure of what to think still, but he didn't do least not yet. Orion just walked away to think somewhere by himself. Namir just watched him before glancing at his sister then back at Eclipsetess as her and Azulia spoke.

     Though Namir didn't say much as the two spoke to the new mare and stallion. Namir just got the feeling they were siblings. He just looked at Eclipsetess, "You should really go rest! You need every bit of strength and energy you can get if your going to fight this mare..I can't loose anyone else...I loose you...I loose my sister.." he said nuzzling her ignoring the others.

    He was just having a lot to process at the moment, and he struggled. He didn't know. He didn't know what to think. What to feel. What to say. All he could do was look over at his sister then Orion since he left without a word. Namir just put his head on Eclipsetess's back again as he let out a small sigh, "Just come back to us..." he mumbled tearing up a bit as he closed his eyes for a few moments..

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#265460 Posted on 2023-01-19 16:56:04

Not really understanding what was going on, Cerise and Slip just stood there watching this unusual group of horses. There were words of Guardians, Pegasi being stronger than Alicorns, and just so much for the siblings to take in. Cerise was standing behind the chestnut tobiano called Orion, he seemed to be in such a state of shock that he didn't know what to do. However, he soon had turned and gone to be by himself. 

Slip and Cerise just watched as the Azulia and Eclipsetess were talking. They had introduced a little foal, Minnette, Namir, and Orion. They both watched as it seemed that this fight with Atrium seemed like a big deal. They both wanted to help Eclipsetess get ready for this fight and they seemed to understand more slowly that this was something that Eclipstess needed to win. 

Cerise looked at Slip and nudged him towards Orion, "You should go try to talk to him. You're calming presence is a big help when someone has suffered a big shock." Slip knew that he could easily calm others. It just came naturally to him. Hopefully he could help ease Orion into realizing that his mate was carrying a foal and would be a mother. Slip looked at Cerise, "what are you going to do? You know that we could help this herd with the current situation going on. We have abilities that even we don't know what all they do." 

"Yes, I know." Replied Cerise, "I'm going to talk to Namir and Azulia to see what I can do to help. You know that we came here to help us discover who we are." Slip just nodded his head in agreement, turned and walked towards Orion. As he reached the stallion, he touched his nose to Orion's neck and focused on sending calming waves of energy to him. "I know that what you've heard is a great shock to you, but it will be okay." Started Slip, "It seems that Solstice is a strong mare that has been through a lot. She can make it through this. Let my sister and I help. I know you don't know us, but we came here for a reason and I believe it's to help this herd." Slip pulled his nose away and sidled up to look over at Orion.

Cerise watched as her brother worked his magic. She knew that his calm tones would radiate a calming energy to whomever he touched. She turned back around to look at Namir and said, "Alright. We need to be honest with each other here. What is going on and why is Eclipsetess fighting this Pegasus a bad thing? Also, why is everyone so worried about Solstice being pregnant? It's just a pregnancy. She'll be tired and such for a while, but she'll get back to herself in no time." She started to paw the ground a bit as she talked, it was such a nervous habit of hers.

"I also think that my brother and I need to be honest with you all about why we're here and what we would like to do." Cerise stated with a determined look in her blue eyes. "My brother and I can help your herd and I feel like you can help us. What do you say?" She knew that she could be blunt with words and just say what came to mind, but she needed full trust from this herd and she needed them to trust her and Slip as well.

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#265464 Posted on 2023-01-19 17:55:50

     Everything was quiet for a long minute or two. Orion just went to stand by himself as he watched Solstice rest. Moon just looked at him as if to tell him to just stay away and let her sleep. Which he did do. He knew it was a lot for her to move around and the whole lightning bolt and tornado thing. It took what little bit of energy she had out of her. It was easier for her to wake up, so he just stayed away before he looked over at their previous home letting out a sigh.

     Though Orion just slightly jumped when he felt someone touch his neck. He said nothing though for a minute. "The strongest there is..." he said looking up at her. "She's been through a lot...a lot more then you think.." he said with a small sigh as he briefly looked at the stallion, "Help with what exactly? There's just been a lot going on's been exceptionally hard on her since our home..well..burned down.." he said looking down again trying to process things.

     Namir just looked at this new mare as she started talking. He just looked at Azulia and Eclipsetess as he sighed, "If Eclipsetess looses...she could be killed...or forced to leave us forever...making this mare replace her...and be my..." Namir stopped as he just stayed closed to Eclipsetess nuzzling her softly and worriedly. The only thing that Namir was thinking about was Eclipsetess, Solstice, and his mother...

     "My mother grew sick when she was carrying my only got worse after she was born.." he said looking down. Namir almost never talked about his parents. "When Solstice was born...she was sick...another reason why the herd rejected her.." he said despite he knew this mare didn't know what he meant by that, "A few days later I found my parents dead in the woods...killed.." he paused.

     "I took my mother's necklace, and gave it to my sister. Instantly she was healthy again...that necklace is her life keeps her alive, but I just fear she'll struggle with it like my mother did...she pushed us away, and I fear my sister will do the same.." he said almost like it wasn't just that. Like there was something bothering him. "I fear everything that's in her past...our past might affect her..the foal...she'll never recover from it...and there's nothing we can do about that."

     Namir looked over at his sister knowing this pregnancy would make things harder for her, but he just looked at the mare again before he looked at Eclipsetess a bit confused..maybe even a bit surprised. "I'm not sure what there is the two of you can do. A lot of us have broken pasts...things that can't be fixed. Dra may be gone, but his actions still live with us. They are a part of us whether or not we accept it..but why would the two of you need help..?" he asked trying to distract himself.

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#265465 Posted on 2023-01-19 18:47:10

"Maybe to be apart of a herd? Horses do tend to do that, especially ones that are linked to each other." Azulia said, by the time she stopped talking was when Eclipsetess was already asleep, probably shouldn't be standing but she did.

"You never know!" Azulia spoke again, she just added onto her butted-in-conversation, Eclipsetess smiled in her sleep a little. It got Azulia to be spooked when she looked at her.

"Anyways, I'll be in my book, looking at different things. If you need me I'll be somewhere, to myself since I don't want to disturb anyone further." Azulia said, she got up from laying down but she did manage to sneak a nuzzle from Eclipsetess, as she then layed down to sleep.

But Azulia did pick a spot somewhere from the others but not near Solstice at all, she just wanted to read since she liked her new interesting book, which got her interested in the book itself..

Some horses did dot around from time to time, even some of the couples that where there were originally from the marketplace since they got curious of the three herds around no, even the foals got bolder when the stallions got more intimidating because of the alicorn king.

He was intimidating when he could be! Which was funny sometimes, though Nature came back from the marketplace since she was her normal self; hooves covered in vines, right ear with a pink flower, black coat, leafy or soft green grass eyes, but she did now have a white belly for an odd reason. Probably nothing..

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#265466 Posted on 2023-01-19 19:07:11

As Slip just watched Orion sigh and look over at Solstice, he said "I think my sister and I can help you rebuild. It seems you've lost your home and are trying to make a new place to live." He then added, "I think that we can help you if anything else tries to harm you. That mare, the pegasus, there's something about her that's familiar. I think she means trouble." 

At this point, Slip touched Orion's neck one more time to send his calming energy over the stallion. "I hope that I've helped you become a bit more calm. I know what it feels like to suffer a great shock, but I'll leave you be now." He pulled back and took a step away from Orion, but before he left he said, "Be there for her when she needs you. You'll know when." He sighed and started to head back towards his sister. He just hoped that she hadn't gotten herself into too much trouble.

Cerise just gawked at Namir. She the exclaimed, "She could lose her life or be replaced?!" Cerise took a couple steps in place before shaking her mane out as she was listening to Namir explain about his sister. "This isn't good. I see what you mean. That mare, the pegasus, she seems very familiar but I just can't place where my brother and I know her." 

Lost in thought, Cerise flicked her ear towards a new sound. It was her brother walking up to her. "Hi there!" She said to Slip and nuzzled his cheek careful not to get her curved horn stuck in his new one. "They were just explaining to me why Eclipsetess is in danger in fighting this pegasus mare. Don't we know her from somewhere?" 

As Slip was about to explain that he agreed, Cerise turned around to talk to Namir again, "We could help you as protectors, rebuild, or anything you really need help with. We know we have magical abilities, but we just haven't been able to tap into them yet. Aside from me being able to heal myself and my brother. Oh, and Slip being able to calm with just a touch." Cerise said as Slip just nodded his head. 

"Azulia also mentioned that we maybe wanted to be a part of a herd, and she was right. We are looking for a new herd to call our own. We have broken pasts as well, but we want to rebuild and be ready and waiting for whatever comes our way next." Cerise said with a determined shake of her head. 

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#265473 Posted on 2023-01-19 21:49:31

"You know if you want to help to be in the herd, then you'd need to talk to Scorn for that, he manages the herd and everyone, not me, Azulia, Namir or Orion, we just sit back and relax." Eclipsetess said, she was awake for the most part, but she brought her head down to rest.

(poofed into the conversation ---->) "He's probably with Grey Cloud, sometimes he'll be wandering around, grazing, taking role call, or whatever else he could do. He also likes to chat, play, and see his friends and how his adopted kids are doing.. Hah.." Azulia butted into the conversation as Eclipsetess tried nipping her tail a little bit.

"Though he'll often scavenge and leave Grey Cloud's side when he needs to, sometimes he'll get into conflicts and not notice until someone starts yelling and gets between him and another, he'll leave or apologize until he gets covered in nips. Sometimes he hides behind Grey Cloud to stop recieveing nips." Azulia spok once more, then she layed down next to one of Eclipsetess's sides.

"It's quite funny sometimes! They accidentally awarded Eclipsetess, good behavior for yelling at Namir, she didn't mean it.. She just.. Bottles up emotions rather quick.." Azulia spoke once more, she then dug back into her book when she knew she couldn't be away from the conversation when she was reading a book.

"Everyone has the difference they all need to learn, and I'm too old for this, and too to train anyone anymore.." a black rabicano mare said, as she walked up into the conversation, like when she walked up with a white mare next to her, it got Eclipsetess wandering where she was.

"Ivoula, where's Snow? She's always next to you." Eclipsetess looked up and asked the black and white rabicano mare, Ivoula looked down with rather a sad expression.

"Sadly she passed, remember when Scorn said that a herd member passed away? Sadly Snow came after, no one said anything because she was the one who always kept things secret." Ivoula said, Snow must've been a year or so ahead of Ivoula if she passed away.

"Well what about her secret horn?" Azulia asked Ivoula, she wanted to know, but she did say aloud that Snow was a unicorn, much like Slip but older and wiser then him. Sadly gone now, which was hurtful to Azulia and Eclipsetess..

"Snow? She used to have a horn, it was broken off when she broke the rules from her old herd, and that her lead stallion and father put a curse on her, after that one thing she can't do is recieve magic to heal herself, anyone, anybody, or her old spot for her horn, which costed half of her centuries life. She died rather at 145, unicorns live more farther than that, but like I said: her life was cut short, and everyone knew that." Ivoula spoke again, Eclipsetess looked up and then down with sadness as she began crying for Snow, Azulia did the same thing as well.

"But Snow was like a mother to me and Eclipsetess.." Azulia said in shock, and she was sad about it.. "She couldn't have passed away so early on, she didn't get to see her nieces from her adopted children.." Azulia said again, Eclipsetess just told her to snuggle up to her more. She didn't want to see Azulia upset like this. Not again. Not ever again, she acted like Azulia did this once.

Last edited on 2023-01-19 at 21:52:38 by Lizzy

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#265477 Posted on 2023-01-20 03:04:57

Cerise and Slip just listened as Azulia explained about them joining the herd. They understood that they needed to speak with Scorn, so Slip started to look for him while the mares were talking to a new older mare that had just walked up to them. 

Cerise was listening to the conversation with this new mare, Ivoula, talking about her friend Snow. Snow had seemed to pass away relatively young for a unicorn, which was quite sad as both Cerise and Slip were unicorns. "I'm glad that when Slip lost his horn as a colt that it didn't shorten his lifespan." Thought Cerise as she looked up at her brother. "I don't know what I would do without you. Especially if I lost you so young." This time Cerise had nudged Slip and spoke out loud. 

"I understand where you're coming from Cerise, but we still don't know if my life has been shortened or not. I may have my horn now, but I still lost it 9 years ago in that attack on our home." Slip said quietly to Cerise. "We just have to live and see how things play out." 

"I know, but I can't bare to lose you. You've been there my whole life, I need you." Cerise started to tear up, listening to Ivoula made her pretty emotional. That wasn't like Cerise, she could usually keep a hold on her emotions better than this. She wiped away her tears with a flick of her tail and straightened up. She watched as Azulia and Eclipsetess were comforting each other, but turned towards this mare, Ivoula. 

"Have you seen Scorn?" Asked Cerise, "We're looking to possibly join the herd, my brother and I." She said as she nodded towards Slip. "My name is Cerise and my brother here is Sleipnir, but he goes by Slip." Slip just dipped his head in greeting to the mare and spoke up, "My sister can be all business sometimes, we understand that you've suffered a great loss. We are sorry to hear of the passing of your friend. Our condolences go out to you." Slip said sincerely. 

After a moment of silence, Slip nudged Cerise with his leg and said to Ivoula, "Like my sister said, we are looking for Scorn as we would like to join this herd. We've been in need of a new herd and feel like this one may be the best fit for us." Slips eyes just gleamed as he went on, "We were driven from our old home and herd long ago and we are in need of a new place to call home. We have the two of us, but we need a family. I hope you can help us get to Scorn."

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#265480 Posted on 2023-01-20 06:10:03

     Orion only looked at him, "We had to evacuate our Isle a couple months ago. The alicorn king was nice enough to let us stay here until it's safe to return to our home.." he sighed, "I nearly lost her in the'll take a couple years for the Isle to recover and return to its former beauty. Quite the beautiful Isle honestly...pained us all to see all of its beauty gone." he said looking at Solstice then the Isle.

     Though Orion turned his attention back to the stallion as he let out a bit of a laugh, "Oh please. This herd wanted to fight me when they met me..." he said, "Be careful. Do something wrong, and you'll have all the mares in the herd coming after you. Everyone protects each other much as we can, but we're all still here even after everything..But those mares...try to stay on their good side," he said even though he came after Dra's death. 

     Namir only looked at the mare pinning his ears a bit, "Keep it down. My sister needs the rest," he said with a small snort before he looked down and sighed, "Those are the rules...I'd fight if I could, but I can't. She has no choice but to do it now. I've fought a pegasus before..and won, but only because Phoenix wasn't the best of fighters. Didn't matter he's gone now. He won't hurt anyone else," he said more to himself at that point as he looked over at Moon.

     "I'm afraid we don't know anything about her. I haven't seen very many pegasi. Most pegasi are found in the air kingdom," he said looking up slightly seeing it was starting to get late... "Our home is Golden Valley. Found in the Isle of Dreams. We're staying here while the Isle regrows. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do to make the process faster, but the good thing is everyone made it out..." he said with a small smile that faded within a few seconds.

     Namir just looked at Eclipsetess, "You should be sleeping..." he said nuzzling her before he nodded, "Yes. Scorn is who you are looking for if you wish to join this herd. He welcomes everyone, but we cannot be the ones to let you join.." he said with a sigh before he looked over at Azulia as her and Eclipsetess spoke, but he gave Azulia a bit of a look, "Can we not talk about that..?"

     Though Namir looked at Ivoula as she walked over. His ears lowered as he looked down slightly. Death. Something he never liked since he was young. After all he did find his parents killed in the woods. He hadn't known anyone who..died til..well now. He may not have known Snow all to well, but he knew she didn't deserve any of this. No one deserved something like that.

     He did try to comfort Azulia and Eclipsetess a bit before he looked at the two siblings, "Well now this sounds familiar..." he said more to himself, "But it's like Ivoula said. She was cursed...from what I've heard you only lost your horn." he told Slip, "I actually haven't seen Scorn since the lightning bolt thing...he's probably somewhere around here.." he said before he nuzzled Eclipsetess.

     Isis had walked up to Moon as she looked over at Solstice briefly. She knew what Moon was doing, "Is she doing any better? I know what happened today must have taken what little she had out of her.." she said looking over as Apollo came running over. "Someone's gotten pretty quick on those legs of his.." she said nuzzling the colt, "But don't you go doing anything to wake Solstice up." she said softly to the colt.

     Moon had looked over at Isis smiling a bit. She knew she was worrying about her brother and Skadi, but there had been no sign of the both of them since Solstice scared them off. "She just needs to rest is all," Moon said with her same motherly tone, but she looked at Apollo nuzzling him, "I'm sure he used up most of his energy playing with other foals...he won't wake her, but do you mind making sure no one disturbs Solstice? She can't get the sleep she needs if Orion and Namir bug her anymore."

     Isis nodded as Moon smiled and walked over to the small group, "She'll be fine soon...she just needs to keep resting," she said talking to Namir for the most part, "But I know what your thinking Namir...your not the only one your mother pushed away..." she sighed, "Solstice won't do the same...just give her time and space when she needs it. We couldn't do much to help your mother, but everyone here can help your sister when and if she needs it.." she said calmly.

      Namir looked over a Moon a bit surprised to see she had come over with Apollo trotting behind until she saw Isis standing where Moon previously was, but he said nothing. He only nodded and kept quiet for a little bit. It seemed to ease his nerves and worry a bit. Moon and his mother were close...partly why Moon cared about Namir and Solstice as much as she did. "Thanks..." he said nuzzling her a bit..

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#265488 Posted on 2023-01-20 06:55:18

Grey Cloud looked up at the sky as she trotted over to where the group was, even her two little foals followed behind her like a mother duck leading her babies behind, she did see Azulia and Eclipsetess comforting each other as she nuzzled them just how she does it with her kids.

Grey Cloud did catch a piece of Scorn when she looking around at the herd, "He's showing off.. Again.." Grey Cloud thought, she rolled her eyes at Scorn as he came out from the herd and joined Grey Cloud's side, the two little foals that followed her nuzzled Scorn's leg as he layed down to nuzzle them back.

"So who needs me?" Scorn asked, he looked up from where he was laying as Grey Cloud joined him on laying down, the two little foals just started nipping each other but Grey Cloud point them towards the foal playground and then they were off running towards the playgroud happily.

Grey Cloud just sighed as she leaned on Scorn's side, he knew she was tired from the foals playing, and she knew that Scorn was with her when he could, doing his job to protect his family and herd, even trying to risk his own life to save another. Like what happened with Eclipsetess after she turned into dust..

He knew it, Grey Cloud knew it, everyone knew it.. Even Eclipsetess herself, she does want everyone to be happy, especially Solstice where she's trying to figure it out more for her, she wants her to be happy she wishes that for everyone else as well too.. Everyone can tell but choose to keep it secret.

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#265490 Posted on 2023-01-20 08:56:26

     Pa'li was of course swimming around in the water near the water's surface when he noticed some shadows. He recognized them knowing they were shadows of a couple horses. He may have gotten curious as he poked his head out of the water slightly. He saw two horses. Ones he didn't recognize, but one was a mare while the other was a stallion. Though something was off about one of them.

     "Can we stop..? We've been trying to find someone for ages now..." the mare's voice said. Though her voice was painful. The stallion just nodded and carefully laid her down in the sand for her to rest for a bit. The stallion made sure she was alright before he walked off a short ways hoping to find something that would help the mare. Neither of them noticed Pa'li in the water.

     Though the mare seemed to have a massive burn on her side...but it looked infected and gruesome. Almost like the wound came from awhile the fire that burned the Isle of Dreams.. Pa'li studied both of them before he dove back underwater swimming quickly to the three herds. Pa'li peeked out of the water again as he swam to shore transforming to his temporary form.

     Orion was still by himself as he looked over seeing something emerge from the water unsure of what it is. When he looked, he saw it was Pa'li. It had been awhile since he last saw him. "Pa'li? What are you doing here? You can't be out of water for long.." he said unsure of why Pa'li had come to them, but he saw the look Pa'li had on his face which concerned him slightly.

     "I saw two horses down the of still lucky to be alive..." he said worriedly, "Come on follow me. I'll swim near the shoreline so you know where to go," he said quickly turning around jumping back into the water. Orion looked at Solstice for a moment before he followed, but he stayed on land. "They aren't too far away.." Pa'li said from the water before Orion started following him.

     Then Orion halted when he saw who it was. "Skadi!?" he said surprised when he looked over seeing Khepri, "What on earth are the two of you doing here?" he asked as Skadi only looked down trying to get up. Orion noticed her struggle when he noticed her side, "Your lucky to still be alive...that's extremely infected.." he said looking at Khepri then Pa'li, "Thanks..I can handle it from here now.." Pa'li nodded and swam away..

     Khepri sighed, "We were still on the Isle when it went aflame...we're lucky we made it out, but we were lost. I tried healing the wound, but it just got worse and worse...we've been trying to find someone who could help for awhile, but we just didn't know where to look.." he said pausing, "M-my she alright? Did she make it out?" he asked worriedly as he wished he was a better brother.

     Orion nodded, "She was unharmed. Everyone made it out." he said before looking at Skadi, "Come on. I'm taking you to the others whether you like it or not." he said with a small snort as he told Khepri to help him move her. "We're not too far," he said as they started moving again. Sure enough they soon made it to the herd. "Come on over here..." Orion said as he brought Skadi to a empty area.

     Isis was still watching Solstice a bit. Every now and then Solstice readjusted herself, but Isis left her alone. Though she started to hear murmurs and whispering when she looked up and saw someone she didn't expect to all. "K-Khepri...I-i thought you didn't....make it off the Isle.." she said as she trotted over to him. Though she was happy to see him as she wrapped herself around him giving him a hug.

     Khepri let out a sigh of relief knowing his sister was alright. He went to help Orion as they started to head where Orion was taking them. When Orion brought Skadi to a private spot, he looked over seeing his sister. "Isis!" he said relieved to see her again as she came over, "Well...we barely made it off, but we managed to get off at the last second," he said nuzzling her.

     Isis smiled as she looked over at Skadi pinning her ears. She still didn't like her, but her brother only sighed, "It's going to take time for her to change, but she needs help...I tried helping her, but I don't know a thing about healing.." he said before he looked around and noticed Solstice, "Maybe Solstice could help...?" he asked, but he was confused when his sister shook her head.

     "Even if she would..she can't." she sighed looking over at her, "She needs to rest and she can't do that if everyone keeps bugging her.." she said knowing her brother was still confused, "I'm still not sure what's wrong with her, but she just can't.." Isis wasn't told of why Solstice was..well not her normal self, but she still tried making sure she slept fine.. "I should go make sure no one wakes her up.." she said nuzzling her brother before she went back over to where she was. 

     Khepri just nuzzled her back before he walked over to Orion and Skadi..she was still her normal self, "Alright I'm laying down now go away," she said with a small snort. Orion only looked at Khepri as he just shrugged. Orion then left looking at Solstice about to walk over to her when Isis gave him a look. He just sighed before he went over to the group knowing they must have saw Skadi and Khepri, "I don't even know how she lasted this long with infected burns like those...but I know Eclipsetess and Solstice are resting, so someone else would have to tend to her...she's still her snappy self though..." he said as a bit of a warning..

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