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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265408 Posted on 2023-01-18 18:43:56

Cerise and Slip had walked up to the new Isle only to be greeted by an Alicorn King. He had a magnificent horn and gorgeous wings. He had asked them which Isle they had came from. 

Cerise looked over at her older brother Slip, then said, "We came from the Isle of Mountains, we're hardy unicorns and would like to see what this new Isle has to offer us." Slip knew that no matter what he would have said, Cerise would have spoken up. She's always so outspoken and just speaks her mind. He sometimes has to keep her in check, "even though that's hard enough" he thought to himself, or apologize for her bluntness. Slip was a very decisive type of Unicorn and always thought through things before speaking. Cerise on the other hand was the total opposite. 

Slip seconded his sisters claim though, "Yes, we are both very hardy and wish to visit your magnificent Isle. We hope to potentially make a new home here as well. If you'll have us." The both bowed their heads in respect to the King and waited for his answer.  

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#265409 Posted on 2023-01-18 18:49:24

     The two stallions just looked at her. They hoped she knew something..even if it was the smallest bit of information, but they didn't expect her to know. Orion just sighed and gave a small nod as he looked back over at Solstice again. She just stood off by herself her head lowered slightly as she had them closed resting..almost completely asleep. Instead she was just listening to the sounds around her when her stomach started to twist and turn..

     Namir sighed as well as he watched her, "Would have though she would have talked to you...she seems to talk to you more then the rest of us," he said nuzzling Eclipsetess, "Well I guess not so much anymore since she hardly talks to any of us anymore..I've tried getting her to talk, but she just says she's fine. She isn't...something isn't okay with her.." he said worriedly as he looked at Azulia as she came over.

     Orion didn't say much as he looked over at Solstice. He briefly looked at Azulia and the book before he looked back at Solstice. Something told him something was wrong as he quickly trotted over to Solstice, "Alright. You've pushed us away what's wrong..?" he asked her concerned as he nuzzled her, "Come on...we're all worried about you...your normally not so distant.."

     Solstice just slowly opened her eyes as her stomach started to twist and turn a bit making her uncomfortable and slightly distressed. She hesitantly looked up at Orion as she nuzzled him slightly. Orion saw that something must have been wrong and urged her to go to the others. Solstice didn't have a choice as she just nodded and slowly started walking towards the others while keeping her gaze lowered. 

     Namir hadn't noticed the title of the book, but he watched Orion as he just trotted off without a word. At first he was confused, but then he saw Orion urge her to come over, but he instantly knew something was wrong once Solstice made her way over to them. "Sis..." he said quietly as he stepped up to her, but she said nothing and hardly acknowledged them. Namir and Orion were both more worried as they looked at each other before looking at Eclipsetess and Azulia worried.

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#265410 Posted on 2023-01-18 19:05:54

"Ah no need to bow in my presence, but please make yourselves comfortable, and I have some friends to introduce to you! Besides my wife- mate- mother of our foals.. But I did add a marketplace for any horse of any size to go roaming freely, but I am quick to pretection since that stallion is out.." the king told the two, he stopped hovering as he landed down this time, though his crown slipped from its placement and dangled onto his face as he quickly moved it back.

"Well we shouldn't waste the day away then! Come come, and try to keep up with my trotting, I am a little speedy for a big stallion like me." the alicorn king said, he was very cheerful to the two horses, but he did know that they were siblings since he could tell because of his excitment calming down.

"Though we do have three herds together, since the Isle ahead of us on the opposite side- which is the first one, has burned down due to uknown or natural causes, but the three herds all came from the same Isle, I do also have some homes built into rocks if you wish to stay." the king spoke again, he made sure to be slow so that the horses were to catch up.

He did stop to take the two siblings on a little detour for the bit so it's not a boring tour to them, but he did say hello to some horses dotted here and there for a lively kingdom, and the horses here and there greeted him back and the two horses behind him.

"Now the herds, we have three like I said, but they are all different, the last herd which is the first to you is Buckwheat's herd, he has an adopted daughter! Who unfortantely has no name, but a BIG scar on her face down to her bottom lip to the left, sad yes I know, but she's very sweet! The next herd used to be Phoenix's herd, a ruthless stallion he was, he unfortantely lost to Scorn." the alicorn king paused before speaking again, he needed to pause because of his catching-up-breath..

"A more gentler and "weaker" stallion than him, but he's rather kind to all horses of his herd, he doesn't mind if they leave or stay, but he does make them decide on their decision to join or leave and then he asks them for a final decision, it's where he truly accepts mares and stallions altogether, he also helps any horse who does not want to join to find a better herd for them." the alicorn king said, he paused as Scorn came over because of his curiosity.

"Who are these lovely horses?" Scorn asked in a compliment, he then giggled but the king told him they were newcomers, which got Scorn to be a little giddy, which made him flap his wings and accidentally teleport Eclipsetess over.

"Well speak of the devils! Here's Scorn!" the alicorn king said, Scorn was as usual with his scars all over to make him look intimidating with his black coat as well.

"Wha-? Scorn? DAD?! What? What is it?! Something is important, tell me now." Eclipsetess said, she ignored the king when he spoke, but she was a bit more demanding at Scorn, but he apologized to her but he did introduced her to the newcomers here.

"And you two are?" Eclipsetess asked the two new horses, Scorn sat down next to his adopted daughter, which was Eclipsetess, an alicorn at heart.

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#265413 Posted on 2023-01-18 19:57:23

Cerise was tentatively listening to the Alicorn King's welcome as he landed from hovering. She noticed his crown had slid and giggled a bit under her breath. Slip was close enough to hear and swat at her with his tail. She knew that she needed to not mention the slipping of the crown, no matter the hilarity of it. The King told them, "Come Come, and try to keep up with my trotting". Cerise and Slip both knew that size was of no difference to how speedy a horse could be. 

Slip knew that his powerful hindquarters could easily overtake the Alicorn King, but he knew that he needed to stay behind. He whispered to Cerise, "We both know that we don't need to go this slow, but let's humor the king. We need a place to stay and want to make the best first impression." Cerise nodded to Slip in agreement. 

Cerise and Slip were excitedly listening to the Alicorn King's explanation of the Isle. When they heard that the other Isle had burnt down, they just looked at each other. They knew that they needed somewhere new to live and were hoping this was a more stable place than their last home. They loved the scenery of this new place however and were getting more and more excited to have a possible home here. 

They both listened to the King's explanation of a Stallion called Buckwheat and of his unnamed daughter who had a scarred face. Slip knew that scars weren't a bad thing. He had one of his own that was pretty intimidating when you caught first glimpse of it. They weren't sure if this herd would be a good fit, so they endured on to see the other herds that the King had mentioned. 

Cerise was following closely behind Slip, even though she was more outspoken, she was still the little sister and enjoyed having her big brother's protection. Cerise and Slip trotted behind the King listening to his explanation about the second herd on the Isle. How it did belong to a ruthless stallion, but how he was defeated and now Scorn was the leader. They walked up to Scorn's herd where he noticed them and came over. 

"Who are these lovely horses?" Said the one who must be called Scorn, thought Cerise. Cerise just stared at this battle-scarred alicorn. "He seems intimidating" thought Cerise, "but I bet he's a big softie." As Scorn waved his wings, a new horse popped in out of thin air. This startled both Cerise and Slip and they both jumped just a little. Cerise knew magic was a thing, but had never seen it performed aside from healing her and Slip. She thought it was just because of a bond they had. 

Slip stared at this newcomer. She seemed a bit impatient and demanding. Something that Slip was a bit used to in his sister. This new mare had just asked who Cerise and him were. He knew that Cerise would end up slipping and be blunt. She didn't take kindly to harsh words. So to keep the peace, he swished his long tail over Cerise's mouth to tell her to keep it shut. "Hello, It's very nice to meet you both. My name is Sleipnir, but you can call me Slip, and this here is my sister, Cerise." Cerise decided it was at this point that she wanted to speak up. 

"I'm Cerise, like he said." as she stepped up beside Slip, "We're new to the Isle. Came from the Isle of Mountains. We hope to maybe make a home here and hope you'll welcome us. You will welcome us won't you?", said Cerise as she side-eyed this new mare. At this point, Slip stepped in and nudged his sister's neck. "What my sister means, is that we hope to not intrude, but hope to be welcome here as well. We don't want to be a bother, but we are looking for a new home" Slip knew that he must look odd to these horses, especially standing next to his sister who at least had a horn. To bad that horns were a touchy spot for Slip. He would give anything to have his back.

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#265414 Posted on 2023-01-18 20:19:50

(Btw I didn't make Scorn's design, so that's why he didn't light up with a link attached)

"Ah Eclipsetess, sorry about being demanding, I'm not usually rude, only if I'm being protective. Which father knows that." Eclipsetess said, she did look at Scorn as he silently wheezed to himself as she did a bow of respect in her way, which was bringing her wings up with a little flare and lowering her horn to where it looked straight.

"Technically I'm not his daughter, an adopted one since me and Azulia were banned or kicked out, or even banished.. I don't remember it now, but I think we were either banned or kicked out, but we were really young like a few weeks into being foals but we were quickly adopted by Scorn when he passed by us, he had a small herd but now.. It's rather too big for our- forested home to take.." Eclipsetess stopped talking at the end, Scorn and the king stopped, Eclipsetess then pinned her ears but Scorn perked up.

"A-and if the king didn't say anything bout' the last herd, I have a friend that's a lone mare that has her own herd of mares, she took the old spot of used-to-be-Phoenix's herd's spot, Moonshine and Apollo are a new pair into my herd just like the other mares that still stick by her, but at least their more comfortable now." Scorn said, he stuttered at talking again? Weird.

"Don't you have your twins to look after with your mate Grey Cloud?" Eclipsetess asked Scorn, he smiled awkwardly before excusing himself as Eclipsetess sighed, and teleported him over to Grey Cloud with the two foals.

"Don't be alarmed by our magic, there's many more than you think, way more.. Even forbidden magic is the real deal, both Scorn and.. Dragon Devil, had them!" Eclipsetess informed Cerise and Slip, she was cold and hard about Dra since he was dead but terrorized her, the alicorn king knew that just by her body language alone.

"Y-yes yes, don't be alarmed, now Scorn's friend's name is Mesa (<--- link), she's a chestnut-bay mix, with chimera, brindle, silver and flaxen. And she's a regular-born horse, a horse born without magic but still inherited coats." the alicorn king said, Eclipsetess was staring at him confused but she shrugged it off.

"And that we also have Bastilla, a regular-born horse as well, but with a purple marking that paint splashed, and with a sun and moon marking together, she does also have a heart on her shoulder as well, the marking is considered to be on her right. Letting you know." Eclipsetess said, she made her horn glow and within seconds she had Faith appear before her, the king as he widened his eyes, Cerise and Slip.

The alicorn king bowed before Faith as she just laughed cutely, she was the goddess of everything, the ruler of The Heavens now and even a great friend as well, Faith is the one who is most active as a goddess and is more of a dazzling friend to heal anything.

"Heal Slip's horn back on his forehead." Eclipsetess told Faith, she had her wings spread out when she was teleported, so she drew them back in and she spreaded them out on accident, then she walked over to Slip as she moved beside him and wrapped her wing or wings on him.

Then without a second glance, Faith's wing began glowing white as well as Slip, she was referred as "The Healing Goddess" now, which was obviously how she acts but she was the original goddess of Faith- literally.. But after she made sure Slip's healed completely, she made herself glow, taking in anything bad and putting it in her body as it dispersed alone.

Then Slip had a horn to call his own, but how did Eclipsetess know that Slip didn't have a horn? She must've been examining him then..

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#265423 Posted on 2023-01-19 04:28:00

     Solstice just leaned into Orion a bit as she placed her head on his back. She still said nothing. She hadn't spoken to anyone in what seemed like forever. Orion and Namir just looked at each other as they were both concerned and unsure about what was wrong with her, but there wasn't really anything wrong.. Though they didn't know that. Even her necklace acted strange at times.

     Orion sighed as he looked at Solstice and gently nudged her a small bit. "Just talk to us Solstice...we can't help you if you won't talk to least talk to someone.." he said quietly as Solstice only looked at him before she looked down. Namir stepped over and nuzzled her, "Solstice come on. You've hardly spoken to anyone in the past week or so." Orion said looking at Namir again.

     Solstice only sighed as she looked at the two of them before she looked at Azulia then back down again, "I..." she paused talking quietly, "I don't know...I'm always tired...always exhausted...I-i don't why..I used to never I'm doing it all day and night...I can't help it.." she said looking up slightly when she started to feel some pain in her stomach causing her to winced slightly.

     Namir looked at Orion unsure of what could make her sleep as much as she does, but he noticed her wince..even if it is just the slightest. Namir just nuzzled her, but Solstice just looked up slightly as she looked at Eclipsetess who had been with some new horses it seemed. She said nothing as she slowly walked over her head lowered slightly. Namir and Orion looked at each other again with the same expression on their faces.

     Though Solstice just stood beside Eclipsetess as she looked up at the two new horses. She tried to work up a small smile, but she could only hold it for a few seconds. Hardly even noticed Faith was there. "Hello..." she said speaking slightly louder then she did before. She tried to act as fine as she could, but she really couldn't, "And who might the two of you be...?" she asked before she shifted her weight hoping it would help, but it didn't.

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#265426 Posted on 2023-01-19 07:00:22

Eclipsetess looked at Solstice for a bit before starting to show her worry when she started darting her eyes around, trying to figure out where to look or where to keep eye contact, and that was when the alicorn king put his wing on her to calm her down when she looked up at him with worry..

"Dear mare, do not show your worry when you have nowhere to look, you are alright and you are fine by simple staring which is acknowledging a presence or more. You have somewhere to look and it's best if you be yourself, you are safe in an alicorn haven, where you are tended to when scared or distraught." the alicorn king said, Eclipsetess realized that the king had a light cream colored coat when she calmed down.

"Sorry your majesty, I just worry more then usual, which would be way far more greater then a normal horse could, I show it when I get more scared when I feel out of place.." Eclipsetess told the king, she ignored everyone around her to tell the king just that.

"It's alright my dear, I do act like a mother rather a father for my behavior, how else did you think I was always so keen on a simple thing or two?" the king said, Eclipsetess noticed how soft his feathers were as she fell asleep and he teleported her back to the herd to rest.

"Solstice, why not sleep under my wings as well? Mares, stallions, and some foals and yearlings said that my feathers are just as soft as a pink fluffy cloud!" the king asked Solstice, he did teleport Eclipsetess back to the herd when she fell asleep after all.

"And these two newcomers here are Cerise and Sleipnir, they just arrived!" the alicorn king said in a excited tone just much like Scorn did, though he did manage to get back to being serious which was more intimidating then Scorn was, which was a little frightening to Scorn- I suppose.

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#265428 Posted on 2023-01-19 07:18:16

There was so many emotions running through Slip. He and Cerise had just been told about the herd and few of the horses there. It all seemed so much to learn, but he was determined to get it right. Cerise on the other hand, she couldn't care less. She was interested in meeting all the new horses, but they would just have to get over her not knowing who was who until she just learned everything. 

As this new Alicorn, Eclipsetess they called her, was talking she spread her wings and newcomer arrived. The Alicorn King bowed to this newcomer so both Cerise (even though she was blunt and in your face, she still had respect) and Slip bowed. Then to Cerise's surprise this Eclipsetess said something that shocked her. "Heal Slip's horn back on his forehead." Cerise's eyes widened as she watched Slip being wrapped in Faith's wings and then started to glow white. He actually started to glow! Then as the light started to fade and Faith unwrapped her wings, Slip was there. Now with a horn. 

Slip felt a very tingly feeling as Faith wrapped her wings around him, then without a second thought he felt a sharp pain shoot from his forehead where his horn used to be. He winced as the area seemed tender and as Faith pulled her wings back from him. He turned to his sister, and to his amazement saw shock in her eyes. "Cerise is never shocked." Thought Slip. Cerise said, "It's amazing Slip! It looks just like mine, but brown and white!" Slip just stared at her, what was she talking about? What looked just like hers? 

"What looks like yours?" Slip asked. Cerise just answered, "Your horn Slip. You have a horn. I never could heal it remember?" Slip bowed his head and raise his hoof and felt a something from his forehead. Cerise was right! He lifted his head and shouted to the Heavens, "I have a horn!" 

Cerise just stared in amusement at her older brother. He never let loose like this and got excited. She was happy for him. He had his horn back, something that she had never seen him with since he lost it before she was born. As Slip was rejoicing for his lost horn growing back, a new mare had walked up to them. 

Cerise took one look at this mare and noticed that there was something off about her. She looked a little on the heavier side, but didn't look like she was overweight as she was still very fit in all the right places, just her stomach looked bigger. Slip was still rejoicing that his horn had grown back and didn't notice until the Newcomer had spoken, "Hello..." she had said. 

Slip calmed down and said to Faith, "Thank you so much! I had lost my horn when I was but a colt due to a battle that had happened within our old herd. I'm glad to have it back" That's when he noticed the new mare and his brotherly instincts instantly went into hyperdrive. Something was wrong with this mare.. He just looked at her and asked, "Are you okay?" 

That was when Slip watched Eclipsetess and Solstice was teleported back to the herd. He wished he had gotten the chance to hear if she was okay. However he just looked back up to the Alicorn King, who had a more intimidating look on his face now.

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#265432 Posted on 2023-01-19 07:57:51

     Solstice slightly smiled when she saw how excited the stallion was, but she didn't really say anything until she looked at the alicorn king. "I'll be fine...I've been sleeping a lot the past week or two already..." she said quietly and slowly almost like she had short breath. She knew something wasn't right, but she just thought it had been some type of sickness of some sort. She did have a weak immune system due to getting the spots on her body when she was affected by the Color Fading awhile back.

     Though she did look at the two new horses and nodded a small bit, "It's nice to meet you both.." she said pausing to take a breath or two before she sighed, "Just tired is all..I'm sure I'll be fine in a day or two.." she said before she turned around and slowly walked away starting to head back to the spot she was previously at. Solstice just laid down in the same spot and curled up, but she just couldn't get comfortable.

     Her necklace was acting strange just like Solstice was. There were times when she was doing slightly better causing her necklace to have a brighter hue, but at the time, her necklace was duller then it normally was. Her necklace was what kept her alive. Without it she could die in seconds. She had to guard it with her life, but the necklace matched the color of her eyes. Except it was dull sometimes when something was wrong..

     Moon had noticed Solstice had been socializing a little bit more that day, but she also noticed something was definitely wrong. She seemed to recognize it, but it just didn't click with her. Moon just sighed as she stood up and had her son Apollo follow her as they walked over to Namir and Orion, "Still don't know what's wrong with her I'm guessing?" she said slightly worried. She remembered seeing Namir's and Solstice's mother similar to this, and it pained her..

     Namir and Orion just watched Solstice closely before they looked at Moon and Apollo. Orion just shook his head, "No...she won't talk..just says she fine, but I don't think she knows what's wrong either...I did notice her necklace seemed a bit duller then it normally is..meaning something is wrong.." he said worriedly. Both Orion and Solstice didn't think about what it really was. They didn't realize that it was actually a good thing...they just didn't think about it...

     Moon just looked over at Solstice seeing her struggling to get comfortable as Solstice just ended up standing up again and just closed her eyes. "There's got to be something...she may have a weaker immune system, but I really don't think she's sick...I think it might something else. If she was sick with something, then she'd be worse then what she is, but something is wrong."

     Namir nodded in agreement, "Yeah...I don't think she is either, but we can't help her if she won't talk to us..." he said knowing that it was very unlike Solstice to seclude herself away from everyone like she had been. That and the strange weight gain. Namir knew she was barely eating. Though he looked at Moon and Orion, "Maybe we should take her to Oceanus..? She might know what's wrong..." he suggested unsure about things. 

     "I don't think it's something her healing pool can heal..." Orion said as he sighed. He just looked at Solstice as he just walked over to her. He nuzzled her a bit as she barely returned the gesture which worried him more. He sighed as he placed his head over her neck for comfort. He didn't care if she wanted him there or not. He wasn't going to leave her side when they didn't know what was wrong..

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#265434 Posted on 2023-01-19 08:23:33

"Wait here." Cerise said to Slip. "I think I may know what's wrong with that mare, Solstice was her name?" Asked Cerise to the Alicorn King. The King just nodded and so Cerise walked over to the mare. 

Slip watched bewildered as his sister walked over to the mare known as Solstice. She wasn't alone, she had a stallion with her leaning his head over her neck. Slip wanted to follow his sister to make sure she was okay. He didn't want to leave her alone in this unfamiliar land. He didn't trust these new horses just yet. He was a hard horse to gain trust of others. Especially after his and Cerise's dark past. 

Slip took a couple steps towards Cerise, wanting to follow her. Cerise noticed and said, "Slip, stay there. This doesn't concern you." Slip started to protest, "But sis, you don't..." Cerise cut him off at that point, "Brother, I know you want to protect me, but I sense that this herd won't hurt me. Please stay there while I go talk to this mare." He just stood back and watched Cerise go. "I hope she knows what she's doing.. Her intuition is never wrong." He said under his breath.

Cerise trotted up to the couple. "Hi!" she said, "My name is Cerise. I noticed you seem to not be feeling too well and I was hoping maybe I could help? I know you don't know me, but sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know. I can heal my brother though, his name is Slip. The stallion you met up there" As she pointed to where Slip and the Alicorn King was standing. "Anyways, I couldn't help but to notice that you seemed like you were in pain a bit, Are you okay? Maybe I could try to heal you! Or at least talk to you." Cerise sometimes rambled and couldn't help but just blurting it all out to Solstice. 

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#265437 Posted on 2023-01-19 09:28:12

Azulia was far into the book, Eclipsetess was just interested in her research but chose to sleep too, Azulia already knew the reason for why Solstice was acting weird and she filled Eclipsetess in on the details and what's happening to Solstice, but she was she stopped breathing when she saw the last part of the sentence.

Minette was trotting around the herd, the one mare caught her eye as she walked over to the curious mare, but she turn around to run over to the new stallion as well, Eclipsetess just watched with her one open eye but she fell asleep due to e\her restrained tiredness getting to her.

Azulia just watched over Eclipsetess and Minette, heck even the couple horses from a month ago was in the herd like normal, the blue dragon slug foal did trot over to Minette with curious and an extreme case of curiosity-itess, Minette did chase the foal around with the slightest but not caring nature of all.

Azulia then called over to the foals to come back while the mare and stallion for the foal just watched with patience and caring efforts, but the mare did fall asleep, her gorgeous neon-like tobiano coat giving her an effect to symbolize the northern lights while the stallion looked like he was born from thunder.

But then! A flash of light bolted right down onto the ground, at angle, near the water but middle-near it as Eclipsetess suddenly got up with a burst of speed and energy as Azulia did the same but not as scared as Eclipsetess, the mare even trotted over to the black spot that the lightening struck.

Eclipsetess just had her wings out but in a strut kind-of-way, her horn glowing and her breathing calming now, even Azulia was next to her as Buckwheat, Scorn, and even the king went over to check it out as well, they wanted safety for their herds and the king's kingdom as well..

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#265438 Posted on 2023-01-19 10:02:50

     Orion was getting more worried about Solstice the more she didn't say anything. He wasn't sure if she was just hiding away the truth, but he started to think that she knew just as much as he did. And that was nothing. Solstice just seemed to tense as it felt like her stomach was twisting and turning making her more uncomfortable. Orion felt her tense up which worried him more. "Solstice...what's wrong...please just tell me...we only want to help you.." he said worriedly.

     Solstice just barely looked at him, "I..." she paused, "I...don't...know Orion...I'm miserable.." she admitted as she hung her head down low a tear or two coming to her eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with me..." she said quietly and clearly hurting as she looked at Orion. She knew he couldn't do anything. None of them could. "I'im sure it's nothing..." she said trying to convince herself..

     Orion didn't know what to say or do. Instead he just softly nudged her telling her to lay down even if she protested against it. "There's not much I can do Solstice...I've tried finding something in my books, but there was nothing. Azulia had a book earlier, but I didn't see what the title of it was..." he said loosing focus for a moment when he looked over at Azulia only to see a unfamiliar horse approach which he got a bit defensive because he was worried about Solstice.

     Solstice just laid down which made her uncomfortable as she looked seeing the new mare. She just looked at Orion, "Relax..." she said having a small shortness of breath as she slowly looked at the mare nodding slightly. "I'm afraid there isn't much you could do.." she sighed nuzzling Orion's knee since he was still standing. "I've gone through way worse anyways...I should be fine in a day or two..."

      Orion just snorted looking at Solstice, "Dra has nothing to do with this. Your unwell...what you went through with Dra isn't the same as this. Don't compare them because they aren't the same. Your necklace says it since it's a bit dull right now.." he said with a slight angry tone before shifting to a concerned tone. "Stop saying your aren't..not even close to being fine."

     She only sighed, "What am I supposed to do Orion...? I don't have the energy of strength to do things I used to do....I don't even think I can fly anymore.." she said completely forgetting the mare was right there as she looked down slightly. "I'm fine really..." she said trying to convince herself even though she ignored the look Orion gave her. "I don't think there's anything that you can do, but it's very kind of you to offer something like that.." she said trying to get comfortable.

     Though Solstice jumped onto her hooves when there was a lightning bolt that came out of no where. Orion jumped slightly as well, but he focused on Solstice making sure she was fine knowing she wasn't. "I'm fine....just got startled is all.." she said slowly as she nuzzled him a bit. Solstice looked over where the lightning bolt struck as she started to walk over ignoring Orion's protests. Namir's too as he went to investigate, "I'm fine alright. Just let me look..." she grumbled as she stood next to Eclipsetess unsure of what happened or what was happening...

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#265441 Posted on 2023-01-19 10:48:09

"Azuia, put the book down, we can solve this without books." Eclipsetess mumbled, Azulia got surprised since Eclipestess could tell that she was still reading her book, which was a bit confusing since she was looking at the black spot.

"I sense danger.." Eclipsetess whispered, she shot up her head to look at the sky, she then pinned her ears as she made focus on the stormy gray clouds, they didn't rain yet, which was a bit concerning.

"This isn't a storm! Get back! Everyone!" Eclipsetess said, Azulia was chased off the scene as Eclipestess guiding the alicorn king away from the black spot, she even teleported Solstice and Namir away too.

Eclipsetess was about to fly to get out of the way, when the wind got so strong it formed a tornado, but it didn't move which it too was concerning to say the least. But Eclipsetess managed to fly out of the tornado as she shot up and used her new acrobatic moves to dodge the high winds, and land perfectly fine without a scratch.

"Haha! Sorry about that! Can't control my ability and power!" a mares voice rang out in the tornado and as a echo, but as the tornado disappeared, a gray tobiano pegasus with watermelon colored eyes was standing there in the same spot as the lightening struck.

Her forelock, mane, and tail however were brown to contrast with the body and the mares markings, but she did seem a little wild which was got Eclipsetess to be defensive..

"And you are?" Eclipsetess asked the gray tobiano mare, she seemed happier to see that was recognised? Probably more happier to see that someone was protecting something, the alicorn king however was a little fearful before trotting over to help with anything.

"The names Atrium! I control the high power of air, but I also have the strenght to hold a lightening bolt!" Atrium said, she raised her wings high as a second smaller pair was showing to be revealed.

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#265443 Posted on 2023-01-19 11:52:08

     Solstice was starting to get a bit annoyed with everyone. Sure she loved them, and knew they were only trying to help, but she was a bit annoyed. Namir just watched Solstice very closely. Well it was a bit odd for her to be snappy like she just was, but he almost didn't recognize her. Namir said nothing though. Orion just watched from a close distance. Solstice just looked at where the bolt of lightning hit as she saw the black spot.

     "That's-" Solstice was cut off when she looked up sensing the danger, but she couldn't act. Thankfully Eclipsetess teleported her and her brother somewhere safer. Orion came rushing over to her making sure she was unharmed, but she only pinned her ears a bit and laid down, "Stop babying me. I'm just a little unwell. I'll be fine." she said snapping at the both of them a bit which took them by surprise. 

     Namir and Orion only looked at each other as Moon walked over Apollo close to her side, "She is right. Go. Leave her be." she said being a bit demanding while having her motherly tone as always, "Go on shoo." she told the two stallions. They just looked at her then Solstice before they hesitantly walked away which seemed to relax Solstice as she thanked Moon. "Well you are all grown know how they are though...I don't need to explain it to you.." she said looking at Solstice with a bit of worry.

     "But you do need to talk to someone when something is wrong.." Moon sighed as she looked down, "Your mother was the same way...she drove everyone away from her when something was wrong, and it hurt everyone around her...including her..I don't want to see the same happen to you.." she said nuzzling Solstice a bit before she got up and left letting Solstice process what she had just told her.

     Though Solstice said nothing as she looked at this mare that appeared. Solstice slowly and carefully got back up as her nerves were down. Calm again. Though she had enough excitement for one day as she just turned away finding a spot away from everyone. She just needed some peace and quiet for a bit. Orion was about to follow her, but Namir only pulled on his ear, "Ow! What was that for?" he huffed.

     Namir just gave him a look, "If you go to her now Moon will chase you off. She's done it with me in the past, but Solstice needs her space.." he sighed, "We may just want to help, but we can't continue to bother her either. She needs space, so give her some. We'll figure something out...which I think Azulia has something she's keeping from us..." he said noticing how much she had her nose in that book of hers, but he didn't know what it was about.

     Though it got Namir curious as he directed to Orion to follow him as he walked over to Azulia once he spotted her. "How's the book there..?" he asked as Orion stepped up to his side. "You seem to be enjoying it...but I also know it has something to do with my sister...something that I think you know?" he said looking at Orion for a second, "We're just worried Azulia...we want to know what's wrong...she's just no where near her normal self.." he sighed looking down..

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#265447 Posted on 2023-01-19 13:03:20

Cerise was a bit taken aback by the mare not accepting her help. "I just want..." She started as she was cut off when a giant lightning bolt had struck the ground near where the mare called Eclipsetess was. Solstice had gotten up to walk over there when Cerise started to follow more slowly. She nodded to Slip to get his attention to come meet her there as she was curious. 

Slip noticed his sister's motion, knowing that it meant to come to her, and started towards her when a tornado had appeared in the sky! It was unmoving, staying in one spot when it dispersed and a Gray Tobiano Mare had stepped out. She said her name was Atrium. Why did that name sound familiar? 

Cerise had stepped up beside Slip and leaned to whisper into his ear, "I know what's wrong with that mare, but she wouldn't take my offer to try to help heal her. Not that my healing would help anyways, but that's beside the point." Slip just turned his head and shook his mane to get his jitters from the lightning bolt out. "What do you mean that wouldn't have helped? You don't even know if you can heal others." 

"I know I don't know, but I can't tell you just yet. I don't think the poor thing knows what's wrong with her. Maybe that mare that Eclipsetess was with earlier can help." Cerise starts to walk over towards where Eclipsetess is. She nods her head when she steps up beside Eclipsetess, "I hope it's okay for me to stand here beside you." said Cerise. Cerise knew this new mare, Atrium, from somewhere. She just couldn't place her nose on it, but either way, she had a funny feeling.

Last edited on 2023-01-19 at 13:59:21 by Deer Creek

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