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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265313 Posted on 2023-01-16 11:46:33

     Orion nodded respectfully, "Thank you that is rather kind of you," he said with a small smile as he looked at the mare before he looked down at all of the bracelets. There was a lot, but he was sure he would find something perfect for Solstice. He just wanted to help her to feel better...worry less. He hoped getting her something would help a little. Though he couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he looked over at Minette.

     Orion looked at each bracelet and other things as Eclipsetess read their names out loud. He noticed that most of them glowed when she said their names which he thought was a bit strange, but he's seen things stranger then glowing bracelets. Solstice's necklace was almost always glowing, but she still couldn't find any answers on it. He knew how much she wanted to find any kind of information on her mother's necklace. It was almost like she had to speak to her mother, but there was no way for her to.

     Though Orion looked at the Moon Charm bracelet. Solstice was the moon goddess. The night calmed her. Sometimes she was more awake during the night then she was during the day. He knew it was the one as he looked at the shopkeeper. "There's a lot of things that make her special..." he said looking at Eclipsetess knowing she understood what he said. He knew they would have to hurry since he figured she wouldn't be asleep for too much longer.

     Orion put the bracelet in the special box when Eclipsetess had put it down, and he closed it. He could help but laugh seeing all the bracelet's Minette had on, "Well killed two birds with one stone I suppose," he said as they were trying to find something for Minette in the first place. Though he looked over at the mare as she showed herself, but he'd never seen anything like it. 

     Though uniqueness was always good. Orion thanked the mare as he grabbed the box and nodded, "Yeah. Hopefully she's still asleep, but she probably won't be for long. You know how she is..." he sighed as they walked back to the herd. Orion thanked Eclipsetess before he walked over to Solstice laying back down beside her as she was still asleep. He just let her sleep. She needed it.

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#265315 Posted on 2023-01-16 13:07:50

Eclipsetess trotted over to the herd to see what was happening, since nothing much was really going on, a peaceful and protective kingdom would serve a reason for most horses to not come near, unless traveling was their thing then ignoring everything was the key to it.. Ah anyways, Minette kept up with Eclipsetess since she looked a little arrogant and pompus that's showing in her little trot to keep up with Eclipsetess.

Then Eclipsetess turned around to see a little pompus and arrogant trotting foal, Eclipsetess thought that it was cute and adorable, though she did stop as Minette scrunched together to only back up when she saw that Eclipsetess stopped trotting when she turned around to Minette stopping.

Eclipsetess then started to nuzzle Minette as she started to whinny happily, Eclipsetess just smiled as she nibbled on Minette's little mane and even her coat but with gentle nibbles. Though Blush poked her head out from the market with another mare it seems, Blush then spotted Eclipsetess and Minette as she quickly trotted over to her and the strange mare came with her too.

Eclipsetess perked up her ears and looked up as two hooves were trotting over to her, but she didn't expect to be so quick as she jumped when the two horses were right up behind her, Minette said hello in her little nickers, whinnies, and whatever else she could say in.

"Hey there little one! Remember me?" Blush asked Minette, Minette just whinnied happily as she saw her before, which made her quite happy to say the least.

"Hey again, I saw your name on the card that you gave Orion, Blush right?" Eclipsetess asked the pink mare, Blush just smiled and nodded away at what Eclipsetess said, Blush even giggled happily.

"Yup! That's me! I just wanted to bring my friend over to see you, I tell her about all the new customers I usually recieve. Which she got curious, so I brought her over to greet you, your foal, and that stallion that you know. Oh and my friend knows her boundaries, so you don't gotta worry." Blush said, the mare behind Blush got a little blushy.

"So what's your friends name then?" Eclipsetess asked Blush, the mare looked back at her friend, who long ears kinda like a rabbit.

"Oh her name is Amarillo! She's a sweet mare, but she's a mule, a sweet one like I said!" Blush said, Amarillo looked up at Eclipsetess and she smiled at Minette, Blush smiled at Amarillo as Eclipsetess did the same.

Amarillo had a yellow body, a light yellow on her stomach that makes it look like her stomach's glowing, Amarillo had a pink muzzle, brown hooves, and brown hair, but the strangest thing was that she had orange glowing markings! She also had brown eyes as well.

Eclipsetess welcomed the two mares with friendliness, Blush smiled and thanked Eclipsetess as Amarillo did the samething, though Amarillo seemed to be quieter then Blush and seemed to ind her own things, but she was aqcuinted with Eclipsetess and Minette now.

Blush then took Amarillo to meet Orion, but since she was quiet Blush would definately learn from her better, Blush then started trotting to Orion but she slowed and stopped when Amarillo just walked since she saw Solstice sleeping, Blush kept quiet but she would whisper to Orion to introduce her to Amarillo!

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#265318 Posted on 2023-01-16 14:17:25

     Orion was extra cautious as he laid back down beside Solstice. Once he got comfortable, Solstice only moved around slightly snuggling with him. Almost like he never left. He was lucky she hadn't waken. Not even a little. Orion just smiled as he fixed her mane a bit since it was all over the place. Her wings spread out and her necklace softly on the ground as she slept. Solstice didn't even notice he even left her side.

     Moon and Apollo were also walking back to the herd once Apollo had seemed to get tired from playing with several foals. Moon had rested while her son played until she thought they could both use a nap. She got up and called Apollo over as they both walked back to the herd and found a spot to lay down. Over by the mares they are usually always by. Moon nuzzled some of them as they nuzzled her and her son.

     They were all getting more comfortable with everyone in the herd, but they all still liked to stay close by each other. Though the two just laid down as Moon made sure Apollo was comfortable at her side as she ushered him to bed before she looked around seeing if anything was going on. Nothing much. She noticed Orion walking back over to Solstice and laying down beside her which made her a bit curious, but then she looked over seeing Namir walking over to Eclisetess and Minette after two mares left.

     Namir had just been walking around a bit until he spotted Eclipsetess and Minette. He walked over nuzzling the both of them as he chuckled seeing all of the bracelets Minette was wearing, "Well it looks like the two of you had a good time." he said looking up seeing the two mares that were walking away. He'd never seen them before, but got a bit curious, "Who were they?" he asked.

     Orion had just been making sure Solstice stayed asleep for awhile knowing she was needing it more then anything. He flicked his ears a bit as he looked around. He noticed Namir approaching Eclipsetess and Minette when he soon noticed two mares walking over. One of them was the pink mare with the necklaces, but he didn't recognize the other. "Can I help you two?" he said barely even whispering. He knew Solstice was completely out, so he didn't talk in a complete whisper.

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#265322 Posted on 2023-01-16 17:28:40

"Oh friends Namir, the first mare is the one who owns her own stand at the market, she sells her own necklaces, the second mare might be the same but I'm not sure since I never noticed her unless she helped that pink mare. By the way, the two mares names are Blush and Amarillo, the first one is Blush and you could guess the second one is Amarillo since I said the first name." Eclipsetess said, Minette just whinnied to Namir happily with the bracelets clinking together a little, it got Eclipsetess laughing all right but she made sure to be quiet about it since some mares were sleeping.

Now with the two mares, Orion and Solstice!

"Oh I was just showing my friend here about you." Blush whispered, Amarillo looked at Orion once when Blush moved out of the way for Amarillo to show herself to him.

Amarillo looked at Orion and began examining Solstice, since she had no idea who the mare with him was, Blush only giggled and found a spot to lay next to Solstice as she looked like she was tired since Amarillo gave her a break, but she only joined her and was watching Solstice from a distance but chose to look away as she might be interrupting something.

"Don't worry Amarillo, we're fine! Just not the Isle behind us, poor Isle.." Blush sympasized the Isle and it's inhabitants, Amarillo only looked at the Isle from the rockway but she then got up and walked back over to Solstice and Orion and she layed down next to them.

Blush only got hesitant since the black alicorn guard took her to the herd, but he only nuzzled her to calm her down for comfort, then he retreated back to his post but Blush then trotted next to Eclipsetess as Minette began yawning when she layed down. Blush did notice Namir, but she was like the herd of mares, she blended in perfectly with pink coat and white splash like a normal everyday mare.

But she did walk up to Eclipsetess when she spotted her, Eclipsetess only got happy as Blush walked up to her with curiousness, even Minette whinnied to her but the whinny was more tired and not excited, Minette then layed down exactly near Eclipsetess as she began licking her since she got some dirt on her coat. Kinda adorable and cute.

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#265327 Posted on 2023-01-16 18:17:37

     Namir just looked at the two mares as they left before he looked at Eclipsetess nodding, "Very well then. Glad to know you made some new friends here.." he said nuzzling her before he looked down at Minette. The stallion just laughed a bit as he nuzzled the filly, "Someone seems to like bracelets," he said nibbling on the filly's small and short mane. He was happy, but he just looked up looking over at Solstice. He still worried about her. He always did.

     Orion just looked at the two, "Oh..well alright then.." he said quietly looking down at Solstice as she just moved to a more comfortable position. He did take a quick moment to glance at her necklace. He tended to do it somewhat often while she slept. It just helped him make sure she was alright. Especially with what happened to her earlier. Orion was more then thankful that Eclipsetess managed to get Solstice out of there.

     Orion saw the small interest the mares had in Solstice, but he nothing about who she was. It wasn't something for him to say, and he didn't want to wake her. He did that enough as is, but he also said nothing about the possibility that they would be expecting a foal... Instead he just kept quiet and let her sleep while making sure she was completely comfortable. Him as well. 

     Though Orion just looked at Blush and looked down as his ears lowered. "She's heartbroken about it....she..almost..didn't make it..." he sighed looking at Blush, "She's been through enough as it is...the last thing she needed was to loose her home.." Orion was hurt about it too as he looked at the burned Isle he called home for only a short time. After that Orion just looked down and sighed barely even noticing that the mares left.

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#265329 Posted on 2023-01-16 18:57:10

"It's not your fault for losing your home, you didn't know what was happening and what to do, you were following orders to keep everyone else safe. I can tell." Amarillo said, she knew what it was like losing a home, even her ears curled a little upwards when she pinned them.

"It's just life one way or another, something dies but a new thing can be remade from the old mold into a new one, you know that mother Nature can find a way on how to make the Isle stronger, she's smarter then you think. But when she was alone I walked up to her when she sat down at the side next to the front entrance of the cave. I got curious at her and she was thinking and I got her caught off guard.." Amarillo said, she made sure to keep her voice a whisper.

"Probably thinking of someway to bring your home back, and better then ever. I wished I had my own mother nature like that, someone to depend on but also dependant on yourself.. It was never like that for me and my herdmates.." Amarillo said, she knew what great pain was since her voice was more hurt then anything she ever felt, she even shedded a tear.

"I should go, so that I don't become a bother to you both, so that I don't wake up your mistress on accident." Amarillo said, she made a tiny mule sound but she tried controlling it as she got up and galloped away as she began crying far away, even the black alicorn guard with his rainbow tips went after her.

Eclipsetess was laying on her side when she noticed the black alicorn also had a faint but bright rainbow mane, Minette was just curious what Eclipsetess was looking as she woke up, but Eclipsetess got her to sleep again as she layed down and took a nap for the day. It was seen in how she was sleeping, she was tired but hid it, everyone could tell when a mare needed sleep and when she didn't.. And Eclipsetess seemed to have hogged the tiredness when she layed down and slept, she just made sure Minette was next to her before falling to actual sleep.

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#265333 Posted on 2023-01-16 19:49:49

     Orion sighed, "I didn't live there long...she was born most of everyone else on that Isle..I'm just lucky Solstice is still here.." he said looking at Amarillo. "But I couldn't protect her...none of us can...none of us were ever able to protect her.." Orion didn't even explain what he meant by that. It was clear none of them knew Solstice, but that was okay. Attention and being known seemed to make Solstice uncomfortable anyway, but she was still asleep.

     "I know the Isle isn't entirely lost, but without it some of us are lost. Some of us have never been off the Isle...some of us have been on every Isle.." he sighed glad Solstice wasn't waking up to this. He knew it would only put her down even more. "Even with the help of will take years to get the Isle back...our home..." Orion just looked at the Isle his ears lowered as he thought about the spells Eclipsetess put on it...making it alive. Was the Isle still alive?

     He didn't know, but he just looked at the mare again, "There's a lot of things many of us never had in the past.." he said before he went silent for a moment or two, "By now it'll be hard to wake her up...she never gets much sleep, so it's good that she's been asleep for as long as she has..." he said slightly readjusting his body, "But farewell.." he said as she just ran off.

     Namir just laid down beside the two as he nuzzled them both. He made sure they both fell asleep before he looked around some. The herd was slowly starting to fall asleep more, but Namir stayed awake since he slept earlier. Namir did watch Orion and Solstice, but he said nothing. He just wasn't sure if he could trust Orion, but it wasn't entirely his fault that Eclipsetess had to go searching for Solstice..

     After awhile Solstice slowly opened her eyes and yawned. By then Orion had his eyes closed, but he opened them when she woke, "Did I wake you..?" she asked him quietly as she nuzzled him still tired. Though Solstice still cuddled up next to him as she looked around. For a moment she thought she was home...but then she realized she wasn't.. Solstice just looked down a bit.

     Orion shook his head, "No you didn't..I was just resting.." he said with a small smile nuzzling her, "I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to wake up.." he said with a small quiet laugh. He seemed to notice she seemed a bit down as he just comforted her, "Hey...the Isle isn't gone forever.." he said quietly before he looked at the special box that was out of her sight, "I got you something..." he said looking back at her..

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#265365 Posted on 2023-01-17 14:11:40

Though three more more poked their heads from the marketplace's entrance as well, one of the horses was a young foal of filly gender, this foal looked like a Blue Dragon Slug, and the little foal trotted over to Buckwheat's herd as she started making her way to the last herd since the horses were squished together when crossing the bridge.

The second horse to come out was a mare that looked rather dazzling, and some of the horses didn't care for her but the last horse to trot up next to her was a rather fine stallion, he was also rather bulky as well. He was bet to be a friesian of some mix as he had some spines, blue forelock, and mane. But his tail was rather shaggy on the bottom and curved around but at the end was a feathered part of the tail.

The stallion also had a small horn but with spikes showing on the front, even two little spikes were at the muzzle base, where there was a fang or two as well, also there were small but many dotted spikes around the stallions body, also his tail was barren but not at the bottom, but the shaggy hair that fell disappeared when it near to the feathered base of the end of the tail.

The mare whoever was a tobiano but very beautiful like she captured the northern lights and put them in her body, her hooves were a light blue as the stallions hooves were a dark blue, though she had a marking were her face marking didn't touch her eyes but barely did.

Now the filly of the three was rather cute as her eyes match the top and bottom part of her coat, even her mane and tail matched her coat as well, the mare whoever just went into the herds and trotted to her to recollect her as some of the sleeping horses looked up at her, which made them curious and the mare and foals stallion to come over to collect them as well.

One of the mares from the herd accdentally got Eclipsetess to wake up, as Minette stood up with a daze, Eclipsetess just nuzzled her since she was up by now, but it also meant she was curious at what was happening around which made herself confuse and want herself to check out what was happening but she just stayed with Minette for the time being.

Eclipsetess did get Minette to fall alseep standing, which was rather good so that she could start learning how to get moving when something happened, it was fight or flight responses so it was great that Eclipsetess was teaching her fight or flight responses early so that she could know when to fight or fly.

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#265374 Posted on 2023-01-17 16:32:49

     Solstice just pulled on his ear a bit, "Well being surrounded by fire and running from it will tire a horse," she said with a small snort. Though she just brought her wings back to her sides again since they were laid out while she slept, but they were still slightly spread out against her side...well at least her one wing, but she just looked down and sighed. "It may not be, but it's my always has been always will...I just feel like apart of me is missing when my home is...gone..even if it isn't even permanent..." she sighed leaning her head against his neck slightly.

     Orion only looked at her before looking down. He couldn't say anything. There was nothing that he could say that could help her. Not this time. The two were silent until Solstice looked at him a bit confused. She heard the last thing he said, but she didn't process it until now. "Wait...did you say you got me something? When could you have managed to do that? You were asleep when I feel asleep!" she said giving him a bit of a look as she was onto him slightly.

     Orion only chuckled as he looked at her, "I was yes, but I woke up, and sneaked off..." he said amused by her realization. Though she only gave him a small look. Though he only smiled and pulled out the decorated box. Solstice just looked at it eagerly and curiously as Orion only laughed quietly a bit again. "Go it," he said knowing she couldn't resist but to open it.

     Solstice just looked at him before she looked at the box again. Hesitantly but eagerly as she used her horn and magic to slowly open the decorated box. She didn't know what to think when she saw the bracelet. It was gorgeous. Completely gorgeous. "Orion..." she paused taken away by the bracelet as it glowed the same color as her eyes. She just smiled and sprung up on her hooves as she tackled Orion a bit, "I love it!" she said happily as Orion just chuckled not expecting her to tackle him.

     He just laughed and looked at her as she stood on top of him, "Don't just thank me. Eclipsetess helped me pick it out," he said nuzzling her as she let him get up. Orion got up and smiled as he used his magic and put it on her, "There." he said happily as she just nuzzled him happily. For once in a long while she didn't worry. Her past wasn't a burden. In that moment, she was purely...happy.

     Namir had ended up resting some more, but he wasn't entirely asleep. Though he looked at Eclipsetess and Minette as they woke. He nuzzled them both smiling softly as he got up and looked around. He noticed some strange horses walking throughout the three herds, but he looked back over where his sister was. Namir noticed she was awake, and he just watched her tackle Orion a bit as he looked at Eclipsetess, "I don't suppose you have anything to do with those two?" he asked her with a small single laugh.

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#265376 Posted on 2023-01-17 18:28:38

"Oh haha.. You caught me.." Eclipsetess giggled, Minette forgot she had bracelets on, so she jingled them as Eclipsetess swished her tail happily.

"And that was one other reason.." Eclipsetess said, she was talking about the bracelets on Minette as well as Orion and Solstice too.

"I may or may not have helped Orion find Solstice a perfect gift, and I was near him, so I didn't mind helping him out. We even met two mares! Blush and Rainbow I think is her name, she's way more different then you think!" Eclipsetess spoke, Minette kept jingling her bracelets together.

"And your such a silly filly Minette, I think I'm starting to spoil her rotten just like a real mother, right Namir?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she was right about spoiling Minette, Minette then stopped as she got up and looked around to see any foals about.

"There's only one foal up now Minette, and that one little foal is with those strange horses, I don't even know why they let their foal into here. Guess they didn't realize that they weren't paying attention?" Eclipsetess said, she kinda made a rhetorical question there.

No matter, Minette looked over at the foal with the two horses, she then galloped away without a second glance as Eclipsetess watched her zoom off to see the new foal that entered the herd, Eclipsetess just sighed and looked at Namir, she then just went up to nuzzle him more..

"Well she definately got an adventerous side from someone, I bet I know who?" Eclipsetess looked at Namir as she laughed, she was talking about her and Namir but mostly Namir, she then started wheezing as she looked at Namir.

"Sorry sorry love, but you know it's true!" Eclipsetess said, she then wrapped her head on Namir's neck to make him feel better if he felt sad, she didn't mean it, and she didn't mean to laugh as she told him those words. Being sweet and gentle that she was to him.

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#265379 Posted on 2023-01-17 19:54:15

     Namir just snickered, "You can be sneaky, but not all the time," he said nibbling on her mane a bit before he looked at his sister and Orion. Though he just smiled a bit, " made her happy...not just happy, but like she isn't bothered by anything..It's been years since I've seen her like that, but I'm happy to see her that happy.." he said nuzzling Eclipsetess, "Well we're all different in some ways.." he said a bit curious about how different this mare could have been.

     Though he only chuckled a bit, "And is that a bad thing?" he said looking at Minette as he nuzzled her, "Just don't spoil her too much." he said from a learning experience with Solstice once. Namir did look over at the strange blue foal, "'s not the best to just let a foal roam into unknown least Phoenix is gone and dealt with." he said thankful that stallion was long gone.

     Namir then just gave Eclipsetess a bit of a look, "Oh please. Sure I spent some years travelling some of the Isles, and well was in the whole thing with Dra, but other then that I actually like to just stay put...settle down..relax." he said with a small smile as he just looked at her. "I guess I can be a bit adventurous.." he said as he started to nibble on her mane smiling.

     Solstice just smiled as she flapped her wings a bit happily. The bracelet even matched her necklace in a way. She had a big smile on her face. The biggest and happiest she had in a long while. The last time she was given something was when Namir gave her their mother's necklace..but she looked over with a confused look when she looked over seeing a sea pony coming over.

     Pa'li is a blue greenish striped sea pony with ears that of a mule, but it was the only mule feature he had. Though the stallion just jumped out of the water transforming to his land appearance as a blue and green mane appeared. He looked around before he walked into the kingdom seeing the dark mare recognizing her as he approached her and the stallion with her.

     "I don't mean to be a bother, but I wanted to see how you were doing.." he said as he respectfully approached the two, "I was one of the sea ponies that helped you and your friend reach the Isle safely after you both jumped into the water...your burns seemed pretty serious." he said noticing there was no burns or anything on her anymore, "I was one of the first ones to notice you both at the edge of the Isle before you two jumped..." he said.

     Solstice and Orion both looked at each other then back at this stallion. Solstice thought she'd seen him before, but she realized where she had seen him when he said why he was there. "Oh yes I remember you.." she said with a smile, "I'm fine..we all are..thankfully," she said nuzzling Orion, "And thanks...for helping was a bit hard to run and swim.." she said looking down slightly though she still had a small smile as Orion groomed near her mane a bit.

     Pa'li just nodded, "Well that's good to hear. Everyone will be happy to hear everyone is alright," he said before he gave a small respectful nod, "No need to thank us..really...we saw you two and had to help." he said looking around, "I'm Pa'li by the way, but I should get going...can't be away from the water too long!" he said before he turned around and trotted back in the water before he jumped in transforming back to his natural form..

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#265399 Posted on 2023-01-18 17:10:14

Eclipsetess heard the strange but beautiful Sea Ponies coat when he jumped out of the water to talk to Solstice and Orion, she didn't mind it, but she did trot over to Minette to have realized that the pony disappeared, she didn't mind as Sea Ponies do need water sometimes.

Their not like Oceanus where she inherits the abilities of a God, that'd be too much to handle, and Ceto is a rather generous daughter to have inherited the samehting, but a book appeared infront of Eclipsetess's face when she tried getting off and away but it stuck to her, where it was.

Minette saw her mother go a little mad when she couldn't get the book off, making her use her magic as the book slipped off with ease, Eclipsetess just sat down befudled from that but she did realize that the blue dragon slug coated foal and beautiful mare and awesome looking stallion watched her in a confusing manner.

"Ah sorry! I never do that when a book does that to me, first time for everything you know!" Eclipsetess said, the beautiful looking mare just smiled ike she knew she felt that, the stallion with his small armored horn looked up at Eclipsetess as he nuzzled the mare.

"And sorry that my adopted daughter ran over to your daughter, I never wanted her too but she is a foal, can't keep her awya from everything you know." Eclipsetess giggled a bit, Minette walked over to her as she nuzzled her, the beautiful mare nodded at her with the most same knowledge.

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#265404 Posted on 2023-01-18 17:56:35

Horse Name: Cerise
Horse Type: Baroque Unicorn
Horse Breed: Lusitano
Horse Gender: Mare
Horse Preference: Straight
Horse Age: 6
Horse Height: 17.2 hh

Horse Markings: Black Stripe and Muzzle. Has reddish pink blanket markings on her hindquarters. 1 Sock on Right Rear and 1 Stocking on Left Rear legs.
Coat: White & Black Coat with Black Mane & Tail that fades into the same reddish pink as the markings. Has Blue eyes.
Discipline: N/A
Wild or tame: Wild
Personality: Very outgoing and in your face. Isn't afraid to speak her mind and speak out of turn.
Rider (optional): N/A
Herd (optional): N/A
Any siblings: 1, Sleipnir
Any scars from battles: None
Abilities (optional): Can Heal herself and her brother
Magic (optional): Has healing abilities, but she hasn't discovered her true magic yet. Possibly some sort of grey area magic.

Horse Name: Sleipnir (Slip)
Horse Type: Baroque Unicorn (lost his horn when he was a colt)

Horse Breed: Lusitano
Horse Gender: Stallion
Horse Preference: Straight
Horse Age: 10

Horse Height: 16.9 hh
Horse Markings: Has Auburn and White Splotches all over his body. Does have 3 Socks. 2 front and on right rear.
Coat: Grey Coat with Auburn and White Mane/Tail with Green eyes
Discipline: N/A
Wild or tame: Wild
Personality: Very Spontaneous and Soft Spoken. Is very Strong willed and has to be very decisive to keep his sister in check. Knows what to say and when to say it.
Rider (optional): N/A
Herd (optional): N/A
Any siblings: 1, Cerise
Any scars from battles: Has 1 Scar reaching from the breast area all the way to the groin area. Was almost skewered when he was a colt and barely survived. Also has a scar where his horn used to be.
Abilities (optional): Exceptional Strength and Calming Touch
Magic (optional): Hasn't developed anything yet, but surely there has to be more magic to him than strength.

Last edited on 2023-01-20 at 02:56:37 by Deer Creek

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#265405 Posted on 2023-01-18 17:57:01

     Solstice and Orion just looked at each other a bit as Pa'li leapt back into the water. "Well then..." Orion said pausing a bit, "Nice of him to check in.." he said nuzzling Solstice as she returned the gesture. Solstice just smiled as she leaned against him still happy. Namir smiled a bit as he watched the two. He finally understood that he couldn't always be the one to make her happy or keep her safe. He had to let her go you could say...

     It didn't seem to take too long until a couple of months had passed since the Isle went aflame. Everyone seemed to adjust after a few days, but it was still hard for Solstice. Sometimes she sat on the sandy beach near the water's edge as she just looked at her home. Pa'li sometimes watched her, but stayed away sensing that she wanted to be alone since it was early in the mornings.

     Though that wasn't the only thing that seemed up with Solstice. Her behavior slowly changed since the fire. She slept more, stayed off more to herself, and hardly did anything. She barely even flew since they had to evacuate, and that was not normal for her. She was always flying. Always moving around. Always socializing, but as time passed, the less and less she did those things.

     Solstice at the time was just laying down away from everyone as she was taking a bit of a nap. She seemed to have gained some weight even if she didn't eat much. Everyone noticed it, but Solstice didn't. She spent most of her time just laying down and doing nothing. Secluding herself from everything and everyone. Sometimes even from Orion, but not every single time.

     Orion had been checking up on the herd a bit as he noticed Namir and Eclipsetess as he trotted over greeting them. Namir eventually forgave him. "Hey...I'm starting to get worried about seems she does less and less with each day.." he sighed looking at her as she was now standing quite the distance away from everyone facing away from them, but it was easy to see she gained some weight...

     Namir had looked over to see Orion trotting over. At first he was unsure why, but then he quickly knew why. He was starting to get worried as well as he watched her, "She's never been like this before...never.." he said looking at Orion, "I've noticed it too, but I just can't figure out what's wrong..I mean she hardly eats, and yet she's gained weight..." he said worriedly as he looked at Eclipsetess hoping she had an answer.

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#265407 Posted on 2023-01-18 18:19:08

For Deer's Characters to introduce them into the rp, and sometimes but rarely or commonly time skips:

(Alicorn king is the only stallion that greets everyone at the start of the Isle and end, depending on which is which to a perspective)

"Well hello there you two! Which Isle did you two come from?" the alicorn king asked, he was certainly more friendlier nowadays, even some of his sons had grown more and more for the days, though he did ask the two new horses.

Now for the normal rp:

"I am sorry, I do not know what's wrong with her.." Eclipsetess said, she shrunk her head to hide it away, she even moved her wings to help hide her face a little bit. She did sound like her normal self when she met Solstice with Azulia, Faith, and Prism.

Azulia did come walking over to see what was up, she even had a book on her head, which got Eclipsetess curious when she peeked her eyes out a little bit.

"And why do you have a book on your head?" Eclipsetess asked in a bemusing voice, Azulia laughed but then stopped as she eyed Eclipsetess only, which got her attention and to be quiet for a little bit.

"What's happening? I know that expression since we were foals, tell us Azulia. We do need to know." Eclipsetess said, she said it directly to Namir and Orion as well, which should have gotten their attention better.

"Well.. It's more of a private matter, but I can only share in the book instead of saying it." Azulia said, she threw the book off her head as it slid down her black and white bombed neck and coat, and thats when it got Eclipsetess's attention when she say the title.. "The Reproduction Guide to Mares"..

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