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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#265152 Posted on 2023-01-11 19:02:05

"Ah- If I'm not a slightly different breed of a normal horse here, then what am I exactly? You know this very well Smoke, I showed you the books and everything." Grey Cloud asked and told Smoke, Smoke blushed and looked away before walking back to the herd with an embarrassed face.

"Well you certainly told her, I'll see if I can ask the alicorn king for anything as a small favor, don't want him worrying about us three herds for right now.. Also have you seen the Neon Oracles? I just realized that's their group name.." Scorn asked Grey Cloud, she hasn't seen them before or after the fire.

"They're probaly around somewhere with smoked hair, you know horses when they can be, they'll show themselves with a future oracle or something, can't promise they'd be good at showing an entire herd or three a big oracle." Grey Cloud joked, she was right after all, the neon horses were somewhere and they'd make themselves known for it.

Well since Eclipsetess was drinking on a Marshshake, she was looking around the market for anything to buy with a slight hint of curiosity, some of the mares running their stands saw how Eclipsetess acted when she gets curious, which they don't mind since younger horses and foals tend to buy things they'd lke for gifts or a birthday present to someone.

"How much for this diamon-looking necklace?" Eclipsetess stumbled upon a mother and her foal seeming to want the diamond necklace, the mother or mare looked at the necklace and backed up a little but not much since Eclipsetess seemed to walk up to the stand with curiousness.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there!" the mare said, Eclipsetess seemed to have accepted her apology as she looked back at the necklace and bought it for the mare.

"Here, curiousness leads to buying, you can have it." Eclipsetess told the mare, the mare smiled with happiness as she hugged her while the mare was starting to cry with happiness, the foal joined in too since she looked like she had a teddy bear plushie on her rump or her croup, somewhere in the stabled back.

"Thank you.." the mare said, she and her foal then began walking off, while Eclipsetess went back to looking around the market area for anything she wanted, butt all her could think of was that necklace the are was happy about as it got her to be curious when a stallion was following her.

"Did you want a necklace my fair lady?" a cloaked stallion asked, Eclipsetess froze up and got weary of him quickly as she turned around walked up to him with eager and curious eyes that shows fear and being cautious to the stallion as he could pose a threat at any minute.

"Why yes, but I think I should go back to my herd, or considerbly herds." Eclipsetess said, the cloaked stallion put the same necklace that she bought for the mare and her foal to only be placed on her, she was happy as the stallion disappeared and Eclipsetess trotted back with another new necklace to her collection alright, though her other one was taken off for protective means and also as an apology.

Azulia saw Eclipsetess trot back to the herd from the market, she noticed the diamond necklace which was bright and shiny to the sun at an angle, Azulia also saw that the string was black and thick to hold such a precious gem is unbenownst to her as Trickster got up and walked over to Eclipsetess because of her necklace.

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#265153 Posted on 2023-01-11 19:50:11

     Solstice tried closing her eyes as she snuggled closely to Orion, but even if she felt tired, she just couldn't sleep. At least not yet. Instead she just summoned Pandora's journal, "I should really be reading these...I need to know more about my magic and the moon...what I have to do now that I'm the moon goddess," she said with a small quiet sigh as she flipped to the page she was on.

     Orion just looked at her, "You don't have to do that now. Not after today. You shouldn't even be thinking about any of that right now. It may be important, but it's not that important right now. Faith will agree with me, and you know I'm right. Just relax..even if you can't'll still help you," he said in a caring tone before he nuzzled her. "You can do that tomorrow."

     Solstice had somewhat read one of the pages until she looked at him a bit surprised, "And here I thought you were the book worm?" she said with a bit of a look before she glanced at the journal and sighed, "Fine..I'll put it away...for now," she said even though she didn't want to, but Solstice knew Orion wasn't going to give her a choice, "I can't just lay here though..." she said complaining a bit.

     "Quite needy aren't you?" Orion teased, "I might be a book worm yes, but I don't always have my nose in a book. It's not often actually," he said before he looked at the herd. Some of the mares that were in Phoenix's herd still stuck close to each other, but they seemed unsettled and nervous. Orion looked at them, "Maybe you could go see why those mares are so unsettled? I won't go anywhere," he said.

     She looked over at the mares noticing how nervous they seemed to be, and she nodded giving Orion a bit of a kiss before she got up and walked over to the small group of mares. Solstice respectfully walked up to the mares as she sat down with them, "May I ask what has you all skittish? I understand if you don't want to tell me, but it has been a long and eventful day.." she sighed.

     One of the mares looked over at Solstice and looked at the others before looking down and sighing, "It's just...we were born on the Isle of Dreams...none of us have ever stepped hoof off the Isle until today..." she said pausing before she looked at Solstice and continued, "It's just a entirely new place...a kingdom no less. We're not used to any of this.." she admitted before she went silent. The others said nothing.

     Solstice looked down understanding their pain, "When I left the and the others were horseknapped.." Solstice never said by who because it didn't matter, "We were tossed in a cell and Dra took Eclipsetess...soon after that we came here...I felt the same you do...I still do in fact, but here we have more protection, and we still have our own free will. Just ignore the guards when you see them." she said with a small smile knowing how nervous she used to be around guards.

     The mare just smiled as the others had small smiles, "I guess your right..." she admitted before looking around, "Thank you..." she said before Solstice respectfully made her exit and left. She glanced over at Eclipsetess noticing something around her neck, and just decided to walk over. She couldn't sleep anyway, and Orion wasn't going to let her read. She had nothing better to do.

     "So..where'd you get it?" she asked looking at the necklace seeing how it must have been slightly heavy. Her's matched the color of her eyes, but it was a small light weight crystal. Solstice was just glad nothing happened to it during the evacuation. Though Solstice ended up looking at the foal playground smiling a bit as she lost focus for a minute or two as she watched the foals play.

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#265161 Posted on 2023-01-12 08:14:50

"Oh uh- a rather strange stallion put it around my neck, I was cautious and careful when I turned around to face him, but I never expected a necklace I bought for a mare and her foal to be given to me. I guess I'm not.. So used to not being seen as something else, minus the times.. But I was rather grateful but that strange stallion disappeared when I opened my eyes and then I came back here, I'm just being paranoid or at least.. Protective of myself, knowing a stallion like him can disappeare from view, and I did taste that Marshshake I was curious of, it was rather good.." Eclipsetess admitted at the end, she wasn't so used to be telling a little detail here and there, at least not knowing what a estrange stallion looked like.

"Oh and the cloak was black, but I swear that I saw a bay leg of his and a stocking, on the two front feet but the right side of his leg was rather mysterious.. I don't know what he fully looked like at all, so I'm just giving details out." Eclipsetess spoke one more before she turned her attention to the foal playground, she then turned her attention back to Solstice.

"Got anything to say the least? I wanna hear your part." Eclipsetess asked, she was quite interested in Solstice's little adventure or rather not but just being bored.

Though Minette turned her attention to Solstice, and that's where she saw Eclipsetess, Minette got excited and starting running over to Eclipsetess, the little foal then skidded to a stop once she was right next to Eclipsetess who slowed her speed for her as well.

"You excited to me? I bet you do!" Eclipsetess said, she nuzzled Minette and then turned her attention back to Solstice.

Meanwhile Scorn was walking around the kingdom, it's square, it's plaza and market, and that's where he spotted a strange stallion in a cloak as he snuck around the stallion, while following him, he didn't know if the stallion was here for something or not but he was estrange.

Scorn then noticed a couple stockings up to his feet when he moved the stallion moved his cloak a little, Scorn got more curious but the strange stallion then entered a tavern and Scorn started to walk back to the three herds to see if anything change..

They didn't change as Grey Cloud was trying to stop the twin foals from fighting more, the two foals then ran around Grey Cloud and chased each other, Scorn just walked back to Grey Cloud and comforted her as he used his wings to catch both foals, kinda like a net but soft and feathery.

"And I thought that I said to not fight with your mother?" Scorn said, the foals looked up at him as he smiled but also laughed a little bit.

Grey Cloud sighed, then she nuzzled Scorn as he took care of the foals for her, which was good because he was there to take less pressure from her..

"Have you thought of a name for our new foals?" Scorn asked, Grey Cloud remembered that she didn't say anything about them yet.

"No I haven't, I was too busy with these two to even come up with a name, I'm thinking that their both males because of how they act to each other. But I never pay attention to detail much, so I'm not sure about their genders.." Grey Cloud replied to Scorn's question, Scorn thought of a name or two for the foals.

"How about Cisco and Blue? Just temporary names until we see them bloom, and then we'll give them their official names." Scorn suggested, Grey Cloud actually liked those names because they were perfect, Smoke came up and agreed as well to the names for her younger siblings.

"So who's Cisco and who's Blue? We gotta know and they gotta know as well!" Smoke said, Scorn just nuzzled her for comfort.

"Cisco will be the darker one and Blue will be the lighter one, I'm thinking that Grey Cloud's lineage got to Blue's got as he/she has a little roan, making him/her a blue roan. Sparking the joy for Blue! And Cisco will be the surprised tobiano as I can see it in his/her coat there." Scorn said, he showed the markings for them as Grey Cloud and Smoke agreed to it.

"Makes much more sense then!" Smoke shouted excitedly, but she calmed herself down instantly, so that the peace of the foal playground wasn't broken.

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#265166 Posted on 2023-01-12 09:09:43

     Solstice realized she lost focus, as she quickly looked at Eclipsetess and the necklace, "Hmm...well best we keep an eye out for him then..but you might want to be careful with that necklace...never know the reasons on why he gave it to you.." she said thinking about what the stallion could possibly look like. "Well the description makes it almost seem like it's my brother, but we all know he's dead asleep," she said with a small laugh, "He needs it though..."

     Solstice got a bit distracted by the foal playground a bit as she watched Apollo run around and play. "Oh uh...not much..just been spending some time with Orion and checking out the place..." she said looking down slightly, "Foals just don't have much to worry responsibilities.." she said not saying anything about wanting to have a foal...or even that she might be carrying one soon.

     Though she smiled when Minette came over as she nuzzled the filly before looking when she saw someone coming over. Namir surprisingly woke up, and stretched before he looked around. The stallion got up and saw Eclipsetess and Solstice chatting as he decided to walk over. As he was doing so, he saw a foal quickly run over to Eclipsetess which peeked his curiousness. Solstice smiled and giggled a bit when she saw her brother come over, "And here I thought you weren't going to wake up until mid-day tomorrow." she said messing with him when she had the chance. 

     Namir just gave her a bit of a look since he was still quite tired, "Yeah well I somehow woke up..I didn't want to, but I can at least stay up until nightfall now..." he said yawning a bit, "Besides it's hard to keep the two of you safe," he said to both Solstice and Eclipsetess, but he just nuzzled them both still very thankful that they both made it off the Isle safely..well as safe as they could.

     Though Namir then looked down at the filly. He looked at her coat and eyes, and he saw some similarities with his sister. Dark body bright colored eyes. "I don't think I've seen you before..?" he said before looking around, "Where's her parents..?" he asked oblivious to the answer. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess, and took a small step to the side. Namir noticed and looked at the both of them, "What? Alright just tell me whatever it is you have to say," he said hinting it had something to do with the filly.

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#265181 Posted on 2023-01-12 21:01:10

"Ah well, we'd thought that you'd figure it out quick.. And no, this little filly isn't from anyone that we know, I actually.." Eclipsetess paused, she looked down at Minette and looked back up at Namir.

"Minette is.. My- Our adopted daughter, making you the father, her father figure that she'll need. I saw her when I walked over at the foal playground, well rather, I saw her and fell inlove with her. Azulia helped me out with the adoption progress, I thought that we could train ourselves to have a foal when we think it's the right time, making us proud parents in the future! But also learning in the present time." Eclipsetess said, she might have exaggerated a little bit when she was talking, but Minette was the one and she was one adorable filly!

"I.. Want us to experience something the greater future or more, when we're comfortable, so we're technically raising a daughter.." Eclipsetess spoke out, the wind blew lightly in her mane, making her eyes pop out more like beautiful blue flowers out in the sunny of a sunshine morning.

Minette then neighed as she reared up and bounced off into the herd, Eclipsetess giggled to herself as she looked around before putting her attention back to Solstice and Namir, she then began to hum while one of them were talking, making Eclipsetess relaxed as the wind seemed to calm her muscles.

"At least it's not really windy here.." Eclipsetess brought under her breath, she then snorted as a bug got into her nose and she began pawing her nose with her leg ever since the bug got in her nostrils, making her seem to be weird but she then sneezed the bug out away from Namir and Solstice.

"Bugs.. Worst creatures ever." Eclipsetess watched the bug she sneezed out land on the ground before it took off into the great blue sky once more, though she did look at her new necklace and then she shook her mane and swished, swooshed her tail.

"Bright morning, bright sky, perfect time to fly and do whatever else is needed." Eclipsetess tried making a joke, she didn't get it herself about the joke she made.

"I better see what the two lead horses are doing, but I can stay little longer if I'm needed, there's no rush to anything really." Eclipsetess said in a relaxed voice, her body relaxed and a little lazy indicating she got used to everything quite quickly but she did look at the burnt Isle she called home, Eclipsetess pinned her ears before looking away from it with disgrace.

Nature then appeared behind Eclipsetess and spooked her into hovering above the ground, Nature just laughed to herself as scaring Eclipsetess wasn't getting old, practically still funny as Eclipsetess moved next to Solstice since she didn't want to be scared by Nature anymore or a lot.

"Ah come on! It's only for brightening up the mood! You need a laugh or two in you!" Nature said as she popped out from the ground, a little small squrriel was eating on Nature's hair, between the mane and the forelock of the hairs, though they did show a little gray at the tips. Indicating age or burnt hair.

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#265184 Posted on 2023-01-13 07:29:24

     Namir probably would have figured it out quickly, but he didn't even bother because he was still tired. Which was easy to see, but he figured the filly was just a friend the two mares had made. Though he was clearly wrong. Solstice just stayed silent knowing she shouldn't say anything, but she stayed with them and watched Minette nuzzling her. Solstice seemed to have a higher interest in foals, but she never said why. 

     Maybe just because she wasn't sure what to say to them, or even if she would become pregnant...only time would tell for her. Though Solstice also could have said nothing because she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up...or maybe even her's. She didn't know, but she just smiled watching Minette not paying much attention to Namir or even Eclipsetess. Solstice seemed to have a small attention span since they had to evacuate their home...

    Namir's eyes widened slightly as he was took by surprise hearing what Eclipsetess had said. That seemed to wake him up more. He just looked at Eclipsetess then down at Minette shocked. "I...uh..." He wasn't really sure what to think since he didn't expect to wake up and find out he now had a adopted daughter, but he just processed it for a long moment or two. It probably just took awhile since his mind was still a bit asleep.

    Solstice just looked at Namir seeing how shocked he was before she looked at Eclipsetess a bit unsure. "Namir...there's nothing to worry'll be a great father...I mean you are a great brother..and you raised me when you didn't have to..." she said with a small smile, "And I know you. I know you still wish I was still a filly, but I can't stay small forever...just think...nothing that's happened may not have happened if I never joined the herd.."

     He just looked at her then at Minette as he eventually sighed and nodded, "Maybe I raised you too well..." he said nuzzling Solstice as she did the same while reassuring him that he did just that. "But your right...and don't you go getting used to it," he said knowing how she could be. Solstice just rolled her eyes with a small giggle. Namir just gave her another look before he turned his attention to Eclipsetess and nuzzled her.

     "Adopted or not she's our daughter," he said with a small smile as he looked over watching Minette run into the herd. "At least we know she's safe in the herd." he said shaking his head amusingly before he looked at his sister again for a moment, "But let's hope this one won't be as difficult as someone else was..." he said messing with his sister a bit. He knew her well, and he knew what got to her nerves.

     "Hey!" Solstice said nipping him, "You practically let me wrap you around my hooves. That was your fault not mine. Plus it was only harder because you were still young and was going it by yourself." she said defending herself, "That and foals have a mind of their own," she huffed, but she did nip her brother, "I also didn't have anyone else to play with besides you, so you can't blame that on me either."

     Namir just smiled a bit knowing he was going to get that reaction, but he just nodded and smiled before looking at Eclipsetess letting out a small laugh, "Ugh bugs.." Solstice muttered to herself before she looked at Eclipsetess a bit unsure of the joke she tried to make, "I don't think I'll even fly for a few days...those flames came up out of nowhere..." she sighed looking at their lost home as it pained her seeing her seeing their home in ashes.

     Namir said nothing, but he just looked down for a moment before looking back up at Eclipsetess, "We won't keep you. I'll make sure Minette doesn't get into any trouble," he said with a small smile still a bit surprised, but he was happy. Namir nuzzled her before she left only for Nature to scare her which caused him to laugh. Solstice laughed as well as Eclipsetess went beside her. "Hello Nature. Glad to see you're alright." Namir said noticing the squirrel, "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be tending to the animals?"

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#265189 Posted on 2023-01-13 10:36:07

"I am, but the medics in the Healing Cave has taken care of it, I just made some vine nests for the burnt animals that still need care, I am there just not much since I.. Gave the medics, all my things I use for healing? Heh.." Nature said, she greeted the three with ease.

"Since I have some time to kill, why not spend it with the ones I care for?" Nature said, she did notice the change in the three horses in front of her.

"Mind telling me what happened? I can tell you know, way better then Scorn or Grey Cloud perhaps?" Nature asked, she layed down as the squrriel clambered down fron her head to her body, the squrriel then stopped to look at the three big creatures in front of it.

"Oh and this is Clay, a squrriel that visits me daily and helps me collect acorns when I need it. He's also a very good tree-planter too! We need these creatures to help regrow our dead Isle to be back into full bloom!" Nature said in a estatic tone, she must know what to do then.

Clay looked at Solstice, Namir, and Eclipsetess before getting curious and clambering up Eclipsetess's leg to get a better view of the other two horses watching him, Clay then jumped from Eclipsetess's back onto Namir's back since he was more curious about him.

"Oh and Clay also helps me with healing animals! Just wanted to add that in.." Nature added onto her sentence, Clay then jumped from Namir's back onto Solstice's back, the little squrriel was more curious of her since he seemed to be looking around her more curiously.

"I think I should go explore around the kingdom, I might find some interesting things!" Nature said, she got up as Clay scrambled off of Namir and used his tail to land down safely, and he scrambled back up on top of Nature's head without any damage taken to him.

"Yeah! I found a nice necklace, but I bought it for a mare and foal, before long a stallion gave it to me- well put it around my neck but he still gave it to me! But everyone knows that I belong to Namir, I make sure to say that by my body and how I act sometimes!" Eclipsetess said, she was a little bit more active and lively nowadays after the Isle of Dreams fire.

"Hm, I'll find something to like, but if I find that cloaked stallion, I'll give him a little wave~" Nature said, she seemed more happier but Eclipsetess could tell that her home of where she belonged had died to her but not anyone else!

Last edited on 2023-01-13 at 16:28:56 by Lizzy

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#265215 Posted on 2023-01-13 22:35:58

     Solstice smiled a bit, "Their in good hooves. I'm sure they're all thankful," she said taking a moment to look around. She was just thankful everyone was alright. Well she didn't know about Skadi or Khepri. She hadn't seen any sign of them since they ran off, and Solstice noticed how Isis seemed a bit worried. Though Solstice knew that those two wouldn't have gone down without a fight...well at least Skadi. 

     Though she turned her attention back to Nature a bit confused by what she meant, "Not much has happened...mainly just making sure everyone is alright and settling in okay.." she said as most of everyone seemed to be doing better. Solstice did smile a bit as she looked at Namir and Eclipsetess, "Other then that...just some of us starting a new chapter," she said with a cheeky grin as she looked at the two still saying nothing about her and Orion... Namir just shook his head.

     "Hey I'm the one who literally just woke up to find out she adopted a filly...sometimes you just can't be alone can you?" he said looking at Eclipsetess though he was only joking. He was happy to be a father, and to raise another filly. Though Namir then looked at Solstice, "And I can't leave you alone either and you'll get yourself in some kind of mess." he said as Solstice only gave him a bit of a look.

     "What can I say? I just love the feeling of being on the run," she lied trying to make a joke out of it. "But I don't do it on purpose...trouble just seems to find me...even when I just want to be alone," she sighed before looking at Nature again then the squirrel. "Well at least our home isn't entirely gone..." she sighed looking down wishing the Isle never went in flames. They all seemed to go quiet for a moment after that.

     Namir and Solstice watched Clay climb up onto Eclipsetess before he went on Namir's back. Solstice only giggled as Namir wasn't sure what to think. Though when Clay went on her back, Solstice seemed to enjoy it before he went back to Nature. Namir just looked at Eclipsetess noticing the necklace, "Hmm...well I'd say I'm more worried about any stallion trying to take you from me..." he said with a grin, but he would fight another stallion if it came to it.

     Though Solstice was looking around until she noticed Orion, "Oh shoot...I got distracted.." she sighed, "I told Orion I wouldn't be long, and well I got distracted.." she said as she got up and walked over to Orion. Solstice looked down a bit just because she was still tired, but she laid back down beside him, "Sorry...I got a bit distracted.." she said after she cuddled up as closely and as comfortable as she could beside him.

     Orion had just been watching the group for a bit when he smiled when Solstice came back over. He just let out a small laugh, "I know, but it's fine. I didn't mind," he said nuzzling her as she returned the affection. Though Solstice just decided to try and close her eyes. She had Orion, so she seemed to be more comfortable with sleeping then earlier. Orion just made sure she was comfortable as he smiled and looked around for a bit before he too closed his eyes..

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#265234 Posted on 2023-01-14 11:44:19

"Hm," Eclipsetess snickered before looking around again and getting lost in the signs that some horses have, she then regained focus and looked at Namir.

"Wanna go shopping? I know the alicorn king makes gold coins for horses that can buy things with them, he just doesn't say anything until they magically appear themselves, it's quite amazing when I bought a Marshshake!" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she then began ranting and forgot what she was gonna say before.

"Ah.. Ha.. Ha.. Sorry for ranting Namir, it's just the lights and the sounds of horses working when I look around, it catches my eyes and I get lost in them.. I can't help it, though I'm sure if we go shopping that we can find something you'd like to buy!" Eclipsetess spoke again after she broke her ranting, she then nuzzled him as she walked off and wait for Namir to follow.

In the mean time, Minette was having fun exploring the herds, even playing with Smoke when she bumped into her while she was grazing with another mare but darker in the black color but had four stockings on all four legs, Smoke just greeted the mare away as she began playing with Minette.

The young filly ran behind Eclipsetess for protection as Smoke paused on her galloping after Minette, as Smoke greeted her and tried taking Minette back to the herd, Eclipsetess just nuzzled and nudged Smoke to go back to the herd as Minette was going to come along.

Though the young foal quickly looked at a horse, as one with a cloak seemed to be walking towards Eclipsetess with a little pride, Eclipsetess was confused as Minette ran infront of her and had spread her wings out to protect her adopted mother but it wouldn't work, since the cloaked horse seemed to be insisting on walking towards Eclipsetess.

Eclipsetess then looked up at who Minette was staring until she realized the same cloaked horse she saw and talked about, was walking to her and Minette was dong her best to be protective of her, the brown stallion in Buckwheat's herd looked up at Eclipsetess when he noticed a cloaked horse stopping at the front of the market's entrance.

He ran up alongside Eclipsetess and Minette to help keep this cloaked horse at bay, Buckwheat even took Scorn's place for protecting as he was vacationing next to his love dove who was as usual: Grey Cloud.

Though for Eclipsetess, she backed up when she felt uncomfortable, the cloak horse standing right there infront of her as a stallion next to her was going to lead the horse into a trap as he now knows what to do, but he was nervous himself and was getting a little anxiety as well.

"Well, so nice to see you again, how's the necklace?" the horse asked in a rapsy voice, but seemed to not sound dry but rather normal.

Eclipsetess said nothing to the horse as she now knew the horse was an actual stallion, as she thought when she was thinking of meeting the horse again, but she saw the stallions red eyes when he looked up at her- alone, Eclipsetess pinned her ears down more, she even noticed the stallion had a yellow glowing mark on him, which seemed to be on his right side all the way to the left (which you may know HorseGirl!).

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#265235 Posted on 2023-01-14 13:12:06

     Namir just watched his sister as she walked back over to Orion and cuddled beside him before she seemed to fall asleep. He just closely watched her noticing something slightly different about her. Something just seemed different about her to him. Something he didn't notice before he fell asleep earlier. Namir didn't think much about it for the time being since he was still tired, and just figured she was too.

    Though Namir looked back over at Eclipsetess before looking around. He wasn't much into shopping or things like that, but he didn't mind to do it if she wanted to. He did glance over at his sister and Orion again for a moment wondering if she was keeping something, but he just gave Eclipsetess a small smile. "You don't need to apologize," he said happy she found a interest in something new.

     He let her take the lead as he followed her calmly and relaxed. Namir smiled as he saw Minette had run over as he nuzzled the filly as they walked. The stallion just looked around remembering what the place looked like the last time he was there, but he didn't think on that too much. Namir was still very thankful that Eclipsetess and Solstice made it off the Isle, but he did notice Solstice seemed to be around Orion more then usual.

     Though Namir looked up when he noticed the same brown stallion had somehow slivered past him and stood next to Eclipsetess with Minette in the front. Maybe he was just too deep in his thoughts to notice, but he noticed the brown stallion before he noticed the cloaked stallion. Didn't matter to Namir. He just pinned his ears and snorted at the brown stallion as he went to stand beside Eclipsetess when he heard a voice he'd never heard before.

     Namir looked seeing the cloaked stallion. The same one Eclipsetess had mentioned before. "I suggest you leave her be," Namir said with a snort, "She's mine." His eyes started to glow the same red color they did every now and then as Namir also spread out his wings slightly. Namir wasn't in the mood to deal with any more stallions. He'd already dealt with enough of them that day..

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#265244 Posted on 2023-01-14 14:59:09

"Oh I know that, I know that you'd keep her safe anyways, I just wanted to see how she was faring. Can't worry for a fellow alicorn or two? Hm?" the cloaked stallion asked, his voice still raspy but not dry, still it was uncomfortable to hear but the cloaked stallion looked up as the hood slipped down.

The hood of the stallion's cloak revealed himself without pride, he was mysterious but his yellow lightening bolt marking on his right eye seemed to suggest otherwise, he did have Namir's red eyes but they were brighter and could be darker too if he wanted them to be.

The stallion just laughed but the alicorn king flew right down, the brown stallion lifted his head up and looked at Namir and Eclipsetess before dipping out, Eclipsetess huffed and sighed as she put her head on Namir's back and Minette under Eclipsetess and Namir altogether.

"What a day right?" Eclipsetess joked, she then laughed at her own joke because of it, Minette just whinnied before the alicorn king stood over the bay stallion as his yellow marking on his eye seemed to show a little red dripping down, the alicorn king's hoof on the bay stallions chest.

"And I never want to see you try to harrass anyone, especially couples!" the alicorn king yelled, he was certainly protective alright, he then backed up as the bay stallion stood nervously as he shook, the alicorn king then reared as the bay stallion looked up at him as he took his chance to run and the king went after him but he stopped at the entrance.

The bay stallion disappeared into the crowd, he did look back with his yellow marking with some red dripping from it before he looked back and disappeared inside the crowd for protection, the alicorn king then huffed and sighed as he turned around to face Eclipsetess, Namir, and Minette.

"Sorry, I just don't want to take chances with him, I know I'm supposed to be very kind and gentle. But with him roaming around like that, I just don't take chances with a stallion like him, even if he says that he just wants to check on mares or stallions, possibly foals too! But I never seen him do that to a foal. Anyways, carry on with your day before the chaotic mess that I protected you three from." the alicorn king said, he apologized before smiling at Minette and taking off without a glance.

"So.. Shall we my steed?" Eclipsetess teased to Namir, she then nipped him before getting Minette to follow her as the mare and foal run into the crowd.

"We'll see each other again! Don't worry! And that the king is always watching out for everyone here! Just be yourself!" Eclipsetess told Namir, she and Minette disappeared into the crowd together, the bay and yellow marked stallion wouldn't be in the crowd since he can't roam around with a tiny bleeding scratch. So Namir had nothing to worry about.

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#265281 Posted on 2023-01-15 12:04:57

     Namir just snorted, "Then I suggest you back off." he warned. What made this stallion think that he can be near the ones he cared for? Especially since he wore a black cloak. The two stallions looked quite the same except for the yellow markings the other one bore. It looked almost like lightning which Namir thought was odd, but he still didn't back down. Namir wasn't going to relax until this stallion backed down.

     Namir did look at Eclipsetess and Minette making sure they were both alright before he looked back at the other stallion seeing the alicorn king had flown over. Though Namir just let him deal with this stallion as he looked at Eclipsetess, "Been quite the long and eventful day..." he sighed before looking back at the alicorn king. Namir just snorted again as the bay stallion ran off allowing Namir to relax once more.

     "Your just protecting your kingdom and subjects," Namir said even though he was annoyed with all the stallions lately. What was with all of them? Though he just nodded and nuzzled Eclisetess and Minette as the king flew off. He only smiled and nipped her back after she had nipped him. Namir watched as the two ran off smiling a bit as he shook his head before looking around. 

      He just decided to walk around and explore the area and shops a bit. He had nothing else to do, and most of the herd had been resting. It was still odd to be in a kingdom again, but he was sure he'd get used to it. What happened last time he was here never left his mind since they got here. It just didn't bother him though. More of a reminder to still keep his guard up a bit even if he didn't have to.

     Orion had slept with Solstice for a little while before he woke up. Though he just slowly woke up and saw that she was completely asleep. He smiled before he looked around for a moment. Orion just carefully and slowly stood up making sure not to wake Solstice at all before he left. The stallion just calmly walked over to where the shops and everything were as he started looking around, but he noticed Eclipsetess and Minette in the distance.

     He decided to trot on over, "How are the two of you?" he asked when he approached him, "Find anything?" Orion had been trying to find something for Solstice, but he didn't know what to get her. He just knew it'd help her worry less about things if he got her something.. Though Orion just took a quick second to look around and sighed as he looked back at Eclipsetess, "I was wanting to find something for Solstice, but I just don't know what to get her..." he sighed looking down.

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#265282 Posted on 2023-01-15 12:56:44

"Oh we're good, how about you Orion?" Eclipsetess smiled at Orion, Minette did a little chirp as a 'hello!' Eclipsetess just giggled a little bit, "Uh no I guess? I've been dragged around by Minette for a little while I guess, so I'm waiting for her to pick something out so I can buy it." Eclipsetess said, she smiled again and looked at Minette for a moment. But she quickly regained focus.

Eclipsetess smiled warmily at Orion, "And that's why this market place is here, and here's a tip: when you look at something and stare at it, you know it's the perfect gift to gift Solstice, and I'm sure she'll love it. She is yours after all." Eclipsetess teased Orion, but she was right about that! After all, Solstice stayed with Orion.

"Here: why don't you start looking at these necklaces first? That way when you spot something, you can get it as a gift for Solstice, and that way; she'll be speechless and know that you got her something special. And that will be dear to her." Eclipsetess suggested, she went from cheery to acknowledging what Orion felt, she helped him out in a caring way so that when Orion finds something perfect for Solstice, she can cherish it.

"At least start somewhere nice and work your way to something better, at least something nice, something great to cherish with Solstice. She might even hug you back dearly as well." Eclipsetess said, she was helping Orion out with tips and even something nice for him to do, that's not too hard.

Then a pink mare with white splash came up from within the stand, she seemed very caring with the "pink" personality, she then used her hoof to lift up a very beautiful necklace, Eclipsetess then nudged Orion to take a closer look to decide if he should get it for Solstice.

"What's this beautiful necklace made from?" Eclipsetess asked the pink and splashed mare, the mare seemed to smile very happily and even giggled to herself before speaking.

"This necklace is made from the beautiful ore that the Gemstome Ponies give away when there's too much ore in their caverned homes, I met a nice rainbowic mare named Prism! She let me take as much ore as I wanted since her herd seemed to agree! She even gave me a second necklace to give someone away. Let me get it real quick." the pink splashed mare said, she put the cleaned-ore necklace down as Eclipsetess used her horn to lift up the necklace for Orion to look at.

The pink splashed mare came back with the very beautiful necklace, Eclipsetess had her eyes widened and she even smiled, she looked at Orion to see if he liked it, Eclipsetess just looked at Minette before looking up at the pink splashed mare who was looking at Orion for the necklace.

"But if your mare already has a necklace, then I recommend checking out the other stands with much different jewelry, I recommend you to the Bracelet Maker, she and her husband makes gorgeous jewelry look pathetic compared to her bracelets!" the pink splashed mare said, she used her head to grab a card and then she asked Eclipsetess to manifest a pen, she then took it and wrote the recommended mare and stallion, the pink mare used her own card as her name was printed as "BLUSH" in all caps for some reason.

"Now have a nice day!" Blush waved, Eclipsetess nudged Orion to go with her as Minette started running to the Bracelet Maker as Eclipsetess trotted after her happily.

"Come on Orion! Let's fetch Solstice a gorgeous bracelet for her to wear!" Eclipsetess said, she knew Orion would catch up since she's helping Orion find something for his sweetheart Solstice, which was very helpful to Orion as Eclipsetess stopped trotting when Minette had her hooves up on the Bracelet Maker's counter.

Eclipsetess stopped and backed up as she looked up at sign it read "BRACELET MAKER'S SHOP", Eclipsetess smiled and got a little giddy as she started examining the different kinds of bracelets, she then stopped her eyes when she saw a bracelet that made her go silent as she took it off the bracelet rack and started examining the beautiful artwork.

"Ah I see that one my most famous bracelet's has caught your eye, finding something for someone?" the bracelet maker said, she came out from the darkness as Eclipsetess immediately got caught by her attention on the mare, she was wearing bedazzling bracelet's of all kinds from her works.

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#265285 Posted on 2023-01-15 13:41:31

     Orion nodded and looked down smiling as he nuzzled Minette a bit, "Good I suppose. Most of the herd seems to have settled in..which is good," he said hoping Solstice was still completely asleep, but she was. Though he only chuckled a bit as he looked at Minette, "Someone's a little picky isn't she?" he chuckled, but it was good that Minette was curious about things as Orion looked up at Eclipsetess.

     He only looked down slightly, "I just...don't know what'd she'd even like. She's always caring for the herd...or off by herself pained by her past.." he sighed. He just hoped he could find something that she would like, and help her worry less.. Though Orion just smiled a bit and nodded. Orion looked over at the necklaces, "Well let's hope she stays asleep while I'm here...wouldn't want her to get suspicious." he said with a small laugh though he really did hope she did wake up.

     Then Orion looked over as a pink and white mare came over from her stand. He just gave Eclipsetess a bit of a look as she nudged him a bit. The stallion then just looked at the necklace. It was beautiful, but he wasn't sure if he should get it. She already had one...her mother's.. It just didn't feel right getting one for her when the one she had was already so important to her...that and because it kept her alive.

     Orion did listen to the mare as she spoke. He watched as the mare cam back after grabbing another necklace as he looked at it. "It is beautiful, but the one she has is the most important thing to her..." he said not getting specific, but he knew Eclipsetess understood what he said. Though he seemed to like the idea of a bracelet as he smiled and nodded, "Thanks again." he said to the pink mare, "You as well."

     The stallion just chuckled as Minette ran over to the bracelet stand Eclipsetess trotting after her as he had done the same, "I'm coming I'm coming," he said as he slowed to a stop. He couldn't help but chuckle seeing Minette. Made him think about what he'd be like as a father...if he would be. Time would tell for him and Solstice. Though Orion soon started looking at all the bracelets.

     Orion soon looked over at Eclipsetess seeing the one she was examining before he looked over as a mare came out wearing several bracelets, "You could say that.." he said taking a moment to look around. He wanted to be careful and make sure that Solstice had woken and decided to explore the shops, but she was still sleeping. Orion just didn't want her to find out...he wanted to surprise her..

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#265289 Posted on 2023-01-15 17:21:16

"Well if you find the perfect bracelet, it'll be free for you and the mare with her foal." the mare said, she was wearing a little outfit ontop of her body, like she was hiding something but Eclipsetess kept her eyes on the bracelet she was looking at, the mare just smiled happily.

"You can have it if you want, the bracelets are a fun hobby for me to do, so they're just there for decoration and showing off my talent on making things, I also have a clothing stand right next to mine. I have hobbies as everyone can tell." the mare smiled, Eclipsetess put on the bracelet as the jewels looked pretty.

"Hm, thanks, mind if my daughter gets one as well? I know Orion would take long since he's deciding on what to gift a friend of mine- but his sweetheart." Eclipsetess said in a respectful tone, she even bowed to him and the mare respectfully, Minette was watching and took this to note.

"Well of course, all bracelets to a new horse are for free, though second bracelets cost a little bit but not much." the mare said, she moved over so that she could see her clothing stand have some horses lined up.

"Well whenever your friend gets done deciding on what bracelet to buy, he's free to take it unless he wants another one, so I'll be right back until I get done tending to the customers lined up infront of my stand." the mare said, she turned around inside her stand and left with a door she opened, then the door shut and it was dark.

"Hm, go on Minette pick a bracelet out, I know that you want one." Eclipsetess said, she checked on Orion as he was still looking at the necklaces, as Minette was also deciding on a bracelet, Eclipsetess then started looking at the bracelet's names on the tags.

"Bracelet names, first group: The Onyx Charm, The Peace Bond, The Lonely Light, The Serpent Seal, The Grateful Spiral, The Angel Tempest Amulet, The Shadow Clover, The Perfect Tear Anklet, The Impossible Mark Bracelet, The Solar Swan Pin. Second group: The Innocent Breath, The Exotic Blossom, The Amber Bubble, The Heavenly Fan, The Lustrous Teardrop, The Quiet Ambition Brooch, The Faint Seal Pendant, The Enchanting Lure Amulet, The Pristine Twin Anklet, The Gracious Voice Brooch.

Third group: The Grateful Amulet, The Luxurious Pendant, The Tempting Brooch, The Ardent Choker, The Magnificent Ring, The Immaculate Charm Amulet, The Living Devotion Bracelet, The Flawless Droplet Ring, The Pale Spiral Pendant, The Austere Scale Necklace.

Fourth group: The Onyx Scale, The Tinted Voice, The Royal Oath, The Blushing Pledge, The Anonymous Tear, The Tender Balance Bracelet, The Austere Moon Brooch, The Angelic Gift Ring, The Serene Bubble Pendant, The Proud Leaf Bracelet.

Fifth group: The Tender Palm, The Enlightened Oath, The Elated Charm, The Emerald Dream, The Lonely Force, The Heavenly Swan Pin, The Peace Twist Necklace, The Defiant Hope Pin, The Lustrous Heart Ring, The Solar Devotion Necklace.

Sixth group: The Idle Teardrop, The Grand Scale, The Fair Favor, The Frozen Hope, The Velvet Promise, The Colossal Drop Choker, The Royal Spirit Ornament, The Angelic Pledge Tiara, The Curvy Breath Ring, The Elegant Aura Amulet." Eclipsetess said, half- all of the bracelets began glowing when they're names were said, but a different bracelet had a different glow. And Eclipsetess saw that it had the same color to that of Eclipsetess's eyes when it was glowing as Eclipsetess put it down.

"The Moon Charm Bracelet, it's for free for us, so you can get it for Solstice. I even have a special box for Sosltice to pull it out from!" Eclipsetess said, the bracelet maker came back from helping her customers.

"Ah yes the famous moon bracelet, it glows a light blue to that of a horses eyes, I have no idea that this type of blue could be a horses eye color. She must be a special mare then, well go on miss get the box and put it in, it won't glow until it's new owner is infront of it or hold it's bracelet body." the mare said, Minette put her hooves on the counter and they were covered with bracelets as Eclipsetess put the special box down and instantly looked at Minette as she scoffed and smiled.

"Silly filly." Eclipsetess said, she opened a small portal and used her hoof to grab a pouch as it fell but Eclipsetess used her horn's magic before the pouch fell onto the ground.

"Here, for my daughter's amence amount of bracelets since she's wearing them." Eclipsetess said, the bracelet maker used her hoof to grab the pouch, Eclipsetess noticed the feathery hoof as the maker pulled her hoof away as she snatched Eclipsetess's gold coin pouch and brought out the amount of gold coins for the amount of bracelet's Minette was wearing.

"Here you go." the maker said, as she threw Eclipsetess's purse at her as Eclipsetess used her horn to grab the purse, as she opened the portal and put the purse back.

"Thanks but what was with your feathery hoof? It wasn't like any horses hoof, I've seen." Eclipsetess asked the mare, the mare looked down before looking up at Eclipsetess with a saddened face.

"Do you really wanna see me? How I actually looked like?" the mare asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess got curious but shook her head to see how the bracelet maker actually looked like.

"Yes..?" Eclipsetess said in a curious but weirded voice, Eclipsetess was certainly curious as the mare before her smiled with a warm smile before taking off the cloak.

"Woah.." Eclipsetess said, Minette and her were taken away by the mare, she had feathers all over her body, even on her wings!

The mare was very beautiful but looked like a bird, like exaclty like a bird if weren't for her mane, tail, and her forelock! Her hair blue with teal tips, and her hooves were brown but up the legs were a tan color that spiraled up near the shoulders, the mare looked like a rainbow! She was.. Spectacular!

"My names Rainbow, that's what I was named and how I look!" Rainbow said, Eclipsetess was still taken away by the mares bird-like appearance, which Rainbow didn't mind as she smiled while Minette neighed at Eclipsetess who was back from being in a trans-like-state.

"Ah best if we return to our herd now! Right Orion?" Eclipsetess said, she watched Minette trot, bounce, and run back to the herd! Eclipsetess smiled and sighed as she walked back while she also called Orion to come along as well so that when Solstice wakes up, she could be gifted something that Orion got her.

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