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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264963 Posted on 2023-01-08 15:05:37

     Namir looked around worried as smoke and flames were everywhere, "We'll do what we can. Just...get her back for me..and be careful..." he said nuzzling Eclipsetess before him and Orion quickly started looking for the safest route, "Stay close and look out for trees that will fall!" he yelled as Namir galloped in front of Orion, "Next time tell me when she does something like that!" he yelled a bit mad as he looked back at Orion before they both came to a stop once they neared the bridge.

     Orion didn't hesitate to follow Namir while he was careful around their surroundings. "This isn't the time to fight!" he said as they got to the bridge only for it to be in small flames, but broken, "We have to fix the bridge and get the herds out of here safely." Orion summoned one of his books that contained spells. He quickly skimmed through the pages until he found a couple of spells that would work, "Here. I need you to fly to the other side. If I do this spell correctly I can fix the bridge." Orion said as he read the spell a couple of times.

     Namir just snorted, "Fine. We don't have much time," he said before he flew over to the other side. He lost his trust in Orion to keep his sister safe. Orion was about to perform the spell until he heard Namir yelling at him, "MOVE!!" Orion just looked over as a tree fell beside him while he jumped to the side. Thankfully it didn't block the path or break the bridge anymore then it already was. "We don't have that much time until the herd gets here Orion!"

     "I'm working on it!" Orion just took a deep breath before he started performing the spell. Namir was on the other side to make sure it worked and went well. Rope and wood were being wrapped together where the bridge had been broken before it was fixed. "There." he said before he looked over at Cronsi as he showed up, "The bridge is fixed. Now we just have to make sure everyone crosses it safely." he said as Namir flew back over.

     Solstice looked up as she started to hear a tree crackle and snap until it fell. She managed to jump out of the way as the tree only gave her less space away from the flames. Though she was coughing and struggling to breathe the longer she was there until she just took in too much smoke. She blacked out despite all the heat and smoke. There was more smoke then oxygen.

     Until she suddenly awoke to see she was still where she was. Quickly she hurried to her hooves as quick as she could looking around when she realized Eclipsetess was there. "I can try..." she said despite having a burn on her hindquarter, but she didn't really have a choice. That or stay there and die. Though she nodded trusting her, "I'll follow you," she said preparing herself just like Eclipsetess did.

     When it was time to go, Solstice was about to hesitate, but she didn't as she followed Eclipsetess as best she could even if she struggled. Solstice kept pushing herself to keep going as she did her best to keep up with Eclipsetess. Jumping over trees made it harder for her, but she did what she could. Solstice didn't stop. She couldn't. Dra had to have been worse then this...right?

     Though Solstice had started falling a bit behind, but not too far behind. She saw the burning bush that she had to jump. Though partly into the jump, her semi-burnt leg gave out on her causing her to fall. With the help of Eclipsetess, she got back to her hooves despite all the pain she was in. Solstice was relieved when the herd was in sight only having to back up as a large tree fell between them. There was no getting over it. They were so close!

     Namir and Orion were making sure everyone crossed the bridge safely. So far everything was going somewhat well, but two stallions only worried about Solstice. Well Namir worried about Eclipsetess too when he knew most of everyone had crossed the bridge. Moon, Apollo, and Isis had made it over safely as well as several others. They just hoped it would continued to stay that way.

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess before she started following her again to the cliff side. She carefully slid to a stop clearly getting tired. "I can't keep on going much longer...." she said looking up at Eclipsetess tired and hurting. She only looked up at the cackling tree before Eclipsetess and rammed into her causing both of them to fall into the water. Solstice roared painfully as the water made contact with her burns, but she tried ignoring it to stay at the surface.

     Though it was easier with the help of the sea ponies. When they reached the shore, Solstice legs were shaking as her wings touched the sand. Everything hurt, and she was exhausted. Solstice only looked at the burning Isle. What hurt more was that her home was in flames. All of it's beauty gone. Her home. Gone. Her body ached, she lost her home, and she couldn't fly. 

     Solstice just cried as she watched the burning Isle. Even though it was hard to tell since she was soaked, but she was heartbroken. Her lungs even hurt since she still had took in a lot of smoke. Eventually she just looked at Eclipsetess and hesitantly nodded before she gave her home one last look before following Eclipsetess as she limped a bit. Her wings hurting too much for her to keep them at her sides.

     Namir started to get more and more worried as almost everyone crossed the bridge. He just flew a bit making sure most of everyone was accounted for. At least those he knew while Orion did the same, but they were both worried once they saw Grey Cloud. Namir only gave Orion a look causing him to lower his ears and look down. "W-where's my sister and Eclipsetess? What happened!?" Namir asked even more worried then he was before thinking he lost them both as he awaited an answer from Grey Cloud. Orion showed the same amount of worry as he started to quietly blame himself.

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#264964 Posted on 2023-01-08 16:00:09

"A tree fell between the three of us, it was too large and with Eclipsetess and Solstice that couldn't fly, I told them to find a pathway that was the safest route, I'm sure Eclipsetess and Solstice are here. I am just as worried as both of you are, except fearing that they might've not made it back, it's a cliffside when you reach the edge, I'm sure those two made it." Grey Cloud said, she looked back at her home but she sighed and looked at Namir and Orion with hope.

"And if I know the Isle perfectly, just like your girlfriend Namir, then she wouldn't quite on keeping Solstice alive, she'll do as much as she can to use her quick healing spell, it's what she knows best when there's a dangerous situation coming. But I never expected a fire to roar up ever again, and that I thought I almost died once more.." Grey Cloud eerily said, but she chirped up when she tried to be more hopeful, she then trotted over to the herds to see how they were doing.

Meanwhile Eclipsetess started to use her more powerful magic to heal Solstice with the only spells that can heal bodies fully and to restore energy, but it would take out the rest of Eclipsetess's energy left, but she did use her two most powerful spells on Solstice so that she didn't feel burnt or out of energy.

"There, your fully healed and that you have your energy back, like I would promise you if you neared your deadline for resting.." Eclipsetess said, she stopped to nuzzle Solstice happily, but she continued to walk back.

"You can fly to the herd now, I'm out of my energy to do anything but just walk, go and be happy." Eclipsetess said, she let go of Solstice like when letting go of a pet. That's actually quite sad for Eclipsetess to say.

Though as Grey Cloud finished her checking with everyone, she was then looking around the Isle to feed the herd, any thing edible for them was good enough for the entire herd. Grey Cloud didn't care for her well being anymore, only her herd's well being and the new mares, the foals, and her two own foals.. She just wanted to feed everyone here..

"Bingo!" Grey Cloud said, then a alicorn mare walked up to her all curious like, it drove Grey Cloud to go into a defensive mode for her herd.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Grey Cloud shouted, some of the mares, Buckwheat's mares, and even Mesa's mares looked over in a curious manner as Grey Cloud was getting defensive about her herd and the other two herd leaders herd.

"I mean no harm, my husband sent me to bring you all to his kingdom." the unknown mare said, she had a gentle and rather motherly-tone in some way that understood the same situation in which Grey Cloud and the other two herd leaders were stuck in.

Though the second minute the alicorn mare stood there curious, the alicorn king appeared next to his mate, he was wondering why three herds merged together to escape together, though Eclipsetess huffed and puffed as she walked, then she saw a rather large rock she climbed over it anyways. But then a mare looked at her and ran to her, the alicorn mare and king did the samething as Grey Cloud ran over to Eclipsetess and Solstice happily.

"I knew you two made it! And I know Eclipsetess wouldn't let you die Solstice.." Grey Cloud reassured that the two mares made it as she hugged them lovingly, and very happy and excited to see them.

"Namir! Orion! Get over here! Your girlfriends made it like I said!" Grey Cloud shouted at the two stallions being worried over by their spot, Eclipsetess blushed very extremely badly, Grey Cloud just laughed at her blushing.

"Alright alright, I'll stop hugging you two now.." Grey Cloud did as what she said, Eclipsetess just still blushed and maybe mumbled to herself.

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#264967 Posted on 2023-01-08 17:03:29

     The two stallions just looked at each other worried. Namir though gave Orion an unhappy look. He lost his trust in him, but they both looked down. "At least we know Eclipsetess found her..." Namir said trying to be hopeful. Though he did give Grey Cloud a bit of look when she said they might not have made it. It only seemed to worry the two stallions even more. Though Namir listened to what she was saying. She was right. Eclipsetess wasn't one to give up, but Namir was confused by what Grey Cloud meant towards the end.

     Though they just made sure there was no one else left behind as Namir started checking to see if anyone was injured or not. He figured they all had took in a lot of smoke, but he just looked around for any physical injuries. He did come across Moon, "Where's Solstice? I haven't seen her since the fight, and well Dra..." she said concerned. Apollo and Isis were with her like always, but the little colt was coughing a bit with concerned them all.

     Namir sighed, "Orion tried to comfort her after we showed him everything that happened with Dra...she flew off before the fire started..." he said looking back at the burning Isle. Their home was gone, and it pained him knowing that the two mares he loved never made it out.. "Eclipsetess went after her...Grey Cloud saw them, but a tree separated one's seen them since."

     Moon looked at Isis as they were both worried, "Oh dear..." she said looking down a bit before looking at Namir, "They're both strong. They'll keep on finding a way out if they have to. Eclipsetess will make sure they both get out of there. Just try not to worry yourself too much Namir. You didn't sleep last night. Try and take it easy. I can see you pushing away your exhaustion, but you need to rest at some point."

     Namir just looked down and nodded, but he just walked away making sure no one had injuries. It at least kept his mind busy for the time being. Orion just stood looking around every second hoping to see Eclipsetess and Solstice appear. If he hadn't said anything to Solstice then she wouldn't have flew off. Eclipsetess wouldn't have had to go after her. It was his fault that the mares may not have made it.

    Though Solstice just kept walking alongside Eclipsetess until she started to perform the two spells, "I'm fine...I can make it to the herd.." she said even though she knew Eclipsetess wasn't going to take that for a answer. She just nuzzled Eclipsetess back. It still pained her that they lost their home. "What makes you think I'm going to leave you after you just risked your own life to save mine?"

     Solstice just paused and sighed, "It was my fault anyway. I flew off...when Orion told me you guys showed him everything that happened...I didn't want him to know everything. I didn't want him to pity me..." she sighed looking down for a quick moment, "I'm not going to leave you...not after everything you've done for me...and even if I did, I wouldn't be happy. We just lost our home.."

     Namir looked over at Grey Cloud hearing her yell as he saw a strange alicorn mare. Though he just kept walking around to make sure everyone was alright before he just closed his eyes for the time being. He couldn't keep going much longer as Moon was right. He had little to no energy for anything. How he lasted this long without rest, he had no idea. Orion just kept to himself a bit as he looked over at Namir his ears lowered as he looked down. Moon seemed to notice the two stallion's attitudes between each other.

     Solstice just walked with Eclipsetess and helped her whenever she needed it. Carefully she climbed over the large rock, as she helped Eclipsetess. Whether or not she wanted it. Though she just made sure Eclipsetess was alright before looking over seeing Grey Cloud running over along with two other of which she seemed to recognize a bit. Solstice only smiled as Grey Cloud brought them both into a hug. "Me too.." she said softly.

     Orion perked up when he heard his name being called. He looked over seeing Solstice and quickly ran over. Namir did the same. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," Namir said as he came over and nuzzled the two relieved. "Are you two alright...?" He said a bit worried again as he looked them both over. Namir only ignored Orion, and Solstice noticed this, but she stayed quiet for the moment.

     "I am now..." Solstice said before getting her brother to relax, "It wasn't Orion's fault Namir. I needed to be alone, and get away from the herd for a bit...I never wanted him to know everything that we went through because of Dra, and it angered me a bit. I was the one that flew off, so don't be mad at him." she said before stepping over to Orion and nuzzling him before she wrapped herself around him.

     Namir just looked at Orion for a moment pinning his ears a tad bit before he looked at his sister, "Alright...just please don't do anything like that again...I thought I lost you both.." he said nuzzling Eclipsetess seeing how tired she was. They both were, but he just looked at the alicorn king and queen for a moment then Grey Cloud, "What do we do now..? Our home's gone..." he sighed.

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#264976 Posted on 2023-01-08 19:18:28

"Well you all can come to my home and stay as long as you want, I'm sure the fire will die down sometime soon, but not for a large Isle like this one, it'll take years until vegetation grows back. So your staying at my kingdom while the fire dies down and the vegetation grows back. You do have free reign, and your normal rules for your herd also applies here as well, but it's a choice since your used to being in a herd." the alicorn king said, he offered a deal but still free reign? Man he's good, though his alicorn mare applaudes happily!

"Great! I'll alert the guards for a special escort, you'll feel safer then ever!" the mare said, she was so excited that she just ran with so much excitment blowing from her legs.

"Haha! Oh my wife is very excited then, when she acts like that then everyone in our kingdom is excited but also rather happy as well!" the alicorn king said, he knew some horses as he gave them the look of his familar face, but he then started to trot to inside his kingdom.

The guards then followed the alicorn queen, her bejeweled necklace and necklace-like crown, the guards were all just different, Cronsi then nudged Azulia and kept nudging her as she and Cronsi were walking into the kingdom without any guards, though Azulia and Cronsi's foal also trotted up to keep up with them Azulia waited and then kept walking with her foal as Cronsi also waited before continuing.

"Oh.. Yeah.. Azulia was married to a prince on this Isle.. I forgot about that as Azulia told me, probably everyone as well.." Carrion said, he did forget that Azulia was mated- and or married to Cronsi, Cronsi the prince was the son of the alicorn king everyone did forget and then remembered after Cronsi did that with Azulia and their foal.

"Come on, let's get moving since Scorn isn't here.. Namir, Orion, make sure no one gets lost, alright?" Grey Cloud said, she walked in nervously but continued onward, what a confident mare she is!

Eclipsetess put her head on Namir's back before looking at Scorn's- but now Grey Cloud's herd of mares, her two little foals caught up as well, Eclipsetess yawned before walking with Grey Cloud, she even stretched her back to feel better and then continued onward..

Though Eclipsetess's wings look like they barely have any feathers now when she stretched them, it was worrisome but she didn't seem to acknowledge it when she was this tired, but she did it for Solstice's survival, she used up all her energy for Solstice, which was very nice of her but also worrying to do that..

But she seemed to not care, she did catch up with Trickster as she waited for everyone else, Eclipsetess nuzzled her and her foals for a tiny bit before trotting into the kingdom where the guards were for their posts, they were intimadating but it was because of the armor and one alicorn's black wings with rainbow tips. The black winged alicorn took the left side while a white and golden tipped and pointed alicorn took the right side.

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#264979 Posted on 2023-01-08 20:10:50

     Solstice looked down hearing what the alicorn king had to say. She only looked at their Isle still completely heartbroken. So much could change in the time the Isle came back to life with vegetation. Namir looked at her before looking at the alicorn king nodded respectfully, "Thank you.." he said before looking at everyone, "I hope our stay here don't bother you too much..and that it goes better then the last.." Namir only mumbled that last part not wanting to upset Solstice more then she already was.

     Though Solstice looked over at Carrion, "Those two were glued to each other when we were here last. Even after we had to leave this a could say.." she said before looking over at Eclipsetess worriedly. She noticed her wings, and Namir seemed to do the same, but he just shook his head a bit to not say anything. Solstice just looked down before she nuzzled Orion.

     Orion did look at Grey Cloud, "Wait..what happened to Scorn? I thought everyone was accounted for?" he asked looking around. Namir didn't say anything, but he indicated to Orion to do as she said. Orion nodded as he went to make sure everyone was alright and that no one else was left behind while Solstice followed him. Namir nuzzled Eclipsetess before he went to help Orion like he was told.

     Orion and Solstice just followed behind everyone as Solstice looked around, "It's almost like it's happening again...being here again.." she sighed looking down, "At least everyone here is alright." she said trying to be at least a little bit positive. Though she just looked at the guards as they walked before she looked at Eclipsetess again, "She keeps on hurting herself because of was my fault I left the fault she had to come after me..that my wings got side..."

     Orion just nuzzled her, "It's not happening again. Dra is in the underworld. That other stallion is gone. We're safe here.." he said looking at the guards for a moment. It unsettled him a bit since he had never been around guards before, "Don't blame didn't know that the Isle would burst in flames..none of us did..but I never asked them to tell...or even show me what happened.."

     Solstice looked at him before she just lightly put her head to his neck, "She shouldn't always have to pay for my mistakes though. It's unfair. How am I supposed to be a goddess if I keep making life threatening mistakes? Sure she's my guardian, but I can't just let her pay for my mistakes.." she sighed, but she was right. It wasn't fair for Eclipsetess. "I just always mess up..and she has to pay for it. She may not be able to fly again because of is my fault.." Eclipsetess was missing most of her feathers, but Solstice only lost one or two. It should have been the other way around, but Orion wasn't sure what to say after that..

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#264983 Posted on 2023-01-08 21:27:50

When everyone else got inside the kingdom, the two guards standing outside moved on inside the kingdom, where it had everything anyone wanted, the alicorn king went out on everything for everyone's happiness.. Lot's of mares and stallions were rather happy.

A mare pointed out that the king setted up shops, while another mare saw like the sons of the alicorn king which were the younger ones, some of them didn't age much but the younger foals are from the queen since they have her cheek mark.. The queen then approached the four with flower crown but more different then the other ones..?

"Don't worry, these are much different then the ones your herd made, and I heard that a stallion was missing? I found him collecting things for resources from our Trades and Spades Marketplace, he really wanted to help you all just by his frantic voice and tone. He was extremely mad and worried once we got him to be- held back, because my husband and I spotted you all coming out of Isle of Dreams when we were flying.." the queen said, she did laugh in between but she did look over at the worried-but-calm stallion that was happy now with Grey Cloud.

"Hm, we had to keep him held back until his mare spotted him, they both were happy to see each other again." the queen spoke again, she was happy.

Eclipsetess then walked over to Solstice with her wings wrapped in bandages, and even some of her scratches were bandaged, she just looked happy and full of life again. Though her mood changed with her energy fully up, she did yawn but a mare came up to her to drink some more day medicine so that she doesn't sleep during the day..

"Don't worry, I won't nap, I'll only do it if I'm near my boyfriend~" Eclipsetess teased, she was in a better mood at least and cheerier, she still let on that she still wasn't over her home any time soon, and the mare that held the medicine could tell.

"Hm, oh yeah, I gotta show you three around the kingdom more! There's so much more now that the kingdom could be called a city!" Eclipsetess joked at the end, but she was right about the kingdom being more expansed and open now, even the mares and stallions were more friendlier and more curious about everyone, even welcoming everyone into the kingdom since they weren't so- familar about it.

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#264996 Posted on 2023-01-09 06:17:24

     Orion and Solstice had still walked behind everyone making sure everyone made it inside. Solstice looked behind at the two guards curious for a moment before she looked around. A lot had changed since she was last there, but even being here made her a bit nervous considering what happened last time, but she tried not to be nervous. Namir seemed to be watching Eclipsetess and Solstice for multiple reasons, but he could really use a nap. That stallion couldn't stay up forever.

     Though they looked over as the alicorn queen walked over. "That's Scorn alright..." Namir said looking over at him. Solstice only nipped him a bit hard. "I remember seeing him before the Isle burst into flames...after that I never saw him until now...but at least everyone is okay...well I hope Nature and the critters are too..." he said looking back from where they came. They were all missing their home.

     Solstice just nuzzled her brother, "Look at you being all soft," she said having a small smile for a moment before he nipped her back. Though Solstice looked over at Moon and Apollo. Moon didn't seem to care much about where they were. All of her focus was on Apollo, and Solstice got the feeling something wasn't right, "I need to go do something...." she said before she walked away from the group and over to the mare and her foal. "Are you two alright..?" she asked.

     Moon just carefully brought Apollo closer to her, and kept it that way. She seemed worried, but she looked up when she heard a familiar voice, "Oh I'm glad your alright...your brother was worried sick..Orion too." she said looking Solstice up and down, "Hmm..seems like your just fine.." she said more to herself before she sighed and looked down at Apollo, "He's been coughing...I'm afraid he took in too much smoke for his little lungs.." she said worriedly.

     "I'm fine now...just a bit tired.." she said glancing over at Eclipsetess for a moment before she looked at the colt, "Poor guy..I'm sure the healing spell Eclipsetess showed me would help, but I'm not completely sure." she said looking at Moon, "I'll do what I can though.." Solstice just closed her eyes and cleared her thoughts as it helped her perform spells easier before she performed the spell. Apollo just glowed for a few seconds before the glow faded away, "I think that did it.."

     Moon just nodded trusting her as she watched Solstice do the spell. Apollo just flapped his little wings afterwards and whinnied a bit. Moon just quietly chuckled as she nudged the colt towards Solstice, "Well..I believe it worked," she smiled, "Thank you..again..." she said happily. Solstice just smiled a bit and nuzzled the colt before she had to go back to the others, and to see if anyone else had took in too much smoke...

     Though Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess before looking down. At least until a mare came over to her. Solstice figured she was a medic of some sort. She just gave her brother a look after what Eclipsetess said as he just rolled his eyes with a small smile. Solstice then looked back at Eclipsetess, "Maybe's kind of hard to be back here.." she said looking around for a moment before she sighed.

     "Eclipsetess...I want to apologize..." she said a bit quiet as she looked down a bit, "Because of had to come look for me..and because of me..your hurt.." Solstice wasn't really sure how to word things, but she couldn't just turn away now, "I know your my guardian, but it doesn't feel right having you constantly pay the consequences for my actions..." she said looking up at her again, "I keep on making decisions that put myself in danger...which leads to you sacrificing yourself for me every doesn't feel shouldn't have to suffer because of me..."

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#264999 Posted on 2023-01-09 07:44:28

"Alright then." Eclipsetess said, she then heard what Solstice said.

"Solstice.. I know what I'm doing, I know that I am putting myself in for your danger. I know what I saying, I know pretty much about everything for your sake, and yes, I am your guardian and risking my own life for yours and getting out of heaven for you too. I pay much more attention to detail then anyone, and besides, these medics here know a thing or two about excellent healing because my feathers grew back when you were talking, and under the bandages I mean." Eclipsetess told Solstice, she was right on knowing what she is doing and what she is risking for.

"But if I never came back, you were going to be stuck with that guardian, I don't like him anymore or less, it also makes me extremely mad when I see him. I would just to do bad things to him, but that wouldn't be an actual guardian, nor a better one, he just wants horses to stoop to his level of where he stoops. Sometimes I may have to inflict damage by force, which makes me an icredibly acrobatic and strong fighter sometimes, but I know my limits and yours. That's why I use up all of my energy and magic to keep you safe, so you can live and plus, I think I remember Faith telling me that I can be immortal or I already was when I decided that at foal age, I can still take damage and look like I'm dead. But I'm just gonna come back for you, and I can still age like a normal horse as well. I just may act silly since there's that foal inside of me- metaphorical! I'm not pregnant!" Eclipsetess reassured at the end, she at least saved her hide from that.

"And plus, your my best friend, someone who protects you and keeps you safe, just like what you do for the mare and foal over there, I think I heard you say Moon once and Apollo, I'm still forgetful as ever it seems.." Eclipsetess hung her head for a split second before looking around.

"Whenever you feel comfortable, come to me and I'll give you a tour, but I think you should get everyone way more settled since it looks like Trickster has been up since the fire, I also think that I saw Nature and her critters in the medic cave to heal, well mostly the critters, Nature is just her normal self as usual. Except maybe a little burnt on her leg, she won't even allow anyone to touch it until it stops stinging and then she'll go back into the medic cave to complete the rest of the heal for her leg. Just wanted to update you on that." Eclipsetess nibbled Solstice's forelock a little before getting playful and running off to join the other horses that were playing, Azulia was off in the foal playground as Trickster was nearby watching her foals play.

"Ah I forgot one more thing!" Eclipsetess yelled, she embarrassed herself as Azulia snickered at her before continuing to play with her foal.

Eclipsetess ran back over to Solstice, while also flying a little bit to ensure that she was getting quick to Solstice's side for one more thing..

"You should also tell Moon about the foal playground, I saw a couple foals interested in playing with Apollo, their mother's are happy for it but their not sure about Moon since she's quite protective of Apollo. She can even join in on watching Apollo play in case anything happened, and that there's a foal his age about learning to fly! Except the foal is a couple months older then him since she looks very enticed to see how Apollo flaps his wings, but she also wants to say hi to him as well." Eclipsetess said, Trickster was walking to the foal playground as she decided to lay next to Azulia to watch her foals with her.

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#265017 Posted on 2023-01-09 10:58:36

     Solstice only looked down a bit with her ears lowered. Almost like a foal that got in trouble. Orion had just been watching everyone while Namir went and found a spot to rest as he laid down. The smell of smoke still lingered on their coats, but they only ignored it for the time being. Namir had just looked in the direction they came. Heartbroken, but thankful everyone is alright. 

     Though Solstice just listened to Eclipsetess, "It still doesn't make it right...because I can't return the favor..." she sighed before she looked up at Eclipsetess again as she quickly took a look around as Eclipsetess continued talking. "The herd protected me from him when you...made the barrier.." she said remembering that day, "But just doesn't feel right to me..after everything..."

     Solstice did smirk as she looked at Eclipsetess playfully nipping her a bit, "Not yet at least~" she laughed looking over at Namir, "You two are cute together, and he could use someone to keep him busy and in check..~" she teased seeming to enjoy messing with her brother. Namir just rolled his eyes figuring what the two mares were up to, but he honestly didn't really care.

     She did start to smile a little more, "Maybe even future sister-in-law~" she teased again before looking at Moon and Apollo, "Because they never had anyone...mares started to leave Phoenix's herd because I did. Because of me they suffered more then any of us were...and because now I know it wasn't their fault for how I was treated...I knew Apollo was her first foal, and I didn't want her to loose him either..." she sighed.

     Though Solstice nodded, " least this time your here.." she smiled before looking at the herd, "I can do that.." she said before she looked at Eclipsetess again when she mentioned Nature. "At least she got out with those critters..hopefully no one was left on the Isle.." she said getting a bit distracted as she thought about Skadi and Khepri for a moment.

     Solstice felt a little bit better about everything. She just smiled a bit as Eclipsetess nibbled on her forelock before running over to Azulia for a moment. She looked at the herd, and was about to go over to Orion when she noticed Eclipsetess flying back over which made her feel better. "I can do that, but it's up to her..." she said before she walked back over to where Moon and her foal was Isis close by as always.

     "Eclipsetess said there was a foal playground...she wanted me to let you know, and she also said the foals seemed to have noticed Apollo..curious ones they are," she said getting a bit off topic, "I understand if you want to keep him close after..." Solstice looked down as she couldn't finish the sentence, "Anyways..she said that you two are welcome over there whenever you'd like.."

     Apollo had trotted over to Solstice nuzzling her, "Oh well that's good to know.." she smiled looking over where Solstice pointed, "I'll probably just give him and myself time to settle before anything.." she said before Solstice nodded and walked away before checking up on everyone like Eclipsetess said and seeing how everyone was doing so far. It seemed to keep her mind off of things which also seemed to keep her calm for the most part.

     Though after awhile, Solstice just had to lay down. She found Orion and laid down putting her head right where his mane ended, "Everyone seems to be doing fine for the most part, but I just can't believe our home is gone..." she said quietly and tiredly as she tried not to tear up. Everything was fine one second, but then the next the Isle was engulfed in flames. The way her lungs burned from all the smoke. The heat. Everything. 

     Orion just looked at her before looking where their home was..or used to be... "It's not gone forever..." he said as it pained him slightly too even if he only lived there for a couple weeks, "Just..try to relax...that's what you need..what your brother needs..." he said nuzzling her as she returned the favor. There was so much on her mind that it was hard for her to relax, but she ended up doing just that. It was odd though that she started thinking about foals though.

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#265032 Posted on 2023-01-09 18:47:52

"Hahaha!" Eclipsetess laughed, she was off playing in the foal playground with a foal that seemed quite attached to her, and she was attached to the foal rather quick, the young foal even looked like her. But that was rather weird..

Eclipsetess didn't care much, she just thought the foal looked like Solstice with the alicorn thing going on with her coat, though a mare wearing some type of nurterer called for the little foal as Eclipsetess brought her over from the foal playground, Trickster and Azulia were curious about the nurterer and the foal. Until they walked into the conversation.

"Ah are you still planning to adopt this adorable little filly?" the nurterer asked Eclipsetess, she just laughed and rejected the idea until she looked at the foal and nuzzled her.

"Eclipsetess, who's the mare and the foal?" Azulia asked, Trickster shared the same curiosity.

"Oh this mare takes in the foals that weren't born with parents, were born with, were abandoned, were banished and many more reasons. I just thought that I would at least help this mare with getting foals to be adopted.." Eclipsetess's voice ran dead silent at the end, Azulia and Trickster knew that Eclipsetess wanted the foal since she unleashed the unhappy but forced to smile.

"Eclipsetess just adopt her, I'm sure you and Namir can work something out, until he wakes up that is.." Azulia said, Eclipsetess perked up with excitment as the mare nurterer smiled and giggled happily.

"Well it's settled then! Go on little one, you now have a proud and protective mother." the mare said, she nudged the foal as she walked up to Eclipsetess and nuzzled her.

"Aaaawwhhhh~! She's the same size as Apollo! She's so incredibly adorable!" Eclipsetess said, she couldn't help herself with her new daughter then, at least adopted so that they can get along with each other just fine then.

"Fair warning, she may get protective at times, other's say she's a dangerous one. But you can't help yourself with a foal that you love, I wanted to adopt her but I'm not allowed too. Nurterer rules. I'm happy that she's safe at least." the nurterer said, Eclipsetess flapped her wings as she brought her new foal over to the herd.

"What was her name?" Azulia asked the nurterer, the mare looked at her before looking back at Eclipsetess showing her little self to everyone in the herd, minus Solstice, Orion, and Namir since they needed sleep.

"Her name? It was something sweet, and caring, plus protective.. It was Minette, Minette is very determined to protect her families and even friends, I think she got it from Eclipsetess since she gives off the protective tone. Tell Eclipsetess about this, she'll be inlove with the name." the nurterer told Azulia, she turned around and walked back inside while the other mares were doing their thing.

While also seeing Eclipsetess's new foal, Azulia and Trickster just walked back to the herd to see the mini Eclipsetess, Azulia and Trickster told Eclipsetess the foals name as the nurterer was right, she did fall inlove with the name. Though Azulia nudged Eclipsetess to nap while she and Trickster watched the foal become curious of the herd, she even walked up to an unfamiliar mare and her foal.

"Ah ha.." Azulia said as she ran over to the three, "Sorry about that, Minette has no idea who you two are.." Azulia apologized, she never realized that Minette had pink eyes until she realized about that.

"Oh and Minette is Eclipsetess's adopted foal, she didn't want the foal to be alone until she grew up. So yeah, and she looks like Apollo's size, the nurterer said that she was probably born in the same year but a couple months older then him." Azulia told Moon, the curious Minette snorted on Apollo's face on accident as she started to lovingly nuzzle him sorry.

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#265043 Posted on 2023-01-09 20:05:30

     Solstice and Orion had both fallen asleep together. Well..cuddled up with each other. Namir had been sleeping off by himself, but he was awake one moment and asleep the next. It finally caught up to him, and he just couldn't stay awake any longer. The stallion had been awake for over a day, and it had been ages since he stayed away as long as he did. Moon had laid down for a bit as she smiled looking over at the three. 

     It made her happy that Solstice found someone. That and that Namir finally let himself sleep. That stallion was always stubborn. Even as a colt. Moon remembered the days when Namir was a colt almost like they were yesterday. My how fast time goes. Moon smiled as she nuzzled her son taking in every second of him being that small knowing how fast he'll grow. Well before she noticed a small filly had come over.

     Moon just smiled, "Now where did you come from..?" she asked the filly before she noticed Azulia and Trickster had come over. "Oh I don't mind. It's good for a foal to be curious...just not too curious sometimes if you know what I mean...I already know this one will be a lot to handle soon..." she said looking over at Apollo who hid behind her for a moment, "Come on out Apollo. They're friends." she said before getting up and softly nudging the colt. "Can't hide forever."

     "Oh? Well then Namir is going to wake up to quite the surprise then...but he'll be a good father. I mean he did very well raising his sister. She's in good hooves I already know," Moon smiled as she watched the two foals. Apollo only looked at his mom unsure about things, but she didn't give him a choice. The colt just looked at Minette cocking his head to the side a bit before she nuzzled him which took him by surprise a bit, "How lovely.." Moon smiled.

     Solstice had slept peacefully for awhile mainly because she was still tired and worn out from the fight and the running. Though she suddenly woke looking around when she started to have a nightmare about multiple things. Dra, the fire, the mysterious stallion.. All mashed into one singular dream. Solstice sighed as she realized it was just a nightmare as she looked around not paying much attention to anything.

     Though she looked at Orion still sleeping and smiled. She'd have to admit..he was pretty cute sleeping, but she just woke him up, "Don't you start being grumpy with me now. You've woken me up several times before." she said nudging him as she stood up, "Come on..let's go for a walk...just the two of us...I need to clear my head anyway..." she said before looking at Isis whom had been looking around, "If anyone asks tell them we just went on a walk alright?"

     Isis nodded before she kept going on her way. She did seem to be worried about her brother unsure of what had come of him..maybe Skadi too. She only hoped they made it off the Isle. Either when the Isle was engulfed in flames, or before then. She hadn't seen either of them since they ran off. Though she only walked back over to Moon and the others joining in on the conversation a bit.

     Orion just gave her a bit of a look, "Alright you have a fair point..." he said as he got up, "Lead the way.." he said yawning a bit as he let her decide where they were going to go even when he had no idea what any of this was about. Though Solstice just looked around for a quiet spot that no one else was while still being inside the kingdom. "So you going to tell me why you wanted to bring me out here...?" he asked a bit confused.

     Solstice looked down slightly, "I just have a lot on my always, but there's one thing that I just can't stop thinking about..." she said looking at him seeing he still seemed a tad bit confused, but he also listened and she knew that. "Before Faith even showed me that small crown...I just..always...thought about being a mother...I never had one growing up..but with Apollo..and the other just..makes me want to give a foal something I never had growing up..."

     Orion listened to every single word as he thought them over inside his head, "You had me scared for a moment...I thought it was going to be something worse.." he said only for her to nip his cheek a bit hard indicating she was serious, "Ow okay okay I get it..." he said pouting a tad bit before he returned his focus on the conversation, "I know...but do you think you..well we should think about this..? I literally almost just lost you...maybe now isn't the right time.."

     "When is there ever a right time for anything Orion? If you haven't noticed there's always something going on within the herd. I have been thinking about this for awhile...who knows what could happen if we waited..." she said looking down. Solstice seemed to be doing better about being in the kingdom then she was before. Dra was in the underworld, and he wasn't his hateful self, but that didn't make him innocent. Not at all. 

     "Another fair point..." he said knowing she was right. There was clearly always something going on. Orion just smiled and nuzzled her as she had done the same before giving him a small kiss. The two just stayed where they were for a little while before they both agreed to head back to the herd. Both seemed happy...well as happy as they could be at that point in time. Solstice was still pained about loosing her home, but they were both ready to start the next chapter of their lives....

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#265050 Posted on 2023-01-10 08:58:03

Eclipsetess was off grazing as she found a patch of grass and Minette trotted up to her, the two mares already sharing a perfect bond, Eclipsetess was just happy to have a foal, at least adopted so that she knows what to do when and if she wants an actual foal.

Minette then trotted over to Solstice and Orion with much curiousity, she also nuzzled them as well, Minette's back being darker on the top rather the bottom as it was a light brown to pale brown around the barrel or stomach/belly, but her lovely pink eyes is what catches the attention.

Eclipsetess looked up to see Minette being curious of Solstice and Orion, she giggled before trotting over to the three and nuzzling the little foal with love, attention, and kindness. Eclipsetess also greeted the two with hugs, then Eclipsetess stopped hugging the two and nibbled both of their manes.

"Gotta stay clean in the hair!" Eclipsetess joked, Minette whinnied happily like she got the joke, but Eclipsetess just nuzzled her again this time, with more attention.

"Your my little attention seeker huh?" Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette, the little filly just nuzzled Eclipsetess's leg before running off to catch up with Azulia who was playing with the three foals.

"Hm, adoption, if you were thinking of something else." Eclipsetess said, she brought her attention back from Minette to Solstice and Orion.

"Well, I think I should go watch her, let Namir know if he wakes up to find me with Minette at the foal playground. Alright?" Eclipsetess asked, she did shake in case Namir got mad at her for something she didn't do, but she also wanted to let him know before he did anything.

"Well- uh, bye!" Eclipsetess nibbled Solstice and Orion's forelocks again before running off to help watch Minette while the other foals with their mothers played as well, Eclipsetess then trotted next to Trickster's right side since she knows Azulia takes the left as usual when laying down.

When Eclipsetess layed down next to Trickster, Minette walked up to her with a nuzzle then continued playing with Azulia and the three foals, she did sometimes look over at Apollo before playing again, Eclipsetess got up to nuzzle Minette and then she had her walk over to Apollo right next to her.

"I saw you looking over at Apollo, are you curious of him?" Eclipsetess asked Minette, the little foal blushed which made Eclipsetess smile.

"Aww you developed a rather quick crush! I'm so happy for you!" Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette as she had her trot up to Apollo as she was curious of him, Eclipsetess just chose a spot to lay down that was near Moon and the two foals but not in the way for the two.

"Sorry for coming back over Moon, Minette cannot take her eyes of Apollo, even for a split second, I asked her a question and she blushed like red roses!" Eclipsetess started to get giddy with Minette having her first crush, "Even if their young, they can grow crushes at a certain age or more, which I think is really adorable!" Eclipsetess said, Minette was sniffing Apollo out of curiousity and of course his wings as well.

When Minette saw Apollo's wings, she got excited as she flapped her's with pure excitment, Eclipsetess teleported Minette to her so that she could show her how to fly or at least hover off of the ground with pure ease! Minette was curious on why and how she was teleported until she saw that she was next to her mother.

"Heheh, if you keep getting excited over wings, then I'm going to have to show you on how to hover. So that you can get it, but appearently your too excited, making me having to teach you anyways." Eclipsetess said, Minette got excited at those sounds and ran back to Apollo's side as she wanted him on how to fly.

"Oh sweetie, Apollo may be too young yet, he still doesn't know on how to flap his wings. Unless there's a miracle, but I'm letting nature- instincts on how to decide that. You may know things at your age already, but your still too young on the flight and lifting off on how to fly." Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette, she got rather sad so Eclipsetess had to say that stuff at the end to cheer her up.

"If you want me to teach you both, then you two are gonna go on the easiest thing, which is opening your wings and spreading them out! Easy stuff." Eclipsetess said, she spread her wings out just like she said and she even was stretching them as her longer feathers were bigger but still rather small.

Minette copied her mother's steps, which her wings were really beautiful with the rainbow tips that flashed colors on both sides of the feather tips, Eclipsetess was surprised before bringing her attention over at the two alicorns, the black one with the rainbow tips nervous and started shaking.

"Alright the easiest step done, now you just flap them lightly, not too hard or else they'll sting and twitch." Eclipsetess said, she did the samething as she spoke but her wings could take the stamina, but she did do the light flight as well to demonstrate two different things.

Minette looked at her wings and flapped them lightly, her feathers were still growing but looked a little mature at her age if she was the same age as Apollo's, but Minette did flap them as her hooves got off the ground for a second before she fell, which Eclipsetess helped her up.

"I think that's enough excitment and lessons for today, Minette why don't you go and stay with Azulia and Trickster? Your two aunt's to say the least, I still gotta grade your flying, which I need Moon for that since I need her opinions as well." Eclipsetess quickly nuzzled the foal, as Minette ran over to Azulia and Trickster.

Eclipsetess took her seat and layed down while looking at Apollo with the happiest eyes ever, she then asked for Moon's opinion on Minette's first flight, which Eclipsetess was sad to grade her flight, but patterns mattered when it came to such things.

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#265057 Posted on 2023-01-10 10:58:34

     Solstice and Orion had come back to the herd only to be greeted by a small filly, "Well hello there little one," Solstice smiled as she looked at the filly noticing her very noticeable pink eyes. Almost like her own light blue eyes that stood out because of her rather dark colored coat. She just happily nuzzled the filly as Orion had done the same. Solstice then looked up seeing Eclipsetess trot on over as they both returned the hugs.

     Solstice smiled as she nodded and watched the filly as she giggled after Minette went over to Azulia and the others, "I'm guessing my brother is still sound asleep then?" she said before she grinned, "Go on a walk and we come back to you adopting a filly? Quite the surprise," she said even though she seemed happy about it. "It'll probably be awhile until he wakes up, but I'll tell him if and when he does," Solstice laughed.

     "I already have a feeling she'll keep you on your hooves.." Orion said with a small laugh before Eclipsetess ran off. " least something good happened today..." he said trying to be positive about things. Solstice only looked down as he nuzzled her and she had done the same. The two just decided to walk around a bit. Solstice wasn't ready to rest again even if she was still tired, but Orion caught the feeling that she woke up from a nightmare before they're little "walk".

     Moon had been trying to graze, but it wasn't too terribly long before Apollo started getting playful and running around her and trying to get her to play with him, "I'm afraid I'm too tired to play right now Apollo...I'm surprised your this energetic after earlier.." she sighed looking at him, "My your going to be a handful.." she said before looking up at Eclipsetess smiling as she came over with Minette.

     "I don't mind really. I was just considering bringing this one over to the playground," she said not giving Apollo a chance to hide which he wasn't happy about, but she didn't care. "Ah young love already? Well I guess we all have someone we had a crush on when we were young.." she admitted remembering a colt she grew up. "Though it's different when stallions always insist me on being their mate.." she sighed, "Phoenix was the only one that actually forced me...and threatened me.."

     Though Moon made sure the foals didn't hear that part as she watched them. Apollo was a bit unsure of Minette, but he just looked at her a bit curious of her as well. He looked around confused when Minette seemed to just vanish until he looked seeing her over at Eclipsetess's side. The colt just cocked his head to the side confused before she ran back to his side. Moon just smiled watching the two, "It's alright Apollo," she said nuzzling the colt, "Well he does flap his wings a little bit every now and then, but he's still a bit young to start learning to fly.." she said.

     "But he's already a miracle.." she said still very thankful that her colt was thriving. "His father was never the best of flyers. Mainly because of all of his torn and missing feathers, but even before then he wasn't the strongest. I'm sure Apollo will be better then his father...more ways then one.." she said choosing her words wisely since she didn't want Apollo to know the truth about his father.

     Moon just smiled as she watched the two. Apollo tried following along, but he was still a bit too young. "Soon enough Apollo." she said nuzzling the colt, but she let him watch since he was curious about it. Though she watched Minette run off before looking at her son, "Go on. Go play," she said nudging the colt. Apollo just looked at her a bit confused, but he ran after Minette. 

     Solstice had nuzzled Orion before she walked over seeing a small part of the little lesson as she decided to go over to the group. Though as she was walking over, the two foals had ran right past her as she chuckled, "Now don't you go forgetting about me," she told Eclipsetess as she laid down next to the two mares with a smile. "You better not teach that filly how to fly the same way you did me and my brother...although it was very enjoyable when we did it to him," she laughed, "I'm still trying to think of a way to get you back for that though..."

    Moon smiled when Solstice joined before looking at Eclipsetess, "I think she did well, but I just have a horn not wings." she said before looking at Solstice again, "Now what have you two been up to?" she asked in her motherly tone. Though she seemed to always have it. Apollo had just been enjoying himself as he played with some of the other foals while Moon watched him every now and then.

     "Just walking around..." Solstice said, "Just the two of us..." Solstice didn't say why they went on a walk or anything, but she chose not to say anything about wanting to be a mother..she was still heartbroken about loosing her home, but she seemed to be getting more comfortable inside the kingdom, "I am getting more comfortable here was just hard at first because of last time...when Dra disguised himself as the alicorn king, and said I had to marry him...thank goodness it was a lie.."

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#265084 Posted on 2023-01-10 19:16:07

"I'm sure Azulia agrees with that, I'm still getting caught up with her telling me, man what an adventure from the start!" Eclipsetess giggled, though she went quiet and apologized in case she hit a nerve or two on accident.

"And of course I agree with you on that, I would've beaten Dra to a pulp if I wasn't taken! I'd make him see the incredible pain of everyone, while also doing it in a friendly but vengeful way! Of course I wouldn't over do it.." Eclipsetess added onto her sentence, she was.. A little disturbing at the end while also saving her hide from being kicked from the herd, she was like the crazy mare but way more mannered.

"Sorry about being disturbing, I just want him to see, that's if we had the ability to do so. And probably go back and save everyone from Phoenix, including you, and helping Namir find his love interest~" Eclipsetess teased at the end, but she did look down before looking at Namir, she did pin her ears since she knew that if she did that then Namir wouldn't be inlove with her. At all really and Eclipsetess knew that.

"Anyways, I should go check out anything knew, I heard that the king allows Marshshakes, and I'm interested in seeing what it looks like and what it tastes." Eclipsetess said, she greeted the three goodbye and went over to nuzzle Minette before trotting over to the stand inside a shallow cave that reveals the Marshshake cave and stand.

Azulia got up as Trickster did the same, Raven and Trickster's foals looked up at them as they rested too much and saw them stretch happily, Raven went over to Minette and Apollo out of curiosity, Minette was a little bigger then Apollo but WAY smaller then Raven since she was a couple months older but still young..

Smoke came trotting over as she wanted to see Apollo, she actually just wanted to hide from Grey Cloud and Scorn as they saw her poking from Apollo as Grey Cloud nipped Smoke's tail as the young filly had a considerbly long mane and tail now, she was probably a year old and some months as some foals grow a little quicker then others.

"Found you darling! Now come say hi to your younger siblings." Grey Cloud said, Smoke did still act like a young foal as she did what her other said, Scorn just nuzzled her to help her confidence.

"Hi you two, I see your my young siblings, what a wonderful time for you both." Smoke told her two younger siblings, Scorn then nuzzled the three youngsters happily, Grey Cloud smiled at the three as the two younger foals now knew their older sister and she just looked like Scorn, minus her father's blacked out coat, she did look like Grey Cloud from the similar legs and arched neck.

"Mom what's your breed? Like what we look like type of breed." Smoke asked Grey Cloud, Grey Cloud was taken by surprise from this question and she thought it out while Scorn did the samething, Smoke was just being patient as the two foals began playing with each other.

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#265099 Posted on 2023-01-10 20:35:06

     Solstice did look down slightly as she sighed, "None of it makes sense though..." she said a tad bit quieter as she shook her head slightly, "Why he was after me...why he took you...even why he lied about me marrying just doesn't make sense.." Even though it hurt talking about Dra, Solstice had to make some sort of peace with it, and she couldn't avoid talking about it all the time. Maybe it got to her that she still didn't know why someone like Dra would hunt her down.

     "Eclipsetess...we all fought him...well tried to.." she sighed looking up at her, "I had to watch each and every one of you die when I could only stand there and watch...I will never forget that...any of it..." Solstice just looked down again, "All that matters is that we're still here, and he isn't..." Solstice just went silent for a moment. She thought about the other stallion she had just fought, and started to wonder if he was the cause of the fire..

     Moon was mostly silent. She had no say in any of this. Except for when Phoenix was mentioned, "There are clearly stallions worse then a greedy pegasus. We may have been hurt, but we all lived. Several mares successfully left the herd or even the Isle until it was down to me and the other few. I just have to make sure my son grows up to be who his father is not...which I already know he will be." she smiled looking at the two. Solstice seemed to have needed that a tad bit.

     Though they both just bid Eclipsetess goodbye as Moon looked at Solstice, "It may hurt to talk sometimes, but it me. There are plenty here who would take the time to listen to you if needed." she smiled nuzzling her before she looked over at foal playground, "Now I should probably head over there and keep an eye on my son to make sure he stays out of trouble," she smiled before Moon got up and walked away.

     Apollo had been playing around until he noticed Smoke. He just stood there and cocked his head to the side before he looked over seeing his mother walk over. The colt gave Smoke another quick look before he ran over to Moon, "Well you've gotten used to those legs rather quickly...go on keep playing." she said nudging the colt back over to Minette as she just watched them.

     Solstice ended up getting up and walking back over to Orion. She stopped to glance at Namir as he was still very much asleep. Though she just smiled as cautiously walked up to him as she used one of her wings to tickle his muzzle a bit. When she saw a small reaction, Solstice just trotted away like a guilty foal as she giggled. Orion saw the whole thing, "You know he'll chase after you if you actually did wake him up right...?" he asked her as she brushed against him lovingly.

     "I know my brother. When he's sleeping like that, I would always mess around with him, and he never woke up from it when I was a foal. I had to entertain myself somehow, so every now and then I just tickle him whenever I get the chance...he never notices," she said with a guilty smile as she did like to do it. Though she just laid down and looked around, "Looks like everyone is settling in well so far..." she said as her mood changed.

     Orion just laid down with her, "It's not permanent..the Isle isn't entirely's beauty is.." he said nuzzling her to comfort her, "Just think of it as a long vacation..." he said looking at her, "We can explore new places here, and meet new horses. It's not that bad here...I mean the alicorn king was kind enough to welcome three herds into his kingdom when he didn't have to..."

     Solstice just snorted a bit, "Do you always have to be right?" she asked with a bit of a look before she just nuzzled him and cuddled with him more. The two seemed to be together more often since the evacuation, but they didn't really care if anyone was watching them. Solstice just smiled as she ended up closing her eyes. It was finally starting to get late anyway, and Solstice wanted to try and sleep.

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