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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264873 Posted on 2023-01-06 17:31:25

"Haha yeah.. I know an exit when I see a chance, though Scorn teleported a letter to me, so I was able to leave without the three whinning at me, I know they don't but sometimes... I can get a little annoyed.. I try not to show it as it's rather rude being annoyed at a little foal, the mares in Scorn's part of his herd always made that rule clear. It's not an enforced rule by Scorn but he's rather quite protective as well. I mean I can't say that, but it's what everyone in his herd knows about as it's obvious from their staring sometimes.." Eclipsetess said, she then looked over Namir and then used her horn to make him glow for a second, but after the glow faded, Namir looked like Eclipsetess except the torn scrolls and potions weren't in his coat pockets as Namir rather had a necklace that served as an emblem for his coat.

"Ha, I forgot that if Scorn did this with a couple that the clothing would match, actually Scorn didn't give you a role did he? That's weird.. At some point I thought he would but your the only stallion- besides the other mares and stallions- including Buckwheat's that aren't clothed yet, except your matching me. I think it's only because you have no role which means your forced to match my clothing. What a little surprise eh?" Eclipsetess giggled, she then started trotting around Namir and maybe nipping him a little.

Though as Eclipsetess wasn't paying attention as her cloaked was starting to drag, then she pulled on it as she fell to the ground, Eclipsetess didn't move as her eyes went spiral for little bit, indicating she won't do that again if that happened which won't be likely, though Azulia got into a spot as she did that "ooohhhh" thing to make Namir blush.

Azulia then laughed as a mare bonked her on the head to keep quiet, though Eclipsetess woke up from her little nap as she used her horn to take her cloak off for now, but a little emblem was on her neck, near her mane but a little far from it.

"I- so.. Are we just gonna ignore that or what?" Eclipsetess said aloud, she then sat down as she placed her hoof on her head for a split second before taking her hoof off her head.

Though a small gust of wind made Eclipsetess shiver, then she looked up at she got scared for a second before blinking as the horse flying in the air disappeared for her, one of the mares just looked up at where Eclipsetess was looking as she saw nothing, then the horse appeared behind Eclipsetess as she got scared.

The blind mare kept walking from her herd to see what was happening with Eclipsetess, but she stopped as she saw Eclipsetess jump without hesitation with her usual screams, then she saw the horse as she said from her story or life experience but the horse seemed rather much like a ghost as the other mares spotted the ghostly stallion.

But the ghost stallion looked around with disgust, his wings were large, he had feathers on his legs much like a fresian's feathering, but as the stallion walked around like he owned it. He ignored every mare talking to him as he said nothing, but he did use a horn that seemed to get a rock to move, this ghostly stallion seemed powerful even after death but the blind mare seemed to fear him as she was frozen like a rock as other mares and even Eclipsetess tried to move her but she wouldn't budge, even with magic too!

Then the ghostly stallion then seemed to start sucking the magic from the rock out as it shrunk until it was a pebble, the rock was forced to be infused with magic, the ghostly fade from the stallion started to fade out as he seemed more real, but he then smiled like that crazed mare as she walked up to the stallion with worry.

But then he started to laugh as his wings returned to their large self, the stallions horn large and a little curved much like the blind mare's story, he then stopped laughing as he turned around to have noticed the blind mare as he began walking up to her with a teasing tone but much more eviler as the blind mare kept backing up until Buckwheat was the one to have wrapped his six wings around the blind mare, the stallion just looked up despisingly of him.

"You horses were always such a way of destruction.." the stallion eerily said, he then looked at everyone before making a tree turn into a castle.

"I have no use for anything anymore, if you want to seek my knowledge, then come find me in my castle. I always had one on that dumb Isle where that dumb young blind mare foal lived. But sadly my castle turned to ruins~" the stallion said, he didn't care as he drowned that Isle himself, Dra wasn't even born during this stallions time, he just wanted horses to suffer more then ever.

But the stallion did walk to his home of a castle, rather small but it'll turn into a larger one soon, but Scorn didn't look happy as he was supposed to be a hidden king now, and he didn't like a stallion making his home on his turf with hostile mares, but some chose to stay frozen much like the blind mare.

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#264877 Posted on 2023-01-06 19:54:40

     Namir chuckled a bit and nodded, "I know that all too well. I don't know how I managed to sneak away from my sister when she that little..she was the boss, and there was no arguing about that. Quite the stubborn one she was..well she still is no doubt about that," he said looking over at his sister, "Foals can be bossy, but they tire quickly..that's the good part." he laughed, "I always took advantage of Solstice sleeping to speak with Moon sometimes, or just go on a walk. Though I miss it..I miss her being little sometimes.."

     Though Namir only nuzzled her before she did something. Sometimes Namir just didn't know what was going on in her head. Not that he minded anyway. Namir did look at himself as he seemed to wearing what she was. It was odd to him for a moment since he never really wore anything before. He did look at the necklace that seemed to appear with a emblem. He was curious about what it meant, but he just kept quiet as Eclipsetess started to speak.

     He only shrugged, "I don't need one. I know how to keep myself busy and help the herd when needed. Like last night. I stayed up when I didn't have to, but sometimes once I'm up I'm up. Especially with that brown stallion. My role used to be to protect and care for my sister when she was younger, but now that she's mature she just doesn't listen anymore. Though it's time for her to make her her own life. I've done my part."

     Namir just grinned as she trotted around him and nipped him a bit. He didn't mind, but he did slightly pull on her mane a bit in return. He did chuckle as she fell. He just stepped closer to her and nuzzled her, "Watch your step there." he said with a smirk before looking at Azulia shaking his head amusingly as Eclipsetess had gotten up, "I don't know. Will we?" he said noticing the emblem on her neck. 

     Though he seemed to feel the gust of wind a bit too. Namir felt like something wasn't right as he got closer to Eclipsetess protectively. "Something isn't right..." he mumbled to himself as he looked around in all the directions he could, but he stayed close to Eclipsetess sensing her fear as he saw the ghost like stallion appear. His ears immediately went flat against his neck and Namir tensed up as his eyes started to glow slightly.

     Solstice had just been with Orion as the two of them were messing around with each other like foals. Moon and her colt were back with the other mares as they seemed to be having a quiet conversation, but it was easy to see it might have been about how they all were doing since Phoenix left. Even if they didn't know the truth about what happened to him or where he was. Some of the mares still feared that he was still on the Isle.

     Though Solstice nipped Orion a bit hard, "Orion stop. Something isn't right.." she said firmly as she looked over feeling the presence of someone..even if they weren't visible. At least not for long. A ghostly stallion appeared as Solstice took a step forward and spread her wings protectively. She knew this stallion wasn't anything good, "Can I please just have one day without anything going on? Just one day?" she huffed as she stomped her hoof closely watching the stallion.

     Namir only gave her a stern look. Solstice just rolled her eyes as she put her gaze back on the stallion. She watched him take magic from a rock to make his true self show more then his ghost self. That only made her a bit uncomfortable. She couldn't help but think of that stallion doing the same to her. The magic being sucked out of her. Solstice only shook the feeling before she kept watching the stallion.

     Solstice just snorted and stomped her hoof again as the stallion went into his castle. She got a slightly familiar feeling. Dra. Except this wasn't Dra. This stallion looked nothing like him. Not even close. Besides Solstice had to convince herself Dra was dead after her nightmare. It was just too real for her. "Who was that? Why are they here? I don't need a repeat of things. I already know this stallion appears to be worse then..well you know who..." she said walking over to her brother and Eclipsetess as she put her wings back to her sides.

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#264882 Posted on 2023-01-06 21:36:14

"I do not know, and it seems like magic could be a life force after all, I did look down when I had the chance I thought I saw a small speck of magic leave the hooves of that stallion as he went up to his castle, though I think Scorn is getting more protective. I can feel him forcing himself to at least try and protect us all without the mares, we've seen him do that before, but I can't just put a hoof on why that other- ghostly-like stallion showed." Eclipsetess said, she answered some parts of Solstice's question, but she did feel a tight tug on her mane as she saw the blind mare behind her.

"Oh hello, what do you need?" Eclipsetess asked the mare as she seemed to be nervous, then she looked at the stallion's castle before looking back at her.

"Do you know something of that stallion?" Eclipsetess asked, the mares that looked at her and the four of them clicked at what the blind mare said; her story was becoming real again.

"It's just, that you should be nervous of that stallion, he was a much greater foe then who you three fought previously, my grandparents and great grandparents and some cousins of mine tried fighting that new ghost stallion.. But failed.." the blind mare said, Eclipsetess was puzzled by what she meant.

"And what do you mean by that? Failed? What does it mean?" Eclipsetess asked the mare, she seemed like she knew something more eviler for that ghost stallion.

"By what I meant; is that there were skeletons of my grandparents after the loss of that stallion winning, he can suck any magic from within his hooves, I feel the Isle is weakening because of him, his magic is not real, he doesn't have any. Instead he was born with a curse, a curse that turned him into the greatest tyrant of all history, more important then anyone you fought I presume?" the blind mare said, she didn't know about Dra so she just dodged bullets there.

"More eviler? How so? And what about the curse's name, and the stallions name?" Eclipsetess asked, the blind mare just continued looking nervous.

"He was the first horse to drown five Isles, four unaware and my own Isle to be flooded, I was young when that happened.. I was happy that he finally died, I could rest at peace knowing a horrible stallion was dead. At least he didn't get his most strongest magic, but that soon turns into something more.. Anyways the curse's name was called "Withering Soul" a very rare flower that barely exsists here anymore, it harbors in the mountains now." the blind mare told Eclipsetess, she dodged the question for the stallions name.

"What about the stallions name? Knowing he was worse then Dra, just by flooding Isles that horses were unaware of.." Eclipsetess asked at the beginning, she then scoffed at the end.

"I don't remember his name actually, it was so long ago that one of my herdmates has a journal but it's blowing away slowly like ashes in a volcanoe quickly, meaning you won't be able to flip it's pages unless it was copied." the blind mare said, she answered Eclipsetess's questions as she told the mare to go back to lay down, but the strange stallion was walking up to the four as the mare froze up in fear, he must've hurt the horses and foals there badly if this one mare froze up in fear.

"And what are you four talking about?" the stallion asked in a demanding cold voice, his voice was also deep but not much as his chilling voice made Eclipsetess shiver but she got in front of the blind mare.

Scorn walked over as he had his wings and horn out, as his crown was now a kings one, Scorn was being protective as the newer stallion was showing off his life but also a rather more demanding way of showing it, but Scorn stood a good feet away as he watched the stallion intently with protective eyes and a more protective stance towards the stallion..

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#264885 Posted on 2023-01-07 08:57:06

     "Well we all know my mother's necklace is what keeps me alive, so magic can be a life force in some cases..." she sighed looking around before looking at the same blind mare from before. Namir just listened to what was being said while he thought it over. That and staying close to Eclipsetess and his sister. He was starting to get quite protective of them now that this strange stallion was here.

     Solstice only looked at the blind mare when she spoke, "There can't be anyone worse then Dra! He was bad enough as it is! We all almost died fighting him...because of me.." Solstice seemed to get a bit mad, but she also started to shiver a bit. Namir just stepped over to her nuzzling her to calm her nerves. "He tried to take over the Isles..then destroy them. He was immortal. How in the world could there be a stallion worse then him!?"

     "Solstice. Relax. It wasn't your fault. Nothing was. You have every right to still fear him after everything he did to you, but you need to calm down. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I won't let it. You know that." Namir said in a bit of a firm tone, but he needed her to calm down and relax, "We'll figure this out." Solstice only looked down a bit and nodded slightly as she went quiet. Namir then looked over at the blind mare listening.

     "If this..curse is real then he can destroy the Isle with ease..." Namir said looking down a bit, "But is it stronger then the spell you used to protect the Isle?" he asked Eclipsetess as he looked at her, "I thought the barrier was supposed to keep horses like him out of the Isle..unless it's broken.." Namir then just looked up at the barrier getting worried like his sister and everyone else.

     Solstice just took a breath or two, "Then he isn't dead anymore...I don't even know is Dra still is or nightmare of him was too real for him to still be dead.." she said shakily as she looked down despite things. "Orion might be able to copy the book...I don't know if he's done it before or not, but he does have a lot of books.." she said looking at Eclipsetess before she felt the presence of the stallion.

     Namir just spread his wings as his eyes started to glow as he stepped in front of the three mares, "We don't have to give you that answer. I suggest you leave." Namir said with a snort. Even is he knew what this other stallion was capable of, Namir wasn't going to let him hurt anyone else anymore then what they already are. "You have no right to be here. No right to call this your home. It isn't."

     Solstice looked at Eclipsetess then her brother, "Namir stop.." she whispered as she nipped him, "Your going to get yourself killed.." He didn't listen. Namir was doing what he always said he'd do. Protect her. Protect the mares he loved. Solstice just looked back at Eclipsetess, "What do we do..?" she whispered, "He won't listen..he never does.." she sighed trying not to look at this other stallion.

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#264896 Posted on 2023-01-07 09:37:11

"Hah! Do you have a right to be silenced?" the stallion asked, he was much bolder then any stallion as the others from Buck's herd just watched nervously.

"It's my home either way, sad to see other horses wiped from exsistence because of me, I deleted lneages of horses, including foals that I didn't want growing up to just kill me in the end, guess I was wrong about that. But I can just come back either way, more dangerous horses whether male or female couldn't even take me as I could just kill them instantly!" the stallion laughed, he showed no mercy with the way he was talking, then Scorn rushed up and slammed the stallion to the ground!

"SHUT UP!!" Scorn demanded, he was beyond angry, his face mad with a fear of nothing, the other stallion scrambled up to his hooves with ease.

"You cannot tell me what to do, you are not like your father, but you are him in a way with how you just slammed me to the ground without hesitation.." the stallion smiled as a little blood came trickling out of his mouth, with how hard Scorn slammed this stallion he seemed fine except for the blood that curled around his hairs without falling off.

"See? I cannot die when I come back, I told every horse that and yet they decided to try and kill me either way, that's why I flooded or drowned the Isles without a care as I loved it! No one. Tells. Me. What. To. Do." the stallion said, his wings big but Buck came over as he did the same thing like what Scorn did.

"You shouldn't even exsist!" Buckwheat said, the other stallion tried getting up but he couldn't as Scorn's chains wrapped around him quickly, Buckwheat just laughed as he nodded to Scorn who had his horn glow and the strange stallion disappeared.

"Finally." Scorn sighed to himself, Buckwheat was about to go back as he heard the stallion again.

"WHAT?!" Buckwheat turned around to look up as he saw the stallion in the air, his wings flapping without much feathers on him to make him fly, Scorn just hissed as he and Buckwheat took off into the air.

"Well.. Who wants to go hide?" Eclipsetess asked, the blind mare hid herself from the stallion attacking Scorn and Buckwheat in the air.

"No matter what I do, no matter where I am, I am always found by him.." the blind mare said, the stallion dodged Scorn as he did a controlled barrel roll with a double axis in the air.

"Let me at least steal that stupid mare! I am always chasing her to death's door~!" the stallion said, Scorn took the blind mare to be hidden as he looked at her quickly before looking back and saving his hid.

"Namir, Solstice, I might need your help with Buck and I trying to fight this stallion!" Scorn shouted, Eclipsetess was left out of this but she did nudge the two as she sat back if she didn't want to be fighting right now.

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#264904 Posted on 2023-01-07 11:15:37

     Namir just huffed, "Oh I've heard that before. About not dying. Too many times. Stallions like you pride it so much it's your weakness," Namir said. Solstice only tried to get him to back down, but nothing worked. She knew it too as she looked down. Namir was fed up with stallions like this one and Dra. Phoenix even. Even if he was just full of himself. All he cared about was the safety of Eclipsetess and Solstice. 

     "Your mind is so messed up. Why bother killing innocent foals just so that they didn't came after you? Like you've said you'll always come back, so why should it matter?" Solstice had enough and just pulled on his tail quite hard. Namir only gave her a look. One that he only gave her in rare situations, but she never liked that look, and she knew what it meant. His eyes glowing red.

     Though Solstice looked back up when she heard something hit the ground. At first she thought it was Namir, but saw it was the strange stallion Scorn standing right by him as he yelled. Namir only stepped closer to this stallion, "Well then you've never met us." Namir looked at Scorn before looking at three mares just before Buckwheat rammed into the stallion again. 

     Solstice wasn't sure on what to do about any of this, but she did look at Eclipsetess and the blind mare. She just went over to the blind mare, "I know how you feel. Being hunted. Dra was hunting me. While I'm still not sure why he was, I know what it's like. I was just like you...still am. I was sent to the heavens to keep me safe and learn about my magic. Although Dra still managed to manipulate me..I hurt my brother because I had no control over my own self. Being chained up. Prized."

     Solstice paused for a moment as she sighed, "We can help you...everyone here did the same for me.." she said before looking around. Moon kept Apollo closer then ever. Isis and Orion were trying to keep her and the other mares calm since they were still recovering from Phoenix. Then she looked at Eclipsetess and Scorn as Scorn sent the blind mare somewhere safe. 

     "I- what? I could barely fight Dra!" she said looking at everyone as Eclipsetess nudged her and her brother. Solstice wasn't sure about this especially since the longer this stallion was here, the more she knew he was worse then Dra himself. She just looked at them before she looked over at Moon, Apollo, Isis, and Orion. She mainly just watched the colt before she looked at the stallion before she spread her wings and flew up towards him quite quickly as she launched herself towards him with force. Like Buck and Scorn did..only in the air.

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#264908 Posted on 2023-01-07 12:00:12

"Gah!" the stallion tried dodging Solstice but he wasn't fast enough for him to pride himself before even realizing it, though he did manage to rip her grip from him and flew higher, Scorn took this as an advantage and flew faster as the stallion kept flapping his wings hard.

"Nice work! We got him in the ropes now, we're sure to keep him from escaping!" Buckwheat said as he flew close to Solstice but not near enough to distract her from what was happening.

"Uh brown feathered stallion, after the lead stallion of your herd is done chasing this foolish one, then you should be able to knock him down since flapping wings harder takes much more energy then normal flapping." Buckwheat told Namir, he really didn't know his name or Scorn's, which was fine since he knew who he was talking too.

Though Scorn kept chasing the stallion, he felt like he was nearing the barrier, which would reset a horse or not, so Scorn stopped flapping his wings and started to do free fall.

"All yours Namir!" Scorn told Namir, he started to flap his wings once more when he was next to Solstice and Buckwheat as she was waiting for her turn- probably..

"When Namir can't handle it, that's when you join your brother, alright Solstice?" Scorn asked Solstice, he knew it was probably more of a command since all four of them were in a rushed hurry to take this one stallion down, Eclipsetess was down on the ground as she was ready to heal all four of her friends, minus Namir since he wasn't more of a friend. Hah.

Though the stallion did use his wings to angle himself, as he tried dodging Namir, he was going after Scorn and Buckwheat but these two younger horses were called into the battle, the stallion did use his ghostly abilities to dodge any magic being used against him, he was shown to draw magic from a rock with ease but magic from a horse was a no-go..?

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#264914 Posted on 2023-01-07 13:31:00

     Solstice just brought all of her force into the stallion's body as she flew into him. Something sparked inside of her for her to do that. The foals. Apollo. Maybe even the blind mare. She didn't want anyone else to go through what she did. What she was still dealing with, and what she will deal with for the rest of her life. She would never have the normal life she wanted even if she did fall in love with a stallion. Even if she did become a mother. Nothing would ever be normal for her.

     Namir flew up just after his sister did. He watched her closely making sure she stayed unharmed. Solstice was about to fly after the stallion when Scorn came in. She only looked at Buckwheat, "Not my first fight, and I'm not doing this for you," she said looking over at Orion and the others for a moment. Orion had been watching. He didn't like to see her fighting, and it worried him, but he couldn't do anything about it. No matter how much it hurt him.

     Moon saw how distracted he was as she made sure Apollo was fine with Isis for a few minutes even though she was quite nervous, "Orion..relax..she'll be alright.." she said trying to convince herself and him as she tried not to watch the fight, "Eclipsetess is there to help if needed. She's doing what she does. Protecting the ones she cares for. They all are.." she said nuzzling him a bit.

     Orion only looked at her before he looked down and nodded a bit. "I guess your right..." he said looking back up at Solstice, "I just don't want her to be hurt after this..." he said nuzzling Moon back in a friendly manner. He just looked at Moon and the others making sure they were alright before he went over to Eclipsetess. Just so that he could be there if anything happened to the mare he cared for.

     Namir only looked at Buckwheat, "Oh I'll give it to him alright even if I'm not the best at flying," he said looking up at Scorn then the other stallion. Namir had gotten used to flying more, but he wasn't sure how long he'll be able to keep flying especially while fighting. When Scorn came down, Namir took his chance to fly up to this stallion and give it to him as he pounded into him harder then Solstice did.

     Solstice looked at Scorn as she nodded a bit before looking down. She still wasn't much for fighting after fighting Dra, but right now she was thinking. Thinking about this stallion and why he would want the blind mare. She could understand partly why Dra hunted her, but the blind mare? It made no sense to her, but that wasn't all. This stallion could remove magic from a rock. What would happen if he were to do it to a horse? Or a horse with a lot of power like herself? Solstice still didn't know much about her magic which seemed to concern her slightly. That and what was to happen next.

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#264917 Posted on 2023-01-07 19:46:38

"Hhhhhiiiiiissssss!" the stallion hissed, he flew up until he hit the barrier which he resetted back down under the barrier as he couldn't escape to anywhere.

"I thought so! Solstice, Buckwheat, take your chance while I bring Namir to Eclipsetess so that his energy can be restored, I can tell he won't last long unlike you two." Scorn applaused, he flew up to Namir as to tell him to go down to land next to his sweetheart who was waiting for him with eager eyes and determination.

Eclipsetess was rather excited to see Namir, as she got right into the magic healing, she then pulled out a healing book about lot's of different things that can be used..

"Solstice is doing fine Orion, I'll be here to heal quite quickly, and set them back into the battle. Though if it's serious, I'll be forced to help and heal at the same time, but I'm rather quick- much faster in concerning situations, I acknowledge everything around me, that's how I was able to disappear rather quick from Namir's sight." Eclipsetess told Orion, she then looked at a page as it glowed, it made her curious as to what it was.

Though Nature seemed to have jumped the big high brush as she looked rather wounded, she then looked at the shadows before getting scared and using her vine magic to ward off whatever it was that was hunting her, like prey to a predator, except much more deadly..

"I thought you died?! How is your soul still alive?! You should be in the Underworld for heaven's sake!" Nature yelled, then a big black stallion appeared, he seemed to be beaten up and smiled at Nature as he whistled.

Eclipsetess gasped, she instantly recognized the horse, she remembers who it was, but he was much more different to her, but he did his iconical laugh of evil, but it made the strange ghost-but-real stallion hover next to him out of curiosity.

"Ooh~ Look who we have here! Such a lovely time to intervene right?" the stallion asked, he actually mocked another evil stallion?

"W-what? Then what're you doing here?!" Nature yelled, she was about to be spiked from the ghost stallion until the black stallions spikes stopped that from happening.

"Please, your still my wife, but I'm not here for that. I made deal a rather large deal, I save this Isle, I go back to Hades' Under-Realm forever, you don't have to deal with me ever again unless I want to visit. You okay with that hunny?" Dragon Devil asked Nature, she seemed to blush at his new change? Was it a ruse?! Or something more?! Whatever deal he made, it made Hades' appear as he watched Dra.

"Now please, let me join a good fight." Dra said, he took his cloak off as his black dragon-like wings flew up off from Dra's body.

"Ah perfect, my wings needed to stretch anyways." Dra smiled, the ghost stallion tried attacking Dra as he was stopped by his magic, he didn't know who he was, or at all what he was doing, but Dra made the stallion shatter and then the ghost-self of that stallion appeared and he went back to normal.

"I ain't giving up this body of mine just to be dead again!" the ghost stallion yelled, Dra laughed as he dodged the stallions first attack.

"What a loser, too much pride, how dare you.." Dra said, he used his chain magic much-like Scorn's but his were much different as they stored memories away as his chains wrapped around the stallion, he was trying to tire him out, it was a good idea.

When Scorn and Buckwheat landed, Eclipsetess told them what was going on and that they shouldn't do anything, she didn't show fear for any of the two stallions, Scorn just kept his wings out in case of anything happening..

"So he's Dragon Devil eh?" Buckwheat thought, "He doesn't look much like his insane self then.." he thought again, Dra kept using his mocking and tiring magic, as he let the stallion slip until Scorn used his hooves to knock out the ghost stallion and teleport him to where Phoenix was.

"There, no more, no more anything, peace.. FINALLY PEACE!" Scorn yelled, he was knocked out by Grey Cloud, her two little foals came up next to her as they both looked identical to each other.

"Oh my, I forgot to name you two!" Grey Cloud said, she was worrying over her foals names rather her mate that acted a little too happy.

"And I'll be gone, bye!" Dra said his bye, he didn't look at any mare to have that stealing personality as Eclipsetess was curious of him now.

But Hades teleported Dra back to where he must go, he did serve a forever sentence in the Underworld, realm, whatever it was called! Dra just served his time there..

"Huh.. Wasn't he supposed to go after Solstice? Why didn't he look like his normal self? And why did I feel him not evil? It akes no sense!" Eclipsetess told Hades, he just smiled, his fire mane jerking a little before he said bye to her.

"In my realm, evil horses turn into their normal selves where everything that they were born with was taken from them, meaning I turned the most evil horse into the most nicest one. Your welcome everyone! Including Solstice, he will visit everynow and then, meaning he is interested in the herds here. Not so much of his older personality anymore, or at all." Hades said, he then disappeared without reason but Eclipsetess's questions were unanswered. Minus the one.

"A- He didn't answer the rest of my questions!" Eclipsetess shouted, she then was grumpy about it but she did start walking around to mind her own business.

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#264928 Posted on 2023-01-07 21:59:17

      As Namir rammed into the stallion, he lost his balance slightly, but he caught himself before he fell to the ground. Though he was struggling to stay in the air due to exhaustion. His eyes still glowing red as kept his eyes on the stallion while Scorn flew over. At first Namir was hesitant, but he couldn't keep flapping his wings any longer. Namir said nothing as he flew down back over to Eclipsetess and Orion.

      Namir didn't even bother putting his wings to his sides. Instead his wings just touched the ground. After a minute or two, Namir just laid down. He wasn't hurt at all, he was just tired. He didn't get much sleep the night before, and flying took it out of him since he wasn't the strongest of flyers like his sister. Didn't take long for him to close his eyes as he let out a huff or two.

     Solstice looked at Scorn as she nodded before she flew back up to this other stallion. Her eyes and necklace had been glowing, but her necklace glowed brighter then it normally did. Just like with fighting Dra, she had armor. Though it just faded in and out of existence. Solstice only ignored it as she looked at the stallion, "You can't run from us. This is what happens when you come to the Isle of Dreams. This is what happens when you threat any of us," she snorted.

     Orion looked at Namir as he came over and laid down before looking back up at Solstice and the the others. "I know..I know..I've just never seen her like this...fighting.." he sighed looking down at Eclipsetess, "I just don't want anything to happen to her..we know the importance of her necklace..what worries me is if anything happens to it while she's up there.." he said trying to keep his nerves down as Nature jumped out hurt.

     Solstice froze when she heard a familiar voice. One that she never wanted to hear again.. The only part of her that moved was her flapping wings. Orion looked over when Nature jumped out when a black stallion appeared. "That can't be who I think it is...right..?" he asked looking at Eclipsetess before he looked up at Solstice. He got his answer seeing how frightened she was. 

     As the two stallions started fighting, Solstice glided down to the ground and instantly went to Orion's side traumatized. She only pressed against him and buried her face into his neck as much as she could due to her horn, but she said nothing. Only silently cried a bit. Orion sighed as he tried comforting her as much as he could as he looked around. Moon looked over seeing what just happened, and it pained her seeing Solstice like this. Isis felt the same.

     Orion only looked at Buckwheat having an idea on what he was thinking before looking over at Scorn. Solstice didn't seemed bothered by what Scorn said. She just couldn't handle the presence of Dra..even if he was...nice. Though Orion then gave Eclipsetess a bit of a look because of her questions, "Please we don't need her feeling worse then what she already is..." he said as Solstice still said nothing and just stuck to him.

     At least not for much longer. Solstice just slowly pulled her face away from Orion's neck as it was clear she had been crying a bit. Though her gaze was lowered, "It doesn't matter if he's 'nice'. He's still Dra...still the same stallion that did more harm then good. He's still the same stallion that hurt me..I will never recover from what he did...he's still guilty..." she said quietly and clearly hurt.

     Namir had listened to everything, but he stayed quiet. He looked at his sister feeling terrible for her. Solstice just looked down as she turned around and slowly walked off away from everyone and everything. She went farthest from where anyone was as she just laid down and curled up. Orion looked at her before looking at the others, "Give her some time to be alone, but I can't help her...I don't know everything about what happened, and I wasn't there. Someone else has to.." he sighed looking down.

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#264931 Posted on 2023-01-07 23:48:59

Eclipsetess sighed to herself, "I know Orion, we all do if you keep saying that.. I hate not telling you, but it's very.. Traumatizing, even to Solstice or me.." Eclipsetess said aloud, she looked around before lowering her head but she then layed down.

"Nature you got this? No letting my memory escape or it's heck for all of us.. Got it?" Eclipsetess asked the mare, she was alright for the most part as she calmed down as sunk into the ground without hesitation. That's what she can do as something as alive as the Isle is.

As Eclipsetess did her part, Nature made sure as the mare fell asleep on cue as Eclipsetess layed her head to the ground, the vines coming up as they glowed with runes to symbolize a transaction, but the other vines grappled Orion quickly but not hard as the vines on Orion began glowing with the runes but he remained the same like Eclipsetess..

And that was when Eclipsetess started transferring her whole memory and more to Orion, the others that were there also did the samething to show everything, Oceanus was greatly affected as well, giving Orion a reason to feel what everyone felt.. Namir's vines weren't tight, quite the opposite as they let go when they were done.

And Eclipsetess woke up with her memory still, but they only showed it to Orion to give him a reason, and that.. Solstice was sharing her memory of that as well..

"There.." Eclipsetess said as she woke up with ease.

"Now you feel what we- the ones felt- of what we had saw, and what we had to deal with.." Eclipsetess said once more, Nature appeared from the ground and went to walk around aimlessly among the horses, she just wanted to check out everything happening.

"We all will give you some time to think, uncovering the whole truth may take more then just days, probably some weeks, a-anyways!" Eclipsetess said as she left, she went to go catch up with Nature anyways.

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#264944 Posted on 2023-01-08 09:44:12

     Orion only looked over at Solstice before looking back at Eclipsetess, "And I won't ever ask any of you to tell me. I just feel bad for her...I feel bad for all of you..." he said with a sigh. He just wanted to help Solstice, but he couldn't. Solstice only secluded herself from everyone. While she was still in sight, she just stayed as far away from everyone as she could. Curled up like a dog. Just when she was starting to be happy something would ruin it and force her to start all over again.

     Though Orion was unsure of what Eclipsetess was doing, and what she was talking about. He watched the vines wrap around her as she fell asleep before he felt something on his legs. At first Orion jumped, but then he realized they were only Nature's veins. The same happened to everyone whom was there. Namir said nothing like normal, but Solstice had already cried herself to sleep. She didn't even notice what was going on.

     Orion saw everything. Everything that happened since the day it all started. He saw everything that everyone saw. He felt what everyone felt. Fear, anger, grief. It was everywhere. Now he understood everything. He understood why Solstice ignored her statue. What pain and suffering it brought back to her. What Eclipsetess went through while being in Dra's hooves. How desperate Solstice was to get her friend back even if it costed her life.

     He saw the fight in every detail there was. How everyone died, but came back. Dra confronting Solstice. Almost killing her. It was all almost too much for him, but after it all, Orion only looked at them all. He didn't know what to say, so he only nodded. Namir just got up despite still being exhausted and walked away like everyone else. Orion sighed as he went over to Solstice. 

     Considering she didn't say anything when he came over, he figured she had fallen asleep. Orion just looked at her before he laid down beside her. Which seemed to wake her up, "What are you doing...? I wanted to be alone.." she said quietly as she only looked at him for a moment, "There's nothing you can do Orion..." she paused, "It's the cost of saving the Isles and my friends."

     Orion only sighed and looked at her before he looked down, "There may not be anything I can do, but I can at least be here for you..." he said before he looked at her again, "The others...they...showed me everything that happened.." he said still unsure of what to say or think about any of it. It was a lot to process, and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to now that he knew the truth. "Solstice...I.." he stopped talking when she interrupted him.

     "Don't. Just because they showed you what happened doesn't mean anything. It won't help. Now you'll only suffer like I do. I never wanted you to know everything. I never wanted anyone else to go through something like that. I had to. I had no choice. It was either kill Dra, or die alongside my friends and let him destroy the Isles. Make every horse move to the mainland. Nothing good comes from knowing the truth about what happened. That would have made me just as bad as he was."

     Solstice only stood back up, "Just go...just because you know everything now doesn't mean you understand. You still can't help. It's a curse." she said before she flew away. She knew Orion couldn't follow her if she flew off, so that's what she did. Orion tried stopping her, but it was useless. Orion just watched her before he looked over at the herd and sighed. He just stayed where he was unsure of everything at that point.

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#264948 Posted on 2023-01-08 11:13:10

Zap! Zap! A thunderous roar went over the whole Isle, Eclipsetess got up and started flying when chains wrapped onto her back hooves and legs, that's when Scorn flew up into the air.. Or someone flying into the air and looking smokey, though Eclipsetess woke up from that nightmare as she stood shaking and worried, she was laying still of where she was, she had no time to process that as she jumped into the air and went over to Scorn as he was nuzzling his two foals, Grey Cloud however.. Noticed her walking over..

"It's started.." Grey Cloud said, Scorn stopped nuzzling his two foals as he looked over at Eclipsetess with worry, fear, and now even more confusion.

"Your dreams are an Oracle telling the story over, your experiencing the future before it even begins, it's a start now and we all need to leave this Isle, or else we're toast." Grey Cloud told the two, Azulia was off reading their lips to the best she could but didn't seem to understand anything.

"Alright, your call, your way." Eclipsetess bowed to the two,  she then walked back into the herd before stopping, it caught her attention as well as the other two and so did Azulia.

"It smells.. Smoke? But smoke doesn't exsist on this Isle..?" Eclipsetess thought to herself, then large flames began growing and smoke was starting to take it's place in the sky.

"No... No... No.. NO!" Eclipsetess yelled, her nightmare turned real for this day, and it concerned her since Oceanus wasn't aware of their Isle being burnt.

"Fire!!" Azulia yelled, she knew what fire was? Scorn flung himself into the air while Grey Cloud started to get the three different herds together, Mesa's herd frightened as she was forcing them up a hill while Buckwheat was getting his herd into Grey Cloud's and Mesa's herd.

"Everyone together! NOW!!" Grey Cloud yelled in a commanding voice, Eclipsetess didn't know what to do, Nature wasn't there. Meaning she was getting all her critters together, she was saving them from being burnt to a crisp, a most gruesome way to go.

Eclipsetess decided to rush back to her herd, but the fire swooped across the Isle quickly, making the three different herds forced to go into the middle, the Isle experienced this one before but not with a whole ton of fire. It was rather quite natural but they didn't know that, fire only happens if there's something in the sun for too long.

Grey Cloud was off making sure the herds stuck together, cramped together and uncomfortable, some mares wanted to leave but Grey Cloud made sure that they stood where they were, she didn't want them to die by being burnt. She was trying to protect them, Eclipsetess was trying to help her but her magic deemed useless to stop the fire.

Trees cracking the distance, bushing crackling near, animals scurring along because their burning on some parts of their body by the fire, leaves slowly falling while burning, today was when the fire seemed to keep ablazing like madness, it die down but rather keep pushing forwards, the bridge that connected the Isles was burnt and broken. Horses were forced to jump off the cliff side without hesitation..

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#264952 Posted on 2023-01-08 12:22:26

     Namir had been standing a short ways away from the herd. He was close to falling asleep, but it was taking every last drop of energy inside of him to stay awake. After today, he wasn't just going to let himself doze off. Moon came over noticing this, "Namir you know you need to rest. It's not good for you to stay awake when your body is exhausted. Please Namir. It won't do anyone good. Not even yourself." she said in her usual motherly tone.

     He only shook his head, "I'm not going to rest until I know that we're safe again..." he said despite him barely being awake. Moon looked at him and sighed as she looked at herd. She knew Namir well enough that he wasn't going to listen. Stubborn one he is. She just told him again before she went back over to Isis and her son. Apollo just trotted over to his mom once he saw her trotting back over.

     No one thought much of anything about Eclipsetess and the leads. Until it was too late. Orion had been where Solstice was. He was just silently thinking to himself trying to think over what everyone showed him. That was until an odd smell caught his nostrils as he looked around seeing flames. "No..." he said as he quickly went to the herd. Before he even realized it, the three herds were bunched together, but Orion didn't worry about that. Instead he focused on finding Namir and Eclipsetess.

     When he managed to find Namir, Orion looked at him worry in his eyes, "I tried to comfort Solstice...I told her that you all showed me what happened..she just pushed me away before she flew off...I haven't seen her since.." he said worriedly as he looked around. They were flames everywhere, and animals running about. Despite Orion not knowing what was happening, he didn't care. He only cared about Solstice.

     Namir looked at Orion confused until he told him everything. "WHAT!?" Namir huffed as he tried to fly to look for her, but he couldn't. No one could. They were surrounded. Namir instead tried looking for Eclipsetess. Moon kept Apollo closer to her then she ever had before as she looked around worriedly. When Namir found Eclipsetess, he looked at Orion before he sighed, "My sister isn't here...she flew off before all of this happened.." Never has Namir been so worried for her.

     Solstice had been just slowly flying away from the herd. The quiet air seemed to ease her. She didn't think of anything until bright flames burst right in front of her. Unfortunately the flames were too close causing a part of her wing to burn as she tried to stop herself from flying into the flames. After that, she struggled with flying. She couldn't fly all to well causing her to hit the ground a bit hard.

     After a minute, she scrambled to her hooves and tried flying out of there, but she couldn't. "My wing..." she said hurt as several feathers were burnt, but as she looked around, she was surrounded by flames. There was no where for her to go. Solstice looked around frightened as the flames started to draw near. It wasn't long before she started to feel the heat of the flames. 

     She tried to use some magic to keep the flames away from her, or to allow herself to get out of there, but nothing worked. "No.. no no no no no...." she said countless times as she was trapped. Solstice kept on looking around. She kept on trying to fly out of there, but it was useless. It wasn't long before the smoke started to get to her to her lungs. One of the flames got to her side as she roared in pain. Not long after that, the smoke got the best of her as she started coughing making it hard for her to breath...

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#264961 Posted on 2023-01-08 13:56:58

"Well flying isn't going to cover it, we need to evacuate the Isle, pronto! Grey Cloud is already doing her best, I think Scorn was scouting out for any horses that are stranded by flames, Nature can't help since she has critters to get to safety. And I don't think Oceanus knows what's happening.." Eclipsetess said worriedly, she now knew Solstice was in danger but the herds needed to evacaute the Isle before anything happened to all of them.

"Namir, Orion, find the safetest route and alert Grey Cloud, she'll start moving the herd towards that safe route, and keep going. I doubt the bridge is out, but if it is, we're burnt chicken." Eclipsetess quickly paused "Anyways, try and find a way to fix the bridge if it is on fire and broken. The other Isles that can see us will help since the smoke is rising high. Now go!" Eclipsetess commanded, she then told Grey Cloud before jumping the hot flames and searching for Solstice.

"Alright, we can do this little ones, stay close to your mother's. I bet that other foal is already stayed put, now hurry along!" Grey Cloud told the three foals, Raven, Esmeray, and Moonlight rushed off to their mothers quickly.

Grey Cloud relaxed, and began trying to relax the herd as she was in command now, but Scorn was somewhere, the other horses that were in the trees- the shadows, had came out because of the fire and smoke and joined the herd. Even Cronsi apologized to Azulia and went off to help the two stallions that were finding a safe route out.

Meanwhile Eclipsetess was jumping over hot flames, the smoke and heat filling her lungs and making her sweaty, but it wasn't long after as she found Solstice, she then did a quick heal to wake up Solstice in any case she might've blacked out from the smoke.

"Alright, now a quick route out to join the herd.." Eclipsetess said aloud, she made sure Solstice was on her hooves and standing abroad like usual but not much time if the flames were close and the smoke rising higher and lower.

"You think you can jump over fire with your legs?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice aloud, the crackling of trees and fire were loud, making it difficult to hear unless you shouted.

"Now I want you to run and follow me, even over flames, I see some smaller flames moving still. So follow me since I know where to follow and to go. Got it?" Eclipsetess asked, she sounded like she couldn't use her magic, which was the bad part since Solstice needed to be teleported to Eclipsetess's side if she got lost, but Eclipsetess would come back to her.

Eclipsetess prepared herself, she smelt Solstice's burnt feathers on her wings, but it wasn't great importance right now. It was their lives, and everyone else's lives, then Eclipsetess nipped and nibble Solstice before running and jumping over flames to run onto a trail, hoping that Solstice followed since she needed too.

While running on the trail, Eclipsetess had to stop as she slid and back up, making sure Solstice was with her as she backed up when a tree fell right next to them, she then continued to go on the trail as she jumped over fallen trees. Even picking up burning animals just to be scarred from the fire.

Eclipsetess had to stop once more, this time it was a forked road, and another much larger tree was crackling under the weight from the fire, Eclipsetess instantly looked up as she jumped-reared to keep going, having Solstice follow behind. Eclipsetess then jumped from the brush to see the herd moving fast.

"Come on! You can do it!" Eclipsetess shouted, she watched Solstice jump over a burning bush, Eclipsetess then watched her fall as she ran over to her and used her quick healing spell again as she got Solstice to her feet.

Grey Cloud looked behind for the last time as she kept the herd moving form the back, the mares and stallions following the trail that was there, she then looked behind as Eclipsetess and Solstice emerged from the fiery, burning brush. She ran over to them but she stopped as a tree fell between them, it was the tallest and most longest tree within the Isle of Dreams, Grey Cloud didn't know what to do as she told Eclipsetess and Solstice to find another way.

"Jump off the cliffside if you have too! I need to go and keep the herd intact while Namir and Orion lead them to safety!" Grey Cloud shouted, then looked back behind her and ran back towards the herd.

Eclipsetess nodded as she watched Grey Cloud run back, she nickered to Solstice to keep up with her as she ran towards the forest again, this time some burning ash and smoke cleared some of the way just for a cliffside to appear as Eclipsetess stopped dead in her tracks. She saw Solstice follow up behind her.

"Alright, we need to jump." Eclipsetess said, she heard a crackling and burning tree crackle towards them.

"We need to jump now!" Eclipsetess shouted, she ran behind Solstice as she slammed her body against Solstice just for the two of them to fall into the ocean as the tree fell on where they previously were.

Then some sea ponies appeared, they were worried since they saw smoke and burnt scar markings, especially to Solstice, the ponies them began leading them to the Isle of Mountains, it was the only Isle next to Isle of Dreams, Eclipsetess saw that the ponies led them to a beachy shore as it led up to the Isle's base.

"Alright we'll go and help any other horses that fell to here, you two go and catch up with your herd while we take this poor squirrel back to Oceanus to tell her the truth and what's happening." the female sea pony said, she and the other sea pony next to her ran back into the ocean while the squirrel was bubbled and following the two ponies back to the two sea ponies home.

"Alright, we need to trek up the base, I'll be here with you, but we need to catch up with the herd first so that they don't think that we're dead." Eclipsetess said, she quickly healed any scars shown but didn't let them be instant healed as Eclipsetess didn't have the energy for it. Eclipsetess then started walking as she made sure Solstice was next to her.

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