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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264717 Posted on 2023-01-02 19:24:42

     Namir only chuckled, "Oh really? Well I can't just let some random stallion take you away from me. Your one elses," he said looking at her as he nuzzled her affectionately before he glanced at that brown stallion. "Next time he tries to do anything...give him a reason to regret it." Namir said with a grin, "I'd to see him learn a lesson about messing with the wrong mare..."

     Though Namir only shrugged before a mare snuck up behind him and Eclipsetess. Namir just looked at the mare looking her up and down a bit. He still didn't seem to trust any of this group..not even any of the mares.  He just let the mare speak, but he looked at Eclipsetess unsure of who this mare was talking about. Though Namir stayed silent and let Eclipsetess do the talking.

     He seemed to not like her trying to help this mare though, but Namir knew that he didn't have a say in it. Namir did give both the mares a bit of a look when the mare said "stallions". He was surprised when Eclipsetess nipped him as he looked at her, "What? I just don't trust that group...especially that brown stallion. They come here, and pretend to be one of us...interacting with our foals...even Moon is a bit unsettled by them.." he said pointing her out.

     Though that was when Namir started to hear yelling as he looked at the group. "For now at least...we need to find out why they are really here. That mare didn't tell us why they came here to document, or even who their lead stallion is. I don't trust anyone that shows up in the middle of the night and acts like they live here. Why Grey Cloud even allowed that mare near her foals I have no idea." he said with a small snort.

     Moon had looked over when she heard shouting. She just got up, and turned Apollo away from the strange group. She sighed as she nudged the colt and cautiously brought him over to Solstice and Orion, "I just...don't feel comfortable with that group...especially the stallions..mainly the one that tried going after Eclipsetess.." she said glancing at the group for a moment.

     Solstice looked over when she saw Moon come over with Apollo. She sighed not liking seeing her like that, but she understood. "I understand. We don't trust them can stay with me and Orion for the day if you'd like. I know you want the best for Apollo." she said nuzzling her and the colt, "He seems to still be doing a lot better." she said as Moon nodded in agreement.

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#264719 Posted on 2023-01-02 20:15:00

"If you really want me to teach him a lesson, happily to do so babe~" Eclipsetess teased, as she just walked up to Labrinth, and he turned around as he noticed her, he was spooked by her which gave her an advantage.

"Oh and what do you want? Why is your stallion not with you?" Labrinth asked, Eclipsetess she started acting silly towards him until he followed her around as he forgot about Namir watching them.

When Eclipsetess had him in the right spot, she fell down as the brown stallion got cautious but seemed to be curious of why she was laying down and giggling, but as he put his face to her chin.. Eclipsetess toppled the stallion as he tried getting up but Eclipsetess put him back down with force, Kohr saw everything but did nothing until he had enough lesson time with her.

"Alright that's enough! No need to get mad.." Kohr said, he trotted over to try and protect Labrinth, Eclipsetess backed up and circled around the red stallion as Labrinth got up, the mares of the group just watched with impressiveness.

Eclipsetess then stood in front of Kohr at Labrinth's side, he was facing Eclipsetess and Eclipsetess had her head down and had her wings a bit up in the middle to show she was protective, she then ran her side into the two stallions as they both toppled over, Eclipsetess laughed as she was trotting back to Namir until Kohr pulled her mane and she bucked him enough to back up.

Kohr didn't give up as he was trying to protect Labrinth, but Eclipsetess got up into the air and she used her magic as Kohr seemed to not know how to use his magic, he was born with a horn and a halo but didn't know as he backed up until Eclipsetess started blasting Kohr, the poor stallion started running.

"This is for pulling my mane and almost started a fight!" Eclipsetess said, Kohr tried jumping into the air to grab one of her wings but it was useless as she went higher and high enough to not be grabbed by Kohr and dragged to the ground.

The stallion just stood there frustrated, then he didn't notice that Eclipsetess brought him to the ground and then off, but the stallion didn't give up as Eclipsetess started nipping and bucking at Kohr as he didn't give up yet until Eclipsetess bucked him into the air and he landed back down unconscious.

"Well I won my first fight! How about that Namir?! Are you proud of me?!" Eclipsetess asked Namir happily, she was happy as the group horses checked on Kohr as they stayed around him, Eclipsetess just teleported to Namir's side and nuzzled him with some left over adrenaline.

The grouped horses just looked at Eclipsetess with fear as they had all their ears pinned to fear Eclipsetess and that they weren't sure if he was gonna make it through his unsconscious state, Labrinth got up to challenge Eclipsetess next as she looked at him but he sat back down with some nervousness about the herd.

"Well they seem to fear you now, the red stallion must've been the lead stallion as he seemed to not have gave up that much yet until he got knocked out by Eclipsetess, how exciting she won her first fight without taking damage, that's a new record there!" Azulia said, her eyes were grey for nervousness and amber-gold for fear, Eclipsetess was still happy but hearing that she set a new record made her more happier.

"Ha ha! You think so? Now the grouped up horses can't enter our herd without my confirmation." Eclipsetess said, she mainly was priding herself but also laughed at the grouped horses.

"Don't pride yourself like Phoenix now, we don't want a mare version of him, especially Namir wouldn't like being controlled by his use-to-be mare.." Azulia said, her eyes changed colors to black to show concern about Eclipsetess.

"Oh sorry to make you concerned Azulia, I sometimes enjoy seeing a horse taken down.. But it's also quite merciful to see a horse fear you, but I just wanted them to know who I was instead of taking out their lead stallion especially seeing Bailey like that when she confessed about how she felt before ruining the moment to turn it into a confusing one.. That was awkward and cringey to be honest.." Eclipsetess admitted at the end, she did seem to know how to feel but she really didn't mean to knock out the lead stallion.

Then the grouped horses woke up Kohr as he got up, then he looked at Eclipsetess with fear and nervousness but he and his group carefully walked up to Eclipsetess as Kohr hung his head to her, Bailey showed the samething as the rest of the group did what Kohr and Bailey did.

"What? And what are you doing?" Eclipsetess asked Kohr and his group, he didn't want to speak but Bailey nudged him and so he took a deep breath and looked at Labrinth as he nodded to Kohr.

"As a rule of a group or herd, a horse that takes down the lead stallion must surrender his group or herd to the winning competitor, which is you, so you took over my herd without knowing.. I am a group member now and you are the lead mare alongside your lead stallion here." Kohr told Eclipsetess, he looked at Namir with shyness and anxiety that he looked back at the ground.

"WHAT?! But I'm a herd mare, not a lead mare!" Eclipsetess said, Kohr and his group then walked into the herd as Scorn came over to check out what was happening, the group just huddled together and Kohr silently cried as Bailey seemed to lick up his tears.

"What's going on here? And why is the red stallion crying? I noticed he was the lead stallion, so what was happening here now? And why is Eclipsetess nervous and having a breakdown?" Scorn asked, he tried to calm Eclipsetess down but she ran into Namir's side as she buried her face to scream as loud as she can, while being muffled by his furred coat.

"What happened?!" Scorn asked in a concerned tone, he was concerned about Eclipsetess as she kept screaming until she unburied her face, but to rebury it, scream, and then unbury it and looked at Scorn with sad eyes that also cried some what. Scorn was more concerned then ever after seeing Eclipsetess like this.

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#264726 Posted on 2023-01-03 08:40:04

     Namir just grinned, "Oh please I know your more than capable of defending yourself. Proven that to me more then once," he said before she walked over to the brown stallion. Namir just sat down and looked at the herd seeing Moon had went over to Solstice and Orion, and it seemed to make her a bit more comfortable. Though Namir just looked back over at the group making sure Eclipsetess wouldn't be harmed in anyway.

     Solstice just laid down as Apollo seemed a bit curious of her. She giggled a bit as she somewhat opened her wings, "One day you'll know how to fly," she said as she nuzzled the little colt. Apollo just seemed interested in her wings and horn. "Quite the curious one you have Moon," she smiled as Moon nodded. Solstice was just enjoying getting to know the colt as Orion silently watched the two of them until they all noticed what was going on.

     Namir watched every move both of the stallions made. Very poor fighters in his opinion. Though he smiled and nodded, "Not bad." he said before looking over at Azulia, "Eclipsetess won't ever be like Phoenix. He didn't change to be cruel, he was born that way. Besides this group can't be trusted," he said glancing at the strange group. Namir did pin his ears slightly as the group walked up to Eclipsetess.

     "We aren't leads. Like I said. This herd isn't one to mess with. The mares are scarier then the lead stallion." he said with a small snort before Eclipsetess ran to his side and seemed to be having a breakdown. Namir just put his wings around her and tried calming her as he looked over at Scorn, "For starters, that brown stallion tried to claim Eclipsetess, but that's not all," he said looking at the group again.

     "They were sent here. By their actual lead stallion and lead mare. What was it that you said? To document us?" he said looking at Kohr for a moment, "They come here, in the middle of the night no less, and pretend to be one of us. They just come in and pretend to be in the herd and play with our foals." he said looking at Scorn for a moment then back at the group, "Why are you really here? Why are you here to document us?" Namir wasn't going to let this question go unanswered.

     Solstice just stood back up and watched everything. When she saw Eclipsetess having a breakdown, she flew over after excusing herself. She only sat down by her brother and Eclipsetess as she tried calming her some while she listened to her brother. "We're here for you Eclipsetess.." she said softly as she looked at Scorn and the group unsure of what to think of everything.

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#264738 Posted on 2023-01-03 10:49:42

Eclipsetess moved her head to Solstice's neck, she did calm down but the tears seemed to be calming down with less pouring from her eyes, but she kept her face next to Solstice's neck, she did look at Kohr and the group. He didn't look like the type to say anything but to be smart, except he sucked at fighting.

"I- Bailey did you tell them?!" Kohr asked Bailey, she looked away and blushed but also laughed to herself as Kohr sighed, he then walked up caustiously to Namir.

"Look I ain't telling you the actual reason, but since I can't use magic, I was forced to come here and document herds. Do I look like the type to do that?!" Kohr said, he then realized he shouted, though the brown stallion did walk up next to him to calm him a little bit.

"Yes actually, though you need to train more on your fighting skills, you guys suck and everyone can tell just from the start of the fight, plus- well nevermind, it might've sounded rude.." Eclipsetess hushed up at the end, Kohr looked mad but the brown stallion told him to calm down.

"I can't believe we're here in this jumbled mess, I'm taking a break.. I'm going home I-I can't.." Kohr said, the brown stallion looked at him leave but he stopped Kohr from going anywhere.

"Look you wanted to document a herd in it's natural element, you suggested our lead stallion to let his herd mares walk around, you suggested that Buckwheat could be a little more nicer, and you suggested that he'd change places! I can't believe he's actually planning to move! Because of your dumb suggestions he actually took to heart!" the brown stallion told Kohr, he was mad and he was snapping at Kohr.

"Well at least we know what they were doing, and what's happening on their side of the tracks.." Eclipsetess told Namir so that the two stallions wouldn't be able to hear her talking to Namir quietly.

"Alright Labrinth stop snapping at Kohr, he did nothing wrong, he didn't know that we were planning to be here already when the herd gets here, he didn't know but Buckwheat told me anyways when things got hot..!" Bailey said, the two stallions stopped fighting and looked at Bailey as she spoke.

"I guess your right Bailey, your the one that's always to be trusted when things got down bad.. I- just don't wanna move actually, I'm used to our home.. I don't wanna move to some unknown place just to be forced to become another part of some random herd that doesn't even have enough space for another one. I mean look around, we would have to split our big herd up to become two separate herds, we're just an envasive species to these natural looking horses while we're forced over here to become something we're not.." Labrinth said, he then hung his head for a little bit, but a stallions laugh rang about and Bailey looked over to see a stallion coming out of the trees laughing.

"Kohr your group can take a hit or two, which is excellent, but that mare was right on fighting skills, you all need to toughen up!" the stallion said, he had two disfigured eyes, both genuinely different. He had a green eye and an amber eye that changed colors.

Bailey gasped, and ran over to the stallion excitedly, guess the herd didn't have to wait for the stallion to come since he was Buckwheat and by the looks of it, he looks rather like Azulia except he was a seal brown that looked black, a long erected horn that was black and dark brown, he then also opened his wings to reveal a four set.

Eclipsetess's mouth hung open and she was aghast (aghast: new word for me too, but it means shocked), she then looked at Namir worriedly if Scorn or Buckwheat ever decided to clash with magic and with flight power and bear or brute strength to boost.

"Namir, do you think Scorn would ever win a battle against Buckwheat? He seems so powerful!" Eclipsetess whispered at the end, but she was quiet as Buckwheat as a huge horse, bigger then Scorn which he was bigger then Namir a little but Buckwheat took the cake as Trickster woke up to be under Buckwheat's shadow.

"Holy moly what a huge stallion!" Trickster said as she ran over to Eclipsetess and Namir, Buckwheat laughed as Scorn came back over as well, Buckwheat then used his horn to change his height back to a normal horse height. Still a little bit taller then Scorn at least.

"So.. Updates? Do you feel like updating me right now or no?" Scorn asked, he was nervous Buckwheat since Eclipsetess noticed that he saw Buckwheat's wings and his horn that also curved a little bit.

"Why do some horses have curved horns? That makes no sense.. For the most part?" Eclipsetess asked in a confused question, she sat herself down and began to think about what possibly could've have happened to Buckwheat's horn though she noticed that Kohr's horn curved a little as well.

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#264748 Posted on 2023-01-03 14:00:23

     Namir looked over at his sister as she came over and tried calming Eclipsetess some more. Though he quickly looked back at Kohr as he came over, "I don't think you got the hint. I wasn't asking. This herd has been through enough already. We don't need to deal with anyone else that mean us harm." he snorted pinning his ears as he used his wings to block Eclipsetess and Solstice from him.

     "Looks don't always matter, and it's not our fault you can't use magic." Namir said seeming to be fed up with this stallion, "Maybe next time you should teach your friend how to behave better..especially not to try to claim a mare that's already taken." he snorted looking at the brown stallion as he came over. Though Namir just smiled hearing what Eclipsetess said, "She's right," he said before looking at his sister.

     Solstice just rolled her eyes and nipped her brother giving him a look, "Don't be picking fights Namir. You know better then that, but these stallions should know not to underestimate a mare...especially ones that have been through a lot." she said looking these two stallions over before she looked over at Orion who was still with Moon and her son. Though she did listen to their little argument as she nodded agreeing with Eclipsetess.

     Namir looked at the both of them before glancing at the two stallions, "Yes..I suppose so.." he whispered not liking these stallions or even the group anymore then he did. Though he looked back over at Solstice, "You should go back to Orion and Moon. I don't want you getting involved in this." he said before rolling his eyes as Solstice just shook her head staying right where she was.

     "I'm not going anywhere," she said before looking at the two stallions and the one mare, "You think we're normal?" she asked as she stood up, "This herd is nothing close to being normal. Each and every one of us is hurt. In ways you probably can't even imagine. To the point our lives may never be the same, and yet we're here for each other. Like a family. Everyone gets to be who they want to be without any judgement. Something most of us never got when we were foals." she said speaking from her heart.

     "You say your here to document us? While I don't appreciate being documented, look around. What do you see? I see mares trying to recover from their aggressive and past lead stallion. A foal was almost killed by his own father. This herd has been through a lot, and yet we still have each other. We still help each other and let everyone do their own thing. Be who they want to be. Next time look around if your supposed to document us. Which I don't suggest doing. We're just here to live a life. Not to be documented and observed," she snorted before she sat back down.

     Namir was completely silent until he heard a laugh as a large stallion came out. He wasn't too surprised since he's seen a large stallion before..he just wasn't sure who was taller. This stallion or the one they met in the past? Though Namir looked at Eclipsetess nuzzling her, "Even if he couldn't I'm sure the herd could if we worked together," he smiled as he nuzzled before he looked back at Buckwheat pinning his ears.

     Solstice shrugged as she looked up at the large stallion, "Don't know. There could possibly be different types of horns, or just different types of unicorns. Long or short horns, straight or curved horns, or there could be many other possible combinations.." she said curiously as she looked at Eclipsetess unsure if any of that was the right answer or not, but it was something.

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#264752 Posted on 2023-01-03 15:26:30

"Hm, yeah.. But what do we do now? The lead stallion is here.." Eclipsetess said, she just froze up for a little bit before blinking her blue eyes, she was curious of Buckwheat and what he could do with his horn since he did use his magic to make himself smaller but still rather taller then Scorn.

"Uh- Buckwheat right? What's your magic?" Eclipsetess asked Buckwheat, she got nervous as froze up as she was sitting now, but Buckwheat just walked over to her with his gorgeous brown and blue eyes.

"My magic? Darling please, you could guess it but since your curious about it, it's rather connected to making my height smaller or larger, my normal height is being gigantic, as seen when I came out of the trees and shadowed everyone on accident.. Though I also do have another type of magic, it revolves around fire, I can use it, summon it, and even create wild fires, controlled fires, blue fire- the hottest known to horse, and many more." Buckwheat told Eclipsetess, he answered Eclipsetess's question quite wonderfully.

"Ah thanks Buckwheat!" Eclipsetess thanked the stallion, he nodded in respect to her, he even nodded and bowed to Namir, Eclipsetess- just to be sure, and Solstice, then hs herd came out of the brush behind Buckwheat as the group just separated themselves quite far but still near the trre line for Scorn's herd.

Eclipsetess then nuzzled Namir as she put her head on his back, she just wanted a nap, though one of Buckwheat's mares was curious of her as she walked up to Eclipsetess, one eye being blind and another to be silver, she also had a rather large scar from the tip of her missing part of her ear down to the side of her lip to the left, she also had a stocking that reached all the way up to her neck and disappeared.

She also had a white dorsal stripe with a couple runes that dotted her, but she also had a stocking that reached under her tail that seemed to be mangled at the end like she was or used to be in a fight, but she noticed Eclipsetess and got curious of her stars, then Eclipsetess looked up at the mare that didn't walk any closer due to Namir right there and Solstice next to Eclipsetess, but the mare was right in front of them but not near enough to get nipped or bit on the hoof or whatever part they were going to nip.

"Hm? What do you want miss?" Eclipsetess asked the blind in one eye silver eyed mare, the mare was about to speak but didn't since it looked like she got nervous at Namir and Solstice as she hung her head at them since they were sure to get after her if she said anything wrong.

"It's alright, no need to get nervous, we won't bite unless something goes wrong, but your alright, and now can you tell us what you want?" Eclipsetess ask the mare again at the end, she brought up her head happily and even neighed like she never got to talk to anyone.

"Well.. I just wanted to say.. That you have really beautiful stars and beautiful blue eyes that don't need be covered with a marking of some type! Really beautiful like this mare right here as well! Actually you both have the same eye color, except you have a little bit bluer and darker then the faded blue, but still rather beautiful!" the blind one eye mare complimented Eclipsetess and Solstice, Eclipsetess blushed at the compliment and she complimented the mare back as she also complimented Namir.

"Say what's your name then?" Eclipsetess asked, the mare went silent as even Buckwheat went silent, pratically the whole herd and even the group went silent and looked at the three, the mare looked like she was about to cry until Buckwheat started to calm her down.

Then the mare began crying uncontrollably, Eclipsetess didn't know what happened to her or even to her at all, but she kept crying until she fell asleep, with her head on Buckwheat's back so that she could awaken and go back to the herd with the lead stallion making sure she was alright as well.

"Actually the mare doesn't have a name, she was banished at birth, well after she left the herd with her mother shortly giving her up to the whole to decide, her father and mother left her to die in a world where no one cared for her, she had no idea what was happening, until I my herd and I met the adorable filly version of her, I adopted her as my adopted daughter and it was rather a good idea since my mare passed away after she joined the herd, I've even spoiled her little when she was a foal but she gave most of her new gifts to the other foals. That's her story, but she was unnamed at birth, meaning she never wanted to talk about it, she even didn't want to admit it until she was a teenager and I asked her myself. She even refuses to be named by me or the herd, because she wasn't born with a name, she rather wanted to be nameless. It's sad I know, but I at least gave her first chance in a new herd and family." Buckwheat told the three, it didn't explain the blind eye though.

"What about her blind eye?" Eclipsetess asked Buckwheat, that was her second important question.

"She was born with her blind eye, I found her parents when my herd and us were walking passed a stallion's herd, her parents recognized her by her one eye that they shared, the parents found their foal in a happy place, but the stallion never accepted her into the herd, but I wasn't gifting her back, I told him that she stayed with me.. And that's when we got into a fight, the young blind and silver eyed foal watched her adopted father fight a stallion that didn't like foals like her. And that I protected the herd when the mares joined in." Buckwheat told Eclipsetess, it made sense since having a blind eye is quite rare but it mostly common when horses get into trouble or hurt in their wild herd.

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that.." Eclipsetess apologized to Buckwheat, he accepted the apology as the blind mare also accepted it and told Eclipsetess that it wasn't her fault for being curious about the mare's name or eye.

Eclipsetess just smiled and got up to plant her stomach on Namir's back as her hooves were next to Solstice, Eclipsetess just stretched out on Namir happily as she was weirdly comfortable until she fell asleep with her head on the ground and her hooves touching the ground as well.. She was napping since Bcukwheat laughed and said it was still daytime, not even high-noon yet.

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#264760 Posted on 2023-01-03 16:57:12

     Solstice just shrugged trying not to look at the stallion, or to even know what was about to happen next. Though she noticed another herd of horses appear from the brush which seemed to make her a bit nervous as she looked at Namir and Eclipsetess. Though Eclipsetess was always the one to ask questions even though Solstice may have been curious too, she didn't bother to ask questions. She wasn't sure what to think when he bowed to the three of them.

     Though she noticed the mare that stepped forward. She looked pretty unique, but it wasn't long before she saw the scar and her blind eye.. Solstice just looked over at Eclipsetess before she asked the mare what she wanted. "Don't worry about me. I'm normally harmless. My brother is usually the one to be worried about..overprotective one he is." Solstice said ignoring the look Namir had given her. She honestly didn't care.

     Namir just rolled his eyes as he nuzzled Eclipsetess in return, and got in a different position to make her more comfortable. Though he did give his sister another look. Only for her not to care at all. She grew too quickly. Namir just let out a small huff as he looked back at at this mare and Buckwheat though he stayed silent still untrusting towards this herd, but he stayed silent for the time being unlike Eclipsetess and Solstice.

     Solstice just looked down a bit and blushed slightly until she complicated her light blue eyes. That seemed to hit Solstice in a way. She just smiled and looked down. No one had ever complimented her eyes before. Well Solstice couldn't remember if Eclipsetess, Azulia, and Faith did or not when she met them, but even if they did no one else has since then. "T-thank you...really..I've never really been complimented on my eyes before..everyone just thought I was cursed.." she said even though she was grateful.

     Though Solstice felt a bit bad when she saw the mare cry as much as she did as she looked at Eclipsetess and her brother. She did listen to Buckwheat as he spoke. It sounded all too familiar to her as she looked at the herd. The beginning of the story at least. Like hers.. Namir noticed this and just looked at her giving her a look like he was telling her to stay quiet. He still didn't trust them, and he didn't want his sister to always tell strangers her story.

     Solstice only nodded as she looked over at Eclipsetess smiling a bit before she looked at Buckwheat, "We've been through a lot. Enough to where it makes it hard to sleep at night especially with a long day yesterday. Your group only made it harder for her to sleep last night. Now we are all tired, so if you don't mind I'm going to go make sure a mare isn't as frightened of your presence." she said with a small and quiet snort as she nuzzled her brother before she got up and walked over to Moon, Apollo, and Orion nuzzling them.

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#264765 Posted on 2023-01-03 19:13:35

"Alright then! Come back whenever you want, I'm not planning on staying, I've seen enough anyways!" Buckwheat said, he then woke up the one eye blind mare and took her back into the herd, he smiled at Eclipsetess and Namir with a sweet smile like he trusted them, then he trotted back to his herd and he nuzzled the blind mare.

Eclipsetess could tell that the blind mare asked Buckwheat if she told him her story, which he did, she was alright with it as she didn't place her ears far back but back enough with a happy smiling face, as she looked over at Eclipsetess and Namir with the same happy smile.

"Wait- she's not mad or anything?" Eclipsetess asked, though she knew the answer right away as it was obvious to her and Namir, she just stopped being curious if anything was going to happen.

"Well then, I suggest we keep her, she's so nice when Buckwheat told her story to us and didn't get mad, that's really.. Sweet of a mare like her, accepting herself and accepting what happened." Eclipsetess said, she was determined to have that nameless, scarred, blind and silver eyed mare.

"Don't you go stealing another mare, I might not like it, and that we have settle down to negotiate if it gets out of hand with fighting over who is keeping or trading away. I never fought another stallion that acts like me, but keep up your guard around that brown stallion with his two stockings, the scarred mare that came up to you can visit us since she seems like Solstice but more of Grey Cloud. And she's an adopted daughter, so we know that the lead stallion won't try anything as I can tell he misses his lead mare, but chooses not to have another mare. Like me if Grey Cloud ever passed, but that isn't for awhile." Scorn said, he walked up next to Eclipsetess as she jumped a little, ending up on Namir's back and falling backwards as her hooves were up.

"Oh.. Don't scare me like that!" Eclipsetess said, she nipped Scorn at the cheek as he began being dramatic, though he did laugh at Eclipsetess as she nipped him again.

"Namir protect me please.." Eclipsetess said, as she brushed up against Namir, putting her head under Namir's and laying on his two front hooves, maybe.. Possibly kissing them- and then laughing at the end.

"Don't tease with feelings Eclipsetess, your boyfriend might've liked that." Scorn joked, Eclipsetess blushed and yelled at Scorn but she got up as Scorn looked at her and ran away back to Grey Cloud, respecting the mares and walking around them so that they don't nip him.

Though Eclipsetess looked at Namir as she continued blushing, and then thought of something as she blushed more, but she then calmed herself down and looked at Namir again with a question that she just thought of.

"D-did you like it when I kissed your hooves?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she blushed but also looked at him as she did.

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#264792 Posted on 2023-01-04 11:01:40

     Solstice wasn't quite sure by what Buckwheat meant by seeing enough, but she tried to dismiss it as she walked over to the three. Moon noticed and seemed a little bit calmer, "What did you find out? Is everything okay..?" she asked as she continued to keep Apollo close to her. Moon wasn't ready to let him venture out away from her quite yet, but she did let him go a very short ways away. Maybe Phoenix got to her more then she thought he did.

     Solstice only sighed, "Not much..they were here to document us, but I'm still not sure why. I think they might be trying to find a new home, but again I tried staying out of it." she admitted as she looked back over at Buckwheat and the others, "They aren't staying here Moon. Once they leave, we hopefully won't see them again," she said as she laid down still tired like she said, but she dismissed it. Solstice just couldn't stop thinking about the one mare.

     Moon noticed Solstice was distracted, "Alright hun, what has you so distracted?" she asked as she looked at her then the strange herd, "Is it about that mare that talked to you three?" she asked curiously sensing it seemed keep Solstice distracted a bit. "I'm only curious. That mare seemed different then the others in that herd she's in," Moon paused, "What did she say that won't leave your mind?"

     Solstice was just watching the colt as she looked at Moon, "She doesn't have a name...she's blind in one eye, and has a pretty nasty scar on her face, but she..." Solstice paused as she looked over in their direction, "She complimented me on my just hit differently, and you know why.." she sighed, "But that stallion told us her' mine..." she admitted as she looked down.

     Moon only smiled a bit, "Your not the only one that grew up without parents had your brother..and me if you didn't know it.." she said seeing the confused look on her face, "Namir came to me asking how and what he was to do to protect you, and care for you. You know what Phoenix would have done if he knew, or even if I went to see you..well I did once.." she said looking over at Namir, "The day you were born. Me, Phoenix, and some of the others came to see you.." she began.

     "My how little you were. I still remember that day. Your mother was tired, and wasn't well after your birth. She could hardly stay awake when we came to see you. I tried to help her, but she refused. As you know, Phoenix didn't accept you into the herd..." she paused letting out a sigh, "He didn't want a sick mare and filly with cursed eyes to be in his herd. Your father couldn't risk his life fighting him, and only tried protecting the two of you a different way.."

     Moon had paused for a moment, "Your brother was close to becoming quite the stallion, but your parents told him to do whatever he could to care for you and keep you safe. They knew you were special. And you are, but they left to find a way to cure your mother, and to find a way to prevent your defeat Dra..." she said seeing how Solstice felt hurt by this, "Do not go after your brother. There are things he's kept from you to keep you safe and happy. That's all he's ever cared about. You have your brother to thank for setting aside his life for yours."

     Solstice just listened almost in tears as she looked at her brother. Orion just rested his head on her back to comfort her. She wasn't sure what to say or think, but Moon's motherly tone only seemed to keep her calm. "Thanks...for telling me.." she said quietly as she looked down. Moon only nuzzled her, "I know they're up there..I know she's up there..watching me.." she said as she looked up and Moon agreed.

     Namir just looked over at Scorn as he came over and he laughed at Eclipsetess a bit, "Scorn's right. There's no reason to fight. Besides Buckwheat already said that he isn't going to let her join any other herd. She may be like my sister in a way, but we can't just take every mare. She belongs with them." he said before looking at Eclipsetess, "Quite the troublemaker you are. Always needing saved when I know you can handle a fight," he said playfully nipping her ear.

     "Scorn don't you have two new foals to take care of?" Namir said with a grin as he watched the stallion run away as he laughed a bit before he looked at Eclipsetess, "I don't know...did I?" he said giving her a small but loving kiss on her cheek. "Now I thought you were asleep and now your energetic? My how mares are complicated sometimes," he joked prepared for a nip.

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#264796 Posted on 2023-01-04 18:19:42

Eclipsetess nipped Namir it wasn't hard, but rather soft, Eclipsetess knew that Namir was joking but she still nipped him softly anyways, she then looked over at Buckwheat as he was grazing and then Eclipsetess saw that the blind mare was grazing with another mare.

Eclipsetess then got up and walked over to Buckwheat as he was grazing away to himself, he then looked up at Eclipsetess as she walked over to him, Buckwheat stopped grazing and looked up at Eclipsetess with his sweet smile to her as she looked up happily at him.

"What can I do you little lady?" Buckwheat asked Eclipsetess, she looked rather curious as he could tell by her eyes, the brown stallion was walking over to Eclipsetess until Buckwheat shot a stern and mean look at him, he seemed like he knew what the stallion was going to do, but he then looked back at Eclipsetess with his sweet smile.

"I wanted to ask if you could allow the blind mare to visit my herd, she seems so sweet and nice, and that she takes the cake for sure!" Eclipsetess asked Buckwheat, he smiled at her then he looked over at the blind mare as she was walking over with curiosity and confusion.

"Who took the cake now?" the blind mare asked the two, Buckwheat perked up with joy and seemed to be really happy about the blind mare, Eclipsetess looked back at the mare as well.

"This young mare here wanted me to allow you to visit the mare's herd, she seems to be really curious about that. And seems like a good idea to get a nickname?" Buckwheat said, the blind mare perked up with a smile of pure happiness, she was happy that Eclipsetess was very nice asking Buckwheat.

"It would be a lovely time, alright I'll visit." the blind mare shot Buckwheat a mad glare but she looked back at Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess lit up with excitment and pure joy to the blind mare as she smiled away happily.

"Lovely then, why don't you go there right now?" Buckwheat asked, he then nudged the blind mare to go with Eclipsetess as she ran with her over to Namir first so Eclipsetess could nuzzle him, she then took the blind mare over to one of Scorn's herd mares.

Eclipsetess then looked over at the three foals playing, she then was still rather excited and ran over to them to join in on the playing, she needed an excuse for letting all her energy out anyways, the blind mare just looked over at her with happiness as the mare next to her didn't care about the scar or the blind one eye.

"Woah, you look like you fought stallions or horses before!" a mare said as she walked up to the other two mares, she was rather curious about her eye, then another mare got curious as she walked up as well for the blind eye.

"How did you get your blind eye exactly?" the second curious mare asked, the blind mare just smiled away happily.

"Well I was born with it actually! My mother and father abandoned me when I was born, the stallion wouldn't accept mares that looked ugly to him, I have my silver eye from both of my parents, whom regret their actions and love me again now since I'm all grown." the blind mare said, her heart raced as she calmed herself down from anxiety.

"I remember that there were other foals in my herd when I was a foal myself, Buckwheat took me when he saw that I was starving to death a couple days old, I stayed put just to be adopted by a loving stallion that actually accepts any mare or stallion, but he knows what goes on since he shot his iconic eye to Labrinth when he was walking up to that starry dark brown mare." the blind mare said once again, she looked over at Eclipsetess as she was still playing with the foals.

"Now that I'm all grown, Buckwheat's adopted daughter, he still treats me like a foal when he wants to spoil me sometimes. He even fights other stallions in our herd that try to beat up mares, foals, or both when there's commotion going on. He protects everyone, but he did have to banish a stallion after he recklessly beated up a mare until she passed away as the stallion got one more hit at her, dad was so mad that he used his magic to banish the stallion to Hades' underworld realm, where no horse or creature of evil comes back." the blind mare told, she remembered the good old days, she still loved her home and had accepted the move.

"I actually look like both of my parents, I have a silver eye like both of them, my mother's black coat and runes, dad's white dorsal stripe that goes all the way down to the middle of my tail and mane, dad's two stockings that aren't stockings for me anyways.. My mom was a pegasus while my real father was a unicorn, unfortantely I didn't get any wings or horn since I got the body of my grandparents.. Dad was mad and hated me for that, mom didn't like it that I didn't get her horn either.. Mom's horn was longer then a golden chain created, and it curved from the middle of her horn until the tip was pointed like a scythe!" the blind mare told her story, she acted out the parts like she was doing a show for everyone.

Then a mare asked about what her name was, the blind mare stopped talking as she was finished but stood like she didn't want to say until she said that she had no name and liked it that way.

"Well how about a nickname?" a mare asked, the blind mare kindly rejected it since she would rather not be called anything since it was disrespectful to her that she would have something she never got.

"What're your parents names then?" another mare asked, the blind mare just shrugged her shoulder blades like she didn't know until she perked up.

"Mother's name is Celandine and my father's name is Casanova, both are quite friendly but have a different herd at my Birth Isle, an Isle where I was born, and thus here I am now. I'm sure all of you pretty mares and stallions were born here." the blind mare told the curious mare, she then told a little bit more of herself now.

"Well can we name you Yepra? And can we give you the nickname Kamaria? Both names fit you so well, unless someone has a better name and a better nickname.." a mare asked, the blind mare smiled happily but then looked confused until she smiled again.

"It's okay, I'm sure someone does have a better name and a better nickname for me, but they can chose not to say anything unless they think I might like it, which I love all horse names! Even foal ones!" the blind mare comforted the confused but also embarrassed mare, she then went really lovingly with the names.

Last edited on 2023-01-04 at 19:15:37 by Lizzy

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#264813 Posted on 2023-01-05 07:12:33

     Namir knew he was going to get nipped because of his statement. He did see that she seemed to be watching Buckwheat and the blind mare quite often until she had gotten up and walked over to him. Namir was hesitant at first, but he stayed put. He only looked over to see Moon seemed to be telling his sister something, and by the looks of it he already knew what it was about. He might have expected her to come over and yell, but surprised she hadn't.

     Though Namir looked back over at Eclipsetess as his ears went flat against his neck and his eyes glowed red for a few seconds before going back to normal when the brown stallion started to get close to her. If that stallion ever tried anything again, Namir was going to give him a taste of his own medicine. Though when Eclipsetess came back over, Namir nuzzled Eclipsetess in return before she went to the herd with the blind mare following behind.

     After that Namir just got up and shook off some dirt before he walked around a bit. Solstice had just been playing with Apollo a bit. The colt had just climbed over as if she was a jungle gym. She didn't mind, and Moon seemed to haze dozed off slightly. Orion just chuckled a bit, "Careful little one. Those legs are fragile," he said as Apollo just looked at him curiously and wagged his little tail like a dog.

     Solstice only looked at him as she nipped him carefully, "Oh come now Orion. I won't let anything happen to him you know that. Even if something were to happen, he can be healed easily, so don't worry." she said before nuzzling Apollo, "I can't get over his little wings. They're so adorable," she said excitedly as she looked over seeing some mares congregate around someone. Didn't take long for Solstice to realize it was the blind mare, and that Eclipsetess was playing with the other foals. 

     Though Solstice had just kept playing with Apollo until he seemed to lay down beside her. She only smiled as she carefully put her wing over him like a blanket. "Sleep well little one," she said softly before she looked at Orion who had been giving her a bit of a look, "What are you giving me that look for?" she asked awaiting a answer while she watched the herd for a moment or two.

     Orion just shook his head a bit, "Nothing. You just do well with foals." he said as he looked at the herd for a moment, "It's not a bad thing. I'm glad they have someone like you and the rest of the herd to look after them. Even after what you've been through..." he said as his voice died down a tad bit as he watched the blind mare talking with some of the herd's mares.

     Solstice sighed and looked down a bit, "Because I want them to have the childhood I didn't have. I want them to be loved..." she said quietly as she looked at Apollo. "He's too young to know what exactly happened...I don't want to ever think anything of it.." she said as she looked at Orion remembering the little crown that Faith had showed her a few days ago. "The other day...Faith showed me something.." she said pausing before she told Orion since he seemed curious about it now.

     "When I went to tell Faith something, she gave me Pandora's journal, but she also showed me something..a crown. Only this one was different then the one she has for me. It was small.." Solstice paused as she tried remembering what Faith had told her, "She said it would fit perfectly on a little bundle of joy's she meant a foal..that I would one day have..." At that point she was just looking down slightly unsure of what to think or if it was even true.

     Orion just listened as he nibbled on her mane a bit, "And? I know you love foals. I've seen how you care for them. Heck Apollo is sleeping underneath your wing. Though it does give Moon a chance to sleep without him bugging her...she could use some rest.." he said getting a bit distracted, "'s not anything bad. You'd be a great mom. Even the herd would help whenever you need it. You know that."

     Orion never thought about foals much, but he did love to see Solstice interact with them. It showed him a different side of her. One that was carefree and truly happy. Solstice just leaned against him slightly, "I suppose your right...but it's just hard to think about having a foal..after everything..y'know?" she asked him quietly, "I would love to give a foal something I never had..parents..." she said quieter and slower as she dozed off too. Maybe she still needed sleep..Orion just quietly chuckled as he looked at her then decided to watch the herd and the blind mare.

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#264824 Posted on 2023-01-05 13:26:59

"What was your herd like when you first saw your parents?" a mare asked, the blind mare just chuckled or rather giggled to herself as she started remembering.

"Let's see, I first saw my parents when I was traveling with my adopted father, the lead stallion looked like he got caught and almost killed or something, he was an alicorn with double horns, something I was curious of but I stayed put as my parents walked up to me. The first time seeing something I didn't get, the lead stallion also walked up to me but he pulled my little mane and tail, he even threatened my adopted father to have me even near the herd when we were not! The lead stallion then got testy with Buck, they ended up almost dying together as a black mare with a flower and some vines came up out of the ground and started healing Buck, I never thought I would see mother nature as a horse before, or even alive! But everything was still rather new to me.." the blind mare hummed a little bit at the end.

"What Isle did you live on?" a mare asked, her curiosity was tested by the mares, but the blind mare let it slip.

"Let's see, I remember being on an Isle with yellow meadows, oak trees with apples, rather good shade and a bigger part of the Isle then anyone could say! The Isle's name was called "The Land of The Fallen" which was a weird name until you got to stay up on a specific day on that Isle, it was rather magical in my way, seeing dead horses come from a rainbow bridge to see and interact with their families that were still alive, sadly a tyrant horse of some sort destroyed it as it sunk to the bottom of the water. I never remembered the name of the stallion as he was brown, lava encrusted in some areas of his body, his tail and mane of fire, his eyes seeming to glow with rather quick rage, then the heard called him something but like I said I never remembered the stallions name so I can't say for sure. But he was rather aggressive as he killed the lead alicorn stud of my parents herd, the mares screaming and heartbroken as they watched murder happen before them. Buck just kept me to his side.. I'd rather want revenge but he's long since dead, I'm glad but not as another tyrant was born. Same as before but rather less aggressive but more attacking on some parts, I don't remember much of him either but he was all black and lava spurting out sometimes, even some fire that was emerged as flames that moved in the stallions eyes, he even had an fire-like necklace once he showed. I don't remember much of that anymore.. It was rather painful, mother even tried to attack me but Buck defended me, I'm glad to have a father like him." the blind mare said, the herd around her just went silent, the mares enticed to hear more.

"I'm sorry all, but that is all from me, if I happen to remember I'll come back and tell you the rest. I think Buck was staying two days to see how me and the herd would interact with you, technically it's our first day here but we needed some rest before emerging from the brush, bushes, and Buck; from the trees.." the blind mare said, she looked behind her as Buckwheat was talking with some mares before he looked at the blind mare as she quickly looked back.

"Well why don't you rest? It seems that if you traveled so far just to migrate from an Isle, then you must've been evacuated at least! An Isle going down will be forced to evacuate, that's the rule for everyone here and everyone knows it." a mare said, it was true that the blind mare and her herd was evacuted from an Isle so long ago.

"Actually that was when I was a foal, that was so long ago really, Buck's just been on the run with our herd that he just wants to find an Isle that looks like our own Isle, which would be here, Isle of Dreams a copycat of my previous Isle it was rather gorgeous when the sky went dark as you could see the northern lights appearing like a show, even my old herd's foals watched for the first time. I haven't seen anything like that since we were evacuted, I rather miss it dearly, the gorgeous blues, pinks, and even the northern lights would project a head of an animal that was here before us! It would be so crazy when I saw it for my first time, I would love to see that again as well, but I can rather understand everything.. Even to the point I could be technically called a story-teller because of my stories, I was teased as a foal for coming up with them.. The herd loved of them.. I miss doing that too.." the blind mare told aloud to the herd, another mare from Buckwheat's herd came up to the blind mare as she put her head on her back, her whole face scarred as she looked over, the blind mare just followed the scarred mare's attention.

"Mare and foal, so what?" the blind mare asked the scarred mare, she was sad when she looked at her herdmate, both then began to miss being in the old days.

"Let's not reminisce of the old days, or else we'll forever be stuck in a loop of our own sadness, and I don't want to go back to that." the blind mare told the scarred mare, her silver blue eyes looked at the silver eye of the blind mare, she knew her herdmate wanted her olden life as she was still thinking about it as the blind mare could feel her wanting it back.

"I- at least am happy, just not for walking around for days on end, eating herbs for food, hunting things we cannot eat, eating sarce grass sometimes, barely drinking water to keep us hydrated, I know Buckwheat- Buck for you, want to keep us walking until we found a home to call, I know he doesn't mean it for us to go off and eat but.. I am tired and want to stay here as a prize for walking.. until we become skeletons.. Together." the scarred mare told her knowledgeable herd mate, the blind mare, both wanted their old lives but could not grasp it anymore.

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#264827 Posted on 2023-01-05 15:14:44

     Namir was just walked around the herd hearing parts of the current conversation. He was making sure everyone was fine, but he eventually walked over to where his sister and the others were. He only quietly chuckled seeing Solstice, Apollo, and Moon asleep, "Well then. It's quiet over here I see?" he said as he walked over and laid down, "I suppose she just dozed off..been awhile since I've seen her do that.." he said with a small smiled as he looked at his sister.

     Orion looked over at Namir as he approached, "Very quiet.." he said before looking at Solstice. Apollo still under her wing, "Well they all kind of did, but they have every right to be. After yesterday, and Moon still getting over Apollo is still young, so they could all use the sleep. I don't mind. Sometimes I like the quiet," he said as he looked over at the blind mare.

     Namir just nodded in agreement before he too looked over at the blind mare, "She's like my sister...well in some ways I suppose," he sighed, "I don't know..I just don't know what to think about that herd." he said as he looked at everyone in sight, "Well for starters that brown can't just come in to a herd's territory and try to take mares like that. If that stallion tries anything else, I'll give him a piece of my mind.

     Orion only laughed a little but quietly, "I'm sure that stallion will think twice before making any other moves with that lead stallion here now," he said before he looked back over at the group of mares, "Why don't you go see what they're chatting about? It might do some good, and it keeps us from waking these three up...even if that might be highly unlikely.." he said looking at the three.

     "Fine. Don't think you know her more then me," Namir said before he got up and walked over to the mares hearing parts of their conversation since he stayed away until the second mare came up. "Like my sister said before we've all gone through things here. We all have a past...some of us have a past that will forever haunt them no matter what they do or who helps me we know all too well about the past.." Namir sighed as he looked over at his sister.

     "Travelling across the Isles isn't easy. Especially travelling all of was indeed exhausting, but that was the least of our problems at the time. A-anyways...we all have something we don't like to think about from the past, but we can't always avoid it. You may have been hunting, but we were hunted.." he said before he looked at his sister again as he sighed before he looked at the two mares for a second before he went to find Eclipsetess. He figured she was still playing with the foals, so he went over there first.

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#264836 Posted on 2023-01-05 18:02:37

"Tell Buck that when you travel seven or more Isles just lose previous ones that have fallen due to a strange horse being more powerful then anything, more powerful then a GOD PERHAPS!" the blind mare said, she had seen so many Isles break away that were connected to each other so that it was more easier crossing the different Isles.

"I have acknowledged that we were an Isle that was once an Island, but the water was claiming the land more and more, older Isles falling to the sea, forced to become Sea Ponies, and newer horses being immortal but lesser to that one horse, that horse was lost to centuries, Zues- Poseidon or heck HADES COULDN'T DEAL WITH HIM! Not even the newer tyrant that died, this horse I'm talking about was more powerful then a petty stallion that could die to a blast of light." the blind mare said, overlooking the book she summoned without magic was really impressive, but she held it close and then chose to walk away as the mare that was her herdmate had followed, but not apologizing to Namir in a nuzzle and then trotting off to catch up with her friend.

Meanwhile Raven, Esmeray, and Moonlight were off chilling around near their mothers, Azulia looked up from time to time to watch the three of the bundles just laying down, Azulia noticed that Namir walked over to the foals, she then planted her head back to the ground as she fell asleep.

Trickster got up to shake off some dirt as she then trotted around the herd like she was scanning the outer perimeters of the herd, and even between them, watching where she steps and making sure she doesn't step on anyone, she then walked over to the edge of Scorn's herd as Buckwheat was just chilling and also giving the brown stallion a beating for any mare that he goes near.

Eclipsetess was somewhere, just no one seen her yet, which was worrying to everyone, though the blind mare was off reading her book as her friend read it with her as the two were intruged by the new information added as the book glowed from time to time, then Eclipsetess landed down next to Scorn and Grey Cloud as their two new foals got up with really wobbly legs.

"Careful my babies, don't hurt yourself now, or else we'll have to help you walk around and have you stick by our sides." Grey Cloud told her twins, the two foals just walked up to her as she got up, Scorn took the flowers that Eclipsetess brought to him.

"Thank you for the hushpuppies Eclipsetess, now go to Namir, he's been looking for you, and he's definately worried about you." Scorn nudged Eclipsetess as she trotted off to Namir, he smiled but he picked up the clump of hushpuppy flowers and he trotted to the middle of the herd of mares as they were curious as to what Scorn was doing.

"What're you doing Scorn?" a mare asked, Scorn just pulled out his book as it flipped to the hushpuppy flower, it was incredibly rare in the Isle of Dreams the book reads, it can only be found at Nature's home the book told, the mare's question was over as she began to tell the other mares as Scorn then used his magic to make the flower glow as it then got bigger and bigger until it reached the barrier- well taller, not bigger actually.

"Oh ho.. What a wonderful flowered height.." a mare said, the flower then kept growing tall until it felt the magic drain from it's petals as the magic it now made coursed from it to the ground of the Isle as it made everyone glow until they turned to normal but very shiny and like a little crystal see through.

"Ah.. We've been shinifed.." another said, Scorn just laughed as he placed his hoof onto the base as it turned him into his royale king form as Grey Cloud went to her royale queen form, just them except wearing royale like clothing, the rest of the mares and stallions just turned into what their roles were.

"Roll list call!" Scorn shouted, Eclipsetess walked back over to him as he looked at her to line everyone up.

"But I can't do it with some mares and stallions sleeping.." Eclipsetess protested, Scorn made the same face as he would sooner regret it but he had Eclipsetess do it anyways, he needed to see everyone's roles, including Buckwheat's herd as the blind mare was between the last mare and her adopted father.

"Alright.. I know you all are going to me mad at me, probably angrier and going to nip soon, but it was only to take a look at your roles, some of you probably didn't recieve one because I didn't say anything as you all were recovering from your trauma and pain haunting, but I am here and so it my lovely mate as well. We'll protect more then anything, but we will allow you to visit other herd's, leave this herd an join another one, have a stallion that your thinking of as long as it's not a rude one or one that will try and take other mares of mine, they will literally attack anything that isn't apart of our herd or just aren't that much of a threat. Buckwheat- or Buck as the blind mare calls him since he's her adopted father, but the mares will also come to you if they want or they want you to heal on your own since you might be a little nippy, I take full apology of waking you all up, and even recieve nips from all of you that want too nip me. I am more friendlier then any other stallion besides Buckwheat, we will protect you all and even Nature seems to have a special connection with the Isle herself." Scorn said as he walked down the lines with a loud voice, surely to wake up any horse that he walks near, though he was quiet with the foals since he didn't want them to be scared of him.

Raven looked at Apollo next to her as Esmeray and Moonlight were next to their mother Trickster, Scorn must've sorted them with some sort of sorting thing that he had Eclipsetess do, though Eclipsetess walked with Scorn as he talked, she was wearing mage clothing- something more decorated with spells ripped from the pages, and potions in her pockets along with with the spells, Eclipsetess must've worn a higher ranked mage outfit, Grey Cloud was just at the front of the herd as the two next to her were nipping each other as she nuzzled them to stop.

"My oh my, you two with have sibling rivaliers sooner rather then later then, but I hope that you lose the rivalry sometime later." Grey Cloud told her two foals, surprisingly Moon was placed next to her, as she used her summoning ability to get Apollo appear in front of Moon, the poor mare then had to lay down as she had gotten weak.

"At least I got your baby next to you now so that you don't have to worry, but the older ones with be yearlings soon, maybe Moonlight since she seems months older, I think Raven and Esmeray are only their first month old, Azulia told me that. She always gossips, tells stories, and even adventures to other mares without hesitation, she will even watch a mare that is lost or was forgotten and take her here when she goes off to collect herbs. No matter what, she always comes back fine even though she had took on.. A kitsune before, lots of scars, severe ones, though the one on her stomach was a gash from a hydra as she almost died but Faith found her and brought her back as her magic only healed it to a scar form, she will forever have it and it is permenant by Faith's spell that she casted on that scar. I'm just happy that we have our only adventurous mare still, with Eclipsetess being the same month, day, and year as Azulia you could technically say their siblings, but from different herds, it's quite rarer then an albino or rare marked foal like Raven or Esmeray. Scorn believes that he found lost siblings he saw get..." Grey Cloud paused as she heard the story over and over, but could never tell it anymore as it enduced fear into any horse and make them go crazy, except the already crazy-crazy mare.

"When Scorn was born, his mother died to a wolf, his father passed by a young Dra seeking his mare that was Nature, Scorn wanted revenge for his parents, he made himself immortal by seeking a specific flower that grants immortality forever, but if a stallion or mare takes the granted power, anything they form or have will also become immortal, it does not matter if blood related or not, everyone will become immortal. Even the Isle itself, it has more stronger power then any other Isle as it stood alone by itself while watching the other Isles that previously fallen sink to the ocean floor, we used to have a swamp Isle but that sunk as the swamp horses were forced to either become sea ponies or become to either be a normal horse, a unicorn, pegasus or alicorn." Grey Cloud said again, she really saw whatever Scorn shared with memories, but she then smiled again as she remembered a moment in time where he pledged everything to Grey Cloud's life, even ending his own to join her if she passed away unexpectedly.

"Anyways you probably wish this to be over, but it isn't until Scorn is happy with everything, which will only take a couple more minutes, he isn't stricted with rules unless he granted a high rank within the herd, then he's strict and mean as he could be which is quite charming of him to cammand but he knows his limits with everymare or stallion and won't be hard, he's even gentle with the foals because he wants to see them grow up happily to their best, giving their best, and living their best." Grey Cloud smiled, Scorn came back as some mares chased him as he trotted behind Grey Cloud with loads of nips.

"I let so many mares nip me, keep me safe please, I don't want any more nips.." Scorn pleaded Grey Cloud, she gave him a huff before agreeing, then the mares chasing him nipped him a little before going away, Eclipsetess then teleported everyone back to their regular spots as the flower shrunk back to normal but didn't wither, hushpuppies were harder and lasted longer to more magic it used.

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#264864 Posted on 2023-01-06 11:26:36

     Namir just looked at the mares. He didn't quite understand what this blind mare kept on saying. What she kept on repeating. It didn't make sense to him except for one thing. Though he looked over at his sister when she mentioned a god, but that wasn't what caught his attention. The stallion she mentioned. He just looked down and mumbled Dra's name only for him to hear, but it was clear he hated him. 

     As the mares left, Namir just looked at them for a moment or two before he walked over to where Azulia, Trickster, and their foals normally were since he knew Eclipsetess was previously playing with them. Though they all seemed to be laying down. Trickster asleep like always. How she was always sleeping, he had no idea, but Namir just gave Azulia a small nod before he turned around and tried looking for her somewhere else.

     Moon had woken up shortly after Namir had left. She smiled when she saw Apollo fully asleep beside Solstice as she had wrapped her wing around him, "Well then..I guess I don't ever have to worry about my son in her care." she said softly and in a motherly tone. Even though she seemed to mostly speak in a motherly tone. "How long was I out..? I'm just used to being unable to sleep with Phoenix..and worrying about the other mares.." she sighed.

     Orion looked over at Moon giving a small nod, "She'll protect those she cares for. Even after everything she's been through, she still won't hurt a soul..even Phoenix.." he said softly nuzzling Solstice. Though he did it in a way to make sure she wouldn't have woken. "Not too long, but I just let you three sleep knowing you all need it. I prefer silence more then being involved in gossip," he said as he looked at the majority of the mares.

     Moon nodded, "Understandable for someone like you." she said as she too looked at the other mares for a moment. "The other mares from our old herd still think of me as their lead mare..I don't deserve that title, and I never wanted it. Besides I'm not the lead mare anymore. I couldn't even protect them..the foals..from my late husband.." she said quietly, but in a tone with anger and hatred. 

     Orion looked down a bit, "You did what you could do. That's what matters. You were always there for them even if you couldn't help them. If they still respect you as their lead mare, then they trust you. They always will, and you'll all always be there for each other." he said as he looked up at the few other mares from Phoenix's herd before he saw Eclipsetess come back It was odd to him, especially when he saw what Scorn had done to make one rather large flower.

     Solstice seemed to wake as she quietly grumbled a bit. She seemed to feel the surge of magic before she even looked at the flower. "Woah...why is there a huge flower in the middle of the herd..? That wasn't there before right..? Please tell me this isn't another nightmare.." she said looking at Moon then Orion then back at the flower, "I'm dreaming aren't I?" Both Moon and Orion only chuckled quietly.

     "No hun. This is real. You aren't dreaming, and this isn't a nightmare. Eclipsetess gave Scorn some flowers, and well he did something to make one as large as that one. We'll find out here soon enough," Moon said  as she got up and softly nudged Apollo, "Come on young one. Time to get up, or you won't sleep tonight..which you need to." she said as Apollo slowly woke up. Solstice smiled as she brought her wing back to her side as her and Orion got up.

     Though before they all realized it, the whole entire herd had been placed in a line. Solstice noticed Scorn and Grey Cloud were in their royalty forms, but she also noticed everyone looked like gemponies. Her seal brown coat didn't look much like a gem because of how dark it was, but the spotting on her body now looked like twinkling stars. Apollo looked at the other foals then everyone around confused as to what was happening.

     Solstice and the others just listened to Scorn. Moon had strangely been asked to stand next to Grey Cloud. "Oh you poor little thing.." she said quietly as she balanced Apollo since he was a bit wobbly unsure of what happened as Grey Cloud teleported him to her. Though Moon seemed a bit concerned about her, "Thanks.." she said before making sure Apollo was alright, "He's only about a couple weeks old..I'm surprised he..fought as he did," she said going quiet for a moment.

     Moon mainly listened to Grey Cloud saying close to nothing since she also wanted to here what Scorn was saying. Though she acknowledged Grey Cloud by nodding and agreeing with her. Apollo only looked at the twin foals, but his mother made sure he didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. Moon did look over at Scorn as he came over, "Oh my. Nips from mares. Such a horrible tragedy," she said with a small laugh.

     Namir had walked over to Eclipsetess after everything nuzzling her before he looked around at everyone. "Look at you looking all formal," he grinned as he looked at what she was wearing. Though he liked it. "Sneaky one you are though sneaking off the way you did," he said with a small laugh, "Thought you were playing with the foals, so I figured you were still playing with them."

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