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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264161 Posted on 2022-12-21 11:44:34

"Ah-ha.. Well, you would know what she meant by what she said.. Heh.." Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir, she then brought her wings to her sides. She did not stop blushing though.

"I-I think I should go check on Trickster and see how she's doing.." Eclipsetess said, she then walked off to tend to the herd, she was grateful to be back at least.

Eclipsetess walked away from Namir without hesitation as she then walked up to Trickster, Trickster greeted her as Eclipsetess looked at Namir, maybe she had regretted not staying with him? Probably..

"So any updates about how you feeling Trickster? I feel like you had a different form, but I forgot since I went to The Heavens, but eh.." Eclipsetess asked Trickster, she just smiled and told Eclipsetess everything, well some in a bit of exaggeration.

"Ha ha, maybe getting your wolf form means that your returning to the right generation? There are generations of where you were born after all!" Eclipsetess suggested, but Trickster giggled as she looked at Namir with those eyes of her's looking at Eclipsetess and back at Namir.

"Maybe your suited to become a mother, you do have that speed and that protectiveness in you, heck you could become a Guard for a kingdom or our herd!" Trickster said, Eclipsetess laughed cheerfully and looked around including Namir.

"Maybe your right Trickster, I'll go see with Namir first before actually deciding to anything that we're or I wasn't meant to do yet." Eclipsetess told Trickster, she then began towards Namir, she hasn't really used her wings in a little while, but that only means she's waiting to show again if Trickster is still looking at her like she knows something.

Though as Eclipsetess walked up to Namir, she nuzzled him gently and looked at Solstice and Orion before she nudged Namir with her wing gently into Namir's side to get his attention more, but she did sigh and enjoy the peaceful night.

"This moment, this is what I wanted everyone to have, this peaceful moment I always wanted to share. Whether good or bad things happened, this is the moment I always dreamt of having. Except Scorn telling me every night that I must have a mate, I mean come on I have you now." Eclipsetess began thinking that Scorn was always right about something, but now everything was right. An Oracle could have been true, if it wasn't lost to time but the new book that appeared could have something valuable.

"You know, I think this isn't the right time for this, but. I.. I want us.. I want us to have.." Eclipsetess paused since she knew that Namir would know what she would say anyways, but it now bugged her mind of getting a family maybe was too early right now.

"Never mind, you know what I would have said anyways, so it doesn't matter right now.. Or does it? Anyways, I'm checking out the books that Orion has in his pile, I feel like I need to read right now, but I'll be back to check on you.." Eclipsetess paused before smiling "Mr. Handsome~" Eclipsetess teased at Namir once more, this time it actually made her fly to Orion's pile..

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#264324 Posted on 2022-12-24 19:44:58

Namir just shook his head slightly, "Azulia isn't always the easiest to understand. Plus it's been a long day...for all of us.." he said glancing over at his sister letting out a small sigh, "I just don't know how she's going to take knowing who she really is meant to be..I mean she's never known anything, and now everything she's wanted to know is being told to her all at the same time."

He only nuzzled her softly in return trying to think on the positive side of things. Namir still had both of them in his life, and that was what was most important to him at the time. He almost lost them both, and he was glad that he didn't. Though Namir didn't like how often it seemed to happen.

Solstice still had a lot to learn about many things. She had already come a long way, but she still lacked knowledge and wisdom. Namir only hoped that with her potentially learning about her necklace, she'd be more careful with it and to not take it off. The only other time that happened was when Dra removed it.

"Alright." he said flicking his ear as he watched her head over to Trickster. Namir only stayed where he was as he watched Solstice and Orion. Orion still appeared to be awake concentrated on a book as Solstice seemed to be fully asleep. Probably best. Gives her a somewhat full nights rest while she fully recovers and has time to process things.

Orion was only reading the book that Azulia had shown him earlier that day. He couldn't keep away from something like that. Especially since it was about the Great War, and was in almost perfect condition. He still had no idea on why the book even existed, but he did end up coming across a page with two constellations... Orion only looked up at the sky seeing they looked just like Eclipsetess's and Solstice's.

Namir just closed his eyes for a few minutes waiting for Eclipsetess to get back. It had been such a long and stressful day. Everyone seemed to need the rest that night...well apart from Eclipsetess. Bright and cheery as always. Wasn't long before he heard her come back as he nuzzled her as she nuzzled him.

"After feels nice to relax. The quietness is nice.." he said calmly as he flicked his black tail as he looked at Eclipsetess enjoying the silence of the night. He tried not to think of the events that previously happened, and only tried to focus on the peaceful night. Calming even.

Though Namir perked up a small bit looking at Eclipsetess again. He knew what she was talking about, but he only nuzzled her once more, "I see how you are with the foals and my sister since I first met you. You'd make a great mom. Everyone thinks so." he laughed before he gave a small nod, "Alright then. I'll be here." he said before he perked up again.

Mr. Handsome? Two can play that game. "Oh? Well I can play that game too my faithful goddess~" he grinned watching her head over to Orion's books. He only smiled as he laid down and looked up at the sky. He let out a small sigh still unsure about how he felt about his sister's purpose. He couldn't even remember what she was to be the goddess of.

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#264335 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:33:16

Eclipsetess laughed at what Namir said, she just smiled away then she picked out a book, she did have the feeling to read, but the book didn't give her the intial response she wanted. She didn't have what she was looking for, so she looked at Orion and walked over to him.

"Orion?" Eclipsetess whispered in a hushed tone, but still a little lod for Orion to hear.

"Um, when your done reading the book, may I have it?" Eclipsetess asked, she was a little fretful coming to Orion for that, but she did shake the feeling off.

"I'll wait when your done, no need to rush actually." Eclipsetess told Orion as she walked over to a sleeping Azulia as Eclipsetess nudged her to wake up.

"So.. I want you to do this." Eclipsetess told Azulia everything that she planned out, wait planned out?! She never plans things! What is she up to..?

"Uh huh, sure, I'll do it in the morning. Go sleep with Namir.." Azulia nudged Eclipsetess towards Namir as she wanted rest when she yawned, Eclipsetess just giggled at her as she then trotted back to Namir.

"Hi little man~" Eclipsetess teased Namir, she did say it with much confidence this time, maybe she was getting used to calling Namir names, names only for her and him only. Maybe..?

"So uhm, I want to go out with you maybe the next day after tomorrow? I know you'll want to rest for two days, since wings can hurt if you fly too much or too hard, not saying about that but yeah.." Eclipsetess told Namir straight up, she blushed and looked down between her hooves like it was a little date.

Azulia looked up at Eclipsetess and Namir before she said anything, but she did snicker at them before saying what she perfectly thought out.

"Eclipsetess planned a date for you two!" Azulia shouted to the two at a level that Solstice couldn't hear, Eclipsetess froze and blushed as she turned to look at Azulia before looking up at Namir.

"Ah ha.." at least Eclipsetess told Namir something that she now planned, I guess love can go too far, "Well.. I did plan something special for the two of us, but now that's ruined but you could guess why since I blush quite alot now.." Eclipsetess looked back up at Namir before looking at the ground, her head hung low but then she yawned.

"Well.. Can we discuss everything tomorrow? I'm a little tired now.." Eclipsetess said as she yawned again, I guess she can get tired but it was because of the excitment in the air Eclipsetess felt. At least she's lively.

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#264336 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:37:10

Orion looked up seeing Eclipsetess as he glanced at Solstice. She was out. Completely asleep. He had been trying to read the book and understand it, but it was something he knew nothing about. Something he wasn't used to which made it hard for him to understand it. That and it was getting late.

"This book is harder for me to read then I thought. Considering the good condition it's in as my others...clearly aren't. I should really rest anyway. Read it when you'd like. No need to ask me." he said. Though he smiled a bit happy to see Eclipsetess as her normal self despite her new title.

He only watched Eclipsetess walk off before he looked at Solstice slightly moving her head so she'd be more comfortable. It still shocked him about what her true purpose was. Her role. Though Orion was going to be there for her making sure she didn't do anything crazy in the coming day.

Orion eventually just laid his head down and closed his eyes. It was getting pretty late anyway, and he needed to get some shut eye before the sun rose once more. Solstice slightly moved every now and then. Only to adjust herself a bit to get a bit more comfortable. She was too tired to even think about anything that previously happened.

Namir just looked around yawning once or twice. He watched Eclipsetess seeing her just being herself, but it still hurt him that he could have lost her. Both the mares that were most important to him. It didn't sit right with him. He couldn't have done nothing like always, but he was only relieved that he didn't loose anyone else.

He only grinned and rolled his eyes, "I may be stocky, but I'm not entirely short," he said giving her a look before he playfully nipped her mane. Namir then let her speak. "Sure. Just know I'm keeping a close eye on both you and Solstice until then. You both cut it close this time..." he said protectively.

Namir couldn't help but to let out a small quiet laugh as he looked at Azulia, "Oh really?" he grinned, "Why would it be ruined? Today may not have gone as planned...but we still saw the sunset. We still made things work.." he said nuzzling her, "It's not a bad thing or something to be embarrassed of Eclipsetess. I love you..."

He just nuzzled her affectionately before he nodded, "Very well..surprised I'm still awake after today." he laughed before he yawned a bit, "Let's get some sleep before the sun comes back up. We'll need it tomorrow if we want to find out more about this war and all..." he said before he laid his head on the ground and closed his eyes hoping Eclipsetess would do the same. "You too Eclipsetess."

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#264337 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:39:04

"Alright hun." Eclipsetess said, she smiled but also yawned..

Though she did walk around Namir a little to find the perfect spot, and when she found it, she laid her head on his neck. Then she shuffled around until she put her hoof and leg on Namir's side before scooting closer to him, I say that she doesn't want to miss anything of him.

Eclipsetess then closed her eyes, her sky blue glittering gems, like Solstice but a little darker, though she did have a brown coat instead. But she was happy anyways, everyone could tell the difference between the two, unless the horse wasn't paying attention.

Touche to them, anyways, Eclipsetess was asleep, perking her ears up and looking around to make sure everyone was asleep, and when no one was doing anything but sleeping. Eclipsetess would go back to sleep, sometimes she would hum in her sleep, she would mimic her memories, which included humming.

But Eclipsetess hummed on rare occasions, set aside from sleeping, everyone says when Eclipsetess hummed on a rare occasion; she would give in, she would give into her calmness and go into a stage of anything actually.

But she would also go hum in a state that would allow her to mimic her own humming, letting her state of mind to pass through time, allowing herself to become a shadow pony and observe herself.

Everyone would also say that she could mimic another horse she would protect forever, her sky blue eyes matching any horse and even their build and gender, it would be an impressive state that a guardian could do that.

But even as a goddess she could do so much more now, though unless, something happened. Then yeah..

Though Faith had gotten up and looked back Solstice before putting something on her, like a little crown, but one that matched her necklace, with an engraving. But Faith immediately took it back and went back to sleep before anyone caught her.

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#264338 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:40:53

Namir already knew that Eclipsetess was going to wake up every now and then throughout the rest of the night. Not that he could do anything about it. That was just a part of her. Namir on the other hoof liked to sleep more. Especially after a long and eventful day.

Though Solstice slept soundly for the rest of the night..for the most part. She didn't know about Faith, but close to when the sun was slowing starting to rise, Solstice opened her eyes. She yawned as she looked around still using another hour or two of sleep, but she just couldn't sleep any longer.

She couldn't get the oracle out of her head. Luckily, she could still see her constellation a bit, but it wouldn't be long until it disappeared since the sun was starting to rise. Solstice then looked at Orion smiling as she nuzzled him before she carefully got up not wanting to wake him.

Solstice looked over at Namir and Eclipsetess smiling before she walked a short ways stretching her legs. She was a bit sore, so she figured a small and easy morning flight would do her some good. It made it easier for her to think anyways, so she spread her wings, and flapped them a bit before she took off to the sky.

She only slowly glided using the peace and quiet to allow herself to think and hear her own thoughts. Solstice still couldn't believe it was true, but she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Whether or not she should except it. Solstice always wanted to know her purpose, and now that she knew who she really was and what her purpose was, she wasn't sure if she wanted it.

Eventually Solstice just came to a stop as she flapped her wings lightly watching the sun rise. It eased her thoughts for a bit before she decided to go back to the herd. Though she watched the trees below her when she saw a familiar face. Solstice was surprised to see them though.

Solstice slowly glided down landing a short ways ahead of the familiar horse. It was Isis. A moderately sized seal brown sabino mare. Only parts of her face, neck, and chest showed the seal brown while the rest of her body was white. She had a white horn that had brown on it's base that faded to white.

"Isis...? What are you doing in these parts? Let me guess. Phoenix is still trying to get me to return." Solstice asked in a calm manner. Isis wasn't like Skadi or her older brother Khepri, but Solstice wasn't sure how to feel about seeing her again. Though she let Isis speak on why she was near Scorn's herd.

Isis was walking through the trail when she stopped and looked down slightly when she saw Solstice, "Oh's like you born with wings with how well you fly..." she said a bit quietly as she eventually decided to look up at her shaking her head, "No..I'm done with them."

"Took practice to learn how to fly. Plus it saved my life in a way..." Solstice said not saying anything on what she meant by that. What Isis had to say next took her by surprise, "Considering you were always with your brother and Skadi I never thought I'd be hearing this."

Isis only looked down a bit, "I was never like them...only sided with them because I was too scared of them. I didn't want to treated the way you were..I know it wasn't right, but we both know how they can be. I've just had enough of it..I was always too scared to don't have to forgive me Solstice, but I don't want to stay with them anymore. Not even with Khepri."

Solstice silently listened. She always knew Isis wasn't quite like the others. "I know..I could see it in the way you looked at them and I could see that you felt bad. It's not your fault. You were accepted in the herd while I wasn't." she said stepping closer to her with a small smile.

"Come on. Everyone still start to worry about where I went after yesterday..." she paused before turning around, "We aren't far. Just a short ways. Everyone should be waking up by now." Isis just looked at her surprised by what Solstice said, but she didn't hesitate to follow her.

Orion woke up soon after the sun hit his eyes. The stallion yawned as he looked to his side seeing Solstice wasn't there. He then got up and looked around not seeing her anywhere in sight. He started to get worried until he saw her emerge from the trees, "Don't scare me like that Solstice! Not after yesterday." he said trotting over to her nuzzling her.

"Sorry...I needed to clear my head...I just..don't know what to think about everything.." she said with a sigh as she looked down before looking at Isis, "Isis will be staying with us for a little bit at least...she's from my old herd." Orion only looked at her with a bit of a look, "She's not like the others there Orion. Relax. She can be trusted."

Orion just gave Solstice another small look, but nodded respecting what Solstice said, "Very well..nice to meet you Isis." he said before he turned away. Solstice followed him and Isis did the same once Solstice had told her to. Though she was nervous about Namir...if he was there. Isis remembered about how protective he was and all.

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#264339 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:45:13

Eclipsetess perked up her ear until she heard Orion, Solstice and Solstice speaking of a new mare to her, then she opened her sky blue eyes and got up, she then looked around at Solstice as she stretched and opened her wings to flap them to stretch as well.

Though she did look at the three before Azulia got up to search for.. Apples, she knew how much Raven liked them, she even convinced her mother to get some for Isis as well, though the foal was hesitant on walking up to her and she skidded between Solstice's and Orion's legs to see how nice Isis was.

"Raven, she may be good, get to know her. Hunting apples takes some time, and also introduce Esmeray and his bigger sister Moonlight to meet her." Azulia called out to Raven as her coat shifted itself? Azulia watched the coat shifting as she left quickly, weird?

Anyways, Esmeray got up once Moonlight and Trickster got up as well, the three then trotted over to see Isis and even get to know her, though Trickster knew Moonlight and Esmeray a little scared, but they saw Raven sniff her as the other two foals joined in on the sniffing.

Eclipsetess walked over to Solstice, Orion, and the new mare to her, the other mares just walked up to Isis, seeming to be interested in her, though one of the mares tried pushing Orion into Solstice as she giggled and disappeared in the mare harem, like water disappearing into the ocean.

"So the new mare, what's her name?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she seemed to take interest in Isis as she shared the same interest like the mares.

Though Raven went between Eclipsetess's legs to test Isis's interest in foals, so a test is a test to Raven, while Esmeray and Moonlight began wrestling like a couple of wolf pups, Wind heard the two foals and separated them as they looked at Wind with great interest.

Raven shared the same great interest as Faith also got up as well to see what was going on, though Wind shared no interest in Isis but he did join the group to see why she was here, and if she was apart of the herd.

"Oh my, it seems like we are all interested in this young mare here!" Faith said a little worriedly, though she wasn't that loud as she still wanted Namir to rest up.

"Yeah, but Wind doesn't look like he's interested in the mare, but wolves be wolves, and they can be interested in things. If they ever paid attention.." Eclipsetess said, she just laughed to herself as Wind growled at her.

Wind's height was a little to intimidating as he was a direwolf after all, and they are quite larger then horses (though not irl to horses, but bigger then the average wolf!), but his purple necklace began glowing again but this time it managed to match Solstice's necklace.

"Ah.. It's glowing again, this time my great descendents color! Well probably greatest grandchild since I did start the heritage!" Wind giggled to himself, but he did examine the necklace.

Faith seemed to be nervous, and looking at Solstice once she stopped being interested in Isis, but she didn't move except to make Isis a little more comfortable and less crowded and anxious.

"Uh Solstice dear, I have something for you, I have kept it once I saw your parents enter the Angel Realm, though their probably watching over you. As parents should, because they want to see their baby or babies grow up, if you have Namir as a sibling.." Faith paused once she entered Solstice's parents part, but she did take a breather.

"Anyways, I have a crown, not an average crown actually, but one that matches your necklace, Wind knows it since of his cosuins- in the family line- but not.. Nevermind, since one of Wind's cousins interfered with his descdents. Somehow making them royale, and every royale has to have a crown, while this is still unknown since I'm still digging into the Wind Family lineage. So it may not be true actually, but I do have a crown that looks like yours, while not Scorn's crown since it looks more like a necklace!" Faith managed to sum up as it made her uncofmrtable for a little bit.

"But before I give it to you, it actually has an engraving, not from your mother or father, but from someone else, the engraving on the back says: "To my dear Solstice, while I may not be present in your family, nor close to it, but I am your great grandfather of the past, while your generation seems to be different and mixed, and.. Faith not telling you which generation you should be in, she'll tell you.. Now anyways, your my favorite child as I am also watching you from above, while in the Angel Realm, your parents don't know who I am since I was erased from everybook even the newer ones, but in the "Great War Between Wolves and Horses" book, you'll see me as a large black stallion, I am Helos, God and King of the Sun. While your brother and his wife entered the Past Era before we fully went to war, seeing them made me feel like I should make this for you since Wind is my late but also distant brother-in-law cousin, he let me find my mate and help me through this life. I am probably dead by now, but I hope this heirloom gets to you, and also Trickster and Scorn are tied together, their father and mother are actually also tied to your family as well.. Figure out the past and find my grave at Mount. Fuji's peak, find the gold and silver streaks that lead to a grave, I hope you find my gift next to my body, because it's something special. A photo of your mother and father when my future mate has them, while they are born rather later, my mate is actually immortal and a goddess, she was taken from me once Dragon Devil was crazy, her name? I assure you can figure out this mysterious goddess from below, she may hold a gift for you as well.. -From, your loving past ancestor and grandfather-like father, Helos." Faith spoke out, half of what she said she had a card come out as it also went onto the card, making it hard to realize that Helos was apart of something greater.

"Well.. There goes anothe truth bomb exploding in her face.. Once again.." Eclipsetess said, she just went over to Solstice to help her think about everything, if she needed to run she would hug her until she stopped.

"And don't forget; I love you and care for you as a guardian and auntie to your kids, whenever you decide to have them, because I will protect everyone and everything in our Home.." Eclipsetess said protectively, she really meant it as she looked at Solstice and Orion, but also laughed inbetween.

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#264340 Posted on 2022-12-25 08:52:05

Orion may not have known much about Solstice's and Namir's old herd, but he did run into them when he traveled to the Isle. It was easy to see why Solstice ended up leaving that herd. Isis was a bit shy..kind of like how Solstice used to be. Though she only looked at the stallion that Solstice had been talking to curiously.

"Have I...seen you before..? I feel like I have, but I can't remember.." she asked before she looked seeing some foals. She was a bit unsure about them not really knowing how their mothers or the herd was. She didn't want to interact with them since she was a stranger.

Orion only chuckled slightly, "Probably. I was chased away from your herd when I accidentally stumbled into it. Phoenix was his name I presume..?" he said hearing Solstice mention the name every now and then. He then looked over seeing the foals, "Always curious these ones are," he chuckled.

Solstice just smiled as she nuzzled the foals. Isis only nodded, "Oh I remember...Phoenix is very protective. I'm surprised he didn't catch me sneaking out, but sure am I glad he didn't..." she said as her mane hid a new scar she had on her neck. Isis tried to escape sooner, but he only caught her and punished her.

Solstice wasn't quite sure what she meant by that since she hardly knew the herd that well, and since it had been a few years since she left the herd. She never realized how much time had passed since then until now. She let out a small laugh as she watched the foals, "She won't bite I promise."

Isis nodded in agreement even though she still felt bad for siding with the others instead of hurting Solstice. Well when Skadi and her older brother Khepri actually hurt her physically, she only stood back and watched. She tried to put on a soft smiled as she looked at the foals, but she only looked down sighing.

"Solstice I truly am sorry...all those years of everyone in the herd treating you horribly. Your brother was the only one that protected you, but we only took advantage when he wasn't there...Skadi and Khepri are down right frightened of him. Even if they don't show it."

Skadi being scared of someone? Of Namir? Solstice never believed that mare could be scared. She only shook her head and nuzzled Isis a bit, "That was the past...there wasn't anything you could do...I have..better, but it only got harder and more painful before it got better." she said trying to let Isis blame herself.

Isis only nodded before her and Solstice looked up to see most of the mares coming over, "Oh great..prepare yourself Isis.." Solstice said as she took a small step back before a mare pushed Orion into her. She only gave the mare a bit of a look before she jumped into the group of mares. She then just rolled her eyes slightly.

Solstice then turned her attention to Eclipsetess smiling, but Isis gave the mare an answer before Solstice could, "I-it's Isis.." she said seeing the mare's jewelry. She hadn't seen any jewelry of the sort, but she didn't know what it meant. Isis and the others never really seen a god or goddess before unlike this herd.

"I didn't plan on staying, but I figured it was a place to start at..and that I'd give it a shot here..I've never been outside the Isle." she said before she looked down at the foals again nuzzling the one for a moment. Isis only listened to the current conversation as she looked at Wind.

Isis had never seen a wolf before nor even heard about them, but she knew this herd knew a lot things since things weren't the same in the Isle since Solstice left. The strange barrier, strange horses, the Isle being crystalized, the stars shifting, and many other things. Though she didn't ask about them.

Solstice only looked at Wind saying nothing. It was still hard to believe that her ancestor was a wolf. That she was a goddess, but goddess of what? It was still a lot to take in, and she still didn't know how to feel about it or if she should accept it or not. Then she looked at her necklace as it started to glow as well.

"It used to never it does it all the time. I just thought it was my mother's necklace. Not my life source..or anything else. I just want to know more about it..." she sighed looking down a bit. Orion just nuzzled her a bit as Isis gave them a confused look. Maybe she'd be caught up on everything that has happened, but she didn't ask about it.

When Faith started talking, Solstice looked up at her before she felt her heart get heavy, "Y-you saw my parents..? You know..them?" she asked quietly. Namir never really spoke of them or what they were like. She always figured it pained him too much to speak of them since he found them dead in the woods.

Though Solstice just fell silent as Faith started talking again. She listened to every single word Faith spoke. Orion summoned the book the engravement mentioned as he flipped through the pages until he landed on one that had a picture of a rather large black stallion. He then showed the picture to Solstice while not interrupting Faith. She was the ruler of the Heavens after all.

Solstice only glanced at the picture as she focused on the words Faith said. Her heart only seemed to grow heavier as well as everything else. Couldn't she ever get a break from things? It was nonstop. Isis only looked at them all completely confused, but she stayed out of it completely.

Eventually Solstice just spoke hesitantly and quietly, "Then who am I Faith..? Royal blood, the mare that defeated Dra, a goddess? I don't know who I am or who I'm supposed to be anymore...I can't ever get a break from things, and I can't even think straight let alone hear my own thoughts.." she said tearing up a bit as she looked down as she let out a sigh.

Orion said nothing and just gave her some space. Indicating to Isis to do the same. "I don't even know anything about my parent's, about the past, about can I think about the future if I don't know who I really am Eclipsetess?" she asked looking at her trying to keep herself together.

The last time she ran off, she nearly killed herself. Solstice knew running away wasn't going to change anything, but she didn't know what to believe or even how to feel about all of this. Solstice then just looked at Faith once more, "...Who am I Faith..? No more more hiding stuff from me..I need to know who I really am...I can't take it anymore." she said looking down again. Solstice needed to hear it from Faith, and Faith only.

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#264343 Posted on 2022-12-25 09:46:10

"Solstice, I may be the ruler and a goddess now, but I wasn't always caught up on everything before, rather the opposite.. The only thing I'd know to tell you was.. Something, but I don't know what exactly. And I don't know how to tell you, but you didn't look at any of the signs I've been making and the references that there was.. You didn't pay attention.. At all.. Rather the opposite.." Faith looked down with disappointment in her posture as she hung her head and looked down with sadness, fear, and regret.. Faith even began to shake nervously.

"Y-you need to wake up.." Faith whispered, Eclipsetess did the samething as the harem of mares did the same, Eclipsetess then walked backwards and stopped.

"If you didn't hear me; you need to wake up this is a dream.." Faith looked at Solstice with feared eyes, she was right this was a dream.

"She's right, this is a dream, a dream that you making your own, this is not reality, why would we go to war without knowing about Dragon Devil? Why we would know about the Great War? Why would we think that you were a goddess?!" Eclipsetess spoke up until she yelled.

Then a familiar snake-hissing alguhter rung, Dragon Devil's death was merely a dream, he wasn't dead, much the exact opposite, Dra then appeared as everyone melted into dust and flew away.

"You were always so weak! So weak to dream! So much weakness that could turn into power! You weren't seeing reality, I knocked you out into a stasis where you dreamt forever!" Dra yelled, he was close to Solstice then he backed up and laughed and then left, but not before saying something.

"You aren't my treasure, I have no daughter, I had a wife, my daughter is actually.. Rather dead, Nature could burn, I took over the Isles anyways while you were sleeping, when you tried to wake up I put a curse on you. You are still in your herd, and that this nightmare just begun.. I can fully manifest now, thanks to your sorry butt! I can now destroy your unfamiliar friends and even Eclipsetess that was apart of your dream!" Dra then disappeared while looking at Solstice with his hoof near his face as he made an evil smile..

What Dra said was all true, the Isles were burnt and were in havoc, only a lone mare could save them, Solstice didn't have the power nor the ability to fly, unless.. This wasn't a dream to gain wings and see her friends?

Did Dra just make a simulation for Solstice? Yes he did, he even made Eclipsetess be different, Solstice and every other horse on the Isle now knew of her and that they all were in a simulation.

But if Solstice had the ability to, she would gain her wings and save her friends, everyone now knows since Dra dispersed, making everyhorse realize who Solstice was meant to be.. The Savior and God of the Isles, the Isles of Nowehre were going to be Somewhere.. And if Solstice had the ability too, she would gain everything..

Though in the real world, Eclipsetess was a guard for Dragon Devil, a guardian turned gaurd, and that her brown coat fully white now, and sometimes peeking out of the armor was the white coat.

No one left the Isles as Nature came out to help wake up Solstice and take her to her home if she had too, but Nature was different.. Vines wrapped around her green body, a flower in her forelock next to her right ear, was Dra correct? Did Darling die? Did the god's and Faith die?!

Solstice needed to find out what happened, but her friends and her brother were currently working as laborers for Dra, so that his magmatic home would be the only Isle standing left..

Solstice needed help from the Mainland, help from the humans, and help to once and for all.. Kill Dra for good.. Everyone knew in the dream that he wasn't dead, making him more powerful then ever..


Though as Nature took a dreaming Solstice back to her home as forest creatures darted around to collect everything, as everything burned, Scorn's burnt body lay besides Azulia who was rescued by Mother Nature, allowing them to be free from Dra's grasp.

But as Nature put Solstice in a green viney bed, so that she would be comfortable to sleep, Nature went down and collected some things to make a substitute pancake mix so that it was healing and keeping the two burnt horses alive, but they were like what Solstice was dreaming..

As Nature cooked, her magic being everywhere, Azulia got up to eat as Scorn muttered before getting up, his dark magic seeping through his body, making him to even feel it, Azulia was lucky that her side scars were now gone as she had a big patch healing on her, Nature just made sure that the two were alright.

"So, who did you bring here now?" Azulia asked in a hurt tone, her voice raspy and scared, Scorn painfully nodded at Azulia's question.

"Well, a young mare, dotted stars. A horn, and possibly hidden wings if she tried hard enough, you two won't make it if I don't finish these pancakes!" Nature said as she flipped the pancakes and threw them on Azulia's and Scorn's plates.

"Now, you two and go back to rest when that young mare wakes up, and I can give her some pancakes and medicine to make her feel better then before!" Nature shouted on accident, Azulia was scared to leave the house made of wood and vines, Scorn felt the same way.

Last edited on 2022-12-25 at 10:00:03 by Lizzy The Mischevious Elf

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#264344 Posted on 2022-12-25 09:52:14

Solstice just looked at everyone around her lowering her ears. She felt the mood change, and she didn't like it. Though she just looked at Faith worriedly. "What signs...? What signs!? Signs of what!?" she asked looking around scared seeing how Faith looked down and seemed afraid.

She only looked at everyone around her getting more afraid as they all had the same expression. Solstice heard Faith whisper something, but she couldn't make out the words. She only looked at her and Eclipsetess clearly scared. "W-wake up? W-what do you mean..?" she asked lowering her head looking at them both.

Solstice didn't understand. How could she have been asleep? How long had she been asleep? What was real? What wasn't? She merely just backed up a few steps clearly frightened. She didn't know what to think or believe.

Even more fear struck her body as it was enough to make her feel like she couldn't move. Dra. She knew that hiss..that laugh. "NO!" she yelled as she watched everyone she loved and cared for turned into dust...including her wings. "No..." she mumbled looking down until she heard Dra's voice...too close for comfort.

Even though his voice was no where knew comforting. Solstice had looked up to see Dra standing right before her, "Y-you monster!" she yelled tears running down her face. She was back to where she started. Alone. Weak. Afraid. Scared. How long had she'd been like this? Had she truly been cursed this entire time?

Solstice wanted to go after Dra, but she couldn't get herself to move, and there was nothing she could do. At that point, she just believed that everything wasn't real. She didn't know at what moment everything went from real to fake, but she didn't know what to do. Or even how to wake up.

When Dra left, Solstice only fell and sobbed. She just buried her face. Never did she feel so alone or hopeless before. The silence. She missed everyone. Everyone. Namir, Eclipsetess, Azulia, Orion, the foals, and many more. Eventually she just looked up at the sky. How was she supposed to wake up? Solstice didn't even know what she could do anymore.

Without her friends, Namir, Solstice felt like she couldn't do anything. She never had wings did she? Nothing was ever real. Her life was fake! How was she to do anything when she was living a lie? Solstice was still just the same pathetic cursed mare no one liked. "What was I thinking...? None of this was one would ever like me.." she sobbed burying her face once more. "I'm useless. Pointless. Why am I even alive!?"

Though what she didn't know was that she was safe where her body was. Her conscious..wasn't. Solstice only had to figure out how to wake up even if she could. She only started to think about if she should or not. Dra said the Isles were gone..burned.. Here it was like it always was, but she was alone and afraid. How was a mare like her supposed to do anything?

"Maybe I'm just having a weird nightmare? What if I'm just troubled by my past and just am having a nightmare? Maybe I'm not cursed..maybe Dra didn't do this to me...everyone could still be alive...right..?" she said still sobbing as she looked around again. What was she thinking? Nothing was ever real. "I'm pathetic.." she said looking down a third time as she just quietly sobbed completely alone in a dream...a simulation.

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#264345 Posted on 2022-12-25 09:59:40

Nature walked back up the stairs when was getting a little worried, but she did get a bucket and poured it on Solstice, she did smile when she was done and went back to cooking when she smelt the pancake she was making getting charred..

"Well, that's for one.." Azulia laughed when Nature poured the water onto Solstice, though she did realize to get the pancake she made out and onto a plate, Scorn laughed as well but painful.

"Do you think you should enter her dream? It would be best to help, especially something like in this situation." Azulia suggested, Nature perked up and turned off the stove with a whisp of her magic as she flown upstairs to the loft where Solstice was being kept.

"It's a great idea Azulia, wake me up when we're getting attacked, alright?" Nature asked Azulia as she nodded and Nature used her vine magic to wrap around Solstice's body.

"Alright, here I go.." Nature said as her body fell to the ground, her counscious teleporting into Solstice's mind.

Nature walked around the old Isle of Dreams, she looked and wished for the Isle to come back this way, but she knew she couldn't do that anyways, but she was hopeful for it to come back alive once more.

Nature walked for quite awhile, unnerved by everything, Solstice's imagination flooded with nothing but fear and loneliness, that was when her silent hooves stopped as she noticed a young mare sitting down and crying..

Nature quietly and silently trotted over to her, she then used her vine magic to wrap around Solstice in a comforting way, though her sudden magic might have scared Solstice a little or more.

"Oh dear, oh my, it seems that you are dreaming in a dream. These things happen, now I'll just wake you up as you were sleeping under the cover of darkness.." Nature said, as she clipped her hooves together, and the two dreams of Solstice's crumbled and the real world back.

"There, now we're back to reality, after you killed Dra, he made two dreams to make you think we weren't in reality, Scorn was waking you up, but you fell asleep by his nose touching you when everyone else showed worry when you blacked out after Eclipsetess's death and such, reality can shock you, and Dragon Devil was able to access your fear." Nature said in Solstice's mind, that meant everything that Dra said was fake?

"Don't worry darling, everything you dreamt was actually real! Dra was just using your shock as a fear mechanic to bring himself back, he does that by using you when you blacked out, allowing him to make two dreams so that you wouldn't notice, a fake dream and the original dream forced to be a double dream. Oh and no one can hear me inside your mind, btw your head is on Orion's side!" Nature spoke once more, she was happy to have Solstice awake, so she dreamt of the world burning and a double dream? Woof..

Anyways, Eclipsetess was looking at Solstice as she awakened, she then walked next to Namir and nuzzled him, everything was back to normal? Good! Now that everything that we replied about stayed about midway and then yeah..

Anyways.. Azulia was watching Raven dance on her two back legs as she balanced, the mare tending to her daughter as Trickster laughed when Esmeray and Moonlight took it up a notch, Eclipsetess looked at Azulia and her baby, Trickster and her two kids dance under the moonlight (heh get it?) Esmeray and Raven's coat shined as the constellations of many were together, including Solstice and Eclipsetess's constellations.

Eclipsetess then put her nose up to Solstice's ear to check on anything happening there, she was relived to see Solstice moving about, maybe too much, she then looked at Namir and nuzzled him greatly this time.

"I hope she comes out of her shock, and that we can be happy once more, but I was surprised to even see Solstice go into a shock.. Maybe her mind overloaded and exploded? It happened to me once.." Eclipsetess admitted, she was like a goddess, meaning everything was normal and not broken.

Isis was also there as well, though at least Orion was there to keep Solstice from falling and hurting herself when she fainted of her shock, Eclipsetess was just worried sick and wouldn't leave Solstice's side. Not once.

"How about an apple to calm us down?" Azulia suggested as she hung her head "I know everyone is worried about Solstice, including Eclipsetess, but we can't keep worrying forever! Worrying too much can decline health you know!" Azulia perked up, she hung her head back down.

"I just hope that Isis wasn't freaked out too much since the herd of mares are trying to keep her calm, me and Trickster are doing our best to keep the foals distracted while you three protect Solstice." Azulia murmured, looking at everyone then at Namir, Eclipsetess, and Orion.

"I hope so too Azulia, and I know how worried you are, your ears never go down unless someone is alright, I know your also trying to be a medic, so that's good to be one and an important friend as well." Eclipsetess said, she then put her head on Namir's back while the two stand and wait for Solstice, Orion still laying down to make Solstice comfortable at least.

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#264346 Posted on 2022-12-25 10:03:24

Solstice just hid her face as she laid down in the open and cried. "I was a fool to think any of this was real...that I had friends..wings...Orion..." she mumbled to herself. She was really blaming herself for everything. The Isles were gone. Her friends were slaves. And she was just cursed.

Everyone was right she was cursed. By Dragon Devil himself. "I'm just a nobody..." she mumbled unaware of the mare that was approaching her. Fear seemed to strike her body as she felt the vines wrapping around her, "N-no!" she said yelling a bit trying to fight them and get loose thinking they were Dra's chains..

Then she heard a voice she had never heard before, but it was calm and caring. It seemed to calm Solstice down as she realized they were only vines. Solstice looked up to see the mare. Who was she? How was she even there? Everyone turned to dust..they were gone...

Dreaming in a dream..? What was that supposed to mean? Solstice was confused, frightened, and alone. Though she said nothing. Before she realized it, everything changed. She was still asleep, but not in the same way she was. Then she heard the mare's voice again.

Solstice still said nothing, but she listened to the voice. Everything felt different. Like she wasn't alone anymore. Like she had control over herself again. It seemed to calm her, but she was still sleeping. At least until her body and conscious would both let her wake.

Orion only sighed as he looked at Solstice worriedly, "She's been like this for awhile now...I'm getting worried.." he said as he carefully readjusted himself. He hadn't gotten up since she blacked out. Namir and Eclipsetess never left her side either. Orion only hoped that Solstice would wake soon.

Namir silently stood watching his sister with saddened eyes. He nuzzled Eclipsetess in return looking at her as she spoke, "We told her things that needed to take time to process...instead of giving her that time we practically just told her everything all at once.." he sighed hanging his head down low.

Isis still didn't know much about what was going on, but she already knew there was always something happening here. Though she didn't like seeing Solstice like this just as much as anyone. Especially to see her still struggling after all these years. If only she stood up to Skadi and her brother when they were foals. Maybe things would have been better for Solstice if she had done so.

Namir didn't really say anything. Though he looked up at Azulia as she came over. That stallion was always worrying about someone. Namir just sighed as he looked back at his sister, "She should have woken up by now Azulia. Something must be wrong if she's still asleep."

Solstice's necklace hadn't changed colors or glowed once since she blacked out. Namir had only kept a close eye on it and his sister. Though he hardly paid attention to Isis. He knew she was cautious around him. He gave that herd a reason to fear him. "Isis will be fine. Might take me some time to say I trust her, but right now I only care about my sister."

Though it seemed to be a little while longer until Solstice started to show signs of waking up. After that, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Though she was still in shock as she tried to get on her hooves too quickly while she looked around scared.

Orion may have started to get a bit drowsy, but he quickly noticed Solstice had woken up when she tried to get up. He only got on his hooves and tried calming her, "Solstice...relax. Nothing is wrong. We're all right here. Your safe.." he said trying to get her to lay back down.

Orion only managed to get her to lay back down, but she didn't calm down. "Y-you all turned to dust...Dra..he..." she paused clearly shooken up and scared as she looked around, "he used me...there was a mare..." Solstice wasn't quite sure what happened or even what she experienced.

Namir quickly went to her side clearly worried, "Calm down sis...your in was just a dream...a nightmare. Nothing your saying happened. It wasn't real." he said calmly nuzzling her side in a way he hoped it would calm her and help her relax. Thankfully it did, a little bit.

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#264347 Posted on 2022-12-25 10:16:00

Eclipsetess perked up when Solstice awakened, but she just stayed still when Solstice was frightened when she woke up, making Eclipsetess cry when she saw Solstice like this, everything had hit her in a way that shock took over, but she did lay down when she was forced to calm herself when she felt her heart beat fast.

"At least you got out of your nightmare-ish dream, I'm happy to see you awake.." Eclipsetess said, she looked down at the ground and he put her head on her leg as well.

Azulia just stayed still when she got curious, she really got curious when Solstice said that she dreamt of a mare, then she connected the dots in front of her but she looked down with her brain thinking.

Eclipsetess noticed Azulia thinking more then usual, and it got her to be really curious, so curious that she asked Orion for the book that he didn't finish reading, the book of the Great War.. Though her brain stopped and Eclipsetess couldn't say anything as she forgot.

"Guys, I had a dream of a mare with vines on her legs, similar to Solstice's dream where nothing was real, but I was quick to wake up.." Azulia paused as she took a couple of deep breaths to stop her heart from betaing faster or even crying, but it got to her.

"I-I had a dream where I was burnt on my side, so badly that I was taken to a small house with lot's of hurt animals running around as if they never felt the pain, I was being carried on a mare's back. S-she had a flower on her right next her ear but on her forelock, I also noticed that she could do vine magic.. Vine magic was actually a mythic power, only a god or goddess was able to access that magic alone.." Azulia paused once more, this time she began crying more.

"T-the mare's voice was soft and sweet, it was so gentle and caring, that she put me on a cot made of vines, it was comfortable for my aching body.. I also saw Scorn badly injured and resting on a pile of vines to heal, the mare laughed a little as a butterfly gave her a kiss. It was funny but the mare sang a song to me.. It was the same song that my mother used to sing to me." Azulia stopped talking when she hit the nerve of her mother singing, then Trickster looked around in a daze, like something she was hearing was there.

"Can you sing the song? If not we understand, we know how much your mother cared for you and your siblings." Trickster told Azulia, Azulia just calmed down and planted her face against Trickster's body since they were next to each other.

Azulia planted her face in Trickster's body with as much emotion as she could scream into the furred coat now, Trickster smiled with a gentle smile that acknowledged pain and how she felt, Trickster knew so many emotions and even felt them from time to time, though she did around since she was confused on where Carrion or Cronsi were.. Oi yoi yoi..

"No it's fine Trickster, I can sorta mimic voices, it was just a gift from my mother since I sorta.. Inherited both coats of my parents.." Azulia smiled and laughed to herself before she stopped smiling.

"A-anyways, the song goes like this.." Azulia paused before singing, she used her little mimic gift to mimic her mother singing, which was the most softest and caring voice she ever felt, heard, and met.

"Say when life was abroad, it was never easy to begin with, life was hard and difficult.. But with the right people, it was easy and easy to take care of, nothing was ever hard to begin with, it was easy with the ones you love.. Say little one, you are my shining star, my little gift I have, your the most perfect daughter ever, something I was always proud of.. Your brothers and sisters are happy to see you in a way that was magical to see, your little gift I shall present, my horn of fine such regal bending is a way for you to see how I am, but I am your mother, and I will always protect you until you are old enough to leave my little nest of comfort.. Say little one, I say we begin with walking, something very easy to see, say I want you to try and trot with me, try and stay next to me as we run around our little home, our home of love and family, something warm and caring for you.. Say little one, try and canter now, try and canter to your best, it's like trotting but way more fun then trotting.. Say try and watch me jump, it's in your DNA to jump around with joy, say your my little gift of love! My little special box! My little box of surprise~! Oh. My. Little. Love. Try and stay with your father.. He'll keep you safe.. Goodbye little dove of mine.. See you next time.. See you when your with me.." Azulia stopped singing as she opened her eyes and sat down when she sang the end, she knew something happened at the end as she recited every word correct like Azulia's mother was singing in a 3rd person persepctive, which she was.

Trickster was silent as she cried, Eclipsetess felt the hurt through the last words as the mood died down quickly and was back to normal but three mares were already crying, the herd of mares felt what Azulia sang as they looked up at the moon..

"Is it me or is the moon looking rather weird?" a mare asked, it caught Azulia's attention as she looked at the waxing cresent taking shape.

"Yeah it does look weird.. What is it supposed to mean?" Azulia asked next, Trickter and Eclipsetess looked up at the moon as they went silent, weird of them to do so without saying anything.

Then when everything was silent, a mare was singing, a song that Azulia already sang to everyone to hear, but the words being sang were more softer and gentler with a caring tone at the end..

Then a little laugh rang as Azulia looked at a strange mare that had a necklace, one that was the same, Darling poked her head out of the herd when she noticed who it was, the mare had a flower in her right side in the forelock next to her ear..

Darling's necklace was quickly taken off as it glowed when the mare smiled at her and teleported onto her neck, Darling just went back quickly inside the herd as the mares knew who it was..

Smoke then poked out her head from the herd just like what Darling said but she was caught by the mare, the strange flower and necklace that belonged to Darling, it was all strange to her, but she kept silent but not everything else.

"Y-you.. You are.." Eclipsetess got up as she couldn't say anything to the mare, the mare again laughed in a happy way, though she said nothing as she kept silent.

"No way.. We all thought- including Scorn that you were dead.. How?" Trickster asked the mare, she laughed again at Trickster she showed her magic being the whol Isle and the horse glowed on accident.

"Oops, you all are not supposed to glow, but that's my magic for ya!" the mare said in a happy way, though her voice was rather caring as she tried to hide it.

"Anyways, you all know who I am, I am in the great "Ancestor and (something)" book, you all know I was before I was this.. I am the mother of the new queen, not here but at the last Isle for sure.. But that was my life before, and now I am aprt of the living Isle.." the mare eerily said, but her did act like dust was flying off which it was.

Eclipsetess ran over to collect the new book the "Great War Between Wolves and Horses", there Eclipsetess flipped to a page that contained the mare's description, she was real, she was awake, whenever she was around it wasn't fake.

"Dear don't read too many things about me or my *late* husband, I kid you not that I was his wife once, I may have ran away expecting my daughter of truth with her foal who is adorable! But if I'm alive, then that evil tyrant was dead, but conscious is a real thing, allowing a horse to become a shadow pony and haunt your brain like a pest!" the mare said, Eclipsetess closed the book and walked over to her.

"Why weren't you there to help? Why weren't you there to help?!" Eclipsetess yelled at the mare, she began crying and she ran over to Solstice to hug her with lot's of emotions coming out, she couldn't keep it in her no more.

"My my, I wasn't able to help you. Because I knew you were able to defeat him, I may be older then all of you, but I am still a mother to nature here..!" the mare snapped back a little to show Eclipsetess her place, then she realized what she said Oh no..", she then looked around as the mares, Azulia, Trickster, and Eclipsetess looked at her madly.

"You.. Are.. MOTHER NATURE?!" Eclipsetess yelled once more, this time louder as her goddess side came out as her wings outstretched to their length as Eclipsetess's magic showed runes and Nature took a couple steps back in fright.

Nature showed fear for Eclipsetess? No wonder that Eclipsetess was showing control over who was the boss around here, but it only made Azulia and Trickster back up until they were next to Namir as they looked at him with fright.

"Namir.. Control your girlfriend!" Azulia yelled at Namir, Eclipsetess then had her magic show up as bubbles were dotted all around her, her eyes seeping to show her protective nature and sweet love..

Instead Faith looked up at Eclipsetess with more fear then a normal horse could show, that fear was something that she was never able to control as it made her scream with so much fear, Wind came over as he was pushed aside when trying to help Eclipsetess calm down.. He wasn't hurt thankfully..

"She won't stop.. A god's anger won't stop!" Faith screamed, it unfazed Eclipsetess as she made Faith glow and put a sewn zipper as it had a lace, it only made Faith want to scream more as she chase Nature throughout the landscape..

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#264350 Posted on 2022-12-25 10:42:20

Namir and Orion only tried to calm her, "Take it easy...everything is fine Solstice.." Orion said in a calm manner hoping it's help her to calm down more. "Take a few deep breaths..." he said laying back down beside her. He was relieved she was alright, but it hurt him seeing her like this.

"B-but Dra all...I-i saw him..." she said still pretty shaken up. The longer she was awake, the more she was unsure about what happened when she had been dreaming. She started to forget what the mare said. Though Solstice only tried to take a few deep breaths like Orion said which seemed to help calm down more.

Orion looked at Eclipsetess and Azulia as he gave the book the Eclipsetess before he brought most of his attention back to Solstice. Though Solstice seemed to listen to Azulia more then she did Orion and Namir. "T-that was her..that was the mare I saw..s-she appeared in my dream, and I'm only awake because of her.."

Namir only sighed as he stood right beside his sister and Orion not budging. He looked at Azulia as she spoke. Though he only looked down seeing how sad Azulia got. It reminded him of his mother. She often sang as well, but it pained him to even think about it.

As Azulia started to sing, it seemed to calm Solstice more until she wasn't in so much shock, but she was still a bit shaken up from everything. Everyone went silent, and it reminded her of how alone she felt in her dream. Never had she felt so alone before in her life.

Orion just nuzzled her side to comfort her without saying anything. Solstice didn't even bother looking up at the moon. She didn't pay much attention until she heard the voice of the mare. She instantly recognized it as she looked up at the mare. Though Solstice wasn't quite sure what the mare was saying or talking about.

Before Solstice even realized it, Eclipsetess came over and just hugged her. Solstice returned the favor as it relieved her to know she was back in the real world. Back with her friends. Family. Though it wasn't long before Eclipsetess got mad. What reason Solstice didn't know.

Namir was silent, but he wasn't sure why Eclipsetess seemed to get so mad. He only looked at Azulia as she yelled at him, "There's nothing I can do Azulia. Her magic and emotions are far more powerful then mine. I'm not like any of you." he said wishing he could have helped.

Solstice took another deep breath as she stood back up despite Orion's and Namir's protests, "I'm fine...I think.." she said before she looked at Eclipsetess as Faith even seemed to get scared. "Eclipsetess...if it wasn't for Mother Nature, I wouldn't be awake right now!" she yelled.

"Each and every one of you turned to dust and Dra appeared! Claiming that he cursed me, that he made some sort of simulation and trapped me inside of it. I had to wake up, but I didn't know how! Instead I just laid and sobbed doubting and blaming myself!" By now Solstice was in tears. She never wanted to experience anything like it again.

"I was completely alone completely afraid. That was when she came along, and managed to get me out of there...if it wasn't for her then I'd still be blaming and doubting myself. With no one there to comfort help me. I've never felt so alone before..." she said as her voice grew quieter and quieter as she ended up looking down.

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#264352 Posted on 2022-12-25 10:47:34

Eclipsetess listened to what Solstice said, she still was mad but not enough to make herself powerful anymore, heck she stopped using her magic at all and with that Nature used her magic to bring Eclipsetess to Namir. With a little too much gust of wind, though the wolf on the otherhand was not even a threat and he had no idea what or why he was pushed when he wanted to help..

"My my, I'll help you up you poor thing.." Nature said in a distraught tone, seeming to have sympathy for Wind.

"I got it, I don't need this anyways." Wind said, before long Nature opened a portal that was similar to nature, Nature then smiled happily.

"Alright then, back home, like you've been longing!" Nature said, Wind looked at her before walking into the portal to disappear as Nature closes the portal.

"Alrightie, enough shanigans.." Nature said, she giggled to herself as she looks at everyone.

Eclipsetess just looks down at the ground as she stood next to Namir, as Nature came walking over to the group as she looks at Solstice with the happiest smile ever that could be hers..

Eclipsetess, Azulia, and Trickster watched as Nature had her horn appear as it rose to it's point as it curved a little, then Nature made her wings appear, all four wings came out as two more were the front smallest ones as the middle took up the waist, and the biggest wings were hidden.

"Now, I'll give you something to heal on, and no, it's not like the water queens healing pool. It's a small vine nest for any type of creature to heal on and rest happily, I even made some pancakes before I came here!" Nature said with quite excitment and admiration.

Eclipsetess walked over by Nature as she examined the horn as the spirals began glowing as it went down until the whole horn glowed with rainbowic colors, Eclipsetess never saw something like this as she looked at them and watched them with amazement!

"Woah.." Eclipsetess said under her breath, she was taken by the horn then she realized some parts of Nature had begun glowing as well.

"Holy Faith your glowing like what Eclipsetess did when she was mad! But your more brighter and colorful!" Azulia shouted, she then was hushed when she was looked at.

Nature just giggled as she looked at Solstice, she then took a deep breath as she used her curved point on her horn to touch Solstice's horn, but the four wings and horns were bigger then that of Faith's making her seem like she was an ungodly fallen angel of some sort..

"This won't hurt unless you do feel a tiny little sting then it's alright to feel that, most horses usually have me stop when they feel an ungodly pain befall them, but it's my job as Mother Nature to heal those of creatures on my land, and I never usually form myself unless I absolutely have too." Nature said as her horn then showed mist forming and wrapping around her horn and Solstice's horn, she seemed more powerful then Dra.

Eclipsetess watched as Nature walked a little closer to Solstice, looking her in the eyes as her soft green eyes reflect the nature all around, her necklace back on her and her past soon coming to haunt her.. But she was happy for now..

"And.. There! I'm done for today, I don't want you to hurt so much, or at all. You might not want to feel the pain yet since your still new to everything, but I made your mind expand so that you could look back and think about everything and understand it, even the new information to you!" Nature said caringly as she pulled Solstice into a hug, something so that she could say thank you in, but she also held Solstice caringly and making sure she knew what feeling Nature was feeling "Pure Happiness".

"I'll be back tomorrow, I'm not usually staying since I am Mother Nature after all, I gotta tend to everything!" Nature said as she galloped off but in view as she disappeared into the ground, Eclipsetess and the other mares felt the power as it shook a little under their hooves, not a lot to make them fall but something to let everyone know that this mare was the real deal.

"Well.. I'm gonna apologize, for anything and everything, including making Faith scared of me.. And to everyone as well.." Eclipsetess apologized, Azulia just made a face that Eclipsetess knew that she was gonna do something so she could be closer to Namir.

"Don't you dare Azulia.. I'm warning you.." Eclipsetess told Azulia, Azulia just fooled Eclipsetess when she was trying to push Eclipsetess, but she was able to go around Eclipsetess as she turned around to face Azulia was she was pushed onto the ground until she got up..

"Ah- my fault.. But this is quite hilarious!" Azulia began laughing as Eclipsetess blushed more then she should as she turned bright red like a tomatoe..

"I'm gonna kill you for this!" Eclipsetess shouted at Azulia, she couldn't move at all actually.

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