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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264427 Posted on 2022-12-27 12:29:01

"Hm, surprised?" Eclipsetess teased a little, but also giggled like the rest, but she did bring her attention back to Namir to tell him everything.

"Anyways, I'll tell ya everything you had currently missed, but still need to be caught up on!" Eclipsetess said, she then nudged Namir like he did to her, but she managed to nuzzle him quick before backing up a little and began telling everything!

Raven was off running around Esmeray and Moonlight, then when Raven went for a final run Esmeray joined and boosted Raven's speed a little bit more, then Moonlight joined in the circled running. Azulia was off grazing nearby and Trickster happily dozing off in her sleep in a respectful manner to another horse that was talking to her before.

Though the amber-eyed mare was talking with Grey Cloud as Scorn stood next to her and Smoke grooming a mare that was close to being out of the grouped up mares, though Blue Moon and Calypso were off watching the foals when they were talking about what happened.

Peace was like this, though Faith began flapping her wings to fly in the sky, her friend of a male pegasus joined in as the two flew above the clouds and below them, making streaks with the broken parts of the clouds, Faith then landed back down as she signaled her male pegasus friend to come and talk to her down on the soft and mushy ground.

"Hm, forgot how soft grass was, that's the life I was messed with as a colt. But it's respectful as well!" the male pegasus said, and had to exclaim a little too much, but Faith laughed at him for it.

Darling and Molten were looking into the past of their lineage and ancestors, they also looked at the backgrounds of the god's and the god's before them, Molten pointed out several things when Nature popped up and took the book from them in a rude mannered way.

"Hey! That was my and my daughter's heirloom to our past!" Darling hissed in her throat, but Nature hissed at her- better and more protective as it sounded more snake-like.

"And that's how you hiss like a real snake, try and do it yourselves when I come back and see what's happening after I did that." Nature said as she closed the book and walked off to the brush to disappear.

"Man that stinks, might as well go introduce ourselves to the new campers of the herd here. Come on Molten!" Darling said as she trotted off, Molten followed behind her mother like a young mother and filly in a way.

"Hm, seems like you enjoy reading as much as Orion, but a little less when you get bored of a book." Molten giggled behind her word, she was correct about that but Darling also giggled to what her daughter said.

"Your right about that at least." Darling agreed to what her daughtr said, the two having a perfect relationship of mother-daughter bonding perfectly!

What else should I write?

Oh! Got it!

Though when Eclipsetess filled Namir on everything that happened, including where she had to take something from Azulia but talked about it with Solstice in a nice manner, but Eclipsetess did pause on that subject before realizing that Solstice was a little uncomfortable about the statue, but had to accept it.

"Anyways, I think I'm done filling you in on everything, and here's something special~ Big boy~" Eclipsetess teased, but she did give Namir a hug and a kiss at the sametime, she was still her perky self when around Namir alright!

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#264434 Posted on 2022-12-27 18:45:25

     Namir just rolled his eyes, "Yes I am." he said as he looked back at his sister. He could tell that something changed about her. That she was happier. Never had he seen her so happy. Even when she was a foal. For once Namir didn't worry about her at all. Not one bit. He saw how they felt about each other even if they didn't tell each other, and knew Orion would protect her. Especially since he never left her side when something was wrong.

     Though he did get a bit distracted by the two until Eclipsetess nudged him. He just looked at her a bit confused, but he quickly realized he lost focus. Namir only chuckled a bit as he brought his attention back to her. "Ah so I did miss something? Not that I should be surprised. There's always something going on here. Whether it's good or bad." he said keeping his focus on Eclipsetess as she caught him up on things.

     Solstice and Orion read a few pages of the journal, but they just kept messing with each other. Well Orion kept messing with her acting like a colt. Solstice only did it back. She just nipped his cheek a bit, "Nip me one more time and you'll regret it!" she teased. Though Orion seemed to like the challenge as he nipped her again. The stallion just quickly got onto his hooves and started running away. "That's it you little colt!" she said as she got up and chased after him.

     Orion only laughed as he looked back at her, "Try and get me!" he laughed as he galloped around the meadow. "You can't catch me!" Orion had a body of a warmblood, so he was a bit fast. Well faster then Namir at least. Did just didn't expect Solstice to be as fast as she was. "Slow poke!" he teased wanting to make her go after him more. Though to his surprise, she got ahead of him as he slid to a stop.

     Solstice grinned as she took the challenge. She ran after him, but she quickly got a better idea. She simply just spread her wings and flew over him before she landed in front of him. "Hmm...look who's slow now?" she said seeming proud of herself. She just playfully trotted up to him and nipped him a couple times as she trotted around him. Orion just smiled as he gave her a look.

     "You flew! That's not fair!" he said nipping her back a bit before he went and ran off again when she wasn't expecting it. This time he made it harder for her to catch him. Well at least he thought. Orion tried to outsmart her by making unexpected turns, but she only outsmarted him once again as she sped up and playfully tackled him as they both rolled across the grass. "Gotcha again." she laughed as she looked down at him, "Admit it. I'm faster and smarter." she said not going to let him go until he admitted it.

     Orion only pinned his ears as he looked up at her. She had him pinned. "Alright fine. I admit it. Now can you let me go?" he said not wanting to accept his defeat, but he had no choice. Solstice seemed to happily smile as she backed up letting him get up. She only went and brushed against him as she nuzzled him. Orion returned the nuzzle as he started walking over towards the trees, "Come on. Let's go for a walk. Could use some time away from the herd." he said not giving her a choice.

     Solstice just looked at the herd for a moment before she followed him catching up to him. She agreed that it would be good to spend some time away from the herd. To relax and just think. It was peaceful. Well not as much as the night is for her, but still peaceful. Though she only looked at Orion, "Well? Anything you want to talk about?" she asked him hoping to break the silence.

     He only looked around for a bit until he looked at her shrugging a bit, "Not sure." he said starting to think a bit about things. "Just thought we could go on a small walk. It's been awhile since I left the herd, and I needed a bit of a break. Just seemed like now was a good time since nothing is really going on right now." he said. Solstice nodded as she agreed, "What about you?" he asked.

     "I don't know either...not much to really talk about.." she said since she couldn't think of anything either. Solstice seemed a bit disappointed that neither of them didn't really have much of anything to talk about. It wasn't long until they came across a small stream. They both took a break, but it took Solstice a moment to recognize where they were, and she seemed to get a bit worried. "We need to get out of here...quickly before we're noticed. It's not safe here." she said urging Orion to leave.

     Orion was just getting a drink before he looked up at her confused as he looked around, "Why? Nothing seems's just us here." he said confused as he looked around. Though he wasn't doubting her, he was just confused. He just didn't know why she wanted to get out of there so quickly. "What is this place?" he asked her before he looked around the area again confused.

     Solstice just turned to look at him, "Phoenix's territory. His anger has grown. He knows when someone trespasses onto his land. That stallion is trouble, and it's best to leave him alone. To not anger him anymore then what he already is. If he finds us, then we'll both be in trouble. Now come. The sooner we leave the better." she said a bit demanding as she turned back around and quickly started to cautiously leave the territory.

     Orion just looked at her saying nothing as he followed her. She seemed to calm once she knew they were out of his territory. "We should be fine now. I didn't sense anyone following us. Phoenix would make himself known if he found us, but she should continue to head back. The further we are the better. Come." Orion just looked at her, but he only went and trotted in front of her to stop her wanting to talk to her.

     "Solstice just wait a minute alright." he said as he stopped her. She seemed a bit confused as to why he stopped her. "I understand why you wanted to get away from there, but just hear me out." he said pausing as he let out a small sigh unsure of how to continue. "Solstice...I know your stronger then him. I understand why you fear him, but you don't need to. Your never alone. You never were, and you've done things worse then deal with him.."

     Orion paused thinking things over for a moment as he let out a small sigh, "Nothing will happen to long as I'm with you. I'll make sure of it. What I'm trying to say is that I want to be there for you..good and I've been doing..I'm always there. I care for you Solstice..I have for awhile.." he said as he walked up to her nuzzling her, "I love you.." he whispered.

     Solstice seemed a bit angry at him at first. She just stomped her hoof. She knew the further away they were, the safer they were from Phoenix. Phoenix dared not to go near Scorn's herd knowing what would happen if he did, but she wasn't sure what'd he do with his current temper. Though Solstice seemed to ease as she let him speak as she stayed silent. She was shocked to hear what he had to say as she looked down a bit unsure of what to say.

     She hesitated slightly as he came up to her. Solstice took a small step back as she slowly looked up at him. "Orion...I.." she paused as she spoke quietly. " you too..." she said as she wrapped herself around him nuzzling him. "I don't know what I'd do without you..." she said as she took a small step back before she looked at him smiling. "Come...we should get back to the herd now.." she said. 

     Orion smiled as he nodded. Solstice seemed to cling to him more. She was even happier then before, but she now more curious of her future..their future. Wasn't too much longer until they both back to the herd. Not much changed, but she was still happy. She was calm, more energetic, and excited about things. Something that she wasn't used to, but she felt a lot better then she had in awhile.

     Namir had been listening to Eclipsetess as he gave her a look. "Oh so now you call me a big boy? What changed?" he laughed as she hugged and kissed him. He returned the favor before he looked over seeing his sister and Orion had come back. "Well look at this," he laughed seeing the way Solstice seemed to cling to him. "I've never seen her so...happy before.." he said as he looked at Eclipsetess.

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#264449 Posted on 2022-12-28 13:08:22

"Well it's a good thing then!" Eclipsetess said happily, she also looked at Solstice and Orion returning once more, though she flicked her ear and that caught a mare to look at Eclipsetess before going back to graze.

"Mmph, when will this buzzing stop? I know it's something.. Just what?" Eclipsetess whispered to herself, she looked away seeming to be annoyed at something.. Creepy in a way.

Though Scorn left the mares as a small little foal came up to him, he just walked backwards until the foal stopped, Grey Cloud also seemed to have poked her head out as the mares separated to look at the foal more..

"Alright, your something, but not a horse. I could sense that, so stop trying to act like one.." Scorn commanded the little foal, though the colt seemed to make that face similar to Dragon Devil's face when he went mad, but fire surrounded the foal as he turned into a black wolf with red fiery chains.

"And I'll opt out of this, Eclipsetess and friends- +Namir, you can handle this, I'm quite full right now, and I'm not dealing with this as I want Grey Cloud to be sleeping peacefully, she's growing something big and I want her to be happy." Scorn told Eclipsetess and the others as Blue Moon- surprisingly attacked the wolf without hesitation.

"Sure, my friends and sis can handle a wolf, we horses are rarer for our streaks but we're tougher then a regular horse of these or any parts." Blue Moon said as her group met up with surprisingly powerful auras as Azulia ran over to hide behind a tree as Raven went with her for protection.

"Though we gave your friend a surprise, besides being oracles we're also quite powerful in magic, all us oracles take and form many different types of magic to our liking!" Blue Moon said as cresent moons appeared as a blue circle appeared as well, the wolf backed up seeming to be ready to lounge but Calypso used her cresent moon shaped magic horn to use fireballs at the wolf.

Eclipsetess watched in admiration and adored everything unfold as the wolf seemed to have ran off when dealt with enough damage, though Eclipsetess began to wonder about the wolf as he was a familiar story book chracter to her.

"Ever heard of Fenrir?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she could clearly see her height was a little shorter compared to Namir, but she was smart on everything, at least to her knowledge-wise.

"Hm" Eclipsetess said as she looked around the herd, she then watched everyone shortly go back to normal, Fenrir was a legendary wolf not to be messed with.. But the herd's new emcamped visitor's so no fear towards the wolf, but they did go back to their camp and settle down as they seemed to do a lot.

"Oh I gotta talk with the lead stallion, be back!" Blue Moon told her sister Calypso and group, she then trotted over to the herd of mares her roached mane waving a little in the wind as her long elegant streaked-once tail seemed to be way more wavier in the wind.

Scorn was figuring out something for Grey Cloud, because once she lays down to rest and have the foal or whatever was growing inside her, then he figured out a way for Grey Cloud to be more happier as he saw Blue Moon wander into the herd, Scorn then laughed as Grey Cloud got up and followed him to the herd..

The two lead horses were off resting nearby, but Blue Moon must've forgot that, and so Scorn met her and guided her back to camp so they could talk and that the group would know what Blue Moon wanted to ask or something..

Though Grey Cloud, came out of her character and began to protect the herd once Scorn returned as she was a strong mare but stronger when she's protective, Eclipsetess just grabbed some grass and threw it into the air with no target, no meaning, but just for fun!

That was when until a necklace with a black diamond on it landed on Eclipsetess's neck perfectly, and suited her build perfectly without reason, that was when Eclipsetess realized something..

"Oh I gotta take this to Orion or Grey Cloud, probably Grey Cloud, I'll be back Namirun~" Eclipsetess teased Namir with his own name as a nickname "Namirun" kinda sounded like a name merged with something, but Eclipsetess laughed as she trotted over to Grey Cloud to give her the black diamond necklace..

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#264456 Posted on 2022-12-28 15:34:36

     Namir just gave a small laugh, " is.." he said as he frowned a bit. He only ever wanted her to be happy.. To have the life she deserved after everything. Even at a few weeks old she wasn't happy. Missed their parents, but it pained him more knowing what happened to them and having to keep it from her. There were still things he had yet to tell anyone, but he always wanted to give her those things. Namir now knew that he couldn't, Orion could.

     Though Namir just lost focus for a second, but he did hear Eclipsetess mumble something underneath her breath. He just wasn't sure what it was, but he saw that she seemed annoyed. He only looked around unsure as to what made her seemed annoyed, but he didn't see anything strange at first. Until he saw a unfamiliar foal approach Scorn. "Where they come from?" he asked unsure as to why Scorn backed up from the small foal.

     Solstice just giggled as she stood closer to Orion then she had before. Pressing against him a bit. She only laid her head on his back. For once she felt happy. She didn't think about the things that she feared or bad things she's experienced...Solstice just seemed at peace with things. Though she could feel the attitude of the herd change as she looked up seeing what was wrong.

     She only saw a strange foal that seemed to make Scorn back up. At first she was confused, but then she saw the foal change. Solstice snorted as she took a step from Orion as she spread her wings defensively. Nothing was going to ruin this day. She had a stallion she loved. Now she needed one peaceful day. "What is that thing!?" she called out even though she wasn't sure if the others knew or not.

     Though before she could do anything, the new horses just attacked it first. Solstice was only confused. They were..different. That's for sure, but the one mare seemed to say that she and the others had powerful magic. Solstice just wasn't sure what colored streaks in a horse's mane and tail meant. That and why the one mare had strange looking mane. Solstice did nuzzle Orion before she went over to Azulia and Raven just in case.

     Namir was just as confused by everything as his sister was, but he let them take care of the strange wolf. He noticed Orion looked over in his direction, but Namir only shrugged. Then he looked at Eclipsetess, "I didn't even know what a wolf was until we were horseknapped by them. Strange creatures they are.." he said not sounding to fond of wolves. Wind was a exception only because he was his and his sister's ancestor. 

     Once the group of visitors seemed to deal with the wolf, Solstice made sure Azulia and Raven were alright before she flew over to her brother and Eclipsetess. "What kind of a wolf was that?" she asked confused, but then she noticed the strange necklace that seemed to appear on Eclipsetess's neck. Though she didn't seem too happy about it as she quickly headed over to Grey Cloud. Solstice did notice that something was different about Grey Cloud. She just wasn't sure what.

     Namir just chuckled a bit at Eclipsetess by what she called him. Though he just shrugged, "I don't know, but Eclipsetess asked me if I've ever heard of someone named Fenrir...I think that's the name." he said just as confused as she was. "We'll figure it out though. I don't think there's much to worry about.." he said not wanting to see her worry. Though he just saw her giggle to herself, "What?"

     Solstice only giggled, "Namirun," she teased seeming to like the nickname Eclipsetess gave him. Namir just rolled his eyes, "What? It's cute!" she giggled even though he seemed to get a tad bit grumpy, "Oh come on Namir. You both love each other. Sometimes there's just a small price to pay. Like Eclipsetess giving you nicknames." she laughed nipping his side a bit playfully.

     "Yeah yeah. Don't make me chase after you the way I would when you were little." he said knowing she wouldn't like it. He was right. Solstice just rolled her eyes and let out a small snort. Namir just gave a small laugh, "Go on. Get back over to him.." he said pushing her towards Orion. Solstice just rolled her eyes again before she went and walked back over to him, "Sisters," he chuckled.

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#264465 Posted on 2022-12-28 17:28:43

"Hm, do you think Scorn knows what Fenrir was? Or did he not come to exsistence before?" a mare asked in the herd, it only made the mares question their nice and sweet- but protective and hard- secretive and cunning leader, though Eclipsetess got caught up into the gossip and questioning with Grey Cloud.

"Ah ladies, I have no clue! How should I know that?! I don't know when or where Scorn was born, so I have no clue what Fenrir could possibly be! I know he's a fake and fictional character!" Eclipsetess told the mares, it seemed to appease them with this new information, but it then quickly drained out as they went back to gossiping.

"Mares, and your right about that Grey Cloud.." Eclipsetess looked at Grey Cloud as she giggled and laughed at what Eclipsetess said.

"Eclipsetess, you should give this to Orion, a Historian horse needs access to a historical library, or else.. Their just a normal horse with a normal colored necklace, some necklaces are powerful when you think about it, but some can also stick to your soul and make it your magic and life force." Grey Cloud looked at Eclipsetess, which Eclipsetess widened her eyes and smiled brightly.

"And where did you get this information from?" Eclipsetess asked Grey Cloud, both just smiled with their eyes closed before Grey Cloud looked at the ground and smiled with near-sad eyes but still respect in them.

"I got a book from my brother Black Cloud, it showed me everything that all the different types of necklaces came from and who made them, somehorse in this herd or another Isle's herd was a blacksmith, the blacksmith forged all the different types necklaces with embedded magic from their horn and everyone else's magic that came from their horn. But sadly I put the book back in the Historical Library, forever there I gained the longing knowledge of everything. That's how I never forget something." Grey Cloud told Eclipsetess the necklace types and it's different magic, Eclipsetess then looked over at Solstice with her eyes full of knowledge now.

"Well, nice, how about a story about Fenrir? After I give Orion your brother's necklace?" Eclipsetess asked Grey Cloud, the mare just smiled and laughed as she agreed.

So, Eclipsetess broke apart of their conversation as Grey Cloud stood where she was, as she watched Eclipsetess walk over to Orion as she used her horn to apply the fragile necklace onto Orion's neck carefully as Eclipsetess smiled and laughed as she made sure the necklace fit with perfect comfortness.

"There! Black Cloud's necklace is now on you as an official Historian!" Eclipsetess said proudly, but she realized what she said as she walked back to Grey Cloud as she slapped her hoof to her face.

Grey Cloud just looked at Eclipsetess as she told her what she did and what she accomplished perfectly, Grey Cloud just looked away for a second before looking at her sides like she missed wings on her body? Weird but she quickly looked back at Eclipsetess who was nervous now..

"I can't believe you told Orion about my brother's necklace! How can you say something like that if it was a secret!?" Grey Cloud yelled in confusion, Eclipsetess just started to whine "I don't know!", the two mares just stopped as Eclipsetess didn't know that she wasnt supposed to talk about Black Cloud..

"It's fine, but you should really consider getting your body language seeing up-to-date." Grey Cloud suggested to Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess then reminded Grey Cloud about the story-book Fenrir, the mare just sighed as Grey Cloud has Eclipsetess summon a book which all books can be summoned even histoical ones.

"Alright! I'll teleport everyone to sit in a group together! I'm so excited!" Eclipsetess said happily, she got Grey Cloud to sit first and be the horse to tell the story, she then made everyone glow and Eclipsetess then teleported everyone to sit together, and when I mean everyone.. I meant everything single horse that we're playing as and even having side character's! Just not Phoenix's herd or him at all.

Eclipsetess sat down next and close to being in front of Grey Cloud, as Grey Cloud flipped a page and looked at Eclipsetess to settle down and relax like she was supposed too.

"Alright, Eclipsetess suggested me to read a story, a very old story that this book I have. That Only contains the one story, and none have been copied ever, and I'm not joking as I tried before and it failed. So this story is old and revolves around that wolf that turned from a colt to a wolf in front of everyone's eyes." Grey Cloud spoke to everyone, Eclipsetess seemed to acknowledged what she meant by that as it happened a couple minutes or hours ago.

"Now, without and interruptions, I shall read this story.. Eclipsetess.." Grey Cloud looked at Eclipsetess once more, as she calmed down and blushed in embarrassment, but not enough to run away.

"Now on with this as I'm sure everyone is busy, except the mares.. Anyways, there was this story about a young wolf Fenrir and the golden chains that were on him.." Grey Cloud said as some or most of the horses got hooked on the story instantly, Grey Cloud could tell as she read many stories before with a perfect narration to any story.

"Fenrir is a wolf in Norse Mythology, where in different versions he kills or eats a sun, but this version of Fenrir.. He was much different, Fenrir was a young pup, born from the 13th century Loki a god who saw his own kids tormented for being his. But Fenrir was a growing pup of pure evil, when he began growing up, he was an evil wolf. A wolf who should not be messed with at any occassions, he may back off but he has no weakness and shares nothing but a sword in one version stabbed him right through. But for now.. When Fenrir turned into an adult, he was helped by Hel a female serpent who was also evil, but when Fenrir got his abilities of being a god's son he turned into a demi-god then. Here he was evil and everyone feared him and didn't want anything to do with him, because he was evil and full of hatred, but then everyone hated him and had a blacksmith make long golden trains where Fenrir wasn't able to break from, but they also devised a plan since Fenrir wasn't able to die.." Grey Cloud spoke once everyone calmed down and started listening, Eclipsetess also stayed calmed and relaxed.

"The plan was to get Fenrir into a trap, and have the golden chains work, and so.. When Fenrir was about to terrorize a village, the people around got Fenrir to follow as he wanted to kill them all for his personality, but as the villagers got in position, Fenrir was trapped! Forever to not break from his golden chains as he went to somewhere dark to pay for his crimes.. But soon when a special day came, Hel came and helped Fenrir roam once more, this time the blacksmith saw the golden chains that were worn and placed on Fenrir's body as a weapon, the blacksmith quickly got to making much more stornger golden chains, this time as Hel helped Fenrir kill everyone the blacksmith got Fenrir's newer chains on and Hel was also slain.. Leaving only her head to work.." Grey Cloud looked around, she wasn't done as she smiled and this time used a potion to make it more foggy and suspenseful.

"But as Fenrir went back to his realm of paying his debts again, but as Loki got mad at his kids being tormented, he let Fenrir get revenge for his siblings, he got stronger and more powerful.. And soon.. On October 31st of during Hallowen, Fenrir broke loose! This time more powerful and vengeful for his siblings as he now wandered the vast plains.. Slaying on October and fufilling his promise to slay every member. The blacksmith was gone and now Fenrir roamed with his useless golden chains now, forever now a god alonside his siblings of Norse Mythology and forever vengeful.. And forever immortal.. And that's how the legend of old goes.." Grey Cloud said as she got to the end of the story, Eclipsetess wanted more to hear but she was happy on recieving the story as it was.

"And everyone nowadays knows that legends here in the Isles of Nowhere know that old and new legends are true and speaking of it's truness." Grey Cloud said as she spoke of the moral, the book then floated without magic and had a small star behind it as it returned to the old historic library.

"And that these books I pull out are from the old historic library, only accessible to families or friends of a historian like my brother Black Cloud, may he rest in peace as our new historian takes up these books into his responsibility, and that I pray our historian takes good care of them, like my brother did so many years ago.. I wish our failed historians didn't fail but succeeded, but that's not how it works anymore.. And our failed historians are a failure to our herd and many other's as they weren't fit for the job. At least my brother now has a legacy as Orion has the same requirments and personality like that of my brother's important job and role in the herd; to protect our great historical books, and that my brother's black diamond necklace will use it's own magic to open two grand doors accessible by only the necklace itself and it knows when our new historian is prepared and ready. And beware Orion; our books are much older then to be expected as they were the earlier prototypes to store great books, journals, poems, and many more that are more valuable then ever.. So I'll be able to help whenever since I did not pass on and that it's also genetically inheritable to have magic powerful enought to be accessible to the historical library. So I'll help when neccesary, and that you can also stay here to help with anything as you go and come as you please. But my brother's ghost may pop up from time to time in the library, so don't be spooked about my friendliest brother's ghost, he can also help with high shelfed books as he's quite faster then an angel!" Grey Cloud joked about the last part but she seemed to be serious about the rest before joking about "as he's quite faster then an angel!" part, Eclipsetess seemed to have agreed without reason as the mares in the herd got up and nodded with her. Geez these horses must know more then any other herd to have a library for them only.

"And now, these hidden stories can be maintained by a friendly and cheerful horse for the job, we hope to see our books dusted, and copied as they are older then any other book by default! And any other books you have that are old will go to the historical library themselves and be placed in the correct positions, ways, and what aisles they are supposed to be in!" Grey Cloud told Orion this time, seeming to be hopeful as the other mares seemed to be hurt when Black Cloud passed and the rest of the historians to be failures.. Quite sad honestly.

"And if anything goes wrong, please report to me Orion, personal matters are to be kept private and that this library was built only for our herd for personal matters and information to only us. Oh and Scorn is thinking about claiming some more land for his own as we expand!" Grey Cloud told Orion once more, this time she was commanding on it as her voice dumped to a hard and sensless voice that was commanding in a way that scared the mares, but the last part was what the mares were happy about as he wants more land to claim? So he was heading the opposite direction; towards the forest behind them as Scorn was right about a growing herd.

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#264469 Posted on 2022-12-28 19:21:16

     Solstice overheard some of the mares talking to each other about what had recently happened. Sure she was just as curious and confused, but she was never really into gossiping or anything of the sort. Orion just looked over at her once he noticed she came back over, "Couldn't stay away could you?" he teased nuzzling her before he looked around for a moment, "What was that thing?"

     "Oh hush. Don't make me go play with the foals instead of spending my time with you. You act like a colt anyway," she warned with a smile as she nuzzled him. Though she did manage to nip his ear. Solstice liked to mess with him, but she looked down a bit, "We don't know..Eclipsetess did ask my brother if he's heard of someone by the name of Fenrir, but he hasn't. I'm guessing that's the name of who we saw?" she guessed but she wasn't entirely sure.

     Orion just laughed a bit knowing she wouldn't do that, but he did think about testing her a bit. "Hmm well, let's just try not to think about it too much..I'm sure it's nothing." he said. Though Solstice just gave a small nod trying to convince herself to believe him, but she couldn't. Orion sighed as he nuzzled her a bit, "Hey. Everything will be fine. Just try not to think about it alright?"

     Solstice nodded a bit before she looked over at Eclipsetess and Grey Cloud. She couldn't hear the conversation that well, but she did overhear a word or two. She only knew that they were talking about necklaces. Which seemed to get her a bit interested in the conversation, but she got the feeling that she wasn't supposed to interrupt or even go over there. Something she was alright with even though she seemed to know what the two were talking about.

     Before she even noticed, Eclipsetess had come over. Solstice just looked at the same black necklace that appeared on her neck only minutes before. She seemed interested in it, but she kept quiet listening to Eclipsetess as she spoke to Orion. Though Orion only seemed to be a bit confused about the necklace. It surely didn't go well with his coat. 

     A bright orange dappled coat with half of his body covered in white tobiano markings. Orange and white mane and tail. His horn and eyes a teal color. The necklace was just pure black. Orion seemed confused by it as he just looked at it as Eclipsetess placed it on him before he looked up at her. "Thanks..." he said unsure of what to say, but he only looked at Solstice as Eclipsetess left, "Who's Black Cloud?"

     Solstice just rolled her eyes, "Like I would know. I don't know everyone or everything!" she said nipping at his mane a bit before she looked over seeing Grey Cloud hit Eclipsetess with her hoof, "But I'm guessing she wasn't supposed to tell you that part..." she guessed. Though Solstice only looked at him and grinned, "Well look at you. Storyteller to historian.." she said enjoying herself.

     Orion just rolled his eyes a bit, "Oh please. I only told those foals one story! Besides I'm not the best at reading out loud." he admitted before he nipped her back. "Like you can be talking. Your a goddess Solstice. That's a much higher and more valuable of a title and role. I'm sure Eclipsetess and Faith will help you whenever you need it though." he said with a grin.

     Solstice just gave him a bit of a look, but she knew he was always. Though she noticed the both of them started glowing as they both noticed they were sitting down beside each other along with everyone else. Orion seemed a bit confused as to what was going on before he heard what Grey Cloud had said. A story about the creature they just saw..sounded interesting. Solstice merely just snuggled up with Orion a bit. She didn't care if it was in front of everyone.

     Though she did listen as Grey Cloud began the story, but it didn't take too long for her to recognize it. Well it seemed very similar to the story of Dra Eclipsetess had told her and Azulia the day they met. Before everything happened. Orion seemed to sense that she got a bit nervous, and just calmed her enough no one else would notice. She just smiled and continued listening. 

     Namir was beside Eclipsetess as he silently listened to the story like everyone else. Though he couldn't help, but to watch Solstice and Orion. He realized just how much she had grown in so little time. He missed her being a filly. He knew he couldn't protect her anymore. He was no use to her anymore. Solstice spent most of her time with Orion instead of him. Namir seemed to start to get a bit jealous of it...

     By the end of the story, Solstice and Orion both seemed to have more questions then answers. Neither of them knew why Fenrir came to the herd, and seemed to go after Scorn, but both of them knew it wasn't the time to ask. Though Orion seemed to pay more attention to Grey Cloud when he heard her mention the name Eclipsetess mentioned earlier, "So he was your brother? Makes sense regarding to your names.." he said trying to understand what she was saying about his new role.

     Though Orion got a bit nervous when he heard her say there were many who failed the position. Solstice only comforted him as she snuggled with him a bit more. His books were old..just not as old as these books sounded to be. He did his best to keep them from getting into any worse shape then what they were. Orion just didn't want to be a failure to the Solstice.

     Orion respectfully nodded, "I'll be sure to do my job well. I've only been reading books since I was a colt." he said in a respectful manner even though he was a bit nervous about it. "I'll be sure to let you know.." he said with another small nod. Trying not to get as nervous as the other mares. Though he thought it was a bit odd that the herd had such a library with these old books only for them.

     Solstice did end up looking at Grey Cloud a bit nervously when she mentioned Scorn was planning to claim more land. All her attention was on Grey Cloud. "B-but that would mean taking some of Phoenix's land.." she said nervously, "I know there's been more horses joining us, but that stallion won't just give up his land. He dares not to loose anything. No mares or land. Even though his herd is growing smaller and smaller according to Isis.." she said nervously. "He may just be a pegasus, but still."

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#264470 Posted on 2022-12-28 19:54:31

"And we're more powerful then what Phoenix could be, Scorn knows what he's doing, he's better at magic then you'd expect actually, technically he wasn't born with magic but it rather appeared in front of him and give his magic, his words not mine when a spirit actually did what he said. We did have an oracle at one point, but she.. I'd rather not talk about, you can find the first oracle in the historical library, really, under the title of "Golden Valley's Herds"." Greyc Cloud told Solstice, she then looked at Eclipsetess since she was making her way of being protective but in a cute way.

"And we're also cunning when we want to be, we won't steal most land from Phoenix, but when we need it we're going to be forced to expand in all directions, meaning Scorn at one point will have a little mutiny-like war for the two stallions. We're going to watch a spectacular but quite harsh fight. Scorn will also have me as a healing mare, so I can't really be by your side when I need to Solstice, since you do have Orion with you now. But I can still pop in when I feel the presence changing, and Azulia is using her sensing magic to try and upgrade it! How cool is sensing magic from the different Isles?!" Eclipsetess said excitedly, Azulia did blush when she heard her name being called.

"Thanks, but I'm also trying to see if I'm applicable to be a unicorn, you can now use applications for many things! But with wings from Eclipsetess it's rather a special gift really, but Grey Cloud was just like Scorn for a little while but she was a late bloomer for a Normal-Magic User, I can fill you in on the many- different thousands of ways on how to use magic in many different styles! Even when a horse isn't born with magic, you can really be blown away by me, I found out that I'm using magic to sense things! That is so cool!" Azulia said, she was still knowledgable then about what she said.

"Now now Azulia, you may or may not be using magic, but you do have tiny bits amount of magic in you somehow, sometimes when ancestors have kids their magic travels down lines of different families, meaning you can possibly inherit a different style of magic, and like everyone here; we all use a different style of magic and are or is learning more about!" Grey Cloud said, she seemed to be way more estatic then normal.

"Oh and Solstice, your magic your using is also in the historical library, Orion or I could fetch the book for you. Though he would need to start getting used to the two grand doors to the entrance of the library, and make himself familiarize with the many- thousands- no, millions of different books! But he can do that whenever, he doesn't need to do it now, whenever he feels like it is the appropriate manner." Grey Cloud told Solstice, she then looked at Raven as she leapt perfectly of a tiny peice of grass.

"Azulia, since your sensing ability or magic has been in your family for awhile or more, your little foal could inherit that ability or magic, meaning Cronsi's magic comes last since she'll be a future seer for yoor honor." Grey Cloud told Azulia, she was happy to hear about that.

"Thank you for telling me, and what about the moon's phases? Scorn said awhile ago that the time of seasonal summer would change into fall then winter soon, so I wanted to know about the moon." Azulia said as she brought up what Scorn said, Eclipsetess dipped the conversation and walked back to where she was before being taken, though she kept grabbing and throwing grass into air.

"Namir, you might wanna join your mare since you won't be bored easily, I know your not the type to know about moons, but I could be wrong. And you might wanna join in on what Eclipsetess is doing, in the future she could build a hedge for you two to be married under~" Grey Cloud teased, but she only did tell him that since she could tell that Namir was getting jealous, and she wanted to be clear of that. But in a happy manner.

Though Grey Cloud did pull out two to three different books full of moon phases and meanings, but they were written by Pandora herself, meaning the next moon goddess was for Solstice, which Grey Cloud wanted her to borrow..

"And Solstice, I'm not gonna spoil it for you, you could learn more from the books here, these ones are also written by Pandora, this time including her sister's with their separate phases that work together to create the perfect moon. Which will be helpful when control the moon and knowing what to do." Grey Cloud told Solstice as she handed them to Solstice so that she could learn more.

"Oh and you lot can go back to what you were doing, if you want too, you can also come up to me when you need questions answered, since I seem to have the more knowledge on some things. Or possibly more?" Grey Cloud hinted to something when she said that.

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#264472 Posted on 2022-12-28 21:05:02

     Isis overheard them talking about Phoenix and came back over, "I understand Scorn's strength, but Solstice isn't wrong. I know him more then she does. All he needed was one quick look to not accept her, and he never wished to see her again. Which makes sense on why he keeps sending Skadi and my brother to handle his business. Even if Scorn were to successfully take even a small amount of his land, Phoenix won't stop targeting even."

     "I only came here because it was the only other place I knew. I'm only one of the many that left his herd. The rest just entirely left the Isle. The angrier that stallion is the more dangerous he is. I understand you guys have..faced worse..but don't get too confident. I would have left ages ago, but I was never given the chance. Please just be careful...I don't want to deal with him any more then I have to. He'll have my hide if he sees me again that's for sure." 

     After that Isis just left. She understood that Phoenix may not have been Dra, but he was still dangerous. Even without magic. Well he didn't even have any. Thankfully. Solstice just silently listened to both Isis and Grey Cloud as she nodded a bit. "That stallion doesn't even deserve a herd let alone land." she snorted. Though her ears lowered when she mentioned a fight. 

     Solstice didn't like to think about fights. Especially after fighting Dra. Though she looked at Eclipsetess, "If there will be a fight..then I want to be there." she said pausing for a moment, "I have every right to be there. Because he rejected me, the whole herd did. Show them all I'm not afraid anymore...that I'm not who they think I am. Even if I'm not the one fighting, I want to be there.."

     Namir seemed to get a bit angry hearing her words, "You will not Solstice! Do you know how much it took to keep you in that herd? How much convincing it took? I know you weren't treated well, but it was the best way to keep you safe.. I couldn't just keep you with me while I tried finding a safer place for you. If I had known about this herd, I would have brought you here without hesitating." he said firmly.

     "You can't boss me around anymore Namir. It's my choice! I'm old enough to make my own decisions. You have to let things go. It's my life. I've already made plenty of mistakes, but I've learned from them. Like I'm supposed to." she said with a snort as she defended herself. Orion just stayed silent not wanting to get involved. It was hard enough to earn Namir's trust.

     Solstice then put her attention back on the others, "You can apply to have a horn or wings..?" she asked looking at them a bit confused, but she was still learning about a lot of things. She did seem to calm down and smile a bit, "I guess your right...I do enjoy flying, and it's come in handy at times." she smiled. "Without your magic Azulia, I probably would have never met any of you.."

     Namir didn't seem to calm down any, but he did keep his mouth shut. Orion tried not to look at Namir not wanting to upset him, but he did pay attention to the others as Solstice had. Solstice gave a nod. She liked to read and learn about her magic and other things, but she didn't like to read nearly as much as Orion did. Though she only gave a small giggle, "I guess I'll be seeing you less and less soon. You'll be stuck reading all those books." she said.

     Orion just shook his head, "I would never choose books over you." he said almost offended, but he only just nuzzled her. Though he was shocked when he heard just how many books there were. "Okay...maybe just a little?" Solstice only nipped his cheek, "What? You know me." he huffed before he just smiled a bit. "Whenever I think I'm ready." he said still a bit unsure of things.

     Solstice seemed interested when Azulia mentioned the moon. Namir didn't hesitate to leave. Surprised he was even still there. He hadn't said a word since the little argument. He said nothing as he got up and walked away. His head hung down as he walked slowly behind Eclipsetess. Solstice just watched him feeling a bit bad as she looked down and lowered her ears. 

     Though she just looked back up at Grey Cloud as she said her name. She then looked at the books, "Thanks..." she said as she listened to her while she looked at the books she was just given. Though she only perked up and looked at Grey Cloud confused, "What do you mean by..control the moon...? I never thought something like that was even possible...the moon just moves on it's own doesn't it?" Now she was curious.

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#264481 Posted on 2022-12-29 08:16:49

"Well yes actually Solstice, but with a goddess it shines brighter to show the way for every little horse born to every big horse with a destiny, how else did you think Pandora and her sisters controlled the moon? They worked together, to create the waxing and waning cresents, the moon may do that when it pleases but that's being out of balanced, a goddess that's able to control the moon can put it back to it's original self. I've may have studied it when I heard that there was no moon goddess to controlling it. Even Pandora's sisters weren't strong enough to hold up the moon until they grew bigger, but that didn't happen exactly to plan.." Grey Cloud trailed off at the end, she seemed to not wanna talk about the rest as the herd of mares hung their head low to not hear what Grey Cloud wanted to say.

"Please not about Pandora or her siblings anymore.. It's hurtful.. It can make any horse cry without reason.. We also do not speak of her anymore.. Only the bits that when she was alive, Grey Cloud made sure to take out any pages that were not fit for your reading Solstice, she only wants you to have answered your questions.. Grey Cloud copied them as she took out the pages of unfit viewing, Pandora may be history with her siblings, but we don't speak of what exactly happened, we also don't wanna hear part of the great war with the god's helping.. Right Grey Cloud?" a mare came up and asked Grey Cloud after she got done speaking.

"Right.. I forgot to make sure not to say anything out of view for a horse like Solstice to imagine right now, most of the war had graphical things happen, so we- everyone in Scorn's herd made sure to take out the graphical things, until we knew that a horse would be able to handle all of it. Orion I'm still not sure about you since the library is big but it contains everything in a war that should handle it.." Grey Cloud looked at Orion with those commanding eyes that she was unsure of all of it for both Solstice and Orion.

"Except Pandora-" Grey Cloud mentioned Pandora under her breath as she remembered what happened, she was there at the end of the memory when Pandora transferred it, and it made Grey Cloud collapse with fear and sadness to remember that now, but it got Scorn's attention when he saw his mate collapse and cry.

"No no love, your alright, you just had a memory transfer you remember that much, but your alright.. I promise on that, my little love dove of loving love.." Scorn told Grey Cloud she was his little dove as it seemed to have calmed her down.

"Ah sorry you two, when Grey Cloud mentions Pandora under her breath, she remembers a memory that was transferred to someone in her family that made it to her only since her brother was gone, but we do not talk about Pandora during the great war anymore, as it causes conflict within different herds, making my mares aggressive enough to attack Phoenix without reason. That was proven true with a passed herd that caused conflict for both of us, but when she talked about Pandora during the great war it caused all the mares- both old and young to attack, and that's where we get aggressive-passive mares in this herd.. I never want that to happen again.." Scorn said at the end, his voice was serious but also playful so that Grey Cloud doesn't cry again, but he sounded voice dead at the end with him saying that next to Grey Cloud who remained silent.

"Hm, hehe~! Remember Natashila, Scorn? She was always the more aggressive mare to attack, so she played the captain for leading our little charge!" Grey Cloud laughed, Natashila was also the captain in the great war.

"Yes, but it was sad to see her pass away, she was 104 in alicorn years.. She was young where I was growing up, and I know that Namir and Eclipsetess may have seen her during their "little trip", making me aware of what was happening.." Scorn said, he looked straight at both Namir and Eclipsetess, but he turned his attention to Grey Cloud.

"Hm, I think we all should relax now, with Grey Cloud being like this she won't be able to help as she sticks with me when like this.. Sorry Orion.. You'll be on your own for a little bit.. Well not counting you'll go to the historical library yet.. I don't know what I was talking about!" Scorn laughed at himself at the end, which made Grey Cloud laugh but she went back to being sad.

Eclipsetess watched everything as Scorn took Grey Cloud to relax where they usually relaxed, but she looked at Namir as she didn't want him to get mad, nor wanted to see him like this.. So she stayed quiet for the most part, Eclipsetess did try to speak but couldn't think of anything to say or cheer up Namir..

"You wanna talk?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she knew what happened and wanted Namir to tell her, so that she can understand his feelings.

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#264487 Posted on 2022-12-29 09:32:22

     Solstice listened as she looked up at the sky a bit even though it was day and not night. "I'm still learning about my magic and all...guess I have a lot more to learn then I thought..." she said as she looked down a bit. Sometimes she thought she knew things, but most of the time she was oblivious to a lot more things then she thought. Solstice did try to picture the moon. It was a bit hard to picture it since it was day, but she tried. She only nodded unsure of what to say exactly. Mainly because she had to go back to learning about her magic..and what she was capable of.

     Though Solstice did look over at one of the mares as she began speaking. Solstice nodded again, "I understand...I may not know what happened to them, but I wouldn't want you guys to feel hurt anymore then you have to.." she said trying to put a small smile on her face as she looked back at Grey Cloud. "Probably best...there's still things from Dra I'm struggling with...probably always will.." she sighed. 

     Orion was almost silent most of the time, but he just comforted Solstice a bit before he looked at Grey Cloud giving a small nod. Though that was when Grey Cloud fell, and Scorn rushed over. Solstice and Orion wanted to help, but knew Scorn knew what she needed. Orion did nod, "Sometimes emotions get the best of us...I've had it happy once before, but even if Phoenix isn't the..nicest of stallions, no one deserves anything like that."

     Solstice seemed to smile a bit as Grey Cloud laughed, but her and Orion just let the two have their space as they walked a short distance away. Though Solstice paused as she looked at her brother letting out a sigh, "Hey Orion...I need to clear my head a bit...I'll be back in a little bit alright..?" she said in a slightly hurt tone, but it was soft. "I need to stretch my wings out anyway."

     Orion turned and looked at her a bit worried, but he just nuzzled her. "Don't be too long, and don't get into any trouble." he said as Solstice nodded before she spread her wings and took off on into the air. It was always relaxing up there, just not as much as it was during the night sky. Orion just watched her before he went to see if there was anything he could help out with.

     Namir just looked up at Eclipsetess his ears slightly pinned, but he just looked over seeing Solstice fly off. "What is there to talk about? I was never able to give her anything. Never. Years of trying to make her happy..keep her safe.. Only for Orion to give her those things. She won't listen to me anymore. I'm not important to her anymore." Namir just slowly walked past Eclipsetess to the far side of the meadow near the trees. He didn't really feel like talking.

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#264499 Posted on 2022-12-29 12:52:26

"Oh alright then, take your time.." Eclipsetess sighed, though she trotted over to Azulia to see what was going on with her, but only for her to see Raven to be happy to see her.

Eclipsetess then saw Azulia napping with Trickster as the three foals ran about happily, though she did see Moonlight and Esmeray return to their mother's side before Raven did the samething, Eclipsetess only got curious about the colored streaked horses as she heard them laugh about.

So Eclipsetess only the did the one thing and that was being curious about them, she did see Blue Moon hold a sword with magic with her hoof touching the far end, like a knight wielding a weapon for protection, though Eclipsetess was wary about her and her group of friends.

"What's going on here? If I may ask?" Eclipsetess asked Blue Moon, the mare just turned her head and told Eclipsetess that she was telling her friends about adventures from fictional characters.

"Oh so just fiction right?" Eclipsetess asked again, she was more curious then ever before.

"Of course! We were also joking about Fenrir as well! But we all do respect our fiction as they were real, and Fenrir was apart of the Great War between the Wolves and the Horses, but he was chained up before even going into battle. But we have no clue how he survived since he should be dead actually." Blue Moon told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess's eyes widened with fear as she learned something she shouldn't have, and Azulia perked her head up instantly when Eclipsetess drew her fear.

"Welp, Eclipsetess is fearing something now, better leave her alone since it's just a relaxing day for all of us.." Azulia told herself, a couple of mares looked at Phoenix's herd with eyes wanting to see the war again, some mares actually aqcuired the trait from Natashila really, and these were her kids after all.

"Do you think we should attack again?!" a mare said uncomfortably the rest of the herd backed up, some of the other herd members agreed with this one mare, making Azulia stand and be protective.

"Why do they even need to speak? Lemme rest!" Trickster told Azulia, though the mares wanting war frantically looked at Trickster and Azulia then back at Phoenix.

"We could die, or we could go together as a group! We are more dangerous together!" the same mare spoke, the other mares kept backing up until they felt safe from this one mare and her four friends.

"Hmph, fine! Be scaredy cats! I'll fufill Natashila's rage!" the one mare spoke, her friends just stopped her, but she used.. Chain magic to keep them back from keeping her from rage.

Azulia just reported it to Eclipsetess as she heard Azulia coming when she was talking and spilling fun for her new friends! She was happy until she let Azulia speak, though the mare using chain magic got loose and ran to Phoenix's herd but stopped at the line, she knew what was going on.

"WHAT?!" Eclipsetess yelled, the other mares including Trickster looked at Eclipsetess as they could tell Eclipsetess was more madder as she instantly flew to the mare's side that was about to fight Phoenix when she used her bubble magic, but it didn't stop the craze mare as she began fighting Eclipsetess.

"YOU WON'T STOP ME!!" the mare shouted, Eclipsetess calmed her rage as she majestically and gracefully dodged all the chains being thrown at her, but she did land onto the ground with her hooves cracking some of the earth.

But Nature then popped up at the top of the hill as it was useless to even help Eclipsetess, Azulia was just confused but did the samething, the crazed mare just kept shooting chains and laughing, Eclipsetess dodging and smacking the mare with a sense.

"STOP IT! I may be a goddess, but that doesn't mean anything! Sure Natashila is dead, your great granddam being dead, but means nothing just to attack senslessly without REASON! I AM THE ONLY MARE WITH A SENSE JUST TO KEEP YOU SAFE!" Eclipsetess shouted at the mare, she kept shouting until the mare realized she shouldn't have done that, but Eclipsetess got done shouting as her voice was high at the end, meaning she was done with it.

"GET TO THE HILL!" Eclipsetess shouted at the mare, she didn't budge.

"Make me." the mare smiled at Eclipsetess, she teased her but it only made her madder.

"NOW!!" Eclipsetess commanded the mare, the mare then did what Eclipsetess said as her shouting scared the mare back into the herd at the top of the hill.

Eclipsetess was still mad, but yelling like that in front of another stallion's herd? She really didn't care, and then Eclipsetess began walking up to Namir as she pulled and nipped on his ear hard and it wasn't nice.. Rather mean, Scorn only laughed to himself as Eclipsetess reminded him of himself as a young stallion.

"AND I AM TIRED OF YOUR BUTT BEING ANGRY! JUST BE HAPPY!!" Eclipsetess shouted at Namir, she was for sure done with everything as she just yelled at him like a commanding mare should when done.

"I don't care if you got something to say, but you should not act like a god(nope) foal towards your sister, your a stallion for godsakes! Act like a big brother who stands by and watches his sister grow up! or else I'm leaving you and I don't care anymore about being QUIET!" Eclipsetess shouted at the end, seeing her act like that, the mares huddled together as Scorn kept laughing.

"And if you even think about fighting again, I swear to Faith.. That I'll.." Eclipsetess began telling Namir in a hard and cold voice, she was over it with fighting and couldn't take it, but Namir should know what she would do. But it's hard telling what since she's mad.

"Now act like a stallion, and apologize to Orion and Solstice, if your thise jealous then I have a reason to dig into another stallion since I don't want a relationship full of fighting. Got it Namir?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, her blue eyes showing how mad she is and how she wanted Namir to act, she was now the lead mare in this relationship.

Though Blue Moon began clapping and the mares as well, Scorn and Grey Cloud began clapping for Eclipsetess as she was now a mature mare full of responsibilities and keeping a herd happy alongside Scorn and Grey Cloud, but the two lead horses accepted Eclipsetess's behavor as they wanted her to act like that, a commanding mate and a responsible mare, she should be prized!

"Bravo for telling him what to do! Now you have Scorn and Grey Cloud's respect, but it's better respect since they only respect the most responsible and the most they can get out of a mare or stallion, rare horses only come like this once in a great awhile!" Blue Moon said, she came over to tell Eclipsetess what she just exactly said, Eclipsetess smiled happily and she even looked at Scorn and Grey Cloud with respect to them, but she remained the same since she had her new personality.

"Your growing how you are Eclipsetess, which is the right way for you!" Blue Moon added onto her sentence, Scorn and Grey Cloud only whipped up a necklace for some odd reason..?

Though that was when Eclipsetess was taken into the middle of the herd but in the middle of the hill, Scorn then trotted over as Grey Cloud walked over happily towards Eclipsetess who was confused and kept looking until she locked eyes with Scorn since he smiled as she smiled back.

"And now, our only necklace which we embedded together, horses that protect and do as they said or did is what earns our fullest of respect, but we repsect everyone in this herd, but you are undoubtly the most active mare besides Azulia. Which is greatful because you acted upon instead of let it go, you told a mare- who was just crazy, to go back, and that you didn't get mad until the end." Scorn said, his smiled turned soft and happy.

Grey Cloud had to do the same smile as she showed the same respect for Eclipsetess who was still confused, Azulia could tell that because her eye went to a calm amber color to switch from her regular eyes..

"You are the only mare that shows trust, worthiness, help, respect, caringness, kindness, and even using your bad side to control a mare back into the herd. That is something Scorn tries but uses brute force, but your yelling and shouting only made the mare fear you, because you slapped sense into her.. Something I couldn't do because I'm too kind, but I see that we have a guard as who's a guardian to Solstice, and that means we present a necklace for you.. Thank you.." Grey Cloud thanked Eclipsetess, she blushed and cried happily to have been recognized for being protective? But the herd leaders were right.

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#264503 Posted on 2022-12-29 14:11:35

     Solstice just flew around the Isle for a bit. At first she just needed to think things for a bit, but then she just started having some fun as she flew around. The wind running through her mane, tail, and feathers. It was peaceful and just what she needed. Though she kind of wished Orion could have joined her, but he didn't have wings. Even if he just galloped, he'd be too slow. Solstice did like to faster then him.

     Though she came to a stop as she neared Phoenix's territory line. She looked back in the direction of the herd before she slowly and cautiously flew into the stallion's territory. When there was a large enough break in the trees, she landed hoping it'd be harder for her to be spotted. The closer she walked to where Phoenix kept the herd, the more memories popped into her head, but she had only ignored them. Wasn't too long before she saw the herd.

     Skadi and Khepri were close to each other as always, but Phoenix had been speaking with them. "So? She chose to stay with that pathetic of a stallion? When will she and the others see that they are best here with me." he huffed not seeming to be too happy about the higher number of mares and foals leaving, "Have you seen anyone else that has left the herd? Specifically in that other herd..?"

     Skadi only shook her head, "No sir. I believe she is the only that has fled, but decided to stay on the Isle. There have been no signs of the others. Though they won't let us anywhere near that herd, so there could be some others there that we don't know about.." Skadi kept quiet about Solstice. She knew it would only anger the stallion more causing him to more then likely inflict a injury on her or Khepri. They already had plenty.

     Phoenix snorted, "Taking my mares...that stallion just wants to be greedy." He only looked around getting a small feeling that there was something different in the nearby area, but he chose to ignore it for the time being. "Go. I'll give Isis one last chance. She just needs time to realize she made a mistake...your dismissed." The mare and stallion respectfully nodded as they walked back into the trees heading for Scorn's herd once more. 

     Solstice had to keep quiet since they weren't too far from her, and she stayed perfectly still when they walked past. What was she going to do now? Sure it was a bit of a distance from there to Scorn's herd, but she had to find out if Phoenix was planning something. His large chestnut wings against his sides showing several torn and missing feathers. So many that it would be enough to cause him to be a weaker flyer. 

     Though that was when they heard yelling far out in the distance. Solstice immediately recognized one of the yelling voices. Eclipsetess, but she couldn't make out what was happening. She was about to go check it out when she realized Phoenix was now closer to her as he heard the yelling as well. That stallion's hearing was pretty good, "A mare wanting to fight me..? How immature." he laughed before he turned away.

     Solstice couldn't leave. She put herself in a bit of a situation, but she needed to know if Phoenix was going to attack. Wasn't long before she got her answer. "I've had enough of this. Half of my mares have left, and I can't loose anymore. This ends now." he snorted as he pinned his ears. Those that still stayed in the herd had looked up at him fear in their eyes. Solstice couldn't help but want to help them. Especially a mare she recognized that had a small foal. Both with scars.

     When she had her chance, Solstice left. She took off back into the sky in the same break of trees as before. "I have to warn Scorn..." she said to herself as she quickly flew back to the herd. Though that was when she caught a glimpse of Eclipsetess yelling at her brother, but what got her mad was the herd praising her. Solstice just angrily snorted as she landed near the herd.

     Namir was taken by surprise when Eclipsetess bit his ear and pulled on it with force, "Ow! What was that for?" he huffed only for her to yell back at him. He only looked over at Scorn seeing him laugh. That surely wasn't helping. Eclipsetess yelled at him loud enough that his ears rang, and she was almost scaring him. He risked his own future for his sister only to see another stallion give her the things he wanted to give her? How else was he supposed to feel? Though he looked up seeing Solsice come back as the herd praised Eclipsetess. 

     "I don't know what I just missed, but I don't appreciate my brother being yelled at like that!" she huffed before she looked to the side a bit, "We've got bigger problems anyway. Phoenix sent Skadi and Khepri back here to see if any more of his mares had come here, and to give Isis one more chance." she said in a bit of a rude tone as she looked over at Eclipsetess, "That's not the worst of it though."

     "Phoenix heard you yelling, and he's coming. For a fight." she said as she then looked at Scorn, "His wings aren't as strong as they used to be. Several torn and missing feathers making him a weaker flyer, but he's still powerful." After that, Solstice just took back to the sky staying above the herd as she searched the area for the three horses. To her surprise, Phoenix had been flying, and almost flew right into her..purposefully. 

     Solstice was able to dodge him, but she was lucky. She only turned and looked at the stallion anger in her eyes, "I don't suppose you recognize you?" she snorted looking him dead in the eyes. Namir only looked up seeing Phoenix as he spread his wings and flew up in between the two as he looked at Phoenix angrily. Solstice just snorted as Namir came up, but she just went beside him ignoring his wishes.

     Phoenix only laughed, "Can't say I do. I'd have no reason to anyway." he said having that look in his eyes. Though when Namir came up, he seemed to show a bit of fear in his eyes, but only for a few seconds, "Oh" he said as he looked at Namir, "You were a pain to have in the herd. What ever happened to being that colt that stayed away? I liked him. Never got in my way. Your parents would be ashamed."

     Namir only snorted, "I grew up. Had a sister worth protecting." he snapped only getting angrier when he spoke of their parents, "You have no right to speak of them in that way! Never once were they ashamed of me!" Namir was about to attack him in that moment, but knew he couldn't. "I defeated you once. Don't think I won't do it again, but your fight isn't with me or my sister. I suggest you leave now....probably even leave the Isle like the rest of your mares did."

     Phoenix chuckled, "You got lucky, but I'm not going down without a fight." he hissed. Solstice looked down as she saw Skadi and Khepri appear from the brush as she flew down stopping them. Namir just gave Phoenix one last look before he did the same, "He's yours Scorn. I've had enough of him, and I don't plan on fighting him a second time." Pheonix only laughed at the two cowards as he flew back down facing Scorn ready for a right.

     Solstice only used her wings to block the herd's view from the two. "I warned you two to stay away!" she said clearly not in a happy mood. Orion was unsure of what to do, but when he saw Solstice go over to Skadi and Khepri, he ran over. "Your not going to make me move, and you aren't going to cause anymore pain to anyone else!" she said snapping at the two showing them she wasn't afraid.

     Khepri only laughed as Orion came running over, "You must be telling lies if you always have to have a stallion protecting you. I'm sure this one isn't much better then your brother. He ditched you Solstice. Like everyone else. Even your parent's hated you enough that they ran away leaving Namir with you!" The two then started to laugh not even realizing the mistake they just made.

     Orion snorted as he stomped his hoof about to say something, but Solstice didn't let him, "Like either of you have a mare or stallion that loves you. The two of you have spent your whole lives hurting others that you don't even know what love is. That's pretty sad if you think about it." she paused, "My parents didn't leave me. They were killed. Something my brother kept from the herd." she snapped.

     Though that was when Solstice's horn and necklace started to glow. She just pointed her horn at the two, and inflicted something into their minds. Something that would show them all the pained they've caused to her and others. Solstice didn't even know what she was doing, but she remembered seeing a similar spell in her book. She just didn't remember anything it said.

     Skadi and Khepri were laughed until they saw Solstice point her horn at them. Before they even realized it, they were seeing, hearing, and feeling all the pain they inflicted on others. It seemed to hurt them a lot more since they were pleaded for Solstice to stop. It wasn't until Solstice stopped when she felt like it was enough, "Now what do the two of you have to say to yourselves?" she snorted.

     The two of them just looked down their bodies shaking. "We...didn't much we were hurting you or the others..." Khepri said as he hesitantly looked up seeing Isis watching from a distance before she turned away. "I'm....sorry.." he muttered shakily as he nudging Skadi to do the same, but she still seemed to be a bit rude and stubborn. They just quickly fled the area..not even returning to their home, but Solstice had a feeling she's at least Khepri again...just hopefully changed.

     Orion wasn't sure on how he felt about what Solstice did. She noticed and just sighed, "It was the only thing to make them see." she said knowing them better then he did. Orion just nodded as they nuzzled each other before looking at Scorn and Phoenix fighting, "Come on let's make sure the rest of the herd is safe..I'll go to the foals." she said as she flew over to the foals making sure they were alright.

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#264504 Posted on 2022-12-29 15:09:08

Scorn just laughed like he was mocking Phoenix, "are you sure you can fight me Phoenix? I'm not sure you can handle me, I may be older then you think but I'm still quite younger.. Right hun?" Scorn mocked Phoenix, he just wanted to do it for fun and make the stallion angrier.

"And plus, I knew a new mare was joining, but I didn't expect Isis to join as well as the other new horses, streaked ones but powerful. And besides, I don't feel like fighting, and if your gonna insist. I suggest you go after my mares, they see you as a threat anyways, they want to fight you instead. My crazed mare wants to be her great grandmother! And besides, I have Faith as well. Who really needs to fight when you have a herd of mares after a single horse?!" Scorn laughed, he had his wings out as well as his horn, his crown appeared once more as it turned into a king's crown and not a prince one anymore.

The mares looked up at Phoenix as they were ready to fight, a whole herd after a single stallion? That only makes the other stallion more powerful, and besides, Faith was there as well as Wind the two ready for a bloody fight..

"Eclipsetess over by me so I don't lose easily, I'll keep you next to me anyways, on the ground terms." Scorn told Eclipsetess, she was near and was happy to stay on the ground for Scorn.

"Now are we going to fight in mid-air or the ground? I could do both.. And I little birdie told me something~" Scorn said, he flapped his wings quickly as he angled himself straight under Phoenix's belly, making sure he couldn't stay in the air for too long, but Scorn also quickly dodged anything that Phoenix would at him.

"Ah ha!" Scorn laughed, he used his magic to grab Phoenix with some chain magic to wrap up the stallion, and this was powerful magic Scorn could use, forbidden magic.

Though if Scorn managed to miss Phoenix he would just fly away quickly, and Eclipsetess could teleport Scorn back to her so he's technically attacking Phoenix senslessly.

"Could we talk about it? And if you think I stole your mares your wrong, I'm may be a caring stallion, but I let mares or stallions stay whenever they please, I don't really mind if they stay, I'm just happy about it." Scorn said as he dodged Phoenix, Scorn then used his magic to shoot some rocks at Phoenix.

Scorn laughed again and mocked Phoenix once more, then he angled himself as he looked at the sun shifting his body over so that Phoenix was blind as a bat and that he used this technique to shove Phoenix into the ground, Scorn then used his chain magic to make golden chains appear and wrap around Phoenix until they strapped him down quickly.

Scorn just pointed his horn at Phoenix with angered eyes, disappointed in a stallion fighting a stallion for no reason, the amber eyed mare just trotted over with her black star on her white forehead, she was curious who won..

"Give up? At least admit that my magical golden chains are more powerful then a stallion like you, oh, Gold your here? Well at least we can watch Phoenix admit nothing until he says that he gives up, I'm rather surprised that I forged these chains.." Scorn said, Gold just looked at him with a curious face.

"Why are you surprised that you forged chains that are ripped from Norse Mythology? Fenrir would be more surprised then you, at least you got to claim some mares!" Gold suggested, Scorn didn't look like he agreed with that idea.

"I'm not so sure the herd would like a stallion with another herd just adopting them out of the blue, I'd rather just let them stay and choose their final decision really, I don't mind more mares staying, I just want them to go if they want. They don't have to stay, but the mares in my herd chose to stay because they wanted to stay, not being forced to leave or forced to go to another herd. But instead; I want them to be happy somewhere, that's why you and every other mare stayed, because they had their decision to stay or leave, Azulia stayed which was a good idea but she didn't have to, but she came from a different herd as I was traveling the Isle, and she stayed with me because she had the right to do it. I didn't mind a mare tagging along, but i have enough to at least call family, and Gold, your my family member to me and I'm proud for you to have stayed, I just hope Eclipsetess feels the same way since she yelled at Namir.." Scorn laugh at the end, but Gold admired Scorn's behaviour she trusted Scorn without reason but one since she was protected by loving mares.

"I'm happy to have stayed with you dear Scorn, but your lead mare Grey Cloud is pregnant, so you should get back to her, but what do you want to do with Phoenix?" Gold asked Scorn, he just looked at a chained Phoenix laying on the ground by force.

"Get Solstice, and let him feel the damnable pain." Scorn said, what he said just mad him smile evily at Phoenix.

Gold nodded and started running to Solstice to have her go to Scorn, and while she did that, Scorn just sat by Phoenix and watched him without reason but one; to not let him escape, though the chains were much heavier then a normal one, making Phoenix's legs hurt more then it should.

Though with Gold as she ran up to Solstice, she was patient with what she saw, but she didn't really see anything then again she never really sees something when she's curious about another thing.

"Solstice! Scorn needs you for something! Com quick!" Gold said, she then ran back to Scorn, and when she came back he was staring at Phoenix with nothing but an evil smile on his face.

"I suggest that I should say nothing about your face right?" Gold asked Scorn, he nodded quickly and went back to staring at Phoenix as he wa chained.

"You at least gotta admit I had the bigger brain, even though I was alive during the Great War, and still am because of immortality, but every mare knew that when I told them that story of mine, they were serious since I kept a book to myself after running away from my royale life, never wanted to be a royale but I am the purest blood of all of my family. Which is surprising since I have a mate as the queen since my crown changed to being that of a king's crown." Scorn said, he must've known that his crown would change or how else would he have known that when he's looking at Phoenix?

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#264505 Posted on 2022-12-29 16:23:59

     Phoenix only snorted as he came down to the ground. His red wings even more torn and destroyed from fights then Solstice thought. How he even managed to fly as much as he had seemed to surprise Solstice, but she could see it was tiring him. "You can mock me all you want, but I'm not leaving here without a fight." he snorted as it was obvious he was quite mad. Especially when he saw Skadi and Khepri run off the way they did.

     "They aren't from my herd. I don't care about them. I don't care about any of you!" he snapped before he let out a evil-like laugh, "Me? Fight a mare? You must really be more of a coward then I thought you were! I didn't come here to fight some pathetic mares. I've dealt with many of those...I came here to fight you." It didn't really seem to faze Phoenix as Scorn's horn, wings, and crown appeared. He only spread his torn and withered wings back out. "I won't leave without a fight."

     He just seemed to laugh a bit as he looked at the mares, "They wouldn't stand a chance anyways." Phoenix said seeming to get a bit over himself. Well..he was way over himself. He was just way too confident in himself even if he didn't have any magic. Though before he even realized, Scorn had made the first move. Phoenix only managed to get himself in the air to avoid the attack, but before he could do anything else, he was forced to the ground unable to move.

     Phoenix only tried to fight the golden chains, but the more he moved the more they tightened. He only chuckled as he looked up at the stallion, "Talk? You'd really talk then fight? And you call yourself a stallion," he said with another snort. Even his withered wings were underneath the chains as they only ruined his feathers more, and prevented his escape. He only closed his eyes as some rocks were thrown at him. 

     When he opened his eyes, the sun glared right at him as he hissed a bit. Just nothing like Dra or Darling. It only seemed to blind him for a good minute. Phoenix only laughed again as Scorn pointed his horn at him as a mare came over. "Give up? Never." he snapped as he tried to break out of the chains again, but failed a second time. Seemed to anger him more since he could barely move.

     Phoenix hardly paid attention to the conversation. He did mock some of the words Scorn had said, "Oh please your too soft. To think you think your better then me. Your too soft to be. Too much of a coward." he laughed. He only rolled his eyes when he told the mare to go grab someone. Only to realize who it was as he laughed again, "You really think she can do anything to me? She's nothing, and she never will be anything more."

     Solstice had stayed near the foals when she saw Gold walking over to her. She was hesitant on why Scorn wanted her, but she followed. Namir did the same, but he stayed a distance, but he stayed close enough to scare Phoenix a bit. He could see it in his eyes even if the others didn't. Solstice just spread her wings as she walked over to Phoenix and Scorn. She just gave Phoenix one look before she looked at Scorn as he spoke.

     When he was finished, she asked why he wanted her. Solstice didn't want anything to do with Phoenix since he wanted nothing to do with her, but she wanted to see him get what he deserved. Though she saw the look Phoenix had when he looked over at her brother whom she realized was carefully watching a short distance away. Solstice didn't speak to him yet. She just let Scorn tell her why she was there. 

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#264506 Posted on 2022-12-29 16:54:25

"Solstice, like what you did to Skadi and Khephri do the same to this pathetic stallion, but way more worse.. Show him pain during our fight, and make sure you bring in how Eclipsetess felt when she got captured and.. died. Show a pathetic stallion the meaning of being soft, cause it can do you good." Scorn told Solstice, he looked at her for the rest but not the end as he stared into the stallions eyes as he could see Namir being reflected in them.

Scorn was sometimes serious, but his voice usually went deep and almost sounded cold to signal that he didn't even care, but he did sit aside as he waited and watched, Eclipsetess sitting at the far end waiting to teleport Scorn and Solstice back immediately.

"And make sure you don't go soft on him, show him everything else you felt as well." Scorn added, he then officially sat down as his wings got a little bigger, but he shrunk his horn until it disappeared, his crown remained as he pulled out his book to look at his new crown.

Though one of the mares, more specifically the crazy mare looked over where Phoenix layed, she just watched with her cold blacked out eyes that reveal white pupils which is creepy but cool to the herd as they don't mind, the mare crept up until she looked at Phoenix with her black eyes, showing nothing, no regret when she got a chance to look Phoenix in the eys..

Scorn noticed the crazy mare, he didn't care as he let her hold her makeshift dagger towards Phoenix's face but she did respect boundaries to everything as she stayed out of it when Solstice was prepared to show Phoenix truer pain to feel rather then felt.

"Jackqehl, make sure you stay out of Solstice's way when she's ready to blast Phonix memories that she can bare but still remember, oh and Phonix, Dra can enter your mind. So your forever taunted by a dead horse that can use his abilities in shadow form and in death, Namir your safe from Dra. Having him blocked seemed to target Phoenix now, and since he was a tyrant Phoenix can dream of a ruthless, crazy, demented, tyrant, that in point in a dream burned down the Isles and redirected every horse to the Mainland, where Phoenix can't survive.." Scorn smiled at the end, Jackqehl twisted her head almost like an owl except she withdrew back where it hurt and stopped turning her head, honestly it was more creepier then anything. And Scorn knew that.

"Heheh.. Ah.. You were always the difficult mare to handle with your d3m3tia mind, which your illness won't subside, unfortantely, you can use this illness to your advantage. Like you've always done. Just not in public before, which is good because you don't have anxiety." Scorn said aloud, Jackqehl blushed and awed because she remembered that Scorn remembered what she told him.

"HA! Now let's get this stallion tr@um@t!$3d!" Jackqehl said, she was ready to laugh which Scorn didn't smile at her but at Phoenix as he made it clear for that.

"Keep it to yourself right now, or else it won't be fun looking at a sad stallion begging for mercy.." Scorn looked at Phoenix's eyes this time as he crept up a little to scare the horse, he laughed at the end.

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