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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#264360 Posted on 2022-12-25 13:49:41

Orion just stood right beside Solstice staying silent as he just nuzzled her in a way to tell her it's alright. Solstice hadn't even noticed she still had her wings yet with everything. She was still trying to process everything that happened in her strange dream..well dreams.

Solstice watched Wind though. She wanted to know more. About her family. About her necklace. She wanted to know more about her parents then she ever has before, but she knew Namir wasn't going to tell her more then what he already told her. Though she said nothing as she watching him jump into the portal. Probably to go back to the past..his home.

Namir just nuzzled Eclipsetess putting his wing over her slightly, "'s alright.." he said seeing how down she looked, Though he just stayed beside her comforting her some more before he looked at Nature once more as she walked up to his sister. He wasn't sure about it at first, but remembered what Solstice had said.

Solstice didn't bother to look up until Orion softly nudged her as she saw Nature walk up to her. She watched her horn and wings appear never seeing anything like it. Well she hadn't seen a horn or a horse with multiple sets of wings before. She seemed to be curious like Eclipsetess was. Though Solstice was always wanting to know about magic..including her own magic.

Though Solstice only nodded and managed to put a small but noticeable smile on her face as Nature spoke. "'ll help greatly knowing we don't always have to travel to Oceanus when someone needs healing.." she said grateful even though she was slightly still in shock. Just not nearly as much as she was.

Solstice couldn't help to let out a small laugh seeing Eclipsetess's curiosity in Nature and her horn. Solstice's horn was just a long black horn that had no curve. Nothing about her horn stuck out. Not that minded much anyways.. Though she was slowly starting to feel better the more she realized everything was just a dream.

Before Solstice realized, Nature had put the tip of her horn onto the tip of hers. She wasn't sure what Nature was going to do, but she did trust enough to do whatever she was planning to do. After all she'd still be trapped in her conscious if it weren't for Nature. Though Solstice was unsure of how she even knew about her.

Solstice nodded as Orion just stayed beside her for support and comfort. Both him and Namir watched as they saw the fog wrap around both horns. It seemed only Nature knew what exactly she was doing. When Nature was done, Solstice just nodded unsure of what she meant. She usually wasn't so quiet.

"It's not your fault Eclipsetess..sometimes emotions can get the best of someone..." he said knowing exactly how she was feeling, but he stayed quiet about how he understood it. "You don't need to wasn't your fault." he said affectionately as he nuzzled her in a loving way.

Though before Namir could even ask the two mares what was about to happen, he looked down seeing Eclipsetess underneath him. He just smiled...maybe even laughed before he moved so she could get back up, "You know Azulia. That's just who she is," he laughed as he helped her up.

Orion just softly nudged Solstice to take her to a different spot..a quiet spot. Solstice followed silently as she hung her head down low. She just seemed to stick to Orion's side. They didn't move that far, but it seemed to help her as she looked around before looking at Orion, "W-what happened..?" she asked pausing, "When I fainted.."

Orion sighed, "We don't really know...shortly after Faith dropped another bombshell at you, you just fainted...probably because you couldn't take anything else without being given the time to process were out pretty much the whole day..." he said his tone quiet and worried, "But you aren't never were and you never will be."

Solstice just pressed herself into him a bit as she listened. She didn't really say anything but just laid her head on Orion's back closing her eyes as she let out a small huff. "I thought I was back where I started...without anyone...without you.." she murmured just loud enough for him to hear.

Orion just smiled softly as he just groomed her side a bit in a relaxing and affectionate way. Though he said nothing and let her enjoy some peace and quiet with him. Solstice did however end up nibbling on his orange and white mane. Like he was the sun, and she was the moon.

Though after awhile Solstice looked over at Faith. She nuzzled Orion before she walked over to Faith keeping her head lowered slightly, "Um...Faith..?" she asked getting her attention as she walked over, "I-is it all true...everything you told me...everything everyone told me..? I just can't decide whether or not it's true..or if I really am who you all say I am.."

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#264365 Posted on 2022-12-25 14:46:56

"Solstice, when I looked at every legend, every myth, every ancestor, and any time. I realized that you don't have to believe your legends or prophecies to see who you are, I realized that you don't have to be an exact copy of your paper self. Sure some things come true, but you don't have to be that, you can create new prophecies and start a generation of your own prophecies, no more creating and expecting, just be yourself on it. And your supposed to be the "Goddess of The Moon" and maybe Orion the same but opposite, he does have that bright orange coat after all!" Faith teased at the end, she seemed to be speaking the truth since some stories and things came true, but not all of them did.

"She's right, at the end of my discovered new self, I could be someone with powerful magic but still have normalness I always carried with me!" Eclipsetess butted in, Azulia agreed as her eyes went normal this time.

"I'd have to agree on that, not everything needs to come true, nor even needs to be real. But the real things are now, and what, you don't need to worry about yourself. just be that sweet and shy mare we all know, and maybe a little protectiveness mixed in too." Azulia smiled this time, she didn't laugh or giggle during her speaking, she meant it this time then.

"Mhm, and you don't need to be someone who your not, just be your regular self like what Azulia said and be who you want to be! Everyone can agree, Namir and Eclipsetess can agree since they want you to be the happiest mare eve born!" Faith said, she giggled a little but only because she needed too.

Trickster then came into the conversation and nodded to everything, she also agreed then as a mare pulled her out to talk with her when she was about to speak, Azulia sighed as Eclipsetess huffed. As Faith giggled.

"Well I suppose it's almost dark, we've been talking and worrying about you, Solstice, and like what Orion said "You are never alone, and never will be alone." and he meant it because he cares, you would know that but he loves you very much, including brotherly love." Faith looked at Namir with a smile as she pushed Eclipsetess back to Namir's side.

"Man your strong, I never realized that you could be strong.." Eclipsetess admitted that as she stayed by Namir's side, she smiled and moved a little closer to him just because she loved him.

Anyways, Faith then nuzzled Solstice go back to lay down with Orion, all the mares were calm and happy and even being interested in what Faith said and why Eclipsetess, Azulia, and Trickster agreed to her words.

But they then began to go back to their spots as they layed down, one by one as ther herd of mares layed down with happiness ringing about, Eclipsetess yawned as she nuzzled Namir to lay down, it was a big and long productive day, so it made sense really..

Faith only giggled as she went back to her spot to go lay down, then Wind appeared again, this time a ghost or spirit of some sort, he wanted to answer anything that he could to his best.

"I came back, I wanted to answer questions before any of you went to sleep, at least clear up some things before I head back to the Heavens after all, I am an ancestor!" Wind said cheerfully, he smiled as Faith closed her eye and went to bed.

"Well Solstice? I know your about to sleep, but you have questions, Azulia knew that feeling as her eyes went amber earlier and that alerted me to know what you thought, Wind is your ancestor, so might as well get all the questions to give to him." Eclipsetess told Solstice, she didn't have to say her questions but she did have lot's to give to Wind, Azulia then giggled as she left to have Raven sleep.

Trickster then went to sleep as Esmeray and Moonlight came over to be warm with their mom, Trickster just enjoyed her kids wanting to sleep, it gave her something to not do since they were tired.

Trickster smiled while Eclipsetess layed down and waited for Namir to lay down as well, giving her some time to stay up before she was taken over by her sleep, though Azulia was having trouble making Raven sleep as she refused to sleep, but Azulia managed to get Raven to go to bed and be nice.

"It's only so much time until winter comes, meaning the "Guardian's Of Seasons" are coming, let's be ready to expect Solaris to let his younger sister Miloris to come with fall, and let's stock up on things since Solstice's herd won't know what hit them since they don't keep up. Meaning they would be forced to scavenge and accept us as the top herd to help them if Phoenix had his herd merge, meaning we could do anything to his herd without threats to him. But still can do what we please." Scorn said, he looked worse then bad, but he had a limping leg since he barely made it out with getting Eclipsetess back to her friends and future family as well.

"Well get some rest before we head to fall and winter, Solstice can take care of the scavenging and foraging with Orion's better knowledge, Namir and Eclipsetess can take care of the warmth needed to keep our herd warm, and even the neccesary food for our large herd. We got everything covered, and if something goes wrong Eclipsetess or Faith can take care of it.." Grey Cloud said as she appeared from the herd to comfort Scorn, he nuzzled her as she nuzzled him, so sweet.

Eclipsetess looked at Namir as she had gotten up to whisper something in his ear, she giggled before saying something..

"We'll be like Scorn and Grey Cloud in the future hunny~" Eclipsetess teased but also giggled when she stopped whispering, she then gave Namir a kiss, a little close to his ear though-...

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#264366 Posted on 2022-12-25 15:06:44

Solstice looked down a bit as she listened to Faith. Every single word. Namir taught her well in being a good listener. He was more then just a brother. For awhile he was the only thing she had, now she had all of this. When Faith had mentioned Orion, she only looked over at him looking down some more as she blushed a bit.

Though she looked up at Eclipsetess as she joined in the conversation. She just let out a small laugh, "There's never anything going on here that is normal...there's always something going on..mainly with me.." she said hating that she kept on being put in situations that caused the others to always worry for her.

Solstice then looked at Azulia and let out a small sigh, "I don't want to be that sky only reminds me of when I filly. Sure I've experienced worse, but it's still hard. I don't want to be afraid of every little thing, I want to learn more about my magic...about my necklace, so I can protect myself and my necklace better."

She looked at the three mares before she glanced at the two stallions close to her as she nodded a bit. Solstice wasn't quite sure what to say to that, but she didn't even know who her..normal self was. She was never really given a chance to figure that out for herself. There were several days that she tried to hide her fear.

"I know...that's how it always is.." she said looking down knowing everyone was always worrying about her. Her brother probably more then anyone. She knew that to more then likely be true knowing her brother. By now it had to be a part of him to always worry. She was a little sister after all...even if she wasn't as little as she thought.

Namir only chuckled as he let the mares talk. Though he only nibbled on Eclipsetess's mane as Faith pushed her back over to his side. "Well what do you expect? She's the ruler of the Heavens." Namir only grinned as he seemed to enjoy Eclipsetess being at his side.

Solstice laughed a bit as she watched the two, "Honestly thought my brother would never find someone to love...kind of enjoy it since he isn't peering over my shoulder nearly as much as he used to." she said seeming to like the freedom she seemed to now have. Though she nuzzled Faith in return before she headed back over to Orion laying down beside him as she laid her head on his back.

Not that she could really sleep anyways. Wasn't long before she looked back over at Faith as she nuzzled Orion and walked back over nodding. She looked at Wind for a moment before she looked down slightly, "I want to know about the necklace..and why it seems to be a life source for me.." she said unsure of what to ask really.

Isis overheard Scorn and one of the mares slightly as she walked over not wanting to interrupt, "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but Phoenix doesn't care about anything that seems to be going on here. No matter how much we asked he did nothing and pushed us away. He doesn't care about anyone except his mate."

"He just wants to have a herd of valuable mares. That's all he cares about. Not the safety of everyone...part of the reason we were so cruel to Solstice is because of Pheonix...Solstice knows he isn't a good stallion, but he never went anywhere near her like most of us. She never saw the real him."

Namir just rolled his eyes with a smile, "Oh? What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked her as he looked at her. Was she talking about just being together or having a family? Either sounded good to him. Though Namir just nuzzled her, "Best we get some sleep."

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#264369 Posted on 2022-12-25 15:14:20

"Yeah I know Isis, I was just saying, that if Phoenix's herd runs out of something. The more mares would be forced to go, because everyone knows "that herbs don't grow during the snow", so the mares and stallion ae forced to move somewhere more different, and not a lot of herbs grow in the Isles." Scorn said, he agreed on everything Isis said and he made it clear that his herd has everything for everyones needs.

"And plus: I need to make sure that everyone is safe when it's time to have a place all set up when it's time for winter to strike after fall, summer doesn't end after all, but you can stay permenantely if you want too. It's your choice, but your free to think for a couple days, that's what I asked Orion and I'm glad that he stayed!" Scorn said, told, spoke, and sighed, he then nibbled Isis's mane so that it was a little cleaner and not so much filth on it. If there was filth on her mane.

"Yeah your right Namir, and before: you can figure out that part of what I meant..~" Eclipsetess said and teased, she looked down blushing while smiling not hiding it anytime soon. She doesn't plan on it.

"Well, I'm gonna go lay down, you can join like you always do when I do it to you, but I'm leading you bulky and cute stallion~" Eclipsetess teased once more, but she did give Namir a kiss, a nuzzle, a little nibble on the mane, and a good grooming too, she then layed down and went to sleep.

Azulia was off trying to get Raven to sleep again, since she refused to do it, but Azulia gave up and let the foal do whatever she pleased, but she stayed near her baby and protected her if she went off somewhere where she couldn't be.

Azulia huffed as she sat down when she chased Raven around when she couldn't sleep anymore, "Raven.. That foal of mine.." Azulia huffed as she watched Raven bounce and jump to her delight.

Eclipsetess looked up at Azulia and Raven, she laughed to herself as she mumbled something so that no one would hear her, she probably thought of a foal to herself and Namir, she was great with foals after all. Even Namir says so!

"Maybe a foal isn't such a bad idea when I think about it, but I do tease Namir for it~!" Eclipsetess giggled to herself as she continued watching Azulia and Raven before she put her head down to rest.

"Raven, bedtime now, and do not argue with your mother." Azulia commanded Raven to go to bed, Cronsi came out as Raven ran over to hide behind Orion.

"Wha-? Isn't Raven supposed to recognize her father?" Cronsi asked in a hurtful voice, Azulia just nuzzled Cronsi to cheer him up.

"It's quite useless convincing Raven to do something, I tried getting her to sleep, but it was just useless to do it." Azulia told Cronsi, the young prince took this information to be vital.

"Maybe she just doesn't have a father figure around?" Cronsi asked Azulia, but she looked at Orion and Solstice as Raven looked at her intently.

"She thinks Orion is her father by accident.. Sorry hun.." Azulia whispered to Cronsi, he looked down and nuzzled Azulia and then went back into the forest to cry as Azulia tried stopping him to talk about it but the prince didn't want to listen.

"No no Azulia, I don't want a foal who doesn't think of me as a father, I'm quite done hiding.. I'm sorry, but it wasn't going to work.." Cronsi told Azulia as the mare looked down, Cronsi disappeared into the brush as Azulia looked down..

Azulia hung her head in disappointment as Scorn looked over at her as she had wide eyes which tears came out as Azulia thought over Cronsi's words rang in her head, Azulia then looked at Raven who came over to see if her mother was alright..

"Get awya from me you rat!" Azulia bucked Raven a little to scare the foal away, she didn't want her daughter anymore as she didn't want a foal that believed her father was another stallion.

But Raven came back to see if her mother changed her mind about her, but she then reared at the poor foal as she yelled at her to go..

"I lost your father because of you!! Do you know how that feels?!" Azulia yelled as Raven ran off to hide behind Orion for comfort, Azulia didn't care as she began crying to herself.

Raven was hurt to be something her mother didn't want, she felt the pain surge through her as Esmeray looked over her to see if she was alright, Moonlight also came over to help..

While Trickster got up to check on Azulia who was bawling her eyes out with tears that were hurt and sorrowful, but Trickster was reared and bucked as Scorn tried his best to keep the two mares away..

"Get away from me!" Azulia bucked Scorn in the chest as the stallion fell as he felt his heart move a little as a little *strawberry sauce* came out of his mouth, Trickster tried getting him up but it hurt him to even move so he didn't want to be moved.

Eclipsetess just watched everything as she bubbled Azulia again, this time it floated and didn't touch the ground as Eclipsetess stopped using her magic, but Azulia tried getting out of the bubble as Eclipsetess summoned Cronsi. In a bubble as well.

"I'm tired. I'm sad. I'm angry. I am trying to get some sleep. SO SHUT UP AND MAKE UP! I DON'T CARE IF RAVEN SEES ORION AS A FATHER FIGURE JUST SHUT UP AND MAKE UP!! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" Eclipsetess yelled at Cronsi and Azulia, as Azulia looked over to see Raven crying.

"My baby.. I am so sorry Raven!" Azulia cried to herself as Eclipsetess popped her bubble as she ran over to Raven to hug her and calm her down.

"I don't want a foal like Raven, I never even planned a name like hers, why did you think I tolerated her behaviour towards "OrIoN"? Huh?" Cronsi sarcastically said Orion's name as a way to make him mad, Eclipsetess then slapped Cronsi and yelled at him to say sorry to Azulia and Raven. Which he did.

"And you better mean your sorry!" Eclipsetess shouted at Cronsi as he pulled Azulia and Raven into a hug, so that they could calm down in his arms together.

Eclipsetess then looked at a *strawberried* Scorn as she used her magic to heal him to himself as all his wounds and his heart went back to normal, and the wounds healing back.

"I'm going to bed with Namir, any questions? No? Good, now hun: bed. Now." Eclipsetess commanded Namir to sleep with her since she was mad, but not mad enough to be where she was when she was mad.

"Goodnight everyone." Eclipsetess said grumpily, as she layed down, rested her head against the grass and waited for Namir to sleep next to her as she drifted off to sleep.

Azulia took Raven to sleep as Cronsi followed when he saw how hurt Azulia was when she was near him, and Raven accepted Azulia's apology as Cronsi did his best to convince Raven that he was her father and he made sure Azulia needed him as he layed down next to Azulia.

"Thank the god that Carrion and me have a better advantage to things, I guess he remade the cave to his liking if he was this absent from his foals.." Trickster said and told herself at the end, Azulia did realize that Carrion wasn't here, but Cronsi got her to sleep again as Carrion appeared and above Trickster.

"Hello my mate~" Carrion teased as he appeared and to be floating upside down as Trickster looked up at him as he came down and upside right with a list of things.

"What's the list for exactly?" Trickster asked Carrion, he just blushed and looked away as he told her it was for tomorrow as Trickster layed her head down back, as Carrion nuzzled his two foals lovingly.

"Alright bed for you, you big stallion." Trickster commanded Carrion as he layed down next to Trickster with his love eyes looking at her respectfully.

"Alright, good night everyone!" Scorn happily told everyone, and in the herd, as he went back into the herd as Grey Cloud awaited him to sleep as the mares were already asleep.

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#264375 Posted on 2022-12-25 16:22:49

     Isis only looked down a bit, "You don't get it. Some mares and stallions remain loyal to him. Skadi and my older brother being some of them. Others are fed up with the cruelty. Solstice wasn't the only one...we just took everything out on her..she never saw just how bad the herd was. Though Skadi and my brother were the cruelest to her. Phoenix never wanted to see her." she said pausing as she looked at Solstice.

     "Since Solstice left, more mares and stallion have done the same. Me being one of them. I was just the only one willing to come here..only made Phoenix crueler.." she sighed before she looked back up at Scorn giving a small nod, "I-i'll think about it...I couldn't just leave and not apologize for all the pain I Solstice...since day one." Isis was only a few days older then Solstice actually. Born in the same foaling season.

     Though when Scorn started to nibble her white and slightly brown mane, she only seemed to get a bit nervous. Her mane was short, but it was long enough to hide a fresh nasty scar. The original wound was quite painful, and the spot was still tender. "I-i should go..." she said looking down clearly nervous as she quickly fled the scene. She didn't want anyone to see or even know about what happened.

     Namir only chuckled, "Why would I not? It's been a long day, and I seem to be staying up more the longer I'm with you~" he grinned nibbling her mane a bit not minding it that much. Though he only smiled as he rolled her eyes, "How many different things are you going to call me?" he laughed unable to count all the different nicknames she had already given him. Namir knew she'd come up with more, but he just closed his eyes for the time being.

     Orion just laid down near his normal spot as he just laid his head in the grass and closed his eyes. Solstice right beside him. He was barely asleep when he heard someone run up behind him. The stallion opened his eyes as he looked seeing Raven. "Shouldn't you be asleep little one? It's pretty late." he said quietly as he carefully stood up and looked over at Azulia.

     He saw another stallion with her, but he didn't really recognize him. Though he got the feeling he was Raven's father. "Come on let's get you-" Orion hushed himself as he overheard a part of what the stallion said. Orion then looked seeing Raven run back over to her mother. He didn't hesitate to run back over when Azulia started to hurt the filly. "Azulia! That's enough!" he said a bit louder then he intended as he backed up not wanting to get hit.

     Orion nuzzled Raven as she hid behind him to comfort her a bit. Though he made sure Azulia didn't harm her anymore. He just felt like it was his fault even though it wasn't. "It's not her fault Azulia. Her father is never around! Maybe she'd accept him as her father if he actually stuck around instead of hiding all the time. He has only himself to blame." he said with a snort as he looked at Scorn. He wasn't in good shape.

     He wasn't sure about Raven going back to her mother, but he couldn't stop the filly. It was clear he wasn't happy about the situation. One reason he never spoke of himself or his past. His mother abandoned him when he was only a few months old. Though she was a loving and kind mare. Orion just never blamed her or hated her because he didn't know if she had no choice but to. 

     Though Orion just snorted pinning his ears as he looked at the stallion. "I have nothing to do with this!" he huffed turning all of his focus to the stallion, "If you didn't hide away all the time, then maybe she'd accept you as her father. Maybe next time you be there for the ones you care for instead of hiding from them." Orion gave the stallion one last look before he turned away walking back over to Solstice.

     Solstice awoke as she heard some yelling, but by the time she did, she wasn't sure what all was happening. She did see Cronsi, but saw Eclipsetess and Orion walk away clearly mad. She only flicked her ear looking at him as he just laid back down beside him, "What happened?" she asked, but it was clear Orion wasn't in the mood to talk as he just laid his head back down, closed his eyes, and let out a small huff.

     Namir just stayed where he was until he felt like he was needed. Though Eclipsetess seemed to put an end to everything. He didn't say anything knowing it wasn't the time to talk, but he just looked around. It had been awhile since he saw Cronsi, but he knew Orion was right. It wasn't his fault. Namir just decided to stay out of it not needing anything else to worry about. He already had plenty to deal with due to everything with his sister.

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#264376 Posted on 2022-12-25 17:44:07

Though another horse had joined the herd, this time being much different, Eclipsetess immediately looked at the horse as the equine backed up, Azulia instantly did the same as she ran to Eclipsetess's side. Then Olymphia had appeared as the horse backed up more.. Eclipsetess then had spread her wings when she saw something on the horse, besides the neon streaks in the mane and tail.

"What. The. Heck?" a creature said, the horse nuzzled the creature.

Eclipsetess looked at Azulia as the creature walked up to them, showing no fear in the creature, the horse also walked up behind the creature, the equine walked up to the human and pushed on the creature's back for attention..

"E-Eclipsetess?" Azulia said in confusion and fear, Eclipsetess backed up when Trickster saw what they were backing up from.

"A human?!" Trickster yelled, Moonlight and Esmeray got up to follow, but she commanded the two foals stay as they followed their mother's word.

Trickster got up to stay by Azulia, Olymphia, and Eclipsetess's side, though the human looked up at the tall horses when the human looked at their horse. The human then smiled as they jumped up on the horses back, the human then used the rope on the horse's face to go back.

"Well we need to move or else we'll be captured." Trickster told the three mares, as they stared at Trickster in confusion, they wanted to ask questions but it was useless.

Though the three other mares went back to sleep as Eclipsetess stayed up for the rest of the night to guard, she was a guardian of the night after all, there was no argument in that. But she did worry if Namir noticed Eclipsetess gone? No time to worry..

Though when it got a little darker as the night pressed on, Eclipsetess opened her eyes to look around as she did before, then she looked to see the same horse but with other horses with the same neon but different colors, then the humans got off their horses as the steeds followed shortly behind the four humans.

"Oh no.." Eclipsetess said as she reared up to fight, the humans brought something in a wooden form, they somehow got onto the Isles. And they pay with horses being protective.

But Trickster, Azulia, and Olymphia shortly aided with Eclipsetess with scaring the humans away, the neon streaked horses showed no fear as one of the humans shot Eclipsetess with something, a sleeping dart? Most likely, then Olymphia neighed so loud that Scorn got up to aid and so did Smoke.

Cronsi and Carrion came to help as more horseback riders appeared as the original streaked neon horse backed up so the human wouldn't see them, but the rider ran off without taking the horse, instead the rider ran behind another horseback rider as the biggest horse and the tallest rider appeared..

"We won't be able to take them all.." Eclipsetess whispered to herself, then a couple of the humans got to the foals as Azulia tried protecting her baby as someone shot her, then Olymphia dodged the darts but one landed on her near her leg on her hind quarter.

"Com'on body, you can do it!" Scorn said as he made his black wings and horn appeared, the humans remained unafraid, wait they didn't see the magical stuff?! That explains it!

"Their regular humans, meaning the came from the Mainland, meaning they want more horses to add to their breeding and whatever else they want!" Trickster said, she remained unafraid of the humans as they feared her instead..?

"And how do you know this?" Nature said as she came from the bushes and brush, the humans paused as they watched a horse look unafraid as Nature had vines coming from her legs and her mane and tail messy from the nature and things around.

Then without a single doubt, Eclipsetess woke up from a dream, this time much scarier.. Eclipsetess got up to look around as she was having a nightmare, not one like Solstice's or anyone's dream similar, Eclipsetess woke up in a sweaty daze as her brown coat was shimmering more. Eclipsetess got up to get away from Namir once her pelt started to glow..

"I can't dream, I can't go to sleep right now.. I hate this.. I now know what Solstice felt.." Eclipsetess whispered to herself, she looked around the herd as everyone was asleep to her, she then flew up on a branch to perch and rest her mind for the night.

But when day struck, Eclipsetess got up immediately and woke up Trickster, Scorn, Azulia, and she then trotted over to a clear space to summon Olymphia as she appeared clueless, Eclipsetess looked down a little bit and looked back up at Olymphia when she realized she was also tired..

"Same dream?" Eclipsetess asked in a hushed tone as Azulia, Scorn, and Trickster agreed as they were also tired from the same dream. Eclipsetess then used a spell to make them feel refreshed.

"Any different outcomes?" Eclipsetess asked once more, the three mares and the stallion  shook their head no in unison, Eclipsetess then looked down in sadness.

"This has to meant something, go do something while the rest of the herd and everyone get up." Eclipsetess told the three mares and Scorn, they did as Eclipsetess told them.

Eclipsetess watched as the others walked away, then she walked back over to Namir, she noticed how much more adorable he was then before, making her more interested in him. But she had to put her feelings aside..

As Eclipsetess sat down and used her hoof to wake up Namir, she knew he wouldn't wake up easily since he wanted to rest, then she snuggled down besides Namir for a little bit so that at least she could rest her mind and dream next to a cozy and warm Namir for a more comfortable time to sleep.

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#264385 Posted on 2022-12-26 08:48:26

     Solstice had only tried her best to get some sleep that night, but like most nights, she couldn't. She just silently let out a sigh as she looked at Orion nuzzling him. His bright orange coat was still noticeable even in the darkest of nights. Though Solstice softly smiled as she watched him sleep soundly. Something she wished she could do, but she was curious about him. He never spoke of himself or his past which made her curious. Maybe he just had a bad childhood and didn't want to talk about it? Solstice understood that, but she just kept quiet not wanting to wake anyone.

     Though she did look around seeing everyone asleep but her. When she looked over at Eclipsetess, she sensed that something wasn't right. Solstice could feel it, but she recognized the feeling in a way. "Something isn't right..." she whispered to herself as she stood up looking at her friends as they slept. Solstice wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but she somehow knew that some were having the same nightmare.

     Solstice just spread her wings as she flew up into the night sky. Once she reached a spot she was comfortable in, she stopped flying higher. Instead she just closed her eyes and took a few calm breaths. She could feel the night. The moon. The stars. Something she'd never felt before. Despite the night being her element. Her calming space. The quietness allowed her to think. Hear her thoughts. And simply just relax.

     So, she just stayed there lightly and calmly flapping her wings as she kept her eyes closed, and her breath slow. Solstice was only trying to clear her head and relax. Though it was odd to her that she felt the moon and the stars. Eventually she just opened her eyes as she looked up at her constellation. "I am the goddess of the moon..." she whispered to herself so quietly that she could barely hear herself. Though she seemed to finally accept who she was.

     She could still feel that something wasn't right, but there wasn't anything she could do. Instead she just spent the rest of the night up in the sky clearing her thoughts. Like she was finally at peace with herself.. Solstice soon felt something else though. Something that took her by surprise. She felt the presence of someone she didn't know, but yet it seemed to calm her more.

     Solstice didn't see anyone there with her, but there was a small gust of wind that blew through her mane, tail, and feathers. A mare. One that looked like her. A loving and passionate mare that seemed she would do anything for her children. Solstice only closed her eyes once more seeming at peace with the strange presence of this mare. Though before she realized it, she felt the wind once more as the presence of the mare vanished with the wind.

     Solstice was confused. Who was it that she felt? What even just happened? She had no idea whatsoever. Solstice only sighed as she flew back down to the herd as the sun had already rose halfway. She didn't realize she was up there for so long. Oh well. Solstice just stood by herself for a minute still confused by what happened, but she stayed silent about it as she walked back over to Orion who seemed to be up already.

     Orion eventually woke up to look to his side to see Solstice gone. Seemed like she was always somewhere else whenever he woke. Though he did look up seeing her up in the sky. He was curious as to what she might have been doing, but he just watched her as he soon realized she was walking back over to him. "What were you doing? Shouldn't you have been sleeping?" he asked nuzzling her affectionately...

     " know I can't sleep. Besides..I spent most of yesterday doing just that.." she sighed nuzzling him back. Solstice was tired though, but she only put it aside. "I needed to's easiest for me to do so at night..." she said quietly as she looked down distracted by a couple different things. "It's hard to process everything that happened recently or even what I've been told. All at once...I just need time to think it all over..whether or not to accept it all.."

     The stallion just nuzzled her again as he listened, "No need to apologize about any of that...but we're all here for you. I'm not even going to say in good and bad times..cause you already know that, but sometimes you should just talk about'll help. Trust me..." he said pausing for a moment, "Nevermind that. As long as you are able to think things over and choose to accept it..that's all that matters. The sooner you do that the better you'll feel."

     Solstice just nodded as she smiled a bit as she looked at him again. Though she seemed to blush a bit, and looked away again. She saw Eclipsetess talking to Azulia, Trickster, Olymphia, and Scorn in private. Wait why was Olymphia there? Solstice hadn't seen her since they all met Orion... She didn't know if she could call her a friend or not if she just left like that..

     Though when the group dispersed, Solstice wanted to know more about what happened last night. "I..need to go talk to Azulia about something...I'-i'll be back.." she said to Orion as she trotted over to Azulia. "What happened in the dream last night Azulia?" she asked as she approached her. "I know there was a dream...I felt it. And I know you all seemed to have the same one." she said. 

     Solstice wasn't sure if her magic was changing or growing stronger, or something else, but she used to never feel things like these. She only pushed it aside for the time being. "If it was similar to the dream I had..please just tell me..they might be connected.." Solstice didn't really say what she meant by that, but it was possible that they were in fact connected in a way. Though there were things from her strange dream that she couldn't remember, or didn't pay enough attention things that could have told her something.

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#264389 Posted on 2022-12-26 10:01:19

"Oh Solstice, I'll catch you up on a dream that was connected to the other four I was talking with, but it was nothing like yours. Eclipsetess is going to see in a book that was merely the first book ever created in the Isles, meaning she'll leave for quite awhile until she gets back because she needs Everest to guide her to her home in the Isle of Mountains." Azulia told Solstice the first half of everything, but she didn't finish as she sat down to think over everything.

"Sorry, I have a hard time explaining things when something new pops up to me, but I quite quick!" Azulia seemed to smile at herself "Anyways, so Eclipsetess first had the dream about this horse with bright streaks in their mane, and I didn't know the gender since the horse didn't go on the sides until the last minute, but the horse was nearing our herd in Eclipsetess's dream. Somehow I dreamt the samething, I don't know what it was supposed to mean, or what it was meant to mean. In the dream, Trickster knew this small creature riding the horses back as something covered the horses face, body, and the legs like something wrapped on them, Trickster called this small creature a human, me and the others didn't know how she knew but she knew greatly as the human smiled but then climbed back on the horse when they neared us, I didn't know but I was showing fear, Eclipsetess, Scorn, Olymphia, and Trickster showed nothing.." Azulia paused for a little bit before continuing.

"When the human and the horse left, Eclipsetess still showed protectiveness as I was as nervous as a filly when I felt a little too real, but then the human returned but with three other humans with the bright streaks as well but in different colors, colors that aren't native to our home, nor the other Isles. Trickster said that they humans hailed from the Mainland, then there was a little conflict I was running to protect my baby, Eclipsetess was hit with something on her rump, Olymphia was hit with the same little needle-like object, Scorn was still hurt but I didn't see him go down yet, I was captured while Trickster tried getting to her two babies, my little foal was.. Being held, I wanted to keep her next to me as I wanted to protect her more.. I wanted to keep Trickster's foals next to me but I went down as well.. Next minute I woke up in a daze as I saw the other three meet up so I joined.." Azulia paused to wipe her face.

"Please don't tell anyone else this or else Scorn will make Eclipsetess make a double Isle barrier, I don't want her to get more hurt then she already feels.. Or how hurt she already felt when releasing the barrier to the Isle.." Azulia looked down and then into Solstice's eyes.

"Eclipsetess wanted to keep you safe, so I felt her cry in a very different way, she- released so much magic that her body could have stopped working.. Just for you Solstice.. She wanted to be there for you as she wanted to keep you happy, somewhere happy as she wanted to keep you safe, safer then what she could provide with.. Safer then what Namir could do as well.." Azulia looked down as if she was done talking, but she then grabbed something from her tail.

"I always keep spares, but I think you might want this as well." Azulia said, the little gift Azulia was presenting was something valuable as Eclipsetess flew over to the two girls.

"And what are you doing Azulia? Your not allowed to give that to anyone! You must follow the rules we were provided with!" Eclipsetess said as she snatched the gift for Solstice.

"But- We need to give it to someone else-" Azulia was hushed as she stood up and walked over to her foal, Eclipsetess then looked at Solstice, "Sorry, but we both were instructed to keep this necklace safe, well not really a necklace actually but it needs to go somewhere since it hangs form something. Faith gifted to both of us, but we have no clue where to put it. Faith teased the statue but I don't know what else that could mean, this necklace is too big for anyone's neck and smaller then your rump if you wanted to wear it.. I was thinking that it could fit your statue but there has to be something else.." Eclipsetess told Solstice, Scorn walked over to see about his body and something about Isis as well.

"Oh what do you need Scorn?" Eclipsetess asked Scorn, he motioned his body as his eyes were filled with fear and hurt.

"Alright, but your paying me flowers for this, no questions." Eclipsetess told Scorn as she used a very easy spell as it seemed to make her whole horn glow.

"Easy spell to do Solstice, when you need to heal allies, make your horn feel like it's glowing. The whole horn, then you've mastered the spell "Healing for All", I use it when I sense great danger- unless I'm pulled into it then I'm more nervous and cautious then before." Eclipsetess looked at and told Solstice the spell, it was easy to do after all, I'm surprised that she didn't know!

"Anyways, I need to heal Scorn fully, so I'll be back. Com'on Scorn!" Eclipsetess said as she began to walk away from Solstice as Scorn followed behind, but she did stop to look at Isis.

After awhile, Eclipsetess made sure that she didn't miss anything on Scorn as she looked him over, but his voice was a little raspy, so she fixed that up quick with her magic. But when she was done Scorn told Eclipsetess about Isis being a little nervous when he was grooming near her mane.

"Alright, I'll go check her out then." Eclipsetess said, Scorn waved good bye and thank you for healing him! So sweet of him to do!

When Eclipsetess walked up to Isis, she made sure that she stayed still as her magic enforced a glow effect that made Isis stay (like the mlp when some pony character made another stay with their magic, I don't remember it completely, but it reminds me of that!), which was a little bad for Isis since she didn't want to be touched where she was nervous at but Eclipsetess made her freeze in a way and looked her over.

"Alright healing time! And don't you think Scorn gave me a hint about your mane, I'm a goddess now, meaning that my magic can heal any type of wounds. Nature can also make you pancakes if you want her too, she's a sweety when she's nice!" Eclipsetess told Isis, she then looked at Isis's mane and saw the scar as she began pouring her magic into that as it turned white and it went normal like Isis's coat, meaning it was healed completely.

"And done! What do you have to fear about a stallion as sweet as a candy flower? He's so much nicer with Grey Cloud helping the herd out and with us around, nothing to fear at all! Your always protected by family and friends! Also don't forget about your final decision to say to Scorn, tell him your final decision and he'll accept you in or not. He'll help you find another caring herd for you to join. Okay?" Eclipsetess told Isis but also asked her at the end, she seemed to let her be after the healing process as she nuzzled and hugged the nervous mare.

"Also, Scorn wanted to tell you this, he said: I just want you to be yourself, not someone trying to be forced to be something else, but something everyone is, take Grey Cloud for example, she was forced to become a snotty mare but after Scorn passed by her herd, she followed him and she was accepted into his new herd no matter what. And when Scorn told her to be herself, she was a surprisingly sweet mare for a caring and let-go-type of personality for Scorn, and you can leave if you want, the mares here and everyone else can leave if they please but they chose to stay because they were accepted as themself. How nice is that? Just being who you are without worries and madness happening? That's what everyone here is glad to be, everyone here has a bad childhood but we're a happier and bigger family with you! And I mean it! You can chose to leave if you want I don't mind, but be yourself and be happy anywhere. That's why I dedicated my time collecting hurt mares to be a happy family with everyone being themself.. I want you to experience what happiness and safety means from a caring and very social herd. But you have free will, so it's your choice to tell me whether you want to stay or not, I'm happy anyway." Eclipsetess recited what Scorn said in a perfect matter as Scorn was his happy self as he walked up besides Eclipsetess when she got finished reciting his words.

"I always say it over and over again, this herd could just say it themselves, but they really want me to share it with new horses joining every day and maybe at night, Orion was a perfect stallion to come across, except for Olymphia insisting he stayed back.. Oi.." Scorn looked down like Orion didn't have the welcome he should feel, making him sad at the end but at least he got one for Orion.

"At least your safe with everymare here protecting you, when there's danger my mares go instictive protecting, the group is more dangerous then you think when they are protecting someone or everyone from a rival or danger lurking, but they are pretty calm and conice when you ask someone, Azulia is the one with better knowledge, so ask her for anything and she'll tell you immediately after. And that's no joke!" Scorn chuckled at the end as Azulia was tending to her foal when she starting talking to her. Raven talked back more as Azulia was pretty happy about it.

"Anyways, we'll leave you be now to think about stuff, and the decision including the final decision." Scorn said as he began pushing Eclipsetess back to Namir as he left back for Grey Cloud as she seemed to have a big stomach again as Smoke was inspecting her stomach, but Scorn just laughed and seemed that his healed scars the previous ones still stuck with him but his body was healed back to his original state: being happy and loving to everyone.

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#264400 Posted on 2022-12-26 14:14:50

     Solstice just sat down as she listened to Azulia speak. She only looked over at Eclipsetess when Azulia said she'd have to leave for a bit to retrieve a book. She frowned slightly wishing Eclipsetess didn't have to leave for awhile. She knew she couldn't go anyways. Namir would forbid it even if she was old enough to make her own decisions in life. Her life. Not his. She seemed to loose some focus in what Azulia was saying for a moment, but she quickly regained focus.

     Though Solstice quickly put her thoughts aside as she returned her main focus to Azulia and the dream she explained. It wasn't long until she lowered her ears and looked down slightly. The dream sounded awful and painful, but it got her to think about her own dreams. "There's things I don't remember from my dream..the smaller details mainly, but during it all..I couldn't help but think of the it had something to do with it.."

     Even thinking about her dream again seems to hurt her some, but she put it aside, "Dra claimed that he cursed me..made a simulation and just trapped me inside of it. That I failed..that he took over the Isles just like he was planning to. Burned. Destroyed. Then Nature came. She got me out of the dream, and she just spoke to me, but I can't remember what she told me..the only thing I know is that it was something about Dra.."

     Solstice just sighed and shook her head slightly as she looked back up at Azulia, "The dreams may not be similar, but they still might be you said. You had a dream about Nature when I was stuck in mine..that you and Scorn were both injured..burned. Similar to that of what Dra and Nature told me.." she said before giving a nod, "I won't tell anyone..I don't want to worry anyone, but I just knew something wasn't right last night. I could feel the dream, I just couldn't see it."

     Though Solstice looked back over at Eclipsetess letting out a small sigh as she looked down, "I know...that's what everyone to be happy...but I've never really been truly happy. Since the day my parents were killed, I knew something was wrong and that I probably wasn't going to see them again." Solstice then looked back at Azulia with a tear or two in her eyes.

     "Because I was so hurt at the fact that I may not ever see her or my brother again...I nearly killed myself...I wasn't thinking straight. Because of my mistake Eclipsetess almost lost her life...just to save mine..that's all it ever is. I'm always getting into some kind of trouble which ends with me getting hurt in some way." Though Solstice went quiet as she saw Eclipsetess had flown over.

     Solstice was confused by what Eclipsetess was saying, but she just stood back up and looked at the statue of her. She immediately looked away since it reminded her of the fight. The sight of seeing everyone she cared for being killed right in front of her. Chills just ran throughout her body. She tried to forget about the statue for the most part, but she just nodded, "It could be the statue..but you never know." 

     Then she looked over at Scorn as he came over, and watched Eclipsetess do the spell. "You know I'm still learning about my magic...I just haven't been able to much with everything going on lately. I would have learned the spell by now, but I'm the one needing healed in some way most of the time." Solstice only tried to put on a small smile as she gave a nod to Eclipsetess before she left.

     Solstice just thought over everything for a moment as she felt a small gust of wind hit her. It was similar to the one she felt previously, but it wasn't the exact same. Though she just trotted on back to Orion brushing against his side as she laid her head on his back. Isis was just off by herself watching the herd for a bit. Though she looked over when she heard her name being mentioned. She tensed unsure of why anyone would have been talking about her.

     Though before she realized it, she couldn't move. Even if she wanted. That was when she saw Eclipsetess trot up to her, "I-i didn't do anything. I swear." she said unsure if she was in trouble or not. Isis didn't like being unable to move though. She only tensed up more. Especially when Eclipsetess got near her mane. Wait did she say goddess? Boy was there a lot for Isis to learn.

     Isis only wanted to get away though. She didn't like being touched in that area. Her mane barely hid the scar anyway. Though the scar seemed a bit bruised and it was long and strangely shaped. Indicating a bad wound or injury of some sort. "I-i'm fine really.." she said nervously, but it was clear Eclipsetess wasn't just going to leave. Before she realized it, the scar was gone. She wasn't sure how to feel about it.

     "I don't fear him. I fear Phoenix. Where else do you think I got a scar like that? He's gotten crueler. Punishes us more and more often. Worse punishments for those of us that tried leaving. All he cares about is having a large herd full of valuable horses..well that's what he wants anyways. He won't manage to get what he wants, but mares and their foals have been leaving more and more."

     Isis seemed to be a little mad. Phoenix was a pegasus, but sure could he hurt someone. Though she went silent for a minute or two letting Eclipsetess speak. "I wasn't forced to be someone I'm not. Solstice knows that. I had to act like the others...and hurt her..just so that I wouldn't be treated like her. It was cruel and selfish of me, but I had no choice! We were all mistreated in that herd, but Phoenix is only growing madder. Angrier. The more we leave, the more cruel he this point he's lost it."

     Though she hushed seeing Scorn had walked over, "Orion is lucky he got here unharmed with the way Phoenix chased him away from the herd. It's not as easy as you think it is. I can only relate to half of what me and the others put Solstice through. I'm just grateful she had her brother..." Isis did look over at Namir still a bit unsure of how he felt about her. Namir gave that herd a reason to fear him..including Isis.

     Isis only seemed to nod as the two left. She may have gotten a bit more mad then she intended. Though she felt relieved at the fact she could move around freely again. She only looked over at Solstice before she went to go on a walk. She needed to clear her head and calm herself. Though she wasn't expecting to run into someone she didn't want to see. Well she was distracted enough not to notice the figure hiding in the shadows. Well figures...Skadi and Khepri....

     Solstice just rested for a bit as Orion read one of his books, "Are you always reading those books of yours? Not everything is in books you know." she teased as she smiled still keeping her head on his back as she nibbled a part of his orange and white mane seeming to be enjoying herself for the moment. "Besides how many times have you even read that book anyway?"

     Orion just put the book down as he gave her a look, "Haha very funny. It's good to learn about the past. Especially with everything going on.." he said nuzzling her before he glanced at the book, "Too many times to count. By now it's just a hobby just to read with how much I've read these things." he said before he looked back at her. Though he saw that she seemed a bit distracted by something, "Alright what is it? Tell me."

     Solstice only looked at him. She had been thinking about the crown and the engraving a bit. She sighed, "I just couldn't help but to think about the crown Faith has..and the engraving on it. None of it makes sense to me, but what if I did travel to that mountain? Wherever it is. I don't even have a clue on what gift or whatever there is for me there. I just...I don't know."

     "Well that's for you to decide. You don't have to go there, but it might give you some answers if you did. Maybe ask Faith about it later? I'm sure she'll help you in some way. Maybe even tell you where to go if you do decide to go, but that's all on you. Not me. I just want you to accept who you are..maybe even what your meant to be, and what you want in your future. If anything I've learned is that you deserve pretty much anything."

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#264406 Posted on 2022-12-26 18:57:14

As Eclipsetess settled down to read, she stopped reading when the sound of crunching snow, Eclipsetess looked up and over to Isis as she saw some figures Isis was heading to, so she flicked her mane and quickly a made a note in case Isis wasn't paying attention. Then Eclipsetess teleported the note in front of Isis that tells her there was two figures there, but Eclipsetess flicked her ear as she got up.

Eclipsetess got up from laying next to Namir's side actually, since she was a goddess she had some heightened senses right? In fact; correct! Eclipsetess looked over to see a horse with neon, this time seemed to be both of male and female genders, was this horse a rare genderless one? Whatever the case Eclipsetess got up and got defensive since she saw this horse in a snowy dream..

"Azulia! Get over here now!" Eclipsetess yelled, Azulia sure heard her name being called as her eyes widened to see the same figure, Azulia then rushed over to Eclipsetess's side without hesitation as Scorn, Trickster and then Olymphia came over as well. WHERE DID OLYMPHIA EVEN COME FROM?! Wherever the tough mare came from, she seemed to be relaxed but still defensive.

"Who are you with?!" Trickster yelled as she changed to her wolf form, er- her direwolf form I mean, anyways, the horse backed up but the blue neon streaks were still there but brightly glowing bright.

"Um, a travelling mare and her friends? I saw a bright orange and white stallion pass here when I was travelling here, sorry for any dream related things! I-I'm a new Oracle!" the mare yelled? She did sound like a mare, but her figure showed otherwise.

But as the mare stepped forward, her roached mane with a front blue streak goin down to the middle of her tail, including a blue dorsal stripe as well, then the mare ushered over a couple of other horses from the same dream but in a different order.. Eclipsetess ushered Olymphia to calm down as Olymphia brought down her wings for such a kind mare.

"We'll let you pass through, but you can stay if you like, and a orange and white stallion? Your referring Orion, currently with Solstice the two over there.. Solstice is the goddess of the moon, and Orion seems to take on the role of being a Historian. Perfect actually!" Eclipsetess cheerfully said, Olymphia calmed down her tensed muscles as she looked around until she spotted Orion and Solstice. Olymphia then began to walk towards the two together.

"Sweet! Com'on guys! We can camp here! The goddess said otherwise!" the blue neon streaked mare said, the other neon streaked horses soon followed behind her, seems the blue neon horse was the lead mare for the traveling group.

As the blue neon streaked mare matched the same horse described in a dream, but very much different and seems to be very active, though the other horses seemed to have also fallen into tehe category of "The Oracle Group" a traveling pair of Oracles that have neon streaks and seem to be very active, which is want everyone wants in Oracles now..

Though the blue neon streaked mare soon found a spot she and her group could hang around, though Eclipsetess wanted to try an Oracle out later to see if they are the real Oracles, only the real Oracles can tell the future of somehorse and warn them of it or tell them greatly about it!

Maybe tomorrow as it was much more productive then usual, but the blue neon streaked mare seemed to take great interest as she began talking with a mare from Scorn's herd as she was friendly and patient about the mare, but it only proved the happiness of the herd more, even Scorn smiled to know of an Oracle. Though Grey Cloud seemed to have escaped the herd as she walked out of it when she did as Eclipsetess saw how big it had gotten in the day.. It made her worry.. Very greatly!

Though Eclipsetess found herself to have wandered over to Grey Cloud as the mare seemed to have found herself a nice spot to lay down, so Eclipsetess layed down beside her to inspect her as she found herself to also been sniffing the mare to find any spots of some sort to be hurtful, but only the stomach seemed to hurt for Grey Cloud but not enough as she shivered a little from time to time..

Eclipsetess then watched Grey Cloud for any sudden movements as she pans her head to look around for anything, she even will protect them all from danger as she brought out her wings before quickly putting them back..

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#264408 Posted on 2022-12-26 19:46:54

     Isis just needed to go on a walk away from the herd. She needed to think. She needed to be alone for a bit. She just walked into the trees with her head somewhat low. She still seemed to be nervous about the scar she had. Though she'd never forget about it. Especially the way she got it. "They just don't get it..." she mumbled to herself as she came to a halt seeing Eclipsetess in front of her for a moment before she looked over at the two figures hiding in the shadows.

     It was clear as to who it was. "Well sis..I never thought you would be one of the ones that would leave the herd. Especially after the punishment you received from Phoenix after your..failed attempt..." Khepri said as him and Skadi walked out in front of him, "Phoenix is giving you one chance to come back. Why would you even want to with that other herd? Their freaks. Always will be."

     Solstice and Orion were just having a little moment to themselves when Solstice saw Isis walk off. She sighed and looked at Orion, "I should go see if she's alright...she won't stop blaming herself for everything, and I don't want her to...none of it was ever her fault.." she said as she nuzzled him before she flew off in the direction Isis went in. Orion nodded nuzzling her in return as he watched her leave.

     Though Solstice overheard a familiar voice as she went defensive. She landed right behind Isis just as Khepri stopped speaking. Solstice kept her wings spread out to show she wasn't messing around, "Freaks? That's what you think of us? Sure we didn't have the best childhoods, but we're the reason you guys are still alive! Do you know what we went through...what I've been through? I watched my friends be killed right in front of me!"

     Skadi just tensed seeing Solstice, "Ugh. I though we made it pretty clear you were one." she snorted, "I mean look at you. Pretending to be something your not. Your just a unicorn." she laughed before she scoffed, "Why would we care about any of that? Surprised to still see you here Solstice. Stop trying to be who you are not. You might have them fooled, but you don't have us fooled."

     Solstice snorted as she walked up closer to Skadi showing no fear, "Just a unicorn?" she asked looking at Skadi, "To think my herd has done nothing but save you countless times. Saved me countless times. I'm not the pathetic and cursed unicorn you think I am Skadi." she said as she took a small step back as she raised her head slightly, "I am the goddess of the moon. Mess with me and you'll regret it," she warned.

     Khepri only laughed, "Goddess of the moon? Really? You really are living a lie. They only want to make you feel special when you aren't." he said before looking at his sister, "You know the consequences of leaving the herd Isis. You know what Phoenix will do. I suggest you come back now, and he might just let you off with a warning. Your safer there then here. She can't protect you. None of them can."

     Isis only pinned her ears as she stepped towards her brother, "Your wrong! Solstice is telling the truth! I've seen it all! The way they worry about don't know what goes on there! What she has done...what she has been through, and what she has to live with for the rest of her life just so that you all will live in peace! Without her, the Isles would be gone! Dra would rule everything...destroy everything! Solstice and her friends almost gave their lives for the one asked them to do that."

     Solstice just looked at Isis surprised. She never knew Isis felt that way, or would even say those words to back her up. Though she just looked at Skadi and Khepri as she stepped up pretty close to them, "I suggest you leave right now. The others wouldn't hesitate to hunt you down if you do anything. I'm not afraid of you anymore, but now you should be afraid of us." she said firmly showing she wasn't lying about a thing.

     Skadi snorted angrily, "Fine! We're out of here. This isn't over." she said as she turned around before she looked at Isis, "You had your chance. Don't go coming back to us expecting a warm welcome." After that her and Khepri galloped off. As they fled the scene, Solstice brought down her wings. She was still defensive, but she gave them both a fair warning. Her herd was not one to mess with.

     "Come on...let's get back to the herd..." Solstice said as she turned around expecting Isis to follow as she lowered her head. It was then that she realized she truly accepted who she was. Who she was meant to be. Solstice felt different after that. Like a heavy burden had just lifted off of her body. She was at peace with herself. "Thank you...for saying what you said..." she said softly as she looked back at Isis.

     Isis just watched the two run away before she turned and followed Solstice, "It took a minute to work up the courage to talk back to them...which I'm sure you already know how hard that can be..." she said looking down, "But your not who they say you are..not even close. You've sacrificed your life for your friend's...the Isles..when you fought Dra..they've done the same to you. I may need to be caught up on a lot of things, but it's easy to see...even how you feel about Orion.."

     Solstice immediately perked up before she looked back down hiding her face a bit as she blushed. Isis only laughed as she nuzzled her side, "It's not a bad thing Solstice! I'm glad to see you found someone to love...and I know he feels the same about you.." she grinned. Solstice only gave her a look which made her giggle more, "Oh come on. He never left the side when you fell unconscious! Didn't move didn't eat. Neither did your brother or Eclipsetess."

     "Oh yeah? Then I can see that your scared of my brother. I understand why, but you don't need to be scared of him anymore...unless there is a reason you should be scared." she joked. Though the two mares soon returned back to the herd. Isis only shoved Solstice in the direction Orion was as Solstice only rolled her eyes, "Sometimes you act like Azulia." she grinned before she walked back over to Orion nuzzling him.

     Though shortly after that was when strange horses appeared. She saw Eclipsetess and the others get defensive, but Solstice stayed back for the time being. Besides them, she was the only other one to know about the dream, and she saw the color streaks in their manes and tails. Orion just looked at all of them confused. He heard them mention a stallion that fit his description as Eclipsetess spoke of him and Solstice, "Why are they talking about me?" he asked looking at Solstice knowing she didn't have the answer.

     "Don't you be asking me! Your the one with your nose buried in a book all the time. What is it that you say? "It's good to know the past or other things?" That is a question to ask yourself." she said nipping his neck playfully. Though she did overhear Eclipsetess tell these horses of her new title. Solstice may have just accepted it herself, but she wasn't used to it at all. Though she only kept a close eye on these horses. Namir seemed to do the same since they arrived shortly after he woke up. Sleepy head.

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#264409 Posted on 2022-12-26 21:53:56

The blue streaked mare seemed to have more pride and happiness, as the other streaked horses seemed to have cuddled up to sleep while the mare just scoffed at them, but then she saw another horse in the distance as she ran over happily but took her to Eclipsetess who gave her a more welcome visit.

"Oh my stars! What happened to this poor mare?! She's so beaten up!" Eclipsetess said, she came from the brush, seeming to have been going different paths and dodging things and other horses, though the blue streaked mare seemed to have the other mare next to her as she barely had any streaks on her mane or tail.

"Uh- wandering around?" the blue streaked mare asked herself, she did seem to have answered her own question.

"Well I can't heal a damaged mare like her! I'll have to teleport her to Oceanus's kingdom, sorry but she'll be healing for a few days, and don't worry Oceanus is a good queen! If you didn't know that.." Eclipsetess told the blue streaked mare, but without hesitation, she teleported the mare straight to the healing pool then, the blue streaked mare was just worried.

"Now tell me who was that for you?" Eclipsetess asked the blue neon mare, she seemed to have looked down in shame but then perked up sadly-ish but also worried.

"That mare was actually my younger sister, we were supposed to be identical twins, but our color fades appeared and.. Her blue streak is barely visible, she gets bullied because of her streak being invisible. But I'm there to defend her and keep her safe! That's why we're traveling the Isles with my friends, they wanted to come but Wither didn't agree and tried forcing us to stay, he even chased us around! Including inside other herds! So I vowed that I would find my sis a herd to be loved and protected by as I stayed, plotting everything out and then I heard about your herd and that mare over there with the other mare and stallion!" the blue neon streaked mare pointed at Solstice, seeming to have never known her as Eclipsetess told the mare who they were.

"Oh, so Solstice, her mate Orion, and her *now* friend Isis? Quite cool!" the blue streaked mare shouted a little bit, waking up Raven when she fell asleep for too long.

"By the way, I had my dream, but you said you were an Oracle. So what is your name, your friends' names, and your sister's name?" Eclipsetess asked the blue streaked mare, the mare seemed to perk up so much! A very intensive listener, and a patient mare much?

"My name? It's Blue Moon! my friends' names are "Graphite", "Fauna", "Epona", "Nirvana", "Gatsby", "Black Cloud", "Hunter", "Fantasy", "Desire", "Preciosa", "Peach" and "Rose". And four more males called "Digger", "Thunder", "Trition", "Biscuit", and "Hero"! My younger sister's name is "Calypso", we have a third sister named "Leda", three moon names yes we know. But mother wanted us to change our names to honor Solstice when we finally had word of her, I don't know why not to mix and match but yeah.." Blue Moon responded to Eclipsetess's question, but then Grey Cloud got up when she heard Black Cloud's name.

"Black Cloud?" Grey Cloud said, Blue Moon bowed at Grey Cloud then back stood up.

"Yeah do you know him?" Blue Moon asked Grey Cloud about Black Cloud.

"Black Cloud is my eldest brother, he was also a very fun friend to be friends with and quite the adventerous and tour-guide vibed male horse of a brother I could honor, though hearing his name makes me sad since he passed when I turned 3 years old and heard he went to The Heavens to become an Angel." Grey Cloud gave off a little about her brother Black Cloud at least.

"Oh I am so sorry! I had him as a friend since I was 4 years old, I bet the best brother ever!" Blue Moon cheered up Grey Cloud quite fast!

"Indeed he was, but he was the last Historian ever, he knew everything since he had his role given to him. But.. There was a faulty searching for a new Historian, but Orion seems to take the same hobby my brother had, he was the best brother, but always kept up his work in case it got overloaded when he wasn't there. The Historian my herd ever had, but times change I suppose.." Grey Cloud said, she looked over at Orion before returning her gaze back at Blue Moon and Eclipsetess.

"Well I'll be going since Scorn is going to find me soon, better get back now, and tell Orion about his role will you Eclipsetess? He needs to since he has the same requirments shown that my brother had as well, tell him it was a recommendation from me, I'll tell him when he gets confused." Grey Cloud told Eclipsetess, as she broke away from the conversation once she headed back into the herd of mares. Blue Moon retreated back to her friends as well.

But Eclipsetess did as she was told since she walked up to Orion, she noticed that he was reading a book, but she did ask his name to him. Eclipsetess then looked at Solstice before looking back at Grey Cloud for the final time before looking back at Orion.

"Grey Cloud recommended that your role here was to be a Historian, and that's a quite high rank and honor from Grey Cloud actually, but it's third in place from Lead Mare, meaning you are in the top five ranks for a horse. Especially male like you! But it was a recommendation, I'm sure Scorn will give you a role once he has the idea for it. But if not, Historian will be the given role to you, and like any other herds, except the next meadow.. Anyways, a Ceremony only held when a new Historian or a rank in the top five is held. So congrats, unless Scorn gives you another rank like I said before.. Anyways, Grey Cloud also wanted to fill you in why your the new Historian of the herd here! So you can go to her whenever you like, she'll be waiting til then!" Eclipsetess told Orion what his future rank or role in the herd was, though she quickly left.

Eclipsetess then walked back over to where she was originally, before getting next to Grey Cloud for protective reasons, though she did nuzzle Namir when she felt like it.. She was safe and happy with Namir by her side..

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#264415 Posted on 2022-12-27 07:59:17

    Orion just rolled his eyes before he nibbled on her mane a bit, "I may always have my nose in a book, but I'm just trying to find some kind of information for a couple different things. Trying to find some of the answers your looking for, but haven't found anything. At least not in any of these books. I just want you to get the answers your looking for," he said as he nuzzled her softly.

     Solstice just smiled for a moment then looked down, "Orion...there are many answers I seek. I've always wanted my questions to be answered..even when I was a filly. I had no mother figure growing up. My brother found our parent's killed when I was days old...but..they won't be answered unless there is a time and place for them to be answered. I can't keep dwelling on the past...I need to think about my future.."

     Solstice seemed to think differently after what Nature did to her mind. Sure she was remembering the fight against Dra more often, but she put it aside...ignored it even. Though Orion seemed to understand. He only smiled as he nuzzled her. "Well...what do you want in your future?" he asked her before he took a moment to look around at everyone. Mainly the new horses. It was odd to him on why they seemed interested in him and Solstice.

     "I..don't know.." Solstice said as she looked back up at him, "I never really thought about it.." she admitted as she looked around at the mares. She seemed to smile a bit as she looked over at the foals, "Maybe a family..." she said with a small smile, "Give a foal the childhood I never had...a family I never had.." Orion seemed to smile as he nuzzled her seeming to like what she said, but they both just turned to look at the one mare Eclipsetess had been speaking with.

     They both overheard the part where they were talking about them. Orion and Solstice only looked at each other confused. Solstice seemed unsure and a bit uncomfortable about how they seemed to know about her. Was it because of her defeating Dra...or something else? "Eclipsetess we're not mates.." Orion said. Solstice seemed to look down a bit hiding her face as she smiled and blushed a bit.

     Though Orion just listened in on the conversation a bit more before he noticed Eclipsetess was walking over. He wasn't sure why since he stopped paying attention awhile ago. He was reading one of his books again, but mainly just something to do at that point in time. Both him and Solstice listened to Eclipsetess. Solstice seemed to smile, but she stayed silent. Orion seemed a bit unsure on why he was the one being asked to fulfill the position...a high one at that.

     "I mean...I usually don't really have anything to do..I'd like to have a better purpose and role in the herd.." he said as he seemed to read his books more often then he used to. Orion never really seemed to notice how bored he got sometimes. Not that it was a bad thing. Not like he never really did much anyways. "If Grey Cloud thinks I'm cut out for the job...then I suppose I could give it a try, but a ceremony isn't needed.." Orion didn't really like to be the center of attention.

     Solstice seemed happy with his answer, but she just nuzzled him before she went and  walked back over to Faith. "Hey Faith...I've been thinking about..everything that you and the others have told me these past few days..." she said before she paused for a moment unsure of what to say exactly, "I think I'm ready to except being a goddess...but that's part of why I wanted to talk to you."

     "Last night I felt things I've felt before." Solstice paused again as she thought for a moment, "The moon..the stars...the night.. I'm still learning about my magic, but I wasn't sure if it's part of my magic..but I also felt a mare..even when no one was there. It felt like I should have know who it was...but I have no clue. It's probably just my imagination." she said unsure if it was or not, but she had to talk to someone about it. 

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#264419 Posted on 2022-12-27 10:08:54

"Oh? Alright." Faith said quite happily, she then waited patiently for Solstice to finish up talking, she did want know what she felt and what she was gonna do. Until now.

"Oh Solstice, you felt the presence of a past mare that still protects the moon, she was a goddess before you. She was like you, except being different personalitie!s and that-... She never had a moon mark until she was selected, the past mare was a friend of mine actually, some of my friends are being selected by me to be the newer and more understandable god's now. Besides me of course, anyways, the past moon goddesses name was Pandora.. She was the delight when I was picked by a young age, but she taught me everything to know about the moon, the stars, and herself.. Some say that she was the moon itself, created by magic and powered by love this goddess never aged until she felt the right time neared for her. No one knew what happened to her after." Faith paused as she brought out a book that had the cover of the moon engraved with fine detail!

"But have this journal of her's to understand your purpose and acceptance of yourself, but if you dream about Pandora then she will have her sister's Thalassa, Moon, and their secret but heavenly sister Bleu. This journal will reveal to you everything-questions related to the moon, the stars, and everything around, even more god's exsist besides Pandora and her sister's! All moon names as well!" Faith said cherily, she then pulled out a little crown something in the near future then..

"This little crown here has a very rare and passed name, Solaris, the sun god actually! Besides Polaris and Arloris, and even Solaris's sister Miloris! Lot's of new names huh? Well this journal does contain everything about the god's in the sky, the galaxy and even ones that other herds of other Isles tend to worship as well. So it's fair to see newer god's in the book. Anyways, I'm off track, this little crown is for your future bundle of something. This crown will appear when it's time and will go on your future bundle of joy's head perfectly!" Faith estatically said, she was excited I betted that much at least.

"Anyways, you should get to reading this book, it's important to read actually, not like the other book years, months, weeks, and days before that Eclipsetess and Azulia remembered. But they just let it slide really, anyways I gotta get- Wind is here for anything as he's chilling by the hill's edge, watching for anything out of the ordinary, and any questions related to family he can answer those to his best!" Faith told Solstice about Wind, looks like he's smiling to see how the Isle is, but ain't it creating a paradox?

"Alright bye now, and any questions you need to be answered I'll be here to answer, but for now you should get to reading!" Faith as she pushed Solstice back to Orion for reading, I mean at least two different horses were reading together at least.

Though Blue Moon summoned a necklace that seemed to have matched her hair colored neon streaks, then the other horses with the colored streaks' necklaces also appeared and matched their haircolor, though Blue Moon got excited to see her sister Calypso return to her side.

Calypso saw Blue Moon and ran over to her as Oceanus was helping her walk back, she was a surprise for Blue Moon because she was told that Calypso was gonna take more then days to heal, but she was wronged and Eclipsetess giggled as she told a fib.

"Well have fun with your sister, just don't wander too far from your little camp next to our herd!" Eclipsetess shouted at Blue Moon and Calypso hugging, the two mares then giggled to themselves as they walked back to the little camp, though Calypso froze in place as started glowing white.

"B-Blue?!" Calypso was nervous as Blue returned to her sister's side, Eclipsetess saw the glowing effect as Blue was curious about her sister glowing.

Then Faith came over to calm Calypso, then Nature reappeared again, this time seeming to be a guide for someone? She was dressed up in her knight outfit rather her normal outfit with vines, and her flower.

"My my, your getting your mark besides your streaked hair." Nature applied that someone was there, though the scent of rocks on the moon carried through the wind as Calypso, Blue Moon, and everyone else smelt it as it was calming to them in a way.

"Well, seems like she's here once more, showing her presence and even showing off to her sister's." Faith said as she landed when she flew right next to Calypso and hovered, she was also referring to Pandora and her sister's.

"So the before goddess is here? I was filled in by memories, I am an oracle in training! We see the future in such a much more clearer way then mountain ponies!" Calypso said braverly, Everest ran over with her scrolls following behind, Everest always has scrolls with her anyways.

"You cannot see the future! Mountain ponies had that ability since we were created!" Everest told Calypso, the two mares would never get along correctly, but Eclipsetess and Blue Moon laughed about it.

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#264425 Posted on 2022-12-27 11:21:46

     Solstice listened and thought over what Faith was saying. There was a moon goddess before her? By now Solstice knew there were many gods and goddesses, but she still didn't know much about them or even how many there were. Though Solstice seemed to smile a bit. "She sounds amazing...powerful even..." she said seeming to like what Faith had been telling her. Though she did look at her hindquarter at the one marking she had. A black crescent moon. With small star like gold dots that were just below it. She had something similar on her forehead. Only it was a gold crescent moon.

     She understood why Faith would entrust her friends to be gods and goddesses considering the previous god's betrayals. Solstice just looked around smiling as she looked at her friends. The ones she cared for and trusted. She did let out a small laugh, "Yeah...a lot of new names.." she said trying to remember who was who, but she figured she'd figure it out with the journal Faith had been giving her.

     Solstice took the journal and nodded as she looked at the detailed cover. Maybe some of the answers she had been seeking was in this journal? She'd have to read it to find out. Then she looked at the small crown Faith showed her as well. It looked like it would fit the head of a foal. Little bundle.. Wait. Was Faith saying that she would end up having a foal? She wanted to ask, but knew she couldn't and probably shouldn't.

     She then nodded and smiled, "Thanks...for everything Faith.." she said pausing, "For bringing me up to the heavens to keep me means a lot..really." Solstice then trotted off happily back over to Orion. It had been awhile since she learned about something, and it actually made her happy. Or was it all just because she was thinking differently? Solstice didn't care. She was just excited.

     Orion had just been watching Faith and Solstice speak and the rest of the herd. He was thinking about his new role that he accepted. Though he smiled seeing the way Solstice trotted back over to him. "Well what's got you all excited? You feeling alright? I don't think I've ever seen you smiling like this or even...happy." he laughed fixing a part of her mane as she stood beside him.

     "Yes I'm fine. For once in my life." she said nipping him playfully. Though she nipped him a bit hard, "Don't you be acting like a colt now Orion. Besides you now have a high rank in the herd. Who would have thought. And here I am just a aunt/nanny to the foals.." she said as she looked over at them. Solstice realized that she hadn't played with them for a bit. Maybe she'd do that later. She had to start reading this journal anyways.

     Orion just rolled his eyes, "I can act like one if I want. At least I have something to do now." he huffed before he started messing with her, "You can't be saying anything. In the herd yes you help with the love them, but for the Isles your a goddess. That clearly outranks me." he laughed seeming to enjoy messing with her, "Goddess of the moon~" he said rhythmically, "So what is it that she gave you?" he said seeming interested.

     "Hmm..I guess your right. Guess that only means you shouldn't get on my bad side..if I even have one," she laughed before she nipped him a second time. "Of course you would be interested in a new book. This is for me to read." she smiled, "It's a journal from the moon goddess before me. Pandora was her name. Faith said it'll give me some answers, and I'll learn my purpose and other things about the moon, stars, and the night. Plus other gods and goddesses." she said a bit excited.

     He only chuckled, "Why would I not be? It's not often I get to read something other then these books. I've read them so many times that I don't even need to read them. They're starting to get a bit boring." he said as he rolled on his back in a playful manner. "I'm still gonna read it. Like it or not." he laughed, "You can't stop mee~" Orion just rolled around a bit seeming to be acting like a colt.

     Solstice only rolled her eyes as she nipped his side, "Wanna bet?" she said giving him a look, "Don't test me. Don't even think about it." Solstice already knew he was thinking about it. "Well you gonna stop acting like a colt, or are you gonna read this with me?" she said a bit stubbornly as she bit his ear pulling on it a bit. "Make your decision Orion." It seemed that Solstice didn't want him to leave, and that she wanted to spend more time with him.

     "Ow. That hurt!" he exclaimed when she pulled his ear. He just let out a small snort, "Alright fine. Just know I'll get you back for that! If I have to chase you or not." he huffed. Solstice only laughed as she opened the journal to the first page and started to read it. Well they both did together. Even though they both acted like foals every now and then with the way they were messing with each other.

     Isis had just been off by herself for a bit like she normally was thinking over what Skadi and her brother said. She knew she had to do something, but she wasn't sure what she could do anyways. She knew there were still mares wanting to leave, but were too afraid. Though Isis looked over at Solstice and Orion as she giggled seeing the two of them acting like foals. She couldn't help but to watch them, but she did overhear parts of the conversation nearby.

     Namir had just been grazing a bit as he looked over seeing his sister and Orion. He smiled happy to see her happy, but he only saw her as the filly he raised. She grew up too fast, and changed too fast for his liking. Probably why he still treated her like a filly a bit. Though Namir just turned and walked over to the current conversation as he stood beside Eclipsetess nuzzling her.

     He only giggled like the others, "So...anything that I've missed? I've overheard you all talking about my sister often..may I ask what that's all about?" he asked politely though he did seem to get a bit protective of his sister since he didn't know these mares. Namir just softly nudged Eclipsetess a bit as he pointed over at his sister with a soft smile on his face. "She's happy..." he said as he whispered in her ear.

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