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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263474 Posted on 2022-12-12 17:11:56

Eclipsetess looked back up at the mountains peak as she got excited all about the top view, though she did look at Namir as the wind still kept carrying them up, the wind did get faster and faster until Eclipsetess used her wings to glide down in aroplane style as she went into circles until her hooves touched the smooth ground?

Eclipsetess got curious on why the rocks were more mountainous but she said nothing, though Eclipsetess began to look around before looking at the sky's horizon, feeling happy and very proud for coming up here, she then looked around the surrounding cavern that stood awry from everything else..

Though Eclipsetess did wait for Namir as she did get onto the mountains peak faster, so she thought of apologizing to Namir for leaving his side, but she did attend to him when he needed to land just in case..

Though for the foals, Raven had layed down as she got tired even though she was suppposed to be estatic and jumpy all over, Moonlight also layed down beside Raven while Esmeray was jumping about to his desire, seeming to be happy and quite more active then the other two foals..

Raven did giggle at Esmeray when he barrel rolled on some grass on accident, though he did it again and had did it again, Raven and Moonlight thought that Esmeray had something to do to keep him busy, though he did notice Bastilla as she was reading, Esmeray ran over to Bastilla as he jumped into the pile of books.

"Esmeray!" Bastilla said in a raised voice, she did laugh as the foal looked at her with the cutest face that he could make to not be in trouble.

"Your mother will hear of this from me." Bastilla said as she got up and walked over to Trickster as she told her what Esmeray did as the colt quickly got up and had a book in his mouth.

"Esmeray, the "Lone Spot" now.." Trickster said sternly, she walked over and grabbed Esmeray's hair as she took him over to the most loneliest spot in the meadow, that's what Trickster meant by "Lone Spot".

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#263476 Posted on 2022-12-12 18:14:15

     Namir put his focus on following the wind, and keeping control. At first he struggled, but started to get the hang of it until the wind picked up some more. Then the wind got a lot quicker almost to the point Namir started to loose some control. "Woah...those are some strong winds.." he said concentrating on landing once he saw the top of the mountain, "Finally.." he said almost relieved as he saw partly of what Eclipsetess did as she landed.

     Once he was ready, Namir made a attempt at landing. Somehow he managed to land almost perfectly, but he stumbled slightly. "Rockier then I thought it would be," he said with a small chuckle as he brought his wings to his sides. Namir just shook himself off as he carefully walked over to Eclipsetess nuzzling her, "So..why did you really want to bring me up here..?" he asked knowing she never gave him a real answer.

     Solstice smiled as she watched the foals lay down for the time being. She had done the same, but Esmeray didn't seem like he was ready to get some rest. Orion was just grazing off by himself when he heard Bastilla only to see Esmeray jump into the books. He chuckled as he trotted over grabbing the books and carefully stacked them back up, "Esmeray..we don't eat books..especially ones covered in dust," he laughed before looking up at Trickster.

     Though Orion then just walked over to Solstice laying down beside her, "Foals," he laughed nuzzling her softly, "Let me didn't realize just how long you were playing with them didn't you?" he laughed already knowing the answer, "What? It's easy to see that you love spending time with them..and they seem to love you just as much. Like everyone else here.."

     Solstice only nuzzled him in return then looked down, "My birth herd never allowed me to be anywhere near the foals. Even when I was a foal..thought I was cursed only because of my eyes..they match my necklace, but that's besides the point.." she said with a small sigh as she paused, "Dra..started to try and get hold of my necklace...I don't know why, but it's somehow connected to me..." she paused again.

     "When Dra...ripped it from my neck..I felt my magic being sucked out of everything about me was being sucked out of me..I've never been able to find anything that might answer some of my questions about my mother's I'd have to ask her myself, but I can't.." Solstice just sighed and leaned against Orion cuddling with him a bit, "I only know that I have to protect it does me."

     Orion listened as he just sighed, "I wish I knew anything, but none of my books have anything about necklaces...but nothing will happen. You have everyone here to protect you, but I've never heard of a necklace acting similar to that of a life source...not that I'm saying it is one.." he said looking at the herd for a moment, "Just try closing your eyes for a few minutes. You'll feel better then."

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#263503 Posted on 2022-12-13 18:32:07

"Oh besides the sunset, I thought we could bond a little more, because we haven't really bonded.. Besides the kisses I give you and the time we spend together, I just we could use a little alone time.." Eclipsetess said as she blushed to herself, seeming to be more open in a way as she said what she said.

"And I really do mean it, because I always seem to blush whenever I'm around you- ah.. Sorry I bet that you didn't want to hear that from me.." Eclipsetess looked away as nervous as a filly, when will this mare settle herself down?

Eclipsetess did look away but she did give Namir a bit of a deeper kiss on the cheek, still nervous but seemed to calm down when she kissed Namir, though she did look around the mountain when she spotted two hoofprints with fresh mud still hardening with them being different pairs of mares and stallions before these two.

"Hey Namir! I think I found where we get our traditional "flying to the mountain and watching the sunset", because I found fresh hoofprints still drying in the mud and I spotted the names of Dusk and Hades." Eclipsetess told Namir, she did really see Dusk's and Hades' hoofprints that were more dryer then the other hoofprints.

Eclipsetess then used her magic to soften a spot next to the still-drying-hoofprints to indent her hoof into the mud as she looked over at Namir with a cheeky smile as her hoof was covered in mud, but she knew it was worth it for the love she had for Namir.. No doubt about that.

"Hm" Eclipsetess said as she indented E + N under her hoofprint and where Namir's hoofprint would go, at least to symbolize the relationship.

"You know, I knew these types of romantic legends being a thing to pegasi and alicorns, but I also always thought they were fake, for- oh y'know being too romantic and sometimes being cheesy?" Eclipsetess said, she did make it sound like it was a question for Namir to answer, but also just saying.

"Ha! Everyone knows I love you, mostly because I can't stop blushing~" Eclipsetess sang, she kind of sounded like a rockstar for a second, she then laughed but also nuzzled and cuddled Namir a little bit, to tell him how much she appreciates and loves him. But she also laughed to herself for the song.

"Sorry if I'm being weird, I'm just comfortable with you, because you know how I sang it out and at the end." Eclipsetess apologized but she was right herself, she was comfortable with Namir and even gave him another kiss, this time nibbling his mane a little bit.

Raven bounced around happily and excitedly, seeming to be another bundle of joy jumping for delight, though she was interested in a bug as she picked it up with her nose and began to try and sniff the creature walking on her nose, but she was also pretty happy to have a friend.

Esmeray looked at Raven before jumping Moonlight as she chased him around with much delight, though Trickster did stop him before he fell on a rock "Becareful Esmeray, and pay attention!" Trickster would always say to an uncareful and unexpecting Esmeray. But he just sometimes ignored his mother's words, but only for some hours as he took them seriously when he thought about it.

But Moonlight did tell him to becareful as well, but Raven then starting chasing Moonlight as Esmeray joined in when he was done suckling, though he did become careful when there was dangerous little pebbles that they could slip on when their frogs would fit them and become uncareful.

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#263505 Posted on 2022-12-13 19:56:29

     Namir only let out a laugh as he smiled nipping at her mane a bit, "And there it is..." he grinned, "I knew you didn't just drag me all the way up here just for a sunset." he laughed. He did agree that they could have used some time away from the herd. Things were getting to be a bit too much for him back at the herd, but he was happy to spend a day or two away from the herd. Well..not his sister, but he knew she would enjoy some time without him constantly watching her.

     Though Namir was still nervous about Dra. He was slightly distracted by that stallion. Always causing harm to those close to him. Namir had enough of it, but he still wasn't sure if Dra truly was alive still. He only snapped out of his thoughts as he smiled and looked at Eclipsetess letting out another small laugh, "Oh?" he grinned looking at her nuzzling her to calm her nerves.

     "When Dra...first took sister was absolutely devastated..even if she didn't know you longer then a few hours. You and Azulia had both already made a huge impact in her life even in those few hours before everything started to happen..." he said with a smile, "I didn't just travel across the Isles because of my sister insisting upon it...I did it because I wanted to.."

     Namir just gave her a cheeky smile as she kissed him on the cheek as he returned the favor. He followed her as she walked over to a different spot as he saw several hoof prints of paired mares and stallions. "Wow..who would have thought.." he thought more to himself as he remembered how he hadn't seen Dusk or Hades since the whole Zeus thing. He only smiled as he set his hoof in the mud by where Eclipsetess had done the same before he nuzzled her.

     He only laughed, "Well...I never really believed in love...was always just too focused on my sister..but hey it has a way of finding you. And who knew we were never too far from each other...honestly I never knew there was a second herd in Golden Valley...if I did Solstice would have been with you all a lot sooner." he said as he realized that, "No..Azulia and Trickster are the ones that are always teasing about it...okay maybe Solstice too.." he said rolling his eyes with a laugh.

     "You being weird? Didn't think you could be," he joked as he looked at her with a soft smile. Namir then just placed his head over her, "Well? What do you want to do now?" he asked giving her the choice on what they did. It felt good to actually be able to forget about things and just enjoy some time away from the herd. One of the few times where Namir wasn't worrying or being protective.

     Solstice just closed her eyes for a few minutes taking a small cat nap. Orion just stayed there with her as he watched the foals play. He only chuckled watching Esmeray, "Colts," he said remembering when he was a colt. Orion never had a father, but his mother was out of the picture when he was old enough to be on his own. Though he knew she would have never abandoned him. He just didn't know what happened to her, but he didn't really want to know anyway. He only wanted happy memories of her, and that's all he had. Orion still never spoke of himself much..not that there was much to tell anyway.

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#263532 Posted on 2022-12-14 19:44:54

(Sometime (a little bit) passed, so it took Eclipsetess a little while to begin the conversation again)

"Hm, well I thought that we could explore the mountain a litt bit before seeing if the sunset was going to appear, I mean how long does the sun set anyways? That's the mystery us horses can't solve.." Eclipsetess sarcastically said, though she did examine anything that was new to her, though she did give Namir the slip when she kissed him again, a little quicker as she trotted around to look around for anything interesting.

Though Eclipsetess shook herself when she felt something land on her back, though it was nothing since they were high up on the mountain, snow was a common appearance, Eclipsetess did look at- or try to look as a little snowflake landed on her back. Giving Eclipsetess the impression that snow was falling.

"Hmm, it's supposed to be summer or spring, not winter or fall yet.." Eclipsetess spoke to herself, she did go on high alert as her ears stood up right and straight, listening for anything out of the blue, she did swing her tail more when she was alert! Giving the specific horse behind her or on the side of her enough time to prepare before she scares herself.

But Eclipsetess did put her head onto the side a little high as her body refused to walk in a certain direction, but she did press on, that was when a horse came out and spooked her into jumping back.

"Hello!" a random horse popped out their head to greet the new horses on their home.

"Oh heavenly god's!" Eclipsetess said as a forked tongue popped out for a quick little bit before being normal, she did pant and jump backwards as she was frightened to (almost) death.

"Sorry, me and my mate were traveling up here to see the romantic sunset, though normal sunsets for new couples around, tradition for our breed after all! But we can travel to another mountain if you want, me and Saphira don't mind!" the stallion said as he was happy.

"Oh um, Namir, can you help decide? I'm most terrible with decisions sometimes.." Eclipsetess admitted, she was the worst for deciding things, but she was the best at everything else, though she did look at Namir.

Meanwhile Azulia was off picking apples to give to the herd, feeling much young then before but still older since Raven was born, Eclipsetess wanted to be careful and wanted Raven the uttermost comfortable-ness she could recieve, while Trickster was planning to do the same, she had a more different outcome..

Though Trickster was off trotting in a circle so that the new mares and stallions could quickly turn around and protect whenever Solstice needed a break once in a great while, though she did make sure to not let anything slip out of her mind!

"And you do this and this, quite simple." Trickster was teaching new moves to the new herd members, she was speaking clearly and repeating when neccesary.

Azulia did trot over to Raven as she gave her daughter an apple to be curious of, she even gave one to Esmeray and Moonlight, she did move over to Orion and Solstice, though she gave Orion the apple as she snickered away..

"And make sure you give Solstice the other half." Azulia told Orion, she snickered away happily, though she did need a few more, so that was one reason to give an apple to Orion and Solstice to share.

"Ah I need more apples.." Azulia said as she gave away the rest of the apples, leaving one for herself as she went back to the apple trees nearby for more picking.

Raven did eat her apple, just dfferently since she wasn't used to it, but she did eat all of it when she snuck behind Moonlight and Esmeray as she atempted to steal their apples, but a mare quickly told Orion what Raven was doing as she was ready to jump and run away to hide..

Last edited on 2022-12-14 at 19:54:07 by Lizzy

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#263543 Posted on 2022-12-15 09:51:04

     Namir just stood beside her letting her think for a few minutes as he looked around taking a few calm breaths. He needed this...except the fact that they were on the highest mountain. Though he tried not to think about things like that, and only Eclipsetess. She was the important one at the time. Nothing else was. Namir only looked around as he looked at the different sets of hoof prints that were in the mud.

     He trailed off remembering his parents saying something that fit the description of the mountain. Soon Namir looked to the side as he saw a pair of hooves that stuck out to him. The initials were what stuck out to him. A and Q. The initials of his parents, but he wasn't sure if it was there's or not. Though he only smiled as he followed Eclipsetess once he realized she had trotted off someplace new, "Sounds good to me." he said nuzzling her.

     Namir then perked up when he saw a small snowflake land on top of his muzzle. The stallion had a bit of a puzzled look as he scrunched his muzzle a bit before shaking the snowflake off, "I forgot that it's colder on top of mountains...snows most of the year," he thought to himself not being a big fan of snow. Though he hadn't seen it for awhile. Namir did see how Eclipsetess seemed to be a bit nervous about something.

     That was until a horse jumped out and caused him to jump almost as much as Eclipsetess did, "I did not expect to see anyone else here.." he said in a bit of shock before he calmed and helped Eclipsetess do the same before he turned his attention back to the unknown mare and stallion, but he didn't see the forked tongue. What was he to say? That was a bit of a hard decision even for him. Though he thought about it for a moment..maybe two.

     "I mean..I'm sure you guys traveled a bit of a distance..wouldn't want to burden you both with traveling somewhere else.." he said looking at Eclipsetess for a moment before looking at the mare and stallion, "I don't think there would be any reason why we couldn't get along..that is if your okay with it Eclipsetess..?" he asked wanting to make sure she was fine with it. Though he started to get the feeling something was off with her, but he quickly tossed away the thought.

     Orion smiled as he watched the herd while reading one of his books. He ended up watching Trickster teach the other newcomers some things that would help them protect both themselves and everyone around them considering everything that seemed to target the herd.. Though he just smiled as he looked over at Azulia as she came over. Orion did decide to let Solstice sleep a little longer. Like a foal always needing to rest. Solstice just never got as much as she needed, so Orion made sure she got as much as she could.

     He only quietly chuckled, "Of course," he said looking at her before looking at Solstice, "Glad she's starting to get more sleep...I don't know how she managed to stay up throughout each day with only getting a few hours of sleep every night.." he sighed before thanking Azulia before she left. Orion did let Solstice sleep for a little longer before he softly nudged her. She only grumbled as he laughed, "Come on. Sun is still up. The foals are waiting."

     Solstice just grumpily and slowly opened her eyes, "But I'm comfortable!" she said with her ears laid back being a bit of a moody mare. "I don't want to move. I'm not going to move. You'll have to make me." she huffed giving him a bit of a test. Orion only chuckled and nipped at her before giving her the apple as they both had half of it. Solstice only looked at him, "Fine. Just a few more minutes then."

     "Alright then." Orion laughed before he looked over at the foals letting out a sigh as he got up. Solstice had no choice but to do the same. She was mainly only messing with him, but she did want to sleep a little longer anyways. "Raven." he said as he walked up to her, "Don't you even think about taking their apples...that's not something we do here." he said in a small demanding tone, but he couldn't even bring himself to be rude with her in anyway. Orion only nuzzled her as Solstice stood behind him off to the side watching as she smiled.

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#263724 Posted on 2022-12-16 16:01:49

"It is alright with me Namir, and besides, your still my little stallion~" Eclipsetess teased Namir, she hadn't really called him little for a little while, which was normal again for her to call him little, but she only smiled as she nuzzled Namir with a more gentler and calmer manner.

"Then it is settled! Oh and hun let's go get our hoofprints indented! So our future foals can do the same with their loves!" the unknown stallion thanked Eclipsetess and Namir, he then brought his mate over to where they could imprint their hooves in like the stallion said.

"I think we should explore a little more before the stallion and mare call us over when it's somewhere near sunset, so we got time, little Namir~" Eclipsetess laughed and teased and she trotted over to explore where the stallion and mare came up from, they seemed to mind their own business like a gentleman and his *nice* mistress would.

"Coming?" Eclipsetess asked, Namir as her echo-y voice trailed off as her hooves made the sounds of clip clops, she was curious of how to travel up the mountain, so she and Namir might as well explore for a little while.

Raven looked at Orion as he told no stealing, so she nodded and apologized with getting two flowers into Moonlight's and Esmeray's apples, she then nuzzled Orion as she ran off to ask Azulia for an apple or two more since they seemed to be her favorite snack.

Trickster got done telling the newcomers as she told them to come back next week, though Raven over and next to Trickster as she was curious why Raven ran over to her but then Azulia screamed as she ran away from the trees that she planted, but Azulia did shout..

"Snake!!" Azulia screamed, she didn't know what to do as she just ran, though the herd of mares did come close and protect her as a glittering snake was showing itself, the mares did back away. Scorn was curious why until he saw the snake.

"Azulia calm down, there's nothing to worry about, that snake is actually trained." Trickster said loudly, though she did make her voice sound like she never knew the snake before.

"Ah sorry about Baton, he's very friendly, never knew what to do with his venom until I made them into antidotes." a mare came out and said, though the herd of mares and Scorn then bowed to her as well, Trickster bowed but Azulia was confused.

"Who are you?" Azulia cantered up and asked the strange mare the question.

"Oh, don't you know my constellation?" the mare asked confused, the snake then made himself a scarf around the mare's neck.

"No, could you please tell me?" Azulia asked kindly, she was very nice about how she asked her again.

"Well, I'm Artemis, the goddess of the hunt after all, but I supposed that not all horses were taught about us godes, after all Dawn wasn't a god yet until she met Hades, and not in the formal way." Artemis said, she then walked over and showed herself, the cloth covering her floating, her feathering symbolized that she was a friesian, meaning that she was truly a goddess.

"Anyways, I better get back to scouting, or else Apollo will come after me.." Artemis said as she disappeared, she made sure to have her snake on her neck, meaning she was aware of what happened.

"Well, who wants me apples?! I collected more!" Azulia said, the herd came over got an apple as Azulia gave them the apple, she smiled as Raven was curious about Artemis and the snake.

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#263738 Posted on 2022-12-16 18:11:15

     Namir only looked at her snorting a bit, "I'm not little!" he huffed. He may not have been as tall as Eclipsetess, but he still wasn't short. A good size for a stallion like him. Though he was a bit stockier then most of the horses in the herd. He had small feathers on his legs which showed he had some draft genes. Solstice did as well, but Namir just looked more like his father. A large stocky stallion..though Namir wasn't exactly large. Not that he minded much really anyway. He was who he was. 

     No one out of the ordinary. Nothing of his coat resembled anything magical. He only bore normal and common white markings with a dappled bay coat, and a black and white tail. If it weren't for his horn it would look like he belonged in the main world. Whatever it was.. No one really knew. There were several stories about the mainland each of them being a lot different from each other, so no one really knew what it was really like. Oh well. Namir had more important thing to worry about then the mainland. 

     He only smiled as he nodded and followed Eclipsetess enjoying seeing her curious and happy for once, but he slowly started to get the feeling that something didn't seem right with her. Namir only tried to keep his thoughts away from Dra. He needed to just relax and enjoy the peaceful time they were having at the mountain. The stallion only ruffled his tired wings as he trotted after her carefully.

     "Why would I not?" he chuckled as he nibbled on her mane a bit. "You lead the way," he said with a smile as he just wanted her to have a good time. Though he just looked at her as he let out a sigh, " okay..? You seem a little off.." he asked her as he nuzzled her cheek not wanting to bring down the mood, but he just wanted to know if she was alright. Even though he figured she wouldn't tell him the truth anyway.

     Orion just smiled as he nuzzled the filly in return. Solstice then just walked up to him as she watched Raven, "You do well with foals..." she said in a soft voice as she brushed herself against him gently and affectionately. Orion only perked up as he looked at her smiling softly. Maybe his cheeks turned pink..? Just a little? Though Solstice only smiled as she let out a small quiet laugh.

     "I mean..I guess I do.." he said as he looked at the foals before seeing Raven and her mother running towards Trickster, "Oh? Wonder what that could be about.." he said before he heard Azulia yell snake. "Oh..well there's my answer." he laughed before him and Solstice trotted over, "Been a long time since I saw one...but still weird seeing everything and everyone..crystallized." he joked though he loved how Solstice looked. Her markings shimmered more just as if they were stars, and sometimes he couldn't help but to just look at her.

     Though that was when a mare's voice was heard as she eventually stepped out. "Artemis...? I've read a little bit about you in one of my books..though I think that one just turned to dust by now." he said trying to recall if he was thinking of the right book, "Over time less it known about the gods and everything of the sort...everyone just believes the lies they were told is the truth these days.." he sighed.

     Solstice only silently nodded as she agreed. She had believed the lies, but she was quickly learning the truth about everything as well as the others in the herd. She had only heard Dra's name being mentioned once before she meant Azulia, Eclipsetess, and everyone else. Though she only sighed, "I best just look around the area...I know we have a couple gods doing that for us...not sure exactly why...but better safe then sorry." she said before she opened her wings and took off to the sky. She needed to stretch her wings anyway.

     Solstice though was curious about how things were going with her brother and Eclipsetess. She enjoyed watching her brother chase after her the way he did, and it made her happy that he found someone. Well...partly because it gave her some more freedom. Something she always loved, but she just took the time to look around for anything odd from above for a little while.

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#263743 Posted on 2022-12-16 19:04:54

"Hm? Of course I am okay Namir, why would I not? Sure I may act.. A little odd, but sometimes you just need to let go of somethings keeping you from really being happy, that's what I was taught, well.. Scorn telling me to watch for any god's wanting me to be a guardian, but I eventually reached the apropriate age for being a guardian and well.. You can get the rest." Eclipsetess said, she did nod at what Namir said earlier, though what Namir said to her next caught her off guard but she quickly went to her normal self.

"I just think your paranoid for not protecting your sister right now~" Eclipsetess told Namir, she did want Namir to be himself and she respected him for that, he was a big brother and he was a darling for Eclipsetess!

Though it was a little while when they reached the end of the steps, the clip clops turned into crunchy snowy clip clops as their feet reached the snow, Eclipsetess was just curious about how it happened.

"Huh? Why is there snow? Aren't we still near the top?" Eclipsetess asked confused and all, she wasn't used to snow much but when she was a filly she was very excited and very happy.

"Hmph, do you think we should turn back or what?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she was confused, very, but she still wanted to know if Namir wanted to keep going Onwards.

Raven looked at Azulia before she was given and apple from a very nice and gentle mare, she also made sure to have Raven give her mother an apple as she ran off towards Azulia, Azulia then looked at Raven and smiled at her gleefully! She was being her cheerful self and is quite generous as Azulia gives Raven an apple of her choice to ensure that Raven understood that her mother cared for her greatly.

"And make sure that you don't steal anyone's apples, now I gotta give Solstice and Orion their own apples now." Azulia said as she nuzzled Raven on the snout as she walked off towards Solstice and Orion, having the two apple stems in her mouth as she made sure to not let go of the stems.

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#263795 Posted on 2022-12-17 08:50:54

     Namir only looked at her not entirely convinced that she was fine. Something just seemed off about her, but he couldn't figure it out. Though the feeling unsettled him a small bit. He only sighed, "If you say your fine then alright..." he said still not completely convinced. Namir didn't want to force her to say anything that she didn't want to. He knew how she could be sometimes, but she seemed a little..weirder then normal.

     He only perked up when he heard what she had to say next as he looked back in the direction they came. Namir hadn't even thought of his sister much. That was odd for him. Though he was still trying to keep his mind open and in control in case Dra tried to manipulate him again, but he wasn't sure if the spell had worked any. "No. I'm not. The herd and Orion will make sure she's safe...and she isn't a filly anymore. I need to learn not to treat her like one anymore.." he sighed missing seeing her as a filly. Always happy when he was with her. 

     They were both silent for a little bit until Namir looked down seeing the snow. The cold feeling wasn't very delightful at first, but he quickly got used to the cold feeling. Namir just kept his wings closer to his body for more warmth. "Not sure. It's common to see snow on mountains." he said to himself more then anything as he didn't mind the snow that much. Though Namir only looked back up at her, "We could keep going. We still have awhile til the sunset."

     Solstice just flew around scouting the area for anything unusual. Though she didn't really see anything. Just the whole Isle sparkling. She did however scout for awhile while using the time to be alone and clear her thoughts as the wind ran through her mane, tail, and the feathers she had on her nearly black wings. Flying was the most relaxing thing she did, and she loved it. 

     Though after awhile, Solstice decided to head back. She carefully and lightly landed near the group as she flapped her wings a few more times before she brought them to her sides walking over. "I didn't see anything that stuck out..but I'm starting to get this feeling...about my brother.." she sighed not knowing where he was or what him and Eclipsetess were doing. Though she didn't know if it was just her nerves. "I'm sure their fine.."

      Orion was just grazing occasionally watching the foals as he looked over at Solstice, "Well they did leave without saying where they were heading, but you know them. Even if something was wrong, they can handle it." he said nuzzled her a bit more affectionately then he normally did. Solstice returned the gesture before they both looked over at Azulia as she came over. Orion only let out a small laugh as they both thanked her for the apples as they happily enjoyed their snack.

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#263810 Posted on 2022-12-17 11:42:29

"Alright then Namir!" Eclipsetess said gleefully, she seemed to have perked up instantly? But she only cantered and jumped at the same time since she didn't have a clue on what to do, but she still settled the mounds of light snow off to the sides like a sea creature swimming fastly.

Though Eclipsetess did use her wings since she stood there looking at them as she sighed loudly since she could've used them to fly into the air and see, but she did put her face into the snow and was embarrassed for forgetting. But she did get up and started to walk again, this time picking up her hooves and trotting this time..

Eclipsetess did flap her wings a little bit but they seemed to have felt weird as they barely had acted like wings, but Eclipsetess ignored it as she kept walking this time, seeming to have gotten to how she acts like when hears something. Though she hunched her body and lowered her head, kinda like what a wolf did.. Those were gone now actually..

"Namir come here!" Eclipsetess whispered, at least she whispered enough so that Namir could hear her, even though he did stick by her, but Eclipsetess was past alerted as something was crunching the snow around the other corner.

"Namir don't attack, no matter what, just fly." Eclipsetess said in a hushed tone, she was dependent on being silent, but she did peek her head around the corner to see what was crunching the snow.

"You think horses would fly with "ImAgInArY wInGs"? Or do you think they could defeat us dire wolves, and normal wolves?" a big white wolf asked another white wolf the same height.

"No, because they aren't like their "GoD's" don't even exsist, because their just horses, we can feast on them if they didn't move so fast and had the stamina to keep running." the second white wolf said, Eclipsetess brought her head back instantly so that she didn't get the two wolves attention.

"Namir, what year was it before the war between wolves and horses? Or did that not happen?" Eclipsetess asked frantically in a hushed tone, she didn't know the war nor even knew it but she did read it once but couldn't remember.

"Or was there even a war?! Did wolves even exsist?!" Eclipsetess said loudly in a whispered tone, one of the wolves picked up Eclipsetess's pitch when she got nervous and anxious.

"Hey! Who goes there?!" the first white wolf said, he spotted the voice and was being a guard about it, the second wolf prepared himself.

"Oh no.." Eclipsetess said, she tried flapping her wings but they weren't there, they had disappeared, that's why they felt weird when Eclipsetess started walking, she had wondered if Namir was like her without his wings, Eclipsetess then tried to use her horn, but it also disappeared.

"What're we gonna do?! We don't have our wings or horns!" Eclipsetess was very unstable as she was about to cry, but an arrow shot off and hit Eclipsetess's hind quarter.

"Nice shot! Take down that mare and stallion!" the second white wolf said, they were really bigger then Eclipsetess or Namir.

"I will if you shut up!" the first white wolf snapped at the second wolf.

"Why do I feel so weak?" Eclipsetess asked Namir and herself, she then fainted as the two wolves laughed at a sleepig Eclipsetess, the first wolf shot off a sleeping dart and directly hit Eclipsetess accurately.

"Nighty night, you big ol' stallion." the first white wolf said as he shot off his second sleeping dart at Namir.

Meanwhile Azulia bowed at Orion and Solstice, she was happy as she trotted off with her way of saying that she would leave them alone now, but Azulia did have Raven stay by her since she was still wary of that snake from earlier, but she sighed as she nuzzled Raven gently.

"At least it wasn't like the war.." Azulia's voice trailed off, Azulia then layed down with exhaustion, seeming to have over done it with walking as Raven nuzzles her and lays down beside her mother with care.

Though it was a little while and Raven got up with loads of energy, but she looked at Azulia and nuzzled her, she nuzzled her again and began to start crying as Azulia wasn't getting up, but.. Azulia was in a deep sleep and needed the rest, then a mare came over to grab Raven and have her stay with Moonlight and Esmeray as the herd of mares layed down besides Azulia and wanted her to give her the rest that she needed.

"At least this time we can also rest with the warmth.." a mares voice trailed off as she giggled as well, another mare laughed as Scorn came over and looked at his mares with a confused look.

"It must be close fall since you all are deeply tired then." Scorn said, he was still confused but mares be mares, and they did agree, the summer and spring were over. Leaving fall and winter to come next, the mares didn't mind as they were used to this but not the three foals, or Azulia, Trickster, or any with a wonder for what snow is.

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#263814 Posted on 2022-12-17 12:46:38

     Namir just smiled seeing her get a bit more excited and happier again. He just tossed his mane and trotted after her playfully. Though he was careful with the snow knowing it could be slick and slippery if there was ice underneath it. There was indeed some ice as he slipped a bit, but the stallion just regained his balance. Something he was good at because of his dad. Even if Namir didn't receive his parent's magic, he was just fine on his own. Namir wasn't dependent on his magic, and he mainly only used it when it was necessary. 

     Though Namir just followed after Eclipsetess making sure she was alright before noticing the change in her posture and attitude. Namir looked around as he tried to see if he saw anything strange, but he didn't see anything. He still went alert as he got a feeling that something wasn't right, and the more they moved on the more it grew stronger. What caught Namir off guard was how his wings felt different. Even though he never really used them and often forgot about them. Something definitely wasn't right.

     He then looked at Eclipsetess as he silently nodded and carefully went to her side. Namir said nothing as he prepared himself to fly by slightly spreading his wings a small bit, but they felt nothing like wings and they weren't cooperating with him. That was when he heard two unfamiliar voices as he listened in to the conversation when he saw the wolves before he just shook his head, "I never heard of a war against us and these...wolves.." he whispered as he tensed up in case a fight was afoot.

     That was until the two dire wolves noticed their presence. Namir took it upon himself to get in front of Eclipsetess protecting her as he snorted. He then spread his wings entirely before he noticed they had faded away, "H-how is that possible..?" he said knowing he wasn't going to get a answer as he watched his wings disappear. Then he looked at Eclipsetess seeing her horn fade away. Namir could then feel what little magic he had being sucked out of him as his long black horn slowly faded away.

     Namir then struggled to stay afoot as he looked at the two wolves before seeing Eclipsetess get shot with a arrow, "No!" he yelled as he tried to go after the wolves, but he couldn't. He was defenseless..weak. Without his horn he was nothing. Namir looked only like a horse from the mainland. No magic. No wings. No markings. "Eclipsetess! No...stay with me!" he said trying to catch her fall without causing himself to fall as well. "What have you done to her!" he yelled clearly mad that he couldn't do anything. Then everything went black for him as the stallion fell to the ground.

     Solstice only giggled a bit as Azulia bowed. She was going to say something, but the mare had already trotted off, so she just brushed herself against Orion again, "I think I'm just going to look around again...haven't seen my brother and Eclipsetess since early this morning...I just want to know if they're on their way back or not..." she said giving him a small and quick kiss before she went up back to the sky. 

     Orion only nodded, "Alright then. Be careful.." he said before he completely froze as she gave him a small kiss. The stallion only watched her shocked before he smiled and went to read or something. Orion never really had a lot of things to do, but he watched the mares gather around together as he just left them be. Instead he just found one of his books and started to read it..even if he already knew this book pretty much word for word.

     Solstice just looked around looking for any sign of the two, but she wasn't finding anything. Absolutely nothing. "Surely they'd be heading back by now..." she mumbled to herself as she searched for quite awhile. She only sighed as she came to a stop and looked in the direction they had originally flew in. "Maybe I'm just getting worried over nothing.." she said hoping that was the case.

     Though it had been at least a hour that she had been looking until she started to head back to the herd. Solstice flew slowly not in any rush, but she noticed her necklace had started to glow a small bit. It had been a little bit since it glowed, so she wasn't sure why it was doing it now. She felt fine, but the necklace only started to flicker. "What the...?" The necklace was going bright then turned dull, and it kept on doing that until Solstice started to feel weak enough until she couldn't keep flying. Solstice had fallen to the ground, but thankfully she managed to at least get to where the herd was.

     Orion had looked up seeing a strange shadow when he saw Solstice falling to the ground. "Solstice!" he yelled as he quickly got up and ran over to where she had fallen as he wasn't quick enough to prevent her from doing so. "What happened? Are you ok?" he asked looking her over for any injuries of any kind. "Take it just fell from the sky." he said as she tried to get up.

     Solstice just laid there for a second before she slowly sat up when she heard Orion rushing over as well as some of the others. It was strange. She felt pretty much fine..but what had caused her to get weak like that even though it didn't feel like she was the one that was weak. "I'm..fine Orion.." she said as she slowly got up on her hooves and brought her wings to her sides, "I'm fine really...but I don't think my brother or Eclipsetess is..." she said looking at him even though she was a bit wobbly.

     "I said take it easy Solstice. Your body needs you to take it easy and relax more," he said supporting her a bit before he heard what she had to say next, "What do you mean? You think your necklace can know when something is wrong? I understand that it has powers we don't know of...but are you sure..?" he asked her making sure she didn't hurt her head in anyway.

     "It didn't feel like I was the one that was weak or anything of the sort.." she said looking at him, "I know it sounds...weird, but I really think my brother and Eclipsetess are in danger...but I don't know where they are or could take forever to find them." she said getting more worried as she couldn't help but to think if Dra had anything to do with this. 

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#263845 Posted on 2022-12-17 16:04:12

Eclipsetess woke up as she was in a layed down position but when she got to her feet, she didn't see Namir anywhere until she looked at the cell across from her, Namir was laying in the cell across from Eclipsetess, though she did calm down and started to look around.

But she stopped as she examined her cell's door, a metal slider only for cells that are from jails, but it was more open and wider, offering wolves and horses their little freedom, but Eclipsetess's cell was more fancier then Namir's cell, but she didn't think about it. She wanted Namir up and ready for anything..

"Namir, Namir get up!" Eclipsetess told Namir, one of the wolves growled her to stop talking, but the wolf looked at Namir as he used his paw to bang on the cell door to get the stallion infront of him awake.

"Awake up you stupid equine!" the direwolf said, he then turned around and lunged at Eclipsetess's cell to scare her as he needed her to be ready.

"By tomorrow morning mare, you and your stallion are going to be negotiated, with some.. Lowly.. Ancestors!" the direwolf said as he used his tail to swipe a nearby table with some stuff off that was next to Namir's cell.

"You and your stallion are pitiful for crossing us, at least you and your stallion are regular horses!" the direwolf laughed at Eclipsetess before her went back to his post and layed back down.

"Great.. I'm stuck.. And with Namir visibly away from me.." Eclipsetess muttered, she was grumpy without Namir next to her, which she was so used to him being next to her.

"Well, time to list down the days I suppose.." Eclipsetess said aloud as she went to a random wall and started writing her and Namir's days with a white salt rock only for when you need salt in your body.

"Hm, do you think your necklace knows what's going even when you don't?" Trickster asked, she grown worried at Solstice.

"But I saw Namir and Eclipsetess fly off to a mountain, I can ask Everest which mountain. Since she is a mountain pony after all! And mountain ponies know every part of a mountain!" Azulia btted into the conversation, she also scared Trickster while taking and coming up behind her.

"I know what mountain a pair of horses would travel, it would be the highest mountain on the Isle of Mountains, the highest mountain is called Mount. Everest, which Everest is named after. She did tell me that part, but I research when everyone is asleep. Sorry Orion!" Trickster aplogized and gave out vital information.

"But if it was this year and in the morning, then a cave that had a staircase would take you back when the Ancestors and our natural but extinct enemy; the Direwolf, would have a big war about it, but the Ancestors burned the Great Wolf and Horse War. Every shred in exsistence, but only a family of horses that had an Ancestor that saw everything would be my Ancestor actually." Trickster admitted, so that's how she knows so much!

"But my Ancestor was the Keeper of Memories, knowing every detail of every scroll burnt before we were born, every single book about the war lost to history, only a select few keepers were able to keep memories until they brought about the information. Forcing my Ancestor to take and keep memories to herself.." Trickster said eerily, though it was good information to know about.

"If you truly wish to know everything about the war, I say we go somewhere more private, no other pony knows about the Great Wolf and Horse War is me, and Scorn, he's.. A part of my family actually, but we're not connected in anyway, except Ancestors, but that's all really. And I need Scorn as well since he has the rest of the memories." Trickster said, she looked at Scorn before walking in the direction of the forest before them waiting behind Solstice and Orion.

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#263846 Posted on 2022-12-17 16:57:42

     Everything went black for Namir. He couldn't quite recall some of what happened because of how quick it all happened. Though it felt like forever until he started to slowly wake. That was until he faintly heard Eclipsetess and something banging on something that sounded like bars. Wait bars? Namir suddenly jumped up as he looked around unsure of where he was or what exactly was going on.

     He only looked around for a minute or two before he looked at Eclipsetess as the wolf jumped towards her, "Leave her alone!" he snorted stomping his hoof on the ground. "You have no idea who your up against you dumb wolf." he snorted wanting to tear them apart. Namir's eyes didn't glow, and he still felt weak. That was when he looked at himself and Eclipsetess, "Our horns...our wings.." he said quietly as he realized there was nothing neither of them could do to get out of there.

     Namir looked just like a mainland horse. Just a dapple bay stallion with four stockings, a blaze, and a black and white tail. Without his horn or wings, there was nothing about him that spoke of magic. Eclipsetess on the other hand still looked like a horse with magic...neither of them had their magic though. "We're sitting ducks here..." he mumbled to himself as he didn't remove his eyes from the wolf.

     He only stared at the large dire wolf, "Your going to regret taking us...I suggest you let us go before things go terribly wrong for you," he snapped launching himself into the bars which caused some marks and small scratches to his chest. Namir didn't care. All he cared about was getting Eclipsetess out of wherever they were, but he wasn't sure on how he could do that. The stallion only paced around in the cell remembering what happened the last time he was in a cell. Eclipsetess being taken. Namir couldn't let that happen again, but there wasn't anything for him to do.

     Solstice just leaned against Orion slightly as she shook her head sighing, "I don't know...I don't know anything about my necklace. All I know is that my mother had it before me...could have been in the family longer then that, but then all I know is that Dra clearly wants my necklace. Even though it seems to be some sort of life source for me..." she said looking up slightly as she paused.

     "When we were fighting Dra...he noticed my necklace...and made it clear that he wanted it. He had only come after me and broke the necklace from my neck..once it was removed from me for the first time I felt all the magic I had just leaving my body..and you've seen how it reacts to my health. I don't know if it's capable of knowing if those I care about are in danger, but I'm fine."

     She paused again, "When I didn't feel like I was the one in trouble. I just wish I knew more about my mother's necklace. All the books I've read have nothing about necklaces...if only I could just ask her..but that won't happen. Besides I've never met my mother.." she sighed wishing she knew what she was like, but she had to accept that she wouldn't. Solstice was then silent for the most part.

     Orion just nuzzled her neck affectionately trying to make her feel a little better at least. "No need to apologize Trickster. I can't be all knowing I just like to know the truth of things, but I've never even heard anything about a war against..wolves? I've only heard others mention the word wolf every now and then..." he said turning his attention back to Solstice when he noticed her necklace. It was glowing for a few seconds before it went dull..and it kept on doing that, "I've never seen anything like it." he said concerned.

     Solstice just shook her head as she just followed Trickster without hesitation Orion quickly catching up with the both of them, "They could be in great danger...I can't loose either of them..I can't loose anyone else.." she said looking down as she teared up looking at her necklace wishing she understood it. If she did then it would help in so many ways. It would answer so many questions, but she just stayed silent as she listened to what Trickster and Scorn had to say.

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#263893 Posted on 2022-12-17 20:09:52

"Oh yeah you toughie of a stallion? You wanna challenge a wolf with the best combat here?!" the direwolf growled, he then shortly barked after, that alerted some of the wolves guarding.

"Hush it Darkclaw! Or was it Darksphere?" an older wolf said, Eclipsetess just looked at the bigger wolf's neck as he was holding a necklace with purple and it started to glow randomly.

"Hey, I know I'm just a mare with no knowledge about you, but can you please tell about the necklace you have?" Eclipsetess politely asked the older wolf, he seemed to have noticed her presence as he had the stance of acknowledging things quick.

"My necklace? Don't you horses know about the legends that gifted animals have with these?" the bigger wolf said, he seemed to have questioned Eclipsetess with a question she couldn't answer.

"Wait, don't tell me.." the bigger wolf said, he seemed to have shown a bit of fear, though Eclipsetess's horn and wings started to fade in and out of exsistence.

A nearby wolf hissed at her, he then looked at the bigger wolf, though he also looked at the wolf with the arrows that he shot at Eclipsetess earlier. The three seemed to have gotten anxious and looked at each other very scared and the one maller wolf ran off.

"Get the Leader!" the bigger wolf said, he grabbed a spear and another wolf aided him as Eclipsetess had gotten curious but also scared at the two bigger wolves when she knows that her horn or wings wouldn't work.

"U-Uh.. N-Namir?!" Eclipsetess said scaredly, she was taken quickly from her cell, another wolf followed behind as he chained up Namir and brought him to the third wolf's side, making sure that the mare was in his sight. Well both the wolf's and Namir's sight.

Though it was only time until the bigger wolf, the wolf accompanying him with Eclipsetess, and then the third wolf with Namir came shortly after into the Grand Hall.. Wait, the Grand Hall? It was connected to Dra's home!

"Oh great leader! We came for your advice!" a small direwolf shouted, he seemed to be worshipping a chalice?

Then a rumble was heard and a familiar face came out of the chalice's top, lava dripping and pouring off the magmanic horse made Eclipsetess pin her ears in fright, she then got scared eternally and wanted back into her cell as the magma horse finally took his form as the extra lava cooled and hardened as the cape followed the horse.

"Oh great Dragon Devil! You have awakened since you wwre put to sleep 6000 centuries ago by Zues and his other two brothers!" the small wolf said, Dra lifted up his hoof at the wolf as he looked at Eclipsetess and Namir.

"You two aren't who I am looking for, nor even close." Dra paused then continued "But do you two know where my wife is? I have been trying to find her since 6000 centuries ago, not letting go of my beloved.." Dra's voice sounded sweet, caring, and young?! He was this young in his 6000 year age?!

"U-uh no, what does your wife look like?" Eclipsetess's voice shuttered a bit, Dra had gotten suspicious but he then summoned a beautiful mare, that looked like Azulia?! Wait what?!

"Oh wait, that's an old friend, excuse me. Here's the real picture, me and my wife were going to have a beautiful filly until she disappeared, an Oracle prophecized that one day I'll have my daughter back, and that her name was.. Darling." Dra said, he was dependent on finding his wife then, then everything else came after! But Dra's wife looked like an average magma pony, but there was a flower coming out of her forelock and next to her ear, she also had green eyes and an adoring smile.

"My wife's name was and stilll is "Nature", I'll miss her but I love her dearly.." young Dra had said, his voice was more sweeer then eveer, Eclipsetess then saw the same mare in a portrait together with Dra and Darling back then.

"Wait Nature?" Eclipsetess asked, young Dra nodded to Eclipsetess's question.

"Oh boy.." Eclipsetess looked at Namir as Nature was really Mother Nature, but Dra didn't know about that or anyone did really, but Eclipsetess didn't know if Namir did as well.

"Well, it's almost night, we should get you going, you prove no use to us!" young Dra has said, he then led the group and the wolves in charge to Eclipsetess and Namir as they walked behind the young Dra, Dra was more happier and then he opened the door with his magic as the wolves let go, Eclipsetess smiled at the freedom.

"Be free! And be happy!" Dra had spoken his final words to them, then the door closed and Eclipsetess looked at Namir and she ran back to the staircase with happiness and glee.

"We're going home!" Eclipsetess shouted, when she rounded the same corner, she stopped dead in her tracks as the same staircase she and Namir took wasn't there, it didn't even appear, it didn't look like it was even created.

"W-what? The staircase was supposed to be here, right?" Eclipsetess asked herself, she was confused and wanted to know.. So much..

"Wait- what if we're on a mission to retrieve something?! I always read scrolls and books containing knowledge like this! We're looking for Mother Nature! That's the young Dra's wife! I saw her in a portrait once, her, Dra, and even Darling as they looked like what Dra was. We need to find Mother Nature! I know where she lives!" Eclipsetess shouted in estaticness, she was ready and prepared as she ran to Namir and grabbed his tail as she dragged him down the hill and she dropped him as she looked at the Isles on both directions, the Isles were intact and were a large Island instead!

"Woah.." Eclipsetess said in awe as nature was all around so gorgeous, new flowers that went extinct were thriving and even older flowers that survived were also here.

"We must be between the peace and the Great War, the peace before all heck went loose.." Eclipsetess's voice trailed off, her wings and her horn glowed brightly as they showed up for a second before fading back to nothing.

Now in the present time, Azulia was off getting her deep rest as Raven and practicing her battle skills with rears, bucks, nips, bites, and many more as the three foals raced around as they were excited, then a giant flower popped up as it caught everyone's attention..

The flower lowered itself to show Eclipsetess and Namir in a different timeline, Scorn and Trickster felt the quake before they could talk and they saw the tall flower from the trees, the two ran together and over to where the herd was watching Eclipsetess and Namir on their adventure.

"The Flower of Foresight, I thought it went extinct, like the wolves and many other creatures, including plants and the old books that were burnt.." Trickster's voice trailed off in a loud-ish whisper, Scorn was confused as he realized that the flower was giving everyone information.

"No.. No.. No.. NO!" Scorn yelled, he ran over to the flower as he dropped his head as he began to cry uncontrollably, Trikctsre wanted to help but Scorn yelled at her to get away from him.

"Don't you see?! The two are in the 600th century that's gonna go into the 7000th century, during the Great War of Wolves and Horses! They won't survive! Everything died!" Scorn yelled madly, the flower spouted out a calming pheramone as Scorn calmed down.

"I know.." Trickster told Scorn, she looked at him with sympathy, she then looked at Solstice and Orion.

"You know what you heard, the Secret Staircase only appears when it's the 6000th century that's going into the 7000th century, the time that the Great War between the wolves and the horses began as everything crumbled and was lost to history, nothing ever was recorded again after that." Trickster said in a protective tone, she also had a little hiss appear in that throat of her's, Scorn still cried at the two, he was emotionally attached to the two.

"Whenever two horses enter the Secret Staircase To the Great War never again was seen or even heard of as the memory of them disappeared just like that." Scorn said, he got up fully and wiped his tears away with his dark wings, though Scorn's wings began to glow as well as Trickster's gray coat.

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