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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263911 Posted on 2022-12-17 22:01:29

     Namir pinned his ears glaring at the wolf as he let out a loud snort, "I won't back down from a fight..especially if it's to protect someone close to me. You have no idea how much I've been through...I'd love to actually put my hooves on someone who threatens me or those I care for." he said with a firm stomp. Namir just brought himself to the bars a second time. He wasn't afraid of these wolves. All he wanted was a small peaceful getaway, and to spend time with the mare he loved. He wanted none of this. 

     The stallion just huffed giving the wolf one last look before looking at Eclipsetess. What was she doing talking to them like she was? They were literally horsenapped! Though Namir just let out another small snort as he looked at the necklace not caring for it much, but he was just confused on why they all seemed to have fearful looks. Was it because of the necklace? Namir surely didn't know. Though Namir noticed Eclipsetess's horn and wings fading in and out. What was going on. He only looked at himself as his horn and wings had started to do the same before disappearing completely once more.

     "Get away from her!" he yelled bringing himself to the cell bars clearly mad, "Touch her in any way and I'll make you regret it." he said snapping at one of the wolves as he was chained up. Wait. Namir just looked at the chains recognizing them. "No..." he mumbled underneath his breath as he looked at Eclipsetess saying nothing as they were brought to the Grand Hall. Namir instantly recognized where they were.

     Namir could feel Dra in every way. His laugh. His voice. His hissing. Everything he knew had come back to him. The shudder feeling of one of his spikes piercing through his heart. Namir only froze for a moment. As much as he wanted to kill that stallion himself, Namir knew it wouldn't help Eclipsetess in anyway. It would have been sudden death. Though Namir tried not to show fear as he tensed up and snorted glaring at Dra.

     He snorted at Eclipsetess not wanting her to speak to him..even if he seemed...nicer then what they knew. Namir only made it known that he had something against Dra. Why hadn't he recognized them? Why was he...nice? Nothing was adding up to Namir. Something was clearly wrong...something far worse then Dra. He only pinned his ears looking at Eclipsetess not trusting Dra one bit. Something wasn't right.

     Though Namir didn't say a word as he just silently walked where they were being brought. He just stood looking at the door as it was shut behind him snorting before he looked at Eclipsetess, "Eclipsetess...we're not going home..." he sighed looking down, "If you say we're in the past...then there's no going back...You saw Dra...he was different....doesn't matter much to me since I want to tear him apart after what he did to my sister and all of us...." Namir just looked down as his legs shook slightly tears coming to his eyes.

     He wasn't going to see his sister again. He wasn't going to see anyone else again. How did they even manage to time travel? While Eclipsetess seemed to be joyful, Namir clearly wasn't anywhere close to that. "I won't see her again....will I..?" he asked looking at Eclipsetess, "My sister...the did any of this did we even get here..?" he asked hesitantly knowing he probably wasn't going to get a answer.

     Orion just tried to comfort Solstice and calm her, "It won't do anyone any good if you go looking for them like need to be in control of yourself and keep your emotions in check.." he said nuzzling her. He knew she would have ran off, but he stayed with her making sure that she wouldn't do it. "And your not going to run off'll get yourself hurt or lost even.." he said.

     Solstice just looked down worried, "I have to do something Orion! He's my brother! I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for him! Eclipsetess is my guardian! You saw that other guardian..." she said taking a step away from him. Orion only sighed knowing there wasn't anything he could do to help her. Though that was when he saw everyone huddle around something, so he nudged Solstice as they both slowly walked over. Solstice just slowly trailed behind Orion with her head lowered.

     Solstice only looked up at the flower never seeing a plant like it before. "I-its my brother...and Eclipsetess.." she said studying everything that the flower showed, but she still had a strong feeling that something was terribly wrong. Sure enough, she was right as she looked at Scorn worry written all over her face. What he had to say next only broke her already saddened heart to hundreds of tiny pieces.

     "B-but h-how could they have gone into the past..w-why would they go to the past..." she asked looking at Trickster and Scorn as she teared up. What they both had said next only pained her even more. Orion only looked at her unsure of what to say, "N-no..this can't be true.. It can't be! It just can't be true!" she yelled before she took a couple steps back before she just turned around and ran off. She was going to loose the only family she had left. 

     Solstice couldn't take anything anymore. She couldn't take anymore pain or trauma. She had been through too much that she just couldn't handle anything else. She only ran as fast as she could as far as she could not wanting to be followed. She only slowly to a stop when she couldn't run anymore as she hid sobbing. "Namir..." she muttered to herself as she curled up and covered herself with her wings. 

     Orion couldn't even stop her no matter how hard he tried to. He sighed hating seeing her run off like that, "Solstice..." he sighed as he looked down, "She can't take anymore of this...she's burdened by her past everyday...her brother was always there, and now..." he couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence. Even if he wanted to go after her, Orion knew she'd only run away more. It was obvious that she didn't want to be found.

     Though Orion noticed that her necklace had started to glow again before she had ran off as he looked at Trickster and Scorn seeing them glow, "Whoa...uh what's going on with you two..?" he asked taking a small step back unsure about everything as he only looked at the flower again letting out a sigh. Even if he hardly knew Namir and Eclipsetess, he knew that they didn't deserve any of this. Why and how did they even get there?

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#263930 Posted on 2022-12-18 07:56:20

"Namir, don't cry, we know where we came from after but before we were horsenapped, we know that much but it won't do us any good if we're gonna be sitting ducks out in the cold, we got to move more and find were we were earlier. I say, that we're going home in a different way, if we were in the future then we're past, and you know what that makes?" Eclipsetess asnwered partly but also asked Namir, she seemed like she read everything from a book.

"Well first I forgot, but like I said if we're in the past but we live in the future, then we're able to save a couple or more books from being burned, and that we can see our ancestors! Everyhorse knows that we can see our Ancestors in the sky after everything because they weren't immortal, but Trickster or Scorn has a bit of family connections in the past. She told me blankly herself, and we can also see if the staircase came back.. I know you miss Solstice, and she misses you greatly, but we need to be strong. I know you can't handle things like this since- ah back when we horsenapped by Carrion and Trickster, and that Solstice was hurt. Azulia told me again, always telling me things to ramp me up to now.. A-and that makes me realize that I know how everything hurts and yes, you can tell me everything that you are hurt by." Eclipsetess said sweetly and patiently, she wanted Namir to be fine first before adventuring.

"We can even stay right here if you need it, we don't need to go anywhere else, and that we're together at least. I still want you to be okay, you know I love you.." Eclipsetess said, she gave Namir a long and sweet kiss this time, she wanted Namir to be calm and thinking.

Though in the present time, Scorn looked at his wings, they were growing larger then normal, Trickster on the other hand.. She had gotten a slight wolf-ish change as her body was changing into a wolf a little bit, but when she was done changing she could revolt back to her normal self.

Scorn just took on one of his Ancestor's size as he also reverted back to normal with a quick change here and there, Scorn suggested that if Eclipsetess and Namir were in the past, that meant they were changing time a little bit as everyone could see that..

"So if time changes completely, then we would not be here?" Trickster asked Scorn, she was changing form from being her regular self to her wolf form as worry was seen.

"Not exactly, we would be the futuristic but still living in the same time and same generation as our previous ancestors did, I know that because I met Dra when he was little, he wanted time to change.. When he met a friendly mare, he had gotten a crush from her and he and the friendly mare wanted to stay friends until they got older.." Scorn admitted, Trickster already realized something.

"Your immortal aren't you? That explains why you know so much about some things and look around like you know nothing! You know this plant because you were the Commander, the Captain, the final Ancestor! But you chose immortality and wanted to live your life like this.. How selfish are you?!" Trickster snapped, she was in her wolf form and the wolf form was a direwolf since these wolves went extinct in the Isle of Mountains.

"I'm sorry, but at least I have kids like you, but not really you! Everyone is different, Dra wanted to see his wife who died who was actually the Isle itself! Mother Nature! That was the mare's name and Darling mother, here have a portrait of the mare, Dra and Darling together then!" Scorn shouted back, he summoned the family portrait and it did show a mare with a flower in her forelock next to her ear, the mare also had green eyes and was a magma pony, her husband was Dra and Darling the daughter, Darling was right.. Dra did go mad..

"The necklace that Solstice wore was actually a family heirloom! A direwolf was her ancestor who married a mare that was a horse! That's why Solstice's life force is in the necklace, no one knows any properties of the necklace because I know everything! I know the Great War between the Wolves and Horses! I know the necklace by default because I know I saw it in a book that I have, that old book was an Ancestral Book, older then many books because it was made during the great war as the book was detailed and noted everything going on! I never wanted this!" Scorn yelled again, this time at the sky and at Trickster.

"You think I wanted this?! I only wanted the best out of Solstice, Namir, and Eclipsetess to have a good life! Not some freaking adventure that was entangled into this! I wanted everyone to be happy!" Trickster yelled at Scorn, this time she was crying as Scorn just kept at the yelling which made Trickster yell back.

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#263932 Posted on 2022-12-18 09:04:38

     Namir only sighed, "We were only exploring the mountain..and now we're decades into the past..I don't even know how our horns and wings disappeared.." he said looking up at her a bit confused as to how it even happened. Did horses in this time not have horns or wings..? Or was there some sort of spell that removed them from a horse? Namir just felt different without his magic..without his horn. Like he couldn't do anything.

     "Eclipsetess I don't know anything about time travel.." he said pausing for a minute..maybe two as he let her speak, "But what are the consequences if we do recover these books? Who knows what would happen if we were to recover those books. We have to be careful on what we do's clear that different..but he'll recognize us in the future. No matter how painful it was...we can't change it. We can't change anything."

     As much as he wanted to do something that would help like retrieve these books, Namir knew that it wasn't a good idea. Well at least he let out a small laugh, "Azulia is always talking about things that happened..." he said before looking down again, "It's like it's all happening all over again..being taken..being put in a cell...Dra.." he paused for a second, "I don't want to loose you a second time...I-i can't loose you again Eclipsetess.."

     Namir just stopped talking as Eclipsetess gave him a kiss. He tried to put a small smile on his face as he nuzzled her before looking around letting out a sigh, "Alright...let's try and find a way out of here..the sooner the better." he said looking at everything in his sight. Anything that would lead to a way out, but nothing stood out to him. "Be wary of your surroundings..we're defenseless without our wings and magic."

     Orion just looked in the direction Solstice had run off to unsure of what to do at the time. He eventually turned around to see Scorn and Trickster change. Though Trickster seemed to scare Orion a bit as he backed up, "Y-you just changed into a..wolf.." he said unsure if what he just saw was real before he looked at Scorn, "Everything they do in the past can and will change the future. They could be small and unnoticed, or it could be as big as a Isle or horse disappearing from existence."

     "I hope neither of those things happen, but there's a higher chance of something changing terribly the longer they are there.." he sighed before he looked back at the two as Trickster started to yell. Though he only took another step back at she changed into her...dire wolf form before listening to Scorn as he looked at the picture. Dra...was happy? Maybe he really did go mad..

     Though when Scorn mentioned Solstice, Orion listened to every single word. "Her ancestor...was a wolf..? B-but that doesn't make any sense! A horse and a wolf are different animals...we hated each other then hence the war." Nothing was making sense to him. He still didn't understand why the necklace seemed to be her necklace, but the yelling was starting to get to him.

     Orion just walked up and stood in between the two using his horn and magic to push them away from each other and to keep them away from each other, "That's enough! Both of you!" he said yelling in order to get the both of them to stop, "The both of you arguing and yelling at each other isn't going to help. Who knows where Solstice is or what she is doing, but she's clearly heartbroken. She may not see her brother again..or even Eclipsetess..."

     He only paused as he let out a sigh and looked at the both of them, "Now stop yelling, and let's figure something out before anything else happens.." he said pinning his ears slightly before he looked in the direction Solstice had ran in, "We should start with finding her...who knows what's she doing..we need to find her before she does anything that will hurt herself."

     Solstice had only ran off until she couldn't run anymore. She didn't even bother to fly. Instead she just hid in some bushes and trees as she curled up and used her wings to cover herself up. She didn't want to speak with anyone. She didn't want to be found. She didn't even want to see anyone..not even Orion. The only ones she wanted to see was Namir and Eclipsetess. Though she just lost hope that she wasn't going to. After everything she's been through, she thought that she had officially lost them both.

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#263958 Posted on 2022-12-18 13:58:33

"I know Namir, but we're still horses, we can buck and rear when we need to. So we're still pretty powerful, even if our wings or horns aren't there!" Eclipsetess tried to be happy, but she couldn't feel happy anymore, but she start to look around as she thought she felt something watching her.

*Many whispers start to arise around the spot where Namir and Eclipsetess were*

"Huh?" Eclipsetess paused looking up at the sky, "Behind you.." a voice whispered at Eclipsetess as a little shadow appeared behind her, "Ah! Oh hello little shadow pony?" Eclipsetess asked in a confused tone and voice, she had no idea what she was up to but she wanted to be friendly at least.

"I know you... I see you.. My family is here to help.." the little pony sounded familiar but a couple of thundering hooves came as a big ol' horse jumped from the ridge that Eclipsetess was under before she bacled up.

"Ah we finally found some new companions on our journey back home!" the big stallion said, he.. Was really taller then Eclipsetess or Namir as he was almost the height of the rock.

"Y-you must be an Ancestor right?" Eclipsetess asked, the big stallion laughed and nodded as he lightly picked up Eclipsetess and put her on his back as he did the samething to Namir.

"Might wanna hold onto each other, I am a big horse after all, and we'll see how to get you back home." the big stallion said as he trotted around as he galloped and jumped back up onto the ridge as he ran back to the Island part of the Isle of Dreams, but he was big and fast so he got home right away with two stow-away's.

"Ah back home faster then Splinter, I am happy to beat him." the big stallion said as he stopped when he got back to an ecampment of horses, a couple of mares here and there doing heavy loaded work.

"The camp looks so small.." Eclipsetess said gullibly and weak, the stallion laughed as he put her down and Namir as well.

"Miss, you have not seen the future that an Oracle prophecized, after the war we'll make this forest smaller and claim it as the Forest of Dreams, where we'll make a living. But for now, it's small because we were ambushed two years earlier, I just want to get you two back to the future. Oh and a mare asked me to keep this necklace, recognize it? It's from the direwolf with his purple necklace! He was actually a spy for us!" the big stallion said excitedly, a wolf betrayed his own race? For what reason?

"For what reason did he want to betray his own race?" Eclipsetess asked the big stallion, the camp went silent for a little bit before the big stallion perked up.

"It's because he wants a mare with the same necklace to pass down generations, so that we'll be able to have a more welcoming site, oh and have you met Scorn? He's a lovely hardy worker!" the big stallion pointed at a young Scorn as he instantly recognized the two. But he went back to work nervously..

"But why does the direwolf with his purple necklace want with a mare with the same necklace? Not just for generations, but a general question." Eclipsetess asked the big stallion a surprising difficult question.

"It's because Mother Nature wants to help us horses and wolves get along, Nature wanted her daughter and her to become happy in the future, but she isn't there yet after she left Dra. He's a sweety to her, but if he finds out that Mother Nature sided with us.. We're boned.." the direwolf perked up as his necklace changed to the colour that Solstice had, then a mare came up next to him as to nuzzle him gently.

"And because we want some heavy built kids when we get there, my little mate's Oracle friend said that when the perfect generation is made, the daughter of two loving parents and a loving bigger brother would be the most powerful mare ever, even if everyone says that she's not powerful eneough to defeat Dra in the future.. And her name would be Solstice, goddess of the sun or something different, I always loved that name.. Me and my pal Moonshine decided to name our kids after the sun, so that we have a generation of tradition. And that the future twins would protect the Isles in the future, together." the direwolf looked around, and even up at the sun when he said Solstice's name.

"Namir don't say anything.. Stay silent.." Eclipsetess walked up to Namir, and told him a command as Eclipsetess knew that Namir would freak out about this, she even nuzzled and carrased him to not talk about this.

"Anyways, what's your name big black stallion?" Eclipsetess asked the big black stallion that took her and Namir at a safe camp.

"My name? Helos, like heaven and hello was mashed together but put in a different thing, for here and everywhere, Helos is translated to Lucifer, but my grandson is a bretrayer for siding with those wolves. Now we have a bigger army to face.. Great.. I hate my life but killing my own grandson? Heck no! I'll ask the god's to punish him instead, Hades can take care of a traitor." Helos said, well now he was for sure Lucifer if he was the on getting stoned by Dra.. Great.

"Don't forget about the Oracles of the Sun! They know everything to the future and our past, and Helos; don't forget that you can see future horses, so why are these futuristic horses doing here? Aren't they supposed to be taking care of their family?" the mare asked who was mates with a wolf, but Eclipsetess blushed madly and she laughed in a blushed way and said "yeah.. totally~" Eclipsetess then put her head on Namir's back to stop the blushing.

"Namir don't even say anything.." Eclipsetess commanded in a way, she knew Namir would freak out with this, the Ancestors actually could tell differences in the past?!

"Well let me show your wings and horn, they just disappear automatically when you reach Mount. Wolfington, which is changed in the future.. Gladly." Helos said as he revealed Eclipsetess's and Namir's wings and their horns.

"Better, now I can transport you home!" Helos said as he started glowing when Eclipsetess and Namir went bright and flashed back into the future, and Mount. Fuji was was showing the best sunset ever.

But The Flower of Vision also went back underground, but some newer flowers popped up to give the herd of mares a more helpful design in a way, but Eclipsetess noticed the unknown mare and stallion sitting on the edge of a ridge as they looked and watched the sunset.

"Namir.. We're home.. Now let's see this sunset before we go home, I did promise a sunset after all, not a crazy weird adventure with you. But I liked it as we bonded a little bit more, at least we know that Moonlight gave us a hint at Solstice and her backstory of a past.. But let's get to the sunset, I want to watch it with you, I wanna cuddle with you actually.." Eclipsetess was joyful to return home at the first part, and she did promise a sunset not an adventure, and that she told part of her feelings why she acted a litt bit weird.

But Eclipsetess smiled and accepted the blushing when she looked at Namir, at least he doesn't have to worry about her going to find another stallion, because she's already attracted to one! Eh? Oh and that Helos was the great great great grandfather of Molten and great great grandfather of Darling, and the grandfather of Dra, at least they don't have to worry about right now.

But as Eclipsetess sat down partly aways from the mare and stallion watching the sunset together, she looked at Namir and smiled to her best as she giggled happily, this time not being weird or anything, she felt happier and she told her truest of feelings! Partly, she still needed to confess the rest..

"Well since clearly I have a dire wolf form, I'll use my sense of keen smell to track Solstice-.." Trickster paused on the dots as if she knew something about the direwolf race, it didn't matter as she shifted in her direwolf form and began sniffing around, Trickster needed a scent trail to get to where she needed to go, so she went in the direction that Solstice went and sniffed around.

"I'll bark and point if I find a smell that belongs to Solstice, okay? I don't want any of you all to get scared over me." Trickster said, she was still her kind self at least for the small part, but she knew that she would scare Solstice when barking at her. Trickster took the risk anyways.

"Alright, I also have good eyes for looking around, I'll use my horn to project myself to everyone when you bark so I can give a higher advantage and a location to where Solstice was, though I have feeling two guests arrived back, but we'll have to wait until the sunset is over.." Scorn said as he launched himself into the air and Trickster began to trail.

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#263981 Posted on 2022-12-18 15:29:33

     "I guess your right..." he said nuzzling her. His slightly stocky self provided him a stronger kick, but the wolves were still almost just as large as they were or even larger. Namir just nuzzled her trying to comfort her and himself. "We'll find a way to go back home..we just have to figure out how to get home.."  he said looking around a bit as he let out a small sigh trying to figure out something that would get them out of there and back home. 

     Though Namir tensed up as he started to hear whispers. At first he thought it was Dra messing with him again, but then he realized that it wasn't. Would Dra even be able to manipulate him when he was in the past? That thought just came and left as he looked around trying to find the source of the whispers. Then he heard a slightly familiar voice as he looked at Eclipsetess as he turned around to see a small pony.

     Namir wasn't sure who to trust at that point, and he didn't really like that Eclipsetess had only spoken with everyone kindly, but he had a harder time trusting. That was just Namir being Namir. Though Namir just looked up as a rather large black stallion approached. For once in his life Namir actually felt small..well maybe not the first. He felt like a ant when Dra enlarged himself. 

     The stallion only pinned his ears quietly snorting as the stallion picked Eclipsetess up before doing the same to him. Namir was just officially confused by everything, but he hardly spoke. When they got to a small camp, Namir only looked around. The place felt familiar, but he wasn't sure why. Namir only nuzzled Eclipsetess when the stallion put them down, "Lay down if you need to..." he said quietly before he looked at the stallion once more.

     Forest of Dreams..wait. They were home..just still in the past. Namir thought of it as a start for now, but he only looked at the necklace the stallion showed. Why had he not paid more attention to it before? It looked just like his sister's...just purple.. Namir only looked over to see the same wolf as before. He still didn't speak, he just let Eclipsetess handle that part while he just carefully observed everything.

     Scorn? Namir looked over where the stallion pointed to see a much younger Scorn. Wait. How was Scorn even alive then? Unless...he was secretly immortal.. He only watched him for a minute or two before bringing his attention back to the conversation and the unknown stallion. Namir was just distracted again by the dire wolf and the mare that walked up to him. The necklace caught his attention more then anything. The necklace changed look just like his sister's.

     Namir was now more confused then ever. He only looked at the wolf and the mare as he listened to what was being said. Wait. Everything the stallion spoke of seemed to match his sister. He only looked at the stallion as soon as he heard him say his sister's name. She was to be a..goddess...? But how? Why? This couldn't be true could it? Namir was about to open his mouth and talk when Eclipsetess had told him not to.

     He looked down and sighed knowing it was probably best he didn't say anything. After all it could change the future. Though he was surprised that the stallion didn't ask by what Eclipsetess meant by what she said. Namir just flapped his wings slightly as he felt his magic flowing inside him once more. It seemed to calm him and ease his mind having his horn back. Namir just felt his normal self again.

     Namir looked at himself as he started to glow before he realized they were back on the mountain they were originally on. He just nodded still needing time to relax and ease his mind despite how badly he wanted to see his sister. "Alright..we'll watch the sunset then go home.." he said nuzzling her as he laid down. He didn't even pay attention to the other mare and stallion.

     He only fixed her mane a bit before he smiled looking at her, "'s good to be back in the present.." he said with a smile feeling better. Though he just couldn't get his mind off of his sister. Namir just smiled as let out a small huff as he gave her a small kiss on her cheek and grinned a bit, "Love you." he said loud enough for only her to hear. Then Namir just nipped at her ear a bit messing around.

     Orion wasn't used to Trickster's new form, but if it were to help find Solstice, he'd put it aside. "Let's just find her before it gets completely dark...then we'll have to wait til morning..she blends in with the night." he sighed as he looked up at the setting sun, "We don't have much time.." Orion nodded to Scorn before him and Trickster started to head in the direction she had ran in, "Let's hope she isn't doing anything...maybe she just needed to get away...." he said thinking out loud trying to be as positive as he could.


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#264038 Posted on 2022-12-19 12:41:13

Eclipsetess put her head on Namir's back, enjoying and sighing to the relief of calmness and fresh air, and just relaxing on how it is out in the Isle of Mountains.. Eclipsetess then giggled as she remembered what the wolf and mare said as it was funny to her now.

"Namir, I know we aren't gonna have something yet, but could we possibly think and agree or disagree about it?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, she was talking about having a foal.

"I mean, you can think about it when we go home, I can wait for an answer. I don't mind since I usually just hang around when needed. And watching the foals with Solstice and Orion." Eclipsetess sighed, she really asked for something when she didn't know how Namir felt about it.

"You don't have to you know, agree with me, I can take a hint. But I thought that you might like it if you thought about it first, and at least have something to think about, other then Solstice.." Eclipsetess laughed behind her voice, though she did know what she was talking about, and that she made herself known that she respected Namir protecting Solstice, he would do anything for his sister after all.

Though as Trickster followed a fading scented, she caught onto another one pretty quickly and then she spotted Solstice with her eyes changing colors to benefit to seeing in the dark, then she barked as she changed into her normal self, Scorn heard Trickster with his ears as he quickly dived down when he was cruising near.

Trickster walked up to Solstice as she was changing from her wolf form to her normal form, Scorn just delicately cantered to the ground, though he did nuzzle Solstice's wing as to ensure her about how she feels..

"Solstice, don't forget that Azulia knows how you feel, don't forget about her remarkable power for seeing and feeling how you feel, and don't forget that we're hear. I know you miss Namir, but he'll come back, I just know it! And I know that if Namir comes back so does your beloved best friend Eclipsetess." Scorn said sweetly and calmly, he retold Solstice about Azulia's ability and that Namir and Eclipsetess would come back.

"And besides, we all know that Namir and Eclipsetess can find a way back, you just got to be hopeful about it!" Trickster said full of hope, cheer, and enough glee to last for a thousand different centuries!

At the herd, Azulia was grazing with Raven grazing next to her as she ate apples instead of grazing, but that's because apples were her sweet tooth and healthy treat, though Azulia lifted her head up when a book popped up infront of her. She then ducked her neck and grabbed the book gently as she had a mare use her horn to make the book float.

"The book cover says "The Great War Between The Wolves and The Horses" by Helos and Sunblur the Spy." Azulia said, she then had the mare follow her as they both trotted over to Orion.

"Orion! Orion! Some type of book appeared! It says that it's connected to the Great War!" Azulia said as she stopped trotting as she stood in front of Orion, the mare with the oldest book in all of the history has appeared and wasn't dust, then how did it survive? Had it and trotted then stopped trotting as she got next to Azulia who was in front of Orion.

"How do you think this survived?" Azulia asked, she was really curious now, but the mare with the book had her magic float to Orion as he would take it now.

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#264051 Posted on 2022-12-19 15:03:12

     Namir was still pretty much silent for the most part as he just tried his best to enjoy the sunset and take in what he learned about his sister.  He wasn't sure what to believe at that point, but he tried not to put his full focus on his sister. Though did all of that actually happen? Namir just put his thoughts on something else as he smiled and looked at Eclipsetess as she put her head on his back. It seemed to calm his thoughts a bit.

     Though he just looked at her unsure of why she giggled. "What has you giggling?" he asked her before he nibbled on her mane a bit as he listened to her words. At first he wasn't sure about what she was talking about, but after a moment of thinking about it, he realized what she was talking about. He never really thought about it before, but it did kind of sound nice to him. To settle down...have a life..a family.

     He only smiled and nuzzled her, "I will always think, worry, and protect my sister....just not the same way I could when she was a filly. Nothing will change that. Even when I'm not here.." he paused as he glanced at the setting sun which was almost out of view, "The same goes for you." he said as he turned his gaze back to her with a soft smile as he nuzzled her softly again.

     "I never thought about ever being a father...or even finding a mare, but I'm glad that you came into my sister's life and my own..even if things weren't the best.." he said speaking the truth as he paused slightly getting his thoughts straight so he said the right words in the right way, "I guess I do miss my sister being a filly.." he laughed before he had a small smirk, "Why? Did you want one...start a new chapter..?" he asked a bit quieter as he let out a small calm huff as he awaiting an answer.

     Solstice knew the sun was setting as it started to get darker out by the minute. She only hoped the others would go back to the herd if they were looking for her. She didn't want to be found, and she only wanted to be alone in her element. The night. The darker it got, the more it seemed to calm her slightly though she stayed put. The quietness of the night seemed to make her feel a bit better.

     Though she only thought she had fallen asleep when she heard a strange noise. She never heard it before, but she somehow knew what it was. A wolf? Solstice still didn't move. She thought she was just dreaming. Until she felt something nudge her when she heard the familiar voice. She merely just peeked from behind her wing before she hesitantly brought her wing to her side, but she didn't look at them.

     "She can only know how someone feels. She can't take the pain away." she mumbled not wanting to talk. Her ears only lowered when her brother and Eclipsetess were mentioned. Solstice tried to keep her tears hidden, "You said it yourself Scorn...those who go that time never return..or were at least never seen again.." It was clear she lost hope on pretty much anything. That all her life would ever be was just pain and loss.

     Solstice then just slowly got up keeping her head lowered as she turned around and walked a few steps away before she stopped. Her necklace never stopped glowing, and she was so hopeless and hurt that she was blinded by what she knew about her necklace, "Can't this thing stop glowing for once? I never asked for any of this." she said as she ignored the other's protests as she started to remove the necklace. 

     The more she removed it, the weaker she got. Wasn't long before the necklace dropped to the ground Solstice barely standing on her own. The necklace immediately stopped glowing and it went dull rather quickly once she took it off. Solstice only tried to walk off further away from them, but she barely managed to take a few small steps. After that she just fell unable to get back up. It only proved that the necklace was her life source..or was it her magic that kept her alive? The necklace seemed to take the magic out of her when it was removed from her. 

     Orion was just standing by himself pacing back and forth as he was worried about Solstice. The sun had almost set entirely, and he was getting more and more worried. "Come must've found her by now.." he said quietly to himself before he looked up at Azulia and the other mare as he looked at every detail of the book, "How can this be...? It looks almost brand new...t-this is impossible..i-it has to be." he said never seeing anything of the sort before.

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#264065 Posted on 2022-12-19 18:27:37

Eclipsetess was caught off guard by what Namir said as she started to rampantly blush and then she pulled her wings infront of her to hide her blushing, but she did peek out one eye from moving her feathers a little angled downwards like a- weird triangle.

"I.. Um.. Maybe? B-But we still have things to do first! How are we gonna have time?!" Eclipsetess asked, she then layed back down but kept her wings in her face but she did press her feathers a little close to her face, she did sound a little excited but also a little afraid if both of them had any time.. To y'know.. "the do's", to even acquire a foal (I tried my best.. Give me some slack and credit).

Though Eclipsetess did put her wings back at her sides as she looked at the sun setting now, she then got scared and told Namir to use his wings, the horses from before (everything) were gone. Maybe they already went back as Eclipsetess flew into the air as she jumped without flapping as she then started flapping and waiting for Namir.

"Come hunny! Before we lose our sight in the dark!" Eclipsetess just called Namir hunny?! Well a second nickname besides little, sometimes when Darling isn't near her or Namir, Eclipsetess also calls Namir darling when not expecting, though Eclipsetess was in a rush to get home.

"Hehehe~" Eclipsetess used her magic to bubble Namir for a quick second before letting him fly on his own, she then started flying around him as a little thing to make him laugh, she wanted to have him a little more happier. Though she did watch out for the rocks as she followed Namir (And that you can have Eclipsetess do the samething when you have Namir go home as Eclipsetess would just follow him anyways, so I don't need to write that twice).

Though with Trickster and Scorn they watched Solstice get up and take off her necklace as they never really saw her without her necklace, except for when Dra took it from though they instantly got her to wear her necklace as Trickster had Scorn put it on when and if Solstice didn't want it on. She was having it on.

But Trickster went to her wolf form as Scorn put Solstice on Trickster's back as Trickster began running, before that, Scorn had some rope wrapped around Trickster's waist, as a precaution if Solstice was gonna take it off if she was awake enough. But Scorn also flew into the sky as he went home alongside Trickster who enjoyed her new form as she had more of a longer sprint level and was enjoying it.

Azulia was still wanting answers, but she had Orion flip to the front page where it would usually show a name, like Helos was the author or something, somehorse or the direwolf spy could have written in it. But everyone in the camp before Eclipsetess and Namir left that Helos did have a book on his back as he was introducing some horses, one only familiar to both Namir and Eclipsetess..

But Azulia did groom the mare next to her as she told her to go back to being happy as the mare left without hesitation and seemed to be like a toy that follows every command, quite weird, but some horses could have survived the war. After all, it's a possibility to be immortal now.

Though back with Eclipsetess as she was thinking while hovering, like how Scorn was there in the camp, seeming to be young back then, she then thought about the direwolf's necklace and their future descendent and whatnox. Eclipsetess now wanted answers from Scorn as she knew that he couldn't dodge a question thought like her's..

"Namir, I'm gonna fly ahead of you, I'll shoot out my firework magic when I get back home. Okay?" Eclipsetess told Namir, she then shot a tiny little firework as it didn't have much of a noise to it, but she used it as an example in case he forgot.

Without thought Eclipsetess then flew back, flapping and gliding as she was in a hurry to be home to ask her questions and hope to get answers, she knew Scorn much more now and wanted to know about the Ancestor's for Solstice's family and previous family.

Though she did near the herd as she shot off a big firework as she could and it made a huge loud noise, it scared the mares and the foals, including Azulia as she also saw Trickster and Scorn coming back as Eclipsetess did a barrel roll styled dive near the earth as she spun while landing. She did not look happy, but she watched as Scorn landed besides Trickster to get Solstice to the ground to recover.

"Eclipsetess, you are back! I am so very happy to see you, but I need to settle Solstice down and check her magic source and her life force. Orion mind helping me get Solstice to that tree? With that stuff on the branches?" Scorn asked Orion, as he made sure the rope was off as he began using his magic.

Eclipsetess just stomped her hoof and walked off somewhere private, near as she stuck out with her glittering stars now, but still dark enough for her brown coat to look almost similar to Solstice but without the black to make her a seal brown like Solstice. Azulia was worried for both as it would cause another fight, and she didn't want another fight as she looked at Raven who understood the pain.

"At least you got your father's coat, but my ability to feel, see, hear, and everything else to be the next Seer of Sense.. My little one." Azulia said loving to Raven as she just giggled but looked around with very worried eyes.

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#264083 Posted on 2022-12-20 06:25:22

     Namir just chuckled to himself as she hid her face. He only looked around the area, "What? I thought that you would want to since you bought it up..." he said with a grin as he looked back at her seeing her peeking. He couldn't help but to laugh at her reaction. Like a little filly. Namir only nudged her wing a bit still letting out a small laugh or two. "Well...that's for you to decide." he said seeming to like the idea to start a family.

     He then stood up and stretched a bit as he looked up at her. Hunny? Now that was something he liked, "I'm coming I'm coming." he said as he opened his wings and took off. Namir was starting to get the hang of flying, but it still wasn't his favorite thing to do. He smiled as he watched Eclipsetess fly around him for a minute before they started heading home. He had enjoyed the sunset, but he was relieved to be going back home. 

     Solstice wasn't thinking straight when she took off her necklace. She was blinded by everything in her past. Never having parents, Dra, her old herd. She just lost all hope that she wasn't going to see her brother again. So much so she forgot about how important the necklace was. She couldn't take any more pain or loss. She had enough of it. It only took a couple seconds for most of her magic and strength to be sucked out of her causing her to fall.

     The necklace grew dull enough that it had little to no color in it. By the time Scorn had put the necklace back on her, Solstice could barely keep her eyes open. She couldn't do anything. Though as Scorn placed her on top of Trickster, Solstice thought she was dreaming or hallucinating when she barely saw Trickster change to a strange form, but after that she closed her eyes unable to keep them open anymore.

     Orion couldn't help but to be distracted about Solstice as it got darker out. He only hoped they found her and were heading back, but he got a feeling something was wrong...terribly wrong. Though he eventually realized Azulia was still there talking to him as he turned to the first page of the book, "I don't recognize the name..never seen it in any of the books I've read.." he said unsure about it. 

     Namir was silent as he was thinking over everything that they learned in their little adventure, but he mainly just wanted to see his sister.  The stallion just nodded unsure of why Eclipsetess wanted to go ahead, "Alright. I know where I am, so I'll be a short ways behind you." he said. Namir wanted answers from Scorn just like Eclipsetess did, but he didn't know why she flew ahead. He only focused on getting home safely, and seeing his sister hoping she was alright.

     It wasn't too terribly long until he saw the firework. He smiled relieved to know that Eclipsetess made it back safely. He only used the firework to make sure he was going the right way, and he was. He wasn't too far off from the herd. Namir wasn't in a big rush, but he didn't want to push himself when he was only getting used to flying. Instead he kept his pace...that was until he saw the meadow in sight.

     Orion looked up to see that Trickster and Scorn had returned. Then he saw Eclipsetess who didn't look happy, but he didn't see Namir anywhere. Though he didn't ask once he noticed Solstice on Trickster's back. His eyes widened as he hurried over, "What happened to her!?" he asked even more worried then he was before. Of course he was going to help. Orion didn't hesitate to help Scorn move Solstice to the tree he pointed out. Why that tree, he had no idea, but he did as he was told.

     After Orion carefully laid her down, he couldn't leave her side. Namir had then landed silently into the meadow when he saw them moving Solstice, "What on earth happened to her!?" he said yelling a bit clearly not happy as he rushed over. He was worried about her, but he tried his best not to yell to Scorn or anything of the sort for the time being. Instead he only stood right beside her just like Orion did, but neither of them knew what happened. 

     Namir had only hoped she would be alright as he saw how dull her necklace was. Solstice was too weak to move or open her eyes, but Namir seemed to realize what happened. "She took it off.." he said more to himself as he looked up at Scorn, "Why did she take it off!? She could have died again!" he said loosing control of himself slightly. Namir quickly realized this, and took a quick breath or two before he spoke again, "Tell me the oracle isn't true.." he said quieter then before.

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#264087 Posted on 2022-12-20 08:07:31

"O-oracle? You must be crazy to think I was.. Wherever you were.." Scorn quietly backed up, he knew.

"Stop, we saw you in that camp when that big stallion- Helos was talking and pointing at you." Eclipsetess defensively said, she got infront of Namir, Orion, and Solstice with a defensive pose.

"Y-you must be.. Lying right?" Scorn asked in a hesitant voice, he wanted the two to believe him, but he knew they wouldn't.

"Alright fine, the Oracle about Solstice being a goddess is true, but that was lost ages ago! That war was over, from the start." Scorn said, he must've been in the peace and wherever he was to witness it.

"I only wanted the best out of this herd, this forest, this Isle that was once land.. You weren't there to witness an ambush, Helos wanted you back home, here, because Snow-Wind saw other wolves. Everyhorse in the camp was almost wiped out, Snow-Wind and his mare mate survived with me protecting them, Helos was killed on sight. Dragon Devil was the one to start and almost die during the war. That's why the god's from before didn't care, because they knew what Dra was going to do after the war was finished.. They just wanted to help, but I pushed them away.." Scorn said, he sat down like a hurting and knowing horse.

Eclipsetess backed up as she didn't want Scorn to do anything to her, but he just looked up like her.. With crying eyes, he knew more than anyone, and yet he only wanted the better of them, he wanted to everyone safe.. Whether or not he was with them.

"I only wanted to keep you three safe, I never wanted you to go war, to lose Eclipsetess, to lose anyone.. I wanted to keep everyone safe, whether or not you three needed guarding from an old stallion like me.." Scorn said, he looked down while getting up and walking back to the herd, he was sad and Azulia felt the pain coursing in her as her eyes just went black.

"I should go back as well.." Azulia said, though some wings and a horn faded in and out before disappearing back to nothing, Eclipsetess was confused until she summoned her book and flipped to Azulia's page as she sat down while also hover over Solstice now.

Eclipsetess was faster then she knew as she then realized that she was hover over Solstice, though she did use her magic to check on Solstice's magic level, but she did not like it as she hovered back to the ground..

Eclipsetess nudged Solstice a little before she stuck her wings into the air, her horn glowing as she loved her best friend, Eclipsetess's eyes then glowed brightly as she started floating off the ground, her wings then began glowing as well. Her horn also glowing as she then bursted her magic once more, this time controlling it so that it would go into Solstice then when Eclipsetess used her magic up. She landed softly to the ground...

When Eclipsetess landed her legs gave out, as she closed her eyes, she blacked out and didn't feel like moving at all when she was laying down, her wings then disappeared as her horn as well.. Azulia watched Eclipsetess lay there as her wings and horn disappeared, she then began crying as she knew this moment would come true.

"ECLIPSETESS!! NO!!" Azulia cried, she ran over to Eclipsetess's side and started nuzzling her, then she looked at Namir and Orion with very- no highly protective eyes as she buried her face into Eclipsetess's side.

"I love you.. friend.." Eclipsetess said, she didn't move, nor sounded like getting up. Azulia knew what this moment was going to be.

"No no, don't say that, only horses dying say that. I am not losing you, I am not gonna lose you, I am not losing you like we were when foals, you are staying and not.. Going to transport, you are too young for that.." Azulia still cried as she didn't want Eclipsetess to go to The Heavens, she wasn't going to lose a friend.

"You know what I said years ago, two strike's and I'm done.." Eclipsetess grasped some air before speaking "I did my two strike's and I'm going now, whether or not you say so, whether or not I'm young, that was always a rule in the Guardian School. Two strike's to revive a friend, and your done for life.." Eclipsetess gasped for more air, Azulia kept crying as she stayed with Eclipsetess as she started to fade to magical dust.

"I always thought this moment was gonna come, just not like how it was gonna go, maybe I'll see you all soon.. Maybe I won't, who knows?" Eclipsetess stopped breathing as she turned into the magical dust as the dust flew up back to The Heavens.

"No.." Azulia was surprised.

"NO!!" Azulia yelled, she then ran off with nothing to do anymore, Raven just watched her mother run off and so did Esmeray and Moonlight.

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#264089 Posted on 2022-12-20 09:12:36

     Namir pinned his ears. It was clear he wasn't in the mood to let this slide. Though he wasn't sure why Scorn seemed to know about their little..adventure, but it was clear Scorn knew what he was talking about. "Don't lie to us Scorn! This is my sister we're talking about." he said firmly as he stomped his hoof. Orion just stayed with Solstice staying out of the argument. He should have been the one to look for her, or she wouldn't have done what she did to herself. He could have talked her out of it..or at least tried to.

     Though Orion did listen to what was being said. Wait. Was Solstice really a goddess? It took him by surprise, but he just monitored her and her necklace. Some of it's color had returned, but it was still mostly colorless. This only concerned him, "Come on Solstice...your stronger then what you think you are.." he quietly whispered to himself knowing she couldn't have heard him. 

     Namir just snorted a bit as he listened, "Can't you see what Dra has done to my sister? She nearly killed herself! He nearly killed her! If you hadn't pushed the gods away then things could have gone better for her! There's nothing I can do to help heal her. Now I have to watch her everyday seeing the pain in her eyes even when she tries to hide it. I just wanted her to have a normal life..but she never will."

     It was pretty easy to see that Namir wasn't happy, but he only turned away as Scorn left as he laid down beside his sister. It felt like one of Dra's spikes had pierced through his heart once more. "Don't stop fighting now sis...I'm here..." he quietly said to himself as he lightly put his head on top of her closing his eyes. Orion only took a step back giving Namir some room, but he still stayed pretty close to them.

     Orion did notice the wings and horn that faded in and out on Azulia as it confused him. He never saw anything like that before, but he just kept quiet as he watched Eclipsetess wondering what she was looking at. Namir looked at her worried as more time passed. He couldn't loose her now. Not after everything. He needed her. He needed his sister. Though he watched Eclipsetess as he quickly got up knowing it was going to hurt her severely or kill her...

     The two stallions watched Eclipsetess as she released her magic letting it go into Solstice. Her body and necklace glowed slightly. Orion went back to Solstice's side with Namir hoping she'd be alright until they both looked up seeing Elipsetess fall. "NO!" Namir quickly left his sister's side and rushed to Eclipsetess's. "Not now..not after everything...w-we have a future together! Don't leave me...don't leave.." he said as tears ran down his face as he put his muzzle to her's.

     "Just..breathe Eclipsetess..breath..." he said loosing it as he closed his eyes as she took her last breath. "No..." he mumbled heartbroken as he watched the dust fly off. The only mare he ever loved...gone. Just like that. Namir couldn't stand. Instead he just laid down right there and quietly sobbed. Ignoring the others. He couldn't loose anyone else. Orion just stood between Solstice and Namir. He wasn't sure what to do, but it hurt him just as much.

     Solstice still laid motionless for a little longer until she opened her eyes some. It took her a couple minutes to try and at least sit up when she saw the two stallion, "N-namir...?" she said quietly as her voice was a bit raspy. The both of them looked up at her, but Orion let Namir go to her first. "I-i thought I wasn't going to see you again....see Eclipsetess again...y-you were in the past...Scorn said.."

     Namir quickly looked up when he heard Solstice and rushed back to her, "Don't get up..." he said relieved that she was going to be alright. "Don't worry about that...just rest.." he said making her stay down, "You nearly killed yourself when you took your necklace off...don't do that again..even if I'm truly gone..." he said letting out a sigh as it was clear he was hurting and experiencing grief.

     Solstice did stop talking as she looked at Orion nuzzling him as he walked over. She looked at her brother seeing the pain and grief in his eyes before she looked around. Where was Eclipsetess? Where was everyone else? Was she dreaming when she saw Trickster change to a different form..? She had no idea was happened and what didn't. "W-where's Eclipsetess..? If your back..then she must be too..right?"

     Orion looked at Namir saying nothing. It wasn't for him to tell. Namir seemed to lower his ears and look down more when Solstice asked about her. He sighed knowing he couldn't keep this from her, "Eclipsetess...gave her life to save you..." It was hard for him to speak those words as his eyes watered up even more. "There was nothing....any of us could have done..." he said barely being able to speak. Namir didn't say anything though about who she really was. She didn't need to know that right now.

     "W-what...? N-no...she can't be! She can't be gone! That's not fair! I didn't ask her to..." she paused looking down as she started to tear up, "I-i can't have that stallion as my guardian! She's my friend...this isn't fair! She didn't deserve to die! I-it's my fault.." Solstice started to blame herself for Eclipsetess's death as it hit her hard. Namir just looked down unsure of what to do or say. It pained him just as much as it did for her and Azulia.

     Orion sighed as he nuzzled Solstice, "It was her didn't deserve to die either...she wanted you to live the life you deserve...we all do, but she wouldn't want you to blame yourself..." he said unsure of how to word things. "I'll give you two some time alone..and tell the herd you're alright..." he said nuzzling her before he brought the foals to the herd as he made his way to Scorn, "Not sure who's side your on right now, but Solstice's is fine...well she will be..she just needs some rest.."

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#264114 Posted on 2022-12-20 16:31:18

"That's good then.. I'll stay out of everyone's way as well.. I don't want any fights.. I'm gonna need some time as well.. For everything.." Scorn slightly couldn't say, he saw everything yet he respected Eclipsetess's decision.

Scorn did as he said, the mares in the herd watched him silently as they looked at each other before looking at Orion, Namir, and Solstice, they then looked up at the sky they knew something as a herd now. And they knew better then to tell anyone, before Scorn began to move he also looked up at the sky, the stars shifted over?

"What in the world?" Scorn asked himself, the mares grew even more silent as Scorn summoned his book, the book began glowing and then a new page was added.

"Oh so that's how books work, when they glow they are adding a new page, great.." Scorn said as the book flipped to the new page, it documented everything about Eclipsetess and there was a constellation for her.

"Hmph, I'm going to Faith, whether or not I'm supposed too. I'm getting Eclipsetess back." Scorn said as his wings appeared and he flew up into the sky, he didn't want the stallion guardian to be with Solstice nor did anyone, including Solstice herself.

"Wow, he's actually bending The Rules of Heaven! He's going to get himself killed!" a mare said as Azulia perked up when hearing that, she then ran over and looked up at the sky as she saw Scorn flying up into the sky.

"Scorn come back! You have a herd to take care of! You have a family!" Azulia shouted, she was worried for Scorn and Solstice now.

"Yeah? And does that change the difference about me?!" Scorn shouted as he kept bending the Golden Rule about heaven, and that was "Do not enter The Heavens without a Need", and yet, Scorn was going to get himself killed for it.

"I still can't believ The Heavens just don't allow horses like Scorn to be able to access it." a mare said, another scoffed and another laughed.

"It's only because there's bad horses with bad intentions that wanted to kill one God or another, that's why they are so protective of their Realm, they can on sight and if a horse passes through, they use some Angels to Kill Hunt the selected horse down. No matter what, Scorn is going to die with honor as he wants Eclipsetess back.. For Solstice.. That's what Scorn always wants from a horse, to be happy, and for Solstice to be happy.. He wants everyone to be happy, and it gives him honor to get Eclipsetess back.." Azulia said, she stopped talking as she began to cry again, the mares looked down with sorrow as they knew Scorn well, and Smoke couldn't have a mom without a father.

"What can we do to help?" a mare said, she had wings on her sides like a goddess, but she then realized who it was, the other mares crowded around as Scorn came back down with tiredness.

"God-dess, can't you ever let me catch a break?" Scorn asked the mare with necklace-like things on the mare's wings, the mare just smiled and laughed.

"Never, you know me Scorn, and I'm glad to be back. Now, I'm gonna say hi, and I'm gonna do it right." the mare said, but it was just Eclipsetess, but in a goddess form now, she really went and upgraded herself.

"Well.. I'm gonna walk with the "strange mare" and don't do that again Scorn, or else you want a beating from a herd of mares?" Azulia asked, Scorn just huffed and walked over to his lead mare, Smoke's mother.

As Goddess Eclipsetess walked over to Namir and Solstice, she was different as she had a white pelt now? Anyways, she was so different that Namir or Solstice wouldn't recognise her until she said something, but Azulia accompanied her like a lost puppy, which would have gave away the mare's name but she was still quite different.

"Hello there you two!" Eclipsetess greeted Namir and Solstice, her voice was different, but her personality wasn't. Because she was a goddess, and she was immortal now.

"Hehehe!" Azulia giggled to herself, she always loved dressing up, but it was even funnier now!

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#264121 Posted on 2022-12-20 19:01:02

     Orion just simply gave a small nod as he turned away and laid down near Solstice and Namir, but he gave them plenty of space to be alone. The herd was pretty much silent, and Orion didn't like it. He could see all the sorrow and grief in both Namir and Solstice. He only sighed as he looked around. Orion may not have known everyone that well, but it was clear to see how important Eclipsetess was to the the two siblings.

     Namir didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything else. It pained him more and more as more time passed. He couldn't believe she was gone. Why hadn't Eclipsetess told him? Solstice couldn't say much of anything else. She was clearly hurt even more then before knowing she did lose Eclipsetess. It wasn't the same without her. She only laid as close to her brother as she could leaning into him a bit hoping to find at least any amount of comfort.

     There was no way either of them would sleep that night despite everything that happened. Solstice did close her eyes eventually still lacking energy and strength, but she was no where near to falling asleep. Namir eventually looked up at the herd seeing the mare looking their way. He only looked back down letting out a sorrowful sigh. Though he heard the mares murmuring amongst themselves as he looked up seeing the stars shifting.

     He didn't say anything about it because he didn't have anything to say about it. Both Solstice and Namir looked at the herd when some of the mares started to yell, "What is that stallion doing?" he said snorting a bit pinning his ears, "Better not be running away.." he said to himself as Solstice only looked at Scorn then her brother confused as to why he was acting that way.

     "Namir..? What happened? What does Scorn have to do with anything..?" she asked as it was clear just how much she was hurting at that moment, "What is he doing anyway?" It was easy for Solstice to tell that her brother was keeping something from her...something that obviously had to do with Scorn, but she had no idea what. "Namir..please just...tell me." she said pressing herself against him more as she closed her eyes as she awaited an answer.

     Namir only calmed and looked at her letting out a sigh, "It does not concern you right now.." he said before looking back up at the others, "He's going to get himself killed anyways." Solstice just snorted a bit not happy that he was keeping something that seemed to be important from her. " And promise me you will never take your necklace off again? Without it you'll.." Namir couldn't even finish the sentence in his head.

     "I won't Namir...I-i wasn't thinking straight..I just..." Solstice looked down and sighed. Namir just placed his head over her neck for comfort..for the both of them. Though Namir couldn't get the mare he loved out of his head. He couldn't believe she was really gone. That she risked her life to save his sister's. It shouldn't have been like that. It shouldn't have ended up like that. 

     Namir just flicked his ear every now and then as he listened to most of what was going on. Orion just tried to get some shut eye since he was pretty worn out, but it was hard for him to do so with everything. When he looked up, he saw a unfamiliar mare that looked like a goddess and had jewelry like one. He only got back on his hooves as he noticed how the mare interacted with Scorn and Azulia. It couldn't be could it..?

     Solstice just did as her brother told knowing he wasn't going to answer any of her questions. Though she looked up when she heard a unfamiliar voice. One that came a white mare..and Azulia? She only looked at her brother for a moment before looking at the mare again. She tried to get on her hooves, and managed to with Namir's help, "E-eclipsetess...?" she said hesitantly before she quickly went to her and wrapped herself around her, "I-i were...d-dead..because of the mistake I made.." she said crying happy tears.

     Namir only looked at the mare that came over as he stood up helping Solstice when and how she needed it before he looked back at the mare once more. He only smiled as the same happy tears ran down his face as he walked over to her nuzzling her as he felt relieved to know she wasn't truly gone. He took in the moment before he looked at Solstice then Eclipsetess as he hesitantly spoke, "Should she find out now...or wait...?" he asked knowing Solstice was to find out sooner rather then later.

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#264122 Posted on 2022-12-20 19:33:11

"It doesn't matter hun, she would find out anyways, whether or not anyone or you tell her. But it would be better to tell her now so she can get everything settled, but there are going to be troubling thoughts, and that's why it comes sooner. So that she can forgive, when she feels like it." Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir, her white coat shined white, then it went pearly and faded back to her original color.

"Though I am rather immortal now, ah Faith.. Hm." Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir again, Faith must've made Eclipsetess immortal if she came back.

"Excuse me to ruin the moment, but how did you come back if you got two strike's? The rules are stated for every guardian that if you revive or give up all your power twice, you die and go to the Angel Realm, same for you. So how? Faith knows she couldn't do anything, so why and how, and who?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess giggled as she looked up smiling.

"Let's say, that a white wolf with a purple fainted necklace vouched for me, and that Faith vouched for me as well, it is quite rare getting a guardian with a personality like mine. Except one that comes back when needed in great times of suffering, anyways, Namir knows what I'm talking about, and so does Solstice now." Eclipsetess nuzzled Azulia, though she did look back up as a new constellation formed next to Eclipsetess's constellation, though Solstice's constellation also appeared?

Though when Eclipsetess looked up at the sky, Faith came down but seemed to be rather indulgent and worried, Eclipsetess rushed over to her when Faith came down looking for something, rather important but Faith landed down on the ground safely as she was frantically looking around now.

"Need anything?" Eclipsetess asked Faith the Faith goddess mare then ran over to Solstice and looked at her necklace, Eclipsetess trotted over as Faith then copied Solstice's necklace, straight down to the core of copied it and then she summoned the white wolf with a broken necklace as purple fades dotted his paws and his two gold and amber-like two toned eyes.

"Here, the pure necklace is copied, I forgot you broke yours.. Now we're done here.." Faith huffed as she layed down to sleep, the white wolf only paused in silence as the necklace reattached to the rope and began to be purple with magic glowing, and then it made Solstice's necklace glow since it was connected after all.

"Hm, now what do I do? I don't wanna scare anyone, I don't want my hybrid kids being mad and then my descendents freaking out.." the white wolf said under his breath, he was talking to himself, but he gave off the impression like he was meant to be a horse instead of a wolf.

"Hey your that spy for the Great War right? Your mated with that mare as well?" Eclipsetess asked the wolf, he seemed to perk up and smile and bark a little happy.

"Ah yes, I'm Wind, I changed my name from Snow Blur to just Wind, it fits me more. And my mate's name is Kettle Chips, which I find quite funny because when she's mad she makes a sound like popcorn, heheh!" Wind laughed at his memory, he did just then sat down and relaxed somewhere near the herd, but a little away's near.

"Well there's goes the ancestor.." Eclipsetess mumbled, she did go back to nuzzling Namir and calling him his nickname like hunny, and now appearently hun, she still called him little as well.

"Hm, I forget that you never change when you come back." Azulia sighed, she then laughed as Eclipsetess giggled at what she said, it was pretty funny to her.

"I'm just happy to be back with everyone, including with Solstice and.. Namir~" Eclipsetess did tease Namir as she nipped his mane a little and trotted around him like a little foal.

"Oh and I now can teleport like that magic dust when I died? Well now I can turn into that whenever! It was actually a teleported for guardians, it's quite fancy actually!" Eclipsetess, she did stay happy when she talked about her death but she did nuzzle Namir like an excited foal.

"I.. Can settle down if you want too Namir, I wouldn't dare go anywhere without you~" Eclipsetess teased, Azulia suspected that she didn't say anything yet about how much excited Eclipsetess was, it was only a matter of time before she said anything about that.

"Just don't forget to tell Namir about how much excited you are Eclipsetess~" Azulia teased, she just trotted back as Eclipsetess hid herself with her wings again, and peeked out when Azulia was away.

"Great.." Eclipsetess mumbled under her breath, she didn't stop blushing, surprisingly.

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#264142 Posted on 2022-12-21 06:37:10

     Solstice just took a step back as she looked at her brother then Eclipsetess back and forth, "What on earth are you two talking about? What is it that I need to know?" she asked unsure of what it could possibly be about. She saw the look on Namir's face, and it was the same look he had earlier when he watched Scorn. She knew it had to of been the same thing he refused to tell her only moments before. "I'm not a little filly anymore...I'm sure it's not that bad.." she said starting to get a bit worried about what it was.

     Namir looked down slightly as he let out a small sigh, "Very well...better now then later.." he said looking at his sister again. He still wasn't very fond of the Oracle mainly because Scorn kept quiet about it for so long, but there was nothing he could have done to change it. After he took a breath or two, Namir thought over the words he was going to say before he started to explain things to her.

     "In the Great War of wolves and Horses...we ended up winning causing the extinction of the dire wolf..never even heard of them before earlier today.." he began as he glanced at Eclipsetess. He didn't want to be the one to tell her, but he knew he had to be the one. "We were brought to a that will end up being a part of this Isle. The camp was small, but there was one familiar face...Scorn."

     Solstice just quietly listened as she looked at the both of them still confused and slightly worried. She didn't know why any of this had to do with her, and why her brother didn't seem to be the happiest about whatever he was telling her, but what did Scorn have to do with anything? Despite the questions she was wanting to ask, Solstice stayed silent. She knew when to interrupt and when not to, and she still needed to take it easy.

     Namir could see the questions that she wanted to ask, but he only kept going once he figured out the right words to say, "Though Scorn wasn't the only one that stood out. A wolf and a mare. In love. Married. That your ancestor...our ancestor. He wore a necklace just like mother's except it was only purple. They wanted to pass it down generation after generation...I was right when I thought it was a family heirloom from mother's side. She just never spoke about it."

     "Mother rarely spoke about her family, and now I know why.." he sighed looking at Eclipsetess for a moment unsure if he should continue, but he did. "An Oracle. According to Scorn it's true...but lost. The Oracle claims that once the right generation is made, a daughter will be born with a older brother and..loving parents...that she is the most powerful mare able to defeat Dra even if others doubt her.." Namir paused once more as he needed a moment before he said what he was going to say next.

     "This a goddess..goddess of what I don't remember, but her name is...Solstice.." Solstice quietly listened thinking over the words that were told as she seemed to realize the Oracle was about..her. This couldn't be right could it? She only looked down shocked unsure of what to think. Namir just nuzzled her a bit, "Scorn was that time...he lived through the war. It's true."

     Solstice only looked up at him, "B-but why me? Our a wolf..? It doesn't make any sense! I'm still learning about my magic..Dra may still be own life is dependent on this necklace!" She only took a small step back unsure of what to think as she looked at Eclipsetess. The look her brother had made it clear that is wasn't a lie. "But how...?" she asked quieter as she looked down.

     Namir couldn't answer those questions, but he just looked at Eclipsetess nuzzling her in return as he looked up at the starry sky flicking his ear as he watched the stars shift once more. "Sis I know you have questions that I cannot answer, but it is true.." he said as she looked seeing the constellation that was for her next to Eclipsetess's.. Though that was when they both noticed Faith.

     Solstice said nothing as she watched Faith. Before she even realized it, Faith was right in front of her focusing only on her necklace. She was unsure why Faith seemed to make a complete and perfect copy of it before she noticed the white wolf that emerged as Faith went to sleep. Namir looked at the wolf as well recognizing him as he just looked at the two sentences. Solstice only snorted a bit, "If only I knew why it glows." she huffed wishing she knew more about it. 

     "You'll learn soon enough sis..." Namir said as he nuzzled her before looking at the wolf once more, "We've seen worse then a wolf..." he said before nuzzling Eclipsetess softly more then happy that he didn't loose her. "You always are bright and cheery.." he said with a smile as he looked at his sister nuzzling her, "I have the same questions as you do, but maybe you can ask Wind tomorrow.."

     She only nodded before she turned and walked over to Orion. He never was too far from her since Scorn and Trickster found her. Solstice said nothing as she laid down beside him and laid her head on his back closing her eyes. She was exhausted and couldn't handle anything else that night. Instead she just fell asleep as Orion watched her for a bit flicking his ear before he looked over at the others.

     Namir only watched Solstice walk away seeing her fall asleep before he looked at the two, "What are the two of you talking about?" he asked sensing they were keeping something between the both of them, "You just died Eclipsetess..the least you could do is tell me what Azulia meant by what she said." he said nudging her wing, "Come on. This time you are going to tell me I'm not letting this one slide." he grinned.

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