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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263441 Posted on 2022-12-11 10:40:59

     Solstice just quietly laughed to herself. Never has she seen a stallion get excited about a book, but hey he was interested in them. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with wanting to know the truth about things. Orion on the underhand just nipped at Solstice a bit with a grin before he looked at Bastilla nodding as he respected her words, "Every family has their secrets. I never thought I would have ever seen anything related to the original book."

     "Are you sure? I mean it's important to your family..." he said a bit unsure, but he noticed how she seemed to be excited about his own books, "They're old...very old..but they mostly contain truth about well almost everything." he said seeing the one she picked out, "That's a good one to read...practically read it so many times I'm starting to memorize it word for word." he laughed before looking at her book again. Orion carefully turned through the pages skimming through it, but he decided to read it later.

     Orion though took his attention back on Bastilla when he heard the mainland being mentioned, but Solstice was the one that spoke since she knew more about it, "No one must never go to the mainland. The horses there have no magical properties and have plain and boring coats. They do not bore the markings any of us do, but that's not what the danger is. Creatures. Weird ones at that. They control horses in many ways...many horrible ways. If they see you and those won't be good news."

     Solstice only knew this because of Darling when she summoned her father's notebook. When she told them his plan and about the mainland. "Now. You may not have a horn or wings, but those markings say otherwise. Only one horse is known for having them. Sure I may look like a alicorn, but I'm not. Eclipsetess gave me these wings...I just decided to keep them." she said with a small smile as she looked at her friend then this new mare.

     "Bastilla please stop chasing Azulia...we're only trying to help you." she said before making sure Azulia was alright "Hmm...I was starting to wonder if this day would ever end." she said to herself before she looked at Eclipsetess and Bastilla seeing her take her true Dusk form. Solstice only smiled until the shadow pony appeared again. She took a small step back as Orion did the same not knowing if it was some sort of threat.

     That was until it broke away from Bastilla and turned out to be the real Dusk. Both Solstice and Orion had no words, but they both bowed like everyone else. Solstice just barely removed her wings from her sides when she did before bringing them back. Orion looked up to see Hades returning, but was surprised to see him nuzzle Dusk and Dusk do the same. "Did I...miss something here..?" he asked out of confusion.

     Namir had been staying away from the herd not knowing when and if Dra would try to manipulate him again. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Especially the mare he loved and his little sister..even if she wasn't so litter anymore. Though he stood up when he noticed what was going on. Solstice quickly noticed this and hurried over to him, "You need to rest Namir. Stay off of your hooves for once." He just ignored her as he slowly walked over to Eclipsetess and the others. Solstice snorting as she followed behind.

     "I swear he never listens." she said more to herself as Namir gave her a look, "I'm not a filly anymore Namir. I'm old enough to make my own decisions now, but you need to take it easy..." she paused looking down, "We don't know how long the spell will last..or even if he'll try to manipulate anyone else..." she sighed wishing all of this could be over already. Orion just stood next to her nuzzling her.

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#263442 Posted on 2022-12-11 11:06:37

"That is quite true, not all horses will forever be still, or so.." a voice rang out, it had no echo, nor a body to attach itself, so Dusk, Bastilla, Hades, Eclipsetess, Molten, Darling, Scorn, Azulia, Carrion, Trickster and the herd of mares was very aware of this.

"And who are you, disembodied voice?" Bastilla laughed a little though a gust of wind did go through her to make her feel cold.

"That's not your choice to say, nor anything alike that, but you are quite very excitable no doubt?" the voice said, the three foals huddled together as they were a little scared.

"I am a free voice that speaks, no one tells me otherwise, or how else would my brothers recognize me? Hades is still alive no doubt since he lives in his little domain, while we other god's of real-ness built a domain for ourselves?" the voice said, though a gust of wind did go into a circle before everyone, and then Zues was right there.

"I swear, I'm having more of a crazier dream then all of you.." Bastilla said? She couldn't believe that Dusk and Hades knew each other, and that Zeus was alive?!

"I think we're all in a dream, a dead horse doesn't come back from death, so how is this possible?" Eclipsetess said, she was confused beyond confused at everything.

"I'm taking a nap, I-I can't right now.." Azulia said as she walked into the herd of mares, Raven followed after her mother.

"Yeah I'm taking Esmeray and Moonlight with me to be in the herd like Azulia just did.." Trickster said, her tiredness then appeared as Esmeray and Moonlight trotted and then walked into the herd.

"I just think that we're sleeping, because Zeus only appears in dreams, and that we could also be tired from everything happening which makes our brains believe something that isn't real.." Everest pointed out, she then put her scrolls away and walked into the herd.

"Yeah.. What the small pony said, I'm heading to bed, this amor is also quite heavy.." Bastilla admitted as she took off the amor as Dusk stayed up and walked away from everything happening, she was also tired but not wanting to deal with it, Hades also didn't believe this and followed after Dusk.

"Welp, everyone agrees that we're all going to bed early. See you Solstice and Orion, and I hope that this weird thing doesn't happen again.." Eclipsetess said as she trotted over to the tree, she flew up without hesitation and layed her head down on the branch, feeling nothing but tiredness washing over her.

"Good night then!" Bastilla said as she found a place as the armor disappeared, she layed her head down, but she was sleeping next to the pile of books.

Bastilla closed her eyes as she felt so tired after the adventure she had, she had wandered so many Isles to the last Isle, Isle of Dreams.. Eclipsetess and everyone felt the same way Bastilla felt; tiredness that wants rest, something to be comfortable with and sleep happily..

The day and part of the night was eventful which found rest, though Zeus did disappear as he turned into wind and just disappeared..

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#263443 Posted on 2022-12-11 13:10:12

     Solstice just looked around when she heard the voice. She didn't recognize it, and she didn't see anyone that she didn't know nearby. Though she did spread her wings defensively in case it was some threat, but the voice didn't sound like it was a threat, but Solstice still wasn't completely sure. She did look over at three foals and she nuzzled them, "It's alright young ones..." she said softly before she looked back at the others and saw the stallion that appeared.

     She was in shock and so was Orion, "I-it can't be can it..?" she said turning back to the others looking at the stallion before looking at Eclipsetess for a moment before looking at the stallion again, "We've seen plenty of things...I can't tell whether this is a dream or not.." she said completely unable to tell what was real and what wasn't. Though she felt the wind that went around the herd, but it left a cold feeling inside of her.

     That was when everyone started to head off to bed. Solstice just stood there unsure of what to think or believe. Orion did the same, "I-is it really the real...Zeus..?" he asked looking at her, but Solstice only gave him the same look he had. Then he looked over at Everest, "But he's a god..immortal...what if..what if he's still alive..but no one knew about it..?" he asked, but she had already left.

     Then everyone else did. Namir didn't say a word as he just followed Eclipsetess and laid down at the base of the tree she perched in. Solstice just watched him still feeling bad about him, but she couldn't do anything about it. She just looked back over at Zues, but watched as he disappeared into wind. Orion just sighed feeling the exhaustion hit him the same hitting Solstice, "Come on...we need to go lay down..we'll..figure this out in the morning." he said quietly as he directed her over to a spot to lay down.

     Solstice didn't say anything as she just walked over to the spot with Orion. They both laid down as Solstice laid her head on his back and closed her eyes. Was it a dream? At that point she had absolutely no idea whether or not if it was real or not. Or even what else was real or false. Had she been living a lie? A dream? She sure hoped not, but it wasn't long before she dosed off. Orion did the same, but managed to stay up slightly longer then Solstice did.

     Namir watched the two and sighed. He wasn't comfortable about closing his eyes, but it wasn't long until he had no other choice. What feared him was if Dra would try to manipulate him a second time causing him to do something terribly. That or do something to hurt someone he cared about. The only thing he wanted was for Dra to stay away from his sister and Eclipsetess. He had done enough to them, but Dra wasn't finished yet...unfortunately. Unless Dra was still dead, and this was still all a dream?

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#263448 Posted on 2022-12-11 14:39:48

(Just taking a little dive in how Eclipsetess feels, that's all!)


Eclipsetess opened her eyes as she got up, she then silently fluttered down onto the ground as she snuggled with Namir, feeling bad for perching up on the branch with him at the base, she did want him to feel better.. But she had no idea how to do that..

Unless Everest had a new scroll appear? Eclipsetess did wonder about the scrolls that Everest kept with her since she became the Keeper of Scrolls, she had always wondered about things but never had the sensation to want to know the thing that she was after, but she ignored it for now as she kept snuggling with Namir until she fell asleep..

She wanted at least wanted to be with him in case something bad happened, giving Eclipsetess the advantage to take Namir and the other's into the air quickly without failure, and even teaching him how to to acrobatics like what Olymphia did in the sky, though Eclipsetess did wonder about Olymphia as well. But she lost the thought when she awoke and took to the sky..

A new feeling caught her attention as she looked about worriedly, she knew that mares and stallions liked to go to the forest and.. Eclipsetess then blushed when she remembered what Scorn told her when she first joined the herd when she was a young filly, her parents took her to Scorn's herd for protection, as they said that they would be back to pick her up and take her home.. But they never did and never came home from their Isle..

Eclipsetess then slowly hovered back to the ground as her feathers got sharper, her feeling never left her as the thought stayed with her, the Mountain of Love right? Eclipsetess then looked at the Isle of Mountains, she wanted to take Namir there tomorrow morning. But she couldn't sleep, let alone have the feeling running amuck on her body..

"Maybe the morning will be peaceful? I only want the best protection for my herd, and since Hades, Dusk, and Bastilla are here they'll protect Isle of Dreams best, and since Hades is the God of Death for taking dangerous souls to his domain then he'll be protecting the two herds here to their best.. I hope that's the case.." Eclipsetess told herself, she couldn't sleep, nor even need it since the two thoughts never left her mind..

Instead the two thoughts interwoven themselves into her brain, making her stay awake even if she wants to sleep, she'll be forced to stay up tonight until she takes Namir to the Isle of Mountains, she just prays that Everest peeks interest and comes with her.

Though Faith did come down and walked up to Solstice when she had no wings, instead, she was just a little projection, a- what's the word? Illusion? hallucination? delusion? Foresight? Illusion is best then.. Eclipsetess was staring at a whited out Faith with nothing but white, everything about Faith was white, she was just an illusion from hallucinating.

"Do not be alarmed, I am apart of your derelization, something that only appears when someone prays deeply for the one that you love, and I came here to answer your question! And don't worry, no one else but you can see me, I am apart of your derelization, an illusion from hallucinating if you wanna call us that." the projected Faith told Eclipsetess, she smiled warmly and gave her the more feeling of warmth.

"And I here that you need a question answered?" the projected Faith once more spoke again.

"Yes actually, why do I feel more attach to Namir? It's been a few good days since we battled Dra.. Well sort of more of a couple years or more, I do not keep track of time anymore, so I do not know really.." Eclipsetess sadly asked the projected Faith, she just laughed a little at Eclipsetess but she stopped.

"Dear Eclipsetess, your feeling the more attraction for Namir, you say you love him right? And you did tell him that as well? Well then your more attracted to your future mate actually," the projection paused before continuing.

"your just experiencing more real attraction to someone that you deeply care for, you fell in love with him first-sight right? And that you've been trying to be a good friend until now?" the illusion of reality seemed to be real to Eclipsetess before the projection spoke agai n.

"I just think it's time to make the relationship a bit more deeper, so take him to the tallest mountain on the Isle of Mountains and experience what ever horse experiences: A deeper level of love, something to bond over and something to make you two more happy with. I know you must be confused by what I said, but it makes perfect sense, you deeply care for someone other then friends, so your just attracted to your stallion more.. And yes I just said that!" the projection then left as she giggled away.

What Eclipsetess was told only made her ponder more, but she did go back to Namir and settle down onto the ground, she did feel cold again when the projection left, so she snuggled up more to Namir to feel more warmer once again. Forgetting about what she was told and just seemed to be sleeping fine now since her head was cleared for the night.. Quite happy actually!

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#263450 Posted on 2022-12-11 15:09:20

     How Namir had slept as soundly as he was, no one knew. It wasn't that he feared Dra like his sister did, it was more of not knowing what was to come. Was Dra even alive? Or was it just a dream? What did he want anyway? Why him? Dra knew it was easy to manipulate Solstice...or was there something he wanted? The necklace? They all knew the necklace was somehow connected to her...Namir wasn't sure of what would happen if the necklace was taken from her a second time..

     Though Namir tried his best not to worry and just get the sleep he needed. To get that, he had to keep his mind clear of any thoughts. He was unaware that Eclipsetess had flown down and slept beside him, but it did seem to ease his mind some more. All he ever cared about was protecting those close to him. Even if it meant doing something for Dra.. But what was real anyway? 

     Solstice had slept for a few long hours until she slowly opened her eyes despite how tired she was still. She looked around seeing everyone asleep except for Eclipsetess. Well that was normal...for the both of them to struggle getting a full nights rest. That was something Solstice missed, but she set that aside for the time being as she stayed put watching her friend seeing something bothering her.

     "I wonder what she's worrying about..." she quietly whispered to herself when she noticed Eclipsetess had started to talk to someone, but who? Solstice didn't see anyone else awake that would have been talking with her. Maybe she was just talking to herself? Who knows. Solstice still stayed put knowing her friend would only usher her back to sleep. Though Solstice eventually looked up at the night sky as it would still be awhile until the sun rose once more.

     She only sighed as she looked at the herd then Orion. Solstice smiled when she watched him sleep like he was. She could even hear him snore every once in awhile. Though she just laid her head back on the ground and closed her eyes again. Solstice was too tired to even think about staying up for the rest of the night, so she just tried to go back to sleep. It would only do her good anyways. 

     Though she felt a small gust of wind, so she just snuggled closer to Orion and used her wings for warmth for the both of them. Almost like a blanket. Maybe wings were for more then just flying? Oh well. She was comfortable again and she soon fell back asleep. Wow. Solstice couldn't remember the last time she feel back asleep that easily...or even get a full nights rest. Maybe Orion somehow helped her? She did feel different whenever she was with him, but she wasn't sure what that feeling was.

     Solstice didn't even know much about him, and she still felt close to him even if they hadn't known each other long. She knew love, but not all that well. She knew her friends love and her brother's love, but that was all she knew. Everyone kept saying her and Orion were mates, but they weren't. Solstice started to wonder about Orion and if felt the same, but she just went back to sleep forgetting about everything until the morning. All she needed at that point was some sleep, and for the first time she was able to get a full nights rest. That morning she'd feel more like herself then she had been in such a long time. It amazing what a full nights rest could do.

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#263451 Posted on 2022-12-11 15:37:54

Scorn woke up when it was close to dawn, but he didn't want to usher everyone awake with his voice, so he nudged every mare in the herd to get up, except Solstice with Orion and Eclipsetess with Namir, he wanted them to sleep longer and see if they felt better.

He did get to grazing near the dge of the hill as Eclipsetess opened her eyes, her back to Namir as Eclipsetess's legs were straight up, Eclipsetess always woke up to this position when she was comfortable, she was certainly comfortable with Namir as she got up and shook herself as some grass got into her mane and tail.

Eclipsetess then woke up Namir peacefully as she nudged him awake carefully, still wanting to know if he wanted to continue sleeping or not, she would have let him slept some more if she wanted, but she wanted to check with Namr first about sleeping then get to what she was doing with him when he didn't want to sleep anymore.

But she also would let Namir sleep in peace if he wanted to sleep some more, she did love Namir's snoring as she thought that it was quite cute of him, though she did lay down but not to sleep as she awaited patiently for Namir to wake up or mumble in his sleep..

Eclipsetess also used one of her wings to keep Namir warm, at least she could have thought about this first but she never realized that she could and forgot about it when she went back to sleep, the night was peaceful after all but the dull gray sky wasn't lit up with color yet.. So it was still quite early, but the herd of mares and Scorn were used to it.

Though Azulia did get up to start grazing as Raven ran over to Moonlight and Esmeray, the three foals began playing quietly since Solstice, Namir and Orion were still asleep, they respected the older horses and elder horses very greatly, they respected the older the horse was. Not unless it was someone mean then Azulia and Trickster taught them about that.

Azulia did laugh to herself every now and then when Raven fell on accident due to not paying attention, but she did love her baby and tended to her when she needed it, though Raven and Esmeray were two days old exact? They would have since it's been two days exact then.

Moonlight did have a chance as being the momma duck when leading her babies to somewhere, the three foals playing even though Moonlight was quite older, she enjoyed being a foal and cherished it.

Smoke did trot over to the foals to guide them back to the herd even though they were being watched by their mothers, Trickster did think that Carrion was off somewhere and so was Cronsi, they were probably taking their magic to the extreme since it's been awhile since Trickster or Azulia saw them. But they didn't mind.

Though Bastilla did get up to start reading everything, she was pretty excited to read, so she gently picked up a book and began to read it as she gently touched the pages and read them carefully and full of brightness! Bastilla loved all kinds of stories, so faked truths she could handle as well as real truth's too.

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#263452 Posted on 2022-12-11 17:26:51

     Namir slept peacefully most of the night. There were times he partially woke up, but it wasn't long enough for him to fully wake up. Instead he just went back to sleep. Just like his sister, he struggled getting a full nights rest. Mainly because he wanted her to be safe. Nothing wrong with that...right? Shouldn't be. Namir was learning not to be so overprotective though. He knew she was old enough to defend herself easier, but he'd still protect her when it was needed.

     At that time, Namir was slowly started to wake when he felt someone nudging him. The stallion just mumbled and groaned a bit not really wanting to get up quite yet. It was still a bit early, and he was just being his normal self with refusing to wake up like he did sometimes. Just Namir being Namir. Stubborn. Though for once he got a good night's sleep, so why wake up now?

    Though he didn't sleep for too much longer. Eventually he just slowly opened his eyes and yawned. Namir shook his mane so it all laid on the side of his neck it always did. Then he looked over at Eclipsetess nuzzling her once he woke up some more. "What are you so eager about..?" he asked her with a small yawn. Namir did look over at everyone else seeing his sister and Orion still asleep. Good. He was glad she was able to get better sleep then she normally did.

     Orion flicked his ear every now and then until he eventually woke up. He looked over seeing Solstice still soundly asleep right by him. He just smiled seeing she had used both of her wings to keep them both warm. He softly nuzzled her before seeing everyone else up for the most part. The foals playing, mares grazing, Bastilla already diving into the books. That only made him quietly chuckle to himself for a bit not wanting to wake Solstice. Instead he wanted her to wake up when she was ready to.

     Solstice felt Orion moving around a bit, and it was enough to wake her up. For once she wasn't super tired when getting up, and she felt like a little filly again. Orion just nuzzled her and she did the same. Though he apologized for waking her, "Don't need to apologize Orion. It's been awhile since I've slept almost all felt good.." she said with a smile as she got up and stretched a bit. Orion had done the same, but Solstice saw the foals playing already and decided to walk over to them, "Lively foals this morning." she chuckled.

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#263454 Posted on 2022-12-11 18:00:44

Eclipsetess looked at Namir as he woke up, though she did think about what she was going to say to Namir, then Eclipsetess sighed as she inhaled and exhaled..

"Namir, do you think that you and I could fly to the tallest mountain on the Isle of Mountains? Just you and I only, you don't have to agree with me though!" Eclipsetess said friskly, she was certainly energetic and shy today? But she did await for Namir's answer as she stood up with her wings ready to fly!

Raven looked up at Solstice and nudged her on accident since she wanted to nuzzle her instead, she still had a squishy brain for forgetting what was what, though Esmeray came hopping over, bouncing on his little hooves, he then also looked up at Solstice as he nuzzled her this time, Moonlight came walking over with caution, she was being a little jealous for not getting Solstice's attention first.. Though she did pin her ears, and walk back over to where Raven, Esmeray and her were originally before Solstice came over.

Though Azulia chuckled at Moonlight, Azulia then walked over to Solstice to nudge her towards Moonlight who was being a little grumpy and jealous, though she did tell Solstice to give her some baby talk and nuzzle Moonlight to look at her. Azulia then walked back to her spot where her and Trickster were before she left.

Bastilla had a wonderful time reading Orion's books as she got to the last, and then she decided to re-read them once more when she finished the last book of Orion's pile then she would enjoy reading again, she enjoyed getting more and more information then she previously did..

Last edited on 2022-12-11 at 18:00:59 by Lizzy

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#263455 Posted on 2022-12-11 19:41:49

     Namir looked at her patiently waiting to hear what she was about to ask or tell him. Though he looked over seeing his sister now up and heading over to the foals. He smiled flicking his ear before he turned his attention back to Eclipsetess. Fly..? To the highest mountain..? Namir wasn't quite sure why she wanted to take him there, but he only looked at his wings. It was often that he forgot he had them.

     Though he silently thought about it. He knew he would have to get better at flying sooner then later, and he had started to get the hang of it. With his sister's and everyone else's help as well. Took a minute to think about it, and why she wanted to take him there, but he just looked at her once more when he was finished thinking about it, "I'll give it a shot. Still not the best or strongest when it comes to flying..but I'll try my best." he said before getting on his hooves.

     Then he looked over at his sister again smiling getting a bit distracted for a moment. Namir quickly regained focus as he looked at Eclipsetess once more, "So why do you want to go there..?" he asked preparing himself mentally for the flight. He seemed to be doing better then he was the previous day, but he still didn't want to risk putting Eclipsetess in danger. Though he had to have Faith that none of that would happen.

     Solstice just smiled at the two foals and chuckled as she nuzzled them in return. It was easy to see that she was happier and had more energy then she normally did. Even if she was still young, Solstice felt like a filly again. She felt more like one whenever she was with the foals. They distracted her from the past, and made her curious about her own future. Though she hoped it would be better then her past.

     Solstice enjoy being around the foals as she looked up seeing Azulia approach. She looked over seeing Moonlight being a bit jealous. She only smiled and quietly chuckled as she trotted on over to her, "Moonlight why are you jealous? There's no reason to be little one." she said nuzzling the filly. "Come on. Why don't we go play and hang out with your brother and Raven? I can spend time with all three of you." Solstice just playfully nudged her a bit as she opened her wings and flapped them a bit playfully.

     Orion smiled as he watched Solstice hang out and play with the foals. They did seem to love her, and she seemed to love them. That and she was good with them. Even if she wasn't their mother or even a mother at that. Though Orion loved to watch Solstice spending time with the foals. She seemed to be happier when she was around them, but she seemed to be feeling better then she normally was.

     Wasn't too much longer until Orion looked over to see Bastilla still reading. He just chuckled to himself as he trotted over to where she was, "I see your enjoying those books." he said seeing as how it looked like she had read most if not all of them already. "Never seen anyone so excited over some books. Even myself...but I've also never seen anyone read so many books so quickly before." he laughed.

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#263456 Posted on 2022-12-11 20:27:19

"Uh well- haha.. Just because there's a more beautiful sunset there! And that we can fly and see what it's like! And maybe.." Eclipsetess paused at the end, she did flap her wings a little as to signal that she was quite more energetic then before.

Though with Raven, Esmeray, Moonlight looked up at Solstice as she was nudged along, she knew that she would get attention but she felt late on it and didn't bother to even want it since she acted a little jealous if that wasn't the case, though Moonlight did get up and walked with Solstice backe to where Raven and Esmeray were.

The two foals were off playing by themselves while Solstice was talking to Moonlight, so Raven tried to wrestle Esmeray, but that didn't go to plan as Esmeray and Raven were stuck on what to do to not get tied up with a single piece of grass on their legs where the ergots were, which would be painful if they moved at different times and angles..

So Raven whinnied in pain and Esmeray followed behind the whinnies at it would hurt if they moved their hooves at any chances, though Azulia walked over to the two foals being forced to sit on their croups and docks, Azulia did examine the two foals and saw the grass tied onto their ergots..

"Oh you two poor foals! I don't know how to help, I can't chew it because it's tightly tied around your ergots, I'm sorry but I'm not able to help you two.." Azulia said, she did look at Solstice to come over quick as the two foals sat on the ground and continued to be in pain as Esmeray tried to lighten the grass piece but it went deeper.

"Esmeray stop! Your hurting both of you!" Azulia said as she did not have a horn to help, nor wings anymore since she had no idea o how they disappeared, but she did quickly look around frantically as Raven tried to escape the grass tied tigher on the ergots.

Though with Orion and Bastilla, Bastilla was having a wonderful time reading when Orion came up and started talking to Bastilla..

"Haha! Then you haven't met a horse with a brain full of knowledge!" Bastilla chuckled, she was enjoying herself and feeling quite happy about it.

Though she did hear Raven and Esmeray in pain as they watched Azulia look around frantically, only a unicorn would be suited for the job, but the two nearest ones were Solstice and Orion..

"Oh my, who's gonna help Raven and Esmeray?!" Bastilla said worriedly, she showed much more fear in for their little cries and sorrows of pain.

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#263460 Posted on 2022-12-12 06:39:15

     Namir chuckled and grinned, "Oh?" He only nuzzled her happy to see that she was feeling better then normal. "Someone's a bit excited, but that's good. Glad to see you got more sleep then you normally sister as well." He seemed to be doing better then he was the previous day, and it was clear that he was happy to see the two mares feeling more like themselves. 

     "Well? Shouldn't we get going then?" he asked as he playfully nipped at her before he spread out his wings and started to flap them. Namir was getting better at flying, and it took him a few seconds to find the rhythm. He did, and waited for Eclipsetess, "Well. Lead the way." he said with a grin before he looked over at his sister for a moment. He knew the herd and Orion would keep her safe, so he wasn't too worried about her. Maybe he would have been more worried if she wasn't feeling more like herself.

     Solstice just stayed beside Moonlight for comfort as she nuzzled her again. "Nothing to be ashamed of." she said knowing how she felt. Solstice was always getting jealous when she was a filly only because she wasn't allowed to play with the other foals. Not that Namir didn't let her. The herd didn't. Though Solstice was happy that the foals wouldn't have to go through anything like that.

     She did, however; look up to hear their little painful whinnies as Azulia called her over. Solstsice quickly flew on over even if it wasn't that far away, "You poor little things..." she said looking at how bad they were tangled, "I'll think of something. Just try not to move alright?" Solstice was worried as she nuzzled them hoping it would calm the both of them down some. "If I can just remember that one spell..." she said more to herself as she started to think.

     Orion just chuckled, "Good to know I'm not the only one interested in books. I've just collected these and traded some to get what I have now. I'm surprised some horses didn't bother to keep any of them. Their old and valuable..but not nearly as valuable as your family's book." he said grabbing one of his own books as he dusted off the cover some, "How these things keep on finding dirt I have no idea..that or where it even comes from.."

     Though Orion just set the book back down as he looked over at the foals hearing their painful little cries, but he stayed put seeing Solstice was trying to help. "Solstice will think of something. Always least that I know of.." he said before deciding to trot over to them in case they needed his help. Orion did calm the two foals some more and made sure they didn't move, "It'll hurt more if you move..Solstice is trying to help."

     Solstice was silent as she tried to remember the spell she used to get out of Dra's chains. "That's it! I remember it now." she said happily as she made sure the foals stayed still as she lightly touched her horn where the grass was tangled. Her horn began to glow just like her necklace as she closed her eyes and controlled her breathing. The grass then just started to disappear. When she was finished, Solstice took a step back, "There that should have worked."

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#263461 Posted on 2022-12-12 07:13:07

"R-right!" Eclipsetess said as she quickly flew into the air, her wings fully out as she breathed the relaxing air, she giggled before starting to lead the way.

Eclipsetess was herself as she flapped her feathery wings to her delight, though she did manage to keep a much longer distance when she dived down and flew up like Olymphia does when she spots something, though she did spin around Namir when she had the chance too.

Eclipsetess only laughed to her delight, and stopped to hover to look at the sun, well not fully look at the sun but enough to smile as she looked back at Namir, she did do some barrels rolls in the air as she tucked her wings in and spun as much as she wanted.

Though she did go to the ground when her wings couldn't take much more and started hurting, she did enjoy her flights when flying about and enjoying the views, though she didn't go far from Namir as she took off into the sky to go and train her long distance while also teleporting to Namir when she got too far.

But she did provide a good path to the Isle of Mountains, the tallest one there, Eclipsetess was only told of a secret legend that some horses know of. She smiled as she slowed her flapping of her wings, to cover more ground and get a much longer distance then normal. And then she would also do some barrel rolls or some sort of acrobatics in the air as she watched Olmyphia do them over and over, enjoying herself in the sky as she was treated a friend and helpful ally when she wanted.

With Bastilla as she watched and giggled at Orion, before watching him go to Solstice since he wanted to help and make sure the foals were alright since they were, Bastilla only thought of the lesson that Raven and Esmeray learned for trying to wrestle and got caught.

Though Raven went up to Solstice as she nuzzled her gratefully and happily, Esmeray only walked over to Moonlight as he was also limping but trying to hiding, some of the circulation a was off a little bit and needed time to recover but Esmeray was independent on being with his sister even when he was a foal still wanted his bigger sister to be okay. And she was just a little worried for her littler brother but he came over and nuzzled her gently, telling her to relax and calm down, which Moonlight did but she did also have Esmeray come over as Moonlight nuzzled Solstice's leg lovingly since she wanted to say that she was sorry while also being grateful of her brother not hurting himself more.

Raven only joined in on the nuzzling as she also nuzzled Orion and then Moonlight and Esmeray as well, though she definately learned her lesson but she did sneak in a little cute but planning grin about wrestling Esmeray again, but she would stay away from the grass this time when the grass grows long or else they would be in the same situation again..

"Moonie!" Esmeray spoke up, he did want to give a shot at speaking, he still had foal talk in him which made him speak like how Moonlight did and Raven did.

"Pie!" Raven told Esmeray, she lightly put her hoof on Esmeray's forehead as she pressed down lightly and quickly took off her hoof as she left a dirty mudprinted hoof on Esmeray's forehead.

Moonlight just giggled at the two, watching them curiously and intervening when neccesary, though she did look up at Solstice and Orion happily, enjoying the moment and giggling when Raven found a bug she was interested in.. A little gross but hey, foals will be foals, which they would be curious of everything.

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#263465 Posted on 2022-12-12 08:22:53

     Namir only laughed as he watched her. It made him relax and feel better seeing her happy and enjoying the moment. All he ever wanted. It always pained him seeing Eclipsetess and Solstice burdened by the past and other things. There wasn't anything he could have done about it. If he could have done something, he would do it in a heartbeat. Just like Solstice he wanted her to have a normal and happy life. 

     He watched his sister and Orion often. Not like he was though. Orion proved that he wanted to keep her safe, and Namir accepted him a lot more then he did. Though he also watched how they acted towards each they've know each other a lot longer then they have. Namir started to wonder if Orion would be the one to give her the life he always wanted her to have. 

     Though Namir just smiled as he watched Eclipsetess enjoy herself. Namir just focused on flying and getting better at it. He did start to get comfortable over time, and started to do some of the things Eclipsetess had been doing..just on a much lower scale. Namir flew up higher a bit as he turned back and brought his wings closer to his sides as he closed his eyes taking in the fresh air as he began to fall.

     When Namir was ready, he opened his wings once more as he flew back up to the level Eclipsetess was at. He just nipped at her side playfully, "Having fun?" he laughed already knowing the answer to his question. Though Namir was unaware of why she wanted to take him to the highest mountain. Namir didn't fully believe her when she said she wanted to see the sunset there, but he was unaware of the legend. 

     Solstice smiled grateful that the spell worked. She did look up seeing Eclipsetess and her brother fly off together, but she was more surprised to see her brother fly willingly. "Hmm..I wonder what those two are up to." she said with a laugh having a small feeling, but she left it alone. It was easy to see Namir followed her like a little lost colt. Though she only laughed, "Probably a date or something of the sort." 

     Orion just looked at her and laughed, "Leave them be. They could just be having a little get away with everything going saw your brother yesterday...he needs it. Well you do too, but I know you won't leave these ones." he said with a laugh as he looked at the foals. Solstice just rolled her eyes and nipped at him, "What? I'm not wrong. You'd spend all day with them." he laughed.

     "Well there's nothing wrong with that. Not that I have much to do anyways..." she said as her voice died down slightly, "Well...I should work on my flying some more..and scout, but those can wait!" she huffed. Solstice then just looked down at the foals nuzzling them. Orion had done the same. She smiled when Esmeray and Raven tried to speak, "Quick learners. Better watch out or they'll be talking nonstop in a week or two." she said knowing how much more curious they'd become. 

     Solstice then opened her wings a bit and played with the foals. Orion just stood where he was watching them smiling. He saw how happy they made Solstice, and he knew that it helped distract herself from the past, but he only wondered if Dra really was alive still. What would happen if he was? What was he planning? Orion just sighed as he brought his attention back to Solstice and the foals.

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#263470 Posted on 2022-12-12 12:39:44

Eclipsetess playfully nipped Namir and even gave him one of her kisses that she always gave Namir, she liked teasing him a little and it did make her laugh, though she did pin her feathers together and then instantly dived down, then she flew straight up without the sound of wind belowing behind her..

Then Eclipsetess released her feathers when she arrived at Namir's level, and when she released her feathers fireworks came spurting out, one by one, different colors, different waves of fireworks coming together.. Then Eclipsetess shot a firework off by her horn and it showed everyone in a lined fashion, kinda like drawing but Eclipsetess did it by air and fireworks.. Impressive!

"Like it?" Eclipsetess shouted, she was forced to shout since the fireworks were loud, but she also wanted the foals to not be scared of fireworks as well.

Though she did stop the fireworks and then began to fly back, Eclipsetess had spells that weren't appearing in the books yet, which was cool but the firework spell was relatively new, which was still impressive but Eclipsetess never told anyone the spell to the firework spell. Which was a little weird no doubt..

But that was being her, she did keep some secrets, but all of the rest of her secrets were out there as she just let them go, though Eclipsetess always clung to family and her herd as a big gigantic family, so she shot off those fireworks for a reason. And that reason was everyone to see through Eclipsetess's eyes as she thought everyone was family, that's the reason that she shot off the fireworks, because everyone was family. Especially Namir~

Eclipsetess was thinking to say something to Namir, but she just continued to fly as she watched the ground sometimes, enjoying the deer that ran to hide away and the birds sometimes that flew up to meet the horses that flew by and had a great time.

Though Eclipsetess did fly higher and higher, that meant she and Namir were getting close to the mountain as Eclipsetess nudged Namir and even nibbled his hair, though Eclipsetess's eyes met the mountains base until she looked up at the top, seeing nothing but the clouds wrap and swirl around the peak as Eclipsetess was slowly rising without moving..

The wind and the clouds helped them getting to the top so that they wouldn't have to rest at the base and continue doing it until they reached the top or the peak of the mountain, Eclipsetess was just getting excited as she was lifted up with the wind helping, it only took half the day to get to the mountain, which is a new score for that.

But Eclipsetess did help with Namir when he needed it best and at all!

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#263472 Posted on 2022-12-12 14:35:53

     Namir only tossed his mane as Eclipsetess had nipped him. He only did the same to her with a prideful smile. Though a surprised look only took over as he somewhat froze expect for him continuing to flap his wings. It had been awhile since he hadn't worried about anything really, and he enjoyed it. A lot. It was relaxing to him to just enjoy the moment and not have to worry about what may or not happen.

     Though Namir only watched Eclipsetess as she dived down. There was no way he would attempt something like that. At least not just yet. He was only starting to get used to flying. Not that he liked it as much as his sister did, but he'd do it if he had to. This was just one of those times, but he didn't really mind..except for the fact of where they were going. Okay. Maybe he was a bit nervous about going to the highest mountain, but he wanted to spend some time with Eclipsetess.

     He only smiled as he kept his eyes on her until he saw the fireworks. Namir had never seen anything like that before and it amazed him. "Like it..? I've never seen anything like it before in my life..." he said enjoying the fireworks, "Impressive!" he said with a smile as he looked at her. None of them would have been there if it hadn't been for Eclipsetess, and he just looked in her eyes smiling.

     It wasn't too much longer until they reached the base of the mountain. Namir looked up only to see clouds covering the top of the mountain. He just got a bit nervous not knowing just how high up it was. Though he looked at Eclipsetess and followed her glad that the wind was doing most of the work, "Woah...never been this high up before..." he said looking down as he almost lost control, but he quickly recovered it. Next time, he wasn't going to be looking down again.

     Solstice had been running around playing with the foals. She hadn't realized just how long she had been playing with them, but she soon slowed to a stop as she nuzzled them. Though she had only jumped when she heard the fireworks since her back was to them. Solstice then just turned around and flew up just over the trees. That was when she saw the fireworks seeing some that looked like all of them. She only smiled before she went back to the ground.

     "Don't worry. Only fireworks.." she said before looking over at Orion as he trotted over unsure of what it was he was hearing. Solstice only laughed a bit, "Just fireworks. They came from the direction my brother and Eclipsetess went in, so I'm guessing Eclipsetess was the one who set them off." she said with a smile before she went to go take a small break from playing the foals. She knew that they could probably have used a bit of a break as well.

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