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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263328 Posted on 2022-12-08 20:01:20

"Esmeray it is then!" Trickster said, she was happy but Azulia quickly hushed her and let Orion continue.

Raven's ears quite tall and standing, she was intent on listening as she listened to the story, Esmeray still a little confused but settled down into a laying position as his older sister, Moonlight, was doing the same pose as Raven was doing, quite intentive these two though Esmeray still paid attention as his mind wandered off when Orion was still reading.

Raven though also layed down as her front legs were getting a bit tired, she still looked up and paid close attention to every little detail, even the ones that Orion had passed, she never forgot a word as he was still reading, this story was now her favorite. Trickster on the other hand, hiddenly snickered as Azulia nipped her when she wasn't paying attention.

But Trickster did pay attention to what Orion said as Esmeray would want to know what Orion said but not burden him when he wanted to ask but not interrupt the story, he was quite considerate and a quick thinker as he stood up once more and payed attention to the details, making sure he was correct in his mind.

Azulia smiled as Raven perked up when a hard word was even harder to say, though she was a bookworm for not even knowing the word when she was just a few hours older then Esmeray, though excited foals will become like this but not entirely. As seen by Moonlight who was quite older then the two other foals but shared the same kinship for paying close attention.

At least family was family, right? Moonlight might be older then the two, but Raven maybe even smarter then everyone may think, but who knows really? No one! That's why mysteries are mysteries, and stories are stories, some stories may be real as the creation of the isles sure were!

And Raven believed that story, everyone did when they were a foal, though when Orion was finished Raven or Moonlight couldn't believe him as they wanted another story, Esmeray wanting the samething but kept quiet when Moonlight pleaded for another one, Raven agreed, seeming to not have talked, stranger then her first word.

Esmeray did nuzzle Moonlight and Raven as he made them laugh, though Raven wasn't sure about another story as she just wanted to listen, enjoying the story that Orion has told to the three foals enjoying them, Smoke was off somewhere as Cronsi slowly but surely crept up behind Orion, but he stayed in the shadows, watching over Cronsi.

Azulia then spotted Cronsi as she giggled, the stallion making faces to the foals as Raven giggled but did not laugh and went back to staring around her, though she did sit down when and if Orion started another story.

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#263336 Posted on 2022-12-09 06:32:19

     Solstice smiled seeing the foals excitement. Raven and Esmeray weren't even a day old, and seemed to already have a lot of personality. Not that it was a bad thing. They just had to keep a close eye on them then. Foals could be quite curious about the world around them. Solstice started to remember just how curious she used to be. She'd sneak off in her younger days only to come across her big brother standing before her.

     "Solstice. You know you need to stay with the herd. They may not accept you, but you are safer with them then out here," he'd say. She remembered perfectly. Namir was only a young stallion then, but he was still as protective and watchful of her just as he was now. Though the older Solstice got, the less and less she tried to get away. She started to accept that she was to stay within the awful herd despite her wishing to see the Isles. That wish did come true..just not how she wanted it to. 

     Though Solstice just smiled remembering her childhood hardly paying attention to Orion whom had been telling the story. Maybe her childhood wasn't all that long as she had her brother with her. Solstice remembered the first time he left..she was lost without him. The herd was even different and paid more attention to her..just not in a good way. Though she always managed to sneak off to her hiding spot not too far off from the herd. If she remembered the way, Solstice could probably still find it.

     Orion though smiled seeing the foals excited about what he was telling them. Some parts he read from the book, others he told. Maybe storytelling wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. As long as the foals seemed interested in what he was telling them. "...and One by one each of Isles were created. There was one for everybody. This Isle. Is the Isle of Dreams young ones. This Isle will forever be your home." he said looking around taking a quick break before he got back to the story.

     It wasn't too much longer until Orion had finished the story. Solstice had laid her head on his back again and fell asleep. Orion only looked at her surprised to her being the one to have fallen asleep and not the foals. "Well..I would have thought the foals would have been the one to fall asleep." he said with a small quiet chuckle. Though he just let her sleep. "I can see if there's something else in here that would work as a story.." he said skimming through the book once more only to come across one page.

     Orion looked at it as he let out a sigh showing it to Azulia and Trickster, "I found this earlier...never seen it before, but see those two moon symbols..? They're just like the markings Solstice has..I was wondering if you knew anything about them. I've tried reading the page, but it's hard to read it with how old this thing is..I've tried finding a spell that would allow me to be able to read it in some way, but I haven't managed.."

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#263338 Posted on 2022-12-09 08:35:23

"Maybe Scorn knows a spell to be able to read pages, I mean if he was a prince back then, then he knows many spells by default." Azulia suggested, Scorn got up and waked over to the group, quite curious of what's happening.

"Anyone need my help? I'm starting to walk around when I hear my name being called." Scorn admitted that he was a bit bored, but excitment can intice him a bit.

"Ah actually, do you know any spells that are able to read older and more worn off words?" Azulia asked, she was in a more cheery mood then usual.

"Well, your just in luck actually! I know one spell that no one ever talked about again, only seers or keepers can use the spell but even new seers or keepers need to learn it, and it is from the original seer(s) or keeper(s) only." Scorn said, he was stern with what he said, but he then smiled brightly and then he summoned his dark horn and wings which then automatically casted a spell that made a bubble appear to say correctly at what the old page said.

"There you go guys, anything else?" Scorn asked heavenly, he was sweet for being a stallion which is rare to come across but he was also friendly too, better then a stuffy prince or king.

"Um, would mind you to stay if we needed something else?" Azulia asked, she was quite confused herself, but she learned to accept help, maybe better if her daughter learned to ask from someone that knows better then she does.

"Yeah, now Orion is able to read it, you can tell us can't you? I'm not usually trained with keeping an eye on different markings, unless I can find that old book of mine, been in family generations, every page is hand written and it's incredibly old, it's also an old tradition too. I'd like to keep it going if I knew where I placed it, and no, it doesn't have magic properties. So I'm forced to find it by hoof. Family puts a spell on it, but- anyways." Trickster said, she really did lose it as she got up and began to find it.

"You mean this one?" Cronsi asked, he walked up next to Orion as he passsed it to Trickster who began to continue writing and reading the book.

"Thank you so much your majesty! Oh and your majesty's mate and foal.." Trickster thank youed Cronsi, he blushed but Azulia giggled and so did Raven.

"No need to call us majesties, you can call us by our first name, right Raven?" Azulia said as she asked Raven, Raven agreed to what he mother said.

"Oh and have you met Orion? He's just the sweetest!" Azulia told Cronsi, he smiled directly at Orion as he threw some flowers onto his back, to make him feel more welcomed then ever.

"Thank you for keeping my mate and foal happy, I wasn't sure if I was going to help, so thank you for that." Cronsi said as he nuzzled Orion on the face, making him happy and making him feel comfortable.

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#263342 Posted on 2022-12-09 09:45:05

     Orion just made sure he didn't wake Solstice as he looked at the book. "Sometimes I wish they weren't as old as they were. Keep on falling apart and collecting dust." he said more to himself before he looked up at Scorn. He simply just nodded a bit, "There's some spells that I've learned from these books, but nothing too special..mentioned spells that the seers and keepers used, but it didn't go into much detail." he said perfectly fine with that. 

     He thanked Scorn as he performed the spell and he started to carefully and slowly read the page not paying much attention to the others. Whenever he read something new, Orion liked to read it slowly so that he understood every word. Once he read the page once or twice, Orion silently thought for a moment, "Me neither. I just saw this page earlier and saw how familiar these symbols look..couldn't pin point where I saw them until I looked at Solstice..they're markings not symbols."

     Orion then looked over at the second stallion that came over as he gave a small respectful nod, "Of course." He just skimmed through the page once more before his teal colored horn started to glow a bit as he performed a spell that created a projection. The two moons were shown as Orion started to speak, "It says in the book that these markings are rare. Rare enough that it was unknown if it would only be one horse that would be born with them." he began quickly rereading a part of the page.

     "It mentions the legend. Solstice's legend. A unicorn mare. One much like Solstice. The book claims that the mare born with these two markings, a gold crescent moon on her forehead and a black crescent moon on her hindquarter, is the one that was to defeat...Dra.." he said looking at the projection as it matched what he said, "This book is centuries old..whoever wrote it knew of the legend and everything about it. I'm sure Dra knew of this too, and knew she was the one destined to defeat him..."

     Orion paused as he let out a sigh before he looked at Solstice, "I may not know the whole story...I won't ask for any of you to tell me, but this is just what the book says." Orion then closed the book and made the projection go away. "Not sure if it is all true, but is seems to be since she did just that..but...I don't know if there's more to it or not.." At least Solstice was still asleep. He didn't want to burden her with any of that.

     Namir had overheard a part of the conversation. He just grabbed the book and skimmed through the page before returning it to Orion. His eyes showed grief as he looked down before he quietly spoke, "Now I know why my parents...were killed..." he said almost unable to even speak, "When my mother delivered her I saw the worry in her and father's eyes...never told me why..but now I know why..." 

     Namir eventually looked back up at the others still struggling to speak slightly, "They knew her destiny...and they tried to stop it...but..failed....." He couldn't. He just looked at his sister before turning away hanging his head down low as he left the herd for the time. Years of wondering what happened to their parent's and he just found out why. Not that he blamed his little sister for it because he didn't. It wasn't her fault. Not even close. Namir just sighed as he needed to be alone. He just found a spot and laid down laying his head on the ground as his eyes began to water.

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#263351 Posted on 2022-12-09 12:13:06

"Such foolish crying, you can't even be a stallion." a familiar voice rang out in Namir's head, a voice so familiar that it had hissing at the end, not Darling's hissing but a different type hissing, nor even Lucifer's hissing.

"If you were a stallion, you would not cry, how foolish are you?!" the hissing got louder and so did the voice.

"You can burden your sister, you burden the others, but I got to your little special someone besides your sister!" the voice said, he had gotten to Eclipsetess? No wonder she blasted the magic!

Though Eclipsetess was nearby the others as she just stayed on the branch and showed little interest, she even began to make her dolls once more, which was normal but quite creepy since the dolls were exactly the horse, unless this doll was different.

"Can't you see? Can't you see what Eclipsetess is making? Can't you see her making a doll? Of me~?" the voice spoke, the hissing calmed down but it was now informative that Dra still lived.

"If you can't see me that's good, I may be dead, but I'm still here~ Living somewhere, I wish the Underworld was my domain!" Dra demanded, but he slowly died off.

"And if you can't remember my name, it's Dragon Devil, or how do horses say it? Dra? Is that my nickname? Such lowly incompitence!" Dra shouted in Namir's head, it was clear that he won't go away soon nor later, this Dra was awake and more evil then ever.

Though Azulia sensed Namir's distressed sadness and walked over to him, she was the seer of sense, but not a real seer in magic. She was just called a seer of sense since everyone knew of her ability to sense anything, even other movements now but she also sensed emotions and defined how different they are.

"Namir?" Azulia said Namir's name, she knew his feelings and didn't want to talk to him, she just wanted him having space but her sense got the better of her.

"I know you don't want to talk, but it's better to talk about your feelings rather keeping them bottled up, I knew how Scorn was and the mare herd, but I know this feeling too well to just up and ignore." Azulia's voice trailed off as she lay beside Namir.

"If you want to get it off your chest, I'm here for everything, I may be a new mother but I know feelings too well enough." Azulia spoke once more before she put Namir's head on her back, she just wanted the better of him.

Though Eclipsetess did look at Azulia and Namir as she flew down towards them, she knew what Azulia was doing and she wanted to help, she also couldn't ignore feelings nor any type of emotion being released.

"Oh. Namir.." Eclipsetess said as she started comforting Namir to her best, and Azulia was also starting to comfort Namir.

"Azulia is right all the time, horses need feelings out and open, but we'll keep that hidden and in secret." Eclipsetess told Namir as she started nuzzling him, and then she started to groom his mane, she wanted to see him smile and laugh.

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#263356 Posted on 2022-12-09 12:56:58

     Namir's head shot up when he heard the voice and the hissing. It was all too familiar. Too familiar too..real. Namir just closed his eyes and shook his head. This couldn't be real could it? No. It wasn't. It couldn't be. Only a dream..a nightmare, but it wasn't. The longer the voice spoke..the more hissing he heard, Namir knew it wasn't over yet. "Your name is all too familiar..." he snorted looking around as he stood up defensively. 

     That was when Azulia came over. Namir hardly moved, and didn't say anything. Eclipsetess soon following. Namir only looked up at Eclipsetess his eyes full of grief, worry, and anger. "It's not over...Dra..he's...he's still alive. Not that clone...the real..Dra..." he said before looking over back at the herd. His sister. Namir just quickly turned and quickly headed back over where his sister was with Orion.

     Orion felt bad, but he only stayed where he was. It wasn't his place to go after Namir, and he didn't want to wake Solstice at all. Though he looked up seeing Namir quickly heading over, "I-i didn't mean to do anything..I-i promise." he said once he noticed how paranoid and angered he was. Did he do something? Maybe he shouldn't have asked about the markings he found that were in his book.

     Namir just carefully woke Solstice up, "Don't ask questions. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Solstice was confused by what made her brother paranoid like this as she just got up concerned about him. "I said don't ask aren't to leave my side. Not until this is finished." he snorted almost nipping at her. Orion just stood up snorting at Namir, "I'm protecting her!" 

     Solstice just took a step back pinning her ears, "I'm not a filly anymore Namir! I don't know why your acting like this, but your scaring me. What could have possibly made you this paranoid and angered? Orion did nothing wrong, so if this is about him then just drop it. He's here to stay so get used to it." she said spreading her wings defensively as her necklace began to glow. 

     Namir just snorted stomping the ground pinning his ears, "You are my little sister. My job is to protect you so let me do it!" Solstice just stood her ground as her necklace somehow pushed him back away from her. "Namir...there's nothing that you need to protect me from. Eclipsetess made sure of that. The herd is safe, so stop acting like this and tell me what's going on." Namir only backed down as he lowered his head shaking it. Like something was getting to him.

     Solstice was just worried about him. Never had he been aggressive with her or even so demanding towards her. She was more then worried, she was concerned. What could have gotten to him? As far as she knew Orion did nothing. Even defended her, but her necklace continued to glow. Though Namir wouldn't talk to her. Dra's voice and the hissing seemed to only cloud his mind. Namir tried to fight against it, but he wasn't strong enough. Eventually Namir just let out a sigh of defeat, "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. Sorry? What was going on?

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#263376 Posted on 2022-12-09 15:14:25

"Hahah! Foolish!" Dra popped up into Namir's head, he seemed to only go after Namir since everyone else was looking at him before quickly going back to normal.

Though the mares did congrate with how Namir acted, Scorn just sighed at him and walked to his spot, just choosing on what was going on to be ignored, Eclipsetess and the other's can figure it out, though he did spot something quite unsual. It was like something white, something fluffy, something crunchy and soft, and something that's cold.

"Snow?" Scorn asked himself, he was unsure why snow was here, and where did it come from.

Though that was when he spotted invisible hoofprints, he then reared up as the herded congrating mares looked at their leader, Moonlight, Esmeray, and Raven followed the same direction as they hid behind their chosen guardians, Raven hid behind her mother as Moonlight and Esmeray chose to hid behind Orion.

Though Scorn did begin to herd everyone up as the hoofprints became more visible to everyone, but only Namir could hear Dra laugh delightfully, he was sick to even do this to everyone, and even sick to scare Scorn. The toughest stallion that had dark magic around, though Trickster launched her death magic slihtering snakes around to search for the horse causing the hoofprints.

"Nothing." she said as she stood out and began collecting the snakes, that was when she was pushed onto the ground on purpose, Dra laughed again Namir's mind.

"Loving this dear Namir?" Dra was sickly and twisted with what he had said.

"Oh don't worry, your able to communicate with me, but I'm still powerful enough to make other horses surrounding you fear their own home!" Dra laughed evily as his hissing was better and madly heard.

"No one can stop me! Not even death himself!" Dra was talking about Hades being death, but he was too confident on being too powerful to even recognize him.

"Try and stop me again.." Dra eerily and hissly said, he dared Namir to try and stop him once more?! He really was mad in the head.

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#263381 Posted on 2022-12-09 16:12:56

     Solstice was heartbroken seeing her brother acting how he was. He's never acted like that before. He couldn't even look at her anymore. Like it wasn't him. Solstice just looked at Orion worriedly before looking at Namir again. She only tried to approach him, but he just backed up not wanting her anywhere near him. "He'll hurt you....just stay back.." he said backing up some more. Solstice thought tried to approach him again, "I said stay back Solstice!" he yelled bringing out his wings. 

     "Namir...I'm just trying to help you..who are talking about? There's no one here that shouldn't be..." she said just wanting her brother back. He wasn't himself. Now whenever she tried to approach him, her necklace would just keep her away from him. Only seemed to make things worse for her. "Namir just talk to me..your starting to scare me. You wouldn't hurt anyone.."

     Orion just stood behind Solstice before looking over seeing Scorn gathering the herd. He just gently nuzzled Solstice when he walked up beside her, "Best we go to the others...I'm sure something is wrong if Scorn is gathering the herd. Your only putting yourself in danger here.." he said knowing it was hard. Solstice just looked at Namir one last time before she slowly went back to the others standing near Eclipsetess with her head down.

     Namir stayed where he was. He couldn't control himself making him a danger to them all. To Eclipsetess and even his sister. Though he watched Trickster fall and it didn't look accidental. Namir just stomped the ground hard as he pinned his ears and stood there with his muscles tense, "Leave them alone!" he shouted, "Take me for all I care, but LEAVE. THEM. ALONE." 

     Solstice helped Trickster back up onto her hooves before she looked over at her brother. Who was he talking to? That's when it hit her. Her eyes widened as fear and agony ran through. "H-he's still alive...b-but how..?" she asked looking at the others before she tried to get to her brother again, "Namir! Fight him! Please!" she called out as her necklace kept her from going any close to him, "Don't let him get the best of you like I did! Please Namir!" 

     Though she was just pushed back into the herd. Orion just stood by her unsure of how he could have helped if he could have at all. Solstice just looked at her brother starting to tear up. She didn't want to loose him. Especially when there was nothing she could do about it. Namir heard her and looked up at her before seeing her get pushed back into the herd. He just stood his ground and closed his eyes. His black horn started to glow the same red color his eyes did. "You hurt her...don't think I won't do the same to you Dra." he snorted.

     Namir had barely any control of himself, but he used it before it was taken from him. He once heard of a spell. A spell powerful enough that it blocked someone from accessing someone's mind and manipulating them, but it may not have been permanent. Though Namir wasn't near as strong enough to complete the spell. Even if he did know the spell he wouldn't be able to do it by himself. Solstice just watched him, "W-what's he doing..?" she asked but she could see him struggling. Instead she fought back to get out from the herd and as close to her brother as she could get. 

     Solstice then just spread her wings out and closed her eyes ignoring the fear and agony she felt throughout her body. She kept her breathing and thoughts under control as her horn and necklace began to glow more. Then there was a flash. Solstice just shook her head as she was a bit wobbly, but none of that mattered when she saw Namir, "Namir!" she called out running over to him when she saw him on the ground.

     "No no no no no no no no no...Namir..What did I do..?" she said starting to blame herself as Orion hesitantly walked over keeping a distance. "N-not again.." she sobbed as she laid down next to him laying her head on top of him closing her eyes. Though after a minute of silence, Namir suddenly woke. Solstice picked her head up as she looked at him relieved, "I-i thought I lost you.." she said pressing herself against him slightly.

     "Dra...he..he was trying to manipulate he did to you..." he said looking at her as he sat up then looked at the herd, "He's still alive, and he's planning something...something worse then before. I..don't know what, but he's angrier.." he said trying to get on his hooves, but Solstice demanded he didn't, "I-i almost hurt you..all of you..." Solstice just looked at him still worried, "The spell...I don't know how long it will keep Dra from messing with my mind again, but I don't know how I managed to complete it.."

     "Because you didn't. I saw what you were doing, and copied it.." Solstice said softly as she put her head on his back, "I'm not leaving your side..." she said ignoring any protests, "I almost lost you today..." Solstice didn't like any of this. Would this ever be over? Would the Isles ever be safe from Dra? Would they get lucky again? "I'm just glad your okay..." she muttered as she didn't budge. 

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#263386 Posted on 2022-12-09 17:20:41

Then a flash in the sky rung a bell as two horses started fighting each other, though the horse fell as it was Lucifer who fell down to the ground, but his wings were out and he was protective, why was he even here? It didn't make sense and Iccalus wasn't beside him, but the mares got very protective, though Molten and Darling jolted up when they heard Lucifer fall to the ground. Rather hard actually.

Though the other horse in the air, had landed softly, the mares only targeted Lucifer as he was the threat, the other horse wasn't a threat. Rather more the mares respected him when he came walking up towards Lucifer as he backed up, though he stopped backing up when he felt the mares around him.

"Finally, come back to the Underworld, and I'll give you Iccalus back. But if you dare eve escape again, you'll be detained to the more horror levels of my Underworld." the estrange stallion said, the herd of mares then bowed to the stallion.

"Ah, I didn't realize that I was Golden Valley, explains the barrier, but thankful for having it. Thank you, Eclipsetess." Hades said, he was more then recognized as a God, he was the first ever God to even create the Isles alongside his bretheren, he even winked at Eclipsetess as she giggled and blushed.

"No need to be thanking me, I just did it to protect everyone in my home, my herd, my life." Eclipsetess said sweetly, though Hades had flames for a mane and tail, the fire never touched nor inflicked fire on the grass, though he did look more horse then unicorn.

Since Hades was a God, he was dressed differently then the other god's as they respected him, he was the one to create them all after all, though he did smile at Eclipsetess as well as the mares, Scorn just mumbled as Hades looked back at Lucifer before opening a portal to the Underworld as dark demonic trendrils crawled up and took Lucifer back to his own heck and by force.

"Well, I'll be for a day or two inspecting the Isle then, it's my duty as a God to scout and take horrible horses to their own heck. Though you should've let Faith contact me with dealing with Dragon Devil, I never knew he broke out and got stronger, though my dark trendrils would've been too much of a pain to have him escape and would've brought him to heck." Hades admitted, he was honest with saying Dra's full name as his fire mane and tail began flicking all sassy-like with Dra.

"He won't die easily, and his soul can be transmitted anywhere through any type of soil, only my magic can bring him to his own demise. And for good since it would take him 3000+ years to figure an escape plan, unless Faith accounted that he was clever and fast with learning, but that's why I switch everything up in the Underworld." Hades laughed about Dra, he seemed to not care about him but he did inflick a bit of worry since he was able to change the mood whenever he pleased, he usually did it on accident or purpose.

"Anyways, I'll begin my shift for looking around, I am a God, so I don't need sleep for 3000 or 4000+ years, I'm quite older then Zues or Poseidon, but I at least have a constellation to be remembered." Hades spoke once more before using fire magic to create wings as he took off, a little sperk of fire was left but Eclipsetess stomped her hoof on it to put it out.

"We all should relax now, though Namir, when Hades comes back down, you should talk with him about protection and scouting! It might be useful for you and Orion to get along, you scout and protect all the horses here and Orion keeps close eye so Solstice will be happily protected!" Eclipsetess said, she didn't know about what was happening since the blast, which put her memory to shock for a little bit.

The mares in the herd, and Scorn knew about Memory Stagnitation, where a horses memory is paralyzed if they survive a powerful enough blast to have them protect their home using all their magic, but still a little bit enough to be happy and strong when they gather their strength back.

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#263407 Posted on 2022-12-10 12:11:19

     Solstice and Namir were silent until they noticed two stallions fighting until one of them crashed into the ground. Solstice quickly got on her hooves spreading her wings defensively when she saw it was Lucifer. He may not have meant to cause harm to them due to the Color Fading, but it still happened. Orion just stood where he was snorting as he pinned his ears looking at Lucifer.

     Though Orion just calmed once he was sucked back into the Underworld. Solstice helped her brother up as they slowly walked over to Eclipsetess and the others, Orion following behind. Solstice wasn't exactly sure why everyone was bowing to this stallion, but she just did the same. Though Namir just slightly leaned against his sister to keep him upright. She didn't mind, but she still didn't leave his side. 

     Namir only sighed keeping his head down, "Not sure how long that spell will keep Dra from accessing my mind, but he's even more dangerous then before..." he said fixing his posture slightly trying to recall some of what Dra said to see if if could be of any use, but what he remembered wasn't. "Didn't know he was still...alive" Namir then looked at his sister nuzzling her softly, "I'm fine...just relax.." he said quietly. She just gave him a look quietly snorting.

     "I just need to take it easy for right now..." he said looking at Eclipsetess a bit. His head hurt a bit, but he just looked at Orion, "He seemed to mean it when he got her away from me...I..thought I was protecting her, but I only put her in danger..." Namir just looked down as he slowly walked away and laid down in a quiet spot. Solstice felt bad knowing just how he felt, but she just left him alone.

     Orion looked at him a bit shocked by what he heard. Solstice just stepped over to him and pressed against him slightly, "Well...seems like he approves of you.." she said softly before looking at the others, "I should go and see if the foals are alright..." Solstice then just walked over to where the three were nuzzling them, "Your safe young ones.." she said softly trying to forget about Dra. The foals brought her joy, so she thought they would help with that.

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#263412 Posted on 2022-12-10 12:54:56

Raven looked up at Solstice and tried to nibble her mane, though she was quite short to not reach, Esmeray showed to Solstice's tail and swished his tail to show the tiny length that differed, Raven then put some grass in Solstice's tail at the bottom as Moonlight got up on her two legs and used her little hooves to look like she was shorta- begging- in a way, but she then put her elbowed legs on Solstice's chest to nuzzle her that way.

No matter what, the little foals were still quite short, but everyone loved the three foals that they had, Trickster came over as Azulia nuzzled Raven and whispered something in her ear as she ran up to where Moonlight was, Raven then nuzzled Moonlight as she did the same of what Moonlight was doing.

"So cute, I hate it that I'm not a foal anymore though, but having these two cuties nuzzle is more adorable then a salamander!" Trickster said, Azulia walked up next to her, she was puzzled and confused by what Trickster said.

"Salamander, it's a pet that some scholared horses have, it's a little cute lizard-thing with a blunt snout and slender body. They are under the Urodela classification, because their cute and come in different varities. My mother and father used to have salamanders, that's how I know so much about salamanders. My parents also made books about salamanders which horse breed would go great with their ideal salamander!" Trickster said, Azulia then knew what Trickster said and smiled.

"But there are also axolotls too!" Azulia spoke up, Raven then trotted a little away and when she was away from the group she began bucking, jumping, and rearing to her delight.

"Azulia, I think Raven has gotten your wild side~" Trickster teased, she laughed so loud that her distorts came back but also a little hissing?

"Haha! I know, I knew that she would get my wild side since she has my obedient side as well, so I thought that she would get my wild side, and I was correct about that!" Azulia spoke up, though she did curl her lip when she saw Raven lay down after she had gotten all her energy out.

Though Raven crashed to the ground since she was tired, but she was standing, so Azulia, her mother (everyone knows that) came trotting over as she layed down when Raven layed down beside her, the tired little foal then rested her head and fell asleep as Azulia also put her head on the grass. Both enjoyed the silence..

Trickster then took Esmeray and Moonlight to their own spots as Trickster layed down in the spot while Esmeray took her right and Moonlight took her left, the three finding silence also put their heads down to rest. Though Cronsi did come back out of the forest as he had a mushroom in his mouth as he scanned the surrounding area until he found Raven and Azulia sleeping together.

Cronsi then trotted over to Azulia and Raven as he layed down next to the two and put his head onto the grassy ground, before that, he put the mushroom that was in his mouth next to Azulia so she could sleep better, it seemed that Cronsi cared so much about that her that he found a mushroom for her to sleep better when she ate it. Cronsi did seem more tired then any mare, so he was on the search until he found and put it next to Azulia's head.

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#263417 Posted on 2022-12-10 14:32:39

     Sure enough the foals did ease her mind...more then she thought they would have. Solstice was just excited to watch them grow up, and get to know them. She didn't really have much of anything else to do except scout every now and then, but now she could just play and help care for the foals if she so wished. Solstice just quietly chuckled as she lowered her neck enough to where Raven could reach her mane. "Not even a day old and these two already have a lot of personality," she chuckled, "Let's hope they grow up to be like their parents..not that they should go into battle or anything..."

     Solstice then had to shut herself up. Darn it. Why'd she have to remind herself of everything, and why did she always do it? She just pinned her ears a bit annoyed with herself before she quickly focused on the foals once more as she nuzzled Moonlight. Never has anything brought her as much joy as foals did. Even if they weren't related by blood, she was thrilled to be their aunt. 

     Though Solstice just stayed behind as they all went to take a nap or at least rest. She did look over at her brother as she slowly walked up to him, "How you doing?" she asked in a soft voice as she laid down. "Don't say your fine Namir. I know what you just went through...I just let him get the best of me causing me hurting you..." she sighed looking down. It was clear that she never forgave herself for that, and that she never would.

     Namir just laid down off by himself as he looked at Solstice as she came over, "Didn't even have to say it, but it's not your fault sis. None of us read the signs or helped tried fighting him, but he was just too strong...nothing is your fault, and nothing will ever be your fault. You have nothing to blame yourself with, so don't do it. I always thought I was the reason for mother and father's passing, but I learned that it wasn' don't do the same to yourself. It'll hurt you more."

     Solstice just sighed as she listened. Namir just nuzzled her as she returned it before she stood back up, "I best go see if there is anything I can do.." she said before she started walking away. Orion approached her noticing the look she had, but she denied it. "I'm fine Orion..." Orion didn't believe that either. He didn't give her a choice but to follow him to a spot away from the herd, but still in the meadow, "..I just can' this anymore...constantly fearing the past, running from it...all of it. I just want peace, and to settle a normal life..."

     Orion and Solstice just laid down. She didn't even look up at him even when he nuzzled her cheek, "You've been through a lot from what I've heard and witnessed...unfortunately I can't really do much to help you.." he sighed hating those words, but what was there for him to do that could help her other then being there for her? Nothing much. Not even in his books and scrolls. "We'll figure this out before it gets out of hoof...just try and keep your mind off of everything. I'm sure you'll get the life you want soon..just have to be patient and wait."

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#263422 Posted on 2022-12-10 16:19:11

Though a couple of neighs in the distance did have a little struggle as the neighing got a little louder, but then there was a dark shadow that was befell in front of everyone, but the shadow quickly disappeared as a mare came out of the forest edge, surely where the bridge was. Every did look at her before a shadow quickly appeared next to her, the mare looked at the shadow before continuing to walk up to Scorn, she must've thought that he was the lead stallion, and she was right.

"Can I help you miss? You looking for a family, herd, God or god's?" Scorn asked the mare, she seemed to feel young around her but she looked past maturity but younger then an Elder Horse.

"No no, I was just curious on why I felt the ground shaking an Isle away, so I came here to check it out and then that's when I became crystalized, including my markings." the mare told Scorn, he then got judgemental as he looked her over with a curious eye.

That's also when Trickster got up and looked at the mare's markings, her estranged markings that resembled the sun, and the moon, the two markings were actually documented in an autobiography that an Old God had these markings, and that the God was never written ever again when they died..

"Miss, your markings seem to be that of an Old God that had these long ago, but they were never documented again, these markings are quite valuable to anyone! More valuable then Prism!" Trickster said, she knew Prism by Azulia, of course who else but Azulia would spill it?

"An Old God? Which one? There's more then one really and what do they even mean?" the mare asked, her red mane and tail were contrasting with her coat, but her purple markings were quite bright and vivid, but the orange sun and the white moon is what caught Trickster's eyes.

"And Old God named Dusk, she is was a quite extravagant mare really, and you have her markings, Dusk was more valuable then anyone really, anyone having markings like these are really important. And that they resemble Dusk's important role also known as a Task." Trickster spoke again, she didn't say what the task or role was.

"The role/task, what is it? Is it better then being a day or night unicorn?" the mare curiously said, her brown eyes suited the goldenrod palomino coat.

"The task was and is called the "Dusk Guardian", a pretty valuable role as well, everyone that was an early descendent and had their ancestors as grandparents always wished for Dusk's marking when she was gonna die, though there is only one book that documented her role as being a Dusk Guardian. But sadly, that book is dust by now, and no one knows where they can get a copy of it.. Even if they could, they wouldn't know what the original letters were.." Trickster was grumpy because the same book was a pile of dust and forgotten.

"The Book of Ancestors and Descendents? I have a copy of it, and the original words are all there, nothing was changed and nothing was removed, I know that book was lost to time.. But my ancestors started a tradition where they would make a copy of the Lost Book, but my parents actually finished a translated word with everything in it! I can show it, but I need to go back home and get it some my side-satchel, because I wasn't born with a horn or wings, or even both.." the mare admitted, but Eclipsetess walked over and did it for her.

"There! Now we have the translated copy, and even the original copied book with everything in it!" Eclipsetess said happily, though Dra has never spoke once in Namir's head, which was great, but it was getting a little worrisome that he could come back and haunt him again..

"Thank you! I needed this so that I could continue reading, and you know re-learn everything that you've told me, uh-" the mare paused to let Trickster and Eclipsetess tell their names, but they just smiled at each other before looking back at the strange mare.

"I'm Trickster and next to me is Eclipsetess! Nice to meet you-" Trickster paused to let the mare say her name.

"I'm Bastilla, I guess the new Dusk Guardian then? Who's the Night Guardian and Day Guardian then?" Bastilla asked, her name sounded like Bastion (known as a giant crossbow, and many other things as well) and also Bastille (basically a prison).

"You mean the night unicorn? She's over there with her mate Orion~" Trickster teased, but she did point her face to Solstice which she was busy, Bastilla laughed at Trickster teasing Solstice and Orion at the same time.

"And the day guardian or day unicorn/alicorn?" Bastilla asked Trickster but she did not say anything, since there was no guardian. For right now at least.

"Ah okay then, sorry! But may I also ask what does the Dusk Guardian do then?" Bastilla asked Trickster, Eclipsetess took up the opportunity to tell Bastilla everything.

"So the Dusk Guardian is the one who raises the sun to dusk, but there was also a sister of Dusk, Dawn was her name, she was the twin of Dusk and an honorable horse as well, anyways, the Dusk Guardian protects and raises the sun going into dusk, which is in the middle of the ending sky and rising night. Which would be an orange hue, and also a pretty sunset as well." Eclipsetess told Bastilla part of the truth.

"But the Dusk Guardian also never ages, she or he, but for your case your a mare, so you never age since you are immortal. And an immortal guardian means that they never die, unless they found their weakness, which is never." Eclipsetess told Bastilla the rest of the truth, Bastilla was quite calm and happy, she then walked off to a part of the meadow on the hill still in view of the herd and everyone, but she seemed to be happy laying down since her long journey here has ended.


Here's Bastilla! You can view her here and her evergrowing story, though there is enough information here to examine Bastilla and what she looks like, I never meant to create her but I did love the name in my DA-Wix hybrid site, so she is my character and quite different then her roleplaying self.. I'll change that a little later.

I did also move Bastilla from my DA-Wix site and moed her to my Wix site for my characters, she's with the mares, you can also view her age and what she is! Quite agreeable that she's a quarter horse, but I'll probably add another Wix site with Roleplaying Characters so that I can be organized and show off my characters and tags that I'll get someday.

But eh- not now since I wasted so much money for space in the game experience.. But its fine, I don't really care if have money, I just wanna be happy actually. So yeah.

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#263426 Posted on 2022-12-10 17:35:27

     Orion just tried comforting Solstice as much as he could, but it didn't help as much as he wished it did. "Just try to relax..take it easy more. You do a lot all in one day, and it's only a small part of the problem, but it will help if you don't overdo yourself. I know your just trying to keep everyone safe like they do to you, but it's not helping you any." he said looking at her worriedly.

     Solstice only sighed as she leaned against him slightly, "I can't help it...after everything that's happened..watching Dra kill everyone I loved one by one...I.." she couldn't say anything else as the sight of Dra killing them all poured into her mind. She only shook slightly, "I...can't let that happen again...h-he's still alive...we aren't matter how powerful any of us are.."

     "That won't happen again. None of it will. The herd will make sure of that. If Dra were to show himself then he will see your weakness, and only target you again. I'm not saying you need to get over it because something like this unfortunately won't go away, but you need to be able to fight if it ever comes to it. Which is a low chance. Just try and'll feel better tomorrow if you actually sleep tonight."

     Solstice didn't say anything. She only leaned against him more. Though that was when they both heard the neighs when a dark shadow appeared. Orion just quickly stood up, and stood in front of Solstice in case it was a threat of some sort. Fortunately it seemed to only be a mare. No horn. No wings. Wasn't often that he saw a horse without either of those. Orion has however heard of horses with dull colors having no magical properties back on the main land.

     This mare seemed to be way different. Her bright yellow coat with strange markings on her rump. Solstice eventually stood back up overhearing some of the words being said in the conversation. She only sighed as she walked over, "I'm not a guardian. Just a night unicorn. No I'm not a alicorn even if I look like it," she said with a pause trying to seem more representable to the newcomer, "And we're not together..only knew each other for a little over a week."

     Orion only seemed to notice the book the mare had, "Wait...that's no ordinary book. Is that a copy of The Book of Ancestors and Descendants? I thought that book would have been a pile of dust by now, but how in the world is there a copy of it?" he asked clearly surprised to even see a copy of it, "There was only the one book. No copies of it were least that's what I recall.."

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#263428 Posted on 2022-12-10 18:21:17

"Ah ha! I'll only say this: Family traditions, and nothing else, it's always secrets and secrets piled on secrets! I'm not gonna say anything else about it now. Because it was gifted to me when I was just a filly, which was awhile ago actually!" Bastilla said, she giggled and was full of delight, though she was interested in Orion's books, so many!

"Oh so many delightful things to read besides my book about descendents, so many delightful stories full of fiction and truth!" Bastilla shouted a little, she seemed to be estatic about the books more then any foal or horse would be excited over.

"Oh and if you want to read my book, go ahead! I don't really mind since it's an updated copy WITHOUT edits being made on it, my parents wanted me to have a future full of truth, and nothing fictional that was fake, so this is the real deal. Go ahead and try it out!" Bastilla said as she lightly and gently grabbed the book off of her back and threw it to Orion, she then looked at a book she chose and began reading it right next to the pile of books.

"Well, we have another member, not sure how long this mare will stay though." Eclipsetess admitted, she did seem more lively then normal anyways, probably because of the new mare that just came in.

"But what's your reason for coming here? To the Isle of Dreams? There's gotta be a reason if your gifting The Book of Ancestors and Descendents for Orion to read, I mean you can't have no reason actually." Trickster asked Bastilla, she did look up at Trickster then looked off to the side at the ground.

"Actually, I'm planning to go to the Mainland, a very dangerous place, yes. But I'm going there since I have no reason to be here, mother and father are alicorns with more powerful magic, but I was born.. Magic Less, and I'm just a No Breed since I'm not a pegasus, an alicorn or even a unicorn, I'm just a normal horse with weird markings unfit for this world of magic and purpose.." Bastilla admitted that and it was quite painful to hear, that she's not a breed of magic nor spells.

Trickster and Eclipsetess didn't say a thing about Bastilla because she was right, she was born with no markings besides her weird ones, she wanted to find the Invisible Bridge and leave the Isles for good, something a horse can't go back too when they go to the Mainland.

Azulia did get up when she heard everything, something more painful then anything, it makes Azulia sense sadness and it makes her sadder then a normal horse, though she did want to prove a point about Bastilla, but she didn't want to be rude..

"Oh come on Bastilla, your full of purpose! Everyone looked at you curiously, but you don't need to go to the Mainland or how else will we become friends? Friends are more important after all! Right guys?" Azulia looked at everyone, Trickster and Eclipsetess agreed with Azulia.

"So? It doesn't change my mind, I was born more tougher then any horse here, not even the Mountain Ponies are tougher then me." Bastilla snapped a little bit, making Azulia have a multitood of colors being flashed, though Bastilla knew about everyone and everything anyways, so she didn't need anything.

"Please, we're only trying to help in some way.." Azulia then looked at Trickster and Eclipsetess, "Eclipsetess, Trickster, what does the Dusk Guardian look like?!" Azulia quickly said as she ran in a circle as Bastilla chased after her, Bastilla seemed to be a little mad now?

"The Dusk Guardian is said to be an alicorn of some sort, Dusk, the original Dusk Guardian would be a normal horse by day and night, but when the sun rose into dusk or the sunset then she would be a heavily armoured horse." Trickster quickly said, Bastilla looked at the sky as she continued to chase after Azulia.

"The Dusk Guardian only appears when its near sun down, during, or close to sunset!" Eclipsetess quickly shouted, then Azulia looked at the sky as she jumped into a backflip as she hid behind Eclipsetess and Trickster.

"It's also close to sun down, or sunset, meaning that we've doing things for awhile, it was sky blue when Lucifer attacked but it's now.. Sunset!" Trickster yelled at the last minute, she just screamed sunset.

Then when the sunset was near and it was bright orange, yellow, and pink in the sky, Bastilla took her Dusk Guardian form. Bastilla looked like a heavily dressed horse, like that when they were about to battle Dra and his army, his citizens beign forced to battle.

Though the armour looked shiny and new, but Bastilla could see through the helmet and her eyes looked bright red, I mean- everyone could see through the helmet and Bastilla's eyes, but they were scared when her eyes were bright red. Though the armor also covered the beginning of the tail and covered the legs as well, her mane and forelock were free as the rest of the tail was also free.

Though there were little slots for the wings, but when Bastilla took her form, she took the form of how Dusk looked like, then there were two wings that sprouted out. One wing was feathered, an alicorn's or pegasi's wing, and the other wing was leathery and dragon-like, like Mountain Pony or actual dragon wings.

But the thing was that they were different, but Bastilla took the form of Dusk, her armor would always be seen as clean and shiny, someone that took great care of their things, there was also a sword and shield that accompanied the satchel on her stomach, over and under the armour's leather that stuck it together, the satchel was big and so was Bastilla's form as it was the height of Dusk.

Bastilla took the real form of Dusk and she was brought back, though Bastilla had the controls as the shadow pony appeared again but also looked like Bastilla's form of Dusk, then the shadow pony ripped away and then Dusk was there, right there, her pale chestnut coat being sort-of seen under the armor, the shadow pony was no longer apart of Bastilla..

Instead the shadow pony was the real Dusk.. Bastilla was surprised as the shadow pony ripped away, though the sunset looked like it paused as it didn't go down nor moved at all, Dusk was also able to control time but no one knew of this ability as she kept it hidden..

"Th-the real ancestoral Dusk! The great guardian of dusk!" Trickster yelled madly, then Dusk looked at everyone as Trickster quickly bowed and so did Eclipsetess and everyone else, Dusk was the same height of Bastilla's form of her, but she did laugh earlier and then she was quiet.

Dusk then looked at Solstice and Orion, then over at Namir, and Scorn.. Though Hades had returned from his scouting and he was now the same height as of Bastilla and Dusk, he laughed and nuzzled her..?!

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