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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263143 Posted on 2022-12-06 15:03:20

     Solstice just flew around enjoying herself. Namir thought about joining her, but decided to stay put. Instead he just started grazing occasionally looking up at her and Orion. Still didn't like him or trust him. Part of the reason Namir didn't trust him because of several stallions harming his sister. The stallion of their old herd, Dra, and some bachelors in the past. Though Namir just put his main focus on something other then the two trying not to worry or be as protective now that Solstice was older, smarter, and more capable of protecting herself.

     Though Namir's head shot up when he realized there was a horse about to crash. Thankfully Scorn was able to prevent that from happening. It was Ceto. What was she doing here? Solstice noticed Ceto as well as she flew down beside her brother as her hooves gently touched the ground again, but she kept her wings partly spread out. Worry quickly went on her face, "Well what are we waiting for?  Let's hurry," she said looking at her brother helping him when he needed it. Took a moment for Namir to get in the air, but he managed with her help.

     Orion looked up when he saw the horse almost crash into the meadow. He trotted over overhearing a part of the conversation, but he didn't know what was going on. By the time he got over there, the three were already in the air. He just looked at Scorn confused as to what was going on and why everyone seemed worried, "What's going on? Who was that?" he asked not that he was worried..mainly just confused.

     Solstice just made sure to fly beside her brother keeping an eye on him. She knew he struggled with flying, but it was one of the few times she had to help him, "Don't look down Namir. You'll only forget to flap your wings. Flying is faster then walking, so it shouldn't be too long." she said trying to calm his nerves some as she looked at Ceto, "Head guard? Why would the head guard need to take us to her?" That statement only made her worry more. Namir was worried too, but he just focused on flying.

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#263144 Posted on 2022-12-06 15:31:24

"Orion I do not know as well, but when horses are needed they are needed, and that was Ceto, queen's Oceanus's daughter and our friend. And by our, I mean, me, Solstice, Namir, and many other's that were in our little group when we went to defeat Dra, Trickster stayed here and watched my herd. But I was glad to help defeat the evil tyrant that is no more." Scorn said, he did not shiver, nor fear the word Dra.

"I do not tolerate things sometimes, and by defeating a tyrant, it only made me more fearless then I was. My mother and father would be probably mad at me if they still lived, they wanted me to run a kingdom after they had past, but I did not want the royale life, so I came here. Searching and collecting mares that did not belong in a herd and made my own, everyone is free to leave but these mares are proven a force when together, they are my family. And they are yours, they may look like they aren't tolerating you, but they do that to make you more used to a herd then you are already are, they leave and go whenever they please, the mares may even want a conversation with you. They know many different stallions, so they'll be patient and quite caring, they'll even express their love if you leave, that's the thing with herds. You love them or hate them, I can tell that you love them and getting a crush with Solstice, trust me Azulia tells me everything but she doesn't gossip about it." Scorn told Orion, his life, his adventure, his family and little bit of gossip every now and then.

"Though for Azulia, when her eyes flicker or fade to different colors, she senses emotions, feelings, life, power, anything that she can sense really! She is called The Seer of Sense after all, she senses anything and willing to exploit her life for death to protect friends and family, like you, she'll protect you with her life and her friendship." Scorn told Orion once more, this time explaining Azulia's life.

"I always wondered if Azulia was gonna have a mate, and now she does, with a royale stallion named Cronsi, he's an alicorn from Isle of Happiness, his father is the king of alicorns, he's a sweet stallion really. But Azulia told me that Dra disguised himself of being the alicorn king, this called conflict as the real king of alicorns and Dra started to fight if it weren't for a horse's magic that teleported everyone away to safety." Scorn told Orion again, his story never ends.

"I now have a story to tell my kids, grandkids, great grandchildren and my kids too, if the rest of the mares think about it, but I know Grey Cloud and I are forever more." Scorn smiled away, he then looked at the sky and smiled of his bright future, he then looked back at Orion.

"So, will you stay in this herd and with Solstice or go off again? I know you already said-so, but a final decision must always be made, or how else did I end up with my lovely firecracking daughter and silent gentle mother and mate? Now, think of your final decision before you go back to where you came, the future is bright and it's full of adventure. But right now, we have peace (hopeful of that), but we also have festivities when it comes to our home. Golden Valley." Scorn said, he nuzzled Orion like a stallion to a colt, he wanted Orion to be sure of his final decision, so he left back for his herd after Scorn told him his final decision and finale time to meet Solstice once more.

Though Olymphia told Solstice and Namir to fly a little faster by angling yourself in the wind when you find a fast wind current going in the air, but she was considerbly fast, so she stayed behind as she made sure that Solstice and Namir angled themselves and flew faster.

But as Olymphia spotted the water kingdom, she landed down on Isle of Happiness's cliffside before jumping into the water showing no fear, a Sea Pony was nearby as one directed Olymphia to the kingdom, a mare and stallion of Sea Pony tradition also popped from the sea below as they helped Namir and Solstice find their way to the kingdom of water.

Olymphia was already off as she knew the way, but a Head Guard, looked taller and bulkier then a normal Sea Pony guard stood at the entrance's entrance way for the hallway that led to the rooms, the healing pool, and many other dorms. But the Head Guard only stood at the entrance waiting for Namir and Solstice, then he would lead them to where Azulia is kept.

Though Olymphia was already with Azulia as she comforted the waking mare as she put back to sleep to rest more, Azulia did what Olymphia wished, Eclipsetess then was walking to the entrance to wait, she was excited for Solstice and Namir to meet a little someone. A little bundle of joy..

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#263146 Posted on 2022-12-06 16:40:31

     Orion just listened flicking his ear as he looked in the direction the three had flown off to. He thought it was a bit strange that Namir seemed to struggle with flying, but he didn't that neither of them were born wings only horns. That and Namir wasn't a big fan of heights. The one thing that easily scares that stallion. Heights. Of all things. Who knew? Orion sure didn't, but he just kept those thoughts to himself as he listened to the stallion speak.

     "I never heard of Oceanus having a daughter..well I never heard or read much about her and her mother.." he said loosing some focus for a quick moment before looking at Scorn, "I've heard many different versions of the journey you guys went on...I tend to look for the facts and truth..part of the reason I came here. Everyone had their own version to tell of the wasn't long before we all couldn't figure out what was real and what happened." he said remembering parts of the weirdest version he heard. It was clear that pegasus didn't know anything about the legend.

     Wait. Scorn was a king? No. The Lost King? Orion never thought Scorn would have been. Just a stallion that protected his mares and let them be them. Well he was, but also royalty whether or not he ran from that life. Though Orion perked up lowering his ears a bit, "She is..lovely..." he said pausing for a moment trying to find the right words, "..but it's that obvious..isn't it..?" he sighed. Great. Now to Namir it looked like he came in search of love when he didn't. Orion just came wanting to meet the mare that saved the Isles..not fall in love with her..but what was he to do? Love was love, and it couldn't be controlled.

     Orion was silent for a few minutes, but he continued to listen. "I once read about a horse able to sense emotions.." he said out loud not really meaning to, but sometimes his thoughts got the best of him and said them out loud like he just had. "I heard of Dra having the power to disguise himself as other horses...I just never heard that he regained enough of his magic to do that let alone disguise himself as the alicorn king.." Orion was slowly starting to understand just how much they went through. Just how much Solstice went through. No wonder why her or the others didn't like to talk about him. 

     After that, Orion was silent for a few good minutes. Stay here? He never planned on it, but it was a better place then back home. Everyone only nipped at his mane for always reading his old books and scrolls. He didn't really have anyone. Just a small group of mares and stallion that he came across often. They were somewhat friends I suppose, but there wasn't anything for him there. Maybe there was something for him here then? Orion only remembered when everyone laughed at him when he said he was going to the meet the Hero of Darkness. He did just that, but what would have happened if had chosen to stay?

     "Her brother doesn't seem to like me at all...always watching me..especially when I'm with her...I wouldn't want to cause anything between them, but I also never took the attempt to speak to him.." Orion was just thinking out loud to himself at that point as he looked down a bit still thinking about the question Scorn had asked him. Most of everyone seemed to be accepting of him..something he wasn't used to, but he always wasn't used to herds. Let alone being in one. Though he just took a small deep breath as he looked up at Scorn again, "I'll have to think about least wait until they return." he said not feeling comfortable making the decision without trying to make a effort to gain at least some of Namir's trust.

     Solstice quickly found a wind current and directed her brother to it, "Remember what Eclipsetess told you," she said as she titled herself slightly to match the current. She helped Namir do the same. "It's not so bad once you get the hang of it." she said. Before long, they had reached their destination. Solstice helped Namir with landing if he needed it, but he only rejected it. That was until he nearly crashed into the ground, "Should have just let me help you in the first place," she said shaking her head, "Don't always need to be all tough and able to do everything." she said with a small smile as she landed beside him.

     "Very funny. At least I tried to do it by myself," he huffed before looking at the sea pony mare and stallion before they were guided into the kingdom. Seemed like yesterday that they were there hiding from Dra. That was until they learned he could still disguise himself even underwater. The siblings just thanked the mare and stallion as they let the Head Guard guide them to Azulia. Namir soon saw Eclipsetess in the distance nuzzling her once he approached her, "What happened?" he asked not even bothering to ask her why the three of them had left those days before.

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#263149 Posted on 2022-12-06 17:49:52

"Good idea Orion, maybe ask or tell them once they return, and if you were confused. Yes I am a supposed king that threw his crown away." Scorn said as he walked up to Orion, though he did sit down to rest.

Then without hesitation, Scorn's crown appeared on his ear this time the same ear but a different angle as his crown was on his right ear not his left, he then smiled as his crown showed up, but he then said some words as the crown glowed and then disappeared into thin air, it wasn't crystalized or anything, it looked like real gold with some encrusted gems.

"Crown of late." Scorn told his crown to disappear, guess those were the words to make the crown disappear? Well the crown then reappaered as Scorn got up and put some grass on Orion forelock, he then laughed as a threw some grass into the air.

"Whenever I'm bored, i put grass into mare or stallion forelocks, and then throw some more grass into the air, it's how I coped with boredom. I should break this habit, but it feels good back to being a little colt." Scorn admitted how he lost his boredom, but he also snickered.

"Come on, show me how you cope with your boredom!" Scorn encouraged Orion to read, then a book appeared right next to Scorn, the book looked more matted then any other book around or made, it was really withered, it was torn in some parts, the leather of the book was falling off.

Scorn looked at his book as he smiled greatfully! He was happy to see a book, Scorn then sat down again,  he was into a book then? Though when Scorn opened the book it didn't open like one of the books that Azulia or Eclipsetess had, this book seen years or life as the date of when the book was made was back in The Era of The Ancestors, a very very very very old book that was made.

"Oh I never noticed that your over 1000 years old! I guess I never paid attention, though I'm happy to see you once more." Scorn directly told his book, wait over 1000 years?! That book should be dust by now!

Meanwhile Eclipsetess was nuzzling Azulia as she then heard two set of hooves and then she turned her head around to see who they were, then she realied who they were, Solstice and Namir!

"Oh Namir, Solstice, I'll show you what had happened." Eclipsetess said, as she guided the two into Azulia's foal's room.

When Eclipsetess opened the door, a little weird bombarded little amber-gold and blue eyed foal looked up to see two more horses examine her, the little got up as a alicorn marking was on her chest, then little horses followed behind, then the sun and moon were next to the alicorn as the horse was rearing up in the foal's marking.

"Turn around Raven, for your auntie and uncle to see what is next." Eclipsetess told the little foal, the foal was intelligent and turned to her left side to show a galaxy on her right side, then a white dorsal stripe was coming from the start of her forehead to the end of her little fluffed tail, little black markings were coming out of the white markings like dots.

"Turn around again please, your rump is also important." Eclipsetess said, the little filly turned round once more, this time showing her rump like Eclipestess asked.

The little filly's rump was just a giant star with four points instead of a six-pointed star, the star was quite the same size of the filly's hind quarter, then she turned around on her other side as this time, the left side was actually twinkling like a milky way, no matter the stars, there was so much commotion going on the foal's left side, how was her left side twinkling? It shouldn't be twinkling.

Then the foal faced forward as her forhead was also a mess, it was barely twinking as it sparkled instead, then her face was a falling bald face as the bald face marking was falling off of the amber eye, but it revealed a black marking, similar to Smoke's markings, but the foal's little mane was a normal splash.

"See why we came here? The little foal is who Faith is looking for, but she need's to be grown enough to take her future job." Eclipsetess softly spoke as she nuzzled Namir, she then let the filly, Raven, go back to sleeping on some soft cotton to rest her body.

"Now come, I need to talk to you too about the foal Raven.." Eclipsetess then showed worry for the foal, she was there to help Azulia, but now she was caught up into something else.

Eclipsetess then walked to another room, this one was going to be Oceanus's room since it showed so many Sea Ponies bowing down to a much younger queen, though Eclipsetess walked in as she smelled the holly-lavendar fragrant air, her body then calmed down as Oceanus got up from her bedding.

"Welcome back." Oceanus said, she looked happy, but Eclipsetess could tell that she was worried.

Last edited on 2022-12-06 at 17:50:09 by Lizzy

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#263186 Posted on 2022-12-07 07:51:49

     Orion just didn't want to anger Namir anymore then what he already was. It was easy to see even though the two stallions never spoke a word to each other. Plus he wanted to know how Solstice would feel about him staying. He didn't want to upset her or make her feel like she was the entire reason if he just decided to stay. Orion simply nodded in respect, "I respect that. Not everyone is cut out for the royal life."

     Didn't take long for Orion to see the crown appear. He'd seen it in one of his books before. A page about the Lost King. Though in the book it said that it was unsure of what happened to him. It seemed that the herd were the only ones that knew. Not that any of this was a bad thing. He couldn't help to chuckle lightly as Scorn tossed some grass into his mane and forelock, "Ah yes being a foal was so much easier..even when we wished to be stallions. The roles have changed."

     What did he do? Well..Orion never really did much other then read. He just liked knowing the truth about things that happened. Especially about the Isles and some secrets they held. The spell Eclipsetess had performed had been in one of his books..if only he knew where that book was or what it was called. Though he summoned one of his oldest books. Orion did have to remove some dust off of it, "Been awhile since I brought out this's just so worn that it's hard to read several pages."

     Just like that, the book opened and a page fell out, "Gosh darn it. This things so old it's just falling apart no matter what I do." Orion just sighed as he put the page back in its original place. There were only a few pages that were in a somewhat well condition, but the most important pages were almost too worn to read. "Had this book for a couple years..just wants to keep on falling apart no matter how well I try to keep it together. Guess it just doesn't want to be fixed," he said with a small laugh.

     Solstice just looked at her brother before they walked into the room Eclipsetess had guided them into. Her jaw nearly dropped once she saw the filly. All the worry she had just disappeared as soon as she saw her. "She's gorgeous..just like her mom," she said almost speechless of the filly. Though Solstice was curious about the filly's markings, "I've never seen anything like it. Those markings. I've never heard of markings like these," Solstice said looking at the filly even though she was smiling happy to see Azulia had a healthy filly, but where was Azulia?

     Namir nuzzled Eclipsetess before looking back at Raven, "I haven't seen markings like those either, but what do you mean by Faith looking for her? Future job?" he said looking at Eclipsetess once more before the three had left the room. Namir and Solstice didn't like to see the worry that was written on her face as they were both worried once more. Wasn't long before they were in Oceanus's room.

     Solstice just looked around remembering when they were hiding from Dra here in Oceanus's kingdom not so long ago. Though she just smiled a bit when she was Oceanus, "It's good to see you again Oceanus..I heard you made a quick visit when I was...affected by the Color Fading.." Solstice's voice just died down slightly as she looked down for a moment before regaining focus, "So what's this all about..?"

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#263215 Posted on 2022-12-07 11:59:30

"Hm yes I did, and with my daughter as well." Oceanus seemed humble by the three.

"Now about Azulia's filly, and about something with Faith, actually let me tell you in story-form. It's much easier to explain in great detail as well." Oceanus said, she was preparing Solstice and Namir for what she was about to say.

"There once was a legend, not dead as the sea, but as shining as the greatest constellation! The shining legend that once was, and now reborn again! There was this mare, quite fond of everything and showed empathy even for little ants today, this mare and her constellation was so bright as the shining silver moon.." Oceanus told aloud, her voice perfect for storytelling to even the oldest of horses and the youngest of foals.

"This mare had the same markings that Azulia's foal has, but the constellation of the storytold mare only began as she was birthed as one of our- of everyone's ancestor, this shining mare was called and named "Ladys Mist", because she was so misty in the nowadays mist. Ladys Mist would only appear in the mist, which is quite rare today, but even her and the other ancestors had different- much more different markings then today, but Ladys Mist was also known for many other different things!" Oceanus paused in a exclamation.

"Ladys Mist was known for making kingdoms, cities inside them, and even herds around the Isles today!" Oceanus paused once more before continuing.

"Ladys Mist had a mate with 5000+ children, everyone referred them as "Rabbits", since Lady was a much more careful and cocise mother. Even if she was a mother, one of the descendents would have to be in a royale bloodline that was stuck with the four ancestors. There was a fifth, but that ones bloodline went tragdically bad, as you could tell by how he was.." Oceanus was referring to Dra, Dragon Devil, there were many other names to call him, but his full name was fearing.

"Lady was a regal mare with so much empathy, everyone called her Mother Nature, because she tended to the nature as well as her own herd and family, Ladys Mist was a mare with many roles. One of the roles was forgotten, the forgotten role was "Story-Teller", Ladys' other roles were "Lead Mare", "Herb Collector", "Animal Whisperer", "Constellation", and even "Queen of the Constellations". Ladys Mist was honoured with these roles, she even was one of the original horses that nade our oldest books." Oceanus said, her voice slick and soft, but also quite fast and slow.

"Ladys Mist was a Keeper of the Scrolls, a legend, a myth, a constellation, she died when she was her age of refinement and youth. She promised her friends and family that she'll be reborn within a few thousand years, one long year of waiting and being patient. She was also a Scroll Maker, like my mother, but she was more known for creating the Air Kingdom, she was known around the world for her stories as well, but these books have aged and are great deal of price when selling." Oceanus said, she looked at Eclipsetess, Solstice, and Namir, right in each of their eyes.

"Lady was also known as the world's first-" before Oceanus continued, she thought about it, about what she was gonna say next.

"Never mind, that's for a different, a different time. But we cannot be so sure if Ladys Mist reincarnated once more, Azulia's filly may have her markings but she's going to be an excellent Story-Maker/Teller or even Faith's companion. Though Azulia's filly has many of the traits for some forgotten roles, even ones that are known are just remade versions of the original." Oceanus said, she had gotten up.

"But since Azulia's foal has many things to be something, there's a greater story to Ladys Mist's to her own story, but I've forgotten the role that was so important during my story-telling, come back when I have figured it out, and Azulia's filly will have her future job." Oceanus said as she dismissed the three to go home, she sounded like she was going to visit them when they were settled back into their home..

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#263221 Posted on 2022-12-07 13:54:30

     Solstice just nodded ready to listen to what Oceanus had to tell. Namir did as well after nuzzling Eclipsetess again getting lost in the moment before Solstice nudged him giving a look as if to say "Pay attention." Who knew Namir would be the one to loose focus when something important was being discussed. The two quickly brought their attention back to Oceanus when she began to tell the story. 

     They both listened saying not a word. Even when Oceanus mentioned Dra, by name or not, Solstice tensed slightly. Namir just lightly put his wing over her for a minute or two until he brought his bay colored wing back to his side. Nothing special. The wings just matched with his simple bay coat. Namir was alright with that. He may not have looked as regal as some stallions, have the best magic abilities, and he surely wasn't a good flyer, but he was just fine with that. He got everything he wanted anyway. His sister to be safe and loved and potentially a wife. 

     Solstice just processed all of the information as Oceanus seemed to have finished up the story. She did think it was odd for the filly to be born with such markings..markings that represented the night when Azulia or Cronsi weren't related to the night like she and Eclipsetess were. Each night Solstice felt more alive..stronger even. Though she chose to sleep like everyone else..that was until she would be burdened by Dra. 

     " was nice seeing you again Oceanus.." Solstice said even though she had several questions, but she chose to keep them to herself since it seemed now wasn't the time to ask them. Though they all nodded respectfully and left after saying goodbye. Solstice just figured Azulia was in a private room resting after the delivery. Everything seemed to make Solstice think about things. Her own markings, and if she'd end up having a foal one day. The foal, she didn't have to worry about then..she was still young, but maybe soon...

     The three didn't stay for too much longer before they made their way back to the herd. Namir seemed to be slightly better at flying since he didn't need his little sister helping him as much, but she still flew close to him just to make sure, "Namir! I told you not to look at the ground! You'll loose focus." she huffed scolding him. Namir just grumbled to himself rolling his eyes, "Want to crash into those trees? Fine. I'll let you."

     "Alright alright. You know sometimes I still wish you were a helpless filly. It was so much easier taking care of you...that once until I figured out how."  He just looked at her seeing the look she gave him, "I was young too you know! Mother and father didn't teach me how to care for a foal only to be careful around them. The herd wasn't going to help any once they saw that point I was just on my own, but I figured it out didn't I? Look at you now Hero of Darkness."

     Solstice just looked down a bit, "You know I don't like being called that Namir...I'm no hero..I just did what I had to if..." she couldn't finish that sentence. Hero of Darkness? What kind of a title was that? It only reminded her of everything just as much as Dra's name did. Sure she did save the Isles, but it wasn't just her. It was everyone that helped her..protected her..loved her. 

     The two of them were silent after that. Even when they got back to the herd. Solstice just softly landed as she looked up seeing Orion still there. She would have thought he'd be gone by then, so she was a little shocked to still see him here. Though Orion looked up seeing they had come back. He slowly and respectfully walked up over to them, "Thought I'd at least stay until you got back..." he said with a small smile keeping a small distance because of Namir standing right there, but he only turned to face him after taking a small deep breath.

     "I know you don't like me even...but I thought we could at least talk..? I mean no harm really..I've only said the truth about everything, and I know you just don't trust me around your sister.." he paused, "I understand that you just got back, but it can wait if you'd like.." Solstice just looked at her brother with a stern look as she pinned her ears. She wasn't giving him much of a choice. Namir just snorted quietly as he turned and walked away to a private place. Solstice just tossed her head in that same direction to tell Orion he wanted him to follow.

     Orion did just that still keeping a small and respectful distance from Namir. Namir though only looked him up and down. Slightly smaller then he was, but it was barely noticeable. He sensed the magic this stallion bore, "Do you know why I don't trust you..?" Namir asked him in a slightly deep and unhappy tone. Orion only shook his head slightly, "I've come close to loosing my sister too many times because of other stallions. You saying you came to Golden Valley to meet her only caused my distrust in you. A stallion travelling the Isles wanting to meet a mare sounds like you wanted more then just wanting to meet her, did you not?"

     Orion shook his head again, "No. I only wanted to meet the mare that saved us all. Everyone talked about her back home, and each story of the legend grew so twisted that none of us knew what to believe..or what story to believe...or even if it was all real, so I just decided to try my luck and see if it was..your sister is something special. Even though she is pained by what happened, she still finds a way to be...herself.." Orion just looked down slightly at that point putting a lot of thought into his words before he said them. Wise.

     "Very observant you are, but why did you want to speak to me anyway? I expected you to be gone by now. A couple days was it? Now it's been about a week..maybe longer. So..why are you still here? You only came up when we started having issues like the Color Fading.." Namir said still not entirely convinced Orion could be trusted, but he let him speak either way.

     "I don't have much of a home to go back to. I'm a bachelor. Never liked herds, or even the thought of starting one. I just cross paths with a small group of mares and stallions often and we Nothing else to it. This place seems nicer...everyone does..well mostly..there was a stallion that chased me away as soon as he saw me not too far from here...if I decided to stay..I wanted you to be okay with it..your sister as well."

     Namir was silent for a moment looking at him before looking at his sister, "That stallion was Phoenix. He's the other stallion that has a herd here in Golden Valley. Ruthless. Even the mares. Unfortunately me and my sister were born into that herd. They treated me well, but not so much her. Said she was cursed...worthless..pathetic..that was until she met this herd..." Namir paused looking at him again, "I suppose you are telling the truth...with your manners and respect, but I still can't trust you entirely. Guess you'll just have to stay and prove it to me." That was all Namir said before he walked off. Well what did that mean?

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#263248 Posted on 2022-12-07 19:06:57

Trickster looked up at the gleaming sun, smiling brightly, hair in the wind, and magic coursing through her. Though she then felt a sharp pain as she started gasping, this caught the herd and even Scorn to notice, though the mares then encircled her and thought at what was happening.

"Maybe we should take her to Oceanus, she has a healing pool!" one mare said.

"No! We should have Eclipsetess heal her!" another said.

A third one spoke up as she was nervous, "Maybe it's the color fade taking it's effect on her? We did have a blast of magic after that, and before Orion came here.." the first mare scoffed as she considered it, the second just nuzzled her and told he reasons of many other things that could be affecting Trickster.

"Maybe have Carrion look at her, he was flipping many books back in the Cave of their old home, he now uses it as a study since Trickster and him moved down here." Scorn suggested, the mares agreed to his idea and soon, Carrion arrived with many books following him, it took the mares to realize that they were Effecting Books, books that have information on what's an Affect or Effect.

Carrion came trotting over as the mares took his books off of him as he examined Trickster, the poor stallion stopped examining when Trickster sat down, then he told his conclusion.

"Well, she could be near her due date for our second foal, every foaling is different after all!" Carrion said as one of the Effect Books opened up and actually projected something in the sky.

Carrion was stunned when his book opened up on it's own and showed many different foaling tatics, effects, diseases, markings and many more, though the projection looked like one of Faith's spells from early before, when Eclipsetess was still in her old herd until she met Faith, Eclipsetess, Azulia, Prism, Scorn, and the herd of mares that shortly followed.

"Well, something that's different, aye?" Eclipsetess joked, she felt the memory surge.

Scorn laughed as he quickly looked back at the book, it showed the posture and what Trickster was doing was actually.. Slightly taking her and her foal's health away, but it also couldn't as long as Trickster did what the book said, though Trickster layed down and relaxed, ignoring everything like she should.

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#263270 Posted on 2022-12-08 07:58:44

     Orion just stood there unsure by what Namir meant by that as he watched the stallion walk away. Solstice just walked up to him asking what they talked about, "I don't know..I think he trusts me a bit more...but I don't know. He said I'd have to prove it to him..whatever that means." he said confused as he still looked at Namir trying to think about what he meant, but Orion wasn't the best at things like that.

     Solstice just thought for a moment, "That's my brother...but why would you have to prove anything to him? Your leaving soon anyway, so I don't why you would need to." she said looking over at her brother before looking at Orion again, "Unless you were thinking about staying..?" she asked when the thought came to her. Was he thinking about staying? It seemed to be the only reason why he would want to speak with her brother.

     Orion just sighed looking down, "I was..considering it..Scorn wanted me to make a final decision, but I just couldn't make a decision without making sure you both were okay with it...well especially your brother. He's been watching me since I've been here..which I understand his reasons." he said not really sure about if he should even stay. Solstice just thought about it for a few minutes.

     "Well..that's up to you not me, but even though I don't know much about seem to enjoy it here. Like it's better then your home. I don't want to be the reason you stay, but I'm fine with being part of it." Solstice just nuzzled him on his side real quick before she looked over seeing the mares rushing to Trickster. She didn't even hesitate as she quickly cantered over unsure of what was happening until she looked over at Carrion as he walked over. Orion did follow and was offended by the one mare, "Orion isn't the cause of this." she snorted.

     "She's right. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't have the power to cause something like that to happen. Very few do. The Color Fading was a while ago. No one should be affected by it anymore. I've studied it enough. Only a few horses are affected by it within the first day or two. After that everyone affected should be fine." Orion said as he summoned a old book that had information about it, "It's all in here." Though he just looked at the projection Carrion's book showed instead. 

     Solstice and Orion just gave everyone space, but Solstice stayed where she was if there was something she could help with. Azulia had her foal, so Trickster was close to doing the same. It only made her think about her own future a bit more. She looked at the statue made of her that was placed on a hill in the distance, but she couldn't look at it long. It just reminded her of the past, when she hoped it wouldn't. What would her future be like? Having a family, or always on the run?

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#263277 Posted on 2022-12-08 09:29:38

"Well whatever the case, she just might be.." Scorn paused, he couldn't think of anything to say, he looked at the old book Orion had and examined Carrion's book, he then thought that the older books had more right answers.

"Maybe Orion's books are more informational then our newly updated ones by the god's, they did say that some and most that we have of our books have little to no information about a specific situation. And please ladies, just go relax. You too Solstice, Orion have you made your decision yet? I can give you some more time to not worry about it." Scorn pleaded, said, asked, and a little bit of a commanding voice inside but quite hidden.

"And plus, we can help Trickster, if we needed it we can ask Orion about the information in his book and books." Scorn added, he actually included another stallion in his sentence, he never included a stallion in his sentence, it was rare and quite honorable.

"Alright Scorn!" a mare said, she was trotting around inside and little bit outside of the herd of mares.

"Yeah your right, our books aren't exactly helpful, Orion's bet to have better information then a projection!" another mare said, she then walked up to Orion with her amber and sapphire eyes as she asked to take the book and then she took the book and flipped it open to whatever page she needed.

Eclipsetess minded her own business as Trickster then started to calm down on what was making her go in pain, Carrion then realized why Trickster was gasping for, and then he bubbled her and teleported her somewhere nearby, the herd of mares were then bubbled and Carrion did the samething with them.

"Well.. You could've asked me instead Carrion.." Scorn's voice trailed off, he sounded a little grumpy as he walked to the edge of the hill to look over the horizon once more.

"Ah ha.. Sorry Scorn!" Carrion apologized, he then remained quiet, though Trickster's neighs and whinnies were not far as they could be heard.

"Well better to be safe then sorry really, he was just doing what he was suposed to do." Eclipsetess defended Carrion for Trickster's safety, she then giggled as she then grazed in the middle of the meadow where the herd of mares were.

"Yeah, it wouldn't matter anyways." Azulia said, she fell down a little bit before getting up, she seemed weak as she looked around, though she did nuzzle her sweet little foal.

"Oceanus just dropped me off a second or two ago.." Azulia snickered, her foal then began to explore her new home.

"Well we're glad to have you back, Solstice would probably love to nuzzle your little foal, Cronsi was somewhere, I think he's hiding from you and your filly. But I guide you to somewhere to lay down and recover your strength back, you need it since you are a bit weak in the bones." Scorn said, Azulia took up his offer though her foal was sniffing around until she found Orion and started sniffing him.

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#263287 Posted on 2022-12-08 10:43:14

     Orion just quickly skimmed through some pages of the book he pulled out. This one wasn't as old as the other one, but it was still centuries old, "It took me a couple years to manage to acquire books like these..some of them I just found and decided to take once I figured someone just dumped them. They do seem to have better information. Horses like to change what's true causing everyone else to question what is true and what isn't. These books only contain the truth about things and very informative." he said still skimming through the pages until one caught his eye.

     The page was still worn, but also still readable. That wasn't what caught the stallion's attention. It was the two pictures it had of two different crescent moons. One gold. One black. Orion sworn he's seen those symbols somewhere, but he couldn't pinpoint where. Though he just looked at the two symbols both having gold dots below them. Solstice got curious and walked up beside him wanting to see what caught his attention. "Just something I forgot was in there." he said turning a couple pages.

     Solstice wasn't entirely convinced that it wasn't anything important, but she left the topic alone. Instead she just looked up at Scorn, "I'm fine Scorn. Really. I need to do something anyway other then rest since that's all I ever do." she said rejecting what Scorn had told her to do, but the look he gave her was enough to make leave, "Fine.." she said before walking off a short ways. Not to rest. To find something to do. How hard could that be? Apparently for her it was harder then she thought.

     Orion lost his train of thought when he tried to think of where he saw those symbols..or markings before in the past. Though he snapped out of it when he heard Scorn talking to him, "Oh sorry..." he said pausing as he looked up and over at Solstice remembering what she had told him a little awhile ago. "I..don't's not like I have anything to go back to.." Orion then looked over at Namir seeing the stallion watching him...just not the same way he was. "I think I've made my decision," he paused long enough to look back at Scorn, "...I'd like to stay."

     Wasn't long before Orion looked over at the mares letting the one look through his book. He didn't mind. He's read them all several times before. He didn't even really need them anymore. Though he just looked over at Solstice again noticing the marking she had on her rump. A black crescent moon. Like the one from the book. Orion only grew more curious, but he just kept it to himself for the time being.

      Solstice just looked over hearing a voice she hadn't heard in a while. Azulia. She smiled trotting back over, "It's good to see you again Azulia..but all of that can need to rest still." she said before looking at her little filly when she came up to Orion, "Well seems like foals like you for some reason," she said with a small chuckle as she went and stood beside him looking at the filly. "Hello there little one..remember me?"

     Orion just looked to see the filly sniffing him before looking at Solstice, "I've never been around foals since I came here...don't know why they seem to like me." he said a bit confused, but he didn't mind it. He just stood there flicking his tail a small bit not wanting to scare the filly at all. Didn't take long for him to notice the strange markings she had all over her, "I've..never seen any markings like those.." he said. Solstice just said the same.

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#263294 Posted on 2022-12-08 12:20:24

The little filly looked up at Solstice as she began nuzzling her, she was the only one with different markings from her mother, she was a little intriguing to the eye, the little filly then started to sniff the books. Seeming to be curious and quite fond of them already as she then layed down besides Orion's front right or left leg, she was happy to see Solstice but she was also quite tired from walking even a little.

"Hm, Raven was wondering where you and Namir went, she wouldn't stop sniffing all around the castle, the guards and Oceanus had to watch her intensively to keep eye on her. But I'll go rest now, she seems to be quite fond of Orion already." Azulia said as she walked over and looked at Solstice a little bit, she then nuzzled a sleeping Raven before she walked off to sleep somewhere, nearby was a flower bed full of beautiful flowers so Azulia slept there.

Though Scorn was walking around when the mares came back, seeming to have found their way back, Scorn walked over and then a tired Trickster and a bouncing foal came out, the little foal was also the same way Raven was, which was quite weirded out since Trickster nor Carrion had markings to even provide their colt with.

"Maybe more truths are hidden, don't ask me how me and Carrion's colt came to be this, I have no idea." Trickster admitted, she spotted Azulia in the flower bed and decided to join her as the little colt bounced around, sniffing and greeting everyone with a nuzzle and a nibble from the mane or forelock, the forelock nibbling was if a horse was grazing.

"Alright." Scorn said as he watched two little foals now, well Raven was protected by Orion since she chose to sleep next to him, though the little colt wasn't provided a name from Trickster, Moonlight was somewhere, Trickster knew that much but she didn't know where.

"Hi, seems that your more active then our little filly sleeping by Orion, why not go and sleep next to her? You'll wake up fine, I promise that much." Scorn told the little colt, but he just trotted around with little canters and bucks sometimes, Scorn just laughed at the colt.

"Um, what is the colt's name? Trickster said that she and Carrion had a name ready, but she must've forgot.." the same mare said again, her worry for names with the little colt grew with Scorn.

"Well, if Trickster and Carrion have Moonlight, then there should be a perfect name for their little colt. With Moon in it of course." Scorn told the mare, she calmed her nerves and summoned a book for colt and filly names alphabetically the book was full of names with Moon in it or mentioned in a quite way.

"So many possibilities, so many decisions, I can see why Trickster didn't say anything. So many names with Moon in it!" the mare said in surprise, though she hushed her voice and herself for almost waking up Raven.

"It'll be fine, and plus, when Raven wakes up Solstice and her could play and whatever Raven wanted to do." Scorn said once more, he seemed to be quite happy that three foals were in the herd.

Though Scorn felt a little bump hit him and he turned to look who hit him in the back leg, he then smiled as he directed a little foal towards Trickster who was sleeping, the poor foal must've been confused and was taken with the herd of mares that had Trickster.

"There ya go Moonlight, somewhere where you love it." Scorn said lovingly, though Moonlight cantered to Orion as she stopped in time and sniffed him, the little colt was curious of Moonlight and Raven, but he just looked at one of Orion's books as he sniffed it also quite interested in it.

Scorn looked at Orion with a hidden laugh, though he did walk over and nuzzled the two awake foals as he gently nuzzled a sleeping Raven as well.

"You could be a Story-Teller in our herd if the foals we have become more and more curious of you and your books, if we have anymore foals, but I don't think so since none of the other mares are expecting, so it's good that we only have three foals right now, better to acknowledge and how to keep a foal happy. Though I may have to get Smoke over here and help you with the three here, she knows Moonlight quite well, so she can help with Moonlight." Scorn told Orion, he then out laugh when Smoke walked over after hearing her name.

"I could be an apprentice to Orion, if he wants an apprentice, but it's fine if he doesn't want an apprentice right now." Smoke said to Orion and her father, Moonlight nuzzled Smoke as she knew her best, and Smoke returned the nuzzle.

"But I'll help with the foals anyways since they are different, except the books, so it's best if Orion becomes a Storyteller. That way foals know what is the truth and can read our books and take notes and quizes, and also have an adventure of the lifetime! In imagination I mean! I do love foals after all. I just want the best for Moonlight." Smoke spoke and admitted at the end, Scorn nuzzled her before leaving to tend to the herd and graze for awhile.

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#263302 Posted on 2022-12-08 15:11:30

     Solstice smiled as she gently nuzzled the filly in return. She herself wasn't that used to foals. Her old herd would just keep them away from her because they thought she was cursed, and didn't want the foals to acquire it. Even when she was just a little filly they kept the other foals away from her. Skadi and Khepri were the same age as her, just a few months older. Though Solstice was just happy to be around some foals. She always loved them, and was excited to get to know this new filly.

     Orion just quietly chuckled as she seemed to take some interest in his dusty old books. Solstice did the same before she looked up at Azulia quietly chuckling, "Already a hoof full then I suppose? Wish I could have saw those guards try to keep an eye on her. A little test to see how well they can watch someone." Solstice was happy at the time, and she didn't think about Dra. It was rare when that stallion didn't haunt her, but she enjoyed it when he didn't, "But you should really go rest. Your having trouble staying up on your go get some rest." she said knowing how Azulia could be sometimes.

     Solstice then watched as she went and laid down in a flower bed before she looked over at the returning mares..including Trickster. Only to see a colt with strange markings as well, but Solstice was excited to meet him as well. Namir just looked at her shaking his head as he laughed, "Don't you blame me Namir. You know the herd used to keep me away from them no matter how much I wanted to play," she huffed making sure Raven wouldn't wake as she gave her brother a look which caused him to turn away.

     Though she overheard the mare talking about names, "What's weird is that my name has something to do with the sun...I'm a night unicorn with a moon on my forehead and my hindquarter. Nothing about me is bright like the sun." she said a bit confused on why her parents chose that name, but she wasn't complaining about it. It was her name after all, and it defined who she was.

     Orion only then realized the moon on her forehead. Just like the other symbol. Then he really started to get curious, "You may be right that it is a bit weird, but your not entirely right either. A name doesn't have anything to do with how you's your personality. You make look like the moon instead of the sun, but that doesn't mean your personality isn't as bright as the sun."

     The stallion's attention then quickly shifted to the three foals. Surprised to see how interested they all were in him and his books. "This is my first time around foals...I'm not sure why they all seem to like me." he said looking at the others. Not that he didn't mind. A storyteller? Orion only read books and scrolls..he's never really told a story before, but he had to have some purpose in the herd if he was to stay.

     "..I could give it a shot. I suppose." he said looking at Scorn then his daughter, "She can help if she wants. Like I said..I've never been around foals so I could help with that part," he said with a small quiet laugh as he looked at the three foals. "You never know...since everyone found out about the legend and Dra's defeat I've noticed more horses starting families. May only have three foals here for now, but that could soon change." he said looking at Solstice with a small smile. Solstice still stood beside him as she just laid her head on his back closing her eyes. Maybe she could have used a small nap after flying to and from Oceanus's kingdom?

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#263308 Posted on 2022-12-08 16:31:45

The little colt looked up at Orion as he agreed to be a storyteller, he was then excited to have a storyteller, then he began jumping and being giddy, Moonlight just looked at him and rolled her eyes, the filly was like an average mare if not except for her mother.

Raven then woke up as she looked around when she yawned from her little nap, she enjoyed the company and began nuzzling Orion like a little filly to a stallion, father-daughter really, Azulia also woke up as she enjoyed the sleep, Trickster still layed beside her as she napped.

Raven then looked at her mother and ran over to her with excitment, Moonlight followed after, the little colt just looked up at Orion and Solstice, confused until he realized who it was, but he also saw his mother laying in the flower beds and Moonlight nuzzled her comforting.

Trickster felt her daughter nuzzle her awake until she got up with brimming excitment, she felt happier but something bothered her from the inside but she couldn't figure it out, the feeling was sad and it was clingy, making her sad but she was hiding it since she couldn't fix that.

"Well hello there Moonlight, remember me? I'm your mother's best friend, but you can call me auntie, and also Solstice as well. Solstice might like it if you went to play with her.." Azulia whispered to Moonlight who ran back over to Solstice, Moonlight was quite older then the other two foals, but still younger to not know how to talk.

Raven then nuzzled her mother as Azulia returned the nuzzling, though she nipped Azulia's mane a little bit as it overhung below her shoulder, Raven then dragged Azulia over next to Orion, Azulia then picked out a book to have Orion read her since she was interested in it.

Though Cronsi hung out behind Orion as he was silent and quite dark to the shadows, making him blend in and be protected by the darkness, only so few horses can see him, Azulia and their daughter was an exception. Though Raven was more interested in the book Raven was excited to be read too that she stood up and watch him.

The little colt was still hanging around Orion and Solstice as he sat down when Raven was standing and waiting, though Moonlight and Trickster came over as well to be read the book the same that the little colt and Raven were, but the same amber and sapphire eyed mare came over to ask Trickster the name of her little colt Moonlight didn't know that she had brother, maybe because she didn't know what was happening since she was exploring a part of the woods or something?

"Oh! My little colt's name is? I couldn't decide between Esmeray or Cresent, but I wanted my little foal to match my daughter's name, but I can't think of anything that relates to Moonlight.." Trickster admitted, she also didn't know the name of her son nor even decide between Esmeray or Cresent.

"Solstice do you have a perfect name to match Moonlight's name?" Trickster asked and looked into Solstice's eyes, Trickster was dependent on which name, meaning that Esmeray or Cresent were the two that she couldn't decide between.

"We could also host a voting booth if Solstice couldn't decide either, but I'm pretty sure that she has a good idea as well, just bubbling and waiting to pop!" Azulia said Raven looked up at her mother and then at the little colt.

"Esmeray." Raven told the little colt, though Azulia was really happy that Raven could talk but also surprised by that.

"Woah, Raven said her first foal (full) word!" Trickster was surprised and in awe, Raven seemed to have liked Esmeray if she did that to impress and even have the first vote.

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#263318 Posted on 2022-12-08 17:48:33

     Solstice just lightly stomped her hoof as she closed her eyes for a few minutes still laying her head on Orion's back. Orion was a bit surprised by this, but he just smiled looking at her figuring she was a bit worn out from all the flying. Though he just looked over seeing the colt jumping around. Only a hour or two old and he was already quick on his tiny hooves. Impressive. Orion then looked at Raven seeing she had woken. He nuzzled her gently before she ran over to her mother. Orion just stayed where he was making sure Solstice at least got some rest.

     That was at least until Azulia, Raven, Midnight, and Trickster came over. He just nuzzled her gently waking her up, "Sorry..Just thought you'd want to spend time with the foals and your friends." he said once she woke. Solstice just nodded as she smiled seeing the others come over. Both of them were unaware of Cronsi standing behind them as they both sat down. Orion just smiled as he quickly skimmed through the book Azulia had picked out to read. Most of them just had information on magic and other things, but he managed to something that he hoped would work for the foals.

     Solstice was just distracted by the foals until she heard her name. "Me? Oh I don't know...their both great names." she said thinking about the two names Trickster said as she looked at the eager colt. Though Solstice quickly looked over at Raven, "Did she just..? It took me a long time to even say my first word...mainly because of all the hate I got even when I was that young, but that's besides the point.." she said regaining focus again.

     "Well..I think Raven just gave you an answer..she seems to like the name." Solstice said nuzzling the filly, "Fits him too, but what I don't get is how the both of them were born with such markings. None of you have any markings of those kinds, so I wonder where they got them..Making me a bit curious about my own markings too." she said before looking at Orion, "Well? They're waiting on you." she said nudging him slightly.

     Orion was just skimming through what he found until Solstice nudged him, "Huh? Oh yeah right..the story..I was able to find something that I should be able to tell..aren't really storybooks, but some things in here will work as one or a couple." he said wanting to make sure it was foal friendly before he started to tell the story. He figured the creation of the Isles was a good thing to tell. Solstice knew this all to well since she's read it a couple times in her own book, but she just listened to him tell it as the book told it. Just slightly different.

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