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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#263008 Posted on 2022-12-04 18:50:02

"Oh Namir, I know how you feel, I mean imagine Olymphia. She hates new stallions, I mean your an exception, but Olymphia is a ungodly protective mare. If she's told off she won't come back, nor even save her new or old herd, she would just let them die to whatever, unless something is important then she will come back. But not this time, nor this herd, she's mad and hates everyone. Including you, Solstice, me, and Scorn. Everest and the others are just.." Eclipsetess trailed off, she knew Olymphia well and was a good friend, but she couldn't say anything next, even though she would cry anyways.

Eclipsetess then though what she was gonna say next, and then she thought what she wanted to say next, "Namir, do you know why I've been going away from questions related to Dra? I know you or anyone else doesn't like his name being said, but, the time I spent in Dra's kingdom. It was weird, but.. He never went after me, like threaten me went after, but I know you must hate me for defending that monsterous horse, but I'm not and you know that." Eclipsetess paused before she continued.

"The time I spent in his kingdom seemed, unlively, most of the magma ponies in the kingdom's walls seemed to be mostly guards, like Dra was enforcing almost everyone to defend his kingdom, he didn't have enough horses to defend. He never really was a ruler, his city was just small and sad. The little foals, they were enforced to become guards as well, the elder horses? Same for them too, the servants inside Dra's home were really nice, the opposite of what you'd expect really." Eclipsetess took another deep breath in and exhaled.

"But the real point was that I looked skinny, but it was to make you think he did things to me, he put some type of magic on me to become skinny, I don't know the spell since I looked in my book multiple times! He's more powerful then you'd expect, he had more treasure then Oceanus, if I even saw the mare's kingdom.." Eclipsetess trailed off, the tyrant was more different?

"You must think I'm crazy, I'll stop my story if you think I'm going crazy.. But I just wanted to say that not all horses are the same outside, I got to see a painting of Dra's family, including his wife!" Eclipsetess exclaimed, she sounded crazy but it was informational.

"Darling said she was the daughter right? Then she had a mother that had a magma necklace, the necklace had orange and red flames same as the mother's eyes but there was a fire emblem in the moving fire inside the stone, the chain was actually a string. Something only love can't take away, though.." Eclipsetess paused as she summoned her book and the book itself flipped open to a page full of necklaces all different, though there was a page that had Solstice's necklace there right on the page but the book flipped to one more page as the necklace Eclipsetess talked about was real.

"The necklace itself is called "Dragon Devil's Treasure" something only Dra was trying to replicate, he wanted someone to fill Darling's mother figure, Dra knew he won't find anyone and he was fully mad as he successfully turne his own Isle into a desolate land that only a single kind of pony can live in, the Magma Pony. He wanted everything else to become his land so that no one steps a hoof onto his paradise and expand it. Everyone knew that he would be defeated in the end, that's why he bothered even speaking evil words into Solstice.." Eclipsetess said once more, though it looked like she was secretly crying the whole time.

"Anyways, I might crazy now but everyone knows what the real necklace looked like, it was important history, no one bothered finding the real one. Because Dra ate it and had his immortal powers, he wanted to become worse then normal, everyone pulled through and made it. Everything is happy and peaceful. Though I doubt that Lucifer would even attack a horse, he may be the grandfather to Dra, but he's really sweet. Except coming from literal heck from Hades' own Underworld!" Eclipsetess looked at Namir at the end, her eyes wide!

"Though Iccalus was just following orders from Hades, like me and Solstice. Except imagine me being more softer and more loyaler and Solstice a bit meaner.. But she wouldn't you know that, not all horses are evil deep down, they all have a reason to hate and destroy. Lucifer saw his own wife perish from poision, he was in grief and everything after that, he got along with Dra and his great and great great granddaughters." Eclipsetess giggled, the words she spoke were still coming off of the book.

"But I'll see you when your ready to come back, I know that you won't stay here for long, but it's long enough to think about everything I've said." Eclipsetess said as she kissed Namir, this time a bit more caring but also he could feel it a little bit, Eclipsetess also nuzzled Namir and rested her head on his back a little before kissing him again and this time flying off to go back to where everyone else was.

Though Smoke was beginning to have less and less crying, but she still didn't take anything that Solstice or Orion said, "My name is Smoke, mostly because of my markings, my poor back white right eye is yellow and gray while my other eye is a different color! I don't care if you talk and defend my father, I DON'T CARE! LEAVE ME ALONE! I JUST WANTED PEACE! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND MY FREAKING PAIN!?" Smoke yelled at the end, she cried more but she ran off into the forest behind her and then bursted out magic like nothing.

"Ha, Smoke has magic?!" Clipto shouted she ran up next to Solstice and Orion as she was surprised, Smoke was supposed to take her mother's side.

"This can't be good then.. My poor daughter took my side instead of her mother's side.." Scorn said as he trotted up before stopping where Clipto was, Scorn was worried that Smoke never knew her magic but knew of other magic.

"I know that she never had magic, but how did she burst out enough magic to even do that?" Grey Cloud said as she also came up and stood next to Scorn, her worried expression was even more worried then before.

"I don't know but I now know that she's powerful enough to try and get these leaves off the trees, but at least we know where she is since of the magic taking the leaves off the branchs altogether." Scorn said, he wasn't wrong when he said that Smoke was powerful enough to take leaves off altogether with just a small burst of magic, but Smoke was a danger to herself and everyone around her.

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#263032 Posted on 2022-12-05 06:53:21

     Namir just sighed as he listened. That couldn't be Olymphia? To just up and leave a herd..friends and never come back even if they were in danger? It didn't sound right knowing how protective she could be, but he also couldn't doubt Eclipsetess either knowing that they had been friends for a long time. "Well then it sounds like she won't come back..." Olymphia and Solstice seemed to be good friends, but now for Olymphia hating them? It almost didn't feel real to him. After everything.

     Though he just turned around facing Eclipsetess his head still lowered as he looked at her, "I always thought you didn't want to talk to him...because he took you..killed you even like he did me.." Namir had to pause for a second, "He may not have threatened you like you say he didn't, but he did to my sister. Threatened your life and even her own..just his name makes me remember how I felt when I thought I lost my sister. He manipulated her. I see the pain on my sister's face whenever his name is mentioned.." he said clearly hurt.

     Namir listened though for the most part. "Your not crazy saw..a different side of what was going on then we did. We were just always on the run, trying to get to his kingdom. The goal was always to get you back. That's all Solstice wanted when he first took you. At that point you already changed her life in big ways." he said pausing for a moment, "Knew he was powerful..even witnessed his power. To disguise himself, manipulate my sister, even enlarge himself.."

     "Yes, she is Dra's daughter." he said with a small nod trying to think as he listened to her speak, "There was a necklace that appeared when Dra was defeated. It fits that description..but I don't know what happened to it. I'm sure Darling did something with it.." he said loosing some focus as he starting to say his thoughts out loud. Namir then just listened for awhile saying nothing.

     Namir sighed, "You are not crazy..don't think that because you aren't." he said looking at her though he didn't really have much else to say after that. Though he perked up in surprise when she kissed him. Did he blush a bit? Not sure, but maybe if you looked hard enough his cheeks might have been a bit red. As Eclipsetess nuzzled him, he returned the favor before watching her fly off back to the herd. It wasn't long before he started to walk back to the herd as well.

     Solstice just took a step back as Smoke yelled, "Smoke please don't yell..I'm sure we can-" She was caught off by what she said next. It hit her. Hit her hard. Painful even. Like one of Dra's spikes piercing through her heart. Solstice lost all focus and only stood there eyes widened as she eventually looked down, "I understand your pain...more then you know.." she mumbled as she ignored everyone else just standing there.

     After a minute, Solstice just silently turned away and left the scene. Smoke's words hurt. Solstice knew how she felt all too well. To want peace, and not having everyone constantly protecting her. Orion just said nothing knowing those words must have hurt Solstice seeing the way she just left ignoring everyone. The stallion politely left as he followed after her, " ok...?" he asked keeping a small and respectful distance from her, "I don't know exactly what all happened to you and your friends, but I know what Smoke said hurt you.."

    Solstice just went and stood off by herself. Her head and even her wings were lowered to the ground. She said nothing. Didn't even look at Orion as he came over. Eventually she just sighed, "I was like her once...still am..wanting to explore the Isles, learn about myself..have friends..." she paused as her eyes began to water slightly, "I may have done those things, but not how I wanted..the whole time I was running from the point he manipulated me..I hurt my brother because of him. I couldn't control myself, and it caused him to get hurt...I watched Dra kill my brother..."

     Orion's ears lowered as he listened to what she said. He knew they barely made it out alive by the stories everyone back home told, but it was worse then he thought. "I didn't know the fight was that..bad...I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but you aren't have this herd. Smoke is still young. I'm sure she didn't realize what she said hurt you." Orion didn't want to see Solstice always down and struggling. It pained him seeing a mare like her always in pain.

     Namir had just returned seeing some of what happened, but he just went over to his sister trying his best to ignore Orion. Orion saw the stallion walking over and took a polite step or two away from her. Namir just nuzzled her reassuring her the same things that Orion already had. The two siblings were very much alike in some ways and it showed. Namir was always worrying about her, but Solstice was always worrying about Dra and what happened. Solstice was still young, but it still affected her more then the others.

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#263034 Posted on 2022-12-05 07:51:44

The herd, Molten, Eclipsetess, Azulia, Scorn, everyone was all silent. They all were just silent, no one said a thing as they watched Solstice leave with Orion following behind, though Eclipsetess made her horn glow, Azulia looked at her and had gotten up as she ran towards Scorn. Eclipsetess was sad and it burdened her to see Solstice like that, even with Namir helping out as well.

"Uh, Eclipsetess.. Take it down a notch, your glowing expectionally bright.." Molten said as she backed up, she was fearing what was burdening her, Dra was the burden and she could see it in the way Eclipsetess stood up.

"Is she suppose to do that with her magic?" Azulia asked worriedly to Scorn, he was also in surprise.

"No, no she isn't, there is only one spell that she is doing, and it isn't good for her.." Scorn said, Smoke saw the blinding light as she ran back to the herd as she watched Eclipsetess disperse more magic into her horn.

"Do we say anything to Solstice, Namir and Orion.. Or do they know already?" Azulia asked, Olymphia came back as she was nearby but stood alone until she saw the glowing light radiating from Eclipsetess.

"That's a big bubble of magic, wait!" Olymphia said, she knew what Eclipsetess was doing and it pained her to see an old friend do this.

"Eclipsetess stop!" Olymphia shouted, Smoke stopped crying as she saw Eclipsetess dispersed even more magic into her horn.

Then without doubt, a big blast of magic exploded as Eclipsetess blasted it, the surrounded Isle was affecte by it as it shot up a big force field of magic as a barrier, the Isle that had magic getting from horses. And now it had it's own magic and it was doing what it wanted.. Protecting the horses that inhabit the Isle.

"Ow, what in the- world?" Smoke said as she got up, the magic stunned her as she looked around the Isle, she saw all the magic in everything now.

"Woah!" Azulia said as she also got up, she looked like a glowing crystal horse!

"Is this what happens if an Isle has too much magic?" Olymphia asked, she was pained but it quickly went away.

"This is what happens if an Isle consumes the magic if it's released in a wide area, this Isle took all the magic that Eclipsetess released and now it's protecting it's inhabiting horses. The Isle is alive, but in a magical way.." Scorn said in a ominous voice, the Isle proved to be alive as magic took the form of living bacteria, well magical bacteria.

Everyone then noticed Eclipsetess laying on the ground, she wasn't moving nor showing signs of moving, the Isle was doing it's best to revive an old inhabiting horse that was born here, but it proved to be faulty, then Eclipsetess slowly rose up as everyone looked at her.

"Your alive!" Azulia yelled, she then ran up to hug Eclipsetess as she was weak and hard stabilizing herself.

"Oh my bad, I forgot your weak now.. Like Ivoula or Snow.." Azulia apologized to Eclipsetess, the alicorn didn't want to talk as she used her wings to fly up into the tree, the only tree that she liked to perch on and rest, the tree now was also glowing with magic flowing for blood. Everyone was like this now.

"I wonder if Solstice, Namir and Orion felt the same surge. They probably did since the whole Isle sucked Eclipsetess's released, bursted magic." Azulia asked, but she answered her own question.

"Well now the Isle was really alive this time, and it shows that it is since the magic is now flowing, it is strong and helpful, we can heal when damaged now. The Isle is like everyone, that what makes it alive, because of us and the magic that fell into the ground sucked the past horse magic from our ancestors and beyond." Molten said in a calm manner, she was worried about Solstice, Namir and Orion.

Now the Isle showed it was alive, the magic coursing through everyone, the magic was strong and it was empowering, the magic in the Isle now was formed into a forever barrier. The Isle is protecting itself and it's inhabitants from anything now, though the Isle itself was also protective of it's own horses, so no bad horses can access this Isle now.

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#263037 Posted on 2022-12-05 09:18:36

     Namir looked at the others before deciding to bring Solstice somewhere that was more private. He still didn't like Orion, but knew he wasn't just going to stay behind. He said nothing to him, but still made it known how he felt about him. Once they got to a better spot, Namir just looked at his sister nuzzling her, "I know how hard things were for you..I watched you every second of it. It pained me seeing you scared like that and wanting to know your place, but it pains me even more seeing how much it affected you.."

     They both knew that some days would be good others bad, but this was just one of those bad days for Solstice. She seemed to be coping well since defeating Dra, but seeing the clone of him only changed that. Like she had to start all over again. Back to square one. Solstice was a complete mess. Some nights she couldn't even sleep, but she nuzzled her brother in return comforted by him. Though she didn't say anything. She had nothing to say. Namir already knew everything. Not because she told him, but because he could see it.

     "You aren't alone never were. Even before all of this. Even when I was gone. You weren't alone. I know for a fact that mother and father have been watching over us...over you. They loved you. Adored you, but I know that they are proud of you.." he said with a small smile as he looked up for a moment. Namir was right. They were always watching, and they were proud. Honored even to have the daughter that they had. "You've come a long way Solstice. Even if you doubt yourself, but you've grown in many ways. I can't even do half the things you can do," he laughed as he spread his wings out, "Like flying for example."

     Solstice just listened still saying nothing as she eventually looked up at him. "You being afraid of heights has nothing to do with this Namir! You know that! And you know that I always wanted to know what it would be like to fly." she huffed nipping at him. Namir only laughed as he brought his wings back to his sides. Solstice quickly realized he got the reaction he wanted as she snorted, "I can make those wings of yours permanent if I learn the spell." she said telling the truth knowing he wouldn't like that.

     Sure enough she was right. "Okay okay. No need for got me." he said forgetting Orion was even there, but he still chose to ignore it. Orion did give the siblings plenty of space and said nothing. Almost like he wasn't even there. Though Namir eventually looked to the side seeing a bright glow coming from the herd. Something wasn't right. "We better head bac-" Namir was cut off as there was a explosion of magic.

     Solstice's eyes widened as she was slightly pushed back by the force, but she used her wings to help keep her balanced. Namir did the same. Orion didn't have wings, so he just used his own magic for a moment. Solstice then looked around unsure of what just happened as she looked at the two stallions, "What was that..?" she said unsure as she looked up seeing a barrier. Only this one was different, but that wasn't what caught her attention.

     It was the magic. She could feel it all around her. Even inside of her, but she couldn't just feel it. She could see it. "What the..." Solstice looked around seeing all of the magic around her. "I've never seen anything like it.." she said pausing noticing how her brother and Orion looked. Orion's already bright orange chestnut coat seemed to a gem. Namir's too. Then she looked at herself seeing she looked the same. The markings on her body that acted as stars seemed to sparkle just like a star. The same with the spotting on her wings. Her necklace only looked more of a diamond or gem. 

     "I don't know what happened, but I think we should get back to the herd. Quickly." That was all Namir said as the two followed behind. It wasn't long until they reached the others seeing they all seemed to look the same. Like gemstone ponies. "What happened..? We saw a glowing light, but then..this happened.." Namir said as he looked around confused. Solstice and Orion seemed just as confused. Even their flower crowns seemed to have been crystalizied slightly as well. 

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#263046 Posted on 2022-12-05 10:45:04

"That would be from Eclipsetess, we're very worried about her right now.." Azulia said as she got up, her paint bomb markings shining as her eyes now acted like their real counterpoarts.

"Come Eclipsetess, you can stand!" Molten said as she helped Eclipsetess balance, stand, walk, graze, trot, gallop, and even canter..

"This is more heartbreaking to see that she released her magic, she barely has any magic to protect anyone now since the Isle sucked it up, and now we're able to use magic however we wish, like trading magic anywhere and not feeling weak! Except for Eclipsetess.." Azulia's voice trailed off as she found Eclipsetess within the herd now.

Olymphia flew over as she sighed, she had something to report to Azulia, "Azulia, Eclipsetess is doing worse by the minute, we need to take her to Oceanus so she can have magic to walk again, or should we wait.. She won't survive long since Guardian magic is the only life force a Guardian has!" Olymphia said as she flapped her wings down and landed onto the crystalized ground.

Azulia sighed, Molten walked over as Ivoula and Snow balanced Eclipsetess carefully and gently, "Then we'll have to fly her over to Oceanus's kingdom, well you fly Eclipsetess over, she is the Origin Releaser. She won't be able to fly now nor even shoot out her rockets that she and everyone loves to see.." Azulia told Olymphia, Olymphia bowed and flew off as a bubbled Eclipsetess quickly followed after her.

"Like I said, she's the Origin Releaser, a horse that only releases magic when they want to, whenever, wherever. But they won't get their magic back, and for Eclipsetess, it's more dangerous for Guardians like her since they depend on magic to keep them alive, but they do haver their own life force, it's just not as strong as Guardian magic, normal horse life force is really weak compared to Guardian ones, Guardians are used to having so much magic just group and release when action is needed. But when they do this, it's quite worrying for them and Eclipsetess, her own life force could even have her dead if Olmyphia wasn't as fast as she is then Eclipsetess would be dead by nightfall." Azulia admitted it from the book, she pulled up the book and it flipped, skimmed, and eventually stopped at Life Force Magic including Guardians.

"If Eclipsetess doesn't survive, then Solstice would be assigned to another Night Unicorn Guardian, it's just the stallion for being a Guardian.. He isn't like Eclipsetess, Guardians have their own personalities and traits, I actually met this stallion that's a guardian awaiting his new assigned horse, and he's.. What's the word? Evil, but not.. His level of evil, you know who I'm talking about.." Azulia said, she closed book when she was talking as if the Guardian was real, and he was.

Because as Eclipsetess flew away, a new horse flew past the barrier as he came down from The Heavens, this time really different and Azulai sensed he was quite addictive, mean, and a little evil, Azulia's eyes went to a metallic red as she looked at Namir, Orion and Solstice with her metallic red eyes warning that he's no good..

"Where's my "assignment"?" the alicorn stallion asked, he turned around to see Solstice, though his nature was quite evil so Azulia went in front of her and snarled at her like a dog, though she was using her horn to make the sound with magic, so she wasn't a Magma Pony as she replicated one randomly.

"Oh?" the alicorn was in curiosity, but he used his wings and his intimidating nature to scary off Azulia, though Scorn noticed the stallion when he came down so he came running over when the alicorn stud was sniffing Solstice, Scorn knocked the stallion over as a protective manner to Solstice.

"No one dares to sniff my herd.. Back off and fly nearby." Scorn said protectively, his voice was more deeper then before and more mean and scornful, but he knocked down the strongest alicorn night guardian around, though that brought the alicorn to bow to him and fly to Eclipsetess's tree.

"Whatever, she's probably nothing, can't do anything!" the alicorn said, before he flew off Scorn grabbed him midair and full forced him into the ground with his magic, his dark wings coming out bigger and blacker then before, Scorn's black horn also was taller and slimmer at the top, meaning he wasn't messing around with another alicorn stallion.

"I can tolerate anyone, including stallion siblings, but.. Your way of talking to Solstice like that doesn't deserve to be tolerated, why were you even a Guardian anyways? Scared you can't protect anyone?" Scorn roasted the alicorn stallion, Azulia and the herd mares "ooooh!" in the back, the alicorn was finished with his protectiveness.

"I'll tear you apart!" the alicorn stallion yelled, Molten bucked the stallion a bit away as he jumped into the air, she then hissed and stood in front of Scorn like a protective lead mare.

"No one messes with our lead stallion!" Molten yelled, the herd mares began fighting the alicorn together, the different magic, speed and everything knocked the alicorn out of the air and he was forced to retreat into the air.

"Your mares are crazy!" the alicorn yelled, Scorn just snickered.

"What? Can't even defeat protective mares? I tell everyone that this herd is protective, no matter what! They believe me since I am the Lost King!" Scorn shouted, he prided his mares and apraised them, though Eclipsetess returned as the alicorn took this shot to leave at once!

The alicorn bursted out of the tree and back into The Heavens, at quick thundering silent speed, he was a blur when flying out of the tree and a blur going into The Heavens..

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#263052 Posted on 2022-12-05 12:44:10

     As soon as Azulia said they were worried about Eclipsetess, Namir and Solstice were too. Worry was the only thing on their faces. Well Orion was too, but he didn't really know anyone that well. Not that he wanted anyone to be suffering. He knew that well, but he didn't like talking about himself. He understood some of Solstice's pain, but he didn't want to burden her with his. After all he planned on going back to his home in a few days. 

     Namir just looked over at her worriedly before he looked at Azulia again, "Why would she do that to herself?" he asked growing more worried. It was clear he cared for her like he did his sister. That was when he looked up at Olymphia seeing she had come back, but he wasn't sure if she was here to stay. Orion saw the mare and quickly backed up a few steps lowering his gaze.

     He just walked up to her as Snow and Ivoula brought her over. Namir nuzzled her as they all hoped she would be alright. He just watched as Olymphia brought her to Oceanus hoping she'd be alright. She was lucky to even still be alive. Though it was hard for both Namir and Solstice to focus, "Your saying that we could loose her if Oceanus can't help her....? Why would she do this..? She doesn't deserve to die!" Solstice said as she stepped up to her brother pressing against his side slightly. Namir just used his wing and put it over his sister trying to comfort her and himself. Not that it worked that well.

     Solstice just looked at him as Azulia's words only seemed to upset and worry the both of them more. Orion then stepped up a bit closer, "This isn't my place, but after everything I've seen so far...I'm sure she'll be fine. I've heard rumors of Oceanus's healing pool and its abilities, and if she was able to perform that spell then she won't give up easily." he said pausing not wanting to intrude, "..I tend to be very observant..and a guardian like her won't give up so easily. Not many guardians are like me..I've come across several."

     Namir looked at the stallion thinking over his words. He eventually gave a single nod as he spoke, "Wise words, but even though you've only been here for a short while, you seem to know a lot about some of us." he said not sure if it was a good or bad thing. He still didn't trust Orion entirely, but he also knew he couldn't keep his sister away from him. She was mature now, not the filly she was so little ago.

     Though Namir got a bit protective of her when Azulia mentioned this stallion. That was when the same stallion flew down, and he was no good at all. Namir's eyes started to glow red much like Azulia's. Solstice's necklace began to glow and she noticed it. Namir quickly use his wing to block his sister from the stallion's view, "You are not going to go anywhere near her." he warned stomping his hoof.

     Solstice wasn't in the right mental state to stand up against the stallion. Before she could even realize it, the stallion was right beside her sniffing her. Chills ran through her body until Namir head butt the stallion as Scorn knocked him over. Namir quickly guided Solstice to another part of the meadow not leaving her side. Orion just followed slightly but continued to keep a distance. 

     Unfortunately Solstice heard what the stallion said. That hit the nerve. She quickly opened her wings and launched herself into the air leveled with the stallion as she looked him in the eyes, "Maybe in the past yes, but they changed that." she snorted clearly mad, "I've dealt with worse then you, and if it comes to it I'll do the same thing to you that I did to him." she said as her hooves touched the ground once more. Ok maybe she gets a little out of hoof when she's mad. 

     Though Solstice watched as the alicorn stallion quickly left when he had the chance. She snorted blowing off some air before she calmed herself down. It wasn't long until she noticed Eclipsetess relieved to see her alright. When Namir noticed her return, he quickly went over to her nuzzling her carefully and gently as he approached her, "Are you ok..? I thought...I lost you a second time..." he said saying that last part quieter. He was just glad that she was back.

     Orion just huffed watching the stallion leave, "Why he even is a guardian I have no idea, but I never liked him." Solstice looked at him with a confused look, "Like I said..I've come across several guardians before, but it's easy to see how much this herd loves you." he said with a small smile before he turned away and found a spot to relax. Solstice just watched him taking a small deep breath before she went back in the sky going on a small, peaceful, and quiet fly. 

     Solstice hadn't really been able to relax much that day, but she did make a attempt to go on a relaxing fly. Just her. It had been awhile since she was this calm and relaxed, but she knew it wouldn't last long. Nothing ever did, but she had to enjoy it while she could. Solstice knew that, and before long she was right back on the ground back with the herd. Things seemed calmer and more peaceful, but how long would it stay like that?

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#263065 Posted on 2022-12-05 15:48:36

"Well- I mean I couldn't leave your side or Solstice's, I am the most loyal guardian ever, ever so slightly I'll take dangerous situations instead of you or Solstice, I will even come back a second or third time if I have too." Eclipsetess said lovingly as she nuzzled Namir, giving him a little groom, she seemed to be back to being her healthy self again.

"Hm, this may be a bit morbid, but Guardians do have decisions to leave or come back after death, and if comes to friends or family that died alongside me, they will come back with me, taking on the Death Spell. Something only the Grim Reaper can't touch." Eclipsetess smiled at Namir, she was right what she said was morbid but she did make a promise in her speaking.

"And plus," Eclipsetess paused as she walked up to Namir, "This might sound crazy to you, but I fell in love with you when I first saw you, and I can hide feelings if I want, but I wanted to tell you this, just in case you have feelings for me as well." Eclipsetess whispered to Namir, she then gave a little kiss on Namir's ears.

"I'll wait for you, little unicorn~" Eclipsetess teased as she walked away strutting this time, seeming to be happy about what she said and that, she'll be ready for Namir's decision.

Though Eclipsetess did trot back to the herd this time, not flying, must be too happy to even realize that. Though Azulia looked Namir in the eyes with her eyebrows going up and down like Namir should be with Eclipsetess, though Azulia was teasing Namir in a sweet way and not a stupid way that she'll forgot to not apologize but still would apologize.

"Well, you have a lady waiting, but make sure that you've decided. On honesty. We don't want mix-ups happening or else that'll lead to breakups. And yeah.." Azulia trailed off, she could have Namir imagine what a world without a mare would be like after a breakup.

"Well I'm off to rest! I've got magic in my veins, but I have a foal to be expecting!" Azulia said as she also trotted off, this time trying to have a normal conversation with Orion, though she did ask first if her wanted to have a conversation and she awaited his answer this time, being patient was important after all!

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#263070 Posted on 2022-12-05 17:45:01

     Namir just let out a small single laugh, "Well you won't go down without a fight, but that doesn't mean that I don't like the fact that you did something like that to yourself." he said even though he was clearly relieved that she was back to full health. He just nuzzled her in return as he was calm and worry free once more. It was rare when he wasn't worrying about his sister. That was one thing that would never change. His sister's safety and health would always be one of the most important things to him, but the same now implied to Eclipsetess.

     Namir may not have liked what he said next, but he couldn't help but to understand and agree with her. "I don't doubt it since you were the reason we're all still standing.." It was clear that he was grateful for her and everyone else. Especially with his sister. It was clear that Solstice had full trust in them when he met everyone. It was hard for him to trust sometimes because of his sister, but it was easy trusting them knowing how much she trusted them. They were the first ones Solstice put her trust in besides him.

     Though that was when Namir was caught off guard. His ears perked up as he looked at her hearing what she said next and the kiss. It might have took him a minute for him to collect his thoughts, but then he noticed she walked away with some spunk. "Who are you calling little?" he said with a small snort even though he had a smile before he looked at Azulia realizing she had been watching. "You've been standing there the whole time haven't you?" he asked already knowing the answer as he rolled his eyes before he quickly trotted off after Eclipsetess.

     Solstice just couldn't help but to giggle at her brother with the way he went after her. "Well then. I guess he won't be spending his days watching me like a hawk all the time anymore," she giggled almost liking the sound of that. Though she just walked to a relaxing spot and deciding to relax some more while she had the chance. Solstice just rolled around a bit getting a itch on her back and just having a good time to relax.

     Orion had just been off by himself grazing occasionally looking up at the herd. Though he couldn't help but to occasionally look up at Solstice smiling. The spotting on her coat that acting like stars were more visible since everyone seemed to look like gem ponies now. Though he made sure it didn't look like he was staring. Orion did look over seeing Azulia approach, "I don't mind..don't have much to do."

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#263072 Posted on 2022-12-05 18:22:55

"Alright! I'll start off a little easy since most of us have things, that we burden, and I know unicorns, alicorns, horses and other creatures understand even if they don't fully understand. That's the thing though, everyone understands, everyone cares, and I know how you stare at Solstice~" Azulia said, she sounded like Orion had liked her, but much more then that but it was a tease.

"Ha ha! Sorry, I like to tease now, I guess it's just everything happening at once even though it's usually longer then that, but I did notice and the other mares noticed that you kept staring at Solstice. You should talk to her, at least get to know her more, and her brother Namir, the stallion that is currently chasing Eclipsetess." Azulia said as she looked over at Eclipsetess and Namir after her, she giggled at the two but she then nudged Orion to talk to Solstice.

Eclipsetess heard Namir trotting after her, so she slowed down, as she grabbed some grass and waited until Namir got right next to her, then she threw the grass into the air and nibbled Namir's forelock before calling him little again and this time running to a spot that wasn't claimed by any other horse and decided to graze there.

The mares saw Eclipsetess being her lively self as she threw the grass into the air as well as nibbling Namir's forelock a little bit before cantering off to a spot, though the mares then went back to grazing as Scorn layed down once more as Eclipsetess went around the herd and off to the spot.

Eclipsetess did wait for Namir as she started grazing, she knew this spot well since she was a foal, she knew how this particular spot was known for it being a little famous around the Isles. And she wanted her and Namir to be in this spot as well, to experience together a sunset that they never felt before!

Though it was getting to be dark as the sun went from mid-high to quite lower then that, but still quite light out and enough light to still have the herd still up, though Eclipsetess did spot a pretty flower, each one of the petals being a different color, she liked the rainbow flower be in Namir's mane, and that's what she wanted to do next..

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#263110 Posted on 2022-12-06 04:28:28

     Orion just quickly glanced in Solstice's direction. Was it really that obvious? Well now he felt a bit bad, "That obvious huh?" he sighed looking back at Azulia, "She's lovely, but I still plan on leaving in a few days..even though I don't have much to go back to." he said loosing some focus for a moment before he regained focus. Orion didn't really like to talk about himself much. Not that he had much to talk about anyway.

     He then looked over at Namir soon shaking his head, "He doesn't like me. Doesn't trust me. I respect his reasons. It's easy to see he'll do anything to keep her safe. It seems most of everyone feels the same." It was clear that the stallion was very observant, and he didn't want to upset Namir at all. Not knowing exactly what he would do to keep his sister safe. Though before Orion even realized it, Azulia had started to nudge him toward's Solstice.

     It was clear that he didn't have a choice since Azulia didn't give him much of one, so Orion just cautiously walked over to her not wanting to upset Namir, but he seemed occupied at the moment. "I..uh..wasn't given much of a choice to come over to talk to you..." he said looking back at Azulia seeing the smile she had on her face. Orion though just looked back at Solstice unsure of what to even say.

     Solstice had been grazing off on her own watching her brother and Eclipsetess. She couldn't help but to giggle to herself. It was like Namir was a colt the way he chased after her, but she just looked over at Orion then Azulia, "That's Azulia. Always looking out for everyone when she should be resting. She needs the rest, but she's always doing other things." she sighed knowing both her and Tickster were getting closer to their due dates.

     Namir just followed after Eclipstess shaking his head to get the grass off of him that she had thrown onto him. He tried to playfully nip at her as she called him little, but she had gotten away. Namir though quickly followed followed after her almost lost in the moment as he came to a stop beside her throwing some grass on her in return. He seemed proud of himself, but he couldn't help remember some good memories when he was a colt. Namir felt like he was a colt again.

     It wasn't too long until the sun started to set. Namir just sat beside her nibbling on her mane a bit as they watched the sunset. Solstice couldn't help but to watch her brother and Eclipsetess running around like foals. She couldn't wait to see more foals running around the place soon. Smoke was the only one, but she was getting older. Though Solstice never really thought about having a foal of her own let alone a family, but maybe that would change soon.

     Solstice just spoke with Orion for a bit before Orion left. She just looked around and decided to fly up and watch the rest of the sunset. Solstice always loved the night, and some nights she would just hover in the sky taking in everything. The peace and quiet and the fresh air. It was all relaxing, and after awhile Solstice just went to sleep in her normal spot. Didn't take too long for her to fall asleep for the night.

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#263112 Posted on 2022-12-06 06:18:30

Eclipsetess yawned as she nibbled on Namir's mane as the sunset was beautiful, then Eclipsetess had the chance to put a flower in Namir's mane, Eclipsetess got up to put the flower in Namir's mane, then she layed back down as she nibbled on Namir's mane, then Eclipsetess put her head on Namir's back, she then yawned again.

Eclipsetess then moved her head onto the soft grass, but she did nuzzle Namir when she had the chance again, but she then yawned one more time before putting her head down to sleep, enjoying the cool grass and the sun setting before them, Eclipsetess inhaled as she did a deep sigh, enjoying the moment.

Azulia looked around as she found Trickster, the two mares then went over to a lone grassy area to sleep, a little far from the herd, but they had nothing to worry about. Trickster sighed as she watched the sunset enjoying this, Azulia too then sighed as she had forgotten about Cronsi, the poor stallion was off in the forest edge somewhere, Azulia then got up as she looked around for her special king.

"I'll be back Trickster, I forgot about my poor mate, he must be more sadder then I expected." Azulia said as she got up to wander about for Cronsi, though she did spot him somewhere but he quickly moved away from her, Azulia still went after him.

"Alright! Just be back before moon-high!" Trickster said good bye and good night to Azulia as she found Cronsi, though the two had a long conversation, so Trickster told her to be back before moon-high, which is awhile from now.

Smoke was nuzzling and apologizing to Scorn, for yelling at him, for everything really, the lead stallion accepted Smoke's apology as he nuzzled Smoke back and told her to go stay with her mom since she wanted to apologize to her too.

"Hm, kids." Scorn mumbled as he layed down into his spot and began to sleep for the night accepting that the mares were still a little up, but they were only up for Azulia.

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#263121 Posted on 2022-12-06 07:57:57

     Namir smiled as Eclipsetess put the flower in his mane. He picked another one up and did the same to her. He nuzzled her softly before she laid her head on his back. It was peaceful. Relaxing even. Namir was always so worried that he forgot how to felt to relax. To enjoy the moment. To not worry. Just like a colt. It was rare when he worried about something when he was a colt, but that all changed once Solstice was born. It was hard to believe that she was mature now. It seemed like yesterday that she was born.

     Though Namir couldn't help but to enjoy the moment. He just focused on Eclipsetess and the setting sun and rising moon. It was a nice way to forget about everything even for awhile. Namir just let her fall asleep as he stayed up as long as his body would let him. Even though it wasn't too much longer because of how relaxed he was. Who fell asleep first? Namir didn't really know, but it wasn't too terribly long until he started to snore quietly every now and then. He couldn't help it. With how relaxed he was, it was just easy for him to fall asleep.

     Orion just deciding to lay down in the grass for some time before he summoned one of his books. His teal horn started to glow a small bit just so that he had enough light to be able to read. Though this book was very very old. Most of its pages stained and withered. Some were even falling out while others had been torn out, but that's what happens with century old books. Nothing new. Orion preferred to read these types of books though. They seemed to have more information in them that was almost always true. 

     Though Orion just flipped page after page reading the book for the...actually it was his favorite book, so he didn't know how many times he had read it. Several that's for sure. Enough times he was starting to remember the words in the book word for word. Not his fault he was always reading books and scrolls. Though Orion stopped once he came across a page he hadn't seen before. "That's strange...I've never seen this page before.." he said reading it slowly and carefully. Though the page didn't make much sense. Most of the words lost enough ink that the words started to wither away like the pages. There was one word that he could read clearly. Dra. Maybe it was just talking about him or Solstice's legend? Orion didn't think anything of it much.

     Orion then put the book away as his horn dimmed. The stallion stood up and decided to go on a walk. His coat was still visible in the night sky because of his bright coloring, but he didn't mind. Sometimes though he wished his coat wasn't always visible. Not that it was a big deal it just always had others notice him easily. Orion just walking into the trees silently. Everything was quiet and peaceful until the stallion jump as someone spoke, "What are you doing out here?"

     Solstice had slept for a little while until a leaf landed on top of her causing her to wake. She just snorted shaking the leaf off of her head when she noticed Orion walking into the trees. She just got up on her hooves and followed after him. That was until she startled him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," she said taking a couple steps closer to him so she was more visible. Unlike Orion, Solstice was hard to spot in the night. Only because of her coat. Though she was just curious as to what he was up to.

     "It's fine I just didn't expect it," he said turning around looking at her, "I thought you were asleep." he said. Solstice only shook her head saying she was, but woke up. "Just thought about going on a walk. That's all. Nothing interesting about me really." he said shaking his mane so it sat on the side of his neck it normally did. "You should go back to the herd. I'll be fine on my own. Always am always will be."

     Solstice shook her head, "If you haven't noticed that won't always be true. You've seen some of what goes on here and the dangers we faced...I don't like to leave anyone alone even if they are just going on a late night walk. I'll be fine. Plus I am a night unicorn. The night is my element." Solstice then just walked forward not giving him much of a choice but to follow. Orion just looked at her smiling a bit. He just followed her not because she didn't give him a choice, but because he wanted to.

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#263134 Posted on 2022-12-06 10:45:38

Eclipsetess shuffled around in her sleep, though she did open her eyes once she couldn't feel sleepy anymore, so she got up quietly and walked away from Namir, giving him some time to sleep. Though Eclipsetess would miss sleeping next to Namir, but she couldn't sleep anymore due to being the guardian but she also couldn't sleep due to having nightmares and terrors haunt her mind.

But she walked up to a sleeping Azulia and looked at her, though Eclipsetess got Azulia and Olymphia to wake up and follow her as she couldn't sleep, Olmyphia knew not to follow during the night, but if she was awakened she would fight, so she followed behind Eclipsetess and Azulia as the three mares kept on walking until they reached Oceanus's home, her kingdom.

"I know we just walked so much, but at least it's a new day!" Eclipsetess said cheerfully, Oceanus came out of the water to be surprised by her friends coming to visit.

"What are you three doing here? Especially Eclipsetess." Oceanus asked, she was quite concerned.

"Well since we just embarked on a three day trip to you, I wanted to see what your kingdom looked like and I wanted to experience everything that everyone got to but not me." Eclipsetess responded quickly to Oceanus's question, Oceanus nodded and let the three mares into her kingdom again.

"Now your herd, Namir, and everyone else will be worried sick! At least Scorn is still with his herd." Oceanus said, Azulia was wondering where Carrion went since they last saw him.

"Don't worry, Carrion is now able to teleport wherever he pleases, with newer abilities as well." Oceanus said, Carrion went to the entrance and greeted the three mares, Especially Eclipsetess since she last saw him.

"Now you three are staying here since you three embarked on a three day trip to me, so eat up!" Oceanus said as she teleported Azulia, Olymphia, and Eclipsetess to the dining room where Azulia and Olymphia sat originally.

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#263140 Posted on 2022-12-06 12:42:50

     Solstice just walked with Orion. Most nights she didn't sleep more then a few hours, so she was used to being up in the middle of the night. Plus it was easy for her to do things during the night. She was most relaxed most nights. Besides, Solstice recently got plenty of sleep from the Color Fading, so she was more awake that night then she normally was anyway. Though the two just walked in silence. Solstice eventually looked back to see Orion getting a bit heavy eyed. She just stopped and turned him the other way with a small laugh, "Come on..let's head back."

     It wasn't too long until the two returned to the herd. Solstice just brought Orion to a spot as he laid down and closed his eyes. She just quietly did a small laugh as she left. "Some horses just can't stay awake during the night.." she mumbled to herself as she watched the sleeping herd. Well most of them were sleeping. She saw Eclipsetess wake up Azulia and Olymphia. "Wonder what they're up to," she said to herself as she just left them alone. 

     Though Solstice had fallen back asleep for the last hour or two of the night until the sun started to rise. Namir didn't even notice that Eclipsetess had left. Instead he just slept til the sun peeked through the trees and hit his eyes waking him up. He just yawned before looking around seeing no sign of Eclipsetess. He didn't worry as he just walked back to the herd thinking she was there, but she wasn't. Namir then walked up to his sister seeing her up, "Do you know where Eclipsetess is?" he asked after nuzzling her a bit.

     "I don't, but she woke up Azulia and Olymphia in the middle of the night and left. Haven't seen them since, but I'm sure they're fine. You know how they are." she said with a grin, "What? You miss her or something?" she said avoiding him when he tried nipping her, "Don't get on me. It's easy to see how you feel about her the way you chased after her yesterday," she said with a small snort.

     Namir just gave her a look before he looked over at Orion as he woke up in the distance. Solstice just pinned her ears slightly nipping at him, "Leave him alone. He's not bad Namir. Nothing about him says otherwise. Besides he's only here for a few more days, and then he's gone." she said speaking in a small demanding tone, "He's not that different from everyone else. Just behave. You hear me?" she said looking at Namir being a bit more demanding.

     "Fine. I'll behave, but don't get too close to him. I don't trust a stallion that said he traveled the Isles to see you." he said rolling his eyes before noticing the look she gave him, "That was different! We were all trying to save Eclipsetess the whole time while keeping you safe." Namir just paused letting out a sigh knowing he failed on that part, " careful around him sis." he said softly and quietly nuzzling her before he turned around and left.

     Solstice just nuzzled him back before she turned and looked at Orion soon walking over to him, "Ignore my brother. He's stubborn and doesn't trust you enough to be okay with me being around you.." she sighed shaking her head a bit. "I'm not a filly anymore..I can look after myself just fine now.." she mumbled looking at her brother, "Sorry..just ignore what I just said." 

     Orion just stretched a bit before seeing the look Namir gave him before realizing Solstice had approached him, "I understand. He doesn't have to. Only wants what's best for you, and I'm sure he doesn't want to see you in harms way. Your lucky to have a brother like that even though he seems to be overprotective, but it's not a bad thing. Means he cares a lot about your well being..."

     The next couple of days were long and uneventful, but Solstice was grateful for some peace and quiet. Namir though slowly started to get worried about Eclipsetess..and the others of course since they hadn't returned yet. Though Orion and Solstice seemed to get a bit closer with each other even though Namir still didn't like him. No matter how many times Solstice talked to him, it didn't seem to change a thing. He was just too stubborn.

     Though Orion deciding to prolong his stay for a few more days. He didn't feel like he was ready to leave, and he just hung out with Solstice once or twice a day. Solstice had just been on one of her flys enjoying herself as she felt herself again. Free. Happy. Like how she was just before the Color Fading, and the clone of Dra. Though why he still seemed to want her necklace, she could never find any information about her necklace and it started to worry her. Orion just stood in the meadow watching Solstice fly around almost effortlessly before he realized the look Namir was given him. The same look every time.

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#263142 Posted on 2022-12-06 14:03:19

Though that was when Ceto came and crashed down onto the meadow, though Scorn was up in sun-high and he noticed that another horse was flying so he waited until the last second before Ceto crashed, and that as he put Ceto down as the bubble popped as her hoof touched the grass and the dirt.

"Ah thank you, but I'm here to get Solstice, something happened and I'd rather not say since Azulia wants the aunt of her foal to see what happened. And Namir can come too, but he'll need to fly." Ceto told Scorn and everyone around her, Scorn showed some fear as something could have gone wrong, but with Solstice? Probably something right especially with Namir.

"Alright, they would probably want to know what had happened anyways, they have free reign as all my mares do, including Orion. Everyone is free here to think of different opinions." Scorn told Ceto, everyone knew what Scorn wanted everyone to be: themselves, and whoever they want to be.

"Alright and cheers for any expecting mares, I could be wrong.." Ceto paused before she randomly jumped into the air, "Alright Solstice, Namir let's go! Time to fly once more!" Ceto said once more, she then flapped her wings into the air and waited for Namir and Solstice.

"And don't forget: We're heading to my mother's home, so Azulia won't be at the entrance, she'll be in a room that we'll need the head guard to take us too!" Ceto yelled from high into the air.

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