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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262976 Posted on 2022-12-03 08:26:36

     Solstice just messed with her brother a bit when she saw the blur again, but she just focused on the others for the most part. "Even if he's not real...he's real enough," she said with chills running throughout her body. Dra was always on her mind. Always. Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. He never left her mind. She never forgot his words, but what was she going to do? Of course she was going to fear him after everything he had done to her. To Eclipsetess. It's not something that she could just get over and forget about. Solstice was always going to fear Dra.

     Though Solstice lost focus until she realized Olymphia was talking to her, "Hm? Oh. I don't know. Just something that caught my eye. It's not important right now." she said as they started heading back. She just kept pace with the others and stayed near her brother who still seemed to be a bit of a grump. "Relax Namir. Just until we get back to the others. Then you can get back to the ground." she said with a small smile.

     Namir just looked at her, "Very funny. I know you sis. Your enjoying seeing me like this," he said with a small look before looking at Eclipsetess as she talked, "You guys just love messing with me don't you?" he said knowing the proud smile his sister had on her face. Though he couldn't help but to do a small laugh, "I guess I deserve it with some of things that I enjoyed watching you do when you were a filly."

     "Hey! That's different! I was a filly! Learning to stand, run, all of those things is different." she huffed almost offended, but she quickly laughed and looked at Eclipsetess, "That was why Faith sent me there when we realized Dra was after me. To learn my magic in safety..That was when I met Olymphia." she said looking down slightly before she heard a unfamiliar voice, "Speaking of Faith." she said with a smile as her and a pegasus came down, "Understandable." she said before she looked at her necklace.

     The necklace glowed to the addition of magic, but it slowly dimmed down as Solstice looked back up at her as she nodded slightly, "He's after my necklace..I tried looking through my book for anything about it, but I've found nothing.." she sighed. Solstice just wanted to know why Dra wanted the necklace and why it seemed to be so important. Then she could protect it better. Though Faith and her guard had gone back up, "Probably because of the Shadow Dra..or whatever you want to call it.." she said not liking to say the name.

     Though Solstice then just looked down when she saw her old herd. Namir did the same, but with complete disgust. Solstice only smiled. Skadi had been doing her own thing with Khepri. The two were always close by each other, but they weren't together. They just looked up seeing the four flying and she snorted pinning her ears eyeing Solstice. Though Solstice just continued to smile, "Someone's a bit jealous." she laughed as she looked down at Skadi before she saw the blur in the it was following them...

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#262977 Posted on 2022-12-03 09:09:33

"Hm, better to see enemies from afar then up close. As my mother used to say when she was like you and me, she would understand pain, but she had gone more rougher and more dangerous situations in her time." Eclipsetess said, then Olymphia suddenly came up as she quickly dodged without thinking, then Olymphia went to the orange blur.

"Oh, there is a horse, I just thought it was a random thing glowing. Like a floating crystal or something." Eclipsetess said as she turned her head to see where Olymphia was heading.

"Hm, guess she got over-nerved and decided to attack whoever the horse is or was, she is quite paranoid to some horses, including ones that follow. Wanna check what Olymphia is upto with the strange glowing horse?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she smiled and giggled at Olymphia doing her acrobatics before landing in the forest edge, she didn't want whoever was following to be following.

"Well, it'll serve as something entertaining since most of us usually graze or do something else. So a bit of excitment couldn't do harm right? And Olymphia knows when to stop fighting when the opposite or oppenant horse surrenders." Eclipsetess said, without hesitation she guided Namir down onto the ground as Eclipsetess sat there waiting for the battle to comence.

Though Azulia saw the four flying shadows of Eclipsetess, Namir, Solstice and Olymphia, and then a orange blur. So she got up to check it out as Scorn turned his head to face the same direction, then herd as well and he began to lead as everyone else was curious.

Dra was also caught into the mess and escaped into the air once more, but he landed down, trotted over to sit next to Eclipsetess as Scorn and Molten were next to him and behind him since Molten rather suited guarding behind. Though he didn't attack as he was curious to who would migrate to the Isle of Dreams, his curiosity got the better of him as he rather would figure out who the horse was instead of immediately attacking the horse.

Eclipsetess was aware of Dra's change as a thing of something, though he was dead announced dead since nothing remained, then Eclipsetess figured out what Dra really was, but she said nothing as she teleported Namir and Solstice next to her. Making sure they were alright and healthy to figure out the horse and who was gonna win the battle.

"Dra wanna bet it's a unicorn or a normal horse?" Molten whispered to Dra, Dra took the normal horse as Molten took the other bet of the horse being a unicorn, though she did also put in if the horse was unicorn and tobiano, and Dra just took the plain horse with some impressive things.

Eclipsetess just stared aggressively at Molten which told her to sit down and be quiet, Molten did as Eclipsetess also told Dra to be quiet since she wasn't taking nothing of his crap or Molten's as well.

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#262979 Posted on 2022-12-03 12:20:03

     "They tried to apologize to get me to come back, but I know Phoenix only wants me to make himself look better as a lead stallion. Sometimes it's unnerving with everyone knowing who I am now. Hero of Darkness. Makes a stallion like Phoenix to want me back. Get more mares. Have someone valuable..." she snorted as she spotted the stallion. "Their loss anyways." she said doing a quick little spin out of fun. 

     Namir just looked at her, "That stallion doesn't care about anyone. Not even his own mares. He just seeks mares to make his herd larger and more valuable. He's greedy." he snorted. Namir always wanted to challenge that stallion, but knew he couldn't because of his sister. Now there was no point in doing anything, "He'll learn a lesson one day. For now let's just focus..." Namir paused seeing Olymphia return as he looked seeing a blur.

     Solstice then turned around looking at the orange blur and Olymphia, "I've been seeing it running around. Never seen anything like it, but is it following us?" she asked looking at the two. Namir only shrugged. "I suppose we don't have much of a choice. We don't know if it's someone good or bad." she said as she soon started to fly where Olymphia went. She soundly landed bringing her large wings to her sides. Even though they weren't nearly as big as Eclipsetess's or Faith's. 

     With the help of Eclipsetess, Namir was able to land. No where near perfect, but hey it was better then being in the sky. He took a look around before Eclipsetess teleported him and his sister to her side. Solstice only looked at this "Dra" chills still running throughout her body, but the way he acted was almost nothing like the real Dra. He seemed curious. She thought that was strange, but she just looked at Olymphia as the strange horse grew near.

     Orion was a stallion that studied scrolls, legends, and spells. He was from the Isle of Hope even if unicorns weren't all too common there. He bore a bright chestnut coat that looked more orange then chestnut. He had some dapples in parts of his body, but half of his body was covered in white from his tobiano pattern. Striped hooves. The thing that stood out on this stallion was his teal colored horn and his teal colored eyes. His mane was the same as his coat. Orange and white. Though he did have powerful magic. Not nearly as powerful as Solstice's or the others, but stronger then Namir's.

     When Orion heard of the legend about the mare that destroyed Dra, he had to see her for himself. He was always a loner, but he traveled through the Isles until he reached the final Isle. The Isle of Dreams. Though just as he reached his destination, Orion saw the colors fading. Something he studied and knew all too well. Orion wasn't affected by it, but he knew the Isle sucked the life force from a few horses.

     Orion also knew that it sucked the life force from some powerful horses because of how fast the Isle recovered. Though the stallion just cantered around trying to find what he was looking for until he noticed four alicorns flying in the distance. He had yet to see any horses, so he followed them. His coat appearing and disappearing as he ran underneath the trees, but he stopped when he lost them. Orion just kept going in the same direction until he stopped once he noticed everyone in front of him. That included a stallion being guarded and a alicorn mare in the front looking not too happy.

     He just lowered his head in respect, "I see that you must have noticed me following you I suppose?" he said in a calm manner as he looked at the mare in front, "I don't mean any harm. Not to anyone. Ever. I just came to this Isle in search of someone, but I got trapped in this..barrier." he said flicking his long tail. "I wonder you could help me find who I'm searching for? A young mare. Solstice I believe was her name. Hero of Darkness I believe others call her?"

     Solstice's eyes widened when she heard the stallion, but she stayed seated. Namir just looked at her shaking his head. Neither one of them said anything about her as they just looked at the stallion. Namir stayed seated, but he looked at the stallion, "Why are you looking for her? Are you a stallion in search of a valuable mare?" he asked in a small deep tone. He wasn't sure what this stallion's intentions were and why he was looking for his sister, but he just awaiting a answer. So far this stallion seemed to be respectful and unlikely to be a threat.

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#262980 Posted on 2022-12-03 16:07:03

"AND how are we suppose to trust you into our home?" Olymphia added onto Namir's question, she was certainly protective as she stood where she was and had her horn glow until it was bright enough to intimidate the orange tobiano stallion.

"We know your manners, we know your not a threat." Olymphia paused "But how are we suppose to trust you into our home if your gonna turn evil?" Olymphia continued, she then remained silent, but her horn still glowed.

Eclipsetess then stood up and walked next to Olymphia, doing the samething that she was doing, but this time. She brought out her wings to stand about, the tips barely touching the middle section, though Molten demanded Dra to be next to the two mares as well.

And so, Dra did what Molten said, though Everest trotted up into the middle of the grouped up herd and then fell down when she got stuck she was at least in the front, but she then quickly got up with a bunch of scrolls floating beside her. Many had to fly above her.

"Are you seeking a sister? The Hero Darkness? Sorry but- mm, you might not believe on the last part, but we are protecting her but we are not telling you anything." Everest said, her little body but her protective tone stood out more, she was the Keeper of Scrolls alright, but her little defensive nature came out.

"Mm, yes, you are not accessed to come near the Border of the Barrier. Or else you want to have a fight to prove your worth?" Dra said maniputavily, he used his manipulation to his advantage of the new stallion, though he sounded more serious.

"Not the time." Molten and Eclipsetess snapped at Dra, he just remained silent, but hopeful that his manipulation technique worked.

Eclipsetess then looked back at the orange-chestnut tobiano stallion, protectively, she awaits his answer. But she was known for being a Guardian of the Night Unicorn, the most loyale guardian ever for a night unicorn, and the most friendliest and protective.

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#262983 Posted on 2022-12-03 17:44:26

     Orion just stood there calmly keeping a safe and respectful distance from everyone. He understood that they didn't know him, and his intentions, but he was just a harmless bachelor. With no interest in being in a herd or starting one. "I study legends, spells, and scrolls," he said in a calm voice, "I do not wish to be or start a herd. I prefer being on my own. I simply just heard about the legend, and wanted to see her for myself. The years I've spent studying scrolls and legends, and I never heard the one about the defeat of Dra. That was until everyone started to speak of it."

     Namir just listened to this stallion occasionally glancing at his sister not wanting her to speak. She didn't. Solstice didn't really want to anyway. Orion then was a bit offended by what the mare in front said. It angered him slightly, but he was still calm and kept his anger to himself. "I assure you I never wish to harm anyone. Not even another stallion no matter how disgraceful he may be. I plan on going back to my home. I simply just wanted to meet this mare." he said as a second mare, Eclipsetess stepped forward.

     "Shouldn't be worried about me. Worry about him." he said looking at Dra. Orion wasn't sure what was with Dra. He was supposedly dead. Though he knew it was some hologram or something of the sort. Doesn't mean he liked it. Especially with these horses acting like it's nothing while they seemed angered as his presence. He noticed the smaller mare that came up, "Well it's clear to see that your the Keeper of Scrolls with all those scrolls you got there." he said pausing, "Hard to trust I see? If I was lying then I would have made sure I wasn't spotted. That you wouldn't even know I was here."

     Orion was starting to get a bit impatient. It seemed no matter what he said, they didn't believe him. He meant no harm. No harm at all. It wasn't like he was here to stay. Only for a few days, the longer this conversation persisted, the more he got the feeling that the mare he was looking for was one of them. Orion only snorted quietly at Dra, "I do not fight, and I'm not a coward. Like I've said before I would never hurt a soul. The barrier? I was already in these parts before the barrier was put up. How was I to know that a barrier was going to be put up? Why there even is one I'm not too sure."

     Solstice just got up and took a couple steps forward opening her wings slightly as she kept her head up looking at the others, "Relax you guys. We've only been welcoming new mares and stallions into the herd, so why is he any different? He proves a point. Several actually. Anyone could turn evil." she said sounding a bit upset, "He's no different. I do not sense anything from him that tells me he is lying. He's telling the truth. We should be more worried about Dra...what exactly he is, and how to get rid of him." she said looking at him pausing still fearing him greatly and it showed.

     "Him being here only makes me remember everything that happened. The longer he's here..the more I remember and the more I'm afraid again. Like I'm on the run..." That was all she said about that manner. Though she spoke the truth. Solstice then brought her attention back to the stallion, "Now. Tell me your name." she said ignoring the others a bit. "Hard for us to trust with what we have been through, and the situation at hand. Not entirely your fault."

     Namir didn't seem too happy with his sister, but he knew she wasn't going to listen to him. He knew she was right, but he said nothing. Orion only looked at the mare that began to speak. Finally someone that believed him. Though by the words the mare said, he quickly realized who it was. When Solstice had asked for his name, he just lowered his head in respect as he spoke, "The name's Orion." he said softly.

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#262985 Posted on 2022-12-03 18:48:34

"Hehehe! Welcome Orion!" Azulia said, she didn't have time to sit, nor even be pushed back.

"I wanted to say what Solstice originally said, but I couldn't.. Dang herd won't let me greet another horse for no reason!" Azulia sarcastically said, her eyes were normal, sapphire blue and emerald green.

"Now sorry for everything, I'm usually here first, but everyone doesn't believe in horses much, especially our leader Scorn. Now you saw Solstice-" Azulia forgot what Orion originally said, so she was extremely happy. "Have you seen Eclipsetess's book?! I contains so much information!" Azulia said, Everest just bonked her on the head with one of her scrolls, Molten snickered.

Azulia did summon the exact same book as Eclipsetess lowered her wings and bowed to Orion for forgiveness, she also nibbled his forelock for an apology.

"I am sorry I acted so veil to you, I just copy from Olymphia's words and turn them into my own.. Can you forgive me? I'll also put the barrier down for you as well." Eclipsetess said, her words unmatched, soft and gentle, she meant it at what she said.

Azulia agreed to Eclipsetess as Everest also apologized for the whole "Mean-No-Welcome-Party", Olymphia stayed quiet as she didn't trust the mares that were apologizing and saying informational words, she still could tell that Eclipsetess was still unnerved.

"Hm, I'll take my leave then." Dra's words were pierceful, as he left just like that, he said what he said, though his presence never left as it felt like it was there.

"Great he's gone." Olymphia stammered, she still didn't trust Orion anyways, but she strutted off back to her place that she was looking out.

"Ah finally, she left, now we don't have to be extra careful. Now come on, to our hilled-home, you'll be more comfortable there." Azulia insisted as she had Eclipsetess bubble him and teleported him to the hill, she also teleported with Orion and Solstice along with them.

"Hey Namir, your mare just left with another stallion and your sister, you jealous?" Azulia teased, she was right that Eclipsetess did teleport Solstice and her to their original spots, but she wasn't sure if Namir was that overprotective of the two mares.

"Enough with the teasing Azulia! You have been more active about that, now stop it before you get him mad!" Everest said as she defended Namir, she then walked up to him to comfort him, but Azulia was still right about Eclipsetess and Solstice with Orion.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry about what I said Namir, and I'm sorry if I got you to be mad. It is my fault for teasing you, and it was wrong to call on that, please accept my sincere and deepest apology." Azulia said as her words hit everyone, she had hit everyone with a sad and mournful tone, a perfect apology had formed!

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#262986 Posted on 2022-12-03 19:47:02

     Orion then looked up at the mare that seemed more welcoming then the others. Solstice just told Azulia that she should have been resting. The stallion just stayed where he was still keeping a distance as he just nodded a bit. "I've read a lot of books. I'd have to see it to know if I've read a copy of it before or not." he said as he summoned a stack of four books he had. They were neatly and perfectly stacked on top of each other before they just disappeared, "Just a few of my books." he said before looking at Solstice.

     Solstice just looked at Azulia, "Probably because you need to be resting. It won't be long until you'll foal." she said nuzzling her friend before she went silent for a moment as she continued speaking. She did give Everest a look as she bopped Azulia on the head with one of her scrolls before looking at Orion bringing her wings to her sides, "I am who you were looking for, but I do not wish to speak of what happened. It all still haunts me and forever will. I simply was just getting my friend back and trying to protect them all. Couldn't have done anything without them." That was all she said about that manner before looking at Eclipsetess.

     Orion just looked at Solstice listening, "I never wished to ask anything about it. I understand." he said. She was different then what he thought she would be like, but not in a bad way. He then just turned his attention to the other mare as she apologized, "No need to apologize. I made the mistake of following you all, and I understand that it might be hard to trust strangers with what you've been through. The barrier is up for a reason. If it is to be up then keep it up. I just ask that I'm able to leave when I choose to do so. It was a long journey here, so I plan to at least be here for a few days..."

     Namir just stood up walking to his sister's side remaining quiet. Orion accepted the apologies being understanding and respectful. Though Solstice felt relieved once Dra had left..or whatever he was. "Thank goodness he left." she said shaking her head a bit feeling better now that he was gone. She felt free once more. Though she did have a small amount of dizziness every once in awhile. Nothing that would effect her at all. Solstice did sigh as she watched Olymphia, "Never seen her like this before.." she said a bit confused.

     By now Solstice was used to the teleporting. She just ruffled her wings as they got where Eclipsetess wanted them. Namir though just looked at Azulia. "No. I'm not." he said shaking his head a bit, "He shows no interest in mares, and plus they can handle themselves just fine. If he did show some kind of interest, then maybe, but he didn't." Namir just spoke in a calm manner not really annoyed. 

     Namir looked at the both of them, "Takes a lot to actually get me mad. Well except for Dra..." he said letting out a small chuckle as he couldn't help it. "It's fine Azulia. If I was worried or jealous, I'd already be going after them." he laughed, "Think those two will let some bachelor do anything to them?" he said before he got a bit serious, "We do need to figure out this..Dra...thing. He was different....but what even form was that? What even was it that we saw? He's dead. My sister has looked over the legend hundreds of times. It's complete."

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#262987 Posted on 2022-12-03 20:26:16

"Yeah I know, but still, it's still quite fun to be a little teaser. Though I shouldn't really take it far like what I said, but still, it was considerably rude of me to say that." Azulia responded to Namir quickly, she did acknowledge her mistake and was humbled by it.

"But yes we are aware of Dra's end and that legend, Namir, but.. Still-" Azulia was quickly hushed by Everest and the herd too, she then went silent and walked off, Everest got a little nervous.

"Hey, let's um, do normal things?" Everest got nervous as by her tone, one of her scrolls appeared in front of her as she ran off to read it once it was one.. One specific scroll, not burnt but it was degrading fast, but Everst let out a surprised sigh and that's why she ran off with it, the other scrolls trailing behind.

"Hm, what's up with them?" Molten was confused and wander over to Namir for answers, though she knew she wouldn't get any.

"Eh- nevermind, you might not have the answers, but still. Why is everyone hushing Azulia about what she was talking about? I don't get it, and I do not have any idea what she was even talking about!" Molten admitted her defeat on wanting answers, but Ivoula shortly walked up to Molten and Namir.

"It's mostly about that evil horse, Dra right? Short for Dragon Devil then? Then there is something that everyone knows but we older and younger horses do not know. They are keeping it from us and they do not want us to know.." Ivoula was honest about her talking, but she was confused on why everyone shushed Azulia quickly.

"Well, is there a way a dead horse could come back? I'm sure the real Dra is in Hades Underworld since he was that evil." Molten asked the first question but was completely right about the second part.

"You are right about the second part of what you said, but, we are not sure about evil horses coming back. But good horses can come back from the dead and stay like that, like how your friends came back to life Namir, they never give up, and when Eclipsetess came back she never gave up as well. Spilled by Azulia of course, but she's lucky that I don't spill truth." Ivoula said, Azulia must be doing on it purpose or by accident to have a whole line of important stuff right there, laying out in front of Ivoula, but she refused to spill it.

"Well, thanks for not telling, but that's completely irrational of Azulia to just spill something, even her personality is more perkier and more interesting then she was back before Orion came here." Molten suggested that the excitement caught onto Azulia.

"Hun, Azulia has always been perky, but you are right about her being more perkier, she has been more active since Orion got here, but it's also because of the new mares and stallions here as well." Ivoula said, but Molten found a way to top the most reasonable reason.

"But it also because of her in foaling!" Molten said, Ivoula sighed and couldn't say it.

"Namir, take these topping questions as I can't handle them right now, I'm old now and I'm not as fast as you all are. So please help me out on this, and be good to Eclipsetess as well." Ivoula nuzzled Namir like a mother to a colt, then she slowly left, but Molten looked at her before looking at Namir with crazy red and orange lava flowing in her eyes.

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#262989 Posted on 2022-12-03 21:23:56

     Namir just smiled accepting the apology knowing how Azulia was. He just nuzzled her a bit. He was unsure of why everyone hushed her, but he started to feel like something was off. Not because of Lucifer or Dra. Though, he kept quiet about that topic. "Yeah...I can't take much more of this Dra stuff.." he said before looking at Everest confused by how she ran off. It was just a odd day. Everyone seemed to be acting weird, and it started to creep him out.

     "I don't know..I'm knowledgeable in some things, but not in these things. I'm just as curious as you are," he said looking at Molten before Ivoula walked up. Namir just did a small nod, "It better not be anything bad. Dra can't return, but we also still don't know if Lucifer is a threat." Namir just went a bit silent after that. He was getting too worried and paranoid of all of this. Him and Solstice just wanted to live their lives after the fight. In peace.

     The stallion then looked at Molten again, "That stallion better be where he belongs." he said in a bit of a angered tone as he snorted before calming himself and looking at Ivoula once more, "We all barely made it out alive..I still remember perfectly seeing Dra looking me dead in the eyes as spikes came flying my way when-" Namir immediately stopped himself. Because of Molten, and because he didn't want to remember that, but he did unfortunately. Namir was silent after that as the two talked. He listened.

     Though Namir soon spoke again once he regained focus, "Never liked secrets. Never will, but sometimes they have to be kept. Unless it's something that should be told. I'm starting to fear about what we do not know. Everyone seems to be acting strange, and it's almost scaring me. Ever since yesterday." he said letting out a sigh, "Azulia and Trickster both are getting close to having their foals, but it may not be time. For either of them. Let's just try to keep our minds off of things." he said  a bit out of it.

     Namir looked at Ivoula again nodding, "Not sure I can answer any questions..foals are curious that's for sure." he said with a small smile as he looked at Molten, "Of course. I care for her like I do my sister." he said nuzzling her back before he too started to head back to where the herd stayed hoping Molten would follow as well. Namir was completely silent after all of that not saying much of anything else.

     Solstice just looked around a bit. She showed Orion around the place a small bit before she needed to lay down, "I'm sorry. We'll have to continue this later. Still a bit off from yesterday.." she said as she came to a stop. "I do apologize. Usually I'm not so....what's the word..out of it? I guess that's what I'm trying to say." she said looking down a bit as she let out a sigh, "Just seeing Dra...or whatever he was made me remember everything, and it's...hard. Some days I struggle with everything that happened, and others I hardly think about it.." Solstice paused looking up at him, "I apologize. Started to ramble a bit..I won't keep you."

     Orion just walked with Solstice as she showed him around a bit. He looked at her understanding as he stopped as well, "No worries. I could use some rest," he said mannerly with a nod as he looked her over a bit, "This probably isn't my place, but I have a feeling the color fading got to you..? I'm sorry..I had just arrived at this Isle when the colors started to fade. I read a book once that had a lot of information about it, but I don't remember where I put it. Anyways, you should lay down for some time. Looks like it did a number on you." Orion just nodded respectfully as he politely left and found a spot that provided a comfortable space between him and the herd knowing they weren't too fond of him.

     She looked up when she heard him speak, "N-no it's okay. I'm fine. Well a lot better then I was, but yes. I was affected by it." Solstice said as she nodded as well watching him leave. Solstice just went to her spot and laid down watching the herd. Things just didn't feel right in the herd. Unlike before everything that everyone was happy. Now everyone just seemed to be acting weird and secretive. Solstice just sighed as she watched the foals Olymphia had brought play with each other.

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#262992 Posted on 2022-12-04 09:12:52

"Yeah your right Namir, I should stop being skeptical sometimes, but I can't help it when the herd or my kingdom acts weird. I always want to find out what they are hiding, that's why I even ask many questions, and never get answers.." Molten's voice trailed off as she followed Namir, feeling weird but also sensing something different but that was far away.

Though Azulia was off grooming some mares as Trickster walked up to her, she panted and huffed and looked, and looked horrible. Azulia just bubbled her as she had many dots and spottings on her and it worried her, the mares around her started to get worried.

"I'm fine, just- sweaty is all!" Trickster said, Azulia didn't believe what she said and she didn't have enough wraps to cover her body.

"I'm taking you to Oceanus, whether or not she's here, probably isn't since Sea Ponies are quiet and fast." Azulia admitted that Oceanus and Ceto must've left before everything happened.

Although, Azulia did take a bubbled Trickster to Eclipsetess who was off grazing in a big stalk of meadow, Eclipsetess looked up to see Azulia and was happy. But when she looked at Trickster she was horrified, Eclipsetess was horrified to see Trickster in many spots..

"H-how?! What?! I thought I already wrapped her?! Why is she in even more spots then before?!" Eclipsetess shouted, the other mares looked over at the three, Eclipsetess was more worried.

"Oceanus now!" Eclipsetess said as she bubbled Azulia and Trickster, and then the three teleported to Oceanus's kingdom.

"Well there goes the three mares, two pregnant, one covered in spots and one guardian." Molten said, she knew what she said but chose to ignore it as Trickster would be better.

"Excuse me, but do you know why Trickster has spots? They aren't from color fading actually." Snow said, she sounded more younger then Ivoula, but she now had a black star on her forehead.

"Ah no, but I would suspect that she would get better." Molten replied to Snow's question, Snow just giggled to herself.

"Well believe it or not, it's quite common to get Snow Spots when your near your end of the pregnancy." Snow then nuzzled Molten, for not knowing and thinking it was something else.

"Oh.. So Oceanus would tell Azulia and Eclipsetess that she's fine?" Molten asked, Snow nodded then summoned a greatly old, torn, withered book to her side.

"Snow Spots: More common then you think, Snow Spots will appear when your at the end of your pregnancy, wich would look like bird spots and rabicano in one, other spots ARE NOT SNOW SPOTS!" Molten read the page, it was short and sweet but the end sounded rough and mean.

"See? Snow Spots are common and are quite different then other spots, though Color Fading Spots are also a common thing but aren't quite contagious, they just stay on a mare or stallions back until they get treated with Color Fading Wraps, wraps that will take away the Color Fade Spots!" Snow laughed, but Molten took it as vital information, she thought that Namir did the samething as she did follow him after all.

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#262993 Posted on 2022-12-04 10:11:11

     Namir just looked at her not helping to let out a small laugh, "It's good to ask questions. Your curious, and want to help others. Much like my sister when she was younger." he said smiling remembering the good times he had with her, "I have the same questions as you do Molten. Not all answers are to be told. Sometimes they reveal themselves in both good and bad times, and there isn't anything we can do about it unfortunately." he said as he came to a stop once they returned to the spot most of the herd stayed.

     He noticed Orion keeping a distance from everyone as Solstice laid down in her normal spot. Namir wasn't worried. He just knew she still needed to take it easy, and was happy to see her doing so. Though Namir wasn't too sure about this stallion..Orion. Not that he got the feeling that he was lying or anything, but it didn't sit right with him knowing a stallion had traveled the Isles to see his sister. Namir would just have to keep a small eye on him for a few days. 

     That was when Namir looked over hearing some yelling, "Oh my. Trickster looks horrible." he said in a worried tone as the three mares left before looking at Molten again, "They'll be back. Oceanus has a large healing pool, and it works well. Though it takes longer to heal depending on the injury. I used it once." Namir didn't say why he had to use, but he just looked at Snow as she walked over.

     Namir smiled as he listened to the two speak and he nodded, "We were able to treat the color fading spots on my sister before they got any worse..thankfully." he said a bit of relief in his voice, "Trickster will be fine. Oceanus knows what to do." he said as he looked at Orion every now and then, but he stayed silent about the stallion. Namir then politely made his leave and went somewhere to go graze.

     Solstice just laid down watching the herd. She noticed her brother, and how he kept glancing at Orion. She just sighed as she got up on her hooves and walked over, "Namir relax. It's not that big of a deal, and he isn't here to stay.'s strange that he came all this way to see me, but he just wanted to know if it really was true. He might be able to help us in some way. He seems to be knowledgeable about a lot of things."

     The stallion only snorted quietly, "Your my sister. How do you expect me to act when a stallion travels the Isles to see you?" he said looking at her, "Fine, but I'm still going to watch him. He did come here just as the color fading happened." he said pointing that out. Though Namir only sighed messing with her mane a bit, "How are you doing? You had me scared yesterday."

     "Namir I'm fine. A little dizzy every now and then, but I feel better then I did. I just need to take it easy." she said nuzzling him before she opened her wings and flew up. Solstice just needed to look around the area for a few minutes with Eclipsetess taking Azulia and Trickster to Oceanus. The barrier was still up, but she made sure there weren't any weak spots in it before she slowly flew back to the ground flapping her wings a bit before she brought them back to their sides. 

     Orion had been watching the herd as he eventually stood up, but stayed where he was. He didn't want to upset anyone more then they already were, so he just grazed in the small area he stayed in. He didn't mind. Orion just wanted them to be comfortable. Though he couldn't help, but to watch Solstice walk up to a stallion that he knew was keeping a close eye on him. The way they interacting with each other made him realize they were close.

     Orion did continue to watch Solstice a bit when he saw her start to look over the barrier. He smiled slightly. He's never been a big fan of mares, but he never saw one quite like her before. Smart, caring, protective. Even beautiful. Though Orion just grazed peacefully until he realized she had walked up to him, "I do apologize about my brother and some of the others..they can be a bit too protective of me sometimes, and I've come to learn that it won't change." she sighed looking down for a moment before she focused herself again, "I hope your doing well so far despite the unwelcoming welcome.."

     "Don't worry about it. I can understand why they are protective. I mean with everything you all went through and all.." he said pausing for a second, "I'm's just easy to see that they want what's best for you. I'm sure a stallion traveling the Isles in search of you makes them unsure of me. I just needed to see the mare that saved us...and thank her." he said with a small smile.

     Solstice just shook her head, "Like I said before. I was just getting my friend back with their help. If it weren't for them then I would still be in Dra's possession. My friend Eclipsetess as well." She didn't have to say those things, but she did. "Horrible things happened, and sometimes I still think it wasn't real..seeing that form of Dra...feeling my magic being sucked out of me again only made me remember what it all felt like..." she sighed looking down. "I'm not exactly the great and powerful mare you think I am. Just want the peaceful life I will never have."

     Orion listened staying silent as he started to feel bad. He never really thought about it that way, and he couldn't imagine what all she went through despite hearing the stories everyone told. Only the ones that were involved know the true story, but he knew they wouldn't tell him. Orion didn't want them too anyway. "I'm sorry...I never thought of it like that, but you are still something special. Even the gods couldn't do anything, but you have this herd and your brother to help you when needed. I'm just glad I came." he smiled nuzzling her on the neck slightly to comfort her even though he knew her brother was watching.

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#262994 Posted on 2022-12-04 11:14:33

One of the mares in the herd that Scorn was sleeping in had stuck her head and looked at another mare, the two mares began chatting about something, and that was when the mares formed into a little circle when chatting about something important.

Though Scorn was now vulnerable and was out in the open, but he did wake up to find the mares chatting, he was still still tired and had yawned and stretched. He didn't mind the mares chatting, it was just that they had formed a circle to talk and it made Scorn a little uneasy.

"Oh! Scorn! Get in the circle, we need to talk about something!" a mare told Scorn to join the chatting mare circle? He was curious and joined in, the mare was kind until Smoke woke up under a willow tree, she didn't kind being placed there but she wanted to be told what was happening.

"Oh great, another Foal Talk Circle." Smoke mumbled to herself, she flicked her tail and shook her body while she was walking, then she grazed out on the edge of the circle, keeping the eye on the herd below the hill.

"Scorn! We're so glad to have joined us in our circle!" the same mare spoke, she had a white splotch around her eye, making her eye seem gray while the other eye was amber gold.

"I know Clipto, that's why I am joined, because I'm curious at what's happening." Scorn said, though he did pick up a couple flowers as another mare turned them into two flower crowns.

"Give the flowers to the new stallion and Solstice, only the one knows what's up with the crowns." Clipto laughed Scorn nuzzled her before he left, though he did trot up to Solstice and Orion.

"Hey you two! I see that your talking to each other, anything fun with the conversation?" Scorn said as he trotted up to Solstice and Orion, he smiled greatly as he used his dark black horn to make the flower crowns be placed on Solstice and Orion's heads.

"Clipto, a gray and amber-gold mare over in the herd of mares in the circle, had said that one of you know what the flower crowns be when they're on your heads, I'm not entirely knowledge on the crowns but I know that's how I met Smoke's mother, Grey Cloud actually, with the mares doing it themselves to make me and Grey Cloud be together. I never really wanted any mare to be with me, but the herd forced me anyways and that's how my lovely- rambunctious- daughter I have. Accounting that I did get along with Grey Cloud fine really." Scorn told the two, though he did back up as he thought that he was intimidating to Orion.

"Ah- sorry if I was up close and personal, I forget that I can be, so I'm just backing up to seem less intimidating to you, sir." Scorn told Orion, though he didn't look him in the eyes like a rival stallion, more like someone that needed more welcoming and getting used to everything here.

"Though I should be getting back with the mares now, I'll see you, but if you see Clipto- just let her talk since she'll chase after you two when she's trying to talk, she's a "Couple Chaser" as the mares put it. I don't know why they call her that though.." Scorn admitted what he said, but he was also confused on Clipto as well.

Though Clipto did trot up to Scorn as she made him go and then she turned around and welcomed Orion into Golden Valley, even if he didn't get that welcome, but she was really friendly. Probably forced to stay inside the middle of the herd, but she was starting to talk as she planted more flowers into the crowns as a mare tried to get her to come back to the herd..

"Clipto! Come on, leave them be!" a mare said, her eyes were full grey but her coat was chestnut and black tobiano markings, Clipto was a white mare with a black star on her forehead as her eyes were also gray and amber-gold colored.

The mare with full gray eyes forced Clipto to go back into the herd as she couldn't let her talk to Solstice and Orion like she usually did with a coupled stallion and mare, she did apologize for Clipto's behaviour, and she did pluck up two flowers as she planted one in Orion's forelock and Solstice's forelock for an apology.

Then the full gray eyed mare trotted off back to the herd, happy that she said sorry and apologized, the other mares were happy as they smiled at Solstice and Orion, mares that walk up to a mare and stallion talkign would usually make the herd happy. Then they started talking about Orion and Solstice's foal, but in the circle and none of them were shouting.

"Well it seems that the mares are happy, good, they needed to stop being rather aggressive with staring at Orion." Molten said, though Azulia was laying next to her as she grazed, so Trickster and Eclipsetess were back as well.

"Yeah, but now they are happier and it affects other horses, even Smoke is back to being happy once more." Azulia said, Eclipsetess came down from the tree as she hung upside down.

"Well they also wanted to have Orion more welcoming, now they are happier and staring at and helping Orion become more welcomed. Don't forget that!" Trickster said, she layed down her head comfortably as she fell asleep, Eclipsetess smiled and had layed down next to Trickster as well.

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#262998 Posted on 2022-12-04 14:28:32

     Namir stood a distance away watching Orion closely. He snorted pinning his ears when he watched him nuzzle his sister. He didn't like it. Not one bit, but Namir looked over the mare circle that had formed. He knew what it was about and it only seemed to make him more upset, so he just walked off leaving the impression that he didn't want to be spoken to as he left the area disappearing into the trees to be alone.

     Solstice just looked down slightly before she looked to the side seeing her brother and how he looked quite upset. Her ears lowered slightly as she just looked back down letting out a small sigh, "It wasn't that the gods couldn't do was because they didn't do anything. They betrayed the Isles. They would have let Dra take over all the Isles before destroying them making us have no choice but to go to the mainly if it wasn't for Faith." she said as she took a small step away from him.

     Orion looked at her unsure if he made her feel worse or uncomfortable until he looked over at the bay stallion in the distance. He felt uncomfortable by the look Namir gave him, "I'm sorry...I thought it would of comforted you a just seem like you've been through a lot that its hard to get past it.." he said in a quiet voice before he looked up at the stallion that approached them both, his ears lowering some more.

     "No don't's just my brother. He can be...overprotective. He just doesn't like the fact that you came all this way to see me..tried to tell him it's not a big deal, but..." Solstice just went silent as she looked up at him again before looking at Scorn welcoming him as she fixed her posture a bit, "Just..trying to give him more of a friendly welcome..I haven't even seen Olymphia since she flew off..seems like her and my brother don't seem too fond of you being here."

     What she didn't understand that it was no different then the other mares and stallions that joined the herd recently. Orion wasn't planning on staying. Honestly he wasn't a big fan of herds. Solstice knew the crowns meant, but she just said nothing. Instead Solstice just listened to Scorn. Orion though was a bit unsure of the flower crowns, but he just nodded slightly quickly realizing it was the herd stallion, "It's fine..just not used to herds. Always been on my own."

     Solstice was still getting to know some of the mares in the herd herself, "She's always been one for pairing.." That was all she said. Orion had only been there for a hour or two, and the herd was already reacting. That was when Clipto had trotted up and urged Scorn to leave. Orion politely greeted her before a second mare approached, "It's know how she can be.." she said accepting the apology as both mares left.

     "I'm sorry about them...the herd can sometimes be a bit..I don't know how to put it." she said before looking in the direction her brother had went in, "I-i should go try to find my brother..." she said hesitantly looking up at him before she slowly flew off searching for him from above. Though Solstice couldn't find him. No matter how long and how many times she looked, she knew Namir didn't want to be found. Solstice just sighed as she came to a stop looking at the herd, "Namir..where could you be..?" she said looking around some more before she came back down to the ground. 

     Orion nodded slightly, "Don't apologize...I feel better knowing the herd seems to like me more then a little while ago.." he said with a small smile before wishing her luck. He knew something was bothering her, well several things, but he wasn't sure he could help. Instead, Orion just walked a short distance closer to the herd since they were more accepting of him. Though he just stayed where he was just trying to think of a way he could help Solstice. Or was that something someone that knew her better would be able to do better?

     Solstice just went and laid down after she looked around for her brother. She didn't plan on doing any flying that day, but it sure did wear her out. Though she had the feeling that something was wrong. Ever since the color fading, but she wasn't sure why she had the feeling. Was it just because of her still recovering a bit, or something that was coming? "If only I knew more about mother's necklace.." she muttered before she closed her eyes. Maybe she'd feel a bit better if she took a small nap.

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#262999 Posted on 2022-12-04 15:02:07

"Hm, I'm worried ever since Namir just dipped like that.." Eclipsetess's voice faded away, she had liked Namir since she did give him those kisses, but she was also very fond of Namir as well.

"Well you know him, just not that much but you can still teleport right to other horses right?" Azulia asked as she perked her head up.

"Yes, but Namir looks like he wants to be alone." Eclipsetess said to Azulia, obivously she didn't listen to Eclipsetess.

"Go to him, whether he wants to be alone or not. It's your choice, but still, go find him. And don't give up, got it?" Azulia told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess nodded her head and teleported to wherever Namir is, she didn't teleport to his last location, she teleported to where he was now.

"I'm gonna go say hello, and apologize for Dra being weird and sadistic, I don't like him but he's some type of clone from Dra." Molten said, she trotted off to Orion, the mares seemed to have broken off.

But the mares and Scorn were happier as Smoke jumped into the middle of the herd as Scorn stopped her as he bubbled her mid-air and gently put her down, he was scared about her hurting herself and that would've made him regret not paying attention.

"Just cause your not a unicorn doesn't mean you can bubble me!" Smoke yelled at her father, Scorn just yelled back as his dark magical horn got bigger and he more intimidating when rearing.

"I am your father, if weren't for the mares and your mother!" Scorn yelled at Smoke, that hurt her as she bucked him and ran off to hide behind Orion and cry, she didn't care if Scorn was right there nor Orion near the herd, she just wanted to hide.

"Scorn.." Grey Cloud said, Scorn's horn then faded back inside his head as the black magical wings appeared and then disappeared as well.

"I just hate it if she only just let me protect her, she would've went to The Heavens for her grave! I was worried, she also would've cracked a bone in her skeleton, I was fearing my daughter's death.. I can't help it if I'm bubbling you all or Smoke, but I just wanted her to be safe, to not have scratches even though the mares here have healed wounds. But that's because they all were from mean herds kicking them out, abandoning them, banishing them and whatnox!" Scorn told Grey Cloud, half the herd of mares went to Scorn and the other half went to Smoke.

"I know your protective since we all left our herds, but Smoke does need to learn, and it was good that you bubbled her for her own safety and not dying yet. But she's almost matured, so be careful with a teenager." Grey Cloud said as she nuzzled Scorn, he returned the gesture.

Though with Eclipsetess she was looking at where Namir was, she was dependent on chasing him down if she must, like what Azulia said "Don't give up. Got it?" Eclipsetess wouldn't given up easily, and plus, she found Namir but she wasn't paying attention as she was looking at the ground and her hooves as she walked, she was lost in thought and was thinking about Namir's safety.

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#263001 Posted on 2022-12-04 17:20:03

     Namir had just went to a spot where he knew his sister wouldn't be able to find him. He looked up seeing her fly by, but he just stayed where he was. He knew it was too the point that he couldn't do anything about who she chose to talk to, but Namir just didn't like the fact that Orion traveled all the way to see his sister. Though Namir also didn't want to bother others or upset his sister, so he just left for the time being.

     Orion flicked his long orange and white tail as he decided to graze some more with the flower crown on his head. Occasionally he looked up and around the herd. Well and Solstice. He just gave her space as he continued to graze. Though the stallion calmly looked up to see Molten approaching, but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the lead stallion that caught his attention.

     He watched seeing the scene with him and his daughter only to realize she had ran and hid behind him. Orion just looked at Smoke unsure of why she ran and hid behind him, but he just quickly glanced at Scorn before looking back at Smoke, "And who might you be young one?" he asked her in a calm and quiet voice. Orion then thought for a moment trying to find the right words, "You know your father just wants to keep you safe. It's dangerous out there." he said before looking up at the barrier, "There's clearly something that everyone is trying to keep out."

     Solstice had woken up when she heard Scorn yell. Well that was odd. Scorn almost never yelled. Especially to his daughter. Though she had stood up to see Smoke run over to Orion. She just followed overhearing what Orion had said, "He's right. You know what me, Eclipsetess, the others, and your father have been through recently. He doesn't want you to experience any of that. It's his job as your father and the herd stallion to protect while me and the others help with that." she said calmly nuzzling her.

     Namir just stood with his head lowered quietly thinking to himself in private. Or so he thought. It wasn't too terribly long until he felt the presence of someone. "I know your there Eclipsetess. Don't expect me to be able to watch my sister with a stallion that traveled a long way to see her. I don't trust a stallion like that. It may appear that's he's said the truth, but I don't trust him."

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