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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262921 Posted on 2022-12-01 19:33:47

"Oh alright then! I'll report back then!" Smoke said as she galloped off to go check on Trickster, Olymphia giggled to herself as Smoke made herself more like Azulia, which is surprising since she wasn't knowing that much of other mares or foals.

"Haha! Yeah, though I'm more quite the talker since Solstice and I got to spend time together to train, read, and many other things that we could do up in The Heavens!" Olymphia said, she did try to be quiet for Solstice even though she was forced to sleep anyways.

"Yes, quite so." Eclipsetess said, she turned her head to look at Namir as something caught her eye on Solstice, which made her walk up carefully to her since she only wanted to sniff what is was.

Though when she did sniff, she backed up instantly and started freaking out for no reason, Scorn was forced to calm her down as whatever spooked Eclipsetess she was calm, but her eyes told worry and fear for the white spotting.

"Gack! I can taste it! How?!" Eclipsetess shouted, she then began to roll in the grass and do whatever she needed to do, though Azulia was forced to get up and bubbled Eclipsetess so that she could calm down.

"The burn.. The taste.. It's gone!" Eclipsetess said, she felt calmed down enough to relax as her eyes calmed.

"Well what was that reason to freak out?! We could've accidentally woken up Solstice or Darling!" Olymphia said worriedly, though Azulia instantly hushed her and gave her a mean look for her to stop speaking.

"I do not know what had happened, though when I sniffed that white spotting on some part of Solstice's body, that was when an intense burn and taste inflicted itself into my mouth." Eclipsetess said calmly and quietly, though Azulia summoned her book and her book instantly took  her to a page related to that.

"There a page called White Spotting and How To Take The Infection Away, wait, infection? Is that why Solstice was tired? Is that why your taste and burn were called?" Azulia asked in fear, though she dared not to read the next part, but she did have Molten collect everything for her.

When Molten returned with the exact ingredients for the ointment for the infection, Azulia stated to make it into wraps that were able to take small infections away, though whatever caused the White Spotting Infection, it was a fearful thing.

"Hey, there's a page related to Lucifer, and that if he touchs another Isle that isn't Isle of Darkness or The Underworld, then you'll get intensly weak from the Color Fade magic and it will come back, but an infection will occur in some horses, though most are immune. Horses with a weak or medium immune system will have big to small White Spotting Infections, though if treated right, the horse with the infection will be cured and bounce back instantly. Including Magma Ponies since they are mostly lava so this wrap is also fire proof. Good idea for Darling then." Molten spoke and read what the page contained vital information for.

"So.. Lucifer touched our home on accident, he didn't mean to try and infect us then, though he is responsible for sick horses getting infected." Olymphia said protectively, she has Eclipsetess stand next to Namir as she then put her head on his back and wanted him to relax.

"At least we have a way to cure infected horses then." Eclipsetess spoke, though she fell quiet since Olymphia seemed to be the new Eclipsetess, though she hoped to not become the new Olymphia, and that made her worry as the mood changed on accident since Eclipsetess was silent and nervous.

Eclipsetess then decided to lay down since she didn't want to talk anymore, she then felt useless to everyone since she wasn't here for anything, she wanted to know what had happened when she was taken, but she knew that she wouldn't get answers.

And that was when Eclipsetess had layed on her side, and fell asleep, she was worrying and it showed through the mood as she opened her eyes time to time to check up on everything, she still felt useless..

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#262923 Posted on 2022-12-01 20:22:23

     Namir just chuckled a bit, "I figured that'd do the trick. At least for now.." he said watching Smoke gallop off before looking at Olymphia, "Well I'm just glad my sister had made a friend up there while she was away. She never does well on her own in some situations. Somethings never change I suppose.." he said his voice dying off before he looked at his sister again. He just wanted her to be okay. At least he hoped with some..well a lot of rest that she'll be okay. Or so he thought. "Even if she wanted to get up..I don't think she can.." he sighed.

     Namir then brought his attention back to Eclipsetess. He watched her unsure of what she was doing until he noticed the small white spots on her body. How did he not notice it before? They stood out on her dark colored coat. He just didn't focus enough to even realize them. Though Eclipsetess's reaction only worried him even more, "What? W-what are they? What's going on?" he asked concerned as he looked at the white spots as Azulia summoned her book. Namir listened.

     "Infection!?" he said a bit loud before he hushed himself quickly. Namir was now more worried then he had been. "I-is it dangerous..contagious..does it say??" he asked worry written everywhere on his face and his body. Even his ears were lowered a bit. Well it was easy to tell that Namir wasn't going to move from his sister's side. Not now. Not after they discovered the infection. 

     "Well..we have to be careful when Lucifer comes back then. All the Isles and the horses in them are in danger if he steps hoof into any Isle but his own. That must mean my sister doesn't have a strong enough immune system to be immune to this..infection, but that still doesn't explain why only her and Darling were affected. Could it be tied with their magic..or is it just random..?"

     Namir just sighed as things seemed to be getting worse. He watched the wraps being made before he looked at Eclipsetess. He was getting a bit worried about her as well, so he just stood by her and his sister. Eclipsetess wasn't usually this quiet, and he wasn't sure why. Though he knew something was bothering her. Namir just waited until later to ask her what was wrong, but until then he just nuzzled her comforting her a bit.

     That was until he noticed something from the corner of his eye. Solstice's necklace. "That's weird.." he said as he got a closer look at it, "It's dull. I only vaguely remember it doing that once...when we were fighting Dra. Though I still don't know much of what really happened.." he paused for a moment as he looked at the necklace more, "I-i think it might be connected to her in some way. By magic maybe..?" The necklace had lost the color it had. The same color as Solstice's eyes. From what Namir was starting to learn was that it only did that when something was wrong with her. "It's trying to go back to its original color.."

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#262936 Posted on 2022-12-02 05:54:49

"Well I heard a legend that some horses with dull necklaces are going near death, though one so fine and elegant that would defeat a tyrant would not die as easily as you might think, most horses with gifted necklaces are connected by family actually." Molten unexpectedly said, she did just didn't mind sharing information since it would be vital, but it was a pure legend.

"I- saw a couple of young fillies playing together with their own necklaces, but I think it's quite rare to get a necklace since this herd doesn't have any, and that somehow I saw them laying dead, they had no color in their necklaces- they weren't moving.. They went to The Heavens somehow.. I-I don't know.. I don't know!" Eclipsetess perked up nervously, what she saw made her more nervous and frightened, though her voice had told it all.

"Hey, it's alright, no need to be scared. Your safe, your alright, you have someone to love." Molten said caringly, Olymphia did not expect her to have a caring side, though she does have a mother so kind after all.

"Though my dad is a butt." Molten said laughing to herself, Darling had gotten up behind her, and scared her.

"And never talk about your father like that ever again, or else you'll go and do every task for our kingdom." Darling scorned Molten, though she knew it best, but she did it so that her mother was awake.

"I only did it to see if you were awake, oh and um, Solstice is still asleep." Molten said, she had a new book on Solstice and everyone about them and her, including Molten's mother.

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#262937 Posted on 2022-12-02 06:33:25

     Namir just gave Molten a bit of a look, "Not helping the situation.." he muttered laying down beside both his sister and Eclipsetess. "I just want her to be went from getting this infection..and now..." Namir couldn't even come close to finishing that statement. He just looked at the wraps Azulia had made and put on the infection. "Let's hope those work like it says in the book.." He tried to be hopeful, but it was hard for him. Namir hated seeing his sister like this, "The necklace once belonged to our mother. She never took it off, so I figured she'd want Solstice to have it. She's never taken it off.."

     Then Namir just looked at Eclipsetess calming her down, "'s okay...w-we'll figure this out. We just have to hope that she'll be okay. Darling too." he said calmly trying to comfort her and himself with his words. "Like the book said..if the wraps help, then she should be alright. Until then we just have to be patient and try not to worry." Namir looked over seeing Darling had woken, and seemed to be fine with how she scorned her daughter. "Glad to see your okay, but I fear my sister was more affected then you were.." he sighed looking at his sister.

     Namir knew he needed to get his mind off of his sister and try not to worry as much as he was, so he just looked at Eclipsetess, "Why don't we go on a..small'll help us settle down and distract ourselves." he said with a small sigh not wanting to leave his sister's side, but knew she'll be safe with the others. "Come on," he said getting up. "There's something bothering you I know it."

     He then excused the both of them from the group as they went on a small walk, "Alright. What's got you all down? I know it's something other then my sister.." Namir's voice died off a small bit before he looked at Eclipsetess, "I'm sure I can help in some way." Namir just nuzzled her comforting her some more as he let her speak. He was silent as he listened wanting to know what was wrong.

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#262938 Posted on 2022-12-02 07:00:59

"I- it's nothing Namir, I'm just worried about your sister and the others, I know she's alright. But I'm just worried like you are with Solstice, I know,- no, we both know she's alright. Plus it was nice going on this walk." Eclipsetess said peacefully, she was soft with her words but not nor soft too much.

"And if something if bothering you, you know where to look." Eclipsetess said as she turned her head and started to walk back to the other's, though there probably was a greater weight to her since everyone knows a guardian spilling truth is hiding the real one and just burying lies.

Though as Eclipsetess started walking back, she stopped as she sniffed the air, then she sneezed when a couple flowers had gotten pollen on her muzzle. But she dismissed it as she rubbing her leg with her face, she then started walking back again. This time trotting back as she wanted to hurry.

When Eclipsetess neared the other's, Molten looked up at Eclipsetess as she thought she saw something, though it was a quick blur but it made Molten get up and walk over to Solstice protectively, making sure she was alright.

"What is wrong dear?" Eclipsetess said confused and curious, Molten just hissed at her as the black shadow came again in a quick blur, this time she saw the white glowing eyes.

"You have an attachment." Molten said sarcastically, though it was something else, the other's couldn't see shadows unless they make themselves known. But Molten was the only one to see them willingly.

"An attachment? Please explain dear." Eclipsetess said interested in what Molten said, she then sat down, a bit far away since Molten was protecting Solstice heavily.

"An attachment is something that either feelings or a shadow horse can make, feelings are pretty known since they have white glowing eyes and Shadow Horses only have the opposite with other colors, excluding white." Molten said sarcastically again, though Eclipsetess took this into accustom.

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#262941 Posted on 2022-12-02 07:57:48

     Namir just looked at her not entirely convinced that his sister was the only reason she was worried. Though he didn't want to force her to tell him. If Eclipsetess wanted to tell him then she would have, or when she was ready. "Alright then." he said watching her go back to the others. Namir only stayed where he was. He needed to get away for a small bit. All the talk, and how things might be getting worse just did a number on him.

     He did look up at the barrier hoping all the measures the others took were enough to keep the herd safe. It'd been a small bit since he saw Smoke or even everyone else, but he figured they were all busy helping Trickster while him and the others were helping his sister. "Like Eclipsetess said, she'll be fine..I know she will be, but I just can't help but to worry so much.." he mumbled to himself as he stood off alone. The last time Namir worried so much about her was when Dra manipulated her to come to him. 

     Just the thought of it made his left side feel like it did when she hurt him under Dra's control. Namir never claimed it to be her fault. What kind of a brother would that make him? No. Namir just shook those thoughts away. It was the past after all. Dra was no more. The Isles were safe from him, but were they safe from Lucifer? It was clear that he was strong enough to drain the life force of the isles. Harming his sister...even if it may have been a accident.

     It seemed like time was going by slowly, but after what seemed like a eternity, only a few hours had passed. Namir just stayed off by himself for the most part. Every now and then he paced. Though he stayed in a area where he could see his sister and the others. The longer she slept, the more he seemed to worry. Darling did seem to be doing okay for the most part, which was a good thing.

     Though Solstice had very slowly begun to wake. It wasn't too terribly long until she slowly opened her eyes and sat up for a moment before she tried to get on her hooves. Solstice was a bit wobbly on her legs, but looked up a bit to see Namir quickly coming over. "What happened...?" she asked in a bit of a quiet raspy voice, "I remember that stallion...but then I got dizzy.." Solstice tried to remember what really happened, but she couldn't.

     Namir was pacing a small bit at the time when he looked over and saw his sister had finally woken up. He quickly trotted over to her, "Take it easy there.." he said in a relieved yet slightly demanding tone. He just stood beside her letting her lean on him slightly if she needed to. Namir just looked at where the infection was, and was more relieved that it seemed gone for the most part, "The color fading affected you and Darling. Made the both of you weak..." That was all he said about what happened and what him and the others knew so far. "I'm just glad your ok.." he said grateful she was. The worry seemed to just drain off of him.

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#262952 Posted on 2022-12-02 12:44:36

"Ah, Paralyze Sleep! That's what it was! And that actually explains the spotting, both pages are connected but are in alphabetical form instead of more information or less. Usually books contain M.I.P or MIP! More informational Page(s)." Eclipsetess said as she looked up relieved that Solstice was awake.

"Paralyze Sleep? Never heard of it, then again I'm always off somewhere. Well used too that is." Azulia spoke aloud, she was always busy tending to something anyways.

"It only happens when Color Fade magic sucks the Isles life out of it, random horses are picked, most rare is the Magma Pony if Lucifer did the samething at his Isle. Other horses are stated as Common, Uncommon, Uncommon Rare, and Rare. Since it rare for a horse to get weak when the Isle goes back to it's normal self. But it only takes the life force sometimes out of a horse, but I never heard of that as well." Eclipsetess puzzling, she never heard of a Isle to suck life force out of a horse to save itself.

"IF an Isle could that, then it shows that we're living on something, not a normal thing. A living thing." Azulia said, figuring it out by guesses, though Eclipsetess could tell that it was not true.

"It's only a hypothesis, not a real fact, but if it was true, then the Isles is more of somewhere and not here." Eclipsetess calling out Azulia's hypothesis, though she worry about that if it was true.

"Didn't Hades, Zues and Poseidon (horse versions) make these Isles then? Then they aren't living creatures, more of magical rock since our magic." Azulia said happily, figuring it out!

"Yes you are true about that." Eclipsetess said, she then looked off at the horizon..

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#262957 Posted on 2022-12-02 13:40:34

     Solstice just leaned against her brother a bit. She was still a bit weak, but not nearly as much as she was. Though she kept her head lowered for the most part. "Spotting...? The paralyze sleep part makes...sense.." she said looking up at them a bit her voice still sounding a bit raspy, "I don't know how long I was out for, but I do remember trying to get up. Mentally I was ready to, but my body wouldn't let I was paralyzed.." she said regaining her footing some more. Namir just made sure she was alright.

     Namir just sighed looking at his sister, "You developed white spotting on your side..some sort of infection, but Molten gathered what was needed as Azulia made some wraps. Seemed to work quite well considering you can hardly tell those spots were there." he said even more realized, but he just looked at the other two, "I've never heard any of this before today. Color fading, the infection, paralyze's all new to me."

     "T-that's what it felt like. Like my magic and energy was being sucked out of me. Once that stallion left...I felt empty, dizzy, weak...though I still feel a bit like that..just not like I did." Namir then just ushered her to lay down and rest. She didn't protest knowing he was right, but she still listened to the conversation sometimes speaking, "The Isles were created through magic. I'm sure that magic is what did that to me..but does that mean it'll happen to me again if that stallion comes back?" she asked not even remembering his name.

     Namir was silent for a few minutes thinking. The Isles being alive? No that couldn't be. It sounded crazy! "It's getting late...but we can discuss this tomorrow...we could all use some rest after today. I know I could..." he said looking at his sister a small smile on his face. He then looked at her necklace. Almost back to its original color. No more was he worried, but grateful. Though Namir just laid down beside his sister not saying anything about the necklace. Even though she just woke, he suggested she still rested that night. 

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#262958 Posted on 2022-12-02 14:12:10

"Yes it is getting quite late, I'll probably sleep when I feel like it, guardians do stay up more then other horses, so I'll sleep when it's moon high and all starry." Eclipsetess said, everyone else either gathered around Namir or Solstice, or just slept by themselves.

Though everyone knew that something else bothered Eclipsetess but they all decided to rest, but Azulia's eyes stayed pink, meaning that she was beyond worried but also close to her foaling date soon. She just tried to ignore it as Eclipsetess wandered into the herd to make sure that even Scorn was asleep.

But when she came back she just took her time and decided to check up on Trickster who seemed to be calm and sleeping peacefully, though it looked like she had something forming on her back, so Eclipsetess quietly flapped her wings and hovered over to Azulia who gave her some more wraps.

"Make sure you sleep, got it? Your worrying me." Azulia whispered to Eclipsetess, she was just returned with a nuzzle from Eclipsetess, who ushered to her sleep as well.

"I'll sleep when I'm ready, but for now I'm just making sure everyone is asleep and healthy." Eclipsetess whispered to Azulia, she just ushered Azulia to sleep, but she knew that Azulia was more worried for her then ever.

When Eclipsetess got back to Trickster, who was still sound asleep, but was in a more comfortable position. Eclipsetess then gently and quietly applied the wraps on Trickster who also carried the infection but it was smaller then Solstice's. Than as Eclipsetess flapped her wings back to the group, she made her perch on that same branch, but she didn't do anything as she then looked over the group.

Eclipsetess fell asleep, as she accidentally hung like a opposum, but she liked it and waited until morning in her sleep though. Since she was more active..

But as Eclipsetess heard a noise, she went onto the ground and walked over to where the noise was, but it disappeared. Eclipsetess knew that she was awake enough to stay awake for the rest of the night, so she walked back over to the forest, but she walked over to Namir to give him another kiss on the cheek! But this time gentler and more caring then the first..

Eclipsetess then looked over the group and smiled, she just stood there looking over the group before looking at Trickster and the herd, she then just layed down next to Namir and sighed, she didn't care less but she did care about everyone else and their well being. But she didn't know if Namir minded it if she just layed down next to him.

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#262960 Posted on 2022-12-02 15:31:44

     Namir just looked at her, "As long as you sleep tonight. It's been a long day. We all need rest..even you sis. Your still not fully recovered." he said fixing her mane a bit since it was pretty much everywhere before turning his attention back to Eclipsetess with a small smile. He just flicked his ear watching everyone. Everyone seemed to be falling asleep pretty quickly, and it wasn't long until he yawned and laid his head on the ground closing his eyes. 

     Solstice just remained quiet for the most part. Her mind was elsewhere. Trying to process and think about what the others had said since she woke, which wasn't that long ago. "I know..." she said laying her head on his back as she closed her eyes. This time she slept because she chose to, not because that was the only she had. Now she could wake when she wanted. Though it didn't take too long for Namir to hear quiet snores coming from her. He only chuckled to himself quietly before he too fell asleep.

     The both of them slept soundly that night. Well Solstice was half asleep at least half of the night, but she started to remember the fight against Dra. The feeling of her magic being sucked out of her felt just like it did when Dra took her necklace. Solstice did manage to focus on something else as she just used her wings and wrapped them around her and her brother. She placed on wing on his back, and the other to her side. It seemed to help since she just fell back to sleep. 

     Namir was completely asleep by the time Eclipsetess came back over. Too asleep to even realize she had kissed him on the cheek before she laid down beside him. He was exhausted. Exhausted from how much he was worrying about his sister. The only reason that he was able to sleep that night was because Solstice had woken up. Just some more rest and she'd be healthy again.

     Solstice seemed to wake up once the sun hit her eyes. She squinted as she opened them shaking her head a bit since the sun was in her eyes, but she just yawned before looking around. She felt almost perfectly fine. Maybe just a tiny amount of dizziness. Carefully, she got up and stretched a bit before she walked a small bit. Her legs were a bit sore, but that was just because of all the sleeping. Felt like awhile since she felt more alive, but she just grazed in a open spot for the time being since most of everyone was still sleeping. Though she didn't want to overdo things. Mainly because she knew Namir would get onto her. Well the others too.

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#262967 Posted on 2022-12-02 17:29:55

As Molten yawned for the new day as she got up and walked around while stretching, Azulia shortly followed but she only got up as she stretched, the two noticed Solstice but they minded their own business as well. Olymphia quickly got up into the air and starting scouting while Eclipsetess woke up but didn't yawn.

Eclipsetess then fully woke up as she gave a secret and quiet kiss to Namir, then she got up and started her daily stretching, then she restored the barrier's magic, just in case it was slowly beginning to get weak. Though she did her daily grooming to everyone while Darling took a little bit more time to wake up.

Though when she did wake up Molten was standing there as she helped her mother up, though Molten had future plans for something, that was when she sensed something powerful once more, this time it was Lucifer once more, Molten just rushed to the edge of the barrier as she hissed at him.

"Calm down, I see that I had missed something, so I wanted to examine some of your mares in your herd." Lucifer told Molten, he had forgotten that she was her great great grandfather.

"Noo!" Molten yelled madly, her voice went into a similar distorted tone that Trickster had, though she still has the distorted tone in her voice, Trickster was more calmer and happier then herself before.

"Fine fine, I'm coming in anyways." Lucifer ignored Molten's yell, he then walked past the barrier as it disappeared into a fade, Molten was confused, surprised and feared Lucifer that he could do that.

"And besides, I'm forced to wear these boots on my hooves since Iccalus worries for your health. All of you." Lucifer said, he lifted up his hoof to show Molten when she was walking behind him, then she noticed the other boots on his hooves.

"Iccalus is such a kind pony then, he's more nicer then you, so why do you even have him?!" Molten was aggressive with her question, but it was only because she was protective of everyone.

Eclipsetess then bubbled Lucifer, but it didn't work as it popped quickly when applied to him, she just kept doing it again until she stopped, and that Molten examined him.

"I'm a more powerful force, but still weaker to Dra, I'm surprised my great or just grandson even collected all the magic. Well tried too. I have the Forbidden Magic, that's why most of the magic I have isn't in the books, they are rather in The Archives, a much higher and more protected library." Lucifer spilled vital information, "The Archives" Molten thought, she did read about The Archives once.

"Wait, you don't know who Dra's parents are? Are you forgetting about everything?" Molten asked, Lucifer just looked at her like she was dumb.

"I'm aging at a faster rate since I was sealed away, meaning Iccalus is immortal, he lives how he wants. But me? Your kidding? I spilled vital information and you do this? Seriously?" Lucifer said as if he was hurt, though he was forgetful but not of family.

"Anyways I just don't remember specifically about Dra's parents, mostly because he did them off by himself.. Ahem! Dra's parents are my children, but not his mother because that's stupid, BUT he is my grandson, making Darling and you my great granddaughter and great great granddaughter. You are inheriting powerful strength, but you are not unlocking it faster." Lucifer said, he was trying to get Molten on his side, but she knew better as she kept hissing at him and showing him who was the boss.

"Your manipulation for me isn't working on another hybrid, since mother is technically a Magma Pony, she wasn't specifically born into the royale kingdom of darkness, making me a Magma Hybrid. I'm all Magma Pony but partial hybrid, and most hybrids are powerful but I may not be." Molten said, her mother crept behind Lucifer as she scare him into the air as he brought out his wings, made of leather and bone.

"This is stupid, you all are in danger, I'm just finding my mare that I was married too once. But good luck fighting my grandson again! You'll need it" Lucifer shouted as he flew high and picked a mare off of the ground, she wasn't in the herd but she was known for being a loner, and when Lucifer picked her the two started fighting like a married couple.

"Well my great great grandfather found his wife!" Molten said as she turned around, to see Darling in her face but she did back up.

"Lucifer said that we'll be fighting Dra.. Once more? Then he didn't then!" Eclipsetess said worriedly, she got up and collected everyone as Trickster saw them and started to get up.

Eclipsetess was more worried for everyone's safety as she gathered everyone in the group into a huddle, she must be fearing Dra, then as laughter broke the fearing mood, a couple of wings beating and Dra was once standing infront of the herd but also in front of everyone that was in the group.

"Well well~" Dra had spoken, he looked tattered and broken.

Then Dra clicked his tongue, swished his tail, and stomped his front hoof to the ground and a molten necklace was then again floating next to him, indicating that he owned the necklace as Solstice's began to glow.

"What?" Eclipsetess said confused as the two necklaces glew bright, she was overwhelmed but she kept everyone behind her wings as Olymphia did the samething to the right..

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#262969 Posted on 2022-12-02 18:56:35

     Solstice just grazed near a large tree. It was a relaxing morning despite the previous day. Though the more she ate, the better she felt. By the time she had her fill, Solstice felt fine. She decided to stay put as she watched the herd awaken. She just smiled watching her brother. Must have worried so much he exhausted himself. It was rare that'd he still be asleep after the sun was fully up. Though, Solstice didn't mind as she just went on a small stroll staying in the herd's view. Solstice didn't bother to fly or much of anything else. She just continued to take it least for one more day.

     She just flapped her wings lightly to rid them of any dirt or anything else of the sort and to keep them from getting sore. Solstice just walked around on the outskirts of the herd watching everyone wake up and get to work. Normally she'd already be going on a morning fly or working on her magic a little bit, but she didn't feel like doing it. Strange. She still felt a bit tired. Oh well. Solstice just had to move around some more.

     Namir just snored quietly every now and then even when the sun was up. Maybe he was more tired then he realized. Though it wasn't too much longer until he woke up. The stallion just rose to his hooves yawning as he looked around. Namir saw everyone seemed to be busy with something. Solstice with a walk, Olymphia scouting, Eclipsetess restoring the barrier, and Molton with..Lucifer. Wait. Lucifer!? What was he doing here? 

     He snorted cantering over to Molten and Lucifer keeping a distance from the stallion. His eyes then started to glow red a small bit, "We don't have who your looking for. I suggest you leave. I'm giving you a warning. My sister was affected by what you did to the Isle accident or not you were the cause," Namir said in an angered tone. Namir then looked over at Eclipsetess as she tried bubbling him. He already given him a warning, so Namir didn't say anything more just yet.

     Solstice just had her head lowered as she shook her mane fixing it before she stopped and looked over seeing what was going on. Hesitantly, Solstice opened her wings and flew over slowly landing near her brother, "We don't want you here." That was all she said for the time being. Namir just carefully nudged her to back up. He didn't want her near Lucifer. Solstice didn't want to be near him either after yesterday, but she wasn't going to show him that. Molten mentioning manipulation only made Solstice think of when Dra had manipulated her, and forced her to harm her brother.

     She just had a blank expression on her face not wanting to deal with this. Well that was until he mentioned Dra. No it had to be a lie. It had to be! Solstice had defeated him. He vanished. Gone. No more Dra. The legend was completed. Though Solstice just took a step back out of fright at the mention of fighting Dra a second time. They barely made it out alive last time. If it were to happen a second then it would be a even higher risk of death.

     Namir just turned and nudged his sister over to Eclipsetess and the others, "The legend is complete." he muttered underneath his breath. Though Solstice could barely move on her own. Hence when Namir had to bring him to the others himself. The weight of the chains pulling her down. Making it almost impossible to move free willingly. Even though Solstice didn't have the chains on her, it felt just as if she did. That was when they heard the laughing that was all too familiar. All of them were frightened of Dra. Only those that fought him feared him the most.

     Solstice's heart was pounding almost like it was about to come out of her chest. No. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be real! It must have been a dream. A nightmare. Maybe she was still asleep because of Lucifer? Wake up wake up wake up! she thought, but it was no use. This was real. No matter how much she wished it wasn't. Solstice couldn't move. She only looked down when she saw her necklace glowing brighter and brighter. Namir just jumped in front of her, but the necklace continued to glow. Though he didn't something seemed different about Dra. Like he was broken. Maybe the legend was complete after all? Solstice only had Dra's words ring in her head though. You will forever be mine even if I die. Those words never left her.

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#262970 Posted on 2022-12-02 20:04:14

Molten than without warning blasted a pool of lava onto Dra, he disappeared into his shadow form, the only thing that didn't cost lot's of magic, though he seemed to enjoy sucking the magic into himself.

Though when Eclipsetess had the shot, she shot him into a bubble and Dra was confused about that and seemed to calm down, though she did take him a bit high into the air, away from Solstice that she would be protected enough. But still near to answer questions.

"We all your not glowing your lava, so, are you just a clone or a figment of imagination from the necklace? Powerful magic never goes away, everyone knows that!" Molten questioned Dra, he seemed to yawn before laying down and getting up, but he acted like a hologram with the cuts to him standing and laying.

That was when he spoke again after Molten finished her question, "And that it would go into the next generation~! Everyone knows that! And no one cares about the villains!!" Dra shouted at the end, he bit the bubble enough to cause him to escape from it, but he stood his distance.

"Would you even believe a hologram anyways?" Dra had asked everyone in the group, that question, he seemed to act so much differently, except from his landing, laughter.

"Though the necklace that came out of me when I died, that's more important than some stupid mare!" Dra had said, he rushed Eclipsetess first but Molten shieled her first.

"Nope! Not with me, nor mother, but she's ungoldly protective!" Molten said, Darling was behind Dra and had tackled him as she shot many types of magic at him, seeming to enjoy the ambush.

But Dra had escaped from Darling as he flew into the air, "No one even cares for other necklaces! Why do you even need it?!" Olymhia cut in as she and Molten shouted at the same time, Azulia seemed to be hidden this time and well protected as she refused to come.

"Why? Why?! Don't you know that necklaces are aprt of your magic?! Your life?! I need mine back so I can live! And maybe merge that stupid alicorn's necklace with mine!" Dra shouted, he seemed to be nonethewiser as he dodged everything!

Though Molten was wearing a secet necklace, it was similar to Dra's, probably even his since she stole it. But it was now her's and she wanted Solstice to be still alive then, though she did usher Solstice into the air as Eclipsetess and Olymphia took off with Solstice.

Molten stayed on the ground as she flung the necklace to Eclipsetess who dove and collected, Eclipsetess then flew back into the air and regrouped with Olymphia and Solstice, though everyone forgot that Namir had wings of his own..

"Hey Namir, fly! Now!" Molten shouted, she completely forgot about the wings on Namir's sides, though Everest was nearby as she documented everything before using her Chain Link Magic, which she used to link Dra into the ground as he lay there, confused and defeated.

Dra just had stayed still, though Eclipsetess took no measures, since she grabbed everyone in a bubble, and she bubbled Namir for a little joy ride~!

"Hm, Namir, your coming with me. And your sister and Olymphia are coming as well, everyone else can protect each other, I just want you since you don't fiddle with your wings, goofball." Eclipsetess teased at the end, she called Namir for just giving him a little tease to try and fly.

"Eclipsetess, do you really think Namir would fly with his wings? He doesn't use them! And plus, we got somewhere to protect!" Olymphia just asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess only smiled at Olymphia as she took Namir to a familiar spot that Solstice used for her first time flying.

"I know he doesn't use them, but they are good advantages for dodging quickly, Solstice knows that well." Eclipsetess said, she then hovered into the air as high off the ground that she got when she did the samething with Solstice.

"Fine, but I'll follow your lead since you know what your doing, and that Solstice is probably remembering what she did with you." Olymphia said as she stretched her wings out a little to at least hover for a more longer time.

Though a little bit had past and Eclipsetess was talking with Solstice about how Namir should do his first time flying, Olymphia just sat on a tree as her wings got tired, she wasn't a long distance hoverer or flyer, but she did rest up better then anyone else.

"Alright, ready Namir? Or Darling?" Eclpsetess laughed to herself, she called Namir Darling's name and used it as a teasing nickname, she was happy to train him on flying.

"And are you ready Solstice? To fly next to your brother for extra measures? And remember when I did this with you? Then you should follow my lead when we dive and pick up speed to go above the trees as we fly up and then glide. Though remember that your flying next to him since it wouldn't count if you two were flying together. Just the way of life." Eclipsetess asked Solstice, everyone else were watching Dra curiously and closely, Everest would apply more magic if Dra moved a tiny inch.

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#262972 Posted on 2022-12-02 21:31:23

     Namir just stood in front of his sister his eyes fixated on Dra. He wasn't going to let him take her. Not again. Not ever. That was enough misery as it was. As Eclipsetess bubbled him, and brought him to the air, Namir looked up still not taking his eyes off of him. Though Namir soon just had a bit of a confused look, but he said nothing want wanting to worsen things. Namir did start to think that what they were seeing wasn't real.

     The real Dra would have attacked. The real Dra would have surely done something by now. Kill them all off one by one until only his sister remained. Namir quickly shook that last thought away. This wasn't the real Dra...or was it him? He had no idea. "I don't know. Even the real Dra is full of lies. So little truth he said, but abundant lies he told." Namir said snorted as he pinned his ears some more while he eyed him as he managed to escape the bubble.

     Namir was too focused on making sure his sister was safe that he almost didn't realize Dra tried going after Eclipsetess. Luckily, Molten was able to shield her from him before her mother had ambushed him. Darling seemed to succeed for a moment, but that was until Dra escaped and flew up into the sky. Namir still refused to take his eyes off of Dra. Even if it may have just been a hologram. One that was offly too real.

     Solstice just stood almost motionless until she snapped out of it. "No.." she said quietly to herself from underneath her breath as she looked up at her spreading out her dark wings. "I'm no alicorn!" she shouted angrily at him. Namir just looked at her surprised, "I'm just a unicorn. A unicorn that was able to stop you from destroying the Isles when the gods could never do it themselves. This necklace belongs to me. It belongs to my ancestors." she snorted stomping her hoof as her eyes glowed, "This necklace is going to stay in MY possession. I made that mistake once, and I won't do it again."

     Well that was a side Namir never saw of his sister before. He didn't know what to think or even what to say, so he said nothing. Solstice just flew up to Eclipsetess and Olymphia as Molten wanted her to. She just flew by Olymphia as Eclipsetess took the necklace. She looked down at her brother, "Good luck getting him to use those wings," she said knowing her brother enough that he wouldn't.

     Namir just looked at them, "You really think I can fly? I haven't even used these things," he said before looking up at the three before Eclipsetess bubbled him. He just rolled his eyes shaking his head at the same time, "I was born with a horn not wings for a reason. I prefer to stay on the ground." he said standing tall inside the bubble with his head raised, "Good luck with trying to get me to use these things." he said giving them a look.

     Solstice only giggled, "Oh please Namir. It's easy to see that your scared of heights. Your terrible at trying to hide things like that." she said with a proud smile happy that she sold him out. Though she quickly realized where they were going, and she only smiled more, "I think it'll be easier than you think brother. Just you wait." she said before looking at Eclipsetess, "Well..I can't always work on my magic. Flying is useful."

     She then just gave Eclipsetess a look, "Yeah. I remember perfectly." she said still not to happy about it, but she was happy that she got to see her brother do the same thing. Mr. Tough. Well apparently not so much when he's scared of heights..well partially. "I bet he'll freak out worse then I did," she said whispering to Eclipsetess not wanting Namir to know what was going on.

     Namir rolled his eyes, "Whatever your talking about better not be about me." he huffed being a bit of a grouch, "Whatever your planning shouldn't be that bad." he said giving them a look. The stallion's ears only perked up when he heard what she said next. If you looked hard enough you might have been able to see him blush slightly. "I don't have a choice do I?" he said already knowing the answer.

     Solstice was distracted by Dra and others, but that was until she saw something else. A orange blur running through the trees. She was about to go check out the blur until she heard Eclipsetess looking at her again, "Huh? Oh yeah. I know what to do, but does he get a warning, and I didn't?" she huffed before she happily smiled and popped the bubble before she went and flew beside her brother.

     Namir's eyes just widened as he realized what just happened, "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" he yelled. Probably loud enough it echoed, but he just tried to figure out a way to keep him from falling back down. Solstice just reminded him of his wings as he quickly opened them and started flapping as hard as he could. Siblings really are alike. Solstice just hovered beside him giggling, "What? What's so funny? You are'n't going to help me?" he huffed looking at her.

     "I don't need to." she giggled enjoying his reaction as he realized he was flying. "Relax Namir. You at least need to know how to fly. It will help with me. Doesn't mean you have to, but hey was that really so bad? At least you got a warning, but look! Your flying...well sort of more like hovering but it's a start." she said with a smile before she looked over seeing the same orange blur again. 

     Namir just hesitantly looked around him noticing that he wasn't falling anymore. He only freaked out. Solstice though kept him from falling anymore, "Yes. Yes it was. It was horrible." he huffed being a bit of a drama queen, "Now is this really the time for flying training?" he said looking at the others, "Dra is down may not be the real him, but he's after our mother's necklace. We need to find out why."

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#262975 Posted on 2022-12-03 07:20:02

"Well flying first, then we'll see if everyone got him trapped and tied, we may not like him. But at least he's a fake Dra, but like everyone thinks, he's the not real one." Eclipsetess said, she was flying beside Namir and Solstice, she did shiver at the words she said but she made it look like she was over him.

"That's true, and Solstice, what do you keep looking at? I'm interested in it now!" Olymphia said and asked Solstice, she never lied about being interested in something.

"We can do that later, right now, we just head back with flying. At least we are a group of mish mashed flying horses now." Eclipsetess said, she looked at Namir, Solstice and Olymphia like she was proud, she was happy now.

"Hm, yeah your right." Olymphia said, she flipped in a circle as if to have dodged the three flying together, then Olymphia ran while flying before jumping to get more air time to fly faster.

"Well there she goes, off to fly more while heading back." Eclipsetess said, she sounded amused but she did flap her wings a little to stay flying.

"Make sure to flap your wings if you want to fly faster, but you can also run while flapping to fly even faster, take Olymphia as an example, she never knew how to fly with wings when she was a filly. So she headed to a school full of horses that wanted to train and become assigned to someone. Though there are few exceptions for the school, one is to study more and become safe from dangerous situations. And the other's are just random things sometimes." Eclipsetess said, she and Olymphia had fully told each other everything.

"Ello there you three!" a pegasus called out, though he had Faith fly next to him as they flew atop to not be a nusiance.

"Oh Faith your here, and who's the pegasus?" Eclipsetess asked in a surprised tone, she was surprised to see Faith flying and with another horses that isn't Apollo or a random pony.

"He's my guard for when I come here to visit. Since I do rule The Heavens now, it'll be dangerous for me to be on my own, so I need a guard that's quite fast and intelligent. But I found a "Lover Boy"." Faith answered Eclipsetess's question, though she did give Solstice some magic for her necklace.

"There, now your necklace with shield you when your in a dangerous situation or something quite else, I did notice that a cloned Shadow Dra had appeared before your eyes, so I gave you magic for your necklace to use it. Some necklaces after all are powerful." Faith told Solstice, the pegasus nudged Faith as he felt something, then he told her to go up and the two left go back home.

"Huh, I wonder why the guard nudged Faith to go up. Probably something bugging him, am I right?" Eclipsetess guessed, though she didn't know for sure.

"Oh we're nearing home, just over the Old Herd and we'll be back home!" Eclipsetess said, she was getting excited as they flew over Solstice's old herd, though she didn't care much since she looked at Namir and Solstice.

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