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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262861 Posted on 2022-11-30 15:21:28

     Solstice just listened and stood beside Eclipsetess for the time being, "Well we're always happy to accept new horses here..I've just never seen so many horses join a herd so much before." she smiled as she ruffled her wings a bit. "My brother was always away when I filly even in the horrible herd I was in, but he was doing it for me..even if it meant leaving me there. Oh well that's the past," she said stopping herself from going into too much detail. She tended to bring up the past often. Not in a bad way.

     Though she did look at Eclipsetess nudging her a bit, "Who would have thought that you might become my future sister-in-law?" she grinned before looking over at her brother. It was nice though. Being able to see her brother everyday, everyone was safe, everyone was happy, and more families were being formed. A lot of horses knew that Dra was a rising threat which scared them enough to not have foals. Though no one had to worry about him anymore. 

     Solstice just giggled a bit to herself, "Sorry..those two just seem a lot like me and my mother. My brother always says that he's nothing special. Magic or even just his bay coat. I was just the unlucky lucky one you could say...but before everything happened, I knew nothing. Not even about myths or legends or even magic. I grew up in a herd not too far off the other side of that hill over there. Much different then this one."

     She then just watched them start to run around happily. She thought about joining in, but decided to watch and stay by Eclipsetess. Solstice had already worked on her magic some, but she saved the more powerful spells to practice in a safe and secure place like Oceanus's training grounds. She didn't want to scare or harm the others. Harming Namir under Dra's control was already enough guilt to live with. Of course she would just continue to feel bad about it.

     "I'm not much of a teacher..that's more of Olymphia's job, but sure I don't mind. I'm always looking for something to do.." she said with a smile. Solstice was in fact always bored. The adventure had given her plenty to do and plenty to worry about, but now, she could just relax and do as she wished. Maybe she just missed constantly being on the move again? Not that she wanted to experience anything like that again because she didn't. Not at all. "I can take her to a spot not far from here and teach her some easy spells."

     Namir just looked up seeing Eclipsetess walk to the same tree the adventure began. He just decided to walk over to her, "Mind if I join you?" he asked flicking his tail at his sides already knowing the answer. He then just stood beside her giving her some space if she wanted it. "How have you been doing lately?" he asked just seeing how she was doing. Though he didn't mention Dra in any way. None of them liked to speak of him. Namir was only alive because of the others, and he couldn't thank them enough, but that's besides the point.

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#262864 Posted on 2022-11-30 17:01:15

Azulia decided to get up and explore a little bit, accompanied by Trickster of course, but the Isle of Dreams started to fade it's color away as a new horse, that looked like Dra but had more of lava flow over him, accompanied by a little horse that resembled a little devilish demon.

The new magma pony was also accompanied by Darling and her daughter as the two bickered, though Darling seemed a bit shy and nervous around the new magma pony, though it felt like he had control over everything, but he did wear many shiny and gold necklaces, crowns of many, anklets and bracelets, and even clothing that stayed on his rump.

His mane covered in some gold as gold chains dipped into his flowing smoke hair like normal hair, Darling stayed back as her mate and father of Darling's daughter started nuzzling her, everyone looked at the horse as he moved. The Isle didn't return to it's normal color, instead as the horse continued walking hoof prints were burned and scorned.

Then as the magma pony looked at Scorn directly in his eye, Scorn got out his wings and became protective, Rugged and Stone used their magic as Stone lifted up rocks and summoned them too, Rugged's power seemed to emite from his eyes to his taller and sharper horn.

Eclipsetess used her wings and reared up in a threatening tone, most of the new herd members knew how to defend, meaning that they had to deal the same way.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt no one, I just came here to look for a pony.. Iccalus?" the stallion said as the little devilish pony flapped his wings into the air, he must've been Iccalus then.

"Do you think that the horse your looking for is here? Because all I see is new and older horses here, none so fine and extravagant." Iccalus said, the bigger magma stallion turned his head to look at Darling and her daughter.

"Darling, Molten, find the mare, or whoever you spoke of." the stallion demanded Darling and Molten, Darling just looked at Molten and the two walked around the herd.

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#262865 Posted on 2022-11-30 18:05:03

     Solstice was just helping Stone's sister with some magic before she got the feeling something wasn't right. Like the feeling she got from Dra.. There was no way it could be him. She had defeated him. The legend was complete. Was it? Solstice just summoned her book and quickly flipped through the pages. There! Solstice found what she was looking for. A copy she had made of the legend..just not on a old scroll. She skimmed through the words several times. It was in fact complete. She just quickly put everything away before she looked around.

     "What the.." Solstice just stood there baffled by what she saw. So much so she spread her wings and flew up in the air looking around. She'd never seen anything like it. The beauty of the Isle started to fade. The colors were fading. The herd. Solstice quickly flew over seeing two new horses she didn't recognize, but they gave her a feeling that she didn't like. So, she just swooped in quickly landing as she stood beside Eclipsetess her wings spread out as well.

     Her eyes had started to glow slightly as she stood tall despite her getting the same feeling she got from Dra. The stallion had looked a lot like Dra, and Solstice had thought it was him for a split second. Thank god it wasn't, but was this stallion anything like him? What did he want anyway? What was going on with the color? Solstice did quickly notice that the pony had something to do with the colors fading since she saw the ground burn imprinting his hooves in the ground.

     Then she noticed Darling. Solstice hadn't seen her since she defeated her father. Though she was curious about who this Molton was only to see some resemblances between her and Darling. Didn't take long for her to realize Darling had a daughter. Though she was the queen of the Kingdom of Carnage. Why was this strange stallion giving her orders? A mare? "Whoever your looking for, you won't find her here. I suggest you leave now. Me and my friends stopped Dra. If it comes to it I'll do the same to you." she warned. Though her eyes glowed brighter as her necklace and horn started to do the same.  "Leave now while you can." 

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#262866 Posted on 2022-11-30 18:36:55

"And who are you telling to leave?" the stallion spoke, his eyes way more different then Dra's since Dra had more of a orange and yellow hue of eyes, this stallion however had more of red and orange, darker ones too.

"Don't you realize?" the stallion asked, Darling walked up next to him, he was taller then Darling herself, he was bet to be much more taller then Dra then.

"If you don't then you don't know the eldest scroll that was half burnt and is in the library of The Heavens, that poor scroll was my legend! And someone burnt it!" the stallion screamed, fire then spewed up and around him, coming from where he stood, he was quickly calmed by Iccalus and Darling.

"Lucifer, please return, return home.. Your sucking the Isle's life force, the beautiful escapade gone because of you.." Darling said, Lucifer slashed her on the face and she flew a tiny bit as she landed next to Molten, Molten looked at her mother worriedly.

"Such puny life, my great grandson failed me and his father's grand father and his father, couldn't even protect his own wife with you.. Such disgrace of power!" Lucifer told Darling, he despised any horse related to Dra, even his great granddaughter Molten.

"Wait, did you say that Molten was your great granddaughter? Is Darling's family tree connected to you?" Eclipsetess asked worriedly, though Lucifer calmed her down.

"Don't worry about that, I am Dragon Devil's great grandfather, he cursed me as foal to never revive unless he was was killed then I could come back and retrieve my kingdom. But sadly a powerful daughter yet almost died by her father is a disgrace in my eye, and yet she took the throne, unaware of my return. Even her daughter is a disgrace since she is like her mother, but she born in the Isle of Darkness, but her mother is not from there, so she is considered a hybrid." Lucifer said, Iccalus told him not to tell them any more details.

"Shut it little devil!" Lucifer snapped, though he did look around and saw the carnage coming into his view.

"I must go and let the Isle heal, but mark my words; I'll return, and I'll find whoever I must!" Lucifer said as he opened a portal, but Darling and Molten knew what the portal meant, then Lucifer and Iccalus lept into the portal and it closed.

"There goes your great great grandfather Molten, but thank god he works for Hades, or else we all would be dead as soon as he touched the Isle." Darling said, but she calmed her daughter and everyone down.

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#262868 Posted on 2022-11-30 19:09:23

     Solstice just kept her eyes on the stallion. "Do I need to repeat myself? Or do I have to tell you the hard way?" she snorted stomping her hoof. Though she let this stallion speak. "I don't have access to the library anymore. How would I know about the scroll..this legend? I'm not the keeper of scrolls, so why don't you ask someone that has more knowledge about that then I do." she huffed.

     Namir just walked up and stood by Solstice and Eclipsetess his eyes glowing. They both took a small step back as fire came up out of no where around the stallion. "Again. Whoever this mare is that your looking for isn't here. Even if she was you aren't taking her. That won't happen." she said not budging. Though Solstice snorted angrily when he slashed her friend's face. Solstice then looked at Eclipsetess as she spoke before quickly putting her eyes back on this strange stallion.

     Solstice only felt the same cold chills that ran down her back whenever she saw Dra. Even the mention of his name seemed to be a bit of a weakness to her since she felt her stomach twist and her body freeze. Namir knew of this and just placed his muzzle on Solstice's neck long enough that she calmed down enough to focus once more before he brought his attention back to this stallion.

     "Many of us here know and remember what he is capable of. What he did. The fight. The fear. We remember it all, and yet we all still stand here today. I would suggest listening to my sister and leave already. We've let you say your peace, now leave." Namir said with a stomp of his hoof. Then the stallion, named Lucifer, had left. Namir's eyes went back to normal as he let out a small deep breath. "I hope this doesn't turn out to be anything like last time..we've only just recovered as much as we can from what happened..but I fear he has greater magic if he can suck color..or even life from the Isles just by his presence." he said a bit fearful of what was to come.

     Solstice just stood there as she brought her wings back to her sides. She felt..odd. Like the colors being drained had somehow effected her. Even her necklace had gone a bit dull. "I-i need to lay down.." she said as she walked over to a quiet and private spot to lay down. Solstice never felt anything like that, but her mind only focused on Dra. His words ringing in her ears a bit. You will be my treasure forever even if I die~ Solstice just shook those thoughts away as she ended up closing her eyes. It was almost like she seemed..weak...

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#262869 Posted on 2022-11-30 19:26:04

"Oh no, it seems that the color fading got to her!" Eclipsetess said as she bounced over to Solstice to give her enough strength to not have nightmares, though her presence around the vegetation only went back to normal quickly, even when the color fading got to everywhere else it stopped around Eclipsetess, something else was going on.

Darling only stayed with Molten as she wandered over to the herd to relax and Molten walked up to Namir, she seemed shorter then him and it angered her, she showed it in a grumpy face though, she knew every legend, old and new, torn and burnt, forgotten and forgiven..

"I hate being short.." Molten whispered, her grumpy mood only made Darling a bit more worried and she showed it, the worry only faded as she fainted to the ground.

Molten saw her mother faint and ran over yelling to her, she then layed down next to her, she was crying magma as she was soft for life around her, then she laid her head down when her mother was now resting better..

The mares of the herd then surrounded Molten and her mother, Darling, they then layed their heads down as they too showed worry for Darling and Magma, then Soup wandered over and sighed at the two. She knew being the queen was stressful and hurtful to family and the kingdom.

"Make way for the princess of water!" a young mare said as she flew down with watery wings at her sides, then Oceanus came over as she gave the grass some water as she used it for angling to the ground.

"Ceto what did I say about having unexpected citizens unexpect you?! Though you did say what you did, and I'm proud, but I'm still scorning you!" a familiar voice said, it was Oceanus, and she must have had a foal age.

Though the young mare seemed to be older then the other mares but younger then Solstice, so Oceanus may have already had a daughter but said nothing..

"Oh hello there everyone, I did not expect to come here.." Oceanus greeted unexpected, though the mares and stallions that knew Oceanus well came running over to her, Eclipsetess just stayed by Solstice's side.

Last edited on 2022-11-30 at 19:50:49 by Lizzy

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#262871 Posted on 2022-11-30 19:52:18

     Namir just looked over at Eclipsetess following her, "What do you mean? What happened to her?" he said looking at his sister a bit worried. He didn't understand any of this. Never has he heard of the any of the Isles color could have been drained just because of one horse. Namir couldn't help but to worry and fear this stallion. Whether or not he was worse then Dra, none of them knew that for sure. 

     Namir did look over at Molten, "I'm not even that tall..well maybe a little, but not like some of the others here." he said looking at her before she ran off, "Darling.." he said as he cantered back over knowing his sister would be fine and protected with Eclipsetess, "Did the color fading get to her too?" he asked looking at the mares that rushed over before he took a few steps back to give them all some space.

     That was when he looked up seeing a unfamiliar horse fly by and land. Princess of water..? But that could only mean one thing. Oceanus. Namir just gave all the mares some space as he walked back over to Eclipsetess and his sister staying by their sides. His expression showed that he was worried. Namir was clueless about everything that had just recently happened. Though Namir was happy to see her again, he only looked at Eclipsetess, "Is she ok?" he asked in a small worried tone.

     Solstice just ended up falling asleep on accident. Though she wasn't was whatever happened that made her feel the way she did. Even her necklace seemed to be affected by it. Unfortunately no matter how many times she looked through her book, she couldn't find any information about the necklace. Solstice didn't understand it or its power, but she did understand that it needed to stay in her possession from now on. Though the necklace just laid on the ground dull. Like it tried to glow but couldn't. 

     After a few minutes, Namir just nuzzled Eclipsetess before he walked over to Oceanus, "Long time no see." he said trying to put on a small smile, "Even though it is good to see you again..and I'm assuming this is your daughter?" he said looking at Ceto. She looked almost that of his sister's age, but he said nothing of that matter. "I'm afraid we might have a situation here.." he said with a small sigh as he looked down while also looking back at Eclipsetess and his sister.

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#262873 Posted on 2022-11-30 20:06:22

"Why yes Ceto is my daughter, but what of the situation?" Oceanus looked at her daughter Ceto, before looking worriedly at Namir, she could tell everything was wrong with the Isle by default but she chose to keep it under control until Namir told her.

Though Darling fell asleep, and Molten lifted her with her magic and carried her over to where Eclipsetess and Solstice were, though she did arrange everyone in more comfortable positions. Then Azulia got up to create a barrier as Trickster used her Spirit Magic to cast Spirits to watch over the barrier and make sure that everyone was alright, though she did lay back down when she used enough magic, and Azulia did the samething..

Scorn then used his Dark Magic to enchant the lands to not be fading when touched by a color fading, powerful stallion, though he did also comfort his daught Smoke and his mate and unborn foal as well. He also made sure that everyone was alright, including Namir since he was clearly worried about him.

"Good to see you Oceanus, hope you have a good time staying here, unless that stallion comes back, but thanlfully I ecnhanted the lands to not let this happen again." Scorn greeted Oceanus and told both her and Namir, he was worried and calmed down when the two were alright then he moved onto Solstice, Eclipsetess, Darling, and Molten.

As Scorn walked over to the four resting, that was when Trickster neighed in pain, the mares that were originally surrounding Darling had surrounded Trickster, every mare by instinct went over to keep her hidden from Scorn, Namir, and Cronsi..

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#262882 Posted on 2022-12-01 06:05:36

     Namir just did a small bow, "Well then. It's nice to meet you Ceto." he said before he brought his attention back to her mother, Oceanus. "I'm afraid I don't really know...I'm still confused and trying to figure out what happened just a few minutes ago myself." he said with a small sigh as he looked at his sister and Eclipsetess. "There was a stallion..looked almost like..Dra," he began, "The colors started to fade, and it somehow affected my sister and Darling. I'm not too sure on how it only affected those two and not the rest of us." he said worriedly.

     Though Namir did pause for a moment as he looked at Oceanus, "The stallion was angered. He claimed that the eldest scroll was halfway burned in the library up in The Heavens..said it was his legend. He had a small pony with him..Iccalus I believe that was the pony's name..the stallion's name being Lucifer.." Namir just took a quick breath, "Claimed that Dra had cursed him. When Dra was defeated he was to reclaim the kingdom...not Darling..I fear this stallion has great power. Dra is related to him, and Lucifer's presence only did all of this to the Isle."

     Namir then just went silent for a few minutes. He looked over seeing Molten bring her mother over to Eclipsetess and his sister. He watched as Azulia and Trickster created a barrier and spirits to protect the herd before they rested once more. Namir then looked over at Scorn, "Let's hope it's enough to keep it from happening again. If it affected my sister and Darling in some way, we can't be sure if it will do it again." he sighed before heading back over to the others.

     He went and stood beside Eclipsetess going silent. Namir just wanted to know if they would fine after some rest. "There must be a reason on why it had only affected my sister and Darling..right? None of us were affected by it." he said looking at Eclipsetess and Scorn. Until he looked over at Trickster as most of the mares went to her aid and took her somewhere else. "Is she alright..?" he asked worried.

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#262883 Posted on 2022-12-01 07:07:35

"Oh dear, something's wrong with Trickster, she never had a problem with her first foal. I hope that she'll be alright.." Eclipsetess said aloud worriedly, she wasn't sure if she would stay with Solstice, Molten, Namir and Darling.

"If she has the herd mares around her, then she'll be alright." Molten said, Azulia then butted into the conversation unexpectedly "Though remember when we thought that we was gonna make us float when we were foals Eclipsetess?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, she was starting to laugh as Scorn gave her a mean neigh and a scornful look.

"Ah.. Right.. Sorry Scorn.." Azulia apologized, though Eclipsetess laughed to herself and brought her head up a little before bringing her head back down.

"When you and Eclipsetess were little, you always had gotten into trouble, and remember that one time when you two left the herd when I told you not too? I had the god's go into a council after that!" Scorn shouted a little, he remembered the good old days, after that he started grooming Eclipsetess on her side.

"Me and Azulia always wanted to know the world, and you can't keep foals away from adventure, you know that!" Eclipsetess told Scorn, Azulia giggled before brushing her side, Darling then slowly opened her eyes before going back to sleep.

"Well if a horse is strong enough to make horses weak just by touching the ground, then I'd say that he has Color Sucking Magic, magic that steals colors making them fade to a black and white tone." Olymphia said, she appeared behind Namir and Eclipsetess, Scorn just neighed happily to her.

"Good to see you all, I may have brought a student or two to learn from you all, that would've included Solstice but I see that she is asleep for now." Olymphia said again, two little foals poked their faces out, the two little foals looked like sibling's actually.

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#262884 Posted on 2022-12-01 07:59:47

     Namir just looked at Eclipsetess, "I'm sure she will be fine with everyone helping her." he said comforting Eclipsetess a bit before he looked over at Azulia. He only smiled and laughed at the others. It was a good way to distract himself, "I...was a troublesome colt. Always running off, always being too rough with the other colts, and so much more." he said with a laugh remember those days, "When I was told I was going to be a big brother my parents made sure I learned how to be careful and less..crazy you could say."

     Namir then looked at Azulia again, "Solstice was a lot like that. Always wanted to explore the world, and learn about it. I never let her. Even when I left I knew she never left the herd. Her anxiety and shyness prevented her from doing that, and I didn't want her out on her own that young..especially when she didn't know anything about the world or even magic. Despite being in that awful herd, my sister was always like she is today..happy."

     That was all he wanted for her. For Solstice to have the life she deserved. Namir just looked at her as he smiled, "Everyone said she was cursed...she wasn't..she was blessed. All along." He wasn't as worried anymore as he was. Darling and Solstice just needed to rest for a bit. Though Namir just jumped when he heard a voice from behind him, "Oh Olymphia.." he said with a small chuckle, "Alright you scared me no point in denying it when you all saw," he said rolling his eyes jokingly. 

     Though Namir just brought his attention back to what Olymphia had said, "I've never heard of magic that strong..I never thought anything like that was possible, but what I don't understand is why my sister and Darling were the only ones that were affected by it. If this magic weakened them..then I fear it could be worse or somehow tied to their magic." he said getting worried again as he looked at his sister before looking at Olymphia and the two foals, "Curious little ones I suppose." he said trying to distract himself again.

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#262886 Posted on 2022-12-01 12:09:42

"Indeed they are, though they should learn to go off to a herd when I'm not here to teach them, and that's what I want them to learn; to decide for themselves early on, though I told them to stick to this herd since here is more protective then the other one." Olymphia agreed to Namir, the two foals were curious little ones, but they just stayed behind Olymphia as she brought her wings to her sides.

"I do not know what type of strong magic Lucifer has, but everyone knows where he has been and how much related to Dra he even is, though some mares came up to me when I was bringing these foals down from The Heavens, Faith now rules over The Heavens and it is much relaxing there from all the other god's." Olymphia said, she now knows who Lucifer is and was.

"If I know Darling by a little, she is much faster at getting up then Solstice is, but if the strange magic took most of her magic, then she'll sleep for two weeks instead of two days." Olymphia spoke, though the two little foals got around to be curious enough and they walked up to Namir.

"Hm, seems like their getting braver the second, probably because of their curosity for the herd around them." Olymphia said again, the two foals looked up and started sniffing Namir.

"If you and I and everyone that knows my mother, is that she is a tough mare to take down, unless something happens like what happened today." Molten spoke up, it seems that she isn't as paralyzed as much.

"Though it's strange that my great great grandfather is alive, I should have a grandfather like..." Molten when silent when she landed on Dra, which made her unable to speak of him, "Anyways why even is he alive? And why is poor Iccalus with him? Iccalus seems so sweet to serve a bruding and mean stallion." Molten stamped her hoof into the ground, though she didn't leave an imprint, meaning she isn't a magma pony unlike Darling, Dra, and Lucifer, and Darling's husband.

"Well we'll figure this out shortly, we just need more rest now then ever, so we should rest up today and train as much as we can tomorrow. We'll need a schedule anyways to keep up our strength, so Scorn and Azulia can do that." Eclipsetess butted in, she decided not to be silent anymore,

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#262905 Posted on 2022-12-01 15:02:17

     Namir nodded in agreement, "That herd doesn't care about anyone but those that aren't different. Even some foals were kicked from that herd if they lost their parents...I was the reason Solstice wasn't. It was hard convincing that ruthless stallion, but I managed. Thank goodness I did," he said trailing off a bit. Though he quickly regained focus, "Well someone makes a good teacher," he said with a small smile looking at the two foals, "We won't hurt you y'know." he said to the both of them before looking back up at Olymphia letting out a small sigh.

     "Dra is his great grandson I least that's what Lucifer said so it's more like Dra is related to him...If Dra had the magic he had, I'm sure it came from his ancestors. This bloodline seems to be pretty powerful..." he spoke in a unhappy tone not liking the sound of that, "At least we know those gods won't be able to do much with Faith ruling The Heavens now. If this does turn into time, then lets hope we can stop it before matters get worse. I don't know if any of us could handle something like that again...I know my sister couldn't..she's only just recovered as much as she will from Dra."

     What Olymphia said next only worried the stallion even more, "Your saying it could be weeks until they wake?? It's hard enough seeing my sister affected like this, but weeks....?" Namir just looked at Solstice a saddened expression on his face before looking at the two foals. He tried to keep his concern and worry concealed not wanting to worry the foals at all. Namir was quite good with foals...well mainly because he raised his own sister, but still. He seemed to have a small knack with them. Namir just stood there letting the two foals sniff him as he couldn't help but to look at his sister. 

     "My sister is as well, but she is still young. She may be all grown up now, but there's still plenty she has to learn about...I just want to know how this exactly happened, so we can try and prevent it. Lucifer said he would return. More then likely shortly after the colors return..but we don't know who he was looking for. It was a mare..that's for sure." he sighed looking at Molton, "Didn't he say..Dra had cursed him in some way?" As much as he hated the stallion, Namir couldn't help but to say his name every now and then. Though Namir was starting to dislike this new stallion because of what he did to his sister. Whether or not it was intentional.

     Namir then just gave a small nod to what Eclipsetess had said. Though Solstice had seemed to want to wake, but couldn't. Her body wouldn't allow it. It was strange. She'd never experienced something like this. It was like her mind wanted to wake, but the rest of her body just wouldn't let her. Though there was nothing she could do. Solstice was too weak to do anything but sleep. Namir just looked at her and went over to her laying down beside her when he noticed she tried to wake up, "" was all he could say in a pained and silent voice as he placed his head on her back closing his eyes. 

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#262914 Posted on 2022-12-01 17:45:10

Olymphia was only quiet when she spoke back up, "Well it is different for everyone to be affected by this, though it does look like.. Lucifer had returned, so whoever he is chasing isn't us at least, but we need to figure out who he is looking for so that we may protect this mysterious mare." Olymphia only then scooted the foals somewhere to play, since they were looking like they would become excited.

"Though if we can't find this mare, then we have to guess, guess who she is. And guess her personality." Olymphia said, a little grayed out foal came up to Olymphia as the same foal was Smoke, though she looked way bigger now, she must be near her year-old mark.

"Hello, nice to see you all again!" Smoke had softly spoke, she noticed Solstice and Darling sleeping as she walked over to the group, she must've been curious then.

"Hello there young one, we cannot answer anything that you want to ask since we are busy right now." Eclipsetess politely said, her mannered tongue was fast and slick, though Smoke didn't walk away like a mare would.

"Do you honestly think I'm just gonna leave when you say that? I don't leave when I see a group of huddled mares forming a small group with a sibling as a stallion." Smoke said in a stubborn tone, though she sounded refusing to go.

"Ah, you must've been born stubborn then, though wouldn't you just walk away to relax at what we're saying rather then getting nervous?" Olymphia said but Eclipsetess cut her off, unsual though they never met so she doesn't know that much about Eclipsetess.

"No, I stay, I stay no matter what. Mother says I am protective of herdmates, then she says that I'll try and follow them to where they are going, but I was forced to stay here even when I want to protect." Smoke stubbornly said, she knew Olymphia's and Eclipsetess's hint.

"And I am not leaving!" Smoke shouted a bit, a forked tongue quickly came out before going back in, this made Eclipsetess and Olymphia a bit nervous..

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#262918 Posted on 2022-12-01 19:05:34

     Namir just sighed looking up at her, "Well we actually don't know who he was looking for. He had Darling and Molton look..we can think it's none of us, but we don't know for sure..we'll just have to look out for any suspicious activity.." He was just over all the mysteries that they seemed to keep having to figure out. That or get caught up in the things that they were. Namir just hoped Lucifer wouldn't turn out to be as much a threat as Dra. It was already clear that Lucifer had great power, but was it stronger then Dra's?

     Namir wasn't going to leave his sister. Even with the barrier up, he didn't want to leave her nor Darling in case anything else were to happen while they were vulnerable. He only looked up at Smoke as she walked over as Olymphia gently redirected the two foals to go play somewhere else. Namir just stayed where he was laying beside his sister. Though he did try to keep his mind distracted trying to keep himself from worrying too much, but he didn't do too well on that matter. Doesn't mean he didn't keep trying to distract himself as well.

     "Stubborn like your father, I suppose." he said flicking his ear a bit, "Wanting to help protect those close to you is a good trait to have even at your young age, but that doesn't mean your old enough. Your mother did the right making you stay with her and the herd. It's dangerous for a foal out there. I'm sure you've heard the story of our...little adventure." That was all he said about Dra. Namir couldn't go into detail. Partly because he couldn't remind himself of everything, and he didn't wanted to go into detail to her even though he figured she already knew.

     He then just looked at Eclipsetess and Olymphia. Namir managed to do a small laugh, "I forgot the two of you never really got to meet each other..." he said as he stood up carefully, but he didn't move anymore other then that. Namir just looked back at Smoke, "Why don't you go and do something useful? You can go find the others and see how Trickster's doing. It's been awhile since we heard anything, and most of the other mares went to go help her." he suggested.

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