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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262802 Posted on 2022-11-28 18:40:45

Thogh that was when Darling entered the room as Azulia wanted to comfort Namir from the heartbreak that she was feeling, but she also didn't want the emotions to affect her unborn foal, but she also cared for other's.. So she was stuck in a loop of not deciding something.

"Let's go." Darling said, her horn didn't glow as she imtidatedly walked past everyone, Oceanus was ready for a fight, though she also wasn't sure about the other's but Scorn was ready as he summoned his metallic form, the imtimedating form made even Oceanus feel small compared to the aggressive nature Scorn was unleashing.

"I just got this form, so I'M READY TO PROTECT!" Scorn shouted, his dark wings and horn appeared as another set of horns were on the inside towards the forelock and outside just a little lower to the ear.

"I'll give you all powerful forms that can protect you for awhile, but I'm not sure how they last since they are Metallic Forms, only for the righteous guards that are seen." Scorn made an example as a guard and a few other's joined the little rebellion that was here.

"Namir, we're ready to serve your call, should we ambush or go blind into the fight?" Scorn said chillingly through his Metallic Form, the end was nearing faster then expected though with Metallic Forms, it'd only take a few hours to reach Dra's kingdom.

"The end is nearing our destiny, though we may be different but when we defeat Dra, peace will be restored as it had been in the Past, and centuries before Dra was even born." Azulia said, she didn't have a form as she would be the scout since- her foal.

"Azulia, I don't think you should come with us, your pregnant and I don't want to risk you getting slain with your foal.." Olymphia said protectively, she wanted the best for Azulia but she insisted on coming, so Cronsi was also a scout to stay with Azulia.

"Alright, we have a little army, but if I include the rest of soldiers then we'd have over 100 horses fighting to protect a futue, a destiny, lives, and even your sister's future being painted." Oceanus said, she whistled the rest of the guards as she was right, there were over a 100 horses, but she had a card up that hoof of her's and she was ready to use it!

"We should go now, no more time to waste!" Cronsi said, he and Azulia were already walking as Oceanus led the march, then everyone else shortly followed behind as the marching of the hooves were loud and armour was clanky, but it was imtimadating to the ears.

Though Olymphia's wing was burnt forever, she could still use it even though some feather's were torn, she was good at acrobatics anyways, Azulia then shortly followed after her as Scorn followed as well. Cronsi just smiled at his mate but kept up the pace with the guards to ensure a strong, rthymic, imtidating, sound of hooves and metal being clanky but defensive as well. Sadly Dra was just starting to try and torture Solstice as a guard came in and informed Dra.

"What?! Oceanus dares to fight me?!" Dra had said, his hissing in the back of his throat was barely heard but it loud at the end as his voice died off, "Bring everyone to fight! Hence at once!" Dra had ordered, the guard then shortly left as he ran out to collect everyone.

Dra then turned his focus to Solstice, he smiled at her as he took her to his throne room, the imtidating blackness but lava dripping and the light is gave off was enough to make it look like a haunted mansion, though he was planning on using Solstice as a little pawn he didn't show no fear.

"This feat will be accomplished by you, as soon as those pesky Sea Ponies get here, then your just used up." Dra had told Solstice, she had to realize that she was now a pawn in his little game.

"I may be over 12.000 centuries old, but I still have my wits and cleverness ever so sharp, thanks to both the curse by the god's and my own immortality curse, I now have access to anything. Though I may be telling the lie, but my age is forever growing." Dra had spoken once more, though his voice got deep and bruding at the end, seeming like he was used to battles and fights, but it annoyed him.

But Dra had awaited for the time to use his full power, he was only using small amounts, but he made sure to lock Solstice in more chains, to at least keep her where she was. But Dra had now revealed that she was a pawn in a game of chess, and if Dra had won, everything would burn in chaos and the god's would die off slowly until he claimed Faith once more.

Though that was when Eclipsetess was shoved through the door, and placed next to Solstice, though Solstice was in Faith's smaller throne and Eclipsetess chained and looked like she had never gotten a bite in awhile, she seemed that she had been and seen more things worse then what Solstice never saw in this kingdom.

Though Eclipsetess remained silent, even if Solstice wanted to talk with her, she would refuse to stay quiet, she was scared of Dra and had shown it as she refused to speak. Meaning that she was forced to be mute to her friend, and dear assigned horse that she wanted to protect..

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#262805 Posted on 2022-11-28 19:39:52

     Namir just looked over to the side seeing Darling. Since when did she get back? Probably while he was recovering or in his room. He then brought his attention back to the others giving a nod, "It's time to end this..." he snorted with a stomp of his hoof, "Dra crossed the line when he messed with my sister.." Namir knew he was small in this fight, but he didn't care. His sister, Eclipsetess, and ending Dra were the most important details in what was to come. 

     He then looked over at Scorn. Namir was a follower, not a leader. Because of this Namir just thought for a moment to gather all the facts that they all currently knew, "Based on what we learned awhile ago...I'm sure he's treating my sister the same he did with Faith and Eclipsetess. He knows we're coming..whether or not he has the seeing orb.." Namir paused for a moment. This was the first battle he was going to fight in, and Scorn wanted him to call the shots?

     "We'll do what's needed. Get my sister and Eclipsetess back and end Dra. He's done enough harm here in the Isles. If we get there, and there's nothing strange..we'll ambush." he said in a small demanding yet angered tone before he looked over at Cronsi and Azulia, "Stay safe. All of you..this won't be a easy battle." he said as he started walking near Oceanus. Good thing he read some of his sister's book earlier. Namir was able to perform a spell that gave him armor for extra protection. He knew he was going to need it since his magic was no close to being as strong as the other's. Though he had forgotten about the wings Olymphia had given him. Unfortunately he hadn't even really tried to use them, but knew this wasn't the time.

     Namir just walked in the same rhythm as everyone else. Though his ears remained halfway flat against his neck as it was easy to see he was angry. He was just more concerned and worried about his sister more then anything. "I'm coming Solstice..." he said underneath his breath. Though Namir's leg and side had healed from from his sister..his leg was a bit tender, but he just ignored it. 

     Solstice tried to get away. To get out of this place. She could hardly move. All of the chains that had been placed on her were too heavy. She even had one on her waist to keep her from trying to fly away. Probably to prevent Dra from making a mistake a second time. Solstice was scared. She watched the guard enter and leave the room before she quickly lowered her head when she heard Dra yell. Though she did perk her ears when she heard the others coming. She hoped that they would all stay safe and hurry. Solstice just worried if her brother was ok..

     Solstice may have been mature now, but she'd never been this scared before in her life. Seeing Dra smile at her like he did sent even more chills down her spine. That was when he took her to a different room. Solstice quietly walked with her head lowered. The only sound heard was their hooves and the chains rattling in the silence. Hesitantly she looked at the room which she quickly realized was the throne room. Solstice realized he was doing the same that he had done to Eclipsetess.

     She just heard him correctly right? He was going to use her for something? Something evil? No. She wouldn't. Never would she help someone like Dra, but she also didn't know what he meant by his choice of words. Though she did realize she was a part of his little game. Like a game of chess. "I know your plan Dra. We all do. Take the Isles for yourself before you destroy them and force everyone out while destroying the gods..except one." Solstice quickly hushed herself once she realized what she said, and she she feared for the worst.

     She was smart. Well maybe not in some situations like these, but she had her moments. Solstice just felt worse and more frightened as more chains wrapped around her. She now had them on her neck, legs, chest, and even on her long black horn. Solstice only looked down feeling more miserable. That was when Dra seated her on Faith's old throne when someone was forcefully shoved into the room.

     It was Eclipsetess. It seemed like ages since Solstice last saw her, and even though something sparked inside her that she hadn't felt in a long time, it pained her seeing her friend, her guardian like this. Solstice thought about talking to her, but she didn't seeing how she wouldn't talk anyway. It angered Solstice when she saw how skinny Eclipsetess looked, but she only showed worry on her face before she turned and looked at Dra.

     "Let her go." she said in a small demanding tone, "I heard the deal you proposed to your daughter. How pathetic it must be to be the most powerful and evil horse in the Isles, but your scared of your own daughter. Me for Eclipsetess. You have me, so let her go." Solstice didn't even bother to look at Eclipsetess knowing the look she would have given her, "I'll say it again. Let. Her. Go."

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#262806 Posted on 2022-11-28 20:21:11

"Oh no, my little treasure~!" Dra teased, he didn't shiver at his daughter, did he? He was showing fear for making the other's feel more powerful! That evil horse!

"Eclipsetess and you are mine, no matter if I died anyway, I always come back even if I died. I'm immortal if I don't break my curse, but I would never anyways!" Dra had paused, he knew the mess he was getting into, and he knew it well..

"Well time to move, Eclipsetess, do your job." Dra had sternly said, he forced the mare to fight for him, the veilness! Though Eclipsetess nodded in silence, she looked at Solstice with that same smile as she was taken away from her when Dra came to get her, that was when Trickster and Carrion trapped them, it seems forever ago now.

"And Solstice, you better not help or your friend goes bye-bye!" Dra had threatened Solstice with her friend's life, he even showed a thread connected to her soul and enternal young life.

"Betray me, see your friend's death, and even your own~" Dra threatened again, he was serious as he pulled the thread for his own satisfaction as Eclipsetess whinnied is a small quiet tone.

"Alright time to move, better get a bigger room." Dra said, he ordered Solstice anyways, so it was useless for her to escape now, but he did bring Solstice into the Battle Arena.

Dra then shoved Solstice down as he let her float on down with her wings, he soon brought out his devilish demon-bat wings, his wings really like a dragon's wing, he then lied that he slain the kindest dragon ever. To make Solstice fear him and get imtimadated him to do as he says, though he guessed it was useless since Solstice wouldn't quite being rebllious.

"Rebillous aren't we?" Dra had said, he showed the thread again and this time pulled harder until he heard Eclipsetess starting to choke, then he stopped to see Solstice incredibly mad at him.

"Alright alright pumpkin, no need to be mad. Just a little satisfaction for an evil stallion like me~" Dra had said, he flew up to a throne seated for him as he took up roosting there, then he pulled on Solstice's chains, forcing her to fly.

Then when Solstice sat by Dra's throne, the same chains chained around her vacant spots once more, then he summoned a mini fight as he awarded the victor to be released. But then when the victor won, they had shortly passed from Dra's lie, Solstice was silent as she watched an innocent horse die in front of her..

Though Oceanus's army had marched until Dra's guards came out to fight as they trie to ambush but didn't do it successfully, then more poured and even from the top of the cliffs of the Isle and kingdom, too many but Oceanus summoned her Gold Dragon. The beast followed Oceanus's command as another one of Oceanus's dragons came to help out as well. The dragons defending them then Oceanus told everyone that they needed to head, the dragons were better at combat then a horse but the army soon followed Oceanus's command.

But when they all poured into the throne room, they all saw Eclipsetess as she started to fly, her skinny sides had bones showing, but she summoned as much magical power that she could. Then Faith came down to help, she was now much bigger and different, she was quite bigger then Oceanus as she had taken another couple of god's ranks, she now had the power to help.

Though as Scorn had run into the Battle Arena, the rest of the army defended the throne room, but as Scorn ran into the arena. Ready to defend, he couldn't hear anything since Dra had made Solstice hush, he even put a muzzle on her to be quiet.

Then Scorn dodged a spell casted by Dra and had done the same, but after a couple of rounds of fighting, Dra had enough as he summoned some spikes to penetrate Scorn and he did it successfully as the lead stallion had fallen to his wounds. Dra had laughed as another horse ran into the arena.

Then the rest poured in as one by one, they all went down until it was Darling, Azulia, Olymphia, Faith, Scorn was resting from his wound as Oceanus instantly started to heal the wounded and even the dead, Cronsi fell ill to his wound but the healing tide in the pool surrounded his wounds.

Dra was reaching his power point on exploding, but he held onto his magic more and more, Oceanus giving up healing as she needed to dodge and heal the surviving horses. Scorn then fell down to another round of battling as the mares started to adapt more and more to Dra's rthymic casting.

But he did throw in random spells that could knock a horse off their feet, but the mares healed and delt damage to Dra, but he was still reaching his full wrath..

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#262813 Posted on 2022-11-29 07:11:02

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess before she looked down. Of course Dra lied. Why wouldn't he? Just a greedy stallion that wants everything for himself. Which also meant her and Eclipsetess were his prisoners. His treasures. She hoped the others would arrive soon. How Eclipsetess has lasted for nearly a month she had no idea. Solstice was now more miserable then she ever has in her life. Though she hoped the both of them would be able to get out of there soon..safely if they could.

     "Like I said before your end is coming," she said looking at him for a minute despite the chills he sent down her spine each time she looked at him, "The others are coming. They won't stop until your defeated. They will do what it takes to achieve that." she said with a small quiet snort. Unlike him, she spoke the truth. The others were coming, and she knew they would do what it takes to end Dra and to get her and Eclipsetess back.

     That was when she looked at Eclipsetess giving her a sorrowful look. Solstice didn't know how Eclipsetess had lasted this long if Dra forced her to fight. She was so skinny her bones were showing. How she still stood only made Solstice feel worse. She could feel her stomach twisting and turning. She knew Dra would treat her the same as her friend, and she was right. When Eclipsetess gave her the same smile she gave when Dra originally took her, she knew she was coming close to loosing her friend. 

     Solstice lowered her ears and frowned as Eclipsetess walked off to fight for Dra's entertainment. It's was cruel. Absolutely cruel. That was when she looked at Dra again then her friend gulping a bit when she looked at the thread Dra had showed her with fear in her eyes. He was threatening both their lives just to get her to break her to follow his commands like Eclipsetess was. 

     Betray him? No she would never betray him. Solstice was never with him. She never worked for him, so she couldn't betray him. He may have manipulated her just to get his hooves on her, but she still never worked for him. If Dra is as smart as he says he is then he should have known that. Solstice tried to get to Eclipsetess as Dra had pulled the thread a small bit threatening both their lives, but she couldn't move. The weight of the chains was too heavy to even move. Solstice could barely even more her head as she was forced to watch.

     Though Dra had then taken her to the Battle Arena. She looked at her wings and spread them out slightly once she realized she could move them again. Honestly she forgot she even had wings. Dra then shoved her as she quickly spread out her wings quickly trying to make a easy landing, but it was difficult since she still had all the others chains everywhere on her which added weight. Though she somehow managed. Her wings did grow larger before she had returned to the Isles. 

     Solstice then looked down as much as she could when Dra had told her about the dragon he killed. She wasn't sure whether or not to believe him, but she just looked at him snorting, "If I wasn't smart enough to know that all you do is lie and hurt others. How you even live every day knowing all the harm you've done to hurt others and not care is menacing." Though she couldn't shut her mouth when she looked at Eclipsetess seeing her start to choke.

     "Stop! She's done nothing but obey your orders!" she said yelling at him a bit angrily. Pumpkin? Who's he calling pumpkin? Solstice looked nothing like a pumpkin. Her coat was as dark as the night blue sky with star like spots covering her coat. A sideways gold crescent moon below her horn and a black one on her flank. She was no pumpkin. There was a reason to be mad. He was using her friend as a way to make her cooperate. That was just wrong.

     Solstice flew as Dra pulled her up. Her wings were then to her sides as a chain wrapped around them once more to ensure she couldn't fly anymore. She had no choice but to watch the fight. Horror filled her expressions as Dra had killed the innocent victor. He was torturing these poor innocent horses and she couldn't do anything except watch while he tortured her as well. She was miserable and didn't know if the others would have failed causing her to stay with Dra for the rest of her life. Whether or not it was short or long, it would of been torture anyways.

     Namir had been distracted because of his sister. The longer Dra had her, the more harm he could do to her and even change her. When it came to battle, Namir fought. With everything he had. For Solstice. For the Isles. He focused himself on the battle and getting his sister back. Though Namir stopped as he looked at the dragons Oceanus had summoned. He'd never seen a dragon before, but he just followed the others as they made their way to the kingdom and Dra.

     "Eclipsetess..." he said to himself as he stopped again and look up at her. All he saw was bones. Then he looked seeing his sister. Completely covered in chains unable to move. She even had a muzzle on her. It pained him seeing her like this, but he just followed the others. At that point, Namir was fueled by anger and anger only. He had enough of Dra. It was time to bring this madness to a end. 

     Namir fought off some of Dra's army as his eyes glowed the same dark red they did at times before he turned his attention to Dra, "This ends here and now Dra!" he yelled with a stomp of his hoof as he used a stronger yet similar spell Solstice had used on him as he sent it to Dra. Though that was when Dra returned the favor. Namir had fell, but he got back up. Thanks to the armor, he wasn't wounded as badly as he got back up when Faith arrived to help. Though he went and stood by the others that still stood still fueled by his anger.

     Solstice had looked down until she realized what was happening. She looked up seeing Scorn fall before she saw Namir. He was ok! She was so worried about him not knowing if she killed him or not, but she was relieved to know Namir was fine. Though she just sat there in agony as she watched them all fight Dra getting wounded and hurt while she could do nothing. Not even speak. She tried to get to them, but again she couldn't move.

     That was when she had enough. Enough of all of this. It was time to do something about it. Solstice sat there calming her nerves as she focused on her horn and her magic. Slowly her horn began to glow as her necklace did the same. The brighter her horn glowed, the brighter her necklace glowed. Eventually the chains slowly burned off of her. Once she could open her wings, she spread them and launched herself into the air before landing in front of the others her horn, necklace, and eyes still glowing. Dra thought he could overpower and manipulate her, but he was wrong. "Like I said Dra. This ends now. Your time has come." she said with a snort as she spread her wings to full length.

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#262817 Posted on 2022-11-29 09:22:57

"Pfft, you lowly, puny, nothing horses could defeat me?" Dra asked, his tone was annoyed but also kid-like, but his voice sounded distorted, he reached his full max of anger.

"I'll love to see what you do~!" Dra spoke, this time he pulled the thread that was on Eclipsetess and she was forced into the air and landed on Dra's roost.

"This is what happens if you betray me.." Dra had said, he pulled the thread out so far that Eclipsetess didn't move, then he shoved her body off of the roost as it landed down onto the hard ground, everyone fell silent and surprised.

Though Dra used this as he summoned spikes, then he had spreaded out his bat-like wings and took to the air fast, his speed unmatched, he did begin to hover in the air as he used his magic to make him bigger that he stopped as he reached his ceiling in the Battle Arena..

Oceanus summoned a water trident but it did nothing, Azulia was hiding but she did say that his health was back up to where it was originally, then Dra pulled Azulia out of her hiding place and just did what he did to Eclipsetess and down she went. Including her foal, Cronsi looked at Azulia's body of no motivation to move, he began to cry..

Cronsi was then fueled with incredible anger as he tried several times to end Dra, but it was useless as he went down like the two girls, at least he's with Azulia now and their unborn foal in The Heavens, Oceanus was mad but she went down as well as she turned her head to face Dra..

That was when a spike penetrated through her front and out the end, Oceanus was forever down, now three friends gone and a queen had died, what would they do?

Though as Eclipsetess's body started to glow, she floated from the ground and then she came back to life, she was incredibly mad, and that same glow continued to make her float, she was determinded to end Dra with her friend, that was when Eclipsetess told Solstice to fly into the air and start shooting him with magic.

Eclipsetess then stood there as she summoned her dead friends back to life, though they bore the same glow, meaning they would forever go back to The Heavens and have their fate decided. Though Azulia's foal was still in her, but she ran fast as she had no wings anymore, but her speed was so great that she ran into the air floated along with Solstice though she zoomed around Dra's head as a distraction.

That was when Dra used his hoof to slap Azulia from the air, she took no damage but her body did, then Dra had the big idea to summon spikes through Namir. And that's what he did, he waited for Namir to unexpect his spikes as it penetrated through him, and then he fell down. He bore wounds as Oceanus's soul started reviving them back to normal and not the glowing normal.

Back to life from death normal..

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#262818 Posted on 2022-11-29 11:19:22

     Solstice snorted, “Yes we can. I was able to break out of your chains wasn’t I?” she said standing tall as Namir walked up to her standing beside her. She wanted to apologize for what she did to him, but she knew she couldn’t not at the time. Solstice knew Dra’s anger slowly grew over time, and it was clear he was as angry as he was going to get. Though she just kept her wings out as her eyes, horn, and necklace continued to glow.

     “Betray you? I never did such a thing because I was never WITH you. You of all stallions should know that,” she snapped before she fell silent. Not even a cricket made a noise..if there were crickets. Solstice and the others just looked in horror and grief as Dra killed Eclipsetess right in front of them. She started to blame herself on the inside for not getting her friend out of there when she had the chance. Now Eclipsetess was gone because she didn’t save her.

     Though everyone started to back up as Dra grew to be the size of the room. Solstice never thought he had that power, but now she figured he had that and a lot more. Though Namir just looked at her giving a nod as a way to tell her he was with her and would follow her. That was when Dra grabbed Azulia and killed her as well. No one said a thing. Not a thing. Not a sound came from them. Solstice just started to blame herself. If she hadn’t done what she did, then her friends would still have been with her.

     Then the same happened to Cronsi. Solstice felt a pit in her stomach as it felt like her heart just shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. Solstice just looked to her side seeing Oceanus fall. Only a few of them stood as she did a small growl like sound, “You devil!” she said outraged as she yelled, “Haven’t you hurt us enough!?” Solstice was in tears as she yelled at him stomping her hoof loud enough it echoed a small bit.

     Solstice then looked over seeing Eclipsetess’s corpse start to glow. It started to glow brightly, and she didn’t know what was happening as her body started to float before she came back to life. It baffled her on what happened and even how it happened, but it seemed Eclipsetess was just as angry as she was. Solstice wanted to ask her things and talk to her, but she knew that wasn’t the time. She just have a firm nod as she quickly launched herself into the air. Everything that was previously glowing seemed to glow even more. At that point it was noticeable..very noticeable.

     “One of the many things that sets us apart is that I never lie.” she said before she gave Dra most of what she had as Eclipsetess revived the others. Soon she looked to her side seeing Azulia at her side before she started to distract Dra. Solstice then used more magic until she wasn’t sure what she was doing or even how she was doing it, but it didn’t take long for her to start feeling weak. Though she kept going giving Dra everything she had in her as her eyes, horn, and necklace glowed brighter and brighter.

     That was when she looked down seeing her brother fall. He was gone..then she fell crashing into the ground. Solstice had given Dra everything she least everything she thought she had in her before she slowly lifted her head to look at her brother. “No…” she said quietly and shakily as she could barely move. Solstice never learnt the restoration spell, and she couldn’t summon her book. Everything that was glowing had stopped, but that was when her necklace started to glow on its own. 

     Solstice never saw it glow before. She just never noticed it before. Though it quickly flew brighter and brighter until she couldn’t see anything but a light blue glow surrounding her. Suddenly, she felt her magic inside her again. She felt her strength return, but a white robe had appeared on her with armor over it. Her wings were spread out to full length as she floated even if she wasn’t flying.

     Then slowly, the light had disappeared as Solstice felt her hooves make contact with the ground once more. She looked at herself unsure of what just happened to her, but she felt even more magic seeping through her veins. What she didn’t know was that her mother’s necklace held power that would only unleash in the right time. Why it was now, she didn’t know, but her mother had always watched over her. “My precious is time…” her mother said up in The Heavens even though her daughter wouldn’t be able to hear her. Though Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess for a moment unsure of what happened before she turned her attention back to Dra..

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#262821 Posted on 2022-11-29 11:52:01

"Ooh~? One of those necklaces? I'LL RIP IT OFF OF YOU THEN!" Dra shouted as he retained his normal form, though he was quick to get Azulia once more, then his bat-like wing shifted to a more dragon-like shape of his wings.

Dra looked at them as he summoned more guards.. Undead guards.. Though he madly looked at Solstice as he jumped up to her, Eclipsetess quickly launched a couple spells before Dra's spike had gotten to her heart, though Oceanus quickly got up as she was revived..

"You (evil horse)!" Oceanus screamed, her dragons heard her as they were munching on some horses that they defeated, though they couldn't get inside since they weren't horses, so they waited outside.

But Trickster came as Carrion was badly wounded, he was about to give up until Trickster blasted a loud shot at Dra, he was hit in the head but he didn't go down. No, he needed his spells to be broken, then he would age rapidly.

"You are all stupid! You are all forgetfull, stupid, muscriants, not worth the life that you live!" Dra said as he ripped the necklace off and ate it whole, Solstice's power was now gone but Azulia now unlocked Solstice's hidden magic that she gave her, though she unlocked her full power now.

"You.. Are going to die!" Dra shouted, as he tried to use his spike Solstice's heart, but he missed and seemed to go after her only, but Dra then went back to his bigger form.

As Dra kept using his spikes, his anger only grew more and more, past his limit and past his annoyance. He was going to end it all, he was going to end the legend, he was going to end Solstice with his bare hooves if he was forced too.

"Solstice! Use a Sonic Boom spell!" Azulia shouted at the top of her lungs, she wanted and kinda forced Solstice the only option in her path, Dra looked at Azulia as she was knocked aside until she couldn't move, then..

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#262822 Posted on 2022-11-29 12:36:26

     Solstice just backed up a few steps as Dra shrunk to his original size and put his main focus on her. She knew at that moment that she couldn’t let him take it even if it wasn’t sure why it was so special to him. She knew why it was special to her, but why would Dra want it? “No you won’t. The necklace belongs to me. I may not know why you would want it, but I’m not going to let you take it,” she said firmly as she gave him another blast from her horn.

     “Eclipsetess!” she yelled as Dra sent a spike to her heart. She watched her fall a second time only to crush her heart even more before looked over at Oceanus as she yelled at Dra. Though Solstice didn’t know what to do anymore. She tried everything she knew and beyond that. Nothing seemed to stop Dra. Was there a way to defeat him and save everyone? At that point, Solstice just stood unsure of what to do. She looked over at Everest, Scorn, Olymphia, Faith, and Darling one by one before she soon realized what needed to be done.

     Though Solstice hadn’t been paying attention when Dra snatched the necklace from her neck and swallowed it whole. “No!” she yelled. Solstice had never took that necklace off. It was the only thing that she had of her parents..her mother. It was the most important thing to her besides her brother. She felt lost without it. With the loss of the necklace, Solstice felt her magic being drained from her until she couldn’t feel it anymore, “No…” she said quietly as her magic left her. She was vulnerable.

     Solstice looked up at Dra before she looked over at Azulia. It wasn’t long before she felt magic seeping through her veins once more. It felt different..she wasn’t sure how or why, but it just did. As soon as she noticed the spike coming towards her, Solstice spread her wings once more as she did a backflip in the air landing on the ground as the spike hit a wall full of magma. Solstice just kept dodging them as Dra sent more her way.

     She paused for a second to look at Azulia before Dra knocked her away leaving her motionless. A sonic boom? She never heard of that, but she gave it a shot anyway. She knew it was the only option. Solstice quickly spread her wings and launched herself into the air with force as she hovered in the air. Then she closed her eyes and put all her focus on the spell. The tips of her wings touched causing them to start glowing as her horn did the same. Solstice felt the magic running within her as her magic veins started glowing. Much like what happened to Olymphia when she did that one spell.

     Then slowly a large beam of magic shot from her horn and hit Dra. She opened her eyes only for them to glow the same color as her eyes, but at the time she had no pupils. The beam of magic still continued to blast Dra as she stayed in the air. Then things got too bright once more to know what happened next. Solstice had slowly fallen to the ground her wings laid out on each side of her as she laid motionless on the ground. The robe and armor still on her body. Solstice just laid motionless for awhile. Did she do it? Did she defeat Dra? 

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#262830 Posted on 2022-11-29 16:16:41

"NoOoOoOo!!" Dra shouted as the beam hit him, and he was no more, but Solstice's necklace did fall to the ground as it was untouched, though another necklace was next to it.

The second necklace's chain was black, but the gem was fire-like, having amber in the inside of the gem but it was encrusted so it was motionless, but the inside did show a pretty mare.. It had the words labelled underneath spell out "My Little Treasure", the mare in the picture looked to be about Dra's height but she didn't look like a magma pony at all.

No, the mare had a white apron marking on her face, and the mare had blue eyes, and she looked to be an adult, perfect for a mare to pick out a mate! Though Darling came over with curiosity, then she flipped it over as the words read in hand written form "My dear wife, sadly you passed and never came back like you promised, now you leave me emty to care for our daughter, I'll be full of evil and hate soon. But I loved you, yet you left." -from Dra.

"Dad?! Dad wrote this?! But he's evil! Well was until we defeated him!" Darling said, she does not think that this writing was from Dra, her own father.

"Darling, doesn't his writing meet the magma necklace's writing? If so, your father was in his most boyant form; sickling love.. He was love sick.." Azulia asked, she was back to normal and so was the other's and the army that Oceanus had formed.

"He was a horrible father, a horrible ruler, a horrible person! He didn't deserve to live!" Darling screamed, she just ran off as Eclipsetess walked over to Azulia and leaned her weight on her a little bit, Azulia didn't mind as she neighed to Solstice, though she saw Namir on the ground..

"Stay right there Eclipsetess, Solstice will help you up." Azulia said as she trotted over to Namir's body, though she did give some stength for Solstice to get up.

But then Azulia looked back at Namir as she started the restoration spell, then some vines stared growing from the ground, where Azulia was standing as she didn't release the spell yet, as the vines started spreading into grass, the surroundings as the grass touched Namir's body and he started glowing..

Then as Azulia sent off the spell, the kingdom of darkness turned into a beautiful serene forest for a couple of minutes before returning to it's normal spell, though Darling teleported everyone into the throne room, she was sitting on the throne as the new queen now had something to do. But a guard walked up next to her and sat down, Darling knew she liked him, and now everyone got to go home..

(Time skip!)

Though as Azulia got Eclipsetess to fly, she had Solstice do the samething as a slowly reverting Cronsi body was returning normal but he did walk back with Namir as he was also reverting back, Oceanus just teleported her army home, and she trotted up to the group as Everest and Scorn came along too.

Oceanus bucked a little bit as her burden of fear was no longer there, and Scorn battered Everest on the side to join his herd, Eclipsetess happily neighed at Azulia and Solstice, she was flapping her wings and felt free once more..

(Another time skip)

As everyone got to their homes, and Oceanus in her kingdom, Scorn returned to his herd as Trickster greeted him Carrion ran up to her and hugged her happily, their little foal also went up to her father and greeted him once more, Azulia and Cronsi were happy to be back, then Cronsi joined the herd as an expecting father!

Eclipsetess? She went to Namir and put a flower in his forelock that leaned towards his tail, though she did giggle and enjoy the little leaning flower, Azulia just assumed she had developed a crush.. Though she could be wrong since Eclipsetess barely shows emotions towards a stallion, but she did assume that Eclipsetess just wanted to be friends with him..

"Eclipsetess work it!" a random mare said, though the whole herd laughed as Eclipsetess joined in, they were laughing with her not against her.

"Funny joke!" Eclipsetess shouted, though when Smoke walked up to Solstice, she was quite taller then expected, her mother followed behind as she kept her close, even though she was respected and awarded as the Hero of Darkness and welcomed her and everyone else home.

But the Isles came together to create a statue of her looking up at The Heavens as her wings were out and her horn pointed upward, her necklace on her chest pointed towards The Mainland, her mane blowing in the wind and her tail barely blowing except the bottom part at least. And the statue stood above the forest behind Solstice's herd as they were being watched by the mare that saved their butts and the legend was complete.

And Solstice's legend was now out in the public as everyone knew the truth now, she was the one to save the Isles and their kingdoms, but Eclipsetess was her guardian once more and this time she kept her safe..


As a young mare was walking around the Isle of Darkness, she walked up to the libraries doors and entered the library, she went to the historical section of the library and started to read a book called "The Life of Dra", she was reading her grandfather's book that he made so long ago.

That was when she saw a spell to..

"Molten! There you are! Scared me half to death when you ran off!" Darling said as she walked up to the young mare, she saw the book that she was reading.

"Oh your grandfather's book huh? I thought I taught you better then this, now come along since I've been forced by your dad to get you to a royale prince to marry in the future, you have a chance to find a better boy then this prince." Darling said as the young mare followed behind her, Darling's daughter was Molten and that guard that walked up to her when everyone left had claimed her heart.

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#262834 Posted on 2022-11-29 17:38:02

     Solstice had laid motionless for a few minutes before she slowly opened her eyes. She slowly got onto her hooves and brought her wings to her sides. She looked around seeing the others, "What happened..?" she said slowly walking over to them as she shook her head a bit, "I only remember Dra taking my necklace..after that it's all blank..." That was when she looked down and noticed her necklace, "My necklace...but Dra..he..." Solstice couldn't finish that sentence as she was just glad that she didn't loose it forever, but she also figured out that Dra was no more. 

     She just picked it up and placed it around her neck in its rightful place. Solstice felt herself again once she put the necklace back on, "I don't know why Dra wanted it..but I'll have to study on it and protect it better.." she said more to herself as she looked back up at the others. Solstice just went and stood beside Eclipsetess letting her lean against her, "I thought I lost you..I thought I lost you all.." her voice was quiet but it died down when she looked over seeing her brother on the ground as Azulia walked over to him as her expression saddened..

     Namir suddenly woke as he jumped up on his hooves. "W-what happened!?" he asked looking around before looking at Azulia. "My she-" he paused when he saw Solstice and quickly went over to her, "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" he asked looking over every inch of her when he noticed the white robe and the armor she wore over it, "Woah..were you always wearing that?" he asked actually liking the look. Though he was just relieved that things were over, and she was ok.

     Solstice just stayed where she was letting Eclipsetess use her for support. The saddened expression on her face quickly left as Namir came over to her, " was mom's necklace..I don't know what happened, but it's hard to explain," she said looking down before she wrapped herself around him after making sure Eclipsetess was alright, "I-i thought I killed you...I had no control over anything...all I remember is reading my book in my room, and then I see you fall to the ground because of me.."

     Namir just wrapped himself around her, "No you didn't..Dra tried to. He was manipulating you to come to him since he knew he couldn't get you with us in the way...I'm just glad to see you okay..That wasn't you. Sure it was pretty painful, but I was able to make it back to the others and healed up." he said before looking at the others, "Thanks for..everything, and it's good to see you again Eclipsetess.." he said with a grateful smile. Then he used the same spell that gave him a little bit of armor, but he only used it take off the armor. He did the same with his sister, but he left the robe. "It suits you."

     Then they both admired the kingdom as Azulia returned it to it's original self, "Who would of thought this place would be so..peaceful and beautiful." Solstice said admiring it even though she was a bit tired from everything. She hadn't slept in ages, but she was just thankful everything was finally over. Though she knew it take time for her to mentally recover from everything. She just looked at Darling and the guard smiling before they all left heading home.

     As they all started heading to their homes, Solstice flew up to the others, "It's finally over.." she said in a bit of shock, but she was finally happy..happy with her life. Even though Dra had lied in his promise to make her dreams to come true...they did. To be have a purpose. Solstice just flew up higher before she closed her wings halfway and did a small backflip before she started to fall. Though she didn't care. At the right time, she just opened her wings again and caught herself before she flew back up in a spiral before she joined the others once more. Namir just smiled watching her.

     They all said their goodbyes to Oceanus as she went back to her kingdom before the rest of them went to their home. Though Solstice just remembered she didn't really know the other mares in the herd, but she had the greatest friends she could ask for. She just stood by herself taking in the fresh air as the others reunited and celebrated. She was the protector of the Isles, but for now she wanted to celebrate, get to know the other mares, and relax.

     Namir just watched everyone smiling as he looked at his sister before he looked over at Eclipsetess. He just looked at the flower as she placed it in his forelock. He just smirked before he nuzzled her. That was when he looked over rolling his eyes at the other mares. He was here to stay. No longer a traveler..a wanderer. It didn't seem right to leave after everything, and things were finally perfect.

     Solstice just chuckled to herself seeing her brother and Eclipsetess before looking over to see Smoke and her mother. She just nuzzled the little filly before she looked up nodding her head to the mother. Everyone knew the legend. The story. Solstice went from a shy pathetic filly to the young mare that saved everyone from Dra. Though she knew it was going to take time for her to mentally heal from everything and the attention she'd be getting from then on. Everyone knew who she was now, but she didn't think it would have been a bad thing. 

     Though she couldn't help but to look at the statue made of her. Solstice didn't think it was necessary, but everyone insisted. She was watching over the herd while being a member of it, and she wouldn't ask for anything different. Solstice just spread her wings and flew up in the air deciding to have a good time and have some fun. She may not have been a real alicorn, but she grew attached to her wings like she always had them in the first place. Though..were things really over? 

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#262839 Posted on 2022-11-29 19:14:58

As Azulia watched Solstice fly into the air she smiled before Eclipsetess into Namir a little more, she just wanted her to be happy, though she quickly regained her normal diet and flew up into the sky, but before that she did get a quick and fast kiss on the cheek for Namir. Everyone could tell that she now was happy..

Though Trickster and Carrion soon moved into the herd, Azulia was in her nineth month as it took a couple of months to help Trickster and Carrion move in, but everyone enjoyed the extra protection, even though she's not supposed to do anything hurtful during her pregnancy. But Azulia ignored the worriedness and helped.

Cronsi just stood near and protected Azulia well since she was nearing her time to birth their first foal, he was excited and ready to become a dad that everyone knew and always told him the samething, but he could never control his excitment, he didn't care as Azulia came up to him and groomed him meaningful as he returned the favor.

Though Scorn did have a another foal in the batch as it was male since Smoke was more gentler on the kicks, meaning that Smoke was gonna have a step-sibling, and she was the older step-sibling. Azulia did notice a few more horses join in, one looked wintery and chilling, she must've been the new mare that recently joined since Scorn was excited to meet her.

But as the mare was introduced to everyone, a stallion and accompanied by a younger mare, though both looked related to each other, so they must've have been siblings.

"Hello! I'm Uni! And I'm Rugged's little sister but I'm 3 and going onto 4!" Uni excitedly said, her parents must've abandoned her that bad if they wanted a unicorn daughter, but Rugged more protective.

"Welcome, but you two look like the complete opposites of Namir and Solstice, though Namir is taken by Eclipsetess, the darker taller mare next to the smaller one is named Solstice the younger sister of Namir!" Azulia welcomed Rugged, Uni and Winter into the herd.

Everything was going fast now, since every Isle seemed to be opening up more and the alicorn king did visit with his other children along with a wife of his, a smaller mare but she does have some strange wings and even a strange horn, but it makes her more unique.

"Hello, I am Soup, the Duchess of the alicorn king. I hail from a different royale line, so my title as it is. But do not fret, we are here to stay for the week, so that our kids could meet up and talk again once more!" Soup excitedly said, she swished her tail and the king just nuzzled her sweetly.

"Wonderful! I bet we're gonna have more new horses join soon! So we'll have so many things to talk about!" Azulia said, she giggled and Cronsi nuzzled her, Eclipsetess then put her head on Namir's back as she was quickly jealous of Azulia, though she did stop if it made Namir confused.

"Sorry Namir, for making you uncomfortable.." Eclipsetess apologized, though she was about to walk back when..

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#262844 Posted on 2022-11-29 20:45:38

     Solstice just flew around finally happy. No worry. No fear. No Dra. Never has her life been this easy, or even happy. Her brother stayed, she was in a loving herd, she had the best friends she could ask for, and she found herself even in the darkest of times. Solstice had everything she wanted, at least everything she thought she wanted. Sure every now and then she shivered at the thought of Dra, but that was to be expected. She never imagined of having the life she wanted, and it was better then she ever thought it would be.

     Namir just looked up at his sister doing a small chuckle, "She may be all grown up now, but I swear she still acts like she did as a filly every now and then..just a lot happier." he said happily as he was glad that things worked out for everyone. Though him and Solstice still didn't like Dra's name being mentioned. They didn't want the past to burden them, but it was something none of them could forget even if they wanted to. 

     Though Namir looked back down at Eclipsetess smiling. Though he just froze slightly as she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He soon looked up at her as she joined his sister. Solstice couldn't help but to laugh, "Lovebirds," she said before she flew away a small bit knowing Eclipsetess was going to go after her for that one, but it was true. She never saw her brother care for anyone but her. Though she was happy to see that he found someone. Especially with it being Eclipsetess. Solstice knew they were all about protecting her, and she constantly told them that she could handle herself especially since Dra was finally gone.

     Solstice just watched the herd from above. There had been a lot going on since peace was restored on the Isles. She may have been the one that defeated Dra in the end, but it was a team effort. She wouldn't have been able to do anything if it weren't for everyone that helped her get her friend back and defeat Dra. Though she put that behind her for the most part and just watched the herd. Families being made, new members, and peace all around. 

     When Solstice noticed a pair of horses that she hadn't seen before, she just landed beside her brother as Eclipsetess did the same. "This herd keeps getting bigger and bigger," she said happily as she watched Azulia greet this new mare and stallion a short distance away. Though she just snorted a bit, "Hey! I'm not that small!" she said walking up to Azulia giving her a bit of a look before she just smiled messing with her a bit.

     "It's nice to see some new faces around. I'm sure you already knew who I was before my friend Azulia here introduced me and my brother, but that's okay if not. Hope you all settle in well." she said before looking at Azulia, "You should go rest. That foal of yours will be here before you know it. Now go rest," she said carefully pushing her towards Cronsi. "Now I should really go and work some more on my magic." she said excusing herself from the new arrivals as she flew off a small distance away.

     Solstice was always working on her magic learning new spells, controlling it, and well just making sure she was ready if there ever was another threat. She hoped there wouldn't be, but things couldn't stay happy and perfect forever. She knew that already, but she also just loved magic. Because of this, Solstice spent a hour or two a day improving her magic or sometimes just learning and reading spells from her book.

     Namir smiled as the alicorn king and his duchess arrived. He did a small bow in respect before he looked at Eclipsetess smiling as she laid her head on his back. He just smiled doing a small laugh, "Don't apologize." he said as he nuzzled her. Who knew he had a soft side? Well aside from his sister. He'd admit he went soft. Well not that he never was..he just prioritized Solstice's safety. Which now he knew he couldn't do that much anymore. 

     Solstice just finished up with her magic for the day as she turned and trotted back to the herd. Even though they weren't far away. Though that wasn't what made her freeze for a moment. What were they doing here? It was Skadi, Khepri, and his little sister Isis. Solstice just pinned her ears slightly as she approached the three, "What do you guys want? I honestly thought I wouldn't see you again." She wasn't afraid of them. Not at all. They were so much easier to face then Dra was, but she let them speak.

     Skadi tried to keep herself from not doing anything rude, but she wasn't perfect at it, "We..uh...heard what happened to you and those friends of yours. I guess we were wrong in everything..the herd sent us to apologize..n-not like what you think. We all feel bad..really." she said looking at the other two as they all kept their heads lower then they usually did. Khepri and Isis just nodded a bit, "We wouldn't be here..the Isles wouldn't be here if it weren't for you defeating Dra.."

     Solstice just listened to what Skadi had to say. She was quiet for a minute though, "No. It wasn't just me that defeated him." she said pausing, "I grew with you three. I grew up in that herd. That's long enough to know that you never once cared about me and you never will. We all know Pheonix just wants me to come back, so he looks better. I suggest you guys just leave. You won't change, so don't even try." she said as she turned away, but paused, "And Skadi...I know that you're jealous. Your not that good at hiding your emotions." she said before she walked away greeting the newcomers.

     "Fine." Skadi said with a small snort before she turned around the other two following her back to their herd. She said nothing about the jealously, but Solstice had been right..about everything. Skadi just didn't like the fact that Solstice showed no fear..or anything of the sort. Never had she spoke like that to her, and Skadi didn't like it. Though there was nothing she could do about it. If Solstice had the power to stop Dra, Skadi didn't want to mess with her.

     Solstice just brushed off the little conversation she had those three before she greeted the new siblings, "I hope things are going well so far?" she said not wanting to intrude on them, "If you ever need help with anything, I'm sure if you ask someone they'd be more then willing to help." she said with a small nod to excuse herself before she flew up in the air just wanting to look around some. Solstice always loved flying and the wind in her mane and tail.

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#262849 Posted on 2022-11-30 07:37:01

"Look out below!" A mare said used her magic to turn the vegetation away from Solstice then she lowered herself as a another mare came in, though Rugged and Uni went up to greet the two mares.

"Hedge! Stone! It's so long to see you two again!" Uni shouted as she ran up to the mares, the herd presumed that Hedge was the one that made the vegetation spell as it disappeared, Stone just looked like Everest except for her rune markings glowing all over.

"Rugged my best pal! Still protecting your sister I see? Too young still?" Stone asked, she was hoping to meet up with them again in two days, but Hedge was quick on that decision.

"Yes, though I won't let her near any stallions, unless they have mates then she's good to go for friends. But we're loving our new herd now, it's more open and easier for everyone to relax.

"That's why it's called the Isle of Dreams after all!" Hedge and Uni said, they all acted like sibling's, except Stone and Rugged were older and more mature then usual.

"I never thought that the legends would be complete, but we don't know if there's more to come," Hedge admitted, though Stone nuzzled her sister gently on the face, "and besides, legends are true if they don't seem like it, I just hope that the queen of the water kingdom doesn't have any troubling foals when she gets ready." Stone said, she did look up at the sky towards Solstice and she used her runes to fly up to her and apologise for Hedge almost hitting her with her magic.

Then as Stone apologized she explored the herd as Eclipsetess showed them around while Azulia was off grazing and expecting as she laid down, while Cronsi fetched food for her so that she doesn't have to get up, though Trickster laid next to her with another big stomach.

"Whew, man walking huh? Anyways, Carrion wanted another little bundle of joy, and I agreed on accident.. I was grazing and agreeing to what he said, I should've paid more attention honestly.." Trickster told Azulia, she looked to be about Azulia's pregnancy but a month less or two, so Trickster was in her seven months.

"That's why you and Carrion disappeared, hm, I never expected Carrion to want another bundle again. But he's a great father, so I could understand why." Azulia said, Cronsi had layed down next to her and comforted Azulia.

"Yeah, but at least we have some more newer herd members joining!" Trickster said, she looked over at Rugged, Uni, Hedge and Stone, the four looked like them except being different to each other.

"Hey isn't Snip's Soup's younger brother?" Azulia asked Trickster, Cronsi looked at her and nodded his head.

"Yeah, but he's in with Soup as the youngest but still eldest foal, you all didn't get to see her since she was foaling in a foaling cavern quite far from where you where." Trickster replied back to Azulia, her reply sounded more sweet.

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#262850 Posted on 2022-11-30 09:33:50

     Solstice just flew up before she closed her wings as she began to fall, but she caught herself before she even got close to the ground as she rose back up high in the sky. She always loved doing that..well she loved everything. The clear air, everyone being happy and safe, and her friends. Though her peaceful flying session was interrupted when she heard a mare yell before she looked in front of her quickly. Solstice was able to dodge the sudden vegetation as she veered off to the side before looking down getting closer to the ground.

     Namir just chuckled as he walked over to the newcomers overhearing a part of their conversation, "Well this just sounds offly too familiar," he said with another small laugh, "Everyone is safe in this herd. Several of those here helped me get my sister back when she was manipulated by Dra.." it was clear he didn't like the topic, "My sister now helps protect the herd even if I still try to do the same with her, but it's not so easy anymore." he said looking up at his own sister before bringing his attention back to the new members.

     "There will always be unfinished legends. Good and bad. My sister's legend may have saved the Isles, but none of us involved will the same." he said in a bit of a odd tone, but he perked up at the mention of Oceanus, "Ah yes Oceanus...haven't seen her in awhile. I'm sure she'll be fine. She isn't the only one starting to have families..I best be off now cya around." Namir then just nodded as he turned and left.

     Solstice just watched from above before she looked at Stone. "Oh it's alright. I've had...worse." she said trailing off before she regained focus, "Besides..I could always use a way to work on my flying and dodging different obstacles." Then Solstice flew back down to the ground. She brought her wings to her sides as she looked around soon seeing her brother in the distance. Solstice only laughed a bit to herself as she trotted up to him.

     "I never thought that you fall for a mare..let alone Eclipsetess," she said with a grin before she stepped back avoiding the playful nip Namir tried to give her, "What? It's true! You were always too worried about me..always protecting me.." she said as Namir just rolled his eyes before she put her head on his back closing her eyes for a few minutes, "I'm just glad I didn't loose you.."

     Namir was just watching Eclipsetess give a small tour to the newcomers and introduce some of the herd members when he looked over seeing his sister. He just snorted a bit trying to nip her, but she had gotten away, "Your getting good at that.." he said with a grin, "Haven't I told you already? I will ALWAYS protect you. Just not like I used to be able to. You've grown up well. Mother and father would be proud." he said as they were. Always watching over their son and their daughter. Though it was still a mystery about who had killed them, "You didn't..thanks to the others..but you will always have me. I know mother and father was always watching us..watching you. Your a lot like mother even if you don't know it."

     "Yeah well I've just been's fun.." she said going silent for a moment, "I know..I just felt lost without you..even more lost without mom's necklace." Namir just nuzzled telling her not to worry and that it was all in the past. Solstice just nodded smiling before she watched the herd as she just listened to Namir a bit not really paying attention. She was just happy.

     Namir just looked at her, "You know that one day you'll might find a stallion." he said with a bit of a smirk, "Like you've said before your not a filly anymore..your all grown up..mature. It's about that time," he said nudging her. "I was just always searching for something better for you..I never focused on love..but I think it might of found me.." he said mumbling that last part as he looked down a bit.

     Solstice just looked at him lowering her ears, "Oh please not this. I finally have the life I wanted..I don't need a stallion..not anytime soon though." Namir just laughed as she nipped at him a bit before Solstice went and joined Eclipsetess with the tour, "Hows it going so far? Anything I can help with? I don't really have much to I'd be happy to help." she said with a smile. Namir just watched them both shaking his head amusingly before he started grazing a bit.

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#262852 Posted on 2022-11-30 11:50:14

"Oh no, you are alright going off, though I wonder if Ashton and her two other sibling's are coming, she's always keeping the two together even if they have differences, kinda like Rugged and Uni, they weren't born in the same herd or family, but they somehow found each other and they had the same interests, so they considered themselves sibling's even if they were different." Stone said, she looked at Rugged and Uni before they started chasing after each other in the herd.

"Ha, yeah they never break apart from each other if they got lost, they always found a way. Though Uni is more of a hybrid then Rugged is since he's just a normal stallion while Uni doesn't know anything, except legends and myth's and all that." Hedge said, she then shortly joined Rugged and Uni's chase.

"Oh do you want to train with my sister? My body hurts a lot since that day, but it was an accident since Hedge has been a little distant with me, but I fare well." Stone asked Solstice, though the two mares may have different levels of magic, but they acted the same way.

"Well since you two and the rest are dispersing after talking, I'll leave you be now." Eclipsetess said as she stretched her wings and flapped them a little bit, though she did trot up to the tree and looked at the dolls that she had forgotten, she didn't do anything as she left them be, she started to graze on her own.

Though Eclipsetess did use her magic every now and then, only a small portion, since she didn't trust her magic. She always thought that she was powerful, so she didn't bother using too much, and a little was fine with her anyways.

Azulia did see Eclipsetess use a little bit of magic from her horn since there was no ooze anymore, it looked like to her that she controlled it and uses it more frequently since she has mastered the oozing bit. She was happy that Eclipsetess mastered something that was worriful.

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