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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262740 Posted on 2022-11-27 15:25:42

     Namir only lowered his head a bit while still looking at the others, "I know I's just that I lied to her about so many things..some of which I still haven't told the even how our parents were killed..but I'm starting to think they knew something about Solstice..that I even don't know. Something that got them..killed." The stallion only shivered remembering the day he was walking through the woods when he came across his parents..dead. Just remembering it seemed to pain him.

      "I understand that we all had to lie at some point, but almost all I ever did was lie to her..I even just left her with that nasty herd even after they hurt her. What kind of a brother does that make me? If it wasn't for you guys I'm sure she would of just given up...given up on everything. At least now she isn't alone..she has all of you. Right now I think she just wants to know her place in this whole mess we're trying to stop."

     Though that was when everyone starting to head to bed. Namir just stayed behind letting out a heavy sigh. He just stood there alone thinking over his thoughts before he too went to his room. Namir stopped outside of Solstice's room about to check on her, but he decided against it and just let her sleep. He just finished walking to his room. Though he hadn't seen so many guards patrolling all at once..maybe because of Dra? He wasn't sure, but he got the feeling something was up. Namir didn't question things too much as he walked inside of his room.

     Solstice slept somewhat well for a good amount of time before things started going downhill. Nightmares. She could hear Dra's hissing as his face slowly appeared in her dreams. Eclipsetess in his grasp. Dra laughing. Even Dra successfully catching her. Chains were everywhere. Dra was everywhere. Voices. Hissing. Laughing. She couldn't take it. Except it seemed too real to even be a dream..not even a nightmare. 

     Suddenly Solstice opened her eyes and looked around frantically her breathing heavy, "Nightmares..." she sighed as she shakily got up and peeked her head out of the room. "That felt..too real," she said to herself as she quietly left her room heading back to the training grounds. Solstice took a breath to settle herself down before she started training again. She couldn't sleep in peace, so why not do something helpful? Solstice began doing the same thing she was doing before while working on her flying. Tight turns, avoiding objects, hitting objects, etc etc. 

     She was working herself too much. Solstice didn't stop. That was until she fell to the ground from exhaustion. She just tried getting back up. She could, but her legs were shaky. Solstice couldn't do anything right. After spending a few minutes, Solstice just slowly started walking back to her room not wanting anyone to find out what she had been doing. Somehow she managed to at least get to her room, but she unwillingly fell back asleep just outside the door.

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#262741 Posted on 2022-11-27 16:02:02

A guard had seen Solstice sleeping against the door, that was when he guessed that she trained too hard, even if it was night. Though he did get back into her room and gently put something on her to calm her down with nightmares, every guard had them and they knew too well, and then he left the room, closed the door, and started patrolling once more.

Though Oceanus was still up even if it was night out, she had so much to do in little time, so she had some guards help her with her tasks, one of the tasks was setting up tomorrow's breakfast. One guard had a lovely maiden mare cook really well in the castle, so he took that task. Of course a guard married to a maid that can cook like a chef and a cook would be taking that task.

"Alright Scyther, that just leaves some more tasks that could be filled by the other's." Oceanus told Scyther, the one married to the cooking maid, then he left to go tell his wife the news he had gotten.

"Alright alright, the rest of you will be handed out tasks since I know that you all are perfect for one of them." Oceanus said, she sounded annoyed, though she was supposed to be sleeping hours ago, but she returned to her chambers (a giant room fit for a king or queen, including their kids!), and then she went to bed.

The sudden attack was very surprising, but after she had gotten the guards to patrol more, she had another thing to do even if she was not sleeping, but her energy left and she went to her bed and began to sleep. The comfort of her bed was perfect as she slept most comfortably.

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#262746 Posted on 2022-11-27 17:39:11

     Solstice hardly woke up when the guard had put her back into her room. With overworking herself, it seemed she slept a little easier. All she wanted at that point was to be useful in some way and help the others. She wasn’t entirely defenseless anymore. She definitely knew a lot more magic than she did before, and even though she felt better about it, she just wanted to do something. Besides constantly training and running while the others fought their enemy. Solstice only wanted a purpose. She was the only one without one in the group.

     Though that morning, Solstice jolted herself awake like she did previously that night. She didn’t remember much, but her body was definitely sore. She almost didn’t want to get up because of it. Though she did. Solstice sighed as she tried stretching, but she could only do so much. After a few minutes, Solstices walked over to the door and walked out of her room looking to see if anyone else was up before she started to walk in one direction.

     It had took awhile for Namir to fall asleep that night, but he managed. He woke up awhile before his sister did, so he decided to just roam the halls for a bit before the others woke up that morning. It allowed him to clear his head as he roamed the halls passing a guard or two every now and then. That was when he saw Solstice in the distance seeing how she was walking, “Solstice. Is there something you want to tell me?” he said in a bit of a demanding tone as he stood behind her.

     Solstice froze and slowly turned around to face him with her head lowered not even daring to look at him, “N-Namir I..uh..” she didn’t really know what to say to him since she didn’t remember some things about the night before, “I couldn’t sleep…I had nightmares…but they didn’t seem like nightmares..more like someone was messing with my head. I’ve had the feeling since I came back…I just trained some more until I couldn’t anymore,” she paused as she looked up at him, “I just want to be useful for once.”

     Namir just sighed walking over to her, “We’ll see if anyone can figure something out when they’re awake, but you can’t just overwork yourself. Not in times like these. We all need all the strength we can get. It’s not helping anyone not even yourself. I told you yesterday you’ll know your purpose when it’s time. You just have to be patient.” Sure he was a bit mad at her, but Namir knew she was slowly learning some things. He was just worried about her more then anything, “If you can’t sleep just find me next time,” he said nuzzling her.

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#262750 Posted on 2022-11-27 18:15:19

After the little conversation, Oceanus came walking over before deciding that she wanted too, she seemed to be more alive then yesterday, but she did look like she needed them but also not wanting them. Though she did look like she was wearing a queen's dress, seeming that she needed a court after breakfast, and she then teleported them to the Dining Hall. This time fit for everyone's comfort, symbol, style, year, and Spirit or Guiding Animal.

Then one by one, everyone else was teleported to their seats of comfort, while also having their symbols above their head to represent what type of food they usually ate. Though Azulia's Guiding Animal appeared as she sat down comfortably in her seat, Cronsi was also suprised to find a Guiding Animal serving him today instead of the waiter's and waitress's.

And finally, Oceanus teleported to her seat, the biggest and yet, the most comfortable of all seats at the table in the Dining Hall. Though a normal servant and cook came out to bring her food out, the servant's and cooks looked worried as Oceanus was beginning to be her father, though she did have her hoof only on her face as she waited for everyone else's food to be served.

And then the Guiding Animals turned into Servant's of anyone choice, though Azulia's servant was a purple alicorn with seeping magic as magma dripped from her nose though it never melted since it was just a accessory for her, then everyone else's servant's turned into choice as they served breakfast and disappeared until they were needed.

"Well, something for the day, now let's everybody!" Azulia said, she began to eat whatever she wanted to eat first, then she would eat whatever was last.

Scorn also digged in as he sat in refinement and his crown appeard as it sat around his ear, he didn't care as long as he ate his breakfast and that Oceanus didn't truly care even if Scorn was a king and Oceanus a queen, because they know each other that well that they had their differences.

But as Oceanus got done eating, she wanted Azulia, Scorn, Solstice, and her brother Namir to be in the Court Room after they ate to their fullest and had a little stretch when walking to have their stomach's normal and empty, and then she disppeared as she teleported to her throne as she sat on it and began to wait for them..

Azulia then finished as her Guiding Animal took the dish's and had Azulia get up and start walking to the throne room as a guard was directing them where to go..

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#262757 Posted on 2022-11-27 19:06:20

     Namir just sighed wishing there was something more he could do to help his little sister. He felt like he was failing her as a big brother even though he knew he was the reason she still stood today. “Just try and take it easy today…as long as nothing happens. Just try not to worry about everything. Dra knows not to attack us twice in the same area..later I want you to try and clear your head. I think that’s your main problem..” he paused letting her know he was more worried than mad.

     “You can’t think clearly when you’re worried about’s going to fine. Darling and Eclipsetess will be fine. All of us will..going into battle when you can’t think clearly will only get yourself hurt. I..won’t always be able to protect you y’know..” Namir didn’t want to say that last part, but he knew it needed to be said. It was the truth after all, and he just couldn’t continue to lie to her anymore. 

     Solstice just looked down, “I know…I just can’t help it..I’m scared..scared of what’s to come. Scared of am I supposed to think clearly if I know Dra wants me? I don’t know how much longer I can take it..” she paused, “Don’t even try to say it’s alright Namir. You don’t know how it feels to know that a stallion or even a horse like Dra is trying to get me only for me to be a treasure. I’m trying to keep myself together, but I can’t. I’m struggling…struggling on the inside.”

     Namir just looked at her unsure of what to say. He opened his mouth, but he just couldn’t say anything. She was right. He didn’t know what it felt like, and he didn’t know how much she was going through. Namir didn’t try to pretend like he did. They both knew he didn’t. That was when Oceanus walked over. The both of them didn’t really say anything as she teleported them to the dining hall.

     The whole time, both Namir and Solstice said nothing. Namir just ate in silence and hardly paid attention to everything as he looked over at his sister periodically. Solstice barely touched her food at first, but she did eat most of it despite not wanting to. She knew she had to eat at some point. She did look around never having a meal this fancy, but she didn’t really pay attention to much of anything. 

     Solstice did however notice Scorn was wearing his crown. She had forgotten he was a king. She only let out a small quiet sigh remembering what the alicorn king…or Dra told her. Was it true? Was she the lost queen? Did she really have to marry Dra? Defeat him? Or do nothing? At this point she had no idea, and she just excused herself before she left the dining hall. Namir soon did the same thing walking a short distance behind the others. Why Oceanus wanted to speak with them none of them knew.

     Though Solstice just walked slowly and silently with her head lowered. Her head was definitely elsewhere since she wasn’t paying much attention to anything. Solstice did make it to the room her and the others were guided to as Namir just stood a small distance from her. Neither of them spoke a word since their conversation, but they just silently waited to hear what this was all about. Solstice barely even noticed the dress Oceanus was wearing.

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#262760 Posted on 2022-11-27 19:48:07

"Alright, sit over where the seats are, the specific ones that are in the boxed area, Azulia show them what I mean. Please?" Oceanus said manneredly, Azulia sat in where the jury would usually go, so that meant that they did not know what a court was to them.

Meanwhile Oceanus was sitting in her throne as the two, Solstice and Namir sat in where Azulia was sitting, though Oceanus told them to sit in where they were when she would call them, in the near future since they all needed to train some more but after this court has a settled case. Then she and the other's could relax.

When the rest of the horses in the kingdom had filled the room, one of Oceanus's sibling's was in trouble and Oceanus showed the expression of worry, she did care for all of her sibling's but she never expected one them to be on trial! But she did her best to hide, though she knew Azulia would tell her expression and show it in her eyes as she looked around the room.

Azulia spotted a horse similar to Oceanus as the stallion sat in the plaintiff as the other's horses that she didn't know though Oceanus needed information from both sides, but she couldn't help her sibling anymore..

Though when a decision became to hard for her to decide, she called the jury to go to the next room to pick a side the left side: plaintiff, the right side: defendant, though she did provide enough information for the jury to pick which side is right and which side it wrong.

But it was a hard decision, so that's why she assigned Solstice, Namir, Azulia, and the other jury members to the back of the room to decide.

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#262764 Posted on 2022-11-27 20:36:14

     Solstice and Namir just silently followed Azulia. Solstice was a bit surprised no one said anything about them being silent while they had their breakfast, but it didn't matter too much to her. Her body was still sore and something moving hurt, but she tried not to show it. One of the few things she was somewhat good at was hiding her pain, but how much more could she take? Solstice was on the verge of doing something that would probably harm herself or others. She just couldn't handle much of anything else.

     Namir just silently found a spot by his sister. He didn't say anything either. He did notice that she wanted to ask what was going on, but he just shook his head a small bit. Namir didn't even know what was going on himself. Instead he just observed and listened to what was going on even if it didn't make much sense to him or his sister. Even why they were there he wasn't too sure.

     Though Namir and Solstice walked to the other room when they were asked to. Namir just checked to see how Solstice was doing since he knew she couldn't focus and pay attention all that well. He felt bad for her. Namir just wished he could do something to help her in some way, but he couldn't. If he could have, he would have done it a long time ago. It just pained him to see her like this, "Just try to focus as much as you can..I'll let you rest after this while the others train..they'll understand," he said in a calm manner as he whispered to her.

     Solstice just looked down a bit, "Your telling the others aren't you..?" she asked him in a whisper even though she already knew that answer. Though she didn't want him to tell them knowing she'd just be getting the same exact talk over and over. That's all it was. Don't overwork yourself. Rest. Train. Be patient. Would anything ever change? Solstice felt like things were the way they were before..back with Skadi and the others. Nothing seemed to change. 

     Namir just frowned looking at the others as he stepped up to Azulia who wasn't too far off, "Why exactly are we here? I don't think I can choose a side...and I know my sister can't...I'm worried for her. More then I was before.." he said glancing at Solstice, "I'll tell you and the others later about what I mean.." he sighed looking back at Azulia, "I've never even witnessed a court case..I've only heard about them once."

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#262766 Posted on 2022-11-27 21:11:19

"I do agree Namir, though I've ever hard about them, I never even went to one before, nor even know how to judge!" Azulia shouted, she seemed to have free talk since Oceanus looked over at them.

"Look I hate being here too, I know how you both feel, but I was informed to do this. And I must complete a duty as queen, I know you two don't know what to do, but just come back when you decided on something for my brother. I don't even know what he's even here for-" Oceanus paused, "I wasn't paying attention at all, I'm nervous and scared for this, I'll admit it, beign queen is hard. I mae my sibling's seem like it's easy but it's very difficult for me to do decide on ONE simple topic.. Even if I have a jury full of friends.." Ocenaus admitted, Azulia hushed up as she now felt how much more pain Oceanus was going through.

"It's hard, it's very difficult, Solstice feels the sameway as she's in pain on what to do and ask.." Oceanus paused as she got up to walk over to the jury, "I know how you feel; scared, unsure, uncertain, nervous, and undecisive. That's how you feel and I know that more then you do, your in pain for wanting to try and be something, I've felt the same way, I always wanted my parents to recognise me since I would be the only canidate for being queen, I always wanted to be something that I'm not and I always wanted to help and not feel left out." Oceanus said, Azulia was crying as she couldn't take the feelings, Oceanus was speaking in her heart, as her horn glowed truthful words, her horn then stopped as she aged up to what she would look like.

Oceanus backed up as she noticed that she was taller and more wiser, she spoke from the heart as she instantly decided on what to do and called the case to a close, then she gently smiled at her three friends, considering and always considered Namir a friend.

Though when Oceanus calmed down Azulia, she sounded wiser, more honest, more older.. She then looked like her mother as her hair was now seen, but.. Sea Ponies have hair outside of the sea, so how does she even have it? She gave no clear answer if the three noticed that.

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#262776 Posted on 2022-11-28 06:37:08

     Namir just glanced at his sister as he listened to Azulia talk. Solstice just stood there mumbling some things to herself trying to ease her mind. Trying to ease her thoughts, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't. Namir felt bad for her as he eventually looked back at Azulia as she had shouted before looking at Oceanus lowering his head slightly in respect, "I understand..your doing what you have to even if you don't want to.."

     Namir let Oceanus speak before he spoke again, "Your not alone in this Oceanus. We all have each other. In good and bad..your worried about your brother like I am about my sister." That was when Namir went quiet. He just looked over at Solstice. Namir excused himself from the conversation for just a moment as he walked back over to his sister, "Relax. I know things...are hard for you right now, but you need to relax. It'll only help you Solstice.." he said comforting her a bit, "Look..I wish there was something more I could do, but there isn't." He nuzzled her making sure she was somewhat alright before he went back to the others.

     "I'm afraid it's more then that Oceanus." he said as he walked over overhearing a part of what she said, "My sister is hurting more then I thought she was...she can hardly sleep. After this I'll tell you and the others while she gets some rest, but it's worse then I thought." he sighed looking down as he fell silent. Namir just nuzzled Azulia when he noticed she had started crying. Though Solstice ended up walking over not wanting to be by herself anymore. She just silently stood close to her brother.

     Solstice barely looked up at the others. She had overheard the last bit of what Oceanus said, but she just looked back down still saying nothing. She hadn't said a word since the conversation she had with her brother before breakfast. It was odd for her to be so quiet for so long. Though she just watched Oceanus when she noticed her horn glowing as she watched her friend change. Solstice never seen something like it, but she still didn't talk.

     Namir just sighed looking at her, "Why don't you just go to your room for now and that book of yours if you want." he said nudging her softly before Solstice slowly walked away with only a small nod. He just watched her for a moment before he looked at the others, "This morning she told me she couldn't sleep...that she had nightmares of Dra.." he paused, "But, she also said it seemed too real to be she can't control her someone's messing with her..either way she was training for who knows how long last night until she couldn't do it anymore.." Namir then paused a second time only this time a bit longer.

     "I have never seen my sister like this worries me. It's like it's not the real her..I know your mother said she won't be the same when she returns, but I didn't think she'd be like this. Knowing Dra is after only making things worse for her. How she keeps going through each day like this..I just don't know how she does it, but soon enough I fear she'll do something that will either hurt herself terribly, or others.." It was clear Namir's voice was hurt, worried, and saddened. He just wished there was something that could be done to help his little sister..even though she isn't so little anymore.

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#262778 Posted on 2022-11-28 08:24:31

"Hm, a great deal of time had passed for awhile. If we- no.." Ocenaus was trying to come up with a plan as she was stumped on trying to help Solstice, she had much more greater pain then her before, and it only saddens her more when she couldn't think of a way to help.

"Do you think Dra has access to nightmares and dreams again?" Azulia asked in a soft toned voice, she was plainly worried for Solstice as well as Namir.

"He could be, but if he stills uses his forms from the days before, he could only have access to dreams and nightmares since it's a simple spell to access. Though I'm not sure since only horses that want to, need to unlock it and access it from a pure hearted horse, one that IS able to be accessed. But like I said; it couldn't be possible, unless he's using Eclipsetess." Oceanus replied to Azulia's question, it only worried her more since he was using their friend for something evil.

"Well, what about Darling?" Azulia asked in that soft toned voice again, Oceanus wasn't sure, so she stayed silent but Azulia just remained silent.

"So, I'm gonna go to my treasure room, and make sure that my gold hasn't been stolen. You can accompany me if you want, though once I summon the Golden Dragon, you'll be scared silly!" Oceanus said, she didn't teleport, she only walked to the stairs as it led down more levels.

"Golden Dragon..? Oh I know what she means!" Azulia said, she ran off to catch up with Oceanus as she wasn't that fast at running, but she did use her wings for catching up.

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#262782 Posted on 2022-11-28 09:29:56

     Namir just went silent for a few minutes. He looked at Azulia as she asked a question after all three of them had fell silent for a minute or two. "Dra can access nightmares and dreams? My sister said her nightmares were of Dra..his hissing..the chains..everything. Like he was there in real life. She said it seemed too real to be a nightmare...she's had plenty of those in the past, so I won't deny her if she thinks something is wrong.." he said looking at Oceanus listening to her answer.

     "But how do we know? Only Darling can use the seeing orb, and we don't exactly know what her plan is, where Dra even is, or even what he is doing to Eclipsetess. When he took her, she didn't even bother fighting back..which means it's easy for Dra to manipulate her in doing possibly tinkering with my sister." Namir then fell silent for a moment trying to piece things together. That's when it all made sense, and he froze for a moment. "Dra is trying to get my sister to come to him. He knows he can't get her as long as we protect her, so he's trying to get her to come. I do remember him saying that he would have her..."

     Namir just stood there in shock for a moment. He didn't even bother to follow the others. Instead he just galloped as quick as he could without running into anyone or anything over to his sister's room. The stallion slid to a stop as he entered the room. Namir looked around seeing Solstice's book opened and laying on the ground, but there was no Solstice. Not a sign of her. Quickly Namir went back out to hall looking in both directions of the hall, but he didn't see her.

     Solstice didn't tell her brother everything. There were also voices. Voices telling her that they'd grant her wishes. For everything to just stop. To have a purpose. She tried reading more of her book, but she couldn't focus enough to actually read it. The voice slowly grew louder, and she could occasionally hear a small amount of hissing. Though she wasn't able to realize what the hissing was, or even what was going on with her. All she had to do is go where the voice said, and she'd get what she wanted.

     "I can't...I can't take this anymore.." she muttered as she paced around in her room for a few minutes before she peeked her head out of the room. Solstice looked to see if there was anyone that would spot her, and thankfully there wasn't. When she had the chance, she took it. Solstice galloped down the halls towards the entrance of the kingdom. She wasn't even thinking as she somehow made it out. She looked around as she flew trying to figure out where she was. The voice then returned..only this time it was only hissing.

     Namir started to freak out. He galloped down the halls trying to find his sister. Though he had to bring himself to a stop when he couldn't run anymore. "She's gone..." he muttered to himself angrily as he tried catching his breath. That was when he saw Olymphia in the distance as he ran over to her. Worry written all across his body, "Olymphia.." he paused still trying to catch his breath, "My sister is gone...I-I don't know where she went..I've looked everywhere for her, but there was no sign of her. I should have read the signs sooner!" he said shouting a bit as he started to blame himself.

     "It's my fault..I should have stayed with her..I should have been there for her more..what kind of a brother am I? I don't know where she is..where she went. S-she's in danger because I couldn't protect her!" Namir started to ramble on pacing back and forth in front of Olymphia unsure of everything. "How are we going to find her? Where even could she be?" It was clear he was panicking.

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#262786 Posted on 2022-11-28 10:44:47

"Gone?!" Olymphia shouted, though she hushed up and tried thinking of different ways where she could be, then she had forgotten, all of the Isles forgot one thing that Dra could do.

"We forgot.. We forgot he could use Voicing Magic! The one thing he could manipulate any horse with!" Olymphia shouted as she made Namir float after her as she bubbled him without thinking, then she turned on her wings without thinking and took off into the sky.

That was when Olymphia allowed Namir to fly as she put wings on him, not permenant, like the same magic that Eclipsetess did with Solstice. And then, she snapped as she flew all over the previous Isle and Isle of Water but she did not cross over to Isle of Sadness, she only flew and looked carefully and quickly.

"Find her! Find her!" Olymphia shouted as she was caught up with finding Solstice that she accidentally dropped Namir, forgetting that he didn't know how to fly, though she quickly remembered and at the last minute. Olymphia bubbled Namir as she set down on Isle of Happiness's end of the Isle's cliffside, though a bit more far away to ensure his safety.

"Sorry Namir.. I- forgot that I gave you wings and I didn't pay attention to you falling until the last minute.. I'm terribly sorry, go and find your sister.. I bet she's already crossing Isle of Sadness right now." Olymphia said, she nudged him to get going.

Though Olymphia flapped her wings until she was in the sky, then she started to fly back to Isle of Water, she didn't want to interfere anymore, and she knew that she was going to be a teacher, but she didn't know if she could take the damage in her heart knowing that Solstice left without saying anything or leaving a note behind..

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#262791 Posted on 2022-11-28 13:20:28

     Namir only looked at her before looking down, "We also ignored the signs she was giving us..ugh we were terrible. We completely ignored her when she was struggling.." He felt like a complete failure. Like he failed his sister, "Dra knew he couldn't get her with us in the he changed his strategy. She's still young..almost mature, but still young. She doesn't know how to deal with things like this..none of us do."

     He didn't realize Olymphia had bubbled him before he felt his hooves leave the ground. Namir then looked over at her, "H-how are you flying? Your wing.." Though Namir knew there was something more important then her flying. Namir just jumped a small bit once he realized she had given him wings and he sighed, "Only to find my sister.." he muttered to himself as he looked around looking for any sign of his sister. At this point anything could help.

     Solstice had landed on the ground on the other side of the bridge that separated the Isle of Water and the Isle of Sadness. She didn't even bother to look back like she was being mind controlled in some way. Though she just kept walking until the voice returned. Hide..hide if you want your dreams to come true. She stopped and looked around before she looked up. Solstice saw Olymphia and her brother far out in the distance. Quickly she ran further into the Isle of Sadness looking around for anything that will cover her. Thankfully she came across a few trees as she hid underneath them. Good. Now stay there until I say so... There was a loud hissing sound in her head as the voice stopped talking, but it slowly died down going silent.

     Namir just snorted pinning his ears a bit, "What do you think I'm doing? We have to find her before Dra gets to her." Though his angry tone quickly changed when he realized he was falling. Namir only looked down knowing he shouldn't of as he tried to catch himself, but failed. Thankfully Olymphia caught him before he hurt himself. "Don't apologize. My sister is more important..I'll keep looking for her..inform the others. Create some sort of plan...I don't think I can do this on my own..who knows what she'll do when I..or we find her.."

     He watched her fly away before he started heading over to the Isle of Sadness. Namir has never been so worried about her in the past, and it seemed to make it hard for him to even focus and keep himself together. Though it wasn't long before he picked up on some tracks, "I hope this leads me to you.." he sighed not getting his hopes up as he carefully followed the tracks left behind from someone. Though it was indeed Solstice.

     Though Solstice was soon moving again. This time being more careful as she did what the voice told her to. At this point, she wasn't even herself. Just doing what she was told by someone she didn't know at the time that was actually Dra. She had no more thoughts. Like a walking machine being mind controlled. Though Solstice did start to use her wings to cover her tracks. Solstice did stop when she heard someone behind her.

     Namir slowly picked up speed knowing no time could be wasted. The longer he was searching for his sister, meant the closer she got to Dra's Kingdom. Though he did eventually start galloping again once he noticed the tracks stopped, but he noticed how it looked like they were being covered up. They don't call this place the Isle of Sadness for nothing. Anger, regret, and grief was all he felt. Angry at Dra. Regretting not being there for her. And the grief of possibly loosing his sister...if he hadn't already.

     Though Namir soon saw her in the distance as he slowed to a stop. "Solstice...?" he said quietly and warily once he stopped. He slowly approached her as he took a step or two at a time every minute or two. "Fight back..ignore the voice in your head. Your better then he is..don't let Dra take advantage of your weakness..I should have been there for you...I should have read the signs you were giving me and the others.." he said in the same tone as he continued to slowly approach her even though she hadn't faced him yet.

     Solstice just stood almost motionless. She could hear Namir, and the voice telling her to ignore him. Who to little to? Her eyes were more dull then they were before. From a bright light blue color, to a dull blue gray color. Though she did listen to Namir's voice. Her eyes seemed to go back to their normal color only for a second before they went dull again. Ignore him. He's trying to get in the way of your dreams. If you want them to become true then make sure he can't follow you any more.

    Then with that, Solstice just turned around as her horn started to glow. Namir didn't have enough time to get out of the way or react until it was too late. Solstice had done the same spell she learned the day before. The same spell she had been working on even that previous night. Namir fell to the ground. Even knocked out long enough Solstice got away. Though somehow she was herself again as she saw her brother fall unconscious, "N-nami-" Dra had regained control of her as she just turned around and fled the scene in the direction she was originally going.

    After a few long minutes. Namir had regained his conscious as he slowly got up. He hissed slightly at the pain he felt. There was a large burn that was one the left side of his chest that went to his left side and front left leg. Maybe a part of his left wing got it too. He winced at the pain seeing it was a serious burn that needed treated, but he couldn't do it himself. Namir just looked in the direction his sister had went before he turned the opposite way slowly limping back to the Isle of Water and Oceanus's kingdom.

     After about a hour..maybe even two, Namir had finally returned as he just fell. He knew he had to at least make it to the kingdom's entrance, so he just pushed himself to make sure he made it. He didn't even acknowledge the others as they ran over and some tears came to his eyes. He couldn't even really say anything except that Solstice was completely under Dra's control. Half of his body seemed to scream in pain, but he only laid there staying almost completely silent.

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#262793 Posted on 2022-11-28 14:37:56

As Oceanus entered the entrance as her guards were surrounding him to have him forcefully stand still, and in the utmost pain he could be, though Oceanus teleported him to her larger, more powerful healing pool to retreat until he was fully recovered. Though guards guarded the entrance until Namir was fully healed, then they would guide him to his room when he needed the rest more, but for right now.. He was teleported in the middle of the huge healing pool, it was vacant, meaning no one needed it more then Namir.

Then the guards appeared around him, turned around to face away from him, so that he has privacy of course, but to also make sure that he doesn't get out anyways. Oceanus knew best on what to do with horses that were hurt, and she made sure that Namir stayed in the healing pool..

Though in a separate time, it was nearly dark in the Isle of Darkness, Eclipsetess was sleeping as Dra was completely watching Solstice walk ever so slightly more to his kingdom. But for Darling, she was chained up as she was caught by her father, her cursed father that she never EVER wanted to be his daughter, but family was family and the god's knew that they couldn't decide on who and which families belong.

But as Darling was chained but still had the main chains on her so that she couldn't escape, but as she was unchained, she ran and ran hard, she took sharp turns and dodged weapons perfectly. But as she neared Eclipsetess's room, Dra stopped her but she was more clever then him as she dodged his spell and went into Eclipsetess's room.. Though it was actually the wrong room, but Darling was safe.

Then she jumped out the window and ran to the entrance and fast as she could, ingoring everyone as she left the kingdom and ran fast back to the Isle of Water and Oceanus's kingdom, though as she made it to the bridge, she jumped into the water and made it.

But she still swam fast as other Sea Ponies helped her back to the kingdom, some looked like snake's with the tail's being part of the body as other Sea Ponies had their fin tails as normal tail and they had their legs, anyways, as Darling made it back to Oceanus's kingdom, Dra had let her go back to retreat. He still waited for Solstice to come to him..

As Darling calmed down as she walked into the entrance, her legs tired and weak, though she did lay against a random room as guards took her back to her room that she was housed in, everyone was less worried about her but still worried greatly about Solstice.

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#262801 Posted on 2022-11-28 17:02:02

     Namir hardly said much of anything. It pained him to see Solstice the way he did, and the fact that she had hurt him the way she did. It hurt more then the severe burn he had on his side. As Oceanus teleported him to the healing pool, Namir just laid in it trying his best to ignore the guards. "I lost my sister.." he sadly mumbled underneath his breath as he kept his head lowered. He felt like a complete failure more then he did before.

     The water from the healing pool stung Namir's burn for some time, but it soon started to heal. Probably took a couple hours because of the severity of the burn. After he healed, Namir was brought to his room despite wanting to get his sister back..if it wasn't too late already. Though the stallion just paced back and forth in his room for awhile. Solstice turning around and hurting him only played through his head on repeat. At that point, Solstice was no where close to being herself. Namir knew she would never hurt others, but it still pained him.

     Solstice just kept moving closer and closer to Dra's kingdom mindlessly. Eventually she started to fly a little bit of the ground not wanting to be spotted by anyone, but she didn't stop again for any reason. Not even to rest..mainly because she couldn't. Dra had complete control over her. Well..maybe her head and conscious, but it was enough that she couldn't do anything herself.

     Though it wasn't long until Solstice stopped momentarily. The Isle of Darkness. The sky had gone dark as her eyes could barely even be seen with how dull they now where, but Solstice was able to make out some magma since it was a assorted amount of different red and orange hues. Something seemed to make her pause for a minute before she started to keep moving. She wasn't that far from the last Isle, and Dra's Kingdom.

     As soon as she stepped hoof into the Isle of Darkness, Solstice seemed to snap out of it. She looked around as her eyes widened a bit, "N-namir..? Olymphia..? Guys..?" she said shakily as she looked around unsure of where she was. Solstice just looked down unsure of what to do. That was when she remembered what she did to Namir. Her heart nearly broke in half. She hurt her bother. The flashbacks of him falling to the ground pained her. 

     Solstice just stood there unsure of how she got wherever she was, and why she only remembered hurting her brother. He was right..she did hurt someone. Namir. Did the others just ditch her? No..they couldn't have could they? She just wanted to know what happened. One of the last things that she remembered was trying to read her book. What happened? Where was she? Where were the others?

     Though that was when she looked up seeing chains coming towards her. She immediately knew where she was, but things just went black. Before things did go completely dark, she heard hissing. Dra's hissing. That was when she opened her eyes finding it hard to move. Chains. Chains everywhere on her. Solstice tried to break out of them, but it was no use. She looked up seeing someone enter the dark room. It couldn't be, could it? Dra. "W-what did you do to me!? Why am I here!?" she said shakily and a bit scared as she tried to get away from him but failed.

     Namir just stayed in his room pacing back and forth for a few hours. "I can't just stay in here.." he said as he left the room ignoring the fact that there might have still been guards outside of his room. He just made his way over to the others once he found them, but he stopped a small distance from them, "Well? We just going to stay here and let Dra take my sister? With how fast she was moving..Dra may already have her..At this point we can't just continue to stay here and do nothing. My sister's life is on the line."

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