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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262678 Posted on 2022-11-26 08:12:00

Azulia felt Solstice's feelings shift to pain, she had settled her ears and sighed, though everything in the water kingdom was happy before having Olymphia and Dra be there. But she went up to Solstice and started to nuzzle her, she was gentle and soft with how Solstice felt, knowing everyone else's feelings, she could only cheer up one horse at a time.

Olymphia just opened her book as she started to analyze more pages that were being added, Darling then stopped using the orb as it just floated aside, that was when she stretched and heard something from afar that she could only hear. And that was when she called a guard over.

"Guard!" Darling shouted, Olymphia looked at Darling as a guard came over to see what Darling wanted, Azulia also looked at Darling.

"Come, we need to check something out. We'll be back guys." Darling said as she and the guard walked off and out of the water kingdom, before long Azulia yawned and sat down to recover some strength.

Olymphia got up as Azulia yawned, it wasn't night yet, something was up besides her pregnancy. So she used her magic to check on how Azulia felt, then she prayed that Darling would come back, but she hid it and showed the other's as Azulia wanted to know what was going on.

Azulia only yawned and showed little to no interest in what Olymphia was doing, Cronsi was called as he ran over to Azulia to take her to her room, well their room, but he did as Azulia got up and started walking with Cronsi. She would do anything with him at this point.

"I wonder when Darling is coming back, once she leaves without returning for a reason, she would be then scouting as it took hours for her to scout. Then when she would find something, it'd be too late.." Olymphia said as she sat down, she was worried for Darling.

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#262681 Posted on 2022-11-26 08:55:04

     Namir just went and stood beside his sister laying his head on her back to comfort her some. "Don't blame yourself for anything just because you froze when you saw Dra's ok to be afraid of him..we all are. Just because you got used to not running from him for some time doesn't mean you did anything wrong." he said in a calm manner. Though none of them knew what exactly had her down. 

     Solstice didn't really say anything. She did nuzzle Azulia in return, but it didn't ease her mind. How much more of this could she take? Solstice was starting to realize that Dra would get her at some point anyway. Though Solstice just looked over at Azulia getting a small feeling something was wrong. She hoped nothing was wrong with the pregnancy, and she hoped nothing would happen to Azulia or the unborn foal. Whether it was because of Dra or not.

     Solstice then just laid down letting out a small sigh as she watched Cronsi and Azulia leave for their room before she looked back at Olymphia, "I'm sure she'll be fine...I mean she did inflict fear in Dra. Why he's afraid of his own daughter I don't know..but I never thought I'd see him scared like he was. I didn't think he could be scared..." she said as Namir laid down beside her.

     Though Solstice fell silent for awhile. Namir just tried comforting her some more, "Me neither, but it helps us. Especially with that orb. We'll know when he's close, or when he'll try to take you again. Now I'm sure you've just had a long few weeks learning your magic and all..I think you just need to rest some. Just don't worry about Dra for now...we'll be lucky if we don't see him for a few hours or even a day."

     "I'm not tired Namir. I just got back..I'm not just going to sleep. Besides I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, and I'm sure you hardly slept either. Don't deny it. I know how you are. Always worried about me. Always wanting to make sure I'm unharmed.." Solstice just stopped talking for a moment as she looked at Olymphia again, "Did Dra say..he would let Eclipsetess go...if he took me..?" she asked unsure if she even wanted to, "Don't lie to me either. Did he or did he not."

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#262684 Posted on 2022-11-26 09:27:21

"We all heard him say it, it's no lie if he wanted to trade, he always used to do it so he could amp up his cursed kingdom.. We don't understand why, nor even wanted to." Darling responded to Solstice's commanding question, though she had a feeling Solstice was thinking of something, then she realized what.

"I know what your doing, you are not going to trade for Eclipsetess, mostly because you won't ever get out from his kingdom with him amping up security, and that he'll also turn you into a horse of him if you wanted to trade for Eclipsetess, though it's quite rare he'll turn you into a magma pony or not. But with Faith being the first, Eclipsetess the second, I guess he forgotten or unless he's searching for something else besides you." Darling said, confronted and guessed, Olymphia was just confused at what Darling said.

"So your saying besides Solstice, he's looking for something else? I don't see it, not even one of us could even guess what!" Olymphia said, she was a little louder then her normal speaking tone.

"Your right, but I can also summon his notes, I am his flesh and blood after all! So I'll teleport his notes and possibly his journal." Darling said, she did as she said and started to summon the notes first.

"Journal? Why would he need a journal?!" Olymphia shouted, she was confused and worried.

"So he could cross out his plans, though everyone and I won't be able to erase them, I can just look at his stuff instead." Darling said, she jumbled up the notes shortly after she summoned the journal.

The journal was black and had obsidian crystals, it had a forged crown in it and it's side where the author goes is a golden line instead, the journal was random but it marked Dra's ownership since his name is in fresh magma that never cools, but you won't be able to burn from it.

"Alright, let's see his plans, skipping to page 24.. Page title is Future Plans." Darling said, she copied the pages for everyone as Dra's plans were much more eviler then expected..

"He's planning to retake over the Isles?! And.. Destroy the god's in the process..? He's also planning to destroy the Isles once he forces everyone off and force them into The Mainland.. We won't be able to survive The Mainland, we'll also be split up and taken by creatures! I don't want that to happen!" Olymphia shouted, she began to cry and Darling closed the journal and made it go back to Dra, though Darling did start to comfort Olymphia motherly and softly, gently and calm.

"If we don't want this to happen, then one of us has to re-curse Dra and permenantly seal his magic away. Permenant seal, no more evil doer." Oceanus said, she sounded serious, and she was not looking at Solstice, more of someone that knows Dra well and is more powerful then Solstice.

"Darling, do you want to seal your dad's magic and re-curse him again?" Oceanus asked Darling, though she rejected the manner as it would bring her back to normal and it would be bad..

"Why would it be bad Darling? You aren't crazy, or even evil, your quite the opposite!" Olymphia said sounding like she was cheering up, though Darling got up, looked away and walked away into the darkest corner of the room.

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#262687 Posted on 2022-11-26 10:28:49

     Solstice just looked at Darling seeing she had returned. She merely just stood back up with a snort and a stomp of her hoof. Her light blue eyes seemed to glow a small bit. Never has she been mad before, "It's my choice! The whole entire goal is to get Eclipsetess back. I can't keep on running from him! We're going to his kingdom anyways," she said a bit loud and clearly mad.

     Namir just got up and tried to calm her down, "Solstice..Darling isn't right is she..? You can't do this..I won't let you do this...we'll think of something, but you are not trade your life just to get Eclipsetess back!" he said in a small demanding yet worrisome tone. He has never seen her get mad, and it concerned him. Though Namir just took a step back from her, "Solstice..there's another option..there has to be.."

     She just looked at Namir, "You don't have a say in what I do! The longer he doesn't have me the more he wants me. He'll only get angrier, and who knows what'll he'll do just to get me..Dra could hurt you all, and I can't just let that happen!" Solstice's eyes then began to glow some more, but she just ran off and found somewhere to be alone. It was like she didn't have control. Control over her thoughts. Control over her head. She didn't have it.

     "Solstice.." Namir just watched her run off unsure of what had just happened. He just stood there for a moment unsure of what to think before he looked at the others, "She's never been mad before..the Solstice I know wouldn't consider something like this.." he just went silent and lowered his gaze for a moment, "She is right through...each time he doesn't get her, the worse things could get...we don't know what he'll do just to get my sister.."

     Namir didn't say much else. He just read over the pages Darling had copied. "Destroy the Isles...what's even the point in destroying everything!? There won't be anything here for him to rule over if he succeeds..this isn't about getting our friend's about saving the Isles..we may not be able to trust the gods, but this can't happen..." he said fearing for the worst about everything. Never did he think Dra had plans such as these.

     He just looked at Oceanus and Darling, "The gods curse on him wasn't powerful do we know Darling has enough power to do what the gods couldn't? What about my sister..the legend your mother wrote, but never finished..? Nothing makes any sense anymore!" Namir just went silent after that just to calm himself, "At this point I don't know what's real and what isn't, but we need to figure out how one of us is going to stop Dra once and for all.."

     Though Namir couldn't help but to look in the direction his sister ran off in. He sighed, "Why do I get the feeling that something was off about her..? Her eyes never done that before, and I can't remember her being mad. Not even once.." He then just looked back at the others, "My sister would never consider something like this..unless something was wrong with her.."

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#262688 Posted on 2022-11-26 11:31:44

Darling, Olymphia and Oceanus grouped up, they were wondering if Solstice was going to consider something like that, but then Darling opened a portal to her father's kingdom, she was tired of it all. She was gonna ruin a legend, whether finished or not, she was tired, tired of being cooped up, then when she entered the portal. She didn't come back as she had closed it.

"D- she really just did that.. She's going to save Eclipsetess, she's gonna get pushed into being her prisoner self again.." Olymphia muttered, she was surprised by Darling antic right there and then.

"I hope that she doesn't get caught.." Olymphia said, she was worried and frightened, Oceanus was just confused.

"I don't think she has enough strength to defend herself if she's using a cloaking form, while also using magic to free Eclipsetess from wherever she is." Oceanus said, only if she had enough magic to destroy Dra, that was the issue, Eclipsetess wasn't powerful then Solstice or Darling, just in the middle of it all.

Though at Dra's kingdom, Eclipsetess was sitting in a corner of her room as she looked around it the tenth time, chains were on her back legs and front arms, she had no idea if she was going to be saved. But she continued to have faith and believe.. Though the water queen watched Eclipsetess from above, peering into the Seeing Orb and watching her..

But back at the water kingdom, Olymphia decided to inform Solstice about Darling as she ran to wherever Solstice was, looking around, sitting somewhere, or just sitting in a random spot. It didn't matter to Olymphia as she ran fast and hard, her hooves stopping when she finally found Solstice.

"Sol-stice, whew! Something happened, and Darling opened a portal to go save Eclipsetess from Dra!" Olymphia said, as she mustered her strength and calmed her beating heart down some, so that she could talk better.

"I fear that we won't be there in time, if you wanted to run, we would have to be forced to run while flying. That's the only way that we can get to the kingdom.. While flying over the Isle of Sadness, the last Isle that shows Dra's Isle. Isle of Darkness." Olymphia told Solstice, it was a shot worth trying since that the security would be amped up.

But they would need to go tonight since Darling would be hiding behind a rock at the Isle of Darkness that's in front of the entrance to Dra's kingdom, though high security means high stakes, but it was a hot shot to prove!

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#262692 Posted on 2022-11-26 16:14:35

     Namir just turned away and let the three try to figure things out. He was distracted anyway with his sister. Though he just left her alone. It almost scared him when he saw her mad. Especially since her eyes started to glow slightly. Never had he seen his sister’s eyes glow like they had, but he knew she was going through a lot. Finding out a lot about herself and the truth of others. He couldn’t imagine how hard things were for her.

     Though Namir perked up when he saw a portal appear, “Darling don’t you even think about it!” he said yelling a bit as he tried to stop her, but she had already jumped through the portal as it closed just before he could get to it. Namir just stomped his hoof as he looked at the others, “What do we do now? Who knows what will happen if she somehow succeeds..what about the legend?” he asked looking at the others.

     Solstice just found an empty room and was pacing back and forth. Every now and then she shook her head. “What’s wrong with me..? Who even am I..? What even am I..?” she asked herself several times. Solstice couldn’t take much more. The only thing she had been doing is running from Dra or flying, but she never really did anything helpful. Solstice thought that trading herself for Eclipsetess was the best keep everyone else safe when Dra was after her.

     Though she paused as she looked over at Olymphia listening to what she had to say before she thought everything over, “What do you expect me to do..? I thought by learning how to use and control my magic that I could at least do something, but I was wrong. I thought that trading myself for Eclipsetess was the only thing I could do that will protect all of you. You guys are in danger because of me…”

     Solstice then just laid down..well her legs more of gave out on her. She started crying, “I can’t take anymore of this…nothing changed. I’m still the scared little filly I was back in my birth herd. Skadi and the others were right. I’m pathetic.” She started doubting herself as she used her wings to hide her face and her tears, “The only thing I ever wanted was to be in a herd that accepted me for who I was…not any of this..”

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#262699 Posted on 2022-11-26 18:13:52

Azulia started walking to Solstice but she paused, she didn't even wanted to go near Solstice, and because of that. She had failed at giving someone something to do, Olymphia just opened her book to find any rewinding spells, but the only one is the one Dra has access to. And the god's..

"We are not in danger, you just need more time on using more bigger and powerful spells, like what most of us do. Like I remember that Eclipsetess used a magic barrier to protect more big powerful spells. Though it did take it out of her, but she used a spell that could restore her magic. It's quite simple! The name of the spell is Restoration, you just need to feel like you are gonna be sucked out of your magic and it activates pretty easily! You don't feel nothing and that Restoration only appears on your horn as a big, glowing, round, circle!" Everest tried to cheer up Solstice, she didn't want to feel bad.

"If you want to rewind now, your gonna have to go to Dra or have Faith rewind everything that had happened, though you'll still remember us all. But Carrion and Trickster will be themselves, like now selves, everyone would be their new person, but I won't be able to access The Heavens. And you'll remember everything that happened, but you'll feel safer in a herd, I would need to be your herd." Olymphia said, having Dra or Faith rewind is a rare sight though they used to do it once something horrible took place.

"It's considered rare for the god's and Dra to rewind, unless you could convince them to rewind is a good idea for you, then the good reason would be considered and they would do it." Olymphia added, she sounded more worried for both and Solstice, since she did want to be traded.

"But a good idea is a good idea, that's why you gotta think about your choices and consequences, or else you'll choose wrong and not.." Azulia paused Olymphia, she got her to stop before creating a bigger mess.

"We should all relax, we had Darling be a useful horse for her family line for Seeing Orbs, and plus, Olymphia could teach Solstice how to use her magic with powerful spells. And Namir can help with what is necessary to perform those spells!" Azulia said, all excited and in her cheery mood.

"Yes, that is a great idea, we can train in Oceanus's training grounds when she had us evacuate the cliffside, and then she showed us her kingdom and anything that we needed to use." Carrion or Everest said first, one of them had a great idea for sure, and that everyone agreed. Though I'm not sure about Namir..

"How about tomorrow? During our time to relax we could use it for some training, I know we all need it, Cronsi uses it in secret and uses it for many other things as well." Azulia said, she smiled as she used Restoration on herself.

"Oh and Solstice, don't feel like a burden, because your not! You were a good idea to have apart of me and Eclipsetess's herd, even we had adventures before you were born, so we technically know what to do. But we want you to grow and acknowledge past mistakes and humble them." Azulia said inspirationally, her speech inspired everyone!

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#262709 Posted on 2022-11-26 20:12:55

     “But you are..Dra won’t stop trying to get me until he does..besides he’ll get me anyways since we’re going to his’s bound to happen,” she sighed still hiding her face behind her wings. “I don’t even know who or what I am anymore with everything that’s never even left my mind that I’m not even the night unicorn I thought I was..” Solstice said before she went silent for a few minutes.

     Solstice did listen to Olymphia before she slowly moved her wings away from her face, “I-i can’t do that…not to you guys after everything..Dra will still be a threat…” she said lowering her ears slightly, “It’d be torture if I ever agreed to do something like that..I’d have to live the rest of my life knowing everything. It’d be torture. Besides…you know what would happen if I went to Dra..and the gods don’t do anything to help us.” She then tried to rid herself of the tears she had.

     Namir had stayed put for the time being as the others went after Olymphia and his sister. He gave them all some time to talk before he started walking in the direction they had all went listening in on the conversation as he got close, “I don’t think I’ll be much help. My magic isn’t close to being strong enough to perform those spells. Trust me I’ve tried in the past, but that’s alright. I know my limits.” he said butting in a bit.

     Solstice just looked up at her brother as he entered the room before she looked down slightly, “I guess..all I’ve been learning is my magic…but the stronger spells the better I suppose..” she said quietly with a small sniffle as she slowly got back up on her hooves before she folded her wings back to her sides. Solstice then took another moment to gather herself before she looked up at the others, “I’m…sorry for how I acted earlier..I couldn’t really control myself..” Solstice looked at Olymphia specifically remembering about what happened to Eclipsetess when she got mad.

     Though Solstice then looked at Azulia. She just nodded slightly before looking back at all of them, “What about Darling though? What about me? I don’t even know my purpose in the I the one that is to defeat him…or worse..marry him..?” she asked needing to know. Solstice just needed to know her purpose, and why she was involved in all of this. There had to be a reason right? She just hoped the others could answer her question.

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#262724 Posted on 2022-11-27 11:14:42

"Until we get to his kingdom, we are not sure about your purpose anymore, but we'll just train for the time being. Preparing, expecting- mostly Azulia," Oceanus said, she looked at Azulia when she said the last part, "Hey!" Azulia shouted, she sounded a little mad since Oceanus said that, she thought it was a joke.

"Yeah, I'll be off in my room, preparing to expect a bundle of joy!" Azulia said, she did as she said and walked off to her room to meet up with Cronsi.

"Alright, come on everyone else, time to train!" Olymphia said, she made everyone glow and then teleported them to the Training Court, it was big and had several different places to train magic.

"Perfect!" Olymphia said, she pulled out her book and made it big then she placed everyone to their correct, perfect, spots where they feel most comfortable.

Then she got into her spot and told everyone to look up at her book as it flipped to the correct page to start learning tohe most powerful, yet easy spells, the first step was making your horn glow. And Olymphia did that as she went onto the second step!

And the second step was choosing a perfect target, so several targets were teleported to the spots, then Olymphia blasted her target easily. Then she went onto the more harder spells since she mastered all the easier ones, though everyone else praticed the easy spells since they all were probably not used to them.

Though Scorn did have a dark horn, he needed to activate it which he did, but he was a stronger horse for power. He just wished that his herd was alright..

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#262725 Posted on 2022-11-27 12:23:33

     Solstice just frowned lowering her ears as she looked down a bit. All she did was give a small nod. She had only been training on her magic for awhile, but she knew it still needed to be done. Solstice just wanted to know what it felt like to be helpful. At least once, but she just collected herself again before she looked up at the others, "Alright..can never have too much training if we're heading to Dra's kingdom..."

     Namir just walked over to his sister nuzzling her, "Hey. We all have a purpose here. You just need to learn yours, and you will. Even in the last minute you'll know your purpose. My purpose was to make sure my little sister was safe, protected, and unharmed. I can't do that so much like I used to since your all grown up, but I will always worry about your safety. I'm your brother that's my job." he said before he nibbled on her mane a bit knowing it'd make sure smile.

     Sure enough it did. Namir noticed a small smile form on her saddened face. Then the two just looked at the others, "Take it easy Azulia. This journey isn't over...especially since the worst has yet to come," Namir said with a small sigh. To think things were already bad, but they all knew things would only going to get worse. They were going to Dra's kingdom. Now with Darling off on her own, none of them would know where Dra was. 

     Solstice just watched as she started to glow before Olymphia teleported them all into the training grounds. It always was a bit of a weird feeling to Solstice, but she was starting to get used to it. With the help of Olymphia, she found a comfortable spot as she looked around at the others and the training grounds. Solstice just stood watching the others for a bit before she looked up at the book. 

     Namir gave her a nod as he closed his eyes for a moment before his black horn had started to glow a small bit. The two siblings looked almost nothing alike. One of the few things that had in common were their dark colored horns. Though Solstice just closed her eyes and took a long and slow deep breath as she focused on her magic and her horn. Her wings relaxed as her horn slowly began to glow. What she didn't realize was that her mother's necklace started to do the same. 

     Solstice then opened her eyes again. She looked around seeing targets as she blasted one of them. Namir had already done the same, but he mainly just watched his sister. He nodded with a smile once he saw the perfect hit. Solstice just smiled a bit as she did the same thing over and over for some time until she got used to it. Then she looked at her wings. She spread them out as she started to fly around a small bit. 

     Solstice never really used magic while flying before she decided to give it a shot. They were all training, so might as well. Never know if she would have to depend on her wings or not. It took Solstice a few tries to hit a target, but she eventually got the hang of it. Solstice already had flying down for the most part. Just maybe not combat flying, she just focused on her magic more then anything. After some time, Solstice just landed back in the spot she was training before. She'd have to work on her flying more so she worked up the strength to fly for longer periods of time.

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#262727 Posted on 2022-11-27 12:54:53

Olymphia smiled at Solstice before she opened her wings, the tips reaching up in the air, she then angled them towards each other. The other's looked at her as their targets awaited underground, the only thing that made them watch Olymphia was that she was going to use a spell that the other horses never before mastered..

When Olymphia had her wings angled, and her horn started to glow many different colors, only one horse had known this magical spell, and that it was new and no one knew what Olymphia was doing. So she made a new spell, but as Olymphia's horn glowed brightly to where she had it perfectly.

She then made a bigger target appear as she shot off the ball of magic, the shot made a thunderous roar, then when the magic hit the target it sounded like lightning. But the color was a rainbow, Oceanus showed fear for Olymphia's spell, the thunderous roar was then quickly followed as Olymphia performed another spell, this time everyone could feel the magical properties touch their body before Olymphia did anything.

Then her winged tips started to glow this time, then Everest summoned a scroll as it contained something as a keyword in it "teacher", though she stayed silent as Olymphia's spell made her horn glow so much that magical veins started to glow around her, before long she shot off the magic as it exploded the the big target.

"Olymphia! Your purpose is to be a teacher! That's one of the legends!" Everest shouted, the scroll then shriveled up and Faith had came to collect the scroll.

"Well done, you have found one of many legends their purpose." Faith said, she looked so much different now, she looked like she was now ranking up to the god's rank.

"Goddess Faith! You are so much different now.. And you also secretly the Keeper of Scrolls?" Oceanus asked Faith, Faith then summoned a Seeing Orb, then a little pony came to collect it.

"Why yes she is, though Everest is the real keeper, until Everest becomes a God, Faith is keeping the scrolls safe for now." the little pony said, though the Seeing Orb seemed to be attached to the little pony.

"Um, why do have a Seeing Orb? Only Dra's family tree has it.. Are you.. Somehow related to him?" Olymphia asked the little pony she seemed to smile.

"I am the ancestor actually, and Darling is the last descendant to have ever collect all our magic into one body, but she is not powerful enough to stop Dra. Because she has never unlocked the rest of her magic!" the little pony said, she said the truth, though she seemed so nice, she really was the ancestor.

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#262729 Posted on 2022-11-27 13:18:48

     Solstice just smiled and looked down for a moment when she noticed Olymphia had been watching her. She knew she had come a long way. Though she had just looked back up when she realized everyone seemed to stop what they were doing. Solstice looked at everyone before looking at Olymphia. She was unsure of why she spread her wings knowing she couldn't fly anymore. Solstice just felt terrible that she couldn't do anything about her wing. Even though her own wings weren't permanent, Solstice was starting to grow a bit attached to them.

     She looked over at her brother with a questioning look, but he had the same look. None of them knew what she was doing. Only Olymphia did. Though Solstice just watched curiously as she noticed her friend's horn beginning to glow. This time it was different. It glowed several different the rainbow. When Olymphia released the magic, Solstice jumped slightly at the thunder and the lightning. "H-how did that?" she asked before she hushed herself seeing her friend wasn't done yet.

     Solstice could then feel the magic Olymphia was using as she watched her wing tips and her magical veins glow. She'd never seen such powerful spells..or anything like she was witnessing at that. It fascinated her. Though she did look over at Everest as she spoke, "Well..I wouldn't of been ready to return if it wasn't for her. I could see her being a teacher," she smiled before she stepped closer to Olymphia.

     That was when the scroll disappeared, and Faith appeared. Solstice could barely recognize her. "What is she supposed to teach though? She was kicked out of The Heavens, and now she can't fly again." There may have been a touch of anger in her voice as she stood beside Olymphia. Solstice then did go quiet for a second before she looked at the little pony and the seeing orb, "Wait...Everest is going to be a goddess one day..?" she said looking at Everest.

     Solstice then just looked at Olymphia as she asked her question before she looked at the little pony again, "If Darling isn't strong enough to stop Dra...then we should get going. She's in his kingdom right now trying to get Eclipsetess back..on her own.." her tone sounded a bit worried before she focused herself, "If she isn't powerful enough..then who is?" she asked hoping for a better answer then she had been getting.

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#262730 Posted on 2022-11-27 13:37:28

Faith knew how she felt about Olymphia being kicked out, though she didn't do anything to burn her wing, Olymphia knew that as well, then she thought about her answer to Solstice's question..

"Dear I didn't want her to be teaching in The Heavens, I hope for her to be taught here, in your herd for your herd's future kid's. Though a God can't say anything when the majority voted to do somethig, at least I didn't get to do anything to Olymphia. Betrayers is what the other's are." Faith said, she definately took someone's rank if she was a goddess.

Faith then walked up to Solstice a little bit, then she smiled to her alone before retreating to her spot..

"Dear there is only one clear answer, and none of you are stronger then one, herself, the legends never change even though there is a much more stronger horse that enters your life. Darling with be the Queen of Darkness, as soon as her father is defeated. She'll return anything that he collected over the years, by force or battling, Darling loved her kingdom and she wants to return itself to it's better glory days." Faith said, then the little pony that accompanied her made the Seeing Orb disappear and the two return to the The Heavens.

"Well we now know my future, and I hope Faith becomes something more in The Heavens, since she hates all the god's that treat a horse badly. And I hope she rules over The Heavens, she would be a good ruler, and she'll have The Heavens more of at a peace." Olymphia said, if she were to be a teacher, then she would love her purpose then.

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#262731 Posted on 2022-11-27 14:08:11

     Even though Solstice loved having Olymphia with her, and that she got to meet the others, she just hated how she was kicked out of her home the way she was. Solstice just looked down for a moment before she looked back up, "I understand.." she said quietly before she looked at her friend for a moment then back at Faith. Solstice smiled a bit as Faith stepped up to her before going to the spot she originally stood.

     Solstice did listen to Faith, "I trust Darling..I just want to know my purpose in the Isles is. I thought I would have learned it by now..but I haven't." Though she remembered Namir saying that it she'd figure it out when it was time. She just wasn't as patient as she had to be. The answer Faith had given her didn't make much sense to her, but she just nodded. Solstice gave Faith and the little pony a farewell before she looked at Olymphia.

     "I forgot there was a ruler over The Heavens.." she mumbled with a nod agreeing to what she said. Though out of nowhere Solstice was hit with exhaustion. She just yawned a bit. Solstice was just too focused on everything to realize she hadn't slept in forever..even if she didn't want to. Though Namir walked over to her a small smile on his face as he chuckled nuzzling her. It was clear he cared a lot about her well being.

     "Alright. I think you could use some rest..come on," he said giving the others a nod, "I'll take her to her room." Namir then just brought Solstice to her room. She just laid down and closed her eyes falling asleep soon after. Namir just stayed with her for a few minutes before he left the room and shut the door. He then just went back to the others, "She's out..I think. Sometimes she just works herself too much, and she doesn't realize she needs to sleep until it hits her like it just did. Happened a few times when she was a filly. I'd have to stay with her sometimes to even make sure she did sleep.." he sighed looking down, "She used to always ask about when our parents would return..I still hate that I had to lie to her like I did.."

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#262736 Posted on 2022-11-27 14:39:04

"It's alright Namir, everyone understands how they were as a filly, some of us can't remember who our parents even were. Most of us had to depend on ourselves, because some of us never had siblings, unlike Azulia.. But she was still kicked out of her herd anyways, and her father was the lead stallion as her mother was the lead mare.." Oceanus said, she understood as everyone else did.

"And it's alright if you lie, I had to when I was a foal, just to get into herds and finally have somewhere to be.." Azulia's voice died off as she entered the Training Court, she was hurting when she said that, but she wasn't supposed to be up either.

"Hm.. She is right, we all had to lie at somepoint, it just makes you more horse then anything else." Oceanus said again, Azulia was right, about lying and everything.

"Yeah, none of us can say that we didn't lie, only a horse that's been raised right could say that they never lie, but still everyone would have to lie at somepoint in time, whether repeating or not." Olymphia agreed, though it was probably night now, so Azulia just went to bed.

Olymphia followed behind Azulia as she went to her bedroom as well, then everyone else followed, Oceanus just stayed up as she needed to do important business, and that included some of her sibling's as well. The guards just patrolled different levels of the kingdom, some patrolling with another guard as other's did it themselves, though the more guards there is.. The more something is being protected and Oceanus was also planning something with her sibling's as well.

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