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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#262611 Posted on 2022-11-25 07:33:38

     Solstice just looked down and shook her head a bit, "The god's haven't done anything until Dra started hunting me. The only thing they've done is bring me here and they won't do anything else because of some legend the water queen wrote...about me. I'm still not entirely sure what the legend actually says since no one would tell me, but I know it's about me..Eclipsetess protected me well until Dra took's hard for me to trust right now, but I don't know if I trust Faith fully..for reasons I'd rather not say.."

     Solstice then stopped talking when she started to hear hissing. Her wings clenched to her sides once more. She just sighed as she listened still looking down, "If I am to defeat can I if I'm too afraid of him? All I ever wanted was a normal life in a normal herd. Was that ever too much to ask for?" Solstice was just talking to herself at that point. She noticed she was and stopped talking for a moment, "I don't know. I'm just going through a lot right now.." She just curled up letting out a sigh. "Aren't we supposed to stay here? I wouldn't want to upset anyone..not even the god's..I am here because of them." she said quietly as she looked up at Olymphia. 

     In the Isles, Namir just ended up falling asleep by the campfire. Not his intentions, but he needed it even if he didn't want to sleep. To his surprise, he was just shocked that he fell asleep due to exhaustion when his mind was fully awake. Though, Namir still kept his ears open so that he would know if something was wrong if he heard something that wasn't right, but in the meantime, Namir just slept by the warmth of the campfire.

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#262615 Posted on 2022-11-25 08:02:10

"I know that the god's have done nothing, but they watch us, over us, no matter what. We aren't safe from their eyes, they even watch when mares have their foals, they watched Dra grow up and do nothing- at least I was told that he was unstoppable until he was cursed by the god's and himself. I don't get it why he would want to curse himself for immortality, it just seems stupid.." Olymphia paused, she knew something was up.

"Hold on, he cursed himself of immortality? But only a God can be immortal and bless, enchant, or curse themself! How did Dra get to use an immortality curse?! That was never in any books! Not even when Dra was a foal!" Olymphia said, she got up and started checking the library with their books full of information that didn't help.


When Azulia got up to walk over to the edge, she sat down and sighed, she could not sleep through the night. So she stayed up until the sun was there, feeling unhappy and wanting her two friends back, she wanted to see Solstice once more like a puppy begging for treats!


(Alright skip time!)


As Oceanus came up from the sea and jumped up and over the edge of the cliff, where Azulia previously sat, Oceanus came back with a pearl necklace. Even though it's been two weeks, Oceanus still kept up the barrier even though it started to loose it magic, Oceanus did evacuate everyone into her submerged Isle of underwater kingdom; Kingdom of Water.

Though under the water and in the kingdom, Azulia was in a room as she looked out the air bubbled pocket window, seeing the different sea ponies be themselves as they have no hair and their fluffy tails no just different fins. That's what a real Sea Pony looked like to a horse.

But Cronsi did knock and walked into Azulia's room, he noticed how she didn't come to eat yet made him worry, though (and fair warning, Azulia is now pregnant, by Cronsi- I mean I did set up their relationship like that- but she's not giving life yet!) Azulia's stomach was plump and round, how he liked his new mistress and possibly future wife.

Then Oceanus's littlest sister walked into the room as Cronsi used his magic to gently pick her up and gently put her outside as he closed the door on the young filly, then he made Azulia know that he was there, Cronsi wanted to keep his mate and unborn foal safe.

Though Solstice did complete her two week's of informational life in The Heavens and she was told by Olymphia to go back to where she first entered The Heavens, Olymphia also helped out Solstice if she forgot.

But at the entrance, Faith was waiting as her hair grew more and it looked braided, then a letter was delivered to her by Apollo, he was back from his vacation! He wanted to give it urgently to her as he told to her to wait at the Isle of Happiness's edge as the Isle of Water was submerged and Oceanus would come and pick her up fast!

Though Apollo's voice sounded urgent, scared, and worried, Faith would tell the worry in her eyes. Even the other god's were worried, but it wasn't about Dra more likely Azulia, though the life was urgent but something happened when all the god's were busy.. Something happened horribly and it could not be done.. But no one knew what had happened..

"Well sounds like the water queen's daughter will come up from jumping the cliff and fetch you back into her kingdom, though the worry in Apollo's voice means something had happened when every God was busy, and it looks like we all don't know until you and your friends figure it out." Olymphia said, she stood near Faith but far enough to stand next to Solstice, though she did touch horns with her and Olymphia's magic seemed to glow before it stopped and oozed a golden liquid before it disappeared.

"You are ready!" Olymphia said, as she pushed Solstice in front of Faith.

"Ready to go Solstice? You are ready enough to go back out and continue to venture with your friends, and possibly make it to the last Isle before Dra's home, your friends have been safe. But Oceanus evacuated them for an unknown reason, so she will pick you up by the end of the cliffside, you'll see her be herself for a minute before looking normal. Sea Ponies are more fond of their normal forms, which is looking like more of a fish but they still have legs, their tails are the tail fins or caudal fine to be exact." Faith told Solstice, she was more then ready to go back and see everyone.

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#262618 Posted on 2022-11-25 08:52:46

     Solstice only shook her head, "I do not know. I have learned a lot since everything started to happen with Dra, but not enough to know exactly what is going on. The god's may be watching, but they do nothing. They let Dra get more powerful, and just watch. He's running loose doing who knows what, and they do nothing. I've seen only little of what he can do..I can't imagine just how powerful he will be once he regains all of his power. I won't be surprised if the curse the god's put on him will break soon."

     Over the next week or two, Solstice spent her time learning how to use her magic. It wasn't all easy, but she pushed through it. Mainly with the help of Olymphia. It was good to know she had a friend here, and someone she knew she could trust. Though Solstice couldn't help but to think that wasn't the pathetic mare she used to be. Solstice now had control over her magic and she knew how to use it. Now she just had to go home...with the others.

     Meanwhile Solstice just looked over at Olymphia, " long as they are still unharmed. That's all I care about. We'll do our best to figure things out before we get to Dra's kingdom.." she said before Olymphia put her horn to her own. Solstice wasn't as nervous about everything anymore, but she was still alert of her surroundings most of the time. She did smile a bit as Olymphia said she was ready before she gave a nod and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks...for everything.." she whispered before Olymphia had pushed her closer to Faith. Solstice only gave her friend a bit of a look before she turned her attention back to Faith.

     "I'm brought me here to learn my magic, and I have..while keeping me protected from Dra..." she said before she looked at Olymphia one last time, "We'll get Eclipsetess back, and we will find out what happened." she said as she looked back at Faith with a nod. Finally she got to see everyone again. It felt like a eternity since she saw everyone. Namir. Azulia. Oceanus. The others. 

     Namir was in his room pacing back and forth quietly. He had been quiet for most of the time since Oceanus brought them into her kingdom. The only sound he heard was his hooves. Namir knew his sister should be returning soon, but he couldn't help but to worry. How much would she have changed? Is she still alright? Is she staying away longer? He just couldn't take it anymore. It had been two weeks since he saw her, and every day was like torture not knowing how things were going. Little did he know, he was about to see her.

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#262619 Posted on 2022-11-25 09:18:53

"Oh Namir~! There's a special person waiting for you at the kingdom's entrance~!" Azulia said from the door, she was estatic then before! But she did get to walking back to the entrance, another set of hooves behind hers as Namir could have guessed who.

"We'll see you at the entrance, and you'll feel so happy but sad, but you would feel alright!" Azulia said once more as her voice died off as she got farther away from Namir's bedroom door.

Anyways, Everest greeted Solstice at the entrance, then the last three horses entered once more, though Azulia did sit down when she found a good spot to relax. Cronsi right next to her like what a lead stallion does, though he did get and up greet Solstice, Azulia did the samething as Oceanus helped her when Cronsi was telling her so much that had happened, all good news in fact!

"Solstice? I got something to ask you, and it's about right now." Azulia said, she waited for Solstice's answer, though Everest had her eyes reflect that of something happy and estatic, Oceanus felt the sameway but kept it uncontrol.

"Ask! It'll feel so heavy, but it would make you happy!" Everest said, everyone waited for Solstice's answer, kinda like a patient and awaiting court for an answer, though the eyes did bestow upon Solstice like they honored her through admiration!

Though Olymphia was watch Solstice from above, like a real and true waiting guardian and God that would protect her, even if she was close.. To death..

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#262623 Posted on 2022-11-25 10:45:07

     Namir had been pacing still when he heard Azulia at the door. His head shot up as he froze. It couldn’t be could it? He turned and looked at the door as he heard Azulia’s voice die off. He figured she had left, but Namir just walked over to the door opening it using his magic as he slowly made his way to the entrance. Namir eventually made it over to the entrance seeing everyone gathered around happily, but he stopped once he saw his sister. She looked the same, but he told tell she changed in many ways.

     It wasn’t long before Solstice was back in the Isles. She was happy to see everyone again. Never did she think it would have been that hard to be away from everyone. She smiled when she saw everyone and greeted them in return, “Nothing happened to any of you right? I was so worried that Dra would come after you while I was gone..” she said relieved that they were all fine. That was when she saw Namir in the distance. She couldn’t help but to run to him like a little lost filly. Even though she wasn’t a filly anymore.

     Namir smiled as she ran over to him, “I see one thing didn’t change,” he said as they hugged each other. Relief. He was always so worried, but now he was back with his sister. “Things weren’t the same without you.” he said to her completely relieved to see her again. Then Solstice took a step back as Namir looked her over, “Look at you…I guess you’re not my little sister anymore.” he said with a smile.

     Solstice smiled, “I will always be your little sister…that won’t change..I’m just not a filly anymore..I’m all grown up.” she said as she looked at him, “Are you crying Namir?” she asked seeing his eyes water up a bit. Namir only rejected it being the stallion he was before they went back over to the others, “What? What is it that you want to ask me?” she asked looking at Azulia and Everest, “Come on tell me.”

     Solstice let them tell her things before she told them what she learned in The Heavens. Though she wanted to wait on this things a little bit longer not wanting to ruin the happiness everyone seemed to have, but she always waited to tell them what she learned about what she really was. Right now, Solstice just wanted to catch up with the others.

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#262624 Posted on 2022-11-25 11:04:52

"Solstice, since I asked the others and they accepted, I wanted to know if you'd like to be an aunt for my and Cronsi's unborn foal? Or at least a grandma? Everyone else suggested something and it was lovely that I had accepted at what they suggested!" Azulia said, she was happy for Solstice returning, but she would be more happier.

"And same for you Namir, I never really asked you anything of the sort before, and that's because I wanted to ask you both when Solstice returned." Azulia added on, Cronsi looked at his mate and sniffed her belly before having her rest her head on his back.

"This reminds me of Trickster having her foal and I was the dad, happy moment, kinda like that but with an honorable question." Carrion said aloud, everyone agreed, including Azulia and Cronsi.

Azulia giggled in a calm manner, Trickster or Carrion running around while the other thought of the name Moonlight, it was fitting for the young filly of Trickster and Carrion, but she would acquire Carrion's personality while having Trickster's hardiness and a protective but in a threatening way of her other personality.

Though that was when something hit the kingdom of water, Oceanus and her guards rushed out as everyone was rushed into the second, third, and fourth layer of the kingdom. The guards protective and not letting anyone help fight, if there was one..

But that was when Oceanus shouted, and that was when she used her water magic to bring whatever that crashed into the kingdom inside, though it was nothing of Dra's as it would either be magma, hissing in lava, or obsidian rock. And then it was a horse, the horse got up as Oceanus setted her down gently.

The horse got up as she had spread her wings out, then her right wing hurt and she seemed to be familiar to only one horse, the guard that was pushing everyone was in front of them as he walked up to the mare, the mare then got up as a ooze f golden liquid came out of her horn when she used a bit of her magic to burst the guard gently away from her.

"Please don't come near me, I accidentally hissed in The Heavens and I was thrown out and I came knocking here unconscious and looking for a mare with the same golden liquid that I have." Olymphia said, she was scared and frightened, then her she opened her mouth up controllably and hissed on accident, Azulia used a sealing magic to seal the hissing and red glowing of the neck.

Then Azulia walked up to Olymphia, unaware of who she was, though she was gentle with her walking as she had hid her cautious side as well..

"Who are you my dear? And you are in the Isles, the Isle you are in is actually the Underwater Kingdom." Azulia said gently and softly, her voice calmed down Olymphia well.

"I am Olymphia, and thank you for letting me know where I am in the Isles, and which kingdom I am in." Olymphia said calmly and sweet, she reflected both of Everest's and Azulia's sweet gesture of calmness.

"Though I am looking for a mare named of Solstice, have you seen her?" Olymphia asked, Azulia was sweet and led her over to Solstice, though Oceanus began scolding the guard for being too protective as he didn't help heal the alicorn mare.

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#262633 Posted on 2022-11-25 13:10:51

     Solstice froze for a moment in upmost surprise, "Are you serious!? That's not even a question! Of course I would!" she said excitedly as she flapped her wings in joy. She then nuzzled Azulia happily, "I guess I missed a lot then." she smiled as she looked at everyone, "I never thought it would be hard to be away from you guys...but you were all I ever worried about...I'm so glad I'm back," Solstice said with a bit of relief.

     Namir just nodded, "I understand. That and the fact that I kind of didn't make it easy to talk to, and I just excluded myself from everyone.." Namir just stopped himself before smiling, "I am happy for you two. It'd be a honor to be the little one's uncle." he smiled as he did a small bow out of respect before he looked over at his sister. Namir frowned slightly seeing something worried her. "You alright? Something's bothering you. I can tell."

     "Huh?'s not important right now. I'll tell you all later. I don't want to spoil the moment of my return and their unborn foal." she said with another smile, "Besides it's been awhile since we've all been this happy..let's just enjoy it shall we? Just forget about everything else, and just enjoy us all being here together." Namir just chuckled a bit to himself nodding. Though that's when things turned as something hit the kingdom.

     Solstice looked up as she spread her wings protectively. They may have grown slightly, but she couldn't tell. Though the guards only pushed her and the others to the fourth level of the kingdom. Solstice didn't bother arguing with the guards as she just went with the others when something crashed. Solstice and the others stopped to see what was going on, but they all got the feeling it was something other then Dra.

     It wasn't until Solstice heard the mare's voice that she knew who it was. "It's okay everyone. We can trust her." she said ignoring the look her brother gave her as Solstice walked over to the mare. "Olymphia. What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you so soon.." she said as she nuzzled her a bit. "Oh your wing..what happened to you? I've only been back here for a few minutes." she said speaking in a concerning tone.

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#262637 Posted on 2022-11-25 13:41:33

"Solstice! I do not know what had happened, all I was doing was reading my book until some horses accused me of being connected to Dra, then the god's banished me from The Heavens, now I'm supposed to wander the vast plains.. Like one of those Shadow Horses, though I'm happy that I kept myself the way I am!" Olypmhia said, muttered, and murmured, it was clear that she was betrayed by the god's for no appearent reason.

"But Faith tried to protect me, she wanted me to stay, but the other's did not want me there.. They did not want a hissing.. Alicorn that could be possibly connected to Dra.. None of it is even true about me being connected to Dra.. It was all a lie, some lie that was built up for no reason.." Olymphia said, her hissing startled Azulia as she was sure she had sealed it.

"May I ask why you are hissing in your throat when I sealed it?" Azulia asked, the hissing got a little louder before stopping, though she was worried about Olymphia.

"It is.. A permenant curse.. And something else is... Going on with me.. I do not want to say anything since it would make me uncomfortable." Olymphia answered Azulia's question, Oceanus gave her a necklace that she put around her neck, the hissing was shortly stopped as the necklace felt a little weird to Olymphia.

Olymphia looked at Oceanus when she put the necklace on, she had questions but dared not to ask them, instead she nuzzled Solstice to calm her down more and get used to being stared at.

"My wing.. It's burnt.. The feather's won't grow back on it.. I'll be vunerable.. I'll be unprotected by my feather's.." Olymphia muttered in sorrow, it sounded more hurtful to her and the fact that a necklace was put on her, she was not used to attention at all!

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. I am just happy that you are more safer then ever!" Olymphia said happily, though she did hide the sorrow in her voice, but it didn't matter to her as long as Solstice was more then okay.

Azulia then put her head on Olymphia's back as to make sure that she didn't have anything like scars on her back of her body, when she found no scars nor anything on her back she was at ease, though Olymphia did nuzzle Azulia to keep her calm. She was always used to nuzzling worrying horses and stallions alike.

"Do you still want to go back to a happy mood before I ruined it? I'm sure you all don't need me ruining another happy mood today." Olymphia said, she then walked through the hallway that everyone took and went down to a corridor before stopping at a grand window to admire the beauty of the sea, though Olymphia sighed and sat there, staring at a gorgeous window.

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#262639 Posted on 2022-11-25 14:09:12

     Solstice felt terrible about what happened, "But you've been there for decades. Even if you were related to him, which you're not, then your not anything like him. Before I was sent to the guardian school, the water queen had talked back to all the gods. Saying that they let Dra run loose, they let him have a kingdom, and that they haven't done anything to stop him. I don't trust the god's as much as I did. I saw the guilt they all had on their faces including Faith."

     Though Solstice paused for a moment, "Your not going to wonder the Isles alone. Your staying with us. Especially since Dra can now shapeshift..we don't know where he is, or who he is trying to be." she said before nuzzling her friend, "You don't have to tell us.." She did however smile as Oceanus placed the necklace on her not helping but to let out a small laugh, "You'll get used to the attention. I was the same way when I met them..aside from my brother." Namir just gave them all some space being respectful, but he did give his sister a bit of a look.

     "Are you sure there's nothing that can be done to restore your wing? How did your feathers even get burnt? I don't feel comfortable leaving you vunerable when you know what we are up against.." Solstice said before looking at the others before she looked down, "Only safe because we're in Oceanus's kingdom. As far as we know Dra can't reach us here, but as soon as we leave we aren't safe. That hasn't changed..sadly.." Solstice then looked at everyone again, "I think it's best we explain some things we talked about while I was away...before anything else happens." She then slowly followed Olymphia as she sat nearby her for comfort.

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#262640 Posted on 2022-11-25 14:53:35

Olymphia sighed, "I thought it would be best if I told you how my wing got burnt, I just didn't want anyone else know, I only know you aside from Eclipsetess, but I just thought it would be best.." Olymphia paused before she said anything else, though she did take a big deep breath in.

"My wing got burnt by a God, I don't know them well enough anymore to know who he was, but he "accidentally" put some magma on it. Magma is the only thing that I am weak against, every other alicorn that I know isn't weak to anything. I am just a defect that wanted to be something more then that. My herd's stallion hurt me, told lies, called me "absolutely useless" and many other horrible things. Though that was when they all knew that I was a defected horse.." Olymphia said, she started to cry a little bit, but she did try to hide it.

"I am just like you, and everyone else that you know, "defected" horses would never go into another herd after what they experienced, but what you went through and I could tell that you joined a loving herd that accepted you for who you are. That's just not my suite as I secretly despise herd's.. You can leave now if you don't want to talk to me every again.." Olymphia looked Solstice in the eyes as she told the last part, she wanted to be distant if Solstice didn't ever accept her again..

"And no matter what, I know that you care for anyone that you meet, that's just how you are.. Meeting strange horses that are nice, getting to know them and telling them what you know. I love your personality, though I will help you if you wish." Olymphia told Solstice, she showed a happy smile before looking up and out the window, the majestic beauty of the water kingdom was bountiful and lively.

"Friends are friends, but you never know if they will have your back, that's what best friends are for, helping you, paying their debt to you, showing you kindness, going out to explore, follow or lead. No matter the horse, you are comfortable for being who you are, and you are not estrange to us dear Olymphia. We horses care and show respect, honor and praise fallen and born foals, helping and caring for those who lost everything, falling in love and starting a family. No matter how different you are, you are our kind of horse." Oceanus and Azulia spoke at the same time, at the same pace, and at the same rthyme though it was comforting to know that all horses accept one another, unless your like Solstice's herd then your gonna be betrayed soon.

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#262648 Posted on 2022-11-25 17:50:34

     Solstice just looked at her, "I understand how you took me awhile to realize I could trust them until I saw how they protected me. Carrion even saved my life...I tried to go after Dra when he was taking Eclipsetess..foolish I know. I knew nothing about magic then even if it was only a few weeks ago." she said knowing her mistake, but that's beside the point. Solstice did reassure her that everything was alright though.

     She merely just snorted out of anger when she heard what happened to her wing, "At this point we can't trust the gods. Everything in the books that say how great they are are all just lies. They're just selfish, and they don't seem to care about the Isles since just let Dra run loose without doing anything to stop him." Solstice then stopped talking before she fell silent for a moment or two.

     Solstice may have been quiet for a little longer then that as she only looked down letting out a small sigh, "Yes..I was born into a terrible herd..the second they saw me they said I was cursed because of my light blue eyes. Called me pathetic. Useless. The reason I didn't know anything about magic was because they thought it was pointless. I was just a outsider. Nobody liked me. Always kept away from me, and always kept everything away from me." she said with a bit of sadness in her tone as she paused for a moment.

     "My parents were killed days after I was born..I only just found that out. My brother lied to me about what happened to them to protect me, but he ended raising me until I old enough for him to leave. Though I had to stay in the herd. Until Azulia, Faith, and Eclipsetess came across me. I joined Azulia's and Eclipsetess's herd..but hours later that's when things got worse with Dra.."

     Solstice looked back up at Olymphia, "I trust them because they protected and saved me. I may not have discovered some sort defect of my own yet..if I have any, but they don't define who you are. I mean look at me..I guess you could say I'm a alicorn wanna be with these wings," she said with a small laugh as she spread them out slightly, "But there's no reason why I wouldn't talk to you. You helped me when we were both up there. I don't what I would of done without having anyone to talk to."

     That was when she looked over seeing Azulia and Oceanus walk in, but she kept quiet about it as she listened to what they said. Solstice couldn't help but to chuckle quietly to herself, "You two sure can be very alike at times. I've never heard two horses say the same words like the two of you just did," she said with another small laugh before she got back up and looked at Olymphia, "Now..I think we should both tell the others what you have told me when we were in the library that one day...or whatever you want to call it, but it's up to you."

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#262654 Posted on 2022-11-25 19:54:21

"I think that it's a good idea, because everyone would want to know what happened anyways, and it's better telling now rather then later. I found that out soon after I had my wings come in." Olymphia said, looked at Azulia and Oceanus before they left for the entrance once more.

Olymphia then lightly nudged Solstice to walk with her to the entrance, she was patient though Azulia and Oceanus also waited, Oceanus then checked on how Azulia was doing and made sure that she was alright.

Though the guards were fixing up the walls and the ceiling of the hole where Olymphia came from, they weren't mad, just annoyed since they had to fix another wall. But Scorn did see how Everest was doing, she was considerbly quiet, unsual for her since she was always talking or something.

But she looked at Scorn with the most dullest eyes ever and that was when her eyes glowed to that of Dra's eyes, he backed up as the guards made everyone go further into the kingdom, Dra had found a way to get to his awaiting treasure, and that was when Olymphia stopped walking as she made her throat start to hiss and glow, Azulia looked at Olymphia's characteristics but she was ordered to that later and start to go, go, GO!

"Get to the seven level of the kingdom! GO NOW!" the commander of the guards said, the other guards started to force everyone to go faster, Olymphia didn't budge as she had no control on her body..

Instead Azulia could tell that something controlled her inside as she had Solstice and Namir next to her, she knew what was happening and then Olymphia galloped instantly to the entrance, Azulia used her magic to make Solstice and Namir float as she ran to her best. Though she had to use her wings as well.

"I know you can fly Solstice, but these corridors are tight for the size of your wings, mine are just capable of barely not touching the walls and that makes me able to fly. At least until I stop." Azulia said, she remembered and still acknowledged Solstice having wings.

As Olymphia stopped and looked at "Everest" Dra had forced her to create a portal so he could get through, and when he stepped through, he did not look at Solstice, Azulia, nor even Namir..

He actually stared at Olymphia, he knew something about her that no one knew, and he looked worried to see her.. He even let Everest go behind Azulia, though Azulia setted down Solstice and Namir, Dra still continued to look at Olymphia as she slowly walked up to him. Dra had down the opposite as he seemed to have regretted coming here..

"H-hey, let me leave and I promise to give my fake treasure back my real treasure's friend.. D-deal?" Dra stuttered, Olymphia continued to hiss at him, her eyes glowed differently, her eyes were amber..

And amber eyes mean something to Dra as he started to get scared, he tried opening a portal until "Olymphia" stopped him from doing so, Olymphia was not herself as something continued to hiss and glow more, but that was when Olymphia spoke to Dra..

"So long to see you.. Father.." Olymphia's voice was not the same, she must have been cursed with something to have another voice within her own, Azulia could tell as she pulled the book open and showed Solstice and Dra's relationships with different magma ponies, though that was when she landed on an amber eyed magma pony..

Azulia paused and froze as she began to shiver, she looked at Olymphia as she had spreaded out her wings so long that something started to form over her, then another horse lightning bolted next to her, though the horse was black but the horse looked at Azulia as she was on the amber eyed horse's page. Though the horse seemed to control Olymphia as she was her normal self but in a ghosted form to not be able to do anything.

Then Olymphia's ghost self went up to Solstice, Namir and Azulia, she showed herself as the amber eyed horse took over Olymphia's body, then the horse turned into theirself from the page..

"That is Darling Devil, Dra's "passed" daughter, but he sealed her inside me, kinda like a sword and wizard, but then another wizard stires the other wizard in the sword.. She's really powerful, when she was her normal self she had all over Dra's magic and her mother's magic. But Dra made her mother go to heaven, he offed her own mother, then he sealed her inside me.. I was a prisoner at the time and I was just called a "Blank Slate" for a more powerful foe.." Olymphia's ghost self said, her voice too echoey as it resembled a ghost's voice.

Darling used her own chain magic to chain Dra as she started to torture him in front of Azulia, Solstice, Namir, and Olymphia's ghost.. She wanted the revenge so long that she planned it all out! What an evil thing to get back revenge!

"And now, you go back home.. Father." Darling said, she poured water on Dra with her magic, then Dra turned instantly to obsidian or stone and had crumbled, that meant he was back at his home.

"And you are all safe!" Darling said, she seemed calm then when she was crazy when she saw Dra.

"Oh and Olymphia, you can have your body back now!" Darling said, as she had given Olymphia's body back, though she went dormant again as her hissing was her's and not Olymphia.

"I- have so many questions now.. I need answers from you and the book.." Azulia said, Namir and Solstice had to agree with her!

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#262659 Posted on 2022-11-25 21:12:44

     Solstice nodded as she let Oceanus and Azulia go first before she went and walked beside Olymphia. The longer this adventure went on, the more truth she learned about herself and others. When Olymphia had told her awhile ago about her not being a real night unicorn, it never left her mind. Not that it was a bad just took her by surprise and because that was what Eclipsetess apparently was too..

     Though she just smiled a bit seeing the others. Oh how good it felt to be back with them..even if she wasn't the same. Solstice just never thought despite the threat they were all facing, that she made close friends like she had. More joining them as they went on through each of the Isles. Though she started to get the feeling something wasn't right. Solstice just didn't know why she got the feeling. Dra couldn't reach them..right?

     Well she was completely wrong. When she saw Dra again, Solstice froze. It had been too long since she saw him last, and she got too comfortable with not always being on the run. She may have learned to use her magic, but it showed that it didn't make much of a difference. Solstice did snap out of it once she realized Azulia had put her in another bubble. Solstice didn't say anything, but she just did a small nod understanding what she meant.

     Namir just went over to Solstice making sure she was alright seeing as how she froze like she did, "I-I'm fine..just got too used to not being on the run when I was learning how to use my magic.." she said looking down slightly before she looked up at Olymphia only to see Dra frightened to see her. "What the.." Solstice took a small step forward unsure of what was going on.

     Namir just got defensive when he heard Dra speak, "She's not your treasure! She's my sister! If you ever lay a hoof on her, you will regret it." he said with a loud snort as he stomped his hoof. Solstice just looked down a bit when she heard him say that. A trade..? Her for Eclipsetess. She was starting to learn that there was no escape from Dra. He knew where she was..which meant he knew she wasn't on the Isles. 

     Solstice just looked at the page Azulia showed her before looking at Olymphia's ghost form. At first she thought her friend had lied to her, but then she figured out she hadn't. "You didn't lie when you said you weren't related to just..have his daughter inside you.." she said slowly looking at her before her attention went back to Dra. Solstice just watched as she had tortured him..she just had to look away before looking at Azulia.

     She said nothing, and just turned around finding a spot to sit down. The words Dra had spoke never left her head. He only had Eclipsetess just to get her. The whole point was to get Eclipsetess back safely. Solstice just started to think that she had to let Dra take her instead of constantly running from him. For once it seemed to be the best option for everyone. Though, Solstice just kept thinking silently. She couldn't afford the others to get hurt when Dra was solemly after her and her alone.

     Namir did have questions like Azulia did, but he was distracted by his sister, "Something got to her..." he muttered to himself as he looked where his sister had went. Well at least everything didn't change, but Namir didn't like it. Not one bit. Instead of going after her at the time, Namir just looked at the others, "What do we do? We're not safe anywhere..she's not safe anywhere. Dra knew she wasn't in the Isles, and now he knows she's back.."

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#262661 Posted on 2022-11-25 21:34:53

"i do not know, but if he shows up like this again, then he's getting smarter and always a step ahead of us.." Azulia paused, then she realized something, "He's not a God, so he has some way of knowing where Solstice is, even if she is not in the Isles. He has some sort of something, not magic, magic doesn't show you were you are.." Azulia said in a puzzling tone, though, Darling did speak up when she heard Azulia being puzzled.

"Doesn't the god's have a Seeing Orb? They use that to watch over all the horses in the Isles, da- father must have a Seeing Orb to know where Solstice is. I saw him use it before I was trapped in Olymphia's body, but it was when I was a filly, so he must still have it if he's still targeting Solstice!" Darling told everyone, she knew more about Dra since she is the daughter of him, but she knows way more then a filly is supposed too.

"Oh! I can make a Seeing Orb so WE can use it against Dra as well!" Darling suggested next, she founded confident as Olyimphia split her and Darling again, this time she used a Split Spell to use it on her and Darling, smart move if she wanted Darling to protect everyone and Solstice as well.

"Can we see out of it or can only family members from your tree use it? Cause we need to know when he's attacking!" Olymphia said, Darling stopped to think before saying anything.

"Only my family can use it, but the Seeing Orb follows us even if we don't use it, it's a good spell that only my family use so very rarely. Except father.. He uses it for many different reasons, one of them includes Solstice.." Darling answered Olymphia's question, then before long, she made a Seeing Orb, it looked like a glass ball that Seers use for spells and future sense.

"Hm, I can also use the Seeing Orb for many more different reasons, because it has no rules to it. Except only being family born, that's it." Darling said, she sat down and used the orb to look around like a drone, like Darling said it had no rules except being family born.

"Do you want me to check on Eclipsetess? I can happily do so! But I'll have to tell you since you can only see it as a plain, glass, ball." Darling asked Solstice directly in the eyes, she was ready to prepare Solstice for what she was going to know next.

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#262673 Posted on 2022-11-26 07:46:26

     Namir clearly had a worried look, "He's not only getting smarter...he's getting more powerful. I'm sure it won't be long until the curse the gods put on him will break..when that happens things will be so much worse then what they already are.." he sighed unsure of what to do at this point. He thought about seeing what was up with his sister, but decided to leave her be for the time being.

     "A seeing orb? How can you watch every single horse with just one seeing orb?," he asked himself before bringing his attention back to the others, "Well now that we know Dra has one of these seeing orbs...we know that none of us are safe. Not even here. I suggest we leave soon..even if he knows where we always are...well where my sister is.." Namir tried to keep himself together at the fact that Dra was after his sister, but it was hard. He knew he couldn't protect her like he was able to when she was just a filly. Solstice wasn't a filly anymore.

     Namir did, however; take a small step back as Azulia split Olymphia and Darling. "Woah. That's impressive." he said underneath his breath not seeing someone perform a spell like she just had performed before looking at Darling, "Yes. We can't keep having him ambush us when we aren't expecting it. Dra could already be heading for us again, but right now we don't know if that is true or not."

     He then just watched silently as she made a orb. "Well..never have I seen anything like it even if I can't actually use it." Namir said with a bit of a laugh before he got serious again. "Let's just hope this works..he could portray anyone at this point. I had a small feeling that he could get down here when he shapeshifts or whatever you guys call it." Namir then fell silent as he saw Solstice walking back over.

     Solstice just sat alone for some time. She had been considering the trade, or deal Dra had offered Olymphia..or his daughter. She was a bit confused about that part. Though after a little bit, Solstice didn't want to be alone. Not with Dra..she felt safer when she was with the others even though none of them were. Solstice didn't want her friends and her brother to be hurt because of her. Maybe the only choice she had was to let Dra take her in place of Eclipsetess. She just stopped walking once she reached the others, her head lowered. It was clear she was distracted by something, "I..don't know..." That was the only thing she could bring herself to say as she looked at him pain in her eyes.

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