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#182231 Posted on 2018-08-03 06:32:40

Β Mason shrugged. "Honestly, for the past several thousand years, not much. The casino's still standing, in case you were wondering, though I can't tell you if it's still in business or not. I... I honestly don't know what time it was last... Kinda stopped trying to keep track. But I ended up in a little bar that happened to be incorporated into this city, I'm guessing, and I emerged in this time about a couple years ago."

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#182459 Posted on 2018-08-05 10:46:37

Jacob sifted through his tool drawer before realizing that he didn't have what he needed. With a frustrated sigh he stood up and grabbed his wallet. He'd have to buy or borrow the supplies.

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#182510 Posted on 2018-08-05 17:52:41

"Yeah, right," Skye said, hiding a smile. "No one ever does- they all think that I'm like, fourteen."

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#182551 Posted on 2018-08-05 20:47:38

"Maybe I'm just a good guesser. And plus you look like your sister, and I know how old she is."

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#182560 Posted on 2018-08-05 21:46:56

Once the two people where a safe distance away she stood up and slipped off towards the forbidden zone. She staked out in the alley close to it to watch and figure out the patterns. She pulled out another piece of wood and began to carve a wolf statue as she watched.Β 

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#182614 Posted on 2018-08-06 06:44:32

"Okay then, Sherlock. Maybe I believe you."

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#182628 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:33:36

"I doubt I would lie, if I'm such a strict rule follower as you imply." Ash's transmitter spluttered to life and he listened. It was on the other side of town, he wouldn't make it in time. A few moments later there was a response, anyway. He turned the sound down a little bit. He needed to actually get groceries sometime, oh and look into some form of security for his house. While he wasn't easily intimidated, he'd prefer not to be attacked in his own home. And after the notes he had received, Ash was ready to take a few precautions. He had informed the force of the incident and they were working on the problem of who it was. Until they were caught, he would prefer to be careful.

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#182632 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:37:46

"So you have been paying attention!" Skye had unintentionally led them all the way to her place, but something was off. The door was unlocked and the lights were on, but Skye couldn't see anyone inside. "One second," she said, opening the door. "Sylvia?"

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#182635 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:45:34

He nodded, studying the building Skye had led him to. Apparently going "only halfway" had been forfeited somewhere along the way. He noted the location - could be useful later - and then returned his attention to Skye. She seemed to be a little wary, and so he kept a close eye on her. Sometimes he was glad he was a patrolman simply for the fact he always had a taser and a gun on him, even off duty. He preferred to use the taser, but some situations called for using a gun. He rarely did so. Ash stayed where he was, seemingly relaxed, though his one hand was resting very close to both the taser and the gun.

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#182636 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:53:31

No answer. Okay, maybe she left a note. Skye searched everywhere she could think of, but there wasn't a note. Skye exhaled slowly, combing her fingers through her hair. "No note, and she left the door unlocked and the light on," Skye muttered to herself. "She wouldn't leave the door unlocked."

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#182638 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:55:28

A minute or so passed, and Ash grew increasingly uneasy. He should have left by now, he knew, but for some reason he didn't. "Are you okay in there?" he called through the door.Β 

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#182639 Posted on 2018-08-06 08:58:25

"Yeah. I think." She could be over at the neighbor's. Or maybe she went shopping. Her knitting bag is still here, so she isn't at the neighbor's. She went to get groceries yesterday. Maybe she went looking for me? No, she knows I would come home eventually.

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#182642 Posted on 2018-08-06 09:02:50

"Alright. I can go home if you think you're okay?" Ash glanced around the street, making sure nothing suspicious was happening. All seemed fine.

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#182643 Posted on 2018-08-06 09:05:13

"Okay," Skye said. "I'll be here." Just sit here and wait for her. She has to come back sometime.

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#182645 Posted on 2018-08-06 09:19:44

He left reluctantly, walking through the city to reach his own home. He unlocked the door and entered, turning on lights as he made his way through the house. He stopped in the kitchen and began preparing a simple sandwich. He froze, hearing a sound that didn't belong. "Hello?" he said, hand going to his taser. He turned around and scanned for any movement. Maybe he had imagined it all. Ash waited a few seconds and then returned to his snack. He finished preparing it and sat down in a stool to eat. He had almost finished the sandwich when something was pressed against his temple. "Don't move," an all to familiar voice said. Ash sighed. "Hello, Gleip. I see you finally acted upon your notes." Gleip tensed. "Stop talking, Ashwin. Unclip your taser and gun and toss them on the floor." Ash complied. He would wait, for there was really nothing he could do with a gun pressed to his head. Yet, at least. Gleip was a man who Ash had sent to jail after catching him in the middle of a crime. He had recently been released, and then the notes had started. Ash had expressed his concerns and suspicions, but Gleip had not done anything suspicious since his release. "Stand up." Ash stood, turning his head to look at the man, raising his brows as he looked down at him. "And what is your plan, Gleip? Now that you've broken into my house and have me at gunpoint, what do you plan to do?" "Shut up, Ashwin. Turn back around." Ash shrugged, obeying. Gleip had no plan. Ash had seen it on his face. He was aggressive, but brash. While a relatively smart individual, he would leap into something without thinking it through. Ash wasn't too concerned.

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